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Carla took in the bright red full length flounce dress with shoulder ruffs and the black high heeled boots and spoke: “Looking very hot tonight, Rebecca, you look like Miss Kitty in a whorehouse!”

Rebecca took Carla aside and whispered: “You don’t know what it’s like. Robin’s been in jail for four months. They won’t give us conjugal rights just because we’re not actually married.”

“My God! You haven’t had sex in four months?” Carla hissed. “You can hurt yourself with that kind of behavior.”

“I know, but I’m trying to save myself for Robin.”

“So what’s with the dress?” Carla asked.

“Well I love to watch those inmates. You should see them when I walk down the cell line in an outfit like this. I walk stiff legged so the boot heels clank on the runway. You wouldn’t believe the noises and suggestions they make. It’s very arousing.”

“You’ve gotta promise to take me along next time.”

“Where’s Sam? I’ve got some order I have to discuss with him.”

“He and Dianne are in the back doing inventory.”

Rebecca flounced her way across the bar to her office, followed by hoots and leers from most of the male patrons. She stepped into the office and closed the door behind her. As her eyes gradually dilated to the dark room, she saw Dianne’s denim skirt, cashmere sweater, and silk panties and bra all stacked neatly on the floor next to the desk, with her waitress’s pad on top of the pile.

Next she saw Diane herself, lying naked on her back on the desk, with her knees pulled up near her shoulders like a gigged frog. Sam, with his pants around his ankles stood between her legs, pumping rhythmically into her. Rebecca walked within six feet of the couple before either of them noticed her.

Dianne suddenly started and clapped her hands over her breasts and said “Sam!” Sam looked up briefly, nodded “Hi Becks” and resumed his rhythmic thrusting.

“Oh, Sam!” Dianne cried, now trying to cover three anatomical features with only two hands.

Stepping up to the desk, Rebecca said: “Oh for God’s sake, Diane. It’s not like you’ve got anything I haven’t seen before.” She looked down at Sam’s crotch and exclaimed: “But Sam on the other hand … I see the rumors are true. That’s a very impressive dick.”

Rebecca took a couple of steps back from the desk, and said: “Don’t mind me, just go ahead; I’ll use my desk later. Sam and Diane resumed their coupling without speaking.

For a minute or two, Rebecca just watched, restlessly shifting her weight from one foot to the other. Then she slowly slipped the strap of her dress off her left shoulder. She slid her right hand into the top of her dress and began playing with her nipple.

After a few moments she observed conversationally to Sam: “I’m surprised you can put a cock that size in such a skinny little thing without splitting her.” Without looking up, Sam replied: “She lubricates very heavily. She comes real easy too.”

“Can I see?” asked Rebecca.

“No!” cried Diane.

“Sure.” answered Sam.

Accepting Sam’s answer, Rebecca moved over to the desk and slid her hand down Diane’s smooth belly into her crotch. “My god, she is a juicy one, isn’t she!” Then rather than withdraw her hand, Rebecca began rolling Diane’s clit like a ball bearing in oil. Diane’s protests trailed away into a low moan. Without stopping her hand motion, Rebecca lowered her head and began to suck vigorously on Diane’s right nipple. Diane’s moans gradually grew louder and more guttural. Suddenly her legs straightened convulsively sticking straight up in the air above Sam’s shoulders and her whole body shook violently.

“You weren’t kidding, Sam! That was a good one.” Rebecca remarked.

“She’ll do that a few more times before the night’s over, then she’ll be set for another month or so.” Sam replied.

Rebecca moved away from the desk again and watched Diane gradually relax and resume the steady penetration from Sam’s huge dick.

After a minute, Rebecca seemed to make up her mind about something. She slipped the dress off both shoulders and shucked it down onto the floor. She was completely naked under the dress.

Rebecca stepped up to the desk and clambered up on it. She straddled Diane’s waist, then knee walked up and positioned her crotch directly above Diane’s face.

Diane turned her face away in disgust. “Oh Rebecca!”
“Listen Diane, don’t you think I’ve heard of what goes on in that Phi Epsilon Delta fraternity you’re so proud of?”

“But …”

“But nothing, try to remember who signs your paychecks and who’s desk your humping your boyfriend on during work hours.” Rebecca grabbed a fistful of Diane’s hair, pulling her head upwards. “Now, eat me Blondie.”

Diane with a show of reluctance began to lick Rebecca’s snatch.

“And play with my tits!” demanded Rebecca. Obediently, Diane lifted her hands and began to thumb Rebecca’s long nipples. Rebecca found that she could reach back and fondle Diane’s engorged clit.

The three of them rocked in this position for several moments. Then Diane again began the low moaning that had preceded her last orgasm. Rebecca’s breath was coming in short gasps. She turned her head and through clenched teeth ordered “Give her the meat, Sam, we’re almost there.” Sam increased his thrusting pace.

Almost immediately both women came. Diane’s legs shot toward the ceiling, her eyes popped wide open and stared blankly at the ceiling. Rebecca shook in convulsive waves of orgasm, her juices dripping off Diane’s chin.

When they had returned to a calm state, Rebecca said “That was a good one, but I could use some of that big cock now.”

“Sure”, said Sam. “Diane, why don’t you hop down off the desk there for a minute.”

“Sam! What am I, chopped liver? You both fuck me stupid and then send me off?!”

“Now Diane, you’ve come three times in the last hour”, Sam pointed out.

“Yeah, give another girl a chance!” agreed Rebecca.

“Well, I don’t think this is right,” Diane muttered as she flopped onto the couch near the end of the desk. “This was supposed to be just me and Sam.”

Rebecca tottered on her high boots between Sam and the side of the desk, slapped her hands flat on the desk and bent forward, hoisting her ass in the air until her nipples were dragging on the desktop. Sam entered her quickly and roughly from behind. She grunted as she took the meat.
“Big isn’t he?” giggled Diane from the couch.

As Sam settled down to his usual steady thrusting pace, Rebecca became more relaxed and smiled back at Diane, “If a skinny thing like you can take him, I can do it for hours.”
Diane made no reply but slipped her hand between her own legs and began to rub slowly while she watched the couple at the desk.
After a few moments, Sam said:

“Rebecca you have really beautiful ass, and I‘d like to fuck it.”

“My god Sam, I’ve never had anything bigger than a finger in there!”

“Well then, this should be real nice for both of us!”

“Diane, would you hand me the bottle of lube in the top right desk drawer?” Sam asked

Sam poured lubricant between Rebecca’s cheeks, then began to press the tip of his cock against Rebecca’s exposed anus.

“Aaaiigh!” Rebecca shrieked as the egg sized head of Sam’s cock popped passed her sphincter

“Oh relax Rebecca, I haven’t even put it all in yet.”
Diane snickered from the couch, “Still think you can do him for hours?”
Rebecca had begun to relax the muscles of her rectum and Sam drip more lube into the cleft as he inch by inch pressed more and more of his cock into Rebecca’s ass.

“Oh, shit. That’s too big!” Rebecca’s hands made spastic clawing motion at the desk, as if to drag herself away from the intruder.

“Stop complaining!” Diane called from the couch, “You wanted him.”

Sam suddenly loudly shouted “Carla!”

As if she had been listening at the door, which she probably had, Carla entered the office.

“Carla will you please do your number two procedure on Diane just to shut her up.”

“Glad to, boss.” Carla turned toward Diane, and ordered her to stand.

“What’s the number two?” Diane asked warily.

“Well there are five procedures I’ve learned. Sam wants me to me to do number two to you.

“What’s number two?” Diane asked nervously.

“Easier to show you.” Carla slipped a hand between Diane’s thighs and began to massage and stroke. Within a few seconds, Diane had moved her feet apart and began playing with her own nipples.

Carla rubbed harder and slid her other hand down Diane’s back and inserted a finger into her rectum. The blonde girl began to make the low guttural moan that signaled her climax. As she came, she cried “Oh Carla!” her knees buckled and she collapsed into kneeling position next to the couch.

Carla pulled her head back and whispered into her ear.

“Here’s the deal. That was the second. I’ve got three guys outside the door. You jerk them all off, and I’ll show you the third.”

“What if I want the fourth? Diane asked.

“The FOURTH?! YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE FOURTH!” Carla shrieked derisively.

From the desk, Sam remarked: “The last person she showed the fourth is still suing her in Cleveland.”

“Actually, it’s her husband suing me for alienation of affection.” So how about it Blondie? You want the third or not?” Carla demanded.

“All right bring them in.”
Carla went to the door and came back with Cliff.

“Hi Cliff.” Diane spoke from her knees.

“Well Hi Diane, this is real nice of you.” Cliff nearly stuttered in his nervousness.

At Carla’s urging, Cliff dropped his pants and took out his already rigid organ. Diane opened her mouth wide and reached for Cliff’s cock. Almost the instant she touched it, Cliff went off like a rocket. Diane turned her head at the last moment, and took the load of cum in her hair above her ear.

“Oh Jeez Diane! I’m sorry; I guess I was a little nervous.”

“That’s all right Clifford. We’re all a little aroused.”
By now Carla had gone to the door again and come back with Norm.

“Hey Diane, Carla thought it would be you.”
Diane looked sharply up at Carla. “Norman, what did she say about me?”

“She said, ‘even Sammy can’t handle two women at once’, and sooner or later he’d need help with one or the other. She bet it would be you.”

“Hey, do I know my sluts or what?” crowed Carla.

“Well, come on then, let’s do it!” Diane snapped.
Norm, unbuckled his belt, and lowered his pants and underwear, letting his enormous belly sag toward the floor. Diane reached under his belly and began rubbing and pulling his cock. After a few seconds without result, she said “Norm try standing up straighter, maybe I can get my head under there.

Norm obliged and held his gut up with his hands. Diane was able to take him in her mouth and sucked him while stroking and pulling his balls, but still without effect.

“It’s OK Diane; I haven’t had it up in years. That’s from twenty years with Vera!”
Norm patted Diane on top of the head, and stepped. “Maybe I’ll just stay and watch and see if anything comes back to me.” Norm said sheepishly.

“Sure just sit on the end of the couch, stay as long as you like.” Rebecca spoke from the desk.

“This still counts!” Diane barked to Carla. “You said three, and he counts as the second.”

Carla replied calmly “Sure, keep your pants on Diane (oops, too late), he counts toward your three.”

Carla went back to the door and returned with Woody.

Woody looked at the naked Diane kneeling on the floor, and at Rebecca spread out over the desk, and said “Well, Carla was right. It’s Diane.”

“We all know about what Carla said.” snapped Diane. “Just get it out.”

Woody got it out. True to his nickname, he was already hard. His dick was just as long as Sam’s but not as thick. It jutted upward from his crotch toward the ceiling. He would not have Norm’s problem.

As he stepped up in front of Diane’s waiting mouth, he said:

“To be honest, I was hoping it would be Miss Howe. As beautiful as you are Diane, I’ve always thought Rebecca had the prettiest little Cupid mouth I’ve ever seen. So if you don’t mind I think I’ll go over there.”

“Sure.” said Diane.

Woody stepped over to the near side of the desk, stood in front of Rebecca. Deep in her prison fantasy, she looked up and said “Oh, you must be the warden come to save me from these criminals.”

Woody brushed the tip of his cock against Rebecca’s lips. Her mouth opened as if automatically.
“Jeez that’s a long dong, Woody, between the two of us, we might be able to meet in the middle.” Sam giggled. Rebecca moaned, and dropped her jaw to allow Woody’s cock better access.

The two men began a rhythmic thrusting into Rebecca from both ends. She alternately gagged when Woody hit the back of her throat, and groaning when Sam thrust deep into her ass.

Diane looked at Carla and said: He counts too, Carla. That’s three, where’s my reward?”

“I’m not sure I should give a number three to a woman who has trouble giving away blow jobs in a bar. But a deal is a deal, so stand up”.

Diane got up from the couch and stood in front of Carla. “You won’t hurt me will you?” Diane asked nervously.

“No, that would be the number five.” Carla replied. “Spread your feet apart; and I recommend that you play with your nipples.”

Carla ran her hand down Diane’s belly into the furze between her legs. She slid a finger into Diane’s wet pussy and pushed it in and out. After a few strokes she added a finger, and then a third. When Diane began to rock and moan softly, Carla folded her thumb over her other fingers and began to push upwards hard. At first nothing happened, but Carla crouched down and pushed harder. Diane was almost lifted off the floor by this pressure. She tried to stand on her tiptoes, then cried out softly.

Suddenly, Carla’s knuckles popped past Diane’s pubic bone and her whole hand disappeared up Diane’s crotch. Diane shrieked, her face contorted in a grimace of shock and lust.

Carla, still slightly crouched began to thrust her hand and wrist into Diane over and over, like a boxer delivering a series of uppercuts. Diane’s erect clit was protruding from her bush.

Diane, still twisting her nipples into pink pencil erasers, gasped and staggered backwards. Carla gave her one more plunge and Diane toppled backwards onto the couch. Carla followed and continued her relentless thrusting.

“Roll over on your belly; just swing your leg over.” Carla commanded and Diane did so.

Diane was now face down on the couch with her head resting on one arm and her butt hoisted high in the air.

“I highly recommend that you rub your clit.” Carla said sharply. Obediently, Diane slid her free hand down between her legs and started stroking her engorged clit.

“Now, here’s what makes the number three really special, said Carla. She spread her fingers out inside Diane and began to rub and press downward on her g-spot. Diane hissed with lust and doubled the action on her clit.

Carla increased the pressure and speed of her fingers. “My god, you’ve got a g-spot like a walnut!”

Carla changed quickly between the g-spot stimulation and the rhythmic thrusting of her hand and wrist.

Diane’s hips were bucking violently up against Carla’s motions and she was moaning like an animal.

As Diane’s orgasm grew closer, Carla began to gently stroke Diane’s exposed asshole with the thumb of her free hand.

Diane now came with the force of a seizure. Her hips bucked in the air, her head thrashed from side to side, and she howled like a wolf. Carla pressed down firmly with her thumb.

At just the last instant, as she felt Diane’s pussy begin to spasm, Carla yanked her hand out of Diane’s crotch with a wet pop. Deep into her shattering orgasm, Diane ejaculated heavily onto the couch cushions. Jet after pulsing jet of her fluids soaked the couch.

“Jesus Sammy, you’re gonna hafta burn this couch!” giggled Carla. “Score another one for the number three.” Replied Sam, still buried deep in Rebecca’s ass.

Leaving Diane quivering on the wet couch, Carla walked over to the desk and examined what Sam and Woody were doing to Rebecca.

“Carla, you’re my friend, you won’t let these animals fuck me, will you?” begged Rebecca.

“Well, Becks, I’m not who you seem to think I am, but I’ll tell you what I will do.” replied Carla and stepped back until she was about a foot from Rebecca’s face.

Carla unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down to her ankles. She slid her hand into her panties and began rubbing herself vigorously.

“Carla, what the hell are you doing?” cried Sam.

“Are you kidding Sammy? How often do you get to come to work and jerk off while watching the boss get fucked in the ass by a bartender?”

“Ohhhhhhh!” moaned Rebecca, “It sounds pretty hot when you say it like that! I think I’m going to cum.”

She was right. As her orgasm started, it made her ass clench around Sam’s cock. Sam, who had been fucking one woman or another for almost an hour, began to cum.
Rebecca thrust her head forward on Woody’s cock, and gagged as it hit back of her throat. The gagging spasms in her throat squeezed Woody’s cock and he too came
The two men pumped huge loads of fluids into Rebecca from both ends, Sam deep into her bowel, and Woody straight down her throat. The three of them heaved and moaned through their orgasms.

Norm got to his feet from the end of the couch, pulled up his pants and surveyed the scene. Diane was still face down on the couch, her hips rotating spasmodically, her hand fluttering mindlessly between her legs. Rebecca was spread flat on the desk with semen dripping down her chin from her mouth, and down her legs from her ass. Sam and Woody stood with their dicks still hard and dripping. The only sound was Carla still pounding her pud in front of Rebecca’s face. She came to her shuddering climax as Norm spoke:

“This was nice, but I see both bartenders, both waitresses and the owner all in this room. Who the hell is going to serve me a beer?!”


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Blacking Donna Pt 1

Blacking DonnabyLascivious_Gent©My name is Bill, a successful 55 year old black businessman. In my late teens I developed a strong liking for white females and ever since I have indulged myself whenever the opportunity presented itself and over the years I have enjoyed a number of extremely sexy white ladies. I am 6'4, 230lbs and very dark skinned, and even if I say so myself I am in good physical shape.Enough about me, the object of my long held lust is a married white lady named Donna. Donna...

1 year ago
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Sissied up and traded away

''please please Marie please i, not sure I want this''''shhhhhhhhhh dont be shy you will love it, do it for me please i will let you eat my pussy''i was looking at my college class haitian sexy teammate holding my legs up her pink cock in her hands about to fuck my ass . my hands tied in my back i coudnt stop her''you are so small im sure you love cock ''''noooo i dont i dontttt ''''i want to see if it get hard like a little clitty as i fuck you, dont get hard and ill stop''''mariiiiiieeee...

1 year ago
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An Officer and a GentlemanChapter 6 May Prom Night

Mitch arrived at Tory's late Friday night. On Saturday morning, he went with Trent to pick up his rented tux. Then, they both headed to the florist to pick up the corsages for their dates. Mitch felt a sense of pride when the florist referred to Mitch as Trent's father. The best part for Mitch was that Trent never corrected the salesman. "Mom!" Trent called from the front door. "The limo's here!" "Alright, you don't need to yell!" she scolded, while coming down the...

2 years ago
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Padosi Khusbu Ko 7 Din Me Patakar Choda

Hi dosto, mera name Mohit hai, aour mai gorakhpur ka rahne wala hu. Mera age 27 year hai height 5.11” hai aour 6.5” lund. Mai bahut sidha sada ladka hu but ab tak kafi experience le chukka hu. Waise mai bhabhi ya aunty me kafi interested hu. Gorakhpur ya aas pas ke bhabhi, aunty, ya any girls who want do sex with me ya sex chat with me please mail me “ ” ye mera pahli sachhi ghatna hai. Ab sidhe chudai story par ata hu. Ye kahani February 2016 ki hai, mere pados me rahne wali khusbu ki hai. Wo...

4 years ago
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Vicki by The Game Master

One of my favorite stories:I first met Vicki about 7 years ago when we were both 23. She hired in to the company where I worked, but we had very little initial contact. Vicki was fairly plain, not too pretty; a typical female engineer. I was not drawn to her, for she was definitely not my type. Her short hair was dirty blond, her breasts were 36a, and her hips were slightly hefty. My girlfriend Amy, however, had long brunette hair, a 40d-26-36 figure, and loved sex. There just wasn't much...

3 years ago
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Odia Family 8211 The Perfect Incest Paradise

Odia Gapa presents another story at you. Thank you for your most welcomed feedbacks. Edited by: Deepika Hi, All Mu mo life ra gote akuha kahani ku barnanna karibaku jauchi. Mu setebele 10th class re padhuthili au patha padha ra stress sahita Oedipus complex gote disease ra stress re mu kemiti e jivana sahita sangharsha karithili mu desc. Re explain karuchi. Name: Mote. Height 5ft.7 inch heba. Kintu mu 25 barsa ra toka bhali dekhajae. Ghare mu gotie boli pua. Bapa jane civil engineer thile aau...

1 year ago
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From Russia with love

OK, This is my First true story Sex adventure and there will be more ;)So one of my friends named Sona messages me one day saying shes going to a club in the city and she wanted to know if her and some of her friends can sleep over. So obviously me being a guy, I'm like yeah sure as long as I can get some enjoyment out of it ;). She (Being super prude lol) says she doesn't wanna wanna be eattin' out because she doesn't wanna complicate our friendship. But she said she was bring to friends so I...

3 years ago
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A workout to Remember

Her long brown hair fell just past her shoulders. The color of her hairmade her blue eyes appear a deeper shade of blue than they actually were. She was tall, about five-foot six. She carried her 129 pounds perfectly. Clearly not fat, and for sure not stick thin. She was athletic yet had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were outstanding. On the smaller side, she wore a 34-B bra. but appeared to be close to a "C" cup What she lacked in size she more than made up for in sensitivity....

Straight Sex
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A Fresh StartChapter 53 Married Life

So, the rest of our honeymoon went pretty much like our first honeymoon, as well as all the other little ‘practice honeymoons’ we had taken up to that point. To be specific, we goofed off and screwed our brains out! We hit the beach in Bermuda, did a few tourist type things, ate too much, drank too much - all the things young honeymooners are supposed to do. On most cruises, for instance to the Caribbean, every night you sail to a different island, so there is no way to see the night life on...

1 year ago
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Sex Adult Comics

Sure, you love reading fucking comics. I’m talking about the heavy-hitters: Batman, Spider-Man, Calendar Man, they’re all fair game. But you also love looking at perverted comics. Those are the kinds of trades you don’t swap with your buddies. Or maybe you do – what the fuck do I know about your kink? I only review bad ass porn sites on the gold standard of other porn review sites, ThePornDude!So if you want to look at adult XXX comics that you can read in private or aloud to your friends while...

Porn Comics Sites
2 years ago
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trick gloryhole

Me an Zoe love reading erotic stories but one I like to read is gloryholes an adult theatre's. so one day I decided that I would make a gloryhole at home and persuade Zoe to try it as a fantasy role play. a few days later I finally finished it in our spare room it had gloryhole with a sliding door so when Zoe was ready she could open it. I made it big enough to put a chair an a TV in playing some porn I told Zoe the idea an what I'd done she was all up for it. she went to work and later that...

3 years ago
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The Dominance Experiment

Carolyn paced up and down as she lectured. She could never keep still, and had a pretty lively and vivacious personality. Generally speaking, it kept her audience in rapt attention for most of the time, which is more than she could say about other professors at the University of Wyoming, from what the students told her as she visited with them. With this particular course, no one had trouble paying attention, and it had a wait list a mile long just for the fascination factor. It was titled,...

1 year ago
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Slave to My Black NeighborChapter 6

The next two weeks were pure hell for me. Master took full advantage of having me at his disposal all day every day. He made me come to his house every morning as soon as Beth left for work and I immediately got dressed in my sissy outfit. Each day I wore a different pair of panties and nightie along with matching stockings. Master had me go to the lingerie store in the local mall with him to purchase my new clothes. He had the women in the store measure me to find my exact fit and the...

1 year ago
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A ladys drink

A Lady's Drink. It all started the day before our Halloween Party when I was teasing my girlfriend Loudes about her inability to take a drink like me. I said, "You always drink lady's drinks like sherry because you know that after a man's drink like a pint of beer you are anyone's. Face it Lourdes you just can't hold your drink like me." Lourdes replied, "Man up Simon. I bet you after a pint of a lady's drink like sherry you would be anyone's too. I tell you what how about a...

4 years ago
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A Camping Trip to Remember Part 1

I was so excited for the week to come. My boyfriend Chris had asked me to go camping with him. A whole week alone in the wilderness, with the man I love. How could life get any better?Let me tell you more about us. We met online and had been together for over two years. I (Angie) was now 18 and Chris was 19. He had a wonderful thick 6-inch dick, and I had a beautiful set of round 36C tits. Our sex life was sensual and erotic. We often stayed at each other's houses and planned to move in...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Two by Two Chapter 14

Two by Two, Chapter 14 ? by: Beverly Taff Jane returned down several stairs to the basement club to see that Trysta's learning curve was still on a steep rise. The young girl was dancing with utter abandon to the thundering beat as dozens of other gay and lesbians danced around her. Dozens of hungry eyes were studying the fresh young meat and Jane moved quickly to join her niece on the floor. Several dykes had already moved in on the young girl but Jane was relieved to see...

3 years ago
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Rachaels Story

The loss of Nick has been difficult these past few months. You think that you’ll get over something like this, that somehow the nights will become less lonely, less empty but it isn’t true. It isn’t true at all. The bed is too large for just one person and there are times when I wake up and I can still smell him, feel him in the bed next to me. Do you know how lonely that feeling is? It’s worse than a nightmare to wake up and believe with all my heart that he is there, that somehow I’ll turn...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Kristen Scott The Grade

The scene opens on Veronica, an 18-year-old high school student, as she sits in her darkened room. Her bed is littered with school books, notepads, tissues and scrunched up papers … including a term paper she recently got back from her teacher. Despite all her efforts, Mr. Pullman has given her a failing grade and the teenager is devastated. She sits slouched over, in the middle of the bed, with a boxcutter in her hand, tempting fate by tracing the blade back and forth across her skin....

2 years ago
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The HealerChapter 45

The Spitfire, guarded by the Missile Carrier Princess Victoria as well as elements of the Technocracy and Kingdom Fleets, followed in the wake of the 6th Fleet. “Big,” I murmured as we observed the command ship via the AIs monitoring the battle. “Well, it is, though not as big as a Raffagee battlesphere,” Flinn replied. “We never tried boarding one of those ... well, not a whole one.” “That’s true,” Flinn nodded. “Feeling nervous?” “A bit, yes.” “You’re not, normally,” she frowned....

1 year ago
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Coming of age3

A deep breath. Her last? A thought struck her. Who would find her, laid out here like this? What would they think? It would be a shame to have gotten dressed up only to be found in some awkward position. Would she twitch, or would it be like falling asleep? Another breath. The room was getting dim. Her heart was pounding in her ears. She felt a small trickle of liquid run down the inside of her thigh. Reflexively she squeezed her legs together. No, please God, nothing messy. This was her...

2 years ago
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My Office Life 8211 Part 2

Even though this was the first time I remembered someone had touched my navel but it was not the first time I had exposed my navel to someone. I have worn saree many times before and I am pretty sure that I was careless enough to expose my navel to many people. I never felt this tingling sensation before in my life when someone touched my navel. I recalled my cousin’s wedding last year where I wore a gagra choli and transparent dupatta the entire day throughout the function and I have never...

3 years ago
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The TempleChapter 3

At the feast that evening the goddess seated Calista on her right-hand side, and Francis on her left as a further sign of her satisfaction. When the feast ended, the goddess retired to her private chamber, taking Francis with her. “As you know, tonight is the occasion where you will make a gift of your virginity. I had planned on giving you to a mortal with whom I am particularly well-pleased, but I had to change my plans. Your form is of such perfection that your virginity must not be taken...

4 years ago
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Have You Ever Seen a Naked Girl

My wife, Tara, is 24 and we've been married for two years. Now, sex has never been boring in the time I've known Tara, she's the sexiest woman I've ever been with. She's fairly tall, five-eight, blond, grey eyes, smooth skin, beautifully-proportioned, long, slender, tanned legs, nice hips, narrow waist and, oh, you should see them, no, you should really feel them and suck them; her breasts are gorgeous and she's easily Playmate material. When we first met, in college, she really didn't seem to...

Wife Lovers
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Visit from SisChapter 8

She was having the most wonderfully horny dream. Her brother had just fucked her senseless with his big prick, and now Roberta was eating out her fledgling pussy. Amy groaned as she was rolled onto her side. She felt another tongue go to work on her, this one rimming her asshole. She let her leg be slung over a softly haired head as she smelled wet cunt near her face and felt what seemed amazingly like a hard cock bob against the back of her head. She leaned her face forward in this...

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HitchhikingChapter 8

When I woke up, Jim was holding me. Well, spooning me, to be exact. I always enjoyed waking up being held by my husband. I realized that I was a little sore between my legs. As I lay there, I felt the need to pee real badly. I managed to ease out from under Jim without waking him, and I went to the bathroom. When I came back, I looked at Jim lying there, wondering how he was going to feel when he woke up. I felt relaxed and very content. If I weren't sore between my legs, everything would...

3 years ago
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Bill N HaleyChapter 14

Haley’s turn: Maybe I never paid attention. It’s a possibility that I’ve seen them out there and just never noticed. What am I talking about? Geniuses. Magical creatures. People who operate outside the normally expected boundaries. Like the pilot and co-pilot of the plane we’re flying. The pilot’s eighteen and the co-pilot’s nineteen and they’re both females and I understand that women have been freed from the old stereotypes and all that, but that’s a theoretical ‘I know’ that you put in...

3 years ago
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Crystal Gets a Makeover

When Crystal Harper thinks about her life she wanted to cry. She was rapidly approaching her fortieth birthday, she thought, having recently celebrated number thirty sixth. She was a divorced mother of two teenage boys, Matt and Kevin, and she has been struggling to make ends meet, ever since her moron of an ex-husband left her after a one night stand with a drunken slut he’d fallen in love with. Tom Harper rarely paid child support and when he did, it was always late. As a result, it made it...

3 years ago
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Basic Woman part 9

Basic Woman part 9 by Yoni We cleaned up and I asked her how she knew about the cheerleader outfit? She replied that it had popped into her mind back when we were discussing how I knew she would want orange juice after the blowjob I had given her. I thought about that as we got dressed again, taking our time with a lot of touching and kissing. It wasn't passion so much as it was intimacy, we were so at ease with each other. I was making...

3 years ago
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The Interview Ch 2

After finding that his spankings were enticing, me he effortlessly lifted me to where I was straddling his lap. I could feel the rough fabric of his pants on my now bare, sore, red cheeks. I tried to hide the slight pain, but was not able to as I squirmed a little. "Your ass is sore and I guarantee it will be worse," he said, as he kissed my forehead. "Stand up and get on your knees," he commanded. I did as I was told, as he rose from the chair, unbuttoned his pants and pulled them and his...

4 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 20

A cycle and a half had left Qi precious little time to see his fuck bunny. Whatever she was doing, the task was sucking up all of their alone time. He knew she was working the ship to ship comms but she was sworn to secrecy just as he was. Whatever subterfuge the patriarch was creating, he was keeping as many family members out of the loop as possible. Not that the lack of information kept the rest of the family from speculating. Qi had been and out of Benni's office so many times that he...

3 years ago
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Kellys Wedding Day SpankingChapter 3

Brad had lots more humiliation in store for Kelly this time. He got Eddie's wife Alice and some other women to hold Kelly in a prone position across the banquet table, her ass sticking up for all to see, and he found the videographer, a geeky young man named Ted, and told him: "I want you to videotape this, and make sure you get lots of closeups of my wife's ass getting spanked. Don't miss a second of it. When we're finished, I want you to take the disc back to your office and make 200...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Plump Chachi 8211 Part 2

Hi all, this is a continuation of my previous story. I always feel a pussy needs a dick irrespective of relation and having sex between relations is quite safe. So I love family sex. Starting from where we left off. The next day morning as I and only chachi were at home, we both were roaming nude and I was sucking her boobs and ass whenever I was getting chance. She was cooking naked. Then I inserted my dick in her ass and was fucking her and pressing those juicy boobs. After lunch, I said to...

2 years ago
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Maris Confession Part 1

This story takes place four months after “Irene’s Missionary Adventure.” Things were slowly getting back to normal, but the summer had been crazy. I had hardly seen Oscar, he had needed to stay in town all summer and his job had needed him six or even seven days a week. Meanwhile I had been at the coast with the girls; I felt a bit bad about relaxing at the beach, but I guess that’s why we had the house there. The disappointing thing was leaving Oscar in town; he had managed only two flying...

4 years ago
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Maine bhabhi ki gand mari

Hello friends, I m amit and again I am coming with my latest story with bhabhe. I m good friend iss, I read all stories iss, I m bad in English so my stories in Hindi ok. I live in very popular city in New Delhi. I m smart looking guy, 5:9fts,68kgs, good body and big & very hot cock around 6.5″, my age 20 so, friend meri stories kuch is tarah hay.yeh stories aaj say 6 month pehlay ki hay jab hamaray baju may ek new cuppel rahnay aaya. Unki new new marrage hui thi or wo kariban meri age ke hi...

2 years ago
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My work colleagues soft and shiny tan stocki

This is a recent and real experience I wanted to share with you...My colleague is in her late 40's and is extremely fit for her age. She has been divorced for a number of years and recently rejoined the dating game. At work she dresses rather conservatively and doesn't wear too much make-up but we've been out for after work drinks on a few occasions and for those nights she dresses up a little more. She is extremely attractive in my opinion with dark hair, decent size breast and long legs. She...

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