Cumbucket Slut
- 1 year ago
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Donna Hernandez heaved a heavy sigh as she filled her cleaning cart with the supplies. Tonight would be another in a chain of long nights. Donna worked as one of a team of night janitors in the McMillan Building, a twelve-story office building in downtown Phoenix.
The McMillan Building was home to a wide variety of professional offices with dental and medical offices on the main floor, and attorneys, accountants, insurance brokers, mortgage company offices, and the like on the upper floors.
There were six girls on her team and one supervisor to oversee them. The McMillan Building was split in half by the four elevator shafts in the center of the building. On this particular evening, Donna was assigned to clean the offices on the fourth and fifth floors on the east side of the building.
Her job wasn't all that hard really... it mostly consisted of emptying the trash, cleaning the restrooms and refilling the supplies, and cleaning the break rooms. Occasionally, she would have to vacuum the main hallways–the individual offices usually did their own vacuuming when they felt it necessary.
Her cleaning cart had places around the outside that could hold spray bottles, cleaning rags, toilet paper and paper towels for the restrooms and extra trash bags. The center was a big bin for dumping the wastebaskets into.
She would go from office to office emptying the wastebaskets, then tie the bag up and put it in whichever elevator they decided they would use that night. When there were several bags of trash in the elevator they would run it down and toss them in the dumpster out back of the building.
When the trash was done, they would go into the breakrooms and bathrooms and finish by making sure the elevator they used was clean.
Donna was about a quarter of the way done with her evening's work when she went into one office to clean in. As she did she noticed one light on in one of the back rooms.
Someone must be putting in some extra hours! she thought. Not an unusual occurrence so she didn't pay it much attention. But as she cleaned her way to the office, she turned the corner and saw something that WAS unusual.
She had meant to just come in and quietly get the trash to dump it, but as she turned the corner and stepped into the doorway she saw one of the office's executives leaning back against the desk with a brunette kneeling in front of him – and she wasn't helping him with his shoes!
Donna gasped and quickly turned back around the corner of the door. She hoped she hadn't been seen and was just about to run down the hallway when the man appeared in the doorway.
"You! Come in here!" he commanded.
Donna slunk into the room timidly and he shut the door behind her with a startling thump. "Take a seat, Miss...?"
"Hernandez, Sir. My name is Donna Hernandez."
"I see. Well Miss Hernandez I assume by your outfit, you are one of the cleaning ladies in this building, are you not?"
"Y-yes Sir."
"And is it the policy of your company to barge into obviously occupied offices without knocking?"
"No Sir, I just..."
"That's what I thought," he said, interrupting her before she could even explain. "Well, Miss Hernandez, I am a busy man and on occasion, I can't get to everything I need done during normal working hours. So I have to work late from time to time to get caught up. I was working late tonight because some things came up today that needed my immediate attention. I was taking a short break when you came in here."
"Yes, Sir."
"Now listen to me and listen carefully. My name is Tony Grazio. I am a very prominent man in this company and this company pays very good money for its offices here. Money that goes in part toward paying your salary.
"What you saw here tonight–you will forget you ever saw anything and erase it from your memory, understand? You are not to speak of it to anyone, am I clear? If any word of this gets out, I will know exactly who to go to and it will not help your career any, trust me."
"Yes, Sir." Donna cowered in her chair.
She knew that she needed this job–she had dropped out of high school when she was a junior and never got her G.E.D. either. She knew that without either of these, her job prospects were bleak at best. She could not afford to lose this job... God knows when, or if, another one would come along!
"Not that you deserve an explanation, but what you saw here was me interviewing a potential new secretary. I have an opening for a secretary and I was discussing it with the woman you saw."
"Yes, Sir."
"Good, then we understand each other. Now go on and do what you came in here to do and let me get back to my work. And remember what I said."
"Yes, Sir."
Donna got out of her chair and quickly and silently emptied the wastebaskets and then left the office bringing the door closed so quietly there wasn't even a click. Three or four steps down the hall she stopped, leaning up against the wall trying to catch her breath and calm herself. She couldn't be seen wound up like she was – someone might ask her what's wrong and she would panic all over again trying to make up an excuse!
Over the next few days, Donna kept a sharp ear out for any fallout from her encounter with Mr. Grazio. She needed to know if something bad was headed her way so she could maybe do something to keep from losing her job. She tried coming up with ideas and plans in case she did, but all she could think of was to tuck her tail between her legs and move back home.
And that would be just awful–she left her small hometown of Blackstone, Virginia because she wanted to get out from under her parents' strict rule and to get rid of a pestering, overly amorous ex-boyfriend – both of which would be all too happy to have her back under their control again! She just couldn't go back there!
One day a couple of weeks later, Donna was once again loading her cart for another night's work. The fears of any kind of retribution for what she had seen that night in Mr. Grazio's office had faded some, although she didn't exactly feel in the clear from it.
Then she noticed a small sign on the bulletin board – apparently, the woman that had been so eagerly "applying" for the secretarial position wasn't as "qualified" as Mr. Grazio hoped... the position was still open.
Donna had taken Office Skills in high school–two semesters of it–and she had done very well in the class. She could type about seventy words a minute on average, she could file, she knew her way around a few computer applications too. She could be a good secretary if it wasn't for that damned diploma!
She read the announcement further and found the job paid $19.00 an hour to start. That was $7.00 more per hour than she was making now! The extra money would sure be nice, plus she wouldn't have to work nights anymore! She would get other benefits too-like health insurance, vacation time, and a retirement package.
But the most important benefit was job security! As a janitor, she knew that she could be easily replaced at any time. Sure she was well-liked and did a good job, but her company was a small one and she was one of the newer employees. Both of those made her job tenuous... she needed a firmer footing.
Her small car was getting up there in years and would need to be replaced. She couldn't very well enter into a new car contract in her current financial condition. For one she couldn't afford the payment, and for two she never knew when her job might be gone! And there were other things she would like to have as well.
She thought about the bulletin as she worked that night and then an idea struck her–she didn't need a silly piece of paper to get this job... she had another option! She decided that she would apply for the position and she would use a certain bit of knowledge about Mr. Grazio as leverage to get it!
She made her way to Mr. Grazio's office and after making sure she was alone, she went to his desk and took one of the business cards from his cardholder, and put it in her pocket. Then she slipped out of the office and went back to work. The next day, she made a call to Mr. Grazio's office.
"Hello, this is Mr. Grazio's office, Can I help you?" A female voice answered the phone.
"Mr. Grazio, please."
"Can I tell him who's calling please?"
"Just put him on the phone. He will know who I am."
"Okay, please hold," the woman said, obviously a bit incensed that she didn't get a name.
A moment later, Mr. Grazio came on the line. "This is Tony Grazio, can I help you?"
"Mr. Grazio, this is Donna Hernandez, you know, the janitor who came into your office the other night when you were working late. I would like to talk to you about the position of secretary that you are advertising for."
At the mention of her name, Donna could hear movement and he cleared his throat. She could picture him wide-eyed and sitting up, paying more attention to her now! She smiled at the thought.
"Um, well, Miss Hernandez the position has been.... um... filled," he said nervously.
"But the sign is still up on the bulletin board and from what I have heard, there hasn't been any announcement yet as to who has the job," Donna said, gaining confidence at his discomfort.
"Well, I haven't... made the announcement yet. But yes, the position has been filled."
"Mr. Grazio, let me be clear. I want to meet with you and discuss this position. And YOU want to meet with me as well. I am more than qualified for what the job entails, and I think we can both help each other out. I want you to "work late" again tonight. I have the night off, but for something this important, I will come down and we can have ourselves a little chat... I'm sure we can reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Now, do YOU understand, Mr. Grazio?"
"Um... yes."
"Very good. I will see you tonight then. Say around 7:30?"
"All right," he said quietly.
Donna hung up the phone before she passed out! Normally she was a demure, unassertive sort of girl, happy to let others lead and she would follow. This was so not her style! But sometimes a girl just has to put her foot down and make her own way in the world. Donna was learning that she had a voice!
That evening, Donna got ready for her "interview". She had a plan that would hopefully land her a very good position with a very influential company. But it would require a set of skills that she hadn't used in a while. Still, it was like riding a horse...
Donna pulled up to the back of the office building and parked in a quiet corner. She knew which door would be open for the cleaning crew and she slipped inside going straight to the elevators. She wasn't sure which of the elevators they were using to haul the trash down for the upper floors that night, but she figured she had a good one-in-four chance.
She pushed the button for the elevator and headed up to the fifth floor. On the way up, her nerves started to waver a bit and she had to calm herself down. You have this Donna, You have this. It became her mental mantra.
When the door opened, she stepped out feeling a bit better. She walked down the hallway towards Mr. Grazio's office. Stopping at the door, she took a couple of deep breaths, then went inside.
"Hello, Mr. Grazio. I'm glad that you could meet with me."
"Cut the bullshit, Miss Hernandez, what do you want?"
"Oh, Mr. Hernandez, no need to be like that. I am here to help you," she purred, happy that he was upset. Upset in this case meant scared. And scared meant that he would be easier to manipulate!
"Just exactly how can you help me?" he asked trying to take control of the conversation.
Donna sat down at his desk and handed him a manila envelope that she had brought with her. "In here is my resume as well as the school record showing that I got straight A's in Office Skills in high school. It shows also that I type seventy words a minute–at least I did then.
"I admit it has been a little while since I did much typing, but I'm sure I can pick it back up with a little practice. I can also file, take dictation, and I know my way around different office computer applications. I can be a good secretary for you, Mr. Grazio."
"I don't see a high school diploma or even a G.E.D.–didn't you graduate high school?"
"Sadly no. Me and school never really were good friends. Besides, in my junior year, my family suffered several tragedies. My grandmother died, which put my mother into a terrible depression. Then later that year my aunt, my Mom's oldest sister, died.
"And finally just when we thought the worst was over, Dad was involved in a bad car accident, and it caused him to not be able to work. He was in a wheelchair for several months, and I dropped out of school to take care of him."
"Well, I am sorry for your losses and your troubles, Miss Hernandez, but without a diploma or even a G.E.D., I can't consider you for the job. I'm sorry, but I think you've wasted your time."
Donna got up and walked seductively to the door. She twisted the lock button on the doorknob and turned closed the window blinds as she looked back, smiling kittenishly.
As she walked slowly back to him, she continued. "Mr. Grazio... Tony, let's not be too hasty in our decision. I have other skills which are not shown on that resume... skills that don't show up on school records or diplomas either!" she cooed. "Remember that woman who you were 'interviewing' that night? Well, if you were to give me the same interview, I could show you how qualified I am!"
"What? Are you serious, Miss Hernandez?" he said, shocked at her implication.
"Oh, I never joke around when it comes to pleasing my man, baby!" she purred lustily as she walked around his desk, trailing a red-tipped finger along the edge. When she got up close to his chair, she sank down on her knees and began unbuckling his belt, her eyes locked on his and never glancing down.
She unbuckled his pants and unfastened his trousers nearly as fast as he did it and she never looked down once. Then she tugged on them to work them past his hips. Mr. Grazio lifted his ass up a bit to allow her to get his pants down and she removed his pants, boxers, and shoes all at once.
"Mmm, Mr. Grazio, I see at least part of you is 'up' for the idea of my being your fuck-and-suck-retary!"
Looking up into his face, she kept her eyes locked on his as she lowered her head into his crotch. She grasped his cock without waiting for permission and began slowly licking his shaft from base to tip, starting at the underside where most of the sensitive nerves run. With long, agonizingly slow licks, she went up his cock like a kid licking a dripping popsicle.
Tony Grazio closed his eyes and laid his head back, surrendering himself to the glorious feelings of this cleaning woman's talented tongue. She went slowly around his shaft, licking base to tip until his entire shaft had been coated in her saliva. Then she laved over the head, luxuriously teasing the pee hole with the tip of her tongue and making sure the head was thoroughly soaked.
She paused for a moment. "You like that do you?"
Tony didn't even open his eyes. "Yesss..."
Donna smiled, then she kissed the tip of his cock and without pulling off, she pushed down onto the hard shaft, parting her lips to take him into her mouth.
That did make him open his eyes, staring in wonder as the woman swallowed him deeper and deeper. She didn't pause or hesitate as she slid down in one slow, smooth, constant motion sinking further and further onto his aching shaft.
She didn't stop until the head of his cock touched the back of her throat. She had just over half of his cock in her mouth now and he was amazed at how much had disappeared so easily.
"Fuck! You suck cock like a professional!" He moaned.
"Well, let's just say yours isn't the first cock I've swallowed!" She said with a playful grin. Then she began bobbing up and down his shaft. She gripped the shaft just under her mouth, twisting her hand on the wet slick shaft as she went up and down.
This added a unique and quite delightful sensation that had Tony moaning and writhing in his chair. He put one hand on the back of her head, guiding her in the speed and rhythm he needed. She followed his directions perfectly as if they were her own idea.
After a couple of minutes, she pulled off his cock and as she watched him watching her, she undid the front of her blouse, removing it to show him her very admirable 40DDD tits.
"You like them?" she asked.
Tony could only nod, the power of speech temporarily taken from him.
She took off her lacy three-quarter cup bra. "The girls here were wondering if they might play with your cock. Would you like to see that?" Donna said in a soft and sultry whisper.
She moved forward and placed his cock between her soft pillowy mounds. She added a little spit for lubrication and began slowly tit-fucking him.
Tony had never felt anything like it and he went crazy. He pulled her shoulders closer to him so she would stay wrapped around him as she moved up and down.
Tony couldn't take it anymore. After a couple more minutes of fucking this beautiful cleaning woman's soft tits, he pulled her face up to look at him. "I have to have you Miss Hernandez... you are driving me crazy and I have to have you!"
"So does this mean I have the job? Do we have a deal here Mr. Hernandez?"
"Sweetheart, if you fuck half as good as you suck cock, we have a deal!"
"Baby, I fuck twice as good as I suck! And if I am your secretary you get all of this... mouth, tits ass, and pussy–the whole package–anytime you want it... boss!"
"It's a deal!" he reached out to pull her up, but she brushed his hands away.
"Not so fast baby, we have to work out the details first!"
"W-what details?"
"How much does the job pay?"
"It starts out at $15.00 an hour and you get yearly raises from there, as well as a Christmas bonus depending on how profitable we were that year."
"Hmm, well considering my skills, I think we can do better than that. I want to start out at $19.00 an hour. Plus the yearly raises and bonus you were talking about."
"I can't start you out that high, Miss Hernandez! There are other girls working here for five years that don't make that!"
"Yes, but can they do what I just did... and what I would do?"
"No, but still... it isn't right!"
"Neither was what I caught you doing with that other girl. By the way, how is your wife these days? Doesn't she work for the City someplace?"
"You wouldn't!"
"Mr. Grazio, my job with the cleaning company is not a very stable or permanent one. And I am at a greater risk of losing it since I am fairly new and would be one of the first ones fired if something should happen. I have to look out for my own interests because no one else will.
"Now, I am offering my services as your administrative secretary and as your office playtoy. I am very good at both and I can be discrete. But if you are not willing to work with me here, then I will have to go another, less delicate route. A route neither of us really wants to go down. I would much rather fuck you than fuck you up, know what I mean?"
"All right, all right! You can have your $19.00 an hour. Is there anything else?"
"As a matter of fact, there is. I want my desk in here with you. I was thinking we could put it right over there next to the file cabinets–that way it wouldn't be so far to walk when I have to get something for you. And trust me, Mr. Grazio, you are going to want me in here with you!"
"I can arrange that."
"Good boy! I think I am going to like working here, boss. Oh and don't worry, once you and I get better acquainted, we will become very good friends. I do want to be good friends, Tony... I hated to have to use that wife card, but a girl has to eat!"
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THE PROPOSITION My divorce was painful. My wife Sharon had finally had all she could take of my constant begging to let me have more free space to engage in my chronic desire to cross dress. Even as far back as childhood I was always interested in hair and makeup. I would cut out pictures from magazines and add them to my special secret collection. It was easy to hide it from my parents among all my books and magazines about science and art. I easily made it through technical college...
The wind blew in off the lake, clean and crisp, a gentle breeze cutting through the coming heat of the day. I had forgotten that the summer could be anything other than a wet blanket of humid air wrapped stiflingly around your head. When I left Washington, it was already hot and muggy. There should be a law against temperatures above 80 before breakfast. Landing in Toronto was like landing on a different planet, one where the temperature was not only considerably cooler but where the humidity...
6 months earlier. Dominique and Alex's paths crossed in march of 2009 at the Paramount hotel near times square, NYC. Alex was what you might call "ultra-wealthy." His first job out of Princeton was as a highly paid technology researcher at Goldman Sachs. He was a brilliant investor who became exorbitantly rich during the Internet bubble of the late 90s and then compounded his riches following the lead of his Goldman buddies betting against the financial sector during the stock market...
Unlike many women like me, i wasnt molested nor did i have any daddy issues. Quite the opposite. I grew up in a very loving home with stability. It wasnt until i discovered porn that i knew what i was and what i liked. Upon my discovery of the greatest invention kninown to man, it became very clear that i was different. I couldnt get off on a porn vid without it being a gangbang. The more guys and the more degrading, the better. Gangbangs became a new obsession of mine. I couldnt wait to get...
When Kirsten came around that night with a casserole she’d prepared for Rodney, he’d just finished showering and was lazing around in shorts and a well-worn t-shirt. No point in dressing up – Kirsten and his wife had been inseparable since they’d first met 5 years ago, and the two couples were equally laid-back and comfortable around each other. Kirsten’s husband was a bit of a geek in Rodney’s book, and he could never quite figure out how Kirsten’s huge personality didn’t completely eclipse...
The field trip to the meat packing plant was boring. Amy was growing restless. She wasn't interested in how burgers were packaged up or how they were made. She was thirsty, horny and was craving cum so badly. As her class toured through the plant she kept looking around for an easy escape. She saw an open door and the teacher was distracted so she whispered to five of the guys in her class to follow her. She had been sucking dick all morning in on the way to school at the bus stop, on the bus...
FetishI couldnt believe it was stupid enough to fall for it, because it wasnt going to be a real offer… was it?I was stood there outside the prison on a road round the corner on a cold wintery night, waiting to be let down.Was I shaking because it was cold and I was just wearing a short mini dress to show off the stockings, suspenders, and thong, with high heels and large hoop earings, with my long hair swept down and round to one side….or was it because I had a slight chance that maybe, just maybe...
Thursday 19th JulyI wake rested after an early night and text Master to say good morning. I receive an immediate reply. Master says that He missed His Cum Girl very much last night and that He is looking forward to seeing her tonight. I leave for work a very happy Cum Girl secure in the knowledge that I belong to Master.The day drags. I am eager to be home preparing the house and myself for Master’s visit, but Cum Girl has learnt to control her moods and stays focused on her work. Home, I...
Making the Deal I have been rather successful in life thus far. Shortly after graduating from high school, I had started an internet dating site as a hobby. For some reason that little hobby turned into a very lucrative business. Though I struggled to make ends meet the first year my site was in business, it took off like a rocket after that. Over the next few years, my hobby provided me with a very comfortable living. About five years ago, a major internet player made me an...
Introduction: A sizzling hot proposition from my naughty fuck buddy Nedra and I are both 55 and were fuck buddies. Or, as she refers to our relationship: non-exclusive fuck buddies. I sometimes quiz her as to why she insists on refering to our relationship as non-exclusive fuck buddies. She usually replies, in baby talk, with something like, So it would be allowed for me to have someone get those hard to reach places, silly boy. Once, however, in the throes of pillow talk, with her eyes glazed...
Higa emerged from the woods at the edge of the campsite, a freshly killed doe hanging limply across her broad shoulder. She set the carcass down beside the tanning rack, then planted her massive cudgel in the ground, leaning on it as she wiped the sweat from her brow. “That’s three today,” she announced, looking over to where Satou was preparing a stew beside the fire pit. “I swear, they’re so loud and careless when they’re horny.” “Just like you,” Satou replied. She marched over to him and...
She returned home from the party on Monday. She was very confused, so she called Kim to come over. “Are you all right?” “Yes, I am.” “He sold me to some black brothers for the next weekend. They loved to fuck me, the younger brother had a big cock, 10 inches long and 3 1/2 inches thick. He loved to fuck my pussy and ass but I could not take it to suck it. Then he called one of his slaves and brought her and fucked her. She did a deep throat on him and I loved to watch it. He made a...
Canada is a progressive and liberal country. Toronto is its largest city and an incredible place to find state-of-the-art hybrid sexual beauty. Let's talk tits, for example. Young girls with cunts get new and enhanced tits every day. Now it's wonderful to see young girls with cocks get the same high-tech sensual vision. First let me tell you that the old phrase, "the best of both worlds," is much too trite to describe the modern TS from TO. These women ARE women. That they have pretty cocks...
She MalesI quickly snapped myself out my daydream, and realized a bead of drool had rolled out the corner of my mouth, along with a drop of precum from my once more rigid dick. Why waste my time fantasizing when the real thing was within spitting distance in any direction? I'd gotten myself worked up again, and my cock throbbed angrily. There wasn't the same feverish need to rut as there had been in Beth's classroom. This time I felt a calmer, but somewhat crueler drive. I wanted to hurt someone....
--- I awoke to the playful teasing of a tongue on my balls. It traced all around the outline of my scrotum, momentarily cradling each testicle in a careful embrace. Each ball was briefly sucked into the inviting mouth, and rolled around lovingly between her tongue and soft inner cheek. I slowly pried open my eyes to see which if my girls had won the chance to wake me this morning. Propping myself up on my elbows I glanced down to see my naked body, uncovered by sheets, and a small head...
“UNH… fuck me harder!” screamed Kelly again. Her moans encouraged Phil to piston into the blonde even faster. The wet slapping from their movements echoed down the alley. Kelly felt her tits bouncing into the brick building, rubbing on her nipples and causing her moans to grow louder still. Phil felt Kelly’s moist walls milking him and let out a groan of his own. “Stick your fingers in my ass!” Kelly yelled wildly. Phil wasted no time in spitting in his hand, rubbing it on Kelly’s...
Author of Another Yard and Driven Lust presents: CUMBERLAND FALLS Chapter 1 Jesse Cumberland was a simple man. Born and raised in Kentucky, he was an outdoorsman by nature. He served in the military after graduating high school to earn a living and learned the brick layer’s trade from his tour of service. He applied that trade after his tour of duty with a construction company that built new homes. At $25.00 an hour, he could make a decent living and live a comfortable...
I couldn’t believe it. I still had trouble wrapping my head around the fact that Max, my Max (well not so much anymore), was getting married today. It may seem weird, going to your ex’s wedding but it is what it is. It’s been almost 8 years since we broke up and besides, I want to be supportive. Still, I can’t help but be anxious. I mean, I think I still look pretty great for someone on the cusp of 30. I workout to maintain my figure and my C breasts are still just as perky. Which allows me to...
CheatingI didn't feel like going upstairs to wash, so I grabbed a few 'wet & wipe' tissues from a tub we kept in the kitchen, and gave my now limp cock a good clean and wipe over, especially around the tip as I pulled back the foreskin a little. It felt exciting to be naked like this in our kitchen, mom having just wanked me off in here. Then, still in the nude, I walked out of the kitchen, along the hallway, and into our downstairs cloakroom, and flushed the wet tissues I had used to clean...
"That's good," she said, and closed the door behind her and locked it. I backed my chair up a little bit, and she put a leg over me and sat down, grinding me. She had a great face and a decent body. I just can't refuse a free fuck, and I hadn't shot my load for a number of days, so I was about due. It was midterms, so usually I took that as a good time to study and not party, but this girl definitely seemed like some stress relief to me. I put my arms around the small of her back,...
Author’s note: This story is based on the song ‘Tecumseh Valley’ written by the late Townes Van Zandt. As far as I can tell, the song itself is fiction, this story certainly is. No characters in the story are based on any living or deceased person. It is set during a major recession in the US in 1880. Conditions portrayed in the story are as I imagine them to have been at that time and once again are fictional, as are the locations mentioned in the story, and probably in the song. Enjoy. *...
The morning after…. (continuation to ‘Starting our cumeekend) I come into our room and I see you there standing, waiting for me. You are wearing nothing but your pajamas pants. The morning sun washing over you and giving you a warm embrace. You look at me intently, reaching out with your hand beckoning me. I walk up to you, our eyes never breaking contact and you take my hand in yours. With your other hand you caress my cheek, my hair, my lips, then you move your hand lower and running...
There is something about that striped blouse and dark skirt together that makes me want to do things to you. Bad things. Real bad things. You come home from work in that combo and I can’t believe how fast I’ve gotten hard. Now it’s your turn to submit. No mercy! You walk toward me with a slightly tired looking smile of greeting and I say ‘Stop. Get down on all fours. NOW!’ You look a little taken aback but you obey immediately. A deal is a deal and you always keep your word. ‘Crawl to me –...
Ashley unlocked the door to her apartment, and reached for the light switch as she stepped through. Before her hand made contact with the switch, her arm was grabbed and she was roughly pulled inside and she felt her other arm being wrapped behind her. Before she could scream out an alarm, her mouth was taped, her eyes blindfolded and she was half dragged, half walked forward…but by who…and why…what did they want? She felt herself struggle, but realized it was useless. With trepidation Ashley...
For some time now, I suspected my girlfriend, Julie, was having sex with someone else, but there were small but tell-tale signs. Whilst I was asl**p the other night, I was woke from a deep sl**p with delightful sucking sensation on my cock, my girlfriend was busy giving my some exceptional ‘head’, licking, kissing and even the odd nibble at my scrotum, it felt great! She began to frantically masturbate my hard cock with her hands and within a couple of minutes I cried out ‘I’m cumming,...
Image Source In an ancient, mythical China, where gods and demons both bless and torment the mortal realm, a single, humble individual was charged by the Great Buddha himself to save the world... to travel west and seek the Xutras and bring them back to the East, so that all may learn of its teachings and spread peace upon the land. It was not a journey without hardship and peril however... the sometimes petty and jealous gods and lesser deities not always in their best minds when dealing with...
FantasyLuke walked out of the university gym with his roommate Simon. "That was probably the hardest exam I have ever had to write in my life. It's good it's only worth 40% of my grade..." said Luke "Yeah, I think that everyone struggled with it though; they can't fail us all, right?" Said Simon Luke's silence dismayed Simon. "Well it's all over now, at least we don't have to worry about school for the next three months." "Yeah I suppose there is a silver lining" "Do you want to go to the party at the...
FantasyIt was a fantastic day on Cherry Hill. School had just ended and the Morgan kids had just graduated high school. They were a family that had been together for almost three years now, whether the kids wanted to be or not. The moms of Jack and Lexi had gotten married after they left their husbands for each other. Jack's mom, Nikki, worked in banking and always appeared very straight-laced and proper, while Lexi's mom, Jess, was more of a wild child, sporting tattoos and a different hair color...
They say there is a very fine line between stupidity and bravery. As I sit here staring at all the explosions in the distance, in the middle of a forest, I realise I may have already crossed the point of no return. My name is Barry Barnes. I am 28yrs old and I can easily be described as your everyday person. I have no particular skills and no academic knowledge. The one thing that defines me is my bigger than average dick and complete obessesion in women and mages (sometimes both). Since I was...
FantasyJohn wasn't entirely sure about this trip. About a week ago John was called at work by the radio station 96.9 The Cleft. The two rowdy hosts, Jill and Jack, congratulated John on winning a trip, but they were so drunk all John heard was "Porlnd ta see da Tail Blzsz..." While John wasn't really interested in the sports, but a free vacation was a free vacation! Of course seeing the tickets now John had some doubts. The letter had been fairly mauled by the postman, but John is still pretty sure...
As you come into our house, you enter by the entrance way that is about three yards long. Looking to the right is a hallway with a bedroom on each side and a 3/4 bath at the end. As you walk into the living room, you look across the room and there is a futon with two large, curtained windows behind it, on the left, there is a short couch facing the futon with a coffee table between them.We placed the small couch there to give separation between the living room and the kitchen-dining room to the...
ExhibitionismI walk in and place my hands on Britney's soft breasts as she pleasures herself with my vibrator. I have been admiring her since she walked in on me masturbating. Her nipples are getting more erect, asking to be sucked. I take my tongue and lick around her nipple, teasing it. Britney lets out a moan. I start to suckle on it and then give the same attention to the other breast. As my mouth devours her nipples, my hand moves down to her clit. Rubbing it in a slow circular manner. I'm driving her...