Educating Special Boys In The Feminist Republic - Chapter 3, Refusal And Reluctance free porn video

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All the medical interventions for feminizing boys were centralized at the regional facility. It was a long drive to get there, but neither Kyle or his mother Ann felt like talking on the way. Finally they arrived, checked the building directory, and found Dr. Taylor's suite. After the registration formalities Kyle was told to wait in an examining room while his mother was interviewed by Dr. Taylor in her office. The nurse assistant efficiently checked his vital signs, asked some medical history questions, and then left. Kyle sat looking around room. He noticed a wall rack of information pamphlets with titles like "Hormones and the Transitioning Boy" and "Deciding the Best Options for Surgery." He was about to start reading one of them when he heard the doorknob turn. He quickly sat down as Dr. Taylor entered. "Good morning, Kyle. You may call me Dr. Rebecca. First names with title create more open doctor-patient dialog while still maintaining a professional relationship." She had a highly professional manner, but obviously knew how to put patients at ease. "Ms. Madeline Lee, your counselor, has asked me to meet with you on short notice and prior to your psychological evaluation here at the Regional Center. This is unusual. Because of your age your case is a challenging one. Our regional team has evaluated many boys for gender reassignment. As you probably know, only very special boys are considered; each individual school typically refers someone for reassignment evaluation only every couple of years. Not every boy who is evaluated there is approved to become a girl. I have reviewed the material sent me by Ms. Lee, and I have now spoken to your mother." Kyle was breathing heavily and his fingers were gripping the chair arms. "You appear to have been showing favorable traits since early childhood, and the fact that you were not fully evaluated in third grade or soon after is most unfortunate. Now I am confronted with a child whose amazing aptitude scores indicates potential to make important scientific contributions, but who has spent his middle school years being educated and socialized as a boy. Everything would have been much easier if you had been evaluated in a timely manner It is almost certain that you would have been referred to this clinic four or five years ago. Your psychological evaluations, social transitioning, and medical treatments would have been started at the proper time and in the proper sequence using our current feminization protocols. Your situation is further complicated by your mother's ambiguous attitude. The last few days have involved a lot of new information, and she is very stressed by your situation. Your mother may need support and counseling. I am telling you this because successful feminization of a boy requires an adult female's full and unconditional support. "Ms. Lee scheduled this emergency appointment because she is concerned about how close you may be to puberty. The good news is that you still have a little boy's androgynous body. You have not developed an adolescent physique, nor has your voice started to change. There are drugs I could prescribe that would keep your male hormones from initiating irreversible changes. "Boys who are referred here on the normal schedule are given hormone blockers and a low dose of estrogen when they start middle school. The drugs affect their bodies, but more importantly affect the development of their minds." Kyle was ready to tell her how much he wanted her help. The doctor looked at him with a sad expression. "In recent decades nearly all gender reassignments have started much earlier than your current age. You fall outside the scope of the standard protocols, and adjustments would need to be made. There is little clinical outcomes research to guide me." Kyle did not like what she was implying. "But, the crucial problem is that you have not yet been given the psychological, social, and political assessments for gender reassignment. In fact, it appears that Ms. Lee has not even gotten you scheduled for this here at the Regional Center. As a responsible professional I do not believe in starting medical interventions until all the recommended age- based assessments have been done and the Chief Psychologist has given written approval. The purpose of the personality assessments is to be as sure as possible that the child will complete the gender transition and will grow up to be a successful and happy female. "Although some procedures I can offer a pre-teen are reversible, others are not. If a boy leaves the feminization program, voluntarily or involuntarily, the next step is a work camp career assignment. Consider the danger. Can you imagine a beardless teen with a high voice and budding breasts arriving at a work camp? It is a disgusting fate you do not want to even think about. "Given your mother's mixed feelings, and given that you still need psychological assessment, I do not feel comfortable providing you with any medical intervention right now." Kyle started crying. As he sobbed his mother was brought into the room. She hugged him and started crying too. "Let's go," she sobbed. "I know you are disappointed, but I have agreed to talk to Ms. Lee privately about your situation. She was a family counselor who worked with adults before she hired on with the school. I am sure she will help me figure out ... I love you, Kyle, no matter what." Kyle was still shaking as they left the clinic and headed back toward home. "Do you want me to drop you off at school, or do you need to take a sick day?" "School," Kyle said shapely. He was upset, but in school he could keep busy. When he got home he received a surprising announcement. "Eat quickly. Ms. Lee is coming over this evening." This was unusual, Mother often had female friends visit and sometimes spend the night, but Ms. Lee and mother had never been close friends as far as Kyle knew. From what had been said earlier he realized that this was a professional visit about him, not a social call. Kyle ate and then helped Mom clean up as he always did. Frantically he went around the living room picking up his stuff and making everything tidy. He was carrying an armload into his room when the doorbell rang. Kyle returned to the living room and was shocked to see both Ms. Lee and Hillary standing in the doorway. He had been taught better manners than most boys. "Good evening Ms. Madeline Lee and Hillary Lee," he said nervously. Ms. Lee immediately took charge. "I decided to bring Hillary at the last minute. I am sure you don't mind. Ann Clark and I need to talk on a professional basis. We can stay here in the living room, but would appreciate some privacy. Hillary, please go with Kyle to his room and stay there until called. Just keep the door part way open." Kyle's mother looked shocked. "It is all right. Hillary is mature enough to handle the situation and keep things proper. Kyle has not had a chance to really talk with her for years. Besides, we need to start using every chance we get to give Kyle experience doing the things that every normal girl does." "But my room is a mess," Kyle said desperate for a way out of this situation. "Nonsense, Hillary has likely seen worse", Madeline declared. "Other girls do not always keep their rooms neat either. Now get going, girls." Hillary marched to Kyle's room and went right in. "Did you hear her say 'get going, girls' and refer to how 'other girls' keep their rooms?" she said with a conspiratorial smile. Kyle did not know how to answer and stood dumbfounded. "Look Kyle, my mother is a professional counselor who understands your situation. She said she would be your champion. She is already thinking of you as a girl. She asked me to help you and, of course, I agreed. Let's make use of the time and get started." Kyle pulled back. Like other boys his age he had received endless warnings to stay away from girls and not get into trouble. He had been told of older boys who snuck away from the work camps and who were severely punished for what they did with girls. Why did Ms. Lee come up with this crazy idea of going to his room, and why did his mother not forbid it? "Kyle, I know what you are worried about. I am not suggesting we do the disgusting stuff boys used to pressure girls to do." "I'm not like those men in the work camps who ..." "Kyle, don't be afraid. I can see by your reaction that you are not into that sort of thing. Listen to me. I suspect you are not comfortable being a boy, and you need to start thinking like a girl right now. "My mother told me that our big personality assessment will be soon. If you want to stay in school you will need to convince everyone that you have the mind of a girl. Unlike the boys who were lucky enough to be reassigned in elementary school, you have not spent years living 24/7 as a girl. I bet you have never even worn a dress." Kyle rolled his eyes. "That was a good start. Girls roll their eyes all the time. Now let me tell you a few girly secrets. And after I tell you my secrets you need to tell me about these pretty dance posters on your wall and explain why you have a floral bed spread." Kyle blushed. After nearly an hour Kyle and Hillary were called back to the living room. There was some polite conversation and then Madeline and Hillary left. Mother leaned against the wall and sighed as the door closed. Kyle busied himself cleaning up and awaited what would come next. "We had a long, professional conversation about my feelings and your situation. I am still uncertain and confused, but I agreed to follow-up sessions with Madeline and with some other specialty counselors. "What is important is that she convinced me that I need to be supportive of your desire to transition into a female, college-bound student. I told her that I was really concerned about the drastic changes we both would face, and the consequences if your transition attempt is not successful. I was nervous but listened to her. She insisted that the best outcome for you will be to be approved for reassignment, be accepted into the treatment program, and then grow up female. She promised that she and Hillary would do everything possible to prepare you for the next assessment step. She kept reminding me that mother's support is an important factor in successful gender reassignment. "She told me a great deal about the psychological assessment you will need to undergo. She said you will be asked questions to evaluate your attitude on many social, sexual, and gender related issues. They will ask you to talk about things that normal boys are not comfortable with, and your answers will need to express your deepest feelings. She said you will need to instinctively think like a girl. Your suitability for becoming a girl will be evaluated using age-based progress standards. She explained that your problem is that those standards were developed based on boys that were selected for treatment when much younger. To be convincing during the interviews you will need to think, talk, move, and use body language like a girl your age. Madeline insisted that this can not be just play-acting. You have only a short time to get ready. This worries me, and I am afraid. "She said she wants Hillary to spend as much time as possible with you between now and the personality assessment. She told me how Hillary helped you prepare for the aptitude test. She is willing to get into good trouble for your sake. I reluctantly agreed with her plans. "You should rest now. It has been a stressful week. Girls enjoy reading in bed before falling asleep. I know you still have that biography book Hillary illegally gave to you. Curl up with it and enjoy." Ann Clark hesitated. She remembered the pretty sleepwear she used to buy for Kyle when he was little. Would he like a nightgown again? She was too exhausted by the day's events to complete the thought. The next day in class Kyle noticed that Hillary kept glancing at him with a knowing smile. She was nicely dressed as usual in a trendy, stylish outfit. Kyle started daydreaming about what it would feel like to go to school wearing something like that. Reluctantly he refocused his mind on the lesson. Hillary and Stacy were chatting and looking toward him at lunch, but of course kept their distance. Kyle wondered what the girls were talking about, but knew that he was still officially a boy and should not try to join their table. Mother was unusually quiet when he got home and initially avoided eye contact. Eventually she called Kyle over. "I am still uneasy about all this, but I promised Madeline that I would support you. On the way home from work I stopped at a store and bought some girls' panties in your size. Do you want them?" Kyle looked at what she had placed on the table and eagerly picked up the package on top. "Thank you, Mommy." He looked at the wrapped contents with anticipation. "Can I try a pair on right away?" "If that is what you want, OK. Remember, you must wear them only at home for now. I will need to show you how girls take care of their underwear, panties are more delicate than boys' briefs. As Kyle dashed to his room he heard, "Come back right away and help get dinner on the table. Madeline and Hillary will be here soon." As Kyle changed underwear he recalled some of the things Mother used to buy for him to wear at home when he was little. She never called them girls' clothes, but he remembered that the smooth fabrics and colorful prints were different from his normal school and outdoor clothes. Why did she stop? Mom was quiet again all through dinner. There were so many things Kyle wanted to ask her about becoming a girl, but he hesitated. As he cleaned up the kitchen he wondered why his mother was so hesitant. Was it guilt about something in the past, or lack of confidence in him? The doorbell rang, and Kyle rushed to the door. Madeline and Hillary were carrying bulging bags. Hillary gave a knowing look. "Wait until you see what we brought." Madeline looked Kyle over. He was wearing the informal, casual, somewhat dirty clothes typical for a boy his age. "I am going to run some errands. I expect to see someone much better dressed when I return. "Ann, I told Hillary that she can spend as much time with Kyle as she wants, and she is enthusiastic about coming to visit here in the evenings. You will be most welcome to bring Kyle over to our house frequently as well. I even suggested that the two of them can occasionally seen associating outdoors on weekends and after school. Role expectations at school are stricter. They will need maintain social separation around school until I can give official word to the teachers and staff." Madeline and Ann watched as Hillary handed Kyle the two bags Madeline had brought in, and then with two more bags in one hand she grabbed his arm with the other hand and led him toward his room. "Have a good time, girls," Ms. Lee said as they disappeared. "Madeline, what will happen if people find out that Kyle has tried to become a girl, and for some reason he is not able to, or allowed to, complete the transition?" "Don't worry. I have carefully examined Kyle's case file; everything will work out. Trust me and be supportive. OK? I'll be back soon." Hillary sat down the edge of Kyle's bed and started unloading the first bag. "I brought over a lot of my extra clothes for you. I have more than I need and it looks like you need some. In that small bag are some accessories, and the heavy bag has a whole bunch of girl magazines and books for your reading enjoyment." Kyle watched at first, then realized he should help sort and refold the clothes. The colors, patterns, and textures were like nothing he owned. This all seemed amazing. "We need to make some space in your drawers and closet so you can keep your girl clothes neat and pretty. Get me some clothes hangers." "I only have a few hangers, most of my clothes are on the shelves and even those are really full right now too." "Then we will make space. Go to the kitchen a get a couple of big garbage bin liners." Kyle hesitated but did what Hillary asked. When he got back she was rummaging through his everyday clothes and throwing item after item onto a pile on the floor. "Load these disgusting things into the garbage bags. You won't be needing them anymore." "Wait, those are all I have. What am I going to wear?" "Wise up, girl. From now on you need to wear girl clothes from the moment you get home until you get ready for school in the morning, and all day on weekends. At school you need to make a good impression on the teachers and staff by dressing in nice, well tailored clothes. I am sure you have noticed that girls always dress up for school. It makes a statement that they are the future members of the elite professions. No worn out, grungy boy outfits for you anymore. "I am saving a few of your better boy clothes. You need to go to school in outfits that are the male equivalent of businesslike and professional. I will leave you enough changes of boy clothes to wear when needed from now until the personality assessments. The rest goes out." Kyle thought about the situation. Throwing out his everyday boy clothes was a very symbolic act, and he knew he had to do it, and do it with enthusiasm. He barely started loading the first garbage bag when Hillary pulled an opened package of panties from his drawer. "What are these pretty things?" "My mother just bought them for me today, and ...", Kyle paused. "... and, I'm wearing a pair now." "That's great. I did not have any panties to bring over because girls do not share used underwear. You are going to enjoy what comes next." Soon all of Hillary's gifts were sorted and either folded in the drawers on hanging in the closet. Kyle picked up the trash bags and carried them out to the dumpster. His mother must have suspected what was going on, but did not say anything as he headed out the door. When he got back to his room Hillary gave him a conspiratorial smile. "OK, now take off everything you are wearing, except for your panties." Kyle instinctively turned around and started to undress. "Cute bottom you have. Especially cute for someone who is still technically a boy. Are you looking forward to when you can start developing a girl's figure?" Kyle was totally embarrassed, but knew he had to act like this was perfectly natural. He knew there was nothing unusual about girls getting dressed in front of each other. With effort he focused his mind on his becoming a girl and made sure to avoid any disturbing boy thoughts. "First put this on. It's called a bralette. It is nicer than an undershirt and girls our age like to wear them until we start growing breasts and need some real support." Hillary was amused as Kyle almost put it on with the straps twisted, and then struggled to fasten the hooks behind his back. "Good for a first try. You have really flexible shoulders for a boy. Aren't you glad you have not bulked up like Jimmy?" The chatter continued. "Usually girls have their growth spurt before boys do, and my old clothes should fit you nicely. It is going to be a lot of fun seeing you wear my outfits. Maybe we can go shopping sometime and let you pick out your own girl clothes." Hillary selected a dignified and proper school outfit. Pastel blouse, dark blue skirt, ankle socks, and buckle shoes. Finally, she led him over to the mirror. Kyle stared at the mirror then turned and looked from every angle. He flashed himself a coy smile then turned and posed for Hillary. "You are obviously enjoying meeting your girl self for the first time. But I see I need to work with you on posture, gestures, and mannerisms. Let's go show your mother." Kyle knew that this was another important symbolic act. He held his head high, pulled his shoulders back, and with his least masculine walk he proudly pranced into the living room. His mother looked, gasped, and was about to speak when the doorbell rang. "We'll get it." Hillary declared, pulling Kyle behind her. Madeline Lee beamed with delight as she saw the two girls greeting her from beyond the opened door. The three returned to the living room where Ann was waiting. Madeline turned toward Ann Clark, but was clearly addressing Kyle. "You have a lovely daughter, but Hillary and I do not know her name." Kyle was ready to answer. "My name is Kaylie Clark." Hillary immediately shouted, "Let's all join hands together in a circle like we do a scout camp and welcome the new girl, Kaylie." The circle started with outstretched arms but closed in to a tight group hug as everyone chanted the new name. When Kaylie looked up she saw that her mother was crying. The next evening Madeline dropped Hillary off at the Clarks' home right after school and said she would return before dinner. Kyle had walked home and just arrived when his support team arrived. He headed toward his room to change, but Hillary followed. "I want to watch." She looked around the room as Kaylie picked out some clothes. "You have made a good start, but I see I need to teach you a lot about mix and match. It is too bad that your mother has not been dressing you like a girl since third grade." Kaylie plopped down on the edge of the bed. "I am totally wiped out. Everything is happening so fast." Hillary sat close. "Don't worry, my mother and I want to help you. Think positively about your wonderful future as a girl. "Tell me, did you read any of the things I gave you last night? What did you look at first?" "I first looked at you 'Girl's Life' magazine and read a motivational article that talked about how technology has changed the balance of power in society from male muscle strength to female mental skills related to information technology, computers, and molecular biology. I always wondered about how the Great Social Transformation happened and the article explained that 'cyberattacks,' whatever they are, played a key role in allowing the feminists to defeat the patriarchy. The article emphasized that girls need to develop their science and math skills so that they can contribute to protecting the Feminist Republic." "You started with real serious stuff. Is that all you read?" "I also looked at your 'Modern Girl Romance' magazines. I needed something relaxing so I looked at the fashion and makeup style pictures and then read a couple of the fiction stories." "Tell me more about the romances you read." "I really liked a story that was about the two girls who both had a crush on the figure skating star at their school. Eventually they realized the Miss Skater was actually a very self-centered, nasty girl. The two girls supported each other through all their ups and downs, and eventually discovered that they both liked each other much more than either one liked the figure skater. "I looked at a few other similar stories and read some of the articles about real people. It seems the romance magazine is all about attractive girls falling in love with each other." "And you enjoyed reading this sort of stories?" "I never read anything like this before. It is not like the stupid magazines boys are allowed to read. I was confused at first and ..." Kaylie fumbled with the hem of her skirt, and then met Hillary's gaze. "Yes, I liked that kind of story." Hillary threw her arms around Kaylie. "Wonderful, enjoying teen romance shows that you are developing a girl's mind. I will bring over more magazines like that for you to read. "Now tell me about your floral print bedspread." "Mom and I went shopping for this bedspread years ago. I was the one who picked it out, I am not sure why. Mom didn't really object. I guess something like this makes more sense now that I am a girl in training." Just then Ann's voice was heard from the kitchen. "Kyle, I mean, Kaylie, can you come help me prepare dinner? I see Madeline is arriving already." Madeline made sure that the dinner conversation centered on girl topics for Kaylie's benefit, while Ann kept trying to change the subject. Afterwards Hillary and Kaylie chatted for a while about romance magazines. It was a school night and Hillary had to leave early with a promise to be back soon. On another evening and Hillary was looking at Kaylie's dance posters. "I think it is neat that a boy would have posters like this. Much better than the action game and race car posters that my friends tell me their brothers have on their walls. Did you ask for them, or did you mother buy them for you? You are clearly not like most boys." She turned to Kaylie. "Do you think these girls look pretty? Would you like to be one of them?" "I think dancing is so beautiful. At school I am always jealous when you girls get to do dance class while the boys are expected to go kick a ball or something outside." "I love dance, all girls do. Once you are officially a girl you will be able to take dance class with me and Stacy in the studio. Won't that be fun? Meanwhile, I can give you private dance lessons." "Tonight I brought over some dancewear and plan to give you your first lesson. Lets get you dressed for dancing, pull on these pink tights then put this black leotard on top. Wait, I forgot, we do not want your boy parts to create an ugly bulge. Start with this special item that will make you nice and smooth in front." Kaylie stared at what looked like a cross between a flesh-colored jock strap and a thick pair of underpants. "Where did you get that thing?" "My mother bought it just for you. She said you will need it for your dance lessons. She said you can also wear it with skinny jeans and other tight girl clothes too." Hillary saw a confused expression. "You put it on, then reach inside and arrange your parts to be between your legs, and finally pull it on up high and tight to keep everything in place." By now Kaylie was accustomed to changing clothes in front of Hillary, but making adjustments 'down there' felt a bit embarrassing. "I do ballet, jazz, and creative dance classes. I will start by teaching you some really basic dance movement. Follow what I do. It will help you learn to move like a girl." Hillary lead Kaylie through a warm-up of bending, reaching, swinging limbs, moving hips, and expanding and contracting the body core. Her banter was a mix of encouragement and technical correction as Kaylie struggled to imitate her. "Now we will try a few set ballet dance movements. Start with your arms low in front then bring them up just below your breasts in two counts, then raise your arms high over your head in two counts then bring them out to the side for two, then back down in front to finish on eight. Let's do it to the music. "You are catching on fast, but need to keep working. You are moving your arms like a boy. Relax your fingers and imagine you are softly touching something precious. Slightly bend your wrists. Take the tension out of your arms and shoulders. Much better, do it a few more times. Then I will show you another exercise." After an hour Kaylie was exhausted a ready for a rest. "This makes my body move in a totally new way. I am going to be sore tomorrow." "We will do this again every evening. My mother tells me that dance will really help you master feminine movement. She also wants me to work with you on hip stretches. She says that will help you start walking like a girl. "Before I head home here is some more reading for you. I went to the library today and checked out a whole list of books that my mother said were important for you to read carefully. Some are real serious social and political topics, and some are light fun, just like the romances in the magazines. She said they will all help speed you along in your socialization as a girl." Kaylie looked at the stack of books with titles like 'Feminist Theory Reader,' 'Women Rule.' and 'Achievements of the Great Social Transformation.' There were historic authors like Simone de Beauvior, Audrey Lorde, and Andrea Dworkin, and books by contemporary writers. Some books were very political while others promoted things like feminist environmental sustainability. Hillary patiently watched and answered questions. "This is a lot to read. " "My mother knows that, but is confident in your ability to learn. Every hour you spend doing feminist reading will help you in the assessment." A pattern was set. Kyle went to school, took his allowed classes and sat alone in the lunchroom, library, or playground. Jimmy was totally avoiding him now. Immediately after school hours Kaylie reemerged. Most evenings Madeline brought Hillary over for a few wonderful hours, but tomorrow he was going over to Hillary's house for the first time. Kaylie was nervous getting into the car with Mother for the drive to the Lee's house. This was her first excursion wearing girl's clothes outside the house. For a while both Ann and Kaylie looked straight ahead and said nothing. "If you are going to go through with this idea of becoming a girl you will have to learn to appear in public, dear." "I know, but right now nothing is official. Ms. Lee keeps reminding me that I have to be a boy at school until I pass the next assessment and the psychologists issue me my gender transition certificate. I do not want to get into any trouble that would complicate my evaluations." "I am uneasy too. Madeline assures me that we are doing nothing illegal, dressing as a girl is just socially awkward because of your age. It would have been so much better if ...." Ann Clark drifted of in her thoughts. When they arrived Kaylie looked around, figured the coast was clear, and almost ran from the car to the house door. Hillary anticipated this and had the door open. Kaylie ducked inside followed by Mother. Once the door was closed the girls greeted with air kisses. "I bet you want to see my room. Let's go. And I want to warn you that my mother has big news for you after dinner." "Have fun, girls. Remember, dinner is in an hour," Madeline shouted as Ann joined her in the kitchen. Hillary's room was delightfully feminine and contemporary. The pastel colors and frilly accessories were balanced by posters of famous women and banners with feminist slogans. The overflowing bookcase gave evidence of why Hillary did so well in school, and the large closet filled with clothes showed why she had so many things to donate to Kaylie. "Sit down in the chair by the dresser and face the door. I want to get you ready for dinner." "What are you going to do? "I am going to apply just a little makeup to show our mothers how attractive you can look. For sure they will say you are too young for so much makeup, but every girl our age hears that." Hillary started by brushing Kaylie's hair which had not been cut recently. "I know you do not want a boy haircut again, but somehow we need to figure out how to get you a trim and styling. Hair grows best if the ends are trimmed occasionally. I'll talk to Mom." Hillary picked up a hair elastic and slipped it around a very short ponytail. "A ponytail looks good on you, Kaylie. Congratulations on another step. Now let me work on your face. "Hold still. I am going to use a little eyeliner top and bottom. Try not to blink. "This thick stuff is called mascara. It makes your eyelashes look fuller. "Now a little eyebrow pencil. It is not the best color for you, but this neutral brown is the best I have. "I am going to put a little color on you cheeks with this brush. "And finally, a touch of lipstick. I usually get to wear only pale pink, but I do have this more grown-up red. I will look dramatic on you. "OK, you can turn around and look at the mirror. I know you want to see the results." Kaylie was amazed. Hillary had made her look like a much older and somewhat attractive girl. She had no idea that Hillary was such a makeup expert. "Girls our age all practice putting makeup on at home. It fun to experiment with different looks. With the right colors and more time I can really make you look really good. You need to get your mother to buy some cosmetics of your own. Until then we can share mine. " Madeline announced dinner, and the girls proudly waltzed into the kitchen. "Kaylie, what have you done with your face?," Ann exclaimed. Madeline came to the defense. "Your daughter is just doing what is normal for a girl her age. I think she looks marvelous. You did a great job, Hillary. Now let's eat." "Makeup may be normal for a girl, but Kyle...." Ann caught herself. "I was trying to say that the look is way too mature for his ..." She paused again. "Sorry, Kaylie. Next time try a more age appropriate look, OK." Hillary and Kaylie smiled at each other knowingly. Kaylie recognized that this dinner invitation was intended to be another feminizing experience. She watched her manners, ate slowly with small bites, and imitated how Hillary used her arms and hands. Madeline was an expert hostess and kept a lively conversation going around the table. She frequently challenged Kaylie by asking unexpected questions about girl topics that were outside a normal boy's experience, but Kaylie was quick to improvise an answer. After dinner the girls helped with the cleanup, and then Madeline indicated it was time for a talk in the living room. "I have an announcement. As the school counselor in charge of Kaylie's case I am responsible for scheduling her for the decisive personality and socialization assessment." She paused to assess everyone's reaction to what would obviously come next. "Because she has already demonstrated truly exceptional intellectual merit in science and math this psychological assessment will be the remaining hurdle for Kaylie. It is crucial that she convinces the panel members that she is mentally and socially ready to become officially a girl. Once the assessment team makes a positive recommendation to the Chief Psychologist the official transition process can begin immediately." "What if she doesn't pass?" Ann asked anxiously. "She is going to pass. That is my objective as her champion," Madeline replied assertively. "The key is to give Kaylie enough time to prepare. She has to compensate for the last few years, and basically catch up in her female socialization compared to boys who entered the gender reassignment program while still in elementary school. Fortunately Kaylie was showing feminine traits in elementary school so she has a good foundation to build on. And I see by her face that Hillary has been giving Kaylie different opportunities to share pre-teen girl experiences. "Kaylie, have you been reading the books Hillary got for you?" "Yes, I read every minute I am not in school or with Hillary." "Good. I am going to pull some strings to get you excused from your afternoon classes. Going to school as a boy is not doing a lot for you right now. Your time will be better spent reading feminist books. "Back to the assessment schedule. I decided to schedule you for the session in May, right after the end of your eighth grade school year. That gives you several extra months to prepare." Ann gripped the arms of her chair as Hillary and Kaylie hugged each other. "But giving Kaylie more time to prepare has a big risk. Unfortunately, Dr. Taylor declined to help. I will be clinical about this. There are still testicles down there getting ready to pump out male hormones. Kaylie has not started puberty, but is at an age where things could happen at any time. I am sure she does not want facial hair, a deepening voice, or broad shoulders." A shiver went down Kaylie's spine as she thought back to the rejection in the doctor's office. Hillary held her friend's shaking hand tightly. "Keep listening, she has a plan," Hillary whispered.

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Black RepublicChapter 6

By eliminating the large profits on those services the government of Dixie could furnish them cheaper. No person in the new republic would be forced to use any of them. Billy Bob told everyone that copies of the constitution were on the table at the door. On the last page were the proposed prices and rates for the services to be offered. He asked that they note that interest rates were fixed at four percent at the Banks for the next ten years. Power and phone rates were about half the...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Black RepublicChapter 5

August the first after the President's speech surrendering their homes to the blacks they had anchored the house barges out away from the river bank at Chalmette. They had brought what was left of their families to them for safety. The owners of the company had been killed that first night. Olin the spokesman for the Cajuns said they had saved the other three pile rigs and seven barges from " those Niger's " by taking them to the other side of the river and warping them off to trees in...

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Modern Amazon Feminist Society

Modern Amazon Feminist Society By J. Birdman This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), cross-dressing (CD), bondage, trangender (TG), Body Modification and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re-post the...

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Star Whores The Old Republic

The Galaxy at war! Striking from the Unknown Regions, a massive Sith Armada has struck at the Jedi and Republic base orbiting the original Sith Homeworld of Korriban. This Sith Armada is even more powerful than that of Darth’s Revan and Malak during the Jedi Civil War! The new Sith Empire has already conquered the Tingel Arm and have destroyed the Republic’s ship production over Sluis Van. The Senate is in a deadlock on what to do as the Republic’s Navy losses battle after battle! Planets are...

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Star Wars The Old Republic

Join the battle! Twenty-eight years ago, the SITH EMPIRE returned from exile to exact vengeance upon the GALACTIC REPUBLIC and their sworn defenders, the JEDI ORDER. The GREAT GALACTIC WAR waged across the galaxy, from the Core to Outer Rims. However, after nearly three decades of fighting, peace was in sight. The Sith extended a hand of peace, offering a treaty to be signed on ALDERAAN. Skeptical, but hopeful, the Republic sent its ambassadors and the Jedi's greatest protectors to the world of...

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Feminist HighschoolChapter 5

It was just Dan, Krista, and Lisa in the old music room today. Mia was off selling the idea of Dan being their fuckboy to her fellow cheerleaders. Greg was with Cara munching her pussy. Carla had a cold. Not everyone could be doing something exciting. “So, what did you find out, Lisa?” Dan said. “Working from Greg’s information, I followed Cara to Nora.” Krista sat next to Dan on the couch and told him, “Nora doesn’t go to classes. She’s already passed all her courses. She just goes to...

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Black RepublicChapter 4

Tim decided to try to find out if Cami's parents had survived the blood bath of August first. He began spending time talking to Shrimp Boats in the Gulf on the radio of the plane. He talked to one boat captain that knew Cami's father. The Shrimper said he had heard someone say he was operating out of North Carolina now. John Ellis began dropping by often. Tim and he had lunch several times. One day John turned the conversation to the circumstances of Tim's wife's death. Tim...

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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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 I wanted her the moment she walked into the bar. After driving all day on my way to visit some old friends in western Massachusetts, I decided to get a drink then head back to the sleazy motel down the road and get up early. The shabby bar was empty except for the bald headed bartender with a pot belly and a drunk with his head down on the table, holding an empty shot glass. The head of a deer with huge antlers hung from the wall over the bar. We were in the middle of nowhere, so I was...

Straight Sex
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Feminist SororityChapter 12

The play & recreation wing of the sorority had been packed full of chattering sorority girls. Worried expressions and stress filled the room. Amy had called a general meeting for every member of the sorority, even pledges were included. The rumors that had swirled around the sorority for weeks were finally being addressed. Amy stood on a stage with Mrs. Turner, flanked by Brandon and Jason. Amy adjusted the microphone, tapping it to get the attention of the worried girls. “Everyone,...

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Black RepublicChapter 2 The Death Of The Black Republic

Tim Patton was a Marine and Piling Contractor. He had been born and raised in Pritchard a city adjoining Mobile Alabama. His father had been the owner of the business before he was killed by a senseless drive by shooting on the main street of the city. Witnesses said that it was done by a car load of blacks. One of them had pointed a gun at Tim's father and fired it five times into his chest. Tim's Father had been waiting for the traffic light to change. It was just another "Drive by...

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Feminist SororityChapter 11

Life at the sorority had become tense. The campus life Yellow had become accustomed to fell apart around her. Despite Amy’s best efforts, the donors had abandoned the sorority. Without their large influxes of funding, many of the facilities had to be closed down. The library filled with books espousing their brand of feminism closed down, preventing young women from benefiting from the knowledge. Recruiting new members for the sorority was on pause as they trained the current batch. Even the...

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The Republic Of Fear

Note to reader: This story follows the fortunes of Roya Ismailov, whose father Hossein Ismailov, is the absolute dictator of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Roya is his eldest and most feared daughter with an appetite for violence and sex. She’s a businesswoman, criminal, fashion model, singer and holds the office for oil and gas within the government. She holds rank within military intelligence and is privy to state secrets and has ambitions of succeeding her father upon his demise. Beautiful,...

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GFT 2 Down to the Banana Republic

© 2003 Commandante Ivana Cantora felt the eyes of everyone in the compound follow her as she stepped across the bloody and broken ground. Her men, pumped from combat, silently lusted after her. They wanted her, their hunger sharpened by the knowledge that they could not have her. She pulled her shoulders back, straining the worn fatigue blouse as it tried to contain her generous bust, and strode through the smoking ruins. Two hours ago this compound had housed a school and clinic operated...

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Knights of the Old Republic

"No no no...this isn't how it's done!" The Disciple, Mical, yelled. "When I was at the academy on..." "Oh will you shut never finished your training" retorted Visas Marr. "I doubt you ever finished Master Suurik either" interject Mira, "I mean, she took that eye candy Atton with him. Must sting." "That's not what this is about!" roared Mical "We need to do this the right way. We need to be prepared to train padawans correctly, by the books. As history has dictated!" "To bad for you...

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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 4

"This place is pretty nice, and that man was so polite to me," my mother said, looking around Gabriel's restaurant as we settled into opposite sides of our booth. "Yes, he's a great guy. Connor and I have been coming here for a while now and he's always treated us really nicely." I looked across at her, a warm smile turning up the corners of my mouth as I took in the relaxed look of contented happiness on her face. I knew my father had rarely taken my mother out to dinner and I wanted...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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gotta love ass fucking a feminist

so i have a busty latina friend that i started fucking in high school. she had a bf all throughout high school so i never thought i would get a chance at her but i was content with just fucking her friends. then her bf started cheating on her a bit so she thought it wasnt a huge deal if she did as well so she gave me a shot. she had heard from her friends i was pretty good and always left them satisfied and wasnt super weird about it. now, I am by no means packing heat down there. pretty...

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Feminist and Proud

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" The amplified voice booms over the massive stage and the packed audience as its owner, an immaculately dressed middle-aged man strolls out into the view, followed by the spotlight. "To our returning guests and viewers, welcome back. To those joining us for the first time: it will be worth your time. Just a quick reminder for all; in a moment I will be joined by lovely ladies who have shown themselves, in social media or in person, to be vocal supporters of feminism....

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Feminist SororityChapter 13

Events at the sorority went on much like normal after the confrontation with Mrs. Turner. While the betrayal of a favored alumni still shocked the girls of the sorority, it did not break them. In fact, finding out the source of so many of their problems liberated them. First on their agenda became repairing their relations with the frat boys who they had neglected in favor of the donors for so many years. Their spontaneous orgy after Jason’s defeat of Mrs. Turner became a weekly event for...

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Feminist HighschoolChapter 4

What Dan needed was the motivation for the bullies and, through that opening, he could find their weakness. For this reason, he spied on Jax for the next week. Jax had a routine of punching down on smaller students and hitting on younger ones. He did both with enthusiasm. The smaller students were resigned to their fates as punching bags and the girls looked bored. The obvious disinterest the female student population had for Jax went unnoticed by the jock. From willful ignorance or...

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Fineprint 2 RepublicChapter 5 Homesteading

Over the next few days, the Borealans split off into small groups, each choosing a location for their log cabins, clustered vaguely around the longhouse. They used similar methods as they had used to build the original structure, albeit the going was much faster on such a smaller scale. There seemed to be no real organization, the Borealans milled about, helping where they felt it was appropriate. It wasn’t uncommon to see one member of the pack working on a log wall in the morning, only to...

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Fineprint 2 RepublicChapter 7 Duty

Dennis stood on one of the dining tables in the longhouse, and two dozen Borealans sat before him, some stared attentively, others muttered amongst themselves, perhaps wondering what all the fuss was about and why they had been called to this meeting. His hips were still sore from the night before, and Kaisha must be positively bedridden, but he did his best to appear commanding. Ursi stood beside him on the ground, almost at eye level despite their height difference, her arms crossed, ready...

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Meeting Amanda Amandas Discovers Her Special Talent Chapter 4

Tommy was totally enjoying sucking on her sweet breasts. Each time he lightly bit down on her nipple she would tighten her grip on his hair. He could feel her heart beating so hard that he thought it would jump out of her chest. Since Amanda hadn’t had a shower since they went swimming Tommy could taste the chlorine on her skin. He didn’t care though because right now that was one of the best tastes that Tommy had ever had in his mouth. But he knew that something better was just a...

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The Feminist PT 2

The next morning I woke up feeling the warmth of Megan sleeping next to me and thought about the wild and lusty hours we enjoyed. Is this a fantasy come true—meeting a smart, sexy, beautiful woman in an empty bar in the middle of nowhere—two strangers seducing each other and ending up fucking each other’s brains out in a seedy motel?But here I was listening to her quiet breathing next to me. I glanced at her sleeping on her stomach, a thin sheet covering us.It was six-twenty-four according to...

Straight Sex
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Prisoner of the New Republic

Chapter 1 The panic attacks just kept coming, endlessly, one after the other. An attack would begin, and Mona would feel the fear in her spine. Breathing would become difficult. She would panic more when she felt it. Perhaps something horrible was about to happen. She would do the breathing exercise she had learned long ago. She would do the exercise for 10 minutes and just as the attack was beginning to ease off, and she was sort of able to breathe again, something else would happen just...

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Grove Academy a story of the New Republic

It began as a Birthday party for a 15 year old girl. In Latin America, that party is known as a Quince, somewhat similar to a Sweet 16 right of passage, only a year earlier, perhaps because Latin girls feel they mature a bit earlier. It was a somewhat formal event. The girls were mostly between 14 and 16, and were dressed in evening party dresses. Most were low cut, in order to reveal whatever cleavage the girl had; and were tight in order to show the girls waists, asses, and legs. The boys...

2 years ago
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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

"Four thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Republic verges on collapse. DARTH MALAK, last surviving apprentice of the DARK LORD REVAN, has unleashed an invincible Sith armada upon an unsuspecting galaxy. Crushing all resistance, Malak's war of conquest has left the Jedi Order scattered and vulnerable as countless Knights fall in battle, and many more swear allegiance to the new Sith Master. In the skies above the Outer Rim world of Taris, a Jedi battle fleet...

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Melia A Feminist Learns

Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II   Melia: A Feminist Learns, Part II (Below, when it suits me, I shall write what I? know to be true in the third person, omniscient voice.? I, of course, usually prefer the first person as it privileges my own voice. But as Master, I assume Melia and know her thoughts and being.? Sometimes the third person can say more about ownership than any other because of its omniscience.) (Victor)  ------------------------Melia woke out of her fitful sleep.? Forced...

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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 2

I jerked off three more times last night to those pictures I'd taken of my mother. As soon as I got home, I uploaded them from my phone to my computer, stripped down and grabbed some lube. Fuck, I'd always known my 42 year-old mother had a terrific body, but I never knew she could look that fucking hot! That tight sweater and slim-fitting skirt showed off every scintillating curve of her voluptuous body. And the high heels and sheer black stockings enhanced the toned lines of her shapely...

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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 3

Man, did my mother ever look fantastic with my cum clinging to her face. When I'd been tit-fucking those slippery monsters of hers, I had no intention of blowing off all over her face; I thought I was just gonna spray my load all over her upper chest and those incredible jugs of hers. I think I'd been shocked more than she was when she looked down to see what was going on when I started to cum, and ended up with the rest of my load pasted all over her pretty face. I had expected her to turn...

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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 5

"Oh yeah, that's it, Mom," I said, kneeling next to my mother's gorgeous naked body and pointing my engorged prick at her pretty face. "Just open those sweet lips of yours and I'll fill that mouth with a nice big load." With my hand wrapped in a warm loving corridor around my throbbing erection, I thought back on what had happened in the last little while... After she'd sucked me off for the first time, she let me know she wanted to do it again. I was only too happy to comply, but I...

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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 8

RING! RING! Ah shit. Just as I started pulling at my tie, my cell phone rang. I hated all those different distinctive cell phone rings that people put on—I just wanted mine plain and simple, so it sounded just like a regular old phone. As much as I wanted to let it ring, the number of people that had the number of my cell was limited to a select few, so I figured this call might be important. "Hello," I said as I pulled it out of my jacket pocket. "Andy, we need your help—right now." A...

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Tales from a Small Republic

Tales from a Small RepublicTayna's Story1As the recession hit the small Republic and many of the mines which had previously employed both men and women below ground were forced to close, there was a coup d'etat by the Generals and a much harsher regime imposed in an attempt to return some stability to the economy.One of the problems the Generals promised to deal with was the number of girls and women who turned to prostitution simply to try to get enough money to feed themselves after losing...

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Educating Sam chapter 1

I was fresh out of my second marriage and was tired of the same old places and faces. At the ripe old age of twenty four, I was bored to tears. My best friend Judy was home from Florida where she had moved with her husband when he joined the Navy a couple years before. We were visiting one night and I was venting to her about how I needed a change of scenery. Everywhere I looked all In saw was reminders of my failed relationships. She suggested that since her husband would be out to sea for...

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The Kringle Sisters Are Ready for ChristmasChapter 2 Gunther the Reindeer Handler Gets Laid

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 14

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eleven

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 6

"Does this look okay for going out tonight?" my mother asked as she walked into the living room. I'd been checking my e-mails as I waited for her to get ready, but as I looked up from the screen, I realized the wait had been worth it. She was wearing some of the new things we'd picked up for her that day, and my eyes immediately went to the soft pearl-gray sweater tightly adhered to those spectacular breasts of hers. It had a small turtleneck collar and little cap sleeves, but the way...

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Educating MomAndys StoryChapter 7

"Andy, wake up ... wake up!" "Huh?" I said as I quickly came to, my mother's hand shaking my shoulder as she leaned over me, those huge pendulous tits swaying hypnotically before my eyes. "We slept in. We're going to be late for church." She slid out of the bed, her body still clothed in that sexy black bustier I'd gotten for her. I watched her lush tits bob deliciously as she hurried into the en-suite bathroom, my morning hard-on twitching beneath the sheets. Her sexy voice came...

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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 10

Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 2 How

Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight

Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight: Sitting at my vanity I carefully outlined my lips. Then I pulled out a tube of china pink lipstick and coated them. My refection pleased me so much. Finally, I coated my pretty colored lips with two coats of shiny sticky lip gloss. I winked at Richard reflected in my mirror who was watching me get ready for work. I then stood up to face him in my freshly ironed cocktail waitress uniform. Today I would be wearing my pink uniform. I loved wearing...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Twelve

Disclaimer: Like all chapters of the Brandee series, this one is inteded for adult readers only. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Twelve I am now in my fourth month of my tour of gentleman's clubs and adult bookstores and I am really enjoying myself. Julie came out a few weekends ago and had such a fun time watching me in my glory. She says she is going to finish up her Doctorial work sooner than expected and that we might get some more time together. I would really enjoy that as I...

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FartSniffing Feminist

Amanda pulled shut the door of the crammed, tiny office used by the campus Gender Equality and Activism club, and locked it. She turned — then jumped, nearly dropping her keys. Mark was standing there, just a little too close, right inside her personal space. ‘Oh, sorry,’ he said, smiling apologetically, although not backing up. Amanda sidled around her ex-boyfriend. ‘Can I help you?’ ‘Yeah, listen,’ he said. ‘I know you’re still mad at me…’ She started striding toward the decades-old...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Being the oldest of the guys in our neighborhood often meant I often was recruited to watch over the younger boys while thier folks were gone. Such was the case on one summer afternoon. A number of the boys had gathered at my house, playing in the back yard. Thier ages ranged from 12 to 15. I went outside to check on them making sure they didn't get into mischief. I glanced up at the sky noting some clouds had begun to move in and was beginning to look like a storm might be brewing. I went back...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven

Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven Today may be one of the most important days of my new bimbo life. I go for my job interview today. I am so nervous. I so want to get this job. Lisa seems to think I am a shoe in. But I am nervous. I so want this job. It means a lot to me and I think it will mean a lot to Richard and I know it will help continue to me more comfortable as a bimbo girl happy in her role.To support me, Lisa came over and we went through my...

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