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-Evelyn Waugh, “Vile Bodies”


"I hate that song."

Andrew was talking to himself, but the girl next to him gave him a dirty look anyway. “I thought you liked the classic sound?”

"Not this classic. I can't believe they're really playing this."

"Well don't stick around for it on my account," she said.

The girl (what was her name again? Hannah?) seemed edgy and he knew she wanted to go dance, but since he'd paid for her drink politeness demanded she at least stand next to him while she finished it. She must have been between paydays, because normally she turned him down when he tried to buy for her. He leaned on the mezzanine railing and watched the dance floor, a seething mass of black. It was the saddest thing he'd ever seen. How could things have gotten this bad?

"Look at these people," he said. "No style, no originality, no creativity; why do they even show up?"

"Hey?" said Hannah, gesturing to her own outfit. Andrew looked her up and down and sneered. "Well what are you doing that's so fucking original?" she said, picking at his sleeve. He ignored her.

"You don't understand," he said. "You don't remember how it used to be."

"How did it used to be?"


She rolled her eyes, drank the rest of her glass in one go, and left. He watched her walk away with skintight red PVC stretched across her ass and considered chasing her. Nah, he thought, I'm too good for that.

The song ended (finally) and he watched the sparse crowd move through the dark corners of the club. The bars (four in the tiny venue) were crowded, but in general the turnout was small. Not many left, he thought. Someday there won't be any.

He heard the manager talking to the DJ:

"Don't ever play that song again."

"It was a request."

"When that happens just push the button marked 'boiling oil.'"

Andrew had heard the joke before. He hoped it was serious.

He picked the least crowded bar and elbowed his way to the front. He saw Hannah dancing with a group of rivetheads who looked like their only agenda was injuring themselves. Fuck her, he thought, then realized he never had. It was definitely time to leave, but he decided he would finish this one last drink and try one last girl.

He scanned the crowd for anyone he didn't recognize, and something near the door caught his eye; 20ish, doe-eyed, and somehow out of place. She had on a lot of makeup, but he decided it wasn't so bad. She was watching the floor, biting the tip of one fingernail. He made his way over to her.

"First time?" he said.

She nodded.

"What's your name?"


"I'm Andrew. Do you want a drink?" He raised his glass.

"No thanks, but come sit with me." She pulled him to a booth.

"So what brings you out?" he said.

"I was just looking." She had a faraway look. He decided she must be on something.

"There's not much to see these days," he said. "It's not like it used to be. The scene is pretty much dead."

"Well, it will be if you keep saying that," she said.

Andrew thought of a rude response but kept it to himself. It's not her fault, he thought. She's too young to know better.

"Do you want to get out of here?" she said. He choked a little. That was faster than he could have hoped for. "There's another club I wanted to look at," she continued. His enthusiasm bated a bit, but he decided this might still be a promising development.

"What club?" he said. "Maybe I know it?"

"I don't think you do, but you'll like it. Come on, finish that and meet me outside."

As she left he checked out her ass, then got up to follow. He stopped at the coat check and heard Hannah's voice behind him.

"You leaving early?" she said. She almost sounded disappointed.

"Yeah," he said. "I'm not feeling it tonight."

"Why don't you stay and have another drink with me?" she said. She put her hand on his arm. A friend of hers standing nearby (Jessica, 5'8, nipples pierced, naturally black hair. Never fucked but second base in the parking lot in June while she was blacked out) looked shocked.

"What's wrong?" he said, "Too sober to buy your own?"

"Don't be such an asshole," said Jessica, talking loud over a terrible Southern Death Cult remix.

Hannah tugged his sleeve a little. "Why can't you just have a good time like everyone else? You'd enjoy yourself if you lightened up a little."

He tried to read her body language. The rubber outfit made her tits look good and she seemed game tonight. He'd been leaning on her for months. Maybe...

"You can all lighten up," he said. "I've got real things to do."

He pushed her away. Jessica came to her rescue.

"Just get the fuck out, Andrew," she said. "Guys like you are the reason no one comes here anymore."

That's hilarious, he thought, but left without bothering to say it. Outside it was cold and foggy, and a few bedraggled smokers hugged the wall. He worried Ruby might have wandered off, but he was pleased to see that she had waited for him after all. She skipped up and took his hand.

"Where are we going?" he said.

"Somewhere new." She pulled him along. He looked over his shoulder at the exterior of the club, vanishing as the late-night shadows caused by broken streetlamps closed in. He tried to make small talk, but she didn't seem interested in chatting. Weird chick, he thought. Before long he was lost. He didn't recognize the street they were on. Had they turned off onto Mission? No, Mission was the other way? Where was—

"Is this place close?"


"Along Folsom?"


The streets were deserted. He kicked trash out of the way. It wasn't a good idea to be wandering around this neighborhood at night. Just as he was about to say something, she pointed to a redbrick building. The windows were dark, but there was a crowd outside, and he heard the rhythmic thump of music.

"Come on," said Ruby. He didn't see any signs or identifying marks on the building; it looked like a warehouse. He sighed inwardly, because raves were strictly for dickheads and tweakers, but when Ruby took him in (skipping the line and waving at the bouncer) he found the setup pretty elaborate: two floors, a real bar, good sound system, and a sizy stage with a live band.

He took it all in; throbbing speakers, neon lights, milling, dancing, and cavorting masses of leather, hair dye, makeup, metal studs, net shirts, top hats, billowing skirts, thigh boots, fetish gear, body art, and black lace. The place was packed, wall to wall.

"Do you like it?" said Ruby.

Andrew blinked. "Yeah."

"Let's have fun," she said.

"Wait, what is—" he said, but she was pulling him deeper inside. She put her hands on his hips and pulled him in close. "Dance with me," she said, her lips hovering just over his. Normally Andrew would have said no, but the music was hard to ignore and his head was spinning. A wall of people surrounded them on all sides. He usually hated being crowded, but now he didn't care because it meant that Ruby stood very close, her body gyrating against his. "I could dance to this song forever," she said. She looked him in the eye. "Do you want to?"

Andrew closed his eyes and let himself drift. The bass crept down inside him, and he felt his heart jump in time with the chords. The mob moved with them. He wasn't sure how long they danced, but it felt like hours. By the end he was exhausted, drenched in sweat, muscles aching. No one else seemed to tire at all.

"I think I need to take it down a notch for a few minutes," Andrew said. His head hurt. It was definitely time for another drink. Something was strange about this place; there was a smell, a bad smell, lingering under the scent of sweat and booze and circulated air, like something fetid. He leaned against a pillar to catch his breath. They'd stopped dancing but he couldn't get away from the music. He didn't recognize the band, but they were good. None of that cop out industrial garbage or stupid stripped-down techno shit, just real music.

Ruby was still with him. Under the purple and blue club lights her makeup stood out, looking stark and blanched. She was still dancing in place, her shoulders and hips twitching, as if she couldn't stop. When she opened her eyes again she smiled at him.

"Do you come here a lot?" he said.

"A long time."

"I never even knew this place was here. What's it called? How long has it been around?"

"It doesn't have a name, but I think it opened in '79."

"It's been here that long?" he said. They shouted over the music.

"It's been here longer than that; that's just when it opened."

Andrew didn't understand. "I wonder if—hey!"

He turned in the crowd, trying to push forward but getting pushed back by the throngs. He struggled for a minute, but by then he'd lost sight of who he was looking for. Ruby held him up as he swayed back and forth drunkenly and held his head.

"You okay?" she said, arching one black eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's just...I thought I saw someone I knew. An old friend of mine."

"Maybe you did."

"Can't be, he's dead. It looked just like Troy though. He walked right past me. Freaked me out."

She put her arms around his neck and stroked his shoulders. "Poor thing. You've probably just had too much to drink. You want to relax?"

"Yeah," said Andrew, letting himself be led. They went through the lounge, where he saw a crowd of people with their backs to him, circling a table. That setup usually indicated that someone had coke and was in the mood to share, but Ruby didn't let him stop. He didn't realize she was taking him into the restroom until she locked the door. It was a one room with a single stall, just big enough for both of them.

"What's going on?" he said.

"I'm going to help you relax," she said. "Unzip."

He was sitting on the toilet and she had one high-heeled boot up on the lid, between his knees.

"In here?" he said.

"You afraid of getting dirty?

She smirked a little and Andrew felt his blood rise, so he undid his belt and opened his fly. Ruby slid her hand in, her black-lacquered nails grazing him.

"What've you got for me?" she said, licking her stained lips. Her fingers wrapped around him, and he grunted. An alcoholic haze crowded his head, and her touch seemed unreal. Her hands were cold, and her skin felt slick. She pulled his cock out, eyeing it, running her fingers around it.

"Not bad," she said. "But I've seen better."

"Fuck off," he said.

"Not with that," she said. "But I won't leave you hanging, baby." She bent over and licked him, twirling her tongue around the head. His stomach jumped up. She closed her eyes and sucked the tip, working it inside her lips, bobbing her head in time with the music that was still pounding outside. Someone knocked on the door and she kicked it once in response.

Ruby gripped the base of him with one hand, squeezing while she worked him past her lips and over her tongue. He went to grab her hair but she pushed him away with her free hand, so instead he gripped the handicap rails. There was something strangely clammy about her mouth; he only felt warmth when she exhaled. He wondered if she was sick, and then wondered what you could catch that made your body temperature drop, and then decided he didn't care.

She pushed him in, her tongue lolling. She was halfway down him now, and her glossy lips were sucking tight, sliding up and down, wet noises filling the tiny space of the stall. She bent almost double over him, and he saw her ass arched up, the waist of her skirt sliding down to show the thin black line of her thong. He wanted to reach out and grab that, but he figured she would probably object.

She was throating him now, making a kind of strangling noise as she shoved him all the way in and kept him there. She swallowed and her throat muscles rippled around him in a wave. He groaned, and then someone was banging on the door again, and he said "Fuck off!" and then groaned again.

She swallowed over and over, and there was a continuous wave of contractions clenching and unclenching on him. She was staring up at him, and her eyes spooked him. He covered her face with his hands, and although he expected this to make her angry she actually responded by sucking with even greater enthusiasm.

Her cold hand cradled his balls and squeezed. He jerked his hips up once, fucking her mouth, and her head rolled back. She moaned around him, squeezing more in encouragement, and he pushed again. She bobbed her head with the music but kept him in the whole time, never moving him from her throat. He was throbbing inside of her, and now when he grabbed handfuls of her hair she let him, and he pushed down on her head and pushed himself up inside. Her legs kicked and her boots scuffed the porcelain on the walls.

Images flashed in front of his eyes, sporadic and epileptic: He saw Hannah's face, and Jessica's, and the face of Michelle, the girl he'd lost his virginity to fifteen years ago after they'd both been thrown out of a club just like this one for trying to use a fake ID. He saw Debbie, whom he thought he'd loved, who made him stop coming to the club and stop drinking and who had made him happy until the day he came home and found her in a bloody bathtub.

He saw Julia, the girl he dated five years ago and dumped as soon as she told him she was pregnant, only later learning that she'd died in the middle of a miscarriage. He saw her now, looking pale and frightened with her hair stringy, clutching something to her chest in a blanket, something that was bloody. Something that moved...

He saw more and more faces, more and more women, and he realized how many of them were dead. How can I know so many dead people, he thought, and still be alive?

His reverie was interrupted when Ruby' teeth grazed him. Not hard, just enough to get his attention back. The swarm of hallucinatory faces cleared, and the alcohol fog lifted a little, and he was back in the moment, back in the hot, sweaty, muscle-aching fuck, pushing up and into this girl's open mouth as she sucked him down.

Finally he was cumming and she moaned, her lips vibrating on his cock as he gushed into her. She swallowed, and slid him out, wiping her mouth on her net gloves after catching the last dribbles on her tongue. He fell back, panting. She stood and straightened herself out.

“There, that should tide you over,” she said. She went to unlock the door but Andrew grabbed her hand.

“Hang on,” he said. He stood, buckling his belt but leaving his fly open. “Who says I’m done?”

“I do,” Ruby said. “You won’t recover from that for a while anyway.”

“You don’t know me very well,” he said. He pushed her against the door and stuck his hand between her legs. She kicked at him, but there wasn’t enough room. He went in for a kiss and she tried to bite him. He pushed her away from the door and pinned her up against the wall.

“You want to let me go,” she said.

“I don’t think I do.”

“No, really, you want to let me go.”

He leaned in close. “Say pretty please.”

She bit him. This time she connected, her teeth sinking into his cheek. “You fucking bitch!” he said, and slapped her. She slid down the wall. He shook his hand. Something felt strange when he’d connected. What was that stuck to his hand? Some white substance he didn't recognize clung to his palm, so he peeled it off. What the hell...?

“You asshole,” Ruby said, standing. He gaped. There was a hole in her cheek where the scrap stuck his hand had peeled away.

“You messed up my makeup," she said. "Now I have to do it all over again.”

Then she stuck her finger in the gap in her face and pulled, tearing the skin away with her nails. It fell away in strips, like pale white rubber. Grey bone showed underneath, a decaying skull lurking just beneath the surface. Exposed teeth sat in a snapping jawbone in front of a writhing black tongue. Her eyes fell into empty sockets. As he watched she unwound the plasticky skin from her hands, revealing the bony, grasping claws underneath.

Andrew felt something warm. He realized he’d pissed himself.

“Come on,” said Ruby, jawbone moving up and down. “I thought you weren’t done?”

“Get the fuck away from me!” he screamed. His sweaty fingers fumbled with the door lock and pushed it open, and then he ran. He bowled right through the line that had formed outside. His boots slipped on something and he slid into the lounge, falling against the table. The crowd looked up, surprised.

“Help me!” he screamed. “Somebody please help me, there’s something in—”

He stopped. Everyone stared at him. He saw empty eye sockets, and exposed bone, and grasping, skeletal hands. He saw what they were all hunched over at the table, that red, bleeding mass...

“No,” he said. “No, no, no, no!”

They pushed toward him. He turned to run, but there were more of them. Artificial white faces barely covering worn bone stared at him. He fell down and tried to crawl, but hands grabbed him and pulled him up. They dragged him to the table. He saw Ruby, or what was left of her, leering at him from the doorway. He spotted a familiar face in the crowd.

“Troy! Help me, Troy! It’s me, Andrew! Please help me!”

Troy stared, expressionless. He turned and Andrew saw the other side of his face, still bloody and raw from the car accident. The band was still playing, and people on the floor were still dancing, and Andrew heard the soft rustle of terrible things in the shadows. They held him down on the table, pulling at his clothes. He was crying, and laughing, delirious, watching the lights strobe overhead.

“Having a good time?” said Ruby. She leaned over him.

“Get me out of here! Oh God, please, get me out of here!”

“But I thought this would be your kind of place?”

“I don’t belong here,” Andrew said through tears. “I don’t belong here.”

“Oh come on, Andrew,” Ruby said. “You were never happy anywhere else. It’s like you’re always telling people:

“The Goth scene is pretty dead these days.”


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The Slut is Dead

Ronnie tugged his pants on, he wasn't going to say anything. He searched around for his shirt, he grabbed it off the floor along with his shoes and socks. He sat on the edge of the bed. He wasn't going to say a word. He tugged a sock on and put on his shoe, he angrily tied it, then did the other one. He rammed his hand into his shirt, struggling into it. His face was livid with uncontrolled rage, that five minutes before had been uncontrolled lust. "This is it Tanya, the last time." he...

2 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 5 Bang Yoursquore Dead

Bianca nudged me awake. “Hmm,” I grunted. “I know this is a completely irresponsible question, but ... where are my sister and Anabella?” “Last I saw them they were with this older guy. I’m sure they’re okay.” The protective big sister reared her ugly head. “Okay, okay, okay ... Fritz made sure they were put into cabs and sent home,” I explained. “I’m so dead,” she moaned. I pulled her to my chest and kissed her forehead. “Eva said you’ve been working really hard and needed a good...

4 years ago
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DominionChapter 9 The Living vs the Dead

Blood trickled from Dominion’s slit fingers, sliding across the floor of his office at the prison and forming two separate puddles. As with all of his creations, two great shapes rose up from the puddles like they were gateways to Hell. Granted living flesh and blood bodies, a man and woman kneeled before him. The man was a goliath, a bone structure that would suggest gigantism, but much more stable and natural. He wasn’t made in mankind’s image, but in the image of their evolutionary...

2 years ago
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Graveyard the Undead

She was a goth. She did what she would do often times on various night of the week, buy a bottle of whiskey, go to the cemetary and drink around the graves of the part of the cemetary that the grounds keeper would call, "that best forgotten" section. Where all the worst murderers, pedophiles, mutilators and rapists, even wiches and devil worshipers were buried. Some of them hung, others shot dead, and even some burnt alive.  It was easy to see what attracted her to this part of the...

3 years ago
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The Fucking Dead

(Right so this was a story I started a long time ago but deleted because it wasn't written that well. However, after all this time, I feel I've improved and honestly miss this story so I'm bringing it back! Hope you all like it!) The Fantaverse is the newest virtual reality device that always the user to enter any universe. Whether that be from novels, television, or video games. So as soon as you heard of this device you immediately started saving up, and it wasn't cheap. After months of...

4 years ago
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Sisterhood of Sin 30 Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

"It's official. Cate's dead." Kyra hangs up the sat-phone as I hang my head. We were celebrating the triumph of my first-ever moose kill when Kyra called Liz and got the news. She drops her robe and steps naked into the spa with Celine, Marta and me. We are in the sisterhood's bush country retreat for a too-long postponed moose hunt. Kyra doesn't hunt, but she's been enjoying the walleye, pike, and trout fishing while Celine and I each bagged a moose. We impressed our guides by gutting our own...

2 years ago
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I Was Dead

As soon as I saw him approach me, I knew I was dead. I was waiting for the bus after working late, when his car stopped nearby, he walked straight towards me. He was tall and slim with long dark hair; I couldn't look away, I couldn't move, I was like a mouse before the snake. He was there, standing right in front of me, my eyes couldn't pull away from his dark bottomless pits; I could see death there. His hand reached up and encircled my neck and then he spoke. "Do you know who I am?" he...

2 years ago
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Pawn of the Living Dead

I lost control of my body at 5:46 p.m. Central Standard Time. That, it turned out, was the very instant that the sun dipped below the horizon. Not that anybody saw it, of course. It had been a miserable day, with the wind coming straight off the lake and blowing the rain sideways. By the time I got back home—home temporarily being an apartment owned by my college roommate's father—after a day of door-to-door canvassing, I was literally dripping wet. Why couldn't they have given me that desk...

1 year ago
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Zombie Leza4 Joining the Dead

Lisa awoke with a start. The early morning sun streamed in the broken windows and door, as two zombies shuffled out the door. Glancing around, she realized she was the only one left—the zombies had already moved on—without her. Panicking, she checked her supplies before considering whether this was wise. Trailing a group of zombies seeking succor—and not just any undead, but the ones who’d murdered her parents. She glanced around the empty house and came to a sudden realization. Without...

1 year ago
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RunChapter 39 Back from the Dead

“Dad!?” Holly’s voice echoed, bouncing around the tunnel as Gene’s heart raced. Just seconds earlier, Holly had been on the verge of slicing her sister’s throat. Now, for the first time since he’d met her, Holly appeared frozen and unable to process what was happening. “It’s me, Kitten.” Bridgewater closed the gap in two steps and wrapped his arms around Holly. “It’s me.” Anna slowly backed away, leaned against the wall, and slid down quickly, shaken and trembling. Bendal knelt down beside...

3 years ago
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Belated Christmas

Belated ChristmasDale was a tall handsome black man, the type by his size, looks, his dress and presence drew your attention. He seemed to naturally emit the sense of toughness and authority. He also had the reputation as a ‘ladies man’. I had my fantasies about Dale. He was, at the time, also my wife’s employee. Seeing him in my wife's office or at social events had always sent my mind off and fantasising about and picturing me or my wife as his bitch. I remember one Xmas party they had; I...

2 years ago
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Sidney Summons Two of the Undead

By the time I was 15, I had no more space for new items. My parents had come close to catching me during rituals, but was lucky enough to sneak it away. I tried to find other places to hide my things, but then I was afraid of being able to get it back into two hiding places quickly. So my collection had to cease expanding for the time being. One day that summer my mother and myself were going through old junk in the attic, and throwing out useless stuff. During the day we went through a lot...

4 years ago
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Attack of the Undead

Amber was helpless, surrounded on all sides by zombies. Exhausted, out of ammo, and all alone. Her situation has dire. 'Fuck!' She exclaimed through panted breath. Having just managed to slam the gate shut so they could not get her, buying her a few moments respite. She had been separated from her group when the zombies attacked, and had no choice but grab what she could and flee in the confusion. When they came she had been in a state of undress, having just washed. So, barely dried, she...

4 years ago
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Naruto of the Living Dead

Across was my greatest rival. His dark hair and aloof expression made me know he didn’t respect me an ounce. I was the one to make it to the final round, which nobody expected. None of that would matter. Not if Sasuke won. He didn’t even wear a complete shirt, or any of the armor we were given. I mean, wasn’t he cold? Just a couple years ago, the world was simple. I would have been attending college by now. Humanity as I knew it wasn’t confined to a single building in the middle of a...

2 years ago
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The Chief is Dead

“Oh, House-Father,” whined the slender, younger male concubine. “Take me!”“Your womanly body feels so good on my manhood,” the head of the family roared as he pounded the delicate, smooth eunuch.“Oh yes, Master. Give it to me,” called out the castrated being with a ‘light spirit’.“That’s a good girl! Open up your flower!”“It’s all yours, Nana,” he referred to his dominant lover using the word accorded to the ruling class of his people.“Yes! Yes it is.”The head of the family huffed as he slammed...

4 years ago
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The Walking Dead

You wake up just the same as every other day. Groggy and still half asleep. But today is different. Today is the official release day of the final Telltale's the Walking Dead game. You have been waiting for this game to be released for months and today is finally the day you can play it. You head straight over to your computer and open steam. You go straight to the store page of the game and immediately hit buy. You start the download but your internet isnt great so it takes some time but you...

1 year ago
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The Fucking Dead

Brock returned to the bunker, winded. “I got more ammo for the AR,” he hollered.“Good,” Brittany shouted back. “Load me up some magazines! This hunting rifle is overkill.”He loaded as fast as he could, but couldn’t keep his mind on his task. Brittany looked so sexy in her shorts and tight tank top, nipples clearly visible in the sweaty fabric, his head swam. Every time she shot, her breasts and ass jiggled. He finally handed her the AR-15 and two nearly full thirty-round mags. Boom!“Did you see...

2 years ago
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Left for Dead

I was ten when my parents and brother went out to the summer estate. I had a series of tests and would be brought out the next morning. Only there was the accident no one would talk about and my parents died. My brother was fine but he acted different after that. He was meaner and crueler and more of a bully. I was the scholar and he was the handsome stud. He was into sports and fitness and hung around with a few guys that were as bad as he was. When our parents died our grandfather became our...

3 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book FourChapter 16 Day of the Dead

Dana was upstairs when she heard the front door explode. Quetzalli emerged from her bedroom with a concerned look on her face, and the two of them rushed to the top of the stairs to look below. There was a flash of light, followed by a scream from Beth. Quetzalli was already heading for the stairs when a man in a hoodie pointed his wand up at her and hissed something under his breath. Dana shoved Quetzalli out of the way in time to catch the brunt of the magic, and the shockwave carried both...

3 years ago
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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 3 Robbing the dead

"Do you live by the lake?" I thought that I knew how to get there from here. "It's on the other side of the lake. Gamma's farm is easy to find." That caused her tears to start up again, but she looked like they were not going to overcome her this time. "Is that where you lived?" She shook her head no. I helped her mount my new horse, then grabbed its reins and started off in the direction of the lake. "How did you end up with the slavers?" "They attacked my father's farm and...

3 years ago
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Dorothy Does OzChapter 2 Ding Dong The Bitch is Dead

Dorothy gazed through the window; the winds whipped around the house, obscuring most of the view. It seemed to her that she was moving -- and moving swiftly at that, but she couldn't be sure, since she had no landmarks to watch. Then almost as suddenly, there was another feeling, like the momentary weightlessness of a descending elevator. "We're falling!" Dorothy shouted. "Toto!" She grabbed up her dog, and jumped onto the bed, hoping it would cushion the shock of the fall -- at...

1 year ago
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Midnight Deadline

Midnight Deadline by Sarah Miller "Good grief, Kevin!" Shouted Nancy. "Halloween is only two days away and you _still_ don't have a costume? What am I going to do with you?" "I'm sorry, Honey. I just haven't had time. You know how much I hate all that overtime, but Fullerton is insisting I get this new project off to a fast start." "Ha! I thought you'd come up with some excuse. So I got you one anyway." Oh, shit, thought Kevin. No telling what...

1 year ago
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Not Dead

As the Earth wheels through space, the vast majority of its inhabitants are oblivious to the eternal war that is about to be reignited. Equinox. Equilibrium – a deadly alignment. The enemy is massing. Not here in our world but in another place, another side that’s not parallel, nor a shadow world, although it is dark. It’s just… separate, misaligned, two worlds inhabiting the same location but oblivious of each other. Except for the special days of perfect symmetry, when night and day become...

3 years ago
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Better Off Dead

Hi, folks. We're continuing the "wild and crazy stories," with one that while set in our time period is kind of out there, but Hey! ... It could happen. My thanks as usual to the incredible Mikothebaby for her editing even though she lost 2 computers during the writing of this story she still came through. Okay here we go. SS06 As I stepped up to the gate of the large house, I was so nervous I was vibrating. I didn't know how they'd take seeing me or even if they'd see me. But I just...

4 years ago
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Belated Birthday Treat

I was away when your birthday was approaching, but I bought you a birthday card and started shopping online for a present. I looked at some sex toy shops and decided on buying a vibrating cock ring and some sexy silk restraints. The estimated delivery date happened to be the day I was returning home from my Easter break away. I told you what I had ordered and we both looked forward to trying out our new toys, we sent naughty texts back and forth telling each other what we wanted to do to each...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Belated Birthday Gift

By: AWC Nigel was not faking it. He actually did not know if there was a time or the age when physically a man would be called matured or he would truly act like a matured man. He was just touching 32 but he was known by most standards to be a matured man. Most of his friends and people who knew him, considered him to be a sober and quiet, wise man. Thelma was not a stunning star but she was absolutely a very beautiful young red head working at the Every Day Store on the Main Street of the...

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Belated Birthday Present

My 15-year-old sister Linda came bounding into the kitchen wearing her black bikini. I had little time to react before she jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around me. She squealed loudly in my ear and I had to grab onto the counter to keep from falling over. "I'm sooooo happy to see you big brother! It's been so long!" "Uh, good to see you too, Lin. Mind if I catch my breath?" "Oh sure!" she smiled and unwrapped her lithe body from my frame. I turned back to the...

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Lustful Liaisons A Story about the Undead

Going to the gym with Marishka was an absolute nightmare/dream. She brought every bit of her bedroom sassiness and when that ass straddled the vinyl benches, Caius thought he could see Heaven between those thighs. Lifting any heavy weights could not be a responsible idea when Marishka squealed every time that she lifted her leg. What a fucking tease to do this again! The local New York juiceheads were eyeing her in ways that he felt compelled to counter with near-fatal force, and Marishka...

3 years ago
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You Are Not Lonely If He Is Dead

My name is Sudha and I am going to narrate to you events in my life that happened nearly a decade ago that transformed my life and my attitude towards sex, fidelity and morality. I was a school teacher and my husband, Rakesh was a businessman who found success pretty early in life. He was a risk taker and lived life dangerously, both personal and business. Though he was a loving husband and father, he had a roving eye. I eventually came to tolerate and accept that. While I found myself...

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Blondie and the Dancing Dead

I had my arms wrapped around his corded thighs, my nose buried in his tightly coiled pubes, gazing up him as I sucked his cock. He palmed my head like a basketball with his huge chocolate colored hand, treating me like I was one of his pit bull pups as his breathing quickened. A throaty grunt was all the warning he gave me as several bursts of thick cum filled hit the back of my throat. I swallowed it all down, my eyes never leaving his face, enjoying the slack look that was all he could manage...

2 years ago
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Futa 4 Dead

Two women with torn up clothing revealing their undergarments, an African American and Caucasian, quickly ran into a room with a a powerful red door and sealed it off. Once it was closed, the women backed up as other people began to furiously beat at the door in a desperate attempt to get in. They were all pale, milky eyed, and sickly looking women of voluptuous builds with little to no clothing on them as they had been ripped off. Their breasts went from C cups to G cups and their asses were...

2 years ago
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The Horny Dead

(I wanted to remake my story about a Horny Zombie Apocalypse. I wanted this to be less about interaction and more about the story.) There is a zombie apocalypse happening, but instead of cannibalistic monsters, they're just super horny with poisonous cum. Getting too much cum splashed on you or ingested makes you super horny and addicted to the substance, but if you keep feeding your addiction, you'll eventually become another part of the undead and sex fiend horde.

1 year ago
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A Phantom Of The Dead

Escape It is raining outside and a reporter is talking to the head doctor of mental hospital after talking the doctor calls nurse Elanora and tell her to bring patient No. 23101 the reporter asks the doctor I have heard a lot of stories and rumours about him are they true ??the reporter asked the doctor. Doctor: I don't know whether they are true or not but I can tell you he may have committed those crimes. Reporter: how do you know that he has done it? Has he confessed to you about the crimes...


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