Andy TaylorChapter 3
- 3 years ago
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When David Wilson saw Sarah in the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria, he almost didn't recognize her. Rather than wearing her hair tied back in the severe bun — her Washington style — she had managed to get an appointment at a beauty salon, had her long hair cut to shoulder length, and now had a simple hairdo with her black wavy hair pulled back to frame her face. It was held in place with a white ribbon. Just the simple change in hairdo seemed to take almost ten years off her apparent age.
Although she was much too heavy, the fact was that Sally had a beautiful body. Like her mother at the time she came to work for the Taylors, had she been naked she would have looked like a classic Renaissance nude. Her bone structure and her skin were perfect and tonight she was carrying herself proudly. In spite of her poor self-appraisal, her extra weight was spread evenly over a magnificent body.
"Sally, you are beautiful!" David exclaimed. Then, ignoring all of the people in the lobby, he took her in his arms and kissed her.
When they eased their lips apart, Sally leaned back against David's encircling arms and whispered so softly he could scarcely hear, "My darling, I love you desperately."
Dave was initially shocked at her words but then felt a wonderful sense of shared love and warmth. When he asked her if she said what he thought she did, she just nodded once quickly and smiled the warmest, most loving smile David had ever seen. In spite of being a very big and handsome man, David Wilson had never dated very much. Moreover, he was not really comfortable around women in spite of the hordes of women who regularly threw themselves at him at Giants Stadium.
The fact was David Wilson was the star running back of the professional football New York Giants. At age twenty-nine, he was a seven-year pro and had been All-Pro for all seven years, having gained well over 1,000 yards rushing every year he had been in the league. The previous year he had gained over 1,700 yards. As a running back, he was considered to be one of the greatest ever to play the game, being thought by many to be even better than Jim Brown and Walter Payton at their best.
Aside from not mentioning football, though, everything Dave had told Sally had been true. He was, in fact, assistant superintendent on the construction job where he and Sally had met. Moreover, he loved construction, loved the Taylors, and loved his job with PHA Construction. In fact, he realized, he was very lucky because he was well on his way to a real career which he could follow when his football days ended. However, in the meantime, he had just been offered a five-year, $35-million contract with the Giants, which could make him one of the very highest-paid players in the game.
Entering the Grand Ballroom, they found their table was off to the side and towards the back of the huge room. For Sarah's purpose, the location was perfect. David joked that if he had been a bit more generous, they might have had seats towards the front. She smiled and told him the table was just fine.
While they talked, Sarah kept watching people come in. They had been among the earliest arrivals, so initially Sarah was afraid of being seen by her parents and the Taylors even in such a large ballroom. The room was set up with a head table running across the end of the room. Between the head table and the remaining tables was a large dance floor. The band — a marvelous dance band from Grambling College in Louisiana, organized as a big band and playing music from that era — was positioned at the side of the room with its axis perpendicular to the head table.
When her parents arrived, they were seated at a front-row table immediately in front of the dais. By that time the room was nearly filled, so there was little chance that they would see Sally.
To her surprise and wonder, David was quietly asking her where she wanted to live, what her thoughts were about children, and other personal matters that would affect them if they were married. My God! she thought. He seems to care for me too.
Although she was not yet prepared to tell him who she really was, she did not want to dig a deeper hole for herself, either, by adding to the falsehoods. Moreover, she realized that Kelly Taylor had been right: It was easy for her to pretend to be from the Times because its attitudes and those of The Washington Post were indistinguishable.
So she found herself telling Dave about being so terribly fat because that was the way professional women were expected to be in the circles in which she moved. After apologizing for her obesity and promising to correct her appearance within sixty days, she grinned, squeezed his hand, and told him that his story about the company softball game was so great.
"I used to love to play softball!" she confessed with a grin. "Maybe I can play with you next year. Could I?"
David just grinned back, and nodded. Then he asked, "Sarah, what about children? You're a professional woman and—"
"Oh God, yes!" she interjected. Then she smiled warmly and added, "That's another 180 degree turn I made in the last twenty-four hours. Honey, hearing little Susan White today ... hearing her love for Kelly and Kelly's love for her ... Good grief! Isn't that what it's really all about? David Wilson, I would love to be the mother of your children."
Then she squeezed his hand and, with a wonderfully cute little grin, asked, "Does that mean I'm going to be your concubine? I guess the difference between a concubine and a mistress is that a concubine gives birth to children. Or... ?"
"How about being my wife?" David asked softly. "Wouldn't that be easier? I mean ... I guess it is sort of trite and conventional, but..." Then he grinned and interjected, "It is sort of old-fashioned, I admit. After all, isn't this the era of myriad relationships? Two guys, two girls, a lesbian getting pregnant through artificial insemination..."
Sally just threw her arms around his neck and silenced him with the most loving and passionate kiss she was capable rendering. Ignoring the other people now sitting at their table, Dave picked her up from her chair as if she was a feather and set her across his lap. Then he concentrated on their kiss.
When they finally eased apart, he grinned and asked, "But what's your answer? You're a reporter, after all. You're not supposed to be restricted to nonverbal communication..."
"The answer isn't yes, darling Dave," she whispered. He looked surprised and hurt for a moment until she continued, "It's hell, yes!" Then she just grinned at him and cuddled as close to him as she could.
It was only with the greatest reluctance that she got off his lap and returned to her own chair when the waiters began the meal service. While they were eating what proved to be a surprisingly good dinner, Sarah was introduced to the other couples at the table. They were all men who worked for PHA Construction, and all were black. All of the other men were married, and Sarah found she really liked both the men and their wives.
The opinion of all of them was that PHA Construction was the very finest company a black person could possibly work for. When Sarah asked why, the unanimous answer was that the company was truly color-blind. Everyone in the company was judged against the same set of very high standards. As one man said, "Good work is good work, whether you're black, white, yellow, or purple with orange polka-dots. It's not because I'm black or in spite of being black. It's just that I'm doing a really good job."
Sarah also learned that in spite of the company's large size — total employment in New York was over 5,000 — it behaved like a huge family.
One of the wives said, "Sally, if there is a family problem, at least one of the Taylors will be there. God only knows how they know, but they know! They always know. The Taylor family is a family of saints. That's all I can say. And not only are they there for us, they are always unobtrusive. The one way to really embarrass Andy Taylor is to make a big thing out of thanking her. I would rather not tell you the specifics, but Jim and I needed help one day, and Andy was there instantly to provide it. Do you know what I did? I just went up to her, thanked her, and kissed her. Know what happened then? She took me in her arms, hugged me, and gave me the most incredible kiss I've ever had in my life!" Turning to her husband she said, "I'm sorry, darling, but it's true. You've never come close to being able to kiss like that."
Her husband just grinned and gave her shoulder a squeeze. It was obvious to Sarah that he felt the same way his wife did and wasn't at all bothered by her statement. The woman continued, "Her kiss was just loaded with the purest love and joy! When she finally released me, I could hardly stand up. She had to steady me until I regained my balance. But I was just flooded with grace and overflowing with joy. That woman is just unbelievable!"
After dessert, the waiters refilled coffee cups, and then it was time for the speeches. Wilbur Jones, the president of the United Negro College Fund, went to the dais. He announced that UNCF's man of the year was a woman — Andrea Pierce Taylor. Further, he announced that the Fund had just received the largest corporate gift in its history, almost $10 million, from PHA Construction. All of the people rose to their feet to applaud.
While they were applauding, Andy was speaking to the president. Although no one could hear what was being said, whatever it was came as an incredible shock to him. Suddenly, he looked jubilant. He shook his head as if to clear it, then held up his hands for quiet. "Folks," Jones said, "I must apologize. You see, while you were applauding, you may have seen some activity up here. Andy Taylor was just doubling the PHA gift. She has just given me her personal check for nearly $10 million!"
The man shook his head and added, "What most of you don't know is how the PHA contribution came to be. You see, the Taylor family — all of them: Andy, Jack, Anita, and Kelly — individually matched all of the contributions received from their workers. Although I'm not free to talk about it, I happen to know some of the things Andy, Nita, and Kelly did to help generate the contributions in the first place. But the result, you see, is four-for-one matching: For every dollar a worker gave, the Taylors added four of their own. That's how the $10 million came to be. Yet in spite of all of that, Andy Taylor has just doubled it, herself."
He shook his head in utter amazement but then concluded, "Could we have the warmest possible round of applause for the greatest friend Negro colleges have ever had? Could we hear it for the Taylors and especially for Andy Taylor!?"
This time the applause and cheering was so loud it almost raised the roof. At the same time the band began to play, "For (S)he's a Jolly Good Fellow," and all of the attendees sang the song at the top of their lungs.
When things began to quiet down a bit, the president again raised his hands. As soon as he could be heard again, he said, "Would Kelly and Anita Taylor please come up here and join us?"
Kelly and Nita rose gracefully from their chairs, went up to the podium, and stood beside their mother.
Then, with a broad grin, the president continued, "Folks, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Here beside me tonight, we have Kelly Carmichael Taylor, voted a few months ago New York's Debutante of the Year. We also have Anita Lucas Taylor. Anita Lucas is Senior Vice President and Fashion Director of Bergdorf Goodman, here in New York. She is acknowledged to be the nation's foremost authority on women's fashions. And then there's Andy. What do these women have in common?" He grinned and said, "None of them have graduated college. In fact, Andy insists she's a high-school dropout. Well, I think we can fix that."
At that moment three lovely young women appeared, each carrying academic robes. At the same time the presidents of three of the UNCF member colleges came up to the podium and stood side by side. In just a few minutes each of the Taylor women was awarded a doctoral degree, honoris causa: Andy and Kelly received degrees as doctors of letters, while Nita's was a doctor of humane letters. Although the women tried to resist, their protests were summarily overruled.
Finally, Andy went to the podium to speak on behalf of her daughters and herself. Turning to the president, she very cutely stuck out the tip of her tongue causing the audience to howl with laughter. "President Jones, thanks a hell of a lot! I give you a little money, and this is the thanks I get? And I thought you were a friend, too."
She paused for a moment, looking thoughtful and continued, "But then there's that old adage: 'No good deed goes unpunished.'"
At her crack everyone cracked up, particularly President Jones. He laughed so hard he could hardly stand.
Andy continued, "You don't realize how many of my dumb friends have degrees. Many have more than one. But I was unique! Not only did I have no degree, I didn't even have a high-school diploma. But you had to go and wreck it, didn't you? Thanks a lot. I'm not sure for what, but thanks a hell of a lot!"
With that, she reached out to Jones standing beside her and proceeded to kiss him with all of her power. The poor man almost passed out. Finally, she released him.
When she did, he just stood shaking his head. Returning to the dais he said softly, "Wow!" Then he shook his head again and said, "I have just had the most unbelievable experience of my life! The kiss that Mrs. Taylor just gave me was so loaded with the purest love and joy, I could not believe it! I'm going to be floating around for the next month, anyway. I'm sure it will take at least that long for my feet to touch the ground again."
Then he shook his head and continued, "Now I really believe everything I've heard about Andy Taylor. She is not only the most beautiful woman, but she is also the kindest, sweetest, most generous person on the face of this earth. She is a model we should all try to emulate.
"Tonight at dinner, I had the opportunity to talk with her. All too often, when we invite a white philanthropist to our gathering, we know — we can feel — that the person really feels that he or she is slumming. With Andy, it's not that way at all. Do you know something? I don't think she even knows I'm black! Honest. To her, people are people. Some are good and others are not. They come in assorted sizes and colors, and Andy judges them one at a time ... against the same standard!
"Folks, what more could we possibly want? Isn't this the embodiment of Martin Luther King's dream? Isn't it? 'Judge a person by the content of his character, not the color of his skin.' Could I have another round of applause for one of the greatest human beings God, in His wisdom, has ever seen fit to put on this earth? Please?"
When the thunderous applause finally died down, the president said, "We have one more guest this evening. She is a young lady who has not yet started even thinking about applying to college. This girl, Susan White, has a little story to tell."
Sarah was surprised to see the little girl from the tavern appear, this time wearing a beautiful white party dress. Tonight, the little girl looked incredibly beautiful. Her skin was the color of chocolate ice-cream, and her black hair had a lovely wave. It was tied back in a ponytail with a lovely white ribbon.
A little platform was set in place behind the rostrum to permit the little girl to see over it. When the microphones were adjusted, the little girl said, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I can't tell you how pleased and proud I am to be standing here speaking to you tonight. You see, only two weeks ago, I could not have stood here at all."
The little girl paused and just looked around the room. The silence in the auditorium was such that one could hear a pin drop. "When I was born, I was not right from the waist down. My legs never developed properly. The result was that the only way I could get around was on crutches. Actually, my parents knew there was a problem when Mommy was pregnant. I can't tell you how happy I am that she allowed me to be born. So many children are just ... discarded ... these days."
Sarah almost cried at the little girl's reference to abortion.
Susan went on to describe how, when both her parents were in the hospital, she had come down with an unknown fever. "But Kelly Taylor was staying with me, you see. I don't think Kelly closed her eyes for seventy-two hours! She just held me, comforted me, and prayed for me. Mostly I was out of it, but whenever I knew what was going on, I was being held lovingly in her warm arms. She wouldn't even let me be scared. 'Everything will be all right, ' Kelly said. And she was right.
"Then, two weeks ago, I hobbled in to thank her for helping me ... for saving my life. Kelly said it was about time I walked without crutches, so she held my hands tightly and prayed to God to restore my legs — and He did! In an instant, I was fine."
The little girl paused and looked around. Her parents were standing behind her and came up to stand with her at the podium. She continued, "As far as Kelly Taylor is concerned, I am dedicating my life to her. I will do anything... anything... ! that she ever asks of me. You see, Kelly is truly one of God's angels come down to earth."
Turning to the president she said, "Mr. Jones, thank you so much for giving me this chance to publicly thank Kelly Taylor — and all the Taylors — for all she and they have done for me and for my family."
Then she grinned and held the skirt of her beautiful dress out wide and said, "For example, Nita Taylor heard I would be speaking here tonight, so she brought this dress over for me. Mommy says it's from Bergdorf Goodman, the finest and most expensive fashion store in the world. She says it's the finest, most beautiful dress she has ever seen. And it was a gift from Kelly's sister who thought I would be happier if I were wearing a beautiful new party dress. Isn't it pretty?"
There was a warm round of applause from the people in tribute to the lovely little girl as they shared her happiness.
Before Susan could move, Andy was on her feet whispering into Jones' ear. He quickly and enthusiastically nodded, then went to the podium, picked Susan up in his arms, and held her. Speaking into the microphone he said, "Susan, tonight we have received the biggest gift in history for our schools. Well, the donor, Mrs. Taylor, has designated a part of her marvelous gift as the Susan White Scholarship Fund. Susan, in thirteen or fourteen years, when you're ready to go to college, you will be going to the college of your choice with all expenses paid."
Then he hugged the little girl and gave her a warm kiss which she even more warmly returned. Then he added, "You know what? It's going to be a very lucky school that gets you as a student. Susan, you are simply wonderful!"
While all of the people were standing at the podium, another young woman joined the group and spoke quickly to Jones. Whatever she said came as such a shock he almost fell over. Watching the proceedings, Sarah was quick to note how much like Andy and the girls the woman was. She was the same height and had the same magnificent figure. Moreover her hair was virtually identical to Nita's: brown, but with the same incredibly beautiful color streaks through it. It was apparent that she also knew the Taylors very well.
Anna and Andy are twins. They began having sex together about a month ago. Whenever their parents were gone, which was a lot. In Andy's bedroom, a lamp caught on fire, so they had to remodel Andy’s bedroom. Andy and Anna had to share a bed for two months. Anna doesn't like to wear a bra or a shirt in bed. She usually just sleeps in her panties. The first couple of nights, she couldn't sleep at all. She was so uncomfortable with a shirt and bra on. So on the third night, in the middle of...
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"I'm being discriminated against, Miss Andy!" Ellen Duncan exclaimed. Ellie, Sam's wife, had joined them from San Diego just a few days earlier. Nearly three weeks had passed since Kelly's return from her trip to Los Angeles and Andy was working out on the exercise machines. As usual she was naked. Since Andy had just finished her workout — Ellie already knew not to bother her while she was exercising — sweat was pouring off her body. Andy stopped what she was doing and just stretched....
Hi people. Its Aditya again. Those who don’t know me, I’m from Bangalore and work in MNC. After having written so many stories about my own experience I have chosen to write the experience of one of my readers who contacted me after reading my stories. While chatting she shared this event of her life and with her permission I’m writing her story for you all. Most of it will be fact, but few additions are there to make it more exciting. The driver’s name, Andy, was hired by Shifa when she joined...
Andy and Angela were lying in bed with their lap top. This is something new they’ve been doing to spice things up. They’d take turns finding hot pictures or videos and use them to get the other hot and bothered. This particular night Andy stumbled across posts and they took turns randomly choosing users and showing them to one another. Andy is a handsome man but hasn't any daughters of his own. He has accepted Angela’s Idea to adopt daughters as his own so they have two twins, Debbie and Amy...
CHAPTER ONE Andy was at his desk when the phone rang; he picked up the receiver and answered ?Hello Andy speaking.? ?This is Angela, the MDs secretary; would you please come to his office right now, it’s because he would like to speak with you?? ?Any idea what it’s about Angela?? ?No, but Jean Simmons has just left his office with the union Rep.? ?OK; I’ll be right up.? Five minutes later he was outside the office; Angela stood up...
Introduction The Andy Griffith Show, which introduced us to the denizens of Mayberry, North Carolina, ran on CBS from 1960 - 1968. Griffith played the role of Andy Taylor, a small-town widowed sheriff, who lived with his young son Opie (Ron Howard), and his Aunt Bee (Francis Bavier). Sheriff Taylor was backed up by his cousin and deputy, Barney Fife, played by Don Knotts. In 1965, when Andy made noises about ending the series, Knotts went looking for other projects, including movies...
It had been the most remarkable day of Kelly's young life. This goddess had not only eaten her cunt but she had drunk her urine. She felt she had to do something so she said, "Mistress Andy, now it's my turn. May I please try licking your cunt? Please?" Andy looked up, startled. Then she realized from the look in her eyes that the girl was absolutely serious. She really wanted to do it. Reluctantly, Andy nodded and stood up. But then, with a little smile, she rested her buns on the...
"'Drea Taylor, who is that exquisite thing you're sponsoring for the cotillion!?" Sarah Conklin gushed. "She is utterly fabulous! Do you know what she gave me last night as a hostess gift? My God," the woman interrupted herself, "I think it's the first hostess gift I've ever received! Where was she educated? If you know, please tell me! I'll ship that spoiled little bitch of a daughter of mine out to it in an instant." Then she related how Kelly had given her an exquisite cloisonné...
In the few months after our first night together, me and Andy continued to have fun every few days afterwards. I had stopped masturbating on our ‘days off’ so when it came to our sexual encounters, I was always full and ready. When I told Andy this, he started to do the same and I could definitely tell the difference. Most of the time we would give each other blowjobs, either separately or at the same time. We got so used to each others bodies and how they reacted, we began to know when the...
At nine o'clock the next morning Kelly and Andy were in the kitchen sitting at the table drinking coffee and grinning at each other. The looks they were exchanging were the purest love that just flowed between the two beautiful women. "Mom," Kelly said, "I think it's a vicious plot to make me get married in a hurry!" "What is?" "Sleeping on Dad's shoulder with his hand cupping my tit," she replied. "It's heaven! But then this morning! He just rolls between your legs and takes...
Many years ago I was involuntarily single for what seemed like a long time -- over a year. I was working a construction job putting up a suburban shopping mall and never saw women during the day. I've never cared for the bar scene so I spent my evenings looking through my collection of well-thumbed porn magazines, watching videos from the back room of my local outlet, and emptying tube after tube of lube. I had a long tapered butt plug for those special moments when a cucumber just wouldn't do...
Andy slammed the empty beer can down on the table,let out an enormous belch then stood up and unzipped his fly. He reached into his drawers,pulled out his semi hard cock,and laughed as he gave it a couple of strokes. "Here,I wanna show You something. Look at this! Ain't it pretty? Aw,come on Billy! Be a good little br other,and suck my dick!"He may have me tied to the chair,but I was starting to get pissed,so I responded defiantly with "And what if I don't want to? What then? You can't Make Me...
The doorbell rang at eight-thirty the next morning and Kelly went to answer it. Opening the door, she saw two beautiful young women, one with brown hair and the other with the most gorgeous auburn hair she had ever seen. The redhead extended her hand and said, "Kelly? I'm Ginger Conrad and this is Sandy Harris. We've been sent out from Los Angeles to help with a couple of things." When Kelly shook hands, she was very pleasantly surprised at the strength in the two women's grips. Just...
Early in the Carlson's visit Andy had called Barbara Cumings and arranged for her to come over for dinner and bring Terry Williams with her. It was arranged for the next night. When she told Ellie that she would have to be dressed, the woman commented, "Prudes! Andy Taylor, why do you always have to invite prudes over here for dinner?" Then she told Andy how much she and Sam had enjoyed the previous few days. Andy saw Ellie's expression change and she asked about it. Looking guilty the...
*Author’s note: This is Chapter 3. You should read at least Chapter 2 for some backstory. Fun fact: I’ve received many comments saying my story is not realistic, fair enough, but I actually take inspiration from real life events that me and my friends have experienced* ***** ‘I’m pregnant.’ she said. Andy didn’t know what to say, and he didn’t have time to say anything because she kept talking. ‘I found out almost four months ago. For the longest time I didn’t know if I should tell you or...
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It was 8 AM when Andy woke up. He looked exhausted, probably due to the all-night-long sex that he had been doing with Adam. Andy was a tall 21 year-old man, brown hair and beautiful green eyes with the most defined six-pack in all Britain. Adam was a boyish 18 year-old boy, tall with blue eyes, hair and a bubble-butt to die for. He didn’t know very much about Adam. Actually they just met the night before. But at least it had been a good fuck, that’s all it mattered. Andy got up, dressed...
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OccupationsWhen the conversation again became more general, Sally Duncan spoke up for the first time. Turning towards Andy Taylor at the end of the table she said, "Mrs. Taylor, I think it's about time we cleared the air around here." Sitting up straight in her chair, Sally looked exquisitely beautiful. As Andy had been doing earlier, now Sally was idly toying with her wine glass. She seemed preoccupied by the brilliant burgundy-red color. The people around the table watched her as she seemed to lose...
When David and Sarah returned to the living room, they found that all of the remaining guests had arrived. At the same time, Sarah noticed something else: All of the women were wearing white gowns, while the men were in strict black and white. Knowing Andy Taylor, Sally was certain it was not accidental. When they entered the room, Andy brought a handsome young couple over to meet them. "Sarah Duncan and David Wilson, I would like to introduce you to two of my most favorite people, Bobbie...
Sexuality can be complicated but for me its always been pretty simple from the beginning, I've always love watching people have sex and always loved watching porn... gay, str8 and bi ... my fantasies may have change and evolved but I just love sex with guys and girls. I really love being in a group, at a swingers club or a threesome session with a couple especial when the bloke is bi too. It’s just great. I was chatting to one of my mates Andy the other day, we both opened up about our...
When they arrived at the apartment, Bill was surprised as they went up the walk to the entrance. Being very tall, he was used to shortening his stride when walking with a woman, but with Nita he realized she had very long legs and easily maintained his normal pace. After exchanging a cheery greeting with the receptionist, she walked towards a private elevator. When they entered the cherry-wood paneled penthouse elevator, Bill's heart sank even lower. Clearly, Nita's lover was incredibly...
After deciding to stay overnight, I picked myself off the floor and sat next to Andy on his couch, still in a haze of orgasmic bliss. We sat there for what was probably only twenty or thirty seconds but felt much longer. I didn't want the silence to start getting awkward so I spoke up. “Well since i'm staying here tonight, how about a drink? For some reason, I am really warm all of a sudden.” He smiled slyly at me before answering. “Sure thing. What do you want?” “Just water will...
Sarah Duncan had refused her father's offer to meet her at Penn Station. Although most people fly between Washington and New York City, Sarah — known as Sally — had elected to take the Metroliner. For some reason she wanted the extra time to decompress from the Washington pressures and reorient her thoughts to her parents. She really had not given them any thought in months, a fact that bothered her. Sally had even been remiss about talking to them on the phone. All she knew was that they...
It was seven-thirty in the morning four days later when Kathy came out to the kitchen. To her surprise she found Andy with her head on her arms trying to muffle the sound of her crying. Unlike the time at dinner, this was no act. Dropping to her knees beside Andy's chair, Kathy took the woman in her arms. As soon as she did, Andy wrapped her arms around Kathy's neck and started to bawl. "Kathy," she wailed, "I'm so sorry!" "Sorry? Sorry about what?" Kathy whispered, genuinely...
The postman came late that morning. Ellie had thought her parcel wasn’t coming so it was a pleasant surprise when the postman knocked on her door. “Er need a signature love,” he said blushing as she answered the door in her dressing gown. She glared, she didn’t like men. Big sweaty brutes with silly little dicks which went limp and dribbled spunk long before she was satisfied. She signed, took the package and firmly bolted the door behind her as she took it inside. She unwrapped it. It...
The four women got into the Rolls with Kelly and Andy riding in rear-facing seats. Nita just wriggled on the leather upholstery and murmured, "Yum! How wonderfully elegant!" While they drove home, Andy explained that Nita was going to provide coaching in fashion and style. Kelly greeted the news with a small cheer and a wide grin. Arriving at the apartment building, Nita's eyes were wide as they rode up in the private elevator and entered the apartment. Looking around, she thought it was...
Recovering from her reverie, Andy focused on the painting Barbara had taken from her artist's case. It was a nude painting of herself seated in a chair with Jack standing behind her and Kelly standing next to him. He had one hand on Andy's shoulder and the other resting on the glorious curve of Kelly's hip. Andy's hand was touching his. She just shook her head and said, "Bobbie, that is utterly incredible! You have Jack and Kelly exactly right, but what did you do to me? I can't...
The work Christmas party: a time where everyone gets insanely drunk just for the hell of it. And also the time to see your boss doing his own interpretation of "dance" in the middle of the floor. Hilarious doesn't quite cover it.Seeing as I'm 18, I'm one of the oldest of my friends. Which makes me the official drink buyer. You'd think I'd hate having to go up to the bar to order a constant stream of baby drinks like WKD... but not when your friend pushes a £10 note into your hand and demands...
Straight SexShe looked like a young girl lying there; a young girl with a grown woman's breasts. She looked so innocent as she slept with her head on my pillow and anyone looking at her right then would never have believed what an insatiable sexual being she had been just one hour before. I watched her breasts rise and fall with each breath and I wondered what Andy would think. Would he think I was a low-fife asshole and his wife a cheating whore or would he understand? I laid there staring up at the...
The second day the Katoomba crossed into the Coral Sea off Queensland from New South Wales. The difference, if any, wasn’t noticeable. Before they passed Fraser Island, Andy was told they’d be heading east of the Herald Packers, then west of Lady Elliot Island, east of Lady Musgrave, port around Sykes Reef, past Heron Reef and Masthead Island to Facing Island and the Percy Group. “We’ll be headin’ south from the latitude of Townsville, not goin’ north of 19 degrees.” “Aye, aye, sir.” Andy...
It was almost nine o'clock the next morning when Kathy came limping into the kitchen. Jack, Mike Higgins and Jim Duffy had already had breakfast and had left to look at some of the construction projects. Ellie was working out in the exercise room, while Andy and Kristin Higgins were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. "Purely as a humanitarian gesture, could I have some coffee, too?" Kathy croaked. Andy jumped up to get the pot while Kathy carefully lowered herself into a chair...
I was kind of surprised when Andy asked me to stay the night at his house. He just up and called out of the blue and asked "You wanna come over?" I said "Sure". Now, pulling up in the driveway, the butterflies started up in my stomach. For the longest time now, I've had a crush on Andy. But, I stayed my distance, knowing he was straight. I'm not gay myself, just bisexual. My crush for him, though, was still very powerful. Andy stood six-foot-one and was around one hundred and ninety ponds. He...
GayAndy woke a couple of hours later, his body ached and there was significant pain from the stripes across his arse. He remembered the reason for the pain, got in the shower and diligently shaved as commanded, he then got back into his basic bed and slept again.Andy was woken by the noise of metal clanking next to his bed. “Rise and shine 61. Put them on, ankles first, chains at the back, then your wrists behind your back”Andy looked at the item on the floor, it was two lengths of chain, each end...
When I arrived at the hotel it was late in the afternoon. The hotel was a 1970's era building with a few renovations past, pretty much could be in any city. Long hallways of doors to rooms that all look alike. A small entry hallway bathroom to one side closet to the other into the room with bed chairs, t.v. and small bar area. This hotel had the adjoining doors between rooms to create suites. I put the suitcase stand in front of that door and set up my case and unpacked a bit...
The week before his 25th birthday, Andy got a promotion at work. He had been working so hard the past ten months he had basically disregarded his social life, working extra hours at work and from home. His boss told him he was on top of the list, so frankly he was expecting it. Most of his colleagues congratulated him, only a few of them didn’t, probably out of jealousy or maybe because they just didn’t like him. Two of them were Jenny and Amanda. The two girls both had stopped talking to...
Andy spent several hours with the charts of the Australian coast, the South Pacific, the Tasman Sea, the Bass Strait, and the Southern Ocean. He also pored over the ephemeris, a volume of which he had only recently become aware. [In celestial navigation, an ephemeris gives the positions of naturally occurring astronomical objects (now as well as artificial satellites) in the sky at a given time or times.] Andy plotted a course from Jervis Bay, north of Bowen Island and well out to sea prior...
Anita Lucas Taylor was leaning back in her executive chair with her eyes closed, reflecting on the events of the last few days. She thought about the dinner at home the night before, smiled warmly to herself, and opened her eyes to look at the new watch on her wrist. It was an 18-ct. gold woman's Rolex that had been presented to her by her brand-new parents. Actually, it had been an embarrassment to both Kelly and her. They had been planning for an anniversary celebration for their...
Everyone should have a hobby. As a matter of fact, I have several, but the one that I always fall back on is good old fashion girl watching. That’s just what I was doing after I sat down on a bench in one of the city’s larger parks. It was an unusually hot spring afternoon. The weatherman finally hit one right, as the temperature was almost eighty-five. A few stubborn clumps of snow hung on with great tenacity as they hid behind the trees. I decided to get a run in before the weather changed...
I wake up in a fog Saturday morning. My head is thick, terrible cotton mouth , wondering what the hell happened last night and why i partied so damn much. i lift my head and see Andy sleeping next to me. I slip out of bed and and make my way to the bathroom, on the way i feel the cracking of the crusty cum all over me, up and down my chest, all over my cock and balls, even on my throat. I start recounting the thing that happened last night, what I can remember anyway. The weird thing is, I'm...
Andy booked into the same hotel near the Domain. In the morning he’d stop at the tailor’s and the saddlery and then wend his way to the office. The Katoomba should be in port; perhaps he could tour her, speak to some of the officers, and begin to get acclimated to “fancy” passengers. He tried on clothes and minor adjustments were chalked on them, noting he was classed Third Officer, with one gold band and one thin gold band. He’d pick up everything the next day. Eddie told him which berth at...
When they were ushered into the Giants' press room, the reporters — including two network TV crews — instantly became alert. The cameras began to roll and the reporters — both broadcast and print — listened attentively as Clyde Henry announced the signing of David Wilson to a 5-year, $35-million contract. While he was making the announcement, Sally was standing as close to Dave as she could, seemingly for protection. It was all Dave could do to keep a straight face because the people who...
Andy Griffith Parody: Barney Makes His Rounds (Part One)It was all that dern Gomer's fault.As Barney pulled away from the courthouse he noticed that a rear tire was low. Wally's filling station did not open until 10:00 on Mondays because that was the day that he took his sister to the foot doctor. Barney looked at his watch. 8:25. Maybe he could rouse Gomer from his cot in station's backroom and get him to turn on the air compressor (No charge for air....).The front of the station was dark, so...
Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German (## signifies a change, a passage of time throughout.) ONE "I can't just put on your jeans!" I said in irritation. "Don't make such a fuss," said Biene. Her name's really Sabine, but everyone calls her Biene. But you're not allowed to say Bienchen, 'cause then she gets cross. "These are totally normal jeans." (Note: 'Biene' means 'bee' in German, and the name Sabine is...
Seven days later, shortly before ten, a Peterbilt tractor hauling a forty-foot trailer rolled to a stop at the front entrance to a major downtown-Los Angeles office building, causing consternation among the passers-by. The girl in the passenger seat leaned over and gave the driver a quick kiss, then opened the door and jumped down to the sidewalk. He waved, released a blast on his powerful air horn, and then eased out into traffic. Not surprisingly, none of the cars on the street contested...
It was in the middle of the night when Kathy was awakened by Kelly's body shaking and by the sound of her sobbing. Tightening her hold on the girl, she just listened as Kelly relived some of the terrifying experiences she had had on her trip out to Los Angeles. Although she couldn't be sure, it sounded like Kelly had spent at least one night in a drain culvert that passed under the highway. As Kathy held her even tighter, their body contact and warmth seemed to quiet Kelly down. After...
We were at my house alone during the day and playing one of my game consoles as all teenagers do. About a couple hours in, Andy said almost nonchalantly, “I don't know about you, but I am horny as all hell.” That threw me completely. What a strange thing to say out of nowhere I thought, but then thinking about it, so was I. When I realized that my heart skipped a beat. 'Where is this going?' I thought. 'Does he want to do... something with me?' And suddenly all I could think about...
"Ich kann doch nicht deine Jeans anziehen!" sagte ich entr?stet. "Jetzt stell dich nicht so an", sagte Biene. Sie hie? eigentlich Sabine, aber jeder nannte sie Biene. Bienchen durfte man nicht sagen, da wurde sie sauer. "Das ist eine ganz normale Jeans." "Ja, f?r M?dchen." "Quatsch. Sie ist normal geschnitten, hat keine Stickereien oder so etwas." Ich schaute bedenklich. Meine Hose war nicht mehr zu retten, das war deutlich. Es war cool eine alte Jeans zu tragen. Aber meine war zu a...
It was three weeks later and Sam Duncan was at Kennedy waiting for the Carlsons to arrive from Los Angeles. He had learned that they would be accompanied by Judy Jeffries and Mike Morris. Moreover, he had learned that Judy was the daughter of a Marine major general and Mike was a Marine Medal-of-Honor winner. As a result, Sam and the car were utterly spotless. He felt he had the honor of the U.S. Army to uphold. At the same time he recognized that he would be welcoming one of our country's...
Andy was in pain, serious pain, his body ached everywhere, his head was cloudy, there was something in his mouth, he tried to gather his thoughts. Fear was the last thing that he remembered, the master had threatened him with a punishment and then the gas, that’s it the master had gassed him again. Andy was still locked in place on the metal frame, but adjustments had been made everywhere, most of his weight was now on his shoulders and elbows, which were bent over various poles at awkward...
Vor der Geschichte ein paar Worte in eigener Sache. Es wurden mehrfach Fragen an mich gerichtet, ob ich Andy weiter mache, nachdem ich "Die Wette" gepostet hatte. Wie man sieht, es geht weiter. Ich habe bereits drei weitere Folgen geschrieben, die aber noch Korrektur gelesen werden m?ssen, und das dauert leider - vor allem, weil das im Gegensatz zum Schreiben ?berhaupt keinen Spa? macht. "Die Wette" war nur ein wenig Ablenkung, um mich wieder zu motivieren ;-) Andy wird weitergehen, ...
Einige Tage waren vergangen, in denen nichts Ungew?hnliches geschehen war. Es war Wochenende, und ich benutzte die Gelegenheit, um Zeit mit Biene zu verbringen. Es ging ihr besser, aber sie humpelte noch stark. "Meine Mutter will, dass ich ab Montag wieder in die Schule gehe", meinte sie missmutig. "Und was sagt der Arzt dazu?" fragte ich. "Der wollte, dass ich schon letzte Woche gehen sollte", schmollte sie. "Ich w?rde mein Bein zu wenig benutzen. Deswegen muss ich jeden...
Several days had gone by in which nothing unusual had occurred. It was the weekend and I was using the opportunity to spend some time with Biene. She was doing better, but still had a strong limp. "My mother wants me to go to school again starting Monday," she said sullenly. "And what does the doctor say to that?" I asked. "He wanted me to go last week already," she pouted. "I wasn't using my leg enough. So I have to have these stupid injections every day." "Shots? Pain...
It's been a month now, with Carly working as a personal assistant for Andy at one of the office locations for a bank. Andy was exactly her type: blue eyes with smooth brown hair and a chiseled jawline that sometimes would be scruffy from not shaving after a long day at work. On top of that he had a body of a model. Carly would stay up late at night just imagining herself running her hands across his flat set of abs, down to his crotch which she dreamt was huge.On a day like any other, she...