- 2 years ago
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Another conversation around that event, but with a whole lot more people involved in this one. No sex, so no surprise there. There isn’t usually much sex going on during those types of conversations.
I braced myself for what was to come. I’d seen looks of sympathy and smirking grins already, and knew it was going to happen, but it didn’t matter.
I looked at the door for what was probably the last time, took a deep breath and settled my face into a neutral expression. Then I opened it and entered.
Thirty-six faces turned to stare at me.
“Settle down,” I said. “Jackson, go and sit in your own seat and leave Cummings alone. He’s not your play toy.”
Reluctantly, the rat-faced teenager left off tormenting the overweight boy that he’d targeted for the past month. Stanley Jackson was a bully, and quite honestly, a mean little fuck. I knew about the nightmare that was his home situation – the drinking, the drugs and the violence – and I could understand how any kid would turn to the dark side in those circumstances, just to get through the day without having a complete breakdown. While I could understand it, I still couldn’t accept his bullying others in order to make himself feel good. The problem that I and every other teacher faced in this situation was how to punish bad behaviour when that youngster would go home everyday to face so much worse than anything we could throw at him.
I picked up the register and clicked my pen.
“Present, sir.”
“Present, sir.”
“Present, sir.”
I did the roll call, listening to the calls of ‘Present, sir!’ almost absent-mindedly, and at the end was a little surprised to find all my charges present, and if not correct, then at least not running riot. This was my first posting as a teacher, and it had taken me a little while to gain control over the pack of slathering monsters that comprised my current sixth form class. Two years later, I almost had them eating out of my hand.
As I finished congratulating myself, it started. There was a little noise that sounded like a strangled chicken.
“Cuck, cuck, cuck, cuck.”
It was coming from good old Stanley Jackson; of course it was. I was in a situation where he felt he could torment me and certainly wasn’t going to give up an opportunity like that. He was trying to make the sound without moving his lips, but was doing it badly and I could see his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his scrawny throat in time to the sound.
I sighed, stood up and moved to the front of my desk, perching my bum on it and looking around at the faces watching me. Well, apart from Karen Evans, who was once again trying to text on her phone without me seeing: trying, but not succeeding. She never did catch on that when she looked at her phone, it lit up her face, and so the phone grassed her up every time she did it by shining a spotlight on her.
“Karen, bring me your phone. You can have it back after class.”
Her pretty face lifted sadly. She knew the drill.
“Oh, sir. I was just...” She couldn’t come up with a lie quickly enough and trailed off.
I held out my hand and she reluctantly dragged herself up and brought it to me as if she faced execution.
Hands-free for probably the first time in a week, she turned and stomped back to her desk. I turned the phone over in my hands and the idea that I’d been turning over in my head since I got to school that morning took form and solidified. I put the phone down and looked at them.
“Put your books away,” I said, as the chicken noise started up again, while Jackson looked around with a big smile, as if searching for applause and approbation. I ignored it.
Surprise on many faces, they put their books back in their bags, or piled them up in a corner of the desk.
“Right, phones please. All of them, on my desk.”
There were protests and moans, but in the end I had them all laid out in a grid pattern on my desk according to where they sat in class. There was a gap.
“Linda, your phone!”
She looked wounded and almost frantically tried to deny she had it with her, but a look at my face showed her I wasn’t going to give in. Finally, she brought it forward and seemed to be trying to power it down as she walked between the desks. Her thumb must have slipped as the screen lit up as I took it from her. There was a picture of a naked man holding a hard dick on it. She blushed scarlet.
I carefully didn’t allow my expression to change. They were all legally adults, so it wasn’t my business. It wasn’t her boyfriend, however.
“Thank you, Linda. Despite lying to me about not having your phone – there won’t be any problems about this.” I tried to make my meaning clear by the tone of my voice, and powered the phone off in front of her.
She understood, and looked so relieved it was as if she’d just had an instant shower. I saw her eyes moisten.
“Thank you, sir.” It was an academy school – and in this school the sir or ma’am was mandatory. In this case, it was heartfelt.
I nodded. “Go sit down.”
I put the phone down in its place on my grid, completing the six-by-six pattern, and turned back to the class.
“Okay, now the reason I made you hand your phones in was because I didn’t want any surreptitious recordings of this lesson. You all have to be aware of how things can get out of hand when things hit the net, and I don’t want that to happen.
“I know you’ve all heard the rumours about what has happened between me and my wife, so I’m going to tell you about it, which will hopefully stop the wilder rumours, and I really hope you’ll learn something you can use in your own lives. I’ll be as honest as you want, and when I’m finished, you can ask whatever questions you like – about anything. So you can stop making those stupid noises, Jackson. Yes, I know it’s you. Your throat moves. Try watching ventriloquists, that’s how you can tell.
“But let’s start with that. Jackson has been calling me a cuck since class began. Everyone know what a cuck is? Hands up those who aren’t sure – nobody needs to feel dumb if they don’t. It’s not a word that you see every day.
“A cuck is short for cuckold. Its origins trace back to the French word cucu – from which we get our word cuckoo. Because that bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, for them to feed, protect and raise as best they can, it came to mean a man whose wife is unfaithful – thus raising other men’s children as his own.
“Most of you have met or at least seen my wife Emily, at school functions and sports days, and most of you – probably all of you – have heard that she had an affair and that all was revealed in a rather noisy altercation on Friday. She effectively made me a cuckold. I’m being honest with you here, so I’ll go into as much detail as you wish, although I’d rather keep the really intimate details to myself. But, I offered, so if you ask, I’ll tell. That’s a fair warning though; you’re all legally adults, so at least the head can’t fire me for corrupting children.
“And if any of you don’t feel you want to hear what I’m about to say, just put your hand up and I’ll give you a note and you can spend this class in the library, okay? Who wants a note?”
I was pretty sure of my wolf pack, and sure enough, not a hand twitched. Children – and despite being in their late teens, each still had a fading part of them that thought like children – are inveterately curious, especially about things they feel that adults are hiding from them. Here I was offering them a free pass to all the information they wanted.
A hand went up.
“Tracy? You want a note?” That really surprised me. Tracy Smithy – or TySy as she insisted her friends call her – was the complete gossip. I was pretty sure that if the office handed her a memo instead of printing out a copy for each pupil, it would get to a lot more people a whole lot faster, and they’d pay a lot more attention to it.
“Oh no, sir!” she said. “I just wondered what Mrs. Marsden did exactly.”
Well, at least the pain I felt at her question was just an echo of how I had felt when I opened the door and saw them. I couldn’t have survived if that emotion had continued to run at its initial white-hot temperature.
I took a deep breath. “Emily met up with an old lover of hers from the time before we were married. She didn’t tell me about that meeting or any of the ones that followed. They became intimate and would spend several hours together each week at a hotel on the coast.”
“Cuck, cuck, cu ... awk!”
Leonard Alderly had leaned over and squeezed Jackson’s throat, one-handed. “Shut the fuck up!”
Leonard was a tall, thin boy with lanky brown hair and was slightly bucktoothed. He was quiet and fairly studious, preferring to spend time online with his friends than out on the street corners where most of them hung out. Tellingly, he lived with his mother in a one-parent family. Something had resonated within for him to react so intensely. I wondered about the one-parent side of his circumstances.
“Leonard,” I said equanimously. “Please don’t kill him. Think of all the paperwork I’d have to do.”
He gave a last squeeze and then pushed Jackson away, giving him a filthy look. I guessed that he’d taken enough of the little rat’s torment in the past and his blatant attempt to torment me had finally caused him to boil over. That look morphed into one of surprised, blushing pleasure when Jenny Radcliff leaned over to squeeze his arm and give him a look of intense approval. That little gesture might turn into something a whole lot more meaningful if my experience of teaching teenagers was anything to go by. Cummings gave him a double thumbs-up with a wide grin on his round, pleasant face.
“How did you find out, sir?” asked Cynthia – a dark-haired girl with sharp features, but managing them well. I guessed she had a mother or older sisters who really knew how to handle make-up.
“Mileage,” I said. “The hotel wasn’t far away, but it was a whole lot further than a trip to Emily’s office or to the shops. I keep a note of petrol consumption and mileage for both our cars, as my dad had shown me that you could spot engine problems before they got too big by keeping track of fuel economy. All it needed was a little maths and statistics, and I realised that she was travelling out of town a couple of times a week. I followed her and found they were visiting a cheap hotel.”
“I would have used a PI,” stated Weeks – a boy with a never-ending repertoire of short-term enthusiasms.
“Do you know how expensive they are to hire?” I asked. “You do know I’m a teacher with a teacher’s salary, don’t you? You’ve been watching too much Hollywood.”
At least I was a teacher for the present moment.
He grinned and made the shape of a gun with his fingers at me. I couldn’t help grinning back.
“So have you two broken up, sir?” This one came from Agnetha, an overweight blond girl who sat in a back corner in every class she’d ever attended – although attendance was never a certainty in her case. I knew that Social Services had taken a look at her situation a couple of times, but never found anything serious enough to start alarm bells ringing. “I mean, it’s just ... fucking, isn’t it? It’s not very important.”
I could see on her face that she’d tried to find a euphemism but given up. A nervous titter ran through the class. I thought that, with that attitude to sex at her age, Social Services may have missed something important.
“You know what, Agnetha – you’re right. It was just fucking.” That silenced the titters and seemed to raise this conversation in their minds from a lecture by yet another boring teacher, to something that might treat them as the adults they were desperate to be. “And I guess if Emily was careful about using condoms so that she never got pregnant and really went cuckoo on me, I suppose it never took anything away from me. So why give it any importance?
“I mean, it’s not as if any of the equipment involved wears out with use, for either the man or the woman. It’s not as if the man has to use a sharpener to keep a point on his penis, or that a woman’s vagina wears away until it’s the size of a cathedral. So why all the shouting and screaming and tears and...”
Oh god, I didn’t want to remember that evening anymore; the photographs I’d taken of them getting out of the car and going into the hotel, with the time stamps circled in the lower corner; the ones of them kissing at the door to the room; the ones I’d taken inside the room when they were going at it like stray dogs in an alley.
The door to the hotel room had been one which closed and locked itself, something prevented by quickly nipping forward from the shadows and slipping a piece of cardboard between door and jamb as it slowly closed behind them. Then came the wait in the corridor, trying to look as if I was hanging around to meet someone by constantly glancing at my watch. And finally, desolately hearing that very specific noise she always made when a cock first plumbed her depths at the start of a session, which told me I could at last go in, get the evidence I needed and get the fuck away from that place. I had vowed never to go to that town ever again, never mind that cock-pit of a hotel.
“ ... and the drama?” I finished. “It’s the emotion, the trust, the respect, the belief that you are both on the same team, working together towards the same thing – a good marriage. When you get married, you promise each other various things. I know people make up their own vows, but they usually include an implicit or explicit promise of sexual exclusivity. And for homework I want a paragraph on the specific difference in all their forms between those two words; implicit and explicit. While you’re at it, you can also give me a paragraph on assume and presume.”
They smiled. A paragraph or two was something they could do in five minutes with Google. It would be good practice for their English finals.
“I also want a two page essay,” I continued speaking over their disappointed groans. “On the history, the legalities, and the meanings of a marriage contract – past and present. It’s something you need to know in a lot more detail than you might think. Always operate from a position of strength, and knowledge is strength. Knowledge is power!
“That’s why we go to school. That’s why you’re all here, wishing I’d forgotten about giving out homework assignments.”
They gave varying degrees of smiles at that weak little joke.
“Okay, in reality your parents actually send you to school just to get you out of their hair for a while so they can do adulty things and get some peace and quiet for a while, but for you – you’re here to learn how to grab power over your lives. Now repeat after me: ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, I call this meeting to order!’”
Puzzled but willing to go with me to some extent, they chorused those nine words.
“Now say: ‘Do you want fries or potato wedges with those nuggets?’”
There were giggles as they did so. Jackson didn’t participate, which was a pity. He was one of the brightest boys but had locked his future into helping his brother sell weed from the boot of a crappy broken down car. I’d taken him aside at one point and asked if he had considered the economic future of that career. He’d sneered.
“I’ll be making more money in a month than you’ll make in a year.”
“And when Britain joins the US in legalising marijuana? Who’s going to want to shop from you in a back alley, when there’ll be stores up and down the high street, offering a much wider range at fixed prices, and with no supply problems. Nice, bright, shiny shops – while you’re scraping a living out of an alley alongside their dustbins. You’ll be out of business in a month. And don’t even think about going on to harder stuff. With all those coppers freed up from having to chase the smokers, they’ll be coming down with an iron fist on the real drug problem. You’re already extinct. You just don’t know it yet.”
His answer was predictable, I suppose. “Yeah? And you’re a bell-end!”
I posed the next question to the class, needing them to get this message more than any knowledge they might pick up in a defined lesson. “Now think carefully. Which of those two sentences made you feel better, more important, more empowered?”
Most felt that the former felt better.
“This is the time that you decide which of those two things you want to have in your future. It’s an opportunity, don’t piss it away.”
The laughter at that mildest of swear words was louder than it should be. They were still getting used to the fact that they were on a par with me in this conversation.
“So it’s not about the sex, but the emotion?” Agnetha dragged me back to the matter at hand.
“Actually, it’s both,” I replied. “Because, if you married for love – rather than convenience or arrangement – then both are intertwined so closely it’s impossible to separate the two. Let me put it another way. My Granddad always told me there was only one philosophy that you should live by: always keep a promise, and try not to be a dick.”
The word dick got a laugh of course. This was a classroom and I was a teacher, and I shouldn’t be using that language, but it was just one lesson.
“Think about that. Always keep a promise. If you make a promise then keep it – not always easy, I know. But the thing that’s not said, is that if you can’t keep a promise, then don’t make it in the first place. If you don’t mean to remain faithful to your partner in a marriage, or even in a relationship – then don’t promise to do so. Have the courage of your convictions! If you don’t think you can be exclusive then don’t promise to be so – and take the consequences of that.
“But sir,” protested Melanie, who was easily the prettiest girl at the school, but who kept the boys at bay, and was thus branded a lesbian. “People live a lot longer than they used to, and marriages therefore mean having to remain faithful for a lot longer. People change over time and they fall in and out of love.”
“That doesn’t change anything,” I reasoned. “Of course people change, and some do fall in love with other people – I recognise that, and so does the law. That’s what divorce is for. So if you find you’ve made a promise but are no longer able to keep it, then find the courage to go with your feelings and withdraw your promise before you break it. Sure it would have broken my heart if Emily had announced that she no longer loved me, or was just too horny for somebody else to remain faithful, and the divorce would have hurt me enormously. But it would have hurt a whole lot less, a whole world less, than her going behind my back and sneaking off to have an affair.”
“Are you going to divorce her, sir?” asked Melanie, her green eyes seeming very bright in the afternoon sun.
“What do you think?”
“Drop her like an anvil, sir!”
“He could forgive her,” said Isobel with a shrug, a thoughtful expression twisting her Mediterranean features slightly. “It’s an option he hasn’t mentioned.”
Melanie’s long golden-red ponytail swung sharply as she turned to her classmate. “Forgiveness should be for a mistake. Not a deliberate action!”
“People make mistakes all the time,” responded Isobel, warming to the defence of her statement.
“Once! They make a mistake once! The expectation of a different result from a precisely repeated action is not only meaningless, it’s stupid! If you keep doing the same thing over and over, it’s not a mistake, it’s deliberate.”
I had to smile approvingly at Melanie, as she’d repeated word-for-word what I had tried to teach them on that point in revising for the chemistry paper.
“A quickie while drunk is one thing,” she continued hotly. “A planned, ongoing affair is completely different. No mistake there!”
“Still, if Mr Marsden loves her, then he should forgive her, for his own sake.” I think Isobel was a hopeless romantic at heart.
“There are two fields of thought about forgiveness,” I pointed out, trying to ignore Alicia’s actions which I couldn’t help seeing out of the corner of my eye. The little blond cheerleader always sat in the front row in my classes and had the alarming habit of shuffling her butt forward in her seat and then slowly opening and closing her legs, which forced her skirt up and gave me full view of her panties and the shape of the camel toe they cupped. I don’t know whether she was trying to get something started between us – which was never going to happen; whether she just wanted to try and throw me off my stride in the lesson; or whether it was something she did everywhere when she was bored. I’m pretty sure I could have described in detail every pair of knickers she possessed, she did it so often. It always got a reaction – a twinge in my loins.
“Two streams of thought,” I began again. “One is that forgiveness teaches only that the guilty party can expect to get away with repeating the deed in the future, and the other is that it should only be offered for true repentance.”
Here is the tweaked version of my story Conversation. Dove was quite correct. This will be the final version, I am reluctant to modify it further. This is my first 100% complete story. It may be archived by the following sites if they want to: Fictionmania, Sapphire's Place, Crystal's Storysite, and Beverly's Balcony. Any other site that wishes to archive this story, should ask for permission first. This is a G-rated story. Conversation A sweet story by Veronica...
Martine saw it, and how it changed the night! She saw it, so she has to believe it. It wasn't just a rumor or gossip. It was there. Or. They were there, and the she of they was doing it to the he. To the him. Martine is too rattled to handle the grammar. It had been a nice, but ordinary party, a sweet night in all things but one, when Martine left the clubhouse through a back French door. Ordinary and nice, but Martine felt she had to get out. She turned left onto the patio that overlooks...
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I'm out one night and go into a sports bar, order a drink and sit down. As I look around the room, I see a nice looking young man about 18 playing pool. I've never been with another man before, but have always been curious about how it would feel. He seems to be a pretty good pool player as he's been holding the table for a while. I continue to watch him play and notice he has a nice ass when he bends over the table. I decide to put my quarters on the table and give him a try. We chat for a...
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Time didn't stand still. It just became a blur. It started while the other two were sleeping or whatever they did behind that closed door. The trigger was the extremely terse cryptic email from Sylvia. 1. Re Dog ... Jack Evans of Aberdeen. 2. Inside painting ... It is taken care of but too late. The damage is already done. 3. Eyes on the prize. S. Of course when I got it, it was just a string of numbers. So we were to stay and watch what happened next, but not participate. Well that...
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Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: February 22, 2010) Chapter 23 - Ripples in the Water I woke up on Tuesday excited to go to school. Instead of heading for Brett's side of the closet I immediately headed for Megan's side. Somehow I managed to resist wearing a...
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We crawled into bed together. It had been a long Friday, hell, it had been a long week, and I was tired, but not ready to sleep. I was feeling the need for some human touch. Work wasn’t the only thing that had made the week seem long. We just hadn’t been able to get in sync because of our schedules. Well, tomorrow was the weekend and tonight there was no rush. Connie had been sleeping in a long t-shirt that came about halfway down her thighs. I slept in my shorts. Rolling onto my right...
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MILFi cant use real names as this didnt happen too long ago, but it did happen, and i have a few more stories to come.i was 18 and workin my rubbish stock room job, id not been there long, and was starting to make friends. an older lady, angela, had sort of taken me under her wing and had been lookin after me alot. one day before we started work she asked if i fancied a coffee and a chat. she wanted to chat because her husband had left her and shed been feeling down, but didnt want everyone...
February 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden On the 12th, we celebrated Suzana’s fourteenth birthday. I gave her a sweater that I had asked Stephanie to pick out and send to me. I wanted something that was unique for a Swede to have, rather than just go to H&M and buy the latest Scandinavian style. She appreciated it and put it on right away. Later that evening, the US and Swedish hockey teams played. I had permission to borrow a small TV from Anders and watch the game in my room so as not to...
Jake is in the middle of finishing up his TPS reports when he’s approached by his gorgeous blond boss, Sarah Vandella. She’s always had a thing for her young male employees and asks him to get a file from the bottom drawer just so she can steal a glance. Then , she grabs his butt and makes him jump in surprise. Backing him against the file cabinets, she coerces him until he finally relents and lets her suck on his big dick. Then, she unbuttons her blouse and titty-fucks his johnson...
xmoviesforyouIt’s been a long time since I sat down and shared one of my sexual exploits with anyone. So, here I sit writing this story to relate to you an encounter that occurred between my wife and one of her black lovers. Now, I am the type of husband that has come to love and enjoy sharing my wife with other men; especially with her black fuckers. There are times that I am home, and have had the pleasure of watching or listening through the door, just how good a black cock can pleasure my wife’s pussy....
Interracial“Wow Carol. That was hot. You had yours – now how about, I have mine?” “Sure thing, bro. What do you want me to do for you?” “I’ll stand up and you can get on your knees?” “I know exactly where you are going with this. Oh, it looks like Big Rann is ready for me.” “Yes, he is. Take it and see how much of him you can get in your mouth? Oh. Oh. That’s good C. You got almost half of it. Now use your tongue and suck on it like it’s a Popsicle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Careful. That – feels – good,...
Writer's note: This is my first story here. SO be gentle. I based this somewhat on a story that I read a long time ago somewhere and really loved but could never find it again. Of course I have put my own spin on it and such, but if the author of the original story or anyone else who knows it and recognizes some of the elements here can point it out for me I would love to give credit for inspiration where credit is due?. And I would also love to read that story again. Don't read this...
Part Four: A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Danniboi sat on the edge of the king sized bed as Mistress Sarah jacked his little dicky faster and faster, bringing him to the edge of orgasm, only to stop and apply ice to his cock from the champagne bucket. It was agonizing! He would shrink within a minute, only to have Mistress Sarah start once again; bringing him to a full erection and taking him back into near orgasmic bliss. He was moaning and gripping the bedspread...
Richard had just finished highschool and was attending san gabriel community college.standing at 5 foot 11,3rd generation mexican.richard was confidentin his skin.when he wasnt at college he was at the local boxing gym,building up his already cut physique.his friend pete was caucasian about an inchtaller than richard.pete had transferred from pasadena to take a computer class that was already booked up.pete did a smart alec wit to him that seemedseemed to compliment richards street...
Slender undergrad Kyler Quinn signed up for a philosophy course because she wanted to be more than just a pretty face, but when she got to class she couldn’t believe that a philosophy professor could also have the body of a sex god! After weeks of leaving class with soaked panties, Kyler is invited to Prof. Nixon’s home for some one-on-one mentoring. Kyler shows up at his door with her nipples standing at attention, intending to plumb the depths of knowledge with him, but all she...
xmoviesforyouGina sat at her desk in her next class, confused. She had seen Victor standing in the hallway on her way to the classroom, in itself nothing unusual. What was odd was her aversion to him. She avoided him, as if he were not supposed to be there. Something strange had happened around him as well. She had seen some students standing near him, but they had vanished when she had directed her gaze straight at them. She had felt as if she needed to turn her attention somewhere else, anywhere but...
The flurry of fist bumping, back patting, hugging, high fives, whooping and congratulations being passed out in the New England Green Aggie locker room was a joy that every coach loves to walk into after a game. Jared Winslow had been stopped twice on his trek off the field for quick interviews that he quickly begged off of. He blew a whistle in the locker room to get the attention of the group who quickly stopped and turned to hear his words. "Before I go down to the press room, I just...
This is my second story. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment. I had a very rough week and was looking forward to unwinding at a party being hosted by one of my friends on Friday night. Although I was a little tired from work the shower when I got home definitely perked me up and made me feel better. I got myself a glass of wine, put on music, and started getting ready. Of course the hardest part was figuring out what to wear. It was going to be a group of people that for the most...
One Friday night, there was only me and my step mum. At around 9pm, I went upstairs to watch something in my step mum's room. Next to where I sat was a drawer slightly open, which I then opened to see what was inside. To my surprise, I had found my step mother's stash of condoms, oil and a sex toy which I later on used on her to finish her off. For the next 15-20 minutes, I played with myself, masturbating over my beautiful step mum. She has an amazing body,succulent breasts and an arse to die...
TabooPROLOGUE: "Oh my god, oh my god," a woman was breathlessly repeating herself between gasps, and it took me a moment to realize it was me. All I could focus on was the feeling of his cock filling my dripping pussy until he suddenly stopped thrusting - he swelled inside me and I could feel him shudder as he sprayed his cum deep within my cunt. We had been fucking for an hour, in all sorts of ways. I had simply walked up to him as he sat on the couch wearing nothing but some old shorts and fished...
IncestIntroduction: Enjoy Seans Story Chapter 2: First and Last Casey and I hadnt talked about our kiss again since that day. We had decided it was better to just pretend it never happened and move on. The school year ended a couple weeks after Casey and I shared our one kiss. It was summer and that meant that we were finished with middle school. Starting in August we would be high school freshmen and would be in a whole new world. I was finally able to enjoy myself for a couple months and not...
This story happened to me around 12 years back, when I was 18 years old. My name is X and lived in my village at that time. I am the last son in my family.My parents were farmers. I had 2 elder brothers and 2 elder sisters. All were settled and married by the time the story had happened. I was doing +2 in my village. My village was located near Kerala and Tamilnadu border. An aunty by name Ponnammal lived near to my home. She was around 35 years, dark-skinned, plumpy and had voluptous...
Hi my name is J and my wife is A hope you enjoy our story. So one day M and I where having our hotnight drinking and started to get down and dirty. After grabbing me by my hair she pushed my head on your beautiful pussy makes me lick it. It drives he so crazy she then told me if I would really let her fuck some one in front of me. I was so horny eating that beautiful pussy I said yes baby I would love to see you fuck some one and take there dick in your pussy and suck him off. She smiled at me...
The last door on the presideo was mine for three days,pre paid, on her GOVSAT card. Monday would be a busy day for everyone I had on my list. So I am going to enjoy the next 24x2 like I never had in my MENSA/Government controled life. A whisp of hand on my naked cold back and buttock rise warmed deep into the core of me from a single point of contact."OHH good I left the keycard in the slot" I was hoping She would wait till we were inside before she kissed me , The next room over was looking...
LesbianThe sun warmed her face as she tipped her chin up into the blanket of summer heat. She had closed her eyes long ago, only after his bronzed chest and shoulders finally failed to block the blazing disk that made its way across the sky above them. She stretched luxuriously under him, her hands and arms exploring the hard contours of muscle and bone. Then, as if gliding through a warm, shifting sea, she spread her arms wide, hands plunging into the warm sand just beyond the edges of the rumpled...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI clenched my teeth, drew my lips over my teeth and growled, “FUUUUUCK!” My grip on her hips was tight. My cock was buried balls deep in her ass. I was close to filling it with cum. I had been using her tight ass to jerk off my cock. Pushing her away from me and pulling her back to me. Her small plump ass cheeks smacked against my hips and made a loud slapping sound. She was on her knees, on her bed, her face buried in a pillow. Her loud muffled cries filled her bedroom and fueled my lust....
BDSMChapter 10 Chris Hudson's world had changed in ways he could have never imagined. A few weeks ago he was a typical teenager, trying to get into his girlfriend's pants, partying with his friends, and playing lacrosse for his high school team. Suddenly he was a more mature, if still young man that was more than a little infatuated with his thirty eight-year-old mother. He no longer cared that he didn't have a girlfriend. In addition, lacrosse, always his first love, didn't mean that much to him...
The black-car driver held a sign — R. Adams — up to his chest. Dapper little dude, Thin Man mustache. Thick, nasal, accent straight outta The Bronx that would never pass William Powell’s lips. He offered to carry the commodious shoulder bag, my only luggage for this trip. “No thanks, I got it.” I sat in back of the Town Car, leaned forward and showed him the address in a remote area of Queens. “Jeez, lady. You don’ wanna go there. Where ya’ from, Paducah?” I could do New York. And did it...
Friday night I went out with my friend Katia, she is 31 years old, blonde, great ass. I have known her for a long time and it happens to us occasionally to go out together. Ours are usually always going out that end with a great fuck, she is very slutty, loves sex, loves to experiment with new things, situations, experiences.This last time, however, she told me that she wanted to have a drink and then we went to a pub near her home. The place is very nice, a bit dim, intimate, they serve...
This is continued from my previous stories, and is about next day with my pet. Again any and all comments are welcome, and I hope you enjoy. I woke the next morning, the memoriesof yesterday still fresh in my mind, as I lay still, holding my pet close to me and wishing I’d never have to let her go. Glancing at the clock, I saw it was about time to get up. I reached over turning the alarm off and went back to holding my pet until it was time for the alarm to have gone off. I gently leaned over...
From all outward appearances, my family life in the Philadelphia suburbs with my wife, Megan, is ideal. I have a great job in the city, my beautiful wife keeps herself busy with our two elementary-school-aged kids and volunteer work, and we have a reasonably good sex life.My name is Dave, and Megan and I met in college in our junior year. We were married soon after graduation. I was the first man to fuck her, so she really couldn’t compare with others the feeling of my four-and-a-half-inch dick...
CuckoldBill had waited until Lexi and Junior were out of the house before he sat down with Marion. He had been in turmoil for several days as he reviewed the evidence of her latest infidelity. The arrogant, pompous Douglas Bingham was less than he seemed, and the patience and strategy that Bill and Tex had employed was going to pay dividends. Marion would have no hint that her life was to be turned upside down, and that there would be no way for her to completely right it again. Mr. Bingham would...
Welcome one, welcome all! Where authors of all trades can write down their ideas, their works, and their ways with words for all to read. Authors are welcomed and are encouraged to contribute in this open and engaging stories. I'll lay down the foundations for starters, and maybe write down some chapters of my own. I hope that this would work well, in favor of learning more erotic scenes for me. While I do have a decent amount of experience in writing, correct use of Grammar is the chink in my...
Waking up on my couch in the lounge at my parents' bungalow following the fractured knee at the start of the week, I reflected wistfully on the past five days. Packed with sexual imagery, it was like an x-rated version of the montage afforded to vanquished contestants on Big Brother, with some satisfying revenge thrown in for good measure. With five hours to find a date for the match, time was on my side to do what needed to be done next. After a brief exchange with the folks over...
Alistair woke late next morning. He had slept soundly. It had been perhaps his best night’s sleep in over a week. He patted the other side of the bed. It was empty. Julie must have been downstairs. She had taken care of him well the previous night. She masturbated him again after dinner and then once more at bedtime. He had been desperate to hear about her and Jeff’s fucking but she would say very little except that she wanted to relive it herself and she would put it all down in an email. She...
CuckoldThis is one for the record books, Kissa Sins meets up with Manuel for an over 2 hour RAW fuck session. We see Kissa in the makeup chair getting her hair done when Manuel walks in to start interviewing her. She rubs herself and reaches out to grab his package as they chat, then they make their way over to set for Kissa’s photo shoot. It picks back up when the two of them are in Manuel’s car after they’ve just shot a scene together. Kissa’s still horny so she crawls across...
xmoviesforyouSENTENCE: FIFTY STROKES OF THE CANE By Alex Tracy Holmes stood paralyzed in the prisoner's dock, shocked into completesilence. She had heard the judge, in his slightly accented English, pronouncehis decision: "Fifty strokes with the number 2 cane. Bailiffs! Take the prisoner downto the punishment room - I expect that room two will be free again now - andwill the next officer available please administer the punishment directly.Miss Holmes, I trust this will teach you to obey the laws of our...
Mike’s Turn It was easy for us to hide our “Just Married” smiles and stupid grins from the outside world because the girls were home schooled. Mandy and I tried hard not to make Beth feel jealous with our honeymoon expressions and constant need to touch each other. Wendy complained bitterly. I told her, “It sucks, but you have to wait until you are fourteen.” I was working from home, but very little work got done. Mandy and I tried to see how far we could push my body and how many times...
We heard from Alex and Yaromil, with instructions for us to keep the $50,000 for bringing the two together. The grandfather was so upset because Yaromil did not make Alex sign a pre-nup that he had a heart attack. Alex insisted on having a pre-nup drawn up, doing as she asked Yaromil had one written up and Alex signed it in front of the grandfather. Then Yaromil handed his grandfather a new will that left everything to Alex upon his death; moreover, if they split or divorced Alex gets half of...
This is a true story about my wife's older sister Debbie, who lives 200 miles from us. She visits often, sometimes with her husband, sometimes not. He's somewhat of a DICKHEAD, and she's constantly complaining about him. Deb is very attractive, with a great body and excellent legs, and has long, curly auburn colored hair. Deb is the subject of most my fantasies, and I've often jerked off thinking about what I'd like to do with her. I'm sure she knows it, too, because she's...
Nina lay quietly alongside Alice in the dressing room until Alice came out of her sexual delirium. "Jesus," she murmured, "that was the best!" "It really was," Nina responded almost too quickly, causing Alice to furrow her brow questioningly. "What I mean..." Nina began. "I can't recall blacking out like that," Alice said, interrupting her. "I... better get dressed and reopen the store," Nina said, hoping she hadn't somehow offended this wonderful woman. "Yes, I had...