Supernatural - Overheating free porn video

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Callie sighed as she lifted the hood, knowing what was wrong. The rocketing temperature gauge and alternator warning light were a dead giveaway. Thinking of the meagre tool roll in the trunk, she sighed again. She could almost feel his disappointment. He'd taught her better than this.

"I know, dad. I should've checked it over properly before I left on this hare-brained adventure," she muttered to the imagined reproach. "Or at least carried spares. I know."

She smiled sadly. He'd always drummed it into her to maintain her vehicle so she wouldn't get in a situation like this. Now he was gone, and she'd stuffed up.

"Oh, well," she continued her one-sided conversation. "No use crying over spilt milk, or overheated radiators. Guess I'll just have to sit here till she cools down enough to limp back into whatever the name of that place was and hope I can get a belt there."

It was only about 10 miles, but it was sure gonna take a while to get there - the radiator wasn't the only thing that was hot.

It was too hot to walk back, she'd risk heat stroke. And driving was going to be a sad, slow and stop-start affair. So undignified for her beautiful baby. Might be worth leaving it a couple of hours, until the air temperature cooled off a bit too.

Looking back down the road, she could see the heat shimmering off the tar. At least she'd had the sense to carry a water bottle. She thanked her stars the fan belt had let go here and not an hour further on down the road. Then she'd be in serious bother. There was a mighty lot of empty space between that last town and the next and it didn't look like this was a road that suffered much from traffic congestion.

The car's interior was pretty damn warm too, so she settled down in the shade, leaning against the passenger's side rear wheel. Listening to the car ping and creak as it slowly cooled, she let her mind drift and her eyes close.

Something had woken her up — a change in the surroundings. A sound. The sound of an approaching car. She stood, turning toward the sound and brushing the dust from the ass of her faded cut-offs. Definitely a car coming, V8 by the growl. Then she saw it, travelling the opposite way to her. That was one serious piece of car — big, black and flying low to the ground — an old Chevy, Impala by the look of it. She turned to her car and muttered, "That's what I want you to be when you grow up," then smiled and patted the red Mustang's tail. "Not really, baby, but you gotta admit: that is a nice car."

As she watched, the Impala slowed, its engine grumbling and muttering, finally pulling off the tarmac opposite her. Yeah, a really damned fine car.

"Do you need a hand?" The rich voice pulled her attention from the car to its driver. He was mid 20s, with stubble and spiky short light brown hair, a smirk and a set of piercing green eyes.

"Nice car," she said, returning the smirk as she watched his eyes glide up and down her body. Definitely a wolf in wolf's clothing, wonder if he bites as well as he barks. "It's a '67, isn't it?"

He blinked. "Yeah, she is. You know cars then?" The door let out that old car squeak as he opened it and climbed out.

She chuckled. "Don't sound so surprised. I would've thought the '65 Mustang'd be a giveaway." She patted her car again.

"Yeah, I guess it should. I'm Dean, by the way. What's the problem?"

"I'm Callie. Spat the fan belt and, stupidly, I'm not carrying a spare." She looked suitably chagrined. "And before you even ask: no, I don't have a pair of pantyhose. I hate the things, even if they do make useful emergency belts. I was gonna wait till it was cooler and limp back into town."

The smirk was back. "You looked more like a stockings girl to me." He turned back to the car and pointed under it. "Limping into town's a bit risky, looks like the belt took a chunk out of the bottom hose when it let go. You could cook the motor."

Her face fell as she noticed the pool of water under her beloved Mustang. "Oh, great."

That put any chance of moving under her own steam out of the picture.

"Town's only a few miles that way, isn't it?" Dean quirked a thumb. "We could drive in and get the parts, give you a hand to get her running again."

"We?" Callie looked over to the Impala, noticing for the first time there was someone in the passenger's seat.

"Yeah, that's my brother, Sam. He's the quiet one. Hey! Sam! This is Callie. She needs a hand. Get the trunk."

Sam raised his hand in greeting and reached over to get the keys from the ignition. To manage that without scooting, he had to be big. His door squeaked the old car squeak too.

His head disappeared into the trunk. "What am I getting?"

"Tool roll and ground sheet will do for now," Dean called back, his head still under the hood of the Mustang.

Callie was torn between putting these guys out in their own travel plans, and wanting to get on with her own.

After a short discussion it was agreed that Dean would stay with her, getting that old hose off, ready for the new one and Sam would drive into town to get the parts. Callie didn't put up much of a fight, Dean was definitely worth wasting a couple of hours on. Hell, she might even be able to get a look at what was hidden under that shirt if she worked it right.

They spread the ground sheet under the car, sliding it in as far as possible. "OK, darlin', here's where we get a little dirty." Dean's grin was crooked and his eyes sparkled with mischief. "You're smaller, you get to go underneath."

If he was expecting a complaint, he was disappointed. Callie quickly shuffled under the car with a screwdriver to undo the clamps holding the ruined hose in place.

"If you're just gonna stand there and look pretty, at least you could try and be useful," her voice was muffled by the motor above her. "Pass me a blade would you? This hose is jammed tight."

Sam drove off, chuckling at Dean's expression in the rear view mirror.

When he returned, about half an hour later, Callie was definitely dirty. Grease spots freckled her face, along with dirty smears where she had brushed her hair out of her eyes with blackened hands. Dean's hands were also less than clean, and they were both sweaty.

"Think I found a reasonable motel back there," Sam said, taking Dean aside as he handed over the new belt and hose, a jerry of water to refill the radiator and two bottles of water to refill Dean and Callie.

"I'll head back and get a room, check out a couple of things in Marathon while you're busy here. I think that newspaper report left out more than a few details."

Dean grunted an affirmative then spoke up to Callie. "Sam's found a motel. You want him to book you a room too? It'll be pretty close to dark by the time we get done here."

She thought briefly. Very briefly — a motel, Dean in the next room... "Yeah, don't feel much like tackling that desert stretch tonight."

Dean grabbed his jacket out of the back of the Impala and threw it on the seat of the Mustang, then watched Sam pull away, before turning his attention back to Callie and the Mustang.

He took a drink. Sure was hot out here, and dusty. But he could think of worse ways to spend an afternoon than this. Callie was petite, cute and sassy as all hell. He found himself wondering how good that chest looked out of the shirt. Later, boy, later.

Dean set to replacing the fan belt while Callie slid back under the car and went back to cursing and hacking away at the old radiator hose.

They swapped tools, banter and offered each other unnecessary advice on how best to manage the job. All was going well till Dean's hand slipped and he dropped a spanner. It clattered down through the engine bay and fell through, neatly catching Callie on the bridge of the nose.

"Ah!" She rolled onto her face, hugging her nose.

"Shit! Are you all right? I'm sorry, it slipped." The concern in Dean's voice would've made her laugh if her nose didn't hurt so much.

"Crap, how about warning a girl?" She crawled from under the car, still clutching her face, her eyes streaming. Dean hovered. "I'm fine. Get off me." She staggered slightly, clutching the fender as she swiped her hand across her eyes, leaving a marvellous black smudge, and making her look a little like a raccoon.

Dean was now grinning, but still a bit worried. "Oh, babe, I like the new look! You sure you're OK, though?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute." She leaned against the car and rested her head on her arms, her eyes tight shut. Man but that hurt.

When she opened her eyes, Dean was under the car. "Hey, that's my job, remember?"

"My penance for being a clumsy jerk. I get squished as well as dirty."

She grinned. "OK. I can see that."

She could hear him grunting and cursing under his breath as he tried to manoeuvre in the cramped space, his lower legs sticking out from under the car, the leg of his jeans pushed up where he'd squirmed in under.

Playfully she squatted down over his legs and stroked one grotty hand up his calf. "What the?" He jumped, nearly bashing his head on the sump. She tugged the leg of his jeans back into place and innocently said: "Sorry, honey, I didn't want you to get sunburnt."

"Oh. Right. Yeah, that's a real worry seeing as we've been in the shade for the past 10 minutes. Get that jerry, so we can refill the radiator."

When she returned, she couldn't help giggling at the sight as he humped out from under the car like a grotesque worm. He emerged sweaty and grubby, grease spots adding to the freckled appearance of his face. "You find this funny?" he panted. "Have you seen yourself lately?"

Callie looked in one of the side mirrors. Good God! Her face was streaked with filth, she had the greasy freckles too but, more than that, she had the beginnings of two black eyes. "Oh, that's just great," she muttered at her reflection.

Dean's face appeared, well a small section of it appeared, beside hers in the mirror. "I really am sorry about that," he said, suddenly serious. He turned her toward him. "Am I forgiven?"

"Maybe," she lowered her eyes, away from his, coquettish. "Depends if that hose leaks when we fill the radiator."

"Oh, so that's the way we're playing it, is it?" Dean grabbed the can and carefully drained it into the radiator. "So far so good. Start her up."

Callie turned the ignition key and gently coaxed the car into a steady idle, then joined Dean, studying their combined work for leaks. There were none.

Callie killed the engine and crash tackled Dean as he closed the hood, hugging him and whooping in glee. "Damn, what a team! I'm back on the road again."

Dean returned the embrace, his strong arms wrapping around her, holding her close. He lowered his face to hers and, ever so gently, kissed the bruised and dirty bridge of her nose.

"So I am forgiven, then?"

Something in his tone made Callie's heart sing. She looked up into his eyes, those deep soul-piercing eyes, reached up and kissed him. The kiss was deep, passionate, forgiving and, mostly, an invitation. Dean's response was definitely an acceptance of that invitation.

They parted, both breathing a little heavily, studying each other intimately and openly for the first time.

She reached up and ran her hand gently down his stubbly cheek. Dean's lips parted and he licked his bottom lip, his eyes just a little unfocussed. He pulled her close to him with one hand, the other exploring her magnificent chest, leaving a dark print on her top. She sighed and thrust herself towards him, arching her back.

His hands were now working their way under her clothing: one up her top and inside her bra, kneading her boob; the other climbing up the leg of her cut-offs to cup her ass and tickle her moist cleft. Her hands were also moving, up his shirt and across his well muscled chest and down to his groin, cupping the heat between his legs, the hardness growing as he ground against her hand.

Convulsively he grabbed her and pushed her away from him, hunger etched on his face, a burning desire in his eyes. He quickly undid his belt and jeans, letting them drop to his ankles and tangle in his boots. She followed his lead, undoing the cut-offs and letting them fall, along with her panties. The need in her was almost unbearable.

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We are walking through a sun kissed meadow, hand in hand, the sun shining through the light wispy clouds, gently warming our skin. A cool breeze passes by gently moving your hair away from your slender neck. We see a small copse of young trees to the right and head towards it, scaring a small rabbit from out of the tall grass that surrounds it. Once inside we collapse to the ground, giggling like teenagers. The grass beneath us is cool, dry and very soft. I place my hand on top of yours and...

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Jessicas Capture Part 4 of 10

Story: #18 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 23 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Part 4 - Is turn about really fair play? As they enter the room Steve pushes Jessica forward "Jessica meet Jessica 3000" he said looking into tear soaked eye's, "I don’t want to meet Jessica 3000!" Jessica yells back at him, picking Jessica...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 12 Motivations

September 24, 1994, Amsterdam, the Netherlands When the ‘flight or fight’ response kicked in, my knees got weak and my head spun, but I fought my way through it by taking slow, regular breaths until the surge of adrenaline ebbed a bit. Then the flight notion kicked in, and I grabbed Karla’s hand and led her from the hotel, wanting to get her as far away from there as possible. Something VERY odd was going on and I didn’t want to be anywhere NEAR my room. Without a word, Karla walked with...

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My First Session with My Mistress

                    My First Session With My MistressThis is unfortunately, only a fantasy. If anyone wants to make it a reality, let me knowWe had met on the internet, and we had spoken a number of times, but when Mistress told me She was going to visit NYC and would be available for a live session, I was excited and, I admit, a bit nervous. After all, live IS different from internet and phone. I was torn between physical fear, fear that I would disappoint my Mistress, and fear that the...

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My husband and I decided to go on vacation to the west coast. We packed up my daughter and son and off we went. The first day at the hotel my husband and daughter were going to spend the day together at the zoo. My son and I were going to hang out the hotel pool. The husband and daughter left and my son and I got our suits on and headed to the pool. I got all laid out on the pool deck to get some sun. My son had gone for a swim. There were not alot of people at the pool, I think a couple of...

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Boy Cream

What I had wanted from Tony was a commitment. I waslooking for a relationship based on trust and love. I wassearching for stability and thought I had found it. Then,after nearly two years together, Tony packed his things andmoved out. His decision came without warning, withoutreason. It was just... .over.I needed to get away. Away from the city. Away fromthe surroundings that were a constant reminder of myheartache. As a boy I had adored our family outings to thecountry. The quiet of nature had...

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Demigod of WarChapter 53

Day 217: John and Dulgan were being followed. They were a day’s walk into the swamp, on a direct line toward the Hidden Ziggurat. Though he’d been occupied at the time, Vorigan sent his retainers to escort the duo back to their drop-off point via his boat. In addition, Jashul and the three Vampyri who comprised Cain’s embassy to the Dwarven clans traveled with them to the same landing spot. The four would cut across the north end of the swamp and enter the Onyxhart gate to begin their...

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Roommate Romance

“Where are they sending you this time?” Grace asked her roommate Hailey as she noticed her stuffing a suitcase.“New Orleans,” Hailey quickly responded.“What happened down there?” Grace probed trying to pry for more information.“Just a routine software upgrade, shouldn’t be more than a couple days,” Hailey replied, continuing to pack without averting her gaze.Grace slumped a little with a slight nod. Hailey had become somewhat distant recently and it was becoming increasingly apparent. She no...

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Donna Reed The Facts of Life

The children were at school and Donna and Alex Stone were having lunch together in their neat kitchen when Donna broached the subject. "Jeff's growing up to be quite a man, isn't he?" "A man?" Alex almost spilled his coffee; he put it back down, careful not to stain his lab coat, before he went on. "He's not a man yet, is he? He's only -- what, 11? 12?" Donna hid a smile behind her own coffee cup. "He turned 12 last month, dear, remember? And, well, I know 12 isn't really a man,...

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Nevada Day

On October 31, 1864, the Nevada territory was granted statehood into the United States, making it the thirty-sixth state. In 1993, the Nevada State legislation designated October 31, as a state holiday, or Nevada Day. Then, in 2000, they decided to make the last Friday in October the day Nevadans celebrate Nevada Day. This is a fancy way of saying school and state government buildings are closed on the last Friday of October. So why am I boring you with a history lesson? So you better...

Office Sex
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Sheriff PorterChapter 96

"So Wilson what are you going to do now?" I asked. "Well for tonight, I guess we will go to one of those places with "atmosphere" out on Jefferson Island," He suggested. What he was suggesting was one of the restaurants on the bay side of Jefferson Island. The ocean side was filled with multilevel hotels. On the bay side of the road down the middle of the island, there were several very nice restaurants. Some of them even served mixed drinks at their tables, but there were no lounges....

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Fierce Competition

We were just tlaking about girls that we would like to fuck (as we normally do) when I noticed Jake start ti scrath his croch. He would do it about every five minuetes or so during this conversation. Jake, well, hes one-of-a-kind. A pompas jackass that noone in our school liked. About 5'8, dark curly hair, 170 lbs about...not fat yet not skinny. "Jeez, Jake, whats the matter? You got a problem down unda?" I said in an Austrailian accent after about half an hour of itching....

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Library Girl Chapters 24 and 25

Chapter 24 -- Janie and Ms. Oberdorfer Share a Moment Once the duplicate bins were loaded in the van, Ms. Oberdorfer told the boys "I want to follow you to the location where you store the items I've donated, so I get the lay of the land and can offer some guidance about how the items are organized in the bins." This was a bit strange, because Jimmie had packed the bins and knew just how they were organized, but he knew he should just go along with this. As for Randall, Ms....

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Having a sexual relationship with family members

Having a sexual relationship with family members can get started in just about any variety of situations, some because one or more member has the definite hots for the other, and some because of circumstances that arise almost out of nowhere. Mine arose simply because of my sister, and what she did with her birthday present. Darla got a small, hand-held video camera for her birthday. It was pretty neat, and she went around videotaping everyone in the house. I didn’t know that she had...

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BetrayedChapter 8 The Noose Tightens

Did I happen to mention everything was moving so fast? People weren't really surprised Lance Layton took his commission and ran for the door as fast as he could. There wasn't an employee in the firm who didn't wish they could produce the same results for themselves. The rumors ran rampant: he had purchased his own seat and started his own firm; he was trading through the Internet from his new home in Aruba; his marital problems had so devastated him, he had quit the business entirely and...

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My First Experiment Seduction Of Milkman

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers Please visit my profile, you will find me a very sexy young married Bengali housewife. To satisfy my great sex hunger, I planned with my husband to seduce our milkman. We were living in ground floor of a house in salt lake, having 2 rooms, kitchen cum dining space, 1 toilet. Our main entrance was on road side and an entry on the back. Landlord’s stay was in upper floor and entrance was a main gate at side of house and through this gate the back side door of...

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AssParade Virgo Peridot Alexis Andrews Booty Unchained

Virgo Peridot and Alexis Andrews together for the duel of a lifetime. They have two of the biggest asses in the business. So they decided to meet up to settle the score on who has a bigger ass. Fearless, they came face to face with each other. Just as they were getting ready to settle things once and for all, The local priest, Sean Lawless, pleaded with them for the violence to stop. It was at this moment that Vigo and Alexis decided to join forces and take on the priest. They took turns...

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Missy The MILF pt II

Sunday’s with Mrs. T.The next morning, I awoke to noises in the kitchen. My head was still pounding, most likely the hangover. Jimmy was getting ready for work, and Mrs. T was eating her breakfast. I threw my pants on and went to get a cup of coffee. Mrs. T smiled and blew a kiss at me as I walked into the kitchen.Poor Jimmy looked like a walking zombie. I’m sure he was still feeling the effects of the booze from last night. But he had to get to work. He worked every extra shift he could,...

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Sandras Fantasy

Sandra's FantasyBy Tappy McWidestance and SandraSynopsys: This story comes from a reader's fantasy about how a woman's secret desire to be dominated by a younger girl leads her on a submissive adventure.Editor's Note: This story is written from multiple points of view. I will list at the start of each section which character's POV is being used. As you might expect, we will start with Sandra, a 40-somthing divorced executive whose fantasy is the basis for this story. I would also like to...

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NuruMassage Vanessa Veracruz Peyton Coast The Anniversary Treat

When Peyton Coast asks her friend Vanessa Veracruz for anniversary ideas to celebrate with her boyfriend, Vanessa Veracruz talks her into giving him a NURU massage. Peyton’s intrigued when Vanessa shows her the set up in her bedroom. Beside the mattress covered in plastic is a bowl of thick, viscous liquid that Vanessa says, feels unbelievable on the skin. She explains that she just gave her boyfriend one yesterday. Since Vanessa wants Peyton to have the best anniversary possible, she...

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Delta TrixyChapter 8 Repercussions

I woke to find a hand cupped around my breast and a long thick hard cock between my legs. I wiggled, and he pushed the cock between my legs in response, making me giggle. The hand tightened on my tit and flicked my nipple, making me arch and then groan. He released the breast and lifted my leg so he could wriggle that cock back inside me. He slowly rocked his hips. While he wasn’t sliding far, he was creating friction, and I happily played at clutching and releasing my cunnie muscles,...

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Entering The World Of Gigolo

Hello everyone this is sameer back again after a long time. It’s been ages since I posted my last sexstory so I’m back again with one of my latest and life-changing experience. For those who don’t know me, I’m Sameer a handsome guy from dream city Mumbai, age 20 with a chiseled physique(thanks to my workouts). To know more about me kindly read my previous stories. Comments and feedbacks are welcomed on . So without boring you, I’ll come to the story. So as you people know I started my...

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Friends With Benefits

My name is Rahul and I’m from Tamil Nadu. The heroine of this story is Sindhu. Sindhu and I were close friends from college and in this story I will tell about how our 5 years… [email protected] I will write my other incidents with Sindhu if I receive good feedback.


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