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The following story is non-erotic. If you’re expecting the gay teacher to jump in bed with her female student, you might want to skip this one. This is a story about a teenage girl struggling with her feelings, and how her friends see her.

Being heterosexual I can’t pretend to understand what it means to be gay. However, having my own closeted sexual desires that mainstream society looks down on, I can empathize with the gay community, and what they endure every day of their lives.

This is a fictional story. However, I would like to think that it does resonate with someone, somewhere in this world.

All characters in this story are at least eighteen years of age.



It is a beautiful spring day at Parnell High. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the leaves are beginning to bud on the trees.

The students have ditched their winter clothes, and are coming to school dressed in short sleeve shirts, shorts, and sneakers.

Even the teachers and faculty are dressing more casually. The men have replaced their long sleeve dress shirts and ties with short sleeve pullover shirts, and comfortable casual slacks. Some of them are wearing knee length shorts, and white socks.

The women are wearing comfortable short sleeve shirts, and above the knee to knee length shorts.

Melissa Andrews, the social studies teacher is the only exception to the casual dress style. She keeps her long auburn hair in a tight bun on top of her head. She wears white long sleeve shirts, covered by a blue or black blazer, and knee length grey, blue, or black skirts throughout the school year. Her shoes are sensible, and usually black, brown, or blue. She wears no make up or jewelry at all. At 31 years of age, Melissa is an exceptionally beautiful woman, yet she tries to hide her beauty behind the severe bun, and her frumpy style of dress.

Everyone likes Melissa, including the students.

She is an open, outgoing, and friendly woman. Yet for some reason she dresses like an outdated old lady during school hours.

It is the last hour of school for the week, and the students are anxiously waiting for the dismissal bell to ring.

The teachers have handed out the final papers of the week, and are waiting just as anxiously for that bell to dismiss everyone for the weekend.

In Miss Andrews’ class, the seniors are poised to launch themselves at the door.

Melissa is sitting behind her desk, watching the young adults, while trying to pretend she is busy preparing for next weeks lessons.

The clock has counted down to two minutes.

Most of the students have already finished their assignments and turned them in.

Only Corky Talbert is still working. The shy eighteen year old seems to be struggling with her paper.

Melissa doesn’t understand why Corky is struggling to finish her assignment.

The girl is one of the brightest students at Parnell High. Yet lately she has been one of the last to turn in her assignment. Today she is the only student still working.

As the minutes finally tick down to zero, the bell announces the end of school for the week.

The students immediately bolt for the door.

‘Enjoy your weekend,’ Melissa calls out to the students as they rush past her.

‘Bye Miss Andrews, or you too Miss Andrews,’ several students say as they rush past her desk.

As the last of the students exit the class room, Melissa notices that Corky is still working on her assignment. The girl seems to have a troubled expression on her face.

Melissa stands up, and walks to the class room door. Closing the door, she approaches the still working girl. She leans on the back of the desk directly in front of Corky, and waits for the young woman to finish.

After a minute, Corky lays her pen down, and picks up her assignment. She looks up and notices her teacher in front of her. ‘I’m finished,’ she says as she hands her teacher the completed assignment.

Melissa takes the paper and glances over it. She then looks at her student. ‘Corky, is something wrong?’ She asks in a concerned tone.

The pretty brunette averts her eyes for a moment before responding. ‘What makes you think something is wrong?’

‘Lately, you’ve been slow at finishing your assignments. I’ve always been careful not to overload my students with work on Friday so they can enjoy their weekend. Yet you just finished a paper that shouldn’t have taken you more than fifteen minutes to complete. You’ve also been very withdrawn lately.’

Corky lowers her gaze to her desktop. Looking at the desk, she replies, ‘I guess I have been a little preoccupied lately.’

Melissa notices the sadness in the girl’s features. ‘Would you like to talk about it?’

A twinge of fear crosses the girl’s pretty face.

‘You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,’ Melissa quickly adds. ‘And whatever you say will stay between us.’

Corky continues staring at the desk for a few seconds. Finally she sighs. ‘I would like to talk about what’s going on, Miss Andrews, but not here. I don’t want anyone overhearing our conversation.’

Melissa nods her understanding. ‘Would you feel more comfortable discussing what’s bothering you off school grounds?’

Corky nods her head.

‘I tell you what. Since you live just a few houses from me, why don’t you come over to my house tomorrow morning, say around ten? We can talk there.’

Corky looks her teacher in the eye. ‘I didn’t know you live near me?’

‘I live in that green house three houses east of your house. Would you like to come over and talk?’

Corky gives her teacher a big smile. ‘Thank you Miss Andrews. That would make me feel better. I’ll be at your house at 10 am sharp.’


Corky is sitting on her bed watching the clock. The young woman’s nerves are pulled so tight she is ready to explode.

‘This is a mistake,’ she groans.

Corky had struggled with keeping her feelings a secret for so long. Not once had she ever acted on her desires.

But now people are starting to suspect.

Her friends have been avoiding her for over two months.

Corky knows Miss Andrews is a kind woman, but talking to anyone about her problem is terrifying to the girl. Still, Corky desperately needs someone she can talk to.

At precisely 10 am Corky rings Miss Andrews’ door bell. She looks around, not understanding why she’s never seen her teacher coming out of this house.

The only person she’s ever seen coming or going from this house is a gorgeous woman who looks like she could be a model. On more than one occasion, Corky has spotted the sexy woman leaving her home.

The woman is usually dressed in a sleeveless shirt, and mid thigh length skirts, that show off her long legs.

Corky had noticed in the past that her neighbor would usually smile and wave at her, whenever they saw each other, but Corky had never approached her neighbor to speak to her.

Corky begins to realize that the woman she has seen on numerous occasions looks a lot like Miss Andrews. ‘Could the woman be Miss Andrews?’ Corky immediately dismisses the idea.

Miss Andrews would never be seen dressed in clothes that shows off that much skin.

Suddenly the front door opens, and Corky finds herself staring at the beautiful woman she has seen in the past. Corky is unable to speak as she stares at this lovely woman.

The woman is dressed in a sky blue sleeveless shirt, red shorts, and sneakers. Her long, flowing hair cascades down her back, with a few strands running down the front of her shirt.

She smiles at Corky. ‘Hello Corky.’

Corky stares in disbelief. ‘Miss Andrews?’

A welcome smile appears on the woman’s face. ‘Yes, it’s me.’

Corky continues to stare. ‘I don’t believe it. You look amazing.’

‘Thank you for the compli
ment.’ Melissa steps to one side. ‘Would you like to come in?’

Corky shuffles through the door, still feeling stunned by what she’s discovered.

Melissa closes the door, and then turns to face her student. She eyes the amazed girl, and gives her a warm smile. ‘You’re asking yourself why I look so different when I’m at school, aren’t you.’

Corky nods as she stares at the woman before her.

‘I’m about to sound like I’m bragging, but I’m not. I have to dress that way at school. When a woman looks like me, she tends to be looked upon as a sex object. In order to effectively teach my students, I have to downplay my looks. Otherwise the boys would spend the entire class ogling me instead of listening to me. They look at me enough as it is. Can you imagine how distracting it would be if I showed up to class looking like this?’

Corky took in her teacher’s beauty. ‘I see what you mean. The boys would spend all their time staring at you instead of listening to you.’ Corky paused for a second. ‘Please excuse me for asking, but I am curious why I’ve never seen you coming out of your house dressed like an old lady.’

Melissa gives the teenager a small wink. ‘I roll my skirt up when I leave the house. Then I wait until I’m in the school parking lot to pull my skirt down and put my hair up in a bun. I do it so you don’t recognize me. That’s why I wave when I see you, but don’t speak.’ Melissa’s expression turns serious. ‘To be honest, I wish I could come to school dressed in short sleeve shirts, and shorts during warm weather days. But that would be a distraction for the boys. The male students would be too busy ogling me to do their school work. The school board would have no choice but to let me go. Corky, I need to ask you to keep my real appearance quiet. I get enough stares as it is, without the students finding out what I really look like. I lost my last teaching job because of my looks, and I don’t want to lose this one.’

‘I won’t say a word, I promise.’

Melissa looks her young student over. ‘I’m surprised you don’t get a lot of attention from the boys.’

Corky lowers her gaze yet again. ‘Boys used to look at me, but that has sort of changed in the last year or so.’

Melissa notices the sadness returning to Corky’s features. ‘Why don’t we go to the kitchen and grab a couple of glasses of lemon-aid. Then we can talk about what’s bothering you.’

Melissa leads her young student into the kitchen.

Corky can’t keep her eyes off the woman’s long legs as she follows her.

‘Have a seat,’ Melissa offers as she approaches the kitchen counter.

Corky sits so she can watch the woman prepare the drinks.

Melissa grabs a couple of glasses from a kitchen cabinet, and sets them on the counter. She then opens the refrigerator, and pulls out a pitcher of lemon-aid.

Corky stares at her lovely teacher as the woman prepares the drinks. She is stunned by the woman’s beauty.

Melissa places the drinks on the kitchen table. She then sits opposite Corky, and takes a sip of the cool, yellow liquid. ‘Now, why don’t you tell me what’s troubling you?’

Corky picks up the glass, and takes a swallow. She isn’t thirsty, but decides that she needs a minute to collect her thoughts. After a few moments, she speaks. ‘I have a problem with boys.’

‘What, do they harass you?’

Corky slowly shakes her head. ‘They used to ask me out on dates, but they haven’t in a while.’

‘Why do you think boys have stopped asking you out?’

Corky lifts the glass to her lips to take another drink. After swallowing the cold liquid, she sets the glass down. ‘I guess it’s because they think I’m gay.’

‘Why would they think you’re gay?’ Miss Andrews asks, her voice filled with concern.

Corky takes a deep breath before answering. ‘I guess because I always said no when they asked me out.’

‘So, because you didn’t go out with any of them, the boys have all decided that you are gay.’

Corky once again silently nods. ‘It’s not just the boys. The girls think I’m gay too.’

‘Have the other students been harassing you?’

‘No, they just don’t pay any attention to me. It’s not just the boys. My friends have stopped talking to me as well.’

Melissa takes a deep breath. ‘Corky, why do you think you’ve turned boys down when they ask you out?’

The pretty brunette picks up the glass and takes another drink. She then lays her right arm on the table.

Melissa patiently waits for the girl to find the words to respond.

Corky struggles to find the courage to answer the question. ‘I guess because I’m not interested in going out with them.’

Melissa begins to see what is going on. ‘Corky, I’m going to ask you a question. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.’

Corky nods once again.

‘Do you think you’re gay?’

The student shrugs her shoulders. ‘I don’t know. Maybe! I’m not sure what I am.’

Melissa considers her next question carefully. She doesn’t want to alienate the young woman. ‘Corky, do you have romantic thoughts about girls?’

The nervous young woman stares at the tabletop as she nods yes. Tears of shame begin to flow down her cheeks. ‘I can’t help it. Girls are beautiful. I want to be with them.’ She wipes away the tears, before laying her hand back on the desktop. She takes a deep breath before continuing. ‘The truth is I think I am gay. No, I know I am. I just don’t know what to do about it.’ Her face reveals the anguish she is experiencing.

Melissa impulsively reaches out and lays her hand on the top of Corky’s hand. ‘It’s ok. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t choose who you are attracted to. You either are attracted to someone or you aren’t.’

‘Yeah, but now my friends are afraid to be alone with me. They think I might hit on them.’

‘I know. It’s hard when you’re different from your peers.’ Melissa knows she is taking a risk, but the girl needs to know she isn’t alone. ‘Corky, the truth is you’re not the only lesbian in school.’

The crying girl raises her eyes, and looks at her teacher. ‘There’s someone else like me? Who is she?’

Melissa knows she’s probably making a mistake by revealing her own secret. If the wrong people find out she is talking to the girl, they might misinterpret her actions as a teacher trying to take advantage of a student. Yet Melissa knows what it feels like to struggle with feelings that society tends to frown upon. ‘Corky, I’m gay. So I know exactly what you’re going through. I know it’s difficult for you. I know it can be painful. But I decided a long time ago that I wasn’t going to let my sexuality eat me up inside. I’m gay. It’s that simple. If people can’t handle it, that’s their problem.’

Corky absorbs the statement like a sponge. ‘Does the school board know you’re gay?’

‘Superintendent Brand knows, as do the other teachers. I don’t go around announcing my sexuality to the world. But at the same time, I don’t hide it.’

‘But I thought gay people are supposed to come out, you know, loud and proud?’

‘Do your parents go around announcing that they are straight?’

Corky shakes her head. ‘No.’

‘My personal life is my personal life. If I’m out on a date with another woman, I don’t hide the fact that we’re dating. I’m not a covert lesbian. But at the same time, you won’t see me wearing a rainbow shirt, and shouting my sexuality to the world. Please understand, I am not condemning those who do. Personally I think those who do shout it from the rooftops are needed. I’m just saying that I live my life as I choose to live it. I live my life openly, but I don’t announce it to the world. Like I said, I don’t shout it from the rooftops. But I also don’t hide my sexuality like it’s something to be ashamed of either. There are a lot of gays who live quiet lives. Some hide their sexuality because they are afraid of what people will think of them. Others, like me don’t hide
our sexual preference, but we do live quiet lives.’

‘Do you have a girlfriend?’

Melissa shakes her head. ‘I did have a girlfriend until a few months ago. She’s a teacher in another school. But, she was afraid that if the school board found out, they would look for an excuse to fire her, so she broke up with me.’

‘But if you found the right person, you would enter into another relationship?’

‘Of course I would. I want what most people want. I want that special someone in my life. I want someone to love, and I want someone to love me. You want that as well, don’t you?’

Corky smiles as she nods her head. A ray of hope appears in Melissa’s eyes. ‘So, it’s ok that I like being with girls?’

Melissa squeezes Corky’s hand. ‘Yes, it’s ok for you to like girls.’

‘How do I handle my family and friends? What if they can’t accept me as I am?’

‘The only thing I can think to do is tell your family and friends the truth when you’re ready. Tell them you’re gay. Tell them it doesn’t change the fact that you still love them as family and friends. Tell them that you still want to be in their lives. Corky, I do need to warn you that if you tell your family and friends, they still might not accept you. Some people don’t have a problem with having gay relatives or friends. Others have serious problems with it. The problem is usually caused by prejudice, fear, and ignorance. You can’t keep your friends by pretending you’re like them, because you’re not. And you can’t make your loved ones happy by pretending you’re straight, because it will only make you feel miserable.’

‘I’m already miserable. But I still worry about what my friends will think. They already suspect, and they are avoiding me. If I tell them the truth they might reject me completely.’

‘Yes, they very well might reject you. But by talking to your friends, it will at least give them a chance to see the real you. Then they can make up their own minds if they want to be your friends. It’s a big risk. But you have to be the one who decides when and if you’re ready to take that step. I took that step ten years ago. I lost a lot of my friends, and some family members. But I don’t regret my decision for a moment.’

Corky nods her understanding. She has finally heard something that makes sense to her. ‘Thank you Miss Andrews. I really needed to hear that.’ The young woman’s brow suddenly furrows as a thought enters her head.

‘What’s wrong?’ Melissa asks.

‘If you feel you don’t have to hide you really are, then why do you come to school dressed like an old lady? I don’t see why you should have to hide the fact that you’re beautiful. Also the school board shouldn’t have the right to fire you for your looks. You didn’t choose to be beautiful, you just are.’

Melissa releases her student’s hand and leans back. ‘You know something, I’ve been thinking about that for a long time. You are right, of course. I shouldn’t have to dull my appearance down just to keep a bunch of teenage boys from doing their assignments. I’m their teacher. They will listen to me, and do their class work, or face the consequences. Come Monday morning, Parnell High is going to get a good look at the real Melissa Andrews, whether they like it or not.’


Corky and three of her friends are walking down the school hallway. They are chatting and laughing as they head for Miss Andrew’s class.

‘Do you think it’s true?’ Cynthia Reed asks as they approach their class.

‘What, that Miss Andrews is wearing a T shirt, and shorts?’ Mandy Brewster laughs. ‘I think someone has decided to start April Fools a couple of days early. There is no way Miss Andrews is dressed like a normal person.’

Corky smiles, but remains quiet.

‘I heard she’s wearing makeup, and her hair is down,’ Cynthia replies conspiratorially. ‘Jarrod attends her morning class. He said she looks hot.’

Mandy laughs. ‘Mark my words. When we walk into Miss Andrews’ class, she’ll be dressed like she always is.’

During lunch hour, Corky had sat down with her closest friends and talked to them. She admitted that she is gay. She also told them that she still wanted to be their friend, and hoped they would accept her as she is.

They were glad that Corky had told them the truth.

Her revelation gave the girls a chance to talk to her, and ask questions.

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Where Darkness Ends 02

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 2 For a few seconds that appeared like eternity to me, nobody said anything. I could hear some quiet gasps and breathing, and while looking down on the floor I could literally feel five pair of eyes piercing me. I was sure my head was again glowing like a bulb, my stomach cramped and the familiar lump in my throat was omnipresent. Yet there was a certain relief as well. I did it. I confessed it. Now I was, in...

3 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 3

The next room turned out to be the bedroom Sheila shared with her partner, Lucia. The walls were hand-hewn pine planks decked out with bookcases and several artfully done watercolor portraits of lightly clad women. A queen-size, four-poster bed covered with a beautiful handmade quilt took up one wall. Illumination provided by a handcrafted wrought iron table lamp beneath a stained glass shade provided most of the light for the room. The remainder came from a stone fireplace with several...

1 year ago
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I Was The Only One Naked

I was the only one naked. At least for a while. I felt amazingly free and confident and strong. My girlfriend Tracy and my buddies Ryan and Kipp were in their swimsuits, and we were lounging on the large back patio of Tracy's house after getting out of her hot tub. Hot tubbing tonight was one of those unplanned events, the three of us guys stopping by to see if Tracy wanted to go out but ending up opening some beer and deciding to stay there. The other guys had swimsuits in Kipp's car, but I...

4 years ago
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Complex Relationships 8211 The Indian Context 8211 The Discovery

By : Criticalmass Synopsis: This story is set in the Indian context, where jokingly the wife’s younger sister is said to be ‘Almost Half Wife’. Although like a joke, many Indian men fantasize about their wife’s younger sister. However for the lucky some, this becomes a reality. This story is a narration by one such lucky man. Disclaimer: The story is purely a fantasy, but put in this situation would love to do the same. I am 28 years old and run a 5 star class boutique Hotel in Delhi, I got...

2 years ago
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A Song Of Lynereu and Siraye

A SONG OF LYNEREU AND SIRAYECHAPTER 1: THE FORESTS OF TARU-NU-FUINLet it be known, I am Siraye. And if you must know, I’m a wood nymph. My home is Taru-Nu-Fuin, an elvish name. Men call it Greenwood the Great. But, this is the Second Age and the Dark Lord has spread his evil across Middle Earth, and even here, my home forest. Many now call it Mirkwood.But my father’s father remembers the elves that travelled through here. They gave it a beautiful name in their language and made friends of...

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The Gutenberg RubricChapter 24

Things were going well for Fry. The exchange of informtion that led to the capture of the three would-be terrorists left both U.S. and Egyptian agents in a cooperative mood. Ultimately one of the terrorists decided to cooperate as well. The group claimed to be an off-shoot of a longstanding anti-government faction that was recruited for the attack via the Internet. They knew nothing about tracking a phone. According to the informant, they had been contacted over a week ago. They were told to...

2 years ago
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My First glory hole experience not true made up

A drunken night turns into glory hole fun I had just broken up with my girlfriend of two days. She just decided to up and leave one day and wasn't exaclty nice about it. She ended up cleaning out our entire apartment. In an attempt to cheer me up a few good friends decided it'd be a good idea for me to get out and have a couple of drinks. After a while of pounding them back I decided to just head out and drive home.As I was driving home I passed a run down looking sex shop. My drunk curiosity...

2 years ago
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Engagement Ring a Frankel story

Originally written by Frankel. The first thing you need to know about Susie is that she has the world’s greatest tits. They were what you would call a good size. Not so massive that they drooped down but a perfect handful, well rounded and upright but still with delightful bounce in them when she walked. The scond thing you need to know is that they were strictly off limits. No touching, no licking and definitely no fucking. Not even for me, her long suffering boyfriend. "Not...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Vina Sky Step Dad goes Balls Deep

All alone on Memorial Day a Step Dad and Step Daughter Vina Sky enjoy a Picnic in the woods when Vina’s dad tells her that he’s dreaming of Fucking her all night long. The horny asian brunette gets highly turned on,and find’s herself riding her Step Dad’s Thick cock in the forest with reckless abandon. So many levels of wrong, but for Vina, the gushing orgasms tell her otherwise. Grey and old, her Stepdad, who’s years beyond his prime should just be shamed of...

1 year ago
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The phone only rang twice. 'Hello' she said. 'Carol, it's David, do you fancy a bit of company lunchtime? There could be two of us.' 'What do you mean?' She asked 'Well, were you serious when you said you fancied a threesome?' You can sense the grin when someone replies and I could see the smile spreading across her face. 'Why not?' came the reply. 'I'll see you about 11:30 then. Be good.' 'I'll be better when I see you.' And the phone clicked off. An...

4 years ago
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Wife Did A Real Special Kind Of Brothel Work

Here is a real cuckold tale about my own wife. You can see many pics of her here, on my home page. All those pics are of that real wife, who also really thought that the XXX films of the time were instruction films on what to do with her sex life. You may find that one job that she took was extreme. In the mid 1970s, she had attended many swinger functions. But one of the club owners had a different idea, about what to do with off nights at his establishment. While swingers almost always...

1 year ago
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Knowing My Feminity

Hi All! This is my first story and if i have done any mistake please forgive me. My Name is Rahul, my age is 18 and my height is 5’6”. The Story is all about feminine in me that turns me into female. When I was 15 my parents and my elder sister died in a car accident, they left me with lot of money. At that I was in shock but slowly I recovered. From child hood I was not having interest in girls. But, I used to play my sister or with girls in my colony because in our colony there were not a...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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My step Daughter Bday

When my wife and I went to lived in Espirito Santo (Brazil), we brought my step daughter Lillian and she grows there until eighteenth, before wecould come back to States. By the time she was twelve she could speak three languages: English; Portuguese and Spanish. My wife and Iwould have to travel often for work, so we would take Lillian with us in order to be our interpreter, without foreign acents. During one trip my relationship with Lillian changed forever. We were in the Rio de Janeiro on...

2 years ago
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Scarface Tamed Part 2

Scarface tamed Part 2 By Faye Croft You should read Part 1 first!! After Amanda and Rebecca had finished supper that Monday night, and Scott had eaten his meagre helping of leftovers, he was consigned to the kitchen to wash up and clear away. His bottom was stinging from the thrashing it had taken, so standing up was preferable to sitting down, and he stood at the sink washing dishes and wondering how he had got himself into this mess. He loved Rebecca with all his heart, but...

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Interview With M

Q: So, when did your interest in necro start? A: My necro interest started when I was about 9. We just started the funeral home business and my father would let me go along for pick up and I remember the very first adult male I saw and he was naked and his penis was amazing just laying there. I had seen my dad's penis before but never anyone else's. I was just starting to masturbate. Everyday after that I would try and sneak peeks at every male we had in the funeral home and one day I got...

1 year ago
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Surviving 2Chapter 8 Still spring 874 AD Fife

First light found them on the banks of Loch Leven, at last able to see enough to stop and take stock. Men rushed forward to help Lachlan lower Scott to the ground and he began to examine the injuries his friend had sustained. A long slash on his right thigh was fairly obvious and accounted for the blow struck by the man Lachlan had cut down. The cut was still leaking blood and Lachlan hurried to attend to it. The only other injuries Lachlan could identify were severe bruising on Scott's arm...

4 years ago
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Jhaant Ki Safai 8211 Part III

I am Manju. In first part you read that how I got my pubic hair shaved by barber and enjoyed his fondling and massaging. I desired for sex but he did not even shown lund to me. In second part ,you read that I confessed to my daughter Neetu. On next appointment date she also undressed and asked barber to clean pubic hairs. He did and fucked her, which my daughter liked much more than chudai by husband and father in law. Then barber fucked both mother & daughter daily for next 20 days. And then...

2 years ago
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How my chastity started

There was this woman where I worked at. She had a thing for retro and would wear business skirts, high heels and actual real stockings every now and then. She had a body to die for and legs that just simply made me melt. When she walked by I would simply melt. Could not explain it this power she had over me, it was more than just sex or lust, it was like the magnetic pull that keeps the Earth in orbit. I started small talk with her and over time we began chatting now and then. I WANTED TO HAVE...

2 years ago
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My First Big Black Cock

Several years ago my hubby had asked me if I might be interested in swinging with black couples. For the previous few month we had watched quite a bit of interracial porn and I knew he always had a thing for black women. We live in Georgia. :)So after several phones calls, ads and other things we finally had a couple that we had invited over to meet and have a few drinks. We were looking forward to it. There wasn't supposed to be any sex, just drinks and chat to see if we should take the next...

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ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ ДЕНЬНедавно выкладывал здесь маленький рассказик под названием «Летнее купание», в нем вспомнил как когда-то жил в Борисполе и компания женщин стащила мою одежду, а для того что-бы ее забрать мне пришлось делать как сейчас правильно называется – «Кунигулис». Удовольствия я не получил, но самое главное они умудрились сфотографировать мое личико и голого. В те еще советские времена, такие фотки, если бы распространены в моем ПТУ, где я учился, означали-бы однозначно отчисление. Да и из...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Desire In Life

By : Naveennambu I am waiting for city bus at Ammerpet to go koti at about 8:00 pm. There are so many waiting there. At last bus was come and each and every person trying to enter into bus and with great difficulty I could enter into the bus. There is no space even to stand properly. There is no space between two persons who stood there. Bus started and conductor adjusting the persons to come forward to give space to the persons behind. I moved little bit to front side and hold the bar with...

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EdenChapter 55

For several weeks they had enjoyed benign weather. Leaving aside the omnipresent smog, the skies had generally been comparatively clear. Occasional rainshowers temporarily drove the humans under the pavilion's cover, or made them wish they were there—a particularly drenching downpour woke Meiersdottir and Igwanda in the middle of one night's sleep too far away from the pavilion to make it worth while retreating and left them with sodden sleeping gear and clothing—but for the most part it...

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Yvonnes Sexual Awakening

I love the tingling sensation that I get deep in my pussy when my gorgeous new girlfriend sucks my super-sensitive nipples. I’ve only known Yvonne for a few weeks but since we met we’ve spent every Saturday night and Sunday together doing little else but having the most intense and satisfying sex. I approached her at a party a few weeks ago and at first she seemed very cold towards me but it transpired that she’d only recently split from her long-term boyfriend who was the only person she’d...

Group Sex
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A Is for Ass

Professor Hitherbottom looked out at the sea of freshman faces in his first-ever simul-class at Suffolk U. He was as sure of himself as they all seemed eager. Hitherbottom's field was cultural psychology and the specialized area he had studied was universality of sexual customs and rituals. For years he had taught the usual curriculum, blending sociology with speculative psychology. It was done in the usual manner with time-honoured texts, mimeo-regurgitated tests, and essays justified as...

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Bhade ka ghar masti ka ghar

Hiiii frnz mera naam ankur hai.filhal to mai bangalore me hun par basically jharkhand se hu…baat us samay ki hai jab ham ek bhade ki ghar me raha karte the. Us buliding me kuch 9 alag alag ghar the.. Aur 9 gharo me ek na ek aunty jaroor thi..aur mai bachpan se hi un auntiyon mw kuchh jyada hi interest rakha hun na ki unki betiyon me…mature aunty agar ready ho to main unke liye 6feet ka tandrust jawaan hu… Baat mere bachpan ki hai ek ladki jo ki mere hi building me rahti thi wo kuchh mere se 6...

1 year ago
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A day of bliss

I asked what would happen if i resisted. He said, "I would hold your head down on my cock as you choke on it, slap your face with my cock, spank your ass until it is bright red, and then cum all over your face." We made arrangements to meet that day. I was so sexually excited that I came before he even got there. When he knocked on the door i was naked and soaking wet. I opened the door and he entered with a smile on his face... He pushed me hard up against a wall and roughly rammed a...

2 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet It started in a tavern I often stop at on the way home. I was sitting at a table right next to the bar and several regulars were having a discussion about differences in sexual responses in men and woman. It was all very polite and civilized, with both men and woman of various ages taking part. It got interesting when Ginger, a thirty something woman with a very good body, insisted that a woman could control her own body and decide if she was going to have an orgasm or not. A couple of...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 91

The Kelly house was strangely quiet. Sue and her Dad, Pete, had gone up to his bedroom, and taken a shower together. Sue had scrubbed him thoroughly, first, and he, in turn, had scrubbed her the same way. He had, washed her as carefully as he had when she was a baby, and then as a little girl. She had ALWAYS love the feeling of his hands scrubbing her. At first simply as her Father, then as the man she loved most in the whole, wide world. Her protector, and her teacher. He had taught ALL the...

4 years ago
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BrandyI was soaking wet when I woke and the sheets stuck to my body as I moved across the bed, trying to get up. The sun shone through the windows and it must have been ninety degrees inside.I opened the window and I gasped at the heat. The breeze felt like a hair dryer on my face.I went to the kitchen dressed in only panties and a halter top. Sweat ran down my back and my armpits. A drop of sweat ran down my forehead and onto my nose. I wiped it away and sighed.In the kitchen, I found my...

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Annas Innocence

Memories, Anna thought as she pulled down the lane that would bring her to the family farm, could be as heady as an illegal narcotic. Every sight, every sound and every smell brought back moments long past. The gravel path crunch under her tires as bits of rock bounced off her undercarriage. A very recent rain had settled the dust and washed the summer colors to gleaming brilliance. It had been too long since she had been home and for some reason, today it was more welcoming then ever. She...

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RedemptionChapter 25

Sunday morning, the three of them were relaxing in the family room with coffee, naked and snuggled together. The TV was off, no one was reading anything, and no one spoke. When the phone rang, Dex groaned as he extricated himself from his comfortable sandwich position. The women heard him tell someone to call back in ten minutes for an answer. When he came back from the phone, instead of sitting back down between them, he knelt on the floor in front of them. "I have something hard to ask...

1 year ago
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Encounter on a Bus

Jason woke to the hiss of the air brakes and a lurch as the interstate bus slowed and exited the expressway. He sighed and stretched his muscular` body. He was thankful the rear bench seat was vacant. At 6’ 2”, 240 pounds he needed as much room as he could get. One of the downsides of riding an interstate bus was that it stopped at every wide spot in the road to pick up passengers. This one was no different. The bus traveled a short distance down a poorly maintained blacktop. It pulled across...

4 years ago
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Allys Travels

Ally sat in one of the airports many cafes eating a cinnamon bun and browsing the internet. As she finished the cinnamon bun, a handsome man, sits at her table. ‘Hey sexy.’ ‘Darrell Turner? From Tremor High?’ ‘That’s me babe.’ ‘Oh my God! How you been?’ ‘Life’s been good in certain aspects.’ ‘Wow, so how’s your sex life been?’ ‘Damn, Ally after having sex with you in the janitor’s closet on prom night, I can’t find any other woman that knows how to give me the pleasure you did.’ ‘Awww… I’m...

1 year ago
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I Never Could Resist Him Part 1

"Oh yeah baby, mmmm" Jack moaned, gripping the steering wheel harder. We were driving around. It was a hot summer day, and he was shirtless. He had a perfect chest, and body really. Giving him road head wasn't too out of the ordinary. and the heat was making me horny as fuck. My mouth bobbed on his 8in dick, from the tip of his mushroom head, down the shaft, and to his balls. He loved it when I deep throated him. "Oh Oh Oh man, baby don't stop, mmm, I'm cumming" I wanted to taste him so I...

3 years ago
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138 Bus In Sri Lanka

Hi! I’m new comer to this Indian sex stories community as an author. Hope you will enjoy my true life scenarios with strangers or one time sex encounters. This is the first of many to come. I’m 28 years old average built with nor or less fat with a tool which pleased many and still willing to serve others as well. This had happened to me more recently while I was travelling in a very crowded bus in famous 138 route in Sri Lanka. It was the morning rush hour, I squeezed into the bus which was...

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