Twist Of Fate: The Quest For Camie free porn video

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By Shabby Blue and Das Flute

"Pure Pazaak!"

Jergo Oosh smiled to himself as the croupier collected the winnings from the other players at the pazaak table and pushed the credit chips over to the fat toydarian. His wings fluttered happily as he counted his winnings from this latest round. Almost two and a half Ks – not bad for a single round's haul – and on a slow night, at that.

Jergo's winning streak was beginning to attract a small crowd among the other patrons of the Casino Noble in central Talanc City, on the Huttese moon of Naj Varla. It had been several hours since he had left the Makachisa club where he served as manager, and Jergo was enjoying his night out at the casino.

The croupier dealed out the next set of pazaak cards, and within minutes Jergo won again – not as large a win as before, but enough to keep him in a comfortable lead. A smattering of applause broke out among the observing crowd, and Jergo theatrically waved and smiled to them, his pale yellow toydarian snout curling up as he did so.

As the next round progressed, he took advantage of the dealer's deck shuffling to scan the spectators gathered around the gaming table. More than a few attractive humanoid females were among them, all 'respectable' women who nevertheless tarted themselves up more than any of his exotic dancers over in the Makachisa club. Even with the large amount of female flesh on display, one woman managed to stand out from the rest of the crowd. Jergo's attention focused on her as she began to jostle and jiggle her way to the front of the cordoned-off border around the table.

She had a perfectly sculpted face – for a human female, that is – with luscious, pouty lips, prominent cheekbones, and thin, arched eyebrows that accentuated a pair of mesmerizing bright blue eyes. She wore a skintight and revealingly-cut evening dress, shimmering gold with sparkling sequins sewn in. Its thin shoulder straps and plunging neckline generously showed off the cleavage of her perky breasts, while a long slit up the side of the skirt teased plenty of leg far up to her thigh. Her silvery, shoulder-length white hair hung loose, in a frizzy style suitably matching her seductive appearance. After she made eye contact with him enough times for Jergo to realize her gaze was not just coincidental, the toydarian gestured a small, pudgy hand at his bodyguard.

The large brute was also human. Not as bulky and threatening as the more common houks or nikto guards employed throughout Talanc City, but he served as a bigger status symbol for Jergo, for it was rare to find humans working as anything other than smugglers or slaves within Hutt Space.

Noticing Jergo's signal, the bodyguard motioned to the silver-haired woman, and with a dozen other jealous females staring daggers at her bare backside, the stunning beauty approached the gaming table as the bodyguard held up the cordon for her to effortlessly pass.

"Hello there, pretty lady," Jergo said, making his gravelly toydarian voice sound as urbane as possible. "I couldn't help but notice you in the crowd. Your beauty is as radiant as Naj Varla's sun. Tell me, what is your name?"

She displayed a blushing smile, giggling vapidly at his shallow compliment. "Meesha," she answered, standing beside him now. "What's yours, handsome?"

"Jergo Oosh," he said proudly, as if his name held significantly more weight around here than his buoyant body. He tried not to get too distracted by the sensation of her touch as he once again glanced down to examine his current pazaak hand before making his next play.

"Pleased to meet you, Jergo," she responded, her bright blue eyes trailing from his gaze down to the pile of credit chips before him on the table. "Looks like you've been winning big tonight, sweety. Need a good luck charm at your side to keep that lucky streak going?" she inquired, playfully running her long manicured fingernails down his small, but portly belly.

Jergo chuckled softly at the gesture and replied, "Sure baby, why not. How could I refuse the attention of someone as good looking as you?"

Though quite lovely, this female was probably like every other woman who'd flirted with Jergo in the past whenever he was on a roll at the gaming tables, dazzled by his big winnings and hoping to hustle a few credit chips for themselves just for gracing him with their presence. He suspected Meesha was no different than any other casino hustler he had met, but she was certainly far prettier than the few he had encountered lately. He also appreciated the sleaziness Meesha exhibited in contrast to her natural beauty, especially with her eye-catching dress and overly-amorous flirtations. With her looks, she could have any being here in the casino, so her momentary interest in the stout toydarian was no doubt more of an attraction to his big pile of credits than Jergo himself.

The toydarian gambler's lucky streak continued with the next three rounds, drawing more of a crowd to the table as his pile of credits continued to build. Meesha laughed and cheered him on as much as the rest of the spectators, clinging closely to the little toydarian and whispering words of encouragement into his ear as her fingers gently massaged his neck and right shoulder.

Unfortunately, the distractions Meesha was providing for him caused Jergo's concentration to lapse and eventually broke his winning streak with the next round. Many in the crowd behind him muttered audible sounds of disappointment, with Meesha adding, "Awww, poor baby. I'm sure you'll do better in the next round."

However, Jergo decided that now would be a good time to finally take a break from the gaming tables – especially given how Meesha was still clinging to him expectantly. If he lost a few more rounds, then it might not be too long before she'd turn her attention onto some other lucky winner, and Jergo was not going to risk letting this beauty out of his sight. Not for one nanosecond.

"Nah, I've had enough pazaak for awhile. I'm in the mood for a drink," Jergo said to his new lady-friend, as the winged-being fluttered back from the table, tossing the croupier a couple of credit chips as a tip. He gestured for his bodyguard to gather up his remaining winnings and then Jergo turned toward one of the private booths off of the casino's floor. "Care to join me?"

Meesha nodded with a smile more blindingly-white than her hair, following the hovering toydarian with his bodyguard behind them both. "I'm feeling a little parched myself," she added as she walked with him over to the booth. "I could sure use something wet and tasty in my mouth." Jergo immediately turned his head to look at her as Meesha winked and licked her luscious red lips.

Jergo smiled lecherously in response to the suggestive display as he hovered down into the table booth. As his lovely companion followed suit, Winter Retrac mentally sighed. It certainly took Jergo long enough to invite her somewhere more private, but she was relieved to finally get this toydarian runt away from the casino floor so that she could proceed further with her mission.

The Rebel Alliance covert operative was posing as a hustler at the local casinos under the alias 'Meesha', mingling with the high rollers at the gaming tables of Casino Noble. While pretending to just be a casual observer, she had specifically targeted Jergo, knowing just how to play to his ego in order to seduce him.

Winter had been in Talanc City on Nal Hutta's fourth moon of Naj Varla for several days now, in search of an exotic dancer named Camie who had befriended Princess Leia during her captivity as Jabba the Hutt's slave. Her investigation had begun in the popular strip club known as 'The Makachisa', where Camie had been dancing with Leia during their time on this world. Winter had visited the club three nights in a row, never once seeing Camie there. When she had questioned some of the other dancers at the establishment, she learned that the young woman had disappeared from the club months earlier. Acquiring no further information about where Camie might have gone, Winter's only lead now was the club's manager himself, Jergo Oosh.

Upon assigning Winter to this mission, Leia had described how the toydarian also worked as a pimp and spice pusher who had quickly gained control of Camie through her addiction to the drug after she and Leia became his newest dancers, turning the helpless Tatooinian into another one of his spice whores. Winter considered it possible that Camie could still be hidden up in the club manager's private loft on the secure levels above the Makachisa, but that area was too well guarded for her to simply sneak into on her own.

Winter's reconnaissance had told her that when Jergo wasn't hiding up in his Makachisa loft, he spent most of his time down in the casinos adjacent to the club, playing pazaak or sabacc at the tables. He was constantly surrounded by security goons whenever he left his guarded loft, so Winter decided her best bet – as it often came down to when dealing with those types of paranoid but vain underworld scum – was to appeal to his perverse tastes by going undercover as a sleazy, slutty seductress. It was easier to get close to Jergo this way, and then get him upstairs where he would be alone and vulnerable. Then perhaps she could 'pressure' him to reveal the whereabouts of Camie.

Winter had begun training as a spy during her teenage years on Alderaan, to provide Bail Organa with information on the Empire even before the Rebel Alliance had been formally established. Her governess and mentor, Sabé, had told her that her physical attributes would become one of her greatest assets as a spy, unlocking doors even the most advanced slicing tool wouldn't be able to open. Winter had initially disliked using sexuality on covert operations, seeing it as essentially prostituting herself for the sake of completing the mission, but those early reluctances had long since passed, and it was now second nature to her. In retrospect, she thanked the Maker that she hadn't been born a man. Her work would have been so much harder that way.

In the booth in the Casino Noble, secluded in a dark and smoky corner of the bar, Jergo called over a twi'lek waitress. Having organic staff instead of service droids was a mark of just how exclusive a venue the Noble was. As his muscular human bodyguard watched over them, the toydarian ordered drinks for himself and his lovely companion for the evening.

"A lomin ale, extra froth and two kessinnamon pods," he instructed to the waitress. The flavorful additive helped dilute the typically sweet taste of lomin. The toydarian turned to Winter. "The lady will have... ?"

Winter jumped right in without missing a beat. "Dry ethanol cocktail, in a deep narcolethe goblet. Three measures of Merenzane, one of spicebrew, half a measure of Old Janx Spirit. Mix it very well until it is ice cold, and then add a large, thin slice of namana peel. Oh, one more thing..." She smiled sweetly at the twi'lek, who was clearly trying to hide her frustration at having such a precise order laid out. "Agitated, not whisked."

"Um ... yes, madam," the twi'lek responded politely, rushing off to process the orders for the two casino patrons.

"You really know your way around a drink," Jergo said approvingly, inching his way closer to 'Meesha.'

Winter giggled vapidly. "Oh, believe me ... it's not the only thing I know my way around." She trailed a crimson-painted fingernail down his bristly double-chin. She smiled at his aroused reaction. It really was all too easy, she reflected, taking a sip of her Matin cocktail after the waitress returned with their drinks.

For his part, Jergo wasn't stupid. He was sure by now that this dolled-up tart was no different from the other hustlers he had spent time with, with her ultimate goal of mooching some of his winnings out of him this evening. She was just one step above the sleazy prostitutes working in the various promenades throughout Talanc City, only more subtle about her intentions. He knew that trade all too well, and he knew how to play her just as well as she played him in order to get exactly what he wanted out of this encounter.

After draining his lomin ale, he slid some of his recently won credit chips across the table to Meesha. "These are for you, beautiful – for your wonderful company this evening."

Winter blasted him with her full-power smile, discretely depositing the credit chips in her small hand purse and waiting for the inevitable follow up. It wasn't long in coming.

"There's more where that came from," he suggested, moving in even closer as he lowered his voice to what he no doubt that was a seductive pitch. "If you're willing to earn it, that is."

She gave him another false smile as she slid closer to him in the booth. Reaching under the table, she slowly rubbed the bulging sack on the underside of his exposed belly. "Let's just say I'm not only willing ... I'm ready," she purred.

Jergo let out a soft groan at her words, and Winter felt his phallic sheath begin to open up, his surprisingly large sexual organ emerging. She began to stroke it slowly and discretely, trying not to attract too much attention to her actions. Winter suspected they weren't the only couple in the casino's secluded dining area engaged in such lascivious activities, but his bodyguard would keep anyone else from getting too close to catch sight of them.

Jergo chuckled as Winter's bright blue eyes met his, flashing him another sultry stare as she continued to stroke his toydarian shaft. "Meesha ... You have the sexiest lips. I'd love to feel them down there."

Inwardly, Winter groaned, but externally she kept the same seductive smile. "Of course, baby," she said huskily. "I'll make you feel really good tonight."

Leaning down into the booth, she lowered her head into his lap. The toydarian's erection was pale yellow in color, its skin wrinkled and mottled with turquoise spots matching his skin color. The strong musky smell – a powerful aphrodisiac for toydarian females, but useless on humans – overpowered her senses.

As much as it revolted her to do this, Winter did not even pause as she sealed her ruby-painted lips around the thick appendage, her tongue running over the bulbous knob before she began bobbing her head down, taking the twenty-centimeter organ into her throat like a true professional.

No matter how long it had been since Winter had accepted Sabé's advice on using her sexuality to her advantage, she still didn't like it – especially when the one she was seducing was as unappealing as Jergo Oosh. Besides, it was the only way to achieve her goal of getting up into to his private loft without taking on his security directly or endangering herself or the potentially captive Camie.

Jergo came to rest on the table, leaning back in the cushioned leather seat and groaning in response to the skilled use of her mouth. Winter decided to take a risk, behaving a little more sleazy to appeal to his perverse tastes as she began to slurp noisily around his cock. Her copious spittle dripped down the shaft as she moved her mouth up engulf to the cockhead only.

"Mmm, Meesha..." he moaned out loud, clearly getting more and more excited. His stubby wings flitted rapidly, an obvious indication of pleasure, as Winter fondled his cocksack with her fingers while working his toydarian manhood up and down with her tongue. Apparently this was all Jergo needed. "Oh fierfek, the volcano's about to erupt!" he announced with a low grunt.

At the warning sign, Winter lowered her head again, taking him fully into her mouth and allowing Jergo's creamy jism to spurt into the back of her throat. She did this mainly to avoid a sticky mess both within the casino booth or onto her face and evening dress, considering they were still in a semi-public setting. With expert oral skills, she drained the toydarian's sputtering little dick as most of his semen flowed past her tongue and down into her stomach. Mostly.

When she finally sat up again in the booth, Winter licked her lips clean, catching a small amount of semen dribbling out the corner of her mouth. She quickly reached for her Matin cocktail to wash the vile taste from her mouth as best as she could. Putting the now-empty glass down, she smiled sweetly at Jergo as he leered at her with another hungry, perverse glare.

"Sithspit ... I haven't had a tongue-twirl like yours in a long while. You're as good as some of the dancers that work for me," he sighed contentedly as his sated cock slowly slid back into its phallic sheath.

"Dancers?" Winter perked up, exhibiting more false naiveté as she took the opportunity to more easily push for that invite up to his loft. "What sort of business you are in, Jergo baby?"

"I manage a ... uh ... gentleman's club. It's close by, on the south promenade," he explained with a smirk. "We keep many exotic beauties there, entertaining plenty of offworld tourists every night. Though some of my dancers could never match your own beauty."

Winter gave him another blushing smile and replied, "Well I'd love to see it. And ... just think..." she paused as she scooted closer to him again and whispered into his ear. "If you enjoyed my mouth that much, imagine what the rest of me would feel like." She had to stifle her laugh when she saw how quickly his wings excitedly buzzed.

"So how about a tour of your club, Jergo baby? Is there any place there where we can continue to enjoy our evening together?" She eyed his bodyguard, who stood ramrod-straight, pretending not to be aware of what had just transpired with his boss and the silver-haired floozy behind his back. "Some place more ... private?" Winter let the word roll off her tongue, its pink tip less than a centimeter from his tiny left ear-hole.

She could practically sense him salivating at the thought of how lucky he had gotten tonight. "Let's go right now," he eagerly insisted. "I have my own private loft just above the club. Would you like to see it?"

"Baby," Winter answered with a genuine smile, "I thought you'd never ask."

Minutes later they were strolling through the Makachisa club where Jergo did his best to impress Meesha with his popular adult establishment. Large crowds of people were seated all throughout the dark, noisy club, staring up at the various stages that hovered beneath multi-colored spotlights where exotic half-naked dancers twirled around and strutted their glitter-painted bodies for the entertainment of Talanc City's more perverse visitors.

Keeping the tour short and to the point, Jergo led his companion through the crowds to the rear of the club, past the semi-secluded VIP areas where Winter caught brief glimpses of other naked women giving private dances or more intimate attention to some of the club regulars who were generous with their money. Her keen photographic memory made note of every dancer she saw, and still none of them matched Leia's description of Camie.

Finally they reached a secure elevator and took it up to Jergo's private quarters above the strip club. Winter had made suitable cooing noises upon first seeing the strippers in Jergo's club, and had not so subtly indicated to the toydarian that a threesome could be in his near future. Just as she expected, Jergo's head became so fogged with hormones that he agreed to leave his bodyguard and other security detail in the foyer outside the elevator, rather than bringing them along inside the loft. "They aren't the kind of company I had in mind," she had said in a conspiratorial whisper, embellished with a wink.

Jergo flew into the penthouse ahead of her to prepare another drink for himself. Winter took the opportunity to quietly lock the main door behind her, her deft fingers allowing her to do so without ever turning away from his direction. She then scanned the area before her. The elevator foyer was apparently the only way in or out of the loft, and opened into a large central living room, gaudily decorated with as many expensive, flashy gewgaws as could be crammed into such a space.

There were other doors inside the loft, most open – one led to the refresher, one to a kitchenette, and one to the bedroom. The others appeared to be small storage spaces – not the sort of place Camie would likely be hidden.

Winter sighed. She had reached a dead end. But still ... Jergo may know something, if properly motivated to reveal it.

"Do you want another drink, Meesha?" he offered. "Or something a little stronger to help you ... get into the mood? A snort of ryll spice, perhaps?"

"Who says I'm not already in the mood, Jergo baby?" She smiled, slurring her words slightly to suggest intoxication from the drink she had already downed at the club. As she stepped towards him, swinging her hips, she stumbled slightly in her high heels. She let out another girlish giggle as she regained her balance.

Yes, Winter thought. Let him think she was even more drunk than he suspected – and therefore, more vulnerable and helpless.

Jergo grinned, confident that he was about to bed this stunner. Indeed, his lucky streak had not yet broken tonight. He flew to the center of the room, rubbing his bulging cocksack as he stared at her with nothing but lust in his large, round yellow eyes. "Come closer, Meesha," he urged. "Even if you don't want any spice, I have something else you'll enjoy..."

Winter moved toward him, still making sure she was slightly wobbly, with a sexy smile on her face. "I can tell you have a beautiful body underneath that dress," Jergo remarked, his eyes running up and down the revealing, skintight outfit. "Why don't you show it to me?"

Winter giggled again as she slowly bent down, parting the slit of her long skirt that ran up to her thigh. "I don't know if I can put on a striptease for you as well as those girls working down in your club..."

Her fingers tightened on the grip of her trusty Czerka 411 holdout blaster, and she suddenly pulled it from the holster she had secretly strapped to her upper thigh beneath the skirt. " ... but I have a few moves of my own that might surprise you," she finished, her voice now cold and even as she aimed the mini-pistol squarely at Jergo's center of mass.

"Hey! What the—" Jergo began to exclaim, but that was as far as he got. Closing the distance between them rapidly, Winter shoved the Czerka's muzzle against his huge snout and grabbed the collar of his leather vest.

"Okay, stud. Enough games," she hissed through gritted teeth, pulling him close to her face. "I'm looking for a girl you've been keeping here. Her name is Camie. Camie Loneozner."

Swallowing in a gulp, Jergo was stunned by Meesha's sudden change in tone almost as much as the blaster she was now holding up to his head. When he was finally able to make his mouth work again, he could only sputter out, "What are you ... an Imperial agent?"

Winter smirked at that. "Not quite. I'm on the other side. Now tell me about Camie."

Jergo remained confused, shrugging his shoulders as well as he could in the situation. "I don't know who you're talking about, lady. I meet a lot of girls in this business. Most of the time I don't ask for their real names. Most just go by stage names. Who is she, some rich bitch you got hired to bring back to daddy after she ran off?"

Behind his back, one of Jergo's hands subtly eased down to the belt around his waist, pressing a button concealed in one of the seams of his vest to signal the guards outside.

Winter ignored Jergo's jibe and began to describe Camie based on Leia's accounts. "She's a humanoid from Tatooine. Brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin. Approximately one hundred and fifty centimeters tall and weighing forty-five kilos. She should be twenty-seven standard years old by now." She jammed her blaster harder against his large snout. "You got her hooked on ryll awhile back. Ring any bells now?"

Jergo's eyes widened in recognition. "Ohh, her?" he responded. "What do you want with that little whore?"

"That's my business," Winter snapped back. "So where is she?"

Jergo chuckled. "Well, she's not here anymore, and you won't ever find her."

"That's not a good enough answer," Winter said, with a warning tone in her voice. "Tell me what you know, Jergo ... before I put a hole in your face."

"Whoa! Let's not do anything crazy here, girly! Look ... okay, I handed her over to my old partner to pay off a gambling debt a while back," the toydarian confessed. "Believe me, I didn't want to, but I had no other choice – not after her sister was taken from me. Oh, I've never seen sisters who loved each other as much as those two did." He grinned wickedly. "They sure were a popular pair on stage."

Winter realized he was speaking of Leia as Camie's 'sister'. Hearing mention of the princess come out of the disgusting pervert's mouth with that kind of connotation only caused Winter to see red, but to let her emotions get the better of herself was the last thing she wanted to do while on assignment. With a calm determination, she moved her hand around his throat, beginning to apply pressure as she continued to press the Czerka's muzzle hard against his snout. "Where is this partner of yours?"

"Okay, okay! You win!" Jergo croaked out, and Winter lessened her grip on his throat, allowing him to breathe once more before he continued. "I'll have to take you there personally. You'll never get close enough to her without me."

"Fine. Let's go," Winter replied. Taking hold of Jergo's vest collar, she stepped around to the side of him, moving her blaster so that it now pressed against his buoyant, air-filled belly. His wings fluttered behind them as he hovered beside her. Winter started to navigate them toward the door to the elevator foyer, preparing for the bodyguards that would no doubt still be waiting outside.

Suddenly, the problem took on new relevance as the door in question crashed open, its lock splintered from the bulk of the massive chevin who rushed into the loft. Winter recognized him from her earlier reconnaissance of the club. He was Rolo, the chief bouncer of the Makachisa, and right behind him was the human bodyguard Jergo had brought with him to the Casino Noble.

With lightning reflexes, Winter raised her pistol and fired, immediately dropping the human. With her attention distracted, Jergo saw his chance. Retrieving a particularly potent capsule of Neutron Pixie spice from a pouch in his jacket pocket, he reached around, breaking it open in front of Winter's face.

It took her by surprise as she gasped and inhaled the cloud of spice which burst into the air in front of her nose and mouth. She coughed and tried to hold her breath, but the damage had already been done. The effects were instant and made her succumb to an immediate dizzy spell. No longer putting on a drunken act, she staggered forward for real this time – just long enough for Jergo to strike the back of her head with his heavy pocket chrono, knocking the silver-haired rebel agent to the floor.

"What took you so damn long?" the toydarian snapped at Rolo, nervously rearranging his vest suit where the woman had grabbed him around his neck.

"Sorry, boss," the massive chevin muttered as they both looked down at the unconscious girl on the floor. Two more security guards rushed into the room as Rolo knelt down to quickly pocket Winter's holdout blaster before patting her down to confiscate any further hidden weapons. "What do you want us to do with her, boss?"

Jergo grinned mischievously. "Oh, I've got something special in mind for her..."

In her slumber, Winter's dreams returned to what had led her to this point in the first place. It had all begun with her reunion with Leia...

It had been almost a year since Winter had learned Leia was still alive. Before that, she and the rest of the Alliance had reluctantly accepted the scattered underworld reports that Princess Leia had been among the rebel heroes who had perished at the hands of Jabba the Hutt, just prior to the Endor Massacre. The return of Princess Leia had been like something out of a dream. Winter could hardly believe it, and it had given her a new sense of hope following the darkest time for the rebellion.

The rebel operative received the miraculous news of Leia's survival upon her return to the secret base on Kozur Two following another undercover mission for the Alliance's Chief of Intelligence, Airen Cracken. A twi'lek spice smuggler named Munjo Glim had been recruited by Imperial Intelligence to spread highly addictive Euridian spice among the remaining planets that sympathized with the rebellion, in an effort to both diminish the effectiveness of rebel recruits and turn public sympathy against rebel 'drug lords' and 'terrorists.'

Cracken had assigned Winter to 'neutralize' Glim, a task she had accomplished with help from the bounty hunter Argon Lan, who had been recruited to do the same task by one of Glim's rival drug dealers. Since their goals had been the same, Winter and Lan had become temporary partners on the mission – and, however briefly, bedroom partners as well. Unfortunately, both relationships had come to an abrupt end along with the life of Glim. Parting ways on the planet Salos Prime, she had found herself once more alone in her personal ship, the Moving Target.

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You sit and sip your drink slowly, while watching your surroundings. The bar is not the worst place you've been in, but it's not far behind. You wonder for tenth time what convinced a [A1]Man [A2]Woman like you, to come to this place. Drinks were awful, the information scare and food – you wouldn't touch it with 10 foot stick. You thought that this would be a good place to celebrate the successful completion of your last contact. But in hindsight,...

2 years ago
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Vision Quest Summer Camp

Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk1 By: Bernice 14 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alex Horn is about to find out that it isn't just the nerds who get ahead. But can he handle the actual reality? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It was the last week of school just three more days and Alex Horn would be free for the summer. Of course he wasn't looking forward to telling his parents that he hadn't gotten a...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 2 The Ritual of the Holy Virgin

I was bored as I waited in the antechamber to the High Virgin Vivian. She was the leader of all the Temples of Saphique, our Virgin Goddess. I wasn't afraid of the trouble I was in. So I blew off prayers to play with a pair of novices. I didn't break their cherries. They were still pure enough to be inducted into the priesthood. I really didn't see what the fuss was. My mother would have to give another donation, and that would be that. Then I could go back to relaxing in the arms of a...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 1 The Descendant of Lilies

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Squire Angela – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My metal armor clinked as I circled Kevin on the training sands at the center of the Chapterhouse of the Knights Deute. The sun was warm, glinting off Kevin's armor. He wore a man's armor, a full breastplate instead of the half-plate I wore that left my midriff bare and revealed a large swath of my cleavage. His torso was covered by a skirt of banded mail. He did not wear his helmet, and his gorgeous...

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The unlucky quest of Luck

Luck was so excited for today he was to be give a quest by King Julio himself. The young squire tossed and turned unable to will himself to sleep. A quest a real quest just like to ones Sir Tristan road of into the sunset on. He had spent 10 years of his life in service to Sir Duncan the aging captain of the guard. He had never so much as gone beyond the town of Holly. But now a real live quest he would be off saving maidens, slaying dragons and on day his story would be within the book of...

3 years ago
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Vision Quest Summer Camp wk2

Vision Quest, Summer Camp wk2 By: Bernice 14 It was exciting as well as naughty, sneaking our way over to the fence between the compounds. Sure there were those little plastic inserts in the chain link to prevent people from seeing from one side to the next. And I was giddy as I followed them into the bushes, only to discover that there were actually sections cut out, big enough for a hard cock. I could hardly believe we were about to just suck off a bunch of...

4 years ago
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Kilarin I am a quiet drunk. A fact for which the innkeeper is insufficiently grateful. Or perhaps he is merely resentful that I picked his inn. The old ways are vanishing, true, but the Quest Law still holds. A knight on a quest ... even such a knight as I ... the fool! ... does he think I am so befuddled with the alcohol that I don't see the contempt in which he holds me ... is entitled to certain things. Benefits, if you will. Including free food and lodging. The Crown is supposed to...

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Quest Story Proving Grounds

Welcome! This place serves as a proving grounds for 'quest' type of stories. Definition of 'quest story' It's a type of story which reader can actively shape - in a simple way. In each new thread published by the author, the reader will be given a number of options, to choose from, which the story can take turn. After all the readers made their choice, the votes are counted and the options which received the most votes are selected. The following thread will be shaped depending on the options...

3 years ago
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Twist of Fate the Life of a Slave

(A tale set before the events of "Twist of Fate") Jabba the Hutt's grand sail barge, the Khetanna, slowly sailed across the western Dune Sea of Tatooine on its way to Mos Espa where the hutt and his entourage were to attend the annual "Tatooine Classic" pod racing event. It was the biggest race of the season and would attract denizens from all over the planet as well as many visiting offworlders eager to witness the exciting sport and wager on its outcome. Along for the trip, Leia...

2 years ago
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Pathfinder The Trio Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest (Author's note: you should probably read the previous stories first) It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler's Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move. Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast. Emerald asked Milah, "You've been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?" "Well, since it...

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Altered Fates Flashforward 2

This is set in the world of the TV show Flashforward. When everyone on the planet blacked out for two minutes and seventeen seconds they got to see a glimpse of their lives six months from then. The visions of the Samms family were different than most. In the future not all of them would be the same person, or even the same gender.... (NOTE: This picks up where 'Altered Fates: Flashforward' left off but it can be read on its own.) ALTERED FATES: FLASHFORWARD...

4 years ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 2 Accepting the Quest

At the brunch table, she observed, “Lois to Harold? Come in? You seem somewhere very much elsewhere.” “You know that I’ve got some special insight. I hope you don’t think I’m insane, but the first reason I am here is to prevent a nuclear war. Believe it or not, I just could see a report that the CIA just gave to the President. They are seriously concerned that the Soviets are sending offensive nuclear weapons to Cuba, but they don’t yet have hard proof. During the summer, an American spy in...

2 years ago
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Revolutionary Magic 103 Wolf Quest

Masjena loped through the winter woods and across the winter hills. For months something had been itching at her. She was the strongest of the Demon Prince's witches, but she kept feeling she should be capable of more. The ancient books on magic held in secret by the breeders of the mage-slaves said almost nothing about witches beyond the fact of their existence. The Prince had tried to strengthen the link between them -- to no avail. She had tried to push her limits, but just didn't know...

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Jojos Quest

Thanks to the Hip and Knee doctor for editing assistance. There is no sex in this story. Sorry. * My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn’t work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromised in this area and marry a guy even though the sex isn’t...

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Twist of Fate Jenna

Twist Of Fate: Jenna By Slacker PART ONE It all started that day a few months ago when we had that really bad thunderstorm. I mean, really bad thunderstorm. Y'know, the kind that flares up at 4:30 PM and spawns tornados and leaves more than 150,000 people without electricity. Yeah, we get a lot of those in the Chicago area, except for the twisters. Those are a little bit further west. Anyway, it was a clear day, maybe 60-65?F, and I was out with a bunch of my friends....

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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 5

Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 5: The Quest sets sail We all turned and I saw a large woman standing at the entrance to the courtyard. She was at least six and half feet tall and had a large double-bladed axe hung over her shoulders. "Tesmi? We thought you lost in the forest beyond the fence," the king said. "It was a near thing, my king. But I survived my scouting mission. The reports we've had are true, The Weres are back in the forest in numbers." "Any sign from the...

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Altered Fates Flashforward

ALTERED FATES: FLASHFORWARD by BobH (c) 2009 *** (This story is set in the world of the TV show Flashforward.) *** For 17 year-old Lacey Mikulski this was a hard time. She was trying her best to keep her mother's sprits up but her mother wasn't the only one hurting. "I miss her too, you know," she said softly. If her mother heard her she...

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Quest for the shattered pearl

This story takes place in a land named Cerise where a war has been waging for decades. One side would gain an advantage, only to lose it weeks, months or years later. In this world The Goddess of life ruled over, and she hated death above anything else. People could die naturally but not by another person. Instead everyone had life points, and when that number dropped to zero, the Goddess herself would pick them up by magic panties and place them on the tree of life to hang by their underwear...

2 years ago
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Quest for Privacy

Quest for privacy Quest for [email protected] I had seen her all summer. Seen her and secretly admired her. This beautiful woman in the nice summer cabin over at the hillside, charmingly overlooking the east end of the long beach. Since I didn?t know her or her family - and neither did my parents - I got used to think of her just as the ?cabin lady?.She must have been in her mid- thirties, a dark blond, classical type beauty, just the kind of woman that got me drooling all...

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Trap Quest

You surely haven't seen a video game like Trap Quest on the internet before, and if you have...well, TrapQuest is in its own league, practically untouchable by all the other competitors. Most of us are used to these super-basic adult video games that aren't challenging, video games that do not even have a complex story or even a bunch of characters or anything like that, but hey, TrapQuest is everything but an easy video game with no story at all, which is great. Enjoyment is guaranteed,...

Free Sex Games
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MultiQuest The Pokmon Apocalypse

Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin on the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...

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Dawn of the Gods MultiQuest Storytellers Welcome

Dear Reader, Authors run on praise and feedback. You may not realize it but one "Like", or better yet comment, can be the difference between getting stuck and continuing a story. Please don't be shy about voting on quest options/making suggestions and be sure to take a moment to hit that "Like" button at the end of every chapter. Additionally, if you want to add your own spin to the story, I encourage you to write it up and submit it: most likely I will approve it. However, if you are not...

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QuestFiend of Possession

Author's Note: This is a quest-type story. Quest stories rely on the readers to choose what direction the story will take by telling the writer directly. This is most often done through multiple choice questions. Important details and Questions will be bolded with their options(if any) underneath. Voting continues until there's a clear consensus or I(the writer) am ready to write the next chapter. After which I will put *Voting Closed* in the comments and begin on the next chapter. Note that...

Mind Control
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QUEST Adventures in Syrada

The City of Syrada The City of Syrada was established nearly a thousand years ago. It started as a fortress on top a large hill but quickly grew due to its easy-to-defend location. It was ruled by a Council that became known as "The Council of Nobles". Its members became the city’s first nobles. For centuries Syrada prospered as an independent city-state. Then from the north came the Tynian Empire, named after its first self-proclaimed Empress Tynia. The city’s rulers realized that they could...

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Twist of Fate

The closed heavy draperies helped blanket the room in darkness. Outside the wind howled with its wolf-like voice. Just that sound made the house seem colder than it really was.  "Put your head down and rest," he whispered. "You know you want to. Things will be better in the morning, I promise. Everything always looks different in the light of day." He hated lying to her, but if it could give her at least a little peace in this blackest hour, it was worth it. Things would not be better in the...

First Time
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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 6

The fire popped and crackled, consuming the last of the orange fish's bones. "A good fish," I said, patting my impressive stomach. I chuckled at my now almost forgotten nickname: The Portly Poet. "Getting a bit more than Portly!" I glanced around. Now was not the time for another surprise visitor, for inside the fish I had found something. Looking like a series of dull white rings chained together with fine mesh, it unfolded into a fingerless half glove. Not silver, it wouldn't take a...

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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Companions are chosen When I woke, it was morning. A young girl came to my door and led me to the privy. After I finished, I thought, "You don't know how much you appreciate modern toilets until you're somewhere without them." She then led me to a small dining room, and I grabbed a quick bite to eat, making sure she had some, as well. Once we were done, she said, "Lady, the king asked me to give you a tour of the city." "That sounds wonderful. Lead on." Our tour took...

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Quest For Dalbinth Destroyer Of Life

 In a time long forgotten to the mists of time in the land of Eyeon, a young man by the name of Richart made his way to Karin Kingdom. He had just turned seventeen years of age, Richart was short in stature with straight blonde hair hanging over a chiseled face. Darting amber eyes were set rooted within their sockets and surveyed all they saw. A fire had left a mark stretching from just under the left eyebrow, first running towards thin lips and ending on his left cheek. This was a painful...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Craving Quest

I don’t obsess over them like some of you sex-starved cucks out there, but sometimes I’ll play a hentai game or two if only to show you betas how this shit is really done. But I’m picky. I don’t want to play half of the shitty games out there that string you along for days without seeing so much as a tiddy. I need some instant gratification. I mean, why would I sit here and toil away when I could go out and have some real pussy within the hour? And the game has to be fun too. I’m not sticking...

Best Porn Games
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The Sexcraft Chronicles Book 1 Carolines Quest Chapter 2 Alpha

It’s not rape like the last chapter but kind of different which may not be to everyone’s liking. Then again, this is in “Dark Fantasy” for a reason and things might very well get progressively darker as the story continues. Do read it though and please review even if you hate the story. I hope it won’t be too bad as I think this chapter is a little better then the last time. Anyhow, enough rambling or I’ll bore you to tears. So without further ado, here’s the next episode! THE SEXCRAFT...

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Quest The French Revolution

(Please note that this story is bilingual and you can read the french version after the english one. / Cette histoire est bilingue, vous pouvez lire la version française après la version anglaise.) Welcome to this [Quest.] The principle is quite different from other multiple choice stories, you choose and influence the elements of the story by letting a comment like that: (A1, B2, C2, D5) and I would follow the story according to what the majority will have chosen. If you want to know more,...

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The Quest

Welcome to The Quest. Embark on the quest with a woman. Throughout her journey, she will encounter many ordeals. Battles of will and might are down her path. It is up to you to decide if she will come out unchanged or if she will fall along the way. The Quest can be of anything whether it be getting a cake for a birthday or defeating a tyrant. The choice is yours. To the right of your screen, you can change various details about your protagonist to make her truly unique. Perhaps she will look...

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Vision Quest Enroute

Vision Quest, Enroute By: Malissa Madison Mission time two months three days in space; The day I was dreading finally arrived, of course I only knew it was day because of the clock that displayed in 24 hour time. I was a bit nervous getting ready. Both Cami and I had to report to the Central Medical Station for our Dental appointments at 13:35hrs, ships time. It had been a very busy two months and to tell the truth I had been hoping they'd forgotten about us. Of course not all...

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Jojos Quest

My name is Jolene Brenner, Jojo to my friends, and I am on a quest. I am looking for the perfect mate but my approach is anything but typical. I have figured out that the standard method used by almost all women just doesn't work. The most important factor to be considered in a relationship is good sex. I feel that most women compromise in this area, and marry a guy even though the sex isn't that great and figure it will get better as the marriage progresses. This does not make sense to me....

1 year ago
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Somali Pirates and Their Prey Chapter two Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches

Chapter two: Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches! This is a continuing story A young English woman in her last year of college is recruited along with other young women into a clandestine naval intelligence program that promises technical challenges travel and adventure! This part is about those than are about to be kidnapped! These new female Royal Navy Officers and there clandestine assignment as naval oceanographers, off the coast of Somali. Are with the blessings...

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Reformed Fathers Quest

“Welcome home, Akiriya,” smiled Antoine Richards.“We’re happy to have you,” added Jason McGee.“Thanks,” the pregnant teen fidgeted with a ring on her finger.“It’s okay,” said the social worker. “Antoine and Jason are kind.”“Okay,” the 15 year-old replied.“Thanks, Shavon,” Jason gestured towards the door.“Come with me, Akiriya! I’ll show you to your room,” Antoine said. “You can leave your suitcase there. Jason will bring it.”The apprehensive minor mother-to-be followed behind the five-nine,...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 6 Monstrous Mating

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae I patted Purity's neck as the dark trees loomed over us. The elvish forest was untouched by lumberjacks, the trees growing tall and proud. The Blath Forest had seen generations of humans touch, cutting down trees, trapping, hunting, and herb gathering. Roads had been blazed through it. Here, Angela and I led our horses across game trails. The trees were too thick to ride. My feet...

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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 3

Chapter 3: A Thief in the night She looked at the deformity between my legs and said, "Does it .... work?" "More than I would like. It has been mostly a source of grief for me." "Grief?" "Because of it, I have suffered much," I found myself telling my life story for the second time that day. "Poor child." She gave me a hug and I noticed that I didn't get a reaction from down below. "Now for your bath." The bath was filled with milk. Goat's milk, I'm assuming, but I...

4 years ago
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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 6

Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 6: A Rogue's tale: Author's note: Again, it turns out this chapter is a short one. So there will be another posting tomorrow. I waited until the others had turned in and followed Orien. He saw me, and said, "I thought you were taken with the sailor, but here you are trying to find my bed?" "I'm after information, not sex. What's your story?" He sighed. "I suppose you do have a right to know. Many years ago, after the Silver Cleric defeated the...

2 years ago
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Quest for the Sacred Ch 3

Natasha woke up in a warm womb with low lights emanating from candles on the walls of what looked like a temple. The statue of a beautiful naked woman looked at her and smiled. It was the naked woman in her vision! Natasha was frightened and excited at the same time. But his was no mere mortal she saw, but a statue of the Goddess that came to life. “Who are you?” Natasha wanted to make sure that this wasn’t a dream. “I am Calypso, the Goddess of Love,” came the sweet voice from the statue. “I...

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Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 2

Quest for the Silver Cleric Chapter 2: The Ballad of the Silver Cleric I found myself answering before I even had a chance to think about my answer, "I am both." He took a deep breath. "Then you are the one we've been hoping for." I took a peek at Aeneas. He was still in "soldier-mode" and his expression was blank. I found myself feeling terribly upset by the prospect of driving him away due to the ugly bits between my legs. I forced myself to pay attention to the...

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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 5

Save the Kingdom! How easy they made it sound. I picked up another acorn and tossed it to the cluster of squirrels surrounding the Kugnean Chapel. They chattered at me indignantly. What was their problem? I had been tossing them their favorite food, right? Lots of acorns here... piles and piles. Then I remembered where all the acorns had come from. "Axe practice," I reflected aloud. "Sorry, squirrels. I am done now." "Talking to the animals?" A sarcastic voice from behind made me...

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The Quest For The Kings MagicChapter 8

Try getting to sleep with a Zibong floating around near you. It can be a trial. Eventually I just gave up and decided to relieve Gaku's watch early. The boy nearly threw a fire spell at me when I came up the slope next to him. I guess I wasn't the only nervous one. "Any change?" I asked. "None," he replied, "It just keeps moving back and forth. Shouldn't we try to kill it?" "Yes, definitely," I said. "If it threatens us. As it is, I just don't know. We are on a Quest and...

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A Quest for Power

A Quest for Power AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story will consist of multiple chapters, its length will depend on howmuch reader feedback I get (i.e. how many people are enjoying the story) andhow many ideas I have (although readers feel free to send me ideas, I quiteoften use them in plot lines). Since the codes for the story have to be predetermined before the story isposted (and I can't change them with each new chapter) I guessed at what codesI will be incorporating. I apologize if the code you...

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My Quest for 72 Houri Angles3 Zarina

In continuation of my previous stories "I fucked khala - my virgin Aunt- Part-1-5" (Noori Khala) next day my marriage was held with My cousin Sarah for the purpose of halala and I took her virginty..(Halala of My Virgin Cousin -part1 & 2) You had read how I fucked Noori Khala before my cousin Sarah After that I was married to Sarah Apa, a nikah-e-halala virgin, and how I spanked her in Kashmir on our wedding night. That night I , fucked Sarah Apa or Sarah Begum or Sarah Houri, whatever you...

3 years ago
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My Quest for 72 Hoors Angles 2

In My Quest for 72 Hoors (Angles) – 1 you read “The Sarah Told me - now you can fuck whomever you want, with whom you have a happy euphoria, I don't care, but every time you have to release your sperm in my pussy because I want a baby from you as soon as possible. Promise me you will do that.. Zarina said- I do not mind, you can release your cum in Sarah .. So that she gets pregnant as early as possible . By now listening to this sort of arrangement of lust my cock was burning with...

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Twist of Fate

Although it’s a cliché, it was love at first sight. Emma was 16 and Ray almost seven years her senior. They married a year later and began their lives together. As the years passed they lived ordinary lives, purchased a house then a larger one after the two sons arrived and settled into a busy but comfortable life. The boys grew up, married and left home and they were just a couple once again. They were both virgins when they married and their sex life was ordinary but frequent. Emma...

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A Quirk of fate againVa porn theaterGH104part1of1

I heard about The Log Cabin through the grape vine. It was a dingy little adult bookstore in Kennedale. The big attraction was the porno theater that was located in the back. It had regular movie theater seats and a big screen. When you walked in the door the screen was to the right. There was an aisle that ran down to the front. On the right side of the aisle the rows were about 6 seats and on the left about a dozen. As worldly as I was, you can imagine how embarrassed I still was, a lone...

Cheating Wife
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The Quest

The Quest for Innocence by Carol Collins Steven Dillard received his Honorable Discharge papers from the US military. He had served his country and felt it was time to start his own life. That meant finding a girl, settling down and raising a family. Steven had an incentive for finding the perfect wife. His uncle had recently passed away and left him several million dollars in a trust fund as long as he was married by...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight of two humans in their woods. I was still naked. It was wonderful to not have to wear the robe. As an acolyte of the Temple of Pure, I had...

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Quest Spy

“Ahhh!” the woman screamed as your tongue penetrated her pussy, hitting her g-spot and driving her over the edge. Her naked covered in sweat body, arched as she shook with an orgasm that was the finalization of an hour of love-making. She stays motionless that way for a moment before collapsing on the bed, unconscious. You smile – this is the least that you could do in return for the [A1] cunnilingus {you're a female} {3} [A2] blow-job {you're a male} {4} Anna gave you. You stand up, taking a...

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