Worth A Thousand Words free porn video

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On the walls of the New York Museum of Fine Art, an oil painting is displayed. The subject is a beautiful young woman, tastefully nude. Her long brown hair is draped in front of her, covering her breasts and flowing almost to her navel. Her left hand modestly covers her private parts; her right hand is extended, offering a handful of mixed berries. Her dark brown eyes stare boldly back at the viewer. She smiles cryptically, a smile that has been compared to that of Michelangelo's "Mona Lisa."

"Woman With Berries" (1981) by Cliff Stoker, actually was done by the artist a few months after he did the original sketches of the model. The original framed charcoal sketch for this painting, now yellowed with age, hangs on the wall of a cabin in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. The model is believed to be...


"Don't fall in love with a dreamer, Monique," her mother had warned her. "Writers, painters, musicians, they're all the same. They're all dreamers. None of them ever amount to anything. Find yourself a man with a profession or a trade, Monique. They're the ones who can support a family."

Monique met Cliff in her second semester "Drama and Literature" class during her freshman year of college. She quickly noticed that he wore the exact same outfit every day: Black denim jeans, a black turtleneck shirt and a black beret. He wore eyeglasses with round lenses and a pencil-thin moustache that crawled across the lower edge of his upper lip. Monique almost chuckled to herself the first time she saw him, since it appeared that he couldn't decide whether he wanted to be a beatnik, John Lennon or Clark Gable, and was combining the three. He parted his longish hair in the middle and when she finally got a chance to look at his eyes, she noticed that they were the dark green of summer leaves. They seemed to pierce right through her.

She figured that with that look, he had to be a poser. She was a little surprised to find out that there was some substance to him. She liked the dry wit he displayed in the classroom, and enjoyed the occasional opportunity for dramatic readings with him. She noticed that she was not the only woman in the classroom who found Cliff attractive; other women would sometimes stay after class to chat with him.

The school year was drawing to a close, and for Monique, the days turned into a whirl of cramming for final exams. For days on end, nothing but hour after hour of studying. She was so afraid that she wouldn't do well on the tests. Finally, the exams were over and Monique dragged through the Friday after, worn to a frazzle. Cliff, sitting next to her, noticed how drained she was.

"You okay, Monique?" he asked.

"I'm fine," she replied. "Just a little stressed out, with all these finals."

"Understandable," Cliff told her. "Everybody is stressed out. Fortunately, I've found the answer to it."

"What's that?" Monique asked.

"Well," Cliff said, "My folks have a cabin up in the mountains, and I am going up there this weekend to decompress. Nothing like a weekend swimming in the lake and sitting in the woods to bring back some equilibrium."

"Sounds nice," said Monique, a little enviously.

"It is," agreed Cliff. "I usually like to go up there for solitude, but I'll tell you what: You look like you could use some equilibrium, too. You want to come up and spend the weekend with me? It's a little primitive..."

"And what would the sleeping arrangements be?" Monique asked.

"The cabin has two twin beds, on opposite corners. It's only one big room, plus the bathroom behind it. Like I said, it is a bit primitive, with no electricity..."

Monique thought for a minute, her fingers running idly through her long brown hair. The school year was almost over and she would be going home for the summer. She liked Cliff and was intrigued at the idea of getting an opportunity to spend some time with him to get to know him better. Why not...

"Okay," she said. "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Great!" said Cliff. "I'll meet you at the Student Union at four, and we'll drive up from there."

Monique went back to her dorm after her classes ended and gathered her things for the weekend. Clothes, swimsuit, makeup, toiletries, sandals... She looked at the box of condoms in her drawer, still unopened after all these months. Would she need them? 'Better safe than sorry,' she told herself, and tossed them into her overnight bag.

Cliff was waiting for her at the Student Union, standing next to his black Triumph Spitfire convertible. He wore round-lensed sunglasses instead of his normal spectacles. He opened the trunk, and she put her bag into it next to the ice chest it already contained. He walked around to the passenger side and unlocked the door, holding it open for Monique. She smiled at him, climbed in and shut the door, buckling her safety belt as soon as the door was closed. Cliff walked around, got in the driver's seat, buckled up and started the car. He revved the engine a couple of times, and then they were off, driving westward into the mountains.

The flat plain of the Piedmont turned into foothills, and then the foothills turned into mountains. The car radio lost the college radio station soon after they left the city limits, and then it seemed that all that was on the radio was country music, which neither Cliff nor Monique really liked.

"Get that case out from under your seat, would you, Monique?" asked Cliff. Monique hooked her arm under the seat and pulled out a black plastic box that contained several cassette tapes. She flipped the lid up and scanned the titles.

"Anything in particular you want, Cliff?" she asked.

"Mmmmm... How about Coltrane?"

Monique opened the case labeled "Coltrane" and popped the cassette into the car's tape player. Soon the mellow sounds of "Blue Train" were playing from the speakers as the wind whipped through their hair. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows behind the car as they sped sunward. The clouds were starting to build in front of them, presaging rough weather ahead. Monique's fingers tapped on her door, keeping time with the jazzy rhythms.

Monique looked at Cliff's hands on the steering wheel as he drove. His fingers were long and slender. He had artist's hands. She supposed it was possible for a man with short, stubby fingers to be an artist, but she had never yet seen one who was. They were usually ditchdiggers, bricklayers, men who labored with their hands. Strange how the men whose hands were best designed for creating art were usually those who did.

The drive wasn't all that long, only about an hour and a half. They went from the highway to a side road and from the side road to a dirt road that wound around the side of a mountain and down to the shore of a small lake. Monique saw a small cabin ahead of them, with something large on top of it like a cancerous growth.

As Cliff brought the car to a halt in front of the cabin, Monique asked, "What's that on top of the cabin?"

"It's a cistern," Cliff answered. "It catches rainwater and filters it, so we have some running water for bathing and washing. You still have to boil it before it is drinkable, though."

The land sloped down from the cabin to the edge of the lake. There were no other works of man in sight; the cabin was totally isolated. Cliff got out and opened the trunk and picked up the ice chest and brought it inside the cabin. Monique grabbed her overnight bag and followed him in.

The first thing she noticed when she entered was the fireplace. It was made of gray limestone and mortar, with a metal grille in front of it. Cliff went over to it and noted the pile of firewood next to it approvingly. He flipped the lever to open the flue, then started setting the wood in the fireplace.

"Will we need a fire?" Monique asked.

"You'd better believe it," Cliff told her. "It gets cold up here in the mountains after dark, even in early summer. You can check in that closet over there for linens for the beds, as well as blankets. We'll need them, too, since we'll have to bank the fire before we go to bed. You would not believe how cold it gets by morning!"

"I'll take your word for it and bundle up!" Monique replied with a grin.

"I'd better go back out and put up the roof on the car," Cliff said. "It's looking like it might rain."

It was indeed. Dark clouds were rolling in from the west, and no sooner was Cliff back inside the cabin than the tell-tale rumble of thunder came from outside. Cliff got to work lighting the fire, with Monique helping as best she could by staying out of the way. Soon the fire was crackling merrily in the hearth.

"Ready for some dinner?" Cliff asked.

"Sure," Monique replied. "What are we having?"

"Well, since we have inclement weather," Cliff said, with thunder punctuating his sentence in the background, "we will just have to make do with the food we brought." He took a pot from a nearby cabinet and then poured a can of beef stew into it. After putting it over the fire to warm, he went to the ice chest and took out a bottle of red wine. He popped the cork, allowing the wine to breathe. "A nice Beaujolais... Does it meet with your approval?" he asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Oui, oui!" said Monique. "Red wine goes with red meat, doesn't it?"

"It does indeed, my sweet," Cliff told her. He went back to the cabinet and took out a couple of wine glasses. "We have all of the amenities here, my dear." He filled the glasses, then went back to the stew, which was by now bubbling over the fire. He ladled the stew onto two plates, handed one to Monique along with a fork and then gave her the glass of red wine.

She sipped it, savoring the heady flavor. Setting the wineglass down on the table, she started in on the stew, setting to with a will. She had not realized how hungry she actually was. Outside, thunder crashed and rain pelted on the roof. She washed the beef, potatoes, carrots and gravy down with the strong French wine. When her plate was clean and her glass was dry, she walked over to the rocking chair in front of the fireplace. Warm, stomach full, she realized that she felt the best that she had in weeks. She sighed with pleasure and sat back in the rocking chair. Cliff smile at her, and she gave him her warmest smile in return. She felt SO much better... And he was so sweet to her. She would have to do something to even the score with him.

"Thank you for bringing me up here," Monique said.

"You're welcome," Cliff replied. "All I want is for you to feel better."

"It's funny, but I do already," Monique told him. "But I'm sooooooo tired."

"Then why don't you go to bed, honey," Cliff said. He walked over to her chair, picked her up and carried her to her bed. He pulled the sheets back, then laid her gently down and covered her up with the sheets and blankets. She sighed happily and quickly fell asleep. Cliff looked down on her solemnly, then walked to the fireplace to bank the fire. Then, he went to bed on the opposite side of the cabin, listening to the rising and falling of Monique's breath across the room.

"G'Night, 'Neek," he said, closing his eyes.

Saturday Morning:

Monique woke in the middle of the night, disoriented. It took her a moment to realize where she was. She realized that she really had to pee, so she wriggled out from her cocoon of blankets and got to her feet. She shivered in the room's chill; Cliff had been right in saying that it would be cold by morning. He had taken off her shoes when he put her to bed, but nothing else. She looked around the room, allowing her eyes to adjust to the faint ruddy light coming from the embers in the fireplace. Across the cabin, she could make out Cliff's form under the blankets. The door to the cabin's bathroom was to the right of the fireplace, if she remembered correctly.

Monique padded quietly in stocking-feet to the door and slowly turned the knob and pushed it open. She felt around in the dark until she found the toilet and flipped the lid up. She unfastened her jeans, hooked her thumbs into the waistband of both jeans and panties and slid them down to her ankles, then sat down. Oooh! Cold seat! She took care of her business, then groped around a little more until she found the toilet tissue. She dried herself, then pulled her pants back up. When she flushed the toilet, she noticed that the water ran from the tank to refill the bowl, but that there was no sound of water going into the tank. She would have to ask Cliff about that in the morning. She made her way back to her bed, laid down and curled up in the blankets and went back to sleep.

In the morning, Monique awoke with a start. Morning light was creeping through the cabin's windows. She sat up in bed, looked across the room and noticed that Cliff was gone. She saw that the fire had been rebuilt and that a kettle was hanging over it. As she sat wondering what it was for, the door of the cabin creaked open. Cliff entered quietly, a large bucket in his hands.

"Good morning, Cliff," Monique said. "What's in the bucket?"

"Oh, good morning, Monique," Cliff replied. "Water. For the toilet tank. The cistern only flows to the sink and bathtub. We have to manually refill the toilet tank with water from the lake. Only so much water in the cistern, so Dad only set it up for the plumbing that needed clean water."

"Oh," said Monique. That explained why the toilet tank hadn't refilled in the middle of the night. "What's in the kettle over the fire?"

"More water, from the cistern," he answered.

"What, for coffee?" asked Monique.

"No, actually, I figured you might want a bath this morning. The water from the cistern is ice-cold. You add a kettle of boiling water to a tub of ice-cold water, you get a tub of lukewarm water. It keeps your skin from turning blue, anyway," Cliff added with a laugh.

"Blue's not my color," Monique told him.

"The tub's already filled with cold water, so when the kettle sings..." And at that point, the kettle's siren call interrupted him. Cliff walked to the fire, grabbed the kettle by the handle, then went to the bathroom and poured the boiling water into the tub. He took a large wooden stick that leaned against the edge of the tub and stirred the water up.

"Your bath awaits, milady," he told Monique with a sweeping bow. She smiled and picked up her overnight bag and swept past him into the bathroom.

"Thank you," she told him.

"You're welcome," he replied. "Wait just a minute, let me refill the kettle so I can take a bath when you are done. And you might want to fill the bucket with water to rinse off with." He filled the kettle from the sink, then walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Monique took his advice and filled the bucket with water from the tub.

Monique rummaged around in her bag, took out clean white panties, blue jeans and a halter top. It was a little chilly for that top this morning, so she took out a red plaid cotton flannel shirt to wear over it. Then, she laid her fresh clothes on the lid of the toilet, reached back into her bag and pulled out a washcloth, a towel, a brush, a bar of soap, razor, shaving cream, shampoo, and various and sundry other creams, lotions and powders. She poked a finger into the bathwater to test the temperature... It was just right! She quickly undressed, tossing her jeans, blouse, bra and panties into a pile on the floor. Then, she stepped into the tub and slowly slid down into it.

Ah, heaven! She wet the bar of soap down and worked up a lather on her washcloth. She washed her face first, then scrunched the corners of the washcloth up to clean her ears. She wet her hair down, then lathered it up with shampoo. She did her neck and back next, doing her best to reach every spot with the soapy cloth. She raised her arms over her head and washed under her arms, then started washing the front of her body. The warm soapy water flowed over her breasts, standing up firmly in the cold air, then down over her flat belly and the delta below. She spread her legs and washed her most intimate places, then worked her way down her legs. They felt a little stubbly, so she got the razor and shaving cream and made them smooth again. She pulled the plug and let the soapy water drain from the tub, then took the bucket of warm water and slowly poured it over her head to rinse away the shampoo from her hair and the soap residue from her body. When the bucket was about half-empty, she took the washcloth and turned on the cold water from the tap to rinse it out. Then, she used it to dribble warm water from the bucket over her body to get rid of the last of the soap. She got out of the tub, turned on the cold water to rinse it down, then put the plug back in and started to run another tub for Cliff. She brushed the tangles out of her hair, then picked up the towel and started drying off.

Once Monique finished drying herself, she put on her makeup and got dressed. Then she scooped up her bag and dirty clothes and went back into the main room of the cabin. Once again, Cliff was nowhere to be seen. She put her clothes and her overnight bag next to her bed, then put her shoes and socks on. The kettle over the fire was starting to whistle again, so she walked over to it and took it from the fire. She went back to the bathroom, poured the boiling water into the tub, then grabbed the wooden stick and stirred it up. She walked back out to the main room and set the kettle by the fire, then went to the door and walked outside. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, with only a few puffy clouds in the bright blue sky. A light breeze blew in off the lake.

"Cliff!" she called. "Your bath is ready, milord!"

"Coming!" she heard him reply from the far side of the cabin. "Just getting breakfast ready." She followed the sound of his voice and found him next to a barbeque grill. There was a coffee pot on top of it, perking away, along with a large frying pan. A wooden picnic table sat next to the grill. She could smell eggs and bacon frying. Her mouth watered.

"There's plates and silverware in the cabinet inside," Cliff told her. "Help yourself, while I take a quick bath." Monique followed him back into the house, and gathered plates, coffee cups and silverware. A moment later, she was back outside, watching the food cook. A few minutes later, Cliff reappeared, toweling off his damp hair. Once again, he was wearing his trademark black jeans and turtleneck shirt, although he had forgone the beret this morning. He went to the grill, pronounced breakfast ready and proceeded to fill their cups and plates. They sat down facing each other across the picnic table. A few stray rays of sunlight pierced through the shady trees overhead.

"Mmmmm, this is good," said Monique around a mouthful of eggs. "So, what are you going to do this summer, Cliff?"

He made a face. "I have to work in the family business this summer. It's a deal I made with my dad. He helps me with tuition during the school year, and I help him out in the summer months."

"What's the family business?" Monique wanted to know.

"Plumbing," said Cliff grimly. "My dad's a plumber, his dad was a plumber, so he was more than a little disappointed that I had no interest in following in his footsteps. My kid sister is a whiz at it, though. I guess that Dad just thinks 'Stoker and Son Plumbing' sounds better than 'Stoker and Daughter.' He's good at what he does; he set up the cistern and septic and plumbing here at the cabin. But it isn't what I want to do with my life. But for this summer..."

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do," Monique told him.

"Yeah," said Cliff. "But for this weekend, I don't have to think about it. I'm just going to relax, do some sketching. You see some interesting wildlife in this area sometimes. Deer, bear, snakes even, so you should be careful if you are walking by yourself. And keep an eye out for the berry bushes; the berries should just be starting to ripen."

"What kinds of berries?" asked Monique.

"Well, there are wild strawberries, blackberries and raspberries on the vines around here. They usually start to ripen in mid-June, but some of the early ones ripen at the beginning of the month. And there's nothing better than sweet berries fresh from the vine. Careful of the brambles, though. They don't like to give up their berries without a fight!"

Monique laughed. "I'll be careful if I see any," she replied.

After they finished their breakfast, they took their dishes back inside and washed them in the sink. They took turns brushing their teeth. Then, Cliff grabbed his sketch pad and some charcoal and went back outside; Monique followed him. He sat down on the grass. She stood next to him and watched him do a quick sketch of the lake in front of him. His hand quickly shaded in the details: the overhanging oak tree branches, the birds swimming on the water.

Monique thought back to earlier in the semester, when Cliff had been looking for a model for his art class. He'd asked several women in the class if they would model for him, including Monique, but most had balked when they had found out that they would have to pose nude. Monique had thought about it for a moment, then turned him down. She just wouldn't feel right about people seeing drawings of her naked. Cliff had finally gotten that trampy Liz Jones to model for him, and Monique had found herself feeling an odd twinge of something that felt like jealousy. The drawings had been very good; she'd seen them herself. It wasn't like she particularly wanted to be in them, but she wasn't happy that Liz was.

She looked down at Cliff, felt his eyes meet hers. He rubbed his chin contemplatively, then flipped his sketchbook to a fresh page. His eyes were locked on her face, and as she looked down, she saw her face appear on the sketchbook's page, dancing fingers filling in the detail. 'Is that how I look to him?' she asked herself. The Monique in the sketch was somber, unsmiling, staring sternly into the distance.

"Looks like one of those nineteenth century pioneer woman drawings," Monique said. "The kind you might find in a Thomas Hart Benton mural."

"Well, you did have a serious look on your face," Cliff told her. "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing," Monique replied. "Well, not really nothing. About how you had been looking for a nude model for art class and all."

"You turned me down," said Cliff. "I ended up sketching Liz Jones instead."

Monique frowned. "Did you go out with her?"

"We dated a few times, nothing serious," Cliff told her. "She's a nice girl, but not really my type."

"From what I've heard, she was EVERY man's type!" huffed Monique.

"Meow!" said Cliff, chuckling. "Well, if you don't like that sketch, give me a different look. Hmmm... Lie down on the ground over there, on your side. Now raise yourself up on one elbow. Ah, that's it. Now, smile for me." Monique followed his instructions, giving him her brightest smile. He looked at her appraisingly, his hand moving in short quick strokes across the paper. Another Monique emerged from the paper, this one smiling dazzlingly. He brought the sketch over to her to look at. "What do you think?" he asked.

"I like this one much better," Monique replied.

"So what were you thinking about for this one?" Cliff wanted to know.

"I was wondering if you ever wore anything besides black jeans and turtlenecks," she told him.

"I LIKE black jeans and turtlenecks," Cliff replied. "It makes it easy to get dressed in the morning when everything in the closet is the same. Besides, it presents a certain image. A very unplumber-like image. And chicks dig it," he added with a grin.

"What did you just say?" Monique asked incredulously, picking up a pine cone and tossing it at him.

"Whoa, I was just kidding!" said Cliff, ducking the pine cone. "I certainly wouldn't want to present an image that chicks might dig."

"Yeah, right," said Monique.

"Well, do YOU dig it?" Cliff asked.

"Maybe," Monique told him. "And maybe I don't. Maybe I think it looks like something a poser would wear... Except you really are an artist, not a poser. A very good artist..."

"Thank you," said Cliff. "I think." Then he continued, "I'm going to get my fishing pole and go down to the lake and see if I can catch us something for supper. You're welcome to join me, or you can wander around a bit."

"I think I will wander around a bit," Monique said. "I want to see if I can find any of those berries you were talking about. They sound good."

"There are some vines on that trail over there to the west. Be careful and watch for wildlife. And don't pick any berries that aren't ripe. We don't want to end up with a belly ache," Cliff instructed.

"Aye-aye, sir," Monique replied. She went back inside the cabin and looked in the cabinet. She thought that she had seen a wicker basket in it earlier. Sure enough, there it was. She took the basket and went out on the trail, searching for berries.

Saturday Afternoon:

Cliff walked from the cabin down to the lake, fishing pole in hand. He turned and looked back over his shoulder and watched Monique disappear into the woods. God, she was so hot! The way the wind flowed through her hair, the way her hips swayed when she walked, the way she had smiled at him when he'd sketched her the last time, it all just blew him away. He'd been struck in class by how sweet she was to everyone. He wondered what his chances were with her. He hoped that getting her alone for the weekend would enable him to get to know everything about her. Put a healthy man and a healthy woman alone together for a weekend and sparks should fly.

He cast his lure into the water and started trying to catch something for dinner, unfortunately without much success. The fish just weren't biting this afternoon. The sunlight sparkled off the waters of the lake, the wind sighed gently through the trees, and Cliff just sat back and enjoyed the serenity of his surroundings. After a couple of hours, he still had not caught any fish worth keeping. "Looks like canned food again tonight," he groused to himself. And a fish filet would have been so nice...

Sitting there, in tune with his surroundings, he became aware of someone sneaking up behind him. He knew who it was, of course, so he pretended that he didn't hear Monique, who was creeping up behind him as silently as she could. A moment later, he felt the palms of her hands slide in front of his eyes.

"Guess who?" she whispered.

"Um... Liz Jones?" he replied uncertainly.

"Wrong! Guess again," she said, a bit of an edge in her voice.

Uh-oh. Better guess right this time, Cliff told himself. "Would this be the incomparably beautiful Monique Shackleford?"

"Much better," said Monique. "Look what I found." Her hands slid away from his face, and she walked around in front of him and showed him her haul: A basket containing about a couple of pints of wild strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. She'd removed her flannel shirt due to the warmth of the day, and tied the sleeves around her waist.

"Oooooo!" said Cliff. "You did a lot better than I did. The fish just didn't want to be eaten today." He made a sour face and showed her his empty bucket.

Monique smiled happily. "Well, whatever you fix for dinner, we'll have berries for dessert. These are delicious; I sampled a couple of each." She stuck out her tongue, which was stained with the purple juices from the blackberries.

"God, you men are so unperceptive," she told him. "I sneaked right up on you and you didn't even know I was there."

"I wouldn't say that," Cliff replied.

"Oh, come on, you were so startled you couldn't even guess who I was at first. 'Liz Jones' indeed!" Monique rolled her eyes. "Have you brought that hussy up here, too?"

"No," Cliff told her. "Like I told you, she wasn't really my type."

"Mmm-hmm, you told me," said Monique. "Well, women are MUCH more perceptive. You wouldn't have been able to sneak up on ME like that."

"Oh, really," asked Cliff.

"Really," said Monique. "We love you guys and all, and we couldn't live without you, but God..."

"Let's have a contest and see who is more perceptive, then," Cliff said.

"What did you have in mind?" asked Monique.

"Get a blindfold, and have each of us eat a handful of these berries, one at a time. The one who identifies the most correctly wins," Cliff told her.

"That should be pretty easy," Monique replied. "What's the prize for the winner?"

"What do you want it to be?" asked Cliff.

"Hmmm... If I win, then when we get home, I get to make you over with a different look from all those black clothes," said Monique.

Cliff raised an eyebrow. "And if I win?"

"What do you want?" Monique wanted to know.

"I want you to pose for me... Nude," Cliff told her.

"Whoa," said Monique. She thought for a moment, confident that she would win anyway, then said, "Okay, but only if you promise that nobody else gets to see the pictures without my permission, and if we go our separate ways, I get to keep the sketches."

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Returning Home! The destroyer landed on the planet Nanux. John had everyone take a walk, to observe the planet. It had been stripped of its wealth, the soil was dead without nutrients or even earthworms. John got intuitively it needed a good dose of chickens. He thought of Funston and got the same sense that the ground had just been overused for thousands of centuries. Then it had been covered. Nanux had been used until there was no more life in it. John asked everyone to form a circle and...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 8 Weddings

Sunday morning, April and the kids stood outside the bedroom door and sang here comes the bride! Willy was so funny, he was giving it his all and was way off tune and had everybody laughing so hard by the time they ended, the words got lost in the laughter. “Is everybody hungry?” John asked. The family went outside as though they were going to get into the car and go for breakfast. Johnny and Teresa came out to meet them and so did Samuel and Sheri along with Erik and Tami. “Wait for us!”...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 5

Prove you can do the job then you will get the tools to do it! The Taylor and the Bautista families were sitting at one of the tables. Demetri and his men were sitting with them. Steven Nation and Ben Taylor had eaten with Jesus and then left to visit the chickens and new cows. Jenny looked at John with this “Look”. “I’m sorry honey, I knew Tony was hurt and I reacted poorly.” John looked at Jenny for forgiveness. “Why didn’t you let me know?” Jenny asked. “I knew there was a war going...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 22

Do Aliens have Souls? Or are they Godless Beings that travel the Universe? John saw what looked like a large man in a chair, maybe best described as a throne. John wondered who he might be. “John, we need you now. Please wake up.” Jenny cried. John felt like he was falling, then he came to an abrupt stop. He hadn’t felt like this since he fell 10 feet onto concrete, landing on his hands and knees, “Am I ... in ... heaven?” John asked as he opened one eye. “No, we’re still in hell,” Jenny...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Smart Car

John was in the bank. It was Wednesday morning. It had been three days since the wedding, and he was still laughing as he remembered the scene. A large contingency dressed as Scottish Nobleman. Jenny looking like Marian from Robin Hood. John Nation dressed like what Hollywood portrayed as the head Indian chief should look like. It looked more like a costume party than a wedding. John was interrupted by a man coming into the bank. He had a bag and a note from the hardware store. This gold...

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One Thousand Dollar Revenge

1986 - Troy State University, South Alabama Rex Schneider lit up a cigarette and lay back on his pillow as Tonya pulled away from him and sat up on the edge of the bed. Rex admired her sexy, sweaty naked back as she sat there pulling her panties on. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever been with and Rex had fallen deeply in love with her. “Watcha doin’, babe?” “We have to talk, Rex.” “Huh?” “Look, I graduate next week,” Tonya said. “You’re a year older than me and you’re what… at...

Straight Sex
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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 20 The Morning After

John and Jenny got to sleep the clock around. Something John did as a young man. He worked two eight hour shifts when he was 19 and during the week only got 4 hours of sleep every night. During the weekend if he got to sleep the clock around at least once then he would be fine. John was remembering all this as he almost woke up. “Are you awake?” Jenny asked. “No.” John yawns. “This Carbon 60 helps oxygenates the blood. I guess if I stay up 24 hours then sleep for twelve or more, I’m going...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 25 The last Battle on Earth

John was in the new F-665 that Kevin had put together for them. The date was February 15, 2019. The F-665 was fifty feet across. It truly looked like a flying saucer. The ship could hold forty individuals comfortable. It looked very much like what they had been fighting in Antarctica. The twenty-ton machine could go a million miles per hour and had some very serious teeth if it needed. The shields again were much better and could take some very serious hits with no damage. Since the trip to...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 The Poachers

It was the Monday after the wedding. John had a group of 50 meet at the People’s Trust Tent. They enjoyed a nice breakfast and at 8:00 AM John brought them together and visualized the south end of the valley. Peter was in front. Most of the group were Peter’s Minute Men from Seattle. The primary exception was Chief John Nation was in the center. The rim that went around the valley looked much like Crater Lake in Oregon. It was a thousand feet high in places. The big difference was this one...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 15 The focus has changed from internal to external

By October 3, people were moving into the brand-new houses. General Williams was walking into the City of Spokane with his army of 2,000. A thousand miles to the south, John was fulfilling the general’s request to contact the Marine Corp. John and Peter were dressed in Marine Corp camouflage. They were in one of the Humvees that had been taken from the mercenaries squatting on the reservation land. The Humvee had flags mounted in the front corners denoting the president of the U.S. The two...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 1

People are Hungry! Day One! October 31, 2018. Tony, Willa, Brad, and Gloria made up the team that was going to plug the southern tip of Mexico. The 26 others made up two to four-person teams that were going to be spread out to their North. The four targeted the municipal district of Quintana Roo with the municipal seat named José María Chetumal with a population of around 11,000. There were about 2,000 families. A good portion of the Yucatan Peninsula had vanished into the Gulf of Mexico...

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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 01

Author’s Note This is the first part in a new story series that follows the lives of two friends over the course of one turbulent year – 2010. The story is set in the fictional town of Westborough-on-sea, a seaside town on the south coast of England. Other towns and cities mentioned are real, although individual places within them (such as pubs, café’s, hospitals etc.) are fictional. Also, I would like to apologise for any factual inaccuracies or technical errors with certain aspects of the...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 21 Thinking outside the box

George was one of the leaders in the chicken project, “This project came about from our class brainstorming on what we could do to help feed all people. We receive a thousand fertilized eggs from a nearby farmer every week. We ask for donations when we give a certain number of baby chicks away to individuals to help cover our costs. Included with the baby chicks, we provide a pound of food with every chick. We give half of our donations to the farmer that produces the eggs. The other half...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 5 Earth Changes

Prediction and Concern turns to Reality: It was a comfortable sunny fall day near the beginning of September 2018 around 10:00 AM when the entire west coast of the United States dropped two feet. It was estimated that nearly ten million electrical transformers were no longer attached to power poles. Power west of the Cascades in Washington and Oregon and the Sierra Mountain Range in California was almost non-existent. The phone service was spotty at best. The one thing it did trigger was the...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6 White Eagle Walks among Us

John had known for almost 40 years that his totem was the American Bald Eagle. Another name for the majestic bird is the White Eagle. When John participated in healing, he became very high. That is why, after performing healing, he identified himself as White Eagle when he was asked, where under normal circumstances he would have very likely had said “No.” John watched as a young man was riding his bicycle on the sidewalk in front of them. The young man waved at them as he rode by. He looked...

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Prom Ch 05 A Thousand Words

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 4

Another Space Battle. The enemy is hungry. One of their food sources is humans from planet earth. The newcomers had been around the moon. John had a bit of fun with the cookies. John could sense something not right. He looked at his phone for the time. “Admiral, head towards Venus at full speed.” “Brien announce to everyone to make sure their seat belts are on secure.” Admiral Mary advised. “Buckle up and make safe, Tito log in a direct path to Venus and advance at full speed,” Brien said...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 2 John Starts Taking on Family

Peter and Patty sat back down with their backs to the breakfast bar. Patty still had her coat on her shoulders. Patty kissed Peter and then wrapped her arms around him and promptly fell asleep, feeling safe and warm. Peter eased his cell phone out of his pocket and set the alarm for midnight. His dad worked from noon to midnight and as he put his phone into his shirt pocket, he too followed Patty into slumberland. When Peter pulled his buzzing cell phone out of his pocket, it took him a few...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16 Back in Omak The World comes Knocking

“Hello,” Johnny Taylor answered. “Mr. Vice President, we have a delegation from Monsito. Do you have time to meet with them?” Nancy McCormick asked. This was the first time she had addressed Johnny as Mr. Vice President. Johnny would make time to meet with them, “Absolutely Nancy. Let’s have them meet with me at Sou’s. Oh, by the way, is Bill available for lunch? I may need someone to watch my back.” “Will do. Bill is home, he just got finished with a class. Three more Black Lanyard...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 11

John was sitting watching Willy and the others playing with their New Mexican friends. Lucy and the twins along with Ben were there also. Thiago was Willy’s shadow. There were three boys and a girl, perhaps nine or ten years old that apparently had been north to the states sometime in their life. They were acting as interpreters and ... sort of like protectors. Suddenly there was a level of excitement among the young people. They were getting into line. Willy was counting on his fingers. It...

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AngelicaChapter 7 Worth A Thousand Words

When Mia arrived home from school she frantically searched the house for her grandma, but couldn't find her anywhere. "Gram?" Mia called. Mia went from room to room searching to no avail and became increasingly concerned because it wasn't like her grandma to go anywhere without leaving a note. Finally Mia noticed the door leading to the attic was slightly ajar, so she pushed the door open and began to ascend the dark stairs. Mia hated the attic and tried to avoid it at all costs. When...

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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 04

Author’s Note – Well dear readers, here it is – the next instalment of Two Thousand and Ten. Apologies if you have waited a long time for this as I have been busy with other projects, but hopefully you’ll enjoy this new chapter. Please feel free to comment or send reviews (as long as they’re positive!) Disclaimer – I am not a legal professional, so apologies if the upcoming scenes are inaccurate procedure-wise. This is after all, meant as a fictional story, and I reserve the right to use...

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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 03

Author’s note: Welcome to the third chapter of Two Thousand and Ten – the tale of a year in the life of two friends from a seaside town in southern England. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the following chapter is purely a work of fiction, my character names are chosen totally at random, and no resemblance to any person (living or dead), or any company/organisation, is intended and entirely coincidental. All characters are over 18 years of age. Please also remember...

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Two Thousand and Ten Ch 02

Author’s note: Welcome to the second chapter of Two Thousand and Ten – the tale of a year in the life of two friends from a seaside town in southern England. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the following chapter is purely a work of fiction, my character names are chosen totally at random, and no resemblance to any person (living or dead), or any company/organisation, is intended and entirely coincidental. All characters are over 18 years of age. Please also remember...

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Ten thousand for a thief part 1

The shadows of the night frolicked amidst the huge weeping willows as the vines danced among the breeze. The screech of an owl in the distance, and the trickling of the waters that ran beneath the wooden bridge gave that eerie feel to the moment. Darren pulled his 1991 battered old chevy as close to the fence as he could. Retrieving a pair of wire cutters from his back pocket, he snipped the barb wire and over he went. Each step making itself known beneath the crackling twigs that had fallen....

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A Thousand Bucks Ch 05

You should read the previous chapters to better understand what has been happening. A big thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 5, The Conclusion Everyone was checking into the motel for Bill and Shauna’s wedding. So far everything was going good. Bill and his younger brother went to check in a few of the relatives. Jen told me later that Bill’s brother was something of a flirt. She told me that he and Bill came in, and he introduced her as...

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Thousand Dollars a Week Winner

Gary Ford grunted as lay on the bed in the motel room. This big titty white chick, Jessica, was riding his eight-inch dick. He massaged the enormous 38FF boobs. They bounced around as the raven-haired whore with blue eyes rode his cock vigorously. “Fuck that dick, bitch,” commanded the 44 year-old with six k**s. “I love this big Black cock,” whined the back room juke joint slut.“Yeah, hoe! Ride this dick!”“Yes, daddy!”“Yo’ pussy wet a fuck on mah big nigga dick, bitch!”“Yes, sir!”“Call me yo’...

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All for Five Thousand Dollars

All for Five Thousand Dollars By Sissie Maid Cuckold When I read the "help wanted" ad I was not sure I would qualify. The ad read, "Wanted self-reliant office worker who can and will follow orders without question or hesitation. Who is skilled in all office practices and who understands the boss is the boss." I sent an e-mail with my resume attached and waited for a response. Two days later I received a very detailed...

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Thousand Tales

A Thousand Tales   A Thousand Tales By [email protected] Valerie Ceru closed her checkbook and put her favorite pen back in the pocket of her washed-out, hopelessly blood stained white apron.? She shook hands with each of the sisters in turn, Trung Nhi and Trung Truc.? They thanked her effusively, but she should really have been the one to thank them.? She could always count on the Vietnamese sisters to bring home the bacon, so to speak.? She knew that they hunted from a blind...

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A Thousand Miles

“I didn’t want to worry you.”  The message appears, confirming all my fears.She hasn’t been around for days. I knew something was up.  Her usual playful messages were absent. There was silence.“Me, worried?” I say with poorly disguised cheer. “They don’t know if it’s spread yet.  It’s in a lymph node or something in my neck.  They’ll only know after they operate.  My husband’s so worried about me.  He’s not good at this illness stuff.  He’s falling apart.  I’m trying to hold it together for...

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The Best Thousand Dollars I Ever SpentChapter 2

Brad spent the next morning being shown around the various departments and offices in which Amalgamated’s Cleveland operation was housed. Brad worked his magic with various people and left a trail of happy employees in his path. Josh trailed along, watching how it was done. “You really do care about people, don’t you?” he said at one point. “They’re who do the work that makes you look good,” said Brad simply. Josh invited Brad out to lunch at another fancy restaurant, but Brad insisted on...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14 Are you part of the Solution or part of the Problem Said by Eldridge Cleaver

At one of the meetings John was holding up a twenty-dollar silver coin when a man stood up, “Question?” he announced, “Can you protect us?” “Yes, I can gather a thousand men and women who can stop anything an attacking force can throw at us. I can move them anywhere within a few minutes.” John shared. The man continued to stand and looked around at his fellow delegates, “I move that this meeting becomes our convention to establish a Constitutional Congress. I, Stennis Smith of California,...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 13

If everyone experienced WAR! There would not be another one! The general and his wife along with their four adopted kids came over. They would be watching the house and kids while John and Jenny were gone. The house was a madhouse with kids hugging and laughing. John and Jenny slipped out the front door. John sent a final text to the Admiral and got “All Clear!” When John and Jenny opened their eyes after the transport, it was cold and windy. The chill factor was way below freezing. Come...

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The Devils PactEpilogue A Thousand Years

My heart was filled with despair. The Living Gods were dead. All I could do was stare blankly at the wall, my mind full of ash. They had reshaped the world, and now They were gone. What were we to do? Who would look after us and protect us? Already heretics had arisen, decrying Them as false, and putting to torch Their churches and temples. And then They appeared in my dreams. "Have faith," He spoke, His voice booming like a thousand trumpets. "We are not gone. It was time for us to leave...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Jeff ThousandaireChapter 2 Architectural Connections

MONDAY "Good morning, boss." I looked up from my computer. "Good morning, Melody," I answered easily. My eyes flitted to the clock. She was right on time for a Monday morning. "Coffee? Your usual?" "Thanks, that would be great." I relaxed into my chair as the pretty blonde nodded and headed out. Maybe everything would be alright, despite the animosity she'd been showing last Friday. Maybe we would be back to normal. A few minutes later, I heard the hollow knocking on glass as...

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Jeff ThousandaireChapter 3 Adoration

STILL SATURDAY NIGHT "Ungh ... ungh ... ungh..." the pretty brunette whimpered over and again while my cock drilled in and out of her clenching pussy. Over the course of the past few weeks, I had been wondering what this would be like. The reality did not disappoint. I gripped her hips tighter as I pumped her slender body from behind, and then put my hand to the small of her back, forcing her torso down until her chest was flat on the sofa cushion. Charlotte simply licked her lips and...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Whats it like to be a Mom

The next morning, John woke up early. He looked at the clock and then heard footsteps upstairs. Before the Earth Changes, he would have taken today off after a marathon like yesterday. He heard the shower running upstairs. He moved and then he felt Jenny move. “I guess I get to learn what it’s like to be a mom.” Jenny smiled, “Good morning, lover!” “I love waking up with you. The day is always sunny.” John laughed, “Someone is taking a shower.” Just then from a different spot came another...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 2

Day Two. November 1, 2018. Sleep came easy for the four. Tony was seeing a fierce gun battle in his dreams when a young voice woke them up around midnight, “Amigos, Brad, and Tony. Need help now!” “Who is it?” Tony asked in Spanish, he had just learned the night before. “Diego sir.” “Give us a minute.” “Hurry. There is someone following me.” Brad was the first to appear. Dressed in shorts, tee-shirt, and sneakers as he fastened a belt with a holster & gun around his hips. He saw...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 4

Thursday at lunch in José María Chetumal “Jesus, how many red lanyards have you promoted?” Gloria asked in Spanish then shared in English. Brad asked a question in Spanish, “When you asked, ‘Have you promoted?’ that seems to be different than when I have heard other questions.” “There are some shortcuts in our language.” Maria smiled, “Gloria left out the “you”. It was implied. Do not concern yourself, it will come to you.” “Si, señora,” Brad answered then looked at Jesus. He had a big...

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Als AddIn 2 One Thousand and One Orgasms

I noticed her as soon as we entered the party. A stunning, curve-hugging purple dress, straight jet-black hair, pierced nose and eyebrow, and a smile of recognition when she saw my boyfriend, Al. So I was a little surprised when he steered me away from her. Actually, really surprised, since he’s seldom assertive, and because that took him straight into the very large embrace of the host’s mother.Everything about Joyce Whittaker was very large – her smile, her voice, but especially her body.She...

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Als AddIn 2 One Thousand and One Orgasms

I noticed her as soon as we entered the party. A stunning, curve-hugging purple dress, straight jet-black hair, pierced nose and eyebrow, and a smile of recognition when she saw my boyfriend, Al. So I was a little surprised when he steered me away from her. Actually, really surprised, since he’s seldom assertive, and because that took him straight into the very large embrace of the host’s mother.Everything about Joyce Whittaker was very large – her smile, her voice, but especially her body.She...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 Seeing gold in the ground

After the nap and a snack, Tony, Willa, Willy, and puppy were out back finding out what Ben and Steven had found. There was a big hill between the house and back part of the property. Tony turned and said, “Look! What is that?” “What do you see?” Willa asked. “It looks like a great big snake under the dirt,” Tony said loud enough for Ben and Steven to hear. They both yelled, “Snake!” They grabbed Willy with the puppy chasing behind and went to get John. A few minutes later, “What are you...

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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20 Going Home

“Are we going to see him again soon?” Maya asked. “We are going there to have breakfast with them,” Vid advised. “Vid, are you taking bodyguards?” Maya asked. “If we took bodyguards, we might have to protect them. Demetri or Kozlov will be enough.” Vid Pusin laughed at the idea. Then he remembered, “Honey, I wear the Black Lanyard. I transported 225 people to the goldfield on the Arctic Circle. Need I remind you; you now wear the Red Lanyard? We can protect ourselves.” “Oh! Now I...

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A Thousand Years of Peace Book 2Chapter 8 The White Dragon Family

John was finishing up several things at the bank. He had some things to do as President, that he wanted to do on either Friday or Saturday. One of his Minute Women had designed a voting package where almost all the Representatives and Senators got to review any laws, comment on them on a blog and vote yes, or no on the measure. Dave Hendricks along with a dozen Minute Men and Women were resolving why five members of the House were not getting the internet connections. John signed his name on...

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A Thousand Words

In total, there were forty nine boxes in his Mother's loft that needed to be cleared before the house could be sold. Forty nine boxes of miscellaneous memories, varying from the sacredly permanent to the throw away snapshots of another time, and each had to be thrown away or re- homed. Graham had always had great affection for the loft of the old house, perhaps more so than any other room in the world. For the last five minutes or so though he had found himself looking through a hole...

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