Maria's Co-dependent Nature free porn video

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Ever since she could remember, Maria had a problem with assertiveness. She found herself giving her dolls to her friends because they asked, not wanting to hurt their feelings, giving homeless people all her spare change. Not even leaving enough for herself to buy an ice-cream cone, attending parties that she didn't want to attend, baby- sitting children that were bratty and constantly misbehaving, leaving her with a headache.

She told herself over and over again that she would no longer watch children that wouldn't mind her, but found herself on another Saturday night watching children that could have been actors in Children of the Corn. Unable to say know to their parents. Inside seething and angry, but putting on a happy face so as not to offend, not to confront, not to hurt anybody's feelings.

Although Maria tried to be assertive, it was as if people sensed she couldn't say no. Like she gave off some kind of aura that announced Please Take Advantage Of Me. They would press her, cajole her, anything to get her to agree to what they wanted. They knew she would eventually say yes. Sometimes it took just a little effort. But not usually.

Sooner or later anybody that wanted something from Maria got their way. After buying or doing something she really didn't want to do she would be resentful and irate, yet she couldn't break the pattern of behavior she had created. She had this deep-seated desire to please people. Even if her own needs weren't addressed. It was as if everyone was more important than her. She knew it was a problem, that it was unhealthy, but felt that with time and some practice she would eventually learn to say no to people and stick up for herself.

However, she knew deep inside that she was making little headway. She remained very insecure and peoples' opinion of her mattered to her more than she cared to admit. Even strangers. She dreaded answering the phone because if it was a telemarketer she would wind up buying stuff she didn't want or need. Magazines, porcelain dolls, all kinds of junk that just wound up in her closet buried underneath some other junk she had been pushed into buying. Just because she didn't want to make the salesperson unhappy.

Although Maria felt that this problem was surmountable, she didn't realize to the extent how it was effecting her life. As she got older, her lack of ability to assert her needs was slowly becoming a vicious cycle that was binding her more and more into agreeing and doing things that she really didn't want to do and in turn making her more and more susceptible to the will of others.

In essence she was compounding the problem because of not seriously confronting the issue, the fear of what she might find if she really confronted herself. It pained her that wanted to be liked so bad, and she didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings. Although exploring these feelings would do wonders to helping her understand herself and start learning how to be assertive, admitting that she had a problem in the first place precluded her ability to do anything about her problem.

Thus, she was creating an emotional gauntlet for herself. A trap that she was going to wind up getting caught in. A trap of her own creation. A black hole with sides to slippery to climb up from. Unfortunately, she didn't know how close to the edge she was actually walking.

At 17 Maria had blossomed into a beautiful young woman. She was the first person in her family that had graduated from H.S. She had been able to skip her sophomore year and was only short three credits to graduate. All she needed was to complete one summer school class and she would be starting college in the spring.

Her father who had been a farmer in Jalisco, Mexico and her mother who was a housewife has snuck across the border in Texas 20 years earlier to start a new life for themselves. They lived with relatives in a rat-infested apartment that was permeated with the scent of decay and too many bodies. They had sacrificed, scrimped and saved and after many years opened a small restaurant in downtown L.A.

In the beginning they had started as a food stall in the market districts, but word of mouth about how absolutely delicious the food was brought in more and more customers. There were lines for people waiting to order, all hours of the day. To handle the heavy traffic they bought up the two stalls on either side of them. Even so, they quickly outgrew these too. By this time they had saved enough money to buy the restaurant.

That was two years ago. When Maria began working after school at the age of 15 as a waitress, business really seemed to pick up. Particularly in the evening when she was working. Her father, a strong man, shrewd, with the quick, nimble mind of a successful businessman realized that his daughter had the feminine assets that could be used to lure more customers to the restaurant.

Although Maria and her mother initially balked at the attire she was forced to wear, they both knew that as father and husband he was the man of the house and what he said went. In their home, their father was king and his wife, Maria and the rest of her younger six siblings were his court. Although he treated his wife with great respect and his children had everything they needed, he didn't ever need to tell anyone twice what was expected of them.

All of them at one time or another, excluding Maria because she was so desperate to please, had endured a hard slap in the face or worse being beat with his belt when they had dared defied his will. Maria's father was fair, but he had no problem with putting his family in line when they made the error of second guessing him. If he wanted Maria to dress in a certain way, and it was going to help the family, and increase business, she would do it or suffer the consequences.

Although after two years she had grown accustomed to the leers and stares of the restaurant patrons, putting on her dress to go to work always made her feel dirty and cheap. Although the dress was made in the traditional Mexican style of 1920's colonial Mexico, the hem was much shorter and the scooped neckline cut much lower than from that era. The bottom portion of the dress itself was a smorgasbord of bright colors, blue, red, green and white. The top was black, clingy, and scooped low showing an ample amount of cleavage. There were no shoulder straps. The only thing keeping the blouse up was Maria's large bust.

The round 34 D's jutting out from her chest like two perfectly sculpted hills, the top tapering down tightly to her slim waist and then flaring out in multi colored ruffles that ended quickly about eight inches above her knee. The pumps she wore caused her legs to look longer than they really were and accentuated her soft calves and firm thighs. By the time she was 16, Maria already had a grown up body.

Lush, firm and full. Her dress accentuating every nuance, every luscious curve of her body. With her thick, black hair French braided in one long braid and no make-up except for a little mascara, Maria was absolutely breathtaking. Her body and her innocent, childlike demure, brought out the demon of lust in every male there.

It was a Friday night at the restaurant and Maria was running back and forth hurriedly. Trying to keep track of the orders. The other waitress scheduled to work with her had called in sick and she was in charge of everything. Her mother helped when she could, but had other responsibilities to worry about. Her father worked with two other men cooking.

Maria was exhausted. Tired of the smell of Mexican food and the furtive stares of the male patrons who looked her over every single time she walked by. Staring hungrily at her breasts like a concentration camp prisoner watching a guard eat a fat, juicy bratwurst. She felt like they were undressing her with their eyes and it made her feel sick to her stomach. Thankfully she only had another hour of torture to go until the restaurant closed.

Tim, Mark and Steve had been driving around looking for a place to eat. Arguing back and forth about what they wanted. "I'm sick of McDonalds you dumb fucks," Tim said irritatingly. Mark and Steve just mumbled not wanting to piss Tim off. He had a bad temper and they were not in the mood to be subjected to his anger. "Think of something else." Tim continued, his voice impatient, "Someplace that doesn't serve fucking hamburgers and fries and the fucking loser behind the counter doesn't ask 'is Pepsi o.k.' if you ask for a fucking coke."

Tim impatiently tapped out the drumbeat to "Stranglehold" that was blasting out of his stereo, on his steering wheel.

"How about over there," Steve said, pointing out the window of Tim's 79' Camero, "that Mexican place, Sonoras."

"Yeah, man good choice. I've heard they have great food and the prices are pretty decent," responded Mark.

"Cool," Tim said, "I'm game. let's go." He braked hard and skid into the entrance, pulling into the parking lot. They were halfway to the restaurants entrance when Tim asked, "Did you guys lock the doors?"

Mark and Steve looked at each other, wordlessly blaming the other.

"Well don't just stand there!" Tim said exasperated, "Will one of you dumb asses go do it?? We're not in Brentwood and if somebody steals my stereo I'm going to be one pissed off mother fucker." Mark and Steve hurried back to the car before Tim could say another word.

Maria was finishing an order when she noticed three boys sauntering in like the owned the place. They looked a couple of years younger than her, around 15 or 16, and looked like they were part of the stoner crowd. Dirty tennis shoes, 501's and each one wearing a tee shirt featuring a heavy metal rock band.

The taller one looked particularly troubling. He was tall and lanky, with longish dirty blond hair. He was wearing a Ted Nugent t-shirt. There was an arrogance about him that she found distasteful. The other two boys seemed to be more like bookends, following behind. Trying to appear tough. But obviously the taller of the boys was the leader of the three.

Tim noticed Maria right off. She stood out like a lantern on a moonless night. God she was fucking hot. What a body. What a set of fucking tits. Mark and Steve were clowning back and forth, making a scene, bringing attention to themselves. "Stop acting like assholes, you stupid assholes," Tim said angrily, not wanting the cute girl to think they were a bunch of losers.

He kicked Mark hard underneath the table making him wince. "Jeez Tim, we were-" His voice cut off in mid sentence when he saw Maria. "I know her!" he said excitedly "She goes to Andover High. She lives down the street. The only reason she doesn't go to our school is because the school..." He paused, unsure of the word.

"District line," Steve interjected. "Yeah that's the word ... anyway the district line cuts across the neighborhood.

"So she lives down the street from you huh?" Tim asked, pursing his lips. He placed his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his clasped hands watching Maria as she approached their table with a basket of chips and salsa and three waters.

Maria felt jittery as she approached their table. The three of them looking at her unabashed. Particularly the guy with his hand on his chin. He was practically stripping off her clothes with his eyes. The nerve. She was going to show him and his punk friends that she was not going to let three 16-year-old losers intimidate her.

As she reached their table, she thought that they would at least look at their menus, but she was wrong. They stared at her openly. Their eyes caressing her face, her prominent breasts and cleavage and her legs. Her initial confidence faltered. She felt the hollowness of anxiety flood her gut. She took a quick, deep breath. Tim looked down at her badge. "How ya doin' Maria?" he asked lazily.

She ignored him. "Do you know what you would like to order?" Maria asked politely, not wanting to see how their brazenness had affected her.

Although Tim spent a good part of the time getting stoned and listening to heavy metal music, he was also very intelligent and a keen observer. People oftentimes mistook him for someone going nowhere, but they had no idea of his level of intuition and his keen observational skills. When he saw Maria from afar, she looked completely out of his league. A beautiful girl, with a beautiful face and a beautiful body. But close up, he detected some sort of fear. Of what he didn't know. But, he knew that she wasn't as confident as she wanted to appear. There was something about her.

There was something almost genteel about her. As if she was trying to hide a facet of herself from them. Something that she would prefer that nobody knew. But Tim knew. He knew it like he knew that his car ran on gas. She was as emotionally fragile as a house made of spit and Kleenex.

Maria paused, her pen and ordering pen at the ready, waiting for their reply. She took another breath. She felt a sense of disquiet and wanted to get away from their table as soon as possible. The leader of the three wasn't just leering at her, he was ... reading her. She could almost feel his eyes probing her mind and it made her extremely uncomfortable. She cleared her throat, and politely asked, "Would you like another couple of minutes?"

Tim leaned back in the booth and stared into her eyes. He asked in a very matter of fact way, "The chicken with mole, is that entree served with breast meat?" Tim looked at her chest as he asked. His eyes scanning her firm breasts slowly, from her cleavage to where her bronze skin disappeared into the tight top. Mark and Steve picked up on the double entendre.

Maria looked down at the table embarrassed. She forced herself to look back at him. Pretending she didn't catch his double meaning. "Actually, the chicken is a mixture of dark and white meat," she said, her fingers tapping nervously on the order pad. Tim and his friends just kept staring at her.

Their lust filled eyes engulfing her. She had never felt so humiliated in her whole life. Having to stand in front of three strangers and be subjected to their blatant leering. They weren't even trying to show some tact. She wished they would just order.

After a few seconds Mark asked Maria, "I was curious if I could just order a pair of firm thighs." He asked his question lightly, but there was no doubt to what he was referring. "If you don't mind us saying so," Tim continued, "you've got a pretty nice set of thighs yourself. And the rest of your body looks good enough to eat too." The boys looked at Maria noting her reaction. She shifted in front of them nervously.

Totally unsure of herself. Her mind blank and confused. She also felt warm as if someone had turned on the heater. She just stood there immobile. Maria's lack of response emboldened Tim. In a soft voice he said, "Would it be O.K. if I just took a little peak under your skirt?"

Maria looked at him with outrage, but did nothing as he reached over slowly and began to raise her skirt. Finally, mustering up the courage Maria said with forced lightness, "Look you guys, I have a lot of other people to serve." But she didn't move an inch and continued to let the boys have their way with her, to use her like a human doll.

Tim raised Maria's skirt past the upper part of her thighs. She knew she should slap him, but she felt like her muscles were locked into place. She felt dizzy and somewhat giddy at the same time. Her stomach felt empty except for a sphere of anxiety that sickened her as it spiraled lazily around her stomach. She felt physically ill, but emotionally confused.

As Tim pulled Maria's skirt past the point of her thin cotton panties all three of the boys blew out their breath in unison. They could see that Maria had a abundant bush that fully filled out her thin cotton panties. They could see her cunt through the thin material. The stray pubic hairs poking out of the sides of her panties.

Tim could feel his cock throb in his pants. "I know one thing," Tim said thickly "Your pretty juicy too." He ran his index finger into the wet folds of Maria's cunt, which were moistening.

The shock of his touch broke through her daze and she quickly slapped Tim's hand away. She looked furtively around. Thank God they were on the slow side of the restaurant. Otherwise somebody could have seen. Angry at herself for her lack of will, Maria stated forcefully, "What do you guys want? I'm busy."

Tim, already knowing how easy Maria was to manipulate pretended nothing had happened. He calmly ordered his entree and Mark and Steve did the same, taking the cue from Tim to drop the game. At least for the time being. When she brought their order they didn't even give her a glance.

The rest of her shift passed by uneventfully. There were no more problems with the boys. In fact, when they went they left her a generous tip. The whole episode seemed to surreal that she wondered if it really happened. If she really was so weak that she would let herself get felt up like that in a restaurant.

As she helped her father and mother closed up the restaurant she couldn't help remember the conflicting emotions that went through her as her skirt was raised. She didn't even try to stop him. Why? What was wrong with her?

That night she slept fitfully, tossing and turning, her mind going a mile a minute, her nerves frazzled. She woke up around 6:30 a.m. and was shocked to find that she had her hand in her panties. Her middle finger curled up into her wetness.

Shamefully, she took her finger out of herself and wiped her juice on her mattress. Disgusted with herself. Not wanting to further explore the Pandora's Box that had started to open up ever so slowly. She turned her attention to other matters. Today was Saturday and she had a lot of stuff to do. There was a test coming up and she needed to study.

Both of her parents were out so Maria decided to go study at the neighborhood pool. This early nobody would be up. She could work on her tan, not that she needed to get any darker, and study the chapters she needed to know for the test. After a quick breakfast of bananas and granola and a glass of orange juice, Maria went up to her room and put on her bathing suit.

She preferred to wear a one piece because she attracted less attention and hated to be stared it, but unfortunately it was dirty and needed washing. She paused uncertainly. 'who cares' she thought to herself, 'nobody is going to be out this early anyway.' She took off her robe and pajamas laying them on the bed. Maria quickly grabbed her other suit, a white bikini, stepping into it sliding the bottom of the suit up her lean legs, her fingers tugging the material up around her shapely thighs and ass. She slid the top up over her arms accommodating her heavy breasts into the cups.

Feeling comfortable with the fit she reached behind and deftly secured the strap. She glanced at herself in the dresser mirror. Her bikini top was a tad too small and enhanced the size of her breasts. Embarrassed, not wanting to attract attention to herself, Maria threw on an oversized California Angeles t-shirt, put on her flip- flops, grabbed her history book and bounded down the stairs

Maria was relieved that she had the pool to herself. She pulled out one of the pool chairs and adjusted it so she could lay back, but not far enough where she wouldn't be able to read her book. Stretching out she propped up one of her sleek, firm legs to use to keep her book up. Subtly adjusting herself she began to read, the sun now beating down warmly on her body.

Down the street at Marks house, Tim was motioning to his friends to stop making such a commotion. "You dumb assess, hold on a second," he said angrily. "I'll let you take a look once I know there is nobody around." Mark and Steve shuffled there feet. Impatient, wanting to taking a peek at Maria who was laying out about 100 yards away.

Ever since they had left the restaurant the night before, they had been talking amongst themselves about Maria. The size of her tits, how fucking hot she was, her thick bush, the fact the she actually let them see her pussy through her cotton panties. She didn't even try to stop them. She had just stood there like a statue, her face passive, her eyes reflecting her humiliation.

Afterward, adrenaline flowing, Tim thought they should just crash at Mark's house and from there watch Maria from afar with binoculars. They had a perfect view to her house. To see how she was dressed, where she was going, and just gape at her until they could figure out another way to continue their little game. A game that Tim knew had the potential of going on a lot longer then the night before. Mark was the first one who noticed that Maria was heading to the pool.

The boys were so worked up from the escapade at the restaurant that they were up and about by 5:00 in the morning. "Fuckin' A, that's her. She's going to the pool by herself." he said excitedly. Tim grabbed the binoculars from the nightstand to get a better look. Yep it sure was her. There was no way. No fucking way you could miss that body. You'd have to be blind or gay.

Tim scanned the entire pool area. Finding the area empty other than the solitary figure of Maria. He trained the binoculars back on her and adjusted the focus. At that moment Maria grabbed her t-shirt and pulled it over her head causing her to arch her back, squeezing her large breasts, the big mounds stretching the material of the top outward. Tim could see the swell of her breasts on the sides, taut and firm. He licked his lips.

Tim said, "Forget the binoculars you guys, it's time to see Maria close up. Take my cue. Don't say or do anything stupid, all right?" Steve and Mark shook their heads in confirmation.

"Okay, come on, let's go. Don't forget your swimming stuff. We don't want to look conspicuous." With eyes glittering with excitement the three boys made there way to the pool trying to make as little noise as possible. Not wanted to let Maria see them until the last possible second.

"Oh hi Maria!" Tim said with exaggerated friendliness. "What a surprise. Do you mind if we join you?"

Oh my God, it was them! The three boys from the restaurant, how embarrassing, where had they come from? Taken aback and not wanting to appear rude, but irritated at the intrusion, Maria asked them to join her, "Sure ... eh ... you guys, pull up a seat."

The guys grabbed some deck chairs and make themselves comfortable. Tim motioned to Mark and Steve when Maria wasn't looking to sit on the other side of her so that she was between all of them. Maria felt uncomfortable, but tried not to show it. "I can't really stay too long, I have a lot to do."

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Mark and Steve scanning her body. She felt a slight shiver pass through her. The boys ignored her comment. "What are you studying?" asked Steve feigning interest.

"The Mexican-American war. I have a big test coming up next week." Maria replied. She tried to concentrate on her book, hoping the boys would stop asking questions. Desperately wishing they would just leave. She needed to study and having them here alone with her was making her nervous and anxious.

"Who teaches that class?" asked Tim.

Maria looked up at him to answer and caught him looking down at her breasts. He slowly raised his eyes up pausing every few seconds until he made eye contact with Maria. Maria could feel a slight mist of anxiety starting to roll across her abdomen. She unconsciously shivered. "Mr. Nelson does," she replied. "You wouldn't know him. He only teaches at my school."

Maria tried to look like she was in control, but she was obviously scared. Even her voice cracked a bit when she answered his question. Even though it was early the sun was already out and it was humid. Maria really wanted to jump in the pool and cool off, but did not want the boys to see her wet. She knew they would be able to see her nipples through her top. Damn them. She felt warm, anxious and out of her element. She noticed that they had scooted closer to her.

She could feel a tension in the air. Something wasn't right. Abruptly, Maria got up. "I really have to go now," she said nervously. "I ... I have some stuff do to in the house."

Tim grabbed her leg playfully, his hand encircling her firm calf. "You're so pretty Maria, so pretty," Tim said softly. "You have the best body of any girl I've even seen. Don't you agree guys?" He began to run his hand up and down her legs softly.

Maria was embarrassed. She shifted back and forth on her feet not sure what do to. She felt a tingling sensation pulse up her spine making her quiver.

"You do, you really do. You have a great body," Steve and Mark chimed in.

She saw them looking at her with longing. From the other side of her chair, Mark and then Tim started to work their hands across Maria's warm skin. Stroking her legs up and down, their fingers feather light.

She gasped, her respiration increasing, "That's enough you guys," she said with forced luster. Her body felt tense and immobile. Just like at the restaurant. God, she had to get control of herself, but she felt frozen. She began to breath slightly faster.

The fact that Maria hadn't stopped them encouraged them to push her further. Tim pushed Maria back towards her chair. She lost her balance and plopped down her legs splayed wide. She attempted to pull herself up but the boys were all over her insistently stroking her legs, stomach and arms.

She began to pant aware that she was not just feeling humiliated, she was becoming sexually aroused. Desperately trying to maintain control she said, her voice reflecting her fear, "Please you guys, all right that's enough. I really have to go ... please let me go. please!" She tried to climb out of the chair, but was shoved down insistently by Tim.

Bending towards her Tim said thickly, "Show us your tits Maria. We want to see your tits."

A scalding heat seared through Maria's body making her catch her breath.

"Come on Maria. Do it! show us those fucking tits," Mark asked hungrily. "Show us like you showed us your panties. Remember your wet panties Maria?"

Maria's nipples had begun to harden and elongate under her bikini top. "Don't talk to ... to me ... like that," she said, her breath coming in short little gasps. Her breasts felt hard and constricted. The anxiety rolled back and forth in her stomach likes sea swells. Maria hesitated, her mind blank, her mind overloading with feelings. Feelings she couldn't define. Feelings that she was letting enslave her. This can't be happening again, she thought with anguish. It can't!

Mark suddenly reached over and softly pinched one of her nipples, making her moan. She made a motion to slap his hand away, but in that instant, Mark reached over and began to knead her other breast. Hefting the large mound and then every few seconds rubbing and pulling at the nipple thru the thin material of the bikini top.

Mark and Tim's ministrations were causing Maria to squirm all over the chair. She was panting heavily. Steve could see that the crotch of her bikini was darkening. He sucked in his lip, his cock heavy in his shorts.

Tim pulled Mark away from Maria leaving her aroused and in need.

She looked at them angrily, but pleadingly, not knowing what to say or do. Wanted to run away, but unable to muster the energy to do so. She sat on her chair panting heavily, making her big tits quiver in the tight confines of her top. Intermittently she licked her dry lips.

"Take off your top Maria, we want to see your tits," hissed Tim. "They're so fucking big. We want to see them naked. Come on. Show us!"

She clenched her teeth in shame and kept her arms to her sides, clenching and unclenching her little hands, trying to defy them. Showing them that she would not let three teenage boys not much younger than her humiliate her further. She was not going to obey them. She refused.

As the seconds ticked by it became a battle of wills. She could see the boys looking at her, their eyes filled with lust. Caressing her body from one end to another. She could see reflected in them the pent up lust, the animal craving.

She could see that all three of them were hard. She could see their cocks straining against the material of their bathing suits. She looked away and scanned the pool. She needed help. She couldn't fight them alone. But there was nobody around to help her. She felt helpless and lost. Physically, she felt hot and bothered too.

Her top felt so tight. She could feel her nipples throbbing under her bikini top. Looking down at the ground, ashamed at her weakness, her eyes watering, she slowly reached up and around unhooking her top. Her large breasts no longer confined to such tight quarters seemed to explode out of her chest leaving the top in her lap. Maria's tits were hard and firm, capped with dark brown nipples that poked out of the aureoles. The tips hard and pointing out defiantly. Her breasts were a soft coffee color in contrast to the rest of her bronze skin. The sight of her was absolutely breathtaking.

Momentarily at a loss at the shock of seeing Maria in all her splendor, Mark and Tim quickly went to work, not wanting to let Maria realize the folly of her mistake. The folly of letting her repressed sexuality, her inner desires override her judgment.

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One With Nature

There once was a girl name Lauren, she cared for all the plants and animals. She couldn't bring herself to think of the animals being trapped in cages, tortured, then slaughtered without knowing the joys of life.  This is why she made the decision to become vegan.One day Lauren was sitting in her garden tending to her friend the garlic. She had grown all of her plants from seeds, therefore she thought of all of the plants as her children.  As she was watering her garlic, something moved in the...

2 years ago
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Determinisme Naturel

D?terminisme naturel ? son retour Solange vit tout de suite que Marc ?tait tout chamboul?, et il ne lui fallut pas longtemps pour lui tirer les vers du nez. Solange ?tait une personne g?n?reuse, et elle ?tait sinc?rement heureuse que Marc ait pu trouver du travail. Elle tenu ? f?ter ?a, et elle annon?a que ce soir ils d?boucheraient une bouteille de cidre pour la circonstance. Solange questionna Marc en d?tail, et tr?s vite elle donna des conseils "Mon chou, les entreprises de publicit? il y a beaucoup d'argent,...

1 year ago
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You Cant Fight Nature

Hi Folks. For those of you who didn't like the ending of last week's story, I'm sorry. But you have to remember that these are only stories. You may not like the way they end, but they are fiction. No real people ever die in them. Anyway if you didn't like the way last week's story ended you probably won't like this one either. I also made a terrible word choice in last week's story. I just wanted to let the person who told me about it know that I will not do that again and to thank them...

1 year ago
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A Walk Through Nature

“Are you sure you want to do this Gina?” “Yes I do. I can’t believe that a successful corporate lawyer like you can be a naturalist, and I want to see first hand what you see in nature.” James laughed back at her. “Corporate lawyers like me huh?” As they pulled their gear out of the back of his Land Rover, James looked over at Gina. She was a few years younger than his 36, but he could tell that she took great care of herself, and looked years younger. James worked long hours, and had very...

2 years ago
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Nude by Nature

Nude by Nature This ain't nothing for you ignorants! No story for any ordinary person who is not willing, nor able to see things from another angle than theirs. I as a convinced nudist wanna talk about what I think of showing myself naked on the internet. What it feels like to be literally bare to you and whoever else. And why, for God's sake, this way of exposition is the very right thing for me. After more than ten years of self-destructive doubts about my nature. Quirky? Maybe. Vane? Why...

2 years ago
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Communing With Nature

We were sitting on the front porch of our cabin when she came up to me and took my hand. I had no choice but to follow her as she lead me to the edge of the woods and down the trail that we had made with a four wheeler for when we wanted to be one with nature. I just followed her like a lost puppy.Shellie looked back at me with a smile on her face and slowed her pace a little as she did. I knew that look on her face. It was not the look of a happy smile. It was a horny smile. I never thought...

Straight Sex
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Martha Needs Nature

Gaia held out her hand and Giselle took it and stood up. The view of the incredible winter scene wavered a bit and suddenly they were in a beautiful meadow not far from the edge of a small town. Giselle gasped slightly, not just at the shifting scene, but the feel of late spring instead of winter. Knowing Gaia for only a short time and the amount of information that she absorbed still didn’t prepare her for such things. Gaia smiled. “It’s OK, Giselle, just look within yourself and you will...

3 years ago
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Blessed by Nature

Rose-Marie felt truly blessed by nature, as she stood naked on the balcony of her father’s palatial white mansion looking out onto her father’s ornate garden. Not only had she the good fortune to have been born and to continue to live here in St Lucia, one of the most pleasant corners of the French Empire, but she also had the good fortune of possessing a wealthy father who had chosen the Edenist way of life. In fact, the garden, the island as a whole, was very much like the Garden of Eden to...

4 years ago
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Blessed by Nature

Rose-Marie felt truly blessed by nature, as she stood naked on the balcony of her father’s palatial white mansion looking out onto her father’s ornate garden. Not only had she the good fortune to have been born and to continue to live here in St Lucia, one of the most pleasant corners of the French Empire, but she also had the good fortune of possessing a wealthy father who had chosen the Edenist way of life. In fact, the garden, the island as a whole, was very much like the Garden of Eden to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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The Heatwave Back to nature

Back to nature It was a baking hot afternoon in early August. For the past week the south of England had been enjoying a ridge of high pressure which showed no sign of moving and temperatures had soared way above the seasonal average, causing the grass to wilt and yellow, and stimulating the local insects into furious buzzing action. Around the ancient earthworks of the Iron Age hill-fort the air shimmered with the heat, the sun so fierce that this normally crowded beauty spot was almost...

4 years ago
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The Beauty of Nature

Nothing like a lovely stroll in an enchanted forest on a day where the temperature's perfect, right? Hearing the birds chirping, animal making other noises and even- "AAAAARGH!" Whatever that was. That noise came from the mouth of a young barbarian, who chased after a massive creature. "Wait! Come back here, U'Gar!" He shouted as he panted, struggling to keep up with the dire bear that previously served as his mount. The bear, despite its size, was way faster than its owner and fled away. "Oh,...

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Camping in Nature

“Come on, hurry up already!” Under the watchful eyes of her friends, Emily stumbled out of her parents’ house while dragging along a suitcase nearly twice as heavy as the petite teenager. “Ye-yeah, I know, I know!” The stuffed container dragged across the asphalt while she put all remaining energy into pulling it towards the parked camper van just a few feet away, after which she uttered a sigh of defeat upon realizing that she would still have to lift the suitcase at least a foot off the...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 6 Loves Nature

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Six: Love's Nature By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264for beta reading this. Chapter Sixteen: Love's Nature Sven Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch The room Priestess Thea led me to was surprisingly homey. It wasn't what I expected given the solemn grandeur of the rest of the Temple of Luben. An open window looked out at a small garden, lacy curtains framing it. A table set in the center, the...

4 years ago
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Communing With Nature

We were sitting on the front porch of our cabin when she came up to me and took my hand. I had no choice but to follow her as she lead me to the edge of the woods and down the trail that we had made with a four wheeler for when we wanted to be one with nature. I just followed her like a lost puppy. Shellie looked back at me with a smile on her face and slowed her pace a little as she did. I knew that look on her face. It was not the look of a happy smile. It was a horny smile. I never thought...

2 years ago
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He Cried Wolf CH3Freak of Nature

Fucked up, drugged up, freak of nature… Tristan scribbled on his notepad and gulped down the rest of his Scotch. It was New Year’s Eve, and the lone wolf had not gone out to celebrate. A year had passed since he last saw Cassius or anyone else who had been part of his pack. It was twelve months of isolation, excessive binges on Bane, and dangerous orgies with vampires. Tristan had abandoned his responsibilities as a strong Alpha wolf and had succumbed to the darkest part of his nature. He was a...

2 years ago
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Enticed Pt 8 True Nature

This is the eighth part of my adventures in the early 90s with a gay man about 15 years older than me who saw me as a near-reincarnation of his first boyfriend. Check my post history for earlier installments of the story of an older man’s toy. Blaise decided to give my ass a full week to recover from my first encounter with Big Ben. So, we didn’t try out Double-Date Danny, our new double-ended dildo, until the following Friday night.Neither of us had mentioned it all week. But, I knew he had...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Mother Nature

Deep in the woods of Tennessee in the midst of its rolling mountains and tall pines lays a small, crystal clear lake. Up a winding pathway north of there is a cozy cabin. It is away from the bustling noises of the city that, along with the sounds of the forest, made it a perfect hideaway for John and Deana. Here they could relax, commune with Mother Nature, and get in touch with their inner spirit. They loved going to the cozy bungalow no matter what season it was. However, one of their...

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Frontiers Flint MurdockChapter 6 Nature

The Bighorn sporting ladies turned into mother hens, flocking around Rosie. She was surrounded by gentle attention, by affection. Which, I figured, was mostly to the good side of the ledger. Rosie was clingy with her mother. Rebecca had been overwhelmed with emotion. Joy, relief, guilt ... mostly joy, I think. The two of them, mother and daughter, were inseparable. But Rosie still hadn’t said a word. Of course no one asked her about what she’d been through. Not with the Chippewas, not with...

4 years ago
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PterisChapter 9 Dependents

Two brothers ran the operations of the combination. While one brother managed the stable, ‘Young’ Bart ran the inn. The happy innkeeper watched the line slowly dwindle in front of the two healers seated in a corner of his common room. Their presence for the past week or so had increased his morning and midafternoon business by a significant factor. He was a savvy man, more so than his dead father, ‘Old’ Bart, had been on the farm. The increase in business was enough that he had offered the...

3 years ago
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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 10 Al Fresco and Au Naturel

The next two days passed rapidly. Events had now progressed to the point that, short of calling off the wedding, they were out of our hands. With only a few days left, if something needed ordering or purchasing or planning, it was simply too late, and we would make do. This actually proved rather restful, in its own way. The estate continued to receive guests arriving, many of them James’ associates in business, traveling from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. They used the time before the...

3 years ago
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Blessed by Nature

Rose-Marie felt truly blessed by nature, as she stood naked on the balcony of her father's palatial white mansion looking out onto her father's ornate garden. Not only had she the good fortune to have been born and to continue to live here in St Lucia, one of the most pleasant corners of the French Empire, but she also had the good fortune of possessing a wealthy father who had chosen the Edenist way of life. In fact, the garden, the island as a whole, was very much like the Garden of Eden to...

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Muslim Widow Aunts Nudist Nature

Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another long, but incredibly detailed memory. This time I've decided to make a post of the top five times my widowed, Muslim Aunt Sheen boldly showed off her nudist nature at different places. I have tried to put the events in a chronological order and included as much details as I can remember from all those years ago, so I hope you like these short posts as much as you did the earlier ones I uploaded. *Please don't forget to like and comment below as it...

1 year ago
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Maria is initiated Part 2

Introduction: Maria gets to like fucking On the way home Maria was strangely silent, usually she chatters all the time, she lay back in her seat with her eyes closed and a wide smile on her lips, I guessed that she was thinking of what had happened, or maybe what was going to happen. I didnt say anything for a while then I apprehensively asked her again if she was still going to go ahead and invite a couple of friends over, I was hoping she would, I wanted to see her fucked again, she let out a...

2 years ago
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Maria is initiated Part 2

I didn’t say anything for a while then I apprehensively asked her again if she was still going to go ahead and invite a couple of friends over, I was hoping she would, I wanted to see her fucked again, she let out a sigh and asked didn’t I want her to now. I said no, I did want her to, she said good because her mind was made up, as soon as we got home she was going to ring two of our friends, my cock went hard thinking of it. True to her word as soon as we got home she was on the phone ,I...

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Maria Befriends LadyBoy In THAILAND

They had been together 5 years, most of them happy. Maria was a tall woman, 5'10 without shoes. Brunette hair to her shoulders, dark brown eyes and slim figure. She was rapidly approaching her 35th Birthday, with a failed marriage behind her; she had recently started seeing a man she worked with. Her partner, Glenn who was 45, had also been married and had left his wife for this tall, attractive woman. He was slim and about the same height as Maria. He thought that they would grow old together,...

4 years ago
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Maria and her sister Connie

Introduction: Connie and Maria are sisters Maria and her sister Connie Maria and Connie grew up in a big Greek family in Brooklyn. Maria was younger than Connie and they were best friends growing up. Even though they were three years apart they almost looked like twins and people could always tell they were sisters. All girls have secrets and Maria and Connie had their fare share. Maria never knew it but her big sister Connie was always jealous of her ever since they were little girls because...

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Maria and Me

Thursday night is my dart league night. I got home about 10pm with a pretty good buzz and went straight to bed. My wife had gone out with the girls and about an hour later they were all at our place. I heard all of them in the living room having an extraordinary good time. The next morning I heard my wife struggle out of bed and get ready for work. I had the day off and my intent was to just relax and doing as little as possible. I smelled the coffee that my wife made so I got up, threw on my...

4 years ago
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Maria Stephanos Maria Menounos News Anchor Bukkak

Maria Stephanos and Maria Menounos are in Germany for a journalism conference. They are asked to go to a studio to show the Germans how American news anchors do the news. What they don't know is that the newsroom is actually a porn set.The porn that is done in this studio isn't shown on the internet. It is made for about two hundred rich and powerful men around the world. One of them made the suggestion of getting an American news anchor to do a gang bang and bukkake. These perverted rich men...

2 years ago
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Maria and her sister Connie

Maria and Connie grew up in a big Greek family in Brooklyn. Maria was younger than Connie and they were best friends growing up. Even though they were three years apart they almost looked like twins and people could always tell they were sisters. All girls have secrets and Maria and Connie had their fare share. Maria never knew it but her big sister Connie was always jealous of her ever since they were little girls because Maria always got more attention from their parents,...

3 years ago
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Maria A Beautiful Whore

“Where are we going?” eighteen-year-old Matt asked. He was sitting next to his new boss, Robert, in an old van. Robert, Matt and two more people had robbed a store tonight, and now they were running away from the police. “To Maria’s house,” Robert said, speeding up the van. Hearing the name Maria, Matt got excited. Now the fear of getting caught by the police had vanished from his mind, and all he could think about was Maria’s big boobs and her beautiful eyes. Matt was new in this city. A...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Maria Stephanos News Anchor Fucking An Informant

Maria Stephanos is driving to a seedy motel to meet an informant. She has never met him before but was told he has information for a story she is working on. She is nervous but it is ten o'clock in the morning so she feels a little better that it is in the daytime. She doesn't have to be at work until four o'clock for her six o'clock news broadcast.Maria is a news anchor for Fox 25 News in Boston. She is 47 years old, married with two teenagers. She is wearing a tight black skirt, black high...

4 years ago
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Maria In Maine and i8217m in Maria

June and I had been married for five years when we took our driving vacation. Usually we climbed on an airplane and went to some city or another, but this year we had decided to take the car and just drive. We didn’t even have a plan, we’d just make it up as we went along. It was a fabulous vacation. We started in Niagara Falls, went to a little artist community called Niagara on the Lake, through the Adirondack Mountains, through Montreal, up to Quebec, and back to the states. Each...

2 years ago
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Maria is initiated part 3

I was also determined that now Maria had decided to do what I had been asking her to do for ages she would keep on doing it, and also spend every minute she could fucking any guy I wanted her to,and I wanted her to fuck every guy she met. When I got home that evening Maria was wearing bright red lipstick, makeup ,and had done her hair, I asked her why she was looking so glamorous, she smiled and said because we were going out later, I asked where, she said that Pavel had invited us to go...

3 years ago
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Maria A true story

- - - - "Two beers thanks mate." Nothing really beats a few beers with a mate down the pub when your wife and his girlfriend have gone OS for a few weeks. We were one week into our two week bachelor stint and tonight we wanted a decent feed and a few beers. As we sat and hooked into our tucker I saw Maria, a friend of a friend, come into the pub. II'd heard about Maria being a bit of a slapper who put it about quite freely so I watched her with interest for a while and pointed her out to...

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Maria is initiated Part 4

I could hear music playing in the background and also men’s voices, I asked her if they were still at the club, she laughed. and said that they were at Donni's place. I said that they must have left the club early, she replied that they hadn't been to the club, I asked her why, she said because when they were in the car Vasko had asked her if she really wanted to go to the club or go to Donni's and start the party straight away, she had said that she wanted to start the party straight...

1 year ago
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Maria and Guadalupe Stay VirginsChapter 4Final

Maria and Guadalupe Stay Virgins Chapter 4--Final Despite the nice playful shower we all enjoyed after yesterday’s threesome, I could sense that Lupe was not entirely happy with Maria. Maria had held her down and licked her pussy while I had rammed my cock deep into her rectum. And Maria had done it gleefully, despite Lupe’s embarrassment and anger. Even though Lupe eventually erupted into a huge orgasm, she did not like the feeling of being trapped and humiliated, especially by her cousin. So...

3 years ago
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Maria A Special Lady

This is a true account, all characters mentioned have read the story and approved it for publication. I had intended to change the names but they insisted on keeping their real names————————————————————————————————————————————————————At 70 years of age l still find it amazing that l have lived a life so filled with sex. At 6 ft 7 ins and at present weighing in at over 20 stone,(although l was an active sportsman until my mid forties), l am certainly not good looking, l’m not rich and l do not...

3 years ago
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Maria Pays The Rent

Maria counted out the stack of twenties and small bills and put them back into her Bible on the kitchen table for safekeeping. Once again, she didn’t have enough for the rent, and her landlord would not be pleased. She worked hard at her job, but it didn’t pay enough, and there were also the daycare expenses for her two year old daughter. Maria was barely into her twenties. She was a nice looking young woman with a pretty face and long wavy black hair. When she became pregnant, her boyfriend...

2 years ago
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Maria My big Italian mama

This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site. This adventure happened just over a year ago when I was recovering from some nasty surgery.I'd known Maria over 20 years ago. We had worked together briefly, and her neice was friends with my younger sister.She was a large woman - there was no escaping her weight - she was a big Italian mama. And starting a family only added to her size.We stayed friends on social media...

4 years ago
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Marias Birthday

Preface I have been lucky enough to have some stories written for me (thank you Maria Clayton) so I thought I would get my cuckold subby to write one back as a tribute. I locked him in chastity and told him I wouldn't release him until he completed one. This is the result of his efforts....I’d seen the golden envelope on the fridge for a few days now but hadn’t dared ask mistress what it was about. So you can imagine my excitement when she asked me to bring it through, open it and read it to...

3 years ago
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Maria at the cafe III

My first night with Maria had been incredible. I was totally drained, and had no idea how many orgasms she had. The following morning we woke up late and ate a hardy breakfast together. We both needed carbs, juice, water, and coffee I guess. The woman I thought was a conservative, demure, middle-aged Filipino lady turned out to be one of the most incredibly sexy women I had ever encountered. I assumed that she had several people that she had sex with, and knew that besides me, she also...

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Maria Colima

Tony didn’t allow girls in the gang, but allowed a few to hang around, since he and his boys liked female company. I was one of those girls during that summer. Tony spoke to me in the hall during the first week of school. “Find out about that new girl over there by the fountain. The terrible twelve might be interested in her.” I had been to a few of the parties and had a pretty good idea what Tony wanted to know. Tony didn’t want girls with protective families. A couple years before...

3 years ago
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Maria Part Two The Gangbang

Maria. Her awakening. A true story. [part 2 of 2]By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected])Maria - Her awakening. A true story.The following story is completely 100% true. The dialogue is only an interpretation of what happened, I don't remember them word for word. The events are as they happened. Please read the epilogue at the end of the story as it reveals what has become of Maria. A big thanks to all those who wrote us a message and have us as a favourite author. Marcus.- - - - -I was...

2 years ago
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Marias Suprise

It had been three years since our internet had issues. Maria had learned her place as a whore and was now fucking whoever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Tony was a regular at the house, poker night, UFC nights, you name it he was around. Most of my friends didn't know what a whore Maria had been turned into. Maria herself didn't realize it in fact, all she knew was she would satisfy any cock or cunt that I told her too. She had no idea how many cocks she had taken in her service to me. However I...

3 years ago
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Maria and Bill

I've had quite a few encounters with couples between my last posting with Angela and Jim. This happened about 7 or 8 months ago. I'd been living on th Big island for a few years and I post on certain websites for couples looking for a male for MFM threesomes.Bill and Maria messaged me, we exchanged pics and after some contact back and forth we decided we would meet. They were in their late 40's I'm including pics I took of Maria. They were on Ohau so I flew there to meet them in person. When I...

2 years ago
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Maria In Main

June and I had been married for five years when we took our driving vacation. Usually we climbed on an airplane and went to some city or another, but this year we had decided to take the car and just drive. We didn't even have a plan, we'd just make it up as we went along. It was a fabulous vacation. We started in Niagara Falls, went to a little artist community called Niagara on the Lake, through the Adirondack Mountains, through Montreal, up to Quebec, and back to the states. Each day we...

1 year ago
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Maria Nicole and the Twentyyearold

Maria waited anxiously for the doorbell to her 2-story apartment to ring, as she checked her watch for the third time in the last ten minutes. "Where was she," Maria thought to herself, "I wish for once she'd be on time." Ten seconds later the apartment air was split by the loud resonance of the bell and Maria quickly buzzed her friend in. She opened the door listened for the footsteps coming up the carpeted stairs, but oddly, she swore there was more than just Nicole's steps she was hearing! A...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Marias Threesome A True Story

Maria A True Story [part 1 of 2] By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) The following is a true story. It happened way back in 1988 so the dialogue, although not word for word, is as good as I can remember. The events I will never forget. Maria Brown (not her real name) was the town bike. Everyone got to ride her. She was 32 years old when this all happened and even after having two k**s she had a red hot figure. She looked a bit like a brunette Geena Davis with a touch of Greek...

4 years ago
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Discovering a Dominant Nature

I met this mother of 3 through a dating app. We talked for a little causally and both discussed what we were looking for. Our interests did not align. She wanted more than what I was willing to give but despite my warning, we consistently found ourselves having increasingly sexual conversations late at night. Since college, I created a few rules that have been able to help determine a woman's intensions. I state to them that I am a man of a few rules. As I've come to learn, this becomes...

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