Handmaiden's Gambit free porn video

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His name was Juan Cerveza de la Noche.

At different points in his life, he was an elite soldier for his king, a mercenary, a pirate, and most recently, a bodyguard.

This night, he was a fugitive. Had a soul asked him what his crime was, he would have smiled and said, "My crime? She was passion."

Namely, Lord Redlen of Sudhoff wanted to kill him for the untimely deflowering of his daughter.

Juan crouched amid the pews of the ruined chapel. He moved like a fox, slinking between the long, low, high-backed benches as Lord Redlen and his henchmen sought for him.

"Come out, you cur!" yelled Redlen as he again heard scuttering noises among the benches, and his men were forced to change tack to try to bracket the elusive Rojando.

"I do not think you will be kindly disposed to me, should I acquiesce," came the reply, echoing off the ancient granite walls.

The henchmen, four of the lord's finest and most loyal of guards, changed direction again, based upon the nobleman's hand gestures. "You haven't a chance, Rojando," said Redlen, "We will catch you and string you up by your balls!"

"Hence why I will not be coming out," came the response, his thick Rojando accent giving the words a softness and richness that was notably lacking in the Southron language.

One of the henchmen dove over a bench, yelling with rage as he thought he caught sight of the slender, dark-haired man they had chased from the manor house, some three miles up the road.

"I do not know what you think you were jumping upon," said Juan, in a whisper to the henchman, "but it was not me."

The henchman looked up just in time to see the pommel of a rapier coming toward his head. Then there was a sudden flash, followed by darkness.

With an agility possessed by one who was used to being pursued, Juan slipped under the pew to his left and popped up three rows over. He poked his head up over the level of the high backs, to see where his opponents were now, and in the dimness of the night, with only moonlight pouring in through shattered stained glass, saw movement.

Just in time, he ducked as a crossbow bolt whizzed over his head, nearly parting his well-oiled hair. "That is very unsporting," he said, "to be using ranged weapons upon me." He pronounced ranged as 'rain-jed'."

"It will be unsporting when I castrate you, filthy bastard," said Redlen, ordering his men, again with hand gestures toward where the head had briefly popped up.

There was a moment of silence, then Juan said from among the pews, "You seem to have a fascination with that portion of my anatomy, is there something I should know?"

One of the henchmen gave out a brief snort before catching himself and the enraged expression upon Redlen's face.

The lord of Sudhoff howled in frustration and smashed the long wooden bench before him with his greatsword, cleaving it in two. Wood chips flew about and the noise of it echoed from the rafters and walls of the old chapel. "You should know that I am going to kill you!" he screamed.

"Why did you not say so?" said a very mild voice from behind Redlen. He felt a prick of steel against the back of his neck. "I do not recommend you turning around, this sword is very sharp."

The remaining three of Lord Redlen's men gaped at the reappearance of the elusive Rojando directly behind their master and employer. "Please to tell your men to throw their swords away from them."

"Do what he says," growled Redlen, sweat beading on his brow. Redlen was not a young man, but had many years left in him, and a sudden and abiding desire overcame him to see most of them through.

"It would also be a very nice gesture on your part to toss away that great cleaver you carry, milord," said Juan in a soft lilt.

With a clumsy jerk the din of steel on granite was joined by a louder clang of his massive two-handed weapon. "You will be hanged for this," he muttered.

"And that is worse how?" asked the Rojando.

Redlen felt the point leave his neck and started to spin about, his great fist knotting into a large ball of bone and meat and spinning about to clobber the offensive man.

When his eyes came about, all he saw was teeth and claws as the cat struck him in the head. With a sound like a demon from the pits, the cat began trying to take evasive measures in mid-flight. This, of course, meant that when he hit the nobleman's face, he was already flailing those clawed feet.

Lord Redlen screamed as he fought to remove the cat from his head. A goal that they both shared, even if they worked at cross purpose to achieve it. By the time he managed to hurl the cat from him and searched the dark floor of the church for his sword, he and his men heard the galloping of hooves and knew that their horses had just been stolen.

"I want that son of a bitch dead!" yelled Redlen, grabbing one guard by the tunic and shoving him away from himself.

"I had no idea daddy, what that horrid man was doing to me," said Elke, lord Redlen's daughter, sobbing and sitting upon a couch. "He simply told me it would feel good."

"He took advantage of your innocence," said Redlen, glaring out the window. "You could not have known what a bastard like him was about."

She sobbed again into her handkerchief and fell upon her face, crying into the cushions of the couch.

"Go to bed, dear, and I will have a priest come to bless you on the morrow," said Redlen.

Elke gave a shuddering sigh and left the chamber, the door silently closed behind her as her handmaiden followed her flight.

Upon the door shutting, the young woman's whole demeanor changed, and she stood upright. She turned to smile at her handmaiden, Trinna. "By the One, it was as good as you said it would be!" said Elke, taking Trinna's hands. "It was like my whole body was tensed like a bow."

Trinna giggled along with the young noblewoman. "Yes, milady, I would never have recommended Juan's company if he were not skilled."

"Skilled doesn't come close to describing it, my good woman," Elke sighed, throwing herself upon her massive bed. "Had I known what it felt like, I would have given myself to a man long ago."

"Now, milady, not all men are as talented as Juan, don't go thinking they are,"cautioned the handmaiden.

Elke's head lifted from the feather mattress. "How do I know when they are?" she asked, eyeing her best friend dubiously.

"Their kiss," said Trinna.

"Just that?" asked Elke. "I like kissing."

"Yes, I've seen you with young Lord Hohenseim," said Trinna conspiratorially.

The noblewoman's face grew alarmed. "I thought we were being discreet," she said.

"You were, milady, but it is my business to keep up with you and your activities," said the handmaiden, still smiling.

Elke's head fell back onto the mattress. "I wish to see him again," she sighed out.

"I will let him know," replied Trinna. "Though I daresay you will have to meet him somewhere other than here, after this night."

"For pleasure such as that, I would happily wallow in mud," said Elke.

Trinna giggled again. "I don't think you will have to sink that low for another meeting."

"Who said anything about sinking low? I like mud," replied Elke, laughing and looking up at the canopy on her bed. "At midnight, you are relieved are you not?"

"Yes, milady," said Trinna.

"Will you go to — him?" asked the young noblewoman.

The handmaiden thought a short moment. "Would that bother you, Elke? I ask as a friend," she said.

Elke turned and raised her head up on one elbow. "Why would that bother me? I have received pleasure this night, and that will not be lessened by your receiving the same."

"Then, I say, yes, I planned to meet him this night, after midnight," replied Trinna.

The noblewoman smiled. "I envy you that, dear Trinna. That you are free to see whom you will, when you wish." she paused a long moment, "and bed them!" She broke into peals of laughter again.

Trinna smiled at Elke, running her fingers through her own chestnut hair. "I suppose nobility and peasantry are both two-edged swords," she said sagely.

"That they are, my dear friend," said Elke, a sober expression coming to her mirthful face.

"She said she wishes to see me again?" asked Juan, sitting upon the bed and watching the lovely Trinna remove her tight corset.

Trinna smiled over her shoulder at him. "Yes, she's very taken with your — skills," she said. Pulling the corset off, and releasing her large, round breasts. She turned about, now only wearing a sheer cotton slip.

Juan's eyes widened as he took in her well-rounded breasts, and their dark, large nipples. "You are magnificent, woman," said Juan, folding his arms around her waist as he sat and nuzzling into her bosem.

She stroked his neck and murmured, "I will bring her here to you tomorrow night."

Juan's hands slid up the outsides of Trinna's long thighs and then gripped her rump. "I would rather have you here, again," he said.

"I will have to come, also, but I doubt the lady will wish to share you," said Trinna, kissing the top of his head.

Juan looked up at her, his eyes nearly pure black in the center. "Why did you offer to get us together, I wonder?"

"Milady seemed very depressed that she would loose her innocence to some old man who would just hump her and then fall asleep atop her," she replied. "Now, even if married off to some fossil, she has known the affection of a man who knows how to give it. Besides, a treasure like your lovemaking should be shared, not hoarded away for only one person to enjoy."

She untied the cord holding her slip in place and Juan pulled his hands from beneath it. It fell to the floor in a white puddle of cloth and she stepped forward and straddled his already nude form. "Can you perform again, so soon after the session with milady?" she asked.

He grinned at her and pulled her into his belly, forcing his erection between them. "Do noblemen hate to hear of their daughters' deflowering?"

Trinna giggled and reached down to stroke the spike of hard flesh between them. She looked into his handsome face, with his wide smile and dark, mysterious eyes. "Yes," she whispered as she lifted her body and impaled herself upon his cock.

Trinna stood quietly in the shadows of an alley, several blocks from the inn where Juan was staying. A short, fat man approached her. "Will she be coming?" he asked, peering at her with cold eyes.

"Yes, she will be out of the way on the night of the morrow," Trinna said, her eyes darting up and down the darkened street.

He chuckled. "Warming the bed of that idiot Rojando, no doubt," he murmured. "Very good, we don't want her getting caught in the mess, do we?"

The handmaiden, who dearly loved her mistress, shook her head. "No, I don't want her involved."

The short man reached into his tunic and pulled forth a small pouch. "For making our odious task easier, Trinna," he said, holding it out.

She cautiously took hold of the pouch, noting its rather substantial weight. It disappeared into the folds of her long dress. "I feel ashamed for what I have done," she whispered.

"Why would you feel that way?" a wide smile came to the man's lips, a smile that made him seem even more greasy than he already did. "You're saving your mistress' life, out of devotion to her. I'd say that was a admirable thing to do. Anyone with a whit of decency would say the same."

Trinna nodded slowly, and took another glance up the street. "I should go rest, I've a busy day on the morrow."

The man, she did not know his name, nodded. "It'd be prudent to have your wits about you," he said.

Juan Cerveza stood in front of the merchant, eyeing the potion dubiously. "Completely invisible?" he asked.

"Indeed, sir, totally," said the Ghantian, holding up the tiny vial of faintly glowing red liquid. "And for only ten marks, it's a bargain."

"I am sure it is such a bargain, if it truly works," said Juan, puckering his lips as he thought. "It would surely afford me a moment to gather my wits after inadvertent discovery."

"I'll even add a little holder so that you can wear it about your neck to prevent losing it," said the merchant, very hopeful of a sale.

Juan nodded. "That would be very nice," he said. "I will take it, but it had better be a working potion."

"I guarantee it," said the merchant, sounding offended.

Juan handed over the requisite ten silver coins, stamped with the face of some unknown nobleman and a dragon rampant on the back.

A few moments later, the merchant handed him the vial, entwined with copper wire and hanging from a short leather loop. He slipped it over his head and gave the merchant what he thought was his most threatening look. "It will work?"

"It will," confirmed the merchant, smiling broadly.

Juan sauntered off down the street, grinning to himself. He liked magical baubles, and owned several. Prized among them was his sword, which he knew brought him good luck, for since he had acquired it, he had never been stabbed.

That he had never been stabbed before that bore little weight in his thoughts. Generally speaking, weighty thoughts were a foreign concept to the Rojando. His theory was that those belonged to philosophers and, perhaps, wizards.

He struck a tinderstick upon the wall and lit his pipe. "This will be a night to remember, I can feel it," he said to no one in particular, flicking the tinderstick over his shoulder.

He was almost two blocks away when the alchemist merchant's stall went up in a pyrotechnic display that impressed folks around Sudhoff immensely. The merchant himself, being a man of quick wit, had managed to run and dive into a nearby trough, but his stall was still raining down in burning hunks as he came up for air.

"I can't believe I am going to slip away from the manor and have a tryst with Juan," said Elke as Trinna scrubbed her hair. She sat in an ornate tub, rose petals floated on the surface of the water, which rose up to her chest. "You are certain you don't mind sharing him?"

Trinna giggled and ladled another cup of water through her mistress' long, auburn hair. "Not at all, milady," she said. Trinna herself was clad only in a loose-fitting slip, so as to not wet her clothes.

"Please, we share a lover, you can use my right name, Trinna," said Elke, looking over her shoulder at her handmaiden. "Besides, we've been friends for three years now."

"Of course, Elke," said Trinna, taking up the rag and beginning to scrub Elke's back. "But I am still subject of your father and in your employ."

The noblewoman smiled up at her. "Then let me bathe you," she said.

"What?" asked Trinna, her eyes widening to saucers.

"I wish to give you a bath, you've done it for me enough times," repeated Elke.

The handmaiden blinked a few times. "It's not proper, Elke. I'm your servant."

Elke got a look of good-humored haughtiness on her face. "Then do as I ask, and let me bathe you." She rose from the water, the soapy bubbles sliding off her smooth skin in a cascade of sweet-smelling water. Elke turned to Trinna. "Now, into the tub."

Trinna hesitated a moment, but then smiled and stood herself. "I don't expect you to do all of the bathing duties upon me, Elke."

Elke got a look of shock on her oval face. "But I will," she said. "Even the shaving."

Trinna slid her slip down her thighs. "Seriously, I don't think... "

"You think I cannot handle a razor?" asked Elke, smiling. "Fearful that I will cut your privates?"

Trinna's eyes crew wider. "Well, to tell the truth, yes."

The young noblewoman smiled. "Since I was fifteen, you've shaven my privates, but I did do it myself before that."

"I had wondered, mila — Elke," said Trinna. The tall, slim handmaiden stepped into the tub and sat down. Elke knelt beside the tub, ladling water into the other woman's brown hair.

"I've wanted to wash your hair a long while, Trinna, it's so thick and pretty," she said, stroking the long tresses as the water flowed through the dense strands.

Trinna smiled in pleasure as the warm water sluiced over her scalp, followed by the gentle scratching of Elke's long-nailed fingers. The scent of the rosewater pervaded the air and relaxed the young handmaiden more.

"Elke, that feels wondrous," she said, smiling and giving out a soft moan.

"Good," replied the young noblewoman. "That is how it feels every time you wash my hair."

It took a long while for Elke to bathe Trinna, as she was rather unskilled in the art, and she seemed to be enjoying the process. When the matter of cleaning of private areas came up, she did not hesitate, and scrubbed and rinsed with a rather professional expression upon her face. "You have such smooth skin, Trinna, I am a bit envious," she said as she ran a soapy rag over the handmaiden's long thighs.

Trinna barked out a laugh. "Envious? Why?" she asked. "Your skin is smoother by far." One hand moved from Trinna to Elke's stomach and stroked her slender fingertips down the taut skin. "You've beautiful skin. So fair."

"I like the color of yours, to be truthful," said Elke, scrubbing the slightly olive toned skin. "You are clean, Trinna."

Trinna stepped from the tub and grabbed a large towel from a hook. "No, stop that," said Elke, playfully, snatching the towel. "My job," she added, playfully glaring at the taller servant.

The handmaiden stood passively as the noblewoman toweled her dry, gently rubbing the smooth, tanned skin and leaving only the soft, freshly-washed texture behind.

"Now, lie upon the table," said Elke, pointing to the long table near the tub. Elke did as told, lying down gingerly. The young noblewoman walked up beside her and sat a steaming bowl of water next to Trinna's hip. She also held a large flask of oil. The oil she poured onto Trinna's delicate pubic mound soaking the tight, dark curls.

She squirmed as it crept between her thighs and slid up the crack of her backside. "Relax," said Elke, placing one slender hand upon Trinna's thigh, urging it to move away from it's partner.

With only a bit of hesitation, Trinna spread her legs apart, as she made Elke do on nearly countless ocassions. She flushed slightly as she thought of how exposed she was right now to her mistress. Elke rubbed the pubic mound gently, kneading the oils into the hairs and softening the skin beneath.

"You have some growing down the sides and toward your backside, dear," said Elke, matter-of-factly. Trinna knew this was her cue to spread her legs farther, until her knees were bent and her calves hung down from the table on either side. "Very good."

The handmaiden gasped at the touch of cold steel at the top of her pubic hair, and felt the blade slide silky smooth over the skin. She would have to compliment the steward of the house on his job in keeping implements admirably sharp in the household.

Every moment or two, Elke would stop and rinse off the blade in the bowl of water, but slowly, inexorably, she shaved off all the hairs in the main patch, leaving baby-smooth skin behind. She then stopped, a quizzical look upon her face. "You don't mind me — well — doing what you do to get the sides?"

"No, Elke," said Trinna, smiling, "I've far more experience with fingers in there than you, and you don't mind me doing it."

Elke slowly slid two fingers past the softly-folded lips of Trinna's entrance, only an inch or so, then curled them to pull the skin beside her entrance taut and smooth. The handmaiden inhaled sharply as the blade slid just up to her labia, then lifted, only to start at the junction of her thigh again.

The noblewoman smiled. "See, I've not cut you, Trinna," said Elke, turning her hand about and lifting the other side of Trinna's soft skin taut.

Trinna sighed. "No, you've not hurt me, at all, Elke," she said. The noblewoman looked at her a moment, noting the half-lidded eyes and faint smile.

"Are you enjoying this?" asked Elke finally.

Trinna sighed. "I confess that I do, mi — Elke," she said.

Elke leaned very close to her and whispered into the cup of her ear, "I enjoy it when you do it, as well."

A deep blush suffused the handmaiden's features as the noblewoman leaned back and slid her fingers gently from Trinna's entrance. "You need to lift your legs and hold them up for me," she said.

Trinna, again, did as she was told, pulling her knees to her shoulders and grabbing them with her hands. Elke leaned in and gently shaved the patch of skin between entry and anus, then a few stray strands around the handmaiden's backside. Trinna gasped as the blade slipped gently and slid over her sphincter.

"No cut, promise," said Elke, grinning. Then she leaned back, smiling broadly. "All done."

The handmaiden lifted her head and shoulders and looked down at her now smooth pubic mound, then rand a experimental hand between her thighs, and felt nothing but very smooth skin and the delicate folds of her entrance. Elke had done a splendid job of it, she decided. Elke gently moved her hand out from between her thighs. "Not yet, though, one more step," she chided.

Trinna smiled and leaned back, again spreading her thighs apart. Elke moved inward with a soft rag which was soaked with oils and essences. She rubbed it over the handmaiden's pubic mound and then between her legs, over her opening. There was a rapid cooling sensation as these special oils soaked into the skin, causing Trinna to gasp again.

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Marnie was my age, eighteen, but looked a lot younger: she had barely any boobs, which I noticed when we showered after lacrosse. She didn’t have many hairs down below, either – just like me. Maybe that’s why we clicked: we both looked younger and more innocent than we really were. Because Marnie certainly was no innocent: one night I caught her in an empty classroom frigging herself as she looked at a lingerie catalogue. I closed the door and we never mentioned it again, but nor did I mention...

2 years ago
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Knight in Shining ArmorEpilogue

Things at Camelot had finally settled down to what we had come to expect as normal. Kim and Dora's photo studio became a resounding success. They both have met their life mates and have moved out of Camelot to start their own lives. I still got visits from both of them from time to time as they enjoy sleepovers. I have continued my quest to rescue damsels in distress. In the process I had built seven more schools scattered across the country. Just as I finished one of the schools, the FBI...

1 year ago
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The Cove1

It all started the summer I turned 14 my uncle Nick, aunt keri, my cousin Gabby, and I all went do to the lake for the fourth of July. Now at this time I had just a d cup and I was experiencing being a lesbian. My cousin and I would eat each other out and kiss and she would suck my tits. Well that Friday when we left the only thing I could think about was swimming naked with my uncle. I had no idea why but I was so horny. My cousin was in the back seat with me. Her parents couldn't see us...

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Zaks GiftChapter 6

Inet clutched the covers to her chest, panting and sweating in the aftermath of her vision. Her aide, Zaid, entered the room just then, having been awakened by her cries. "My Lady, are you well?" he asked. "It ... it is time." she said. "We must go. Now." "I have prepared your satchel as you requested." he told her. "Good." she said. He turned away respectfully so she could dress. She chose a simple, white muslin dress, stepped into her sandals, and put on her mother's Bastet...

2 years ago
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Day in my life

Your name is Niomi, you're a 22 year old living in sunny LA. You wake up in your beach side house looking out the window. You get out of bed and start to get ready, you walk to the mirror checking yourself out, you have long blonde hair, green eyes, medium sized breasts and a very skinny body that you work out almost every day for, walking towards the closest you open it and pick your outfit, a green bikini top with a black bikini thong bottom, ripped denim hot pants and a white crop top with a...

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Arresting Officer

"All right, round 'em up and move 'em out!" Sergeant Mike Murphy called out to the blue clad phalanx under his command. "You got it, Sarge." Officer Herrity replied. Both men grinned as their fellow officers led a parade of women across the open courtyard to where a large blue bus waited. Despite the cool early morning air, few of the women wore much in the way of clothing. Tank tops and shorts seemed to be the order of the day. The uniform of their profession you might say. "God, I...

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The Master DelegatesChapter 4

I had been working in the lobby for a while since Ashley woke me up earlier for “another swing of the bat”. She really wanted to get pregnant and wasn’t shy about it. Laura showed up exactly at 9am, dressed to work out in the gym. Looking around to make sure we were alone, she said, “Master, I didn’t know what you’d have me doing this morning, but I came prepared to teach or train.” “First, don’t call me Master when we’re working, especially in the open. There are no guests today, so it’s...

2 years ago
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Going to WarChapter 7

I grabbed a drink and headed to the couch. The instructions weren't long but I needed a better understanding of a few parts. The first question that came to mind after I had read them was where to place the portal. While you needed the ring to pass through, having it seen as a doorway somewhere was going to raise suspicions. And the way I had people traipsing through the house, that was a concern. It needed to be in a frame which was large enough for me to pass through. I'm 6' and 200...

3 years ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 6

It was Friday and Alan and Debbie had asked me at lunch if they could get a ride. Their parents were up in Fort Lauderdale at some event and wouldn’t be back until late that night and it had been raining all day. The bus ride that morning hadn’t been too bad, but they were dreading the one int the afternoon. When I suggested they come and hang out at my place this afternoon, eat dinner with me and my uncle, they were all for it. I had a desktop PC, an Xbox One and a PS4 in my room, so if...

2 years ago
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Lunch Break

She stared at the laptop and she exhaled slowly at what she saw. The screen showed a very cute and lithe brunette tied nude to a wooden chair, her legs bent in a kneeling position and bound thigh to calf with leather straps. Her arms were also bound, but they were raised over her head, bent at the elbow and held tightly together by a similar strap, which raised and showed off her small perfectly shaped breasts. A Hitachi magic wand vibrator sat on the seat of the chair between her spread...

2 years ago
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Seducing the Shrink Ch 04

Mirror, Mirror Session Three The door hadn’t even opened yet, but Helena, known as Dr. Prescott to her patients, could feel the tension twist and spike in her body. Her heart pounded in anticipation of what she was going to hear today. She held her breath as the door slid open and her assistant Angelique walked through. ‘Ava Miklos just phoned and cancelled her session. I told her that she would be charged for the hour because of the late cancellation. I’ve rescheduled her for tomorrow...

2 years ago
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My Crazy Fetish

It is very difficult for me to write about my cravings and sexual urges because I am a fairly normal young woman of almost thirty with no history of odd behavior. In fact, I have never taken any drugs. Well, at least I can say "almost" never because the incident with the weed laced brownies I assure everyone was NOT my fault. When I was University, I was considered attractive enough to be pursued by both students and teachers alike. I hasten to add that I allowed several of them to catch up...

1 year ago
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Bangbros18 Kira Perez Thanksgiving Feast Fuck

Kira Perez is cooking up a storm NAKED. It’s thanksgiving day and there is plenty to be thankful for. Her stepfather Preston Parker is having Tyler Steel over for dinner. She gets the door. Tyler is shocked by her boldness. But he gets aroused by looking at her round ass and perfect tits. At the table, he asks if it’s normal to have Kira naked. Preston confirms that it is. While having dinner She rubs his crotch with her foot. Preston Tells his stepdaughter to suck Tyler’s...

3 years ago
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Nasty Stripper

The strip club had the wildest nasty strippers. Men and women loved to come and see the naked bodies and how perverted they would get. Bess was the most popular as she would put on a dirty nasty show. The men would touch and feel her and even the women. She made lots of money each night.Tonight she walked on stage naked with glitter over her tits and around her pussy. She had big firm tits and a great shaped ass. She lifted one leg and put it over her head exposing her pussy to every one. She...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Rachele Richey 04112017

Rachele Richey was made to service big, black dick. Just look at her. Blonde. Beautiful. Petite Big tits. Tight cunt. Ultra-tight asshole. This girl is hardly 5 feet tall, which means her co-star today — the legendary Mandingo — has a cock as big as her forearm. Even though Rachele gives it her best shot, she can’t fit it all in her mouth. It barely fits in her tiny pussy. And her ass? Well…you’re about to watch ‘Dingo struggle just to push the head into her...

3 years ago
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Another dangerous taxi driver

Another dangerous taxi driverVictor and I had attended a very nice joyful party that summer night.We have danced for hours, chatted to some friends and had really had a good time.But as I danced with some of my girlfriends, my lovely Victor had visited the bar; more times than I had waited.Then later that night I found my sweet husband was “out of order”…When it was time for me to leave I hunted him up, easy enough, because he was at the bar still and suggested that it was time to go. No way...

4 years ago
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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 5

I’d like to say the time flew by for the next three weeks, but it would be a fib. Jacqui and I continued our two nights a week. We made out in the car, in the park and on her front steps, but I never went inside her house. I knew if I did, we would both be lost in lovemaking. Now that I had a definite plan, I wanted to make it extra special. Michelle and I were still making love, but by now I knew that wasn’t going to make lovemaking with Jacqui any less intense… or her lovemaking with Mike any...

Wife Lovers
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RiseChapter 6 De Sanguis Ferro et Cor Tuum

I stood in the midst of a cacophony of sounds and impressions. The practice yard of The Abbey was awash with motion and energy. In the far corner, the three youngest novices were wrestling, learning which of the myriad of styles, that blended into The Peace of All, would best become the foundation blocks of their own unique form. Their exuberance tempered only by the knowledge that, one day, the simple forms they now practiced may very likely save their lives. I smiled as I watched Veritas...

2 years ago
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The Day After My Night Visitor

I tried to laugh it off explaining that the class work was confusing and it had me in deep thought. But one of my class mates that I had casual conversations with was examining me more closely. At first I thought nothing of it cause we had a couple of more classes together, in our second class he sort of starred at me and when I starred back he smiled and slightly nodded his head. It was at PE class that he finally said something. We were in the shower are changing into our gym clothes...

1 year ago
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Summertime child Part 3 of Reaping of the Benefits

My father and I have been living together and having sex on a regular basis for almost two years now. He is a sexy senior citizen, and I am a single, 30-something woman who never found anyone my age to be appealling. Daddy and I have a wonderful sex life. He's getting on in years, but we still manage to have wild sex, including anal (which is our favorite!) sometimes with the benefit of viagra. While prescribing, Dr. Simmons looked at him, over his hornrimmed glasses, pretty strangely. Daddy...

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Fit To Be TiedChapter 3

"Ready to start work, Miss Parks?" asked the director. She marveled at the change in the man. The day before, as the priest, he had seemed entirely different. Now he was all business. Laurine could sooner picture this man as the head of a large corporation rather than running a sex-for-hire operation. That just went to show you couldn't tell a book by its cover. "I guess so. If it's like the session--interview, rather--I had with you, it should be a snap." "Maybe not quite as...

2 years ago
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my best friends pregnant friend

so just moved in to my new place not even a week has past and i am laying in bed and i get a text from my best freind steph asking can i do her a major favourso i reply sure, within seconds i get a text back can me and a freind come over?, again i reply sure no probs and text her my new address, i get a text back saying weare close by so wont be long, shit i think best get dressed so i throw on some shorts and head to my front room to wait for em.5 mins passes and then there's a knock at my...

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Ms Americana The Palace

DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18OR EASILY OFFENDED BY SEXUAL MATERIAL, BONDAGE, DISCIPLINE, FEMALE SUBMISSION OROTHER SEXUAL SITUATIONS.   Ms Americana/Brenda Wade andLydia Wills/Flag Girl are the creations of Mr. X.  I came up with the othervillains.   Please direct all comments andfeedback to [email protected].  Put Ms Americana or Story feedback insubject line, otherwise I might think it is spam and delete.                 MS AMERICANA: THE PALACE By Thom Gall              Sugar...

1 year ago
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Those Who Stay Behind

The soft slurping echoed around the rock of the now deserted Dreadscar Rift. Karina smiled to herself. The man that had saved her life sat on the pillowy cushions in front of her, her Master. The Master had given her enough mana in the past two months to sustain a half dozen other succubi. Luckily she was the only succubus here. Before the events of the past two months, she would have had no second thoughts about sucking or fucking anyone on this barren rock. Now her Master’s actions had stolen...

3 years ago
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Bumpy Road Trip

The most common sentence used towards me has always been, 'Phillip you are just not living up to your potential.'At first, in high school, I purposely tried to confirm those words by getting fifties on tests and handing in assignments late...even though I was capable of nineties...I just didn't see the purpose of doing the extra work for generic marks that don't mean anything once you leave high school.So instead I slacked off, focusing instead on football and music. I was a good football...

2 years ago
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Tissues Ticklish Mom Goes ShoppingChapter 7

Ms. Connor moved quickly down the stairs, which descended adjacent to the wall on the right. The original cinder block basement walls weren’t even painted, adding to the coldness I felt as I was ushered down the stairs by Ms. Tonya. I wasn’t physically cold. In fact, the air in the room didn’t contain the dampness or musty odor one might find in a basement. The coldness was more the unfriendly type. I went down those stairs fully aware that my descent was more than a physical descent down to...

3 years ago
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My Wife Gets Shared At A Night Club For Lovers

I had been trying for the past few years to get my wife to agree on being shared. It has gone nowhere as she would reject the notion every time I had brought it up. She recently had just celebrated her 48 th birthday and I knew she wasn’t getting any younger. She still was a very attractive woman and certainly didn’t look her age at all, but now time was becoming a factor. My hopes and dreams of seeing her with another man were dropping by the day. I had for the most part given up on the idea...

Wife Lovers
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Nikolai and Anya Anne Marie

Knocking on the door to what was supposed to be Nikolai’s apartment I waited anxiously for him to answer. After a few moments I heard a sexy, masculine voice saying just a moment in Russian. I hoped that it was Nikolai. I would know as soon as I gave him the code phrase, and he responded with the completion of the scripture verse. “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,” I said quietly in Russian when he opened the door. “For he has visited and redeemed his people.” He replied in Russian...

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GenerationsChapter 8 Date Reviews

“So how did your date go the other night?” asked Lauren. It was Thursday afternoon and Tuesday Heather had gone out again with Robby. “Okay. What about yours?” the teen countered. “Uh, uh. You first! Do some more kissing?” asked Lauren. Heather blushed but nodded. “A lot more, and it was even better. Robby got really close and started rubbing up against me and I started feeling sort of fluttery, like when, you know...” “Like when you play with your pussy!” answered Lauren softly. The...

4 years ago
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Soothu kanji

Hai, ungal sugunaraj, meendum ungalai santhipathil santhosam. Ennudaya latest anubavamana “pool padatha pundai” padithu irupeergal endru nenaikiren, eppadi irundadhu. Intha murai “pool padatha pundai” sambavam nadantha oru vaarathil athe sharmila akka ennidam sonnathai kettu naan athirchi aagivitten, athai appadiye ungalakku solgiren. Nettru sharmila akka engal veetirku vanthuirundhargal, ennidam etho solla vanthavargal pol therinthargal aanal ethuvum sollamal thayanginargal, enakko oru velai...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Tia Cyrus Swalloween Treat

Tia Cyrus just wanted to enjoy a pleasant afternoon carving pumpkins with her step son and step daughter. However, things didn’t go as planned. After carving the pumpkin, she decided that wearing the pumpkin as a mask would be a good idea. From there, things got messy. The pumpkin ended up getting stuck on her head. Her step son asked for oil and scissors to help his step mom out of her predicament. But all he ended up doing was cutting her clothes off and oiling his step mom’s tits and ass....

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Earths CoreChapter 25 Snatching Collateral

In this moment, Zax contempt for The Almighty was indescribable and his hatred insufferable. Immediately, he sent a faint stream of dark attribute energy into Niel’s sea of consciousness. The dark attribute energy formed shapes that combined together inside Niel’s soul, creating a closure within a closure for the small imitation of his Inner Panorama and the strain of Godly Retribution lurking in it. “Niel”, Zax released a stifled breath. He ruffled Nie’s hair and pushed his head down,...

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PornWorld April Olsen Tattooed Brunette April Olsen Fisted and Anal Fucked in Roleplay Game

Roleplay can be very interesting, especially when you are playing “Home invaders”. April Olsen, a tattooed brunette was in her bed, fingering her soaked up hairy pussy, but her masturbation was interrupted by an intruder. She tried to run away, but this guy is fast as lightning. He catches her, and in a blink of an eye, his big cock was already deep in her mouth. He fisted her ass, penetrated her deep, and fucked her rough. It seems like this was exactly what she’s wanted from...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 38 The MotherDaughter Threesome Part 2

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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theater of love

I was sitting alone on a friday night, (again) and I decided i’d treat myself to a movie down at the cineplex, so I grabbed my coat, and prayed i’d get lucky tonight. Boy was I in for a surprise, I walked down to the Evol Theatre and bought a ticket to see ‘disclosure’ or something like that, I walked in, all i saw were three what looked like teenage girls sitting in the 3rd row up, So I decided i’d sit down next to them, By the way they were talking I figured out their names… the first...

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The Servant

The servant froze; a sound? Perhaps not. He continued preparing the meal. She had returned in a foul mood and ordered that dinner should be served at seven that evening. Fifteen minutes to go and so far everything was on time. A good meal, fine wine, an intelligent book to read and maybe her anger would fade. Another sound; he froze again, A soft tread on a badly fixed board. His hands started to shake as he stirred the food on the hob, dreading the voice that he knew would come. “Where’s my...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 28 Resolution Heart And Mind

Settling for now the topic of compensation, Colonel Rijok unfolded his arms and looked to Cattelin. “Apprehend the criminal”. At last, being given the permission to act as she so much desired, thrilled and gratified, Cattelin strengthened the grip on the shaft of her scythe with one hand and with the other saluted. “Thank you, Colonel Rijok!” An ebullient fiery aura emerged around her like volcanic eruption. WHOOSH! Receiving a slight push from Colonel Rijok’s mantle, Cattelin dashed...

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Leslies Punishment

“Leslie, get in here!” he yelled to his 16 year old daughter. He had been putting away the laundry his lazy kid was too busy to take care of when he’d made a discovery. It was hard enough being a single parent, but the way she acted was as if he was her slave. “No way is she getting off easy this time,” he thought silently as he waited for a reply. “What now?” she asked herself as she heard the roar of her dad’s voice. She rose from the couch and made her way down the hall to her bedroom where...

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slut wife confesion letter to husband

Billy,you wanted to know what I got up to so here is what happened to me to turn me into a slut wife. two weeks after we started living together my boss asked me to come n a work trip with him to Melbourne . there was a symposium on work related stuff. . you remember driving me to the Airport?. well we arrived in Melbourne and got a hire car to the hotel, my room was next to his with a connecting door...

2 years ago
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Go Down With Me

She was maxing out the treadmill in the small hotel fitness center. Her sneakered heels thunked like the beat of a large drum. I had not seen anyone go that hard. Sweat dripped from her on each impact and the track glistened from her moisture. Her tight briefs were full of well rounded hips and her butt curved out in a perfect "C" shape supported by long legs with clearly defined calves and firm thighs. Just right! Each impact lifted her sports bra to glory in motion. Her wet hair stuck to...

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