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AN: All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.
I have published this story on questionable question/ao3 before, reposting here.

Chapter 1

The Hokage’s office was a comfortable sort of calm this time at night. The many personages that made up its day to day operations of Konohagakure’s central command had mostly vacated long before the current late hour. The tower of papers that adorned Tsunade’s desk spoke volumes however, and she knew that she’d be there for hours yet.

Tired, reasonably so after all her hard work, she stood up and spun around to look out the windows behind her. Each one large enough to jump out of, fully dark with the night’s sky beyond. Into that celestial abyss she stared, hoping perhaps for something to release her from paperwork purgatory to magically appear there. It wouldn’t be the first time something actually interesting popped up unexpectedly, and though it always inevitably led to more paperwork itself, such an event did liven up the drab day-to-day.

“Tsunade-sama. Permission to enter! There’s been an emergency!” That was dear Shizune; she sounded unreasonably panicked and in Shizune that was a true cause for concern. In a moment she re-seated herself, composed and ready to act the part of Hokage once more.

“Come in Shizune. What’s the situation?” There. Down to business. Ready to act. The proper mindset for the proper situation. Ah, she wanted to drink already, getting old and serious like this. Shizune burst through the red plated doors with a young man in tow. He was medium of height, black of hair, pale skinned, just about average in every way except for a strange marking on his forehead in the shape of a spiral.

Shizune hurried towards the desk with her own set of papers bundled against her chest. “There!” She slammed them down on the desk. “I was pouring over the Hokage archives in search of information on the Jinchuriki, not finding much of anything useful. That is, until young Yumesairu here helped. With his aid, we found a method to create a perfect seal not even the Akatsuki can disrupt.”

“Hoh? Sounds useful.” Tsunade’s mind raced. “A perfect seal does sound useful indeed, but why had the previous Hokages not used it instead?”

“Simple. It requires the aid of a kekkei genkai from the old Orejino clan. We had thought them long lost, that is until young Yumesairu here showed up last year. He was the one that pointed it out actually, or else we might never have found it.”

Yumesairu. Yumesairu. The name didn’t really ring a bell. Which was a problem because as Hokage, Tsunade should know the name of every person in the village, not to mention the ones with kekkei genkai. How to get around this?

“Yumesairu!” She commanded.

“Yes Hokage-sama?”

“How is your kekkei genkai needed for this perfect seal?”

“Ah. Uh. Well it’s uh. I can sort of make vessels that can be filled with chakra and tie it to other things so that chakra can be deposited in the vessel from the sender whenever there’s too much. That way any foreign chakra seeking to disrupt the seal can be sent to the vessel. Normally chakra metal is fine, but for a Jinchuriki though, I’d need to use a human. Especially one with a large chakra capacity. The more people the better.”

“Hmm. I see.” Quite a potent kekkei genkai. How had she missed this? “Did you have anyone in mind?”

“The people do have to have large chakra capacities.” Shizune noted. “The reason we brought this to you was that we were thinking you could be one of them, Tsunade-sama. After all, you have one of the highest capacities I know of besides Naruto-kun.”

“Just how involved is this? Can it be done quickly?”

“Ah. Uh. It’s a bit difficult. I need to spend half a day inking the symbols before using my kekkei genkai, and the person I’m using it on can’t disrupt their chakra during it, so they have to keep perfectly stable.”

Tsunade looked at the pile of papers. Then she looked at Shizune standing there smiling brilliantly at her discovery and Yumesairu shuffling awkwardly besides her. The papers, or acceding to the request of her very best friend?

“Hell, let’s just get it done with. Does Naruto need to be here?”

“No not at all actually.” Yumesairu responded. “I can key it to his chakra since I’ve experienced it before. We can do it right here actually. I brought my ink set.” He reached into his robe and brought out a set of inks. Standard shinobi fare for the fuinjutsu practitioner. “Would you like to lay down on your desk or do you have a table we could use?”

“The desk is fine. Let me clear it off.” Tsunade shuffled the papers onto the floor and then took their place, staring up at the ceiling. “Right. Get to it then.”

“Of course Hokage-sama.” He dabbed the pen in the ink, then started on Tsunade’s head, tracing in a spiral pattern. Shizune, she saw, out of the corner of her eye, looked radiant as ever, smiling.

“Half a day you said?”

“Ah. Yes Hokage-sama. The inking is simple, but the chakra I have to infuse takes a while to set in. If you start to feel sleepy, don’t worry. I can continue while you’re unconscious.”

“It has been a long day.” Tsunade yawned, at first briefly, but then a little later a deep sigh. “Might just take you up on that.”

“Don’t worry Tsunade-sama.” Shizune intoned seriously. “I’ll be here watching over to make sure nothing goes wrong.” She nodded at Tsunade, as if urging you on to sleep. Tsunade contemplated resting for a bit, staring up at the ceiling before her eyes started to close. She could use a quick nap at the very least.

The first thing Tsunade noticed when she woke up was that she felt very refreshed. More so than a quick nap would indicate. The bright day outside her windows indicated she had slept the entire night away.

The second thing she noticed was that she was not alone. Shizune and Yumesairu waited patiently, seated in front of her bed. She was at the Hokage’s mansion in her bedroom.

“Good morning sleepyhead.” Shizune mocked playfully. “Are you feeling alright? Everything good?”

Tsunade thought for a second. Was everything alright and good? Nothing amiss? “Yeah.” She looked herself over. None of the ink seemed to be left showing. She circulated her chakra. Nothing wrong there either. “Yeah. I take it this was a success? I don’t feel anything unusual.”

“Yes. I can feel that my kekkei genkai’s effect is active.” Yumesairu answered. “But just to make sure, let’s say we test it out.” He looked a lot more composed than he had yesterday. Probably due to his success.

“Hokage-sama.” He begins, waiting a second before continuing, as if working up the courage. “Hokage-sama, you are my slave.”

Tsunade blinked. Then she began to shudder uncontrollably. She dropped to the ground shaking and writhing, screaming out as her brain was re-written by Yumesairu’s jutsu. Neurons and pathways in her brain that had once extolled the virtues of freedom were transformed to declare slavery the natural and best fit for her. Her name was Tsunade, and now it was Tsunade, Yumesairu’s Slave. Drool began to dribble out of her mouth as every process not dedicated to basic survival shut down in the process of the brainwashing. After a little while she quieted down, and then her body stilled. And then, a while later yet, she awoke for the second time that day.

The first thing Tsunade thought was: I am Yumesairu’s slave. The second thing Tsunade thought was: I am Yumesairu’s slave. When she stood up and opened her eyes, she thought: I am Yumesairu’s slave. I am Yumesairu’s slave. A slave obeys their master. I should obey Yumesairu.

“She looks so beautiful, Yumesairu-sama.” Shizune said while walking over to Tsunade, draping her arm over her shoulder. “I can’t wait to play with her.”

Was that what Yumesairu wanted? Not knowing what he wanted, how was she supposed to obey? This was intolerable. It was like being Hokage and not knowing how to best serve her village. “Yumesairu-sama.” Tsunade began, “What are your orders?”

“First, never harm me or any of my slaves directly or indirectly.

“Second, if you ever find a way that would disrupt my jutsu, or anything that would let you escape my control over you, you will notify me and not attempt to escape.

“Third, never reveal that you are my slave to anyone but myself and any other slaves I own.”

“Yes Yumesairu-sama.” Tsunade hurriedly engraved the commands into her mind. She could not disobey them anymore than she could stop being a slave.

“Shizune here has already canceled all the meetings you had due to you feeling unwell. We have the entire day to spend together.” Yumesairu smiled at Tsunade hungrily. He looked the part of a fox now, teeth bared at its prey.

“So Tsunade. How does it feel to be my slave?” He asked, and Tsunade could not help but answer.

“What do you mean Yumesairu-sama? I am your slave. You might as well ask how it feels like being a woman or blonde.”

“Ah I see. My mistake. Tsunade, I have some more commands for you to obey. You are happy to be my slave.”

Again a bolt of electricity ran through Tsunade’s mind. Lesser, but still overwhelming. She paused, empty, before filling back up with her new reality.

She awoke for the third time that day and rushed to kneel before Yumesairu. “Yumesairu-sama, I am so glad you have made me your slave. Please command me to do anything. This slave obeys.”

“Ah, that’s better. Now, tell me how it feels to be my slave.”

“It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. My life was so empty without you. I tried to fill it with alcohol and gambling, but that could never compete with you. I’ll do anything for you!”

“Would you give up being Hokage?”

“In a heartbeat. I never wanted this job anyways.”

“Don’t. I need you as Hokage yet. I desire to have all of Konoha as my slaves. Is that okay with you, Tsunade?”

“Of course, Yumesairu-sama. Anything you desire.”

“Thank Kami for my passive abilities to weaken mental defenses, or else you might have been too suspicious to agree to the sealing.”

“Thank you Kami. I’m glad you had the ability to do so. I am glad I was weak-willed enough to be susceptible to them and agree to the sealing. I am very happy to have become your slave.”

“Speaking of desiring things. There is one thing I desire. Titfuck me.”

Titfuck me. The words rang through Tsunade’s head. Finally, a way to serve. She hurried to lift her boobs up but found a problem with her plan. Her shirt was in the way. She quickly removed her sash and then her blouse. Her tits bared, she pressed her arms against them to provide a hole for her master to use.

Yumesairu didn’t move a muscle, waiting. She must obey. She must titfuck him. She quickly removed his belt and then drug his pants down and then his underwear, exposing his dick. Her prize found, she wrapped her tits around it, dragging them back and forth as quickly as she could.

“While alone with myself or my slaves, refer to yourself as Tsu-slave. Always speak in the third person.”

“Yes Yumesairu-sama, Tsu-slave obeys.”

“Good. While fucking me, demean yourself and everything you used to love prior to being my slave. Use as vulgar as language as possible.”

“Oh Kami master, thank you for making Tsu-slave your slave. This bitch deserved it for being a bitch and teasing men with her giant honkers.”

“Good. Continue.”

“Old Tsu-slave thought she was a strong woman. She thought being the Hokage was important and she was important. She was a stupid bitch. She was so stupid. The only thing that matters is obeying you. The only purpose her body has is to please you.”

“Good. I’m cumming. Stop titfucking me so I can come on your tits.”

“Yes master.” Tsunade stepped back and held her tits out as a valley for Yumesairu to splash upon. He stroked for a few seconds before erupting. His cum showered her tits, leaving them glistening. She basked in pride at the sign of a job well done.

“You’re a healer right slave?”

“Yes master.”

“Then heal me so I can come again. I don’t want to wait to enjoy you.”

“Yes of course master.” Tsunade rose and laid her hand on Yumesairu’s dick. She sends out ways of chakra to replenish him, to reduce the refractory period.

“Your melons,” Yumesairu commented idly, “How’d they get so big?”

“I was a vain stupid slut who wanted to tease men, so I used my chakra to make them larger. It’s simply a matter of sending the right chakra and shaping them how I desired.”

“Can you make them bigger?”

“Yes master. How big do you want them?”

“How big can you make them?”

“Well,” Tsunade paused to think. It was an interesting problem actually, one that she had thought of before but never to such a degree. “I suppose as big as you want. There really isn’t a limit given enough chakra.”

“Can you change them back?”

“Of course master.”

“Then make them twice as big.”

“Right away master.” Tsunade sent the chakra to her breasts. Within moments they started to grow, and before long they are twice their original size. “There you go, master.” She held out her tits, still caked with cum. Presenting her master’s property.

“Can you induce lactation?”

“Hmm.” Another interesting query. There were several fields of study on the matter of doing such. Mainly researched by expecting mothers, but useful here. “Of course master.”

“Then do so.”

Tsunade started the process. She began to sweat and her boobs grew slightly

larger. They certainly felt heavier.

Her master reached down and groped her left tit harshly, kneading it. A drop of milk escaped her nipple.

“More.” He says. “Make it so you never stop lactating, and make it so that it’s a constant stream of milk.” Tsunade complied. Her boobs grow heavier and heavier, and then all of the sudden it’s like a faucet has been turned on; her tits erupted in a spray of milk that eventually calmed down to a steady stream.

“Moo.” He says. Is that a command? “Moo at the end of every sentence.”

“Yes, master, Tsu-slave will moo at the end of every sentence, moo.”

He leaned in and attached himself to Tsunade’s left nipple. He drinks heartily, slurping every last drop. “You are a half-cow.” He commanded. “You get the most pleasure you’ve ever felt when someone drinks from your tits.”

“Yes master, Tsu-slave is a half-cow, moo. Ooh, moo.” He drank and drank, and Tsunade got wetter and wetter. Eventually Tsunade’s dam broke and she came, “Moo. Mooooo. Moooooooo!”

He motioned for Shizune to join in. She took Tsunade’s right nipple in her mouth, the both of them sucking and sucking. Tsunade couldn’t stop cumming. She came multiple times before the two stopped suddenly.

“More.” He demands. “Double your tits’ size.”

Tsunade complied, best as she could in her bedraggled state. Still leaking milk, her tits expanded to the size of two giant balls. Double her head in size each. “Again.” He commanded. Each tit grew down to her feet, jutting out multiple body lengths. It was impossible for her current body to hold them up, so she was forced down on all fours. Her tits drug across the ground, a cushion that propped her up as much as her bended legs. Her tits spread below her body lengthwise, and then quite a bit more outwards, escaping the main of her body. She was more tit than not.. Milk continued to leak out, creating an ever growing puddle on the ground. The pressure of the ground against her tits was almost like her master’s mouth. It made her want to cum again. She stared blankly ahead, lost in the sensation.

“Cum.” That was certainly a command, one Tsunade was happy to obey. She came long and hard.

“Can you change how your eyes look, cow?”

“Yes, master, moo.”

“Then change them to be constantly swirling black and white spirals. Your eyes should show off your slave nature to anyone who sees them.”

Tsunade sent her chakra to her eyes. They took her master’s request form. Though they might be mistaken for an odd dojutsu, they were just naturally unnatural spirals, spinning unendingly.

Suddenly, she felt a weight on her back. Her master was sitting on her.

“You make a good seat, slave. Certainly a better seat than an Hokage.”

“Yes master, moo.” She managed to groan out, still cumming.

“Very good. But that was only the start slave. We have lots of fun left before we get to the next steps of my plan.”

Tsunade could barely think, let alone contemplate the details of what plans her master might have. Any plans he might have must have been good axiomatically anyways, so she was content to wait.

“Moo!” She moaned in answer.

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Wife Makes Out with Another Man

‘We are just going to fool around on the couch a little bit, dear,’ says your wife leading this strange guy into the living room. He pauses for a moment when he sees you and gives you a strange inquisitive look. ‘What’s this all about?’ he asks her. ‘Oh don’t worry about my husband,’ she says soothingly. ‘He will be fine with this.’ ‘Yeah? This is a little weird. I’m not into this swinger shit.’ he says nervously looking you over. ‘You get off on this?’ he asks you. You are shocked at...

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Mami Ki Gand Aur Chut

Hello friend keise hai aap.sabhi aunty bhabhi aur hot and sex bomb girls lo mera namaskar main yaha aap ko meri ek sachi story batane ja rahahu jo ki hal hi mare sath ya bani hai.to dosto ho jaya tayat mari romanchik story ko padh ne ke liya pehla mein apna introduction deta hu.main ek 6″3hight lamba.40″inch chest aur mare laund 8″or 3″ motoa hai dekha ne main ek dam smart aur hansome hu.koi bhi ladki dekhati hai to dakhti hi rah jati hai aur bhabhi ka to pucho mat wo to picha hi pad jatii hai...

3 years ago
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Punished by Horsewomen

The Photograph  The Photograph This story is all a reaction to a photograph I saw in National Geographic Magazine. Sometime in the 1980 NG did an an article on modern Japan. The purpose of the shot was to illustrate how the impact of population density and the scarcity of open land impacts the society. It showed two women in formal equestrian attire seated atop mechanical horses on front of a large projector television. The shot featured the mechanical equines with the image of a green...

1 year ago
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A Critical PathChapter 17

Sally had been out on Friday to collect her winnings and have a light lunch with Cliff. She enjoyed it. With him sitting down on the opposite side of the table he was rather less intimidating. The conversation ranged widely and was not just confined to engineering and rugby football. Sally liked his sense of humour too. All the same, when he invited her to go out to dinner with him some time she prevaricated. She had a feeling that his seeming friendliness was little more than a desire to get...

4 years ago
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Making DoChapter 4

Nancy was staring into space. She was sitting at her desk typing up more notes for Henry. Her boss had become more than a boss. He had become her lover and husband. She reminissed about the first time she saw him as a person who was more than an older man. He had come to her bedside with her father after he had heard that she had some evidence that might show corruption and murder in their town. He had heard some of the story and she had broken down and cried. He had bent over and tenderly...

2 years ago
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Camping Trip Chapter 1

I just graduated from college with a kindergarten to twelfth grade physical education degree. The pressure was on to find a job before the next school year. I had been to nine interviews all in the Chicago suburbs with no luck. They all told me that I was what they were looking for except I lacked experience.I asked in the last interview, "How do I get experience if you do not hire me?"The principal told me that I would find a job before the start of the school year. That did not make me feel...

4 years ago
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Sharon Part 2

I had made arrangements to meet my girlfriend Sharon at the park on Saturday morning and was a bit concerned as I approached her as she wouldn't have sex with me I had met another girl from class and fucked her. As my girlfriend went to another school than us I thought she mightn't find out but girls in my class who had found out about sex with Glenda live near my girlfriend.Walking up to her I could see she was troubled and she said"I thought you were my boyfiend and here you are fucking...

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Pool Party Starring Anna Kendrick

Pool Party (starring Anna Kendrick) By LazyNinjasFor more celeb content visit awriterswonderland.forumatic.com Image Following a long day on set of her latest film, Anna Kendrick was relieved to finally get to go home and watch some Netflix. She had been gone for a couple of months, filming different movies all over the world. The next month or so would be the only time she really got to relax this year. The thirty year old actress placed her keys into the lock and opened the door. She stepped...

1 year ago
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Sister Ellen and The Order of Saint Silenus

Sister Ellen - Order of Saint Silenus (*) by [email protected] If you aren't old enough, or live in a place where erotic fiction is banned, or are offended by stories involving transgenders having sex with men and boys, you should stop reading now. This story is a sequel to "Sister Ellen, Part I", written by David Smith. With his permission, I've stolen his two major characters and created a "fork" in their history. David promises a Part II, which I'm sure will be quite hot,...

3 years ago
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Wifes Now a Cockhound

I guess you could call me somewhat of a cockhound, but I can't help it. I've always had a strong sex drive and my husband knew that when we got married. I felt he was losing interest in sex, we were only having sex once or twice a month, I missed getting fucked, and he was spending a little more time "out with the guys." That was until I caught him cheating, I actually think he wanted to be caught, I found about thirty or so pictures on the computer. The pictures were of a mutual friend in...

2 years ago
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Bottomed Out on the Roadside

Finally, exhausted and in total despair I just sat my smooth, small-framed, almost nineteen year old bod down on the road and buried my face in my hands. How could I get out of this mess? Then I thought I heard something. During brief pauses in the warm summer breeze I thought I heard an approaching vehicle. Maybe it was merely my desperate imagination. Then I heard it again and it was still louder! A vehicle was approaching! I just hoped they could help me. I waited anxiously as the...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kissa Sins Miami Beach Vacation With An Anal Creampie

Bootyful babe Kissa Sins gets a hard anal pounding from Jules in Miami! There’s not much that can be said about Kissa that hasn’t been said before but this self-proclaimed crazy little sex demon knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it. Kissa and Jules start their anal adventure walking the streets of Miami flashing her tits from underneath her skimpy one piece bathing suit whenever possible. She goes up to an ice cream truck and gets a popsicle to suck on while they continue their...

2 years ago
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Anatomy of an InvasionChapter 14 Revelation

The next two weeks were busy, but uneventful. Stefan did not seem to have noticed the change in his lover, or perhaps he simply did not comment upon it. Everyone worked hard, the papers began to emerge, and, every evening, they socialised and ate together, paired up and went to bed. Every night, before they were taken into sleep, the reward was the same, and it never paled. Julie alternated between writing her own paper, and reviewing the papers of others. Some of the programmers with...

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As I walk into my office building I can’t help but think what an amazing week it has been. I look into the different offices and I see Richard to the left of me, the new guy.   He and I got to know each other pretty well on Monday. To the right is Michelle’s office my very good friend. Michelle and I realized on Tuesday that not only are we friends but   we realized we could be lovers as well. Then there is my boss Stuart, who knew he had a thing for spanking. I found out about that yesterday....

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Lady Penelopersquos Party Ch2

When the two girls stepped outside the light was just beginning to fade. Silhouetted against the setting sun was a sleek black limousine with darkened windows. A pretty blonde wearing a chauffeur’s cap and a dark blazer stood holding the rear door open. Trying to maintain their dignity the two girls tottered down the steps to the waiting car. They giggled as they climbed on board and collapsed into the soft leather seat. The door was shut with a gentle click then they heard the crunch of...

2 years ago
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Hostile Takeover of Family Owned Insurance Company

Her blood ran cold. " Please," She whispered. " Don't do this." I came up behind her and ran my hands down her back, squeezing her ass through her skirt. " I'm not forcing you into anything Dee, it's your choice. You are a beautiful woman, did you know that?" Feeling trapped she turns toward me to plead with me and I crushed my mouth against hers, forcing my tongue into her mouth as my hands came up to grope her breasts through her blouse. She struggles and I immediately release her....

4 years ago
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The Darkmoon Faire part 2

I guess good things just couldn't happen to me, because if they did, I get hurt in the end. --- "So, um, what is this supposed to be?"  Jarred, next to me, looked defeated and slightly horrified. There must've been something nice there before, but something ate it and left a "present" where some scraps and torn bits of cloth lay around it on the sand. "I spent a long time on that," he muttered in disbelief. "It's okay, I can help you remake it.." "No." He said...

3 years ago
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My sister now joins us

"Honey my sister is visiting us for the holidays", I told my wife. She winked and replied, "that sounds great....I hope she won't find out about our secret". It brought a smile on both of ours face and I felt my heart beating fast and cock getting hard. I said, "shhhhhhhh....that is out secret" and she replied and "daddy's too". She passionately looked me in my eyes and started kissing me. She paused for a moment and said "honey, daddy is visiting us during the same time...........I cant wait...

1 year ago
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Drill Sergeant Domination part I

I do a few stretches and drink some water cause it is about to be a long day. Standing 6’2” and being 220lbs I can be quite an imposing figure. The bulk of my weight is in my shoulders, arms, and on my back. Hitting the gym and staying in shape is an important part of my life. It has to be just so I can keep up with all these young punk ass 17-19 year olds that are trying to join my Army. That’s right, most of us Drill Sgts consider it “my” Army and we are more than willing to boot out anyone...

2 years ago
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My sweet darling student

I am Kamaran from Pakistan. This is a story how I fucked my sweet student Ayesha only two years ago. I was 25 years old that time and very smart looking Youngman and she was about 17 years old reading in second year a little plump but has very fair complexion and big boobs and size about 34-30-36 and her fat round ass attracts men towards her. Now lets move towards the story in detail.I was reading in the final year at that time and one of my class fellows asked me to teach a male student who...

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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 15 Chapter 20

Rob woke slowly. It felt good to just lie here and relax. His whole body felt like he had been working out at the gym for hours and it was right on the edge of feeling tired and feeling like he was ready to go for a jog. The sheets were soft and warm. He searched his mind for someplace he had to be; but at the moment couldn't think of anything so he just let sleep reclaim him for a few more minutes. Finally, consciousness wormed it way into his mind and memory, or lack thereof,...

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My Cousin Sweety Experience

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers.I am manasa,thanks for ur support and comments,any comments are send to me,my mail I’d is time I’ll come with my friend(cousin) story.My cousin ki nenu iss ki rasina stories chupinchanu feedback kosam,appudu tanu nato comments to patu tana personal sex life kuda share chesukundi.Ippudu nenu tana permission to tana sex life nu some parts ga(naku own chesukuni)miku cheptanu. Ika storieloki veldam.My cousin valla college lone beautiful girl,and tana...

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My sisters friend Jade part 2

Being the summer holidays, it wasn't strange for me to be sleeping late and having the place to myself. It was maybe 11am when I'd got out of bed and showered, planning to meet a friend and go shopping - but this was to change.I'd literally just finished drying, dressing and putting my make up on when there was a knock at the door. I quickly got downstairs expecting there to be a parcel or something. Opening the door, my heart skipped a beat: those beautiful lips, that sleeve of tattoos, even...

1 year ago
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Road Trip The Salt Pans Breakdown

It was obvious someone had had a breakdown as Joel and Damien pulled into the roadside rest area on the inland highway. They needed a pit stop anyway; a slash in the scrub; a drink and a change of driver; but the combi had their attention. The flat inland monotonous semi desert road held no interest and even spotting a dingo and a pair of feral camels was more than an hour ago.The guys were on their way to a true outback Bachelors and Spinsters ball, B & S for short. Well an old mate had...

2 years ago
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Taping A Family GetTogether

Introduction: My wife has me cheer up her widowed mom. Janet and I have been married three years now. We get along great and the sex is even better than great. Janet is rather a free spirit in the bedroom, even more than I am, I love it. Weve never talked much about our sex lives before we met each other but I suspect that my wife would get the blue ribbon. Janet is very close with her mother, Jean, who lost her husband nearly five years ago, not long before we first met. She is a very...

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debbie leaves the light on

This story happened about twenty-three years ago. Shortly after our daughter was born, our sex life shifted into high gear and we had great sex almost every night. Debbie had lost a lot of weight after the pregnancy, looked great and knew it. She started wearing more revealing clothes -- shorter shorts, halter-type tops, slinky sundresses and often went without a bra and sometimes, even without panties. She bought some very sexy teddies and nightgowns and we played in the evening for hours at a...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Chantal Danielle Peeping on Girlfriend8217s Wild Sister

It’s great to have an employed partner. However, a busy schedule may also disrupt a relationship. Lucas Frost has become riddled with lust because his girlfriend has been so busy due to her work. Due to this unmet sexual need, Lucas shifts his attention to her girlfriend’s sister, Chantal Danielle. The sexy tattooed blonde knows her sister has no more time for Lucas. As such, she decides to take over her place as his sexual partner. The decision to please the horny lad easily comes...

1 year ago
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The Camp Nurse part 2

by Nightshade [The continuing adventures of Chris Mattson, RN at an all-girls cheerleading camp high up in the mountains out west. Only Chris is a male. Let the fun continue...] As was my practice, I got up at first light. That's just the way my body clock works. I don't care if I've only had 15 minutes of sleep, I'm up at first light. Normally I do my exercise nude in my room. But with all the fresh mountain air up here, I decided to go outside this morning. I slipped...

4 years ago
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Samantha Grandmas GiftChapter 3 Making a Bigger Mess

"Ugh! It's not fair, I'm happy to have all this yummy boy stuff on my boobs, but I'm upset about being grounded for five months." Samantha lifted one of her mounds to her mouth and licked up several droplets of my cum. "Five months is like, forever!" "No, five months is five months," Mandy stated. The sight of Samantha licking herself like that made me do something that was in hindsight foolish, but it seemed like a good idea, at least for a moment. I took my half hard cock, and...

3 years ago
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I Let My Mother Do My Husband

My name is Naomi and I have a unique story to tell. I’ve been married for about seven years now and our love life is fantastic. But, I have the urge to see my husband fuck someone else. We have talked about this over and over again. Yet, I don’t trust any of our friends, so my fantasy goes unfulfilled. This is where the story goes a little weird, you see my mother and I are like sisters. I confided in her about my fantasy and I was surprised by her response. She told me that she and my father...

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The Weekend Part 4

I woke with a pain in my arm. Seems Amanda sleeping soundly with my arm under her had pinched it. I softly moved it and got up. She stirred but didn't wake and I grabbed my sweats and left the room. I did my morning routine in the bathroom and went to start the morning coffee. The weather was cool and rainy and I sat out in the garage as I awaited the coffee. My mind went through our weekend so far and even though Amanda and I hadn't had sex, I felt it was a real nice time with her. The...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Emma Hix Naomi Swann Fashionistas 8211 Lost

This featurette is a new adventure of the Fashionistas. The story continues with Rocco Siffredi as Antonio on a despondent but inspired creative fashion binge. His models are the stunningly beautiful Emma Hix and Naomi Swann who play girlfriends who connect via video phone while Emma has a ‘date’ with Rocco. Naomi roughly masturbates herself in anticipation. She secretly watches Emma and Rocco as Naomi herself is watched by a peeping drone. Rocco uses the beautiful Ms Hix as a model...

2 years ago
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Charlene Clubbing

Her legs were bare, she wasn’t wearing a bra and the top three buttons of Charlene’s shirt dress were undone. Charlene was still a few months shy of being eighteen and old enough to get into the club, but one of her escorts, Blake, had told her that somewhat immodest attire would likely get her past the club’s doorman. Charlene wasn’t really sure about all of that but as it provided a rationale for dressing the way she really wanted to dress, she bought into the argument.The doorman looked her...

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