In-Between - Chapters 14-16 free porn video

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You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! *************************************************** Part II: Foreword *************************************************** *************************************************** Chapter 14: Awkward Questions *************************************************** THE PAST FEW years had flown by for me. I was now in my fourth year in college, and the end was in sight of my undergraduate years! I had spent a very focused summer preparing and taking the national standardized test for my law school applications. When I received my scores last month, I had been very proud of earning a score that put me into the top two percent of test takers! It wasn't even late September yet, and I already had a number of schools trying to convince me to come to them. I knew no matter which I chose, I wouldn't have to worry about paying for it; not with the scholarships and fellowships they were already offering! Addy and I had continued to date the past few years. She was amazing, and the two of us complimented each other very well in our strengths and weaknesses. Going into this final year we nearly moved into an apartment together for our senior year, but her mom had a fit and shut the plan down! My own dad thought it was a better idea to live in the dorms one more year just to be safe... It was almost pointless though, because I spent more nights at her apartment than I did in my single dorm room! Each night we usually had dinner together, worked on homework, and then found something fun to do together. I'd learned over the years that Addy gave an amazing massage when she had time for it! I tried to help her out with homework and housework as a tradeoff for all of the things she did for me! Today though I wasn't in either place, instead I was over at Stacy's for a bit of a barbeque and a pool party. Meg had needed a ride out to their place, so I'd taken her myself over like I had many times the last couple years. Since our sophomore year I'd had to install two rear-facing car seats for when I drove Meg and Stacy around. At that moment Meg and I were floating in the pool talking and using pool noodles to lazily float, while Stacy was doing her crazy laps, and Bella was sitting in a swing being pushed by Fred. "So how are things going for you?" I asked Meg. She shrugged. "I'm glad I switched my major to management... But I don't know what I'm going to do after this year though. What business wants a Little manager?" I shrugged. "Start your own?" She nodded. "That's one thought..." "You have some others...?" She sighed and pointedly looked at Bella. "Her life isn't so terrible, is it?" I noticed the large smile on Bella's face as Fred pushed her higher. I shook my head. "Hers isn't, but you know Amanda and Fred aren't normal, right?" She nodded. "I know..." Stacy swam up quickly right then, pulling up quickly with her fish level ability to swim that she must have been born with. "Why do you two look so serious?" I looked at her swimming so easily in the water. I was able to stand in the spot we were at if I chose to, but was far too deep for her or Meg to do the same. "Figuring out Meg's life," Meg said. "Oh..." she said. "You know I could still get you a bid for Lambda." She shook her head. "No, I'm nearly finished anyway," she told her. "I just don't know what I'm going to do once I graduate." "What, are you wanting to be adopted?" I asked as kindly as I could. She started to shake her head, but then slowly nodded. "I'm thinking about it. If I could find the right mommy... I have a feeling it would be better than waiting for whatever witch sees me at a store or work and decides I need them to be my mommy by force." "Doesn't Emerson keep you from being able to choose?" I asked. "There's a loophole I found, and triple checked with Professor Marshall. If I were to find a mommy off-campus I could be adopted just by saying I lost my ID and not fighting the adoption in court, or with the registration clerk." "Oh," I said. "So, who are you looking at?" "Addy interested at all?" She asked me. I laughed. "I doubt it. Her family and her are constantly arguing about me and her adopted 'brother's' treatment. Addy may consider it way down the road, but for now she just wants to get her degrees and decide if she wants anything to do with her family's business." "She's thinking of not?" Stacy asked in surprise. I nodded. "It depends... She loves me... and her mom doesn't like that. She says she would choose me over that any day of the week." "Aww..." Meg said in stereo with Stacy. Meg sighed. "Doesn't get me any closer though. Any other ideas?" Right then Megan, Amanda's baby sister, walked through the door. She was really more my dad's height than fitting in with their Big family, but technically, due to her parents both being Bigs, she got to consider herself as a petite Big within the laws instead of a Mid. "What about Megan?" I said half-jokingly. "She would be a good choice," Stacy said, surprising me by agreeing. "What?!?" Meg said. "We'd have the same name... and she's not that much taller than Cameron... Can she even legally adopt me?" I nodded. "It would be weird, but it's legal. She's got a good steady job now that she's out of school, and since she works from home, you wouldn't even have to worry about avoiding daycare." "I don't know..." Meg said. A moment later Megan was jumping into the pool and came to catch Stacy to give her a hug. She held her for a second before sitting her back in the water to resume swimming. "How are you doing Meg, Cameron?" "Great," I said while watching Meg turn bright red. "Good," Meg squeaked out. "How are things going this semester at school?" She asked. After a few awkward moments Meg calmed back down and we were soon chatting with the four of us quite normally. When Amanda called us over for lunch, we all sat down on a picnic bench style table. I conversed with Fred a good amount, with him giving me some advice on a few things he'd encountered when he went to med school, that probably also applied to my Law School applications. We had a few more nerdy conversations about some science studies coming out about chemically creating new biological pathways. I'd gotten interested in that after Stacy had told me about how she healed Bella. Every now and then I looked to where Bella was sitting in Amanda's lap, but feeding herself the pieces of the hotdog on her plate. Stacy had a smaller hamburger that was in its whole form that she was allowed to eat on her own. When Bella finished, she said. "Nummies?" to her and tugged at her blouse. I blushed as Amanda pulled away the blouse and began breastfeeding her in front of us. I knew that Stacy was still nursing too, but I'd only seen that once in the years I'd been her friend. I figured Amanda did her best to not embarrass her in front of me. After a while Amanda took Bella in for a nap in her crib, while I helped Megan and Fred clean up the dishes. "You don't have to do that," Fred told me as I carried stuff inside. I shrugged. "Happy to help," I told him. "I appreciate you all having me over and feeding me! As a college kid this seems like the least that I can do!" He nodded. "I get that. When I finally managed to start getting a real paycheck it was amazing!" I laughed. "I figure I've got about three more years with law school, and then hopefully I'll know that feeling too!" After helping clean up everything I found myself in the jacuzzi with Megan, Meg, and Stacy. Stacy was giving me a weird look, and I wondered if she wanted me to help out with something. I saw her eyeing Meg, and then Megan, and got the point. 'How do I do this...?' I thought to myself. "So, Megan, now that you have your job and everything going well... you found anyone to date?" She shook her head. "Honestly, I'm not that interested... At least right now. Also, I'm like Amanda in that I can't have kids naturally - so I'm not sure I can even find anyone who wants me." "Thought about adopting?" I asked her. "A real baby?" She sighed. "Of course, but you know as well as I do that there aren't that many ever out there. No one wants to give up their real baby." I nodded. "What about a Little" She scoffed. "Hell no! I have no desire to be like Cassie or Chloe!" "What about being more like Amanda?" I suggested. "Stacy and Bella are well taken care of?" She laughed. "Well, yeah they are... and I guess I could see something like that. But I don't have a desire to make someone feel like a baby all of the time." "So never interested?" Stacy asked. She shrugged. "I guess 'never' is a long time... but I don't think so. I'm happy being at home with my fur baby." I knew she had a massive cuddly cat at her apartment that she posted pictures of as often as mom's did with their kids! "What about adopting to save someone?" I asked curiously. "Like Amanda did with Bella?" She shook her head. "I don't ever want to live through what they lived through... not worth making people angry. They could easily decide I need to go back to middle school or something even..." I nodded at that. "Yeah... I get that." She laughed. "It would be preschool or daycare for you I'm guessing Cameron." "Probably," I told her. "I think my worst fear is someone deciding to declare that I have a case of Maturosis and turning me into a potty- training failure to make their real kids feel better." Stacy nodded. "That would be bad..." "I've always thought if I get adopted, I'd rather just use the diapers and get over with it," I heard Meg suddenly say. "Would you really want that?" Megan asked in surprise. She shrugged. "It's probably not going to matter what I want... I'm small enough I know I'm going to get adopted. Probably this year something will be made to happen before graduation." "That sucks," Megan said sadly. "Yeah, it does. I keep thinking I'd be better off just picking someone to..." she coughed. "to be my mommy instead of a random weirdo." Megan looked at her and said. "You know, that might be one of your better options. You're in school at Emerson though, aren't you locked into either graduating, demeriting out, or giving yourself up to Student Services?" "If I was somewhere and 'lost' my ID with the right person, I could just allow them to adopt me without telling the clerk I was a student." "That would be risky," Megan said. "You really need to be able to trust the person..." "Not many Bigs that you can do that with, huh?" I prodded Megan. "No... Too many are like my sisters." She paused. "They'd say they'd be kind, then the next thing you'd know they'd be removing teeth or something..." I debated about pushing any further, when Stacy made up her own mind. "What about it Megan? Would you be willing to help Meg out?" Megan's face visibly drained of color. "Me... adopt Meg? Absolutely not!" she said. "I'm not wanting to be some mommy!" She said it with such conviction I felt bad for her. "It was just an idea," I said, trying to help Stacy get her whole leg out of her mouth. "A terrible idea... I respect Littles way too much to become part of the problem." "Even if it would mean you really were being part of the solution for her?" Stacy suggested. "Stacy, I love you to death, but keep in mind you know that you're going home to your dimension at the end of this year. What you're talking about is a lifetime of being enslaved..." "With you it wouldn't be horrible though?" Meg said quietly. She looked at her, and her look softened. "Meg, I appreciate that you even think of me highly enough to think of that. But I..." she paused. "I like you way too much to do that to you." Meg looked a bit heartbroken at that, but said. "Thanks I guess..." I managed to steer the conversation to other topics after a bit and Megan calmed down. Pretty soon it was about two hours before Meg's slightly later senior Little's curfew, so I packed her back up in the car seat in back and began the drive back to campus. I walked her back to Wenig to make sure she made it safely with a half-hour to spare on her curfew. "Thanks for taking me over there," she told me. "Sorry Megan's not interested," I told her. She sighed. "I know... you have to know that she's the best possible one out there, right?" I nodded. "Yeah, the very fact that she doesn't want you makes her even better in my book." "Let me know if you think of any better options?" I nodded. "I'll do what I can. I'd suggest Addy's little sister, but she's just starting her freshman year here now too." "I liked her that time I sat with you all at lunch." "Yeah, but she wouldn't qualify for that loophole since she's bound by the student code of conduct," I reminded her. She sighed. "I know... At least I still have all ten demerits remaining this year. Last year I'd already lost three by now." "Well, so you make sure you don't get any more, you better get moving inside." She nodded. "See you later Cameron, thanks!" I turned and walked back from her dorm heading towards my own. 'Poor Meg...' I thought. I didn't want to see her turn into another Beth. 'Beth...' I thought sadly. I'd seen her at Christmas the past couple of years, and even a couple of times this past summer since the monitoring from LPS had finally ended. Her dad had gone and gotten a clandestine treatment done in a nearby state to reverse the mobility impediment that very next week the monitoring was ended! They'd been careful though to make it seem like she could still only crawl when she was at daycare, or while they were out shopping. Only inside their house was Beth able to start at least living a little more normally. She now had the coordination to feed herself again... even if it was only soft pureed foods or formula with her missing teeth. He wanted to get dental implants for her, but she was clear with him that she worried there would be a random LPS visit. She didn't want to know what would happen if they saw her with teeth? She was still dependent on diapers, and daycare was pretty mind numbing she told me, but in the end, it beat the treatment I knew she would have had elsewhere. The same treatment that I feared Meg was going to end up stuck in as well. Just as I made it back to my room my phone rang, and I ended up chatting with Addy for a few minutes. Her parents had dragged her and her sister home for a weekend event with their company. Addy had floated the idea of my attendance, but been shot down 'unless you're going to do the right thing and put his butt in the diapers that are more appropriate...' I felt terrible that she was dealing with her parents like that just to keep dating me. Many times, I considered telling her it was time to break it off for her sake. The problem was that we were deeply in love with each other! After I hung up with her, I started on a case study I was doing for a management class I had decided to take. It involved industry research, and I'd chosen her parents company for my topic. The more I found out about them, the more I hated her parents. It was unbelievable to me how unsafe the products they tested were. The fact that they presented reports to the government that claimed they were safe and effective in almost every case made me furious. Due to their influence though, even in this paper, I had to make sure I kept my opinions out of the project. The last thing I wanted to deal with was a slander suit from her parents! *************************************************** Chapter 15: Christmas Shopping *************************************************** OUR FALL SEMESTER of college was swiftly drawing to a close this year. With it came the pain of never-ending applications to the law schools that still seemed intent on recruiting me, and a couple of visits across the country. There were a couple in the east that I was really focused on, including the highest ranked school out there, The Harlan Law School. I didn't want to move so far from home, but it seemed like it was inevitable because all of the most respected law schools in the country were far away! In total I had already finished up ten applications, and had two more that I was finishing for some back-up schools that had later admission deadlines. Ding! I saw a text from Meg. Could you take Stacy and I to go Christmas shopping? I looked at the clock and saw it was just before noon. We had two days to study before our exams began the following week, so I didn't have anything pressing I needed to do. Addy had been dragged to some event on the other side of the country again by her parents, so I was completely free of worrying about doing something with her. I was taking five classes this semester, and had qualified to exempt all but two of the exams... so I even had an extra two days before I would even have my exams. Umm... sure... I'm guessing I need to pick you up from Wenig, and her from her house? We're both at her house actually. Give me a half-hour and I'll be there, I told her. We didn't do it often, but we had gone shopping a few times as a trio. They both wore their uniforms and IDs while we were out to avoid anyone doing anything, but I was also tall enough to act as a legal babysitter for anyone who questioned things. I changed out of the pajamas I was still wearing, and into a pair of jeans and an Emerson sweatshirt that I liked. I took a couple quick minutes to pull the hair band off the back of my ponytail and ran a brush through my hair. Addy had convinced me to let it keep growing ever since I began dating her. It fell down to the middle of my back now, and generally made a nuisance of itself. Every time I threatened to cut it, she would take me to a place and give them specific instructions to only trim it... It was annoying, but she definitely blackmailed me to keep the hair with more time in the bedroom on the line. I looked in the mirror and knew that it looked more like I was a skinny girl than a twenty-one-year-old man... 'For some reason that turns Addy on though...' I smiled. Sighing, I finished grabbing my keys and headed out to my car. As soon as I pulled up to Stacy's house the gate opened, and Amanda came out with Stacy in her arms dressed in her uniform, and Meg matching her walking behind them. "You don't mind doing this?" She asked as she buckled Stacy into the car seat in the back. I shrugged. "I wasn't doing anything else," I told her. "I only have two finals I have to take, and they don't start until next Wednesday." "Stacy's nearly the same," she told me. "Meg still has five though, so I wouldn't recommend staying out all day." "We won't," Stacy said. "Be good for Cameron," she warned Stacy. I laughed. "We'll be back by dinner." As soon as I started the car moving, Meg and Stacy began talking with me about what they were looking for. "I want to find a good present for Amanda since this is my last Christmas with her," Stacy told me. "Why not go shopping with Megan?" "She's terrible at keeping secrets!" Stacy laughed. "Plus, I think she's supposed to be working today?" "Oh, yeah... easy to forget sometimes that she's like a for-real adult," I laughed. They laughed too. Meg had a few ideas of some presents she wanted to get for her mom and dad too, but like normal, neither of them wanted to go someplace like a mall by themselves. We made it to the mall and made a few stops at stores that they were interested in. Stacy found a really pretty set of earrings at the jewelry store that she wanted to buy. The salesman was really skeptical. "Little girl, these aren't pieces of play jewelry. They're seven-hundred dollars for the pair! Why don't you run along to the store down the way and you'll find something..." I spoke up then. "Her money isn't good enough? Seems like you'd appreciate the commission off of the earrings?" "We're not paid on commission," he tried to say. Another man came right then and said. "You're right, you're not paid by commission. Go clock out, I'll send your last paycheck this week." I watched an embarrassing argument then between the manager who was about eleven feet tall, with the salesman who was just over ten-feet tall. Eventually the manager said. "My apologies young lady, are you still interested?" "Maybe... any chance of some consideration for the boorish behavior we just had to witness?" Stacy asked. I felt a trickle of nerves for her, but he laughed. "How about five- hundred?" "Four-fifty?" Stacy suggested. "I suspect you still make a hundred dollars at that price?" His eyes narrowed. "Good guess... Okay, I can do that." I noticed an item right then that caught my eye. "May I see that please?" "Umm... certainly... that's for a big..." I smiled. "I know..." I took a close look at the piece of jewelry and ended up talking him down twenty-percent below the sale price. It knocked out all of the money I had set aside, but was worth it. "I hope she likes it!" Meg said to me as I carefully placed the box in my pants pocket to ensure its safety. "Me too!" I told her. I looked at Stacy though and said. "You are crazy..." She laughed. "Yep! I came to this dimension willingly, right?" Meg found some gifts for her mom and dad too before we decided lunch was in order. Stacy and I both chose a stir-fry place, while Meg decided on a place that had gyro sandwiches. We all met up at a table meant for Betweeners and sat down to eat. I watched a number of Bigs stare hungrily at our table. I tried to put their stares in the background though as we ate. "So, what else are you looking for?" I asked Stacy. "Not sure, I'd like to find something I can take back home next spring." "Isn't that against the law?" I asked her. She shrugged. "There's some leeway if it seems like it would be somewhat normal. Medical items like diapers seem to be allowed to take back too." "You really think they'll just let you go back?" I asked her curiously. She shook her head. "Nope! But I have a plan..." She didn't have any time to elaborate as Meg said. "Something wasn't right with that..." I looked down to the last few bytes of her gyro and noticed that the tzatziki didn't look quite the right color. I watched as Stacy looked at her wrist and tried to pull off a charm from her bracelet for some reason. "Here... swallow..." she was only able to get out two words before Meg curled in towards her stomach and I smelled something that no free little should be doing in a mall like this. "Let's get her to a bathroom," I told Stacy. "Walk calmly and we'll pretend I'm your babysitter... maybe we can get her out of this..." Meg meanwhile had some tears rolling down her face as we gathered her stuff and began walking to the other end of the food court where I knew there was a single-family restroom we could use safely. 'If we can just make it there...' The hungry looking Bigs did look a bit curiously at me as I held her hand like she was a child in my care. I was enough taller than her that would be a reasonable assumption. We were in the final hallway to the bathrooms when I felt her violently yanked from my grasp, and her shopping bags clattered to the ground! "What do we have here?" A tall woman who seemed to be trying to be as wide as she was tall picked Meg up. She pulled up the skirt of her uniform and said. "Uh-oh, seems like someone made an oopsie in her big girl pants. Guess she's not ready for them." "Put her down please, Ma'am," I told her. She looked at me and laughed. "Why?" "Because I'm watching her for a friend." "She's got a university uniform on, but where's her ID?" She asked with a smirk as she ripped it from her neck. Meg screamed in pain as the chain broke, and I watched it fly to a trashcan on the other side of the hallway like a perfect 3-pointer shot. "Guess I'm going to have to take care of her since she's not ready to do so herself!" "Ma'am, put her down," I said again. "And what are you going to do about it?" she said. "Tell the girl's actual mommy about the witch trying to take her little girl?" I gasped as I saw Stacy wrap herself behind Megan who had suddenly appeared. "Mommy!!!!" Meg screamed and tried to get loose to go to Megan. "Haha, good one, she's not adopted yet. She doesn't have her ID; I got her first!" A security guard came up right then and said. "What's going on here?" "This woman is kidnapping the little girl I was watching for her new mommy," I told him while pointing at Megan. "Do you have any proof of this?" He asked. "Ask her yourself," I said pointing to Meg. "She's my mommy, not this mean lady!" "Hmm... let's go to the security office. I'll get a police officer down to sort this out." "Fine, I'll be leaving with my new baby girl when the visit is done!" She said to Megan. "For now, how about I hold her?" The security guard said as Meg continued to cry and squirm violently for her 'mommy' to try and put a good show on. He grabbed her and said. "We'll get you with your right mommy here in a few minutes... Pee-ew, you are on stinky baby girl though!" Meg continued bawling and I just hoped we could make the case to the police officer that arrived. We were led to a back office and to my surprise a police officer was already there. "What's going on here?" He asked the security guard. "Looks like this little girl has a newly developed case of Maturosis? She's not adopted yet I don't think, and is wearing an Emerson University uniform." "I can see that, besides the poopie pants, what's the problem?" "Officer, if I may?" I got his attention. "You are?" "Cameron Sylvester sir, I was babysitting her while her new mommy went to go find her purse and a diaper in her car." "And she trusts you to watch her new Little?" He asked skeptically. I nodded. "So does her sister with her Little," I nodded to Stacy who was doing her best to blend into Megan's leg. "I'm twenty-one and a college student." "And I guess you're just tall enough to legally be allowed to be a babysitter..." He looked at the woman who was surprisingly quiet. "And just what's your part in this?" "I saw this one leading her to hide her poopie pull-up so she wouldn't be in trouble...'' She tried lying. "Clearly they're just all working together..." Meg was sitting more quietly in the security guards' arms then. The cop turned his attention to Meg. "What's your name?" "Meg..." she said shyly. "Well Meg, I'm sure you can see we have a bit of a disagreement here on what happened. I think we can solve this pretty easily though. Which of these ladies is your mommy?" Meg didn't hesitate in pointing at Megan. "That's my mommy." "Seems clear enough to me," he said to the woman. "Now you listen here!" "No, you need to calm down. I've already reviewed the footage and they found her ID that you ripped off. Obviously, she's going to need a mommy now, but it's not going to be you. Get out of here before I arrest you for kidnapping!" He told her. The woman backed away then and got out of there. "Well miss, let's get you to your mommy so she can change your stinky pants," he said as he passed her from the security guard to Megan. "You can change her here, but then I'm going to insist on following you to the adoption center." "But... you just said you saw her ID was stolen," Stacy said. "You're right, but she doesn't have it on her now, does she? And she also told me that's her mommy, so unless you want to send her to the city orphanage, I would recommend finishing what you started," he told Megan. She sighed. "Guess my plans for this afternoon are completely shot. She pulled her purse off her shoulder and asked. "Can I use this desk?" "Certainly!" he told her and said. "I'll wait for you outside." "Well, this went wrong..." Stacy said to me... "Or right..." I said quietly thinking about our conversation months ago. Megan pulled a disposable changing mat out of her purse, and a diaper that I assumed was for Bella, since it was way too big for Stacy. "Let's get you out of those poopy big girl panties!" She cooed. A couple of security officers were still in the room, so I assumed she was putting a show on for them. "Here, you can have a paci too while I do this," she pushed a pacifier into her mouth from somewhere. I watched her toss the pull-up into the trash can after she taped the new diaper onto Meg. She gathered her on her side, and said. "Okay you two, I guess it's time to go to the adoption center with this one... Stacy, do you want to go with me?" I grimaced, and she did as well. Stacy nodded. "Are you coming too Cameron?" I shrugged and looked at Meg when we were out in the hallway, the officer was standing there. "Where are you parked?" he asked. "By the food court entrance," she said, "on the south side." "I'll get my car and meet you over there. Please don't leave until I'm with you. Do you already have a car seat for her?" "Yes, I have two in the back," she told him. "Okay then, I'll see you again in a second." "You want me going with you?" I asked Meg. Meg shook her head, her face red, but at least the tears were drying. "No... I can do this with Megan." Megan added. "You're just close enough in height I'd be worried taking you in there. Stacy, you sure you don't want to go with Cameron? I'm not looking forward to this, and I can't imagine it's going to be pleasant..." Stacy shook her head. "I'm not leaving her alone... I'll go for moral support." "I guess like you said I'm close to her height... Should I go back to Stacy's and wait for you?" "Actually, why don't you just go ahead and go back to school. I'll get Stacy home, and she can call you when we're done. You can come over and check on Meg at my place tomorrow if you want?" she paused. "I guess I should say our place." She looked down at Meg. "I really didn't want to have a Little... but there was no way I would let anyone go to that witch..." Unfortunately for us, 'that witch' was standing at the entrance as we walked out. She pushed me away from Stacy, and tried to run off with her then. 'Try' being the correct word because somehow Stacy hit the woman hard enough that she dropped her and stumbled. I watched in disbelief as Stacy then somehow somersaulted directly to her feet. She kicked the lady's ankle out and then did something to her knee. Just from the angles, I could tell that the ankle was definitely broken, the knee dislocated, and I could see now that the nose was bloody. I was afraid things would continue to escalate, but the same police officer drove up with a partner then. "What's going on?" "She tried assaulting and kidnapping her," I said pointing to Stacy. "What happened to her though?" "She tripped when she tried running with me," Stacy said. "Jim, get her cuffed and in the back. We'll follow these four over to the adoption clinic and then take her to the hospital that's next door to get looked at before we book her." "I'm actually going back to my car right now," I told him. "Your car?" "I have a self-driving car license," I told him. "Oh, well... why don't you get inside her car and she'll drive you to your car, you can drive off once we see you in it. I don't want any more excitement happening today..." I nodded at that. At Megan's car she placed Meg and Stacy in the rear- facing car seats she had for Stacy and Bella to use. I hopped in the front passenger seat for the quick ride to the other side of the mall where I parked. "Call me later?" I told them as I got out. "We will as soon as we get done with the clinic," Stacy told me. "Good luck," I said to Meg. She smiled weakly at me, tears still going down her face as she seemed to have grown quickly accustomed to sucking on that pacifier. I got into my car and set it to drive to campus before calling Amanda and filling her in. "At least you all got out safely... Not sure how Megan's going to cope with being a mommy though... not to mention names are going to get even more confusing around here!" She paused. "I guess Mom and I will have to put together a Little shower for them too..." I soon pulled into my spot in the parking garage on campus and made my way to my dorm and began studying some more. All I could do was sigh, and hope that everything would work out in the end for them. *************************************************** Chapter 16: Devices *************************************************** THE NEXT DAY I got a message from Meg on her phone that she'd be changing her number, but Megan was letting her still have a phone to talk to her friends. I wanted to go see her, but Megan insisted on waiting a week while she was busy trying to make her apartment appropriately Little Proofed in case LPS decided to come check on the new adoption. The woman's assault had actually made it onto the local news that night, and it turned out she was a pretty prominent figure on the local school board. I decided she might unfortunately have had a reason to be concerned there! I spent the next few days worrying a little, but I honestly figured that was the best thing that could have happened for Meg... And when it came down to it, that's what she had wanted to have happen. Late Sunday night Addy made it back to town, and we went for dinner before going to her place for the night. "How was your trip?" I asked her. She shrugged but looked really upset. "If I wanted to be in my family's business, I guess it was good... I just really don't want to join in on any of it." "What do they want you to do?" "Well since I've had my awesome tutor that got me through all of my advanced chem and bio classes, Mom wants me to run their actual lab division." "Like all of the experiments?" I asked nervously. She nodded. "So, like you'd be involved in all of the trials...?" She sighed, but nodded. "Yeah, unfortunately." "What are you going to do?" "Stall... Grad school and getting my doctorate should let me push it off four to five more years..." "What then?" "Good question," she told me with a sigh. "It's too bad that they don't actually protect Littles." "Could you make that change?" I asked curiously. "If my Mom and Dad died... well I'd have thirty percent of the shares since Danica gets the other thirty percent. I guess if she voted along with me, we could make those changes, but otherwise the forty-percent owned by shareholders would have a bigger influence." "And for profit's sake..." "Profit's sake means continuing as they do now..." She sighed. "It sucks! How was your weekend? Do anything with Meg and Stacy?" Luckily, she didn't consider either of them to be competition to be jealous of, and in fact seemed more than okay with our friendships. "I did... I went to the mall with Stacy and Meg to do some Christmas shopping." "Find anything good?" "A few things," I said with a smile that turned dark. "Need to go back though, our trip was interrupted when someone spiked Meg's food..." "What happened?" I told her the story from beginning to end. "She is probably better off with her than anyone else. I didn't think she'd last long past graduation." I nodded at that, and we soon found ourselves occupying our time in the bedroom making up for the lost time of the weekend! MY FINALS WERE done on Friday, but I wasn't driving home until Sunday since no one would be home there anyway. My dad had gone out of town for a company trip, and wouldn't be back until then. Addy still had a final that day, so I decided to see if Megan minded if I came to check on Meg. "Hey Megan, this is Cameron." I said when she picked up the phone. "Hi Cameron, how'd your finals go?" "Should be good, I'll have to wait until probably tomorrow or Monday before grades are posted," I told her. "I'm staying in town an extra couple days still and wondered if maybe I could come see Meg?" "I'm sure she would love to see you," she told me. "If you want to come over now, you can join us for lunch before you go back?" "Sounds great!" I told her. With that I headed for my car and input Megan's address. I wasn't as worried for Meg as I was Beth, but I did want to make sure Megan hadn't gone off the deep end. Her apartment complex was on the other side of town from the university, but I still made it pretty quickly - even with my vehicle that insisted on always going the exact speed limit! I pulled into a parking space by the building that was hers, and made my way up the stairs to her second-floor apartment. I knocked and waited. A moment later I heard the deadbolt turn, and watched the handle open. "Hey Cameron!" Megan said. "Come on in!" It wasn't a huge apartment, but looked cozy enough. A baby swing sat in one corner, a walker behind the kitchen table, and a playpen sat as far out of the way on one side as they could get it in the combined living room. "Hey Cameron!" Meg said to me as she came up and gave me a hug. Breaking apart from her, I took in her appearance. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants that didn't look much different than she wore before - might have even been one of her old pairs - with a shirt tucked inside of them. There was obviously the bulge of a slightly wet diaper, and her hair was tied into two cute pigtails with large bows, but other than that she didn't look any different than she did the last time I saw her. "You doing okay?" I asked her. She nodded. "My mommy is the greatest one of all time!" Megan smacked her head. "I don't know what I was thinking! My sisters are the ones who are supposed to be called Mommy!" I laughed. "Sorry, but thank you for saving her." She smiled. "Well... honestly in the moment when I saw that woman rip her from your hand, I didn't see any choice at all! I guess I just have to get used to having a little rugrat running around here." "Everything went okay with the actual adoption?" I asked looking back and forth between both of them. "Mostly... Thank God that Stacy was able to warn me about what they would do to me back there..." "It was bad?" "Not for me, because I kept my mouth shut and made sure I didn't cry..." "You saw someone who didn't?" She nodded. "Lots of them... But I made it through and now I have a chip in my arm that says I belong to Megan now." "And she's not even given me any trouble!" Megan laughed. "Other than our names being too similar! I'm not letting her steal my name after all, so she's going to be known as Meggy now among our family." I smirked at that. "Well it's better than getting some sort of dog's name..." "I know... I've seen some of my friends do that..." Megan said. I spent the next couple of hours learning about the forced shopping trip with Amanda and their mom, who was now 'Grandma' to Meg. She'd also filled me in on a visit they'd had with her real parents, who seemed relieved that she at least had a good 'mommy' compared to all of the rest. From what I learned she was basically just wearing diapers all the time, sitting in high chairs and strollers, and sleeping in a crib... Other than that Megan was treating her like she was still the college friend that she was. Unfortunately, Emerson considered losing her ID to have been a violation of the student Code of Conduct, so her adoption had resulted in her dismissal from the university. Meg theoretically could transfer credits somewhere if she and Megan wanted to, but I think she'd just decided it was game over for her education at that point. "I was about to fail at least two of my classes anyway..." she admitted. They'd apparently managed to beat an epic video game the previous week together on team mode, since Megan was now on mandatory maternity leave for six weeks from her company. "So, you're just getting to laze around here and make Megan take care of you, huh?" I laughed while Megan was making lunch for us all. "Well... it also comes with the mandatory requirements too..." she told me. "Like?" "I have to use my diapers for everything..." "No potty for number two like Stacy, huh?" She shook her head. "No, just in case someone comes around... That part hasn't been fun honestly. I mean I've had a number of poopy pull- ups and diapers since I came to Emerson, but..." I nodded. "Not a pleasant feeling..." "How do you know?" Megan asked, reappearing. "Remember I just managed to get past the line. I was a Little to the school district all the way until the last few weeks of school my senior year. Thanks to some poisoning at my school, all of us - including some Bigs actually - ended up in diapers when I was thirteen... Dad wasn't a fan, and did his best to get me cleared out of whatever chemical someone had given us all as quickly as we could. There were quite a few poopy diapers until we got it under control," I blushed. "That sucks," Meg said. "None of that now," Megan said. "No potty-mouth babies here!" She giggled but I suspected she kind of meant it. "Sorry," Meg said. "What other requirements?" I asked a moment later when Megan went to check on the stove. "Well... I have to drink out of bottles - no sippy cups, and take a nap each day... and sleep in the crib." "Other than that?" "Other than that Mommy is even letting her still use her computer, her phone, watch TV, and see her friends and family!" Megan said as she came and picked her up. She tickled her side a bit as she plopped her into the highchair. I noticed that her diaper definitely squished as she did so. "Guess we need to change you as soon as we finish lunch, huh?" Megan told her. She nodded. Lunch was grilled cheese and soup, something I could easily be okay with. She let Meg feed herself with a spoon and the sandwich cut up an extra time beyond ours was. At the end she said. "Guess I should have put a bib on you?" I looked at Meg and sure enough there were a lot of stains from the soup, along with crumbs from the sandwich. "Oopsie," she smiled. "Well, I need to get this one changed and put in something clean for her nap." Megan said to me in what was a clear dismissal after we had finished eating. "Yeah, I need to get back to campus, I'm working on a gift for Addy..." She smiled. "Meggy mentioned what you bought her the other day." "I'd almost forgotten about it with everything else by the time I made it home!" "Good luck!" She told me. "Thanks!" I told her. I'd been going back and forth for the entire week on whether or not I wanted to do it... but in the face of seeing yet another friend lose their freedom... I'd decided you only live once! I was working for the chemistry department as a tutor and lab assistant this year, so I had a key to the freshman chemistry lab. That lab fortunately was closed down with no one using it since freshman chemistry lab finals were all paper based. I was able to get in there and began working on setting up some tubing in a large clear tank, and then inserted the chemicals into both parts of the setup. I prepared it to activate with a simple bump of the device, and left to get Addy for dinner. A couple hours later we went out to a nice restaurant near campus that we could walk to. I chose it because we would have to pass by the chem labs on our way back to my dorm, where she parked her car. She was smiling and happy that she'd finished her final exams that day, and we planned to spend the next day together. On the way back from dinner I said. "I forgot something in the lab yesterday, mind if I stop by really quick?" She gave me an odd look, but said. "Sure." Since she had no need for a job, she didn't do anything extra for the department like I did. Because of that she didn't normally go into the buildings outside of her classes and lab times. Fortunately, my key worked twenty-four hours a day - even with it being nine o'clock at night with all exams finished. The building was truly like a ghost town as we walked the halls and went up the stairs to the freshman chemistry lab where we had first introduced ourselves to each other. "Hard to believe this is where it began," she said as I opened the door. "Let me get the light... it's on the other side of here for some reason," I said and intentionally bumped my device. All of the sudden the inside of the tank lit up with the glow of a chemical reaction from inside the tubing I had carefully formed into words. I heard her gasp as she saw it, and turned around to open up the box in my hand. "Addison Elizabeth Harris, you are the love of my life. I knew from the day I met you four years ago I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you... Will you marry me?" My whole body and soul looked into her eyes and waited for her response. ******************************************************** Thanks for reading!!!! Please leave me a comment in the reviews to let me know you've read this, and what you thought! Thank you to those of you who have done so thus far!

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Between Friends

“Shonda, I have a huge favor to ask you.” My ears perked up with interest. Simone was my girl. You know, the one you planned mischief with since you were seven. The one who you giggled with as a teen and had so much dirt on you she could bury you in a heartbeat but you knew she would go to the grave with your deepest secrets. I couldn’t understand why she was being so formal. “Puh-lease girl, you know you just have to say what you want. None of this ‘favor’ bullshit. You need a kidney or...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Between The Lens 8211 The Erotica

Dear Readers. Thanks for stepping into my story. Well, to start with, this may not be classified as a sex story like the ones you see on this website. It’s more of an erotica. Everything revolves around sex, but there’s never any long explanation of how it is happening between the protagonists. Infact, the narration just skips that entirely. No oohs and aaahs at all. So, while the story is really long, please head in with the expectation that this is more of an erotica than sex story. Brickbats...

2 years ago
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Between Mister Joachins legs Part II

That day was unique, I would never forget how an 9 year old boy touched, caressed and tasted the veiny, big and fat cock of a 35-year-old man.I did not go again to my friends' house until three days later, since I was a little afraid that Mister Joachin might say something about what happened, I did not know what he was going to tell me, he would scold me, he would tell my parents; I didn't know what was going to happen.On the third day I came back. I remember it was Saturday and that meant...

2 years ago
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Between Cold and Spicy What a Ride edit Chapter One

"Prove it," I let a hint of my lascivious thoughts escape through my smile, and I felt in my bones (and in my subsequent boner), Jelly would appreciate it instead of it being a problem. And I was right. "Prove how?" she smiled, looking suspicious, one of her expressive and naturally bright red-colored eyebrows up. The proof was right there, on top of her eyes. I realized but obviously wouldn't say it. Unless she dyed it too. "I don't know. You might have a way to prove it. Some girls...

3 years ago
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Between UsChapter 2

The following Years ~Regina~ She was feeling him. His erection was throbbing in her hand as she slowly stroked his cock back and forth, back and forth. His eyes said it all. He wanted her again and she felt the same way. She wanted to feel him inside of her. Even after three years, she craved him. He was almost like an addiction. She kissed him again. Hard. His tongue pressed against hers and his strong arms wrapped around her naked body. Her breasts pressed against his hot skin. "I want...

3 years ago
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Between The Lines

The email came out of the blue. We hadn't spoken or sent messages or emailed or acknowledged each other's existence in over fifteen years. My ex had obviously thought there was a need to let me know she had been diagnosed with the big ‘C’.I guess I felt sorry for her and so I responded. We entered, into what turned out to be, a fun and exciting email exchange in which I told her I was happily married and she told me all about her evenings at a certain pub where she still met locals for sex. ...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Part 2

The sound of footsteps on the promenade approaching the shelter somehow accelerated the atmosphere within. I turned the page of my textbook and the man quickly turned his head towards the sea.A couple on their late summer's break at the fading resort slowly sauntered past. I took the opportunity to take a break from my reading, I swung round and placed my feet on the ground. I stood up and stretched my body with my arms up in a arc whilst looking out to sea. I tidied my long bob of light...

1 year ago
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Between Friends

Chapter 1 Our next door neighbors, Dawn and Jeremy, were friends of our parents and also friends of my brother and me. They were younger than our parents and older than we were, like half way between. I was thirteen, my brother, Hank, sixteen, Dawn was twenty-three and Jeremy twenty-six. So, we were basically all friends including my parents. Hank and I would often spend the night at Dawn and Jeremy's and play games or rent movies, eat pizza and make popcorn, mostly fun stuff and we all got...

4 years ago
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Between father amd son at the pool

It is a hot august day and my eight-year-old son is splashing in the swimming pool as I doze off sunbathing in my running shorts, my chest and face exposed to the sun's rays to improve my tan. The sun warms my blood and gives me that familiar itch between my legs. I rub my hand against the smooth fabric covering my burgeoning cock. Three things happen: my breath gets shorter, the edge of my shorts rides up my thigh uncovering the head of my penis, and my young innocent eight-year-old son...

1 year ago
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Between Fae and Foe Ch 02

‘I was young, impetuous and headstrong, much as you are my darling. Only I grew up in circumstances far different from yours. Mortal I was but I belonged to a line of powerful women and men, that had the power to act as seers and vessels between worlds. And this meant that I grew up with a strong sense of responsibility, identifying and keeping all those parts of those worlds that could collide distinct and separate from each other. I had vision beyond what my ancestors had seen and yet, when...

3 years ago
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Between Lovers Part 1 A Couples Erotic Story

Jessica is the normal girl next door. The good sweet girl. All then neighbors know her and adore her. She is kind, caring, smart and beautiful. She the kind of girl who would do anything for anyone. She is the an angel among man. All her life she has been in love with him, the boy next door. Alex was much older then Jessica, by 10 years in fact. He was always protective of her. When she was bullied, he was the hero. When she is sad, he is her clown. Jessica wanted Alex to be her first for many...

1 year ago
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Between Lovers Part 1 A Couples Erotic Story

Jessica is the normal girl next door. The good sweet girl. All then neighbors know her and adore her. She is kind, caring, smart and beautiful. She the kind of girl who would do anything for anyone. She is the an angel among man. All her life she has been in love with him, the boy next door. Alex was much older then Jessica, by 10 years in fact. He was always protective of her. When she was bullied, he was the hero. When she is sad, he is her clown. Jessica wanted Alex to be her first for many...

4 years ago
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Between a Mother and a Son

John Donato got out of the cab and looked at the simple house that he had called home for all of his 18 years until going off to college last fall. The house looked smaller, in fact the whole neighborhood looked smaller than it had a few months ago.That was a product of spending time in Denver and then coming home to little old Troy, New York, a old industrial town no match for a major city in any way except in his heart. John had gone to school out there, because of a scholarship he won, but...

1 year ago
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Between WorldsChapter 3 A Womans Misplaced Revenge

Cleveland, Ohio Lake Front Marina, Monday early afternoon "Amanda, except for taking Jane from me, God has been good to me. When I sold my half of the company, I gained a significant amount of money and I had good lawyers. "One of the things I did to get out of taxes is to set up a foundation that my daughters are administrating. It is a sort of "Habitat for Humanity." We provide financial training to people in trouble, and help them get into good housing. After they get into a safe...

1 year ago
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Between Holes

It was a gorgeous sunny day for a walk, so Julie and I decided to set off on a regular route along the main road, through the golf course, and back home via the canal. Weather permitting, we do quite a lot of walking, covering between twelve and fifteen miles on an average outing. We do it mainly for fitness but sometimes we indulge in open-air fun. Today, Julie was in a naughty mindset from the get-go, something I gathered from her outfit: a white, spaghetti strap top and a denim miniskirt.The...

1 year ago
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Between Fae and Foe Ch 08

I’m so sorry for the delay and so grateful for all the support that the readers have continued to extend to me. No excuses except a major Writer’s block initiated because of exams. Hopefully, the next installment will not take so long. Please continue reading and supporting my work through your votes and feedback. Jaded! -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8- ‘Ada’an…. Ada’an…’ Ada’an struggled to shake off the darkness that was clouding his senses, opening his lids with great effort as if they were leaden...

2 years ago
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Between Fae and Foe Ch 04

Contradictions! The air, the room and the people in its warmth were surrounded by them. The room was quiet, the stillness belying the chaos that had been wrought by its inhabitants during the night. The sun struggled to peek through the early morning fog, the chill wrapping around the figure that except for a slight tightening of her arms crossed over her chest stood still and silent by the window. ‘How am I supposed to deal with this? I can’t let this take me this way. How can something...

1 year ago
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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea Memories

"I'm legal! I'm legal!"Celia Ward's uniform pinafore pleats below her hips swirled as she danced backwards down the austere corridor, the brick walls painted in dull battleship grey and the sombre dark lino floor lit feebly from the lights overhead. Our accompanying celebratory laughter suddenly died."At last, I'm L...."Celia looked at our change in expression and swung round. At the end of the corridor at the entrance to her study stood Miss Hardcastle. With a sour look and a too-short,...

2 years ago
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Between My Son's Legsbypokenose©I noticed that Tommy, my 18-year-old son, seemed to be spending an awful lot of time in his room lately. I wondered if something was wrong, or if he and his girlfriend had a fight that made him seem so depressed. He hadn't been out of his room all day, except to have breakfast and then, briefly, when I told him that lunch was ready. I decided that it was time for me to take some action, and that the two of us had to have a talk. I had no idea what it was that we...

2 years ago
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Between Tanu And Taru

My studies completed and got a lucrative job.Soon after married a beautiful girl tanu who was also in service in a mnc with good salary and responsibility. Tanu was very systematic,punchual and workaholic.She is more concerned about her work then family.She carries the view that since both are in job, all house hold responsibility to be equally rendered without any dispute. Amazingly, during the period we are in sex she remains intimate..Co-operative but wants condom as mandatory. She is of the...

4 years ago
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Between The Soul And Soft Machine

The following story contains some mildly harsh language. It is otherwise wholly lacking in sexual situations, sadomasochistic bimbo-ism, theft of giant spaceship components, general delinquency, oral sex obsessed ex-presidents with linguistic issues, or old-fashioned rock 'n roll. Those bothered by the former or searching for any of the latter are advised to move on to the next story - these aren't the 'droids you're looking for. This story also contains one of my Patent...

4 years ago
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Between Two Cute Red Lips

I had just had a magical evening with my new lover, Zach. We went to this amazing diner downtown and had probably the greatest conversation I've ever had. I could just melt in those strong yet gentle arms, those deep brown eyes, that soft brown hair. His top shirt button was undone, so I could see a glimpse of dark chest hair, and I almost melted inside. After dinner, we went down to the beach just a few minutes out of town, and walked hand in hand down the shore line. We stayed a bit back from...

Oral Sex

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