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From my earliest recollections, I always felt an attraction to both men and women. When I finally became sexually active after I turned sixteen, I also had sex with both genders. I did not have a definite preference and always felt that the homophobic aversions that my buddies exhibited, were extremely narrow-minded.

I, of course, kept my bisexuality a secret for obvious reasons, but never joined in with the slurs that abounded regarding gay men. All gossip and derision I heard, I simply answered with a; ‘who cares,’ shrug.

Over the following few years, as I matured, I began to develop a fixation on having a bisexual threesome with a woman and another guy. In my mind, that had to be the hottest experience of them all. Sadly, this seemed to be the elusive holy grail in my life, and no situation like that had ever presented itself. I had no idea when I met Corky, that my dream would finally get realized.

When Corky got employed at the construction company I was working for, I took an instant liking to him. Corky was anything but good-looking and was fairly skanky. He was around six-foot-tall, and slim of stature. His icky hands were always dirty, but thankfully his fingernails were clipped very short. His overalls were also the dirtiest of our crew and I felt sure that they got washed far less than anyone else’s.

Corky made no bones about being ‘white trash,’ and spoke proudly of his poor upbringing. He had a few bad habits and thought nothing of using his thumbs to expel snot from his nostrils. His language was very coarse but his goofy sense of humour was intoxicatingly hilarious.

In our team of workers, I wasn’t his only fan, and everyone adored him. At teatimes and during lunch breaks, Corky always had us in stitches with laughter, with graphic stories centred around his latest sexual exploits. Amid the mirth, it was clear that Corky was highly sexed and quite a stud.

On a more serious note, I have to admit that when it came to work, he made the rest of us look silly. He was far stronger than anyone else and could do twice as much as the rest of us, in half the time.

During a lunch break one day, a fellow workmate asked, “How did you get your nickname?”

With a hearty chuckle, Corky then replied, “From my cock.”

“Are you serious?” the colleague then countered.

“Yeah. My brother gave me the nickname. According to him, my dick is shaped like a large champagne cork,” Corky concluded.

Stunned looks now greeted his revelation.

After gazing at us from one to the other, Corky enquired, “Don’t you guys believe me?”

An uncomfortable silence then followed, with everyone reluctant to express their inquisitiveness.

“Well, in case you think I’m talking shit, let me show you,” Corky said as he stood up.

After unzipping the trouser of his overall bottom, Corky unceremoniously pushed his pants and underpants down to his knees. There was a unison of surprised exclamations as we all looked on with open mouths.

The revealed vision was breathtaking. The long and thick shaft of his dick was topped by a large light pink apple head. It was the kind of cock that one had only ever heard of in myths. Breaking our astonished silence, Corky added his supplementary announcement with a laugh.

“When this thing gets hard, not only does it get bigger, but goes as stiff as a wooden pole,” Cocky bragged with a mischievous chuckle.

“Fuck… How many women have you killed?” one of the guys exclaimed.

“None so far,” Corky uttered roguishly.

“My wife would have a heart attack if she saw that,” one of the other guys blurted.

“Well, do you guys now believe my stories about fucking women ragged?” Corky concluded as murmurs of acknowledgment abounded.

For the rest of the day, I laughed to myself as I saw whispering among the other men when Cocky wasn’t in their company. He had certainly made a huge impression on all of us. For me, however, I would now become fixated about seeing Corky in action.

Several months before, I had moved in with a girlfriend named Mandy. We had a good sex life and I loved her open-mindedness. She was not only into oral and anal sex but also adventurous in her approach to fucking. Although we had begun to discuss having a threesome, thus far nothing had yet happened. What particularly intrigued me about our discussions was, that she made it clear that she would only consider a ménage trios with another guy. Best of all, she knew that I was opportunistically bisexual and had no problem with that.

For me, Corky now became the perfect candidate. My greatest concern, however, was that Mandy might find him too skanky and crude. I was not concerned about Corky stealing her from me if she did take to him because he always made it known that he was not into relationships, and had no intention of settling down with anyone. As far as Corky wanting to fuck Mandy was concerned, with her looks, I reasoned that would be a no-brainer.

Although I had mentioned Corky to Mandy I did not tell her about his ‘big reveal,’ after it had happened. I, nevertheless, was now becoming completely fixated on a threesome with Corky. I fully accepted that he was straight and that the threesome would not include any interaction between him and me. Seeing him in action nonetheless would be enough for me.

On a Friday evening after work, I decided to get the ball rolling by inviting Corky to have a few drinks with me at a local bar.

“I would love to have a few drinks with you, and who knows? Maybe I’ll find some fresh pussy to fuck at the pub,” he approved with a laugh.

At the bar, as we sat sipping our drinks, I pulled out an excellent photograph of Mandy and showed it to him.

“Wow… You are a very lucky guy. I’d love to get my hands on a beauty like this,” he exclaimed with a smile.

Deciding to cut to the chase, I answered, “Well, maybe that’s a possibility.”

Corky now looked at me quizzically, and with a disbelieving frown asked, “So you’d like me to fuck your girlfriend?”

“Sure, why not? Mandy and I are very open-minded, and I’m sure she’ll enjoy it a lot,” I replied.

“And what will you get out of it?” Corky questioned with a frown.

I was relieved that he didn’t seem disgusted, but intrigued by my offer. I also knew that I was now embarking on unchartered territory and needed to be cautious.

“Can you keep a secret, Corky?” I gingerly asked.

“Of course, Noel,” he reassuringly answered.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love Mandy and we are happy together. Truth be told, however, I am also bisexual,” I added, before promptly qualifying, “But if I can watch my girlfriend getting pleasured, that’s would be exciting for me.”

I was once more relieved not to see a look of distaste on his face.

In a noncommittal manner, Corky again looked at Mandy’s photograph, before saying, “Okay, if that floats your boat, it’s good for me.”

I was slightly disappointed that Corky wasn’t more enthusiastic about the offer, or more encouraging about my ‘participation.’

“So, does the idea not appeal to you?” I apprehensively asked.

“Fuck yeah, the idea appeals to me very much. Just name the date and time,” Corky then answered with a lot more enthusiasm.

Before we went our separate ways, I told Corky that I would discuss the matter with Mandy and make arrangements with him the following week.

On Saturday, I finally told Mandy all about Corky’s big reveal. I could see that Mandy was intrigued but also apprehensive after my revelations about his skankiness. In an attempt to bolster Corky’s shares, I told Mandy that when he was on his exploits, he always used condoms. This information had arisen during our lunch breaks when Corky had mentioned that as much as he hated using condoms, he wasn’t prepared to take chances with infections or unwanted pregnancies. By Sunday evening, I was pleased when Mandy gave the go-ahead.

The following week, I invited Corky for supper on Friday evening. Although Mandy could tell how excited I was, I expressed my expectation that my role would simply be a voyeuristic one.

“Don’t be so sure of that. Who knows? Maybe Corky is more adventurous than you think,” she reminded me.

‘If only,’ I mentally ruminated to myself.

By Friday I was so excited about the evening ahead, that during the day, I masturbated twice when I used the toilet at work.

After work, my heart dropped when Corky announced that he would not be going home first, and simply follow me home.

‘Oh, Jesus, now Mandy is going to see him at his skanky best,’ I thought to myself.

I have to give Mandy props for not wincing when Corky and I entered the house. After standing around and sipping our drinks, Mandy announced that supper would be ready in ten minutes. I then made a big show of announcing that I needed to clean my hands and was pleased when Corky asked if he could join me.

When we got to the bathroom Corky stated that he first needed to take a piss. As I scrubbed my hands I heard what sounded like Niagara Falls in the toilet bowl behind me. I cannot begin to explain my excitement at the sound, and couldn’t help thinking about the phallus that was producing those erotic noises.

When he was done, Corky joined me at the vanity and got solidly stuck in with the nailbrush I handed him.

Next, looking at me earnestly as he went about his task, Corky said, “Listen, Noel, I’m not as straight-laced as you might think. I’d like you to enjoy your evening and not be anxious about the inevitable bodily contact between us when we get going.”

I wasn’t sure of the full extent of his meaning but hoped that it meant that if I touched him while he was fucking Mandy, there would be no repercussions.

Once we sat down to supper, I was elated when I sensed Mandy warming to Corky. It was obvious that his unassuming goofiness was winning her over.

After dinner, once everything had been clear and put in the dishwasher, Corky subtly began to take control. After sitting on the far right side of the enormous sofa we had in the lounge, Corky tapped the cushion and invited Mandy to sit next to him.

As I was about to sit on a chair across from then, Corky immediately admonished me by saying, “No, buddy, join us on the sofa. There’s enough room for an army.”

Obediently, I sat on the far left of the sofa. I now watched as Corky commenced weaving his magic. Firstly, he gripped hold of Mandy’s head and pulled her face into him with his left hand. Corky’s dominating mouth then commandeered her lips in an ardency I had never seen before. As he did so, his right hand surged up her thigh and invaded her snatch.

“You, horny little bitch, you aren’t wearing panties,” he mumbled playfully, as his fingers went about their business.

Mandy’s replied by lustfully twitching in response. By now Corky’s face had moved over her lips and I could see his tongue was manically burnishing the inside of her mouth. It was also clear from his arm action, that Corky’s fingers were feverishly spearing her pussy. When Mandy’s body began its ecstatic tremble a short while later, Corky growled, “Spray for me, bitch, give me your pussy juice.”

It was like watching an exorcism as Mandy convulsed. Corky was like a prelate of ecstasy, and I had never seen such a master at work.

Corky now arose and pulled Mandy’s dress up and off her body. After he did so he looked at me and said, “Come-on, Noel it’s time for chapter two, let’s get naked, buddy.”

After we were naked, I got my first look at the engorged version of Corky’s dick.

‘Oh, Jesus, will Mandy ever be able to walk again,’ I contemplated as I looked at the pussy destroyer dangling off the front of Corky.

In an act of mercy, I entreated, “Please, Corky, don’t rip her pussy apart.”

“Get closer, buddy, and observe the consequences of your actions,” Corky said with a menacing look on his face.

As Mandy’s legs got lifted over his shoulders as he took up a widened stance at the front of the sofa, the monstrous apple head of his cock rested against her snatch, before Corky commenced using his rigid phallus as a sledgehammer to strike her portal. After a few rough taps, accompanied by her grunts, his knob-head commenced its restricted invasion.

I instantly knew that my best viewpoint would be from behind Corky and Mandy, and swiftly relocated. As I watched on my knees, my vision was obscured by Corky’s weighty balls. My disappointment was halted when I remembered his earlier bodily contact invitation. Taking the bull by the horns, I extended my hand and lifted his nuts for a better image of Mandy’s insertion ‘trauma.’

Thankfully I had not missed much as the apple was only halfway in. Mandy’s cunt looked like the ‘unhinged’ mouth of an egg eater snake, upon struggling to swallow its orb.

When the huge head finally popped in, Mandy gave a loud gasp before the shaft began propelling its frontal globe ever deeper.

After Mandy’s horny hands pulled Corky’s butt-cheeks apart in acceptance, the smell of Mandy’s over-stimulated pussy juice coupled with ripe male crotch and bum odour, put my lust-o-metre on high alert. Much as I wanted to lick Corky’s blinking brown eye, I decided to show restraint.

The rhythmic movement of Corky’s dick-shaft and the clasping of Mandy’s pussy lips was mesmerizing. Added to this, the sounds of their sexual harmonies supplemented my olfactory enchantment. The eroticism of what I was seeing was spectacular, and I reasoned that if this was all I got to see that evening, it would be worth it. I could happily have watched their conjoined genitals all night long.

Corky was not rushing and was clearly taking his time. Mandy had also begun to verbalize her acquiescence and it was clear that she was enjoying the fucking. Who could blame Mandy? After picking up on her comfort, Corky commenced popping the ‘apple’ in and out of her pussy, eliciting new sounds of ecstasy from Mandy. Visually, this new development was so breathtaking that I started tugging on my dick.

My earlier restraint was also beginning to wane, and unable to resist, my mouth attacked Corky’s brown walnut. To my relief and delight, Corky’s horny noises now began to surpass Mandy’s gasps. Emboldened by my newfound assertiveness, my hand feverishly started fondling Corky’s nuts. My machinations shortly bore fruit as Cocky commenced grunting loudly as his body began to shudder.

After Corky had unloaded he plopped his knob out of Mandy and moved to the side. By now, I was so overexcited that I didn’t manage to insert my dick into Mandy’s snatch after I stood up, because my overexcited cock erupted prematurely, all over her thighs and pussy.

After I was done, Corky’s hand clamp my shoulder and pushed me back onto my knees.

“Clean up the mess, puppy dog, eat your fuckin’ pudding,” he playfully barked.

Like an obedient dog, I lapped my spunk off her thighs and genital region, before focussing my attention on the motherlode awaiting me in her pussy.

Once I had feasted, I was overjoyed when the apple head of Corky’s cock was also presented for cleansing, as his icky hands manipulated my head.

Afterward, we three happy individuals made our way back to the kitchen.

En route, Mandy announced that she needed to visit the bathroom.

As Corky and I stood sipping our beers, he said, “Nobody has ever licked my arse before. Tonight has been fuckin’ awesome.”

After giving Corky an appreciative smile, I decided to chance my arm. “I have also had a great time, but, I would love to experience what Mandy felt from that incredible cock of yours.”

To my amazement, Corky now embraced and kissed me. As our lips parted he whispered, “The night is young.”

Shortly after, Mandy joined us and had a glass of wine.

“Mandy, that was incredible, and you are incredible,” Corky announced before turning to me and thanking me for making the evening possible.

Next, Corky turned his attention back to Mandy and asked, “Mandy, would you mind if I fuck Noel while he prepares your pussy for my next excavation?”

With a naughty grin, Mandy answered, “Not at all, as long as your fuel tank doesn’t get too drained.”

“Baby, I got more fuel than a gas station,” Corky replied with bravado.

After we moved through to the bedroom, Mandy lay back on the bed, and I took up my position at the edge, before bending over to eat her pussy. I was both nervous and excited at the thought of getting fucked by Corky. Although events had exceeded my expectations, I knew that my arse was about to be tested at a higher level than ever before. As Corky commenced his infiltration, I knew that it was going to hurt. As his rough hands solidly clamped onto my hips, the ‘agony’ started escalating exponentially. Finally, after the apple head wedged its way in, I was grunting like a severely injured animal. My divine agony was breathtaking and I welcomed it gluttonously.

In the throes of my discomfort, I began to lustfully snort my insatiable need for Corky's, 'agonizing’ penetration. The initial ‘torture’ quickly gave way to an idyllic capitulation of the most heavenly ecstasy.

With bravado, I commenced howling my acquiescence of his ‘torment’ by pleading for him to fuck me harder. Corky’s blissful ‘cruelty’ got heightened by him vigorously slapping my arse. Corky’s machinations were so hectic that I felt like I was entering a trans-like state of mind-blowing domination.

Corky now got so lustfully overcome by his supremacy, that he yanked his dick out of me before gripping me by the hair and compressing my head flat on the bed. Next, he lodged his dick-head between my lips and shot his hot spunk directly into my mouth.

After smearing his slimy dick-head all over my face, Corky then began slapping my head with the rigid phallus.

As I looked up at him after this attack,’ he had a playfully menacing look in his eyes as he growled, “Happy now, bum-boy?”

I was blissfully overwhelmed by the action I had just experienced. I had only ever thought about rough sex but never acted upon it.

‘How rough does Corky like it?’ I thought to myself.

Even more astonishing to me was how Mandy had shrieked her support of Corky’s actions, as he ‘manhandled’ me.

After our session, the three of us relaxed on the bed, side by side, with Mandy lying in the middle. Shortly, a leisurely and sensual interaction began to unfold as we kissed and fondled one another. Very gradually, Corky began to escalate his actions to a rougher level with Mandy. First, I saw his abrasive hands solidly groping her tits, before his coarse fingers started punitively tweaking her nipples.

‘Fuck! She’s loving this,’ I astonishingly intoned to myself.

Next, Corky’s tit ‘torturing’ hand moved onto Mandy’s throat. Simultaneously, Corky’s other blue-collar mitt nestled on Mandy’s pussy.

“Open your fuckin’ legs,” Corky now ordered.

No sooner had Mandy complied, before an energetic slapping of her pussy commenced. As Mandy starting yelping, the hand on her throat commenced constricting her breathing.

Again, I couldn’t believe how much she was loving this. Not long after, Corky mounted her body and started fucking the hell out of her, with his hand still firmly around her throat. I had never seen anything so hot in my life. Unable to suppress my excitement, I started screaming like an excited wife watching her husband in an MMA arena.

“Fuck the bitch, fuck the bitch,” I began intoning.

The domination I was watching was mind-blowing, and the roughness was incredible. When the two ‘combatants’ finally orgasmed, I had never witnessed the level of ecstasy I was witnessing, and also shot my load as I watched the melee.

We all drifted off to sleep shortly afterward.

Corky spent the entire weekend with us. He had not lied about his libido.

Best of all, Corky moved in with us a month later.


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The Department of Magical Violations Caterpillar Girl Kevin dreamed of the woman he had been with the night before. Her fiery red hair caught his eye. It attracted him in an odd way. He had never been attracted to a redhead before. As they had sex, she stared into his eyes with a cool confidence that he had never encountered. As he climaxed, he saw a sly smile come across her face. As the morning sunshine entered the room, Kevin turned over in his bed. He opened his eyes and saw...

2 years ago
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The Case Chapter Two

Chapter Two - Proof of Life "Honey... that's great coffee." Jake smiled at Sharon and pointed to the cup he was holding. She got the Joke. Harrison Ford had made the same joke in a scene from his newly released move 'Witness'. It was a parody on the old sixties ads for Folgers coffee but she felt uncomfortable with Jake referring to her as 'honey'. "You get the joke right?" Jake said, suddenly apologetic. "I get it." Sharon smiled wanly. They were sitting on the couch in...

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Fucked My SisterInLaw8217s Sexy Aunty In The Marriage Hall During Elder Brother8217s Marriage

Hi friends. I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my unexpected and unprecedented sex experience with my sister-in-law’s beautiful aunty Sudha aged 45 years. She is very sexy, wheatish complexion, not fat but a broad upper body and great arms. We went to the marriage hall 2 days before marriage as there was some function on the day before marriage i.e. the next day after we reached. From the time we entered the marriage hall our family kept complimenting her that she is so...

4 years ago
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SRU The Telemarketer

SRU: The telemarketer By Longleggs Ring! Ring! Ring! 'Hello! May I please speak to Mr./Mrs. Wizard?' The Wizard mildly annoyed answered, 'This is Spells R Us and there is no Mrs. Wizard.' 'Well Mr. Wizard, My name is Ross Burdock and I represent The Thaumaturgic Campaign Committee. May I ask Sir if you have ever encountered any spells of shall we say less than expected potency and range?' 'Yes I Have.' 'Well then you have a chance to rectify and help yourself and fellow...

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A very merry Xmas thanks to a MILF call

Okay, if you read my story 'Something on account', you'll know that I had a big surprise waiting for me at the office Xmas party in 1978 when I was 17. Completely unexpectedly, I had received the best blow job I had had to date - and it was from Joan, the company accountant AND three times my age!Well, you will also know that I mentioned that there was another mature lady at that party. Lisa. In the UK, there is an old saying... "As fit as a butchers dog". What that means is that the butcher...

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MylfLabs Jordan Maxx Creampie Clinic 2

It’s time for another Mylf Lab! This time, we’re bringing fans a sequel to the Creampie Clinic experiment. As the potential series could go, Creampie Clinic is all about couples who can’t get pregnant, bringing in an outside source to assist with the process. In this installment, Sammy Slater wants a family, and nothing would make Jordan Maxx happier than giving him one. However, Sammy has had difficulty knocking up Jordan, and he fears himself to be infertile. As a solution, the couple...

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Zaid the shopkeeper and his communitys workchapter five

Smiling at the baby, while Zaid would never dream of taking another Muslim guy's woman, he was envious that it hadn't been him who had fucked and impregnated this tall, magnificent, delicious redhead. Then he realized what she had said; Yusuf-perfect, a Muslim name, but his intelligent, searching eyes fixed upon the gold Christian cross around her neck. Then Zaid stretched to look at her delectably shaped bottom flaunted by a short, clinging skirt and he thought it the most delightful he...

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Bus Ride Pt 2 revised

A moment of disbelief as she rolled off, I sat there cock throbbing staring at this gorgeous black girl who had just ridden my cock to near finish, as she sat there chest heaving smiling at me rubbing her cunt. I stroked my cock slowly hoping, praying she was not done. She turned to her friend who had been watching us, enjoying the show, her own dress pulled up with her panties pulled to the side her fingers furiously at work. She turned back to me "switch seats with me baby, we have a lil...

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Had Real Fun With Tinder Girl

Hello, friends myself hardik from Pune. I am a student as well as a hardcore and sensual fucker. My age is 22. Weight- 70kg ,height -5’10, dick size -7 inches and also thick Now without wasting your time let me get u straight to the story part. I leave in rented flat in Pune and had recent breakup 6months ago and urge of having sex was increased like hell and wanted to fuck someone badly because my testosterone levels were on a peak that time. I started using tinder app and had a match with a...

2 years ago
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Running On Empty

Why did I start to run? I don’t think I really even know. I guess …that maybe it might have been to get into shape. I’m sure that was the start of it. I was feeling rather poorly about the way I looked in the mirror. Then I saw her. I have no idea what her name is. I’ve never worked up the courage to do more than smile at her as we run past each other in the park. I had seen her for years before I got started running. She would be jogging down the side of the road as I drove by. I saw her...

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Sophie and Jennys Saturday Night Part 2

Sophie woke up the next morning and got straight out of bed. Jenny was still awake, after being pleasured all through the night by Sophie’s electrical toys. Sophie put on her panties and bra and went over to her closet, where she found Jenny covered in her own juices. She helped Jenny out of the closet and untied her and then walked her over to the bed. Jenny had agreed to be Sophie’s slave, so she tied her to the bed with her legs wide open. Jenny was so tired, so Sophie gave her a quick peck...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Darby

I was there for the first part of the story and it was only later that I learned the rest, much later and much too late to do anything about it. It started innocently enough. We were staying at a hotel on the beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico. We had just returned from an evening of dinner and dancing and we were sipping wine on the balcony of our sixth floor room. It was a full moon and the moon's reflection on the ocean was beautiful. My wife Darby said: "You know what I would really like to...

4 years ago
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A Planet Is TornChapter 15

Ben's excitement was dampened when the reality of Hannah's funeral intruded once more and also with thoughts of the millions of Wodenites who were now under the thrall of the Zytol. He was still determined to try to use the situation to full advantage however, and he was already thinking about how that could be achieved. A knock at his study door snapped him out of his thoughts and he answered. "Come in, I'm decent." Sarah laughed at his silly comment, as she entered the room and...

2 years ago
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Pyx 3 The Christmas PartyChapter 5 The Talent Show

Most of the subs, like Pyx, sat on the floor at their dom's feet. Their top sat in throne-like chairs. Bambi, though, wore a long red slinky dress, that went all the way to her ankles, and a plunging neckline. That made it impossible to sit on the floor. So she sat beside Rodney in a plain folding chair. I was still dressed as Santa, and seated on the throne, that used to be on the stage. When everyone was seated, Vonda continued. "On behalf of my master, Alex Woodward, and my fellow...

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SisLovesMe Hazel Moore Stepsister Snatch Snaps

Cute brunette Hazel Moore is just like any teenage girl. She likes showing off her body on the internet and making all the boys at school go crazy. But when her annoying stepbrother walks in on her snapping some naughty pics of herself, he lays his card on the table. He is going to tell their mom unless she takes her top off and shows him her bouncy tits. She finally agrees revealing her pink nipples and perfect porcelain skin. Her stepbrother is so turned on, he gets a raging boner. Hazel...

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Lady Hideaway Ch 03

Conner hadn’t noticed that Misty was in his truck with him on the way to the hospital, but she must have been because when he reached the front desk she was there with him, and he must have been out of it, because he didn’t hear the nurse ask what they needed. It was Misty who did the talking. “We’re here for Tess Formike.” Misty stated. “Aarons.” Conner heard himself say, his own voice bringing him back to reality, “Her name is Tessa Aarons.” “Are you family?” The nurse asked. “Yes.” Misty...

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Replacing his Girlfriend

He turned around and didnt see his best friend. He saw something completely different. I couldnt blame him nor could I understand quite how he was feeling. Im sure part of him thought it was a joke, I wouldve had our roles been swapped. My first reaction wouldve been to laugh had my best friend stood before me in his sisters clothes, wearing a wig which had been used as part of a cross-dressing day at school for charity. He didnt, perhaps I shouldve given him more credit. What are you doing?...

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Season Of The Witch

Being 2020, my Christmas wish to Santa had to be less frivolous than my normal request for a night with Mila Kunis. This year I would wish for the ability to avenge my most tragic loss. Many years ago my two siblings were captured and killed by a most-wicked witch. A very Grimm story. This year I would wish for the ability to destroy her. I realize I'm too old to be writing letters to Santa. But, I'm also too old to eat corn dogs and tater tots alone which I do every night. Always hopeful,...

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Danis Story Book II First Days Chapter VI

Chapter VI completes Book II. Book I, Awakening, dealt with a 48 hour period where our heroine realizes and actuates her sissy-self - it is a coming of age story. Book II, First Days, continues Dani's saga and covers the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she becomes more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as complete, the reader is urged to first read Book I. It is rated XXX, and deservedly so, as there is...

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Two points of view

I watch you walk nervously into the restaurant, your sparkling red dress a little too short. You sit down at the table opposite me and whisper, "Sorry I'm late." I smile, my eyes glancing down to where your skirt has ridden up, exposing the black garter holding up your sheer stocking. Flicking my gaze back to your large, nervous, brown eyes I smile again. "It's okay honey, you wanted to see me?" You nod, swallowing, moving one hand up to gather your short black hair behind your ear....

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Holiday with my mum

I was on holiday with my mum. We were staying in a hotel in Crete and mid way through the week I couldn't help but keep peeking at mum in her bikini. For her age at 34 she was a fairly attractive women. Shes about 5ft 6, brown hair, brown eyes, size 12 with a 38D bust. We were mid way through the week and had got ourselves into a little routine, we'd go down to the pool, have lunch, sunbathe more and then go for dinner in the evening. It was nice just me and mum. I liked that as I could look at...

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Campus Capers ENGL 369 Creative WritingChapter 7

Allison was no athlete by any means, but you wouldn't know it from her speed. She was halfway back to her dorm and didn't even remember taking the stairs to exit the English building! No matter how hard she tried, it seemed she couldn't get far enough away from the scene of her crime. She dropped her backpack inside her closet and fell on to her bed. The worst part of all was she didn't know what upset her more, the fact that she may have killed any chance of doing well in that class, or...

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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 28

The show did better than Joe expected, with expectation tamping down hope so as not to be disappointed. No sell outs that first weekend, but the majority of the four hundred seats had butts in them. Each performance ended with different sets of congratulators after. Friday had the family contingent. Mom and Dad and sister. Eddie’s mom and dad and brother. Belle’s mother and cousins, of which there were several, most grease monkeys like her who would never have expected to spend a Friday in a...

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Pool Party Grind

This is a work of fiction. All persons are intended to be age 18 and above. When I opened the bathroom door I was pleasantly surprised – make that delightedly surprised. There stood Rick, the boyishly good-looking husband of Maddie, just shy of his 40th birthday and only now beginning to develop the paunch that afflicts so many men in their middle years. He was deeply tanned, with surfer blonde hair that hung just above his shoulders. About 5-11, 165 pounds, and a nice little bubble butt –...

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I was a glory hole virgin

This is a true story of when I was living in a small town in the mid west for a couple of years. I had a part time job at a video store and and it was usually quiet. The owners of the store would put in orders for new movies and they had a large adult section that they would keep a good selection of films. One day they were doing an order and they mentioned a local adult bookstore that had glory holes in the video booths. I was only 20 at the time so I had not had much time in the adult store...

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More whore

After the fall of communism, I returned to the villa in restitution after his uncle, was pretty devastated, it was necessary to invest in it and devise a what purpose it renovovať.Ja I had a place to live, work, and I had so I may be. At that time I met with her classmates Maros and he was praised that he also returned some lands predal.Bol in the right package, but said that the rush. Rather, the money invested in a company. I did it too I have praised the building in which to invest Soap....

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Becca 09282017

It’s true hat the camera just likes some girls and our new beauty is one of the photogenic ones. At 24, Becca isn’t one of our youngest girls, but just watch her go to work on TC’s cock and you’ll see how having some experience in the bedroom pays off! She’s a Colorado gal, loves the forest, being physical and that good old rocky mountain high. Luckily, that physicality means she has lots of stamina and she keeps going and going once TC gets her warmed up. We knew...

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Golf Course Stranger

It wasn’t her fault that her job had made her relocate to the other side of the country for nine weeks to help out with the new hotel that was opening up in Florida, but I couldn’t help but be frustrated with the situation. My girlfriend and I were one of those couples that had sex anytime, anywhere. We’ve had sex in public restrooms, backs of cars in public parking lots, in a public swimming pool, and many other public places. Now that I hadn’t seen her in weeks, I was horny beyond...

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The Bike Rally

My wife and I enjoy attending motorcycle rallies several times a year. She seldom drinks alcohol and is normally pretty conservative however I can talk her into flashing her tits at the rallies once in a while if she has had a few beers. Last summer while camping at a rally we stopped by a campsite to visit with a couple of guys we met earlier in the day. After a few beers we talked my wife into flashing a few of the bikers as they rode by. Her inhibitions were lowered enough she was enjoying...

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A daughters Homecumming Part 3

At long last, a continuation of the events when Kim and Andy's young daughter Helen returned home from Uni, and the surprise waiting all three of them.You may want to read parts 1 and 2 to get some background to our sexy family! story continues:-After my mum left my room, I just lay on my bed for a moment, my fingers drawn back to my soaking wet slit where they seemed to be spending so...

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TeenPies Anna Mae Creampie Eviction Intercourse

Pretty nympho Anna Mae refuses to take any shit from her obnoxious roommate. The guy is always on her back, but Anna knows it is just because he has a secret crush on her. But when it comes to rent, the guy has no mercy. When it comes time to pay her way, Anna is short, so she offers her roommate another form of payment. She lays out on the bed and presents her plump ass in lacy pink lingerie. The stingy guy cannot say no to such a sweet deal, so he whips out his dick and shoves it inside Annas...

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Nadias Wanton WeekChapter 5 Saturday Daddys Little Girl

Nadia was absolutely delighted by the unexpected visit from her father. He had won her heart as a child by spoiling her, granting her, her every wish and then some. She was sorry that he and mother had not been getting on all that well of late, but was certain things would sort themselves out eventually, after all, they always had before. Daddy had time for a fast martini before Nadia had his splendid prick out, examining its noble lines in the waning sunlight. 'I just adore stroking this...

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Laundry Tales 06 Nude Maiden

***************************** Copyright jeanne_d_artois June 2010 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ***************************** The laundry of my ancestors’ house is now my workshop. I’m a potter and good enough at my trade to make a reasonable living from it. The...

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Being A Slave For 2 Guys

Hi, Siddarth here. Read my first story ‘my gay gangbang’. Write me on I was made complete bottom whore. In one month I had almost 8 different men in different encounters. 2 guys approached me for a session. Tho it was my first submission I was excited and was confident. I reached their flat at around 8 pm. We had some conversation. Sorry I don’t mention their names one was aadi 27 years old other was Salman 28 years old. They had nice physic. We had some drinks and had food. At around 9:30...

Gay Male
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Uncle Bobbytantricjim©Bob pulled into his brother's driveway, pausing before he got out of his car to look over the yard and neighborhood. It had been over a year since his last visit and he enjoyed the familiarity of what he considered home. It had been his family home until his brother had moved in after their parents died. Bob kept much of his belongings stored here.He basically lived out of a suitcase and slept in hotels, motels and other temporary accommodation. His arrival must have been...

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Positively Glowing 6

"Good morning, thank you for calling Wentworth Investments, this is Gerry speaking, how may I help you, today?" The phone rarely rang before nine thirty, so Gerry had a pretty good idea who was calling at nine-oh- seven on Thursday morning. "Well, hello, Miss Morley," the snide voice on the other end of the phone oozed through the receiver. "How are we doing today, sweet cheeks?" Gerry sighed. "Good morning, Mr Williams. How may I direct your call today." "Oh, I'd say that my...

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