OOPS 3 free porn video

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During dinner with my husband Nathan and his son Nate I bought up the subject that I had been talking about with my girl friends starting with our promise to each other.

“Now we have promised total truth to each other” I said “Having coffee today, Natalie mentioned that she had caught her son and 3 of his friends wanking into her panties and reckons all boys do it So Nathan, did you do it as a kid?”

“Strewth, that’s a bit embarrassing to ask?” said Nathan

I looked at Nate quizzically as I knew he had sniffed mine but I was not his mum or sister.

He was very red in the face but he said “why don’t you start?”

I was a bit taken aback by that but resolved to lead by example.

“Embarrassing !! you have no idea, you know I lost my virginity to my Dad!!” I said.

They both looked at me in total shock as I giggled.

“OK, yes, umm, …. well, back when I was a girl I used to do the washing and would sniff them to see if they were dirty or not before chucking them in the wash as sometimes the clean ones and dirty ones were sitting on the same shelf in the bathroom because they hadn’t been put away.

Anyway, Dads undies were usually pretty manky after working and sweating all day at work but on Sunday mornings when he did the mowing he would jump in the shower afterwards and I found the fresh sweaty smell of them was really intoxicating.

I used to sniff them and play with my little pussy but felt something was missing so I started pushing my thin little deodorant can inside me until it touched my hymen while I rubbed my little nub but the can kept falling out so … one day I found if I squatted on top of the can to hold it in place while I rubbed myself it would stay there.

Then one Sunday Dad went into the shower but got a phone call and went to the kitchen in just a towel, I had been horny all morning so I raced in and grabbed his undies and was squatting on my unmade bed with the can in place furiously rubbing myself and was just about to cum when dad walked in.

I pulled the blankets up and scrunched down trying to hide his undies and myself at the same time but the can was there and punched right up me, I was in shock at the intrusion and small sharp pain and started to cry saying it hurts it hurts but it was more from embarrassment.

Luckily Dad hadn’t actually seen anything as I was too quick but he saw me holding my lower belly and rushed over to hug me asking what was wrong.

The weird thing was after the initial pain went It hadn’t really stopped my pleasure and with Dad holding me, the can inside me, dads smell and just the situation … I came for the first time!

Dad didn’t know what to do but heard my moans and thinking it was period pains said “oh, is my little girl becoming a woman?” I was so embarrassed I yelled at dad to get out so he kissed my head and left …

So I lost my virginity, had an orgasm and got mad at my poor Dad for causing it!”

Well, both boys started laughing in amusement and relief to find out I hadn’t actually had sex with my Dad.

I continued, “it gets worse, Dad went down and told mum and they talked for a bit as I could hear them while I cleaned myself up and I think Mum and Dad were getting a bit frisky as I heard some no’s and stop its etc then Dad headed for the shower while Mum called me.

She said we were going to sit down and have the birds and bees talk very soon but gave a me quick overview about periods and asked if I needed anything.

I’d heard the shower stop a few minutes before and as I walked back to my room I said no, just a shower and opened the door and walked in to the bathroom.

I vaguely remember mum yelling something but what greeted my eyes was a big glob of white stuff shooting from the end of a big long sausage then Dad tried to cover himself and slipped down the wall and the next glob hit him from his nose to his chin including his open mouth then a couple more landed on his belly.

I felt mum rush up and grab me but she froze then started laughing at Dad who was spitting and squirming trying to sit up and cover himself.

Mum stifled a giggle and said now was probably a good time for that sex talk and Dad just said “shit, I suppose so” and scrambled up.

I was mesmerised at his erection bobbing up and down with a long string of cum clinging to the end as he stood up letting it all show.

Mum guided me over in front of Dad who was looking very embarrassed then she grabbed his erection and said “this is an erect penis on its way back to its normal flaccid state”

I didn’t know any better and just grabbed the end of it too getting goo all over my hand, it felt warm and firm like a sausage in a bag.

Both Mum and Dad were shocked that I grabbed it and Mum said “your not supposed to grab it too … oh well too late now”

Dad was visibly uncomfortable when Mum said “feel how it seems like the skin and the firmness inside seem separate and not connected?”

I ran my hand up and down sliding on the cum then she said hold it tighter and I was amazed that the skin stayed still in my hand but it slid up and down the inside bit.

My squeezing and stroking it made more stuff come out the end and I giggled and slid my hand off the end getting more stuff on my hand.

Mum dipped a finger in some on his chest and rubbed her fingers together saying “feel how slippery it is and the funny smell to it.

I had a glob on my hand and fingers so rubbed my fingers together then lifted it to my nose to smell it and flicked my tongue out to taste it.

Mum and Dad were wide eyed with shock again but didn’t say anything.

Dad giggled and said “your mum doesn’t like the taste of it”

Mum stammered a bit saying “its not bad tasting I just don’t like it in my mouth”

I said “it hasn’t got much taste but its really slimy” and slurped my fingers clean which made both Mum and Dad gasp in surprise … they just didn’t know what to say and just ignored it.

“Did you like it Dad?” I asked innocently

Mum tried to Stifle a laugh at the recent memory and Dad was thoughtful for a second and pushed some off his face into his mouth to taste it.

“Yeh your right, it doesn’t have much taste”

I ran my finger up his chest gathering some on my finger and held it out to Mum, she looked at me then daggers at Dad and popped my finger in her mouth then rolled it round for a second and agreed. I noticed Dads penis started lifting up a little higher.

I scooped some more off Dad’s penis and held it out for Mum but she declined and turned on the shower telling dad to finish up so I could have my turn.

Mum turned away but I watched Dad wash then get out, she ushered him off and closed the door for me.

I had more cum on my hand so I carefully got undressed without getting it on my clothes and played with it, rubbed it on me and tasted it again before finally washing it all away and the slight red smear as well.

Mum got some books the next day and gave me the big sex talk, I told her I was really glad to get some hands on experience as it made it a lot easier to understand the books now.”

“Now that I have embarrassed my self its your turn” I said turning to Nathan

“lets leave until we’re in bed” suggested Nathan getting up to clear the table

The memories had gotten me quite horny so when Nate cuddled up behind me as I was washing the dishes I didn’t mind at all feeling him harden against me.

He lifted my dress seeing my naked butt and dropped his shorts to thrust his hardon into my bum crack, I reached behind and guided him to my hole then pushed back impaling myself on it with a very audible moan.

Nathan looked across and just shook his head muttering “you two are hopeless” then Nate stopped for a moment, I could feel him spurting inside me then he started again.

I reached down to run my fingers lightly across my clit remembering the feeling and smell of my Dad as I came with his grandsons dick spurting inside me again.

I looked over at Nathan and raised my eyebrows in invitation, he grinned, said fuck it then he stripped his work pants off, turned me to face him and pounded me against the kitchen sink while I wrapped my legs around him and hung on through two more climaxes until he dumped his load deep inside me and we collapsed in a heap on the ground exhausted.

Nate was standing nearby watching and playing with himself saying “that was so hot” then he somehow managed to get inside me through the tangle of limbs and with a few short thrusts added another load inside me … I was too tired to help or protest and just lay there and took it.

Eventually we got up and halfheartedly finished the dishes before a quick shower and we all relaxed in bed.

Nathan spoke up once we were settled “I only did it a few times but the first time was when my big sister and I were wrestling in the TV room in front of our parents one day and she had a sundress on, she managed to get on top of me and pinned me down, I could see up her dress but that was not anything unusual as we had never hidden our bodies from each other and often walked around nude or in just underwear.

I was trying to wriggle out and had wrapped my legs around her head and pushed her legs out when her panties made contact with my face, when I breathed in and smelt her fresh fragrance I got hard and it was up against her mouth, she went to yell at me but I was only wearing loose boxers and it pushed into her mouth muffling the sounds.

She clamped down on me to stop me pushing my dick further but it felt so good I started to thrust and came almost straight away while I pushed my face into her panties.

I let her go and she scrambled off me, her face was all red and she ran off and after thinking for a few moments I went to find her to apologise. Luckily Mum and Dad didn’t take any notice.

I stood in her room with my stiff little dick poking straight out, a big wet patch covering the front of my boxers almost crying in shame, my sister had taken her dress off and was standing there in bra and panties and I noticed a wet patch on the front of her grey panties.

I was stammering out an apology but her face softened, she held her arms out, and I rushed to hug her poking her right in the crotch with my stiffie, she didn’t flinch but held me firmly in her embrace.

I told her nothing like that had ever happened before and I don’t know why it did.

I had never had feeling like that before and my dick was as hard as a rock again trapped in the Y of her legs.

I couldn’t help but started a small thrusting motion again, she was crooning “its ok, its fine, its alright”

The heat in me was rising, sis was hugging me tighter as my dick pushed against her mound, then It did it again and I groaned out loud as I felt myself spurting against her pantie clad cleft, sis moaned and shuddered as she thrust against me a few times.

We both relaxed and stopped holding each other so tight “its ok but that should never have happened so don’t say anything to anyone ... it will never happen again” she said firmly

After that she was a little less free around me and I took to smelling her panties while I jerked of into Mums but that soon lost its appeal and I stopped.

We lay there in silence for a while reminiscing, I turned over to face Nate to see him just staring and lazily stroking his erection.

“Your turn” I said gently.

“Well, before mum got sick I’d heard about it in jokes and stuff but never really though about it as Mum and I often walked to and from the shower nude so I never though about Mum in a sex way … it was just natural.

Then when mum got sick my Aunt moved in to help and she walked around with just a dress and no underwear, wore sexy clothes and make up and stuff when she went out etc and I started to think about her in a sexy way.

I sniffed her knickers and got really turned on when I masturbated so kept doing it all the time.

She would often stay out all night and when I smelt them it was not as nice as normal … sort of smelt more like my hand after I had cum.

After mum passed my Aunt came home from shopping and went to her room to change, so I grabbed her fresh knickers out of the basket and after a sniff I put my willy in the little pocket and wanked off into them and put them back and went back to the TV.

Aunty was in the kitchen when she swore and mumbled something about forgetting something and the shop closing, she rushed into the bathroom then as she walked out she stopped and screwed up her face and wriggled then rushed off to the store.

I panicked and looked in the basket but the knickers had gone, she must have put them back on to go to the store.

I felt sure I was going to be in a lot of trouble when she got back

When she came back she dumped the stuff in the kitchen, didn’t even look at me and went straight to her bedroom. I could hear her moan and that funny rhythmic buzzing noise I sometimes heard late at night.

I knew she was going to scold me but wished she would get it over and done with and not put me through so much misery.

She had a shower then came over and I froze in fear, she kissed me on the forehead and went off to the kitchen to make dinner.

All night I waited for the explosion and sometimes half hoped she had not noticed, I went to the bathroom and checked the basket, her knickers were neatly folded up and when I looked the half dry mess was spread all over the gusset so she had to know.”

Nathan had gotten fidgety and spooned me with his erection so I wriggled my butt and reached under me to guide him in.

He knew just what I wanted and took it nice and slow to stroke in and out of me while we both listened to Nate and watched him stroking himself.

Nate continued, “A few days went by and I was beginning to relax, she had not said anything but I only looked in the basket, they always seemed to be on top so I never touched them.

Then the knickers were getting covered by clothes again and I could not help myself and started to sniff them while wanking into a tissue, Auntie then started to hug me a little more each day and her sexy ways soon had me throwing caution to the wind and wanking into her knickers again.

I often heard the buzzing and moans and when I looked through her stuff I found a vibrator so that’s what she was using at night.

When she wasn’t home I would stick the vibrator in my mouth and cum hard into her knickers.

I also discovered the knickers I had soiled were soggy with my mess and the smell of her was a lot more than usual.

One night her door was not shut properly and when I heard the buzzing I peeked around the corner, she had pushed the gusset of her knickers inside herself with the vibrator and was moaning like mad, I started wanking furiously and when I came I got careless and hit the door which swung open and she saw me, she squealed, ripped the vibrator out jumped up and ran towards me with those knickers hanging out of her and slammed the door shut.

She didn’t speak to me all next day and was very weird after that, then she went to the doctors and a couple of days later told me she would have to go back to her husband in Africa and so here I am still doing it and still getting into trouble for it.”

“your not in trouble for it here” I said as I bent down to take his erection in my mouth while Nathan picked up the pace and was soon grunting loudly as he pumped his juices into me. I rolled onto my back and Nate took the hint and entered me and managed to cum just after I did for a change.

The next evening as I was making dinner and Nate was behind me leisurely stroking his erection in and out of me, I stated that I reckoned I must be pregnant, Nathan asked how I knew as it was still too early to get any results, “well think about it” I grunted as Nate came inside me. I walked over to Nathan and took him in my mouth to harden him then mounted him and kept talking.

“you remember when I got pregnant with Becky and I just couldn’t get enough sex?, I wanted it all the time and it took all my willpower to not bang every bloke I saw … and now Nate is doing me 5 or 6 times a day, sometimes more, you are doing me 3 times a day and its still not enough”

Nathan quipped “maybe we could ask a few of Nate’s school friends over?”

I reached down dreamily and rubbed my self to a quick orgasm while Nathan stared at me in wonder saying “I think you would do them as well” then he moaned and thrust harder until he came not long after me.

I got off Nathan and went back to making dinner, “I do like the sound of that but keeping that sort of thing quiet would be impossible and I’m sure you would not like it either”

“Funny you should mention that” said Nathan “In the past I have masturbated to that vision in my head of Nate’s Mum and those three boys but lately I’ve come to realise that it wasn’t the sex I was upset about it was the fact that she cheated on me behind my back, If she had of asked me I probably would have found it thrilling, so, since I like watching you with Nate, I don’t think I would hate it watching you with someone else”

I was shocked and said “someone else or a few at once?”

“I know you love me and you love Nate but if it was only for sex and fun then I don’t think I’d mind either way” said Nathan

“I would like someone else inside me but I really don’t want to face looking at another lover” I said.

Nate had been quietly listening to the exchange and spoke up “perhaps like I’ve done a few times, when your asleep?”

“But then she wouldn’t know” said Nathan “but we could film it or you could pretend to be asleep or drugged?

“then I wouldn’t have to face them and if they thought I was drugged then it wouldn’t be something I would normally do so they would not want anyone to think they were a rapist so wouldn’t say anything to anyone, I like it” I grinned at both Nathan and Nate.

“Jake would do his own grandmother so I’m sure I could arrange something” grinned Nate “and you’d like him too, all the girls fawn after him”

“you sure you won’t mind” I said to no one in particular

“It would be so hot!” they both said in unison and so I grinned lewdly and dragged Nate to the armchair and wrapped my legs around him and whispered “Fuck me, fuck me hard!”

Nathan laughed and took over dinner duties while Nate pounded me into oblivion.

For the rest of the week I was on fire and almost wore Nate out but luckily for him school gave him a chance to recuperate.

Nathan was at work and my vibrator was not what I needed.

Somehow what I needed was to be needed and used, as much as the physical pleasure was nice it was only half of it.

I constantly fantasised about letting some stranger I was walking past get his rocks off inside me and with Nathans Blessing to do it I seriously thought about it but I did not want to be the one to ask for it, if some stranger had of asked I would probably have said yes no matter what he looked like!

Nate had asked Jake if he wanted to stay over but he had dates for Friday and Saturday nights so he asked a Geek friend of his who jumped at the chance, apparently Ben had not many friends and Nate liked him so he agreed to stay Friday night.

Nate apologised that he couldn’t get Jake and showed me a pic he had taken of Ben and himself that day and said I didn’t have to if I didn’t want to do anything and he would try Jake again the next week.

I assured Nate that looks were not a factor and I was looking forward to the night.

Friday night arrived and the boys arrived home from school and I told the boys to go have a shower and get into something more comfortable.

I was horny as hell and was rubbing my pussy every chance I got so I told Ben to go first and Nate could go next.

As soon as the bathroom door closed I bent over the armchair and Nate slipped inside me, I came almost instantly and came again when Nate did.

The door opened as Nate was doing up his zip and I stood and let my dress cover me hoping Ben wouldn’t see the cum running down my leg.

Nathan arrived home from work so I got dinner on the table not long after Nate emerged so I called the boys out for dinner and we had a pleasant time chatting around the table, Ben seemed a very likeable boy if a bit shy.

I teed Nathan up to say he was going to go out with the lads so I set the scene.

“If your going out with the lads I hope your not going to be chasing skirt” I joked.

“Your more than enough for me, you can come along if you want” Said Nathan.

“no I have a slight headache and because I haven’t been getting a good sleep lately so I might take a couple of pills and go to bed early, no doubt you will be home late?” I said

“yeh probably after midnight, how about I give you a quick massage before I go to help you relax” he said.

“now don’t you boys stay up too late and just call Dad if you need anything because you know how those pills knock me right out, come and check on me before you go to bed to make sure I can breath properly will you Nate?” I said.

Nathan and I headed off to the bedroom and we set up the video between two lamps on the mirror shelf overlooking the bed, with the room light off and the two lamps on the video could not be seen and the light was angled such a way as to seem muted but still allow plenty of light to capture the detail.

I practically raped Nathan with the fantasy running through my mind and was hoping I could act the part of an unconscious sleeper.

I had an extra frenetic Orgasm and was quite sure the boys would have heard it.

Nathan got dressed and arranged the single sheet to show plenty of leg and a bit of side boob then whispered to have fun and swaggered out to the boys.

“She should be out like a light shortly, I gave her an extra good massage so she was already very relaxed when I closed the door” winked Nathan “don’t forget to check on her in case she has a pillow or sheet covering her face as she could suffocate, I’ll see you guys tomorrow” said Nathan as he headed out to a friends place to spend a few hours.

Half an hour later I heard the Nate say they should go up to his bedroom and get on the computer, I grinned in anticipation and lay face down trying not to move.

Nate knocked, waited a second the swung the door open, I heard Ben gasp and Nate shooshed him and walked over.

He said we better move her a bit so she can breath and gave me a shake calling my name.

He shook harder and near yelled but I remained impassive.

He tried to roll me but not enough so he asked for Ben’s help and together they rolled me onto my back dragging the sheet with me.

I lay there exposed to Ben’s stare and his “oh fuuuck” painted a brilliant picture.

“wow said Nate” shaking me again “I can see her pussy”

He said to Ben “i’ll lift her leg up, see if you can pull the sheet free”

“what if she wakes up?” worried Ben

“Nah, she’s out to it, we could do anything and she wouldn’t wake up” said Nate as he grabbed and squeezed my bare breast “see, go on cop a feel”

I felt a tentative touch then a firm grab of my other breast followed by a “ooooh nice but its your Mum.”

“She not my real Mum, she’s my Step Mum so I don’t mind” said Nate

He lifted my leg and Ben pulled the sheet free then Nate spread my leg wide before lowering it again, “look at that” said Nate as he pushed my other knee to the side “Dad must have fucked her as his cum is still trickling out”

more oohs and ahhs were forthcoming then Nate set the bait, “you could fuck her and no one would notice as she’s already full of cum”

I heard a nervous giggle and heavy breathing.

“you ever touched a real pussy?” asked Nate in a hoarse whisper as I felt him start slowly running his hand up my leg, “go on, cop a feel”

Nate got between my legs and spread my legs wide then leaned down to stare at my pussy from so close I could feel his breath tickle my lips.

“here, have a good look” said Nate as he moved off to the side.

The bed shifted and I felt a new breath on my pussy with a lustful moan and a light touch on my inner thigh, “go on touch it”

I felt a soft light touch run up my leg and touch a lip before darting away, Nate shuffled closer and I could feel his breath on my belly “put your finger in, I want to watch” said Nate hoarsely

I felt a finger push between my lips but it was too high up to enter me but it rubbed under my clit and a shiver ran through me, Ben pulled his finger away But Nate said “see she loves it”

the finger returned and then I felt Nate’s two hands slide into my crotch and spread my lips.

Ben groaned and I was worried he was going to cum in his pants as he spotted my entrance and slid his finger inside me.

“Ooh Fuck that’s hot” groaned Nate “keep going”

the finger slid easily past one knuckle, then two, then I felt the knuckles of his other two fingers touch my lips.

“Try another one” said Nate in wonder

the finger came out and two slowly inserted in me

“is it tight? try another” said Nate a little bolder

three fingers were now sliding in and out, then I felt a fourth and when he pushed in his thumb hit my clit and an orgasm ripped through me and I couldn’t help myself and moaned as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over me.

Luckily Nate said “don’t move” as soon as he saw what was about to happen otherwise I might have grabbed his hand and pushed my quivering pussy on to it.

“Wow, you just gave her an orgasm in her sleep” said Nate

Ben was breathing very heavy now and started to stroke his fingers into me again.

“you ever fucked before?” said Nate

“n n no” stammered Ben

“well go on, do it, I wouldn’t feel right but your OK” coerced Nate

“go on you’ll love it and she won’t know … as long as you promise not to say anything to anyone ever!”

I was nearly cumming in anticipation as his fingers stopped moving, there was a pause and his fingers vacated my steaming pussy leaving me feeling empty.


my heart fluttered

I felt some shuffling then a touch on my belly then a touch as I felt a penis sliding through my slit to find the hole, he found the entrance and started to slide in when I felt the first of a series of spurts as he came, then finally lost his virginity and plunged all the way in.

As soon as I felt his sparse hairs touch my clit I again leaped into another orgasm and thrust against him, it was all I could do to not grab his arse and pull him tight inside me.

“Strewth, you made her cum again, keep going, do her again” said Nate excitedly

Now that he was in, all caution went to the wind and he started to thrust into me with some force, he laid on top of me and rapidly fucked me until I came again then his strokes got deeper and harder until he stopped and had a far more powerful orgasm than his first one.

I felt several strong spurts and joined him in a powerful orgasm.

Ben collapsed on top of me with his head beside mine, I was feeling so satisfied as I felt the closeness and warmth of him on me.

I heard a rapid fap fap fap and opened my eyes to see Nate looming over me masturbating.

I smiled warmly at him and opened my mouth, Nate shuffled closer and as he neared he managed to get the tip into my mouth and fired shot after shot into me. I had to swallow quick to stop it escaping then he sat back and tried to tuck himself away.

Ben groaned and pushed himself upon his haunches “oh wow, that was the best thing ever”

“you want a go now?” asked Ben

“Nah I can’t, its my Mum” said Nate with real sorrow in his voice

“Wow, look how much stuff is coming out”

Ben moved away and Nate again inspected me then started sliding a finger around and in me.

“you gunna do her again?, You may as well, might not get the chance again” said Nate.

“Sure you don’t want to do her?” said Ben “I won’t say anything if you do and its right there waiting!”

“nah, as much as I would enjoy it, it just wouldn’t seem right and I still have to live here, I wouldn’t be able to look her in the eye again” explained Nate

“yeh I get that, and I think I will do her again … as soon as I go have a pee” said Ben

As soon as Ben walked out the door Nate was in me thrusting away for all he was worth “diid yuoo enjjoy ittt?” asked Nate

I opened my eyes and just grinned at Nate

Before he could finish we heard the flush and Nate quickly pulled out and sat back but he had gone beyond the point of no return so as Ben walked in he kneeled over me and fired his load all over my pussy!

“so near, yet so far” he lamented

“Stop making such a mess” laughed Ben as he used his dick to scrape Nate’s cum into my pussy.

“See, you may as well have fucked her as her pussy is full of your cum anyway” said Ben as his now full erection pushed into me.

Ben was a lot different than Nate as this time he took his time and screwed me for almost an hour before finally coming.

My orgasm train was rolling along merrily and I had several more smaller orgasms

It seemed like they were finished with me as they covered me with the sheet and left me laying there with a soggy wet patch under me and closed the door to a small gap

I was too exhausted to move and drifted off to sleep only to be woken by a stiff dick thrusting inside me, I wasn’t sure who it was so kept my eyes closed and my body still until he had cum.

The orgasm train had departed so I didn’t cum again but was feeling the pleasure of being used.

I heard the toilet flush then their bedroom door shut and a minute later the door opened and someone got on the bed.

A penis was shoved roughly up me and Nate whispered “Fuck I need this!” and rapidly fucked me as fast as he could. I opened my eyes and hugged him smiling broadly as he came deep and hard in me then he gave me a peck on the lips and almost ran out the door, a few seconds later I heard the toilet flush and the door close.

I had almost drifted back to sleep when Nathan came home said goodnight to the boys and fucked me hard and quick adding his load to the mess, surprisingly he only went half soft before he was fully erect and fucking me with as much passion as he ever had.

I had been getting close to orgasm with the two boys in rapid succession and came twice more before Nathan finished and we both slipped into a peaceful sleep.

Next morning Ben had this weird grin every time he looked at me and walked around all morning with an erection he vainly tried to hide.

Saturday nearly killed me as I could only manage to find time for 2 from Nathan and 2 from Nate so on Sunday afternoon I “took another pill” while Nathan went “fishing”, Ben managed to do me 5 times in an hour and a half before he had to head home.

Nate rang Nathan to tell him Ben was just finishing me then ordered a pizza, Ben was almost still wiping his cock clean and walking out the door as Nathan arrived home with the Pizza, we all went to bed to watch the video and my boys took turns on me without stopping until well after midnight.

We all agreed that we were going to have to do this again! … soon!


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"Where the fuck are we?" asked Boo-Ya in that morose whine of his as he lay prostrate behind me. "I don't know. Quit asking fucking stupid questions." It had been his idea in the first place but now we had actually started to tunnel under the wall, he was getting on my nerves. We knew that Pandora was available tonight. She had managed to slip a note to me using one of the Reform School guards who owed her a favour. But that's Pandora for you, always collecting favours. On the outside...

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"Doug, what is it that is so exciting you had me drop everything and rush right down here? I'm trying to get all the pictures set up for our subscribers to decide the contest winner for 'Hottest Amateur Picture'." "well, you don't have to now, because I have the mother of all contest winners right here. A video in fact, downloaded from this broad's computer, automatically it seems." "Well then, lets see it." "You'll love it, Dan," Doug said confidently as he clicked the...

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They didn’t mean to do it. It was just one of those unlucky bolts of fate where the heavens aligned and they did something by complete accident and they got a result they weren’t expecting. All they were doing was a little bit of gravitational experimenting where they were using very high magnetic fields to compress various solids and gases and someone thought that bombarding it with a high intensity laser might be interesting. It was totally off the chart and they ‘borrowed’ the laser from a...

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A little background: James was a high school teacher. He had never even thought about fooling around with any of his students, despite the fact that many were model beautiful and he was a single man in his mid twenties. Over the four years he had been teaching a number of the girls girls had tried to get him to notice them. One time a senior girl even met him in his classroom at the end of the school day and began unbuttoning her shirt, exposing the cleavage of her D-cup breast to his eyes. He...

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Emily walked back to her room and gasped. Two cheerleaders were in a 69 position moaning and bucking. One of the cheerleader's name was Shana and was her roommate. The other one she didn't know the name of. Emily stood at her door, shocked and unable to move. She watched as the two cheerleaders orgasmed together. When they recovered Shana saw that Emily was at the door. "Wanna join us Emily?" Shana asked.

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Whoopsies ? By: Beverly Taff. This story is subject to the usual criterion and restrictions applying to age and copyright as laid down in FM?s preamble. The shock of learning about my parent?s death in a car crash was enough to destroy any child?s self confidence but for me the distress was doubled because I had nobody to share the trouble. People say a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled whilst a pain shared is a pain halved. Nobody learned that better than I. I...

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Some mistakes cant be fixed MISTAKES… Some mistakes can’t be overcome…. I came home at my normal time on Friday and was surprised Susan, my wife wasn’t home yet. I got off at five o’clock and was always home by five thirty, every day. Susan got off at four and was home before me all the time. I assumed that she was going out with her coworkers after work. She did that a lot on Fridays. But she almost always told me she was going before she went. I started dinner...

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Whoops Whoops  ??????????? I was on my way to a local dominatrix, I finally got the courage to go and try it out for my first time.? I?m six feet tall dirty blond hair, blue eyes and stay fit by working out and playing basketball on a regular basis.? I would say I?m barley above average with in the looks department.?  I walk into the building and see a gorgeous lady sitting at the desk I walk up and start talking to her bout my past experience, which have only been being tied up by old...

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Whoops By Nom Declavier Samuel sat on the exam table, feet swinging in the air, clad only in the customary examination gown, his lack of skills of working his hands behind his back is evident by the generous butt crack he is displaying towards the wall. Leaning forward with his hands on the exam table corners, he's been patiently waiting for the doctor to return. The door swings open and Dr. Robert Woopner glides in. For the reputation that proceeds him, one would think he's an...

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Can all mistakes be overcome????I came home at my normal time on Friday and was surprised Susan my wife wasn’t home yet. I got off at five o’clock and was always home by five-thirty. Susan got off at four and was usually home before me.I assumed that she was going out with her coworkers after work. She often did that on Fridays, but would let me know beforehand, so I wouldn’t worry.I started dinner and set the table, before beginning to prepare dinner for the two of us.Dinner was ready about...

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i knew this was going to be a good day, right from the start... PING! morning glory, i start stroking my cock hard and ferociously, slapping my balls. then i hear the voice of a deprived sex deamon... 'rebecca'. so i lept out from my bed and towards the window, and when upon opening it i catch a glimpse of her. her hair blowing in the wind, her lucious feet and black painted toenails and her and her tight ass suffercating in her tight short jeans. as i continue to stare, she see's me and smiles...

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It started out as a quiet, normal Friday evening, I'd come home from work to find my dinner in the oven and Janice, my wife, out at the bingo, I'd eaten my dried out meal quickly, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and put a mucky video in the player, which was the nearest I came to sex these days. Upstairs I could hear Sara's, my eighteen year old daughter, stereo playing though not loudly enough to be disturbing as I settled back to enjoy the tape."Bollocks." I swore as the player made a grinding...

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It's not nice to fool Mother Nature. Nor your wife when she is the area's leading plastic surgeon. Carol paced the living room floor waiting for the grand entrance of her husband. Finally he scurried around the hall entrance and swooped into the room with a "Ta-Dah! How do I look?" An emotional Carol responded, "Give me a twirl and let me see." "Oh, sweetie, I'm so glad we rejected the drab trouser suit and decided on that 2-piece Skirt suit, for your first day at the new job?...

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It started out as a quiet, normal Friday evening, I'd come home from work to find my dinner in the oven and Janice, my wife, out at the bingo, I'd eaten my dried out meal quickly, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and put a mucky video in the player, which was the nearest I came to sex these days. Upstairs I could hear Sara's, my sixteen year old daughter, stereo playing though not loudly enough to be disturbing as I settled back to enjoy the tape. "Bollocks." I swore as the player made a...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 Finding the Team ‘Hey what’s up? We need a big man do you want join our team, for that tournament?’ Edward asks the big black man. ‘You need a big man?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘All right, I’m big all right so you asked the right person on that one.’ ‘Yeah, for center.’ ‘Yeah, I’ll join ya, what time is it?’ ‘This Monday at 7 p.m.’ ‘Oh yeah I gotcha. Yeah I’ll join. I’m Bill by the way, but I go by the name of Train, you know why?’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because I come straight at you and there’s...

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When Coach Walked In

He said nothing as I walked to my locker, opened it, and exchanged my gym bag for my school bag. But as soon as I locked it, he walked over. It was Dillon. "Is it true... what you do?" he asked. "Depends on what you're asking," I said. "My girlfriend won't do it, but I really wanna get a blowjob. I have money," he pulled out his wallet from his back pocket. "It's fifty, right?" "Half up front, and half after you cum," I said. He pulled out twenty-five dollars and handed it to...

1 year ago
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Tickling Our Fancies

As I arrived at work on Monday, I found an envelope resting against my computer monitor. April was across from me hard at work, or so it seemed. I opened the envelope to find an invitation to dinner at her place. As I turned I found her looking at me eagerly awaiting an answer. I said, “Of course, wouldn’t miss it.” The dinner was on Thursday evening. I asked if I could bring anything and she assured me that she had everything under control. The week seemed to drag on as if Thursday would never...

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PansiThursday and Thursdays past

Thursday (and Thursdays past)--Pansi "emasculated" It's the rare word so special to allow it inked on my blemishless skin--twice actually. The script is delicate cursive (timidly uncapitalised) written across a spray of darling little pink and yellow stars. It's on the sensitive inside of my right wrist. It's tiny with muted colors, so more of a personal thing than to be noticed; something to give me a lift if I'm feeling too much like a boring girl. The other is the same but...

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A Dutch Comfort Let the lady choose

He was visiting Ingrid, and as always his longing for her almost constricted his throat. He was not an Adonis, but not ugly either, and he had never had much trouble to find women to make love with. But Ingrid was quite a different proposition. She was a beautiful blonde woman of 34 years. She had an attractive, somewhat mischievous face, shining blue eyes, soft rosy cheeks with nice dimples in them when she smiled, and an expressive mouth with lovely full lips. She wore her hair pinned up...

2 years ago
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Introduction: The raw, cold wind had been buffeting her face for the past hour, turning it rose-colored with burn. The raw, cold wind had been buffeting her face for the past hour, turning it rose-colored with burn. Lola pulled her fur coat closed, tight across her chest, tucking her hands under her arms to keep warm as she stood waiting. Waiting patiently for someone. She paced back and forth on the street in her thigh high black leather boots and full length coat. Her long ginger hair blew...

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The Subway Horror

"Miss Frost, I want to see you in my office. Right now." Something in her boss's voice chilled her. Had he--found out? Clutching her arms to her chest, she scurried to Mr. Leahy's office. "Miss Frost, I show you this voucher and this cancelled check. Do you recognize them?" Oh, God, she thought. It was the voucher she had fraudulently created for a thousand dollars. "I-I..." she began. "They are yours, then," said Mr. Leahy in a voice of thunder. "Please, I can explain," she...

4 years ago
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My Sex Story 8211 Part I

Hi !! ISS Readers. This is Pranavi, age 25 with an average height of 5’4”. About me, a very shy girl, studious with a little bit of village backdrop. This incident happened 3 years back which has changed my entire lifestyle. And to the people, who don’t believe, please trust me it was my true life incident.Also this was the first time , I’m sharing this incident to you. Now, coming to the point, I have finished my B.E and was placed in a reputed organisation in Bangalore and used to stay in a...

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Stacy and Julian McCormack Chapter two

"He went for it?" said Gerald. "I can't believe it." "Yes, and that without much of a fight. That kinda bothers me. I mean why didn't he argue with me. I figured I could convince him, but he gave up awfully easy. I mean he is kind of a pussy when it comes to me, but him giving in so easy..." she paused in mid-thought. "Maybe he's just a realist who knew you'd be going whether he liked it or not," said Gerald. "Maybe, but, I'm suspecting it's something a little less obvious. I just don't know...

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After the FallChapter 12

Wonder of wonders, we have hit our 200th birthday. There have been a lot of changes to our society in the last hundred years. For one thing, we now have so many people that we have started to use two names. However, the item of real note is that we are now a monogamous society, with very few exceptions. I did insist that polygamy and polyandry were acceptable if all parties agreed. I really don't know if I really like it or not, but, for practical purposes, we still are running a...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 330

Friday morning I was in the gym an hour early. I had been awake for a couple hours; Jenny had had a restless night. I massaged her legs with her favorite lotion twice and gave her a back rub before she went back to sleep. I had taken her phone and placed it on the table so it would not wake her and placed a 'do not disturb' sign on our door. I checked my emails first thing. The agency guys had done the favor I asked for last night. I had pictures taken from their nightly drone missions...

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birthday present

at the end of a boozed up birthday my partner and her friend headed back to my flat for a cpl more drinks but my partner had too much so ended up falling asleep on the living room floor so her friend an i carried the party on we where up dancing n just enjoying things as they went along so i went too the toilet and came back too find her friend on the couch with her legs open and black lacey panties on show i knew myself she was teasing me and wanted me too react but my partner lying on the...

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March Moon

The sky stretched around them in a sheet of black midnight, the dim light from the half moon casting dull shadows that stretched longer as the hours passed. Rhia had been monitoring the hours by watching a cactus a few feet away, the night time shadow lengthening as time dragged.The crunch of the gravel behind her, and then the sound of one last, long inhale told her that Dean had finished his cigarette. This fact was confirmed when he came back around the front of the truck and leaned up...

2 years ago
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Stepsisters Conundrum

Introduction: Heidi has a probelm and it takes her step dad and step brothers to help her find a solution Heidi moaned lightly as her eye lids fluttered and she climbed slowly up out of the soft blanket ofsleep. She lay still, her eyes closed thinking about her problem.Now you would think that a gorgeous redheaded, green eyed, 16 year old beauty with 36 "B" cupbreasts and a shapely tanned body, who was a member of the cheer squad and who's boyfriendwas the captain of the football team...

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Tuesday July 4

The Visitor Monica's Diary Tuesday, July 4 "Consternation to the enemies of the Republic! God save the United States of America!" This is how Nathan usually greets the holiday, after he has awakened us by firing a blank black-powder charge from a miniature cannon he took in payment for some carpentry work many years ago. He always takes this day off and always uses it to catechize the children on the Declaration of Independence. Hannah has memorized the preamble paragraph, the...

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45 Penny and rick pt A

45. Penny and rick pt AIntroduction My heroine is named Penny, she at the time was 45 ish, big breasted nice if a little plump figure, She stood about 5ft 8, ash blond shoulder length hair, and single, she shares a bungalow with her son Ricky near the coast of Kent, she lists her hobbies as, dog walking, and art being a good painter, and augmenting her income with her art sales. She had never been married; Ricky being the product of some faulty rubber-wear when she was in her 20`s during a...

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Daddy Makes Sasha a Whore Part 1 rewrite

Introduction: This story involves some subject matter such as incest and rape that may offend some readers. If you are one of these readers please dont read this, just find a different story. It is purely fictional so if there is any resemblance to anyone or anything in real life it is coincidental. Part 1 He kissed me softly at first, I responded and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was flicking my bottom lip and I moaned. His hand slid up my stomach till it reached my breast, then he cupped...

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Claiming Erika

When my wife died from breast cancer five years ago I was devastated. We had been married for nearly forty years, and it had been a good marriage in every way, including a very active and satisfying sex life which gave us both great pleasure.We weren’t swingers in the literal sense, but for the last ten years of our married life, we had enjoyed posting explicit photos and videos on a voyeur website for other’s enjoyment and arousal. We hooked up online using the chat option on the site with a...

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Jennifer Sex GovernessChapter 6

[This chapter has a lot of bisexual cock sucking. Yum.] After breakfast (including marijuana treats), showers and the sexual health lesson began the morning, Jen and the teens settled into the sex den for another session. The previous day, the theme was cunnilingus, and “today we’re going to make sure everyone’s good at fellatio,” she said. “That means giving blowjobs.” “Even us?” Brandon said, referring to the boys. “Yes, you,” Jen said. “Everyone. We’re all going to suck cock. And...

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Being More Social Chapters 610

“I don’t care.” Nicole told me bitterly as we neared room 203. “The cold sucks. It hurts my face to go outside. You’re defending a thing that hurts my face.” I grinned at her. “Now you’re just thinking up my reasons for me to love winter!” She punched me playfully in the arm as we took our seats, joining the rest of Student Council. Shortly after, Phil entered the room and cleared his throat. “Great, everyone’s here!” He commented happily. “Alright guys, listen up…” That was my cue to stop...

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Anna and Sam Chapter 4

"That's fine," she replied and entered fully, closing... and locking, the door behind her. I stood in front of her and turned, first left then right so she would get the full effect of the beautiful blue and black lingerie from all angles."If I may," she said before stepping forward. She adjusted the straps of the bra then ran her fingers around the sides and cups to check for fit. The touch of her fingertips as they brushed past my nipples was electrifying and sent an almost imperceptible...

4 years ago
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A Prickly Situation

My sincerest thanks to Denny Wheeler for editing this story and to Wizard, the Night Hawk, and Old Man Ted for their input. "It is so not fair! You and Mom and the squirt got to, like, take a vacation on the way to Ohio and I don't," Caysi said with a quivering, pouty lower lip. I'm still getting used to that name. It's what happens when you leave your older daughter alone in San Diego for four months. When the rest of us moved to Columbus in February, the name was Casey. Okay, she...

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Club Night

I hadn’t been at the club very long when he came over to me: a very handsome man, tall with dark hair and blue eyes. ‘You have a perfect ass,’ he said. I was wearing a sexy, little minidress which barely covered my ass and I knew it would turn men on, but I didn’t know it was going to happen this quickly. I smiled up at the tall stranger. ‘I’m flattered,’ I said. ‘I’d like to pull up your dress and lick your ass,’ he said. It was a ‘clothing optional’ club and I knew he would do it if I told...

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My GF the Best Part 2 Pegged Cuckold Gay

"Your turn."He rough shoved my mouth off of him, moved behind me, splashed lube up my ass, yanked the strap from my hole and began pushing into me. The tip of his dick slipped easily into my used hole and I moaned as the size of it spread me pleasantly open. I reached back again, grabbed my ass and spread myself open to him. "Ya, that's nice. Spread that ass open for me and let me wreck it real good," he told me as he began to push the rest of his massive dick into my ass....

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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 13 More Party

Dave lay nearly comatose; a nude and highly sexed woman snuggled under each arm. Both Candy and Karen were kissing his chest and neck from their positions even though they were breathing hard from the exertion the three had just finished. Each had a naked leg over one of his, their modest pubic hair providing erotic stimulation to Dave’s hips. They were also intentionally touching each other across his body, indicating to Dave the affection they felt for one another. Dave crooned, “You guys...

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Diary of an Incestual Cuckqueen

I remember the first time I watched my brother fuck another woman. It happened a month or so before the quarantine, when the world was still sort of normal. She was a blonde bimbo that he had met on tinder, not the type of woman that one would usually imagine hanging out with my good Nick, but he found her kind of hot and needed a quick bang, and she happened to be on the same page. I guess she was the sort of person you would never start a relationship with, but rather one who you would be...

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Rebeccas new friend

Introduction: Rebecca surprises me with dinner and a Bill I was on my way home from work when Rebecca called me and told me she had a delightful surprise for me. I was thinking she made me my favorite dinner, but then I laughed to myself because Rebecca rarely cooks. She is a strong and independent woman, a tom-boy maybe, but definitely not a homebody. When I arrived home, I walked in and Rebecca was wearing her pants and blazer with a purple silk blouse underneath. She was also a corporate...

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What are Ex Movies? I got the link in my DMs this morning and thought it would be a revenge porn site. The genre’s a really fucking hard sell these days with the growth of the #MeToo movement, so I can’t say I was all that surprised when the site turned out to be something else entirely. So what do you think it is? A collection of former movies who have turned their lives around, or maybe a library of example films? Come on; I wouldn’t be reviewing the joint here at ThePornDude if you couldn’t...

Indian Porn Sites
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By Gail Holmes & Nemasis Enforcer “Time and tide awaits no man, that’s what my father constantly told me, For God’s sake what’s a matter with you, here you are twenty one, and still a bloody virgin. Christ, William I’d lost my virginity years before I was your age. I can tell you, once you’ve tried sex there’ll be no looking back” At 50, William knew that old Bruce had had a few; and still he could pull, mind you he was a handsome man for his age, but then he didn’t look it. “I...

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"Stephen." Your wife, Amanda, tries to reassure you. "It will be okay." She can sense the tension building as you get closer to her mother's house, your home for the foreseeable future. It's been a long drive and for most of it you managed to keep your spirits up by not thinking about the destination but now you are close enough to recognise landmarks from your previous visits to Amanda's home town. "She hates me." You say. "No she doesn't." She insists. "She doesn't trust men since the...

4 years ago
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The Ept Test AftermathChapter 3

It was over a week after Thanksgiving dinner before Gary called me. He did talk to the kids but I figured he wanted me to know that for now we would just be a bit closer. I promised myself I would just take it a day at a time and do my best not to fuck it up. At work the girls asked me if I wanted to go to a party at the crazy western club. It was going to be the following Saturday. These girls were my friends but I have to say they were a bit on the wild side. By wild I mean they were tough...

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The House on the Ridge

This story is for the “Beyond the Wall of Sleep” Gothic Horror invitational. It is a completely different style and type of story for me and I learned a great deal from trying this. Thanks to blackrandi for the invite; these events push me out of my comfort zone and I learn a lot from them. Thanks to blackrandi, Sbrooks, Bebop03, Piper and stev2244 for the beta reads and editing. MattBlackUK gave me the final setting for the story. This would be unreadable without all of them. There are others...

1 year ago
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Payback with panties

Your friend Richard invited you to spend the weekend with him at his family's cabin. (though you were never sure why they called it a cabin; it just looks like a house in the woods) Anyway, Richard's pretty fun. You feel a little guilty about certain rumors you started around school earlier in the year about his "tiny" penis in hopes of deterring Mandy Fisher (who you liked at the time) from hooking up with him, but luckily he never found out it was you, so you're still pretty good...

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The Tale of the Comfortable Panties 2

THE TALE OF THE COMFORTABLE PANTIES By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 2 Soon all my clothes had been stripped off. Then Marion picked me up and placed me on the table. Both of them started applying a sticky gel to my body. They also placed small strips of cloth over the sticky gel as they went along. Soon strips of cloth covered my whole body. I felt a sharp pain in my genitals. I saw that Karen had stuck a needle in my scrotum, and was injecting fluid. I tried resisting, but...

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the real story

He was easy to talk to on the telephone, and he really made her open up for what she expected from this contact. His goal for the meeting was very close to those of hers. He had ordered her to go to his place, in two days, the next Friday evening, to be at his door at 8 o’clock and just walk right in, because the door would be open, but what really gave her a bit of cramp inside the stomach, was the dress-code he had given her! The long coat was no problem, but what she was allowed to wear...

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BetrayalChapter 22

On the way to the salvage yard they caught up on each other's lives. Liv had almost forgotten about the maniacal events by the time they arrived. "Here, can you unlock the gate?" Finn handed Liv a key. She nodded, jumped out and opened the heavy wrought iron gate. As soon as he drove through, she closed and locked it again. "Brrr, it's getting freaking cold. Feels like a storm front is moving in." She shivered and cranked up the truck's heater. Finn drove carefully down the rutted...

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Cathy DouglasPrologue

I wrote these two stories as separate stories but realised that at some stage I would have to join them up to enable readers to follow both without getting confused — mainly since Chris Henderson's story started mid-way during the Cathy story and ended several chapters before Cathy's end. So this is the amalgamated story of Cathy and Chris. I give you the prologues from both! CATHY DOUGLAS This story is set 3 years ahead of the events in George Douglas; and it follows on from Veronica...

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These Wolves Alone Ch 02

I woke up when the car stopped. I didn’t realize I had fallen asleep, or how far back I had. I looked at the clock on the car stereo and realized we must have been driving for about an hour, so I couldn’t have been asleep that long. I didn’t get much sleep last night, yes I slept, but I kept waking up to horrible nightmares, filled with scenes from my parent’s deaths. I shivered and looked out the window to see the sky had clouded up, and I smelled rain. Maria got out of the car and I followed,...

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Sibling Seduction Ch 04

The guilt Jeff felt after fucking his sister was so strong, he avoided going back home for 3 weeks. Amy, on the other hand, was confused. Did he not love her? She didn’t know what to think, and he wasn’t returning her emails. When she went out with her friends on weekends she tried fooling around with other guys, but she just could not go through with letting them have their way with her. She found that she only wanted her brother. She was obsessed with him, she wanted him so bad. Weekdays she...

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