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I was a happy, normal 13 year old girl. My biggest worries were whether the spot I’d just found on my forehead would be obvious, why my boobs weren’t as big as my friends, why my Mum wouldn’t let me wear thongs when Beth’s Mum let her and whether Danny was going to the party on Saturday, and what I should wear to impress him and why did he always play football instead of standing with me when he was supposed to be my boyfriend!!

That all changed a few weeks before the end of the school year. I woke up one morning feeling awful, I felt sick and had a headache, and I just felt horrible. When I told my Mum she said I’d be fine once I got to school so off I went. By mid morning I was feeling worse, my head was banging and I hurt all over so I was sent to the school nurse who called my Mum. When she picked me up I looked white and could barely stand so she took me straight to the Dr’s. The Dr examined me and said I had the flu, he advised bed, paracetamol to bring down my temperature and take away the pain and to drink plenty of fluid. When we got home I got changed into my pyjamas as my school uniform was soaking wet from sweat, took 2 tablets and I went to bed.

In the afternoon my Mum came to check on me, my temperature had gone up, my neck was stiff, I hurt all over, and I’d started being sick so my Mum called the Dr again, he came round and again said I had flu, and just gave us the same advice he had in the morning.

In the evening I was even worse, the room was spinning, I couldn’t move, I was in agony and had a temperature of 42, so the out of hours Doctor was called. This one was a bit better. She diagnosed a virus, gave me some antibiotics and told my parents I’d be fine in 24-48 hours. That’s the last thing I remember, and I only just remember that. I was told the rest by my parents later.

My Mum came in the next morning, she tried to wake me but couldn’t, when she pulled the bed sheets of she saw I was soaking wet and now had a purple rash on my arms and legs. She immediately called 999. The ambulance was there in minutes. They carried me out, put me on the stretcher and told my Mum to grab some keys and money as they were going straight away. The paramedic put a needle in my arm, gave me some drugs and fluids and I was taken to A&E on blue lights as I was still unconscious. On the way I had my first cardiac arrest.

I woke up 6 weeks later in Paediatric Intensive Care. Though I didn’t know where I was, I was aware that I had a tube in my throat and that someone was just of to my left. I tried to talk but couldn’t. My Mums face appeared over mine, she was crying but smiling and saying hello and telling me not to worry. She then called over to someone. A nurse appeared and said she’d get the Doctor. A couple of minutes later a man in theatre scrubs appeared, he told me that he’d take the tube out of my throat. He detached the tube from the ventilator just leaving the one in my throat, told me to take a deep breath and then breathe out hard, as I did that he pulled the tube out. The nurse held a cup with a straw near my mouth and I drank a little, then she put some tubing round my head with 2 little prongs in my nose, she told me it was oxygen. The Dr was back above my head smiling.

“Welcome back Jessica, I’ll give you some time with your Mum, the nurse is calling your Dad, when he’s here I’ll come back and have a chat with you, ok?”

“Ok.” I said softly, “Thank you.”

My Mum leaned over me, kissed me on the forehead and cuddled me. I tried to cuddle her back but I couldn’t, my arms wouldn’t move. I started to get worried but then told myself it was the drugs Id been on and I’d ask the Dr about it.

“What happened?” I whispered to Mum.

“Wait for your Dad and the Dr.” She replied and then carried on cuddling me.

This really scared me, what had happened to me. I then started to notice my body really didn’t feel right. I could feel the sheet on my stomach and chest, but not on my arms and legs. I tried to move my feet but I couldn’t. Neither could I move my knees in fact I couldn’t feel or move any bit of my legs, it was the same with my arms. I really was starting to panic now. My Dad then walked into the room. I started crying.

“Dad, what’s happened to me, why can’t I move?” I sobbed. He came over and kissed me.

“Later sweetheart,” he whispered.

At this point I became hysterical, shouting as loud as I could, trying to move and crying inconsolably. The Dr came over, I saw him put a syringe into the tubes coming out my neck, I hadn’t noticed those earlier. Before I had a chance to argue I went to sleep, he’d sedated me.

When I woke again it was dark outside, I was on my own. I suddenly remembered earlier, I tried again to move and feel my arms and legs but I couldn’t. I called out, no one came so I called louder, I heard the door open and tried to sit up but I couldn’t. My parents appeared above me, they kissed me and told me to try to stay calm this time and the Dr would be here soon.

The Dr I’d seen earlier came into the room a few minutes later.

“Hello Jessica, I’m Dr Peters, you can call me Alex, ok? Would you like to sit up a bit?”

“Please.” I replied softly.

He checked the sheets would stay up to my neck which I thought was odd, then he pushed a button on a remote control and the head end of my bed down to my waist moved up until I was sitting on my butt, I remember thinking that there was an odd sensation down there but just put it down to having not sat for a while.

“Right Jessica, you’ve had something called Meningococcal Septicaemia ok. Have you heard of Meningitis before’?

I nodded.

“Well you’ve had a strain of that caused by Meningococcal bacteria along with Septicaemia which is the medical term for blood poisoning. And before you ask, we don’t know how you got it, but we have now vaccinated everyone in your school to make sure they don’t get it.” He smiled again. He had a nice smile.

“Meningococcal Septicaemia can affect different people in many different ways and I’m sorry to say, you seem to be one of the worst affected people I’ve dealt with Jess. When you arrived at your local A&E you were in cardiac arrest, fortunately they were able to stabilise you. They then called on our services, we came to your hospital, assessed and treated you as best we could and then brought you back here to Great Ormond Street in London. When we got here we took you straight to theatre where you had another cardiac arrest. If you find your chest is sore that’s because we had to put you on a by-pass machine. Fortunately we were able to revive you and then we performed the life saving surgeries I’ll tell you about in a bit.”

I could feel myself starting to panic again. Surgeries. What surgeries. What had they done to me?

“We then brought you down to the PICU here.” Alex continued. “You had a 3rd cardiac arrest and again we managed to revive you. You were starting to go into multi-organ failure as the infections were working harder than the drugs we were giving you so we put you on ECMO, which stands for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and dialysis. Basically these take over the functions of your organs allowing them to rest. You were kept on these machines for 11 days by which time your body had recovered enough to look after itself. Then after that we waited, you remained intubated, which was the tube down your throat I took out when you woke up, but other than that we just waited for you to wake up. All in all you were in a coma for 6 weeks and 3 days. Now here’s the hard bit. Unfortunately Jess, because your GP misdiagnosed you and there was such a delay in getting you treatment, by the time we got to you in A&E the infection in your limbs had destroyed them and your arms and legs were poisoning your body. We gave you strong antibiotics in A&E and waited until we got here to GOSH to see if they would work, sadly they didn’t and your heart wasn’t able to cope with the toxins coming from your limbs, this is what caused your 2nd cardiac arrest. Between the surgeons, your parents and myself we took the decision to amputate your limbs to save your life. I’m very sorry Jessica but you are now a quadrilateral or quadruple amputee.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, not sure I’d heard him right.

“They removed your arms and legs Jess,” Dad said softly with tears in his eyes.

“What, all 4?” I asked incredulously.

“Yes, Jess, all 4.” Replied Dad.

Amazingly I wasn’t upset by this, in fact I’m not sure I really felt anything at all.

“Well how much of them are left?” I asked Alex “Nothing I’m afraid Jess, the septicaemia had killed you’re entire limbs. They were all gangrenous and necrotic so we performed a bi-lateral hip disarticulation on your legs which means they were removed at your hips and a bi-lateral shoulder disarticulation which means...”

“You removed them at my shoulders.” I interrupted. “Yes.”

“Ok, when can I go home Alex?” I asked.

My parents and Alex all looked shocked at this. “It’s a bit soon isn’t it honey?” Mum asked.

“No, why is it too soon? They can’t do anything else here for me can they? They can’t attach new arms and legs to me can they? Alex said my body had recovered so why can’t I go home?”

Mum and Dad didn’t know what to say, they both looked at Alex who still looked a bit shocked.

“Erm, well no, you’re right, there’s not much we can do for you here that your local hospital can’t do, but you do need some rehab and monitoring for any other after effects.”

“Like what?” I shot back at him.

“Well. Like seizures, speech problems, learning difficulties, clumsiness and co-ordination problems, weakness, paralysis and spasms of body parts.”

“How can I suffer from clumsiness and co-ordination problems, and what parts of my body can spasm, you cut off my arms and legs!!”

“Ok Jess,” Alex replied slowly. “Once we can get counselling and rehab arranged at your hospital we’ll send you back there for a bit, but I’m not discharging you home, not yet, OK?” He looked at my parents, who nodded, then he walked out, my Dad followed him.

“I just want to be somewhere I know, and see my friends.” I turned my head to my Mum. “I know things can never be normal again but I want to get back to as normal as possible, you know.”

“I know sweetheart.” She cuddled me.

“Mum, would you take this sheet of me I want to see my body?”

“I think it’s a bit early for that really.”

“I don’t, it’s been over 6 weeks since they amputated so they’re not going to be horrible and bloody are they? Have you seen them yet?”

“No.” Replied Mum. “Are you sure you really want to Jess?”

“Yes, very sure.” I looked her in the eyes.


Mum took the top of the sheet, and pulled it off me being careful not to pull the central line coming out of my neck and PEG feed coming out my tummy. When the sheet was completely off she looked at me. She was trying to hide the shock in her face but she didn’t do very well. I looked down and realised I was completely naked. I looked at my shoulders. There was just a small pad on each side where my arms had been. The top of my shoulders were now a lot shorter and rounded off at about the same angle as my shoulders would have but were level with my chest. Where my legs were attached was covered in larger pads, my hips just seemed to continue round then levelled of at the same level as the lips of my vagina so if I sat straight up I would sit on my vagina lips. In between my hips a catheter came out. I asked Mum to get me a mirror. She went of to the nurse’s station while I carried on looking at my new, shortened body. Mum came back after about 5 minutes with a full length mirror which she put at the end of the bed. I sat and stared at myself, my hair was a mess, it was all greasy and needed a good brush, I guess I’ll have to get Mum to do that for me now. I continued staring. I looked tiny. I was just a torso with a head. It’s amazing how much of your size is in your limbs. I then got Mum to move the mirror to my side and take the pad off my shoulder. She did this and I turned my head and stared again. The scar where my arm used to be was a very neat, red, kind of X. Each line was only about 2-3 cms. I was amazed at how tiny the area where your arms attach was. I then realised my boobs looked huge from the side now, I smiled. Mum stuck the pad back on. Then it started, what I think my parents had been waiting for since Dr Peters told me, the crying came. I couldn’t stop. It was like floodgates had opened. Mum put her arms round me, picked me up and put me on her lap. Dad came in, sat on the bed and cuddled us both, for a second I felt odd being naked around my Dad but that soon passed as I carried on crying. Both my parents then started. I felt so tiny and helpless as we sat there, I couldn’t even wipe the tears from my eyes.

We sat there for about an hour cuddling and crying. Once I’d stopped Dad wiped my tears with a tissue, kissed me again and told me he loved me no matter what.

“I know what will make you feel a bit better.” Mum suddenly said. She then stood up and passed me to my Dad.

She came back in carrying a bowl of hot water, a flannel and some soap.

“You can’t have a shower or a bath just yet but I thought a good wash would help.” She then smiled.

Mum laid me on my bed and wiped me all over with the warm flannel, then she put soap all over me, laying there wet while she rinsed of the flannel I could feel a light breeze on me and I got goosebumps all over, she then washed all the soap of me, I felt odd when she washed between my hips though. She then rolled me so I laid on my front, not having arms to support me meant my weight (what there was of it) was all on my boobs, I said “Ow” and told her, she apologised and rearranged my boobs for me. That felt very odd but I guess I’ll have to get used to it. She then washed my back and bum. Afterwards she put a towel over my back, rolled me over and wrapped me up in it. Then she picked me up and carried me like a baby over to the sink. She ran the water until it was warm, held me over the sink and my Dad filled a jug with the water and poured it over my hair, he repeated this a few times until it was all wet. He then got some shampoo and gave my hair a good scrub, then rinsed all the shampoo out with the jug, checking the temperature each time. Once it was all washed out he got the conditioner out my Mum’s bag and put some on my hair, then rinsed that out. After that he got another clean towel and dried my hair. Mum then carried me over to the chair and sat with me on her lap. Dad left the room again and Mum and I sat in silence for ages.

Suddenly Mum broke the silence.

“I am so sorry Jessica.”

“What for?”

“For not believing you when you said you were ill, for not pushing it when the Dr said you just had flu, for not checking on you in the night, if I’d found you like that earlier maybe you would still have ... maybe this wouldn’t have happened to you.”

I could see the tears in her eyes again.

“Don’t be sorry Mum.” I told her. “This is not your fault, you couldn’t have done anything, I don’t blame you, it’s that fucking rubbish GP’s fault.”

“Jessica, don’t swear.”

“Sorry, but it’s true, we should complain about him, it won’t help me but I don’t want this to happen to anyone else Mum.”

“Ok, we’ll sort that out later.”

A nurse then came in and changed the sheets of my bed then checked all my observations. After she’d done Mum put me into bed then kissed me good night. I fell asleep in seconds.

I woke up the next morning, it was a beautiful sunny day, Dad was there but Mum wasn’t. He heard me stirring.

“Morning beautiful, it’s a lovely day out, how do you feel?”

“Erm, fine, I guess. Could you open the curtains please? Where’s Mum?”

As he opened the curtains I could see the sun coming through, I had to squint against it.

“I sent her back to the hotel, she was exhausted. Is that too bright?”

“No, it’s lovely.”

“Morning.” A big West Indian nurse called Alice chirped as she walked in the room. “Good news, Dr Peters says we can stop using the PEG feed and you can start eating again, what do you fancy?”

“Errr, just cereal I think.” I replied.

“Ok, we’ve got most of them, any particular one?”

“Not bothered.”

“Ok, I’ll be back, would you like anything Mr Bindon?”

“No thanks, I’m fine with my coffee.” Dad replied nodding at the steaming mug on a table.

“If you’re up to it I thought I’d bring your brother and sister over later,

they’re dying too see you.”

“Yeah, please do, I’d love too see them.”

“Good, I’ll get your Nana to bring them down then.

Alice came back in with some Weetabix and orange juice, she put them on the table and asked Dad if he wanted her to feed me, he told her we were ok and he’d do it. He then came over, used the remote to put my bed up and sit me up. He then sat in the chair next to the bed, grabbed the spoon, put some Weetabix from the bowl on it and started to feed me.

“It’s been a long time since I did this.”

We both smiled at each other.

“Thanks Dad.” I whispered.

He carried on feeding me, I watched his face while he did, he hadn’t shaved for a while, his eyes were red and blood shot from where he’d been crying and not sleeping. He looked a lot older than I remembered.

“I’ll be alright Dad.” I said softly.

“I know you will be sweety, I know.” And he stroked my hair back.

Once he’d finished feeding me, Mum and Dr Peters walked.

“Morning.” Mum said as she kissed Dad then me. “Alex has got some good news.”

“Morning.” Said Alex. “Yes, I’ve got the results of the CT scan and EEG you had while you were in the coma and they’ve come back normal, as far as the neurologist can tell there should be no long term effects.” He said, then suddenly embarrassed he added, “Apart from the obvious that we already know about. Sorry.”

“Also.” He went on. “We no longer need the PEG feed and central line so we’ll get them taken out. If you want to I’ll have your catheter removed aswell. And, if you’re up to it I’ll let your Mum and Dad take you outside, how’s all that sound?”

“Great, thanks.” I replied.

About an hour later another Dr in scrubs came in with a nurse, he explained he was going to take the central line and PEG feed out. He asked my parents to leave, laid me back, pulled the sheet down to my waist and put a sterile drape over my head, chest and stomach. It took him about 10-15 minutes to do the procedure. Afterwards he covered me up with the sheet and sat me up again. As he left I thanked him and my parents came back in with Alice the nurse.

“Do you want that catheter out now?” she asked.


She emptied the catheter bag, then lifted the sheet up to my waist. I could feel her doing something around my bits, it made me feel all tingly. Then she was done.

“There you go Miss Bindon, you should feel more comfortable now.”

“Thank you Alice.”

“That’s alright darling, make sure you shout if you need to go ok?”

Mum then pulled the sheet back, if I had had arms I would have covered myself but as I couldn’t I just laid there for anyone to see. Out of her bag she got a pair of knickers, a bra, a pair of shorts and my favourite Faithless t-shirt. She then dressed me in them, put my hair up in a pony tail and then brushed my teeth. I noticed that the t-shirt sleeves now hung of my shoulders despite the top being small and tight fitting and the shorts just flopped were my lap used to be even though they would have been very short shorts. Then Dad came in with a wheelchair, quite a cool looking one in my favourite colour, purple.

“We bought this for you, hope you like the colour.”

“It’s cool Dad, thanks.”

He then came over, picked me up and put me in it, put a belt around my waist and then put a blanket over me. He stood up walked around the chair and pushed me out as Mum followed.

“Have fun and don’t be too long.” Alice called as we walked past the nurse’s station.

As we walked through the hospital I noticed that I actually was sitting on the lips of my vagina. Every time we hit a bump I got a feeling through my body I’d only experienced once before, just before I was ill. We’d had a biology lesson at school and that night in the bath I decided I want to feel what my vagina was like. As I was stroking and feeling I discovered I liked certain areas being stroked more than others so I concentrated on these areas and masturbated myself to my first and very powerful orgasm. As I was being pushed I was getting those feelings again. We walked out the hospital into the outdoors, I took some deep breaths and tried to ignore the feelings but it got harder. I found the fresh air felt wonderful in my lungs and on my face and neck but also made matters worse. As we walked we found one of the many squares around that area of London, I think it was either Tavistock or Russell. Dad wheeled me over to a bench where he and Mum sat. I finally managed to control myself though I was on the brink of coming. I even had to ask Dad to take the blanket of me as I was so hot I was sweating. After he did I noticed a lot of the guys and some women were staring at me, I started to get upset but stopped myself and thought to hell with them. Dad noticed the stares too.

“Do you want to go back, or have the blanket on?” He asked.

“No.” I replied. “I’ve got to get used to people looking might as well start now.”

“Ok.” He smiled.

The 3 of us just watched as all the office workers came to eat lunch and meet friends. After a while Mum’s phone rang. She went off and chatted on it. When she came back she said it was Nana and they had just got of the train at St Pancras so we’d better head back. Before we left I asked Dad to adjust my position, so I was laying back slightly, I told him that I my hips ached but really it meant I wasn’t sitting directly on my lips. This time Mum wheeled me back. As we walked along we went past a group of kids about 15 or 16 years old. They all stared as we passed, then I heard them saying I was a freak, my Dad was going to go back to them but Mum stopped him.

As we walked back into the ward Alice saw us.

“How was the walk?”

“Alright apart from a few arseholes at the end.” I replied “Don’t you worry about them,” she said. “You’re still beautiful, and I bet you’re more intelligent and will come to more than they ever will. By the way, you got guests.”

“Thank you Alice. Do you know when Alex Peters will be around, I want to ask him something.”

“After clinic, about 4, is that ok or do you need me to page him?”

“No, that’s fine. Thanks.” Mum wheeled me into my room. Nana was there with my big brother Andrew and my little sister Olivia. Andrew and Nana came straight over to me and gave me a big kiss and cuddle, but Olivia was a little scared until Dad took her hand and brought her over to me and picked her up, then she put her arms round me and gave me a big cuddle followed by a sloppy kiss. Dad put me back to bed then Nana and Olivia fed me my lunch and then we sat and chatted for ages until I fell asleep.

When I woke it was dark outside and my family had gone. I could hear Alex Peters” voice and it was getting louder. He walked into my room.

“Evening Jess, sorry I didn’t come up earlier clinic went on late then I had to go out on a retrieval. I have some good news but first Alice told me you wanted to see me, how can I help?” He asked as he sat the bed up.

“Erm, yes. 3 questions really, first I noticed I seem to be getting very hot and sweating a lot, in fact I’m sweating now. I noticed it was bad when I was laying here naked with just the sheets over me. Now that I’m dressed and have been doing things it’s dreadful.”

“Well Jess.” Alex started. “It’s all to do with body surface area. You see being a quadruple amputee you have a much smaller BSA than an able bodied person, or even a single or double amputee over which to lose heat, so your body sweats more. Unfortunately there’s very little we can do about it. Sorry. What was your next question?”

“Err, well, it’s a bit embarrassing really.” I could feel myself blushing and getting hotter.

“Don’t worry, Jess, I’ve heard it all before, just tell me in your own time, ok?” He smiled “Well, I noticed that when I got taken out in my wheelchair earlier.” I got redder, “I was sitting in such a way that meant ... well I mean, erm, having no legs means I’m sitting on bits I’ve never sat on before and, well, err every time we hit a bump, I errr.” My voice trailed off, “ I found I ... Enjoyed it. It made me feel nice, down there.” I nodded downward. “It kinda turned me on, kind of.” I was so embarrassed.

“Ok, that’s not normal but not unheard of after an amputation like yours, if it’s ok with you and only if you want me to, I’ll get a nurse and I’ll examine you to rule out any damage down there from the either catheter or surgery and make sure you’re not going to cause any further damage either, ok. I’ll call your mum too or do you...

“Hell no.” I interrupted. “Please don’t call my Mum, I’d die if she found out.”

“Ok Jess, I won’t call her. Do you want me to examine you?”

“Please.” I replied still red.

Alex went out and came back with a nurse and some equipment. He explained what he was going to do. Then he pulled the sheet up to my waist. Pulled my shorts and knickers off which I noticed came of very easy. I could feel as he slid the instruments into me, it made me wince and get goosebumps. Once he was done he put the instruments on the tray, got a towel and wiped me and started to put my knickers back on me.

“Please leave them off.” I asked, I get too hot with them on, could you take my top off too please?”

“Yes, Ok, Jess.” He turned to the nurse, “Would you mind.” He then slid the sheet over me. The nurse came over, pulled the sheet down and took my top and bra off.

“Is that better?” She asked.

“Much better, thank you.” I replied.

“Well.” Said Alex, I can’t see anything wrong, It’s something you’ll just have to put up with I’m afraid, like the sweating. Though you’ll probably find that in time you’ll get less sensitive to it and the problem will go, ok? What was the 3rd thing?”

“This may sound stupid, and I know I’m young and shouldn’t be thinking of things like this but will I be able to have sex, not that anyone probably would want to, but you know, just in case?”

“Of course you can.” Alex said as he sat on the edge of the bed. “There is absolutely no reason why you can’t have a full sex life, and having had meningococcal septicaemia or being a quadruple amputee should not affect your ability to conceive. I know of a number of survivors and quad amputees who have gone on to have families, ok. And besides, any guy would be lucky to have you.” He smiled.

“Ok, but what about giving birth, “cos when you watch films and telly the lady’s always got her knees up or ankles on a weird contraption with her legs wide open and I can’t do that.”

“Don’t worry Jess, when the surgeons removed your legs they moved your hips and buttocks into a kind of permanent sitting position, primarily so that sitting straight shouldn’t be a problem but another advantage is that it opens the vagina and pelvis up so you should be able to deliver a baby naturally. Ok. Anything else?”

I shook my head, then as Alex got up to leave,

“What was your good news?” I asked.

“Oh yes.” He stopped and turned. “You’ll be leaving us tomorrow. I’ve arranged everything at your hospital, transport’s booked for 11am. I’ll be here to give you all your aftercare and say goodbye ok?”

“Yes, thanks Alex.”

“Good night Jessica.” Alex walked out of the room and I fell asleep.

I was awoken the next morning by the sound of my Mum packing. “Morning.” I said sleepily.

“Morning honey, I’ve got good news, we’re going back home. Dad’s already gone and taken your chair and our stuff, he’ll meet us at the hospital”

“I know,” I replied, “Alex told me last night, is there any breakfast, I’m starving?”

“Yes, over here.” Mum walked over to the table, picked up a bowl, sat in the chair next to the bed and sat my bed up. As she did the sheet dropped to my waist and she could see I was naked.

“Oh.” She said. “You were dressed last night when I left.”

“I know, “ I replied, “ I asked the nurse to undress me in the night as I was uncomfortable and really hot, apparently people with no limbs sweat more as we’ve got less body surface area or something.”

“That’s right,” Alex Peters appeared at the door, “How’s my favourite patient doing this morning?”

“I’m fine thanks,” I replied, it didn’t bother me that I was sitting there with nothing covering my top and he could see my boobs. Mum seemed to forget too and carried on feeding me so I didn’t say anything.

“Right,” continued Alex. “Here’s all your wound care information, and information on how to sit and lay and things ok?” He put a load of papers on my suitcase. “Also here are your follow up appointments, I want to see you a few times here in clinic before I discharge you completely to the care of your local hospital ok?”

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Up until the time I was in my last year of university I had what I considered to be a fairly average sexual life. I was 5ft, 7 inches tall and very athletic due to may years as a competitive swimmer, although by breasts were only a B cup back then they were a nice shape and I had nice pert nipples. So all in all I had no shortage of offers from guys, most of which I turned down as I favoured longer term relationships and I had possibly only had 2 or 3 one night stands. However that was all...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 283 Touching the Sun

Midterms weren't bad for me. They came the week after my birthday and after Nicki's long weekend fall break. We got some loving in, but, of course, Monday we still had shows to produce and as soon as the morning production was over, Nicki had to head for the airport. The good news was that she'd put together a group of five student writers who were pumping out fresh material for Elaine. There was still a bit of lag time between the current events that were slipping into her monologues and...

2 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 2 Futas First Sultry Bride

Chapter Three: Futa's First Sultry Bride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “The reception was absolute torture,” I said while the cameras filmed the interview, streaming it live to the world. I was recounting my life, speaking about attending the wedding of Kurt, my ex-boyfriend, to Rosemary Ramsey. Well, now she was Rosemary Albertson. “I just wanted to fuck the bride so badly, Adelia. It was so hard to think about my promise when I knew she was close to me.” “I bet it...

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The SeductionPart 2

As it storms mightily outside, I want to do this--sit on the couch and seduce you during a movie like You would a naive young girl.....I will steal away your innocence like a thief of lust in the night, and you'll never be the same again.Small kisses, tender touching, making you feel safe and secure in my arms, not knowing that I have devious plans for you.You, so shy, so modest, so sweet, and virginal-- but wanting me to love you and make you feel like a treasure.No clue that I'm working on...

3 years ago
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Guilty or Not GuiltyChapter 6 The Trial

Monique woke me when it was time for dinner later on Friday evening. Svenda joined us for our meal and we had a nice conversation. I explained our dilemma regarding our upcoming marriage vow renewal. Monique said, "I don't care what they think. I love you and I want you back so that we can make babies together." "Ja, ju make goot babies Mr. Bill. I take care off little ones for ju, ja?" "As long as you don't torture them like you have me, Svenda, we would be honored for you to be...

1 year ago
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Sound Of Bounce

-1- How often does someone wake-up with a huge, shit eating, split the corners of your mouth, swallowed the canary, Cheshire Cat grin and really know they’re doing it? This was the first thing on Kylie’s mind as she felt that slight headache a person gets when they begin to become conscious while keeping their eyes shut. It was that waking from a deep and dead sleep while refusing to open your eyes a person did when they wanted that sleep to come back and last a little bit longer, even though...

4 years ago
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Watching no More Watching IV

Watching No Moreirishmik60 I woke the next morning thinking the previous evening had been but a dream. That is until I put my hand between my legs and still felt dad's sticky juices seeping from the inside of my pussy. OH MY GOD! It DID happen! I'd let my dad fuck me! And, worst of all, I loved it! I'd never been so completely satisfied, so completely fucked in all my life. About this time my mother came into my room. She sat on the side of my bed, rested her hand on my thigh, and we began to...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER SEVEN: That night with Blackie was followed by another try several days later. Mitch and I never specifically talked about how Blackie might fit into a sexual relationship. He seemed to just be content that it was. That first time with Blackie was nice. Yeah, I know, ‘nice’ doesn’t sound like an overwhelming endorsement for canine sex, but ‘nice’ is a world better than ‘not nice’.We may not have talked specifically about how Blackie would fit in (and suddenly that sounds like a pun),...

1 year ago
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08 TogetherChapter 109

Present – Jens, Ben and the others – Bad News Unfortunately our room wasn’t finished yet (Rats! I wanted to try out the mirrors on the ceiling) so we went back to the meeting room. The meeting was over but the main phone rings, Gretchen answers it and announces, “Jennifer it’s Samantha for you.” I figure it must be something about the report she did so I walk over to the phone and ask, “What’s going on Samantha?” Samantha shocks me when she instead says, “Jennifer, you’re not going to...

3 years ago
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update on the dogging story

hello to everyoneAs a note to the previous dogging story I've been asked by the husband to write this update.It's invite only and I won't be giving you the location, or time, or clues as to where it is. If you want an invite then you'll know where to look if you're in NZ. (a website)The husband vets everyone as his wife is in a very high profile position and doesn't want anyone there that might know her.So thanks everyone who's asked me where it is, I'm not saying. Everyone who goes is told...

2 years ago
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Mood Ring

Grey I’m glad my husband’s BMW6 series has darkened windows in the back.I take a deep breath, ring the doorbell, hurry to the backseat and gaze at your front door. Finally it opens. You take two steps look around and shrug. I can’t breathe. I see how resilient you walk, your youthful appearance and the intensity in your eyes.My face starts glowing and I feel shivers covering my body and wavelets running through my abdomen. My sensual pearl tingles. Involuntarily, I tilt my pelvis and spread my...

Love Stories
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Roommates share a boyfriend for an afternoon

It was September and hot as hell outside. I should have known better than to choose a college in the south to study at, but it was one of the most prestigious colleges around.I spent the day at the pool. I sported my tight little ass in a thong bikini and tried to stay cool. An older man, sitting next to me, kept peeking at my tits. Every time I bent over to put on sun block, I made sure he got a nice view of my rounded mounds. His wife didn't seem too happy about it. She gave me a hateful...

2 years ago
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Donna the slag

When Donna was about 24-25 we started going to a pub in a nearby town that was a bit rough. Our reasons for that was that they usually had a decent band on and the beer was really good and cheap. We'd go over on Saturday most weeks and she'd get pissed and have a laugh with the locals which usually meant her getting her tits out which the lads there loved.I was working right by the pub one day so unusually I popped in for a quick one on that afternoon. The pub is split into 2 rooms, the bar and...

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Basement Sluts Nellys Story

- Based on a series of stories called "Basement Sluts"-Nelly’s StoryThe moans and slurping noises of the two cock sucking sluts could be heard above the buzzing of the vibrator as it slid in and out of Nelly’s soaking wet pussy. Her shirt was open and her huge jugs were wobbling around as she watched the hot action on the XXX video. Her bosses Josh and Shawn had hired her about a week ago to help out with there internet video site. Since then a steady stream of hot, horny, big boobed sluts...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Jillian Janson Jill Kassidy The Tired Client

Jill Kassidy went out last night and is sore as hell. Her masseuse, Jillian Janson, asks her if she has any sore spots but Jill remarks that she’s sore pretty much everywhere. Jillian asks her to take off her clothes and lie down so they can have a look. Jill lies down on her back as Jillian oils up her hands and starts massaging her. She barely notices Jillian’s hands all over her breasts as she’s too exhausted to care. Dozing off for a second, she mumbles something about her...

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Adult Education 7

You have no idea," she whispered. She closed the distance between our lips and kissed me fiercely. My cock stiffened to steel in my pants as she ground into me. My hands ranged up and down her back as she heated up. I only occasionally strayed down to her ass, teasing her mercilessly."I want out of these clothes," she breathed. I helped her undress everything, noticing the excitement in her taut nipples. She helped me undress, and then I pulled her back into my arms, continuing my gentle...

4 years ago
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Dara Leaves With Her Husband 3Chapter 7 Bangkok

After our early lunch with the family, we were off to Bangkok where I would train for my new life as a full-time faculty wife. Sung figured a four or five hour drive with a one-hour stop in the regional capital, where I was born, to get some documents I would need. Then we would also stop at our government building when we got to Bangkok. The surprise was that it was the USA government building, with those famous hard and handsome US Marines on guard. That was now my government! I wept....

2 years ago
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On a Hyding to nothing Book one

On a Hyding to nothing by Evie Hyde CHAPTER 1 "So is that stuff you told me about your great grandfather being Henry Jekyll really true?" I asked my best mate Richard as we sat in his room doing homework one night. "Shut up!" he hissed, "I only told you about that because we have been friends so long and you got me drunk on my Dad's Scotch. If he ever finds out I blabbed the family secret he will go ape shit." "But is that stuff about the Elixir really true? Does it really make...

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More Fun With Bruno Our Pet Dog My Descent Into Being a K9 Slut

Two weeks ago I had some delightfully sexy fun with Bruno, our pet dog. I had been chatting online, through email messages with a really nice guy from Storiesonline on the afternoon of Wednesday the 8th of July. The messages we exchanged had me feeling extremely horny and so I told him in the absence of my husband, and any of my regular playmates, I was going to get really dirty with Bruno once again. I had been fingering my fanny whilst messaging the guy and had told him that I was going to...

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The ride home

It had been a good birthday party for one of our friends but it was time for us to head home. Both of us slightly drunk, a little high & very horny as we always were walked to the car with thoughts of how we'd fuck each others brains out in just a little while. I watched her sundress jiggle as a teal thong did very little for restraining all that ass. We gave each other flirtatious looks on the route to the highway & once cruising I told her to take those panties off so I could play...

1 year ago
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Best Laid PlansChapter 19

Fortunately for the survivors, the peach drapes softened the brilliance of the Sunday morning sunshine to a soft glow."] Bob opened his eyes first. He gently disentangled himself from Jan's embrace and slipped away without waking her. After a quick trip to the bathroom, he walked, jay-bird-naked, to the kitchen. He fired up the teakettle and then clanked ice cubes into a tall glass. He added water and swirled the glass in a small circle to make the cubes bump together to chill the water...

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HauntedChapter 4

"How's Sandy?" asked Jock the Joke while the group of interviewers and I settled into our seats in the interrogation room. "Great," I said. "I could make her better," said the sleazebag with his patented sleazy smile. I thought of a million retorts but kept them to myself. Sweets and Joke sat with a man I didn't know. He had the conservative suit look of a Fed. I wondered who hid behind the glass, hoping for Nakamoto and fearing my dad's old friend Lieutenant Sam Kamalua. As the...

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Train Ka Maza

Hi we are reguler reader of iss. First time main apni sex story aplogo ko batane ja raha hoo. We are rajesh & anu. 35/26 she is too sexy 36 27 34 from kanpur . We never enjoy swapping any time but we think at our sex time that we must be enjoy swapping sex with any other sweet and hot couple. last rainy season by train, in 2nd ac compartment. We two and other two a nice sexy couple of age 28/26rohit/ arti.she is 34 26 34 looking too sexy wearing jeans and sleave less top. And 3 older person...

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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 10

I went home arriving just minutes before Mom and Dad showed up with a large sausage pizza. Mom and I ate mostly in silence while my father regaled us with his (boring) work stories of the past weekend. I could see the looks they were giving each other during the meal so I excused myself after my last slice asking permission to go out. I knew that they wanted some time to themselves. Monday was a poor peeper night. It was still too light out to attempt it anyways. Normally I would have headed...

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When I was a lil boy

Read this when you have time it's a bit long. I commented on this girls profile and it kinda got into a part of me life story "I said" , I like your favorites , I don't like watching black guys with white women , the fantasy doesn't work for me , when I was 6 I ate my first pussy and it was black , so now that I'm old it's my fantasy to go all the way with a black girl. "She said" , Ummm.. So wait. The first time you ate pussy you were 6? Are you sure you weren't m*****ed or ****d?? That's a...

2 years ago
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Sasur Ke Sath Mast Chudai

Hi main honey ho mere sasur mujhe is naam se bulate hai aur ye meri ek real story hai jo main apke samne pahli bar batane ja rahi ho isme name place ke alwa kuch fake nahi hai main Mumbai se ho main 23 year ki ho shadi shuda kafi ache ghar se ho mere husband ek private company main Kam karte hai jo aksar kam ke liye bahar rahte hai mera ghar kafi bada hai jisme hum 3 log hi rahte hai main mere sasur aur mere husband pahle main apne bare main bata do main gori smart ho mera fig 35 28 36 ka hai...

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I Fucked My Elder Sister Mom

I Abhay Pandey 18 year old. This story about me and my elder sister Puja she is beautiful 21 year old. In my family we are four members my father, mother, sister and me. We are living a small town and we are belong a poor family our financial condition is not good. My father mostly lived out of town for business. This story started before 15 days. Meri sister puja ek din gar ke aagan me naha rahi thi usi time main school se gar aya mother market gayi thi main ander gaya to mera hos ud gaya...

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Accidental LoversChapter 3

Monday morning came much to quickly and Susan left for work, promising to be home as early as possible. Tommy had likewise promised himself that he would not need to use the bathroom until she returned home. By noon, he knew it was futile. His eyeballs were swimming in piss and he knew he couldn't wait any longer. "Lori ... LORI," he called out to his sister who was soon at his door. "What do you need Tommy?" Lori said as she came to his doorway. "I ... uhh ... I know this sucks,...

2 years ago
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Meeting Their Match

He was nervous as he'd ever been. He sat at the bar constantly looking at his watch. "Was it 7:30 yet?" he thought. The last few days had been amazing. They'd talked every night so far. It had started off just another username on a website. Robert had been single a while. He'd tried bars, but never felt comfortable enough meeting new people like that. Late night TV had given him his answer. Commercials for websites were constant after 11pm, just like infomercial. Each sold their own...

4 years ago
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Tired of Being the Nice GuyChapter 12

Wednesday - Day 12 I woke up on Wednesday to the sound of gagging. Becky was providing my usual wake-up blowjob, but she was doing things differently today. "Are you OK?" I asked. "Yes, sir," she said. "I just thought that it was time that I learned to deep throat you. I love the way it feels when your cock is buried all the way in my cunt, and the way it feels when you are sunk as far as you can go into my ass. Now I want to be able to get you all the way in my mouth." Becky tried...

2 years ago
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The Rent a Man BluesChapter 3

Suddenly the waiting was over. There was no longer time to be nervous. Raleigh had originally intended to stay home when the others went to pick up the Japanese industrialist at the airport, but at the last minute she decided to tag along. There is an old saying in the military: "No battle plan survives contact with the enemy." Others might refer to Murphy's Law. In any case, things went off track rapidly. Hamako had done her homework, and recognized Hiroto Nakimura as soon as he...

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Ein Nachmittag im Lenz

Ein Nachmittag im Lenz- ? by Metternich 1773 - Der Fr?hling hatte Einzug gehalten und lie? die Natur in ?ppiger Pracht wieder auferstehen. Leuchtende Farben erfreuten das Auge und intensive s??e D?fte erf?llten die Luft. Victoria Adams war dies alles nur allzu bewusst und mehr noch, ihr Herr hatte sie in eine Lage gebracht, in der sie einerseits ihrer K?rper intensiv sp?rte, andererseits auch v?llig hilflos und seinem Willen ausgeliefert war. V?llig nackt lag sie festgebunden von dicken H...

3 years ago
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Weekend with steve

I prefer woman and did in the past have bi encounters. I think sex is how great you can make your partner feel,no matter what sex they are. This story was prompted by another one i read and thought maybe this would be something to share. Hope you like it. When i was growing up my neighborhood was small and the kids on the block all had there own little groups. Mine included Steve, Fred, Jenny (who just hung...

4 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 37

“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Marian, Happy Birthday to you.” I watched Marian glance around the breakfast table with a smirk on her face. “Okay, I have to admit you surprised me. I was expecting something like this at lunch, but breakfast, really? It’s too damn early to contemplate being another year older. I would volunteer the twins to take my birthday spankings since I’m sure they were the ones who convinced you to start this early, but they’re...

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Julie Frances Ch 0001

Prologue It was a cold and snowy night, Julie Frances sat staring out the window and pondering her future or current lack of. She was stuck in a dead end job and her personal life was a mess. It was on that night, she made the decision that something had to change. First off she had to start living her life for herself. She had to stop worrying about the way everyone else felt . Secondly she needed to start taking risks . If she wanted something she had to go for it. She had always wanted...

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The Garage Job

My 1970 Oldsmobile 442, my dog, and my scooter were all I had left after my divorce. I got a new place with a small garage to keep it all in. A small city lot, on what used to be a quiet street. It sucks starting over when in your late forties, but I managed. Within a couple of years, I had the house looking damn good. Then this shit started. The house on the corner was broken into, followed by another house a block west.Not taking any chances, I put in a couple of cameras around my place. Rex...

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Hormonal Family

Hormonal Family My name is Phil, a fairly normal middle-aged guy with a family composed of my wife, Carol, and kids, a son Billy who is 16, and 2 daughters, Sharon who is 19 and Cindy who is 14. I have always been the type of guy who is totally in control of almost every situation in my life whether at home or at work....agressive but not a tyrant by any means. Billy seemed to be following in my footsteps and was often chided by his sisters that he should be a little more polite and...

3 years ago
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My first BBC cheating fun

My name is Vanity and i do love my boyfriend but this is the story of my first BBC.So it was a weekend and me and my friends decided we needed a girly night out and got ready to hit the town. I have red hair and stand at 5ft4, a average build with a 36d bust size which i must say are my best feature other than my bum.An hour past and me and my friends were on the dance floor singing and dancing are hearts out when i decided it was time for another drink and headed to the bar. I could see guys...

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The Party8

After the break-up of the man who had given me 3 years of ultimate pleasure, my friends suggested I go to the "Party of the Century". After all I had been through, I was very against it. I didn't think I was ready to face the prospect of a chance meeting with a well meaning man. But after some well put arguments from my friends, I caved and agreed to go. After I had showered, I sat on the bed, and contimplated what I should wear. I finally decided on a short backless black dress, that...

3 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 4 Birthdays Robotix and a Snowstorm

“Hi, Jim,” a friendly feminine voice sounded from my office doorway. “Did you miss us? Did you even think about us? Wow, look at your suntan. You’re so brown.” I stood to greet Christine and Ashley as they came into my office. They were bundled up against the cold weather that had blasted into New England over the holidays. I hugged each of the girls. “Yes. Of course, I missed you, and yes, I thought about you every day – many times each day.” I paused and then confessed, “I even took the...

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The Adventures of Ann This Adventure is Titled Boats and Snakes

Introduction: Some dirty sex fun I had recently. The Adventures of Ann: This Adventure is Titled Boats and Snakes The names in my story are not real to protect the innocent as well as the guilty parties involved. Hello, my name is Ann and I would love to share some of my adventures with everyone. I am a very happily married 56-year-old woman. It took me three marriages before I truly found happiness as well as pleasure. I will be sharing with you just what I had to endure and face until I...

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Mistress Dominique

We watched the sexy videos playing on the TV for a while, chatting a little. Mistress would occasionally brush my thigh, or touch my face. I was very aware of the fact I was trapped in my new cage. And also by the nasty nipple clamps biting me underneath my C-cup breast forms. There was a particularly horny scene where a sub gurl was sucking a dominant gurl, and I turned to look at Mistress. She brought her hands up to the sides of my face, held me still, and simply planted a hot wet kiss full...

3 years ago
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Soeliram,Anak manis djanganlah ditjioem;Kalaoe ditjioem merahlah pipinja.“Sweet child, let her not be kissed,” she sings in her native tongue, “or ruddy will her cheeks turn: soeliram…” Her voice tinkles and her spirit soars, as the bundle in her arms latches onto her full brown breast. The child’s eyes are wide and sincere, sparkling like burnished bronze under candlelight, as mother and baby commune through song and shared body-being. “Anak manis,” she warbles again, “sweet child…” Her own...

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Dean Morgan

I’d only met him once, at a recent party, but there was something about him that I couldn’t get out of my mind. He was a few years older than I was, being 21 while I was only 18. I think that added to the attraction, on my side at least. At the party, when we first met, we had sat and talked for hours. He was so intelligent, and interested in what I had to say. We spoke about books, authors, philosophy, world affairs, and eventually, what we thought about love. We both believed that there...

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Cc975692 a New Companion

It didn’t take long to locate the ship and dock with it. “Hmmm ... The game is afoot, Dr. Watson,” I said with a smirk on my face. I knew my ship Ethereal was custom made just for me, so I knew it was unique. Yet, this small cruiser had a docking cradle that fit my ship perfectly. As soon as the ship was secured in the custom cradle a set of stairs approached the cockpit. I opened the canopy and climbed out. The moment I stepped onto the stairs the cradle moved my ship to a storage bay,...

2 years ago
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Of course I would like to meet your wi

Through a well-known swingers site I arranged a meeting with a couple. I had contact with the guy (David) only at this stage, I was a little sceptical but figured it was worth taking a risk as the role play/scenario he had in mind was really up my street and the pictures of his wife (Julia) were very hot albeit in a tasteful way with lingerie on etc. He was very specific about what they wanted which was a kind of a cuckold thing I suppose with a bit of humiliation thrown in - in short he wanted...

1 year ago
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First time beach sex with a stranger

I had been dating this guy for a few months, and we decided to go on vacation together. I had been hoping to take an island vacation for a couple of years, but it was an expense I could not afford. Since he made more money than me, he offered to cover a larger share of the trip. I was very happy, as this island had a lot of nice places to visit. Well, shortly after we arrived, I realized he was not the ideal vacation partner. For two days his idea of vacation was to get drunk at the hotel bar...

3 years ago
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Indian hotwife dominates her slaves

Since we have already had threesome encounters in the past we decide to do something new. You have now become bolder in your sexual desires. We discuss for a long time and then I ask you if you would like a gangbang. You tell me you will need time to think about it, as it seems too bold. After a few days I ask you again and you agree on the condition that you will be in command throughout.In the following weeks you read stories on the net on gangbang and get some ideas. You tell me that we...

4 years ago
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Ass Auction

The young stud had been bought at a blind auction for a good price. As he is lead down the corridor to his fucking, he can only imagine what fate awits him and his ass which had been bought for $5000.He finally reached the door. The guide whipped off his towel, and opened the door. "Here he is" said the host as the young mans gasped as he saw three huge men all around 250pound, in there 50's each with a boner. "Come here and earn that money boy" the young stud nervously stepped into the room as...

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Cathy and my Sister

Cathy and her husband owned and ran the small hotel I was staying in, and I found her intensely interesting. She was quite a large, voluptuous woman, not at all the sort I'm usually attracted to. Her husband was small and skinny with a personality that matched his stature. I disliked him on sight.Cathy was the complete opposite; a lovely, lively, sexy woman who seemed to flirt outrageously as a matter of course. She usually doubled up as a barmaid at night. I often found myself chatting to her...

3 years ago
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My GF Rohini got gangbanged on train

Hey guys, I am Shankar, 28 years old and from Chennai. This is a true incident during my college days when my GF (now Ex) and I traveled on Mangalore express. We broke up now due to hurtful reasons. We never missed having wild moments when we were into each other. My GF’s name is Rohini, and she had an hourglass structure body to die for. She is from Andhra with a stat 34-28-36. Though many tried to impress her in college, I was lucky to win her heart. I met her on social media, and we became...

2 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 8

Ken ... from the boat yard watched me put Burt off the boat. “How did you do that?” “What? Put the punk off?” I asked. “Yeah ... all I saw was your hand gripping his shoulder. If you had let go he’d have slaughtered you.” “If I’d have let go he would have fallen overboard.” I said. “You’re kidding.” So ... I reached up and pinched the nerve ... seconds later Ken was begging me to let go ... so I did. He was on his knees and rolling in pain. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! That hurts! I see. You...

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Women and I

I was fourteen-year-old when I first touched a woman's breasts. She was our forty-two-year-old maid who had lovely pair of breasts. She, of course, didn't like it, but I did it anyway. She was also the first woman I saw naked, when I peeked through a window and saw her taking a bath. After that, I never lost an opportunity to touch her or see her nude. During those years, I tried to see whatever of whomever I could: breasts of my cousin; the naked body of our neighbor's daughter; my...

4 years ago
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Goa With Shy Wife

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, I am married for 4 years, we have not planned any kid, I am average height and good enough to fill my wife’s pussy. Since we married, we tried many things with each other, but never tried a threesome. After reading many stories, I planned to put spice in our married life. I planned our Goa trip. People are free over there and new experience for me and Shruti. Shruti is 5.4 with good body, her breasts are 34 and can get...

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