Tiffany - Ch. 2 free porn video

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The next few days were agonizing for me. I was on pins and needles, waiting (and hoping) Chris would finally call me. I felt so stupid, checking my cell phone every chance I got, or keeping my cordless home phone with me at all times while I was at home. I didn't dare leave the house except if absolutely necessary (I realized that I REALLY needed to go grocery shopping), for fear of missing his call.

I played with myself repeatedly - almost non-stop - since that day, using my favorite toys and getting into my favorite positions, but nothing compared to that first evening. I had even ordered that toy being advertised on TV that was supposed to "blow your hair back", hoping it would arrive soon and I could do something to satisfy the insane itch I needed to scratch. I even found myself just lounging around without any panties and wearing just my over-sized night shirts so I could easily reach down and tease my horny kitty whenever I could (which was almost constantly).

By the time Friday rolled around, the feelings were starting to subside and I was resigning myself to spending the weekend club-hopping to look for a new boy-toy to play with. It had been over a month since I had gotten laid, and I really needed to feel a nice, hard cock in my pussy, even if it was just a one-night stand. I was getting pretty sexually frustrated, and even Dayna (one of the girls at work) had noticed and said I just needed to go out and get good and fucked. I think she would have like to have been the one to take care of my insatiable throbbing between my legs, but all I really wanted was to be pounded into oblivion by Chris, and I still wasn’t comfortable enough to experiment with another girl.

On my way home, I stopped and picked up some Chinese take-out and planned on spending the night by myself, curled up on the couch and watching movies. When I got home, I wanted to pamper myself before my movie-marathon, so instead of taking my customary after-work shower, I started a bath in my over-sized garden tub. Adding a little too much bubble bath and lighting a few candles (I love candles), I returned to the bedroom and stripped off my work clothes.

Not thinking of anything - or anyone - in particular, I let my hands roam over my naked flesh, feeling my own arousal. I was feeling my wonderful boobs, admiring their shape, their fullness, and lightly caressed my skin just the way I liked it. I smiled as I watched my nipples grow right before my eyes and marveled at the rush of wetness between my legs as I licked my finger and traced wet circles around each of them.

I padded back into the bathroom, paying attention at how my boobs swayed when I walked - giving a quick bounce on my heels to watch them jiggle for a second in front of the mirror, and with a giggle and huge smile, I stepped into the bubble-filled tub. Even though there was still some evening skylight coming through the window, it was an extremely romantic setting, and I couldn't stop myself from thinking naughty thoughts. The only thing I was missing was a glass of wine, and Chris.

That started my motor running again, and I closed my eyes as I started imaging the feel of his hands again. I ran my own hands back over my breasts, wishing it was Chris that was discovering how wonderful they felt; exploring their soft texture, their weight, their size, their firmness. I was picturing the expressions of pleasure and discovery on his face as I let my hands continue to roam over my soft and smooth skin.

I pulled my feet closer, which allowed my knees to rest on either side of the tub and opened up my pussy. I glided my hands gently up and down the insides of my thighs under the water, enjoying the teasing. I began to imagine that Chris and I were naked on a deserted beach. In my mind, Chris was perched between my legs and it was his hands that were exploring me.

With my slightly puffy pussy lips parted, I gently slid my fingertips up and down the length of my slit. Aside from the water, I could feel the super-smooth wetness of my girl-juice. I wanted to taste it (I've always loved how my pussy tastes), but if I did, it would end up tasting the soap from the bath, so I couldn’t - which made me want to taste it even more. I wasn't going crazy just yet...I wanted to make this last so I could just relax and enjoy the pleasure I was feeling, and it was building pretty fast.

I parted my inner lips, which were always much "shorter" than my outer lips. I always thought that the more sex I had, the more they would stretch and start to sag or hang below my pussy, but I guess with all the working out and exercise, they've stayed put, keeping my pussy looking young and fresh like I it was in high school.

My little button was erect, peeking out from under the hood and aching for attention. I scooped some of my wetness on my finger as best I could under water and slowly traced gentle circles around it. The heat I felt in my loins was amazing! I kept sliding my finger along the sides and slowly started working on my love-tunnel. First, it was just near the entrance, only pushing in about an inch or so. I'd pull my finger out and tease my clit again, before sliding inside a little deeper, building that pressure in my gut for what was sure to be an intense orgasm.

I teased myself like this for quite some time, even letting my other hand play with my boobs and my sensitive nipples. I knew I was working myself up pretty good, and it was amazing! My mind was filled with thoughts of Chris, fantasizing that he knew just how to work me and get me to do crazy things in bed, like I’ve always wanted. I was trying to picture what it would look like from his perspective, and how turned on it would make him.

To build the tension even more, I took three fingers and slammed them up inside, as far as I could reach. The contrast from my slow teasing to the forceful motion of my thrusting hand caused me to grunt in pleasure. I left my fingers deep in my hole and began flexing my kegle muscles. I could feel them gripping my fingers, almost pulling them in deeper. I plunged my fingers in and out a few times, careful not to lose control, then went back to making the slower circles around my now-throbbing clit, moaning Chris’s name between my gasps.

My breathing was getting pretty heavy and my heart was racing, but I still wanted this to last. It was a strange mix of feelings - the powerful urge to just let myself cum, coupled with my own willpower trying to hold me back. I imagined this is what girls would go through, being tied up as one of those bondage-slaves, being sexually tortured by their masters. I don't like pain, so I never did or wanted to do any of those things, but the thought of being sexually teased to the brink of orgasm – and being held right there on the edge - has always been a major fantasy of mine.

As I was imagining Chris as my torturer, I began rhythmically sliding my fingers in and out of my slick hole and knew that my orgasm was getting close. I put my ankles up on either side of the tub, spreading my legs as much as possible. I now had both hands between my legs - one hand with three fingers sawing in and out of me, and my other hand rubbing my engorged clit faster and faster.

As I started to cum and saw shooting stars racing past my closed eyelids, I squeezed all four fingers of my right hand inside me and used my left hand to hold them in as deep as I could get them. My ankles slipped off the sides of the tub with a splash as my entire body started to shake and quiver. I uncontrollably started thrusting my hips, trying to get my fingers in deeper. I actually let a finger of my left hand (the one that was holding my fingers deep in my pussy) slip down and push at the entrance of my other hole. I normally don't do anal sex, but every now and then I've enjoyed a nice hard cock filling my tiny backside opening, stretching me and making me feel like I'm completely stuffed with cock and ready to burst at the seams.

The little push of my finger just barely teasing my backside opening, sent me screaming off the edge. I was shaking, splashing water all over the place and almost slipped under the water before catching myself with my feet against the far end. When I came down off the incredible orgasmic high and started to regain my breath, I started giggling and ended up laughing hysterically. "Drowned in a tub while fucking herself with a finger up her ass! Oh God, the girls at the office would laugh about that for years!"

Drying myself off enough to air-dry without dripping everywhere, I went into my bedroom to change. Instead of my usual over-sized nightshirt, and since I was feeling "pretty" (probably because of the post-orgasmic glow I could still feel), I pulled out my crimson-red silk camisole which had a matching pair of silk shorts. The camisole felt wonderful against my skin. It was held by a couple small "spaghetti straps" and it hung fairly low across the tops of my boobs and left most of my midriff exposed. It was tight enough to accent the size of my tits, but loose to where if I leaned forward just enough, I could see straight down to my belly button.

The shorts were "low risers" that rested just below the tops of my hips and butt. They were cut short enough so they ended about an inch below the crease the formed along the underside of my cheeks where my legs end and my little "bubble-butt" starts. If I were to stretch too hard or stand on my tippy-toes, the front would get pulled tight against (and occasionally "in") my pussy, but they were loose enough to be very roomy and comfortable. The silky smoothness of the camisole felt very erotic as it gently moved against my nipples, keeping them in a constant state of arousal. I didn't wear this very often, as I had originally bought it to wear for an old boyfriend. Needless to say, it never stayed on very long when we were together!

I heated up my Chinese take-out, put a movie in the DVD player and sat on the couch enjoying my "girl time". I had finished eating and was watching a particularly romantic scene in the movie that was beginning to cause a stir between my legs. Just as I was thinking about another session of "fun", my phone rang.

I was so startled that I dropped the remote twice before I could pause the movie. I gave a quick giggle as the screen was paused on a particularly good view of the guys butt. I grabbed the phone and looked at the caller ID - I didn't recognize it and thought about letting it go to voicemail, but remembered that it could be Chris (even though I had already memorized his number from his face sheet at work. I was ready to give up hope that he'd call, so the number didn't register at first.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi! Is this Tiffany?" he replied.

I swallowed hard and my eyes lit up in both shock and pleasure at the same time. I blushed and felt completely embarrassed that I barely had any clothes on - even though this was just a phone call and he had no idea what I was wearing and nobody could possibly see me.

"Yes. Who's calling?" I asked, with a slight crack in my voice. I knew it was him, but I somehow wanted to make sure I wasn't imaging this, or it wasn't just some asshole who just happened to sound like him.

"It's Chris, from Dr. Fiskar's. You asked me to call?" He sounded so innocent, like we were in school and he was nervous about talking to a girl for the first time.

"Oh my God! You FINALLY called! What the hell took you so long?" I asked, surprised and pleased at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I actually completely forgot about it until tonight, when I was doing my laundry and re-discovered your note."

He 'forgot'? Uh oh, I thought, this may not be what I was hoping it was...
" you've been busy?" I asked, a little less 'flirty' and a little more jealous.

"Yeah, it's been a pretty long week, Nicki has had me pretty busy."

Nicki? Uh oh. Was I so desperate for a good fuck that I didn't even think if he had a girlfriend? Shit! He's in a band, dumb-ass! He's probably got HUNDREDS of girls lined up, waiting to suck his dick before he fucks the shit out of a half-dozen other girls, and they're all probably a hell of a lot younger and better looking than I am. I must be such an ass...
"Nicki?" I said, timidly.

"Yeah, our producer: Nik Harper. We call him ‘Nicki’, for short. He's one of the best in the business." He said, nonchalantly enough that I couldn't tell if he noticed my mental jealousy.

"Oh! That's right, were in a band." I said it as a jab for his earlier comment about 'forgetting' to call me, but it came out in such a way that we both cracked up laughing. I was so relieved it wasn't another girl, I almost cried.

I sat back down on the couch and we just talked. I kept adjusting my clothes, however, as the sound of his voice mixed with the silky feel of my camisole and the frozen image of an incredibly sexy butt on the TV were all getting my kitty purring again.

I have no idea how long we talked, but my nipples were straining against the silk of the camisole and I absent-mindedly let my free hand wander between my legs. The heat my pussy was generating was more than usual, which caused me to shiver with one of those pleasure-waves that washed over me, leaving goose bumps all over my skin.

"Tiff? You still there?" He asked. I guess I was lost in thought for a bit.

"Yeah, sorry, I just...thought about...something." God, I sounded like such an idiot!

"Oh! Look, I've been rambling for a while and should probably let you go. I'm sure you have plans or something."

NO! I screamed at the top of my my mind, anyway. I WANT YOU OVER HERE THIS INSTANT SO WE CAN FUCK LIKE RABBITS ALL NIGHT! God, how I wanted him to know what I was thinking!

I was sliding my finger in and out of my hole while we were talking, and I'm sure my face was flushed. His voice was so damn sexy, I couldn't help it! A few times, I had to pull the phone away from my face so he couldn't hear me breathing so heavy. God, I wanted him!

"Well, if you're not busy, why don't we do something tomorrow?" He finally asked.

My eyes were wide open, and I held myself perfectly still so I didn't miss a word he was saying at this point. I didn't want to answer too quickly, lest he find out how horny I was or how much I had been waiting for him to say it.

"Yeah, that sounds fine. I don't really have any plans tomorrow, so that would be great! What time?"

"Well, I've got some running around to do, and I thought maybe you'd like to join me and we could, know...hang out?"

He sounded so cute, I could tell he was nervous! "Okay, I just need to know when and where."

"Oh! Yeah, I guess that would help! How 'bout I pick you up...say, 2:00?"

"That would be fine!"

"Great!" he said, with a huge sigh of relief in his voice.

Just as we were about to hang up, he said: "Oh, and I liked your" He said it in such a way that it caused me to blush even further, feeling like I had just been caught passing a note to a cute guy in class.

"I'm glad you liked it." I said, thinking how stupid I sounded.

With that, all he said was "Okay, time's up!" and he abruptly hung up without giving me a chance to say anything else.

"What the fuck?" I said, not really upset that he hung up on me. I stared at the phone, half expecting it to ring with him apologizing to me, like most guys would. After several minutes, I thought about calling him back to ask what that was about, but then thought that's what he wanted me to do, so I didn't. Crazy, right? I'm NOT doing what I think he wants me to do, because I don't want him to think he's got one over me, but then again, maybe I'm doing exactly what he wants me to do, by not calling him. "What the fuck?" I said again, a little louder. I couldn't help but giggle as I knew that this guy had me in the palm of his hand, and I LOVED it!

I finished watching the movie with a non-stop grin on my face and decided that it was late enough for me to get to bed. Hopefully tomorrow was going to be a late night, and I wanted to be well-rested. I had no idea how correct I actually was! I lay down on my queen-size bed, remembering that it hasn't been getting much use lately, aside from my own activities. I started touching myself, as I usually do before I go to sleep, and although I could easily work myself into a frenzy, I drifted off after just some light teasing of my fingers on my still-damp pussy, and fell asleep with my hand down my shorts.


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Red Rock

~New Mexico, 1870’s~ Chapter 1: A Stranger Rides In A dead Indian hung from the limb of a cottonwood over a dry creek bed. There was a flurry of large wings as a rider slowly approached, and reddish-colored hawks lifted their engorged bodies sluggishly into the air with a chorus of kreeing sounds and began to circle leisurely overhead. John Green clicked his tongue softly and the pinto he was riding came to a stop at the edge of the shallow clay bank on the opposite side. It was past June...

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The Moment

There was a rapping knock at the apartment door, unheard over the screams of dying zombies. A few moments passed. Jeremy remained immersed in his game but because his ears were alert for pixelated enemies sneaking up behind him he knew he had heard something. Rapping again. ‘Come in!’ he shouted from the bunk bed but didn’t bother to rise. He knew who it was. Laura, his girlfriend, only had a few friends who visited anymore and if it was her there wouldn’t have been a knock. Sarah walked into...

1 year ago
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Prototype TenChapter 10

President Caprio, along with the assembled heads of most of the nations on earth, watched the wall of monitors as the last squadron of armed shuttles lifted from their base in Australia. The launches were timed with the orbit of the alien ships such that each group of ten launched from the side of the Earth opposite the position of the alien fleet. One hundred forty nine out of the planned hundred fifty shuttles had launched successfully. Of the group scheduled for launch from the...

3 years ago
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8 months pregnant horny and I let him in

Five months into my first pregnancy and we just stopped having sex.(As my husband has put me online for his friends to jack off to, I took this photo 4 hours after this story happened)It was maddening, I was getting hornier and feeling weirder, as my hormones were all over the place, and my nudity was magnified, I was imagining I was ugly, and just hated to look at myself in the mirror, as my breasts and hips ballooned, and my nipples became darker and as large was wine bottle stoppers. I found...

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Shots in the ladies room

Stopping in at our favorite watering hole for a night of unadulerated drinking and fun. We strolled into the dimly lit crowded bar and took our favorite stools in the darkest cornor against the wall. Unknowing to my husband, I was totally naked underneath my sleek black leather coat that covered just a bit more than my sexy ass, and even less of my full rounded melons. He loves showing off my ass, as I love flaunting it in extremely short skirts. I love short pencil tight skirts, so short that...

2 years ago
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How I Became the Family Slut Part 5

So, it was near the end of the summer of my 16th year. My pregnancy began to show, and my tits were growing like weeds! At this rate, I was afraid they would start sagging down before my baby was born. My baby. And my brother's baby. Well, I didn't know which brother, it coulda been either one of them. But I really wished it was my daddy's baby.I was in the shower early in the morning. I thought about daddy climbing into bed with me the night before and fucking me stupid. And then making me...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 24

Cockatoo Chapter 24 I love feedback [email protected] twitter @nikkie_silk Pao's eyes flicked across my face looking for reassurance. "Miss Alex told me it OK." I smiled, "Pao, it's fine, Miss Alex just forgot to tell me it would be tonight." I walked across to her and gave her a kiss on both cheeks. "You look beautiful, that dress looks lovely on you." She giggled and looked up at me. "Thank you, Mr James. It one of Miss Areeya's. She say I can keep it if I...

4 years ago
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the tree part 3

i got to school and from then it was a normal day. but i didn't see hannah i was wondering where she could be. i got home talked to my mom. i went to hannahs house i knocked on the door. no answer so i just walked in her. i talked to her parents offten so they wouldnt mind. as i walked in there was a loud moan. i started walking to hannahs room. i walked in and there she was fucking anouther guy. i saw look att he door way and she gasped. the outher guy siad "IM GOING TO CUM!!!" she...

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Captured Family6

The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...

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Friendship With Married Colleague Turns Into An Affair

Hey everyone. This is Mr. K here again from Bangalore, India and currently working in IT. I am sharing one of my sex experiences here. This story involves a colleague of mine. Her name is Debbie (name changed). She is married but looks young and beautiful with nice assets. We got to know each other well slowly and became good friends. I had good respect for her and same way, she respects me. I thought my colleague was happily married but gradually, I got to know that there were some...

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Part 1 Nice wife to Slut

Part 1 Nice wife to SlutEver since he could remember, Sam had fantasized about showing off his wife to other people. From the very start of their marriage, he had dreamed of showing Wendy off to strangers, both men, and women.It started on their honeymoon in Tenerife 29 years ago.Sam couldn't stop himself from becoming hard, as he looked at his 22-year-old wife sunbathing on the beach topless. The idea of other men and women looking at his sexy, 6 ft tall, slim wife lustfully turned him on....

3 years ago
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St Vincents New Punishment

Mercedes senior year at St. Vincent Boarding school*****When she was younger, Mercedes went to a very strict boarding school, one that still allowed corporal punishment. Usually the punishment was used sparingly but with a new Headmaster, Dr. Hoffman, more and more of the young women of St. Vincent Boarding School were ending up in the Headmaster's office for an afternoon punishment session.It wasn't unusual for a new Headmaster to establish new rules and guidelines in their first year so no...

1 year ago
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Bot 000

Bot000 © 2003 Kara Anne Kalel. All rights reserved. Always read the fine print. *-* I was getting desperate. As my wife entered her sixth month with our third child, and I entered my eighth month of unemployment, our savings and my unemployment were gone. We survived on her job as a waitress, but she would be forced to quit that soon. With four, soon to be five mouths to feed, medical bills, mortgage, and so forth, I had to find a job. I had logged on to my usual job...

1 year ago
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Mutual Masturbation Part Six A weekend of c

Mutual Masturbation: Part Six "A weekend of cum"The next time the three of us were able to get together was about two weeks, but it was worth the wait! Jeff was going to have his house to himself for the entire weekend. He had invited John and myself to stay over Friday through Sunday. He said he had a surprise for us, but we would have to wait till we got there to find out what it was.I got to Jeffs around 7:00 on Friday night, put my bag in his room and went back into the family room. John...

3 years ago
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Robert and Clara Bathtime

The arrival of the Earl of Oxbridge and his lady at the George and Dragon caused more excitement than the freak show with the pig faced lady. Ned Briarly, the peddler who had found them limping at the side of the road and given them a lift to the village, basked in the reflected glory and didn’t have to pay for a drink for the rest of the week. The Earl lived up to everyone’s expectations of what a real life Earl would be like. Even dripping wet and supporting a lady so cold she was turning...

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Cocksucker P2

The weeks that followed our first, brief meeting in the car park were filled with frantic sexual contact between Rob and I. I recall lying totally naked on my bed and stroking myself until I came all over my chest and stomach as he told me over the phone of his desire to be inside my mouth. Then came the day we were chatting online. Both of us at home on a work day."Come over to my place. Now." He typed. My heart raced and my cock swelled. Could I be about to fulfil my fantasy? Could I? Should...

1 year ago
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Sticky summer

Kara had been wet since she opened her eyes that morning, anticipating what was to come that evening. She had been chatting with Jason for months online, they had talked about everything they wanted to do to each other, today they would get to do all of them!It was mid July in Maine, the last week had been hovering in the 80's, Kara was sweating thru her hot pink tank top and cut off shorts, and her panties were soaked!She walked threw her living room, where her husband was putting in the new...

Straight Sex
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The Holiday Pt 2

Jon fucked his wife, over and over, in every conceivable position. His lust couldn't be abated. Exhausted, they finished and went for food. In the lobby, he spied Dean and gave him a deft nod. "Who was that?" Anne asked."Oh, just some guy who bought me a beer earlier. Nice guy, harmless." Jon assured his wife.the following morning came and Jon awoke with a raging hard on. His wife, having taken care of it, made her way poolside. He joined her for a while, until he noticed Dean in the bar...

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South of Bikini 5 Landing the Big One

With their mission to Celestra completed, Alex and company take time out to 'soar' with the Pixies before tackling their next mission of... "Landing The Big One" Episode 8 South of Bikini Season 5 Copyright 2016: R.G. Beyer E.S. Atlantis, Standard Year 258:01:26 "Hey, mom. You get some rest?" My daughter, Reggie asked, as I walked out...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Raven Hart 23937

Tyler doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing. His girlfriend tells him he’s terrible in the sack, so then only thing he can think to do is to go to his friend’s mom Raven Hart and ask her for pointers. She gave a sex talk to her son, and as far as Tyler can tell, his buddy’s doing quite well with the ladies! But Tyler’s nerve wracked and when he goes to see the busty MILF and explain to her his embarrassing problem, and things turn even more awkward when the big tits brunette tells her son’s...

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A Penny Saved is a Love Earned Pt 03

This is the third and final chapter. I hope you all like it…don’t forget to vote. MoogPlayer ~~~~~~ Chapter One I took stock in what my sister told me that morning, and in doing so, I’d realized that I’d used the wrong approach with Penelope. As opposed to confronting her head on about her nightmares, I was going to have to facilitate a subtler tactic, and the only thing that was going to work was love, pure, unadulterated love. And once I realized this, I knew that I was going to have to...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 21

Breakfast was in the women's center and many of the new women sipped their soup and ate the biscuits with me, whilst my wives were having a counseling session with Celine in private back in the tower. Laudus and her sisters were noticeably missing but Grimm kept me company. I explained how she was to run the mule teams and train the new women in safety around the animals. She took in my words but something was clearly on her mind. Finally, Grimm said in a low voice, "The social circles...

4 years ago
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Fresh and Moist Part 1

We hung out at my crib for several hours. I had an ounce of good seedless, stemless bud, two fifths of 18-year-old Chivas Regal and a bottle a descent champagne. We consumed slowly and discussed various shit. I was disgusted at the stories she told of her past:“So I invited him to come out to my car, which I told him was parked on one of those narrow side-streets down there. It was damn near pitch dark as he followed me to this non-existent car. I stopped beside a random ride and said, ‘This is...

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428 WENDY a visit to remember

428 WENDY, a visit to remember I was invited to visit, and although I am not one for travel, having won on the lottery her indoors and I wanted to holiday in different ways, she wanted to cruise, which to me would be like prison on a boat… one or two of my on line hamster ladies had asked me to visit, now be told I`m no super-stud, in fact I suffer from ED, that means despite the best efforts of the chemical industry …it doesn’t rise to the occasion. No, I suspect the reason for my popularity...

3 years ago
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A SLAVE'S LIFE.There was something wrong when I woke up. I usually snap awake andgo from deep sleep to full consciousness without any interveningperiod. I know a lot of young guys like me like to just lie thereand would stay in bed all day, but I'm a morning person, I'm wideawake, and ready to go. There was something else different, too - Ididn't have my usual morning hard-on.When I say that I don't lie there like a lot of guys my age, thatisn't quite true - the first thing I have to do is get...

2 years ago
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First time bottom

At some time I discovered myself being sexually attracted to men and especially to cocks. I don't know anymore how exactly I got into it, but I started to watch gay porn and enjoyed it more and more often. I already saw myself in the part of giving pleasure aka the bottom one, but wasn't too sure about it yet. So the point was there where I wanted to experience it myself, so I signed up at a gay website for primarily meet-ups.I created my profile and wrote in my profile text, that I'm...

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Dependable Donald

When I first went to work for Margaret Denton, I knew nothing about her DEPENDABLE DONALD  By John Comstock  When I first went to work for Helene, I knew her only by reputation. She was the founder and CEO of a software development company in Houston and I was a 30-year-old rising star in the computer world.? She met me at a conference, recruited me hard, luring me from a good job in Dallas, and promised to make me part of her inner circle. I had no idea then what she really meant . ....

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Somewhere in Time Pocket WatchChapter 7

"We can't very well tell your mother that you're going to be my second wife, so this is how it will go. We'll go to the courthouse and get a marriage license, then we'll get a minister to marry us. We'll go tell your mother once the deed is done, and also tell her that we're leaving on the train for the west. We will travel to Waco where I have purchased the opportunity of a lifetime. I have a large cattle ranch waiting for us. She will be tearful, but she will allow us to go. We will...

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A Night to Remember

It had been some time since I had a hard cock in my anus, it was all by choice, I decided to go straight and see what the world was offering. I had met some friends and was very sociably accepted, my friends had girlfriends and so did I, not anyone particular. Was always at the best parties and get together s and having a ball. Until this one time that I went too far. How it exactly started I have no ideal, just a bunch of guys messing around at a swimming hole was all I could remember. Wine...

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