Instructor Mike’s Academy - Part 2 - Now I Understand free porn video

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multipart series involving White Daddy / south asian teen raceplay,

crossdressing, and more. If you are not over 18 and/or find the notion

of White Cock superiority to be offensive, then please do not read on.

Instructor Mike’s Academy - Part 2 - Now I Understand

I did some yoga to chill me out and then went to bed. I knew I'd need a good night's sleep for what was to come. Class actually took my mind off of things until the final bell when it all came crashing down in my mind. I didn't control the fear, I just delayed it. I threw on my running shorts and got moving. A few blocks away from my destination my heart rate went way up and I felt like I was hyperventilating. Basically running while having a panic attack. The fear again. Who can protect me?

I ring the bell and he answers quickly. Seeing my frazzled state he sits me on the couch and whips up a quick lemonade. Fingers run up and down my sweaty back as I drink it down and begin to settle.

"Feeling better? You looked a little woozy when I let you in."

"Sort of but I'm more afraid than ever." I started trembling.

"That's because you don't have the missing pieces yet, while your old belief system is being shattered. You're empty and you need to be filled. Just hang on a little longer."

"OK what are my instructions, Instructor Mike?" I said with a wry smile trying to calm myself with humor.

"Since you enjoy being cute, I'll let you know where you stand right now. You're sweaty and you need a shower. As a matter of fact, so do I. I think it's time for the lesson to begin. Realization of purpose will calm you. Stand up and strip."

Something clicked in me and I went on autopilot. Instead of freaking out about it, I calmly removed my running shoes, socks, shirt, and shorts and stood there for inspection. Instructor Mike stood up, his frame towering over me.

"You have such a lean runner's body." He said as he walked around my slim figure. Then he started running his hands over my globes and gently squeezing. "Held on to a nice amount of junk in the trunk, though." He stopped molesting my rear and walked around in front. Suddenly my balls were being fondled aggressively.

A hand was thrust under my nose…"Sniff!"

I did as I was told. It smelled like my sweaty balls after a run. A pretty gentle odor. He took a sniff himself.

"Pathetic!" he mocked. "This is why I put you in panties because you don't even smell like a real man. That could be pussy juice I'm sniffing. So now that you've smelled your own weakness, it's time for you to experience a real Man. Get on your knees!"

I complied without hesitation. I'd come this far, and I wanted to see it through. I descended into my knees and looked up for guidance.

"Excellent. You're being such a good little aimee. Now remove my pants and underwear for me."

I audibly gulped. I went about my task carefully removing his pants with a little help. Then came the moment that changed my life. The realization of so much in so short a time. As I approached his boxer-briefs, I could already smell something powerful. The closer I got, the more it filled my senses. The bulge visually enticed me with its volume and I had to resist the urge to run my hand over it. Finally, I peeled down his underwear while on my knees in front of him and out flopped this incredibly well-defined hunk of Cockmeat. I'd seen some porn before but seeing something on screen is totally different from when it's in front of your face, literally. It never occurred to me that it could be like “that”. So big and meaty. It was fascinating.

"Stick your face into my balls and breathe them in."

I inch closer to the alien organ. Soft it is so much bigger than my own erection. I shudder to think what it might look like when it's hard. I reposition the musky rod with a hand and the warmth and power send a shudder through my fingers. A sense of happiness and wonder fills me as I hold the powerful, though currently dormant, organ off to the side as my nose and lips approach the hairy bag.

As instructed I began breathing through his balls as he pulled his shirt off and was totally naked. At first I was overwhelmed, and the powerful scent made me dizzy. He then gripped my head, rested some of his bodyweight on my face through his balls, and my heart skipped a beat. I don't know why but it felt romantic to my naive brain. As if he's sharing his most intimate part with me.

As he lifted his heavy sac off of my face, I got my emotions in check. The smell was intoxicating and powerful. I looked up at him and all of these confusing, submissive thoughts were flooding into me as he locked eyes with the weakling below him.

"Kiss my Balls and thank them for the gift of Man scent."

I stretched again to get my lips on the mighty Sac and gave it a really nice kiss. I meant that kiss.

"Thank you Instructor Mike's Balls for the gift of your power and the honor of being in your presence. I hope to be able to serve you in the future."

I can't believe what I was saying. I inhale the essence of White Man Balls and I turn into a total slut? I guess maybe there is such a thing as love at first whiff.

"Good girl! It's clear that you are starting your transformation. Now that you have witnessed some of the differences between superior White Cock and whatever you call that worm between your legs, the effect is irreversible. How do you feel?"

"I'm so confused right now. I always thought I had a nice-sized cock. I wanted to marry a girl someday and have kids. Now I feel hopelessly inadequate next to that!" I said as I pointed to the meat monster between his legs. I looked up at the Man, pleading for answers.

"I think it’s best to be honest with you at this point. No you do not have a nice-sized cock. You have a tiny cocklet that is an absolute joke. It's one of the smallest cocks I've ever seen on a girl your age, and you should refer to it as a clitty, peepee, cocklet or dicklet going forward. You'll never have a family without using artificial insemination. Your shrimp dick wouldn't penetrate deep enough for that. That's provided you'd find a woman weak and low value enough to allow you to mount them in the first place. Lastly, you are correct that you are hopelessly inadequate. Your penis is not a tool of power like mine. It's a delicate flower petal."

My world was crashing around me. My sense of self-identity was shattered as I instinctively felt the bump between my legs. It's not what I thought it was. I used to be proud of it, literally moments ago. I dreamed of the day a girl would be with me, she'd see and exclaim how cute it was, and then lap it up like an ice cream cone. What a delusional fool I had been. No sane woman would do anything but laugh.

"Now you understand," he declared.

"Now I understand," I replied in total dejection.

The crazy thing is that this all happened within minutes of my arrival. It felt like an eternity had passed. All of my notions about my place in the world we're changing rapidly. When faced with the sight and smell of true power, so much became clear. My peepee shriveled even further at the thought. I still have an entire session with the Man who just utterly emasculated me for life.

"I know this is a lot to take in so quickly, aimee, but as they say sometimes it's best to rip the bandaid off. I see you are a bit more relaxed now."

He was right. Knowing that you can't compete means the game is already over. I didn't have all of the answers yet, but I had the most important one. No woman will be interested in my body or dicklet. They aren't interested in figuring out how to please a peepee, they want to be owned by a real Cock. My mind had already raced to the possibility of being similarly owned and it calmed me down. I knew a Man to protect me was the ultimate answer. Everything Instructor Mike told me made sense. He wasn’t lying that I was going to walk out of here changed forever.

"I think so,” I replied blankly. My mind was swimming and my eyes kept drifting down to his Massive Cock. He smiled.

“While the difference between our sweat was an important learning experience, it’s time to wash it off and get prepared for your full day's coursework. We have a lot to cover. I’m an efficient teacher so let’s combine some lessons right now. The shower is upstairs. In most cases, your place is underneath, below, or behind a White Man. One notable exception is on stairs or escalators so we can get a good look at your girly ass. Proceed upstairs and the bathroom is first on the left. I’ll be right behind you.”

“Yes, Sir. I understand.” But I didn’t understand. All of these physical desires were still new to me, and I grew up thinking only women could be sex objects. The realization that I was destined to be one as well left a million questions unanswered. I got a hint of it at the gay bar but once again naivetee prevented me putting two and two together. I thought it best to go with the flow and hope everything fell into place.

We ventured slowly upstairs, both naked, up front the hairless and innocent waif, in back the beefy and hairy Man. His forearm was the size of my thigh and I felt so vulnerable. The fear returned as my exposed bottom swayed before his eyes. Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my waist, halting my progress. Another hand gripped my left cheek and stretched it to the side as he positioned his soft but powerful cock near my rosebud. He relaxed his grip so my globes were framing his cock, and began caressing my left cheek while his other hand Dominantly held me in place.

“Don’t be afraid,” he whispered in my ear. “You are a brave little girl and I know you will make me proud.”

The mixture of the Dominant White Man smell still in my nostrils, the powerful meat pulsing between my buns, and the affirming feminizing comment calmed me down a bit as he released me and gently pushed me by my balls to coax me up the stairs. My dicklet, as I’m quickly getting used to calling it, was getting aroused as we approached the bathroom. He stood in front of the toilet as if to piss.

“Kneel down on my right side and lift the toilet seat.”

I got down as ordered, so close to that amazing White Man Ball smell which would soon be sadly cleaned in the shower. As I lifted the lid and looked up at him, I caught a whiff of those magical White balls and had to hold on to his tree trunk leg for balance as the effect overtook me again.

“Good. Now reach your hand up, grip my cock, and aim it at the bowl.”

On my knees, my left arm reaching up, I wrapped my fingers from below around the soft but meaty cock and did my best to point it correctly from the odd angle. I felt a powerful ripple through my hand and the stream came flowing like a waterfall. He even pisses more like a man than me. Perhaps that was yet another lesson?

“Good girl,” he stated as the stream hit home in the center of the bowl. As I knelt there, I felt droplets splash against my naked body and face as I watched but thought better of complaining. We were about to shower anyway, but my initial reaction was revulsion. The memory of the pinch of my peepee head was still fresh in my mind from yesterday, and I wanted to avoid punishments.

“Because you have a little toothpick dick,” he stated as his flow started to taper, “you probably just shake it around a bit to get the last drops out, but a White Man Cock is different. You’ll need to give a gentle squeeze from base to tip and then a little shake. Then wipe the slit dry with your finger and flush.”

I slowly squeezed out the last drops as instructed and carefully shook. As promised, a drop of pee glistened in his slit and I wiped it with my index finger. As I reached over to flush, my face brushed against his cock which had grown a bit in size. Maybe he enjoyed my hand on his cock? The other guy seemed to like it before I chickened out but this organ felt so different. The flushing action caused more toilet water droplets to hit me, but I tolerated it. Instructor Mike did say that I would have to learn to tolerate some of the more demeaning desires of White Men, and in my very vulnerable mental state at the time, I knew to accept the parts I didn't enjoy.

He looked down at me and stroked my hair. "That's a very good girl. You will learn the importance and complexity of White Cock management as your instruction continues."

His hands went under my armpits and he effortlessly picked me up, turning my body to face him.

"Let's get nice and clean. Start the shower, adjust the temperature, and then start cleaning yourself thoroughly. I will follow you in shortly."

I got it ready and jumped in. The shower was opulent! Marble with a heated bench on one side and 3 shower heads; an overhead one, one that sprayed water from the floor (not sure what that's about), and then a removable head. Instructor Mike was clearly well off and was living the good life.

I turned on the overhead shower and began washing my hair, face and body. I cleaned my peepee thoroughly and let some hot water wash between my cheeks. After washing my feet, I let Instructor Mike know that I was done.

"Good girl. It's time for inspection."

Mike pulled the transparent door that he was ogling me through and stepped in. I bravely turned to face him and looked up. We were on the side of the shower near the bench outside of the water stream. He stepped towards me, my bravery vanished, and I took an apprehensive step back, sandwiching me between the tile and his superior White Body. He began by sniffing my hair and face, then lifted my arms to smell my pits.

"I watched you clean and you did fairly well, but you must learn to clean yourself like a proper lady."

Scared that I did something wrong and he'd hurt my peepee again, I quickly replied, "I'm sorry, Sir. Please tell me what I did wrong so that I can improve."

"Since we've been focusing a lot on smell today, I will use that to demonstrate where you failed." He rubbed my tiny sac aggressively, sniffed his fingers and then stuck them under my nose. "Do you smell anything?"

I inhaled deeply and it smelled neutral and clean. "I don't smell anything."

"Girls have to clean carefully up front. The clitty area can have offensive smells. You did very well cleaning there, but you neglected other important areas that we need to discuss. Turn around, bend over, and put your hands on the bench."

Now I was getting scared again. I did something wrong and I was about to find out what it was while in the most vulnerable position I could think of at the time. Suddenly I felt a finger rub roughly over my taint and then up to my nose.

"Does that smell clean to you?!" He demanded.

It smelled of a gentle musk and there's no doubt I didn't clean thoroughly enough down there. "No, Sir. I apologize. I guess I never thought of cleaning down there."

Suddenly I felt 2 fingers near my butthole and I tensed up. One finger grinded roughly in between my cheeks while his pinky gently probed and twisted just inside my hole. Both fingers were brought to my nostrils one at a time. I sniffed the first finger and could clearly smell poop. Then the second finger had me retching. The poop smell was terrible and there were even some remnants on his finger. I was absolutely mortified.

"Instructor Mike, clearly I have failed and I am so sorry. Please guide me so I know how to be properly prepared for White Men." The words just flowed out naturally. That Ball scent definitely triggered something in me; it wasn’t just the fear of clitty punishment.

He turned me around and sat me on the warm bench. I looked up at him as his flaccid cock swung inches from my face. As he washed his dirty fingers.

"Because you've been a good girl and you are still very young, I will be lenient and not punish you. Aside from the 3 critical areas I highlighted, the rest of your body was cleaned perfectly. Now you will have the honor of cleaning me from head to toe, and I'll tell you how to do it right. Start with my hair."

Nothing unusual here. He traded places and I grabbed the removable shower head. I began shampooing, rinsing, conditioning, rinsing, using a beard wash on his beard and face, rinsing, conditioning the beard, rinsing. I really liked this. I felt like Instructor Mike was placing his trust in me and I enjoyed the responsibility, even if it seemed mundane at first.

"Was that to your liking so far, Sir?" I definitely channeled every servant I've seen in real life and in movies when I said that. If I am to serve White Men and need to practice being servile in all things. These thoughts occurred to me in the shower at that moment. 45 minutes ago I never would have said that or thought this way. How quickly things change.

"Yes aimee, so now soap up the shower poof and clean my body but save the pelvic region for last."

Instructor Mike stood up from the bench and I began scrubbing all areas between his neck and waist. It reinforced how much larger he is than me when it took me so long to just get this part done. I squatted till my eyes were at Cock level and scrubbed his hairy legs, then had him lift his feet one at a time for a thorough cleaning; I even got between the toes.

"Well done so far. You can put the shower poof away as the remaining areas don't respond well to anything abrasive. Instead, soap up your hands and use the side of one of them to clean my taint, ass, and the outside of my hole."

I started to rub gently but he said I could be far more vigorous. I really scrubbed well and he looked and smelled completely clean.

"Excellent! Now soap up a finger and carefully clean the inner walls of my asshole after inserting it slowly."

Ok this is getting weird. What purpose does it serve to have such a clean butthole inside? Maybe the smell is noticeable if that's not done? Does that mean I smell bad all the time? I'm guessing no as most people don't go through this diligent a routine. There must be some other purpose but what is it?

Once again I obeyed and cleaned out his hole. Thankfully it was mostly clean already. I was done soaping him up and now he just needed to rinse. I kicked on all of the shower heads and Mike stepped into the converging streams.

“Clean your finger thoroughly and then wash all of the soap from my body.”

I did so and then reached up to his high shoulders to start wiping off the soap lather. He moved his arms and body around to accommodate my duties. He even stood over the floor stream so that I could rinse his undercarriage properly. So much powerful flesh, so much muscle, so much hair. I yearned to feel his moist White Cock again and knew that moment would come soon.

“You are a natural. A thorough and well-done job. You have earned a gold star already.”

I was beaming at him with the knowledge that I pleased a White Man for the first time. Sure I got some compliments whenever I danced with a guy at the bar, but this was certainly different and I felt proud of myself for what I had done.

“In my class, a gold star translates into an act of submission that you will certainly enjoy, but first let’s see how well you did with your shower duties. Sit Indian-style on the floor outside the water stream with your hands flat on the floor, and your back and head against the wall then close your eyes.”

My trust in Instructor Mike was building rapidly. While the peepee punishment clearly put me in the right mindset of obedience, the praise allowed me to enjoy it and connect the act of serving White Men with deep feelings of pleasure. My mind started screaming at me to do whatever he wanted. Mike was clearly a good teacher. I assumed the desired position and closed my eyes.

Suddenly I felt flesh and weight pushing my head into the wall. Something hairy was pressed against my nose but I had no idea what it was.

“Sniff it, girl!”

I breathed in deeply through my nostrils and whatever it was smelled clean, though maybe a slight hint of musk.

“Open your eyes!”

I opened them but actually couldn’t figure out where I was at first. It was dark and flesh surrounded my face. Suddenly he pulled away and I realized that’s because it had been buried between his ass cheeks and I was sniffing his hole.

“Smells clean?” he asked as he turned and dangled his cock in front of my face.

“Yes, Sir,” I said looking up from the floor. “Though there is a slight musky odor. Maybe I need to do better.”

“That’s normal, aimee. Other techniques are required to truly clean out a hole, but there is no such need and generally no desire by White Men to be so thoroughly cleansed. You, on the other hand, will learn those techniques to use on yourself.”

“Why do I need to be cleaned so thoroughly but not White Men?” I questioned. I realized his White Cock and my clitty were from 2 different worlds, but nothing seemed unusual about his rear hole.

“A training session for another day will explain this, but one step at a time, girl. Are you ready to receive your gold star?” He smiled as he looked down at me.

“Yes, Instructor Mike!” I smiled back at him.

“Hold that pretty smile, breathe in once, exhale completely, and then close your eyes again.”

My trust in this Man continued to expand. I was learning so much so quickly and Mike seemed like he genuinely liked me. As I smiled up at him I exhaled and waited. Once again, I felt flesh press against my face but this time it was more familiar, though sopping wet. My smile grew as I waited for permission to breathe again, knowing that this amazing drug would be flowing through my system again soon. I was starting to get a little light-headed as he waited a full 20 seconds.

“Inhale deeply through your nose,” he ordered.

Starving a bit for air, I breathed in hard and it hit me like a thunderbolt. The Sac was greasy with a mix of sweat and the hot water that had run down his body. The humid odor permeated my nostrils and back of my throat on its way down to my lungs. The power of White Man Balls filled me with more feelings than I could comprehend. Confusion, love, passion, adoration, subservience, and a million visions of my future.

“Thank you, Instructor Mike,” I said muffled by the mighty Sac that covered most of my face.

“Good girls get good rewards,” he stated as his wet bag was peeled from my face. The intoxicating smell bathed me as I drifted into my own mind, feeling a mix of bliss, confusing girly thoughts and most importantly a sense of safety and protection.

“I wanted you to enjoy my Man scent before you washed it off. What do you think of your gold star?”

“It was incredible and my mind is spinning, Sir,” I replied as I snapped out of the trance caused by Dominant White Man Balls.

“Looks like your peepee is quickly growing into a little dicklet,” he stated as my clitty hardened. “Do you promise to be the best little girl you can be for me for the rest of this session?”

In my current mental state, my answer was obvious. I was being sexually imprinted and was putty in Instructor Mike’s hands.

“Yes, Instructor Mike. I promise to listen, obey and be so good for you. Just tell me what to do.”

“Good girl. Now pay attention and I will explain the proper procedure for cleaning a White Cock in the shower. The first step is a soap-free pre-wash. Cup your hands to collect water and then bathe my Cock and Balls all over for about 30 seconds.”

As I dutifully washed his magnificent meat, he started to get aroused. Holy crap it’s getting big!

“Now soap up your hands and repeat the procedure.”

I started washing his balls all over. I never imagined such a procedure could require so many passes, but my tiny hands couldn’t even cover the surface area of his sac. When I wash myself there, I just need 3 up and down passes over my mound and berries and they are clean. This was gonna entail far more, and I was fascinated throughout.

“That’s a good little Ball washer. Now start cleaning every inch of my Cock. You might find a few more inches to clean by the time you finish,” he chuckled.

He wasn’t lying. I’m sure my eyes were as wide as saucers as this thick Sausage was turning into a Pole. Once again I felt that electricity in my hands as I used them both to stroke soap up and down up the powerful, throbbing flesh. It was bigger and definitely stronger than my right bicep. I stroked up and down for about 30 seconds, the huge piss slit staring me in the face as I did so.

“Good girl, aimee. You’ve cleaned your man fully. Now wrap your hands around the middle of the Shaft as if you are praying, kiss the head of my Cock, and thank me for the opportunity to clean him.”

I prayed to his Cock as instructed, craned my neck, puckered my lips, and gave the head a nice kiss. Suddenly the words came tumbling out. “Thank you for allowing me the honor of cleaning your Cock and Balls, Instructor Mike. I’m in awe of their power.”

Finally I really started relaxing. The warm, humid air in the shower was soothing me, and these new experiences basking in the authority of a White Man started to click more comfortably into place in my mind.

“Very good. Now how do you think my Balls smell now?”

“I’m sure they smell perfectly clean.”

“I think another sniff is in order for you to find out.”

As I pressed my face to his mighty sac, he gently ran his fingers through my hair. His touch felt so romantic and loving. I breathed in slowly, and although they were definitely cleaner, I could still inhale his essence. It wasn’t soap, it wasn’t the sweat from before that I washed off. Something about those balls exuded such power; the touch, smell and sight were overwhelming me still. Suddenly, he picked me up again until I was standing with my back to the wall, clitty hard as a rock, as Mike pushed his body into mine. I was feeling his Pole begin to poke into my chest as he ran his hands down my back to my ass. His grip firmed around my globes and I found myself sliding up the wall and his Cock sliding down towards my dicklet until his eyes were staring deep into my soul. Suspended in the air by this powerful White Man, his mushroom Cockhead pressing into my mound backed up by 8.5 inches of raw flesh, which I later found out was a monstrous 6.5 inches around.

His left hand slipped underneath both cheeks and he was able to support my entire body with it as the pressure of his chest against mine started to take my breath away. His right hand stroked my little head, then gripped my hair as he pulled me into my first ever real kiss. He tilted my head slightly, pressed his lips to mine and then started exploring my mouth with his tongue. His head was at least twice as big as mine and I felt completely under his power. The Dominant Hand of the White Man positioning my little head, tongue probing my mouth, his massive chest almost suffocating my tiny frame against the tile, the other Dominant Hand of the White Man groping and supporting my pathetic body as his massive Girl-Fucker pulsed against my aroused clitty.

The kiss lingered for a minute as alien sensations consumed my body and mind. How many more firsts awaited me in such a short time?

“You’re a very pretty girl,” he stated as he broke the kiss and lowered me back down to my feet. I looked up at him and smiled. Young, naive, and falling in love on my first kiss. To be fair, Instructor Mike was doing everything right to manipulate me into these feelings. This wasn’t his first little asian girl, and he knows how to properly train one. I couldn’t have been happier than at that moment.

“Did you obey me and refrain from touching your clitty?”

“Yes, Sir. It was difficult after you took me to the edge but I wanted you to be happy with me.”

“That’s a feminine tendency and I’m glad to see that it outweighed any scraps of masculinity that you were granted with your limp dicked genes. Soon you’ll be able to push all of that away and embrace the new you. Maybe another gold star is in order; what do you think?”

“Only if Instructor Mike believes I am worthy”

“Correct. What your White Master thinks is all that matters. You’ve almost earned another prize. Finish cleaning yourself properly and then come back here. Do as you're told and good things will come your way.”

I moved to the other end of the shower and started the floor faucet. Like a bidet, warm water started shooting straight up. I soaped up my hands and cleaned my undercarriage and in between my cheeks. Finally, I began pushing a lathered finger into my hole. It was way tighter than Mike’s but eventually I got my little index up there and started cleaning my inner ring and walls as best as I could reach. I was a little more thorough as Mike mentioned that asians need sparkling clean holes with no odor while White Men don’t. I still didn’t understand at all. The concept of a cock going into my ass was literally alien to me at that age, let alone a powerful White Cock. I thought sex with women was my peepee going in their vagina while with Men it was touching and rubbing all over. I would eventually learn how off-base I was, but for now I was a clueless Indian-American boy being feminized nude in the shower of a superior White Man.

Mike seemed satisfied with my cleansing so I shut off the floor faucet and walked back to face him. He stroked my cheek and gave me another deep kiss that felt like an eternity. I then felt his powerful hands around my torso as he turned me around.

“Put your hands against the wall, and spread your legs,” he ordered. “You can writhe your body around, but your hands and feet must remain exactly where they are at all times, or your gold star will turn into a severe punishment. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Instructor Mike,” I replied as I once again assumed a position of submission and vulnerability. My cheeks were parted by his hands and I soon felt his rock hard Cock twisting slowly against my hole. He released my cheeks and slowly moved his left hand to my mouth and right hand to my hard dicklet. At first it softened up a bit from the memory of yesterday’s peepee pinch as his left index and middle fingers traced my lips before being inserted in my mouth.

He nibbled on my neck and ear and then whispered, “Suck and run your tongue over my fingers.”

The distraction of his thick, powerful fingers in my mouth and the need to concentrate on my assignment allowed me to forget about the potential for peepee pain. He pushed his digits in and out of my mouth as I sucked, licked around and in between them. He then gently started to tickle my clitty bringing it back to its full dicklet size. The rolling motion began again and I was in peepee heaven.

My body started writhing around and he said to me, “Remember to keep those hands and feet planted. You know the punishment for failure.”

“Yesh, Shir,” I mumbled over probing fingers. He pulled me closer to him with both of his occupied hands so the back of my head was pressed against his chest and with a slight bend in his knees continued to allow positioning of his Huge White Cock against my hole. It was slightly irritating to my anal flesh, but I had no fear there as I once again had no real concept of ass penetration.

My cocklet head was being rolled expertly. I was feeling so good but continued to concentrate on my hands, feet, and his fingers in my mouth. I was sure to do what I thought was a good job sucking on them, and I even started wiggling my butt as I thought the friction against his Cock would feel nice for him. In my mind, I was thinking about how girls react to gifts. How they feel so good for being thought of and appreciated, and then return the favor with a gift of their own which I guessed was usually sex-related as they get older. That’s how I felt now, though I didn’t yet know how to give him a similar gift, so I acted on instinct.

I believe my instincts were good because he let out a low moan and growl. His cocklet manipulations became more vigorous and I was getting close. He was becoming more aggressive with my anus and mouth and my body felt like it was on a cloud.

“Are you ready to cum, little Aimee?” He asked, slowing down a bit and planting some fear of a repeat from yesterday.

“Yeth, Inthructor Mike. I’m thooooo clothe!”

“Beg me to finish off your puny cocklet! Tell me what a horny girl you are!” He demanded as he maintained the same slower pace on my peepee.

“Pleathe, Thir! I want to be a guhd guhrl for you. I want to therve you. Pleathe make my peepee djibble.”

His fingers started picking up speed and my writhing returned. He could probably tell when I was cumming as my asshole started spasming against his Cock and I began sucking more greedily. I practically screamed into his fingers as I dribbled out my peepee juice onto his hand.

“Good girl! Your clitty is all wet and almost back to its proper size.” He removed the fingers from my mouth but before I could catch my breath they were replaced by the fingers of his other hand. I noticed an odd taste and texture. “Lick and suck my fingers clean.”

Oh my. He’s feeding me my cocklet dribble. I wasn’t crazy about it, but things were starting to come more into focus as Instructor Mike stated they would. I felt the urge to repay any gift from him ten fold, and licked and swallowed the small amount of sticky cream. He pulled the magic fingers from my mouth and I relaxed for a second before coming to my senses.

“Thank you for releasing my peepee juice, Instructor Mike. I’ve never felt that good in my life. I only hope that I made you feel good in some ways also.” I chose not to ask what he enjoyed and what he didn’t. I was fairly certain he would let me know over time how to please him. All I knew was this unending desire to make him happy any way I could.

He then pulled his pulsating White Cock away from my puckered hole and pushed me towards the shower stream. He rinsed and groped me all over, then quickly rinsed himself and turned off the shower.

“You may now squat, kiss the head of my Cock, thank me for touching your tiny clitty, and thank my Cock and Balls for teaching you your place in the world.”

Down I went in a flash, looking up at the man I was falling for with a happy smile. I placed my hands on the outsides of his muscular tree trunk legs and stroked them up and down slowly as my lips ached to obey his orders. His Cock was softening but still fairly stiff and large. My lips pressed directly on his piss slit, and I gave him a long peck.

“Thank you, Sir. Your powerful hands made my little peepee happier than it’s ever been. And thank you to your magnificent Big White Cock and Balls for teaching me my true nature. I understand now that I have a clitty, a dicklet, a cocklet, a peepee, and you have a real Man Cock. I’m excited and eager to learn what this means for me and how I can serve a White Master like yourself.” I’m aching to make this man happy.

“I’m so proud of my little aimee,” he looked down and said smiling. He then reached his right hand down, placed it under my cheeks, and slowly inserted his much bigger middle finger into my tight hole. I winced a bit but allowed the intrusion and then got used to it. I started feeling pressure as he began lifting me from my squatting position and plunging deeper, stretching my little hole as he pulled till I was standing before him. He then used that hand to guide me by my ass out of the shower and to the floor mat to dry off. I felt so owned and controlled, but also very confused. He was wiggling his finger around, getting my ass juice all over it. Oh I hope I cleaned it well.

He pulled the finger up to his nose. “Nice work! I barely smell anything.” He placed the fat digit under my nostrils, and while I could still smell a bit of my ass musk, it certainly wasn’t that bad at all. This was a good thing because then he slowly slid that finger to my lips and said, “Clean it!”

Still somewhat high from my clitty dribble, I licked and sucked earnestly. I tasted it at first but then it quickly just tasted like his clean finger.

“And what do you say?”

“Thank you for letting me clean my stink off your finger. I look forward to learning how to keep myself as clean as possible all over.”

“I’m very proud of you. You’ve come so far so quickly. I knew you would after we chatted online. You see, we’ve met before many times. I have trained many boys and girls at this Academy, and patterns begin emerging. I know when a boy is ready for sex with Older White Men, I know when a boy needs to act like a girl but still retain his boy peepee, and I know when a boy needs surgery to become the girl she was born to be. You are in good hands, and maybe if you please me enough you can be my girlfriend.”

I threw my arms around him and hugged with all of my miniscule might, resting my head on his chest. “Thank you, Instructor Mike.”

He put his strong arms around me and hugged me back with his powerful body.

“You’re a very good little girl and I’m going to enjoy training you. Your next lesson is that the manner in which you touch me, including hugs, is completely on my terms,” he said as he pushed me away gently and looked down into my innocent eyes. “If I give you an affectionate hug, it will be because you earned it, and then you may enjoy the pleasures of my physical protection and manly chest. For now, the proper way for you to thank me is on your knees, your hands clasped together in prayer with my cock between them. You may then plant 10 little kisses on my Big White Cockhead and Balls. Because you have been so obedient, I am allowing you that honor instead of a single kiss to the Cockhead. However, you may NOT use that opportunity to sniff my Balls as I don’t want you to use thanks as an excuse for a gift you may not have earned. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” I said as I lowered myself onto my knees before him, prayed to his Big White Cock, and then began planting kisses all over. “I now understand the proper way to thank you, and though I may not understand why you desire it this way, the fact that you do is reason enough for me.” This puppy love had me swooning and offering myself to this Man on a platter. I somehow resisted the drug of Big White Hairy Man Balls as I finished delivering my submissive message of gratitude.

With his Cock still resting on my lips as I strained my neck to look up at him, he lifted me up again by my armpits till I was standing and then possessively gripped my ass.

“The next door on the left as you exit is the ‘girls’ room’. Here you will find a list of instructions that will change daily, so be sure to read them in full. I’m going to head downstairs and make a drink. I expect you down in 10 minutes at exactly 3 PM. Chop, chop!” he said as he smacked my ass to coax me along.

OMG! It’s only 2:50?! School got out at 2:00 and got here like 10 minutes later. My whole world changed in only 40 minutes and this train was moving steadily along to the next stop.

I enter the girls’ room and I’m so excited to read the note but first I’m taken aback by the decor. It looks like a pre-teen girl motif with pink, hearts,and stuffed animals everywhere, but with posters on the wall with nude White Men groping all types of asian boys, sissies, and trans girls. I took a moment to examine the White Cocks all over the wall, but knew that I’d better hurry. The next lesson begins soon.

“Downstairs as he mixed a couple of drinks, Mike was likely calling himself a hero of self-restraint for not plunging his Mushroom-Headed White Weapon into my tiny hole in the shower. He was a pervert but he was not a rapist. He was gonna take this slow till this little brown faggot was begging for Big White Cock Loads multiple times a day. First though, he definitely needed relief after that total clit-boy emasculation session, but the question is will he use his new girl so quickly? Is she ready? Does he want to keep her innocence around a little longer? Can he hold out any longer from taking it away? 2:55 PM. He sips his bourbon on the rocks and waits patiently with a devilish grin on his face.”


Same as Instructor Mike’s Academy - Part 2 - Now I Understand Videos

2 years ago
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Instructor Mikes Academy Part 5 Homework

multipart series involving White Daddy / south asian teen raceplay, crossdressing, and more. If you are not over 18 and/or find the notion of White Cock superiority to be offensive, then please do not read on. Author's Note: I had to repost this as the end got cutoff. More parts coming soon. I want to thank the few people who reached out by email and shared their appreciation for what I've written so far. You and the pics of your Beautiful White Cocks gave me the motivation to...

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Instructor Mikes Academy Part 5 Homework

multipart series involving White Daddy / south asian teen raceplay, crossdressing, and more. If you are not over 18 and/or find the notion of White Cock superiority to be offensive, then please do not read on. Author's Note: Clearly you all like my story :). The downvotes don't bother me. I want to thank the few people who reached out by email and shared their appreciation for what I've written so far. You gave me the motivation to continue. Enjoy! Instructor Mike’s Academy - Part...

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Iridani Kitten Academy

Iridani Kitten Academy, 1 By: Bernice 14 Standing in her office Mistress Gwendolyn peered out her window over the courtyard in front of her School. The kittens had begun to arrive for the new school year, and she had three IGP Transports due to arrive, two in the next two hours, the third in another three days. Plus on top of it all she was embarking on yet another first, she was opening two lower grades to Kittenettes in the last two years before...

4 years ago
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St Judes Shemale Academy

My name is Amanda Johnson and I am a 38 year old post operative transsexual and owner and headmistress of a rather unique school, a school that turns troublesome and reluctant boys into shemales. This is the story of St Judes academy for shemales. My own transformation happened over 10 years ago when in my mid twenties I decided to transition from male to female. Being the son of a world famous actress, my gender change was largely kept secret and only a select few of my parents...

3 years ago
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Total Woman Academy 03

Ned opened the car door and Brooke alighted in the driveway of a standard structural design Academy facility. He escorted her through the entrance into the hallway. Mrs. Frank approached them. ‘Brooke, my dear, you look so lovely and so grown up since we last saw you two years ago. Our teaching suits you. Your ride to the event will arrive at 6 PM. You will be returned tomorrow by noon. You can use your old room to prepare yourself. Just ask any student for help if you need anything.’ Mrs....

3 years ago
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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected; it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special “guests” realize their full potential. None of us work full time at the academy, we have two lives; one we show to all, the other...

3 years ago
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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

Introduction: Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special guests and realize their full potential Prologue People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected, it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to...

3 years ago
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The Academy

Chapter One: The Sex SchoolJasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. His surroundings were dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting; and even then, a minuscule amount reached where he stood. The clock that hung behind him ticked at an unsettling pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache.If...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Iridani Kitten Academy 2

Iridani Kitten Academy, 2 By: Malissa Madison As more young kittens began to arrive the school grounds came alive with their chatter and the gossiping that always occurs after long separation from friends. Mistress Jinnee had gotten up early and the Academy's shuttle was just leaving to pick up local Cougars and Kittens for the first week of school and I wanted to be there to meet it when it returned. I slipped out of bed. "Come along Kitten, time to shower and...

1 year ago
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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 382

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 38.2 To our fans; We are sorry that this story didn't get put in at the middle of LTD, MA 38 where it was intended. This short piece belongs between the Academy Star's return and the outbreak of Dragon Fever. I was thinking back to the first time that I had met the Arachnid Drider Queen, Tilliani. She was going to be our guest speaker for the upcoming graduation this year. It was nearly four AM when someone knocked on the front door of...

2 years ago
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IGP Academy Terrellia 2

IGP Academy, Terrellia 2 By: Malissa Madison It had been a long grueling first week, both morning and evening conditioning exercises. And long classroom hours spent studying both regular College level classes as well as Intergalactic Law. Most the Delphinian Cadets had never used a Vershang however and sought out those who would become the leadership Cadre. Each night after they were released for the day they found themselves in the practice yard...

2 years ago
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Open Day at the Academy Part 1

25-year-old Charlotte had to work late as there was an open day for next year’s potential intake, and 19-year-old Hayley, being one of the seniors, came in to help. Charlotte and Hayley were in one of the classrooms when three mothers came in with their 16-year-old daughters and started asking Charlotte about the school. Charlotte had the answers off pat and answered all of the Mum’s questions. One of the Mum’s asked about discipline. Charlotte explained that yes, the Academy was strict, and...

2 years ago
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Black Slut Academy

Jean felt a little scared. It had been two years since she had started dating black men exclusively. Now her boyfriend had talked her to into taking it one step further. She was going to a school to learn about as he said "the culture." "This will complete you," Bill, her boyfriend, said. Jean's lover was a six-foot, four-inch black stud that Jean had been living with. She left her white wimp husband two years ago. What Jean especially did not miss was her ex's four-inch pecker. She blinked and...

1 year ago
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Saras Slutwife Chronicles Part 2 Becoming Mikes Slut

Introduction: Meth + Wife + Friend = A Real Live Fuckfest CHAPTER 1 A little more than a week had passed since Id watched my wife Sara getting fucked to death by JRock, one of our tweaker friends, it was her first time fucking a black man, & my first time wife sharing – and we both loved it. J-Rock brought Mike to the apartment to introduce us, Mike was an MMA fighter, occasional enforcer/protection for higher ranking local Blood members, and, perhaps most importantly, he had been released...

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