Fucked Girlfriend 8217 s Bestfriend In Oyo Room
- 2 years ago
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It had been a long night. Watching a XXX tape on Rose Ann's new VHS machine. Taking care of Rose Ann during her drunken state. It had also been an early morning when Rose Ann, waking with the urge to pee, had screamed bloody murder after finding me in her bed and clutching her boob. Both of us were still feeling the effects from our drunken binge. Even with the drama of the last hour, it was Rose Ann who stretched out like a limp kitty and fell asleep first. I wasn't long behind her in finding my rest.
T-Minus 62 Hours...
It was late in the morning when I woke. My little nap had done wonders to lessen my hangover and brighten my mood. At some point during our nap, my hand had migrated to cup one of Rose Ann's full breasts again. Apparently, my subconscious had boob-radar which guided my hand with unerring accuracy to the nearest available breast. Waking with a soft boob in my hand and a beautiful, naked body pressed to mine, I was loath to leave our warm little nest but nature was calling my name.
Nature was calling my name but the soft flesh and semi-hard nipple in my hand had my name, street address, phone number, and birth date. I know, I know... I'd made a big thing out of not taking advantage of Rose Ann while she'd been drunk. Yet here I was cupping and fondling her tit while she slept. I was sure I'd feel guilty later but her nipple was getting so hard from my thumb rubbing it! The strain to keep liquid in my bladder that wanted out finally had me withdrawing my hand.
I tried not to wake Rose Ann but that proved impossible since I was trapped between her soft, warm body and the cold, hard wall my bed was pushed against. Isaac Newton missed one Law of Motion. Maybe I should patent it as Daniel's First Law Of Cuddling: For every motion a man makes to separate two bodies, a woman will unconsciously move to fill that space. The only way I could leave the bed was to push Rose Ann away far enough that I could crawl over her. Even half-asleep, Rose Ann resisted being moved and then kept sleepily pouting for me to stay as I moved over her. Only a very urgent need to piss kept me moving over the delicious, naked body under me.
Minutes later my bladder was happy, my teeth were brushed and my breath smelled minty fresh. From my bedroom door, I looked at the nest of sheets and blankets on my bed and gave serious thought to going spelunking for the self-proclaimed willing virgin who was somewhere in that warm nest. But the sheets were moving as Rose Ann stretched and yawned, almost fully awake and probably with her own urgent needs. Knowing what one of her urgent needs would be I continued on to the kitchen.
I was opening cans when she appeared and stumbled into the washroom. I was cutting carrots into small chunks when she reappeared shuffling her steps to her bedroom. I poured a cup of coffee and fixed it the way she liked as she came zombie walking out of her room. At least she isn't naked, I thought with a mental sigh of relief. True, the open flannel shirt and panties with just the slightest hint of a camel-toe didn't cover much but they were something. Sleepwalking towards me with messed-up bed hair while scratching her head with one hand and an ass cheek with the other, Rose Ann still managed to look absolutely adorable.
After a long stretch which involved every muscle from toes to hair, she plopped her butt down on one of the bar stools beside the small counter that separated the kitchen from our common room. With head hanging forward, long strands of tangled hair fell to cover her face. From somewhere in that jungle of hair came one word, "Coffee."
"And a good morning to you, too, Little Miss Sunshine."
Rose Ann didn't rise to my challenge for a proper greeting. Just a more demanding huff, "Coffee!"
I pushed her coffee cup across the counter. Eyeing the full-to-the-brim cup, something in her brain decided that lifting without spilling was beyond her capability. Pulling hair out of the way, her head bent as she slurped from the cup.
"Barbarian," was my comment.
"Piss off," was her reply as she found the strength to lift the now only partially full cup to mouth. Pushing the empty cup to my side of the counter, "More!"
I fixed her another cup the way she liked and, sliding the now ready sandwich out of the skillet onto a plate, pushed cup and plate in front of her. Taking a large bite of the sandwich, Rose Ann entertained me for several seconds fanning her mouth, taking great breaths of cooling air while gargling something that sounded like, "Ha... Ha... Ha... Ha... HOT! Hot cheese! Hot cheese!"
"Dumbass. You saw me take the grilled cheese sandwich straight out of the pan."
Rose Ann ignored me while taking much smaller bites of her sandwich between sips from her cup.
"I want another grilled cheese sandwich," Rose Ann put her order in while nibbling at her cooling sandwich.
"Rose Ann, you do realize that as I am from the country that the English language originated, I know that words such as Please and Thank You exist. I even believe they exist in this bastardized American language many insist on labeling English."
"I don't feel good," was her only reply. "Aspirin," was her next demand.
Leaning over the counter I looked down the gap of her shirt. "You may not feel well but you certainly look good," My lesson in grammar flew completely over her head. I got the bottle and shook out two pills into her waiting palm. I waited until she'd used the last of her coffee taking them before retrieving both empty cup and plate. Shortly, I slid more coffee and another sandwich her way.
Still no thanks, but while nibbling her way through her sandwich Rose Ann did inform me, "I'm still mad at you."
"Whatever for," I asked, all innocence.
"Not making a pass for three fucking months... I was drunk and in bed with you and still nothing! And now you're laughing at me!"
I couldn't help laughing again. Only a little as Rose Ann's attention shifted from her sandwich to me. She did not have her happy face on. "Rose Ann, even if you weren't a virgin there is no way I would ever take advantage of you while you were drunk and passing out."
"Well, I'm not drunk now and why, if you're all so concerned about not taking advantage of me, why was I dreaming that someone was playing with my boob a little while ago?"
I assumed an air of innocence, "I haven't a clue what you're talking about. Besides, I'm such a magnificent chap I'm certain women dream of me all the time."
Rose Ann gave me a stink-eye but let that pass. Her coffee and sandwich finished, she didn't ask for more. Propping her head up on a hand, she sat quietly while watching me cut meat into small bites. Letting a large amount of butter melt in the skillet, I added the bits and stirred until the meat was lightly seared. As I added both meat and butter to the large pot simmering on the stove, Rose Ann roused herself enough to say, "That smells good, Daniel. How did you get to be such a good cook?"
"My Mum was a single mother raising me. She worked long hours and when I got old enough I started doing the home chores." I pointed the stirring spoon at an open book on the counter, "It's called a cookbook, Rose Ann. You can look at it if you wish. It even has pictures."
Rose Ann rested her head on her hand again and stuck out her tongue at the cookbook as her only response. As I began peeling potatoes she quietly asked, "What's wrong with me?"
"Would you like the list alphabetically or just off the top of my noggin as they come to me?"
Ouch! A double stink-eye!
"There's nothing wrong with you, Rose Ann," I said to placate the she-demon. "Why?"
"High school... Dating. I never felt that need to have sex. All the boys I dated had that need... My girlfriends had that need and would talk about what they did on dates... I'd want to but I'd always back away before... So, here I am, twenty years old and the only girl I know who has never had sex."
Rose Ann's voice trailed off. I finished peeling a potato and began another while repeating, "There's nothing wrong with you, Rose Ann. You just 'developed' slowly. Like some girls start growing boobs earlier than others. And those wankers you dated? They were idiots."
"And if I'd accepted your offers to go on a date? Would you have been any different?"
"I'd like to say I would have been different but at seventeen? With your delicious body in my car? Hell no!"
We both laughed and Rose Ann gave me the compliment of saying she thought I would have been different from her other dates even at seventeen. "I know that now but back then? We always seemed to click together like two pieces of a puzzle. I just didn't want to take a chance at finding out that you were like the other boys and ruin a good friendship, so I never agreed to go out with you."
"Bloody Friend's Zone," I said in disgust while starting to dice the potatoes.
Rose Ann was agitated now and her words were coming faster, "For years, all those boys trying everything to get my pants off and me saying no! And now!" Rose Ann pounded the counter with closed fists, "I want to! Maybe it's my time... Maybe it's you... Maybe it's a combination of my time and you! And now it's the fucking boy who won't take HIS BLOODY PANTS OFF!!"
"Rose Ann," I attempted to interrupt but she was on a roll and just talked over me.
"Dammit, Daniel! You've been wanting to fuck me for three years. And, now? You want to wait! I'm tired of waiting! I've waited months for you to do something! Anything! You could drop dead before New Years and I'll still be left a virgin. Wondering how long I'll have to wait before I'll find the right guy again!"
"I'm glad that my death will mean so much to you!"
"Fuck you, you English prick!"
"Hey! You can call me prick, asshole, bastard or anything else but don't disrespect my country, Bitch!"
We both stopped yelling to glare at each other. I calmed first and asked, "Feeling better with that out of your system?"
Rose Ann dropped her eyes and let out a long breath of air. Sheepishly, she admitted, "Yeah, I do." Then, running her fingers through the tangled mop her hair was in, she let out a disgusted, "Crap! I need another shower. I should've known better than to fall asleep with damp hair."
Pushing away from the counter she walked to the door of the washroom. Leaning over to give me a good look while slipping out of her panties she dangled them from one finger before dropping them to the floor. Pulling her shirt down to mid-back while modestly keeping her breasts covered Rose Ann looked at me over her shoulder. "Are you coming with me," she asked in her breathiest, sexiest voice.
"You have no idea how much I want to..." I groaned before adding under my breath. "But I'll settle on a shower." Deciding the soup could wait I covered the pot and turned down the burner. "From chef to ladies washroom attendant. Will my work never end," I asked no one. However, my quick steps to follow Rose Ann put the lie to my put-upon airs.
Mindful of the limited hot water in our trailer's small water heater, we turned the spigot off after wetting down. While Rose Ann worked shampoo through her hair, I concentrated on other, much more delectable, portions of her body. I wasn't as shy as before and Rose Ann's full breasts were soft and slippery under the washcloth. Her nipples hard. For several minutes my hands left soapy trails from her neck, over her breasts, down her flat stomach to almost, but not quite, move past the rise of her mound. Shoulders, arms, back, butt... Rose Ann became so lost in the feelings that, her hair forgotten, she moaned and put her hands on the wall to steady herself as I continued to wash and massage her body.
When I began washing myself, Rose Ann let out a silent exhalation of air and begin shampooing her hair again. My God, how did such a sexually responsive female survive so long a virgin, I asked myself as I left Rose Ann to finish washing her hair and parts I hadn't trusted myself to touch. As we turned the spigot on to rinse off the soap and shampoo I decided to ask her just that question.
"I don't know," Rose Ann answered slowly with a shrug. She went quiet, head under the spray while water made soap drip from ass cheeks. Another slight shrug, "What I told you earlier was true. I always wanted my first time to be special and every time I got close to, you know, doing it... Something always felt not right. Almost all of my dates in high school and at our community college... There's very little romance when a guy just tries to grab my tits and drag me into the back seat of his car."
With the soap rinsed off, I turned the water off to conserve the hot water. Rose Ann began working conditioner into her hair. My wash was finished. Leaning against the wall I was enjoying the view before asking, "So you never took a shower with any of them?"
"No," Rose Ann laughed and leaned against the side of the tub, stripping water from her long hair and looking for tangles. "If I'd known how good it felt to have my back scrubbed I might have. But no, I managed to at least keep my panties on. The very few that got my pants off," she paused and laughed ruefully. "They didn't last long,"
Rose Ann concentrated on her hair. "After a few dates, I'd know they weren't the ones I wanted to remember as my first. A couple of the guys smoked and I didn't like the smell. One guy had body odor. One guy laughed like a donkey... One guy tried a little too much. You'd be surprised how a hand clutched around his balls and a threat to rip them off will calm a guy down. I kept a grip on his ball sack all the time he drove me back to my house." Rose Ann laughed.
I turned the spigot on again. Pulling Rose Ann away from the wall I put her under the spray so she could enjoy the last of the hot water washing conditioner out of her hair. We were both quiet after that except for the occasional 'Mmmmm...' from Rose Ann as I massaged her shoulders and back.
When the water began to cool I turned the spigot off. Out of the tub, I started drying Rose Ann off. Leaning into me she showed every sign of wanting to remain there for as long as I kept rubbing the towel over her back and ass. Laying her head against my shoulder Rose Ann took one of my hands in hers and placed it on her ass with a whispered, "Scratch." With one last, long scratch session from the bottom of her ass cheeks to her shoulders I let her go to dry myself off. The temptation to do more was becoming too strong.
Drying off her chest and stomach Rose Ann grinned and sighed, "Damn, if just one of the assholes I dated had taken the time to show me how good it felt having my ass scratched and massaged instead of grabbing at my pussy I wouldn't be a virgin now."
I was amazed and had to ask, "You mean not one guy ever took the time to massage your back or give your butt a good scratch?"
Rose Ann laughed, "They were too busy trying to get me into the back seat of their car."
"Rose Ann, your ability to pick the most stupid wankers to date will never cease to amaze me," I told her. Then I followed the logic of what she'd said and started laughing again, "So, let me get straight on this. If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach... Then the way to your virginity is through your ass?"
Annoyed that I was seemingly making light of her confession, Rose Ann pushed herself away from me with both hands on my chest. "Don't laugh at me," Rose Ann told me irritably before stalking to her room and shutting the door hard to ensure it latched.
T-Minus 58 Hours...
Rose Ann was in her room a very long time even after the sound from her hair blower stopped. Lying down to sleep off the last of the alcohol, I hoped. That made sense considering how much she'd consumed. Much more worrying though was my second thought, 'She's up to something!' After finishing the preparation of our dinner, I tried to concentrate on a TV program instead of what a very irritated, very imaginative tease might be up to.
Tasting the soup, I decided it was ready and put some dinner rolls into the oven to warm. Calling to Rose Ann that our supper would be ready in five minutes I got a reply saying she'd be right out. I was taking the rolls out of the oven when her door opened and... Oh, Bloody Hell! I was right. She is up to something.
Wearing panties and a knotted shirt she was every boy's wet dream come to life as she walked down the hall into our common room. She didn't leave me in doubt for long about what she was up to as she stretched out on our couch like a cat. In her sexiest voice she informed me, "I thought I'd give you a choice. You can have the soup on the stove... Or the virgin on the couch."
"Oh, damn it, Rose Ann. This isn't fair!"
"I don't know what you mean," she replied innocently then ran her hand up her stomach to cup a breast through her shirt. "Brrr, is it cold in here? My nipples are so hard... Just like they get when I'm cold. Or, maybe I'm sick because, here," She cooed as her other hand slowly skimmed over her tight stomach and lightly rubbed at the crotch of her panties. "I'm very, very warm."
"This is low, Rose Ann. Even for you!"
If I even had just one condom...
"I have no idea what you mean, Daniel," Rose Ann said softly, closing her eyes. The fingers of her hands never stopping their movements over breast and panties. "I think I may be running a temperature I'm so hot. Would you come here and take my temperature, Daniel?"
"No, I have a great view from here. Why not come and eat while the food is nice and warm? Maybe you'll get over your... Sickness."
"I'm not sure I should eat," Rose Ann cooed as she flowed to her feet with the slow, grace of a cat stalking its prey. Taking a couple of steps towards me she turned and leaned over the arm of our couch. "I think I'm eating too much. My butt? Does my butt look fat, Daniel?"
"It's perfect, Rose Ann," I answered honestly.
"Are you sure? Maybe if you come closer and take a better look..."
"I'm close enough..." I replied with a muttered, 'In more ways than one.' Rose Ann may not have heard my muttered words but she smiled at my involuntary step towards her beckoning butt.
"You can't see from so far away," Rose Ann told me while pushing her panties down and leaning to push her butt at me. "Daniel, I think I'm definitely running a temperature. My butt feels soooo hot. Touch my butt, Daniel. Tell me if my butt is hot."
Leaning further across the coach caused her panties to fall to her feet. Stepping out of them Rose Ann pouted, "Oops. Oh, dear. I seem to have lost my panties, Daniel. Would you help me put them back on?"
"You're evil, Rose Ann. Evil incarnate. Would you just stop playing and sit down to eat?"
"Whatever are you talking about," Rose Ann asked over her shoulder as she settled across the arm of the sofa with her ass in the air. "I'm just asking for help with my panties."
I remembered I was still holding a tray of dinner rolls. Setting the tray on the stove I walked over to pick up her panties from the floor at her feet. While I was bent over so close to her tight ass, I thought, 'What the hell. She started this. She wants to play? Fine, I'll play along...'
Don't get me wrong. What Rose Ann was doing was exciting as hell!!! But, it was exciting in the way a beautiful stripper captures your attention. Absolutely fantastic to look at but there's no personal connection. Fine for getting your dick hard but... Rose Ann had my dick hard enough to cut diamonds with, but... It was time to show her two could play this game.
Going to my knees behind that fantastic ass, I was close to and at eye level with the puffy outer lips of her pussy. The sparse light brown hair of her bush trailed off to almost nothing close to the end of her slit. This, my first close look at what I'd wanted for years almost pushed me over the edge. Thoughts of no condoms and the opportunity to re-pay her for some of the hell she'd put me through brought me back from the brink. I wondered if her teasing me had made her as wet as she'd made me hard. A shudder ran through Rose Ann's body when my fingers brushed her upper thighs. With a light touch, I began to run my hands slowly up and then down. Each upwards move of my hands brought my thumbs just a bit closer to her pussy. Hanging her head down, Rose Ann's breathing was slow with soft sounds of enjoyment.
On my next movement up her firm thighs, just as my thumbs touched soft pussy lips, I tucked them in and continued up and over the swell of her ass cheeks. Down again to mid-thigh and back up, letting my thumbs press harder on soft pussy lips before moving my hands up her ass. Rose Ann breathed a low whimpering sound each time I touched her warm lips.
The next time my hands began moving up her thighs I knew that Rose Ann had to be wondering how far would I go. She lifted her feet from the floor and rested all of her weight on the couch arm. Her thighs quivered in my hands and her legs opened more, inviting me to deepen my touch. This time I let my thumbs linger, sliding them up on each side of her slit before releasing them to push my hands up to her ass. Grabbing ass cheeks in a rough grip to pull and push her firm flesh before letting go to slide my hands back to her thighs to begin another slow glide upwards. Rose Ann's breaths came between low whimpering sounds. A low, breathy plea to, "Touch me..."
This time when my thumbs pressed lightly into her fleshy lips I let them stay. Slowly manipulating her lips up and down. Pressing my thumbs deeper into the yielding, puffy lips. Pulling them to the side to expose her smaller, pink inner lips, my question was answered. God, her pussy juices were flowing. This close I could hear the soft, moist sound of wet pussy lips separating and coming together again. Once you've heard that sound you never forget. I could also hear Rose Ann's rapid breaths and soft catch in her breathing when my fingers caused sensations that surprised her.
Unable to resist, I leaned in. I used my thumbs to pull her lips apart and with just the tip of my tongue, licked every centimeter of pussy slit I could reach. There was nothing quiet about Rose Ann's gasp this time. Nor Rose Ann's long wordless moan as her entire body shook and her thighs involuntarily tried to close around my head. Keeping her thighs apart with my hands, I continued my tongue's journey along and then past where her slit ended to lick the area between pussy and anus.
Pulling my hands from between her thighs I ran them over her ass cheeks and up to her shoulders as I stood up. Rose Ann's body continued to tremble but, perhaps thinking I was rising to claim her finally with my cock, her thighs opened wider. Leaning over her back, I moved my hands under her body to grip her shirt and tits much harder and rougher than I had ever before. Moans of desire changed to whines of discomfort as my hands on her breasts pulled her torso up from the couch. Kissing the back of Rose Ann's neck, I made quick work of untying the knot of her shirt. Now my hands gripped bared breasts hard to pull and lift them away from her chest.
Tightening my grasp while sliding my hands out away from her chest her soft tits became hard mounds. I kept my grip strong until only my thumbs and fingers pinching her nipples pulled them up and away. Rose Ann was gasping, making sounds either protesting or approving of my rough treatment of her tits. Whatever her groans meant, her hands covered mine yet didn't try to stop me as I held nipples clamped between thumb and forefinger and pulled harder until they slipped from between my fingers and her breasts snapped back to lie on her chest. Rose Ann gave a final, loud grown and only then slid her hands past mine to protect and massage her abused tits and nipples.
One of my girlfriends had loved rough tit play. I wasn't certain how Rose Ann felt. The contrast between my tender worship of her pussy and my harsh treatment of her breasts seemed to have left her confused as she continued to stand in place while massaging her breasts.
Deciding I'd had enough payback for now, I took the opportunity to put my hands on her hips and hold her in place as I backed away. Turning to pick up the tray of rolls I put them on the bar. Still massaging her breasts, Rose Ann turned to stare at me and demanded to know what the hell I was doing!
"I'm going to eat."
"What? You just... You were just... Touching me and... What the hell is wrong with you!!!" Rose Ann's voice raised in volume near the end to almost a scream.
"Please, Rose Ann. Did you really think your little performance art was going to cause me to toss you on the couch and ravish you? I give you nine out of ten for artistic interpretation but it just wasn't in character," I told her.
Rose Ann stood completely still as she began to realize she hadn't been teasing me... I had been teasing her! "So you were just playing with me," Rose Ann asked in a low, growl.
I pointed my finger at the one who'd started the tease. I was getting angry now that she was trying to turn the blame for this shit onto me! "Don't you dare go all pissy with me you bloody tart! You were the one who started this entertainment. I simply performed my part in your fuck film fantasy!"
I paused, tamping down my emotions. "Look," I said, holding out a placating hand and trying to sound reasonable. "I'm hungry and you're probably starving by now. All we've had since yesterday are grilled cheese sandwiches and alcohol. I made soup so why don't we call a truce and eat. Forget about everything and just sit down like we normally do." I held up the tray, "I made rolls."
"Real butter," Rose Ann asked grumpily while knotting her shirt together again. The thought of food squashing her temper.
"Of course," I answered, slightly offended she would think I'd use anything else.
Rose Ann considered this. She snatched her panties out of my hand when I offered them. As she lifted a leg to put her panties on, she nodded and agreed, "Deal. Truce." Her tone was still a tad harsh and unforgiving but at least she'd agreed.
We were both hungry and didn't talk much at first while stuffing our mouths. "This is good," Rose complimented me while buttering another roll.
"Thanks. It's the Hungarian sweet paprika. I thought about using the Spanish hot paprika but my stomach is still a bit tetchy after our all-night binge party," I said.
"Good choice."
Since we were being all nice-y-nice, I asked the question I'd been wondering about. "Rose Ann, after three years of you never wanting to go out on dates with me, why didn't you just tell me what you wanted instead of all this fucked up teasing?"
Rose Ann looked down at her plate for a long while. Without raising her head she started to mumble around a mouthful of roll. "I told you. I wanted the romance... Okay? I just wanted to feel the romance. The feeling of being seduced for my first time. I wanted you to make the move. I wasn't looking for Prince Charming to come riding in to give me True-Love's-Kiss or anything. But I at least wanted the guy to make the move. That's pretty much shot to hell now.
"I guess I wanted to feel that flutter in the pit of my stomach when there's that moment of hesitation... A guy's hand is getting a little side boob action and he's wondering if he should go for the whole boob. Will I let him, or stop him. Then that time when there's the slow slide of a hand moving up my thigh and I'm wondering how far will he go. Should I stop him? Should I let him go a little further? Maybe let him touch my panties? Christ, Daniel. I did everything but stick a printed invitation on my ass and you still wouldn't make a move."
"I'm not a bloody mind reader, Rose Ann. In three years you never showed that you were interested in me in, you know, that way before. I just thought we were getting comfortable around each other. Bloody hell, you were driving me crazy," I admitted. "Thank God, I had Tina as a girlfriend. I've never cheated on a girlfriend and having her gave me a little more self-control."
"Self-control or someone to have sex with while you thought of me, maybe?"
"My, look at Miss Full-Of-Herself!" I looked away and muttered, "Only a couple of times...."
"Crap, I forgot about Tina. So how are you gonna, 'Peel the Peach'," Rose Ann laughed at our little joke. "And still not cheat on a girlfriend?"
I shrugged and replied, "Tina's out of the picture. She came over the night you left and gave me a going-away present."
"I'm sure you both enjoyed her... Present."
"We did. Very much in fact. Then she told me it was a going-away present, as in a last present. She wants to try making it work with her high school sweetheart again. Ah, well. We were never serious."
Soon we'd finished eating and I tried to find something decent to watch on the telly while Rose Ann cleaned the kitchen. We had a pact... Who doesn't cook, cleans. Which meant I cooked all the time and still cleaned half the time. Daytime programming was poor and uninteresting. We didn't have cable service and only had the local stations to choose from. Finished in the kitchen Rose Ann came and sat on our small couch. She on one side and I on the other. Both of us studiously ignoring each other while pretending to watch the soap opera General Hospital.
Rose Ann was the first to break the silence, "Well, this is awkward."
"I'm not giving up, you know. You saying no is like issuing me a challenge to change your mind. I have nothing else to do. We're snowed in with nowhere to go..." Rose Ann said with a smile. I felt the sofa shift as she inched her way towards me.
"Rose Ann we have a truce!"
"Sure we do. That doesn't mean we can't cuddle. You like cuddling, don't you?" I didn't answer as Rose Ann's panty-clad ass slid onto my sofa cushion. "You know what I wanna do? Just to pass the time, of course? I wanna watch more porn. We have five tapes we haven't watched yet. You like porn, don't you? We can cuddle. Watch porn..." Rose Ann's hand was on my thigh. "You can fix some popcorn. I'll fix us some drinks." A soft body was being pressed against my side. "Eat popcorn. Drink alcohol. Cuddle close. Watch porn... Isn't that every boy's dreeaam?"
'Dream' was a long, breathy word whispered into my ear while a finger softly traced the length of my cock through my shorts. I couldn't hold out any longer. My only hope was that Rose Ann would back off if I told the truth. "Rose Ann stop! We can't have sex!"
"I'm the virgin and I say we can," Rose Ann breathed against my neck.
With the last bit of my willpower, I tried to stand up. A surprisingly strong arm across my chest pulled me back to my seat. "Rose Ann wait, dammit! We can't have sex because... Because there's not a single, bloody condom in the trailer!"
Rose Ann froze. "You mean you haven't... All this time you've... Because you don't have a condom?"
"YES! Dear God, do you think you'd still be a virgin if I wasn't worried you'd get pregnant? The snow will end soon. Tomorrow I plan on walking to the nearest pharmacy."
Rose Ann was quiet. Considering... "So your grand, romantic gesture of not doing anything until New Years was just to get me to back off?"
"Yes," I admitted in a small voice tinged with shame.
I was prepared for Rose Ann to get mad. To attack. What I wasn't prepared for was her laughing hysterically...
Next Chapter Coming...
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Wow, I guess I do have a special power of some kind. I started working with it trying to figuring out exactly what I was capable of doing. I didn't let anyone know about it. I just used it. It made me think back about Abby. No wonder she was so interested in my dream. I must have transferred it to her some way. Oh, hell, I dreamt of her again the other day. I wonder if she had that dream too? To began with, I decided to dream about some of the gals that walked, jogged, and rode their bikes...
Jimmy Once again, Amber had to catch Christine as she almost fell off the bed. The difference was that this time she was awake, or at least conscious, sort of — it was still a dream after all. She was also white as a sheet. "David?" She looked from me to Amber and back again. "But you said ... Oh my god! You're her master? You're Jimmy?" "Yes." "And you're sixteen?" "I'm afraid so." "Oh ... my ... God! This isn't happening. I'm dreaming! That's it; I must be...
I had just got up the next day and was making coffee when someone was beating on my door. It was Pete. I let him in and asked what he was doing over so early? He told me he needed to talk to me. He told me that I would never believe what happened. "Okay, Pete, what happened?" I asked. "I had a dream last night and you were in it," he said. "So, what's the big deal that you had a dream, and why the hell are you dreaming of me?" I laughed. "It's not like that, Ben. I never had a...
I admit it. Sometimes, I'm an asshole. Actually, that's really not much of an admission, so let me try that again. I admit it. On more than one occasion, I have found that I can become the biggest asshole in existence. We had been in the process of deciding what we were going to do, now that we were all together in Washington, and I was explaining to Mary that I trusted Aimee's investigator, a Mr. Voder. I was quite taken aback when Mary asked me if I only trusted Mr. Voder because...
Things were progressing as we moved into the most dangerous part of the game. Another couple died in an accident the second week of November. Two wasn't enough to establish even the semblance of a pattern, so for now we were still okay, but that wouldn't last. Eventually the numbers catch up, and they start to question the coincidence factor. For this reason, Jamie was targeting the most sadistic members of the group first – the ones like Essex who seemed to really get their kicks...
Allison Damn, sometimes I hate being right. And I know it drives Jimmy nuts. It was not even three months since Christine came into Jimmy's life – roughly ten weeks with him full time – and the change was complete, or seemed to be. Ten weeks ago, when she first found herself in the deep end of our little pool, she had been aghast at discovering that twenty-two year old 'David' was really sixteen year old Jimmy. She was so upset about it that she asked him to hide the knowledge from the...
Waking up the next morning was a trip. We were all still nude, I was spooning with her friend, my hand right on her pussy. My girlfriend was asleep by our feet. No clue how that happened. Wanting to get up, I tried to move as slowly and gently possible before I heard a voice-“Oh finally you’re awake. Last night was AMAZING.”Her friend was awake. As we whispered about the night we’d had, I couldn’t help but slowly start to rub her pussy and grab her ass. She seemed to enjoy this, as she gave me...
They were a cute couple, the young two. Those that knew them or met them knew that the two were deeply in love and had a potentially successful future with each other, both professionally, emotionally, and any other way imaginable. They couldn’t see each other much, just a day or two out of the week, so time together was extremely valuable to each. Time was spent alone or out as a couple, rather than with friends much or in highly social settings. Time not spent together was...
Cuddled up with the girls, I was reminded of one of the major drawbacks to my gift: twenty-four hour days. We were all worn out, but where the girls got to arrange themselves for sleep, I still had some serious explaining to do. The first step was to bubble Rebecca so that it would still be safe when we were through. This posed a unique problem since I wanted to be honest with Rebecca, and for her to understand what had happened. The problem was that neither of us wanted her to remember the...
Hello friends, I am Tanisha, having assets 36d 30 34,fair and sexy , always love to maintain myself, come again to entertain you guys with 1 of my threesome adventure with another female and my boy friend raj , as you all know that we both are very much open minded in our relation and he fulfilled my fantasy of getting fucked by 2 man at once, so now its my turn to fulfill his fantasy of fucking 2 girls at same time , frankly speaking to I am little jealous by this because I feel best to give...
True story about my girlfriends bestfriendSince her mouth was at just the right height anyway, she immediately bent over and pulled my dripping cock right into her mouth. Her mouth was working wonders on my cock so I decided to test her sucking ability as a true slave. I reached out with my hands and pulled her entire head down onto my cock as I stuffed my foot up her cunt. Her gasp for breath was overwhelmed by her grunt from my foot fucking her cunt. Her cunt was taking my foot deeper and...
By the time I arrived the next night, the plan had changed. Apparently, his lordship had decided he wanted to play a little before getting down to serious work. Either that, or he had decided to fuck with me by making me hurt the people I had been protecting. "I have decided to begin with another subject," Hightower informed me when I arrived. "Bring Samantha Watkins here." "My Lord, I..." Pain lanced through me once more as he asked, "Are you questioning me?" "No, my lord!" I...
The rest of the week was chaotic beyond belief and the Dream haunted Sean and Megan. The two boys who had been forced to pick the fight with AJ and Scott, had let everyone know what had happened. They had been in the thick of the whole episode, after all. Unfortunately, the boys also embellished what had happened just a bit. The Ford Bronco stopped in a parking space in the high school parking lot on the third day at school. AJ turned the key and the big engine rumbled to a stop. There was...
Number one our to-do list for the night was finding out who it was that put my name in the paper and confirming Fox as the source. I had no doubt it was Fox, and I didn't need the reporter's identity to deal with him, but I was really tired of the press screwing up peoples' lives in the name of ratings. This 'speaking on condition of anonymity' bullshit needed to stop. I figured it was time they felt some of the suffering they caused, and this looked like a good place to start. After...
We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...
Part 1 of a multi-parter. Dreamscape 1 By Diana Kimberly Heche No, this isn't right! None of this is. I stopped in mid bite, then chewed the pancakes more slowly, straining my senses to search for the qualities that I loved in them so well. Nothing. It was not that they were bland in the traditional sense, they were completely devoid of taste altogether. Impossible. I picked up the glass of orange juice and brought the pulpy liquid to my nose, inhaling vigorously for a...
Being confident was important, but Elliott Bastion was hands down the biggest threat I had faced – even counting the Sandman – and that said a lot. But the most the Sandman could do was kill me; Bastion could, maybe, turn me into something so dark it made Jamie on a bad day look like Phoebe in church. Nothing we had tried had been even remotely successful, and I still didn't know how I was going to handle someone I couldn't even look at in a dream. Trust me, over-confidence, wasn't a...
I hate waiting. Christine was gone, headed back to a place called Conley to oversee the movers as they packed up her belongings for the trip west. Lizzy was flying down with Amber to keep her company on the drive back. When she told me they were both going, I couldn't help but think that it was going to be an interesting trip. I expected Lizzy would take advantage of the time to tell Christine the truth about our relationship. I was a little unsure of what her plans were for Amber, but I...
"Are you kidding me?" i said angrily. "What, she's just a friend babe. chill out." lloyd said. "Well at least if you're cheating on me, don't have some bitch call my phone asking for you." i said. "Erica you really need to calm down because I'm not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Why not enjoy it while we can? Besides, im on punishment, i can't use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck...
"what, she's just a friend babe chill" lloyd said. " well at least if you're cheating on me, don't have some bitch call my cell phone asking for you." i said. " Erica you really need to chill out because I'm not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Besides, im on punishment, i can't use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck would I cheat on you? i told you shes my close family friend so get off my back."...
Introduction: Lloyd is officially my boyfriend! Are you kidding me? i said angrily. what, shes just a friend babe chill lloyd said. well at least if youre cheating on me, dont have some bitch call my cell phone asking for you. i said. Erica you really need to chill out because Im not going to fight with you tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves for awhile. Besides, im on punishment, i cant use my phone so i have whoever i want to talk to call you. Why the fuck would I cheat on you? i...
I had thought that our trip up and down the east coast had convinced June that she was really a member of our family. On the first night after we arrived back in Makena, though, June told me that she was a bit hesitant to sleep with Mary or Aimee. I told her that she should just talk to them and go at her own pace. There was no rush, I told her. The next morning, however, Aimee had her own solution. After breakfast was all cleaned up, Aimee turned to June and said, "June! Report to Sunrise,...
This story is dedicated to all sexy girl who are looking for any arousing sex stories. Here is what happened to me one day. Thought not to say anybody, but couldn’t resist myself. I Sonu (changed) 22 years old on completion of my btech. Handsome and good looking. I was simple enough studious) to attract any girl. Story began when I started concentrating on girls during my last year leaving my study aside. Thought to enjoy my whole year being an engineering student. She was Rima (Changed) my...
Most of the time it was a basketball court – and a nice one at that. It took up one end of the warehouse and was used by the employees for recreation during lunch or on particularly slow days. In the season it was used by a local youth team coached by the building's owner, and hosted games almost every weekend. The league's championship game had been played there for the last three years – ever since he had installed the state of the art, collapsible bleachers along the back wall. Oddly...
I watched the clock across the room from my bed, and found that by really staring at it, time would appear to speed up. The clock hands circled twice. It should now be noon... June 19th. I went outside, and quickly investigated the newspaper. It was a different issue, and the date was indeed the 19th. I found that once I had "been" somewhere in my mind, I could instantly transport myself back there later. I was set to transport myself back to my room, when I noticed Lt. Cadley walking...
Special Agent in Charge Dominique Spencer is a different person when she lets her hair down, and dinner with her and Doreen was an interesting affair to say the least. Apparently the two had met on Spencer's first case in Vegas some twenty-five years before. Spencer had been transferred away a couple years later, but the two had kept in touch. Doreen became one of Spencer's experts of choice in matters involving insurance companies. They had had a bit of a falling out five years earlier...
Kate woke abruptly shouting "No!" She lay breathing heavily slowly gathering her faculties all too conscious of the perspiration on her body and the tell tale wet between her legs. Slowly her mind sorted fact from fantasy. Through eyes that refused to open fully she could see that she was in her own bed, her own bedroom, the curtains the Regency Stripe she had chosen herself. Damn, she thought, that bloody dream again. It had all been a dream. Then as recollection came to her she blushed,...
Water rushes in to meet her toes, wiggling things in the sand, petite and pretty. A wistful sigh escapes her as she turns her eyes to the horizon and wonders once more where he might be? What he might be doing? Her Dreamer. Does he think of her like she does him, she wonders. Does the night caress him with the softest brush of its lips, the darkness creep over his skin all shadows and longing and prickle his flesh with a kiss? She smiles as she closes her eyes and turns her face into the...
Love StoriesJamie I met Sandra Atkins in her office, just so she would have a familiar point of reference. "Why the disguise?" "This is the way people see me here. It's easier to be consistent, and I've been using it so long that – unless I'm specific – this is the way I appear." "I see," she said. "Well, thank you for coming; I wasn't sure you would." "There isn't much point in avoiding it at this point; you know too much, and you're used to getting your way – by whatever means...
You can encounter some real problems when you write a story about your life. For one thing, you never know how it will end, since the fact that I'm still alive means that the ending cannot be known. Another problem that I encountered is that I have to admit that sometimes, I am not the correct person to be telling portions of my own story. I was pleasantly surprised to recently discover that my beloved Aimee has always kept a diary. She never mentioned it to anybody, and I don't believe...
Hi, ISS readers, I am Himanshu back again with another sex story which was unexpected and adventurous for me. But before that, I would like to thank all the readers who enjoyed the sex story. I got overwhelming responses for my previous group sex story. It was unexpected though. If in case you missed the sex story, can read the sex story at https://www.indiansexstories2.net/group/wonderful-session-with-my-ex-girlfriend-and-her-bestfriend/ If any girls/bhabhis from Bangalore want to have sex...
It was shaping up to be a pretty good day and I had high hopes that my recent run of good Karma was continuing. The desert air was cool and dry on my skin, lapping up the perspiration as I passed the halfway point of my morning run; only five more miles and I could hit the pool for laps to cool me down and stretch me out. The temperature was already up several degrees from the brisk sixty-five degrees it had been when I left my apartment at 5:30. The sky was showing signs that dawn was not...
Christine's surgery had gone smoothly, and she was back on her feet in no time. The doctor released her for school after only a few days, but certifying her safe to fly would take a while longer, and as a result, she was shut out of the simulators as well. It may seem like a silly thing, but the goal was to make the educational experience mirror the real world as closely as possible, and pilots had to be physically capable of handling all possible aspects of the job, including emergencies,...
A rule of life is, 'Nothing is ever as easy as you first think it will be'. That truism certainly applied to pursuing Megan, as Sean was soon to discover. The Council was eager to put their considerable resources at Sean's disposal to rescue Megan. Of course, a couple of things had to be explained to them before their eagerness manifested itself. Cory had to explain how the other Councils would respond to the results of the Americas Council's ineptness, if Megan wasn't rescued. BB...
So here I am....my bestfriend Justin's cock lying on my bottom lip. His hand slowly stroking it as I await for his sperm. His moans fill the room and turn me on even more. My mouth opens as a bead starts to form on his slit on his head of his 7 inch cock. It's creamy white in color. I could hardly wait for Justin to cum in my mouth...I watched a lot of gay porn and saw videos of guys cumming in other guys mouths and it was hot! I came a lot just watching them and now I was about to get a hot...
Megan and Sean both Dreamed that night, and it was troubling to both of them. Sean had images of the mountain top where Megan had rescued him, thousands of snakes trying to reach him, and Megan being taken from him. Megan's Dream was just as bad. She also Dreamed of the mountain top, and relived horror of how close she felt she came to failure. At the same time, a dark mass was rushing toward her and she couldn't move fast enough to get out of its way. She could dimly see a dirt road...
My master seemed exhausted as we left the command post and began to make our way through the passages. The halls were largely empty and I was going to ask why when the AI called out, "Devil hour has just begun." "More than half a day spent dealing with this," James said quietly. "I shouldn't be too surprised." "I just hope we can get some rest," I said. "That scientist seems..." I paused, trying to think of a good adjective to describe the man we had watched walk out. James said...
Hey guys, this is Shiva from Chennai again with a real encounter of mine about how , Bhuvana. About me, I am 5’7 tall, 26 age, athletic physique. This incident started when I was pursuing my second year in college. I was in a relationship with a girl, and we had a very healthy physical relationship. Now coming to the highlight of the story. My girlfriend’s best friend’s name was Bhuvana. Initially, she seemed to be a very silent, conservative, and homely girl. At times, my...
I gasped and stumbled out of the chair in shock, flinching away from whoever was here with me and tripped over the edge of the coffee table, sprawling out on the floor. I rolled over, gasping and still crying as grief warred with shock at not being alone in the suite. I looked up into those piercing blue eyes and was shattered all over again, my face contorting as the sight of those eyes sent me into a new round of grief. I bawled, wondering if I was asleep or awake or if I’d finally gone mad...
Sunday morning was just another miserable September day in Southern California, sunny, about thirty percent humidity and temperatures expected in the low hundreds. It had been quite a while since we had been to church and our Sunday morning routine wasn't really up to the challenge. Fortunately Tom and Karen knew us well enough to plan for the later of the two service times. Figuring that the greatest challenge would be parking, people trying to leave while others were still arriving, we...
I was on disability, so the military was no longer an option. This was disappointing for me, since President Reagan had started pumping a lot of money into the Department of Defense. "President" Reagan, I thought to myself, shaking my head. I remember him being governor of California when I was younger, and I sighed, thinking about the years that I had missed. Since I hadn't gone to college, I didn't have any degrees to qualify me for most white collar jobs. I wasn't averse to sweating...
Dreamscape III By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 3: Kirk, Janet and Betty I pulled into the parking lot a full 45 minutes early and sat in my car. I needed to get my mind around the idea that I was actually going to work. Never had I been this nervous reporting to a job, but never have I done so in a body, which was not mine. Craig Morton, my former self, was an advertising executive at the tender age of twenty-five - a well established wunderkind with a reputation throughout...
Hi friends. i am rohan. I am 24 years old and recently completed my graduation from a medical college. During my college days i used to visit a friend chat site and soon made a good friend there. Her name was Khushi. She was a girl from western India with a huge body. I first time saw her in the photos that she sent me during our chat. She had the body to lust for, a healthy body with big curves. She had huge 40 sized boobs, not so big 34 sized waist, but a 44 sized ass to die for. I had...
First TimeMARCH 2007 The sun had been up for almost two hours before I woke up on the floor of the living room. The cobwebs in my head cleared as I registered where I was. I was lying on my side and could feel the warmth of Belinda's naked body against my chest. My arm was draped across her. In front of her was the sleeping form of Marcella. We'd had an amazing night. I sat up and yawned as quietly as I could. Staring down at the two of them, I smiled in silence. During all of the...
Sean and Megan were five and four years old when this story last stopped. The years following Megan's rescue of Sean were relatively peaceful for the Flynn Clan. That 'peace' lasted twelve years, until Sean was Seventeen and Megan was sixteen. That is where I will take up the tale of this saga. The intervening twelve years were kind to everyone in the Flynn Clan, mostly. Other Wizards and Sorceress' visited the Flynn Clan over the years. Some were invited for specific training sessions....
Tuesday night Christine and I dressed up to hand out Halloween candy with Doreen. We had been invited to join Tony and Tina at a costume party they were attending, but I didn't think Christine was quite ready for that show yet. Now if Amber had been there... Later, after the candy and kids were all gone and we called it a night, I went to see a young boy named Bobby. He had indeed come a long way in the last year and didn't need Walter to look after him any longer. The first thing I...
Kate had wondered if Sef would lose the napkin with her number and she was surprised and delighted that he phoned one evening. Although the call was to ask her to have dinner one evening; a request quickly accepted and the details agreed within the first fifteen minutes; the call went on for ninety minutes. There was no single topic but a conversation that would flip easily from one subject to another. The surprise was that at the end they had returned to the original topic. Kate went to bed...
This is the third chapter in this series. There is a short paragraph setting the scene and you can certainly enjoy this story as a stand alone but to fully appreciate it please read chapter 1 and chapter 2. Enjoy Pillbox Sex Dungeon - Chapter 3 - Introducing a friend Teen, MFF, threesome, oral, anal The steamy weekend sex sessions and occasion weeknight meets continued. Our loved up and sex crazed couple have now been dating for close to three months. With each visit to the pill box Dan...
I immediately step back and turn my face to the side, breaking eye contact. “Reyna?” I ask, pretending to be surprised. “What are you doing?”“We were worried about you, little Sarah.” She’s playing along. We both know I heard the whole thing. “You were gone for so long.”“Nice of you to check in on me,” I snap. “And don’t call me little.” I can be polite for Maria, but fuck this bitch, I don’t need to be polite to her face.“Did you like the little slut’s performance?”Pretending didn’t last...
Mind ControlI immediately step back and turn my face to the side, breaking eye contact. “Reyna?” I ask, pretending to be surprised. “What are you doing?”“We were worried about you, little Sarah.” She’s playing along. We both know I heard the whole thing. “You were gone for so long.”“Nice of you to check in on me,” I snap. “And don’t call me little.” I can be polite for Maria, but fuck this bitch, I don’t need to be polite to her face.“Did you like the little slut’s performance?”Pretending didn’t last...
Mind ControlJULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...
"Damn!" That was all Bob could come up with when I told him the situation I had suddenly found myself in, which was – in a nutshell – over my head and sinking fast. I'd spent part of the last week taking Lizzy around to meet some of the other girls. It was just as hard on her as we expected it to be, but she managed to tough it out long enough to confirm what we suspected: all but two of the girls in Samantha's age group had split. Okay, split is the wrong word – all but two had...
Normally I hate hospitals. The last time I had been in one had been to say goodbye to Shannon. The time before that I had woken up in one after my fight with Brad Russell and his two buddies. I guess visiting a friend, even a dying friend, beats waking up in one, but still, not generally something I looked forward to; until now. This trip I was looking forward to. Rebecca used her ID to secure us a parking space that would normally have gotten her towed away and we made our way inside. It...
I woke up the next morning with my head still resting on her naked chest. I looked at her and I couldn't believe my luck. Sure, she will never be my girlfriend, and I will never have sex with her, but seeing her body nude, looking at her beauty, and having that intimate moment of cuddling naked together filled me with such happiness. It was a friendship unlike any other.When she woke up we both got dressed and talked a little. Eventually I went home. For the whole week I went through the same...
It was a few months after my awakening that I was finally allowed to check out. First, I had been debriefed by the shrinks, who wanted to know what I had remembered. They had been prepared for some amnesia to be present, but unknown to them, my mind had been exercising quite a bit since I came to within my own head. I wondered quite a lot about my "out of body" experiences during the time that I was in the coma. I was hesitant to tell any of the shrinks about them, and Mary never said...
Kat and Cyrano Chapter 10: Friendship In the first nine chapters, I described in sensuous and erotic detail how the chemistry and the hunger between Eric and me led to some wonderful and creative sexual adventures four years ago. But if it had just been about the sex, then Nov. 10, 2008 wouldn’t still be a cherished memory and one of the happiest days of my life, right up there with my high school graduation and the births of my four children. There was also friendship, trust, respect, and...
Love Stories