EggplantChapter 3
- 4 years ago
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Dari and Matt came out to the car with smiles on their faces. I got out and opened the trunk as they placed their overnight stuff and another bag in and closed the lid.
We had driven about a block when they dropped the news.
“Dad, we don’t want to go back on Sunday.” Matt spoke first.
“Yeah, we want to stay with you.”
“Kid that can’t happen. The court gave custody to your mother. I can’t break that law.”
“You aren’t breaking the law, we are, and we are underage so what can they do? Besides I don’t think she is going to want us there anymore.”
I pulled the car over and turned it off.
“What did you two do?”
They both got quiet. It was the tipping point for them. I could tell. They had made a choice and taken a course of action.
Dari and Matt were twins. They were almost 14 yrs. old and good kids. They had cried when I made their mother tell them about her cheating and our pending divorce. They were both great athletes and played soccer and started for the best club team in the area and were the best players on the boys’ and girls’ squads.
In general, they had my disposition. They were calm and thoughtful and strong willed. They asked good questions and listened to logical answers and engaged in well thought out arguments. They both loved to sit at the breakfast and dinner table and discuss current events. But when they got angry, they got very angry.
So, when they begin to act like they have implemented a plan to take over the universe, I figured it was important to listen.
“What did you do?” I asked again.
The twins often spoke in alternating sentences and this was no different. Dari started.
“We told Mrs. Severson that we were not going to live there anymore.”
“We told her that she should demand that the court give custody to you and you only.”
“She said she would not do that, so we went with Plan B.”
“Dari put on her soccer shoes and the next time Mr. Severson walked by her, she kicked him hard in the nuts.”
“WHAT? You did not do that!”
“Yes, I did. Mr. Severson is a dick and we don’t like him. We will not live with him and Mrs. Severson.” Dari said.
“When Mrs. Severson yelled at Dari, I picked up one of her precious flowerpots and threw it through the living room window.” Matt added.
“She screamed at us and I told her that she should get used to it. I told her and Mr. Severson that every chance I had I would kick her husband in the nuts.”
“And I told her to get ready to have a lot of broken windows and stuff around the house.” Matt continued. “We told her we were not going to live there anymore. We were either going to live with you or we were going to be put into a foster home or juvenile detention because we were going to be too violent. That was when I picked up their wedding picture and threw it into the new TV screen.”
“Mrs. Severson lost her mind and told us to go to our rooms. We just sat down on the couch and didn’t move until you came to get us.” Dari finished with a sound of pride in her voice.
I picked up the phone and sent a quick text, then started the car, turned it around and drove back to the house.
I had met Deb in junior high school. She was skinny and dark skinned with long dark brown hair that grew down to her bottom and spoke to her Italian heritage. She had no breasts and no hips and was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. We were too young to date, in our parent’s eyes, so we would hold hands as we walked home together, and we would meet at the school dances and spend our entire time together.
We had moved to kissing at the end of the school year and then the world came crashing down. We lived in Milwaukee and she and her family were moving to Chicago at the end of the school year. We had a very tearful last meeting and then she was gone.
I went through high school unlike other students. It was the late 60’s and I had hair longer than the Beatles and was in the office often for allowing my hair to touch the collar of my shirt. I swam on the swim team and was one of the fastest kids on the team. Without me the team would lose a lot of meets. I was never a dick about it and was a full-on team player, but I knew that the school would not throw me out because they liked winning stuff.
I had been playing drums for years and was in a band, Beer City Rockers, another reason for the long hair. Chicks love drummers with long hair. I used my money from playing gigs to buy a car and I used the car to date girls. This is where you think I am going to talk about all of the notches in my backseat upholstery, but it is not. You see, I was not into sex. Deb had taught me to be into the relationship.
I dated girls that were nice, pretty and didn’t mess around. Oh, there was kissing and the occasional breast squeeze and crotch rub, but nothing under clothes, that is until I was at a gig during my Senior year and met a tall girl named Melinda. She went to one of the schools in Milwaukee that was almost in the suburbs. Her family was upper middle-class, and she was an upper-class girl. She was an inch shorter than my own 6’1”. And when she wore heels she towered over me. Together we made quite the pair.
I was playing at her Homecoming dance, to which she went stag, spending all of her time watching me. A few guys who came stag hit on her, but she proudly announced that she was with the drummer. Between songs she would blow me kisses or bring me a soft drink. After the dance we went to her friend’s party and spent the night in the basement rec room, necking under a table with a tablecloth that almost touched the floor.
That next weekend I played a gig and Melinda went with me. Afterwards we went back to her house. That was when I found out that her family was out of town. She had to stay home to take care of the family dog and its’ new litter of puppies. Melinda made something for us to eat and we necked and then we gave each other our virginity in her bed. I stayed the night and we burned through a half-dozen rubbers.
We dated through the summer and then she told me that she had decided to go to college in California. We had been talking about college and were both looking at Marquette and U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. It came as a complete surprise when she made her announcement. Her reason was that she always felt like she was under her parents control and she felt that she needed to get away. We had been making love since our first night, but our last time together, although tender and slow, was just a good-bye fuck to me.
During my sophomore year at U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, I came home, yes, I was living at home, to find Deb sitting in the kitchen with my mom. She looked like hell. We went to my room and sat on the bed. She began to explain that she had gotten married in her freshman year and after six months had gotten an annulment because he was a violent drug user who hit her and tried to trade her body for his drugs.
She said that she had always thought of me and missed me and wanted to know if we could spend time together now that she had moved back to Milwaukee. I had been dating here and there but no one worth keeping and no one I was having sex with. I agreed, and we began to date for the next three years. When I graduated, we got married in a small civil ceremony and we moved out of Milwaukee because it is a racist shit-hole of a city and I never wanted to see it again.
Over the next few years I built a reputation as a swimming coach and we moved from St. Louis to Texas to Kansas City. In Kansas City we realized that this was a very long-term position and we decided to buy a house and start our family. A year later Deb had the twins. After the kids went to kindergarten Deb went to work and began to cheat on me with her boss.
Of course, I didn’t find out until two years ago, when the kids were almost twelve. I had gotten an anonymous e-mail telling me that Deb was fucking her boss and letting me know how to verify the fact. When I confronted Deb with the proof I gathered, she had decided to tell me that she didn’t love me anymore and she was going to divorce me to marry Will Severson.
I guess I could have fought it, but I figure why the hell fight for nothing and our relationship was now nothing. We split everything 50/50 and she kept the house and the kids. I had them every other weekend and could see them for special occasions like their birthday and holidays.
Once Deb’s actions became known to the kids, the relationship between Deb, Will, and the kids went to hell.
The kids started calling Deb ‘Mrs. Severson’ and never kissed her or showed her any affection. They called Will, Mr. Severson, and ignored him as much as possible. They were civil enough to all live under the same roof, but every effort Will and Deb made to get the kids on their side was rebuffed. The kids actually managed to make a week-long trip to Disney World miserable for Will and Deb. At one point someone asked them if those were their parents and Dari declared to any and all present, “No they are just the cheating fuck buddies we have to live with.”
I attend their soccer games and some practices, they would come to some of my swim practices and they were both sitting with me in a big local sports bar when one of my swimmers won an Olympic Gold Medal. They were my kids and I was their Dad. I was the one they acknowledged as their only parent. They just lived in the same house as Deb.
When I pulled the car back into the driveway the kids looked concerned. I got out and began to walk to the front door of the house. After a few steps I turned to wave for the kids to follow me. They opened their doors and slowly walked up behind me, and together we walked to the door.
I rang the bell and my ex opened the door. She had been crying and looked like I had when she told me that she didn’t love me any more and she was seeing a man that she would marry after our divorce.
“Hi Mick.”
“Hi. May the kids and I come in?”
“Who is it?” The voice of her husband grated on me, even from the back of the house.
“It is Mick and the kids.”
“Tell those little fuckers to get their asses in here!”
“What about Mick?” Deb yelled.
“Fuck Mick!” was his answer.
She looked at the floor and was quiet. I stood there with the kids behind me.
“We need to talk. He should be involved if what the kids have told me is true,” I said.
“Come in.” She moved back from the door and I walked in.
The kids did not follow.
“We told her we wouldn’t be back.” Dari said.
“Well you shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep. Isn’t that right Deb?” I looked at my ex.
She flinched a bit, then said, “Sit on the couch and I will get Will.”
She walked back into the house. I walked into the living room and after giving my twins the death stare, they followed me. I sat in the big comfy chair that faced the now broken TV. It was ‘his’ chair now, but it used to be mine. I sat back and waited. The twins sat on the couch in silence.
“What the fuck are you doing in my chair, you son-of-a-bitch?” He yelled.
He was raising his voice because he was pissed, until Dari jumped to her feet and moved towards him and he moved back.
“DARI! Sit!”
My daughter immediately obeyed my command and sat.
“Will, I suggest you and Deb sit down. We need to have a calm conversation and it should not have started off with “Fuck Mick” or “You son-of-a-bitch”. Now can we have a conversation in a civilized manner, or with me sitting on your chest, taking out my anger on your face.”
Will was my size but was a spineless bastard. In my mind all he really had going for him was a bigger dick, according to Deb. He sat in the love seat, Deb sat next to him and I began.
“I was wondering if what the kids told me was true and now that I’ve seen the TV, the window and the way Will flinched when Dari moved towards him, I believe it.”
“You probably put them up to it.” Will accused.
“He did not! We hate you and Mrs. Severson, Mr. Severson,” Matt spit out with a lot of anger.
“MATT! Cool it. You need to relax until it is time to not relax.”
Matt sat back on the couch and resumed his quiet boil.
“Now. First, I did not tell them to do what they did. If I wanted you kicked in the nuts, I would do it myself. If I wanted to destroy your house, I would burn it to the ground. Nothing you have, including Deb, interests me in any way, shape, or form anymore.”
Deb again flinched at my words.
“My children do interest me, however, and do not think for even a second that you or Deb have them. The court gave you their custody, but you will never have their hearts. Deb your actions have insured that both of your children hate you and will probably hate you for as long as they live.”
“Will, they don’t care about you at all. To them you are as irrelevant as dog shit on the bottom of an old shoe. So now that we have set the ground rules, let’s move forward. The kids have acted in a manner that does not make me proud. It is the first time in their lives that I have been ashamed of them.”
Both of them gasped and Dari began to cry.
“I raised them to have honor and to strive for excellence, what they did this morning showed neither.” I looked at both of the children and spoke with as serious a tone as I could muster. “Both of you have acted in a manner more along the dishonorable lines of your mother and the man she cheated on me with. I expect better of you.”
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Airplane Pickups, and almost getting KilledIn the first few years after I started my business, I had to do some traveling around the country, and the only practical way was to fly. To entertain myself, I came up with a little game I played on almost every flight. Or at least I attempted to play the game on virtually every flight. As soon as I boarded a flight, I quickly scanned the plane to see if there were any attractive women who were sitting in a row by themselves, or at least with an open...
Toettut had been terraformed three hundred years ago and served as a planetary resort for multiple species. Two thousand years had passed since humanity had had the first contact with an Alien species. Humans had to finally acknowledge that we were not alone in the Universe. All species were welcomed here and diplomatic liaisons were opened for commerce and cultural exchange on this far outpost. Intergalactic agreements sanctioned the opening Mega-City for a place of safety for all beings to...
My name is Adam Ferguson, a 22 year old who has generally had a bad life and what I'm going through right now would have to be one of, if not, the toughest time in my life. I was broke and had nothing to go on due to me blowing my savings on a gamble. My career was young and I wanted to make a name for myself but to my bitter disappointment my gamble hadn't payed off and damaged the company's reputation. As a result of this, I'd been fired by my boss and was looked down upon by my colleagues....
Mind ControlIf this will bother you, please do not read this story. ____________________________________________________ The location is southern Georgia near the coast just before the Civil War. Horace Franklin was a successful businessman in his late thirties. He owned a small plantation where he lived. It was only about forty acres. He did not farm it but let two sharecroppers pay him for the place to grow crops. He had a wife, Ellen, and two...
It's 1850, 10 years prior to the silver war. Matthew and Rebeca Johnson own a small plantation in Georgia. Matthew is 52 and Rebecca is 45.They are c***dless after trying for years to conceive. Since she has just gone thru the 'change of life' they know it will never happen.It is noon on a Sunday. They have just returned home from attending church service where Rebecca sings in the choir and Matthew is a church elder. Matthew has just left to go to the auction in town as he does every Sunday....
Unplanned Vacation in a Nudist Camp Few years ago my girlfriend Mitra and I were on vacation in Greece. We booked a tent at a nice camp by the sea on the Island of Ios. Pictures of the camp were fabulous and we couldn’t wait to get there. However, when we arrived there was a big surprise waiting for us. By the entrance, there was a sign with two words that changed my perception of vacation’s forever. The sign read: “Nudist Camp”. When I saw it, my heart jumped. I felt both shocked and a lure of...
Unplanned PleasureBy: Londebaaz Chohan Everybody was thankful that the jobs were saved and the bank; instead of closing its doors forever went into the merger plan with another larger bank. It was the part of the deal that none of the employees shall be sacked but if anybody found a better job and wanted to leave, he or she shall be treated fairly and given all what was due to them. The bank also announced the special packages, particularly for the senior employees who were expected to take the...
Hi Friends.. This Rohit.I am back with my new story. After getting 100% positive feedback for my stories “My wife’s Pleasure My priority” and “The return of My wife’s Pleasure My priority”, I was too excited to write my next experience. However, I wanted to live up to the expectation of my fans so did not want to take a chance and disappoint them. One fine morning, I got a fan email and it was from a girl named Nisha. We started exchanging emails and started sharing our experiences too. It went...
Hi friends.. My name is Nikita. I am 26 year old now. Naturally I am a very horny girl but these many days I had kept satisfied myself with masturbating only.I had lost my virginity to one of my cousin at the age of 18 itself who now works in the army and from then I never had an utmost urge to have sex with anyone even I had a lot of liking for many guys. My vital stats are 34d-32-34 and being from northern India I m extremely fair. My height is 5.4 and slightly on the plumper side which adds...
Unplanned Fun Time With Maid Hi, I am in the management of a leading MNC married happily with kids. My work demands that I am out to office as early as 7 AM and don’t return before personal sex life is great as my wife is a socialite and we enjoy ourselves to the core. I hardly know the house helps as I don’t get to see them due to so happened that one day, after a customer call, I found time to return home around 1500h. I called my wife in advance, who told me that she is...
Part 1 – Tran had worked his rice fields for nearly his whole life, at 42 he was comfortable in his life. For some people, farming was back breaking work, sloshing around in the mud planting rice, then harvesting and all that went with it. Tran saw it as a great pleasure, he paced his movements, never rushed and always finished his daily tasks and had time to rest and sit under a tree and appreciate the natural beauty of where he lived and the simple routines of his life as a farmer. Maybe...
Selina Kyle drops silently from her perch into Ivy's greenhouse. She had been scoping out the place for hours and had seen no evidence of Ivy being there. It was the perfect chance to steal the Emerald of Life. Selina wasted no time and went straight to the vault. This wasn't the first time she had robbed Ivy. She typed in the passcode that she knew so well and entered the vault. On a pedestal in the middle of the room was her treasure. She walks confidently towards her goal, oblivious to the...
Monday was such a marvellous start to the week that I thought it could not get any better. The rest of the week was back to normal, busy with work and other responsibilities. Sophie and I flirted a bit, but nothing else happened at the office. Sophie’s call on Wednesday evening and our WhatsApp video session were pretty good too, but it was not until Friday came that I was really and truly proven wrong. It could get better.I had gone home for the day, having left Sophie to lock up. I went for a...
Group SexI was dreaming. I think. There were images flashing through my head but I couldn't find the strength to form them into anything coherent or into a set order. Just... snapshot pictures. And sounds. And sensations. I heard an erotic moan, definitely female. I felt distinct pleasure. Raw, powerful, hungry pleasure. I saw darkness and yet not; like the red haze of light shining in through closed eyelids. I remembered lying on my side, a beautiful woman pillowing her head on my left arm, my right...
Hi friends this is Rathode and it is my another new story please leave your comments and opinions on my id This story includes some of the concepts about quantum physics and general theory of relativity and it also includes romance, lust , love and sex between a mother and son . Year -3151 place-egl head quarters “Earth” the home of all human beings is going to became an abandoned planet, due to selfishness activities of humans made earth unstable, the resource of earth vanished all of...
IncestPlant Persuasion It is a curious tale that I am about to tell, I always thought that the book, "The Day of the Triffids" was a story of pure fiction. Well, who on earth could imagine a situation where plants take over the world! That's just a story, it's pure fiction, isn't it? Let me start at the beginning, ever since the damn pandemic thing began, everyone was too scared to go out and so it was with me, i was locked down in my own home. In reality I was ok though, I was used to...
Hi This is ragu. This time me and my uncles gang bang my mom let see how it happen. My name ragu. My dad name is suresh age 40 he is business man and my mom name is hema age is 37. My mom hema is sexy womb. She always wear saree. Her size 28 31 30 . She is a housewife. I am the only son to my parents. I am doing college. I am always a horny guys and like to enjoy aunties. In holidays in home if get a chance a look my mom in sexy way. Whenever she clean the house. If she in night dress that...
The shower was everything Becky expected it to be, and more. Every nerve was on sensory overload; the warm water beating on their bodies as they kissed under the spray, the wonderful feel of his hands all over her body as he soaped her up from head to toe. Bill took his time with her body, seemingly memorizing every bit of her, making sure he touched every square millimeter of her skin like he was a blind man, and her skin was written in Braille.Then once he had rinsed her off, he knelt in the...