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Cheer "Hey babe." "Yes, Andrew?" Jennifer looked up at Andrew with her big blue eyes. "You, uh... You make me feel really good." "Really?" "Yeah..." Jennifer simply nuzzled up to Andrew, laying her head against his chest. They were different, and she liked that. Andrew was so tall and broad, and muscular too. But he had such a cute smile, and his laugh was infectious. She loved his sense of humor and adventure. "There's a way you can make me feel better." "How?" Andrew looked down to his crotch. Tentatively, Jennifer moved her head towards it, her hands reaching out for it exploratorily and her fingers taking hold of the zipper. She began to take it down... ... James snapped awake in his bed. It was all dark, save for the Minnie Mouse night light his mother had bought him. Tomorrow was the first day of school, and the poor boy needed rest. He could hardly sleep though, for his mind was racing. What if people find out I'm a boy? He had been transferred to an all-new school, so him being compared to his old self wouldn't be a problem, fortunately. But James was still terrified. If anyone found out he was really a boy, his life would be absolutely ruined... it'd be horrible. "Sissy." "Tranny." "Faggot." The names that his classmates would call him if they found out echoed in his head. James turned over, holding his pillow tight. Maybe he really... He thought of the dream he had been startled from. It was about Andrew. Why had he been dreaming of a boy? James rolled over in his bed, one pigtail hitting him in the face. He tried his best to sleep, but his stomach was turning over and over. Eventually, he managed to drift off to some space in between sleep and wakefulness, though it lasted for only a few hours before his alarm clock began beeping. It was time for school. Groaning, James crawled out of bed to his bathroom. He went through his usual morning routine, brushing his teeth, and washing his face before returning to his room. He glanced at the clock, to see that it read "6:30." He had always hated getting up for school, and as a girl, he had to get up even earlier- it took a long time to get ready as a girl. He sat down at his vanity, staring at the girl in the mirror. She was bleary eyed, and looked tired. Dirty blonde braids hung to her collarbones. And he was that girl. It was time to put on his face. His hands moved across the vanity, grabbing bottle after bottle, applying his makeup in carefully rehearsed, robotic steps. Concealer, blush, and more. He delicately traced his eyelids with black eyeliner, and then retrieved his mascara, dipping the brush in its cylindrical container before applying it to lengthen his lashes. His blue eyes looked positively beautiful when he did his makeup like this. He undid the hair ties from his braids, ran his fingers through them, and shook his hair out. He picked up his brush and slowly began to brush out his locks. He always enjoyed brushing his hair. It was soothing. James wondered how he should wear his hair today. Perhaps he should just leave it down. He tucked his hair back behind his ears, and then his fingers darted over to his jewelry box. James retrieved some earrings- simple golden hearts- and slipped them into his ear lobes. He put a delicate golden chain with a tiny cross on it around his neck, and then put a few rings on his fingers. Then it was time to get dressed. He already had an idea of what he wanted to wear. James slinked over to his closet and opened it, searching for a white off the shoulder blouse with loose, flowy sleeves. He found it, and then went out to his drawer to find a pair of denim short shorts. He pulled the blouse over his head, and slipped the jeans up his legs. James stepped into a pair of cute sandals, and then tied a thin brown belt around his waist. He quickly ran his brush through his hair again, and then picked up his purse. He was ready. Before James left his room, he paused a moment, staring at himself in the vanity. The girl in the mirror was pretty. Her long legs poked out from her short shorts, her hair hung to her bare shoulders, and her blue eyes looked huge. He shrugged and left the room. Downstairs, Mother was waiting. "My, you look lovely today!" "Thanks Mother." James chirped. Of course, that wasn't what James really wanted to hear. The two of them went to the car and drove to school. Mother dropped James off, and the poor boy began the long walk into school. With every step he took, James' heart pounded. He was high strung, anxious. A million questions shot through his brain. None of them were good. James held up his schedule to get a look at it. First period was English, then P.E., followed by Math, Spanish, lunch, Biology, Home Ec, and Theater. He cursed his Mother silently for putting him in Home Economics and Theater. James minced into English and sat down. The bell rang. He was doomed. The teacher began to go through the roll... "Jennifer Carroll?" "Here." Said James, raising his slender hand. Soon English was over- and it was time for P.E. James was horrified about this class. Being in the locker room with all the girls proved him right. He sought out a quiet corner and changed as quickly as possible, putting on a white tee and short athletic shorts. He pulled back his hair into a ponytail. One of the things that became apparent was that none of the girls wanted to be there. They spent their time on the basketball court in different huddles, gossiping with each other. James didn't join any of them. Soon P.E. was over, and it was on with the rest of the day. It continued normally. Home Ec., like P.E., was a class made of girls, and it further reinforced James' new position in life. Eventually, the day ended. Mother was there to pick James up. "So how was the first day of school?" "It was fine." James grumbled. More and more days passed. The first week stretched into the second, then the third. The truth was, school was indeed fine, as long as James kept his head down. No one assumed he was a boy. Why should they? He looked like a girl. James shared the same lunch period as Taylor, and he found himself sitting with her. He quickly came to know her circle of friends. There was Lizzie, a silly Hispanic girl with an adorable smile, Cassidy, who wore too much mascara and had brown hair in a center part long enough to reach her waist. Finally, there was Sammie, a pretty little blonde who constantly talked about her church. "Hey girls, this is my friend Jen. She's from dance." James was met by a chorus of "Heys." Surprisingly, James found them... Nice. They talked about girly things, like clothes, hair, makeup, and boys. Girls talked differently than boys, different from how he was used to. But he adapted. He began to pick up small, imperceptible things from his girlfriends. The way he tossed his bangs from his eyes. The way he flicked his wrist as he talked. The way he crossed his legs as he sat. The way he covered his mouth daintily with a hand as he giggled. His behavior was changing and he didn't even realize it. One day, in the hallway, Taylor asked James a question. "Hey Jen, why don't you think about joining the cheer squad? Me and Cassidy are on it. You're already, like, super good at dance." "Oh... I mean. I don't know if... I don't think I'm really that kind-" "Come on! You're such a natural in ballet! Try outs are on Friday. You'll do great, I promise." "Okay..." And so, on Friday, James found himself carrying an extra bag with him to school. He warned his mom that he needed to be picked up a little later than usual. "You're leaving school later? Why is that? Does it have anything to do with that bag?" "No mom... I'm just studying with a friend." "Really? A boy?" "What?! No!" ... The day had passed simply. There were no problems in James's classes. Now it was time for the real challenge. James was in the girl's locker room. Tiny athletic shorts clung to his legs, black with pink trim. His hair had been French braided back. He had butterflies in his tummy. The coach peaked her head in. "Jennifer?" James followed her out onto the field. The coach stood alongside two other, older girls. The captains, he presumed. It dawned on James what he was doing. Here he was on the school's practice field, dressed like a girl, about to try out to be a cheerleader. What had gotten into him! This was crazy. Sweat began to form on his back. Just then, the coach spoke up. "Taylor says you're real good at dance." Before James could reply, she added "We'll see." "Right high kick!" James did it. "Left high kick!" James did it. "Hip roll!" "Can you do cartwheels? And a roundoff?" James did as he was told. The coach barked out a series of moves, all of which James copied. The only thing he failed on was doing the splits. One of the girls suppressed a giggle, but the coach simply said "You'll get there." The other girl requested a pirouette. James felt himself blush as he struggled to pirouette as gracefully as he possibly could in his sneakers. "Alright. You're finished. You'll see if you made it tomorrow. Thanks for trying out." Unceremoniously, James left. The next day, James stood before the list of names. They were for all different sports teams... wrestling, football, soccer, swim team... and cheer. He held his breath, and then saw it. Jennifer Carroll, right underneath CHEERLEADING. Taylor hit his shoulder softly. "Yas! You did it girl! Let's go get you sized up!" "Sized up?" "For your uniform!" James next found himself in the coach's office. She had a tape measure and used it on him, getting measurements for his waist, shoulders, arms, and more. He somehow felt less than human, like a doll or something, as she did so. "Alright, perfect." Coach said. "You'll get your uniform soon." It was the next Friday when James finally got his new uniform. He knew what it looked like already. It was a shell top and skirt, nice and tight. A royal blue with silver trim, the letters "JHS" emblazoned across the chest. Included with the uniform was a pair of white sneakers, a massive, glittery, blue and silver bow, and a set of silver pom poms. Later that day, James tried to sneak home the uniform in his new complimentary gym bag. Unfortunately, his mother spotted it, and upon seeing the word "CHEER" upon the bag, demanded he stop and reveal the contents to him. She was absolutely delighted when she saw James' uniform. "My goodness! Jennifer the cheerleader! I didn't know you were interested in cheer!" She chirped. She immediately ordered that he put on the uniform so she could snap a picture of him. A few minutes later, James made his way down the stairs. His legs were on display in the tiny blue and silver skirt. "Come on, smile for me!" His mother said. The bright flash of the bulb burned his retinas as the polaroid vomited forth his image. Another one for his girly scrapbook. That weekend, he, Taylor, and Lizzie went to the mall. James was wearing a thin blue summer dress with an adorable white flower print. His hair was up in a high pony, and on his feet, he wore the cork wedges his mother had bought for him which showed off his pastel pink polished toes. He no longer teetered precariously in them. Inside, he strode about with a walk that, if not confident, was comfortable. His mother had gotten him fairly used to walking in taller heels by now. He tittered and giggled with Taylor and gawked at jewelry with Lizzie. He was aware what all of this meant- the way his walk had changed, how sparkly necklaces and earrings caught his eye. He was becoming more and more girly. The question was- how much of this was put on to avoid discovery, and how much of it had he embraced? The question often kept James up at night. The trio ended up in the food court. James ordered a Chick-fil-a meal, and was currently sipping on a cup of water (to maintain his trim figure, he made a compromise with himself- whenever ordering fast food, he drank water). Suddenly Lizzie's eyes went big. "Oh my Gawd!" Lizzie said, her voice rising in pitch towards the end of her statement. "Did you like, see that guy, Jen?" She whispered in a conspiratorial tone. "Umm... no." "That big black guy." Lizzie smiled. "He was so looking at you." "At me?" 'Yes you, girl!" "He is totally a basketball player." Taylor chimed in. "I know you like sporty guys." "Oh... I..." Jen smiled nervously. The boy was already walking away, so she could only see his back. He was tall, for sure, well over 6 feet. He was wearing shorts and a tee, so she could see he had the well-defined calves and arms of an athlete. She wondered what he looked like from the front. "I think..." Lizzie began. "You should totally go talk to that guy." Jen fidgeted with her bangs. It was a tic she had picked up sometime after her Aunt had taken her to get her hair styled. She often did it when she felt uncomfortable, or while she was searching for the words she wanted to say. "I don't know." Jen finally said. "Well, don't worry. Now that you're a cheerleader, you'll have no shortage of guys to pick from." Taylor said with a grin. Jen giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. Inwardly, James was screaming. After finishing their meals, the three left and wandered through the mall yet again. They drifted into a Forever 21, and there, James ended up with a pink v-neck knit cardigan. It had a ribbed pattern and three faux-pearl buttons that were heart shaped. He wore it out of the store. Later that night, as James laid in bed listening to soft string music, he reflected on how far his life had come since staying at his Aunt's... Since he had been forced to become Jennifer. He had changed so much, though how fair exactly it was hard to say, since all photos of him as a boy had been thrown out. Even though he hated what had happened to him, he was almost impressed by the lengths to which his mother and aunt had gone to erase his past. All his old photos were gone. James recalled the first time he entered his room. He was shocked to see it entirely changed. His furniture had vanished. His walls had been repainted. His closet had been donated to thrift and charity shops. His Playstation had been sold on eBay (that one especially stung, as he knew the funds had been put towards a shopping trip at Ulta). Even his childhood toys had ended up on a table at a garage sale, what was left was shipped off to the same shops as his clothes. In place of his boyhood, a false childhood as a girl had been imagined. On a white shelf sat various stuffed animals and dolls- keepsakes a girl might keep. In his closet, there hung a Girl Scout's sash. Obviously, he had never been a Girl Scout, but it was just one more artifact meant to reinforce who he was now, and to provide a false history for his new identity. Finally, James drifted to sleep. Weeks passed, and James became used to his new routine. He grew used to waking up and putting on his makeup, and going to school as a girl. He grew used to hanging out with Taylor, Lizzie, Sammie, and Cassidy. And he grew used to staying later after school to practice cheerleading. He became more flexible than before. He learned the cheers, pumped his fists in the air, and kicked his legs. Then it was time for the first game. James stood in the locker room, looking at himself in a mirror once again. Most of the other girls had gone. The girl in the mirror wore thick makeup. Her lips were coated with a dark red lipstick. She wore false lashes, which made her eyes look huge. The other girls explained that the makeup needed to be thick, because they'd be so far from the people in the stands. It was stage makeup, really. Her hair was pulled back into a pony, silver and white ribbons tied in. It exploded in ringlets down to her shoulders. The ringlets were hardened due to copious amounts of hair spray. Likewise, her bangs were curled tightly upon his forehead. She wore a short blue skirt with silver trim, which showed off her pale legs. Those legs ended in white tennis shoes, a pair of tiny blue and silver pom poms inserted among the laces. Her shell top clung to her chest tightly. Sometimes, when she did a kick, a small sliver of flesh was visible between her skirt and top. James sighed. He forced a smile, the kind of smile someone makes when they're brittle as glass and about to break. The kind of shaky smile that comes before tears. Jennifer Carroll, the pretty little cheerleader, turned from the mirror and pranced out to the field.

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Incestous Life of Arbab

The first incident happened with my uncle. Now i had not seen my uncle for years since he lived abroad. When he came to stay with us, he stayed in my room. Mom insisted that i should let him share as it was just for a few months till he got his own place. Now i was really attracted to uncle Joe. He was a really hunky and had big muscles. I never felt such an attraction for someone. He was also liking me a lot. At night time, i was getting ready for bed, Joe was tired too. He locked the room...

4 years ago
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I was 22 young and virile man. I was finished my army stage and i looking for work. In summer of 1996 i working for a security firm. My hormones and young female in that summer - with very little clothes on their bodies. But always i was interesting in more mature female than my collegues girls on the same age. In the army ... an officer- female around 40 years ... good body almost take my virginity ... but later i found i was too hurry ... and she was scared little about me. Anyway. after...

2 years ago
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Cletus Tucker4Chapter 12

New Mexico Territory, April, 1876 Cattle rustling was getting to be a real problem. Cletus found himself and his Mexican vaqueros permanently assigned to riding patrol around the ranch. All of Cletus' men were bachelors so the long intervals away from the main ranch complex were not a burden. Some of the other patrols started having trouble when the married men were kept away from their wives for a long time. Finally, the foreman resorted to assigning only bachelors to the job of riding...

2 years ago
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Online Cheating

She loves her husband. She loves her children. At least that’s what she always told her online lovers. It set the ground rules and put up boundaries so that none of them got too serious or requested a meeting. It was a grand rationalization, to put it mildly. By getting this up front, she was able to tell herself that none of this was real, that it was all fantasy and fun and that no one would get hurt. If she had believed that, then perhaps it wouldn’t have gone so wrong, caused so much hurt,...

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Secret Lives Chapter 21

We walked in and every head turned; those on necks and otherwise. There were quite a few people in the shop front at this particular time and it felt momentarily awkward until Jess walked around the counter. She had changed clothes since this morning and the effect was breath taking. Her lovely breasts were being contained, barely, by a low cut sports bra that would most likely be completely useless as an actual sports bra. It was, however, exceptionally good at showing off her ample cleavage,...

3 years ago
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My Lovely Cousin Serreta

Hello to all ISS fans this is a incident happened in my life some months back at Bangalore . Introducing myself Tintu (Name changed) I am 36 years old married guy with kids. I am in to business from Cochin and I regularly travel across the country to meet my team mates to discuss about the business activity. This incident happened some months during my visit to Bangalore. Seretta (Name changed) a distant relative of mine. who is staying with her husband and two small kids in Bangalore. She is...

1 year ago
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Not knowing the wife side of the story

I had an incredibly hard day at work on that day. It wasn't the work itself. That was mundane and repetitive as always. It was more my mind racing, my heart pounding, my body trembling and a constant, burning, almost desperate excitement that consumed me all day. I lost count of how many trips to the bathroom I had made, drying myself off as the excitement got too much for me. I even had to go out at lunchtime and buy a pack of fresh panties, five pairs, and by 3pm, I only had two pairs left....

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KellyChapter 37

From Kelly's personal journal, September 2nd, 2002 Wow. I can't believe how long it's been since I've updated my journal! The last time I had a chance, the time to even look at it was before Todd was in jail! Thank God, Chuck was able to pull some strings and get him out before the picnic. I don't know if I could have handled it without him. He's not big on social events, but sometimes just having him there is enough for me. No, that's not right either. Todd's always been there for...

3 years ago
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Poolside Plaything

The cocktail was ice cold in my throat yet it burned almost as hot as her. That swimsuit. Two electric pink pieces separated by a stomach not yet exposed to overindulgence. Water cascaded from her body in a 'V' as she hauled herself out of the coruscating pool directly in front of me and flicked dark hair behind her lissome frame like something from a damn movie. Nobody yelled, "Cut!"I'd never been so glad of tinted glasses and having my knees drawn up on the sun lounger to hide my gaze and...

4 years ago
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Missing Cats and Found KittensChapter 2

I didn’t know what time it was. Without a watch or clock, and not being able to see the sun, I couldn’t even guesstimate that way. But I did know it was late and getting later. Finally, Paul came back. Followed by two state troopers. I knew that things had gone from bad to worse. “Matt, I want you to know upfront that I tried my damnedest to stop this. Video from this morning has gone viral on the internet. The district attorney in Grangeville has gotten wind of what happened. That and the...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kitana Lure Venera Maxima The Spanish Stallion Sybil8217s Power Of Seduction

A group sex spectacle starts with an intense, unusual form of boxing training: Hot Kitana Lure spanks bodacious blonde Venera Maxima’s plump ass while Venera dangles from the ceiling in a leather harness! Venera kneels to give Kitana some lesbian pussy eating, preceding a full-on orgy! Boxer Maximo Garcia, coach Erik Everhard and masseur Joss Lescaf receive slobbering blowjobs. Kitana enjoys an intense double penetration, squealing in joy as big cocks simultaneously fuck her twat and...

2 years ago
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Priestess of Cybele

"Priestess of Cybele: An Erotic Biography" An Exotic Proem for Adults in Four Line Stanza by The Orifice at Delphi ([email protected]) it will become you; and if you are glad whatever's living will yourself become. girlboys may nothing more than boygirls need. ee cummings "Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and adventures are the shadow truths that...

3 years ago
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Check Up

Star stood outside the doctor’s office, holding the card her friend Tonya had given her the week before. ‘I’m telling you Star, Doctor Johnson has helped me a lot! He showed me that I wasn’t sexually dysfunctional like my boyfriend said, that I just needed to relax is all. Go see him. He’s gentle and has a great bedside manner and he’s really cute!’ said the little perky brunette. ‘I don’t know Tonya. I hate gyn appointments, they’re so personal and invading.’ Star said with trepidation in...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Ember Snow BJ Rim Job And SlamFuck

Asian hottie Ember Snow poses for veteran director/cocksman Mick Blue, showing off her tight, petite bod. His perverted, POV-style lens practically leers as she diddles her twat. The little brunette takes his big cock in her small mouth for a worshipful blowjob. Moving south, she eats his asshole in a tasty rim job! Ember’s cute, oiled butt cheeks bounce up and down as she rides Mick, his dick deep in her sweet cunt. He slam-fucks her in multiple positions, fully packing her pussy hole....

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Ferry Couple 2 Phils present

With the better weather, Helene now regularly wore crop tops to show off her new belly button piercing, although she couldn’t do so at work. We often chatted about her experience with Derek and about getting me to tick off at least one of my fantasies Helene had yet to replace her first fantasy with a new one but I knew she was thinking about it.A couple of weeks later Helene told me that she was going away the next weekend with Lisa to a spa for relaxation and fun!I didn’t have an issue with...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Most Amazing Sex

She had to be the most gorgeous girl i'd ever seen naked. She grabbed me by my hand and led me to her room... I had been stayin with her and her father and she and I hadn't been dating long when her father decided he was going boating for the day. We started out in the shower... she really turned into something else in the shower... I couldn't help but notice how beautiful... how sexy she was with hot water running down her perfect body and down her stomach, between her legs and onto the...

3 years ago
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The ArrangementChapter 6

The atmosphere in the Robbins house was once again icy. "Kevin, how could you?" Denise asked both hurt and anger in her voice. He had returned to the studio as the drug was wearing off and had helped Denise, who could hardly walk after what she had been through, to the car. The advantage of being absent from the studio was twofold. First, he did not have to actually witness what his beautiful wife had gone through. Of course he had been reassured she would not be permanently injured, but...

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Best Sex Chandhini And Macho Male Maid

Hey, my name is Chandhini and I am a homemaker, 25 years, we live in Surat. I am married to my husband for just 13 months and we are from Bangalore, India. My husband works for a software company and he is the general manager, he travels all around the world for his work and he stays in India only for about 2 weeks. Our sex life has been decent considering that I do not get to sleep with him that much but whatever we have is satisfying and does not let me down. We live in a bungalow and we have...

3 years ago
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College Education Part 2

College Education - Part 2 The next morning after my night with Marco, I dressed as usual and went to classes. As I sat through lectures, my mind kept wandering, and guilt set in about what I had done the night before. How could I have done what I did? I was a male! I had betrayed my masculinity by sexually submitting to another man. My bottom was sore, and my shaved legs felt funny inside my jeans, reminding me of my wanton behavior. What kind of real man would do such a thing? ...

3 years ago
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A Blank Page

Sweat dripped down Nathan’s face. Trish, his girlfriend writhed on all fours in front of him, her ass slapping his hips with every thrust. They were both eighteen years old, and tonight was their last night together. Tomorrow she would leave for college, and Nathan would continue on in town without her. ‘Spank my ass, Nate,’ she said, looking back over her left shoulder. Perspiration beaded on her face, her brown hair tangled in it and stuck to her. He let a half-hearted palm drop with a...

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Youth Soccer

Mekala instantly caught my eye and probably the eye of every man there. She was just so energetic and vibrant. She ran down the edge of the soccer field and then did three back flips in a row to the amazement of all those watching her. As I watched her practice I realized that she was very good at soccer too. She was thirteen years old and much better built than the rest of the girls out on the field. This was the first day of practice for the fifth and sixth graders. Mekala was a sixth...

3 years ago
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Sin BravelyChapter 15

Eva sat hunched over on the bed, naked with her long, pale legs drawn up near her small breasts, hugging her knees and rocking anxiously back and forth on the dirty mattress. Every now and again Eva would shiver, but she made no sound and despite her fatigue, the girl's dull blue eyes never left the door. It was shut tight and locked from the other side. There were no windows, no other furniture but that metal cot bolted to the cement floor and the thin mattress, stained and stinking of...

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ATM Aunts

First let me tell you about my two aunts. Aunt Rachel is my mom's younger sister. She was a stewardess for a long time and has always been hot. She has flowing wavy red hair and is now in her early forties, about 5'9", 135 lbs, with nice full D-cup tits, a trim stomach. and a firm ass to die for. She always wears skimpy bikinis when she's on vacation and likes to show off her firm breasts. One time I caught her when she was changing. She teased me about it, but was always cool. Aunt Carol is a...

2 years ago
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The DolphinChapter 9

I do not understand these creatures. I do not understand why they do what it is that they do. There are two who are nearby on the land almost always when it is light above. The one that Kitik cares for is bigger and the sounds it makes are lower. It is the one that usually asks us to do things when there are many other of the creatures near. I think I am right that the other creatures come to watch. I do not know why they wish to watch, but I think it is what they do. The smaller of the...

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Jennys UnclePart 9

Megan's innocent and lonesome phone call to Jenny on that Saturday night began quite a chain of events. Out of that strange mix of excitement and letdown after a big event, Megan had wanted to talk to Jenny. She'd left a message on the machine. Jenny's mom had heard it. For some odd reason Jenny's mom had thought her daughter was working that afternoon and into the evening at her brother's studio like she had been for the past several weeks. She decided to call Ted and just check up on...

3 years ago
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WALL STREET BLUESFuck, what a day thought Kerri.  Slamming down the pedal of her Beamer, radio up, sunroof open Kerri was ready to put this day of work behind her.  Being an up and coming Wall Street Investment banker had its highs.  The salary was great but some of the days were just draining as everything went downhill.  She should be working late but everything was so fucked up she left anyway.  Whatever! She thought. Texting Jimmy she made sure they were still on for mountain biking when...

2 years ago
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Watchman This is how I seduced my watchman; I have had my eye on my watchman for a long time, handsome, sexy, nicely built and uniformed a recipe for hunkyness all rolled into 1. Him being a Bihari I know if he is married he is separated from his wife and is living in my apartment complex in the small room behind his security cabin. I see him for the last 2-3 months sitting in my balcony and I can see him going about his daily work, when ever our eyes meet he gives me those very familiar smiles...

Gay Male
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Seducing The Tutor Part 1

Hi! I am 20 years old and currently in the second year of graduation. I have never been on the skinny side but always a little curvy with little fat at all the rights places. My dimensions are 38-30-36 and have often got me a lot of unasked male attention. I am 5’8″ with fair complexion and elbow length hair for which my tutor always complimented me. This sex story is about my real life experience. So talking about my tutor, he was 25 years old and the son of my mom’s friend. He was a really...

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Playtime Stories 23 Mistressrsquo Anal Devirginizer

Playtime Stories 23 Mistress’ Anal Devirginizer Mistress Genella told me to clean up and re-paint my face for the session. I darkened my rouge and made the silver on my lids more vibrant. I added more thickness to my dark lashes and re-glossed my dark red lips. I still wore the black leather collar and cincher. My black sheer stockings were still in good shape and my strappy patent leather heels were now clean again. I adjusted my black full-cup Lycra bra and my shoulder length gloves. I...

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