- 3 years ago
- 22
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She stood in the hallway staring wordlessly at the suitcases, the laptop case, his briefcase. Piled up where she hadn't seen them when she walked in. She walked back into the den and looked at the man sitting in the shadows.
"You are insane, Lyle. You are walking out on me and our two sons ... because of one fight! One stupid mistake I made while I was drunk a few hours ago. I didn't have sex with anyone. I didn't betray you. You are certifiable."
When he didn't answer she started toward him and again he held his hand up as if he were giving a stop sign. She halted. She wondered if he really might have had a breakdown. This man was not her husband, not the man she had lived with for eight years. No one could change so drastically in a few hours. He had never been like this before, never. And the worst of it was, there really wasn't anything to explain it. Nothing – much – had happened at the party.
She backed up but didn't sit down.
"Can you tell me why? Can't you at least do that?"
"I had a moment of clarity."
She heard the words but couldn't fit them into any kind of sense.
"A moment of clarity? Why do you do that, Lyle? I know you think you're smarter than I am, than anybody in my family, anybody around here. But why can't you avoid rubbing our noses in the fact that we're morons compared to you. Put it in words I can understand."
The figure cloaked in shadow shifted his position, put his head forward slightly and seemed to rest it on his joined fists.
"I'm sorry Diane. I really am. I don't mean to do that. It's just that's the way professors of English Literature think and talk. It's not that hard to explain, actually. We, all of us, walk around never really seeing what our whole lives are all about.
"We're blinded by all the minutiae of our existences – waking up and brushing our teeth and going to work and paying bills and what's on TV tonight and the kids having colds and wondering if we're getting fat or if our husbands or wives are looking at other people. We never step back and get a picture of where our lives are. Except, once in a rare while."
He stopped and she stayed silent, hoping he would go on.
"I had a moment of clarity earlier tonight."
"You keep saying that, but what does it mean? What did you see?'
Even though she could not see his face clearly she knew he'd focused his glance laser-like on her face. She felt the force of his gaze on her skin.
"I saw our life, Diane. I saw what we are, what we were, and what we've become. It had nothing to do – or very little – with what happened at the party. You're right, to walk out because of one fight, one mistake, one incident, would be crazy. That's not why I'm leaving.
"I'm leaving because I realized our marriage was a mistake, that I love you but you don't love me, that I have never and probably never will satisfy you sexually the way you need to be satisfied, that you're a good woman deep down and you will never leave me because you honor your promises, and that we're too young to screw up each other's lives for the next 40 or 50 years. That's why I'm leaving when we finish our conversation...
About three hours earlier:
I pulled into my driveway at 9:30 p.m. My cell phone remained silent. It had been silent since I left Rivers Trailer Park south of Palatka at 8 p.m.; left my wife and about 75 of her close and extended family members and friends drinking and dancing at a monthly party that had been a tradition for almost the entire 8 years of our marriage.
We lived in Jacksonville, a million person Northeast Florida urban center about an hour and a half north of Palatka.
The house was dark except for the automatic yard light with an electric eye sensor that illuminated the front driveway as I walked up the front walkway, or rather limped. It had been a raucous evening and I was feeling a lot older than my chronological age of 34; more like 74. But I only had to lug a six pack of Michelob Lights into the house so I made it.
I flipped the kitchen lights on and sat down at the table where we actually ate most of our meals instead of the little dining nook, which was where we were supposed to eat. I screwed the top off one Michelob and took a long swig of the deliciously cold drink and let it slide down my throat. Then another. All the while waiting for the first ring tone from my cell phone.
Nothing. I looked at the pictures that five-year-old Billy had drawn at school in crayon magnetized to the front door of the fridge and a photo of seven-year-old David catching his first pass at a Pop Warner Peewee Football game.
I felt a little catch in my throat and I consciously fought to avoid tearing up as I looked at David's dark-haired young body caught in the act of his first athletic triumph. He looked like his mother, with her dark hair and lithe frame. Both the boys had their mother's dark hair instead of my sandy blonde and both boys had their mother's light brown eyes instead of my blue ice chips.
I fought down the lump in my throat. They and their mother, had been my world. Until a few hours ago. I was about to lose them all and it was like standing on railroad track in the dark of night watching an oncoming train and being frozen to the track.
I took another swallow and rested my head for a moment against the dark grained wood of the table. I finished off the bottle and made myself get up from the table. Sooner or later the phone would ring, and then eventually the front door would open and I had things to do before that happened.
I walked up to the second floor and the bedroom that Diane and I had shared for five years since we had moved in to this fairly expensive Mandarin neighborhood. We moved there because it had pretty good schools. I taught an introductory English literature class at Jacksonville University, a small private liberal arts college across town, but I liked the Mandarin neighborhood better for the boys than the area around JU so I put up with the hour-long daily commute.
I opened the closet door and in the back found the two suitcases Diane and I had used for our last cruise two years ago to the Bahamas. Then I started opening the drawers and taking out as much of my underwear as I could find. I took a week's worth of slacks, shirts and suit coats out. I had to remember to pack a razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, a few medications, all the things I'd need for a trip away from home.
I leaned over the dresser and felt the urge to vomit. I fought it back. Only this trip was never going to end. It was an exile from everything I loved, or had loved, and I was never going to come back.
If I let myself think about it too much I knew I'd freeze up. So I very methodically went about packing up everything I'd need to start life over as a single man after eight years of marriage.
I found my laptop and a briefcase with work I'd need for the college. I ferried everything down to the hallway that led to the dining room to the left of the front door. They wouldn't' be seen by anyone walking into the house unless they actually walked into the dining room.
When I had gotten everything I could think of, I took the Michelob Six-pack with five beers left in it and went into the den. The front door opened to a hallway which led to the right and then to the den. I sat down in the easy chair at the far end of the den and placed the Michelobs on a glass coffee table in front of me.
There was a floor lamp behind the easy chair and I left it off. There was a light in the hallway that anyone walking in would flick on. I stood on a chair and loosened the light bulb in the center of the den so that it wouldn't come on when you hit the light switch at the entrance to the den.
With everything prepared I leaned back in the easy chair in the darkness of what had been my home and opened the second Michelob and began to take careful sips. About 11 p.m. the cell phone rang the first time. The fliptop Nokia screen lit up in the darkness and I recognized Diane's cell phone number. I didn't answer it. About three minutes later it beeped that I had a message waiting. I didn't retrieve it.
Five minutes after that it rang again, and then in another three minutes, and another five and ten and then five. Diane called and her father, Richard, and her older brother Dave and her younger sister Kelly and then Diane again.
If there had been any humor left in the world, the parade of phone numbers would have struck me as funny. But funny had died a few hours ago and I didn't think I'd find anything funny again for a long time, if ever. The house phone rang, and the cell phone and then the house phone. I just finished the second Michelob and started on the third.
Time crawled by and like the traitor it was, refused to run backwards so that the day that destroyed my life would unwind and give me a second chance. But even as I expressed that common human wish, I knew inside that what had happened had been coming for longer than one day and I'd have to unwind time back at least eight years to undo the damage, and that wasn't going to happen.
It was a cool November, but not bad. The RV park and cabins near Lake Como south of Palatka, were usually almost deserted this time of year. So it was a good place for Richard Carter and his clan and friends to hold their monthly dance/get together/parties in a quiet place where no one would complain about noise or call the cops and people could relax.
Carter and his wife Ricki had raised a brood of nine boys and girls, eight still surviving and when all the kids got together along with other family members like uncles and aunts and friends, there was usually a crowd of a hundred or more adults.
Richard and Ricki had built a road paving/asphalt company that made them millionaires by the time they'd reached their late 60s and they enjoyed hosting the Saturday monthly parties. There was always southern rock, and fried chicken and ribs and oysters in season and plenty of beer and hard liquor for any body's tastes.
Diane and I didn't make it every month, but we tried to get there as often as possible. Richard and Ricki had done their best to welcome a Yankee stranger from the foreign land of Massachusetts into their family, even though I knew there were times they had a hard time understanding me and the way I made my living.
I didn't sell cars or repair them or build houses or lay down parking lots or make money in any of the ways that everybody else in their group did. I stood in front of bored young men and women and talked about poetry and novels and essays and stuff that most of the Carter clan understood little and cared about less.
The drinking usually started about noon. Cabins were available for anyone who needed them to sleep off too much booze, as well as a few RVs. Diane and I had sent the boys to a friends' house whose parents we trusted. They knew we might be back tonight or Sunday morning. We watched their kids when they needed us.
There was an old concrete dance pavilion that was only used basically when the Carter parties were held and a loudspeaker was set up. We ate and drank a little bit while people drifted in and started drinking. By 5 p.m. it was dusk and the music got louder and the drinking got more intense.
Diane walked around talking to people while I stood by one of the tables still laden with food and ate a few grapes. In the twilight she glimmered like a ghost in a light white dress that clung to her hips accentuating her full ass and 36c breasts that looked bigger than that. Her hair was long and swung behind her and I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful woman.
Sometimes I'd just watch her for hours at these parties because dancing and drinking are not my things, just watch her and marvel that an outsider had been able to come in and steal her away from a horde of horny southern suitors who wanted that body and face in their beds.
As usual, drinking and dancing and luscious women and horny men didn't make for the most peaceful mix. One of sister Kelly's old beaus got her out dancing to a particularly snaky tune and was able to dry hump her in front of everybody until her husband Billy stalked out there and laid him out with a thunderous right cross.
Cooler heads prevailed, beer flowed and before a few minutes passed the two men had shook hands, the old beau got a kiss from his old sweetheart and Billy and Kelly were wandering off looking for a dark spot to do the dirty deed, which they usually did at every party.
The pavilion started to get crowded, with even Richard and Ricki moving to the beat of some Southern rock when I noticed I'd lost track of Diane. When I spotted her my stomach tightened. She was dancing a slow dance with a tall, dark-haired man in a calico shirt and jeans. She had melted into his arms and I could see his big hands sliding up and down her back, almost down over her ass although I saw her move his hands off when they got too low.
Bobby Trescott had been one of the guys chasing her before I showed up at the insurance officer where she was working to transfer my auto insurance to her company. For some reason she seemed to take a liking to the stranger with the even stranger accent and six months later we were married. Bobby had never taken her decision well.
He still called and came by sometimes and Diane insisted on viewing him as a friend rather than an ex-boyfriend. At these parties, he always wound up dancing inappropriately close, touching place he shouldn't touch and usually make some smartass comments to and about me, to the general amusement of many.
I made my way through the twilight toward the two of them, watching the way they moved together. I couldn't help but be jealous. Diane had been drinking. Not enough to be drunk but enough to be relaxed and kind of melt against him.
I got close enough and said loud enough for them to hear, "Hi, Bobby. Mind if I cut in?"
Diane looked at me with no guilt and smiled lazily, "Hi, baby, I was just dancing a little with old Bobby. I promised him this dance. It's the dance from our Prom. You don't mind if I finish it with him, do you?"
Bobby grinned at me and so I could see it, slipped his left hand up and under her blouse to cup her breast. Because of the twilight only the three of us could see what he was doing. Diane gave him a funny look and then looked at me. I tried to read her expression. Was she angry at him for what he was doing or me for letting him?
I tried to be cool but it slipped away from me.
"Bobby, get your fucking hand off my wife's breast."
His smile grew wider.
"Or what, Lyle? Jesus Christ! What kind of man's name is Lyle? That sounds like a little girl? Hey, Lyle ... That is so damned gay."
I hesitated. I hadn't been in a fistfight in 20 years.
"I don't care what you think about my name. Get your hands off my wife."
Diane took her hand and pushed his hand so he released her breast.
"Alright Bobby, cool it. Why do you always have to be an asshole around Lyle. He's my husband. He's not a roughhouser like you. You are always trying to get him into a fight because you know you'd kick his ass. It's not fair. And Lyle, I'm not some little girl. Bobby is a little drunk, but I can handle him. I've known him most of my life. You don't need to come out here making a scene trying to RESCUE me. Hell, I'd probably have to rescue you."
I couldn't believe my ears. I knew now that several of the couples around us had heard the exchange and I heard snickering.
"What the hell did you just say?"
Her eyes widened and I wondered if she had even thought about what she had said.
"Oh, Lyle, I'm sorry, baby. I ... I didn't mean it that way..."
"How the hell could you mean that?"
Bobby pushed her to one side.
"She meant that if you get in my face I'll kick your ass and smash your face in, you damned pencil-neck geek. The only reason I haven't done it before is that she keeps begging me not to hurt you. What kind of fucking man hides behind his wife's skirts?"
I couldn't resist.
"Somebody that can count beyond ten without using his fingers, you redneck moron. Somebody that came in and took your girl away from you without working up a sweat. Somebody who made two babies with her. Something I'm not even sure you could do, or if you have the equipment for."
I saw the swing coming even as I sensed people coming up from behind us. I was moving to get out of the way when my foot slipped on what was probably somebody's spilled drink. I went down on my ass and hit my head on the concrete landing. Diane's brother Dave and a friend of his got to Bobby and grabbed him by both arms.
I hit hard and it knocked the wind out of me. I was stunned for a moment. Bobby didn't try to shake off the guys holding his arms, probably feeling he'd gotten the best of the exchange.
"As to who's got the better equipment, Lyle why don't you ask Diane sometime. She used to think my equipment was pretty goddamned good and I hear a pencil would fill her up more that the equipment you've got. She told me one time that pencil dick is a good name for you."
Richard Carter came up behind us then and said in a hard voice, "Alright Bobby. Enough. We let you come to these parties because you're an old friend. But you're over the line. Get out of here."
I looked up then at Bobby's grinning face and glanced around at other faces around me. I could see the smiles, or the desperate attempts not to smile. And then I looked at my beloved wife's serious face and I knew she was another one fighting it. She thought it was funny and as I looked at her she deliberately turned her face away, toward her father.
"Daddy, no. Bobby was just drinking. He didn't mean anything by it. You know he and Lyle are fussing, but it doesn't mean anything. And anyway, I did promise him that dance."
Even Richard Carter looked at his daughter in disbelief.
"You are sure that's what you want, Diane? After what Bobby said about your husband?"
She looked back at me, without smiling.
"Lyle is a grown man, Daddy. If he's upset by anything Bobby does, he knows what he can do about it. Don't you baby?"
I got my hands under me and got to my feet. I just turned around and walked away from my wife. Bobby started laughing. I heard snickering and I wanted desperately to believe that Diane wasn't among them, but I wasn't about to turn around to see for sure.
As I walked off the dance landing Richard caught up to me and talked as I walked away.
"Son, I know you're pissed right now. But listen to me. I know Diane loves you, whether you believe it now or not. But ... women ... listen, sometimes a woman, even the best woman, wants to know her man will fight for her. They may not do it up where you come from, but down here, a woman won't respect a man who backs down from another man trying to move in on her. You do what you think is right, but even if Bobby beats the crap out of you, at least fighting him will show her that you care enough to fight for her.
I kept walking.
"You're right, Richard, women don't do that where I come from. A good woman doesn't give some cunt sniffing hound encouragement to get into a situation where her husband has to fight for her. Not if they love their husband, not if they've got a real marriage going. Now I'm not so sure of either.
He grabbed my arm and I had enough respect for him not to jerk away.
"Maybe, maybe you're right about ... her lack of respect for you. I'm just her daddy. I can't get in the middle of this, but I can tell you she loves you. Don't do anything stupid right now. Just get somewhere and have a drink and cool down. This will all work itself out."
"Maybe..." and then I did walk away from him.
The driveway lit up with the lights of a car pulling into our driveway at 12:45 a.m. I was down to one and a half Michelobs and I was feeling fairly mellow. I heard car doors open, and voices. I had opened the window next to the easy chair, although it made the house chilly. But when people parked because of the way the driveway slanted unless they were whispering it was like they were standing next to the window and I could usually hear every word.
"He's here." It was big brother Dave. "Thank God."
"The son of a bitch. He's a sorry bastard."
"Cool it. I know you're sober now. After showing your ass that way, just be glad he's here and not off screwing some random piece of tail, the way most guys would."
"You shut up. He's my fucking husband, a big fucking baby that walks away sucking his thumb when his feelings get hurt and leaves his wife. What kind of husband does that."
"The kind whose wife is rubbing her pussy all over an ex boyfriend right in front of him, you dumb bitch. If you weren't my sister and you didn't have those boys, I'd tell him to just dump your ass and go out and find somebody who wouldn't humiliate him in public."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Diane had always been a good little churchgoing Southern girl. Damn and heck were the strongest words I'd ever heard her use, even in bed. Now she was saying 'fucking?' It had indeed been one hell of a night.
The front door opened they walked in. A moment later the hallway light flipped on and light invaded the den. But it only reached the center of the den. I sat in darkness.
Dave walked into the den first, Diane on his heels. He looked around and saw my shape sitting in the shadows in the easy chair. He just looked at me for a moment and then said, "Hi, Lyle."
"Hello Dave."
There was what seemed like an interminable silence. I wasn't going to be the first to speak to her. Finally she said, "Lyle."
"Diane," I said in the same flat, emotionless tone.
"Are you all right?" Dave asked.
"Fine, thanks for asking."
"You bastard!"
She blurted it out as if a cork had popped and she couldn't contain herself any longer.
"I love you too, bitch."
She tensed and if Dave hadn't held his arm out I think she might have launched herself at me. Her hair was wild, her face flushed, lipstick long gone, the white dress had blood on it (blood?) and was creased and there were dirt spots on it. It must indeed have been a hell of a party after I left.
"Smartass, always some smart crack. You think it was funny leaving me alone, not telling anyone where you were going, just vanishing. What kind of man does that?"
"I don't know, probably some pencil-dicked coward too frightened to fight a man who was rubbing his wife's tits with her permission in front of all their friends and family."
She had the decency to flush while Dave gave her a dirty look.
"You had us worried, man," Dave said. "Why didn't you answer your phone, any of your phones?"
"I didn't feel like talking to anybody."
He rubbed his chin and looked from Diane to me.
"I guess ... I guess I'll leave you guys to talk then. It's been a long night, a hell of a night. I'm getting too old for this crap. You sure you're okay, Lyle?"
"I was just being polite, Dave. I'm not alright. I don't know that I ever will be again. But it's not your problem. Thanks for getting Diane home. If it had been up to me, she could have gone home with Bobby or set up camping at the RV park."
He gave both of us another look and then just shook his head. Then he looked over at Diane.
"I'll leave then, Lyle. Let you guys – work things out. Diane, walk me out, okay?"
From their voices I could tell they were standing by his Chevy Tahoe.
"Goddamn him, Dave. He's such an asshole. Any other guy would have waded into Bobby, or gotten drunk or done something human. He walks off and sulks at home. He's not-"
"I would have kicked Bobby's ass, and so would Tommy and most of the guys we know. Lyle isn't like that. He's not a fighter. You knew that when you decided to go after him. You remember. I remember very well. You said he wasn't one of those guys who'd come home with grease under their fingers, give you six or seven kids, get drunk every weekend and screw around on you when you put on a few pounds. You said, and I quote, "he's a man who's going to go places. He'll provide for me and our children and be faithful to me and give us a good life. He's a good man."
"You wanted something better and you got it and now you're getting antsy and doing that pussy dance that means if Bobby isn't getting any he probably will be. I used to be proud of you, Diane, but now I'm wondering if you're not just another hot pants slut that's going to wind up divorced four or five times, dragging new boyfriends home every few weeks and making Mom and Dad cry when they think about the mess you've made out of your life."
"Oh Dave, grow up. I'm not stupid. I was feeling antsy, maybe horny, but I'm not 17. I was playing with Bobby because it felt good for one night to feel like a teenager again. My husband should have grabbed me and made me behave, but I forgot who I'm married to. He's pissed right now, but he'll get over it. It was one night and one fight. I'll go in there and give him some loving and this will all pass. People don't – break up – because of one fight."
"You damn well better, sister. You think because I build houses that I don't know anything about your dear husband. I have clients and partners whose kids go to JU. They talk about Lyle. He's young and he's got his hair and he's smart and a lot of those coeds think he's cute. There have been time's he'd have gotten laid for an "A' or even a "C".
"And there were female professors. One – well let's just say she was so open about chasing him that the Dean had to tell her to cool it or they'd have to take action. So you go in there and blow him or do whatever you got to do. You lose him and he won't be sitting and crying into his beer for long."
She came back in and stood at the entrance to the den for another long moment. Neither of us said anything. Then she started to cross the den toward me. I held my hand up.
"Stop. Grab a chair and sit over there by the TV."
It surprised her. I could read it on her face. She was expecting to come over, kneel at my feet, cuddle for a moment and then started the kissing which would lead to the bedroom. But it wasn't going to happen.
She took a deep breath.
"I know ... Lyle ... I know I acted like a complete shit out there tonight. You don't need to read me the riot act. Everybody else already has. Jesus Christ, everybody acts like you're blood and I'm the outsider. But, I was drinking, you know that.
"And Bobby ... you know Bobby and I have a history. We go way back. We met in elementary, would you believe? And – you have to know this ... he's still in love with me. He never got over me choosing you as my husband. I know it's not right, but I feel sorry for him – so sorry – sometimes."
"So you're going to ease his pain by fucking him?"
Anger flared in her eyes.
"He's hurting. A little flirting makes him feel better. Nothing else was going to happen, until you came in like a big man and got things rolling. You didn't need to. He's a friend. You're my husband, the man I love."
After another moment she sat in a straight back chair. It wasn't the most comfortable in the world, which was what I wanted.
"Not to change the subject, Diane, but I'm curious about something. I left the campground about 8. My phone didn't start ringing until 11. I know the campground is a big place and a lot of stuff was going on, but after that little incident it took you three hours to realize I was nowhere to be found? You must really have been feeling guilty about what happened to realize I'd vanished in only three hours.
"I guess if we hadn't had that little set to you wouldn't have realized I was missing until the next morning. That tells me how important I am in your life."
Anger flared in her eyes and she was about to say something when she thought of something and stopped.
"My god, Lyle, you don't know, do you?"
"Know what?"
"All hell broke loose after – after you left. I did forget about you. Everybody did for a little while. But it doesn't mean I don't care for you. It's just –"
"Enough, what happened?'
"After, afterwards, Bobby and I danced for a little while. I know I shouldn't have, but I was so damned pissed at you. I – I know you don't – fight. But ... God this makes me sound like I'm 13, but I was hurt that you didn't at least take a swing at Bobby. If he'd put down you, I'd have been all over you loving and comforting you. I wanted to. You're my husband, but you walked away.
"So yeah, I was pissed. I danced with him. And you know Bobby, he was drinking. So after a few minutes he went off to pee. Knowing Bobby I figured he'd either go to the lake or behind one of the cabins.
"I got to talking with some people and didn't think anything more about Bobby for awhile. After about a half-hour I started to wonder where he'd gone. I wasn't worried about you because you usually wander off and we don't reconnect until later in the evening.
"Then I heard a scream and everybody started running toward the lake. People were crowded around someone lying on the ground. I tried to get closer and then I realized it was Bobby. It was terrible. His face was covered with blood. One eye was swelling shut. They told me his arm was broken and he had some fingers broken as well.
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EroticSeit etwas mehr als einem Jahr war Tommy Auszubildender. Er hatte damals sehr viel Glück gehabt den Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen, nicht nur weil er so seinen Traumberuf erlernen konnte, sondern auch weil die Firma als Aushängeschild der Region galt und auf jede offene Stelle unzählige Bewerber kamen. Selbst wenn er seinen Arbeitgeber in Zukunft wechseln wollte, hätte er die bestmögliche Ausgangssituation, da der Betrieb für seinen hohen Ausbildungsstandard bekannt war. Zu diesem Zweck...
Momentum by T:M in 2005 Kennen Sie diese besondere Situation? Oh nat?rlich, wie dumm von mir! Wie k?nnen sie wissen wovon ich rede, wenn ich es ihnen nicht erkl?rt habe? Ich meine diese Art von Moment, die sich ereignet, wenn einem etwas pl?tzlich in den Sinn schie?t. Etwas, dass man eigentlich schon vor Stunden h?tte tun oder denken sollen. Mir pers?nlich ist das in der Schule sehr oft passiert. Da hat man irgendwo in der Pause einen schmutzigen, durch und durch unsittlichen Witz aufg...
Moments in a Life by C. Cameron Introduction I have recently begun thinking about my stories and have realized that way too many of my early very private and very personal attempts were mostly about a guy (ok, yes, me) changing into basically an ing?nue - a young, beautiful, well-endowed, woman. Except I'm not exactly getting younger. So, I figured it was time to write a more age compatible story. You know, married women can be sexy, mothers can be sexy, women in middle-age can b...
Stood there behind her, he just stared for a moment. He couldn't believe this moment was here, a moment they had both spoken of, and even joked about. But with the little knowledge he had gained through conversation in his pocket, a pound of luck behind him, the feeling of acceptance should the moment - this moment - happen, he got on the train, and took a chance.All the way there he had planned what to say, what his opening line would be, the smile he would wear, and the look he would give,...
The Moment of Truth Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Every boy that ever wore a dress simply because he wanted too, faces that singular moment when someone, anyone, other than themselves, sees the girl they wanted to be and was desperately trying to become. They get caught, they stumble with the mannerisms, they go outside and do dangerous things, they have an accident... whatever it is, and that moment always comes. To say that fear, shame and guilt are not running rampant...
What the hell had I been thinking? Packing my things in a hurry I chided myself. How could I have been so stupid? A masculine groan from a bed across the room kicked me into hyper gear. Zipping up my bag and doing a visual sweep of the room, I tried to think of the best exit strategy. I decided on a fast tip-toe to the exit. The door squeaked on its hinges as I quickly slipped through the tiny opening. I let out a quick sigh of relief. “You fucking idiot. Why? Why? Stupid, stupid, stupid,” I...
Seduction"Mr. Timmons?" the female voice asked on the phone. "This is Greg," I answered. "This is Mia. I'm in your wife's group." "Hi, Mia." After the youngest of our two children moved out of our single-story, four bedroom house a couple of years ago, Michelle ramped up her home business. My wife sold Superware, the handy-dandy, seal anything, leak proof storage containers. Once she kicked it into high gear, she advanced quickly to a district director. My wife almost every evening now had...
As far back as she could remember she had wondered what it would be like to feel the arms of female. To feel her soft body pressed against her own. She was shy, and yes, she knew it. Even her closest friend growing up had no idea of her secret thoughts. But as growing up years do, she grew up and continued to keep her thoughts to herself yet the 'unknowing' always stayed close in her secret place that she dare not reveal to anyone. Even though she dated and eventually married, still, there...
For being a person with the ability to bend reality, he really was rather boring. Most people with his gift went on to become world leaders, shaping the world to their whims, or celebrities drowning in pleasures. For him though, it was enough to just live. He went to school, learning history and practical skills. He spent some time in the evening working as a simple magician. It was easy work and he enjoyed seeing the amazed reaction from people as he performed his tricks. Mostly it was just...
Mind ControlI was tired and spent after the fucking session with Deeksha. I exited the room and entered the hall. I saw Deeksha’s mom sitting on the couch in her silver sexy nighty watching a movie at 2 am. I was shocked to find out that she looks sexier in person than in pictures. Her name is Rajitha (Fake name). She’s in her mid 40’s, despite her age she’s got a great figure of 34DD-32-36. To put it more bluntly she’s a sex bomb. Ever since Deeksha told me about her and I saw her picture I’ve been...
Hi all, I’m a big fan of ISS and have been reading for past few years. All the stories that I have read inspired me to share my story with all of you. This is my first story so please give a leeway if you find any form of mistakes. This the real-life story experience that I had a few months back. Everything that you are about to read is not fictional but actual incidents that happened. This story is gonna be a bit longer so please do read till the end. Please do give your valuable feedback...
I had sex with poetry last nightin a dim lit setting fit for admiringthe muscle's that faded off the candlelight perfect in every way was her undressand beautiful was her bare nakednesstender was her love as she express to me her poetic intercoursekisses faded into your lipsas mine disappeared hands rushing on bare skin pulling at our most sensitive spotsour heartsbeating as one our bodies creatingthis sexual ball as if the juice's we form became one with selfon the road to her poetic...
The sadomasochistic marital union between Nicole and Jon was total blissas far as Jon was concerned. Jon had indulged in his every depraved fantasywith his diminutive "pain-toy" wife in the first year of their marriage. Nicolehad willingly, if reluctantly submitted to all of Jon's daily Punishment Sessions.She was the recipient of his interminable infliction of pain Jon applied toNicole's most sensitive anatomical areas. On a daily basis, Nicole's breasts,buttocks, thighs, asshole and cuntal...
Once in a while there are moments that occur in one’s life that seem to stand out more so than any of the rest. Sometimes those moments are bad, and sometimes they are good, but one thing about them that no one can ever dispute is – once you have them, things will never be the same. ‘Thank you, Ma’am. God bless you and good evening.’ ‘You are welcome. Enjoy. God bless you.’ The serving line continued on eternally. Sarah Rose Appleton lifted her glove-covered hand and wiped the sweat off her...
Marco had called me, as usual, at the most rotten time. But I guess that’s how ex-boyfriends are. I was on my way out for a night of clubbing with my friends so I was totally dressed to impress. Short skirt, high heels, low-cut top that just barely covered me. Yup, the combination of my breasts and my Asian looks were hard to beat. But like I said, Marco called right as I was leaving my apartment and told me to come to some hotel. He said there was a problem and it needed to be solved right...
Marco had called me, as usual, at the most rotten time. But I guess that's how ex-boyfriends are. I was on my way out for a night of clubbing with my friends so I was totally dressed to impress. Short skirt, high heels, low-cut top that just barely covered me. Yup, the combination of my breasts and my Asian looks were hard to beat. But like I said, Marco called right as I was leaving my apartment and told me to come to some hotel. He said there was a problem and it needed to be solved right...
Hi friends,i wish you are all doing great.. My first story and never thought i will write this :) :)….This happened 2yrs ago in manila. I was posted as a project lead to a client in manila. Initially, i struggled to be out of that team to manila – knowing the natural calamities after reading about the country and their culture.. However i was eventually forced to go for a period of 3 months. I landed there with a sad face :) because i did not like the climate itself, so sunny, sticky… I went...
Introduction: My life the beginning. Moments in Time from My Life: Chapter One, the Ugly Duckling This is a story taken from moments in my life. My name is Betsy and I was inspired to write my life story after reading of the life of another. You know him as Sgt. J here, he is the author of The Swinging in the Neighborhood, series. His writing overwhelmed me as I read about the hardships he had faced through his life as well as over coming those hardships. His story touched my heart with each...
I am Jitu…fondly called Jitan by friends and teachers….cute,innocent and shy by nature…reading in higher secondary school….lean and thin with a small frame of body….wheatish complexion.I am friendly with all classmates and liked by all but I am intimate and close with Braja.Braja and myself are always in sort of competition in studies.We are always in the race for the first position.Myself and Braja always stay back in the class room to practice mathematics after the school hour. Our school...
‘You know, the chocolate disks covered with gold foil.’ ‘We don’t have those.’ ‘You know, the ones made up like gold coins, they have them every Christmas.’ ‘It’s Christmas Eve. We sold out on those more than a week ago.’ ‘I mean my son decided the family could come tomorrow after all at the last minute, and we have those for the grandchildren every year they visit. Well, might you know where I could—?’ ‘No, I don’t,’ Nancy cut in, anxious to move the line along. ‘We sold out of those last...
Hello guys. Thank you for the response to my last 2 stories. Today I am gonna narrate a moment of lifetime with my friend and colleague Nisha. We work together in a IT company. About Nisha she is a model in a fashion magazine as well as works in my company. She totally resembles Sunny Leone with her fair complexion,health and her big milky breasts. I went mad seeing here the first time and wanted to fuck her that day. Everyone in the department sees her with lust and she enjoys the attention....
''Hi, Babe I'm home!" John calls as he walks through the door. He slams it hard, and I can tell it didn't go well. I sigh to myself, because I knew this all along. It was so silly to let myself hope. To let us both hope. "I'm in the bedroom," I call out, my voice shaking a little, but not to much. He walks in and he looks at me, sitting on the bed, waiting for the news which I already know. There is no cure. I'm going to die in 4 months. I remember a time when we used to be happy, me and...
Love StoriesIntroduction: I meet a special person as well as finding out secerts Moments in Time from my Life: Chapter 3 The Campgrounds I finished crying over the fact that John was probably only being nice to me because of my aunt. I went into my bedroom where I got dressed. I then joined my aunt out in the kitchen. So how was your tour? Aunt Lisa asked. You should know as it was only because of the deal you made with John, I replied half-heartedly. What deal is that? Aunt Lisa asked. I have no idea...
This is a story taken from moments in my life. My name is Betsy and I was inspired to write my life story after reading of the life of another. You know him as Sgt. J here, he is the author of “The Swinging in the Neighborhood,” series. His writing overwhelmed me as I read about the hardships he had faced through his life as well as over coming those hardships. His story touched my heart with each chapter I read. If you get a chance check his story out, as I am sure, the emotions I felt...
I finished crying over the fact that John was probably only being nice to me because of my aunt. I went into my bedroom where I got dressed. I then joined my aunt out in the kitchen. “So how was your tour?” Aunt Lisa asked. “You should know as it was only because of the deal you made with John,” I replied half-heartedly. “What deal is that?” Aunt Lisa asked. “I have no idea what you are talking about Betsy,” Aunt Lisa added. “You told him something when you went down to his...
I froze in terror as my mind filled with visions of Turtle raping me. I could not move as vision of that day with Turtle filled my mind. I felt the pain and the sting from his hand at the side of my face where he had slapped as I stood there. The smack of his hand echoed in my head as well. Janet grabbed me by my hair as she yelled, “Did you hear me BITCH,” “I am going to rape you.” “Janet, please stop,” I begged her as I tried to get away for her. Janet grabbed the old tee shirt I...
Hello readers, my name is Jaya Surya, everybody calls me Surya. I am 30 years old now, working as Staff Captain with a cruise ship. I have born and bought up in a middle class family in Bangalore. I did all my schooling and colleges in Bangalore itself. And I am basically from Madurai, Tamil Nadu. My dad was working with Electricity board, Bangalore. We were staying in Madiwala, Bangalore. I have a Brother and our family includes also we four. For last one year am a kind of regular reader of...
Incest”Hi, Babe I’m home!’ John calls as he walks through the door. He slams it hard, and I can tell it didn’t go well. I sigh to myself, because I knew this all along. It was so silly to let myself hope. To let us both hope. ‘I’m in the bedroom,’ I call out, my voice shaking a little, but not to much. He walks in and he looks at me, sitting on the bed, waiting for the news which I already know. There is no cure. I’m going to die in 4 months. I remember a time when we used to be happy, me and...
Erica stepped lightly onto the pavement, and wrapped her coat around her as the bus pulled away from the kerb. A breeze sprang up, stirring the skeletal leaves at her feet, then died away once more. "Bollocks," she muttered, hitching her handbag up higher on her shoulder, and set off along the road. Her breathe misted in the cold autumn air, and, not for the first time, she wished she had taken a taxi instead of waiting for the late bus. The evening had been fun, a few drinks with the girls...
The first year of college was progressing nicely for Bob Lacy. He had quickly figured out that the main difference between college and high school had to do with how the teachers teach. In high school the teachers were on you to do your homework and study assignments. In college the teachers told you what the assignments were to study and it was up to you whether you did so or didn't. They didn't seem to care either way if you did or didn't do the assignment since they didn't appear to...
Normally Bob Lacy didn't like to delay doing things that needed to be done, but this time he had and time was running out on him. In one and a half weeks it would be New Years Eve and if he wanted to go to Jim McMahon's party, he was going to need to come up with a date. All of the girls he knew were already committed so he had to find someone who wasn't. He had noticed some good looking girls in school, but he really didn't know them so he would be comfortable in asking any of them to go...
Friday night has been traditionally spent going out with the guys and over the course of the evening discussing what the plans were for the weekend. After one beer at the local watering hole it was decided to go over Pete's house to play some cards. Bob Lacy had no interest in playing cards but he would go and watch the card game and after a while head for home. There was a varsity basketball game tomorrow which was against what was called a "fish" team. That's a team which is put on the...
The day that he had mixed emotions about had finally arrived. This was the final basketball game of the season and the last college game Bob Lacy would be suiting up for. He was a senior and had enjoyed playing basketball for the university and being a member of the varsity team for the past three years. While he hadn't progressed to more than the eight man on the team, he had enjoyed seeing the various universities and cities where the team had played games at. His height of six feet four...
The basketball season was now over which meant that after completing his studies, Bob Lacy had more time for socializing. He had the time to go out on weekends and possibly expand his social horizons. Bob's relationship with Stacy had deteriorated after she had told him that she wanted to date other guys. Well, it just wasn't other guys as he later found out. It was one guy that she had her sights set on, Lou. Lou was a junior and had been the other starting guard on the basketball team....
Army life in peacetime isn't all that bad thought 2nd Lt. Bob Lacy after his first four months on active duty. He had started off his two year active duty stint by completing the eight weeks Basic Armor Orientation Course at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He had done well and finished in the top 10% of his class. Upon completion, he reported to Fort Riley, Kansas which was the home of the 1st Infantry Division, The Big Red One. He was assigned to C Company of the Armored Battalion as Tank Platoon...
It was a typical fall November day at Fort Riley, Kansas with the temperatures dropping and the winds blowing. The dust was really kicking up in the motor pool area. 2nd Lt. Bob Lacey was in the motor pool doing an inspection of some tank maintenance logs and dreading how the dust was going to play havoc with his newly acquired contact lenses. The Motor Sergeant came up to Bob and told him that the Battalion Adjutant wanted to speak to him. Bob was told to report to Battalion Headquarters...
Two weeks after 1st Lieutenant Bob Lacy was released from his two years of active duty, he entered law school at the University from which he had received his undergrad degree. The law school was very highly rated and had produced a number of judges and politicians. Bob wasn't sure he could gain admission into law school because they were very selective in the admission process. His LSAT marks were well above average as well his undergrad grade point average. Along with his application he...
Bob Lacy was looking to take a break from studying. He was current with his reading assignments and case studies but they had taken a toll on him. Tomorrow was a school holiday so there was no school. Bob would spend the off day going back over his reading assignments to make sure he understood the reasoning behind the court's decisions. Tonight it would be nice to put the schoolwork aside go to have an adult beverage. He drove over to the local watering hole that his friends frequented. He...
The first semester of law school had come to an end. Bob Lacy looked back on it and thought law school was tough and required a lot of study which translated into a lot of time. He had done what was required and had been rewarded with good grades. Now he had the summer break before school started up in the fall. His Dad's friend had secured a job for Bob working with the State Highway Department this summer so he could earn some money. Bob was taking out a loan to handle the school tuition....
Bob was half way through law school and it was going pretty good as reflected in the grades he was receiving. The studies weren't as tough as he thought they would be. Law school however, did require a lot of time especially the required reading. The comprehension of what was read was the important point and it was obvious that some of his fellow students were having difficulty with that aspect. They may graduate law school but passing the Bar Exam to be able to do the practice of law could...
Things in general were going well for Bob Lacy. He didn't have any complaints. Well maybe there was something that was bothering him and that was the relationships he was having with women. He was having dates and having sex with women but in thinking about it that's only what is was, sex. It was pure physical attraction to a member of the opposite sex. The women he had been with he assumed had this same physical attraction to him as well. Some had hinted they wanted more in a relationship...
Law School was over and Bob Lacy had graduated with honors. His parents were proud of this accomplishment and Dad was beaming that his only son was now an Attorney. Mother was equally proud of her son. His sister Beth, who was stationed on Hawaii couldn't attend his graduation. She sent Bob a very nice letter which meant a lot to him. Bob acknowledged that she had done more for him than she would ever know. Two weeks after graduation, he had taken the three day bar exam and it was one of...
"Not guilty," the foreman of the jury said. The judge thanked the jury and dismissed them. Bob Lacy record was now five wins and zero losses on jury trials. He walked over and thanked each juror for their service. Three of the younger female jurors gave Bob a look that let him know they would be interested in getting to know this handsome six foot four inch litigator better. A couple of the men jurors shook his hand and told him he did a good job in presenting his case. For the past 17...
When Bob Lacy left Karen's apartment, he debated about stopping by Jack's house before heading home. At the New Year's Dance, Jack had invited Bob along with some other people to stop over and see his new house. The house was on Bob's way home, so he decided that he would stop. There where five couples at Jack's house. Some of the individuals at the house because of the alcohol they consumed were either sleeping or passed out. Sarah was there but Dave was sleeping. Bob started talking...
Hello, Indian Sex Stories fans. I am Suman and I come from Hyderabad. After my school education, I went to the USA for the graduation. But due to the strict rules, I did not plan to stay back and returned to my homeland. Anyways, I got a job in Chennai and started to work there. I come from a strict family. My dad would never let me bring any girl to my home. Even my female cousins maintained some distance while talking to me. So, you can say that I did not have any girlfriend or even some fun...
I was 18 at the time, freshly graduated from high school in the top ten percent of my class. I was short for my age with no real hope of growing any taller than my 5 feet even. I weighed 130 pounds, a bit thicker than most girls my height, but I felt comfortable and fit in my own skin. Hell, I was in the best shape of my life. And where my stomach was mostly flat, my ass and thighs had no shortage of lean meat. I had b-cup breasts – something I’d once felt insecure about, but had now accepted...
1. Guess The Cock: half of the guests volunteer to kneel and wear a blindfold. The other half stand in front of them and place their genitals right in the kneeling players face. Both kneelers and standers must not touch each other other than with their lips and tongue and not a single word should be uttered. Sighs and moans are welcome. The kneeler who guesses the owner of the cock in his/her mouth is the winner. This is a hard game for new members of the group; however, it gets easier as...
21 year old Dylan happened to be one of the trainers that work with new people, since he has experience in the ring with others, he usually have a jam packed schedule and was satisfied with it. He happen to have a new kid from the block on his schedule for the day, "hmm never hear of this kid but I'll take it." He says tossing the iPad on his bag on the chair, the new folks were standing in straight line in the ring as he steps into the ring. "Hey all of you! I will be your trainer for the...
I live in a town with a lot of vacation homes that are now short term rentals. Last week, 4 guys rented the house next door to me for a snowboard trip because we were supposed to get some snow. The storm turned into a blizzard and all of the roads were closed. I was shoveling my driveway while they were out playing around. I stopped and chatted with them for awhile. I told them if they needed anything to come over. Being snowed in unprepared could be tough. About an hour later, I was just...
January 21, 1983, McKinley, Ohio I still hadn’t decided on the answer to Clarissa’s final question when Angie and I went to run on Friday morning. One thing I was reasonably sure of was that saying ‘no’ would likely be equivalent to saying, ‘not yet’. Milena and her friends didn’t seem likely to withdraw the offer anytime soon, though they would all complete their Master’s or undergrad degrees in May. But that wasn’t the thing which was in the front of my mind. What was foremost was what...
The following was a response I sent to another user on a different site. As I was reading it again before posting it, I thought I haven't shared any writing here, so maybe this would be a good story. All the better because it's true:...that is why i wish more men were open to ass play. then i don't feel that them wanting to fuck my ass is coming from a place of degradation/humilation. the intent is to provide pleasure.i love anal play. i don't have a lot of experience, but i have bought...
Barely conscious. 3 AM, or that's what my bleary eyes said about the glowing big hand and little hand on my watch. I'd been sleeping for the last couple of hours as the train sped through the northern reaches of the Midwest taking several hundred of us from Chicago to points east. In my case, back to New York after a conference. Hours of talk and then the rush to make the Lakeshore Limited. I enjoy riding trains and if I'd had my wits about me when I planned this trip I would have booked a...