Strong Again Ch. 5 free porn video

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A look at just the building showed that Greely was obviously scared. Though John thought, was it of him or perhaps something else? Well john thought, we'd have to see. Though it didn't really matter, the bastard was dead one way or another.

John started to count the men that were on the roof alone. Twenty was a little extreme, John then started to get a count around the house, on the grounds, then the outer buildings.

John could only shake his head; Greely was obviously terrified to have as many men as he had. The rest of the day John and his wife moved slowly around the perimeter of the house.

John could only nod more when he saw that not only were there a lot of men, the place was well fortified.

Hmmm John thought, perhaps he ought to send a little message? A small lit up John's face as he nodded. Yes, just a little message.

He turned to Gosnih, explaining just what he was going to do. She nodded as they both bedded down to wait or nightfall.

A few hours later John arose after saying prayers for and against all that he would face tonight. A nod to Gosnih he then turned seeming to vanish from sight. Gosnih blinked then a smile crept across her features, they were all dead if her husband wished it.

The first two he came to were dead even before they hit the ground. The next two at the front door went just as fast. Inside three in the hallway died just as fast, then two more at the other end of the hallway.

John stopped when he heard the voice of Greely. A peek in the room showed that the man was not alone. The Indian warrior was there with him.

"Tanaka turned slightly to the door when he felt the white man who, felt more like a warrior of the people. A look at Greely, Tanaka could see that the man had no idea just how close to death he was. The only thing that was probably stopping the man, was the other six that were in the room also.

"It seems that we have a very fast, very talented man here in town. The fact that he was far faster than that damn gunfighter, makes me want to hire him. I want the seven of you to ride out to where he is scouting, convince him to join us. One way or another, with us or dead." Greely told all of them.

One of the men stood, "Ya need to watch this one. 'es a lot faster than you think. Got the eyes of a killer, more than most I have seen."

"Shit boss, we don't get ta carve him a bit? Hell, were's da fun in talkin'? I say we 'ave a little fun, then bring em to you. That way, ya can make him join." The big man next to the second said.

"As much as that appeals to me, no, I want him in one piece. Been having a bad feeling lately, don't want it to bite us in the ass." Greely almost growled out making the six white men back up a bit.

A slight smile came to Tanaka's lips. So, the big white man wasn't as stupid as he first thought. Here he thought with all the men he had he was safe. The fact that the white man was at the door was a testament to just how deadly the man was.

There was a knock at the door, one of the men went to answer it, gasping when one of the guards fell through the door way. "Damnit boss he's dead."

Greely's eyes went large as he started to issue orders to double up on the patrols. Also, to increase the number of men within the manner.

Tanaka moved to the body placing a hand on it. "Not dead long, short time." Tanka looked around. "This is strange I do not feel him. It seems almost as if one of my people have done this. I would see signs of them though, this is troublesome. Do you wish me to send word to my people?"

Greely stared angerly at Tanaka, he knew that if Tanaka's people were here, he would be dead in no time. "No, I want you to hunt and find this son of a bitch. Bring me his head, scalp, whatever just kill him!"

Tanaka turned to head out onto the land around the manner. A stop at the front door had him turning all the way across the front. A nod of his head he slipped out into the darkness.

Several of the men that were standing next to him, gasp as Tanaka almost seemed to just vanish. Greely nodded, who ever had killed the seven men in and near the house, were as good as dead.

With a turn Greely started to turn when there was a shout. Another two bodies were discovered a few hundred yards from the front door. Shit Greely thought, that was nine men that he really had no way of replacing at the moment.

Greely turned to go in shaking his head, as long as he had the Indian's wife and child, he was protected. He just hoped that the Indian didn't find them, before he killed him.

A look at the report on his desk showed that the gold from the mine was still heavy. Damnit! He had more than a few hundred thousand dollars now, though he still felt that he didn't have enough. At least with the loss of the nine he could put even more away.

A heavy sigh escaped his throat, this was starting to cost him in lives. Lives that at the moment he really couldn't afford to lose, even if it meant more to his coffers. He just hoped that, the big buck of an Indian could resolve this problem. A problem that could blow up in all their faces.

John rapidly crossed the front of the manner. He was reunited with Gosnih only a few minutes later, he signaled for the both of them to move. Immediately, he heard the shrill whistle of an alarm as the bodies of the men in the house were discovered.

John and his wife moved a significant distance back, it was a few minutes later that John felt a presence. Tanaka appeared a few moments later. John signed for him to sit.

"We will start the search for your mate and son, when we leave. Most of the area we have covered they are not in, I have an idea though, where they may be." John said in tones that, to others would seem as if the wind whispering pass their ears.

"If you can free them, we will be brothers forever. I wish you all the help of the great spirit to help you accomplish your quest." Tanaka said.

Tanaka watched, then John nodded then he and his wife seemed to suddenly fade. With a satisfied nod, Tanaka turned then vanished.

John and Gosnih were moving at a great speed as they withdrew from where Greely's manor was. There were only two areas that they hadn't checked yet. John felt fairly sure that they were in one of the two places.

They stopped half way to the first area to make camp. John was sitting in the top of the tree, when a thought hit him. There was a possibility that they were hidden within the town. The simple fact though that there wasn't any thing that seemed different within the town had John doubting.

Early the next day, the both of them arose heading for a small group of shanty cabins John had seen. Hell, they weren't really cabins, more like walls and a roof held together with spit and wire.

No, John felt they had to be elsewhere, they'd know within the next few days.

Within a few hours they were drawing closer to the shanty buildings. The only problem was, the closer they got the more uneasy John started to feel.

He was pretty sure that there were people there, the thing was something didn't feel fight about the whole situation.

Finally, he and Gosnih were within sight of them. John suddenly stopped their horses, seeing the sights of several old campfires. Alighting, John signaled for Gosnih to remain hidden while he moved further in.

John hadn't even gone a hundred yards when he started to hear the voices. Listening, his face twisted into an intense look of hate. In a clearing a few feet ahead, John came upon the scene of several men that were torturing a man.

John's hand turned white knuckled, as he gripped both of his revolvers. A move to a better protected spot, had John drawing both of his revolvers.

He then started to fire as rapidly as he could. Ten men were down before the others started to really react.

"I suggest if the rest wish ta live, ya ease them pistols to the ground." John growled.

One growled turning toward John's location, the report of a rifle blowing the gun out of the man's hand, stopped all those left.

A look across the clearing, John could see Gosnih swiftly changing position. Shaking his head John swore to his self, that woman was going to be the death of him one day.

John slowly entered the clearing, kicking guns and rifles away from the men. There were at least nine other men that had their arms raised. Many glared at John at least 'til they hear the cocking of a rifle.

As fast as he could John had all the men with their hands tied behind them. John signaled to Gosnih that they needed to move as he had seen the spore of more men around the area.

John then turned to the barely breathing man. Another look of intense hatred crossed John's face, as he doctored what he could, to stop the man's bleeding.

John turned back to all the men, "I wasn't going to kill ya, now? I got no problem with it." John had loaded his pistols after tying the men. Without remorse John went down the line shooting each man.

Only a few moments later the tortured man's eyes snapped open, looking at John with pain and defiance.

"I'm not associated with hose animals, name's John, John Strongburg, Texas Ranger." John told the barely conscious man.

The man's eyes were darting everywhere before he spoke. "Bullshit, even if'n ya had a badge, not much change I'd believe ya."

John shook his head in agreement, "your right, not sure I'd believe me either. Any chance I can take you to your place?"

"Reckon ya could though not much chance of ya getting there alive. Got at least twenty-five guns there, even with me, can't see ya getting through. The man said, barely above a whisper.

A movement to his right showed Gosnih motioning to him. "Hate to do this, we got company." John said as he lifted the man. They quickly retreated in the forest.

John laid a hand on Gosnih then pointed up. She got his meaning as she started to climb the tree in front of her. John soon followed moving as slowly as he could.

Thankfully the man had passed out, less than five minutes later they heard a large group of men where they had been. "What in the hell!? Twenty damn men and they couldn't stop this? Don't see a whole passel of tracks, plus that bastard miner is gone. Thought sure by now they'd a'killed 'em. Search the area the bastard couldn't 'ave gotten far."

At first John thought of taking each man as they moved passed where they were. Then decided against it, there were too many men here to tempt fate.

Less than a hour later those searching started to return. Each group had the same report, not a damn sign of them.

"Give me a break, they're not ghosts or birds they..." The obvious leader said.

John looked to Gosnih signaling her to start moving away, he quickly followed after her.

John heard the leader talking quietly to the others before he was several trees away.

A good twenty minutes later they were quite a distance away. Both had heard random gun shots much further behind them, the men following shooting at what they thought were people.

John could only shake his head at their stupidity, though thinking about it, maybe they weren't. He could have left several deadly traps.

They were far enough away that John thought that they were safe for now. Making the man from the shanty cabins as comfortable as they could John was somewhat hopeful for the man's recovery.

It was nearing sunset when the man awoke again, "still huh?" The man said in a near whisper. "Why you helping mister? Never seen ya before, why you here doing this?"

"I'm after the head of all this, name's Greely." John slightly growled.

"Must'a been a powerful slight he done ya, fer ya to come here after him." The man said a little stronger after Gosnih gave him a cup of water. "Much obliged mam." The man said, causing Gosnih to stare at the man.

John was nodding his head, while the man was drinking. "You might say it was," John said pulling the kerchief away from his throat. "The son of a bitch tried to hang me, his mistake?" Here Jon's face turned to one of extreme anger, "he didn't kill me."

The shanty man gasped a moment then nodded in agreement. "I take it ya referring to that fat pig of a man. Yeah, we all know of him. Appeared little over a year ago. wanted to buy out claims real cheap, we'd already discovered gold. Hell, wouldn't have sold if'n we hadn't, been here way too long to give up now, this is home."

John was nodding, he remembered when he was like that. Then that ass Greely, had ripped all that away.

"We're going in tonight, let them know you are alive, having to heal up a bit, though alive." John let the man know.

The man started to shake his head then stopped. He'd seen the indian woman that was with John, the others were good though, he didn't think they were that good. "You injin? Like her?" The man asked.

"No," John said, "raised quite a few years with three different tribes. In here," John pointed to his heart, "I am much more indian, than I am white. On the outside, I am as white as most of you are."

The man was nodding his head. "Yeah, you might get in, got to warn yas though. Got a injin warrior and his squaw squatting with us. He's the only one I can see, feeling you comin'."

John looked back at Gosnih when she motioned that it was dark. John nodded, then turned back to the man, "gonna leave ya hidden, with food and water. Be back as soon as we can. What's your name so they know it is you?"

"Tell em Arty is still kickin', real name's Arthur though I hate it." Art said then gasp a bit Jon helped to man to hide, then John and Gosnih took two steps then seemed to vanish.

John made his way quickly toward the group of shanty buildings Gosnih, not far behind. They passed several of the men who were alert though, had no idea that. they had missed their prey.

John had almost reached the farthest building out when he heard a rifle cock. "I know not what tribe you are from, you sound like a herd of buffalo approaching."

John smiled, "one has to let the warriors know, one is coming, to be called friend."

John could almost feel the man behind him relax. "That remains to be seen, whether you are friend or foe. Tell me, what are you called he who moves like the people."

John relaxed as he slowly turned around. "I once was called, he with many homes. Later I was called quiet white snake."

The brave chuckled a moment, "all snakes are quiet."

John also chuckled a moment, "I believe it was chief's joke. For a long time, I was as you said as loud as a herd of buffalo."

"So, what name do I call you, as a brother?" The brave asked.

"My true name is quick light." John said nonchalantly.

There was a gasp, then the brave moved forward. "For much time, the tribe thought you killed. Many say that you were trampled on a buffalo hunt. The brave pulled John to him in a brother like hug. "I knew you were far too skilled to have died in such a way."

John sighed, then a huge smile came to on his face. "Ah, True Heart, long have I missed you. As for being trampled, that may be true, though, nearly happened. I was nearly, trampled. Many of the blue soldiers found me, stumbling no memory. It was several years before I got almost all of it back. By then too much time had passed, for me to return."

"Quick light, you could have returned at any time. You didn't know, just how missed you were. We searched for many moons; it was as if Wanka Tanka had scooped you up. We must smoke the pipe, tell each other of what has happened." True heart said.

"Perhaps some time later, I found a man who was from here, I..." John started.

True Heart whirled throwing his knife at a tree behind them. "Come out," he growled.

A moment later a female with indian features walked out of the forest her bow drawn an arrow notched.

"Gosnih, it is ok, he is of my tribe." John said. When she only looked at him with a confused look, John nodded, A small smile came to her lips as she lowered her bow.

"So, your mate is as fierce as you are. I would expect no less from you brother. As I remember, many females had their eyes on you, though you looked at none of them. I would say that you are indeed stronger with such a mate." True Heart said.

"We are here to bring word of one who was caught in the forest." John said.

True Heart nodded then quickly took John and Gosnih to the nearest cabin. Upon opening the door, the sound of more than a few rifle and pistol hammers could be heard being cocked.

True Heart stood in front of the two, "do not shoot, this is my brother he of many homes, his mate Gosnih."

At least twenty pairs of eyes looked from True Heart to John and Gosnih then back. "You know them?" The leader of those there asked.

"For many years, he was the one I told you about that disappeared. The tribe had thought him dead, then moments ago I was surprised to see him alive. It is indeed a good day." True heart said.

The leader looked at True Heart then his eyes narrowed as he stared at John. "Well, you I can believe I know you, him," here he indicated John, "I do not."

The rest of the men turned toward John, looks of suspicion on their faces. "Yeah stranger, he's right, he might know you he ain't seen ya in a long time. Why in the hell should we trust you." Another man said.

"As I told a man I saved from those men torturing," here all the men growled. "Not to worry all of them no longer are alive." Here each man nodded their head. "The man Art, told me to tell you, Arty is still kickin', real name's Arthur though he hates it."

"Yeah, sounds like him. So why you helpin' us, we're nothin' to ya." The leader said.

John pulled the kerchief from his neck revealing the rope burns around his neck. All the men in the room gasp. "Cause, the bastard that is running this, tried to kill me, I aim to see that, he can't do it again. As I told Art, Greely made one mistake he didn't kill me."

All the men in the room nodded their heads in agreement. "In that case you got allies here, especially if'n you decreased the amount we are having to fight." The leader said.


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Little Sis Caught by my big sister wearing her panties again

Author's note: Lil sis: 'Caught by my big sister wearing her panties again' is not part two of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis' that I have planed. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is...

2 years ago
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Granny Caught Smoking Pot Again

Vera was smiling as she walked along the promenade. It was sunny and warm and she wore her favourite very pretty bikini, not minding at all that her sagging full breasts pushed the bikini bra down and showed off her deep cleavage, and her tummy ever so slightly bulged over her bikini briefs. She was sixty-five-years-old and felt confident with her body, enhanced by her creased skin, bat wings, fleshy thighs, and her grey hair that reached her shoulders. She felt sexy, though, and knew she was...

4 years ago
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She came sneaking in the house around midnight. She was tiptoeing to the stairs.She knew she was supposed to be home two hours ago.Surely daddy would be sleeping now and she could get in bed before he knew she did not make it home by curfew.She put her foot on the bottom stair and then she heard him.Little girl, where in the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is.The breath she had been holding trying to make it upstairs, slowly came out with a long sigh.She knew she was in trouble...

3 years ago
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Never Hiding In Hose Again

NEVER HIDING IN HOSE AGAIN By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: Belladonna's "Hiding in Hose" (mother seizes corporate control from her son and transforms him into her maid): perhaps it's a dark tale rife with unfairness; alternatively, perhaps it's a moral tale of just desserts. This is my (unauthorized) tribute, Fanfiction, to one of the best FM authors. It is set 15 years after Belladonna's...

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Caught Her Cheating Again

To give a bit of background, Troy, our neighbour, had now just turned 23 a few days ago, my wife is now 45. He’s cocky for his age and rightly so. He’s tall and muscular, works out daily, is a fireman and has a cock that is over 8” long and extremely girthy with a head the size of a plum and he’d managed to seduce the hottest MILF in the area, my wife Erin. She’s extremely sexy, at 5’8” and 130 lbs with nice C-cup breasts and a tight ass and waist, once red hair and the sexual attitude and...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 50 See You Again

The John Labatt Center, London, Ontario 11:59pm, Friday, January 4, 1980 My future appeared and my beautiful twenty-three-year-old fiancée, who looked to be six or seven months pregnant was beckoning me. I stood seemingly paralyzed as Kaleigh Plyer opened her arms up towards me on the video screens and softly said “C’mon Mike. It’s finally time for me to see you again.” Immediately, the five Energists clapped their hands together, and a powerful ‘time-stop’ bubble was generated within the...

2 years ago
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Jamal Gets Susan Again

The pool area was deserted so we decided to lay out in the sun for a while. After a few minuts my husband got up and went towards the bar. He was gone for about fifteen minuts so I glanced around for him when I saw Jamal walking towards me. I said,"Hello Jamal"He looked at me with a wicked grin and said,"Dam baby you look hot! Let me take you into the pool to cool off."I smiled and said,"OK"As soon as I got up I saw my husband carrying a tray with three drinks so I knew he and Jamal had already...

5 years ago
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Disciplined at Work Again

David walked in to the office still feeling sore from his caning the day before. Susan had had control of him for just four days but had found three separate occasions to spank him, and the caning yesterday was the worst so far. He had to tell himself the worst so far as Susan made it clear she will step up the severity of punishment if his behaviour didn’t improve. David got to the office at 8 O’clock which is well before anyone else arrived to try to settle himself down before he had to face...

4 years ago
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Sexy Night Again

Honey, It was nice to chat more with Jerry. He is a nice man. He is very picky man which challenged me. He told me that he is very careful in choosing a woman. I was flattered to know that he likes me and my body. I had some insecurities about my body as my breasts were not firm as before. I always doubted about myself if he really liked my body as I had given birth already. Woman's body change once she gave birth specially the boobs. I also worried about the scar on my belly. But he say I...

4 years ago
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Humiliation At The Care Home Yet Again

Dale and Mary had been in the care home for a year now and felt relaxed and settled in. They were sitting in the small lounge at the care home, watching TV, and didn’t pay much attention when Governess Carson came in, accompanied by another young woman. They had to pay more attention when Governess Carson went and switched off the TV, turned and looked at the several grannies in the lounge, and commanded, “Can I have your attention, please?”Everybody knew that Governess Carson was the law in...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 5 Start Again

-- SUNDAY, JULY 8, 2007 -- “Oooh...” “Ungh...” “Harder...” “Oh, right there! Right there!” “Yesss...” “Harder! Deeper!” “You’re so good ... So good...” Chuckling, I released some of my right thumb’s pressure digging into the knot on Adrienne’s back. Moving the heel of my hand into its place, I resumed the circular massage motions I’d been using earlier while focusing on the flesh beneath my palms in search of another knot to unravel. My blonde, buxom, bodacious beauty of a supermodel...

2 years ago
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Mommy i dont want to try out for the baseball team again

Mommy I don't want to try out for baseball again!!! By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly, Kellie 9-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old sister Mommy 42-years-old looks 21-years-old Grandmother 77-years-old acts like 100-years-old "Mom I don't want to go try out for baseball again! Every year you make me try out, and every year I don't make the team. I am always told the same thing, I am too small or too slow." I stamp my foot on the floor....

2 years ago
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On The Road Again

After an early morning meeting in a small town office building, I gathered my notes and headed back to my hotel where I quickly and efficiently packed up my belongings and checked out. The man at the service desk was very pleasant and I thanked him for his good service then headed for the car.After checking my GPS I headed out onto the open road that would lead me back to home. It had been a long week and I couldn't wait to get to my regular comforts. I kicked on the radio, set the cruise...

Quickie Sex
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Betty Spanked Again

“David, go to the bathroom and get the cream. Change in to your pyjamas as well. I need to talk to your Mother.” David could tell how annoyed I was and walked off. I quickly threw my clothes back on, knocked and immediately opened the bedroom door and switched the light on. There was a gasp and it took a few seconds for the buzzing to stop. “I said straight to sleep Betty didn’t I?” I snapped. I could see the anxiety in Betty’s eyes as I stood over the bed. “Give it to me” I demanded. Slowly...

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Tricked Again

First of all, I want to tell you that I hated Halloween!  I hated it when I was younger, and I still did at the time all of this took place.  It wasn't always that way, but one year, when I was twelve, some badass teenagers beat me up and took the bag of goodies I had gathered after several hours of going from door to door in my neighborhood.I can still remember the biggest of the teens yelling at me as I lay on someone's lawn, "Trick or treat, aye kid?  This year you get TRICK!"It was the...

First Time
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Alice Is Spanked Again

The holiday was going by all too quickly for Alice, although she had already agreed to meet up with Melanie when they got home as they didn’t live very far from each other.Melanie had retained her very strict and quick to discipline attitude towards Alice who, at fifty-eight-years-old, loved submitting to eighteen-year-old Melanie. What was better, for Alice, was to find out that she wasn’t the only granny figure to be disciplined by a teenager at the camp. Although Alice hadn’t realised when...

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BEING NAUGHTY AGAINA MOTHER DAUGHTER CONNECTION Hi again, it’s Christy and I’m sitting here once again thinking all sorts naughty thoughts. As you all ready know the main focus of most of my stories has always been my sexual relationship with my father; needless to say that it has been the center of my life for many years and the most gratifying as well. I started having sex with my dad right after I returned home from collage. I was in my early twenties and my parents had just spilt up; at the...

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Chapter 9 Enslaved Again

The Slave Returns: MartaI was – once again – astonished by this man while he sobbed in my arms. I held him tightly, kept him deep inside me with my legs around his back, and smoothed his hair, whispering soothing words, and kissing him.This poor man. He was, by any account, extraordinary, and had overcome enormous obstacles to become the man he had. Yet, along the way, no one had ever loved him, or cared if he healed.I didn’t know if I was capable of loving him, or anyone, but if I could...

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Monica More Than A Cleaner Again

Jeff was getting increasingly concerned that his friend, Dave, was still in the house, as Monica was due to arrive in just a few minutes. Dave was also forty-eight-years-old.Jeff realised that it was probably his own fault as he had described how Monica always wore skimpy clothes which were usually a vest top with their midriff, and a very short very tight cotton skirt, all of which showed off her well-toned arms and legs and flat tummy. She was also well developed and the vest top tended to...

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Anu ChachiAunt Sleeps in My Room Again

I woke up next morning around 8 AM. I looked towards my left tose whther Anu chachi is there but saw only Rinku who was still deep sleep. Anu chachi had already left. She usually wakes up around 6 AM every morning just like my mother as they had a lot of morning chores to take care of. I sat in my bed and the last night visions came back to me. Again and again I could see Anu chachi lying in my bed with her sarree above her knee as I gazed upon her flawless beauty standing in front of the...

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Psycho Bitch Strikes Again

My hands slithered down onto her lower back just above her butt. "Oh, you like making love to your girlfriend, don't you, psycho bitch," I moaned, kissing her.She brought her lips right off mine. "I told you not to call me that, Hannah," she reminded me, halting her thrusts."Come on, you are my psycho bitch, Miranda, don't forget that," I made clear, sliding my hands over to her face. "I love you.""I love you too, but I told you not to call me that. I was a psycho bitch up until our the first...

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Thanks Giving Again

A year later and a lot had happened. After learning to know the Joy's of a good family relationship with my brother Steven.Even him still being g a virgin at that time, he taught me so much that I would not have imagined. He was quick in the uptake and together, without knowing it, we gave each other what we needed.I'm still a lesbian and nothing is going to change that. I mean I've tried it with men. After having the crap fucked out of me by Steven, I just had to try it. Unfortunately no one...

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Motel receptionist again

I’ve decided I’m writing these down just after they happen now and not waiting, I’m getting so much action in this motel I’m beginning to think that the men around here have issues.So it’s 6am this morning, and I’m asleep alone for what feels like the first time this week. I’m woken up by the feeling of someone climbing in under the sheet next to me. Half asleep I open my eyes and it’s the little receptionist from the front desk. She had left my room with her security guard boyfriend the...

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Nikki Sees Mrs Denver Once Again

Mrs Denver sat in her study when Charlotte pressed the intercom. “Nikki Pearson is here to see you, Mrs Denver.” “Send her in,“Mrs Denver replied. Charlotte watched the 23-year-old walk towards the study door as much in wonder as thinking about the pain Nikki was about to endure. Charlotte had seen so many students go in to the study with trepidation and come back out with tear-stained faces, rubbing their bottoms. She wondered what it was like to be caned and wondered whether she would ever...

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Tommy Again

By reading this story, you agree that you are at or above legal age in your location. Certain sexual activities depicted in this story are safe only in fictional literature. Be safe. Use a Condom.This is the story is a work of total fiction. Any resemblance to real people, dead or alive, is purely coincidental. All feedback is appreciated. Tommy, Again Written by: Bill hudleyJen came out on the deck, where I was cleaning up the deck chairs, with the phone in her hand."Phone call honey, I...

Gay Male
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emma Finds her Mistress Again

Andrew had recently got a new job. We were driving to spend Saturdaywith his new boss, John, and his wife. I had not met either of them and I knewI wanted to make sure that they liked me. Their house was about 45 minutesaway from ours and on the drive I found myself daydreaming about the past.About my adolescence. Just before I left school I had a crush on a young teacher. It was her firstteaching post and she was only just older than me, though she actually onlytaught me a couple of lessons...

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Psycho Bitch Strikes Again

She brought her lips right off mine. "I told you not to call me that, Hannah," she reminded me, halting her thrusts. "Come on, you are my psycho bitch, Miranda, don't forget that," I made clear, sliding my hands over to her face. "I love you." "I love you too, but I told you not to call me that. I was a psycho bitch up until our the first day of our weird relationship, but I just don't like it." "Okay, Miranda," I bitched, breaking eye contact. "I'll stop calling you...

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Shes All That Laney Boggs Meets Taylor Vaughan Again

It had been a few years since Laney Boggs graduated from Torrance High School. Now, she was a junior in college but in that long a time, things had changed irrevocably. College wasn't anything like the way she remembered high school. Almost everyone was from out of state and few people came from her old institution where she had a reputation for being unpopular. Even if the situation was different, it wasn't likely anyone would believe she was a geek in high school. She'd long since...

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Caleb 27 Back again

Dianna led us into a room, holding the painting I had given her. I could see she had tears in her eyes, and I knew they were happy ones. I was pleased that I had managed to repair at least some of the damage I had done at the farm when I’d been so angry over the attack. She walked to one side of the room, and I saw the photograph the painting was based on on the wall. It was yellowed and faded, in a small frame, and was about half the size of the painting. Dianna took down the photograph and...

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Home for Christmas Again

The next morning I felt different, as doubts started to plague me, while I admit to having enjoyed what had happened to me yet it also scared me. I had butter flies in my stomach as it occupied my mind as I sat there trying to eat some breakfast. Mother told me she had some errands she wanted me to do for her, and in a way I felt relieved. It gave me a chance to get out of the house, as I went about the errands all I could think about was how I felt, alone, scared, and was I a queer? I knew...

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Going Down Once Again

"Wait! Hold the elevator!" My heels clattered against the floor as I made a run for it. I couldn't afford to be late. I was on my way to a business dinner with my boss and a prospective client for the architectural firm where I was employed. It was an important client, and we really needed the contract. I hadn't met Mr. Grant face to face yet, and I wanted to make a good impression so I took a little extra time with my appearance, hence the rush. I was in a little black number that hugged every...

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Jon John Whats the difference Part 3 There and Back Again

Jon? John? What's the difference? Part III. There and Back Again In part 1, Karoscan-34 and Dratto-29 (eleven dimensional creatures and university students), changed the name of John Smith to Jon Smith in an alternate universe, as part of their term project. In part 2, largely as a result of the name change, Jon fell into the clutches of Janice, an embittered lesbian (along with her lesbian and man hating lover, Dr. Athena) and Minerva, a vicious and sadistic dominatrix. At the end...

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