My Brother s Porn Addiction 5 Part 2 Daring Siblings
- 4 years ago
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Tricia pulled me to her and kissed me. "I guess we're extra special fucking friends now."
"I guess, but please don't tell our dad, okay? They might even divorce over this."
"Come on, Bionca, I'm a bitch, but a mean bitch. I'm glad his cock had been inside two family members," she stated, grabbing it. "How you ever shared him is beyond me, but..." she said, before a gap. "Did you guys fuck on your birthday?"
She saw both bite down on our bottom lips and laughed. "Oh, shit, you did it; no wonder you were so understanding. You were too busy fucking your mom and sister, so how can I be upset? I haven't seen your mom naked, but if she's even half as beautiful as your sister, then she's gotta be a goddess."
"She is, but please don't tell our dad, Tricia, it'll cause so much damage," he implored her, taking her hands is his.
"Don't worry, we're even anyway, we didn't have a problem with your cake... no, I'm not gonna make that joke, I can see you're upset. Let's go our bedroom now and have some family time now," she recommended, taking one of my hands too and escorting us to the bedroom.
We didn't tell her that we were having sex behind her back, but a half confession was better than none at all. We kept that part to ourselves and just let it be like that. Anyway, when we got in there, she had us both sit down on the bed. We made minimal eye contact, but didn't speak.
Then she sat in the middle of us. "Don't worry, I'm not mad; if anything, I'm jealous because you got to have his cock in your mouth and pussy. You skank, I had no idea, so I guess I didn't know everything," she added, feeling his pecker and my twat. "I'm even more understanding now that you two need to have sex more in the future. Do you both want to keep seeing each other?"
"Yes," we both answered.
"I don't want you to be upset though, Tricia; you're still a wonderful woman."
"I know, but I'm not, I promise, I'll be right back," she said, before exiting the bedroom.
I immediately leaned to him. "We can't tell her you've been cheating."
"Duh, sis, so let's not. Maybe we don't have to see each other behind her back. Mom and her are cool with it, so why not?"
"Okay," I said, before kissing him. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Oh, that's sweet brother/sister love," she said, tossing me something.
"You want me to fuck you now, Tricia?"
"In a minute," she replied, coming to him and keeping her other hand hidden.
We both saw that, but after a minute, she revealed what she was hiding. "Ask me to marry you, Joe," she told him, showing him a ring. "If you want to have sex with your mom and sister, fine, you may, but I'd like to know that you want to be with me too. If you want to be with your sister full-time, then you have my blessing; I won't tell a soul. If you saw each other before and fucked for the first time again today, then you definitely have some real love for her. Although, I'm not gonna play complete second chair to your sister. Maybe this is shitty putting out there, but I saw what I saw; you two are crazy about each other. I'm crazy about you and just become the same about her, but still, I'd like to know for sure we have a future. I love you both, but I can definitely see I'm the third wheel here. So, what do you think, Joe? Do you love me to commit to me, or am I going to fighting a fight I'm never gonna win?"
After her mouthful, he was definitely speechless, as was I. All of a sudden, I was at a loss for words on what he might be thinking. I just knew we sold ourselves too much and made her see the picture in front of her.
"Do I have to decide now?"
"Well, I guess, yes, Joe, I mean," she cried. "I don't want to lose you, but I know I'm just gonna be hurt more in the future if you break up with me for her. So, I need an answer now, I'm sorry, but you have chemistry coming out the wazoo. Maybe you two should be together. I'll be happy for you; I swear if you just want to be with her. You can tell me, right here, right now. I, I, just want you to be happy, but if I can't give that to you as well as her, then tell me. I'm not gonna forbid you to see her; she's your twin sister. If you want to be with her, then be with her. I think I just deserve to know if we continue now, I'll be your number one."
He looked at me. "What do you think, sis?"
I swallowed. "Propose to Trica if she means that much to you; she poured her heart out for you. I want you to get into my panties several times in the future, but if that sacrifices your relationship with her, then maybe we should stop. We couldn't come out to our dad, so I passed you off to her."
"Wait a minute, that's why you did that? You were just trying to get over him?"
"I guess, yes, Tricia. I started having sex with him to get him off his porn, but it didn't work. Once he made that clear, we broke up mutually, and then I gave him your number."
"What do you think, sis?" he asked, coming to me. "Do you think I'll be alright just marrying her, or will we just not be able to make it work?"
I just shed tears like my tears ducts were flooded. I didn't know what to say, but the tears said everything for me.
"Yeah, that's kind of what I thought; you're head over heels in love with each other, aren't you? I mean, I'd be crazy to think this would work, so you want to be with her, Joe?"
"I guess I'm sorry, Tricia."
"Don't be," she said, coming to him and kissing him.
Then she came to me as well. "I mean it, I love you, Bionca, and nothing is gonna change that," she made clear, taking my hands in hers. "Do you hate me, though?"
"No, of course not."
"Would you marry him if you could?"
"Yes, in a heartbeat."
"Why don't you just tell your dad?"
"I don't think he'll accept us, clearly, our mom is much different from him. Anyway, I love you too, and I'll stop seeing him. I definitely want you two to work, considering you two already moved in together."
"No," she objected, before kissing me. "If you want to be with Joe, then be with him. I won't stop you; hell, I'd encourage it. I just want you both to be happy, and I believe that you two would be happier together than him with me. He loves you so damn much, I'm sure you know, but I saw it as clear as day. Whatever happens with you two, I just want you two to work because you two seem to have a much bigger working chance than us. I can't see eventually tying him down with you not resenting me at least a little bit. That's the last thing I want, especially considering we're best friends now. I think, if anything, you two should move in together. Then you two can be together, so maybe I should move out."
"No, you shouldn't move out because of us, Tricia," he told her, coming to her.
"No, I don't mind, Joe. Maybe you don't even see it, but you love your sister. She is a wonderful woman, so how could you not? I'm not saying I'll be out today or even in a month, but I should give your space, but I wouldn't mind if you invited me over to have some fun."
"We will, but you're right again," he added, taking her hands in his. "I do love my sister," he said, before kissing her. "Can we at least have break-up sex?"
"Yes, if your sister can join us."
He pulled me to them, and we began kissing. For the first few minutes there, we took turns kissing, which also included Tricia and I kissing one another as well. Needless to say, we all shed tears, but we all knew it was for the best.
There were many emotions in there, but we seemed to fight it as well as we could. After a couple of minutes, I felt her hand and brought it to his cock. So, we both grabbed it and stroked it a tad for a minute as there were always two pairs of lips busy.
We did that for ten minutes or so, but then she peeked at me again. "Care to share a hard cock?"
"Sure, Tricia, you're a fantastic woman too," I praised her, getting down on our knees with her. "I'll let you go first."
She leaned to me again and kissed me, before taking his wood into her mouth.
"Oh, having two women down there again, what could be better?" he moaned, setting hands on both of our heads.
I hadn't gotten to take his schlong into my mouth yet, but enjoyed the eye candy of seeing her blow him again. I wasn't what to make of her odd withdraw, so to speak, but it seemed like Joe and needed to do something for her.
After a moment, she gave me a crack at his wood. I saw her watching me, and she immediately began playing with her pussy. We could both tell that seeing us was important to her, so we had something to repay her.
"Oh, yes, suck your twin brother's cock again; he loves you, so he'll appreciate it. Suck it with me, and we'll get so much cum from him, he'll be drained by the time we're done."
Neither of us uttered a word to that, but we took turns and made him shake nonstop. He had two stunning ladies giving him head and working him for a big load, just as she said. His hands remained on her heads and caressed them.
Both of us also had a hand on one side of his dick to hold it tight, and judging from his twitches, that was good. Regardless of which one had his schlong in their mouth, we watched the other and masturbated too.
I got my twat on fire and gave the carpet my juice as well. Once again, they didn't boo me and let it happen. Neither of us tried to deep throat Joe, but considering how big his wood was by then, it was good.
Nevertheless, we also had him somewhat satisfied as well. We both pushed our lips a little past the halfway point, but that was it for then. We both felt his dick vibrating, and soon enough, we'd have him cumming, but in the meantime, Tricia and I did build something grand together.
Roughly four minutes into his two mouth blow job, she brought her hand down and took mine in hers. So, we held hands as we both blew him ever so slowly. Neither of us sped up our mouths and kept it rather hot for him.
For the time being, we both blew him as slowly as possible and didn't look at him. Regardless of what it meant exactly, Tricia only kept our eyes on each other when we had them open. We let our friendship grow, and that was that.
All the while, we held hands and let the love grown like a flower. Despite what had just happened, it bloomed and put out one lovely image. We worked together rather perfectly and made it work like flipping a switch.
With us holding hands, it just worked even better. We switched every forty seconds or so and didn't make either wait very long to give some pleasure. We both knew that giving it was maybe better than receiving.
He loved getting his dick sucked because both logged in a lot of hours with his cock in our mouths. With him also scrubbing our heads so much, we knew we were pushing down his dominoes perfectly, so we kept doing that and saw the results.
We went back and forth for over ten minutes, and we couldn't get him to shoot just yet. We had him well trained, and we had also been milked a bit already, so he would make us work for it. We were fine with that, so we kept going for the time being.
Although, then I stood up with him. "You have no idea how much I love you, Joe. You're my king, and obviously, she saw that."
"I feel the same way about you, Bionca. You're an extraordinary woman, just like Tricia down there."
"Do you hate me?"
"No, of course not."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," he made clear, encasing his arms around me. "I love you more than life itself."
I hugged him back, and we stayed silent for a moment. Tricia backed away when I hugged him back, which was sweet of her.
After a moment, he let go of me. "If I could, I'd marry you, sis. Shit happens, and incest probably wasn't the answer, but it's too late, and we love each other as siblings shouldn't. We do now, and all we can do is deal with it."
"He's right, Bionca."
I kissed him again and went back with her. "I know even good things hurt, that's all. I never meant for you to get hurt; I didn't want you to get involved just for this to happen."
"Don't worry, we're BFFs now; I'll survive. Now your suck your brother's dick."
I kissed her again and calmly took wood in my mouth. That time, she put a hand on my head and pressured it a tad. So, I had to take a little more of his schlong into my mouth, and it went down my throat just a bit too.
I didn't let that get me down, and I kept going. I saw Trica eyeballing me again, but with a few tears in her eyes. She certainly felt the toll as well because she knew I felt bad. I didn't know what else to say, but she was an angel of a woman.
She pressed herself on my back. "Don't worry, believe it or not, I was always more worried about pissing you off than him. So, I'm glad this can end peacefully, but don't fret; just give your brother oral pleasure like nothing else matters. He loves you; I can not stress that enough. I can't make you come out to your dad, but I think you should, because you two rock as a couple."
I nodded and hogged his wood for the time being. I saw her cheering at me like she had cancer cured, so I knew she was okay in the end, knowing our incest relationship could go on, but of course, it was still weird.
"Okay, don't hog it too much."
I released it, and she began sucking it over my shoulder.
"Yes, she's a great woman, sis, both mentally and physically," he moaned, feeling her head.
"Yes," she added with a full mouth, feeling my pussy with one hand and a tit with the other.
So, she pulled double duty, making both of us feel good, and she nailed us. I got an extra close look at her giving Joe one sloppy blow job and him trying to stay on his feet. Needless to say, it was quite the sight to see, and I was cumming every second.
I felt her jugs pushing on my back, too, so she was more than supportive. I felt her attack me with her breath over and over again, but that was fine. With her fingering me and feeling me up, too, she was good.
The more she pleased me, the more I wanted to make him feel good. I held the base of his wood as tightly as I could after a few minutes, and she didn't say a word; she only wanted to see the incest in front of her for the time being.
She also delivered a string of kisses to my neck and shoulder, so she had me well satisfied. Nevertheless, as my brother was being stubborn again, I let her suck on it again. She giggled a tad and did just that.
Joe and I looked at each other and blew each other kisses again. Not a word dropped for over five minutes as he seemed to lock up his load. He was mean, but we were gonna get it. I saw her bring out the big guns, and she paced herself.
"Oh, yes, the only thing better than feel your lips down there is feeling them harder down there. Yes, Tricia, you're a fucking sexual ninja."
She released it, and I took it back into my mouth.
"I know, so you better be good to your twin-sister because I can tell she's better than me. So, you need to keep those lips puckered and keep them on your sister, wherever she wants."
"Fair enough," he moaned, angling his head back.
We both knew what that meant, so I released it began stroking it in front of our faces. That was the first time we shared his seed, so it was special. After a few seconds, we got that cum we worked for indeed, and we both got it.
We both got our seed, and we each got two shots from him and loved every second of it too. After he couldn't let another dropout, Tricia and I turned to each other checked out the handiwork he just gave us.
We couldn't resist, but to kiss each other with his seed on our faces and tits. So, they mixed for a moment. All the while, we heard him moaning and lower himself to his knees too. He didn't say a word, but we both saw him stroking his wood again.
After a couple of minutes, we parted our lips and smiled at each other. We didn't say anything, but cheesed like mad, and we both helped ourselves to feel his cock. We shared it again, but even that was short-handed too.
"Feel free to come over whenever the hell you want, and I think our mom is gonna like you a lot more, Trica," I invited her, taking her hand and his.
I brought them both back on the bed and grabbed the strap on.
I put it on myself. "Did you ever try anal with Tricia, dude?"
"Well, I think you should, considering I never let your cock in my asshole either," I suggested, tightening the strap on, before I came to Tricia. "Maybe he should've gotten you pregnant, that might've solved the problem, and your jugs would've engorged too," I mentioned, feeling them.
"Well, you would've been a great aunt," she complimented me, lying down on top of Joe with her back to his stomach.
I saw him align his rod with her asshole, and he slowly let it in there. I saw her twitched and break eye contact, but she was still smiling. I gave her a minute to get used to it, as he didn't move his dick too much and let her have a moment.
After that, I nonchalantly climbed up on top of her, grabbed on the dildo, and aligned it with her pussy. I saw her biting down on her bottom lip. Nevertheless, before I pushed it in her other hole, I leaned down and kissed her.
"Oh, yes, I have siblings fucking me now," she moaned, shivering a bit and putting her hands on my back. "What could be better?"
"I don't know, but let us know if you can't take it."
"Bionca shut it and thrust your rubber dick."
I giggled and did just that, as Joe let his member go in and out of her asshole the best he could. I stayed close for the time being and let our boobs stay together. Doing that certainly made it sexier, so despite having a dick in her asshole, she had to lock eyes with me.
Neither of us said a word, but we definitely spoke to each other's souls, so to speak. We nearly thought we were looking at sexual ghosts because that was a way to explain how the intimacy was so real and loving.
Needless to say, I leaned back to her several times and kissed her. We still didn't say a word and let our actions and the situation itself say everything. It was surely a different experience using a strap-on, so I knew why she loved using it on me.
Yet, I still realized that just using our pussies in all of their uses was still just as good. So, we came to terms that we could just be together as well without Joe, but of course, he still meant the world to us.
I couldn't thank her enough for just giving back what I gave to her, but I rested assured, regardless of what happened with Joe and me, she'd be very involved indeed. There was no denying that, and as I saw her face as we both fucked her ever so slowly, she was set.
"I hope you don't go looking for someone else so soon because I knew that my horny brother and I are gonna want to see you from to time again. Aren't we, Joe?"
"Yes, a smooth-talking and feeling woman like you doesn't come along all the time. I mean, damn, you're still pretty and a great fuck too," he moaned, feeling the sides of her tits. "Don't you think, sis?"
"Yes, horndog," I answered, arching my back. "Now thrust that rod even more, and make her asshole feel bad. She needs to be punished."
"Fuck you, Bionca."
"Fuck you too, sexy lady," I let out, moving the dildo a bit faster too. "Let's see those mountains on your chest shake."
"Do I sense some jealousy, Bionca?"
"You might, but if I ever get pregnant with someone else's cum, I'll let you feel them. I'm sure they'll get bigger, and then we'll see how our jugs stack up together."
"Deal, woman, but I still like seeing yours jiggle around too. Don't sell yourself short; you're still a stunning woman, Bionca," she praised me, bringing herself up with me.
I held her up with me, and she kissed me. We kept both dicks inside her, but couldn't thrust too well like that. She just seemed to want pressure boobs again to compare them once again, but then she pushed herself back down with him.
Then he got back to fucking her again, but she proved to be one wild card. All three of us were covered in sweat, but still, there wasn't anything stopping us from getting her good. We did just that indeed and had both sets of boobs shaking.
Her mouth stayed wide open as she seemed to be in shock. Joe and I worked perfectly as a team to make her wonderful, even if that included some pain from her asshole. Nevertheless, she threw the ball, and Joe and I hit it out of the park.
Even though he couldn't see her face that well, he could still tell that she was already losing it. He made sure not to push her too much because anal was still uncharted territory for him. I just came up with the idea when I saw the strap on, and the rest is history.
I held his thighs somewhat hard, but again, didn't hurt her. I just did to get the sexy point across and have her craving more. I surely knew in the end, all the sexiness would end somewhere, and I wanted to make sure she knew my feelings.
Even with both sets of melons shaking around, we locked eye contact, so we even proved to each other how important we were to each other. My back was hurting a tad as I wasn't used to fucking like that, but of course, I wasn't about to stop.
I kept the dildo moving and even went a tad faster to push her. She had a good ten minutes by then of double penetration, so I got her a bit better. Once again, she was a sweet woman, so there was probably nothing and no one that could make it up to her, but we could still try.
Seeing one hot and lustful look all over her face meant that we were making her feel good. Nevertheless, we still weren't just going for good, but amazing. There might have been an invisible line to get over then, but we wanted to make we got over it.
"Oh, fuck yes, you know what you're doing, Bionca. I could tell earlier, but shit, you're dynamite of a woman. I say again, if this guy doesn't worship the ground you walk on, I might beat the shit out of him. So, you better use your cock to fight me off, Joe do you got that?"
"Yes, Tricia, I understand perfectly. I'll make sure she's satisfied, and in the end, I'll make sure there's not a single day that she regrets trying to get me off porn. She's great, and I can't thank our mom enough for having twins. I got the best sister imaginable out of the deal."
She moved to the side a bit so I could lean to him and kiss him.
I moved her back. "You scored more points for that," I told her, before kissing her. "I know if I were dating you, I'd never leave you alone; I wouldn't be going to anyone else ever."
"Shut up, sis."
"Be nice to your sister."
"Yes, what she said, dude," I moaned, before yanking out the dildo and crawling between them on my knees. "Clean your dildo off; you got juice all over it."
She took it into her mouth and sucked off every single drop she could get.
"You're a good girl too," I moaned, fondling her head for a moment, before yanking the dildo back out again.
I got onto my knees that time and lowered myself just right to let the dildo into her snatch again. That time, I grabbed her boobs and held them for leverage. I made sure I didn't get them too hard, but still fucked her good.
"Do you like that, Tricia, do you?"
"Yes, Bionca, I like it a lot. Both of my holes are hurting, but keep going, you sly chick. I don't care if I start crying; keep going and make both of my holes sore."
"Done," Joe added, pushing us both up.
"Whoa, dude," I whined, getting on my knees.
"You did it, sis," he laughed, thrusting his wood again.
"Give me another kiss,"
She moved and let that happen again. We both made sure to keep the dicks going in and out slowly, but still in that position; it was difficult. We still made it happen, and the next thing we know, we had the bed shaking yet again.
Once again, I had to worry if someone would bitch, but of course, I was still having quite the time with my brother and his ex-girlfriend by then. Needless to say, she was having trouble keeping it together, but yet, she told us not to stop.
"Give me a kiss, Bionca."
I did that for her and made it last for about twenty seconds. "Do you think you might like girls now?"
"I might."
"You and my mom are the only ladies I've been with, and I don't think there's another woman I will fuck, unless Joe really has his heart set on one."
"Okay, woman."
"Damn, your asshole is to die for too, Tricia," he moaned, escaping out from underneath both of us.
He got on his knees and began stroking his cock. Then we had his seed bursting out yet again and twitched while giving us a couple more pop shots apiece. He got our boobs with both shots we each got.
"Damn, you two are something else."
"We know," we both answered.
"Let me try your pussy again, Bionca; I want to make you feel good now."
I lied on my back and let her dive in there.
"Oh, yes, you're on your way, Tricia, I assure you," I moaned, letting several strands of her hair go through my fingers. "You are, I know it. You're a natural, just like Joe."
Needless to say, Joe needed to get a good look at that too. "Wow, this is hotter than the sun, sis. I've seen mom do it to you, but with Tricia too? I think I might in love with you now."
"Yes, admit it, your pretty ex, and I can keep a secret, right, Tricia?"
She nodded, but didn't stop licking my twat. She kept her lips on my lips then and certainly tickled me. Considering it was Joe's first time seeing her do that for me, it just became even more dazzling sex with his eyes lightening up like fireworks.
He stayed roughly a foot away and kept his hand busy too. I would've thought he'd help himself to screw her from behind, but he was mesmerized by the sight in front of him. I couldn't put myself in his head, but I could tell he was in heaven again.
I couldn't even look at her because it was all too much for me. I couldn't take the pleasure both physically and emotionally, but I did try for a few minutes. Nevertheless, they got the better of me.
"Do you like watching me, Joe?"
"Yes, Tricia. Again, you're to die for indeed. I mean, I'm at a loss for words. You're just one beyond dashing young woman that any man or woman should be happy with forever. I want to do it with you some more, don't get me wrong, but anything I could do with you just pales in comparison to this elegant action. You should know that I love chick on chick porn. I love it like she loves banana cream pie, and you love Keanu Reeves. You both know what you love and what I love too. This is priceless in every sense of the word, and I could watch every day until the day I died, and I bullshit you not, I wouldn't get tired of it ever."
"Okay, just make sure if you pop again, drench your sister's twat, but don't let it get inside it, got it?"
"Yes, Tricia," he giggled, before kissing her. "I love you."
"I love you too," she replied, before going down on me again.
He stared at her as if he'd die if he didn't. I was next to positive that a winning lottery ticket could fly next to him, but he wouldn't take his eyes off her. She is also taking my slit like it was her life mission too.
"Well, I'm glad to see you are having so much fun now, Tricia, considering how reluctant you were before," I moaned, caressing her head.
"I can be persuaded."
"Good to know."
She let her tongue in past my lips and let her tongue fling off my pussy walls frequently while licking them as well. So, she certainly learned fast, and it paid off almost as if I got that winning lottery ticket.
Instead of money, we were rich in love and lust. At that moment, I wasn't sure what wall we'd buy with it, but something big, so to speak. We had access to a stunning young woman that was my age, and of course, we could give Joe the best gift we could give him.
I managed to lean up and get a closer look after a few minutes. Needless to say, I wasn't watching her, but him take in the thrills before him. His lights were on full blast, and the only reason he hadn't reshot yet was that he let out so much already.
I knew his schlong had to be hurting, but sure enough, that wasn't stopping him from jacking off. We presented him so great in his eyes that he could not look away. Tricia wasn't about to stop either; she wanted my twat as if it was an all-you-can-eat dessert buffet.
She loved her sweets, and I seemed to be the sweetest of them all. I surely couldn't put myself in her head either, but she certainly pulled a 180 in that department. She wanted my twat, and once she had it, she wasn't letting go.
She put each hand on each side of my pussy and feasted for over twenty minutes. Even though we did, in fact, love it like nobody's business, he did help himself to my boobs after ten minutes.
He undoubtedly still watched her, and I didn't need to see her because I felt her. He also gave me some intense licks on my nipples and set a hand on her head. So, we both had some fun with her indeed, but he kissed me again after a couple more minutes.
Then she took one nipple into his mouth, but kept his head to the side so I could see her keep going. Tricia and I exchanged eye contact again and smiled at each other the best we could, but nothing was gonna get her to stop.
Trica even kissed my cherry several times, so once again, whatever hurdles she set for herself or me, she jumped over them like she was a professional runner. I couldn't believe it, but it was happening. Joe licked my nipples for another moment, but then leaned up again.
He got behind me and slithered his way under me, and had me lean on me as he laid against the wall. Tricia didn't stop for a second, and Joe and I watched her together. He also helped himself to feel my jugs again too.
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"Hey, Bonica," she said, walking by with him."Hey, Trica, hey, Joe," I added, peeking at them as they stopped. "So, I've noticed you two have been together a lot lately.""Yes, good call on giving me her number, thank you, sis," he added, coming to me and hugging me.I hugged him back as she kept her eyes on us. Luckily, she couldn't see my crotch or his for that matter. We both shook a bit, but it seemed she didn't pick up on anything weird.After that minute, he peeked back at her without...
IncestAwakening The Sacred Gate June 2003Awakening The Sacred Gate to Supreme Bliss:Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculationby Somraj Pokras and Jeffre TallTrees, Ph.D.Published by TantraAtTahoe.comCopyright © 2003 by Tantra At TahoeALL RIGHTS RESERVEDNo part of this publication may be stored, reproduced, forwarded via email, or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording,or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system,...
The Sacred Estate was located on The Sacred Isle, formerly known as Pentash. It was an island renowned for its physical beauty and pleasant, temperate climate, across a small sea from the heartland of the Trasian Empire, towards the southern edge of the same continent that contained Nordland. The Estate itself was massive, practically the size of a small Nordish province. Surrounding a long, narrow, lake, about two miles wide at its widest point in the middle and about ten miles long, it...
"Maybe I can borrow Joe's car," I muttered, heading towards our room.I just opened the door and immediately covered my face. "Damn it, Joe, again? This is our room, you know?" I whined."Well, the door was shut, Bionca; can't I have some private time?"I groaned and lowered my hands. "Joe, what the hell?" I griped, coming to his laptop. "More lesbian porn? We're both nineteen now; can't you go out and look for another woman to have sex with instead of just masturbating to chick-on-chick porn in...
Incest"Okay, once is a fluke; twice might be an issue, but four times in ten days now? I don't get it, Mom. I thought I was enough for him, I mean, every time we have sex... I'm sorry, you don't want to hear that.""No, it's okay, babe, I don't mind," she told me, cooking dinner. "Just be too loud, okay?""Okay, every time we have, he enjoys himself. Whether I just give him head, or he fingers me, or he screws me from behind. He loves it, but yet, he still goes back to his porn. Why? I just don't get...
IncestScarsdale, New York: Sunday 31st March 2019Hi, this is Sue.Pete and I have argued long and hard over whether or not we should share the fuller story that he shared in abbreviated form in Chapter 10. I love Pete and understand why he only wanted to share an abbreviated version of my final night with Francis. After all the things that happened that night, Pete just wanted to draw a veil over everything and move on as fast and as painlessly as possible. That’s why Pete’s description of collecting...
Wife Lovers“Women spin your circle right, weave the web of dark and light…” The chant of the women rose higher and higher as they were dancing around a roaring fire deep inside a dark forest. They had gathered in their sacred clearing at midnight, celebrating one of the most magical nights of the year, Litha, or Midsummer as it is more commonly known. They had feasted on the offerings of the earth, drank mead and been merry, but now the most important part of their celebrations had started, The sacred...
“Women spin your circle right, weave the web of dark and light…” The chant of the women rose higher and higher as they were dancing around a roaring fire deep inside a dark forest. They had gathered in their sacred clearing at midnight, celebrating one of the most magical nights of the year, Litha, or Midsummer as it is more commonly known. They had feasted on the offerings of the earth, drank mead and been merry, but now the most important part of their celebrations had started, The sacred...
Fantasy & Sci-FiPicture this. You’re just laying down and heading to bed when you wake up in the middle of the forest with a half-dressed, strange fairy girl forcing you to grab her tits and telling you something about a sacred sword. You discover that your sacred sword is actually your dick and that you have to stick it into as many female warriors’ pussies across the land in order to awaken their true power so that they can defeat the evil Mistress of Night who is wreaking havoc across the land. Oh, and the...
Best Porn Gamesby Cindi Barton with Holly Rennick GHOSTWRITER’S NOTES My friend Cindy Barton, supporting character in my fledgling “Writer’s Notebook” may have usurped my role as leading lady. Her science-teacher flippant friendliness was, I’ll admit, sometimes a challenge to transcribe. But readers seem to appreciate frank advice. At the request of the critics (plural being a possible inflation), I’ve collected her “Notebook” insights on brotherly love and added what didn’t make...
Part 2 Dublin: present day At dinner, Ida told Craig some about the meeting with Professor Sherridan, although not the discussion of her other idea. Throughout dinner and the evening, her mind kept returning to the sexuality of a Woman centered culture. She imagined that somehow the men would learn to be better lovers, but how? A class? Lessons. She giggled at that thought, imagining a hut full of young men being shown a crude drawing of a woman’s vagina and a woman intoning, ‘You must put...
Kadal upended Caden’s waterskin into the ferns as he watched from his seat beneath one of the palm trees, a skeptical expression etched onto his face. “Is that really necessary?” he asked, crossing his arms. “Trust me,” Kadal replied, wading into the shallow water. She filled the vessel from the oasis, bubbles rising to the surface, then lifted it to her lips. She took a long draw, Caden watching each gulp slide down her long neck, taking a deep breath when her thirst was sated. He extended...
I looked at his car. "So, he must be here, but I don't see Trica's car, so it's a good time for some quality brother/sister time, Joe," I stated, walking into their building.I went to their apartment and knocked on the door. I went more than jittery because I knew I was about to do it with Joe again.Although, then I saw the door open. "Trica?""Yes, Bionca?" she giggled."What are you doing here?""This just in: I live here.""Oh, I'm sorry, smart-ass, I didn't see your car down there, so I'm just...
IncestI worked for a sexual addiction clinic. The clinic was a spinoff of the Harding Santorum in Worthington, Ohio,Former President Harding’s brother George T. Harding II founded the Harding Santorum in 1916 to provide treatment for people with physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs and operated it on a forty-five-acre campus until 1999, when it became part of Ohio State Wexner Medical Center.Doctor George T. Harding VI Spun off the sex clinic and created the Harding Sexual Addiction...
Group SexWhat’s up, you fucking perv!? Haven’t you got tired of jacking off to those Japanese cartoons all day? (That’s right! I still refuse to call it “anime”! Go outside, haha!) Isn’t it about time you get off to something a little more interesting? There’s a bunch of 3D girls out there waiting for your cum tributes! And no, I’m not talking about the 3D girls you’ll find when you finally leave your cum cave! I mean actual 3D animations!That’s right, my horny little friend! We’re gonna be talking...
3D Porn Sites"So, what surprise did you have in mind, Tricia?" I asked as we sat down."First, I'm gonna move out in a few weeks, Bionca.""Tricia, there's no need to be in a rush. We've had like five threesomes since you said you'd move.""I know, but I still owe you two to move out. Then you can be yourselves as a couple. I would ask your parents to move into your place, but your dad would see that as weird because that's your childhood house. Anyway, I have an idea for Joe to get one hot video to...
IncestDisclaimer: There is a lot of sex, but nothing to extreme or to long... So be prepared for it. Aside from that this is my intellectual property that has been submitted to "Fictionmania" and "Crystal's Story Site". I probably won't have a problem if anyone wants to post this elsewhere or continue the story, but ask first. And don't post on pay websites. Synopsis: Amy was transformed into a woman over a year ago, and then let out into the world. Tonight one of the people that were...
My third fur story posted here. If fur disgusts you read no further. This is not the same as the other ‘fetishes’ in so many ways. Indeed fetish or addiction? That is the question. A Psychiatrist’s fur seduction and Addiction. Melinda is fed up with George and his damned infidelity. She has done all she can but he is continuing his affair with his want-a-be-a-blond secretary only a few years younger than her young 26 years. Nothing she has done warrants this. She has been loving, faithful,...
Lose Your Addiction in Six Days Saturday She was his neighbor, but Jim could never think of her that way. From the time Kate moved in next door she was a goal for him. He obsessed over her sexy legs and butt, and those tits that jiggled just the way he liked them to. To him, she was sexy as fuck, and he knew he had to get into her pants one way or another. And now he was about to. It wasn't like Jim was sex-starved. He was well above average in frequency of conquests. But he...
Scarsdale, New York: March to August 2018Hi, this is Sue. Pete’s muse in the story he’s been recounting. I’ve been sitting here watching Pete writing about us for the last four months. And I feel it’s about time I put pen to paper to tell my side of the story, especially as sometimes I’m getting a bit of a bad press.I think the first thing I want to say is an echo of something Pete said a few chapters ago. He used a misquote from Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. ‘If you prick us, do we not...
Wife LoversIntroduction: A brother and sister become intimate in New York City during the holidays. A Sibling Love Story Summary: A brother and sister become intimate in New York City during the holidays. Note 1: Be warned if you are a fan of my mostly sub-domme writing please stop right now. This story although has subtle hints of submissiveness, the heart of the story is two siblings falling for each other during the backdrop of a winter evening in New York City. Note 2: Also, although my style isnt...
This story was inspired by a recent trip to New Grange, located near the Boyne River in Ireland. The monument there dates to the Neolithic, or early Stone Age, around 3000BCE. The valley, known as Bru Na Boinne in Gaelic, is a fertile area, and the river teems with fish. Archeologists consider the monument to be a ‘passage tomb.’ There is a tunnel about 30 feet long that ends in a large chamber. The tunnel itself is narrow and modern humans stoop to enter. The main chamber is quite large,...
Bru Na Boinne: present day Ida and Craig left the monument and returned to the hotel for breakfast and a quick nap. The morning was grey and overcast and so the night had been a total bust. Ida’s dream was still in her mind. It had been an odd dream but the subconscious works in funny ways. She was already thinking about the implications of her insight for potential research questions. The idea that the basins, something of a mystery to archeologists, were designed to let heated rocks warm the...
Prologue In the swirling mist of forgotten history, one solitary god, the marble white deity, Phallus, reigned supreme over all of Kharbah, the land of men. At the foot of the Cold Mountains stood his High Temple, overseeing the walled city of Je’Mah. Inside the temple, on the black throne of power in the dark divine chamber, sat the five foot naked god, hidden behind his enormous erect phallus. His pride and joy stood three feet high between his legs, its circumference of two and a half...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe warbling of songbirds filling his ears, Jakal awoke with his usual stiffness, but for the first time he did not hesitate to caress the skin of the woman lying next to him. Propping himself up on an elbow, he lazily stroked the length of Sala's arm, watching her sleep. She is glorious, he thought, again incredulous he could have overlooked her all these years. He wondered if the Spiritwalker would allow her to commune with other men after they were mated. Somehow, he knew the shaman...
I live in the Chicago area with my mother and older sister; my father went to prison on drug charges. He’d been in and out multiple times for possession and dealing, but this time he was found with enough to get him 15 years... He tried to cooperate and give up some information, but none of it played out well enough in his favor. Drugs, specifically heroin, were a real issue in my family… not for me so much, but my father sold regularly (but rarely used), while my mother and sister on the...
I’ve touched on this theme before, i.e., sexual addiction. You won’t like Bill very much when you first meet him but give him a chance to grow, mature and become healthy. He’s not such a bad guy after all. He gets his wakeup call from an unexpected source and turns his life around. Writing about sexual addicts allows me to include lots of really nasty and perverted sex but also the opportunity to grow the character and guide him toward redemption. * ‘Bill does that little cunt from the office...
"So, what did your sister get you?" Trica asked, grabbing my gift and handing it to Joe.He took it and opened it. "Oh, tickets to the Lamb Of God and Megadeth show? These are good seats too, thank you, sis," he said, before pecking my cheek."Your welcome; happy birthday.""Maybe you can take your sister with you though, I'm not a fan of either of them, though," Trica made clear, grabbing our mom's gift too. "That was totally better than the sandals he got you, Bionca. Sorry, but you better get...
IncestPearl had taught Emerald every trick she knew about being with another female – and Emerald had been a fast learner! Her older sister had given her plenty of opportunity to practice, too. Emerald had found her pubic skin nearly rubbed raw from all the grinding and other attention it was receiving, but she didn’t care. It had felt too good to stop. The newfound pastime she and Pearl could share together was like a drug, and Emerald was hooked. They put the satisfaction of their bodies...
It all started with my first girlfriend in high school. Her name was Kaley, and she was a very pretty blond-haired cheerleader. I was just a dumb teen in love, and my naivety blinded me from all the red flags I should have seen. I thought we were in love, and we had plans to go to the same college together and everything. But that all changed one night during a high school football game. I had lost track of her; we were supposed to meet up to hang out with some friends.I eventually found her in...
This chapter will not make a whit of sense if you have not been following the story. The Sacred Band chapter eighteen Epilogue. told by Laura. Well of course we had a party to celebrate our freedom from Rotkoff, and every now and again from then ’til now we have got together at the Mardi Gras Roadhouse for an evening of reminiscence and remembrance. Our friendships were baked hard in the fire of those events of 1956, and (to mix a metaphor) the bonds have never loosened. Philip and I...
Natasha woke up in a warm womb with low lights emanating from candles on the walls of what looked like a temple. The statue of a beautiful naked woman looked at her and smiled. It was the naked woman in her vision! Natasha was frightened and excited at the same time. But his was no mere mortal she saw, but a statue of the Goddess that came to life. “Who are you?” Natasha wanted to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. “I am Calypso, the Goddess of Love,” came the sweet voice from the statue. “I...
Yarba looked at Randith riding his cock, admiring her heavy tits bumping up and down. For the High Priestess of Calypso and despite her age, a mere 150, she had the appearance of a thirty-year-old and the fucking energy of a teenager. The grip she put on his cock with her cunt was an indication of her experience in the art of fucking. It was as if her cunt was sucking his prick, milking him dry of every ounce of fluid. He had to hurry to make her come and he just knew how. Trying to grab her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOn Thursday morning, during her scheduled run through Hyde Park, Sally’s long blonde hair was tied behind her head. Running past the statue of Peter Pan, along the lake and up a small incline, the sexy dancer felt a lightness in her step she could not explain. The sensation was not enough to warn her about what was to happen to her.She was too busy figuring out how to throw out her boyfriend, Jake, and how she got involved with him in the first place. She did not even notice the dazzling...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWe were consumed with our plans for Leah to have sex with a black man. Every conversation, every question and idea was about it. I couldn’t focus on anything else and neither could she. There was a nervous anxiety in the air, it was palpable but also worrying. My young wife not only wanted to fulfill my darkest fantasy, but it was now her fantasy as well.I knew she loved sex, but I never knew she would be so open-minded about this sort of thing. Was it a red flag? There had to be something she...
Karonga, Malawi: Friday 20th October 2017I’d just finished listening to my wife’s description of her last twenty-four hours. The first day since I’d given her permission to continue her re-kindled affair with Francis. It was just before seven in the morning and I was getting ready to head to breakfast in the hotel when my cell phone flashed with two words which had caused such highs and lows in our marriage.“Jenny Cell.”Shit! What did my wife’s best friend want now? Couldn’t she just butt out?...
Wife LoversWhat’s up, you horny fuckers!? I hope you haven’t been too busy breaking that cock off because I’ve got a treat for you today! It might be the perfect thing to give that poor arm a rest day! (Or not.) Don’t you ever get tired of pulling on that little thing? I mean, it must be exhausting! Haha! I bet that right arm is about the size of Terry Crews’! Anyway, depending on how horny you are right now, what I’m about to show you might give you something else to do other than pull your dick...
Funny Porn SitesThe list: 10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. 7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth. 6. Had sloppy seconds with a woman at a party. 5. Licked another guy's cum from girlfriend's pussy. 4. Paid an escort to let me fuck her with one of her client's used...
With Winter crying next to him, holding onto Sasha, he tells her “ I have a revive potion, it only works on non npc players, but it will bring her back to life. She’ll live again.” Gerald grabs the potion and starts to pour some of it over Sasha’s wounds, and opens her mouth and pours it down her throat. He starts massaging her neck, trying to force the potion down her throat. After a few minutes of helpless waiting, they hear a groaning sound coming from the ground. Sasha opens her eyes,...
Introduction: Seduced into buttsniffing by the mysterious girls of Chalda leads to an addiction for a noblemans wayward son. The whitewashed walls and brick-layed streets of Sandava gleaned bright in the sun, unlike surrounding cultures such as Mandalva, Trocust and Chalda. Those people managed decent lives but not with the oppulence of Sandava. Shadi was the eldest son of a Sandavan High Judge and if he studied well and kept his nose clean, he was the likely successor to his fathers high...
I am 18, I have a younger sibling who is 2 years younger than me called Emily. Even though she is younger than me and we both come from the same parents, she has a better body than me. She is curvy, taller than me, wider hips, small waist, amazing big round ass and huge tits. I'm a D but she is an E, almost F. She turns me on a lot, I know it's wrong but I get horny thinking of her naked.We both love our swimming. Even though this is an awkward sport for me as I am tiny and it is hard for me to...
As I've said before, the wise man once said, "All good things must come to an end." And so it was with my sister and me. The physical aspects of our relationship began winding down. It wasn't anyone's fault - it wasn't even anything either one of us had any control over. We still fucked each other's brains out whenever we got together alone, and Amanda still remained the best sex partner I had ever had. But the change was definitely there. I could tell I was no longer the exclusive -...
Scarsdale, NY: Saturday 25th April 2015Twenty-four hours in hellI honestly can’t think of a single way in which the next twenty-four hours could have been worse. It was the perfect storm. My whole being was shot through with fear. It wasn’t just that I was afraid. Fear was my very being for those long hours. I was totally subsumed in the fear that I’d lost Sue. The woman who had transformed my life, from shy and awkward stranger in a foreign land to a happy and successful family man, was at...
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 2nd November 2018Pete gives the background to Sue and his four-year journey of sexual discoveryAsk any addict and they’ll tell you that it only takes one second to slip. And that once you’ve slipped, you’re in freefall with no earthly idea of where and when that freefall will end. And whether you’ll still be in one piece.I’m Pete, or Peter if you prefer. A ‘happily’ married forty-nine-year-old guy, married to the woman who’s blessed my life these last twenty-six years....
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Friday 2nd November 2018Pete gives the background to Sue and his four-year journey of sexual discoveryAsk any addict and they’ll tell you that it only takes one second to slip. And that once you’ve slipped, you’re in freefall with no earthly idea of where and when that freefall will end. And whether you’ll still be in one piece.I’m Pete, or Peter if you prefer. A ‘happily’ married forty-nine-year-old guy, married to the woman who’s blessed my life these last twenty-six years....
Wife LoversHave you ever been addicted to something? I mean really addicted, like when you have an overpowering need to experience something that you know is good. When you want it so much that you risk the pleasure it brings, transforming from a moderate indulgence into craving it. Even when logically, you know you risk destroying it for good, but you just can’t help yourself. For me, my addiction is you. I have an overpowering lust for you. Lust, it’s a strange beast. Sometimes it can sneak up on you...
Straight SexOne of my favourite writers on Fictionmania when I first started was Verna Benson, I do not know Verna or if she is still among us. Since its now ten years since she posed anything I have written this as something of a homage to her stories. I've pinched loads of idea's from her to write this and I guess in a way she could be considered a co- author. Developing an Addiction. By Trish. I'll never forget how I met her, the woman who twenty years ago changed my life. It was at the...
Scarsdale, NY: Friday 13th October 2017Off the wagonAs I watched Sue lead James by the hand upstairs, his huge cock bobbing up and down as he moved, I desperately hoped that the date wasn’t an omen for where things might head. This would be the third time we’d ventured into the world of wife-sharing and the last time had nearly cost us our love and marriage.Yet events had conspired to lead us back to this point. With Sue and I both willing participants as she took another man as a lover. A...
Wife LoversHello everyone I’m like you all a sex lover who like sex stories and spend most of his time in this site. I’m average guy with average looks, and respectable 7 inches Indian penis and nothing which makes me the king of my sexual destiny. I started my college previous year and was virgin, this thought totally filled me with despise for myself but very soon all of these going to change for ever in college. Kartik is one of my best friends; he was different from all of us in sexual behavior. He...
IncestScarsdale, New York: Monday 24th September 2018All of the compliments and praise from my boss’s boss now seemed a distant memory as I screwed up the courage to park my car and enter the lion’s den. Once a happy home, this evening I felt like a poor grunt entering Snipers' Alley. From the cars parked in the drive, I knew Sue and Francis were in there. And to me that could only mean one conclusion to all the thinking Sue had done about our marriage.Taking the deepest of breaths, I left the...
Wife LoversI remember exactly when it started. Years ago when I was at a parade. People standing close in to see the floats and passing horses or girls spinning batons with marching bands. Everyone cranes for a good look and presses against each other. I had told my mom I was going to a friend’s house but instead came downtown for the parade. How easy it had been at eleven to take a bus on my own. It was the first time I was in a clutch of people, strangers. Thrilled at my boldness to have gone alone,...
The whitewashed walls and brick-layed streets of Sandava gleaned bright in the sun, unlike surrounding cultures such as Mandalva, Trocust and Chalda. Those people managed decent lives but not with the oppulence of Sandava.Shadi was the eldest son of a Sandavan High Judge and if he studied well and kept his nose clean, he was the likely successor to his father's high position. He had done well with those things until his 22nd birthday when he began to have feelings and passions that he could...
“Come on Cass,” I complain, “did you really have to do that now?” I glanced down at the mess in my pants I was left with as my older sister, 21 year old Cassandra, giggled standing next to me. She grinned as she looked down at me, her long black ponytailed hair swaying back and forth. “Sorry Ken,” she began, “but I was kind of pent up and you were right there so I…” her voice trailed off. I smiled as I gazed at her, this was a normal occurrence for us so we didn’t take it too seriously....
FantasyScarsdale, New York: Sunday 21st October 2018Of the four of us, I must have been the last one to see that there was already someone waiting for us in the private room. I was bringing up the rear, Francis up front pushing Grace in the wheelchair and Sue sandwiched in the middle.“James, what are you doing here?” Francis’ deep voice boomed out, the tone of his voice matching the surprised look on his face.“Honestly, I’m not too sure. Grace texted me and asked me to come over to meet you all. I’m a...
Wife LoversIntroduction: A story of a white wife and mothers journey to black cock addiction! How many times have I witnessed this scene? Her gaze is directed at her Black lovers face, a look that tells him of her submission to him etched almost painfully on her face. Her look shows many things, a determination to take each inch of his hardness that he is forcing deep inside her body, a craving need to feel the fullness he presents in the form of his fat cock, but mostly her look tells him she is his, his...
Scarsdale, NY: Saturday 24th January 2015Buyer’s remorseThe morning's first cup of coffee always tastes wonderful and today was no exception to this rule of life.But everything else that had happened in the last few hours was very much an exception. Wholly different to everything that had happened in my life before, and wholly different to everything that had happened in Sue’s life and in our marriage.I sat with my hands wrapped around the hot cup enjoying it’s warming effect, deep in thought....
Wife LoversScarsdale, NY: Saturday 24th January 2015Buyer’s remorseThe morning's first cup of coffee always tastes wonderful and today was no exception to this rule of life.But everything else that had happened in the last few hours was very much an exception. Wholly different to everything that had happened in my life before, and wholly different to everything that had happened in Sue’s life and in our marriage.I sat with my hands wrapped around the hot cup enjoying it’s warming effect, deep in thought....
Wife Lovers