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CHEERS By: ROBO and Eric Robert pulled up into Eric's driveway driving his new McLaren F1 sports car. He was filthy rich and so was Eric all thanks to their brilliant little scheme. Who would have guessed that by salting the core samples of a mining company that they could have raised the price all the way from thirty cents a share to three hundred dollars per share. It had been glorious and they both had extremely fond memories of Bre-X now. They had made 10 million dollars each and got away free as a bird. Some people thought it was the CEO, some people thought it was the geologist, but no one suspected Robert and Eric, they were very proud of that. Robert was 5'11" and 200 lb. with a solid build and 25 years old. Eric on the other hand was 6'3" and 200 lb. and 30 years old. He had a lean and hungry look. They had worked very well together for years. People trusted Robert and were afraid of Eric. So the 'bad' cop and the 'good ' cop routine worked well. Robert rang the doorbell and Eric answered and said "Hey, saw the car.....fantastic!" "Thanks man" responded Robert, very proud of his car. Chicks really went wild over it. "So are you ready to go to the BC Lions game?" said Eric, rubbing his hands grinning. "Yep, so are these good seats?" asked Robert. "Only the best for us pal" responded Eric "We are in the front Row on the thirty yard line so we can get a good look at those gorgeous cheerleaders!" Robert grinned from ear to ear and said "I've got my binoculars." Eric said "Great! Well let's go in my new Ferrari" "No - let's flip a coin." The Ferrari it was. They drove to the stadium naturally Eric had special VIP parking in the lot right next to the dome. " Its nice to be able to afford all the good things in life now. " he said to his friend. "Amen to that!" laughed Robert, thinking of his $ 800,000 luxury Condo. They walked in the gate and got some snacks, which they joked were almost too expensive even for them. Robert got his traditional Frosted Malt that was so hard that he always bought at the start so that it would be soft enough at half time to eat. Eric bought a program and they went to their seats. They grinned at each other as excited as kids at a pool party. They would sure have a great view of the cheerleaders from here! "Let's look at the program and see who is on the new squad for this year since this was the first game of the season. " Suggested Robert. They looked and Eric and Robert were happy to see that their favorites were still there. Eric really like Lisa, she was a four-year veteran of the squad and the tallest member at 5' 11". The bio on her read "She is a dance teacher, model and has been the captain of the squad for the past two years. She is 22 years old, has strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes." Robert liked Shannon, "She is the youngest member of the squad at 19 years old. She is a beautiful green-eyed blonde and 5' 6". She is an accomplished dancer. She is currently training to be a make-up artist and is in her second year on the squad. The game was merely incidental. They both were eager to see their favorite girls! They studied their pictures for the hundredth time and were not afraid of not recognizing them. Then Robert grabbed his binoculars and was looking at the tunnel as he could see the cheerleaders lining up on either side of the tunnel. "Oh, I can see Shannon, she is such a babe! Eric was pulling at the binoculars saying, "Let me see!" Robert frowned and handed him the binoculars and told him to buy his own if he wanted to see so badly! Eric ignored the comment and said, "There's Lisa! She is an amazon!" Robert took his binoculars back and was wishing he had brought his new Camera with the Zoom Lens. He stared fixedly and saw some more coming out of the dressing room and said "I'd give anything to get a look in that dressing room" Eric smiled and said "Me Too!" The announcer said, "Would everyone stand now for the National Anthem." Eric and Robert stood and at that moment there was a power failure and the dome was thrust into darkness. Robert looked around and couldn't see a thing. He started to fall back and fell against a wall! Robert thought "what the hell and" where did my seat go?" Robert could not see but he could hear women talking. "OK girls, they'll have the power on in a second!" Robert thought who in the fuck was that and who were all these girls?" Suddenly the power came back on and Robert stared opened mouthed as he saw that he was not in the stands anymore! In fact he was in the tunnel with the cheerleaders, he was overjoyed at first. That was until he looked down and saw firm breasts and that he was wearing a Cheerleaders outfit and holding a pompom in each hand. He realized with dread that he was in Shannon's body and then he looked across the tunnel at a frightened looking Lisa. She looked at Shannon, and Robert mouthed "Eric?" She nodded and mouthed "Robert?" and he nodded. The cheerleader next to me said with a big grin on her face "Who's Robert and Eric? I swear all you two ever talk about are boys!" Erin, the Choreographer said "Lisa!" Eric felt like he was in the grip of some horrible a nightmare. How, why - did he go from Eric the stock trader to Lisa the cheerleader? Shock held him numb. He stared across the tunnel and there was Shannon looking frighten, too. Eric knew that somehow they were in the same boat or in the same panty hose so to speak. Fascinated, Eric stared down at his long, gorgeous, dancer's legs. He was startled - somebody elbowed him sharply and said: "Earth to Lisa. Erin's calling you! " Eric turned and saw someone he somehow knew was Erin. She grinned encouraging. "OK Lisa get ready to go on my mark!" she must have noticed the fright in his eyes and she smiled, "relax, its just opening day jitters - it can happen to anyone. As soon as you get out there believe me the body will just take over. As my old mother used to say - a woman can't go far wrong if she just smiles and shows her legs. OK " She looked back" Ready - go!" She shoved Eric in the small of the back and propelled him out onto the playing field. The crowd roared. Eric wanted to crawl in a hole as he felt like he was naked in front of fifty thousand people, but somehow he managed to smile as these long, shapely legs half ran half pranced out. The boots on his new feet were low heeled, he noticed and thanked god for small favors. Eric was too aware that his outfit was skimpy and bared a trim little stomach. Eric shivered feeling like every horny eye in Canada was drooling at him. To his surprised he discovered that like one in a trance his newly acquired slim fingers and hands were shaking the pompoms. He flushed, feeling utterly ridiculous. Time for him seemed to be standing still as his fear was flooding his system with adrenaline. Eric glanced across at his friend in Shannon's cute little body. His grin looked frozen on that cute face framed by golden blond curls. The visiting team thundered by - a bunch of huge smelly men, Eric felt, wrinkling his nose. God did he feel vulnerable - any of them could have thrown him to the ground and raped him. The announcers' voice screamed "and here come your BC Lions!" All of a sudden, with the rest of cheerleaders Eric found himself somehow jumping up and down shaking with breasts thumped against his chest. Strawberry blond hair whipped in front of his eyes. His hands shook the pompons over head. As the home team roared out Eric discovered his beautiful legs, without any conscious thought, started doing high kicks. The black high boots soared past his eyes! Eric felt incredibly limber-he could never move anything like that before. He stared at the brutal faces streaming past and shuddered - what an ugly bunch of thugs! Eric thought. He looked over at Robert similarly gracefully high kicking. This is got to be fucking dream! He thought. A cold chill enveloped this scantly clad body. Eric asked himself - If we are here - what had happened to our real bodies? Were we dead - he glanced over to where their seats were and saw ROBERT and ERIC STARING AT THEM! 'Robert' had the binoculars trained on 'Shannon'. My god the girls must be in our bodies! The announcers' voice boomed out. "And now BC Place is proud to present the BC LIONS PRIDE DANCE TEAMMMM!" "COME ON, Lisa!" a girl whispered, "snap out of it. Time for the opening dance!" Eric remembered now - the cheerleaders always ran and did a dance in the middle of the field. Oh, Shit! He mouthed, now what. He ran out and all the other girls followed as the crowd cheered. Eric sure hoped this new body that had so mysteriously been thrust upon him knew what to do, because he sure in hell didn't. He remembered what Erin had said. 'Let the body take over!' It had done kicks without his will. Desperately, Eric willed his mind to go blank and all of a suddenly hips were gyrating at amassing speed and he was dancing up a storm. He saw Robert in Shannon's body also dancing like one possessed. God, he was limber! Even as teen-age fencer he had never been so flexible. He felt like he could touch the back of his knees with his head. Suddenly he did! So did everyone else as the mindless crowd cheered. It was amazing! He thought, Lisa's body even with me in it can really dance. Some obnoxious camera man shoved a camera in his face and said: " Smile, Lisa and let's see more tits and ass!" Eric would have liked to have shoved the camera right up his ass, but he just smiled and danced. He heard a squeal form Shannon - I mean Robert, one of the cameramen must have groped him. Pretending to dance he then kicked the man in the face! Good for her - him Eric thought. The other girls were grinning too as the man fell back holding his face. Lisa's new body whirled around at breakneck speed and finished with a split that would have busted his balls a half-hour earlier. Damn it! He thought darkly - Now he didn't have any balls to bust. The crowd cheered and Eric felt himself stupidly waving pompons in pleasure at their applause. Eric thought furiously - If he remembered correctly Lisa and Shannon had always started at the 30- yard line where he had his seats. That was one of the reasons he bought them! Hoping to hell he was right Eric ran over there, with his long strawberry blond hair flowing behind him and new tits bouncing up and down. What a nightmare, he thought! Shannon and the others followed him over. Eric stared at 'Eric' and 'Robert' in their front row seats and they grinned back and waved. It was a fucking nightmare! He knew, but he had to smile and do a few dance steps. Fortunately the game started and they waved the pompoms again. They then were off duty for a few seconds. Robert and Eric edged closer to each other. "Is it you?" they whispered together. Then they turned to see their former selves in the front row boxes watching happily, as if hoping that their shorts would rip or something. Their fresh young female faces grew flush. "What are we going to do?" Robert asked in a high musical soprano. Eric's alto answered. " How the hell should I know? Keep dancing our asses off and pray we switch back before the girls disappear with our real bodies!" The home team made a first down - so duty called and they danced like the LIONS had just cured cancer or something! Robert looked back at his old body in the stands and saw it looking at him with his binoculars and a huge grin on his face. Robert was so embarrassed to be standing here imprisoned in a teenage girl's body half dressed and performing for the leering men at the game. One time Robert looked up and saw his body and Eric's going through their wallets. They were counting all their money and then he saw his old body showing Eric's body his Platinum American Express Card! He was even more frightened when he was sure his body said to Eric's "Were Rich!" Even worse, they were acting like giddy girls and some of the other fans were noticing and staring at them oddly. At the end of the first quarter they once again had to go prancing out to the field's center. It was odd really, even though Robert didn't know the cheers he seemed to have a faint memory of them and his body seemed to move more graceful than before. His timing was off but he was able to pull it off and some of the other girls were poking fun at him because of his hesitation. Robert could see Eric in Lisa's body and he was looking pretty good even though he could see the doubt in his eyes. After that they moved to a different area of the stadium and they were too far away for them to see their real bodies. Finally it was half time and they ran back to the tunnel, Robert looked at the seats and was horrified when he saw they were empty. Robert jogged over to Eric and said "The seat's are empty, they've stolen our bodies!" Eric looked and confirmed this terrifying news. They made their way through the tunnel and past the security guards as they entered the cheerleaders' locker room. It wasn't very big and had a row of only 6 Vanity mirrors along one side and lockers over on the other side of the room. The girls were all jousting each other fighting for mirror space. The weird thing is that Robert knew which locker was his-or rather Shannon's. He was also noticing he knew the other girls' names. Erin, the choreographer, came in and said "Good first half girls! Now get a drink and get changed into your 'Fancy Uniforms' for the squad photos in the second half! Somehow Robert knew what the fancy uniform was. It was the one that had the silver Lycra fabric over the breasts and the see-thru long sleeves with frilly ends. Robert did not want to wear that but knew he had little choice. With hesitant steps he walked over to his locker and sure enough saw 'Shannon' written on the front. He took off his top and looked down and adjusted his sports bra. He then looked at the other girls in various stages of undress but it didn't seem to be turning him on. Normally he would have had rock solid hard-on but then he realized that he didn't have that part anymore. He still was attracted to girls but his body just didn't react the same. He looked to the other side and saw Eric ogling his tits. "Lisa" Robert said in a hushed voice "Stop ogling me!" He smiled and said, "Oops, I just couldn't help myself, but it was mostly such curiosity to see whose tits were the biggest." Robert felt so small, he had always felt short next to Eric and now Eric was still towering over him and had bigger tits too!" There's no justice in this world thought Robert bitterly. Finally they put their best uniforms on and went over to fight for the vanity mirrors and starting redoing their make up. Eric had an easier time than Robert did, as she was the squad captain and the biggest of the girls. Robert finally finished and was adjusting his hair when all of a sudden he thought, "What the hell am I doing? I'm acting like a - a girl" He looked and saw Eric preening in front of the mirror and asked him what the hell he thought he was doing! Eric then blushed, obviously embarrassed at how he was acting. They had a drink of Gatorade and Robert said, "After the game we have to find our bodies and swap back somehow!" Eric said, "How are we going to do that? We don't even know what happened in the first place!" Robert said "Maybe those girls did it to us, they must know how to reverse it. I'll be damned if I am going to spend the rest of my life as an air head cheerleader!" Eric nodded vigorously and said, "OK, at least that's a plan. I sure don't have anything better to offer!" After the half time break they went back to the field. What a relief! They looked at their seats and saw their bodies were back and pointing at them. This time they had to go around the stadium in reverse order, Robert wasn't sure how he knew that, but he did. That was good because they would finish in front of their seats so they could keep an eye on his and Eric's precious bodies. This time there were more photographers taking pictures of the squad in action. It made Robert and Eric very self-conscious as they weren't use to being treated like a piece of meat! When the game was nearing the end they were getting tired! "Cheerleading is hard work," thought Robert. Robert looked up at his old body in the stands and it was eating his malt! Shannon had some nerve! God! What he wouldn't give to be back in the stands in his comfortable body slurping away. His former body then looked up and smiled and blew a kiss at him. Robert was mortified. What made it even worse was that the girl next to him said, "Hey, it looks like you have a fan! He's kinda cute and looks like he's Rich. You always said you just had to find a Rich Husband and you'd have it made." Robert just giggled and then blushed from having given such a girlish giggle. After the game was over, and of course the Lions lost the game in the last few seconds as always, they returned to the tunnel. They went into the locker room and got undressed. Robert almost made the mistake of wrapping the towel around his waist but luckily remembered and wrapped it around his chest. He then went towards the showers where all the other girls were heading. While Robert hated being in this tiny petite body he was in heaven now. He was standing watching naked women shower and no one paid him any attention. He saw Eric in Lisa's body almost drooling in amongst all the women. His friend sure had a gorgeous body. Robert finally got a turn at the showers and felt a hand brush his butt and saw one of the other cheerleaders smiling at him. "Oh god" he thought "She must have seen me starring and thinks I'm a lesbian." The girl had dark skin and taller than Robert was in his current body. She waited till Robert took off his towel and she gave him a good look and then left the area. Robert was so embarrassed and felt so vulnerable and helpless. When Robert left the shower area he saw Eric was half dressed in Lisa's sexy clothes. Robert opened his small duffel bag and found some spandex pants and a T-shirt. He was happy until he discovered the T-shirt didn't cover his tummy. "Doesn't this girl wear anything with a midriff?" he thought mortified. While Robert was tying his running shoes the dark skinned girl came over and whispered "don't worry, it will be our little secret, cutie" and then left the locker room. Eric hadn't noticed that, as he was busy posing in the mirrors. Robert packed up his stuff and said to Eric "OK, Lisa let's go that is if you can tear yourself away from the mirror!" Eric flushed and stared hard at Robert and they left the locker room. They went through the back and to a security area were there was an air lock for the dome. A security guard came out and said "Hi girls, I'll walk you to your car." "Oh Christ!" thought Robert, "We are so helpless we can't even walk to our car without protection! The guard obviously knew them and Lisa and Shannon must have come in the same car. Somehow he then knew they were roomies. Well that solved one problem!" He felt like a midget as he walked along side the huge guard and Eric in Lisa's tall body. Robert couldn't help but note that Eric was walking with an easy fluid grace and he realized he was too, maybe just a little bouncer. They left through an air lock and this time the force of the wind was much stronger on Robert's small body and his hair whipped around his face as he was pushed out with the force of the air pressure. The wind had disturbed Robert's fine blond hair and he automatically pushed it away from Shannon's face. He saw Eric come out also a little faster than normal and when they regained their bearings they turned and came face to face with their old bodies! The apparent Lisa turned and said to the guard, "Thanks, Mike, but our boy friends are here to walk us out." The disappointed guard said, "all right ladies, have a good night." He then returned into the Stadium. Robert looked at his old body, which now seemed so big, put his small hands on his hips and said, "I want my body back!" Eric heard Robert speak, but all he could do was stare in shock. In a way this was even weirder than being Lisa. To actually come face to face with himself. His former face had a sardonic smile that Eric recognized as one he often had used. The new Eric and Robert looked them contemptuously up and down. "Just a couple of bimbo cheerleaders, wouldn't you say Eric?" grinned Shannon in Robert's body. "Absolutely! Not a brain in those pretty little heads." Answered the apparent Eric in his incisive, penetrating voice. The real Robert, stubborn as always repeated. " I want my body back!" "Do you realize how insane that sounds, SHANNON!" said Eric. The male bodies came up close to the female ones and the girls realized how physical helpless they were. Eric smiled down at them. " Yes, that kind of talk will lead only to a nut house!" "You can't get away with this! We want our bodies back. We don't know how you did it, but...." Robert's old body delivered a singing slap and Robert's new head spun around and he almost fell. Involuntarily he started to cry. "How does that feel, SHANNON! To be weak and helpless and be knocked around by a man. Do you like it - get used to it - because men from my father on have done it to me all my life!" Robert's powerful voice spit at 'Shannon'. Lisa in Eric body suddenly took charge. "That's enough of that! You're not to demand anything or to speak of these bodies as once yours. Do you both understand" The new Lisa nodded intimidated. Then Eric's old voice continued. "You have a choice - either accept things as they are without any further fuss or Robert and I will just turn around and never come back. Neither of you will ever see us again. Is that what you want?" The new Lisa started crying, too. She looked at the new Shannon and saw the same fear mirrored in her beautiful blue eyes. My god they might never see their old bodies again and that would destroy any chance of changing back! Lisa answered for the two of them in a low musical alto " No. Please don't leave us alone like this! What do you want?" Eric grinned. " That's more like it!" The new Robert smiled the smile that had caused investors to trust him and open their bank accounts. "It won't be so bad - look at it this way. You have all our former beauty - that's nothing to sneeze at. There are a million women who would kill to look like the two of you. Also, you're both younger now - so you've gained extra years of life. " He hugged Shannon. "I'm sorry I had to hit you. But you must learn to behave yourself. After all if you're going to be our girl friends you need to be a lot more compliant." "That's right. I hate bitchy, bossy females!" said the new Eric with sinister significance. "I won't put up with tantrums or disobedience. You do understand don't you, Lisa?" Lisa understood all too well. It was the way she used to feel when she was Eric. She felt beaten down. All she could do was nod her lovely head. Shannon found herself echoing the movement. Robert in Shannon thought ' Whatever happens we've got to keep them close if there is any chance of getting our bodies and lives back! Eric slapped Robert on the back. "Looks like we have ourselves some trophy girl friends. Real Lion's cheerleaders. All the guys will envy us when we walk in with these two beauties on our arms." The lovely faces of the girl's flushed with embarrassment. Lisa almost said do you have to humiliate us, but bit her lip. Such a question would surely get her was a slap - or worse still the guys would just walk away and leave them alone like this. She reached out a supplicating hand and touched Eric's strong arm. "May I ask you how you worked the exchange?" Eric grinned down in triumphant. "Since you ask so politely I will answer you - that's information we don't want to burden your pretty little heads with." Lisa and Shannon exchanged looks. Eric rubbed his strong hands briskly together. "Well all this silly chit chat has made me hungry. How about you, Robert?" "Sure - oh you mean food - that, too!" Lisa and Shannon had butterflies in their stomachs. They felt so damn helpless. The guys held all the cards. Eric took Lisa by the hand and led her to the Ferrari and Robert's strong, muscular arm took Shannon around her tiny waist and guided her to a battered older car. Shannon rather dragged her feet, but Robert was strong enough that it hardly mattered. He felt so small and frail. "I'll take Lisa to their apartment to get dressed for dinner. You follow as best you can in their rust bucket." Robert grinned. "How do you always win coin tosses - do you have a two sided coin for every occasion?" Both men laughed. "Dressed for dinner?" Shannon and Lisa said weakly together. "That's right!" said Robert. "We all have something to celebrate tonight. We get to be filthy rich guys and you two get to be our beautiful, DEVOTED, GIRL FRIENDS!" He gave a startled Shannon a kiss smack on the lips. As he pulled away he said "I want you to say - I love you, Robert." Robert just stood there trembling and said a weak "I love you Robert." Robert's body smiled at him and said "I love you too, Shannon." In the Ferrari Eric turned to a trembling Lisa and said, "I want to be up front right away. We're going to hold you and your friend to your promise. We are going to expect sex tonight and you and Shannon better deliver or you will never see us again! Am I making myself perfectly clear?" Lisa had been afraid of this so she was hardly shocked. She looked down and saw her former dick already in the process of a hard on. The fear she felt was oddly mixed with pleasure. Maybe if we have sex with our former selves it will break the spell and we'll get our real bodies back, the new Lisa rationalized. "Yes, you are, Eric." Lisa felt it better to appear to give in. Dissembling a little never hurt anyone. She put her beautiful slim new hand on her former leg, surprisingly it did not revolt her at all. 'I guess I really am a god damn female', Lisa thought resignedly. 'Well at least it will help get me through what is sure to be trying night!' She automatically checked her appearance in the visor's mirror. She didn't see Eric's lips twitch into a sudden smile as he noticed this. The large male grinned as he roared the powerful car out into the freeway. "Wow! What wheels! I always dreamed of owning a car like this!" The new Eric had slowed down so that the New Robert could keep up in their old 1971 Datsun 510, which was all rusty. They pulled up in front of a decent looking Condominium Complex. The Boys escorted them in and they somehow knew that they lived here and rented an apartment. That angered the New Shannon, as she knew you should never rent, but then she realized that she couldn't remember why anymore. They walked up to a door and both nervously fumbled for keys in their purses. "You women always have so much trouble finding your keys!" said a smiling Eric. Robert in Shannon's body gave him a dirty look. The new Robert said, "Now, Now girl don't you go around giving my friend dirty looks" Shannon just bowed her head resigned to her fate. Lisa got her keys and opened the door. They walked in and it felt like home. It was an average 2-bedroom apartment with modest furniture although a little feminine looking. "Well now" said Eric "Let's get you two dressed!" They escorted them into the bedroom and opened up a large closet full of clothes. Shannon and Lisa looked at each other, as they just knew they were going to end up wearing something that they didn't really want to wear. As Robert and Eric went through the clothes throwing them on the bed Robert said to Eric "You know, I can't remember all my clothes anymore" "Yeah, I know," said Eric. He then looked at them and said "Hey, girls, do you know what clothes you have?" Shannon and Lisa thought for a moment and then nodded in unison as they did indeed know every out fit they owned, or rather that their new bodies owned. Robert said, "Huh.......its funny but I seem to know all these financial things." He smiled and then said, "I also know that I am worth Ten Million Dollars! You lucky girl -Isn't it nice to have a Rich boyfriend, Shannon?" Shannon just bowed her head and said a sad "Yes" and Robert smiled triumphantly. Finally they were told to put the clothes on that they had put out and they left the room. Saying " We men know you girls like for privacy and little have little secrets dolling up for your men!" Shannon turned to a frightened looking Lisa and said "What are we gonna do?" "I don't know, I don't know! They sat in the stands working out what they were going to do and how they were going to get our cooperation - while we were doing their fucking cheers! We didn't get a chance to talk or even to think!" replied a tearful Lisa. She paused and hugged Shannon. "We just have to play along." "But this is hell!" replied Shannon. "Yes, but if we don't play along they'll dump us and we'll be stuck like this for the rest of our lives with no hope of getting our bodies back." Said Lisa. Shannon looked over the clothes put out and said, "I don't know if I can do this" as he started to get dressed reluctantly. "Panty hose," she said in disgust. Shannon to her surprise found that dressing this new body easy. She put on the panty hose without causing any runs, made up her face for evening, slipped on a short black mini dress that showed off her modest, cleavage and trim young dancers figure and legs. Without apparent effort she found herself walking in the patent leather boots with 2-inch heels. Meanwhile Lisa was dressing in a back cocktail gown that showed off her tall figure to perfection. Her panty hose was richly ornate drawing attention to her long, magnificent legs, which were well displayed by the clever slits in the dresses side. Her breasts were encased in a miracle bra that made the most of their size and shape. The New Lisa found herself preening once again in front of a mirror. She couldn't help herself. She smiled a slow sexy smile. She was really beautiful. She was proud that she had put her make-up on with an unerring hand. She towered over Shannon in her three inch black evening pumps. Shannon glanced sourly over at her friend. "You sure like to admire yourself in the mirror!" She said nastily. Lisa smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "You're just jealous because I am prettier than you!" "YOU ARE NOT......." Shannon paused as he realized what he was saying. Then they starting laughing. "We need to get a grip on ourselves!" said Shannon. Lisa nodded. The door banged and the girls jumped startled. " Come on! You girls always take for ever to get dressed." The new Shannon and Lisa exited the bedroom and their former bodies smiled in glee at them. Robert came over to Shannon and said "My aren't you just the perfect Bimbo." Shannon started to say, "I'm not a Bim......" but was cut off by Robert. "Don't you argue! If I say you're a Bimbo then that's what you are......understand?" Shannon nodded her head in despair. "Well......let's go," said Eric. The four drove to Eric's house to get Robert's car. Then the four of them went in Robert's and Eric's Cars. Robert in Shannon's body found it was upsetting to see someone else driving his new car, even if it was his own body. They arrived at the restaurant and the Doorman opened the door for the apparent Shannon and Lisa and said "Good Evening, Ladies." They just smiled politely back at him not wanting to say much as this was already the most humiliating day of their lives, but they knew it was only going to get worse. The waiter gave the menus out and Shannon realized hers didn't have any prices on it. Robert said to Eric "Heh......I always wondered how much this stuff cost!" Shannon then realized this was one of those fancy restaurants that have special menus for the Ladies without prices on them. This made her feel too small and inferior. When the waiter came he took the orders from the men first and they ordered for the girls without even giving them a choice. This shocked and disappointed them. Eric looked at them and said, "How does it feel to have someone else in control of your life?" Shannon and Lisa just starred back at them bitterly. They ate dinner in silence with Robert and Eric smiling at them with their smaller Ladies dinner. Robert put his hand on Shannon's knee and Shannon pushed it off and Robert put it back more firmly and said, "Don't make me hurt you." Robert just sat there and let him feel her leg. Lisa was sitting there and could see the situation was bad but they had to accept it and hope that somehow it would be reversed. They just had to stay close to their old bodies and hope for the best even if it was becoming a private hell for them. After dinner they drove back to Eric's and switched cars again and went back to the girl's apartment. Lisa and Shannon were frightened now, as they knew what the boys wanted from them. Shannon turned her back for a moment hoping this nightmare would end and was suddenly swept off her feet and into Robert's very strong arms. He laughed and carried her into a bedroom. She heard Lisa shriek as she was picked up over Eric's shoulder and carried into the other bedroom. Their night of hell had started. "Relax and enjoy it, Lisa" smiled Eric. "Isn't that what men have told unwilling woman since the beginning of time?" Lisa felt it wise to remain silent as she fearfully looked at the tall, strong man who used to be herself. "This isn't rape, Lisa. Say the word 'NO', and I will walk right out the door and you will never see your old body again. He grinned when he saw fear in the beautiful blue eyes. "Undress me, Lisa my sweet." With trembling fingers and hands the new woman began to take off the clothes she had put on her former body just that morning. Now that seemed a lifetime ago. With fingers made clumsy my fear she pulled off the shirt and then force herself to smile and stand on her tiptoes and lightly kissed her former lips. "Very good, Lisa. 'You're adapting very well. Soon, no one will be able to tell the old from the new, Lisa. " This thought made her want to scream, but she kept the smile upon her lips and Lisa took off his shoes and slid the pans off. Finally the deed was done and the man stood naked "Your turn Lisa - take off your clothes. " Lisa looked and saw the man's dick was already on the rise. The high heels were slipped off the narrow feet. With what felt like unreal flexibility Lisa reached behind her back and unzipped the cocktail gown and let is slide slowly to the floor. As seductively as possible the new Lisa stepped out the gown. Then came her bra and her perfectly formed breasts - C cups she somehow knew - bounced free. She hesitated then the lace panties were pulled off. Her heart was in her throat - God what a nightmare. Stalling for time - Lisa gracefully walked to the mirror and stared at the beautiful young cheerleader reflected there. The image was arousing. "I am so fucking beautiful!" She thought. Without thinking Lisa styled her long hair with a few swift brush strokes. An impatient man cam up behind her; they looked in the mirror her and their eyes meet. He pressed his body against hers. She felt the dick throbbing against her naked flesh. Fear, fascination, and - yes desire - fought for dominance. He laughed at her confusion. "Look in the mirror, Lisa - which one of us is the struggling dancer instructor and which one is the Millionaire male?" His large hand came around her body and cupped her breasts and they grew automatically under his touch. She moaned as they grew. HE turned her around and his lips came ruthlessly, demanding, down on hers. His strong - fencer's arms - came around her slim body and she was crushed against him. "Please not so hard " she gasped. "That's right, He laughed." I don't know my own strength do I? Oh well, I have the rest of my life to learn don't I? Don't I, Lisa?" "Yes, Eric." She murmured. What else should she say? She felt trapped and powerless. "Tell me you're happy, Lisa - tell me that you love being you. I want to hear it and say it with sincerity." She gulped then made her lips smile and snuggled against him. "I love being Lisa, I wouldn't have it any other way. I adore my beautiful, sexy body." "Good!" His voice was husky. Effortless -he swung her up into his arms and carried her over to the bed. He dropped Lisa on the bed and grinned down at her possessively. "Are you looking forward to this as much as me. I've always dreamed of being able to fuck myself - did you?" The strawberry blond head shook. "Well ready or not here I come!' His large body joined hers on the bed, which creaked down with their weight. He pressed down upon her body. His lips were all over hers. Lisa's body turned traitor and she started trembling. Warily she realized that that self-love she had always felt all her life - her pride led her into a trap - now she could make love to what she had been and despite herself she found the idea attractive. His lips sucked on her breasts and she felt herself growing wet. But before she was quite ready he plunged his large dick inside. She cried out and without thinking she wrapped her long, sexy legs around his waist as he thrust in and Out - her breaths grew rapid. She despised herself, but she was enjoying herself. Sex from either side was great, but his humiliation of her took the edge off her pleasure. If only he had affection or better still - loved her - then she would have enjoyed herself - really could have let go, but he was using sex as a weapon, to humiliate and drive home a point. A way of conquering her. Then she felt his dick throbbed in side her pussy and the warm sperm jetted inside her. Now was her chance - She cried out in fake passion. She tried to leave this body and seize her former one. Fuck! Nothing happened except that she felt him grow limp within her. "Pretty good lay " He murmured " And I'm sure you've get even better with practice. How long did it take you to get ready for another go round?" "About twenty minutes" She squeaked. "OK, go get me a beer. What kind do you have in the fridge anyway?" "Molson's" Lisa answered without thinking, burning with indignation. How dare he practically rape her and then have the nerve and crassness to make her get out of bed, naked and get him a beer! What a pig! She thought. But all she did was smile and get it. He had to be humored! If he dumped her, she might have never a chance of getting her real body back! Lisa made a real point of smiling and complimenting Eric on his performance. The man seemed flattered. "Not bad for a first time, huh?" "Oh, no! She gushed. " You were terrific, so strong!" He looked at her suspiciously, but all Lisa did was smile and kiss him. "Enough chit chat. You know how to set this body back on fire better than anyone does - so get cracking girl! I really enjoy sex as a man - I'm so in charge - I can cum whenever I want. " Lisa groaned inside. Well better get on with it. She started covering the hairy, muscular body with Kisses. Idly, she wondered how Shannon was doing. The new Robert seemed to have physical abusive qualities that were very frightening. With the edge of her fingernail she traced her way around what had been her own body, knowing full well that it would drive the usurper wild. It did. He went crazy and jumped her bones. This time it was a little better since he was a less aggressive sex partner. But at no time did Lisa feel that he had any affection or love for her. She cried a little all he wanted her for was her body! Again he asked for a beer and she smiled and got him one. Lisa had a bright idea, inside the jacket pocket she vaguely remembered her old checkbook. When he fell asleep she would take out a couple of checks out of the back and get some of her own money back. Desperately, she tried to remember how much was in the account. Damn it! It was gone, but she remembered that her own - Lisa's - damn it Lisa's she silently screamed - checking account only had $132.16. God he spent more on cigars in a week! She made herself calm down. She hardly needed cigars in this body. She frowned. 25,000 dollars should be safe enough. She would go to the bank and cash the check and at least have some getaway money. Lisa gave the broad muscular back a soothing back run and finally was rewarded by snores. What a buzz saw! She thought, frowning how's a girl going to sleep with such a racket? With a dancer's grace she eased her way out of bed and tip toed to Eric's jacket. She slid her slim hand inside until she found the checkbook. As quietly as possible as tore the last two checks out and hid them in the bottom drawer of her dresser - under the panty hose. Exhausted she slid back into bed and found herself snuggling up against the warm male body. Even though he was a big bully and a jerk it still felt nice to have a man in her bed. Meanwhile Shannon was enduring her own hell. As a man he had never been able to understand why a woman stays in an abusive relationship. Now he was in one, and he was the woman, and he couldn't leave for fear he would lose his body forever. Robert had thrown her on the bed and straddled over her so she couldn't escape. Shannon was terrified with her old 200-pound body sitting on her. Even in a man's body this would have been a difficult position to get out of. She uselessly pounded her tiny fists on his large chest as he undressed. All that resulted in was him laughing at her. "Oh I am going to enjoy this - my little sex kitten" he taunted her. "I am going to experience it all as a man. We are going to have sex straight, oral, anal, and I think I will try bondage and you will be the submissive!" "Get off me you fucking bitch!" Shouted Shannon her temper getting the better of her. Robert's body grinned and said "Oh, I'm afraid your confused my dear, I am a man, you are the bitch. Maybe this will wake you up to reality" and he slapped her across the face. Shannon tried to recall some of her martial arts training and could only remember her Yellow belt Karate moves. "What the hell" she thought, "I have 3 black belts!" But try as she might she couldn't remember, then she realized it was Shannon's training she was remembering and not her own. She felt so violated, even her mind had been robbed of its knowledge. Robert had finished undressing and she saw his cock lying on her tummy. She then in desperation punched him in the balls. He groaned in agony and fell on top of her. She tried to get him off her so she could escape but he was too heavy for her tiny arms. He then rose again and grabbed her diminutive wrists with one hand and pinned then on the bed over her head and then grabbed her throat with the other. Shannon thought she was going to die. He looked at her angrily and said, "If you try another stunt like that, I'll kill you......UNDERSTAND!" Shannon could do nothing but nod her head meekly. Robert began to have his way with his old body, as the new Shannon was too terrified to struggle. Shannon looked up into her old eyes that now had a look of conquest in them as he was undressing her. When she was penetrated for the first time it shocked her as it was like nothing she had ever experienced before. The thing that she hated most was that it was turning her on. This body was betraying her by becoming aroused. Robert could see this and continued to thrust into her, as he wanted to make her cum. "Shannon, Say you love having my big hard cock in you." She just looked back at him. "SAY IT" he screamed. "I love having your big hard cock inside me," she said in despair. "That's more like it" He continued to thrust and wave upon wave of pleasure washed over Shannon until she came. As Robert could feel himself cumming he pulled out and squirted on Shannon's face. Shannon recoiled in revulsion much to the delight of her tormentor. "See how you like it from the other side" he said. "Now wash your face off!" he said as he released her. She ran into the bathroom and scrubbed her face to get it off, she felt so dirty. When she left the bathroom she saw Robert lying in bed with her side peeled back and he was patting it. Shannon started going towards the door. Robert said "If you don't get back in bed right now I'll leave and you'll never see this body again." Shannon froze, she couldn't risk that, as she would then have no chance of getting her old body back. She got back into bed and Robert pulled her tight to him and went to sleep. Eric woke to the sounds of morning. What a horrible nightmare he had last night, Eric thought. Then he - no she felt the touch a man's hand on her firm young breast. She had to stifle a scream. She rolled over - her old face was grinning at her. She flopped back down on the bed and felt him laughing and groping her. Automatically she fended off his hands on he naked flesh. Her bladder was full, she got up to go to the bathroom, but Eric beat her to it. "I'll go first as woman fuss too much in the bathroom in the morning". Lisa pressed her lips angrily together, but didn't say anything. Eric just laughed and shut the bathroom door behind him. Restlessly and trying to ignore her bladder, Lisa got up and checked out her appearance in the dresser's mirror. God! She looked a fright! She thought. She ran her manicured fingers through her hair to smooth it and untangle it. The she ran a comb though it - then brushed it viscously until it looked presentable. She then applied foundation and a little blush and of course lipstick. When this was on she felt less naked. She went to her closet and selected a sexy pink robe that accented her strawberry blond hair and complexion. Finally the jerk was out of the bathroom. He kissed her "You look great!" "Thank you, " she answered trying and failing not to feel pleased. The toilet seat was of course left up and cold. When she came out he was lying back in bed. "While I take a shower - why don't you make us some breakfast. I like eggs Benedict and fresh orange juice and regular coffee. Hurry up now, don't dawdle!" Lisa smiled - she was getting used to smiling when she wanted to scratch his face. " I would be delighted to make breakfast for my boyfriend." Eric grinned appreciatively." Keep, it up LISA, and we'll get along great. After breakfast - how about another bout of wild and crazy sex?" Is that all he thought about? She wondered but only smiled. She left the room and ran into Shannon. The poor girl looked like she had a bad night. Lisa was all concern. She hugged her young friend. "Was it that bad?" "Worse!" Shannon burst into tears. Instinctively Lisa held her teenage friend closer and stroked her fine blond hair. "Shhhh! Its over, it will get better. Get rid of it - tell me what happened!" Gulping and sobbing Shannon related her nightmare of a night to her friend. Lisa's beautiful face grew white. "Fuck! I thought mine was bad, but he was a gentlemen compared to your bedmate! Look! Can you hang in there? We've got to stay close and try to get our bodies back somehow! Maybe we can talk or bribe the guys into changing back? Anything may happened, but if it gets too rough for you - tell me - and we'll just walk anyway. " Shannon hugged Lisa fiercely. "Thank you - I needed to hear that! Friends for ever, right?" "Friends forever! Come on lets make breakfast for our body stealers. What's does your jerk want?" "A Dutch baby pancake and I don't even know what a Dutch baby pancake is and he said if it wasn't good he would spank me!" Shannon's eyes started to fill up and Lisa noting the warning signs hastily said - "Don't worry I do!" The two girls went in the small kitchen. " I hope we have plenty of eggs?" Muttered Lisa. She checked the fridge - good - there was almost a dozen. Lisa seemed to know her way around a kitchen and Shannon helped as best she could. She started water boiling for the poached eggs while Lisa separated eggs and put the Dutch baby in the oven. "Did he say what topping - let's not give him a chance to hit you?" "No" "Then he'll get powdered sugar with freshly squeezed lemon juice and like it." Shannon clapped her little hands together as Lisa started the Canadian bacon frying and then used the blender to whip up some hollandaise sauce. "Lisa, you sure know how to cook!" Lisa grinned" Listen, my mother always said a girl needs more than a petty face to hook a man!" She then looked startled" Did you hear what I just said?" She started laughing hysterically and Shannon had to shake her before she snapped out of it." We've got to get back to our real selves before its too late!" a frightened Lisa said." We're losing it bit by bit." She took a deep breath and her chest rose prettily." Well let's go tell the ass holes that their breakfast is ready!" Timidly Shannon knocked on the door and Robert's voice boomed out " Well?" She stammered " Breakfast is ready, Robert" "About time, and it better be good!" He grabbed her tits with one large hand and her buns with another and dragged her with him into the kitchen. Lisa was already there with Eric and nodded at Shannon and Robert. "Good morning! Everything is ready - we worked on it so I hope you like it " she said with false cheerfulness. "Its good! ' said Eric with a mouth full of Eggs Benedict. "Lisa still has my cooking skills." Robert sat down and wolfed down the Dutch baby. How crude, thought Shannon with a delicate shudder. "What are you girls eating?" asked Eric noticing they were just pouring coffee for the men. "We ate already - just some toast " managed Shannon. Eric patted Lisa familiarly on the rump. " Good! Got to keep your figures! Quite right - you might lose us rich guys as your boy friends if you didn't." "Don't forget to take your birth control pills - we don't want you to get pregnant and ugly! " piped in Robert. Shannon and Lisa looked at each other with horror - what if they should become pregnant! "Also to keep trim you babes need to exercise at least an hour a day. You'll probably know what you do, because I had a hard time remembering it to write it down, but here it is." He handed out a sheet of paper and Lisa and Shannon read it with consternation. Nobody could do all this in an hour! The phone rang. The four looked at each other. "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your mouth shut!" said Robert threateningly. Lisa picked up the phone with a trembling hand. A rough male voice on the other end demanded to speak with Shannon. Without conscious thought Lisa turned and said "Shannon, its your dad." For some reason Shannon found herself trembling and Robert grinned. "Talk to the old bastard! " he said with maliciously delight. "Yes, daddy " She said timidly. "Are you ready to move back home?" God -that would be horrible to be separated from her only friend and her old body, too. "No, I -" "Shut up I don't want to hear your usual blather. I want you to join your family at 1:00 o'clock mass - did you hear me, young lady. You were brought up a good catholic girl and you're going to stay a good catholic girl!" Robert who had been listening grinned, "Go with them!" She put her hand over the mouthpiece. "But -" He gripped her wrist so hard she though he would break it in half. "Go with them I said! - I want to see how you like being treated like a little girl and a slut!" Robert said savagely. "Yes, daddy I'll come." Damn it! She was crying again. Her father responded "Fine, we'll pick you up at noon." Eric stood up. " Lets leave these two love birds alone, come into the bed room my sexy Lisa. I can't wait to fuck that great body again." Lisa, with a worried look at Shannon, had little choice, but to obey. He was much nicer, treated her with some affection this time she thought as he pumped away - the meal must have put him in better mood - maybe mother was right! All of a sudden her own body caught fire and she started thrusting back and her cries mingled with his. As they lay together later. He kissed her and said" You getting better before too long you'll be a first class sex goddess!" Lisa was torn between pleasure and shame. It worried her even more that pleasure won. In the other bedroom Shannon was forced by Robert to dress in a white frilly dress which she hated. She felt like a 5-year-old wearing this. She saw the car pull up in front which she knew was her parents car and walked quickly out the door to get to the car as her daddy didn't like to be kept waiting. She got to the car and her father said "about time!" her Mother turned and said "You look cute sweetie" maybe after mass we can go for a Sundae. Shannon felt so humiliated as she was being treated like a little girl! Lisa's heart ache for her friend. Poor Shannon looked so frightened going out to the car where her dad was yelling at her. "Lisa, get away from the window! I am shocked at you girl - what if someone should see you standing there naked?" Obediently Lisa obeyed. "Yes, Eric." Time to put on the charm she decided. She walked seductively over to the bed they had just fucked on leaned over with deliberate grace and kissed her former body. "Darling, Eric - I beg you to tell me what you want from me?" Eric grinned. "Very well done, Lisa! - You're learning. I just hope your sake that your friend learns as fast. Shannon - I mean Robert has a lot of hostility top work off . . . I can tell you want I want from you - I want a sexy, beautiful OBEDIENT TROPHY GIRL FRIEND. So far you're doing just fine. Thanks for the great breakfast and even greater sex." "You're welcome " Lisa cooed. "Daring Eric, may I ask when we are going to get our bodies back?" Eric's eyes flashed fire and he sat up straight. He raised a threatening hand and Lisa shrank back." That was a very stupid remark and you were doing so well, too. Don't you ever refer to yourself as anything but Lisa - the past and present and future Lisa - you have never been anyone else - and this powerful body has always been my body - just as your sexy one always been your body. Look. I' not a bad person - let me explain. My friend and I were hoping to attract rich men to marry us. We both come from poor back grounds and were determined not to end up like our mothers - slaving away for some ungrateful man - and in Shannon's case a drunken, abusive one. My - your father now - at least was never abusive - just ignorant. We took dancing and modelling lessons - became cheerleaders, exercised, went to beauty parlours - all for one thing - do you know what that was, Lisa?" She thought and the answer came to her. " To capture rich husbands." "Good girl" he kissed her lovely lips. "But hey - we lucked out yesterday we did not just marry rich guys - we BECAME RICH GUYS - now we are in charge - we're loaded - we don't have to kiss ass or cajole money out of some husband because we have cut out the middle man - we are the rich men! We like being rich men - and if don't like kissing my ass - well you know what you can do. Sha - I mean Robert and I have no intention of giving back what we have! You both are going to have to suffer some humiliation to make up for all the times the former Lisa and Shannon were shit on by men until we both feel we have our evens. In your friends case it will be nastier than in yours. Shannon had a very bad time of it with her father and other men." Lisa swallowed hard. The future didn't look too hopeful and for the first time he started to wonder if the woman had worked the spell. But if they didn't who or what did? But he made his lips smile - it wasn't hard the man in the bed was handsome and also had an air of danger, which she found attractive. Lisa kissed him seductively. "Thank you very much - I do appreciate your kindness in telling me where we stand. Uncertainly is very hard on a woman, you know Eric." Eric laughed - " I think I can relate to that. Come here, you sex goddess you." "Here we go again thought, Lisa. "Oh, well I am so beautiful he can't be blamed I'm sure I would be doing the same thing in his place. " Later she was allowed to dress and in relatively sensible clothes - stirrup pants and flat-heeled boots - it seemed Eric liked her long, sexy legs in the shiny red boots. They came out of the bedroom. " Great legs, Lisa " said Robert. "Come on, lets go!" said Eric - he didn't seem to like the way his friend was looking at his girlfriend. "May I ask where we're going?" asked Lisa sweetly. "Since you put it so politely I will tell you - we're going to my Condo -I thought being my girl friend you love do come over - do my laundry - clean up the place and then make me lunch? Problem?' Why you pig! Lisa thought, but made herself smile. " None at all! It will be my pleasure!" Eric and Robert laughed. " You got yours pretty well trained all ready. I think mine is going to need some more work - a lot more work!" Robert said with sinister import, glancing in the girl's book of phone numbers. "I have a phone call to make - Then I think I will go and wait for a certain drunken father. Wonder how he will like getting the shit kicked out of him? I have 3 black belts in the Martial Arts you know, and as strong as a horse." "Yes, I know - Well have fun ROBERT." "You too, Eric." Lisa swallowed - what if Robert got arrested for beating up Shannon's father? Eric took her arm and she obediently followed him out the door. She was fast losing hope that the nightmare she was trapped in would ever end. Cooking and cleaning and ass kissing - what a life! In the car she pulled the visor to check her appearance - well at least she was gorgeous - that was something -quite lot actually. She just loved looking at herself in the mirror. So self-absorbed was she that she didn't notice Eric grinning at her from the drivers seat of the Ferrari. Reluctantly she returned the visor after redoing her make-up. She certainly didn't want her companion to get the wrong notion that she was vain! Lisa glanced at the man driving the powerful car with abandon - gunning the $ 200,000 car in and out of traffic like a master. He was certainly attractive - if she did say so herself. Lisa glanced down at her long gorgeous legs - this outfit suited them - the boots adding a dashing aspect and accentuated the effect. She wondered if she could get him to buy her some new and more expensive clothes - she thought she could. All of a sudden this thought startled her and she shook her head with the strawberry blond hair going to and fro. Get a hold of yourself, Lisa sternly commanded. You can't lose yourself now! It was a funny feeling for the new Lisa when they pulled up in front of what had been until the football game her condo! Politely, Eric opened the car door for her and she smiled and thanked him. He was better than that brute Robert, at least he was a gentlemen, even though over bearing and chauvinistic. Everyone they met greeted Eric by name and he answered with aplomb and accuracy - so much for the hope that someone might get suspicious, Lisa thought ruefully. Her old habitant mote her - it was utterly gorgeous - and expensive! Eric was certainly lucky to live here. Again she had to chive herself, telling herself that she was the real Eric. "You can start on the laundry then the bathrooms - be sure and get the toilets clean - my maid service didn't show up last week." Fuck you! She thought, but kept silent. He clicked the 48 " screen TV on. The ass hole was watching football - just like a man, she thought - wasn't yesterdays game enough for him? Out of the corner of her eyes as Lisa picked up dirty clothes from the floors she was checking out the cheerleaders. None of them was as beautiful as her - maybe next year she should take the plunge and try out for the Dallas cowboys cheerleaders - those were the ones that got noticed - she sighed not much hope for being picked -those Texans only picked Texans. "Just don't stand there, " Eric said - "get me a beer - Molson's will do. " Lisa pressed her lips together. She hated being a servant. In for a penny in for a pound she thought. Her long graceful stride carried her into the kitchen - she smiled smugly - Eric was watching her all the way admiring her walk and her legs. She got him the beer making sure that her shapely rear filled out the pants correctly. She handed it to him with a smile and a kiss and he thanked her, patted heron the rear and told her to get back to work. Lisa couldn't understand men's fascination with football it was brutal, smelly stupid game. True she was a cheerleader, but that was only in hope of getting noticed and getting her modelling career off the ground - or maybe being discovered by a Hollywood producer! Pleasant dreams, but that's all they were dreams. Shannon was lucky - all she had to do was to doze in church - why I do I have to clean up after this bum? She sorted the clothes and went down to the laundry room. And expertly began washing. Then she returned and looked at the dirty toilet bowls. Honestly, she thought, didn't men ever watch were they were peeing - it was just as mother said - they're just little boys with power. She went back and got an apron so as not to ruin her clothes, slid her boots off her long, beautiful legs and bare footed started cleaning the bath rooms. It was disgusting work, but it needed to be done. Lisa grew indignant - why was I -or Eric paying for maid service this is the way they left things. She bitched to Eric who picked up the phone and left a roasting message on the cleaning service's answering machine. Lisa flushed with gratification. For lunch she fixed him corn beef and rye and for herself ate a small salad. At half time he pawed her, but that was better than being ignored for a stupid football game! Meanwhile, Shannon found mass dreadfully boring, damn she ruined her panty hose with all the times she had to kneel! Then sure enough they went by Dairy Queen for some Sundaes. Dairy Queen yet! Shannon could remember when the Ritz was barely good enough, & now here she was in a teenage body eating a dairy queen Sunday. Then she had the usual fight with her father about where she was living and as always her mother calmed him down and he drove her back to her apartment. When the entered the apartment nobody was there. Shannon was relieved, she had a break from Robert's bullying. She changed into some shorts and a T-shirt. She didn't wear a bra as she didn't like the constricting feeling and would rather have her tits lose than having them held in place by tight elastic. She had just sat down to watch some TV and the door buzzer rang. She picked up the phone and nobody answered "That's Strange" she thought and then it rang again. She picked it up and again no response. She thought, "The intercom must be busted so she pushed the button to open the door. In a minute there was a knock at the door and Shannon opened the door to see the tall black cheerleader standing there from the dressing room. "Nicholle!" Shannon exclaimed. A smile spread across her face "I'm glad you remembered me," she said. Shannon tried to keep the door partly closed but Nicholle just pushed her way in. Shannon didn't know what to do. "Ah Nicholle....I am expecting a friend any time now so could you come by another time?" Nicholle laughed and said, "That's so cu

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Every year, my family spends Christmas week in a ski resort. One year it's Aspen, the next Vail, and so on. My junior year in college it was Steamboat Springs. The fates intervened. The week before Christmas, I broke my leg in a pedestrian way - falling on a slick sidewalk. I was going to be a limping lad for three weeks, at least. To top it off, I'd fallen leaving my girlfriend's apartment after breaking up with her. Ironic, isn't it? An emotional break and a physical one. Mom wanted to...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilms Vanessa Sky Athena Anderson My Husband Brought Home His Mistress

Athena Anderson is reading on the couch when her husband Donny Sins walks through the front door with his mistress, Vanessa Sky. Donny and Vanessa flirt with each other as they walk further into the room, describing all the dirty things they want to do with each other without even noticing that Athena is RIGHT THERE. Vanessa and Donny start making out as Athena watches candidly from the couch until Vanessa spots Athena and she sheepishly motions for Donny to hold up. Donny is taken aback- sorry...

2 years ago
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Discovering Each Other

"Yeah, ok," he replied, "What have you got?" "Loads of stuff, come down and have a look." So we went downstairs to the computer and began browsing through my folders. After about ten minutes I needed the loo, so I left James to browse on his own. But when I came back he had a big smile on his Afro-Caribbean face. "Are you bi, then?" he asked me. He had obviously found my small collection of gay porn, there was no point in denying it. Then I began to wonder about his...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 24 Big Cat

“How’s the girlfriend hunt going?” I gave him my best put-out teenager look and ignored his barb. I guess it was too much for Tami not to tell my mom. What surprised me was Mom thinking it necessary to clue my dad in. I was sure that Uncle John would want to sit down and ‘talk about it.’ “Come on, we need to talk football,” Dad said to change the topic. That instantly put me in a better mood. We went to the nice restaurant and I found Dad had gotten us a big table. I figured that Wolf and...

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MARCH 2007 The sun had been up for almost two hours before I woke up on the floor of the living room.  The cobwebs in my head cleared as I registered where I was.  I was lying on my side and could feel the warmth of Belinda's naked body against my chest.  My arm was draped across her.  In front of her was the sleeping form of Marcella.  We'd had an amazing night. I sat up and yawned as quietly as I could.  Staring down at the two of them, I smiled in silence.  During all of the...

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How to save a mariage part 2

In part one I told you how Debbie and I had our first sex with another person, Mike her driving instructor. Now to continue.Debbie got herself ready for work and when she came down she did look really lovely. In the past she always looked a little down unhappy as such, this evening she looked happy and bright. The new look at sex certainly seemed to have brightened her up. She had a shortish skirt and plain white blouse, nothing over sexy looking, but she flipped up her skirt to reveal a nice...

3 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 66

Flashback – Ben – Junior High School – One month later Things were going crazy here! Something like this doesn't happen in a small town (shit nothing ever happens in any small town) like Leadville without everyone quickly knowing about it. Parents were roaring into the parking lot in their cars, the deputies weren't letting them take their kids home and it was pandemonium. Parents were yelling at the deputies, the deputies were yelling back and then it was made worse because it started to...

2 years ago
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My first massage

I came across this forum website that show places and bitches that give massages and happy endings and people write reviews and tell about the experience rate from 1 to 5 stars and talk about price and little bit about the girl. anyways I just came across it by chance and didn't think much of it but I started reading some of the reviews and I started to get rock hard some of them were in great detail and sounded like a story I would read here. I kept reading and decided to actually try a place...

1 year ago
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Squirted Ember Snow Anna Claire Clouds Slippery Squirty Threesome

Ember Snow and Anna Claire Clouds are getting themselves ready for Toni Ribas by using vibrators on their clits as they kiss and suck each other’s tits. These babes make themselves squirt with the toys, but they’re ready for a whole lot more as they deepthroat a double-ended dildo before they both suck Toni’s big cock. The girls lick each other’s pussies before Anna Claire sits on Toni’s cock and Ember sits on his face, then Ember scissors Anna Claire while the...

1 year ago
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A Visit From The Military

A Visit From The MilitaryThe sound of the doorbell startled her, she was not expecting anybody. He was in his thirties, tall and well built and she knew from his short haircut that he was from the Military. He had a couple of parcels in his hand and he smiled at her as she stood looking blankly at him. “Pete asked me to drop these by.” He said.Pete was her husband and he was currently serving overseas. “Th.....thanks.” She responded as she stretched out a hand.“There is a letter as well; Pete...

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Our house sat at the top end of their property. It was a semi-detached, built during the post war expansion to provide cheap homes for the masses. Since there were just the two of us, it provided Mum and I with ample space. There were two upstairs bedrooms, she had the front of the house, with a view out over the fields and I had the one at the back of the house with a view out across the trees and the river. It was 1975 and I was one year from becoming an adult, though if the truth be told, I...

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GirlsWay Ellie Lilly Jamie Michelle Loyal Service

Mayor Jamie Michelle is frustrated, to say the least. Her husband cheated on her and now it seems like everyone in the world is aware of the scandal — she can’t get a moment’s peace! But at least when she’s alone in her office with her trusty bodyguard, Ellie Lilly, she can hear herself think. As she thinks aloud, wondering where to go from there, Ellie speaks up. Ellie admits that she never liked Jamie’s husband and that Jamie deserves so much better. While Jamie...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Turning myself in. My big sister Ann moved slowly closer to me. I was still kneeling on the floor tiles and tears were running down my cheeks. "I'm a monster, sob. I'm turning into a monster, I'm a mutant." I had finally said it out loud and realized it was the truth I was turning into the one thing I had been always warned about, by the teaching of my father as well as from the people in Prescott. It had been the reason I had joined the MCO to make sure no mutant would...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 18

Another great show in Barcelona, for a nearly full auditorium, albeit with far less seats to fill. Backstage after, Alejandra greeted him with a kiss. “That was quite amazing.” “Thanks.” She immediately handed him off to Essie, who’d watched backstage. And went to Al, who seemed to be annoying Eddie, not understanding the rock star’s need for quiet. “Come on,” she muttered. “You can be with him at home.” “Alright Alejandra,” he smiled without affecting his cruel eyes. Joe was...

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STUART'S PSYCHOLOGIST "Take them down, the shameful little boy that you are!" Stuart couldn't believe Dr. Townsend was talking this way. And right in front of Moira, too. She looked horrified at Stuart's therapist, a muscular silver haired, pinstriped John Forsythe look-alike--yes, he looked very much like Forsythe's "Blake Carrington" character on Dynasty. ? Dr. Townsend had always intimidated Stuart a bit, from the first time he and Moira had gone for therapy at Dr. Townsend's...

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Games Strip poker story

My name is Tony and I used to work for a large European textiles company with branches in France, Holland, Germany and England. Each year a representative from each branch was sent to the other branches for the annual company conferences. This was my first time representing the company and was sent to Holland. When I arrived that afternoon I was greeted by a company limousine and bussed to a large company owned house that I was to share with the representatives from France and Germany. I was...

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New Career1862Chapter 11

I found a buckboard and a mule to pull it, so it looked to me like the first thing we needed to do was to get Martha some decent clothes. She drove the buckboard to the nearest town, and I followed on my horse. Of course, the dogs came along. They acted as if they thought that Martha's marriage to me was a foregone conclusion. The dogs took to her better than I expected, and I wondered if they would protect her from Whites as well as Indians. We got to town before we had a chance to test...

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Billy and the Chisholm TrailChapter 3

The Chisholm Trail was a well known route from San Antonio up into the Indian Territories. It had been used for a trading route since the 1840s and was well known to many people, but it had not had much use as a cattle trail until Mr. McCoy had opened his cattle-buying operation in Abilene, Kansas. The trail kind of petered out somewhere in the middle of the Indian Territories, so Mr. McCoy had marked an extension with white flags on stakes to lead them into Abilene, Kansas. Therefore, most...

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The Farm LegacyChapter 6

Nick mentioned Diana's unhappiness to Hal who nodded. "Yes," he said. "I warned her yesterday and there were tears in her eyes. She ran off to her room for a while. I might have a word with her later." "I wouldn't unless she brings it up," replied Nick gently. "It'll just make her unhappy again if she's trying to put it behind her." Hal nodded thoughtfully. "Makes sense," he said. Diana did cry again for a few minutes when she got back to the house and the privacy of her...

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My Big Mistake

It all started a few months ago. Jesse wanted a baby so bad and every time we tried to conceive, nothing ever happened. I felt so bad and I felt ashamed of my manhood. How could I not impregnate my wife? I thought all was lost until I stumbled across an ad in the newspaper. Experimental fertility trials were being conducted at our local planned parenthood. The trial was only for males so I decided to apply. I was going to keep it a secret from Jesse it was going to be the best surprise...

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My Moms Secret Part 1 The Discovery

Even though I viewed her as a sex object for over half of my life, I never imagined that she could or would actually be a sex object. She was too wholesome and committed to our family. She was a terrific mother and a loving, loyal, attentive wife. As much as I wanted her to be a slut that had no self-respect, it was something that I knew would always remain just a fantasy. That was until April 21st, 2016. I was supposed to be at my girlfriend's house that day, but little did my Mom know,...

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Sex fun with busty chachi

Hi I am Rahul from delhi. I am 21 years old and just finished my graduation frm a prestigious delhi college. My email is Plzz mail me if u like my story.ny mature aunty interested in sex, sex chat, phone sex. I am absolutely reliable Want to tell you a real incident that happened only yesterday. I have a chachi named Reena. She is a housewife. She is a little fleshy but the extra flesh only adds to her oomph.. factor. My chacha keeps busy. Reena is 34 year old, n has a figure 40,32,40. she has...

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Escorts encounter

She was dressed in the skimpy black dress she chose for the night and red kitten heels. From her experience, gentlemen who requested longer appointments were generally more amicable. They tipped better. They took their time and did not rush her through 8 different positions in 15 minutes time. The large house did nothing to change her opinion. Most likely an old man who wanted to talk to someone more than anything. She felt this would be a good night and stepped up to the door. She took one...

4 years ago
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I got up the next morning and walked Renee to her car before heading to work. The problem that was developing was that each time Renee tried one of these new crazy things with me, she thought I would just be with her from then on and leave Amanda alone for good. She had a difficult time understanding that she still had a boyfriend and as long as that was the case, I would never just be with her. If she left him, I honestly probably would've dated her exclusively. I liked her and...

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The Ugly OneChapter 10

I wanted to get away. I really wanted to get away. The problem was, I didn't know how to run away from the thoughts in my head. Playing computer games helped some, but that was just numbing, not what I needed. I talked to my therapist and that helped. It wasn't enough, though. I still needed to get away. I did get support from surprising places. I wasn't surprised at Lynn checking up on me, but Summer also called in from Nevada to encourage me to come out to visit. My boss was also...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 483

???????????????? Say thanks to Smokeyjoe34 for these! Things best not said to a police officer. 1. I can’t reach my license unless you hold my beer. 2. Sorry, Officer, I didn’t realize my radar detector wasn’t plugged in. 3. Aren’t you the guy from the Village People? 4. Hey! You must have been doing about 200Kph to keep up with me. Good job. 5. Excuse me. Is ‘stick up’ hyphenated? 6. I thought you had to be in relatively good physical condition to be a police officer! 7. I was going to be a...

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The Scarlett Tales Unexpected Entertainment

I was a young teen, only sixteen, and I was forced to attend a party thrown by one of my mother’s dearest friends. It was a dull party, celebrating her tenth marriage to yet another man of wealth. The party was being held at the home of the poor bastard that had married her. It was getting late at night, people were getting drunk, passing out, or slipping off for some ‘adult time.’ I was not entertained by the events going on at the party. I decided to go and explore the big house. After all,...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 37

We didn't begin assembly right away. While we didn't have all the safety and city inspectors slowing things down and getting underfoot like we would have back home, some things needed to be done right the first time. We still needed to level and compact the site. A concrete hard pad would have been nice but it wasn't going to happen; not with the timeline set by Linda and Emma. Instead they had the scrapers and the compactors put into use. That took a week of hard work to complete. There...

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The CallingChapter 7

The wheels of government normally move at a snail’s pace. Not so in this case. David introduced Peter as a seminarian student here to do research, that he would be staying in David’s house, and that David could personally vouch for his fine character. Peter was taken into a separate office where he had a short but intense interview with another gentleman, and was asked numerous personal questions. Then he was returned to the reception area where he and David waited. After what seemed like an...

4 years ago
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Aakhir Purva Ko Chod Hi Diya

Hi dosto mera Naam Yogesh hai aur me Indore me room par kiraye se akela rehta hun. Me indore me ek coaching me padta hun jahan kai ladkiya aati hai jinko dekhkar hi muth marne ka dil kare usi coaching me ladki padti thi jiska naam purva tha vo kafi sexy thi 36 26 34 par vo bahut bhaav khati thi ladko se vo bahut kam baat karti thi kai ladke us par line marte the jin me mai bhi tha jab maine us se baat karne ki koshish ki thi usne mujhse saaf keh diya ki me uske liye koi khwaab nahi dekhu par...

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Trick Or Treat

Not my story but was given permission to share. "Trick or treat."Jimmy looked at the man before him hopefully. The man was naked except for a towel around his waist. Jimmy had clearly pulled him from the bath or a shower. He would be lucky to leave without abuse.The man looked back at the skinny sk** standing in front of him. "Aren't you a bit big to be trick or treating. How old are you?""Um, yeah I guess so, I'm nearly 15."Jimmy was glad his face was hidden behind a Spiderman balaclava but he...

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Why I Met Your Mother Chapter 1

Normally Phil would’ve objected quite vigorously to this turn of events. He’d been an enthusiastic bachelor for as long as he could remember, and it wasn’t in his style to just let a casual fling turn into something more permanent. But Sadie could cook, the sex had been explosive to start with, and, most importantly, she brought Kiara with her. Kiara was Sadie’s thirteen year old daughter and ever since the first day she’d wandered shyly into Phil’s place, a rucksack of her meagre belongings...

3 years ago
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Fuck Voyeur

I became a "fuck voyeur" when I was in my teenage years. When I learned all about sex and beautiful women and what fucking was all about, I began to first enjoy looking at Playboy and other such magazines, and then I graduated to watching the Playboy videos and then on into porn films. But, finally when I got enough money, I realized that I wanted to see sexy men and women or even girl/girl sexual scenarios going on while I enjoyed seeing such couples in action or while I might even...

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Hes not Heavy Hes my Brother

Part 1. [by Anna] It took me a while to even consider to write about these incidents that happened over 25 years ago. But my brother was rather persistent till I finally gave in. After starting over again and again twenty times I realized that it is still difficult for me to talk about that time period and our involvement. Mainly, because describing it accurately means obviously to relive it in a way. I found out that I was afraid to do that. This chapter was long closed for me. Staring at...

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Educating Harry Ch 03

More Australianisms. Doona = duvet Yakuta = dressing gown or housecoat. This is the third part of a twenty chapter story. Any feedback at all would be most welcome. * The door was answered almost immediately. It was Lois, she introduced herself, as she and Harry had met only very briefly on one previous occasion. ‘Come in, Carol will be a minute or two.’ They sat down and chatted, mainly about what Harry had been doing since graduation and what he planned for the future. Lois had a...

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02 brief sex Defloration of Francoise

02 brief sex - Defloration of FrancoiseBrief sex 02Françoise deflowering in the gym.Françoise was in the same class as me .. I was 16 .. it a little less .. I had for a while because my classes love .. with a woman much older than me .. (See the first stirrings in my stories). I had a crush on Françoise .. a tiny girl .. brown hair cut short .. a pair of boobs that made him think all the guys .. an ass hell ..Francoise had a bad reputation .. of "layers married down there." I must say it did...

2 years ago
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KindaSortaMaybe NerdBoyChapter 3 The Right Girl

"Kendra, I'm tired," I whined, but she didn't seem to care. She just curled around me, sliding her entire body atop me beneath the sheets. She gave me a brief peck on the lips, and then moved to settle her hips just right in my lap. "You don't have to do anything but sit back and enjoy! Besides, we don't have much time before classes start." It was Monday morning, and I had a class starting within the hour. Neither of us had even left the room for the past two days. It seemed that...

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Geela Badan 8211 Art Of Love 8211 Part II

Hello Friends, I am back with the second east of the story. Thanks for your feedback and comments. I wish to continue giving you all the pleasure…! In the first part I described about how I managed to seduce my cousin and was on bed with her..Taking her to new heights of pleasure with honey and ice… Palak already had two Hugh orgasms and was lying satisfied and probably exhausted but I was still in flames. I sat next to her and was running my fingers thru her hairs. She gave a sexy smile and...

1 year ago
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My dad secatery

Hi dosto i m krishna from tamil nadu tankasi right on the border belongs to srilanka my age was just 22 a that time, mara dad aik business man hayin, mujha long drive par jana bohat acha lagta tha. Rough drive karna or snooker to maree baree kamzoree thee, magar waqt ka sath sath sab badal jata hai. Dad mara business ka silsila main oyt of country tha, dad na mujha phone keya ka mumbai port par aik consignment ae hai vo tum na deliver karnee hai, maina dad sa kaha mujha to kuch nahi pata...

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BrownBunnies Sarah Banks Ebony Sarah Gets Fucked Deep

We have Sarah Banks come over and ask her to show off for us. She’s looking amazing in little jean shorts and see through mess top. This girl has a great tight body with big perky tits and a hot firm bubble butt to match. She is more than eager to dance around and pose for us. Then she starts peeling off her clothes one by one. Fuck, this is getting better and better! Finally she reveals that all this is making her very horny. Yes! We happen to to Ricky Johnson in the property and we call him...

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The Tree House Book 1Chapter 1

I’d arrived home just the night before for a Memorial Day weekend visit. Morning had broken as I mindlessly gazed out the double French doors into the backyard where I grew up. No thoughts were rattling through my brain. It was just empty like the backyard. Sipping my morning coffee I heard my Mom shuffling about and then there was her light hand on my shoulder. I leaned my head over giving a little peck to her hand and said in my usual abbreviated way, “Morning!” “Good Morning, Michael,”...

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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 7

Preliminaries to the orgy began with a discussion led by Candice; being the first leader of the Order of the Love Monk gatherings it only seemed right she would lead the first annual gathering of initiates. After announcing the beginning of the first annual grand gathering, Sister Candy introduced herself, and then asked for a show of hands for all those who had ideas for papers or books to expand the Order, and when several initiates raised their hands, she asked if they would leave their...

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Brothers love Part 4 Almost got caught

...After the film ended, we all got to our rooms... We were lying in our bed and just talking about the whole night. "It was amazing." Ben said. "Ye. It felt really good. But I still feel that it's wrong what we did tonight." I replied. "Come on, bro. You don't be so -Oooh, we shouldn't have done it...-. Stop thinking always about incest. Ye, it's wrong, but, she wanted to do it. That's what matters." Ben said. "Yeah.. I suppose.." I said. We covered ourselves with...

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Sharing the good times of my wife I pt 10

Of course, not all men are comfortable shagging another guys wife while they stand there and watch. We had a few misses with our nightclub tactics where some of the guys wanted to fuck Cherry but only if it was them and her. Obviously this kind of defeated the purpose for us so we never accepted these offers. It was only after an experience that Cherry had while visiting a local concrete works late one day on her way home from work that we started to consider other options and the benefits that...

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Barb and Mollie

The two had made it a day together. They turned a quick trip out to the mall into a girl's brunch that morphed into something else. They wanted the time away from things back home and the dreariness of domestic life. There was catching up to do; catching up on one another more precisely. One had moved in just down the street from the other and the two old gal pals could not have been more pleasantly surprised or happier.Barb and Mollie walked along through the promenade between the shops. They...

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Carry Out or Delivery

I have always prided myself in being a leader and not a follower, and it did not surprise me that I did not fall into the majority of women on most scenarios. After purchasing my home, however, I found one area in which I do fall into the majority, and after the discovery, I have come to feel comfortable with the vast numbers of women with which I share this particular fantasy. Shopping is not highly rated on my list, especially when it comes to groceries. I find myself either shopping while I...

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Sisters By The Pool Part 7

The looks were plentiful and varied as Danielle and I entered school on that Monday. Not many had known anything more than we were spending a little bit more time together in class, but now here we were, hand in hand, entering school. A few girls, dangerously close to dress code, fell into a hushed silence as we passed. Some guys that I knew exchanged high fives and laughter. This was pretty much my first taste of a school relationship, and I liked it so far. It wasn’t a normal...

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Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereHow did I get myself in this position? Literally. I stared up into his beautiful brown eyes and felt the all too familiar reaction of lust rush through my body. My eyes traveled down his face and rested on his lips. I knew he was asking me a question, but all I could think about was how his mouth would feel coming down on mine. I continued my...

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