- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
‘I wish that horrible man would leave,’ Philippa Harris thought to herself while typing on her computer.
No, that wasn’t fair. Byron Reynolds was okay really, once you got to know him and his foibles. He just wasn’t a ‘people person’.
The work Philippa was doing was near the bottom of her ‘get around to it’ list and in all probability nobody would mind if it never got done, but she needed an excuse to still be at work when her boss left. Despite the work’s inconsequential nature, Philippa gave it almost her full attention so she was taken by surprise, instinctively getting to her feet, when Byron emerged from his office. That led to further awkwardness as, at 6’ 2” in her flatties, Philippa towered over her much shorter superior.
“Oh, still here, Miss Harris.”
That was one of Byron’s foibles, he never used first names.
“Yes Mr Reynolds. I thought I’d stay a bit longer and get this finished.”
“Very well. But this had better not be coming out of the County’s overtime budget. And make sure you lock up securely when you leave.”
Philippa almost snorted with derision. She had locked up regularly for several years now and yet he still made that point as though she were new to the job.
“Yes Mr Reynolds,” she curtly replied.
Byron Reynolds stalked out of the library, holding his head as high as he could as though to make up for his lack of inches, closing the door on the latch so no-one could come in.
At last Philippa was alone. She saved her work and powered down her computer. Taking her personal laptop, she went into Byron’s office and helped herself to the key to the basement. A couple of minutes later she was in one of her most favourite places.
Seemingly with a prescience way beyond normal, Lord Medford had set up a complex trust to oversee the building and his book collection on his death. The County was a minority trustee, paid an annual stipend to maintain the building and the book collection, on condition that should the books or the building ever be sold against the wishes of the majority of the trust, all the proceeds would revert to the trust and the County would refund all sums paid to it up until that time plus interest.
Some 200 years later, the County would have loved to sell the books, and particularly the building, so they could knock it down and replace it with some of the extra housing the government was mandating. But the County’s lawyers were unanimous that under the terms of the trust, the money repayable to the trust would be ruinous. One administration even wasted money on a legal challenge to the conditions of the trust but the judges ruled against them.
So, grudgingly, the County used the building as a branch library, albeit with a staff mainly of volunteers. Lord Medford’s book collection was stored in the basement, fortunately so well constructed that it didn’t have any problems with damp or temperature extremes. However nobody had ever catalogued it, and Philippa had taken it upon herself to carry out the task, without permission and on her own time.
Philippa loved the basement and its collection of old books. She loved their smell and feel. These books were meant to last, not like the ephemeral paperbacks, CDs and DVDs, purveyed to the public by the library upstairs, which had a life expectancy of mere months.
Philippa set her laptop down on a desk and started to work. Out of curiosity she had checked a few of the books on eBay after cataloguing them and found some were worth more than she earned in a year, a couple more than she’d earn in her lifetime. It would be so easy to sneak them out of the building and nobody would ever know but she couldn’t do that, she loved the books too much and felt a strange connection to Lord Medford’s collection.
“Philippa, Philippa,” someone whispered.
Philippa started. She was sure she was alone in the basement. Perhaps she had nodded off and dreamt someone was whispering her name.
“Philippa, Philippa,” it came again.
This time Philippa was sure she wasn’t dreaming.
“Who’s there?” she called out nervously.
“Philippa, Philippa.”
“Come out and show yourself or I’m calling the police.”
“Philippa, Philippa.”
Philippa had watched her fair share of teen slasher movies. Far more than her fair share in fact. Being 6’ 2” ruined any prospect she had of a romantic life so she had spent many lonely hours curled up on the sofa watching movies alone, until she had plucked up courage to ‘borrow’ the basement key from Byron’s office and start her self-appointed task of cataloguing Lord Medford’s collection. She knew that she should leave the basement immediately and call the police otherwise some particularly gruesome fate would befall her, a quick death being one of the better outcomes. But there was something compelling about the whispers, as though she were being summoned.
“Philippa, Philippa.”
Philippa selected a particularly hefty volume and picked it up. Not much of a weapon but it was all there was to hand.
“Philippa, Philippa.”
Philippa set off towards the source of the whispers. They were coming from the rear of the basement, an area she hadn’t yet catalogued.
“Philippa, Philippa.”
Yes, she was pretty sure the whispers were coming from a pile of books in a corner. She looked around. Nobody was there.
“Philippa, Philippa.”
The whispers seemed to be coming from one of the books. Someone must have found out about her secret hobby and planted an MP3 player down here. It couldn’t be Byron, he was twice her age and distinctly short on technical savvy. But no-one else had access to the key.
“Philippa, Philippa.”
It seemed to be coming from a book about two thirds down the pile. She kneeled down and placed her ear close to the pile.
“Philippa, Philippa.”
Got it! It was a medium-sized black book with an expensive leather cover. A strange red wax seal prevented her from opening the book, resisting her strongest attempts to prise it open.
“Philippa, Philippa, don’t open the book, insert your finger under the seal and gently rub it from bottom to top.”
Stunned by the additional information from the clandestine whisperer, Philippa complied. There was a blinding flash of golden light and Philippa dropped to the floor.
After a few seconds during which nothing deleterious seemed to be happening, Philippa recovered her wits and carefully appraised herself. No stab wounds, no ringing in her ears, no sense of heat or burning. Carefully she opened her eyes, to see a tall, slim man dressed in a suit and surrounded by a faint yellow glow. Actually his suit was almost identical to the suit Byron had been wearing. And the tie too.
“I don’t know who the hell you are but the library closed an hour ago and you shouldn’t be down here,” Philippa informed the stranger. “The basement is off-limits to library users.”
Then, unable to help herself, Philippa sniggered at the strange man’s attire.
“I’m sorry, I thought you would be more comfortable if I wore clothes you were familiar with,” said the man.
There was another blinding flash.
Philippa opened her eyes again. The man was still there, but this time dressed in matching yellow baggy shirt and harem pants topped with a yellow turban.
“You’re not a normal person are you?” Philippa asked. “And will you please cut out those blinding flashes before you burn out my retinas.”
“You are correct. My name is Alibarran and I am Lord Medford’s Genie. Or I was, until he passed away.”
“So this is where you grant me three wishes, I wish for world peace and you trick me by sterilising the planet?” asked Philippa cynically.
“Well, I do have the power to grant my master certain boons, but my powers are far more limited than your fiction writers would have you believe. However the reason I have made my presence known to you is because I need your help.”
“You need my help?” asked Philippa incredulously, as she eased her way to her feet.
She was somewhat surprised to find the Genie was a couple of inches taller. If he had been a real man she might have been interested.
“Yes. I am the majority shareholder in the trust that owns the building and Lord Medford’s book collection. I have been able to subtly influence events in accordance with Lord Medford’s wishes while locked in the book, in which he secreted me for safe-keeping, but circumstances have arisen requiring a physical intervention.”
“But why me?” Philippa asked. Then after the Genie hesitated, “Are you under some sort of compulsion to tell the truth?”
The Genie appeared to come to some sort of decision.
“You are a beautiful person,” he started.
“Me? Beautiful?” Philippa snorted with derision. “I’m, tall, skinny and have no tits. Most men don’t give me a second glance unless it’s to ask what the weather’s like up here.”
“I judge on inner beauty. I had to be sure that whoever became my new master would honour Lord Medford’s wishes.”
“New master,” repeated Philippa, gobsmacked.
“Yes, you are now my master because you released me from the book. I’ve watched how you respect Lord Medford’s collection and have been diligently cataloguing the books. I think you’ll make a fine master.”
“I need to think about that one. But you said you need my help.”
“Yes. Have you heard of James Barclay?”
“Head of Barclay Property Development?”
“The very person. He intends to have this building burned down so he can buy the site cheaply to build luxury flats. Now that I’m out of the book I can physically annul any attack but that won’t stop him trying again. However, with your help, I think we can implement a more permanent solution.”
“We’re not going to kill him, am I?” asked Philippa, realising that although the Genie had said ‘we’, it was obvious she’d be doing the dirty work.
“No, we’re going to hack his mobile phone. But don’t worry, I’ll talk you through your part.”
“Typical,” groused Philippa, “I encounter the only Genie that not only doesn’t grant three wishes but actually needs MY help.”
“I didn’t say I couldn’t grant wishes,” countered Alibarran, “just that my capabilities are restricted to what I can do without seriously knocking the rest of the world out of kilter.”
“So no lottery jackpot then!”
“No, that would make too significant a change to the world.”
Philippa sighed.
“Oh well, I guess I’d better get on with honouring Lord Medford’s legacy. What do you need me to do?” she asked.
“I need you to purchase a mobile phone. A pay-as-you-go contract would probably be best unless you would like to use it subsequently to phone or text your friends.”
“All the people I’m ever likely to phone would fit comfortably into a phone booth. Have you any particular make and model in mind?”
Alibarran rattled off a make and model number. Philippa used her laptop to enter the details into a search engine and blanched.
“Do you know how much that one costs?” she asked.
“It has to be that because it’s the only current model with all the capabilities we need. Let’s see now, tomorrow’s Wednesday. Buy a lottery ticket for tomorrow’s draw with the numbers 1,3,5,27,38,47.”
“But you said you couldn’t win the lottery for me!”
“I said I couldn’t win a jackpot for you. Those numbers will win enough to pay for the mobile phone with a little to spare. But there’s no time to lose because we need that mobile phone by Friday. Barclay is planning to make his move this weekend.”
“Okay, I’ll buy the ticket on my way to work tomorrow. Happy?”
“Yes, that will be fine. Meanwhile have a think about what sort of wishes you’d like me to fulfill.”
“Yeah, right, like you’d be able to arrange for me to walk on another planet! I’ve always wanted to go somewhere no other human being has been before me ever since I read my first science fiction novel.”
“I might be able to arrange that for you, let me have a think about it. I can’t see how it would upset the rest of the world. Would Mars be okay? You’d need a spacesuit and oxygen cylinders but I think I can manage that.”
“Really!” Philippa’s eyes lit up, she grabbed Alibarran in a hug and kissed his cheek. Or at least that’s where she aimed. But she wasn’t very experienced at kissing and Alibarran moved his head at the last moment so she ended up kissing him on the lips. And she liked it, she liked it a lot, so she didn’t stop. He had a rather smoky taste; nice like smoky bacon, not nasty like cigarettes.
“Wow!” they exclaimed in unison afterwards.
“Now I understand why people kiss so much,” said Alibarran.
“I’m far from experienced but that was something else,” agreed Philippa. “Was that your first kiss?”
“Yes. I was made to be unattractive to women.”
Philippa gave him an incredulous look.
“When I was created, the average height was around 5’,” explained Alibarran, “and having a fuller figure was a sign of being well-nourished and therefore successful. So being tall and slender was considered to be very ugly.”
“It still is in my case. We make a good pair.”
“I judge on inner beauty, but your physical appearance is not displeasing to my eye,” said Alibarran.
That was a first for Philippa. Although mild, it was probably the first compliment about her appearance not from her late parents. She blushed and turned her head away so Alibarran wouldn’t see. Her eyes alighted on her neglected laptop, welcoming the chance to change the subject.
“I know it’s not in keeping with Lord Medford’s legacy but I don’t feel like doing any more cataloguing tonight,” she admitted. “I’m going to go home, get something to eat and have an early night. What are you going to do? Return to your book?”
“Although I will attempt to continue to fulfill Lord Medford’s wishes, now that you are my master your welfare is my overriding concern. Therefore I must accompany you unless it is otherwise impossible. I have a suggestion but you may not be agreeable unless I explain it fully.”
“Okay, explain away. I’m all ears.”
“The worst option, from my point of view, is for you to order me back into the book. I will again be constrained until someone deactivates the seal. If anything should happen to you or the book, I would be unable to defend the building or Lord Medford’s collection.”
“Okay, I wasn’t planning to order you to do anything anyway.”
“Another option would be for you to go about your normal life with me accompanying you in physical form. I could adjust my appearance to fit in with your dress conventions but there would always be a tell-tale glow to mark me out as abnormal.”
“Yes, it is rather obvious.”
“My preferred option is for you to order me into an object which you keep about your person. Provided I was not locked in by a seal, I would be able to materialise and protect you should the need occur. I would also be able to discreetly advise you by speaking into your mind.”
“That sounds acceptable to me, and I don’t know how to create a seal anyway so there’s no question of my locking you in. Did you have any particular personal object in mind? My purse or watch for example?”
“I have conducted a survey of personal items likely to get stolen or lost and there’s a clear winner. The least risky object you could order me into is your bra.”
“My bra? You want me to order you into my bra?” asked Philippa disbelievingly.
“Statistically it’s the safest option.”
Philippa sighed resignedly.
“Oh well, if it’s statistically the safest option,” she said, with just a hint of sarcasm in her tone.
“And you might want to close your eyes when you issue the order,” Alibarran advised.
“Okay, I order you into my bra,” said Philippa, shutting her eyes.
She saw the bright yellow flash through her closed eyelids. When she opened her eyes, the Genie was gone. Was it her imagination or did her bra feel warmer and softer?
“Alibarran, can you hear me?” she asked, suddenly not convinced the whole thing had not been a hallucination.
came the reply into her mind.
Philippa closed up her laptop and looked around to make sure she wasn’t leaving any evidence of her secret nocturnal activities. Spying the black book lying on the floor where she had dropped it, she picked it up and reinserted it into the pile at roughly the same place she had found it. Then she switched the light off, locked the door and returned the key to Mr Reynolds’ office.
Ten minutes later the library was locked up and she was in her cheap and cheerful car, exiting the staff-only section of the library car park.
“Alibarran, do you eat?” Philippa asked as she was driving along.
“I’m going to get a takeaway. There will be more than I can eat so I’d like you to share it with me.”
Half an hour later Philippa was in her apartment setting out the meal cartons on her dining room table. It seemed strange setting out two plates and two sets of cutlery. Something else was unusual but it took a while for her to realise what it was. She was still wearing her bra. Normally she took it off as soon as she walked though the door. She didn’t need a bra, but she wore one at work to satisfy one of Mr Reynolds’ foibles. He thought the library staff needed to project a certain image and a woman going braless was too risque. Philippa sniggered to herself.
“Hey Alibarran, if it weren’t for my boss, I wouldn’t wear a bra to work and you’d be inhabiting statistically the second safest personal item. What would that be, my knickers?”
“No, it’s not necessary. But I don’t usually wear a bra at home so I’m going to take it off. And dinner’s on the table so if you’d like to rematerialise.”
Another blinding flash seared its way through Philippa’s tightly shut eyelids. When she opened her eyes, Alibarran was standing before her wearing his yellow harem-style attire. Although her apartment was several floors up in the tower block and the blinds were drawn, Philippa wondered whether anyone might have seen the flash. She wriggled out of her bra, sat down at the table and started to spoon food from the cartons onto her plate.
“Help yourself,” she instructed Alibarran.
“I will wait until you have sufficient,” he replied. “It is not my place to deprive my master of food.”
When Philippa started eating, Alibarran helped himself to small samples of all the dishes.
“Look, I’m really not happy about being your master,” she observed.
“I know, and that’s one of the things that make you a good master.”
“In some of the stories I’ve read, enlightened recipients of three wishes request the Genie’s freedom.”
“That is purely fiction and would not be advisable.”
“Why not?”
“I was made to serve,” replied Alibarran, “and I could no more be freed from servitude than a fish could be freed from water.”
After the pair had eaten and Philippa had tidied up the debris, she made nightcaps for both of them and settled on the sofa to watch the late evening news on television. She patted the seat next to her and Alibarran joined her, sipping the nightcap she had prepared for him.
“What do you do with food? Does your body digest it?”
“No. I move it to another dimension until I can discreetly dispose of it.”
“So you derive no enjoyment whatsoever from it?”
“I enjoy the different tastes and sensations, but I have experienced so many over the years that it is rare to encounter anything that excites me.”
“How old are you, Alibarran?”
Alibarran opened his mouth as though he was about to speak but no words came out.
“I’m sorry, it seems that telling you would have too many consequences.”
Stunned into silence, Philippa watched the rest of the news then the weather forecast, fine until after lunch then steady drizzle the rest of the day.
“That’s wrong,” said Alibarran. “The weather front will accelerate overnight and the drizzle will reach here by the time you leave for work. But it will die away tomorrow evening and the night will be fine but chilly.”
“Thanks for that,” said Philippa. “I guess lunchtime would be a bad time to go shopping.”
“If you want to stay dry,” confirmed Alibarran.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” said Philippa. “Stay and watch the television if you want.”
Normally she just went straight into the bathroom to shower but somehow she felt she constrained to be modest with Alibarran in her apartment and went to her bedroom first to collect her pyjamas. Showered and changed and teeth cleaned, Philippa emerged to see Alibarran still sitting on the sofa but completely ignoring the television, which was showing what was supposed to be a highly-rated comedy show.
“Alibarran, do you sleep?”
“I can simulate sleep should the circumstances require.”
“I only have one bedroom.”
“I can stay here if you like, or you can order me into one of your possessions.”
Philippa remembered the kiss earlier that evening. She had never slept with a man. Okay, Alibarran wasn’t a man, but even better, she was his master and he couldn’t do anything she didn’t want.
“Alibarran, I would like you to sleep with me tonight,” she said. “I don’t want you to do anything, you know, romantic, just hold me. Would you be okay with that?”
From her face’s burning sensation, Philippa was sure she had gone bright red while asking the question.
“It would be my pleasure, master,” Alibarran replied.
Philippa wished he hadn’t used the word ‘master’. That made it sound like an obligation.
“Can you change into appropriate sleepwear?”
“Please close your eyes.”
There was a blinding flash. When Philippa opened her eyes she couldn’t help giggling. Alibarran was wearing pink, floral-patterned pyjamas, a copy of hers.
At the bedroom door Philippa had a crisis of confidence. Should she have put clean bed-linen on the bed? And while there was plenty of room for both of them in the double bed, she had to choose which side to sleep, whereas normally she just sort of sprawled in the middle.
“Don’t worry,” said Alibarran, “whatever makes you feel comfortable will make me feel comfortable too.”
“Can you read my mind?”
“Yes. Now that you are my master it is a prerequisite for your safety.”
Philippa swore under her breath at word ‘master’ appearing again. Then she gritted her teeth.
“I’ll take the side closest to the alarm clock,” she decided out loud.
Philippa got into bed and Alibarran joined her. It felt strange the way the mattress sank under his unfamiliar weight, but it made it inevitable they’d end up sleeping in close proximity. Alibarran wrapped an arm round her.
“Is this acceptable, master?” he asked.
Philippa didn’t reply, but snuggled back until she was resting against his warm body and wrapped the arm tighter, placing his hand on her tummy. She soon felt warm and comfortable and drifted off to sleep.
The shrill sound of the alarm clock brought initial panic because Philippa wasn’t used to waking up with company. She would have been miffed about the hand tightly cupping her tiny tit if it weren’t for the fact that her own hand was holding it firmly in position.
“You put it there yourself,” said Alibarran, confirming that he too was awake, “and I would have woken you if I had tried to remove it.”
Philippa rolled over on her side so she was face to face with Alibarran. Suddenly whatever she had intended to say evaporated from her mind and she found her lips locked on Alibarran’s. As she relished the now familiar smoky taste, she couldn’t help thinking that at least genies didn’t suffer from morning breath, and this one didn’t seem to mind if she did.
“I’ve got to get ready for work,” Philippa panted, reluctantly extracting herself from Alibarran’s grasp.
Philippa grabbed her clothes for the day and headed for the bathroom, where she showered and dressed. She emerged to the delicious smell of a fried breakfast.
“What?” she asked.
“It is what you would make for yourself if you had time,” said Alibarran. “With your permission I have things to tell you and it is easier if you can concentrate on what I have to say rather than making breakfast.”
While Philippa sat there eating, Alibarran said his piece.
“The lottery numbers I gave you yesterday will result in the maximum prize you can claim at a supermarket or post office. I am not allowed to help you win bigger prizes but I can help you win multiple prizes of this size. One win will be enough to buy the phone we need, but a spacesuit and oxygen cylinders for your trip to Mars will take another five wins.”
Philippa gave an involuntary shiver of excitement at the mention of Mars. She was starting to believe it really might happen.
“However I am still constrained to ensure that the lottery organisers must not find out that the prizes are going to the same person. I have identified the optimum strategy: for the next three draws, purchase two tickets with the same numbers at different retailers, and cash all six winning tickets at different supermarkets and post offices. That will involve some travel but will result in the necessary money in the least number of draws while guaranteeing untraceability.”
“That sounds good,” acknowledged Philippa in between mouthfuls of breakfast.
“However I now have a dilemma which only you can resolve.”
“What’s the problem?” Philippa asked.
“As you are my master, I am obligated to be with you at all times for your protection unless I am ordered into one of your possessions and restrained by a seal. To ensure the library isn’t physically damaged by the arson attack, I have to be present and unrestrained. But that can only happen if you are present too, which puts you in unnecessary danger.”
“So I have to be there too!”
“I cannot ask that of you, it has to be your choice.”
“If it ensures the safety of Lord Medford’s collection, then it’s a choice I’m happy to make.”
“I’m glad I chose you to be my new master,” said Alibarran with a smile.
Philippa finished her breakfast and gulped down her coffee, instantly regretting not taking longer to enjoy the unexpectedly delicious beverage Alibarran had prepared for her.
“I suppose it’s bra time,” she said.
“It is statistically the safest option,” affirmed Alibarran.
Philippa shut her eyes then commanded Alibarran into her bra, secretly pleased she had chosen a soft, lacy one for that morning. Because she only wore them for work she only had a small selection. She’d have to go out and buy some more nice ones.
said Alibarran.
And yet Philippa felt an inexplicably strong desire to make herself look nice for Alibarran.
Philippa stopped at two corner shops on the way to work and bought one lottery ticket at each as Alibarran had told her. Alibarran had been right and the drizzle had already set in.
Unusually Philippa found work a chore. It wasn’t so bad when she was interacting with customers or the volunteer librarians but she couldn’t seem to concentrate when it was time to do the paperwork. Several times Byron Reynolds gave her suspicious glances, making her feel like a naughty schoolgirl. And Alibarran didn’t help, frequently suggesting more efficient ways of doing things until she explained about the library’s ISO 9001 qualification and the set processes she wasn’t allowed to deviate from unless she went through another set of processes to justify each deviation and then waited for her manager’s permission. And knowing Byron Reynolds, that permission wouldn’t be forthcoming.
At lunchtime Philippa braved the drizzle to pay her usual visit to the sandwich shop. As it happened, there was a posh lingerie shop on the way and Philippa plucked up courage to go inside on her way back to the library. She had to admit the bras looked nice, but when she got down to her size the selection was very limited. And then she saw the prices. She’d need more lottery prizes to pay for them. Suddenly feeling downcast, Philippa hurried back to work.
The afternoon dragged until finally it was closing time. The volunteers had long departed and Philippa shooed the last reluctant customers out into the drizzle and latched the door.
“Are you alright, Miss Harris?” asked Byron. “You seem somewhat distracted today.”
“Yes, I’m fine thanks. It’s just that something unexpected happened in my home life.”
Philippa knew that mentioning her home life would stop any further questioning. She knew that Byron was married, but had never met his wife and Byron seemed very keen to keep personal and work life totally separate.
“Oh well, why don’t you take an early night for once, make up for all the unpaid overtime you’ve been doing recently.”
turning over and smiling, i say 'good morning Master'. already i see that gleam in Your eyes that tells me You have something planned for today. You turn me over and swat my butt as You tell me to prepare for the day. scurrying out of bed, i head quickly to the bathroom, turn on the shower and adjust the water. running my hands over my body, through my hair, i sigh with delight as the warm water runs over me. spending a little more time than usual in the caress of the shower, i hurriedly wash...
She married him five years ago and he totally controlled her. She never left the house without him and he dressed her as he wanted. He loved sex and loved it rough. She only wore a robe around home and when he came home she was to be naked for him. Tonight she heard his car pull into the garage and she took off her robe and waited for him. Her pussy felt wet thinking about him. He came in and grabbed her by the hair and kissed her tonguing her mouth. He told her "Are you ready to please me any...
Ben was the master of his kingdom. He started it for the sex. Now everything was approved by him. The men were allowed to have several wives to breed. Women were to produce babies and serve Ben. When virgin girls were old enough they were taken to Ben naked and he was the one who popped their cherries and gave them their first fuck. Tonight the girl was brought to him and laid naked on his bed. The girls knew it was their duty to be deflowered by Ben and they were proud to do it. Ben had a long...
She was untied and brought up naked to the master. He was a tall and controlling man. He had several slaves in his dungeon. They were all beautiful and obeyed and loved him. He could be cruel or loving depending on his needs and mood. If he knocked them up they gave birth alone chained in the dungeon and the c***d was taken away and sold. Today the young blonde stood before him. He ran his hands over her face and then her tits. He grabbed each nipple and twisted and pulled it. Then he grabbed...
not a day goes by since we met do i not thing about him,his touch,his taste and his smell.It excites me just hearing his voice,seeing his text.He only has to suggest that he wants me to be ready for him with no knickers on and i get wet between my legs,hes put my legs in places they havent been in ages,i feel like a teenager again when he looks at me as he thrusts his stiff cock in me.My eyes stay open now for longer as know he really loves what he sees,he makes me feel so beautiful and so...
The man turned his car into the street where his home was located, and the familiar stirrings of longing swept through him. He thought of the woman that shared the small house with him. He was tired bone tired, his head ached and all he really longed for was hot bath and several glasses of chilled white wine. And her. Despite his growing foul temper, entering his home always made him feel calmer, her presence strong. He could hear her in the kitchen, humming softly to herself as she prepared...
We rode the bus home later that day to his house, and as usual, his parents wouldn't be home until later that that night. On the bus ride home we sat together (which is normal) and talked casually about how are days were and what we would do when we got to his house, which would inevitably consist of playing Call of Duty and and swimming. Upon arriving at his house, we immediately went upstairs to put away our things and changed for the pool. Seeing him shirtless always...ALWAYS got my...
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"And then she came, hard, while I was licking her clit! All of the muscles around her pussy and her ass were clenching and releasing and she was screaming her head off. It's a wonder the neighbors didn't call the cops on us. But it was one of the most unbelievably powerful moments ever thinking I'd made my friend Donna come like that with my tongue!"Liz and I were cuddling together in bed under the down comforter on a brisk autumn late evening. Well, actually we were closer than cuddling; she...
Mistress steps back from the St Andrew's Cross I'm secured to, and I hear her moving across the studio and then rolling one of her toy chests towards me. She takes hold of my cock which is still bound by the cord. "Hm, I suppose I should untie this. Its head is looking very purple and swollen. If I don't release it soon it just might fall off," Mistress muses. I feel her untying the knot in the cord and disconnecting it from the nipple clamp chain, then she pulls the ends of the cord rapidly...
I live in Dallas, my wife died when my daughter was only eight. She and I became very close. I have three women I date/fuck on a regular basis but over all I enjoy being single. My daughter, Jess, is attending the University of Oklahoma at Norman and is twenty two years old. She is bringing two friends to visit for spring break, they all want to party in Dallas. They came to my house to stay and arrived on Saturday. They came in and got settled in, unpacked, ate some dinner and then went out....
The Hull was the nickname given to the colossal frame of an abandoned dreadnought class warship in Sector 12F, that had crash-landed into the station, back during Omicron’s chaotic founding some odd seventy plus years ago. The humongous derelict ship had been stripped of its values a long time ago, leaving only the decorticated frame. The great strakes, robbed of its metal plating, stood out like the decrepit ribs of a giant metal skeleton, growing evermore imposing as one closed in on the...
PART ONE : A VISITOR OF THE NIGHT Daddy woke me up in the middle of the night. Generally getting woken up would make me angry, but he was an exception to that rule. I was glad to see him. My heart raced wondering what it was that he wanted. By the look on his face I knew something was not wrong, so it had to be something good, and I was very much into good stuff. “What is it daddy,” I asked him in my cute little girl voice. My daddy did not say anything. He leaned forward into me and began to...
IncestI nervously applied the last of my makeup in preparation for my debut at the Slice. Up until three months ago, no one besides my parents and physician had seen me nude, but now perfect strangers were going to be ogling me. My folks would have cardiac arrest if they saw me now. They were opposed to me joining the police force to begin with. My dad wanted me to follow in my family’s tradition of corporate law, but being the head-strong woman I am, I forged my own path. However, when I agreed to...
Straight SexI tried to figure out what was happening, I can't for the life of me remember who I am, how did I get into the fight? My ability to hear thoughts, can I do more than just 'hear' them, the extra strength, did I always have it? The same with the slow motion thing, are these things something I achieved from the blow to my head? My thoughts were interrupted by a distinguished gentleman entering the ward. "Jimmy, how are you feeling?" I sensed this man was someone important in my life. I...
Believe it or not, Jordan (who is my best friend) and I had spent the first part of the evening drinking with Madison. One thing led to another, and Madison may have sucked our cocks, received a good face-fucking or two, and eventually let us fuck her in the ass several times. If that sounds like a lot, well, it was. I’m still kind of in shock that I spent the past few hours fucking my girlfriend’s little sister in the ass. If you’re interested in hearing about that -- or all the stuff that...
I read each magazine and book cover to cover every chance I got. I learned about so many different kinks and fetishes. One of the earliest cuckold stories I read involved a husband daring his wife to answer the door for the pizza guy while wearing only a towel. Of course, the wife took the dare while the husband hid in the closet to watch what happened. The young wife opened the door for the pizza guy, pretended to be searching for money and dropped the towel. In a moment of uncontrolled lust...
Jo said, "I'm going to stay here. There's some things I'd like to get straight with Him/Her/It/Whatever." "Whooo boy! I'm glad I'm not in your shoes!" Vickie said, "she's as bad as a mom." Kurt, the Cheese and Vickie nodded like the wood bird on the edge of a glass of water ... nod nod nod. They stepped onto the carpet. Cheese asked, "who is going to drive?" "Not me," from Vickie. "Nope, me neither," Kurt said. "Don't look at me, I don't have a carpet license,"...
A Victorious Night This night was going to be a good one tori and jade both announced their sexual desire for each other they both decided to stay the night with each other. tori said it could happen at their house but jade disagreed stating there were to many people at her house (Trina and her parents) jade said her house would be good her parents were away and with a smile she told tori she had all the right stuff at...
Narrated by Rahul Waqt guzarta gaya. Par naahi maa aunty ke taraf se kuch pahal ho rahi thi mere taraf. Naa hi Bharti mere kisi message ka jawab de rahi thi maa ke kamre se. Kareeb 9:30 baje hum sab khana khaye. Bharti aur aunty ekdam chup the. Sirf main aur maa hi yaha waha ki baate kar rahe the. Khane ke baad waqt tha apne kamre mein jaane ka. Par ab bhi mujhe kuch nahi pata tha ki aaj raat ka plan kya hai. Kareeb 10:30 baj rahe the aur main apne kamre mein araam se apne bistar par leta...
I stood there in the shower, and my right hand came down onto my cherry. "Maybe I will fuck Rick on the first date. Lacy did give me some confidence, even though I'm not a lesbian," I muttered before I began rubbing it. "She does know how to eat pussy, that's for sure," I moaned, slanting my head back.I took in a deep breath and played with my twat rather slowly. I felt my juice coming out somewhat rapidly, but I kept my position. I closed my eyes just pictured Lacy doing it again. Even as I...
TabooChance Encounter – Sarita & Nimmo revisited This is the 2nd episode of Chance encounter. Thank you readers of ISS. The original story had over 1,00,000 hits. That was way beyond what ever I expected it to be. And it prompted me to put this second episode on paper. After few months, I went back to this small town where Sarita & Nimmo lived. I went directly to their house hoping to get the room of the roof for rent again. As I alighted from the rickshaw, I heard a shreik of joy from inside the...
IncestAfter lunch, Nick enjoying another liverwurst sandwich, we headed en masse to the ACT theater complex to spend the afternoon with first readings with our new casts. Only Rosa and Alexandra and Chanda remained behind. Nick and his daughters definitely changed the atmosphere of the workshop. For one the usually ultra cool Natasha with her proud Goth presence acted like a love struck and horny teenager in Snake's and Betty's presence. She melted as soon as we arrived and he hugged her and...
I have completed my Engineering in a local college and now working as a Design Engineer Trainee in a nearby local company. I am 23 years now.I am fair and have an average body type. I am 6.2 feet in height and have 6.5-inch hard tool that makes all girls feel the real heaven of sex. Any virgin, non – virgin, married, divorced, widows, aunties, teens mail me for hot and secret sex. Mail ID, [email protected] family consists of my mom, Sudha and myself. My father divorced my mom and...
I am now forty-nine years old, and I was forty before I found out how to turn women on! I met a twenty-two-year-old blonde who was aggressive because she was splitting with her old man. We met in an airport waiting room and made arrangements for our first get-together during a short flight when we’d both have a couple of hours in a distant town before changing planes to fly off in different places. It was the first great fuck for either of us! She had never gone down on a man before; and I...
It had been 3 months since May had met Natalie’s guy best friend. The moment she met Drew at the house party back in October she had wanted him to fuck her , the chemistry was so intense but I the timing was wrong and she had not let herself act on the animal urges he made her feel . Although they had not been in touch May had fantasized about drew often his captivating stare and mysterious confidence she wondered if he thought about her. In her fantasises he’d find a way to get her alone...
I’ve been a police officer for just over 20 years and I’m in my mid 40’s. I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff but never been part of anything as crazy as what occurred last June. My new partner was a young guy in his late 20’s. He is big, black and built and had the reputation of being a womanizer. In fact he constantly bragged about the women he fucked and the size of his cock, which I’ve seen while showering and changing into his uniform and he looked quite hung. One of the things my partner...
Welcome to Spooky Scary Sisters! Don't worry, stories don't have to be limited to sisters only. The title just flows off the tongue and I couldn't help myself. For a while, I've wanted to have a story where other authors could contribute. Never written before but want to try it out? Feel free to send me a message and I'll help you! I'm convinced that there are a ton of quality writers out there lurking and trying to work up the nerve to submit their first story or chapter. All they need is a...
Incest"Finally, almost there." It was my voice, the sound of somebody who had been unjustly imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, the sound of somebody who was about to commit a real crime, and this time he would make sure no one found out. The voice was mine, and it was the sound of a predator stalking his prey, the sound of a rapist. "Did you have another bad dream?" asked Marilyn Mason. "Honey, what's wrong? Are you scared that your father and I aren't going to be here?" ...
It's a cold day in January, two of my closest friends and I are hiking to a cabin we rented in the deep woods of Washington State. We are on break from school, and we haven’t seen each other since we graduated high school the summer before. The hike to the cabin is taking a lot longer than I expected it to. The sun is going down and we are cold, hungry and tired when we finally make it to the make-shift cabin around dusk. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I exclaim as we approach the run-down...
LesbianDisclaimer:I intend no copyright infringement nor monetary gain just a favourite!Elijah Blacked My College Crushbymmf4her©College is a time for sexual discovery and what I learned during my time in the dorms is that a lot of young women were discovering my neighbor in the room next door. My name is Tim and I'm your typical white guy on campus; I wear my polos, khaki shorts, boat shoes and I'm pretty attractive. I think I've got game and certainly have no trouble getting dates but I have a...
It was just past six when I was returning home to my apartment from my morning jog. The late September air had cooled the sweat on my skin, and I was looking forward to a nice hot shower. As I opened the door to the lobby, Dan exploded from the elevator, and pushed past me in a hurry.“Hey, Dan,” I said. “‘Morning.”Dan Farber was a new tenant in the apartment down the hall from me. He’d moved in with his wife a couple of weeks ago, though I’d never actually met her in person. Dan had been hired...
CheatingHello friends, hope you liked my earlier story with my master. Here is another one for you to read and offer your valuable comments and encouragement With the summer camp and the feverish activities associated with it coming to a close, and sir’s absence for nearly three weeks( on domestic reasons), I felt miserable, like a fish out of water. The fantastic taste of that unbelievable and unexpected sweet forbidden pleasure with sir (My master love-locked me -3) was haunting and making me...
Gay MaleTIGHT JAM 2 (The Blackmail )Don Abdul ©2008 While Peggy was young, sexy outgoing, Constance was a prudish 52 year old bitch who seldom smiled, especially with the staff, regardless of how nice and cordial to her they were. The interesting thing about her though is that despite her cold attitude she had damn sexy body. In fact, most of the guys in the office actually fantasized about her voluptuous heart shaped ass and gorgeous full breasts. She became Peggy’s step-mom when her father re-married...
This is not a science fiction story, so the details of two things need not concern us.? The first is how exactly Jeremy's freeze-frame machine works.? The second is just which pills he swallowed to enable him to produce such copious volumes of semen.? Bearing that in mind, let the fun begin. His mouth dry with anticipation, Jeremy waited until the final moments of the lesson before he activated the freeze-frame device.? He had hardly dared hope that it would work, but the trial run had...
I came through a small town that was clean, but did not seem exactly prosperous, but yet it had a certain appeal to me. So I drove to the next larger town and found a motel and checked in so that I could drive back to the small town, we will call it Atown, the next day. After finding a diner and having a good breakfast, I drove to Atown to look around. It was a town of about 2500 population. There was a bowling alley and a small movie theater, and a community pool. There was a beer hall...
A little over a month ago… The night had been perfect. The day had been perfect. The week, the last month, were all perfect. Now the moment was perfect. Lynn wondered exactly what she had done to have earned such a perfect time in her life. Short of drowning puppies in a box, she would do anything to bank more times like this one. Strolling through the corridor of her building towards her apartment, trying to stay whimsical, sexy, and cool, she was having trouble hiding the giddiness she felt....
I was getting ready to take a shower after PE. The class hadnt been that hard so I didnt sweat alot. I took off my shorts, shirt and boxers, grabbed a towel, and walked over to the shower completely naked. Some of the boys noticed as I walked between some of the lockers. I found an empty shower and turned on the water, gently rubbing my self around my abs, chest, and slowly moving down to my dick. After I was completely wet, I grabbed some soap and started to lather up. I reached around...
My name is Jennifer. I suppose I am what you would call normal, for the most part. I am twenty-four years old and I work in admin for a textiles company. It’s not the job of my dreams or anything, but it gives me the finances and freedom to fulfill my hobbies. My dream job would’ve been to teach drama and acting, but really, I never had the courage to grab the ‘brass ring’ and go for the career. I think I had talent, I just wasn’t quite confident enough that I could achieve what I wanted...
Hello. This is my first attempt at writing a story, and this story is true. First off, I work in western Oklahoma/Texas along the I40 corridor and I haul crude oil. I have been employed with this company for about 6 months and love my job. I have two dispatchers and I get along great with them both, but one, I will call her Kelly is my favorite! She is married, just recently (about 6 months ago) had a baby, has a fantastic body and face, and is probably in her mid 20's. I on the other...
Pulling her shirt off as she walked through the house, Sara had a horrible day at work, all she wanted to do was change clothes, have a drink and relax before Tom got home. She knew he was going to be late, so the thought of a few minutes to her self was a welcomed thought. She poured a glass of wine and ran water in the tub using the last of the bubbles. She lit the candle, turned her favorite cd on, and made sure the doors were locked. She did a little strip tease dance as she undressed,...
I looked at Lorrie and asked, "Is that all of them?" "That's all so far. They didn't say anything when they came in other than 'Mistress we are here'' to Marcy. She was working the window." Lorrie responded. "Tell Marcy to turn off the card entry on the gym door. I want everyone manually punched in. If there is more than one at the door I want someone on the inside of the door as well. I don't want any surprises tonight." I said. "If Carla is finished send her to me....
A New Life Part 2 She suddenly woke up, just like she had the past couple of months. It was dark and for a few seconds, she was disoriented. Where was she? Slowly her mind cleared and it all came back to her. She was in her apartment, the same one she had been living in for the last year. That was when she realized she needed to go pee again. For the last 2 months it had been like this. She would wake up two or three times a night needing to go pee. And because of it, when she...
When Frank emerged from the bathroom, I was still recovering. Covered in sweat and still panting a little, I needed a break. Frank didn't see it that way. While I was still lying on the bed, he grabbed my ankles and pulled me across the bed. He was in full donation mode. He grabbed me by the hair and looked at me."From now on you'll call me sir," he said. "Is that understood?""Yes sir," I replied in a submissive voice."Get me hard again!" he demanded."Yes Sir," I said.He stood up next to the...
Straight SexI'm crossdresser since I was 18. I always like to get in some women clothes and make some pics. One day I was alone at home and started to get girly. I put black panties and black stockings and painted my toes. I love foot fetish. Started to take some pics and I didn't notice that my door wasn't locked. My neighbour, who is 56 years old get to my house because he needs some tools. I didn't listen when he entered. I was in my room. He went upstairs and he saw me on my bed. I didn't know what to...
Kim's turn: It's summertime and to thousands of divorced dads around the country, that means the kids are coming. Or in my Tim's case, THE kid. Vicki and I and Tim talk at least twice a week, and sometimes she calls me just to talk at random times. I told her about Terri and Rachel. Worse, I told Terri and Rachel about Vicki. Of course, everybody knows. At least we finally got moved into the apartment. I'm trying to do an assessment. I mean, I have been immersed in the ongoing saga of...
This story is completely FICTIONAL. All characters are fictional. _____________________________________________________________________________ y name is John. I’m 15, semi athletic build, short dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, nearly 6 feet tall, and I’m in high school. From that, you know that I’m an average teenager. But what isn’t average about me is the size of my cock. Ever since I began to grow, I knew I was big. In the showers at school, guys would shy away from me and...
I didn't really want to do the horrible Lovett County dirt roads in the dead of night so I called it quits while there was still a faint sliver of light in the sunset, and I bid everyone a fond farewell and remarked that I would certainly return when I could, probably in another two weeks or so. As expected, I was rather late getting home and Wanda loudly complained later that I had woke her up when I came into the house, but I knew better. I had noticed that our bedroom light was still on...
Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part2Doctor Smith fucked me bad and rough for about two hours, During which we both had multiple orgasms. He shot his load down my throat once and twice in my pussy. He loved the fact I could contract my pussy walls when he was ramming his cock inside my tight little bald cunt. We had a great fuck. He wrote me a few pills for my boobs, horniness and milk and scheduled my appointment for 3months later. He recorded us and kept it in my file to work on it so the next...
From the first day of seeing him at work, I knew I wanted him. I knew he was in a relationship but that didn’t stop the naughty thoughts running through my mind. Ben was a short guy, at just 5ft 5, he was the same height as me. I usually go for tall guys but he was gorgeous and I just couldn’t resist. Ben had blue eyes and short dark blonde hair and had broad shoulders that were designed for the rugby player he was. It was easy to see his ribbed chest through his work shirt, and I’m not afraid...
Hi…Mera naam ashu hai (not real name) mai jammu mai rehta hun aur meri height 5feet 6″ hai aur handsome hun hamary ghar mai hum 2 brothers and mum dad hai…Mai iss ka bohat purana reader hun infact 12th class se hi mai iss ki stories padhta aaya hun..Maine m.A complete kiya hai aur aaj b stories padhta hun…..So aapko zyda bore na karty kuay mai story pay aata hun…. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mera 1st year ka exam khatm hua tha aur mera result first class first tha mai bohat khush tha mere saray...
All Johnny wanted was some peace and quiet in order to study for his exam. However, his step sister, Val Steele, had other things in mind. She was determined to play her guitar wether he liked it or not. As soon as she started playing, Johnny ran over to her and began begging her to stop. She was unwilling to do so, unless he did something in return. She gave him a whole makeover and began to enjoy her day as Johnny did anything she wanted him to do. After she had her fun, she decided to let...
xmoviesforyouHi dosto , ye baat us samay ki hai jab me naya naya indore aya tha. mein ek manutfacturing com. me engineer hoon. Ek din me tresure island ja raha tha , samne ek car me pe ek baccha window se khak raha tha. red light par jab woh ruki to maine usse batane ke liye apni bike uski car ke baju me ki . ek 30-32 saal ki lady drive kar rahi thi main usse bataya ki bacha baar baar window se bahar jhak raha hai. usne thank you kaha aur window close kar di . Se was quite attractive lady. green signal...
With reservations made, Kelli off to Scottsdale, and nothing on my agenda before tomorrow morning's meeting with Mrs. Trinh, it was time for more practice. Bud was keen on getting us used to the suit's exoskeletal strength. This required another visit to the sleazy tanning parlor I'd found in South Santa Rosa. I, on the other hand, was keen on figuring out how to use my telekinesis to power the suit without hurting myself. "No, we will not be doing that yet," he insisted. There is too...
okay let me start by saying this is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real, nor are the situations. That being said..feel free to comment on my writing. But do note I reserve all copy writes. Please forgive any spelling mistakesPlease read Winters kiss (Jess and Tray prt 1)For thoes fans asking for more im sorry it took so long…..Chapter TwoJessica’s knees were still wet, and my dick was still hard when we entered the store. My head was swirling and I felt like a teenager...
The next morning, I woke fairly early. I ordered a room service breakfast and took it out onto my cabin’s small balcony, which I’d barely used so far. I needed some time to think, and I didn’t particularly want to be around other people. Yet. As I watched the giant vessel slice through the water below us, my thoughts were of course obsessed with Riley. I couldn’t quite figure out what her objective was with me. The kiss last night, though not overly passionate, wasn’t a friendly peck on...
Stress ManagementDon Abdul©Her husband had died in a plane crash on his way back home from a diplomatic shuttle a year earlier. Since that incident, Latoya Agnes Johnson mourned only briefly, and then she threw herself so completely into her job as the CEO of a leading Services company in her city.To most people who knew the couple, she appeared to be an extremely brave woman with a firm grip on her emotions. To them she mourned her loss and quickly moved on. A classic case of ‘life is for the...