The Fury Saga Book 1 Hell Hath No Fury
- 3 years ago
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My mind wandered too easily these days. I wondered whether you really missed me and still loved me or if I had become an albatross around your neck. There was little for me to think about where you were concerned. I loved you simply and fully. It was not a love that smothered. I could be separate in body from you and still love you deeply as if I knew every fiber of you, as if I knew your smell during passionate lovemaking and when you were shining with sweat after a hard play at basketball. Neither offended me. Rather I could revel in you. Yet here I was, my mind wandering again, trying vainly to understand what it was about you that kept me irevocably tied to you as a boat tied to a dock.
I decided quite quickly to call and book a flight to Boston. I'd put in for a week off. I decided not to tell you of my impending visit. It was not like me to "sneak" up on you for I prided myself on privacy for myself as well as for others. I just felt that if I told you ahead of time and I got scared and backed out you'd be devastated and therefore so would I. I did not want to hurt you anymore than I already had.
When my plane had reached an altitude where we could loosen our seatbelts I quickly unhooked myself and stood up stretching. I tend to do that when I'm nervous about something. And indeed, I had reason to be nervous. You had pleaded with me for several years to meet you. We had a few good opportunities to do that. But something always held me back. Of course, your being married didnt help. We fell in love so easily, you and I. Neither of us were looking for a complicated relationship and yet we somehow found the other compelling enough to withstand any hardship just to be together. I was not one to "date" married men but with you it never seemed that you were. At least, not before. Now it seemed that you were deeply engrossed in your marriage and your life and I somehow felt the intruder. It made me sad and I must admit a little angry. So it was with mixed emotions that I slowly and carefully walked up toward the front of the plane to use the restroom. We were fifteen minutes from landing and I wanted to freshen up. I was fifteen minutes closer to you.
Logan Airport is by contrast an easy place to circumvent. I was grateful for that because my sense of direction inside walled confines was lacking, to say the least.I was also very nervous. I'd already booked a rental car but had not made reservations anywhere to stay. I wanted to drive to where you worked. When I got in my car I pulled out the address you'd given me two years ago. Then I pulled out the map of Massachusettes. I studied both carefully trying to figure out a route. The sun beat down and caused my forehead to sheen with sweat. I turned the car on so I could run the air conditioner. The soft hum and cool moist air ruffled the map gently to and fro. I'd decided to wear a silk skirt for I knew you liked the feel of silk against my skin. But now as I sat in the car the cool air blew up the inside of my skirt between my thighs and caused me to squirm a little bit. I concentrated on the map tracing it with my fingertip. I figured it would take me at least an hour to reach U Mass. I slipped on my sunglasses and fiddled around with the buttons in the car to famialarize myself with everything. I knew I was just stalling but I was caught in my own web and needed the time to let my pounding heart settle down again in my chest. Finally, satisfying myself that I knew the route to take I folded the map up carefully along with the address and reached over to place both in the glove compartment. Putting the car in drive I headed out of Logan Airport.
Mid August and the sun shimmered on the hood of the car as I raced along the interstate listening to the radio. My mind whirled in anticipation and nervousness. I wondered if you'd be glad to see me. I wondered if you would be angry at me for just dropping in on you like this. I wondered if you'd even be there still. I had not spoken to you in several months and I knew your departure from the lab was imminent but I was not sure when. What would I do if after finally taking this risk, I could not find you. I knew your home address but I would never dare to go there. I would never risk putting you in a predicament that could ultimately hurt your marriage. Above all else, that was paramount in my mind. I'd always told you that and I meant it. Your girls were more precious to me than our love for each other and I would never jeopardize their life together with their mother and father. All these thoughts swirled through my head as I glanced at the signs along the road. My fingers were clenched to the steering wheel. They felt clammy and hot. I relaxed my grip on the wheel and concentrated on something more pleasant while i drove. I remembered the first time we had phone sex. You had been at the lake. It was summer and I remember laying in my bed completely nude while my fingers danced along the contours of my belly and lower. Your deep sensual voice resounded at my ear and there was nothing else around me but your voice. We drifted through the night crying out in agony and passion. My orgasms were deep and fullfilling. More fullfilling than I'd ever been fullfilled before. I touched you that night as you touched me and somehow we knew we'd fallen deeply in love. Our limbs writhed with hunger, arching and grinding as we orgasmed over and over. Sometimes we'd drift off to sleep only to wake to the other one slowly building to a crescendo of deep groans and moans. And on the night took us till it was dawn and still we could not say good night or good morning. We were insatiable.
My mind suddenly focused again but I smiled softly thinking about that night. It would be forever pressed and kissed within the album of my mind. I finally saw the exit sign I needed to take and I slowed the car down to manage the exit ramp. I needed to focus and so my mind closed the album as I steered off the highway.
The University of Massachusettes was huge! I'd pulled into a gas station to check the map again and realized just how spread out it was. I felt intimidated and overwhelmed suddenly. I sighed softly as I stared at the map. Why didnt I just go to a payphone and call? It would be so much easier. You could give me directions to the lab. But what if you weren't pleased to hear from me? My mind played a tug of war. Finally, I knew it was futile for me to try and locate the right building in which you worked. I had to call. Glancing up, I saw a bank of payphones on the wall of the gas station and I drove up to the curb and turned the engine off. My heart was pounding and my legs felt wobbly when i got out of the car. I hadnt realized how hot it was and the sun beat down hard on the top of my head. It also made me realize that I was thirsty too. I decided to go in and get something to drink before calling. I settled on a bottle of water and chugged half of it down before I went outside again to place the phone call. Juggling my purse and the bottle of water I found some change and your phone number. A group of painters drove up and got out laughing and talking. Their accents startled me. They sounded just like you. It made me long for you and as I waited for the other end to connect I could feel the stirrings in my loins. A women with a deep oriental accent answered. I asked to speak to you. There was silence at the other end. Finally she told me you no longer worked there. I quietly said good bye and hung up the phone.
I mentally kicked myself wondering why I hadnt asked where you were now? I mean, it could be assumed that I was a former colleague or student of yours. If pressed, I could have made something up. Stealing up my nerves I redialed the number. The same woman answered and I quickly told her who I was and that I had worked with you at Keene State in New Hampshire. Of course, I didnt really tell her my real name. I dont think she bought it and so I found myself stuttering and trying to sound plausible. I'm not a good liar and it was apparent to me as well to the woman on the other end of the phone. Finally, she told me that you were at home and she gave me your phone number. I couldnt believe she would do something like that without asking you first. But somehow, I think she knew who I was. I know you never told anyone about me at work but we talked many times. I know from my own experience with my coworkers that nothing much escapes them as I'm sure it didn't with her. I thanked her and quickly hung up the phone. This didnt really do me any good for I knew that I would not call you at home and besides, your home number was burned in my memory. I looked at my watch and realized it was only 2pm. I wondered idly why you were home. Now I wondered what I would do?
The surf pounded against the sand. Its fury roiling into foamy patterns as it shrugged back out to the sea. I watched fascinated. With my shoes held in my hand, I unconciously dug my toes into the sand. The small cottage cast shadows where ever the sun waxed and waned. I'd decided to rent it for the week when I bought a newspaper and looked under summer rentals. I was very lucky to get this cottage at such short notice. The elderly woman who met me here an hour ago was very happy to rent it at such short notice. It was not in the best condition but I didnt care. I wanted to be able to take a shower, have some privacy, and figure out what to do next. The large wrap-around porch really sold me on the place. I would enjoy sitting in the wooden swing each evening as the sun went down. I sighed softly turning my back to the water and went inside to unpack my things and take a shower. I'd stopped and bought a few things on the way so that I wouldnt have to go out later for dinner. I felt let down and just wanted to sulk silently with my thoughts.
After taking my shower, I slipped on a pair of lose cotton shorts and a t-shirt. I fixed a gin and tonic, even cutting up a fresh lime to add to it. I padded outside to the swing barefoot. My hair was still damp and I curled my legs underneath me sipping and staring out at the water. I could hear, more than see the waves as they gently and rhythmically lapped the shore line. Night had fallen on the cape. I'd called home earlier to let my son know I was here, giving him the phone number in case of an emergency. I'd already made up my mind that I would not seek you out. It was a hard decision but somehow I didnt want to tempt the fates. I held to the belief that if it was meant to be then it would happen. My forcing the situation would not be good I'd decided. And so, I sipped my drink tasting the tart cool liquid as it slid down my throat listening to the sounds of natures fury.
I had not realized how tired I was. The combination of fresh air, alcohol, flight and long drive had made me drift off to sleep. I woke with a start. The wind had picked up and the swing, with its rusty hinges in the porch ceiling had creaked. I'd forgotten where I was at first. My limbs were aching and I carefully unfolded myself and stood up.
"Hello Kristin."
I wheeled around to where I'd heard the unmistakable voice. My eyes squinted trying to see into the darkness. The soft pool of lamp light coming from the living room window spilled out onto the porch and just skipped down the front steps. I could not see anything further. I'd just imagined it. The wind and surf had strengthened since I'd fallen asleep and the sound deafened my ears. I could not have possibly heard anything but that. Suddenly, I saw you. You stood just out of the light at the bottom of the steps. My heart slammed in my chest making me feel dizzy. I grabbed the stair rail feeling my knees wobble as I tried to focus my eyes on you.
I could not believe it was really you.
"How did you find me?" I asked confused. My mouth was suddenly dry as I formed the words.
We stood facing each other as you slowly ascended the steps closing the distance between us.
"Why didnt you call me?" you asked ignoring my question.
Your eyes bored into mine. My heart was pounding as if I'd been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. You always made me feel like that.
When I stepped back from this moment I realized it was the first time that we'd seen each other. It was almost etherial in its complexity and yet we faced each other as if we were having a normal conversation. It dawned on me that you'd probably been standing there watching me sleep and so you'd had more time to compose yourself unlike me.
"Why did you come here?" you asked.
Your eyes slowly slid down my body and back up. At first it made me uncomfortable but I knew how shy you really were and you'd never do this knowingly so I knew you weren't even aware you were doing it. I stepped back, the back of my knees bumping into the swing making me wobble slightly. It forced me to sit down rather than look like I was off balance which i really was. The swing creaked loudly in my ears as I looked up helplessly into your eyes. The soft glow from the light inside caused shadows to hug along the edge of your face. I unconciously plucked at my shirt realizing that my nipples were erect and could be clearly seen through the thin white tshirt.
"Dont." you said reaching out pressing my arm softly back to my side. "I just want to look at you."
You stood before me not moving.
"I wanted to see you." I said.
It sounded hollow even to my ears. It was all I could get out. My mind was whirling and my tongue had suddenly felt too large for my mouth. Matthew continued to stare down at me. His face was unreadable.
His face. I loved Matthew's face and his body. He had the longest fingers that for some reason I found fascinating. I wondered quite often how those fingers would feel on my body. With the invention of digital cameras we'd been able to send images of ourselves clothed and unclothed. He teased me when he sent his pictures. Each day I would receive a new one with one less clothing article on his body. I would wait hungrily for a new addition each day.
Matthew, thought of himself as a geek. He was six foot, lean, moderately muscular, with thick dark hair and green eyes. He had terrible vision so he wore rather thick lensed glasses. But to me this just added to his appeal.He had a low sensual voice with a slight burr in it and a mild new england accent.He held a Phd in biochemistry and with my background in medicine it clearly had a basis for our chemistry. We both liked music. He was a avid Mozart fan while I enjoyed listening to alternative music.He played guitar and sang and I also played guitar (though not well) and I sang. I, on the other hand, was slightly built. I was five foot six and weighed, on a good day, around 110 pounds. I had natural blonde hair slightly below my shoulders which never looked neat. My hair had a mind of its own. I felt more comfortable in jeans. I wore little makeup. I felt intimidated by women who dressed well with every hair in place. I couldnt even keep my shoes tied which probably was the reason I felt more comfortable barefoot.
The moon had risen at some point because I realized the porch was suddenly bathed in silvery light. I had envisioned this moment of meeting many times in my dreams.
"Kristin, answer me please".
"I told you. I wanted to see you". I said simply finally able to speak.
I let the part about how he found me lay dormant at the moment as I continued to just stare back at him noticing for the first time that his belt line was only inches from my face. I started blushing out of control and shifted my eyes from him. I felt his finger brush my cheek and slide down to my chin pressing my face back towards him.
"Look at me." He whispered softly.
I looked up and he was smiling down at me. My hands reflexively came up on either side of his thighs and I smiled back still blushing. We had spent so many hours on the phone living out our fantasies that this seemed only a prelude of what we both knew was inevitable.
Matthew bent down slightly and softly kissed the top of my head. His hands pressed on either side of my face pulling me slightly forward. My heart pounded in my chest and it felt as if every bit of my breath had been sucked out of me. My legs trembled as I let him guide me gently pressing my face against his thighs. I could feel his cock beneath the cotton of his shorts as it pressed against me. Every bit of will that I might have had evaporated as I knew intinctively what to do and what he liked. I could smell the clean smell of cotton as I let my nose move back and forth against him. His hips moved with me as my hands grasped his thighs harder. I softly kissed the warm hardness beneath my lips and then moved my hands around to the front of his shorts and found the zipper letting my nose continue its warm dance. I thought I heard him groan but it could have been me. I wasnt sure. I felt the unmistakable tingle start in my groin as my fingers fumbled to slide the zipper down. Time seemed to stop. I had no idea of the time nor did I care. The roaring in my head was NOT from the sea but from my own blood pressure soaring out of control. I finally slid his zipper down and unbuttoned his shorts. I could see the unmistakable tent of his boxers beneath as I let my face nuzzle again into him. Even though we'd never touched our bodies were like well tuned instruments. My fingers trembled as they found the slit in the front of his boxers working their way in. His fingers curled through my hair pressing his hips closer to my waiting mouth.
Chapter 2If someone had told me four years ago that I would meet someone online in a chat room and fall in love with that person, I would have told them they were certifiable. I'd heard the grim stories of online cyber affairs. I had no intention of being a statistic. I was smug in my self-assuredness and felt that sordid little affairs happened only to desperate lonely people. I had never cheated in my marriage so when my husband informed me he was having an affair with a coworker I was stunned. I was not prepared for this. I'd prided myself on staying fit. I was a professional. He'd never had to ask for sex. I enjoyed sex as much as he did. But the reality was that he had and so our marriage ended after twelve years.
I'd just finished taking my boards and was at loose ends. I'd purchased a computer the year before but had never downloaded the software so that I could connect online. I decided to download the software mainly out of curiosity. And so it was, I found myself in a virtual reality chat room. This was different than normal chat rooms because there was depth and space to the environment. This particular chat room was called the Lodge. It looked liked a winter lodge nestled in the snow capped mountains of some country. There was a large stone fireplace with a crackling fire. There were plush colorful sofas as well as soft glowing lights. By clicking and sliding my mouse I was able to move around in this environment as well as move near someone else to chat in private if I wished. Four years ago, this was considered "cutting edge" technology and most of the people who found the lodge were as curious and new to all of this as I was.
I met Matthew three months after my divorce was final. I'd been on call that weekend and Monday was my day off. I fixed a cup of tea that morning and decided to see who was in the lodge before going about my day. I found I liked starting my day there. I'd met some very interesting people. Hard to believe that a federal judge, cartographer, physician, lawyer, magazine editor, CPA, teachers, writers, as well as professionals with computer backgrounds, could all converge in the lodge and love it. We were a small group in contrast to the large chat rooms out on the web. We were actually part of an intranet based server with a well-known internet provider. This probably made us closer and more willing to open up about ourselves.
Matthew and I instantly bonded. At first, it was a close friendship. He'd told me he was married but like many married men was not fulfilled. I more or less chalked this up to boredom on his part and since I was not emotionally involved with him I could listen to him as he listened to me about my past marriage and not judge him. He was my friend after all. He was home for the summer taking care of his girls and while they napped he would come into the lodge and hang out. He was funny, smart and intuitive especially where I was concerned. I rarely saw him during the day because I was working but he would pop into the lodge at night at odd times and we'd whisper together like two children. I guess I was rather naïve and it took two months before I realized I was falling in love with this man that I'd never even seen. I had no idea at the time he that he was falling in love with me also. He tended to be jealous if I talked to others or showed too much interest in someone but I just assumed he was trying to flatter me with his attention. I did not realize he really meant it. He would take great pains to impress me, which of course I was. He would send me emails asking for a date on such and such a night. We'd meet at the lodge and then surf around the web together keeping in touch by messaging back and forth on a messaging service we both had. Little by little we started exploring more erotic sites. Usually, these were sites of women in lingerie or poetry sites with erotic literature. He was just as new to this as I was. We were like naughty children peeking at things we'd not been allowed to see before. I found by the end of one of these nights that I was very stimulated. It was hard to go to bed alone on these nights. I'd lay in bed and fantasize about him. My fingers would slide over my body, pinching my nipples and rubbing my clit pretending it was his fingers doing this. I would cry out calling his name when I made myself orgasm. I did not know that he was feeling the same thing and would jerk off thinking of me. All in all, we stumbled our way through the early summer stimulating the other and not realizing what was happening to us.
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Translation of German words or phrases at the end. However, I have tried to make the meaning fairly clear in context. HELL HATH NO FURY . . . With many thanks to Stefani, who not only proofreads my German, but also comes up with helpful comments and suggestions. Vielen Dank, meine Freundin! PRELUDE: Happily Ever After? If this had been a fairytale, we should by rights have reached the part where Logan and I would live happily ever after. Somehow, as the fog clears...
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Chapter 1 When I was growing up I liked to write stories. My favorites were the dirty ones. I could act out sexual fantasies on paper that I was prohibited to by my religion. God didn’t approved of this behavior, I knew, and I was certain my parents would have been shocked and disappointed if they had caught me. But biology trumped my good intentions. As I had no friends interested in being with me sexually, I had to find other outlets for my feelings. When I began puberty we had no internet,...
Around this same time I met a very pretty Mexican girl named Rose. We started dating and were having at an actual relationship. She was what the Mexicans called a "Fresa", which is Spanish for strawberry. It was used as slang to describe the females of the Mexican aristocracy. She came from a wealthy family and was in L.A. with the delusion that just because she was beautiful she should also be famous. She was trying her hand at acting and/or modeling. She had a very nice condominium in West...
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[I stayed on my knees, grabbed a flashlight and peeked between the sheets of canvas. WHAT THE Fu__! ] Greg reacted even faster than me. “Holy shit! That’s more drugs than I could ever imagine!” We were looking at row after row of steel shelves, 10’ high and 100’ long, all packed with huge plastic wrapped bags that looked to contain heroin, cocaine, marijuana, pills, weapons, ammo and even explosives. Huge vertical refrigerators and ... four dead bodies! All of them appeared to be young...
Amber walked back to the laundry room to find her uncle still lying on the make shift bed in the corner. He was naked except for a cock cage that she had padlocked to him during his sleep. This wasn’t just any cock cage. It was specially lined with tiny spikes that would eat into the sensitive skin outlining the shaft of the encased penis if it were to become erect. It wouldn’t cause any permanent damage, but could be extremely uncomfortable for the unfortunate soul who became excited while...
Passion and desperation were interlocked between the two bodies, their love bound by this single night. The two lovers had waited for this day for many weeks, their patience drawing closer and closer to breaking point as their love was tested. Outside of the window, the scene was that of a city landscape, the sound of horns beeping with the traffic and the constant sound of talking. The sky was dark grey, the cold weather causing the falling rain to slowly drift to the brink of being snow, the...
"Don't worry, It's only for an hour" Miss Lane said in a comforting tone. "yeah, I guess so, although I have a new pupil today to add to my misery" she Laughed. "The German mature student?" asked Miss Lane "I've seen him around school he's quite imposing" "That's all I need! Another trouble-maker" Miss Ashcroft said with a tint of despair in her voice. The bell rang, and both teachers put their mugs down and walked off to their classes. Miss Ashcroft, was a very pretty...
Chapter 3 ( Momma spills the beans ) Keith emerged from the shower feeling good and smelling a little sweeter. He slid on a pair of fresh jeans and went into the kitchen to get a beer out of the box, discovering that he only had about 4 left. 'Damn, now I gotta run into town and get some more, tomorrows Sunday and nobody around here sells beer on Sunday.' He...
Helena and Charli Another work of Fiction By … Barbusie … April 15, 2012 A young newly divorced, desperately horny, and overly protective...
"year 12 English class today" said Miss Ashcroft with a sigh, she hated this class, they always refused to work even when threatened with detention. "Don't worry, It's only for an hour" Miss Lane said in a comforting tone. "yeah, I guess so, although I have a new pupil today to add to my misery" she Laughed. "The German mature student?" asked Miss Lane "I've seen him around school he's quite imposing" "That's all I need! Another trouble-maker" Miss Ashcroft said with a...
Thump! “Erg….” I groaned as my eyes gradually opened themselves in curiosity. My senses gathered it was early morning so I then stepped out onto the balcony as the gentle sunlight lapped up my naked breasts. Hello, my name is Uwasuberi Fujoshi; my friends just call me Beri. I’m 16 years old, with D cup breasts, I’m 6 foot 1 inch and have hazel eyes with long, brown hair down to my hips, which is a pain since it takes about an hour to wash and brush. I live in a tree hut on the edge...
What was it about this woman that when ever he, thought about or spoke to her made his love shaft stand proud and tall, almost as if it was calling out to her, come here and take me into your secret places. ‘Show me how you can love me.’ He recalled the feather light touches of her finger tips as they played up and down his shaft as if it was some musical instrument. In truth it was an instrument, an instrument of pleasure which he and she used in their games of love. Hot passionate games which...
The skies were bright and blue. Very few clouds spread as far as the eye could see. The meadow was a luscious green with rolling hills. It was an incredible view of the little town of Brantwood. She sat under a tree, looking at everything she could take in. She often sat there when things went wrong, or if she needed some time to herself to mull things over. Her name was Lana. A young beautiful teacher in the town school. She had chocolate brown hair with soft curls that gently draped her...
Love StoriesAfter Chad left, my first impulse was to rush down to David's room and partake of the forbidden fruit I had so longed for. I sat and thought for a long time. This was my big opportunity. Just a few doors down lay a chance to feel that intense sexual excitement again. Feelings that had been pent up for many months were now rising to the surface. I headed for the door with thoughts of David's young supple body pressing against mine. I opened the door and headed down the hall. I stopped at...
Chapter 2 … Thank Heaven for Little Girls … By … Barbusie … Gloria woke at around noon Saturday to the sound of a cat meowing by the front door. She was spooned real comfy with Keith holding her from behind,...
I m 26 yrs old and i often visit this site and wonder if people really indulge in incest…but nw as i have experiensd it i knw some may be true as happend a mnth ago…my cousin sis her name is timsi…she is very pretty…a real hot girl only 19 yrs old with a perfect figure of 34 24 34…i never saw in this manner i mean sexually… I recntly had a break up with my g.f with whom i used to have sex almost everyday…aftr the breakup i ws hungry fr sex…i tried lukin fr anothr girl but all in vain...
IncestShe lay there in the cool room. A silk cloth covering her eyes from seeing anything around. Her naked body was lying across the silken-sheeted bed. Her lover told her she would have her romantic night. Something she would never forget nor want to end. Her wrists and ankles were bound directly above and beneath her. Nothing to cause her to feel dirty by being spread wide, but yet at the same time they were loose enough to cause such a process. She squirmed from side to side. Wondering when the...
The skies were bright and blue. Very few clouds spread as far as the eye could see. The meadow was a luscious green with rolling hills. It was an incredible view of the little town of Brantwood. She sat under a tree, looking at everything she could take in. She often sat there when things went wrong, or if she needed some time to herself to mull things over. Her name was Lana. A young beautiful teacher in the town school. She had chocolate brown hair with soft curls that gently draped her...
Sandy and I had been constant lovers since the first night we'd made love some six months earlier. "Lovers" wouldn't even begin to describe what Sandy and I had experienced with each other since that first time. On that momentous night, I had shown up on her doorstep after 10:30 or so and she'd invited me in since she, her husband and I had been friends for awhile. He was an enlisted man in the Air Force and had just left a few weeks earlier for a year's assignment overseas by himself,...
Copyright © 2000 This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author. She finally gave up. Sleep was not to be her companion, despite the numbers on the alarm clock reminding her, that she was closer to a new day, the old one she had abandoned hours earlier. It was hot as hell and the sorry excuse of an air...
I had reserved a hotel in Paris that was fairly close to the Louvre. My plan was to be able to walk to our destinations as much as possible. Since we had arrived in the late morning, we were able to check in at the hotel and then do some site seeing. The first stop, of course, was the Eiffel Tower, the most visited paid monument in the world. When it came to be our turn to ride up to the second level, David and I pressed forward and found out later that Chad had to take the next ride up. The...
Greg Standish a forty year old male with a college degree spent most of his time in and out of prison for robbery to support his drug habit. He had a wife and family at home, but the weekends he spent with his friends, he met while serving time in prison. Frank Harding a thirty four year old male, who makes his money selling drugs to adults and teenagers, he is an abusive husband and father to his wife and their three small daughters, their ages are three years old, four years old and five...
EroticLet's check out some passionate porn at Passion-HD! There are scores of porn sites available on the web that cover any and every hardcore xxx niche imaginable. There are sites dedicated to hardcore double penetration, extreme anal sex, BDSM rope play, and roleplayed incest. But how many sites do you know of, just off the top of your head, that are devoted to intense, passionate lovemaking? Can you even think of any?That’s where PassionHD comes in, offering tons of high definition scenes of the...
Top Premium Porn SitesPassion, not sex. Youth is definitely wasted on the young. Hindsight being the better part of valor, I would not so indiscriminately engage myself in what was then a one brain celled activity. So foolish was I to have wasted one of the greatest opportunities a man can behold in his life; molding a woman's flesh and spirit within his hands.Having grown older and gained maturity, I now see the folly of my ways. Maturity has allowed me to see the vast difference between sex and making love. To...
Love Storieshiiii friends,,im a regular reader of iss and wanna thank iss team for providing us with such nice platform to share our fantacies,desires & experiences with others. Dear readers please pardon if i make any mistakes as its my first story . Its a real incident happend last year on my GF’s birthday. My story is a bit long as its described and filled with all parts of love,creativity,passion,lust,romance,sexual activeness and wildness,,so i request all to please read it full with patience as i...
Alright, neckbeard, it’s time to get you out of the basement. Hose out your pits, scrape the fromunda cheese from your junk, and slap on a button-up shirt. Not the one with the dragons, dipshit, put on that neglected oxford your mom bought you. All set? Now we just need a dating site aimed at horny fucks like you. Let’s take a look at Look At This Ripped, Shirtless DudeThe first thing you’ll see when you hit Passion’s landing page is a shirtless guy. His pants and drawers are...
Hookup SitesPassion By MariLynn William Marilynnfl@ Hotmail. com As I sit here, I'm wearing a demi cup lace and silk push-up bra that barely contains my now truly abundant breasts as they strain against my ruffled white silk blouse. I'm wearing a snug fitting short gray skirt, accented with gray silk nylons, and my gray heels. I have long fingernails painted glowing red, shoulder length auburn hair brushed out so I can show it off. A gorgeous wedding and engagement ring set on my left...
We decided we needed time away from the everyday rat race of life, so we made plans to go away for a long weekend. There was a peaceful cabin in the woods a friend of ours told us about. After hearing about it we decided that’s where we wanted to go. That night we packed for the drive the next day. It was a long ride to the cabin, the air was crisp and clean, which made us a bit frisky. While driving along the open road I slid closer to him, I reached in his shirt with my hand finding his...
It was just another lifeless day at the office as I rummage through piles of paperwork the size of mountains and working on a computer that is so antiquated, sometimes I think that cave dwellers used this computer. It seems like my stress level is at an ‘all time high’, my nerves are almost to the point of being ‘comfortably numb’ and my mental status is at the brink of making Von Gogh look fairly sane. Suddenly, my phone rings and at the other end of the line was my boss requesting me to...
Hi this is Max Cooper an Anglo-Indian presently staying in Bangalore. You can reach me at . I am 28 years old now with a good height and slim fit. I have a very good dick size which is a bit bent down, enough to satisfy any women who come around. I don’t look good enough but the best advantage is I work like a drilling machine and stay long on bed. While coming to the story, I would like to advise everyone it is all about pure love making without brutality. This all started with a lady named...
Here I am again. Another bed. The silken sheets cleaved to our sweaty bodies as I neared the climax of my performance. I could hear the woman, whatever her name was, moan in pleasure. She muttered something in my ear. I think it was French. I tried focusing on what I was doing. I could feel her hot, wet pussy engulf my cock... But something was missing. She clawed at my back as she came again. What was it, something like three times now? She was an animal. Don't get me wrong, if felt...
IncestThis is part 2 of "Passion in Shangri-La", written in collaboration with my talented friend Tazznjazz. And lots of thanks to ShyVixen and Saga, who helped me in proofreading. To best understand the story, we suggest that you read the preceding part before reading this one, but this story may be enjoyed by its own as well. It was a radiant summer day, custom made for indulgence. I checked my calendar to make sure I had made no prior commitments. Once satisfied the day was indeed my own, I...
VoyeurPassionate Dalliance I was pouring a fresh cup of coffee, listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan and thinking what an incredible blues guitar player he was, when I heard a soft tap on the door. I hurriedly threw on an old button-down and walked to the door, opened it, and was delighted to see her standing at my door. Mackenzie was a classmate of mine at the university, and she was majoring in sociology as I was. She was a pretty neat woman. She was as intelligent as all hell, but wasn't full of...
Straight SexKim was a natural beauty. She was tall at almost 5' 9" and she weighed 120 pounds. She was shapely and sexy with totally black hair that had a natural bit of curl and very dark brown eyes. Her skin was flawless and she appeared permanently tanned. Her father was of Iranian descent (Persian, as Kim liked to say): he was dark skinned and swarthy (in a handsome way) and her mother was a true American beauty (blonde with blue eyes and quite pretty), but Kim had inherited all her features from...
It was a cold winters night, the sky was crystal clear. We were snuggled under a blanket, on the couch. In the chimney, the flames cast a warm glow as the fire roared drowning the howl of the wind outside.The flame that we had once had between us had burned out a long time ago. Now we sat in the intimacy born out of habit without the heat of any vestige of passion.I looked at you and saw the woman I had loved and married without really recognizing her. The face and figure were the same I had...
Love StoriesIt was a cold winters night, the sky was crystal clear. We were snuggled under a blanket, on the couch. In the chimney, the flames cast a warm glow as the fire roared drowning the howl of the wind outside.The flame that we had once had between us had burned out a long time ago. Now we sat in the intimacy born out of habit without the heat of any vestige of passion.I looked at you and saw the woman I had loved and married without really recognizing her. The face and figure were the same I had...
Love StoriesPassion at Sea This was my second cruise alone and I was looking forward to the relaxation, sun and new ports. I didn’t realize at the time that “new ports” would take on a whole new meaning by the end of the cruise. The first day was spent on the cruise line’s private island and I used the day to walk along the water’s edge, exploring, doing a little swimming and snorkeling. I never tire of being around the Caribbean . The water is breathtakingly beautiful. The color of the water runs the...