Canoe CanoeChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Ah, pissing in the woods at night. How he missed camping.
Fred kept his aim at the base of the tree, and looked up into the night sky. He couldn't see much through the branches and leaves, but thought he saw a piece of the little dipper. No, wait, he was looking at the wrong part of the sky. If only Lisa...
He closed his eyes and lowered his head. Wrong thought.
The entire point of this, after all, was to ... well, he hadn't figured that out yet. Sighing, Fred opened his eyes again and stared at the tree bark in front of him as his yellow stream slowly petered out. He missed Lisa. It hadn't been three weeks yet, but the throbbing pain of her loss already felt like it had been a part of him for a lifetime. And it would be there for the rest of his.
Well, at least the midnight pissing was over for the evening. He gave his dick a couple shakes, then stuck it back into his underwear. Time to stumble back to the tent and get some sleep. Fred glanced around, his night vision once again confirming what an awesome camp site he had chosen. It had looked interesting on the map, as he had studied his possible options before setting out alone on the week long canoe trip into the rivers and lakes of the state park. A 40 yard outcrop into a long, winding lake, as he had approached after a long day's paddling the 12 year old in him had practically leaped for joy. With the six foot high cliffs around it, apart from the small landing beach and path up to a small clearing, it looked like a perfect place for a fort. Drag over logs to create a battlement and he could defend it from all takers! Bwahahahaha!
Smiling, he started to move ... when he heard the splash. It was to the right, the opposite side from his beached canoe ... there was another splash, and another ... someone, or something ... was swimming out there. Or at least that's what it sounded like. Sound carried, so it probably wasn't that close. But, it was past midnight. Who, or what would be out on the lake? Maybe a bear, making its way across? He gripped his flashlight, which he hadn't bothered using on this late night excursion, testing its heft. OK, that wasn't a good plan.
What if it was a person? Who would be swimming ... towards him. It seemed to get slightly louder, although there were pauses in the sound so it was hard to compare the splashes. Almost like someone was resting.
Fred suddenly felt a chill not due to the night air go through his underwear clad body. There had been that scream. He had been in the middle of dinner, and it had sounded like a woman was REALLY having fun somewhere far over the lake.
Or was in horrible pain. The faint scream hadn't been repeated. But ... what if what he was hearing now, was the victim, fleeing, or the murderer...
Or it could just be a bear. Oh, what cheery options Fred's half asleep mind was presenting to him. He'd best have a look. Carefully, ever so glad he had at least put his sneakers on for this piss break, he made his way through the sparse trees towards the water's edge. He kept the light off, out of paranoia, and because he could see well enough regardless. The moon was up and half full, giving more than enough light. One stubbed toe later his feet came to the edge of the southern drop down to the lake. He grabbed on to a tree that rose up next to him, and looked out.
There was someone maybe a hundred yards away in the water.
Tightening his grip, Fred leaned out and tried to make out details. They had a life vest on, that was certain. Looked like long hair, but that was hard to judge. And, anyway, serial killers could have long hair. Fred shook his head to get that thought out of there. This was serious. He/she wasn't swimming directly for his camp site, but someplace farther to the left. And they were tired. He could tell that at once. They had been out there a long time, and were in bad shape.
Fred raised his gaze and swept it over the lake. He didn't see a capsized boat anywhere behind the mystery swimmer, or anyone else. He thought again of that single scream. If someone was fleeing for their life, they might try something as insane as crossing the lake. He had to do something. Something to draw their attention, but take into account they might not want to be found by certain people (and might be half asleep and scared to death). Looking down, he saw a straight seven foot drop onto jagged rocks, but to the left was a slightly more gentle way down with hand holds, and a foot of shore before the water's edge. Quickly moving over, he gave his hasty plan one more review then turned on his light.
He aimed the beam just ahead of the swimmer's head, then quickly turned it off. The splashing stopped, and he thought he saw the dark blob on the lake turn towards him. He flashed the light two more times, then aimed the beam down at a spot below his feet and left it on. If they wanted help, there was the beacon.
There was silence for 10 seconds, then the splashing resumed (with more vigor he thought) and the shape started moving towards him. OK, time for phase two.
Leaving the flashlight wedged into some branches still aimed at the landing zone, Fred raced through the dark to the campsite. It was only maybe 30 yards away, but he had no idea how much time he had. Obviously he could have taken his canoe out to try a rescue, but trying to pull someone in who might not be able to help that much (or want to help) would just result in both of them in the drink most likely. They'd just have to make it in on their own.
As he reached the clearing he stopped for a second to take stock. The fire pit still had some smoke rising, so he quickly stirred up the coals and tossed some dry logs on it. He'd need not just fire to warm them but hot drink. Fred emptied one of the water jugs into a pot, covered it and tossed it over the fire which was starting to come to life. Then, into the three man dome tent he had used since scouts. Flipping on the spare flashlight, he quickly put on a shirt and some pants so he wasn't approaching them like a potential rapist, grabbed two dry bath towels, then out again running back to the swimmer.
The mystery guest was barely 20 yards away. Fred half slid down to the water, his sudden appearance causing them to momentarily pause before continuing in. About ten feet away, their feet must have found the bottom because she stood up and staggered the remaining distance.
She was thin. Bone thin. Not exactly anorexic, at least at first glance, but most likely he'd be able to count ribs once the life vest was off. She was also short. As she came ashore she half threw herself and half fell into him, her head barely coming up to his nipples as she held on to his six foot frame for dear life. He held the towels in one hand while the other went up to caress her wet head, her soaking body pressing against him.
"Shhh, it's OK ... you're going to be OK." He put his other arm around her for a moment, then gently pushed her back slightly. She didn't resist. He sensed all her resistance was gone. "I'm going to remove your life jacket, then wrap you in some dry towels and take you to a nice warm fire. OK?" He saw her nod, and quickly before she started to interpret this as something unwontedly sexual he worked to pop the fasteners open and let the life vest fall to the ground.
She was wearing a bikini, probably dark blue, sexy while not being slutty. He was right about the ribs, but it was clear this was her natural weight. She almost looked 12 but the swell of her hips and the nicely proportioned breasts marked her as at least a teen. The haunted look in her eyes made her an adult. Fred wrapped the first towel around her, sweeping her long brown hair up so it fell outside the towel falling almost to her hips. Her hands clutched at the ends as he used the other towel to dry her face and hair, the cool night air starting to cause her to shiver.
"It's OK ... we're going to go to the fire now. We have to climb up this little hill here, then it's about a minute walk to camp. You'll have to use your hands to grab things on the way up, but I'll be right behind to hold you if you need me. Wait..." Fred thought about the logistics for a second. " ... OK, I'll have to hold the towel as you climb as it'll just fall off anyway." She nodded, and let go as he took it back. He leaned down to also grab the life vest (no sense leaving evidence of where she landed) then gave her a slight push in the small of her back with his towel covered hand towards the path up. She still had some strength left, as she easily pulled herself up to the top. A moment later he was beside her, the trip having been a bit difficult with his hands full. He added to that load by grabbing the flashlight, then once again put a towel around her. They had barely taken two steps when she cried out, jumping back against him with one bare foot raised in pain. Cursing, Fred decided his back had enjoyed the easy life long enough and scooped the girl up in his arms. She was light, but he was tired and he let out another curse. Her arms went around his neck, easing things somewhat, and they made their way like that to camp.
Dumping the girl in the camping chair by the fire, Fred checked the pot. The water was somewhat close to boiling, which was close enough. He grabbed a mug, poured in a packet of hot chocolate, then added water and handed it to her. She clutched at it, her body shaking, and took a short sip. Then a longer one. Her eyes closed, and her whole body began to relax. Nothing like some Swiss Miss to calm you down and remind you of happier times. Fred poured his own cup, took a drink, then knelt down beside her. He put a hand on her towel covered knee, and she opened her eyes and looked at him.
"My name's Fred," he said.
"Taylor." Her voice was weak, but the woman behind it was strong. Her eyes met his, and she gave a sad smile. "Thank you."
"Oh, you're welcome. You're just lucky I have a weak bladder." He smiled back at her, then gave her knee a squeeze. "Most of this can wait till morning, as I can tell you're about ready to collapse, but I need to know a couple things now." Her smile faded, but she nodded. "First, did your boat tip or something? Is there someone else in the water who needs to be rescued?"
Taylor shook her head, looking down at her hands.
"Was that scream a few hours ago you?"
Her eyes shot up to meet his, her mouth agape.
"I'll take that as a yes. It's OK. You're safe. If you're not hurt, we'll deal with it in the morning." Taylor hunched her shoulders and took a long swig of the hot chocolate.
"I'm OK."
"I know you're not, but what you need most is sleep."
Fred put his mug down, stood, and went to the tent. Reaching inside he pulled out his sleeping bag and tossed it down on a somewhat clear space on the other side of the fire.
"You can have the tent. There's a mattress and a pillow, and one blanket as well as another big towel I think. Feel free to raid my back pack for a shirt or something to wear so you can get out of that wet bathing suit." Fred sat down on the sleeping bag, and gave a big yawn.
Taylor looked up at him for a few moments, various confused thoughts going through her head. In the end she put down the mug, grabbed the flashlight, and still clutching the towel around her went over to the tent and bent down to enter. Once inside the flashlight clicked on and the tent zipped shut.
Fred let out his breath and put a hand to his temple. He didn't need this. OK, a half naked woman falling into his camp could be seen as the gods rewarding him after taking Lisa away, but right now he just wanted sleep. He stood and moved the sleeping bag a bit, getting it off a rock, then sat down again and took off his sneakers and socks. He looked over at the tent, which was far enough from the fire to be encased in darkness. The light inside glowed brightly, and he could see the shadow of the girl behind the green nylon as she ... removed her bathing suit, and stretched.
"Oh, Lisa ... what am I going to do."
Taylor opened her eyes and saw green.
It was a sort of mid range green, with light coming through it. She contemplated the color, and the various light shadows that played across her vision. Slowly, much slower than it should, a thought worked its way up to the front of her attention: Where the fuck am I?
She sat up, causing the blue thin blanket to fall off her chest and into her lap. She was in a tent. That was obvious. It was a round dome, big enough for three sleeping bags it looked like. At the moment there was the inflatable mattress she was on, which seemed built for two, a backpack to her left with scattered clothing around it, and some books and her wet bathing suit next to her on the right. Seeing the bathing suit caused Taylor to look down and notice that she was wearing an oversized black t-shirt. Pulling out the front, besides confirming it was all she was wearing, showed it had a Buffalo Sabres logo. Letting go, she closed her eyes and thought.
"Oh, shit ... that happened." There were times when the young woman had hoped it was all a dream. That she would wake up and be back in her apartment, this stupid camping trip still a few days in the future or just a silly fantasy. But, no ... that had really happened, and she had really run away ... well, swum away, as if that could ever solve anything. At least she was away from there. But, how would she face them at work, and where was here anyway? For the first time she noticed the sound of movement outside, and thought she smelled bacon. Food ... quickly, like the little girl she was so often mistaken for, Taylor scrambled onto her hands and knees and crawled to the tent opening. Unzipping it a bit, she looked out.
He was sitting on a log next to the fire, giving her a look at his profile as he used a long fork to turn over some bacon in a pan over the flames. He was tall, she remembered that, maybe six foot. Brown hair cut short, which strangely was grey around the temples. He didn't seem to be that old, maybe 30. Average build, if a little over weight. But strong ... Taylor had alternated over her life between wanting to be in charge and showing the world she could take it on regardless of her size, and just wanting a hulking man to take her. The last had caused most of her dating problems, as the jerks she found couldn't handle it when the self reliant part of her came to the fore. But last night, when he carried her ... Taylor shivered. He hadn't been dominating her. He had been ... taking care of her. That was new.
"Bacon is ready." Taylor jumped at the sound of his voice, then cursed as her left leg landed on a loose sock and slipped out from under her. Getting back up she looked out her peek hole again and saw Fred looking back at her, a smile on his face and in his eyes. Those eyes ... She snapped her attention back when he kept speaking. "There's a 'bathroom' over to the left a ways, if you need it. Pancakes will be up in a few minutes." Taylor quickly unzipped the door the rest of the way, and started crawling out. Looking up she saw Fred continuing to look down at her with a raised eyebrow, then laughing he turned his head back to his cooking. Looking down, Taylor realized the neck of her shirt hung down giving him a clear view of all her naughty bits. After a moment's pause she laughed herself and continued out. They WERE very nice naughty bits, so it was OK.
The last of the bacon was gone. Fred was eating the last of his three pancakes, while Taylor took a finger and gathered up the remaining syrup hiding on her plate. REAL maple syrup ... god, it made the stuff she had grown up on taste like water. He had warned her that she didn't need all that much, and he had been right. Nectar like that was best savored in small amounts. Had to be unhealthy as hell, but she didn't care. First shopping trip once she got home was going to find her looking for a bottle of this stuff.
Finishing, Fred put his plate down on the small folding table set up between them and took a swig of his orange drink. Giving a sigh, he leaned forward with the glass held in both hands between his knees. Looking at her, he started.
"There are some things I need to know now, some that can wait if you'd like, and the rest I don't mind if you keep to yourself. Some things are going to have to be done as soon as possible." Taylor nodded, taking her own swig. Tang ... never thought she'd be drinking Tang.
"First ... is someone after you?"
Taylor took another drink.
"Were you attacked?"
She lowered her head. Was she attacked? Could you call it that?
"Raped?" Taylor looked up at Fred, eyes widening. It had been, hadn't it?
"By people you know? Did you come camping with them?"
"Yes." Stronger now.
"Do you want to tell me?"
"I ... think I have to."
The guy was a hunk. Her first day on the job and already she had her eyes on him. The cut body, the eyes that didn't so much undress her but ask why the hell she hadn't done it herself already, and he actually could hold a job. The last had become a new requirement of Taylor. She might only be 23, but she had come to the realization that failure to stay employed indicated a guy wasn't going to stay faithful to her for long. She wanted a stud who could handle commitment. And, after a month working customer service at the supermarket she still got wet whenever Jim from produce walked by. Oh, sure, he flirted with everyone, from the teen cashiers to that skank Beth but he obviously was into her. So, when he asked her out on a weekend canoe camping trip she jumped at it, almost jumping him right then and there! Oh, she wouldn't be alone with him- his bud Rod and that Asian girl from produce Wendi would be along too, but they were OK. And she knew it would probably end up as one big orgy. But she would first get her hands on Jim and his cock into her, staking her claim, then let go and enjoy. It was a plan.
Things started to go wrong right from the start. They had two canoes, and despite her flirting protests Taylor got stuck in one with Rod. It wasn't that he wasn't also hunky, and always seemed to be coming on to her, but she wanted Jim. The only consolation was that seated in the front she had a great view of Jim's back as he paddled the lead canoe. Rod kept up a running commentary, but she didn't listen.
The site they picked was father in than she'd expected, and despite not doing all that much of the paddling her shoulders ached as she climbed out. It seemed the others had used this site before, as their large tent fit perfectly into a patch of dirt near the tree line and they quickly had everything set up. Not really in her element, Taylor just tried to keep out of the way while not looking useless. After a dinner of grilled hamburgers and potato chips the beer came out and all was well.
The sun was setting, the beer was flowing, and Taylor decided to make her move. She was sitting on a big log between Rod and Jim, and finishing her third can she put it down and turned towards Jim.
He had his hands under that bitch Wendi's bikini top, and was kissing her neck as her own hands were making their way down his bare chest.
What the HELL! He had invited HER! Oh, sure, it seemed all day she had been paired with Rod, but ... slowly, she turned to her right to look at the other male there. Rod had put his own beer down and slid up next to her, putting an arm around Taylor and drawing her against him.
"Shall we?"
"Hell no!" She may have shouted, but she definitely pushed. He was strong, though, not forcing her but definitely restraining the small woman with amusement on his face. Oh, god ... this was why they had invited her. And she came. They'd assume she was willing. Suddenly Taylor felt hands grab her arms and force them above her head. She looked up to see Jim holding them and grinning down at her drunkenly. She saw a nude Wendi pulling down his shorts and taking his cock into her mouth ... and then she felt a large object push past her bikini bottoms and up into her in one thrust. Taylor screamed.
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Chris paddled at a slow stead pace. The canoe slipped through the water with only the slightest whisper of it's passing. He and Jessie slid through the backwaters silently watching the world around them. The animals took little notice of them as they floated by, only a passing glance or two and then they went about their business. Jessie relaxed in the sunlight, her bronze body soaking up the sun, her white bikini tops almost blinding as it shown in the sunlight. The contrast...
It was Wednesday of the week following Kelly's disappearance and Andy was utterly beside herself with worry. It was the fourth day with still not a single word from Kelly, nor information of any kind about her whereabouts. By this time Andy was so keyed up she literally jumped when the phone rang with the characteristic ring indicating a call from the building's receptionist. Hoping for word about Kelly, Andy picked up the instrument before it rang for the second time. She was stunned to...
Perhaps it was the strange bed — the most comfortable bed she had ever slept in, Sarah realized — or perhaps the fact that strange thoughts were still racing around in her brain, but she was awakened by a strange noise a little before six o'clock on Saturday morning. Listening carefully, the sound appeared to be coming from the deck outside her window. Quickly she got out of bed, slipped on her robe and opened the sliding door. Quietly, she padded barefooted out to the pool which, she...
We were on the first day of a two-day journey down the Current River in Missouri. We had been married just a couple of years and decided to do some adventuring while living in the Ozarks. It was late morning in August, and the sun was beating down on us. I was in the back of the canoe. I'm 5'10", 180 pounds, muscular build. My shirt was off and the only thing I was wearing was my short bathing trunks, flip-flops, a hat and sunglasses. My sexy wife - 5'3", 120 pounds, curvy tanned latina...
OutdoorWhat a gorgeous day! Indian Summer was at its peak. Most of the cottagers had gone back to work, our kids were in school and we were having a grand time paddling through the lake system not too far from home. We had set out around nine that late-September morning, me in the front of the rented canoe, my husband Brian commanding ship from the stern. Our good friends, Tom and Amanda were paddling along beside us in their own fiberglass 16-footer. We had just gone past the point of land where the...
The next few days turned out to be rather uneventful. We fished, relaxed, and did some exploring of the area. We used part of one day to travel to the Canadian Border. The border runs, for the most part, down the middle of the river or lake you are on. We just happened to be on the Rainey River. Fish on the south side and you are legal. Fish on the north side and the Mounties will get you. There was one highlight that occurred while we were portaging over to check out a new lake. I noticed a...
Recovering from her reverie, Andy focused on the painting Barbara had taken from her artist's case. It was a nude painting of herself seated in a chair with Jack standing behind her and Kelly standing next to him. He had one hand on Andy's shoulder and the other resting on the glorious curve of Kelly's hip. Andy's hand was touching his. She just shook her head and said, "Bobbie, that is utterly incredible! You have Jack and Kelly exactly right, but what did you do to me? I can't...
Title: The Misadventures of Taylor and Selena (Part 1)Author: SadoRuskiSynopsis: This is a story of two friends, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez and the many sexual misadventures that they find themselves in. Disclaimer: This is fantasy. It is not real. Rape and violence against women is WRONG. DON’T DO IT. Intro : Trying something a little different. This is the 1st part of a series of stories. Please tell me what you think at search4aphrodite(at)Hotmail(dot)com. Please include your username...
But even two sweet and innocent girls needed a break. Acting like little goody two shoes all the time could become very tiring. Every once in a while the two friends needed to break character and be a little naughty. This was the reason for the concert. Managing to avoid their handlers as well as the paparazzi, the girls snuck out of their West Hollywood apartments and met at an agreed upon club. The building was huge, spacious, but unassuming. Unless you knew that inside was a huge hall with...
This is a sequel to the story "the brotherhood of swain" by Elegy. If you haven't read it. I highly recommend it. You really should read it first. So just in case here it is: ... Hunter stood there his gaze transfixed while his semiconscious best friend was loaded onto the scooter and then the man drove off. He watched as the tail light receded into the darkness and then disappeared. Hunter stood there...
Seven days later, shortly before ten, a Peterbilt tractor hauling a forty-foot trailer rolled to a stop at the front entrance to a major downtown-Los Angeles office building, causing consternation among the passers-by. The girl in the passenger seat leaned over and gave the driver a quick kiss, then opened the door and jumped down to the sidewalk. He waved, released a blast on his powerful air horn, and then eased out into traffic. Not surprisingly, none of the cars on the street contested...
Not all the girls did anything for me; however I noticed I preferred young women with long dark or red hair that didn’t shave their pussies completely naked. A nice trimmed bush between the legs attracts me and if that bush is cover for a sweet young set of legs then even better. I was moving from page to page looking for the perfect girl when I glanced at one little brunette in the lower left of the page, the first in a row of pictures. My eyes locked onto her and my body jolted as I...
One of most annoying things about Emily, Taylor had decided, was her sleep schedule. So far, he'd been able to avoid her morning jogs, but she was always at the door right after, far earlier than Taylor would have liked. And unlike Logan, who unfortunately (or fortunately, given Emily's repeated hinting that Taylor had a crush on him, despite his objections) had other obligations most of the time, she was free to drag Taylor wherever she wanted to go, usually the mall. Taylor's happiness...
It had been a few years since Laney Boggs graduated from Torrance High School. Now, she was a junior in college but in that long a time, things had changed irrevocably. College wasn't anything like the way she remembered high school. Almost everyone was from out of state and few people came from her old institution where she had a reputation for being unpopular. Even if the situation was different, it wasn't likely anyone would believe she was a geek in high school. She'd long since...
Waking Up as Taylor With Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez (FF, CONS, ROM, ) I had no idea what had just happened to me. I had just woke up after a long day at school and at work. My head was pounding like a drum. I felt weird as I tried to get up and out of bed. I almost fell over a couple times. I don't know why I was losing my balance, it just felt like there was something holding me down. I was still very sleepy so my eyes weren't completely open, at least until I realize what had...
That night, Taylor's manicured fingernail was positioned over Owen's contact as Taylor stared at his phone. He'd managed to secure a night away from Emily, thankfully Emily's mom had some event that required the entire family to attend. Taylor felt happy and secure having eschewed the feminine attire to wear the clothes he'd brought with him from home, a men's t-shirt and shorts, in addition to removing his prosthetics, being the first time in a few weeks that Emily wasn't around, he was...
I had started to realize I’d never see her again, but I continued to take my dog for walks around the lake everyday, sometimes even twice. Again, I never expected to see her, but one afternoon as I made my way around the lake, and I looked ahead, there she was. I couldn’t believe it, thinking “Could it really be?” She was walking her German Shepard, Major and as I continued to look that way, I tried to be as nonchalant as possible. I didn’t want to bring any attention to the fact that I saw...
Wendy Taylor was painfully unhappy.Unhappy in her marriage. Unhappy in her job. Unhappy in her life to a point. She was forty-two-years-old and was watching her second marriage go in the same direction as her first had done, fifteen years before. It had started off so well but after just five years with him, they both realised that they had very little in common and there was absolutely no passion or love there anymore. They slept in separate beds and lived pretty much separate lives in their...
SpankingPart IV - Hostile TakeoverIt was award season and that meant many celebs converging in relatively small locations for a specific time. This was the chance Selena Gomez wanted to use. The petite Latina had always been one to try to mend rifts between her friends, one who can really be brought down by bad blood that makes meetings between certain persons within her group of friends very awkward. Still, she couldn't help but feel duplicitous and treacherous for what she had done. She paced back...
After the **** by Taylor, I stayed away from him only passing him in the hall at school. It was one evening at, one of our mentoring session, the YMCA. I found myself teamed up with Taylor in a session where trust came up. Our instructor teamed us two at a time. When it came to Taylor and I, I tried to excuse myself, our instructor told me that it was necessary that I participate in this demonstration. It was very simple, I was blind folded and Taylor was to stand behind me as I fell back and...
My first story.Taylor Made.I saw her from a distance, her bare ass sticking out like a beacon in the hot sun. She was sun bathing, laying on a towel, on the beach, on this small island nation I was visiting on vacation. I was walking along the beach, looking for fish and shells and that sort of thing, when I saw her, and I found myself memorized, held captive, my rapt attention upon her.Now, you might be thinking, I’m some sort of closet perv or something like that, but I assure you, I’m...
Spring Breakers part 2with Selena Gomez & Taylor Swiftwritten by jerojeromeIt's been over a month since my first sexual encounter with Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens & Ashley Benson. Since then we fucked on a regular basis. The best thing about fucking with three hot celebs is that you can fuck at least one of them everyday and sometimes all three of them.--------------------I woke up with a sensational feeling as a warm wetness engulfed my cock. I slowly raised myself up on my elbows...
Sometimes, when I'm away on business, I have to find ways to satisfy my urgeson a whim. This time was no different. Friday night I found myself in the darkened hotel room, closing in on 3am,with a 20-year old cocky little thing trussed up and gagged, recently penetrated,humiliated, and looking to me for some answers as to why he felt the way hedid Broken, vulnerable from his surrender, he surely would never been the same. The semen was still fresh on his lips, and his lashes were still wet...
Introduction: Our niece joins in our lovemaking This is an actual account of the incredible weekend our niece shared with us before she left for college. I had posted this story before, but it seems to have been deleted or lost, so I am posting it here for everyone to enjoy About 3 years ago I posted how I was getting signals from my 15yr old niece, and was becoming attracted to her. Well, things have gotten better, she hasnt been staying with us that much and she has stopped playing the...
“Okay, that's the one, I think.”, Taylor Swift called toward the driver of her limousine. Once the car stopped she leaned back and forth to get a good look up and down the night-time street through the tinted windows, making sure there were no paparazzi camping out before the upper-class hotel a little bit outside of the city. Once she had made sure the streets were clear Taylor popped the wide lapels of her long coat, put on her sun-glasses and got out. For a moment she hesitated and leaned...
Michelle Trachtenberg couldn't believe her eyes when they wandered along the letters on her phone's screen. 'Hey Michelle. So you want to be part of Taylor's Girlsquad? She is in town right now. Her and I have talked about it. She would like to meet you. Hyatt Hotel, presidential suite, be there between 9:45 and 9:50 PM or don't be there at all. - xoxo, Karlie'For a few moments Michelle breathed deeply, wondering if Karlie was just messing with her, if this was all just an intricate joke. This...
Each floor has its own central heating and air conditioning units. Both base units are located in the attic. The thermostat panel for the upstairs unit is located on the wall just inside Taylor's bedroom. She finds the thermostat location awkward because it is in her private space. She does not like for people to have access to her bedroom because she is fearful they will rummage through her personal belongings. She has made that fact well known on many occasions. David just turned the two...
Another night on the road. Taylor Swift had just finished a sell-out Hollywood show, straight from stage she was hot sweaty and elated. It gave her a real buzz, 50,000 fans eating out of the palm of her hand. Dancing with her hot crew in those sexy outfits was fantastic, but she couldn’t help feeling a little turned on by it all. That many people screaming your name, and the sexy male and female dancers gyrating with her, but no… She was a professional, you don’t get involved with the crew. ...
This a 6-Part series. I hope you enjoy! And PLEASE comment below what you think as I love feedback! PART 1: Pure Anal with Mrs. Taylor SUMMARY: Luke is a student in college in California. He is on Spring Break. He is staying at his home for the weekend while his family is away on a cruise. He plans on taking care of the property for the weekend, then flying down to Mexico with friends for vacation. Everything is going according to plan until he meets his new neighbor...
My name is Luke. I am 21 years old and a student at the University of California. The final bell had rung for me. I’m officially on Spring Break! After a long stressful semester of studying engineering, I am done with school for a week. I am looking forward to spending time with my friends in Cancun, Mexico! I quickly get my bags in my dorm, already packed, and I head home back to San Diego. My family won’t be there. They’re on a cruise heading to Europe. I was a little...
I got the shock of my life late one night while surfing the Web on my computer. I was sifting through some teen porn, looking at the pictures of girls in several stages of undress and many stages of sexual activity. I’m too cheap to spend money on any of these sites so I just surfed and fantasized about the hundreds of girls, in thousands of pictures posted as teasers for adult entertainment sites. I wondered where in the hell all these girls come from? Do they get paid as models to strip,...
The one designated as the guest bedroom is the largest with its own private bath. That’s the one we let Taylor move into, because it was originally hers before she got married. The other two bedrooms are smaller and are connected by a common bath. I use one room as my office/computer room. The other is just an extra bedroom. Up until 2 years ago I slept down stairs with Karen, but my snoring got so loud she begged me to start sleeping upstairs so she could get some restful sleep. So I...
Part 6 As we left the store, we decided to head over to the food court to grab a bite to eat. I wanted Burger King, but my mom said, "Taylor, it's time you start watching your figure and eating more healthy foods. Vanessa and I like the Fresh Express for salad and I think you should join us." "OK, mom. I hate salad, but with all my new clothes want to make sure they continue to fit me!" After picking up our salads, we found a table and I plopped down into my chair. "Taylor,...
Mrs. Taylor turned to her dressing table and picked up the large, white, size ten canvas plimsoll in her left hand. She began tapping it against the palm of her right hand.“Right, bend over and think about why Auntie is doing this to you.” She smiled as she waved the large plimsoll at me.I carefully bent over the pile of pillows at the end of the bed, taking one in my hands and placing my face into it. I breathed in deeply so I could get a good noseful of Wendy’s sweet scent. Behind me, Mrs....
SpankingThump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Rebecca’s heart raced as she walked backstage to meet her favorite celebrity, Taylor Swift. Clenching, unclenching her hands, Rebecca nervously approached Taylor. “Play it cool Rebecca. Play it cool.” Taylor’s aide, Dan, introduced me to Taylor. “Taylor, meet Rebecca. She won the best Taylor Swift fan competition. She gets to hang out with you tonight and tomorrow. She also gets front row at your concert tonight.” Taylor responded warmly. “Congrats Rebecca!...