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Although Greg had never felt anything like it before, he certainly didn't mind when wave after wave of pleasure began coursing across his body. His only regret was the timing, which was right in the middle of third period calculus. Discretion was the name of the game, even as waves of tingling warmth settled across his musculature. It was very subtle at first, and maybe it had been going on for hours without him even noticing. At this point, though, it was getting increasingly hard to ignore. Just a moment ago he was focused on x plus z equals y. Now, his concentration was broken repeatedly by the feelings rushing across his body like the evening tide, small warm deposits settling across his muscles, his skin. It was soothing, like a massage, and with the exception of a slight itch on his chest, his whole body felt wonderful. It was only natural that he should get aroused. What seemed far less natural was the way he focused on Ms. Sanders, on how young she was, how tightly her skirt clung to her thighs and ass. He suppressed an urge to walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist, to begin nibbling on her earlobe until she moaned softly. It was the craziest thing. Three months he'd been in this class, and he hadn't been turned on once by her. Now she was as irresistible as a Suicide Girl. Without even thinking, he placed a hand on his crotch and applied firm pressure. The feeling was better than sex. Entirely inappropriate for a classroom, sure, but it was hard to care. With his other hand, he reached up to scratch his chest and was shocked by what he felt there. Beneath his nipple, which was puckered tight, was a hard little ball. He tentatively scratched the other and found a similar lump beneath it. It rolled freely under his touch, as though a marble had somehow been implanted beneath his skin. Needless to say, this killed vibe. Was he getting cancer? He'd taken a shower this morning, and his nipples felt normal as he swept the soap across his chest. He was tempted to go to the nurse, but was understandably embarrassed. First, he decided, he'd go the restroom and examine himself. He took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts, and then raised his hand. "May I go to the restroom?" Ms. Sanders nodded and immediately resumed teaching. Nobody noticed how strange he felt, which was good. He walked briskly down the empty hallways, his footsteps echoing on the tiles. His whole body felt strange, tingly. The waves persisted, and although they felt as good as ever, they took on an eerie tone. Was this the swine flu moving through his veins? Or maybe AIDS? He'd finally had sex with Brigand, and although he was utterly taken by her beauty and poise, she WAS a stripper. Who knows what kind of diseases she might have without even realizing it. Once he was safely in the bathroom, he locked himself into a stall. Nobody else was around, thankfully. He didn't even hear a mouse breathing, or if he could have, it was muted by the much louder drip, drip of the faucet. Anyway, in the stall he was safe. Confident of his privacy, he looked down at himself, only to notice that things were different. It was hard to put his finger on exactly what had changed, but there WAS something. Definitely. His jeans seemed too tight, squeezing his thighs and wrapping snugly around his crotch, like he was David Bowie wearing leather pants. And his Sigor Ros t-shirt was tighter, too, clinging to his skin. He could almost imagine he saw the slight lumps on his chest. He touched them again, shocked to find that they were even larger now . . . and softer. Although they were still firm, they dimpled when he applied pressure, like tapioca. When another wave passed over him, it was almost certain he could feel the warmth settle in his chest. He realized he had to get a better look, and yanked his shirt up. He didn't like what he saw. Although his nipples were erect, they were still larger than they had ever been before. And pinker. Girlier. And beneath them were the lumps he had felt, chubby little deposits of fat. He thought for a moment that he might be growing breasts, but that was ridiculous. That never happened to guys, and certainly not this quickly. Rather, he must be having an allergic reaction. Maybe bees stung each of his nipples simultaneously, and now they were swelling, swelling. Frustrated, he yanked his shirt back down, and was once again reminded of how snugly it clung to him. The material seemed thinner than it used to be, too. And if anything, his pants were even tighter than they had been a moment before. Was he just imagining this? Was he feverish and delusional? Because clothes didn't change by themselves. It took sweatshops and immigrant labor to do that. The thin air couldn't transform these threads. Greg leaned against the stall door, trying to collect himself. What should he do? The smart thing would probably be to go to the hospital, but at the same time, he was so ashamed of what was happening to his body that he didn't want anyone else to see, much less some impersonal medical blowhard. The person he really wanted to see was Brigand. She'd be home right now, and somehow, she'd be able to help him out. She was always on top of things. Taking one last deep breath, he opened the stall door and headed out of the bathroom. Before he could leave, though, he was caught by his reflection in the mirror. He was still recognizably himself, but he was changing. There was no denying it. Looking at his profile, the first thing he noticed was his ass, which was oddly pert. Maybe it was just his tightening pants, which pushed his butt cheeks up and shaped them. Yet even accounting for that, it still seemed too big, too shapely. If he thought about it, his ass even felt heavier. And with each wave, he could almost imagine he saw the difference. But that was hardly the worst of it. Something was happening to his face. It was softer now, and paler, too. Streaks of honey-blond ran through his black hair. And although he'd always worn a shaggy cut, he didn't remember it being this long. Leaning in close to the mirror, he saw a difference in his eyes, too, which were rounding out, growing wide. The lashes were longer, paler. Even his brown irises now had specks of green. He hated what he saw, and before he could look any more, the door burst open and some douche football player walked in. With a frustrated growl, Greg turned around and stormed out of the bathroom. The football player hadn't paid him any special attention, but they weren't friends, either. The idiot wouldn't have noticed. But Greg didn't want anybody he knew to see him, and slinking from hall to hall, he made his way to the exit. Brigand didn't live far from here, and she would most likely still be at home. Although she was only sixteen, she'd dropped out of school and now supported herself by working in a strip club. Greg thought it was kind of sleazy of her, but she'd already saved over ten thousand dollars, which she planned to use for an English degree. There was no denying that she had a plan, and a plan that would work. Every other expense of hers was cut to the minimum, so she drove an old Honda and lived in an efficiency flat. It was enough for her needs, and in a few years, she would probably be enrolling in some small liberal arts college. Greg was relieved to find that there weren't many people on the street, and he did his best to ignore those that were. Waves of warmth and pleasure continued to settle across his body, particularly throbbing in his chest, ass, and thighs. Several times he had to stop, gasping, but quickly got on his way again, slightly dizzied. These waves were a constant reminder of his swelling, changing body. He hated them, but a part of him anticipated and even savored each one. It was undeniable that they felt good, almost orgasmic, and that in spite of himself he was highly aroused. His penis hadn't wilted once in the past half hour, and his nipples were painfully tight. He could see them poking out beneath the thin fabric of his shirt, bobbing over the two small lumps on his chest. This whole experience wouldn't be nearly as trying if his clothes hadn't become so tight, accentuating his blossoming curves so that pretty much anyone could see. There was something in particular about the way his shirt clung to his tapered waist that struck him as feminine, and as he walked, there was a growing sway in his hips. He did his best to correct this, trudging forward like a soldier, but this manner of walking felt even less natural. Nothing about the neighborhood Brigand lived in was 'nice' or 'wealthy.' The buildings were unimaginatively rectangular, almost imposing, and the handful of people on the street were clearly homeless. He tried not to look anyone in the eye, though he could feel them leering at him. His clothes were too damn revealing! They just put his paltry curves on display, like he wanted people to stare at him or something. His shirt in particular was getting bad. The sleeves, which had been down to his elbows this morning, were now clinging just beneath his shoulders. The neck line was also beginning to dip and widen into a large oval, exposing more flesh then he would like. Worse yet, the bottom of his shirt was slowly rising. It had hung past his belt when he first put it on. Now, it exposed the barest sliver of midriff. At first he kept yanking it down to compensate, but this only flattened the shirt around his chest, making the growths there even more evident. At one point, he had to walk right by a man waiting at a bus stop, and although he refused to look at the stranger, Greg could tell that the man was staring at him. He felt so strange in this body. His jeans were so tight now, and the way they clung to his ass made him feel like he was flaunting his sexuality, like a peacock spreading its feathers. He hated the way his hips were rocking, each step more exaggerated then the last. And worse yet, it was all so damnably pleasurable. He hated it! Absolutely hated it! He tugged at his shirt again, which had risen all the way to his belly button. On their way down, though, his hands grazed unfamiliar fabric. He looked to see the ruffled hem of a skirt emerging from beneath his belt. It was still only a couple of inches long, but it was undeniable. He was on his way to wearing a dress. How the hell was this happening? No allergic reaction, no disease, could cause a person's clothes to change. He prodded one of the growths on his chest again, which were now the size of apricots, and he hated them. He had breasts. And an ass. And his clothes were becoming women's clothes. It was a great relief to finally arrive at Brigand's apartment. He pounded urgently on the door, but to no response. Behind him he heard a man approaching, some other guy who lived in the complex. The stranger's gaze settled on his ass, and obeying some unfamiliar instinct, he tilted it up to give the man a better look. When he realized what he had done, he immediately tucked his butt back in, sliding his hands over his cheeks in last minute attempt at modesty. He could already feel the difference, the way his butt stuck out so firmly. It was the kind of ass that begged to be grabbed. It was his ass. What the hell was happening to him! He pounded on the door again, and finally, a sleepy Brigand open up. "Yes?" she asked, rubbing some sleep out of her right eye and staring firmly at him with the other, as though he were a stranger. "Brigand, don't you recognize me?" And suddenly she paused, her eyes growing wider. "Greg?" Her voice was incredulous, and in the next moment, her eyes were roving his body. "Greg? What the hell happened to you?" Behind him, the man whistled, so Greg wedged his way past her and into the living room, becoming suddenly aware of how tall she was. Just the other night he had towered over her. Now, they were on the same level. She glowered at the man outside then slammed the door shut. When she turned back around, she was once again startled by the way Greg looked. "What the hell happened?" Although Greg was embarrassed, he tugged his shirt up. "I'm growing breasts," he growled. Yes. He was growing breasts. And with that, Greg crumpled, bawling with hot tears. She rushed over, taking him into her embrace. He felt so weak, so warm. She hugged him and stroked his hair, and he tried to collect himself-but couldn't. Now that the dams were broken, there was no stopping the flood. He lost all track of time, and only very slowly did the two of them pull apart, their eyes still moist. "What's happening, Greg?" He remained silent, trying to form his words, and she reached over and swept a strand of blond hair out of his face. "I don't know," he finally said. "I'm think I'm turning into a girl, and I don't know how to stop it." "Why don't we go to a hospital, then? They're bound to have a cure." Greg just shook his head, his eyes once again brimming with tears. He barely managed to keep them in this time. "No. This isn't natural. Look, my clothes are changing, too." And he gestured at his shirt, his pants, the skirt which now hung past his crotch. "I don't know what's happening. It's like magic." Brigand was silent for a long moment, thinking things through. Finally, she looked him in the eye, smiling as warmly as a mother tending to her son's scrapped knee. "Well, let's see if we can find an answer." And with that, she went over to her laptop and turned it on. He followed her, the two of them sitting on the edge of her bed staring at the screen. It couldn't hold his interest for long, though, and soon he noticed that while he had wept, his body had matured even more. He could feel the heavy sway of his breasts as he breathed. They were the size of clinched fists, and his nipples stood erect and enormous beneath the thin fabric. "Look at this," Brigand said pointing to the screen. She'd typed 'male to female transformation' into Google, and it had pulled up over a hundred thousands hits. They began culling through the pages, but as had happened in class, Greg found it hard to concentrate as wave after wave moved across his body. He eventually laid across her bed, belly down and propped up by his elbows. His breasts hung heavily beneath him, aching as they grew. His eyes eventually settled on Brigand's teddy bear, which she still kept on one of her pillows. He was surprised by how adorable it was and even more surprised by the sudden urge to pick it up and cradle it to his bosom. Somehow, he knew that would soothe him, would help him feel like everything was alright. He even reached for it, but then snatched his hand back at the last moment. Twisting around to look at Brigand's progress, he was instead shocked by the slender curves of his waist and the sumptuous rise of his backside, particularly the way it tapered into his butt. His ass cheeks were enormous, ripe. He didn't want his body to look like that, but at the same time, they made him feel so weird. He was aroused by himself, proud of the blooming heaviness of his flesh. "I feel dirty," Brigand suddenly muttered, slamming her laptop shut. When she glanced back at Greg, though, her tone immediately softened. "Maybe we can find something at the library. I once read these stories by a Roman poet, and they dealt with transformations like this. Maybe we can find some answers there." Greg lowered his head and stared despondently at his bosom. He felt defeated. He was becoming a chick, a girl, a woman. "I don't know, Brigand. This is so far along, I can't have much-" And suddenly Greg stopped, gasping. His whole body froze up, like a rabbit spotting a fox in the underbrush. It took a moment for him to pinpoint what was happening. A cleft was growing in his groin, and it was wrapping its gummy jaws around one of his testicles. He tried to control it, but soon the cleft was gobbling his testicle down. He reached for it, trying to pull it back out, but it was slippery and soon he was accidentally pushing it further in. The feeling, needless to say, was electric. He gasped with pleasure, and before he could stop himself, he applied more pressure, until with a satisfying pop, it had been completely consumed. "What the hell just happened?" Brigand shouted. Already, Greg could feel his testicle worming its way through his guts, beginning its own transformation into an ovary. Already, the lips of the cleft began swallowing his second testicle. "I-I'm losing my balls." His voice was husky, sexual, feminine. He felt like he was about to orgasm, orgasm in a way he never had before. His eyes rolled up to the top of his head and he started breathing heavily. With his hands, he reached over to begin pushing in his last testicle, but Brigand batted him away. She deftly grasped his ball between her fingers, pulling backwards. Amazingly, it was actually coming out, but the feeling was disappointing. He NEEDED to fill the cleft. He WANTED his testicle in there. And he began bucking his hips force it back in. She slammed her free hand against his belly to hold him down. The feeling of having his testicle removed was horrible. He wanted MORE. And so in one last effort, he thrust his whole body up, ramming his groin against her hand. With a satisfying pop, it too snaked into his guts, and he realized with sudden terror that he'd lost both his testicles in a moment of passion. "Why the hell did you do that?" Greg couldn't answer her. Instead, he rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. Inside his hips, he could feel his testicles changing, his sexual identity changing. He was becoming fertile. The pride he had in his hips suddenly made sense. Those hips made him a woman. That ass made him a woman. Those thighs made him a woman. He wanted to hate these things, but his anger kept dissolving beneath a flood of warmth and pride. "What's happening to me?" he moaned, his voice getting so unfamiliar. Collecting his thoughts, he turned to stare at himself in the mirror. Once again, he was overcome with conflicting emotions. His blond hair, his wide blue eyes. His face was rounded, angelic. He looked nothing like himself. He bit his lips, and once again, he felt like crying. His shirt had become a simple halter top, stopping just beneath his growing bosom. Although it didn't reveal any cleavage, it did something far worse. It sported a large, golden K between his two breasts. It was a cheerleader's top. Meanwhile, his skirt hung just beneath his ass, the velvety blue of team spirit, and his pants were thinning, turning ragged with holes, as though they'd been trapped in a drawer with moths for years. He considered looking beneath them at his crotch, but decided not to. When he passed his hand over it, he felt how small his penis had become, no bigger than a thumb. He didn't want to see his manhood pass like that. He'd rather remember it in its full glory. He was about to leave, when he gave himself one last look in the mirror. He was beautiful. Not himself, it was true . . . but beautiful. He put his hands on his hips, impressed by how firm and heavy they were. Then caught by a sudden whim, he shot an arm out and pointed at himself, swaying his body with saucy ease. Yeah, he was hot. The other cheerleaders were bound to envy him. He spent the next five minutes posing in front of the mirror. When he stepped out again, he was startled to find Brigand still sitting on the bed, staring at him with sympathy. "Sorry about what I said, Greg. How are you feeling?" Greg simply smiled and shrugged. "I guess I'm coming to terms with it. I mean, at least I'm kind of hot." And he playfully swung his hips for her. The waves were only getting more intense, and he could feel himself growing, spreading, becoming a true goddess of fertility. Brigand simply looked at him, concerned, but then tried to cover it up. "Well, good," she said. Greg sashayed over to her bed, sitting himself down near her pillows. "So you think I'm cute?" Brigand shrugged. "You always have been, Greg." He simply nodded, smiling smugly. "I can probably have any guy I want." "What?" "Oh, nothing. Just kidding around." There was an awkward pause, then Brigand finally spoke up. "So, are you becoming a cheerleader or something?" Greg laughed again. Neither he nor Brigand had ever had much respect for cheerleaders. "I don't know," he responded, once again shocked by how light, even airy his voice had become. He got up again, restlessly stretching. It felt so good to move his body. "What are you doing?" "Stretching. It feels really good." As he did so, he saw his jeans finally fall away, disintegrating into a thousands shards of fabric. His exposed legs were gorgeous, just stunning, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. He began jumping excitedly, his arms and legs moving of their own accord. When he started cheering, as well, Brigand pushed him angrily to the bed, pinning him by his shoulders. His ass hung heavily over the edge. "What the hell was that?" Her eyes were frightening, and staring into them, Greg suddenly felt himself stirring, as if from a daze. "I . . . I just got carried away." "This is starting to affect your head, Greg. Fight it." He knew she was right, but after a few moments, the waves started settling across his body again. He felt his mind whirring with activity, excitement. Smiling, he looked up at her and giggled. "Greg," she barked. "Concentrate." And then he was back again. He glanced down at his body, at his breasts. His ass felt so heavy hanging over the edge of the bed. What had happened to him? What was he becoming? "My ass is so big," he moaned. "It doesn't matter. You're Greg, no matter what." "But it's different." It wasn't just that his ass looked different. It had a different purpose. It was there to feed an unborn child, to help him make babies. That was his whole purpose now. It was all he really wanted. "Brigand, I want to have babies." "It doesn't matter, Greg. You're you, no matter what." His shoulders were so small, his skin so soft and weak. The only thing big about him now were his breasts, and his hips, his ass. They were disgusting, yet they were his and he was proud of them. They made him a woman, a beautiful, fertile woman. He could wrap this body around anyone on the football team- "Look at me. Your name is Greg. Don't forget that, okay? Your name is Greg and you and I had sex just the other night, and you loved it." What the hell was happening? He felt so giddy, confused. "And you like it when I dance, Greg. You pretend you don't, but I can tell. You think it's hot when a woman dances for you, just for you." Yes, he remembered it all. How she had surprised him, dimming the lights and playing music that embarrassed him with its heavy beat. She had slowly taken everything off, and he just sat there on the bed, his pants tented. He tried to pretend that he didn't care, like he was better than this, but then she began grinding her ass in his lap. Oh, how he had loved her ass. How he still loved her ass! He grabbed her suddenly, pulling her body closer to his. Their breasts flattened against each other, and their lips were both so big, so tender. He wrapped his legs around her, and they twisted and wrestled in bed, one body tight against another. The waves had stopped, and his thoughts were clear. He felt like himself, somewhat, but he now knew he belonged in this body. And the two of them found whole new ways to please each other.

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I grew up in a rather rural part of Germany, my Mom had to raise me by her self, since my dad died when I was very young. She did all she can to help me and family be happy and stuff. But by the end of the day she was beat and always went to bed early. That would have made me sad maybe, if it wasn't for my moms sister, aunt Linda who lived with us in our house.She was a very open and outgoing person, always going on short holidays over the weekends and fun stuff like that. And since aunt Linda...

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A brief encounter

Their bodies met hard, a soft grunt coming from each of them as the impact as all space between them dissappeared, their lips meshing together hard. Her arms moved around his neck, her hands gripping the back of his head by his hair and pulling his face into hers needily, arching her back to press her breasts firmly into his chest. His arms moved down her sides and around to her butt, squeezing her buttocks hard with his hands and pulling her hips into his hard. She moaned softly at the feeling...

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Deputy MorpheusChapter 10 Death of a Prisoner

I looked up as the commander walked out of his office. Amanda shifted to follow my look, “Something up?” The commander headed towards us and I nodded, “I think we just got picked for something.” He stopped in front of my desk and tossed a data stick, “Grab your things. A prisoner died in custody on Gable. They need a officer to head the investigation.” I glanced at Amanda, “Our custody or the constables?” He turned away, “The constables.” I stood and Dragon leaped from her perch while...

2 years ago
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Lady in the water

Hi everybody… I am Karthik from TN… I am a 20 years young guy. Everyone said that I am very handsome and sexy… I am very happy about myself… Ok let us go to what happens in my life… My family is very luxurious and so my home is a big bungalow which is situated outside the city. In my area, only two houses are there. One is mine and the rest is my Dream Girl’s home… Her name is Fathima, 18 years young. I will prove that she is so sexy than any other girl in the world. She is white, hairy, and...

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The Stockroom All Together Now

Adam knew something was going on. Now that the young college student was aware of the relationship between Janey, his long time friend and crush, and their supervisor Paula he easily picked up the signals the two women used. Something was in the wind. He recognized the subtle touches and the guarded looks that the female lovers always exchanged at work but for the last few days there had been something more. He wasn't sure what that something more was, except that those signals seemed to...

4 years ago
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Adventures in Gaming

The Players Anna: Shy, crush on Barry, 4’11’’ Dirty Blonde hair, long, 130 lbs. 30A-30-32 measurements blue eyes secret fetish size queen/excessive cum, straight Katy: Raging nympho 5’6’’, black hair, medium, 140 lbs. 32B-30-32 Green eyes secret fetish giantess, bisexual Chloe: Rich Popular, 6’0’’ long blonde hair, 155 lbs 34C-32-34 green eyes secret fetish blueberry and belly expansion, bisexual Emma: Friendly 6’1’’ short brown hair, 160 lbs 36D-34-34 blue eyes secret fetish anything with her...

2 years ago
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Not every Monday sucks

Cheryl and I have shared many fantasies with each other during our Monday morning coffee dates. Some of them have even come true. This one particular Monday I was feeling a bit more raunchy than usual the weekend was crap so I made some last minute calls to arrange for some additional relief. Cheryl arrived and could tell that something was up but I gave no answer to her question I just led her to the kitchen for our coffee and some small talk. After a short while the doorbell rang and I told...

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Grab a granny night

On thursdays some of the lads & me go round the town, its what was called grab a granny night years gone by, anyway we started off at 9pm in the pubs chatting having a laugh & drinking we then more on to the night club, we had been inside about a hour, then I so a gang of about ten women when I looked harder I was surprised to see I know all of them from my job, I said to the mates I would be back in a minute, one lad said where are you going, I told them that, I know all then I just...

1 year ago
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Owning a People Farm Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a bratty girl who went to school and somehow managed to live alone. She was incredibly attractive with her blond hair, brown eyes and nice figure. The girl’s name was Vanessa Catherine and she was somehow a goddess due to some cosmic anomaly. Her favorite place to be so far, was an interesting planet she found called Earth. Vanessa’s favorite toy she created was an ant farm she contained in her ordinary bedroom. It was not a normal ant farm due to the fact that this...

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I had always had a thing for my sexy mother in law and often fantasised about her seducing me. I had even looked at her sexy undies on the washing line and flirted with her alittle but to no avail. She is 56, 5'2, and dyed blonde hair and a nice size 12 figure. I only know her dress size and bra size due to the fact of looking thro her undies. Her boobs aren't big, size 36A but nice and pert.Any way one day I had been mowing the lawn, like I usually do and I noticed she had some washing on the...

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A Critical PathChapter 33

After a blissful night and a late and cosy breakfast Sally and Nick hit the road again. "I really must get on with these driving lessons," remarked Sally. "I could then help you out on long flogs like this." "It would have been a flog if we'd driven the whole way last night but it's only a couple of hours plus now and if you'd shared the driving we'd never have had last night." Sally's hand caressed the nape of his neck and she leant her cheek momentarily against his...

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Harry Potter and The Order of The Sex Appeal Chapter 1

Chapter One by Simon Fear It was going to the fifth year for Harry Potter at Hogwarts. Lord Voldemort was now alive again, and out there somewhere. The paper had been saying a lot of mean things about Harry, and the Wizengamot Court and the Minister of Magic had tried to get Harry expelled from Hogwarts except that Professor Dumbledore had come to his hearing and had gotten him cleared. Now Harry was sitting in the room that he was sharing with his best mate Ron at Grimwauld Place...

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My Horny Wife Wants More

Hi I am a lucky chap to be married to a super hot wife. I have a good paying job and my wife loves to be a housewife. Her body is like a latina pornstar and has an outwardly opening pussy, always wet and willing. I had my doubts that in her college days, I didn’t have a problem though, but it took her a year to confess to me her sexcapades. She had tried at least four boys and men including a foreigner, and her lecturer. She even had a fling with a lesbian, but left out once she was becoming...

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An unexpected Intrusion

Life could not be better for Betsy and Ray. They had married a year earlier and it was the second marriage for both. Betsy was married for only a year when she was 20 as she got pregnant with a guy who never really cared.. She gave birth to her daughter Emily “M” and divorced the bum before M was 1 year old. Ray had been married for 20 years when he met Betsy at a party and fell head over heels for her. He divorced 8 months later and moved in with Betsy two months later. They both had great...

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Dare into a relationship pt 1

So you know how we look, our friend group consists of 5 people: myself being 184cm, brunette and with an athletic built; John who’s 178cm, blonde, skinny but girls consider him extremely attractive; John’s girlfriend Amanda, she’s 164cm, hourglass figure and blonde too, with what always looked like really nice boobs; Maria, a Latina bombshell that has a really outgoing and outspoken personality, and Sara who was the shy girl of the group although she’s really pretty in a girl-next-door type of...

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The Camper

As I was driving to meet my lover, I could already feel the anticipation building between my legs. I was nervous and excited. I was meeting him at our camper at the lake. It is space I share with my husband only. But I was bringing this man I wanted very badly into my personal space. I knew it was wrong, but it was too exciting not to do it. As we went in, I was aware that my heart and my clit were both pulsating from excitement. I knew what we were going to do. I knew what I wanted. And that I...

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Welcomed VisitorChapter 2 Janet

The next Saturday afternoon I was deeply engrossed in working on my computer when the doorbell rang startling me somewhat. The obnoxious bible thumpers came to mind to be replaced by a memory from last week. Could it be Susie? Could I be that lucky? I am deeply enamored with her, especially after last week, but, is it too good to be true? When I opened the door I saw not one but two very cute blonde cheerleaders smiling at me with the innocent faces of a pair of angels. Needless to say I was...

2 years ago
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Rental ProblemsChapter 4

Chis left only after Destiny let him. She walked him to the door and made out with him for more than a few moments. The smell and taste of champain was all in his mouth when he left. He was in his car wondering how he should spend his new found wealth. Chris woke up to the sound of a text message alert. It was Destiny sending pictures again. Chris sat up to wipe his eyes clear and see that Destiny was already sending pictures of her open black snatch. It was spread wide open with a message....

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 57

Compliments of c0ffee‎ A chap was in the pub enjoying a pint, and went to the vending machine to buy some cigarettes. As he put his coins in, the cigarette machine said: ‘Look at the state of you. That shirt is hideous, your haircut is terrible, and those shoes make you look like a clown.’ Stunned, the man presses the reject button and gets his money back. He goes back to the bar, mulling over what happened, and takes a handful of peanuts from the bowl on the bar. The bowl pipes...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 54

Cricket Davenport very much wanted to get out of her bubble. She found herself having this thought at least once each morning she woke in her sister’s surprisingly spacious Manhattan apartment, particularly when she looked out the window at St. Mark’s Place laid out thirty stories below. The street itself had been an adventure of head shops, tattoo parlors, restaurants with at least three times as many cuisines as she’d ever tasted, and an entire store dedicated to socks. She’d walked the...

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11 inches of heaven

Introduction: The night my life changed forever. A little about me. I was 18 got long legs 34 D breasts, small figure and had only slept with 2 people up to then (the biggest I had was 7). I also had a boyfriend at the time. I knew something was different about this night, I was wearing my little black dress, the usual thing I wear when I go out, my little black French knickers and had my killer heels on. It wasnt to revealing which came as a shock to my friends. The drinks were flowing when...

4 years ago
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SummoningChapter 4

"How do I use the ring?" Ornias had been very forthcoming on the subject of the ring's history. Virtually anything I could imagine could be accomplished with a thought, due to the ring's connection to the demons that Solomon had enslaved with it. By siphoning off a bit of their powers, each demon could go about its business while still living up the agreement that had been forged with Alexander the Great on his deathbed. But now, I needed to know the secret, the way to unlock the powers...

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LoveHerFeet Maddy May Paige Owens Valentines Day Lesbian Surprise

Perfectly painted pink nail polish and shimmering pink lip gloss are the perfect highlights for sexy Paige as she answers the phone for her friend Maddy, who isn’t home from work yet. Bad news…her boyfriend won’t be able to make it for the special holiday. Or is it the perfect excuse to have a super sexy lesbian fuck session? Perching on the edge of Maddy’s bed, Paige bites her lip as she dangles that sexy black high heel and wiggles her perfect arches, getting hornier by the minute, her...

4 years ago
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Naa Kalala Rani

Hai to all readers this is Sampath from Chennai, this happened to me when I was 26 years old born in Andhra Pradesh, I was an MBA HR and got into good company as soon as I completed my MBA. After three years working for a corporate I came to Hyderabad for my new assignment. It is a big company and I am appointed as HR Manager for that company. Lets come to the story, this happened after two months after I joined this company, one of our employee came to me requesting for a vacancy for her...

3 years ago
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My first GB

I recently created an account but have a library of stories to tell everyone that I will add in the future but to start I want to share my first GB.When I turned 19 I was dating a great guy who in almost every way pleased me... all but one and mind you he was the only guy I've ever been with. Well one day after a 2 minute run we sat there in bed talking about different things until the subject of fantasies came into play. Well eventually I told him my deepest darkest fantasy (which will be...

2 years ago
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Beyond her wildest dreams

Tammy turned and pulled into the college parking lot in front of her dorm.  She had chosen Blessed Sainthood College for Women.  She was so excited and ready for adventures, football games, and picking a sorority.  Little did she know that the sorority was going to pick her. She was so happy to be away from her parents and on her own. She was so excited to be there that she had unloaded her car in just two trips.  Once unpacked, she sat on her bed taking in her room.  Soon the door opened and a...

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Wanking with Mrs Bargon

My parents are really religious and so when I went off to Uni they billeted me out in the house of a suitably Christian family. They were nice country people, very traditional in their approach to life. A c***dless couple, he worked in a bank and she stayed at home looking after the house, or assisted with various charity and church groups. Life in this middle class house with its ironed sheets and religious icons was a wild contrast to my new life at university. Alcohol was everywhere, as were...

1 year ago
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Baby Sister Gives Virginity To Brother

This is a fantasy story of which I hope it can become reality. Honestly, I believe it will in the near future. I am 25 and my younger sister is 20 and is a beauty to behold.She is 5 ft 3" and has beautiful legs, luscious breasts,and talk about a lovely ass.She is perfect in every sense, very pretty and from the looks of it I am almost certain she has a beautiful pussy of which I am dreaming to see Please remember that this is how I would want my adventure with my sister named...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 03

As I watched Dana Prentiss drive down the oak lined avenue to the main road, Vonne appeared behind me. ‘Telephone …’ I thanked her and walked toward my study. Yes, indeed, I had been waiting on this call. It was, for the time being our only connection, and I cherished each one as I eagerly anticipated the next. I picked up the receiver, ‘Hello my love.’ It would not be long now, just a matter of a few short weeks before she would join me here at Tanglewood. We had carefully picked it out of...

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A dark rest stop to look for some action

That late evening I was driving back home from a rock concert out of town. My wife looked tired, snoring in the passenger seat.Anita suddenly woke up, asking me to stop at any rest place.Once there, my sexy wife got off the car, asking me to follow her. She whispered she was so fucking horny that night…So I followed her swaying sexy hips and fucked Ana in one of the stalls in the ladies’ room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We...

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"Mamma, I'm hungry!" Carol sighed when she heard her six year old say those words. "Just a minute honey! I'll start supper soon. Why don't you go watch TV with your brother?" It had been a long hot summer and that day was no different. The thirty year old mother wiped the sweat from her brow, and looking up at the ceiling she prayed that her eight year old son was watching something her daughter would be interested in and thus avoid the inevitable fight. She paused for several moments...

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Uncle James Whore

this story contains BDSM and references to i****t - you have been warned!The Detention Centre hadn’t been too bad I suppose. I soon learnt to tell them what I they wanted to hear. I become skilled at crying convincingly, making my eyes wide and sorrowful, yes of course I was sorry, and wanted to make amends for the things I had done. Yes I understand how badly I had disappointed my mother blar blar fucking blar. Like I gave a shit about her? I attended all my social work evaluations and...

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Sissy Boy

Sissy boy By Princess Panty boy Characters: Sandy: 8-year old son/brother Lauryn: twin/she calls herself my big sister Beth: 5-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Meg: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom Hi everyone, it is me Sandy. I am kind of bored so I thought I would write this down and ask your opinion after you hear what has been going on in my life. Let me start out...

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First Sexual Exposure

ALL TRUTH……. NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH First Sexual Exposure By: Londebaaz Chohan This is exact and true count of my first sexual encounter. I don’t say each word I narrate is exact and true but I take an oath that the incidence I am going to narrate and the way it took place is all truth, nothing but the truth. Due to the f****y business commitments, my dad decided to move to this relatively serene and tranquil neighborhood on Staten Island. The Middle School I was supposed to attend was...

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Sali ki jabardast chudayi

My dear ISS readers (Chut valo aor land valo), Sabse pahle aa sabko mera namaskar. I am Mohan fm sirsa (haryana) age about 29 years working job in a company. Mere paas 9.5 inches long and 3 inches motayi wala land hai. Main apne baap ka eklota beta hun. Aj main ap logo ko apni ak real story suna raha hun. Es se pahle main aap logo ko apni 2 story paste kar chuka hun (1. Sali ki sasural main chudayi, 2. Sasural main saas ki chudai) Meri sadi feb,03 main hui thi, Meri shadi ko karib 4 saal aor 6...

4 years ago
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The Scientist and the Black Hole

For seventeen years Paul had been an astrophysicist, studying with other scientists at the local observatory. He and his cohort, Drew, compared notes and enjoyed a close friendship over the years. Paul had been divorced for two years and had not dated, although Drew tried to fix him up with blind dates more than once. Then one day Paul was invited to a large party at Drew’s estate, where several fellow astrophysicists would gather with their spouses or dates. Paul was totally at ease when he...

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Beautiful, that was what she called me. I knew I was a good looking guy but guys are not beautiful. I was not beautiful. I did understand that I was not handsome in the normal meaning of the word. I also knew most guys that looked like me were gay and those guys were gorgeous. I was gay. She was my best friend Jenn, a cute bundle of energy and my work station mate. We worked at a business law office with perhaps fifty others but as with most places like that we knew maybe nine and we were the...

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SisSwap Lacy Tate Cherry Fae Don8217t React Trend

Best friends Cherry and Lacy are trying to go viral on tiktok, so they do a trend where they make out at the end. Of course that’s when their respective stepbrothers Nicky and Victor walk into their room. Nicky threatens to tell their mom so Cherry offers him a deal: if they make 1 tiktok with them then she’ll tell mom that he’s been behaving good and shouldn’t get him grounded. Nicky and Victor accept and turns out they have to do a trend in which their stepsisters try to get them to react but...

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Lori 4

I went towards her and picked her up quickly before she could react and hurried her towards the kitchen. "Peter? What are you doing?" Lori squealed. "Instead of making gentle passionate love this time I feel like just taking you!" With that I laid her on her back on the kitchen table and pulled her blouse apart, ripping the buttons off as they flew to the floor. I then started kissing her all over from head to toe. I kissed and licked every part of her body that I could reach...

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EvilAngel Candice Dare Blonde8217s Sodomy And Enema Date

Gorgeous, all-natural blonde Candice Dare is in dire need of an intense anal pounding, and well-hung director Mike Adriano is happy to oblige! Candice peels off her skin-tight, booty-packed jeans to pose and spread for a rectal tongue-fuck from her freaky stud. Her nipples swell when Mike worships her anus, and she thanks him with a slobbery, throat-cramming blow job. Candice rides cock anally, deep-throats dick ass-to-mouth and expels enema fluid from her fully fucked sphincter. She guzzles...


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