- 2 years ago
- 17
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"Don't come to the party if you can't be civil," his brother warned. "We want you there, but this is Amanda's party and I won't have you making a scene."
Kevin sighed into the phone and ran a hand through his hair. He wanted to go the party, he did. His sister-in-law, Amanda, was terrific. It was her thirty-fifth birthday party, sort of a landmark, he thought. But ... but, but, but ... Lana would be there and that made him hesitate.
"You still there?" Steve asked. He had a general idea of what was running through Kevin's head. Kevin and Lana had seemed all but perfect together, when suddenly it had all blown up. It was Kevin's fault, even he would admit it. Lana had been pretty close-mouthed about the whole thing. She wouldn't talk about how she was hurting, although Steve knew she had to be.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm here." Kevin sighed again. He had to go, this was ridiculous. He was thirty-one years old. He could handle a party with his ex in attendance. "I'll come, and I'll behave, I promise. If it feels like I can't, then ... then I'll just leave or something." He paused. "Is Amanda still mad at me?" Amanda was Lana's best friend, and relations between Kevin and Amanda had been tense following the breakup.
"It's fading, but yeah, I think she still is, a bit," said Steve. "But she won't say anything, you know that. She won't want to upset Lana."
"Upset her?" Kevin's voice was laced with sudden suspicion. "Why would anything upset her?"
Steve cursed under his breath, nearly stamping his foot in his irritation. He hadn't meant to say that. "You know what I mean," he said. "Amanda wouldn't want Lana to feel bad, so she won't say anything about it."
"Okay." Kevin wasn't entirely convinced by his brother's explanation, but didn't have time to press him on it. "Look, I have to go, lunch is over and I'm due in a meeting."
"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to keep you," said Steve. "So, it's Saturday at eight o'clock. Amanda won't count you late unless you come after nine." Everyone knew Kevin wasn't the most punctual of people, despite his best efforts.
Kevin sighed internally. Lana had accepted his perpetual lateness, and even found subtle ways to improve it. They'd arrived on time at his parents' for dinner once and surprised them no end. His mother, targeting dinner for Kevin's expected arrival, had been speechless until Lana had laughed and presented her with a platter of crackers and cheese. Lana always thought of everything.
"Right, eight o'clock," he said. "See you then." He closed the cell phone and headed back to his desk to grab the materials for his meeting. The meeting was sure to be dull, but perhaps it would keep his mind off of what he now realized had been a huge mistake.
"Ready to go, Lana?" Tom's voice came from the front room.
"Just about," she called back. She slid into her shoes—low-heeled black pumps; she had no desire to go tripping over anything—and took a last look in the mirror. Her dark hair was kept back with a silver headband, and she decided her make up was adeqate. It made her look a bit less pale, anyway. She straightened her dress, put in her earrings and stepped into the hallway.
"You sure you want to go?" Tom asked, concerned. She'd been out of the hospital for two weeks, but he thought she still looked a little frail. "I'm sure Steve and Amanda would understand. I mean, you've been under some stress and you know he'll be there."
"It's all right, really," she said softly, giving him a small smile. "I'm going to run into Kevin at some point, anyway. At least there it's on fairly neutral turf. It's been, what, four weeks now?" Despite her easy tone, Tom knew she was still hurting over the whole thing.
"Just take it easy," Tom said. "And I'm driving," he added, using his 'don't argue with me' tone.
Lana laughed. "I am allowed to drive now, you know. The doctor said it was okay."
"Cut me a break, I'm trying to be chivalrous." He opened the door for her with a flourish. Lana laughed again.
They were companionably quiet on the way to the party. Tom wasn't sure what he thought about this. His first meeting with Kevin hadn't gone well; in fact, that was when Kevin had broken up with Lana, something she obviously hadn't been expecting.
Tom had just arrived back home from his deployment to the Middle East a few weeks before, and after leaving the service, decided to spend some time visiting Lana, his oldest friend, after a stop off at home with his parents. Lana had been thrilled. They'd been close friends since they were kids, living next door to each other until his father had been transferred to a town a few hours away. Email and cell phones made staying in touch easier, and they'd managed to keep their friendship going through high school, college and beyond.
A few years after college, they'd tried dating. It seemed the natural thing, after all the time they'd spent together. From the first awkward kiss, they knew it wouldn't work. Tom's deployment schedule hadn't helped. Luckily, they'd been able to laugh about it and remain best friends.
He and Lana hadn't talked about it, but Tom remembered how Kevin had misread their relationship. They had arranged to meet up with Kevin, Steve and Amanda for dinner. Tom had been looking forward to meeting them after hearing so much about them all in Lana's emails and phone calls. As soon as they'd met outside the restaurant, it had all gone wrong. He hadn't seen Kevin since and that was probably for the best, since initially he'd been so mad he'd wanted to beat the man to a pulp.
"Nervous?" Tom glanced at Lana.
"A little, I guess," she said, leaning her head back against the seat. "But there isn't much to say. And there will be plenty of other people."
She was remembering that same night. She'd been so happy to see Tom again, after not seeing him for over two years. She'd told Kevin about him, of course—how could you tell not tell your boyfriend about your best friend? Kevin had seemed to enjoy the stories she'd told her, and even said he was a little jealous not to have had such a friend himself.
Four weeks ago
Lana was excited as she and Tom walked over to meet Kevin and his brother and Amanda. It would be wonderful to have so many of her favorite people together. When they came up to the others, howver, Kevin's eyes turned cold and angry. Lana didn't understand why and looked at him apprehensively. Steve and Amanda greeted Tom warmly, but Kevin just stared silently.
"What's this?" Kevin said, his voice tense.
"What's what?" Lana asked, puzzled. "This is my friend, Tom. I've told you all about him."
"Do you always hang on your friend like that?" There was an angry sneer in his voice.
Lana was still a bit confused. She had her arm linked through Tom's, but that was all. "Kevin, what's going on? What's wrong?"
"Geez, Lana, if you're going to see someone else, at least keep it discreet." His eyes bored into her.
"Kevin, I don't know what you think is going on." She couldn't keep the confusion out of her voice. "Tom's my oldest friend, he's home from the service like I told you, and that's it."
"Please," said Kevin. "Anyone can see this is more than that." He rolled his eyes.
"Kevin, what the hell is wrong with you?" said Steve. He couldn't understand Kevin's behavior, either, and he didn't like how it was affecting Lana. Amanda and Lana were best friends, and Steve had developed a soft spot for her himself.
"Nothing," Kevin said calmly, though his voice was still dark. "But I'm not going to stay here while my girlfriend waves her new guy around in front of me."
"I'm not waving anyone around." Lana was getting angry herself. Where in God's name had all of this come from? "He's my oldest friend, for crying out loud."
"That's your story and you're sticking to it, I'm sure." Kevin's voice was cold.
Lana took a deep breath. "Look, why don't we start over? Obviously something went very wrong here. Let's go inside, order some wine and dinner and try it all again." She was embarrassed that Tom had to see this. She glanced over to see a mixture of confusion and anger on his face.
"You guys go on," said Kevin, "but I'm done here." He looked at Lana. "We're done. I can see I've already been replaced."
Then Lana understood. "Go on, then," she said. "But before you go thinking you're taking the high road, you should know—I knew the whole time!" Shock registered on Kevin's face. Lana continued, her hands shaking, her voice low, her fury obvious. "Next time you want to keep a secret, don't leave your damn emails up on the screen for anyone to see." She turned to Steve and Amanda, apologized, and she and Tom left.
It had taken a few days for the whole story to come out, at least Lana's side of it. Kevin had cheated on her, and she had discovered it when she went to her computer and found several open emails. She hadn't said anything, and although Tom understood her reasoning, he didn't entirely agree. She had thought about it, she told him, but wasn't sure what to say. For some reason, perhaps just blind love, she had decided to see what happened, trusting that Kevin would end the affair. In fact, he did, but the damage had been done.
That must have been hellish, Tom thought. Both of them knowing about the affair, but neither saying anything. The proverbial elephant in the room. Lana hadn't confronted Kevin—she never was much for that, Tom knew—nor had Kevin admitted anything. Tom's guess was that the guilt had eaten at him, and Kevin turned it around on Lana when he had the chance.
After it was out, Lana clammed up. She wouldn't talk about it to anyone, not even Amanda. When she'd been hospitalized, she'd all but demanded blood oaths that no one tell Kevin about it. "It wouldn't do any good now," she'd said, "it's too late."
Tom drew into a parking space and looked over at his cousin, who was staring out the of window. Kevin's a fool, he thought to himself. If our history were different, I'd try again. But damn it, she still loves him. She'd never said it, but Tom knew.
"We're here," he said, gently touching her arm so as not to startle her. "Ready to go in?"
"What? Oh, yes, sure," she said, a little distractedly. Then she looked concerned, "Oh, no, did I forget the gift?"
Tom smiled and reached into the backseat, pulled back a gift bag. "You made me put it in the car hours ago so we wouldn't forget." He laughed at the look of relief on her face. "Come on, let's go do this."
"Okay, you're right," Lana said, nodding. She laughed as Tom went around to open her door for her. "You are chivalrous, aren't you?"
"Well, I do try," he said, feigning modesty.
"We'll have to find you a damsel," Lana said.
"A damsel?" he asked as they walked up the street to the house.
"Well, sure. You're chivalrous, which is a knightly thing."
"I haven't had a nightly thing in ... Ooof!" Tom was cut off as Lana elbowed him in the ribs.
"Now don't ruin it," she said as he rubbed his side. "If you're going to be chivalrous, you need a damsel to be chivalrous for. And we're practically family, so that doesn't count," she said, stopping his protest. They arrived at the front door and Lana took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing," she said, and rang the doorbell.
"Lana!" Amanda squealed and gave her friend a huge hug.
"Um, happy birthday?" said Lana, hugging her back. "And can I breathe now?"
"Hey, can I get a hug like that?" asked Tom with a grin. Amanda laughed and hugged him hard, too.
"Just don't forget, I'm taken," she said.
"I know." He sighed. "All of the good ones are." They stepped inside.
"Come on," said Amanda, nearly dragging Lana into the living room. "Tracy, Lourdes and Brandon are here. You haven't seen them in ages. Tom," she said over her shoulder, "you come, too. You need to meet Lourdes."
"Why?" he asked warily, depositing the gift bag on the table as he followed.
"You just do." She brought them over to the couch, made introductions, and went back to her husband.
"How's Lana?" Steve asked, dropping a kiss on her forehead.
"Good, I think." Amanda watched her friend talk with the others. "I think she's still tired and looks a bit pale under the makeup, but I'm sure Tom wouldn't have let her come if she wasn't up for it."
"He's the next best thing to a big brother," Steve agreed. "I always wished we had a younger sister."
"Why?" asked Amanda, as she poured a glass of wine.
"Not sure, exactly." He shrugged. "Maybe so Mom would have had some more gender appropriate company. She never got to the do the whole pink and frilly thing. She tried, but Kevin had a fit." He winked at her.
"I can do pink and frilly," she said, her wink a bit more seductive. "I might even have some stashed away." Steve raised an eyebrow. "Later," she promised. The doorbell rang again.
"I'll get it." Steve set his drink down. "It's probably Kevin."
"It's only 8:30," said Amanda. "He's practically early."
Steve chuckled as he went to the door. It was indeed Kevin, complete with a gift-wrapped box. "Hey, man." Steve clapped him on the shoulder. "Come on in."
"Thanks," said Kevin. "I think it's about to rain, so inside is a good idea." He added his gift to the ones on the table. "Where's the birthday girl?"
"Right here," said Amanda.
"Hey, happy birthday," Kevin said with a smile, giving her a hug. He was glad Steve had found her. They were good for each other.
"Thank you," she said, returning the hug. She loved her brother-in-law, despite what happened. In fact, she wanted desperately to tell him about Lana going in the hospital, but she'd promised not to. Besides, she had agreed with Steve when he said it was Lana's place to tell Kevin. I won't tell him unprompted, but I won't lie, she thought privately. If Kevin asks, I'll be as honest as I can and hope I don't give anything away.
"Where's the booze?" Kevin asked.
"You never change," she said dryly, waving her hand at the kitchen. "It's all in there. Beer in the fridge, wine too, and harder stuff on the counter."
"Just a beer, thanks." Kevin stepped in and found one, opened it and took a swig. He was just stalling, he knew, delaying for as long as he could before he had to step into the living room with the other guests. Because he knew she was there.
Steve had bluntly told Kevin that he'd been a fool, and he knew it. God, did he know it now. The last few weeks had been awful. It was his own fault. Kevin had had an affair. He couldn't even remember why, now. She as just a girl from the office whom he'd known slightly for a while before they were put together on a project. Suddenly, working late one night, they found they'd moved from work to the kind of play that was generally frowned upon in office settings.
How had he let it happen, he'd wondered? He detested infidelity in relationships. It had led to his parents' divorce.
He had been so upset with Lana, he remembered, with the way things had been going between them. For weeks she had been working late, and his schedule had been crowded too. It felt like they had no time together. Half the time they were both too exhausted to do anything more than cuddle in bed. Lana had suggested a weekend away. Not far away, but somewhere that wasn't his apartment or her duplex. Somewhere with a spa, or a pool, and a day or so for them to do nothing but be with each other. Kevin had been so excited about it he'd made the arrangements himself.
Then Lana had come home two days before they were scheduled to leave, and told him they'd have to postpone. The case she was helping with required everyone to work over the weekend to meet deadlines. Kevin had nodded, but inside he'd been furious. So, when Julia had flirted so blatantly with him, he'd only put up token resistance.
Kevin had felt horribly guilty immediately afterwards. Julia hadn't seemed too affected, but then, she'd said she had an open attitude about things. He had told himself it wouldn't happen again, that there was no need to tell Lana, and had tried to go on. Except it did happen again. And part of him liked it.
He and Julia had met on the sly, during work hours or the occasional late night for a project. Once they'd managed to go at it in a stairwell, freezing when they heard the security guard on the floor above them. They hadn't been discovered, but it had hit him like a cold shower. Julia, on the other hand, had been quite turned on by the threat of exposure. It had taken some convincing on her part, but they'd resumed their activities. Again, Kevin felt awful afterwards, like he was dirty.
Lana deserved better, and he knew it. When he thought about it rationally, he knew he didn't want Julia at all. He didn't know why he kept going back to Julia when he had Lana. Lana ... Lana was just gorgeous in his eyes. She had that hair, dark brown like mahogany wood, and those sparkling green eyes. Her body was perfect, despite what she sometimes thought. She understood him, she treated him better than anyone else had, and she loved him. And he loved her. So why the hell had he kept cheating?
Finally, as Lana suspected it might, the guilt had driven him to call it off with Julia. She had taken it well—it was obvious he was just "some fun" to have on the side, nothing serious. He would tell her, he had thought. He would tell Lana, and hope she would forgive him. She deserved that much.
But he hadn't.
He wanted to. But he found excuses all the time. She was busy, he was busy; too much to do on the weekends; when the evenings hit, he wanted to be with her, to hold her, cuddle her, make love to her, not tell her something which could end in her leaving. All the conflict had come to a head the night she'd brought Tom to dinner.
Kevin hadn't expected that to happen. She'd told him about Tom and the fun they'd had growing up, and he'd envied her the friendship. He'd also wanted to meet Tom, to find out what Lana had been like growing up, to like someone who was obviously so important to her. The guilt had continued to gnaw away at him, but he'd gotten adept at pushing it away, ignoring it. Then they'd shown up, walking across the parking lot. Lana had had her arm linked through Tom's, and they were both laughing at something, and suddenly Kevin had been incredibly, inexplicably jealous.
He'd picked the fight and broken up with her, his guilt and anger at himself holding off the regret until the next morning. Then he'd realized the mistake he'd made, but had no idea how to fix it. His own brother hadn't talked to him for a week, and Amanda for another week after that. He'd apologized to both of them, but neither offered to speak to Lana. In fact, they both said he didn't deserve her and he should leave her alone. Then Lana had been in the hospital for several days. Steve and Amanda refused to tell him why, saying they'd promised Lana. It drove him crazy.
That was when he realized how much he loved her. That even if they weren't together, he couldn't bear the idea of something happening to her. He wished he had been there, even as a friend, if he couldn't be there as her lover, her partner. She'd known, she said that night. She'd known about the affair, but hadn't said anything. He wondered why. He was desperate to ask her that. Even if she never took him back, he had to know why she had kept silent about it.
"Are you ever coming out?" Steve startled him out of his thoughts.
"Oh, yeah, I was just ... thinking," Kevin said.
"Look," said Steve, "Lana is here. She's in the living room talking with Tracy and Brandon. Just so you know. And Tyrone is here. Remember him from my office party?" Kevin nodded. "Okay, so there are people for you to talk to, and people for her to talk to. No reason for a scene, right?"
"Right," said Kevin, in a flat voice. "Hey, Steve..." His brother turned around and looked at him inquiringly. "Do you think ... do you think Lana would let me apologize?" He continued before Steve could interrupt. "I mean, just apologize, nothing more. Seriously."
Steve was silent for a moment. "I think she would. But I don't think that now is the time." Kevin nodded. He followed his brother out to the living room. His heart almost stopped when he saw Lana.
She sat on the couch, talking animatedly with Tracy, Amanda's sister. She wore the green dress that had always been his favorite, and he was surprised to see her wearing a necklace he had given her. She looked different, though, and he tried to put his finger on it. She'd lost a little weight, but that wasn't all of it. Her eyes, he saw ... they looked tired, maybe a bit sad. It killed him not to go over and hold her, to give her the comfort he was sure she needed, although he didn't know why.
"Leave her alone." Kevin turned to see Tom standing next to him. "Leave her alone," Tom said again, his voice low.
"I will," said Kevin, "I was just, uh ... just looking," he finished weakly. He glanced at Tom. "She looks good. But is she okay? I heard she was in the hospital."
"She's fine," said Tom, and it grated at him not to say more. "She's still recovering some, but she's okay."
"I ... I ... Look, I'm sorry," Kevin stuttered out. "What happened that night was all my fault. I know there's nothing between you two. I was a jerk and I just wanted to say I'm sorry." What the hell, he thought to himself. Might as well start the apology ball rolling.
Tom nodded. "I'm not the one who needs the apology, though."
Kevin sighed. "I know. I'm just not sure that she'd listen to me."
Tom looked at him as though he were crazy.
"What?" asked Kevin uncertainly.
"Listen to you?" Tom asked, incredulous. "Man, she's in love with you. Beats the hell out of me why, but she is. She'll listen to you. Not here, maybe, but she'd listen." He shook his head. "Look, just let her be for now, okay? I know she'll listen, and I appreciate your apology, but I have to say, I'm not sure you're good for her."
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Introduction: Nikki Comes to Dinner My Sons Friends Part 2 Nikki Comes to Dinner This is a continuation of my story Part 1 (I get to know my sons girlfriend better). If you havent read it, you might want to, it makes sense of whats going on here. Nikki comes to dinner Everything at home was as normal as you could expect. Thats if normal includes your 38 year old wife constantly asking you when youre going to fuck your sons 18 year old girlfriend. Even though our sex life was already amazing,...
The first time I got Sammy into bed was one of the most awesome experiences of my life. She was 19 years old and very naïve and vulnerable – precisely my M.O. and I decided I was going to have her within moments of meeting her.I was 22 years old and had been a perpetually failing student for three years. For me, campus life wasn't about going to class, it was about getting wasted and fucking young girls. Sammy was in her first year of university when I first spotted her and she had no idea what...
Usual disclaimers apply. This story may be archived at any non-pay site. Elrod's S2K Story By Elrod W What a day! Long, insufferable meetings, with idiot managers that would easily make a Dilbert cartoon. On the way home, after my wife and I picked up the boys from day care, they started fighting. In rush hour traffic. During a squall. By the time we got home, I was exhausted, and had a headache. Quick - take two Tylenols, and try to find somewhere quiet for a few moments. No...
Mackenzie Moss’ FIRST INTERRACIAL! Sexy newbie, Mackenzie gets BLACK BALLED for the first time by Jax Slayher. She’s riding in a luxury car as she talks on the phone with her “Daddy”, letting him know that the car is pulling up now to pick him up. Jax joins her in the backseat and Mackenzie wastes no time unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his big dick. The sultry snow bunny then wraps her pretty lips around that BBC as she feverishly sucks on her first black cock. Jax flips her onto her...
xmoviesforyouNatasha looked like a million dollars as she took on Stewart and Joey, two men who had been as thoroughly gay as possible most of their lives. She pushed back at them with her lovely hips and buns, her supple, slender, and petite body moving naturally to the primal, animalistic rhythm of the most basic urges and needs of all. Each alternating thrust of Stewart’s cock and Joey’s drove ever deeper, finally bottoming out as she bit her lower lip in pure ecstasy. This was what she wanted. This...
Here is a true story, of a girl I had in high school. In the city I grew up in there were many parks, at the park we and my friends palyed in had a canyon next to with trees that came almost all the way to the ground, so in other words a great place to hide out. Me and my friends built this bad ass club house that had everything a teen would want. We had a toilet we found that we conected to a pipe that went into a storm drain, nobody could do #2 in there that was the only rule. so early one...
Jake stretched his legs out in front of him, aware that the bulge between his legs was clearly visible to the woman sitting on the sofa facing him. They were both pretending to watch TV, but Jake knew that she was watching the growing bulge in his pants. As for him, Jake could hardly tear his eyes away from the lovely sight before him. Janie was sitting with one leg pulled up under her, seeming to be unaware that the crotch of her white panties was clearly visible to him.Jake stood up. Janie...
Sally is a 24 year old nurse, petite in stature, but a giant in experimentation, Martin is 52 and eager to please, and the teller of their tale. You drive home from work, eager with the knowledge I was waiting for you. You had given me a key to let myself in, but you knew, it was your house, your pussy, so your rules, no matter what I devised, you knew ultimately you could stop anything you might not like.You had worn the corset all day to ensure the anticipation lasted. As you came into the...
Back to the long,hot summer of 1976. I had been with Dave for around eighteen months. By now I had got used to what Dave's "going out" amounted to. It was me being offered to his friends and acquaintances in lieu of debts or to gain favours. It was a cloudless day in mid June, Dave had informed me the night before that he wanted me to play truant the next day and he'd pick me up at the bus-stop at 8.30. So there I was dressed in my blazer, grey skirt, shirt and tie with knee- high white socks...
Rion King arrives at a home with a box in hand. He knocks but no one answers. He has a key to the place, which he uses and walks in. As he explores the house, he discovers Dana DeArmond in a room, naked, covered in NURU gel and practicing NURU techniques alone. She doesn’t notice him and he watches, getting turned on. Dana is mortified when she discovers Rion watching. Dana’s daughter Jenny (Rion’s girlfriend) asked him to drop off some massage supplies for Dana, but Jenny got...
xmoviesforyouThis is an ‘I think I love someone else’ story. No sex to speak of in it. This is copyrighted material. Other sites do not have my permission to post or otherwise use this story. Like all of my stories, it is fiction. My First Wife the Doctor I married a doctor…so we must be on Easy street, you’re thinking? Big money rolling in, vacations on the drug companies? Not so. I got in at the wrong end of her career. Let tell you a story. I met Karen when we were both going to different community...
The Year Three Andrew's Story I've got so many balls in the air I wonder when they are all going to fall on my head. My business is going great guns. It's unbelievable what some simple little programming can bring in when applied in the right places. IAM has finally gotten off of the ground. I've built several websites for various people to access: different strokes for different folks. We are getting regular hits from twins all over the country, as well as more than a few male...
After the week away, it was really hard to get back to a normal lifestyle. First off, mom and dad noticed that we were a lot nicer towards each other. Rather than tell a big lie, I told them that we just really learned to appreciate each other more, I guess it comes with growing up . . . they thought it was nice.Every chance I had, I would go naked around the house when the parents weren't there. I loved being naked in front of Steph and she got pretty comfortable about being partially naked...
I don’t have to tell you how many fucking cam sites you have to choose from nowadays. Just visit ThePornDude and you will find a fuck ton of them that I have reviewed over the years. You have so many to choose from, and you don’t have to look that fucking long to find something that will appeal to your cock!That goes for you horny fuckers that get off to watching transsexuals get off for your viewing pleasure. If you only want to watch trannies with the big dicks, I urge you to check out...
Live Trans Sex CamsSigh. Today is a school day again. That was inevitable, of course, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. Well, at least it's over now and I'm home, and I think I just heard Anna coming through the front door. Yup, that's her running up the stairs, so I'm going over to her room now. We say hello and talk a little about our respective days while she stashes her school stuff and settles in. Once she is done, we both undress and proceed to the fun part of the day. I ask my sister to...
Like clockwork, I drifted out of sleep just as the sun started coming up. I was lying on my side and realized I could feel a body against me. I guessed Zoe had changed her mind after all. I reached an arm across her stomach and pulled her to me. It took about ten seconds for something to register. Everything felt different. One, stuff wasn't where it should be. My arm was much closer to her waist then it should have been. The hair was coarser and shorter, and the body pressed against me was...
Cindy and her friend Stacy were having a sleep-over. It was the first time they would be left alone in an empty house in their entire young lives. Two glorious nights of freedom! Cindy’s parents had to leave town for the weekend and had decided she was finally old enough to stay by herself. She begged to have her best friend stay with her, “So I won’t get scared,” she said. The truth was, she really just wanted to be alone with her friend. To talk openly about boys (without being overheard), to...
I pulled my truck into the driveway of the cabin, and noticed a light was on in the front room. I walked up the steps and opened the door, wondering why it was unlocked. The park ranger said someone was renting the cabin, but left this morning. "Maybe they just forgot to lock up." I thought to myself as I entered the living room. I walked back to the master bedroom and put my Louis Vuitton duffle bag and make-up case on the bed. I kicked off my sandles and walked towards the bathroom. I stopped...
Love StoriesThe entity looked down on earth. Hundreds of years of watching and he was finally getting bored. He considered using his power to entertain himself, but the others would interfere. No, they would only interfere if he messed with the course of human history too much. His predecessor did that, he helped some human rise to power. The others stepped in and destroyed the empire the human had created. If he kept the changes small the others would not interfere. The entity began looking at all the...
Mind ControlHi dosto , part 3 chudai story sab ko bohot pasand aaya , aasha hai ki part 4 bhi pasand aayega . Nazia , meri ammi age 36 , figure 34-24-36 , chikna badan. Itne logo se chud ke bhi ammi ki bhukh nahi mithi ab ammi farmhouse me chudne ja rahi hai .. Ha , farmhouse mei .. Wo bhi 3 pidhi se .. Dadaji , unka beta and unka pota … Actually abbu ammi and mai car se gaon ja rahe the , abbu ke dost ne car di thi , ham dopeher ko nikle the .. Ham pahle mere dost ka farm house tha waha raat ko rukne wale...
Bottom seeking top at XXXXX ApartmentsThat was the title, plain and simple, straight forward and to the point. I needed dick, I had been craving it for months toying myself weekly, lusting for a fat cock to pound my hole and make me cum. So I posted an ad, the content was simple, it had my stats, what I was looking for, and the caveat of no face picture required.This last bit was the hook, most men where I live want anonymity due to homosexual acts being frowned upon.Of course I received about...
My mother-in-law is an attractive mature lady of 63. She is slim build and, most importantly, is of an older school of ladies who wear tights everyday, even under trousers. I have often fooled around with her, grabbing her arse when kissing goodbye etc, touching her nylon clad legs when out at parties, all of which were taken in good humour and a playful slap.Anne had asked me round to fix a problem on her computer, quite a regular occurrence! And so I went up to her office and booted up the PC...
“Status Meeting. 9:30 AM. Wellness Room #2.” That was the email in my inbox this morning. I did not recognize the email address and I was completely ignorant to the status that the topic referred to. Even stranger, the Wellness Rooms were a group of rooms near the entrance to our building for expectant mothers to breastfeed newborns. It was very odd to have a meeting there. While these thoughts ran through my head I realized that it was already 9:20. I didn’t even have time to respond to the...
ReluctanceCarmen and I had decided to go out for a nightcap at a local bar and after a while Carmen was feeling quite mellow when she suddenly stiffened up and stared wide eyed at one of the other patrons in the bar. I looked over to where she was staring and saw a rather average looking man and then back at Carmen, "Someone you know?" I asked her. She came out of her trance and looked at me, "That's my old boyfriend Corky" she said as she nodded over at him "We used to date after my divorce from Warren"...
I say to you, "let's go lie on the bed so I can give you a massage", you say "OK" and lay down on the bed on your belly. I say "wait a minute, you're not naked", you say "Oh, I see"...yes, that's how it's going to be...So I come back naked from the bathroom where I've heated up some nice jasmine scented oil and see you laying there, face up this time, smiling at me, your nipples slowly hardening from the anticipation of my touch, your legs slightly spreading exposing your beautiful vagina. My...
à la carte!Het publiek is een mix. Heel veel hebben ze niet eens gemeenschappelijk. Wel dit moment. Aangetrokken door het thema. Ze voelen allemaal opwinding bij het idee live te kijken naar vrouwen en mannen die helemaal opgaan in de begeerte van hun wellustige fantasieën. Het is kijken naar het schouwspel van het koningskoppel wat zich schaamteloos geeft aan de lusten van hun gasten. Als bijna een theatervoorstelling. Een voorstelling waarbij het publiek als gast zelf mee opgaat in het moment...
December 4, 2020 The White House, Washington, DC “So, as you can see, the New Celestial Army has completed the conquest of Hong Kong and Macao. They have fallen, but we managed to get plenty of refugees out first. Still, it’s gonna be very rough for anyone still in town after their capture. By all accounts, it already is. More reports along the same vein as usual. Summary executions galore. It’s getting really nasty over there. It makes the old days of the People’s Republic of China seem...
January 31 - February 2, 2012 Tuesday I made use of one of the vacant offices at the law firm compliments of David Ryan. I needed somewhere with a secure internet connection as I sorted the huge number of securities owned by Robert Burns, plus I needed to make some trades. It was time to begin converting his assets to cash. I was always a nervous investor when it came to the stock market and, now since I had all this wealth, it was time to pull the cash out. Plus the market was building up a...
Bookish Ivy Winters is stunning with her crystal blue eyes and cute blonde bangs. She heads over to her friends house for a study date and is surprised when her favorite teacher answers the door. Turns out he is the boys father and nobody knew it! Ivys gets wet as he asks her to keep it a secret. Then, she turns on her seductive charm and spreads her legs so he can see her tight teen twat. Luckily, the guys son left with another girl, so Ivy has some alone time with her crush. He rubs her vag...
xmoviesforyouHow do you stop showing your love to three horny, naked, love deprived girls to go to work, I asked myself as I loaded up everything I needed to finalize the software sale I came here to make this week. I found I was fighting to not go back to the hotel room to personally make sure Fran and Nan made it to the proper people to get their foster parents arrested. I did not want to take any chance their foster parents would get out of the charges. They needed to be put so far under the jail...
Part three:At 3.30 am my laptop pinged informing me that I had mail. Curiously I opened the laptop and clicked on the mail icon. It was a mail from Becky with a very large attachment.I clicked on the attachment and an MP 4 Movie file began to download. On the email was written the following words.“Honey I've sent the video the guys have just made fucking me. They’re both downstairs having a drink and getting their breath back then we’ll begin round two. Both these guys have huge cocks, but...
Stupid, pointless, but just something that came to me last night and I don't know about anyone else but I found it funny. Enjoy! SRU: The Irony By Gina R Business was slow in the old "Spells R Us" store. The old wizard sat at his desk, looking the epitome of boredom. His head was tilted slightly to the left, resting heavily against his left hand. His drooping eyes were facing to look at his right hand which was in the air, with it's connecting elbow on the surface of the...
Matthias Sussmann: Chosen by the Gods to lead mission to prevent Ragnorok William Sussmann: Father of Matt Suzanne Sussmann: Mother of Matt Al Sussmann: Brother of Matt Beth Sussmann: First adopted sister of Matt and future mate. Computer design and CEO Tina Finch(Sussmann): Second adopted sister of Matt and future mate. Inventor. Head of independent lab Perfects Hydrogen power, alternate fuel, and Cold Fusion Paula O'Shea: - Oncologist - Mate of Bryan Sharon Granger(Sussmann:...
(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Written in Rock,’ by Rick Springfield.) * * * * ‘You told her yet?’ ‘No.’ Troy Garcia looked at his friend. ‘And don’t you tell her,...
The finished basement in our house is also the “computer room”. There are three PCs set up there, two along one 14 foot long worktop and the other across the room with its own worktop. I manned one of the two on the same worktop and my stepdaughters worked the other two. The room was set up such that there was the TV on the far wall, and the two girls were between the TV and me. Allison, the elder, shared the worktop with me and also slept in the bedroom adjacent to the computer room. Brenda...
I hesitantly agreed to meet him. But I really was thinking how much I wanted that big black cock. I had been talking online with that man for weeks. First just getting to know each other and then he started talking dirty with me. He had teased me on how he wanted to grab my round hips and how he wanted to fill me up with his thick black cock. Every time I talked to him my pussy would get wet. So when he asked me to meet him for a drink in a public place, I thought what could be the...
Daniel knew that his gorgeous female boss sometimes locked her private office door and got herself off to watching wicked man-on-man porn on her computer, whenever there was a happy lull in the workday. And she knew that he knew. He was the only one she would have trusted with that dirty little secret.She held one of Daniel’s secrets as well - that he was an active bisexual, playing with both men and women at will, sometimes even in groups. That little detail, in this company, could have had...
I look out the window and shake my head. Once again the residents of Massena are waging war with Mother Nature, and as always she’s kicking our collective asses. The Village and Town Highway Departments are trying their best to keep the roads clean and salted, but the snow and rain is just too much. I walk over to the counter and grab my list. Being born and raised in the North Country I know what to expect this winter. They are predicting that this Ice Storm is going to be worse than that of...
Still recovering from last night.Me and Kev headed out last night to do the whole sports bar and clubbing thing. I'm not a drinker and really didn't have any money in the hunt on any college games last night, so I knew that last night was building up to "one of those nights" as I knew Kev would get hammered as I was both designated driver and friend with flowers. True to form, by the time we closed the bar at 2am, my dude was fucked up. I had been on a pussy hunt for most of the evening and...