- 4 years ago
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It started out to be a really unpleasant day. Once again my twerp brother got me in trouble. My parental units are always taking his side no matter what. The little fucker got me AGAIN and I just knew it would be no use trying to convince them that I was innocent. FUCK!! My brother, Charlie, is three years younger than me and starts high school next year. Thank God that I don't have to share the school with him for more than one year! Well, I was late for work and I was already tired. I didn't sleep well and I had to start the day dragging butt. Lately my hormones have really begun to kick in. I knew what they were and what they were supposed to do, at least in my mind, but I was not ready for the effect they had on my thoughts. The new chemicals my body had begun producing have me thinking all sorts of really sorted things about just about everyone I come in contact with. Just about every guy I see I imagine what they would look like naked or how it would feel to rub my own naked body up against theirs. In class, when the teacher walked down the isle between our seats, I caught myself sniffing deep trying to smell him as he passed. I think about what it would feel like to rub some guy's unit all over my face. I even day dreamed about walking up to some random guy I had seen on the street, pulling down his pants and sucking him hard until he came in my mouth. And I have begun getting the most disturbingly horny dreams at night that wake me with a start, leaving me sweating and with wet panties. Last night I dreamt that I walked up to my brother, naked from the waist down, while he was sitting at the dinner table with my parents present and just rubbed my crotch all over his face. That one really disturbed me. I'm just horny and tired all the time, which is part of the reason I snapped at my brother in frustration this morning, which is all that was needed to make my parent mad at me. They heard my frustrating yell; that was all the evidence they needed.
Even though I went out the door fuming, I couldn't stay that way long, not with Mrs. Wellbe's cute little baby to look after. I was helping her out with the chores of being a new mom. Baby Samantha is absolutely adorable. When I look at her it just does something to me. I just want to cuddle her and hold her close to my breasts. After she is fresh from her bath, she is just so soft and smells so nice, I have a strong desire to hold her tight. For some reason, whenever the baby is near, my nipples actually pucker.
Once, when Mrs. Wellbe had run to the store and left the baby with me to look after, I did something that was so bad, but I just could not help myself. Why, I had actually unbuttoned my blouse and popped a boob out from under my bra and stuck a nipple right into the baby's mouth. Oh, man, oh, man was that ever hot! It's hard to describe all that I was feeling. Part of that is because I got lightheaded but mostly it was because of all the things rushing about my body. It started with the huge amount of suction that the tiny baby's mouth put on my nipple. I mean, it felt as if she was sucking half of my tit-flesh into her little mouth. What a rush. That's when I almost felt like I was going to faint. Next was the funny feeling that I got in my stomach and even lower down. I actually felt my organs start to spasm or something. I mean, I could feel something tighten up down there inside me. Next came the stuff that was happening in my pants. I thought an alien had taken over down in there or something 'cause my cooch absolutely started to gush and slobber and drool like the mouth of a Great Dane or something. My panties became suddenly soaked. It was feeling so good that I sort of lost track of time and when I did looked up at the clock I about had a cow. In a rush I painfully pulled the baby off my breast. The little cutie just about kept the nipple; she did not want to let go. I have since learned from watching Mrs. Wellbe that you are supposed to break the seal first by getting a finger close to the nipple and pushing in on the breast. When I looked at my nipple I could not believe how big it was and how far it stood out from my tit. Luckily, I got put back together with just a minute to spare. I've repeated the act a couple times since. It gets better each time I do it. I would love to have my nipples sucked all the time, I just don't get the opportunities that I would like to be alone with Samantha.
Of course, I don't just help with the baby, I also help around the house, which frees Mrs. Wellbe up to breast feed the baby and stuff like that; you know, bonding type things. I also help with vacuuming and dishes and taking out the trash or whatever. The last thing I did this day was move a bunch of beer bottles out to the recycle area in the corner of the garage. They had recently had a party to celebrate the baby's birth and had served a lot of beer to all their guests. The problem was that I tried to lift a case of empties onto a high shelf and tipped the box back on myself as I pushed up. This put the open ends right at chest level and a bunch of not quite empty bottles drained their stale contents all over me. Instantly, I smelled like a brewery. Yuck.
When I got home I found my mother packing. My aunt had fallen off a step and hurt herself. My dad was going to drive my mom up-state to see what they could do to help out. My mother gave me instructions that I was to stay at home and look after my dip-shit brother [my adjective, not hers] while they were gone for a few days. She also told me that I was not to have friends over nor was I to go anywhere with friends until they got back. FUCK! In disgust I went to my room and flopped down on my bed. Bummed and tired, I fell asleep.
It was late afternoon and just starting to get dark out when something woke me. I was lying on my back with my left arm draped across my eyes. I just lay there listening to the sound of someone whispering. Keeping my breathing steady I barely cracked my eyelids, With my left eye I could peek out of the crook of my elbow where it formed a crack next to my nose. As the whispering continued, someone moved into my field of view. I could just make out a tee shirt and a pair of jeans. Then I heard, "I think she's drunk." That had to be Robert, Charlie's creepy friend.
"You think she's passed out?" came back my brother's whispered response.
"Must be." replied Robert. "From the smell of the room I'd say she drunk a whole case of beer." There followed a moment of silence and then I heard Robert breath out, "Man, your sister is hot." Another silent pause and then Robert barely audibly asked, " You ever seen a girl?"
"What?" my brother hissed.
"You know," Robert replied, "tits and stuff; you ever seen a girl?"
"What the fuck are you getting at, man? She's my sister." said my brother in a not so quiet voice.
"Yeah, I know, but it's not like she's gonna know and all. I mean, look at her; she's totally wasted. And your parents are gone and all. What's the harm in a little peak?" said Robert in an urgent whisper. "Besides, when are you ever going to get another chance like this?"
I could feel the tension in the air as the question hung out there. The body moved out of my vision and then another appeared. The second one was my brother, as I recognized his shirt. I heard some shuffling sounds and then felt a push on my shoulder. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I could hear my brother ask in a hoarse rasp from the foot of the bed.
"I just want to see if we can wake her." said Robert in an almost not quite whisper. "Hey, Melanie, you awake?" Robert said in a none too quiet voice. This was followed by a firm grip of my right arm and a good shake.
I obviously knew what was going on this whole time. At first I did not want to be bothered with a couple ass-wipes but then a plan quickly formulated in my mind. It became rather apparent right away what was going on here and where this all was headed. I thought that if my brother became involved in that pervert's scheme the parents would go ape-shit ballistic on the shit-head. All I had to do was wait a minute or two and Charlie and his friend would both be TOTALLY fucked. I just kept my cool and waited to see where this went.
"See man, I told you she was goners." said Robert in a normal conversational voice.
"But she could be faking." pleaded Charlie, no longer attempting to whisper.
"Let's see." said Robert and then I felt a hand on my right breast.
"Holy fuck!" exclaimed my brother.
"See, I told you." said Robert as he started to knead my breast. "Come on over and get a hand full. Your sis has some mighty fine tit flesh."
I could see my brother hesitate at the foot of the bed but for a moment before he rushed to the side opposite Robert. A moment later the bed moved as he crawled up on it and I then felt his hand grab onto my other breast. YES! I had the fucker! I was about to start kicking some ass when, for some reason, I held off. Suddenly it came to me to let the two of them dig their graves a bit deeper. I did not want them to say that it was all a misunderstanding. They could always just say that they were just shaking me and I must have been confused on waking. So I waited.
"Enough of this shit, man," said Robert, "let's see some tits!" With this I felt the hem of my spaghetti tee-shirt being grabbed and yanked up. It was stuck, bunched on my back; so I felt Robert shift it side to side as he pulled it up over my breasts. I knew they were now looking at my bra. Looking down, out from under my arm I saw Robert's hand reach over and at the same time felt my bra being pulled out and lifted over my breasts. Immediately I saw the top of Robert's brown hair covered head and was shocked by the feeling of my right nipple being vigorously sucked upon. I had to fight hard to not suck in a big breath of air or to cry out. Robert went at suckling my teat as vigorously as Samantha had. It also immediately had the same effect on me. I felt a gush of moisture soak my girl parts and my nipples responded in kind by becoming achingly rock hard. With a "pop" Robert released my nubbin and encouraged my brother with, "Come on, man, there's one for you too!" With that he reattached his mouth to my throbbing breast.
I saw my brother's head come into view as he leaned over me. He seemed to hesitate a moment, then let out an, "Um ... ah... " then after another pause, I think to consider what he was about to do, he suddenly lowered his mouth and joined his friend. I now had two teenaged boys sucking at my breasts with the vigorous enthusiasm of hormone driven youth. Oh, was I ever loving this! I was soon lost in the coursing through my body starting from my nipples and shooting down to my crotch.
Robert placed his hand on my belly as his mouth continued to vigorously pull at my turgid nipple. I could feel him rubbing around in a circle, sending flutters down into my pussy. I felt it squirt out a fresh batch of lubricant. Suddenly, in a flash, his hand shot downward, fingers slipping under the waist band of both my shorts and panties and coming to rest over my sodden crotch. His middle and ring fingers immediately curled into the crease that they quickly split, and just like that, he had two fingers slipping up my pussy hole.
"Fuck man, she's soaking wet!" exclaimed Robert as he attempted to fuck his two fingers in and out of my suddenly throbbing girlie parts. His movements were hindered by the constriction of my tight shorts and panties, which must have frustrated him, for he quickly withdrew his hand. Breaking off sucking at my tit, he said "Fuck this!" and quickly moved around to straddle my lower legs. Grabbing the hemline of my shorts and panties either side of my hip, Robert roughly yanked the clothes off my lower body exposing my hairy pussy to the teen boys. This was the first time any boy had seem me naked since I was a little girl, running through the sprinklers in the back yard one summer afternoon when my mother's friend visited with her equally young little boy. I suddenly remembered how we had both spent a fun afternoon running about the yard in the buff. That thought momentarily distracted me from the fact that I was now naked and being perved at by my brother's friend while my brother was trying his best to get milk from my left tittie. Robert finished removing the clothes from the lower half of my body. I heard them hit the floor as he pushed my legs apart. In no time I felt Robert spread my labia with his fingers and, without hesitation, he clamped his mouth on and started sucking at my cooch.
I stiffened as electricity shot up my spine from the contact of his mouth. His upper lip was laid across the swell of my pudendum and his lower lip ran low over my swelling outer pussy lips. Suddenly my gash was split as Robert's tongue shot out and probed for the well of my vagina. He wiggled it about for a moment or two before curling the tip and swiping it up my crease and across my hardening clit. This was repeated a couple times before my aching lungs reminded me that I had to breath. I remembered to control my breathing and to not just blow out and gasp in a breathe, like I wanted to, which was hard. I don't know why I was still trying to remain quiet. I had all the ammo I needed to shoot these two fucking idiots down. I don't know, maybe it was the the overload to my senses from the lapping my clitoris was taking that distracted me and prevented a coherent thought of action from forming in my brain. I had always been a somewhat chaste and reserved girl up to this point in my life and had not allowed boys the freedom to explore my charms as so many of my classmates were rumored to had done. I certainly had not had oral done to me as it was so devastatingly being done at the moment. Why, I had not even contemplated what it would feel like to have cunnilingus performed on me and here I was with my pussy being sucked and probed and lapped at by a very eager teen tongue.
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CrossdressingHi all i am Sam regular reader of ISS . I am doing engineering in Bangalore . Today i decided to narrate my sex experience with you all . Well coming to story, my girl’s name is Shyamala she is doing her 1st PUC in government college . Her age is just 18 and she looks like film actor Nayanthara, coming to her structure 28 26 30. Actually she is not so modern and all but she is good looking in churidhar . As i am very much interested in sex i use to ask for the kiss but she use to refuse me but...
Hey friends, (yes, the angels from Venus and the warriors from Mars). I have been and will be a regular reader of ISS, and have been always yearning to read good sensual stories here. Kudos to all those men and women who bare the double standards of the society and write their experiences and fantasies here. Let me begin my story or more really my experience. It is a one of a kind experience. I always hangout in frenzo and waplog to satisfy my desires (at least to chat or phone sex). Phone sex...
by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 02 The next couple of days went very much the same until the Thursday evening. Jack and Oliver did a first, and a last with both of them, by taking me to the pub. They had me wear just an ultra short summer dress and heels and it felt so nice to go out in London wearing so little. I caught a couple of young guys...
The lights to the book store were turned out followed by Stew and Rosangela stepping out along with the store owner. The store owner locked the door. Rosangela said to her boss as he walked away, ‘Night, Al!’ She turned and looked at her ogling friend and co worker. Stew questioned, ‘Are you sure?’ She gave a definite nod. He shook his head then asked, ‘You want me to wait here with ya?’ She simply shook her head. He huffed then gave her a quick pat on the shoulder. He sarcastically...
by Lubrican Author’s Note: While I’ve been married to one for 30 years, I cannot claim to understand women. This, however, is my attempt to tell a story primarily from a woman’s perspective. Please go easy on me ladies. This is how I THINK I’d feel if I were one of you. Chapter One Robin sighed as she approached the school. Sometimes it was a pain being a single mom. Like now, having to go to a teacher's conference. Mandy had probably gotten in trouble some way. Mandy, came home one...
He smiled slightly when he walked through his door. The satisfaction of seeing her there waiting for him, kneeling, nude, legs spread, head down always gave him a rush – no matter how many times he saw her like this. He reached down and cupped her right breast. It was soft but firm. It would be smooth if not for the goosebumps. This puzzled him as it was quite warm in the house. Her nipple was at attention. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger. She jolted when he pinched it just a...
BDSMChapter 07 The Separation Chance The soup looked good when Duncan took it off the stove but when he sat down to eat, there was no taste. He tried a few spoonfuls then disgustedly dropped the spoon. Pushing back the chair he got up to bus his lunch dishes, rinsed them then popped them in the dishwasher. Since his return to Seattle nothing tasted good. Restlessly prowling his living room Duncan stopped before the big picture window to watch the happy crowd promenading around Green Lake. A...
Hi to all readers, Shivam mittal this side, back with continuation of my last incident when I started my first job with an Insurance company in 2005. You can read my story through the link – Here I am narrating our first experience when I went to her home early morning. I was eagerly waiting for the weekend, it seemed it is never going to come, however the Saturday morning I got up at 5 and reached her place with my luggage for 2 days. With all my luggage I reached her house at 6 AM, rang...
My husband’s Boss had invited us to a party at his house.The celebration was about a new anniversary of the company. My beloved Victor soon started to chat with all his colleagues and he forgot me in a corner…The house was feeling very warm, so I stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. The cool evening spring air had an immediate effect under my short dress and a similar effect on my nipples, now hardening to the drop in temperature.Being there in the darkness, I heard some footsteps behind...
Hi, i am mani again, those who didn’t know me , me from andhra, this story is the second part of my real story happened to me with my girl friend’s girl friend who became my girl friend. You can read my story’s first part “lovely girlfriend of my girlfriend” and continue to this.. Thanks for all those who responded to my 1st story and gave nice valuable comments.. Hope this part also seduce you..For responses mail me at Coming back to the story, at evening 7:30 we met in train. In train also...
Rob had asked me to meet him in Napoleons for a few drinks before we went back to his place. We had been seeing each other for about three months. He was the first guy I had really let myself go with. I’d been married to a lovely girl for five years but couldn’t resist the thrill and feeling of being with another man. She found texts on my phone from a guy who described in detail what we had done the evening before and how much he was looking forward to doing it again with me the following week...
Introduction: This is the continuing saga of Jessinta Jovanoski (Jovi to my friends). I am a fifteen year old adventurous teenager. Being of a pasty white complexion and with mild red hair, I was a little different from the usual school crowd. I was of small stature and my attributes were too, 152 (501), 45kg (93lbs) and with small breasts (32A). My home life was non-existent and my schooling was feeling its effects. The brutes name was Russell or Rusty, and I have serviced him on two more...
Hello dosto kaise aap ka bahut bahut dhanywad karta hun ki aap ne meri pichli storied ka kafi acha response dosto ab me apni ek or nayi real story le kar aaya hun jo ki is hi month 8th august ki he. Mere dosto jaisa ke aap log mere bare me to jante hi he. I am raaj from punjab. Or me ek call boy hun. Or meri age 30 saal he or meri height 6’1″ feet or dekhne me slim hun or height jayada hone ke karan me thoda dubla lagta hun or mere lund ka size 6.5 inch lamba or takreeban 3 inch...
Lucas Barrett boarded the train after a long day, and a long week of work. The area he normally sat in was full of other people wearing a range of business suits to fast-food uniforms. He climbed upstairs where he saw several empty seats. This area was less popular as most passengers wanted to be near the door when their stop arrived. Since Lucas knew he’d be on the train for a while, he didn’t mind. He set his jacket and briefcase in one seat and sat down near the window when he felt something...
Straight SexWARNING! This story will feature non-con, forced impregnation, misogyny and some other dark elements. If you are not a fan, then you should turn back right now. Please remember this is just a fantasy, I don't condone rape. For the Lady of Montano, looking good was simply expected of you by your subjects and the other lords and ladies. You are a young woman called Tylin of House Ruthven, the new Lady of Montano. You have a tall, lean figure with fair skin, beautiful, regal face and golden...
FantasyFairy III The Continuing Adventures By Machiavelli Dedication: To those that are willing to believe that there is still magic in this sad old world. Dream on! For those that liked my previous work, three of them, the Faerie stories and The clothes make the... are posted online on If I sell enough of them, I can keep this up. Acknowledgements: To the most dedicated fan of the series, Marie Vin. She has followed the series, made salient suggestions that have...
I had just gotten off work and it had been a bad day so I stopped at Duke’s for a wind-down drink. I was halfway through my vodka tonic when she came in. She being my wife’s best friend Addison. I was in a back corner and it was a bit dark and I hoped the Addie wouldn’t see me sitting there. No such luck. She scanned the room like she was looking for someone in particular, spotted me and headed my way as I thought “Fuck! Just what I need right now.” She walked up to me and asked if I would...
It was her first trip to England and she was all eyes. Passport Control had been a breeze. Her diplomatic passport raised a few eye brows as did her attire but nothing beyond what she’d encountered in the past. She cleared baggage claim and walked out into the cool, damp night air and saw the shuttle for her hotel and hurried over to board. The driver practically fell over his feet getting down out of the shuttle and insisted on carrying her bag up into the shuttle. She was used to it by now...
It was one o'clock on a cold, bright January afternoon when Ken wheeled his Mercedes into the parking lot of the Marshall Medical Plaza of Roseville office complex. Meghan sat next to him, dressed in blue jeans and a fuzzy cashmere sweater. A red scarf was wrapped around her neck and trailing down over the swell of her breasts. Her face was tired and worried, almost as tired and worried as Ken's. Ken had a 1:15 appointment with Dr. Susan Berkenstein, the internal medicine specialist Dr....
I had the weirdest thing happen to me last week. I work at grocery store. I have been working there for about a year. I take classes at college in the evening. I enjoy working with the public. In the morning, it's usually all the housewives doing their weekly shopping. It's kind of weird, but working here is kind of a chick magnet. Housewives are always bored and looking for sex. I have hooked up with many of my customers. While I was finishing up with a customer, this interesting black woman...
I'm a 30 year old married black man with an absolute fetish for BBW and ssbbw ladies and my neighbor of the past year or so is just that. She's about 5'2", bottom heavy pear shaped. 55 years of age, professionally employed and divorced. Real respectable lady that gets what she wants, if you get my drift. It's not a hard thing to discern when a woman has a thing for you. Over the past year I began to pick up on the extra glances she'd give, the overly extra sense of humor and most definitely the...
10 years have passed in a blink of an eye, but here I am again, walking the halls of good ol' Northwest High School. Our mascot was a polar bear wearing a cowboy outfit, seriously. I was looking forward to the reunion, actually, because there was one person in particular who I was hoping to see again. Nancy Narwood, my high school sweetheart, the girl who took my virginity, and the girl who became a cock loving slut. Nancy and I met our sophomore year and had been dating for over a year. We...
After anxiously waiting a few days Saturday finally came, I showered making sure I was squeaky clean, slipped on some comfortable clothes and headed out the door to catch a cab. I arrived at the jetty at the same time as Joel, Ron and henry were already there, the party boat arrived and docked within minutes, we climbed aboard and were greeted by the captain and his one man crew. Henry sorted some business details with the captain and Ron scouted the boat making sure all was in order, then he...
Flanieren im wei?en Kleid von Tara Bulba Es war wieder einmal so weit! Meine Eltern waren zum Wochenende in ihr Feriendomizil gefahren und ich durfte die Wohnung h?ten. Das nahm ich nat?rlich gerne zum Anlass, um den Nachmittag damit zu verbringen, in den abgelegten Kleidungsst?cken meiner Mutter zu st?bern, die sie f?r den lokalen Flohmarkt in einem riesigen Sack bereitgestellt hatte. In diesen Momenten bin ich froh, dass sich meine Mutter trotz ihrer knapp 40 Jahre nach wie ...
"Are you sure you want to go," Jeff asked Gail, "I hear it gets pretty wild, and you're never really sure how far things are going to go!!!" Gail took a sip of her soda, leaned back in her chair, and replied, "Oh, come on, how wild could it be, it should be fun, I'm game if you are!!!" Jeff stared down at the beautiful young attorney, while all the while thinking that it was only their second date and a night at an under ground sex club might not be exactly the right thing to do!!! "Well," she...
EroticIn my derelict heart that is cool with emptiness and loud with echo’s that go hand in hand. There’s a story waiting to be told. It’s a story of summer. It’s warm and full of the sort of smiles that save themselves for fiction and if we’re lucky, we get our happy ending too. Damn You “Behave!” you say with a smile, and it’s one of those smiles that make you feel that it was created purely for you. “What?” I respond, with a smile that ‘was’ created just for you and we both know what.
I got up the next morning and walked Renee to her car before heading to work. The problem that was developing was that each time Renee tried one of these new crazy things with me, she thought I would just be with her from then on and leave Amanda alone for good. She had a difficult time understanding that she still had a boyfriend and as long as that was the case, I would never just be with her. If she left him, I honestly probably would've dated her exclusively. I liked her and...
All the seniors at Norton High School were wild with excitement. It had just been announced that on the last week of school, all the seniors would be taking a week-long field trip to Key West, Florida. The students would have to pay an airline fee of $175 each, but everything else was included. Claire Matthews was talking about the trip with her friends. "This sounds so cool! Don't you think, Kelly?" Claire said to her friend. "Yeah, it's gonna be awesome!" Kelly replied. Kelly Summerset was...
LesbianMoments after Eve had gotten herself cleaned up, a light rain began to fall, spattering the windshield. Just over the patter of the drops, the two women heard voices. Looking towards the apartment complex, Eve saw the front door open and three young women walked out: Shirley, Mila, and Casey. Mindy was mysteriously absent. "Hmmm" Mistress thought, "perhaps I can move things a bit faster than I had planned." Once the three women had gotten into their cars and pulled away, Mistress...
Hi! I am a male 21 years old from Gujarat. I have a fair complexion and athletic built body. If you like my story send me feedback on . This story is of about a year ago when my three fuckmates found I used to fuck all of them and they decided to be my mistresses and punish me hard ;). Let me start with describing all three of them. Starting with neighbor – her name is Chaitali, she is in her young 30s, great skin and a perfect body 34-26-36. She is fitness freak and dresses like a slut. She...
By the time I got home, I’d tried to put all thoughts of my sexuality aside. I pretended I wasn’t the guy who’d been prowling around the net, and who’d just spent the night in Boystown, and who’d hooked up with a random guy along the way.I forced myself to play the same part I’d been playing for years. I was supposed to be the golden boy, the guy who’d been popular in high school, and the son who’d always made his parents proud. I hadn’t always been comfortable in that role, and I definitely...
Gay MaleI have to tell you what happened.Last Thursday Vicki and I left the house around ten o’clock in the morning. There was a piece of property for sale about two hours away from us that I’ve had my eye on for a while. This was a four-acre waterfront property with an older three-bedroom log cabin – a summer home. From the photos, I knew the place needed some work, but now that the seller lowered the hell out of the price, I just had to go and see it. Since it was a leisurely trip, neither of us...
BisexualAnother very good view that i had with my sister in that period that i am recounting from my previouses stories :-P. It was a late morning before the lunch, we were in autumn and not did more much hot it was started the cold but, in the house ... and when you have the sister hottie :-P (but anyway a good girl :-P), at a certain point i hear the voice of my sister from inside her room that she talks to the cellular and i don't know of who it was or a friend or a bf or a lover :-P, anyway seemed...
Hello everyone, On Saturday I went to the house of Raffaella, my older sister, her husband had left a piece for 5 days as there is a lot of work in the holidays.We went on vacation earlier than planned, due to lack of work, I do a lunch with friends, drink a little too much, then a greeting and chatting away. I I go home, she calls me and tells me if I could raffy andargli to help him to arrange the objects (you can not make it because she is pregnant) I get home, and we salute you, I greet the...
The piano bar you had suggested was really dark and quiet. There were only a couple of other customers in the place, down the far end of the bar. I’d been sitting, waiting for 10 minutes already and I was nervous. I pulled at the hem of the dress I’d worn, wondering again why I’d worn something so short and tight when I wasn’t planning on going home with you. I’d promised myself that. The barman had given me a funny look when I’d gone up and ordered a drink. Sort of a leer with a wink. I...
Sarah arrived at the house and hurried to her room to check on her clothes, nothing had been returned and now everything was missing except what she had on. "Damn him", she thought, "now what do I do?" She went down to the kitchen and into the laundry. She removed her school uniform and socks and placed them in the washing machine and got that started. Then dressed in only her slip, garter belt, stockings and saddle shoes she went into the kitchen, removed the key from its hook and...