Just A Little Lie free porn video

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The year was 2006, June 2006 to be precise, which is pretty damn important. I was sitting in my Colorado home having a drink and looking at the view and it is a magnificent view. It should have looked better to me but it didn't; but it was still ok.

It was a nice time of day and the sun would be setting soon. I did not spend enough time here I thought. Actually I hardly spent any time here at all since the divorce.

My name is Franklin Collins and I am a twenty eight year old rich kid. I just had a birthday but no one came to the party. There was no party. I am alone most of the time. I am alone by choice. I was and am a trust fund baby. It was the great grand parents that made the money but everyone was dead now. I was the only one left. You know what they say about money. Money can't buy you love, but it sure as hell can buy you some hot hookers. But I never have anyone here; this is my home, my real home.

I live in a nice house with three bedrooms, split level. I have all the toys. I take lots of trips and I don't actually work. I am well educated. I know a lot of people and they pretend to like me, maybe they do, I don't really know. I am not good at reading people. I have been fooled before.

A knock disturbs my solicitude. I have far too much solicitude as far as I am concerned. As long as it is not a Jehovah's Witness, I will not mind the company, if only briefly.

Standing in front of me was a very severely dressed older woman and a girl of maybe fourteen.

"Mr. Collins?" The woman asked.

"Yes, I am he." I replied.

"I have your daughter here with me. You will have to take over now that her mother has died." I was informed.

"Fuck you asshole. I hate your guts you bastard. You killed my mother and made our lives hell." The young girl said.

Then the girl walked up and took a swing at me. Other than the language she was sort of cute. She had this long flowing golden blond hair and long coltish legs that went on forever under her short skirt, and was flat as a board. I had not seen her in over six years. No she was not cute I decided, she was now quite beautiful.

"Nice to see you again, Julie." I said as I let her swing through and as she lost her footing and her balance I grabbed her around the waist and folded her arms around her front, like a mummy, and held her from the back.

As a result of the beginning of this touching little reunion the woman said:

"May we come in?"

And then she just walked into the house and into the front room. I was still holding a struggling and yelling Julie.

"I just love this part of my job." She said. "A loving reunion after a prolonged absence; it does my heart good."

"You do realize that Julie is not my daughter and her mother and I divorced because of her adultery, don't you? The court said Julie is not my daughter." I told her.

Still smiling she said:

"The birth certificate shows you as the father and the department does not care what the court said about parentage for the purposes of child support or divorce. They did not change the birth certificate, so you are legally still her father. Your lovely daughter still bears you name too. You can see that the emotion of the moment appears to have clouded her judgment. Just give her time. Don't like it, litigate. In four or five years you might win, or you might not."

All this time a struggling Julie was calling to me:

"You bastard! You fucking prick! I hate you."

"This is a lovely home you have here Mr. Collins and I presume that you have sufficient room for your daughter."

She continued, ignoring the apparent lack of warmth and love flowing from Julie to me, and acting like everything was normal.

"Now let's see that bedroom so that I can leave you two alone to catch up. I can see you have a lot to talk about." She said.

For reasons unknown to me I simply carried a yelling Julie to the guest bedroom and the woman looked around. It was not actually a carry thing; I held her like a mummy and sort of walked and dragged her with the woman. Julie would struggle, or kick, or just go limp, as the mood struck her. Apparently this did not effect her ability to cuss at me.

"Yes, it is lovely. Well I will get her clothes from the car and you can start to play catch up. I see that there is a lot you have to talk about." She repeated and then finished.

As I am still holding a struggling Julie, but now in the living room, the woman returned with three large green plastic trash bags with clothes in them and drops them on the floor.

"They will need a wash, they stink. You daughter could use a good soak and a bath too. She stinks." The woman said.

"OK I played nice so what the hell do you think you are doing?" I said.

By now Julie had calmed down and was just looking at both of us. Actually she kicked me as she looked at us, but as she was wearing tennis shoes nothing much happened. I grabbed her again and she struggled some but gave up when she could not kick me in the balls by lifting her leg backwards. I had myself protected from that.

"Listen asshole. The department is overburdened. We are under a federal injunction to reduce overcrowding. We are also a federal order to place as many kids as possible. I have almost one hundred children under my alleged care. My time is spent making sure they get fed and a place to sleep and I do it eighteen hours a fucking day and only get paid for eight. I have not seen my own kids in so long I expect my own damn agency to take them away from me for neglect. There are not enough beds and places to put the children. You are the father on the birth certificate and you are therefore the father. She obviously has some strong feeling about you and after what she just did and said you have not raised a hand to her. She is safe here. And there is the fact that the department does not have to pay you for looking after your own child. Here is a document from the department making you her guardian for all purposes, just in case that divorce court order is believed. Now don't piss me off and ruin my good fucking mood that this tearful reunion created!" The woman said.

I was in a state of shock.

"And you have an appointment with a counselor tomorrow, you both have to be there." And with those words she handed me the appointment slip and stormed out without looking back, got into her car and was gone.

I turned and walked into a right hand slap from Julie.

"You killed my mother." Julie screamed.

"Julie I have no idea what you are talking about. I never killed anyone." I said. "If you are hungry I can get you something to eat." I added trying to change the topic.

"Fine I want a heart and liver sandwich. I want it fresh. Yours will do."

Julie said and stormed up to what would be her room and began slamming the door over and over. The extremely loud music she was playing could hardly be head over the noise of the slamming door. Evidently she found the "on" button to a lot of electronic devices in her room.

I shook my head. She needed to learn a lesson and I would teach her. Even if she was only fourteen she was going to have to learn some rules.

I went into her room.

"What the hell do you want asshole?" Julie demanded by screaming only inches from my face.

I said nothing as I just undid the pins and took the door off. I carried it to the garage.

She decided to turn the music louder and turned on the TV at the same time. It was a well appointed room.

I came in and unplugged the TV and it went next to the door in the garage. The source of the music was next, followed closely by the computer.

Next the furniture was taken out. It had been a very, very, well appointed room. It was perfect for Julie and if she got herself together it would be again. These pieces I moved into another room so I would not have to carry them up and down stairs.

Soon the only thing left was the closet and the bed.

"Now you will learn some rules. I don't care how you lived before, you will stop the cussing and making the noise. I am sure you are hurting but it is not like we are strangers, is it? Now go into the bathroom across the hall." I told her.

I had obviously hit a nerve and she did what I said. Old habits die hard. It was a lovely bathroom, suitable, as the room had been, for a young lady.

"Who has been using this place? It is sick that you keep someone here that uses this when we lived hand to mouth." Julie said.

"Julie, now pay attention. No one has used anything here. No one has ever stayed here or used this bathroom. I change the soaps and everything every month. I have rose bubble bath, because I remember that you liked it at one time and I always keep it here. No one has stayed in the bedroom you occupy. No one has ever slept here in this house, except me and I don't use these rooms. Now get undressed and toss your things into the hall. I will have something for you to wear and there will be some sleep wear, but not your size, but it will work until tomorrow." I said as I left.

That evening I checked and all of her clothes was outside the door. I hung a terry cloth robe on the door knob; it would be large for her.

"I don't understand what he is doing?" Julie thought to herself. "The bedroom, this bathroom. I understand his getting angry and taking things away but why a bathroom with my favorites soaps, but from years ago. Oh well, I might as well enjoy a good soak. And I really need to wash my hair. He even has my hair products from so long ago. Asshole!"

When Julie was done she put on the robe and walked into her room. There was a tray with some food on it; along with a note.

"It has been sometime but I remember you used to like this." The note said.

On the table was a large bowl of tomato soup and two grilled cheese sandwiches but without the crust.

"Did he really think this was all it would take? Does he really think that a bowl of soup and some melted cheese will do it?" Julie thought.

She had to sit on the bed to eat, looking at the door less opening and into the hall. On the bed was a pair of sweats, and some sox, boxer shorts, even a t-shirt.

"Obviously he knows nothing about what a girl wears to bed." Julie thought.

I was downstairs putting load after load into the washer and then the dryer. She did not have all that much and it was pretty funky. I put a load in the dryer and when it was done I took it out and folded everything. It had been a long time since I saw female underclothing of any type. Even the whores I used were undressed and in bed when I got in and were gone when I got up. But not here, never in this house, no one but me was ever here, except now Julie is.

If she had not been such a little punk I would have put it away in her dresser.

"Damn this is a nice room, nicer than anything I remember with my mom. We had nothing but the walls and not much in the way of food. This is a nice feeling bed. I think I will just put on the t-shirt, it is long and go to sleep. Despite everything, despite what I had done, despite my guilt, I missed my mom." Julie thought as she fell asleep from exhaustion. She kept her tears to herself.

It took three hours but I was finally finished with the wash. I had not washed her clothes in six years and not much changed except the size and the condition of the clothes.

Why did she keep yelling at me? What did I do to her? What did I do to her mother?

That night I went to sleep for the first time in six years with someone else in the house and it was my Julie, my baby. That is not exactly right, I hardly slept at all. I was worried about my baby.

I was up at five, as I usually was. For some reason I felt great, despite the lack of sleep. Julie was back with me and I had missed her.

I wanted to go for a run but I didn't; I wanted to be there when she woke up.

At seven I went upstairs and knocked on the door frame. She looked up with sleepy eyes and smiled and just as fast the smile went away and anger filled her face.

"What the hell do you want?" Julie demanded.

"I was going to fix breakfast and I wanted to know if you wanted to eat with me." I asked.

"Sure, now you want to feed me. Fuck you!" Julie said.

Then thinking better of it she said: "Sure, fix me something, it will be more than you have given me in six damn years."

Now I was more than a little confused about these last statements but she was upset and I went with the flow.

Julie came down to breakfast wearing the sweats I left for her. They were way too big for her little body, but she did look cute, almost like the little girl I loved so many years ago. Truth be told, I still loved her, despite all that happened.

I did not ask what she wanted and within a minute of her sitting down she had her blueberry waffles with blueberry syrup on the table. She did not smile or say thank you, but she ate with a good appetite.

Then it was an egg and some bacon and milk. She ate in silence.

Seeing me looking at her she almost went back into anger mode.

"What?" Julie asked, but with a hint of anger.

"If you act with more reserve I will put the dresser and other furniture back into the room. If you piss me off you will be sleeping on the floor. Your choice." I told her.

She was angry but not a fool.

"OK, no more noise or slamming of doors. When do I get the TV and other stuff back?" She said in response.

"You get the furniture back in a few minutes so that you can put your clothes away. I washed them all and ironed some of them. You need new clothes. The electronics and the door will come after you earned them with good behavior." I told her.

I left her in the kitchen and started moving the furniture back. I had one of those slide mats so it was easy to do.

She came into the room with her clothes and I left her and got more and brought them back up. Setting them on the bed I told her that making her bed was part of her job here and I expected it to be made daily and we would talk about her other duties.

"So I am your fucking maid?" Julie said.

"Careful or there is always the floor to sleep on. No you are not my maid but neither am I yours. I will cook, unless you want to. I do the wash and you will help. I clean the house and you will too. We have a lot to do today. I need a list of what you want to eat and we have to get ready for the doctor visit this afternoon. If there are any other feminine products you need, we will get them today. Tomorrow we will go shopping for clothes. And where the hell are the rest of your clothes?" I asked.

"These are my clothes, all my clothes. You think we had money to waste on clothes when mom had to be a whore just to get food?" Julie said.

"This man who I once called 'dad' was a complete asshole. He abandoned us, and now wants to play father again. Well fuck him. I will take what I need from him but I will hate him until I die and then I will piss on his grave. Damn I love my Daddy." Julie thought; and her mixed feelings made it even harder on her.

"I can use some new clothes but no 'feminine' products as you say, I don't have a period yet. I can use some other things though. Tomorrow is soon enough." Julie told Franklin.

The day passed slowly and Franklin did not have any difficulty in seeing that his once daughter was going to be a beautiful woman.

Even at fourteen she was still short of five feet and slightly built. She would not have her mother's huge tits or fat ass, but she would be a beauty in her own right. She was flat, with only slight bumps and did not even need a training bra. She had a tight little high ass and straight but strong legs.

But her face, that was the clincher. She was beautiful with long blond hair and perfect skin, not a blemish in sight. She had a small nose and the cutest little lips and deep pale blue eyes. She was perfection. It was obvious that she would take after his side of the family.

Then Franklin thought about what he thought and laughed to himself. She would not take after his family, she was not actually his.

Julie wore a small skirt and top, which were well worn. When he looked askance at her Julie looked and said:

"Goodwill. We bought them last year. This is my newest outfit." Julie said with much bitterness.

Franklin already knew that her panties were worn and some had holes in them but the sizes he was not sure about as there were no labels on them. Now he was sure, they were way too small, he could see that, as well as what they were supposed to be covering up. He should not look, but then again, she was not actually his daughter, the court had said so when they got the DNA, but she was beautiful and even sexy.

Franklin let her watch some TV and he got ready for their meeting with the doctor.

"I want you to think about what you need to talk to the doctor about today. It is important. You also need to start thinking about school and if you want to go to a private school, a public school, or go away for school." Franklin said.

"So you want to get rid of me already? Got a guilty conscious?" Julie said, her anger rearing its head.

"No Julie that is not what I want. What I want is for you to be happy. You never did anything to me and I have nothing against you, quite the opposite. What I want is for you to be happy." Franklin said.

"If you felt that way why did you abandon us? What did we do wrong? What did I do wrong? I only did what mother said I should do. I was only eight years old!" Julie yelled with tears in her eyes.

Franklin was perplexed by these statements but he let them go, until they could see the doctor. Maybe then he would get answers.

During the day they kept to themselves, she watching TV and Franklin in his office doing whatever he was doing.

"Time to go." Franklin said.

Julie, with her long legs showing in her much too short skirt and too snug top went off to the doctor.

"I had to admit that even with all that had happened she was still my little girl. Well maybe not all that little." Franklin said to himself.

We had it set up to have a one hour appointment, actually fifty minutes.

Julie spent the first hour yelling at me.

"Fucking asshole. You abandoned us. We had no food, I wore used clothing. We were evicted twice and lost everything. I never got a birthday present or a Christmas present because we did not have enough money. I never got anything at Easter and we could never afford good clothes to even go to church. I hate you." Julie summed it up pretty well.

Our hour was up but we got a second hour to allow me to speak.

"Julie I loved you from the first moment of your existence. I was only a few days into being fourteen when you mother found me. I don't know how she knew but she did. My parents and grandparents died in a plane crash and I was left alone with the lawyers and a housekeeper. I was financially set, but what the hell does a fourteen know about that?

"Your mother met me and we had sex. Looking back I can't call it making love because she never loved me. I got my cock sucked when I wanted it." I continued.

"Sir, can we use more polite language, this is a young girl here." The doctor said.

"No, we fucking can't. She had been cussing at me for over an hour and I don't intend to make this anything but what it was; a sordid attempt to get money for sex. Her mother was a whore!

"We started fucking almost immediately. She was on the quiet about it but after a month she told me she was pregnant. She was in her twenties and I wanted to marry her and have the baby.

"The lawyers said NO and I said that if they did not agree I would fire them when I was eighteen, as soon as I could. They relented and I married your mother.

"I played with you in the womb by running my hands over your mother's belly and taking to you. I even sang to you then, and I was there when you were born. You were MY baby. I changed you, I fed you, and I bathed you. I played with you and walked you when you could not sleep.


"Well if I was your baby and all that is true why the fuck did you abandon us?" Julie interjected.

"You mother started cheating on me from the beginning and the month after you were born I found out. I knew it but I was only fourteen and I had no idea what to do. I had no life experiences to base my actions on. I was in love and I thought it was forever. I had no understanding about how these things worked. I had no parents, or even grandparents and the lawyers were out. I did not even have the housekeeper as she was fired by your mother as soon as we were married.

"I was alone, except for you!

"I gave you all my love and affection. You were the world to me. You are the world to me. I can't turn off my love.

"I held out for six damn years, until I was twenty two and then that was enough. It was enough because I found out something that killed any attempt by me to get your mother to be my wife again.

"For some reason the District Attorney decided to press rape charges against your mother. I think my lawyers put them up to it. They hated your mother as I did.

"You were the evidence of her having sex with a minor BEFORE we were married. You were a full term baby born seven months after we married. That means that she got pregnant two months before we married and she was having sex with a minor. She was going to go to state prison.

"Then the case fell apart. You were proof but then you weren't. They did a DNA test and you were not my daughter and the DA had no proof, other than me, that we had sex before I married her." I said.

"I remember that day and the test. They took something from my mouth with a stick." Julie said softly.

"I wanted you to be my father, you were the best father any of my friends had, and then you weren't." Julie finished with a humbling cry.

"We got a divorce. Your mother was not entitled to any of the trust, trusts are not community property. The house we lived in was owned by the trust and all of the money came from it. I made an agreement with your mother and she signed the papers and we were divorced. She would have gotten nothing anyway but she agreed. I made that agreement to take care of YOU! If I interfered in any way, you and she would just disappear. I could support you but I could not see you or even have someone follow you or take pictures of you. I would not be able to see you until you were fifteen. I prayed every night that I would wake up and it would be your fifteenth birthday.

"Every night I dreamed of you, of all of the things we did together. Every night for six damn years you filled my dreams. You filled them the day before you arrived at my door and you filled them last night." I told Julie and the doctor.

"This is the paperwork for you first apartment. It was a very nice two bedroom on the second floor. It was nicely furnished when I had the keys given to your mother. Here you can see the name of the owner. The owner is MY trust." Franklin told her.

"You jerk! You evicted us the month before Christmas. How could you do that to us. We lost everything!" Julie cried.

"Julie, you did not lose anything at all. I paid your mother five thousand dollars for a relocation allowance. You moved into a nicer three bedroom apartment. It was a Christmas gift." Franklin said.

"Gift my ass! We had to sell everything to move and even my clothes were sold. We had no Christmas that year. Not even a tree! My mother had to sell her body to get money for food and pay the rent! Julie said.

"Julie, you mother never had to sell anything to get money for rent or food. When she left she even sold all of the fixtures and appliances. It was a completely furnished apartment only three years old. I had to replace the stove, refrigerator, beds, furniture, everything was sold and your mother kept the money. She did not pay rent for two damn years, she never did. I gave her the place for free! That is four thousand dollars a month for the unit and she had it for free for two damn years.

"Julie, that is forty eight thousand dollars a year in rent that I gave you and your mother for two years. That is ninety six thousand dollars to your mother and YOU in free rent. If it had just been her she would have gotten nothing. I did it so that you would have a decent place to live." Franklin said.

"So you did it to rent it to someone else and then make money off of mom!" Julie said.

"I spent a lot of time getting ready for this meeting today. Here is the spread sheet for rent from that building. Not once did you mother pay anything.

"And here is something else. Not only was she getting free rent, I was paying her one thousand dollars a month. I did that so should would not have to work full time and be able to stay with you. That is an additional twenty four thousand dollars.

"Here is a record of the deposits into a special account I set up for her. See each deposit. See how she took the money out in cash using her debit card the next day after the deposit for each month?

"And there is a second account, it is for you. I love you no matter what you think. Each month I put five hundred dollars into an account just for you. That is six thousand dollars a year, just for you. That is twelve thousand dollars over two years.

"See these additional deposits? Two thousand on your birthday. Two thousand at Easter. Two thousand at Christmas. Two thousand just before school started for new clothes. Two thousand more when school was over so that you could do things during the summer.

"Julie, that is an additional ten thousand a year or twenty thousand dollars in two years.

"In the two years you were there I gave your mother fifty six thousand dollars, plus ninety six thousand dollars in rent. That is one hundred and fifty two thousand dollars and that does not count the five thousand to move and what your mother got when she sold the furniture and fixtures from the unit."

"Your lying" Julie said.

The doctor looked at the paperwork and it looked authentic and she told Julie.

"Julie, the apartment you moved into was also new and furnished. The trust owned that too. It was a beautiful three bedroom and was worth more than five thousand dollars a month.

"That is another one hundred and twenty thousand that your mother got from me, plus the fifty six thousand in cash over the next two years." I told her.

"Julie that is three hundred and twenty eight thousand dollars you mother got in four years!" I finished.

"But we had to take in a boarder to make ends meet. Mom said it was necessary and we rented out one of the bedrooms. He was sort of creepy but mom said we needed the money." Julie said.

"Julie, you needed no such thing. Here are the bank records for those two years. You mother was taking your money and I have no idea what she was doing with it. I was just trying to give the little girl I loved a good home. I had no authority over your mother or you. The court said we were not related when they did the DNA and the judge in the divorce action made an order that I did not pay child support as I was not your father.

"Your mother did what she did and I had nothing to do with it. But here are the bank records. You got the money, she took it out. Here is the rent receipt records for the entire building; you never paid anything for rent." Franklin finished.

"But you evicted us again, just before Christmas. Didn't you?" Julie now asked with more hesitation and more of a question than before.

"No Julie. I gave you a Christmas present again. This time it was ten thousand dollars relocation allowance. And like last time she sold everything she could get her hands on.

"It was another three bedroom, fully furnished apartment in a new high rise development that the trust owned. It was free. You had a beautiful view of the city. It was worth more than ten thousand dollars a month. I know because the unit next door had to pay that and his was not furnished.

"You were there two years, and that is another two hundred and forty thousand dollars in rent.

"Are you beginning to get the idea. I never abandoned you. I love you and I always have. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy and safe. You were my life for eight years. I had no one but you and then you were gone. Your mother had already been gone for eight years, from the date of your birth but you were mine. You were the one I loved for those next eight years. You were just mine and no one else's. Then she took you from me and I was alone, I am still alone, until you came back to me.

"If you mother did not have a heart attack I would still be sending her money to use for whatever and you would still think I was an asshole.

"Well I'm not an asshole and I still love you, even if I am not your father!" Franklin finally finished.

"Damn it Daddy, I don't want your fucking money, I want you back. Do you really think that for six years I dreamed of money? No, I dreamed of having my Daddy back." Julie said, sobbing through her tears.

I wanted to hold her and tell her it was alright but it did not seem right. She did not make a move to let me know it would be ok, so I just let it go.

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While on a trip to Georgia I stopped at a small gas station and found a beautiful 19-year-old black girl with very short black hair dark brown eyes, and what I would guess to be a firm 38D-32-36 body standing 5'9" and weighing maybe 140 pounds. She was doing her college English behind the counter. The nametag on her shirt said Hallie I guessed her age from her looks and the fact that she was taking college freshman English. As I paid for my gas and snacks I commented on her class and joked...

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The TreehouseChapter 4 Amelie

It took me almost until Noon Saturday to finish the Taylor's yard work. When I knocked on the back door Mrs. Taylor opened it and invited me in. She looked very pretty in a short skirt that stopped well above her knees. She also wore a loose and somewhat low cut peasant blouse. Though not certain, I thought that she wore no bra either. As usual she offered me a glass of lemonade. I sat at the kitchen table drinking the lemonade while she retrieved $15 from her purse to pay me. "Where are...

2 years ago
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Alexandra and Paulie

Introduction: A tale of an over-protective brother who only wants to make his sister feel better. Tell me why I cant go out with him, Alexandra said. Because I said so, Paulie replied, matter-of-factly. Thats not a reason, you jerk. Alexandra shot back. Alexandra was mad. She was tired of dealing with her over protective brother. After growing up with Paulie for all of her 16 years, she had learned there was no way of winning when it came to any of the fights the two of them had. He was only...

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Alexandra and Paulie

Alexandra was mad. She was tired of dealing with her over protective brother. After growing up with Paulie for all of her 16 years, she had learned there was no way of winning when it came to any of the fights the two of them had. He was only a year older, but he acted as if he were the wisest person on earth when it came to the welfare of his sister. Maybe that was true, though. Maybe Paulie really did know best when it came to the welfare of Alexandra. “It doesn’t matter if it‘s a...

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On Being Juliette

On Being Juliette By Elaine copyright 1999. This story is the long delayed follow up to the Importance of Being Juliette. If you haven't read the first story it is recommended that you do that first. Now this story involves the feminisation of a teenage boy and if you are under age or likely to be influenced by such stories please do not go past this sentence. My email is [email protected] and any comments are welcome. This story is dedicated to Kim, a wee man with a big heart in...

4 years ago
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Bente the Collier

Lotta, the daughter of Rune the Smith, looked up from her needle work when she heard hoof beat in front of her father's smithy. She sighed and stood up. She knew her father was busy this morning, harvesting the bloom from the renn furnace, and he had told her that Bente would come to deliver more charcoal. She stepped outside and there he was, all sooty, grimy, six feet five fingers and fifteen stone of him, his healthy teeth white in his smiling, blackened face. "Hello, Maid Lotta," he...

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"Hey, Mike! Can you come over and babysit Kaylie for a couple of hours?" My buddy Dennis had just called. He and his girlfriend Jenny had just had a baby a couple of months earlier. I easily said yes. Not only is the baby cute as a button, I could engage in one of favorite activities. You see, I'm a combination transgender adult baby. So, not only could I indulge in the simplicity of baby things, I could also rifle the drawers of the bedroom. A few hours later, I found myself back...

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Barb and Mollie

The two had made it a day together. They turned a quick trip out to the mall into a girl's brunch that morphed into something else. They wanted the time away from things back home and the dreariness of domestic life. There was catching up to do; catching up on one another more precisely. One had moved in just down the street from the other and the two old gal pals could not have been more pleasantly surprised or happier.Barb and Mollie walked along through the promenade between the shops. They...

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Aunt nellie

"Clean your plate, Walt," Aunt Nellie admonished her eighteen year old nephew, "we don't want to waste food, there are starving children all over the world who would give anything for your left overs!" "Yes, Auntie," Walt dutifully replied, as he scooped up a last bite of mashed potatoes and gravy with a half a slice of rye bread. "That's a good boy," she commented, as she cleared away the dinner dishes from the kitchen table, "wash or wipe she asked," while filling the sink with soapy...

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Copyright© Ron didn't recognise her at first. She was shorter, a little wider, greyer, older. She sat in the restaurant with some dude with a ponytail tied back and flecked with silver. He maybe wouldn't have paid any attention to them in other circumstances. They appeared to be just an ordinary arty couple approaching middle age. "Hey," she called to the disinterested waiter, "can we have two more coffees over here?" Her American accent grabbed Ron's attention immediately. She looked...

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I My name is Kelly, or if you prefer, as my wife does, Kellie. When I was born, I was rather small, just over 4 lbs and barely 13 inches long, and as I grew, this small stature followed me. Although my mother was 5' 10" and my dad 6'5", I was not destined to grow to anywhere near their height. Growing up, and all through school I was the smallest in my class, trailing even the girls. For the most part throughout school, people would assume I was 3 to 4 years younger than my actual age....

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My Husband Kellie

My Husband Kellie, a Wife's Tale - by: Lisa Grey My husband Cal and I had been married for three and a half years. We hadn't had the best relationship, but that was nobody's fault. It all started with kind of a strange wedding. Cal had moved out of state to start a new job a month before we were to be married so we only saw each other on weekends. We were in love and the distance was difficult for both of us but we managed. I guess I should say I managed. I was in love so was...

2 years ago
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The Importance of being Juliette

The Importance of Being Juliette by Elaine This story involves the enforced feminisation of young boys over the age of 16, it should not be read by minors and none of the characters are based on anyone living or dead. This story was based on an idea kindly provided to me by Kim from the Orient who just happened to read my biography on www.fictionmania.tv. My thanks go to Rhonda Wagram who cast her eyes over the first rough drafts. As usual she also made some very useful...

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Forced Into Frocks and Frillies

FORCED INTO FROCKS AND FRILLIES A story by Johnathan I stood in the centre of the room, close to tears, as my two step sisters howled at my appearence. I pressed my bare legs together as Lesley, the eldest of the two girls, she was fifteen, one year younger than me, and her sister Caroline, she was fourteen, fussed with the little girl outfit I was wearing. Yesterday I had finished school, all my exams taken, I was no longer required to attend. My step-mother immediately informed me...

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Callie by Mya Fantasy Story Description This is the story of a single mom named Diane who has a 15-year-old son named Calvin, who tells his mother that he believes he is actually a girl and all he wants to do is wear a French maid uniform. This is a fast-moving, G-rated story about a year in the life of a 15- year-old transgirl, the year she came out to her Mother, who fully supports her from the very beginning. This is an uplifting story, but with a few of my own...

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Being Karlie

I wake up. I rub my eyes and stretch. I get out of bed, and immediately notice that my legs are shaved. "What the hell?" I ask. I look down and am shocked to see that I'm naked except for some underwear. I'm also shocked to see a pair of tits and a skinny body. I stand up and look behind me. "What the-whats going?" I walk to the bathroom and look at the mirror. I gasp when I see Karlie Kloss's face. "I'm Karlie Kloss. What the hell?" I ask. I touch my breasts and gasp at how turned on i get....

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Justine pays

?Graymangazer2014-03-20                                                                 Justine pays.                                                           By Graymangazer Although this is a non consensual story, it’s not in any way cruel or heavy. It’s based on a simple idea from slave Kandi (you know who you are) and not to be taken too seriously. Please feel free to comment or email to [email protected] walked into the deserted country park, at least she hoped it was...

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Justine had always known she was strange. She was diminutive, only four feet six tall, but her tits had always looked too nig for her. 36D on such a small frame always made sure she got started at. She had dated. Many times. But never dated the same man more than three nights. If they wanted sex, they could have it, if they didn’t, it didn’t matter to her. She never got anything from it anyway. Her only orgasms had come at her own hands. She even let men arse fuck her, as that was supposed to...

2 years ago
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My Second Piece of AssChapter 26 Jousting with Ollie

When I made the phone call to let Ollie Pettersen know I was coming I did not know what to expect. My plan was to look for an opening and jab. Ollie's plan, I soon discovered, was to jab and then look for an opening. There was not an empty parking space on the lot. Had it been planned? "Key," a man in a brightly colored shirt and loosely tied necktie said as he motioned for me to stop. "I'm here to see Mr. Pettersen," I offered, unwilling to give up my car keys. "Everyone's here...

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Goodnight Jolie

It was almost like old times. Uncle Joe had stopped by, like he used to do every Friday night, before he had moved east a couple years ago. He was back as a special favor for his sister, who had asked him to come visit to keep an eye on Jolie while Sis was enjoying herself in Las Vegas.Joe had arrived early that evening, but was still getting used to his 18-year-old niece. The last time he had seen her, she was just becoming a woman. Now she was a stunning beauty, and she seemed to still have...

First Time
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Playing Nathalie

"Full house", Adam says smugly, spreading his cards on the table. Nathalie's face falls. She has dark curly hair and is very pretty. She is currently only wearing a cute pair of white panties. Her white summer dress, bra and shoes already lie in a little victory pile next to the eighty pounds Adam has also won this evening. She tosses her cards onto the table in disgust. Three fives. A good hand, Adam thinks. He can see why she staked her last remaining money and finally her panties on it, and...

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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

4 years ago
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Justine Hart ist der Westen

JUSTINE: Hart ist der Westen...Nur f?r Leser ab 18 [email protected] 1L?ssig und geschmeidig glitt sie vom Pferd und band den Braunen drau?en vor dem Saloon an einen Holzpflock vor dem gro?en Trog. Deutlich h?rte sie das Stimmengewirr und raue Lachen der M?nner. Sie r?ckte den schwarzen Hut zurecht und schritt durch die doppelfl?gige T?r und sofort verstummten die Ger?usche. Langsam schritt sie zum Tresen und ca. 50 Augenpaare verfolgten sie dabei. Justine kannte ihre Wirkung und sie gab...

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Anomalies By Anon Allsop Laughing and about half drunk the two of us staggered home, my cousin and I had been celebrating our 21st birthdays together. We were each born about a week apart, my birthday was actually earlier but what the heck... anytime we could party, was a great time indeed! As we walked, we fell down an embankment and laid at the bottom even though we were in pain, we felt nothing. Still chuckling about the fall this time Keith stood up and grabbed my by my...

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Justine Cocktails

The Maid walked to the door of the flat to open the front door. The Maid remembered to curtsey as she slowly opened the door.  Her eyes were still downcast on the floor when she suddenly heard, “Oh my God, is that you Justin?”Suddenly the Maid looked up to see Mother and Nanny standing at the door.  “Oh my God, Sophie has done a wonderful job,” said Mother looking up and down at her sissified son in his French maid uniform. “That is not what I expected.”“Don’t you look precious in your white...

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Catherine and Callie

I met Catherine when I was 16 and she was 14. She had a high school crush on me, a shy, skinny boy who she had seen playing basketball in her neighborhood park. We were introduced by a mutual friend, and spent a few hours that first day just talking on the swings, until her mother called her in for dinner. Catherine was a beautiful girl, with deep brown eyes, dark brown hair, and an hourglass figure even at her tender age. Though we dated for a few months, we never went farther than kissing...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...

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The Orgasmic Adventures of Maggie and Mollie

The two lovely young women had met each other at their belly-dance class and they decided to become roomies. The shared a nice two bedroom apartment. Maggie was a striking beauty. She stood 5'7" tall and measured 38-24-36. Her near-black hair fell to her shoulders and she had it permed into a flip. Her face could have belonged to a movie star. She seemed to combine all the best features of Penelope Cruz and Angelina Jolie. Mollie was beautiful in a different way. She was a rubenesque...

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Justines introduction to Sir Cy

Justine, upon seeing the One she had come to know, before her and in person, felt shivers up her spine that made her shake inside. Yet, she was under enough control to not show this to Him. Yet. She gave Him one of her patent, but nervous smiles and saw the gleam in his eyes as he gazed at her. This comforted her greatly and when He invited her into His home she knew that this was where she wanted to be. Justine had finally arrived in the US, landing at San Francisco International Airport, very...

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Gregory knew that for the start-up to succeed, everything had to be perfect. There was a synergy that came from the closeness of minds and bodies. So he formed a real, fermenting, creative community. He rented a mountain villa which had enough bedrooms for all the project partners to sleep in, plus a pool, gym, and domestic help. They would be able to live in their own little world and fully immerse themselves in the creative process. They could work when they were playing and play when they...

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The Jokes on Juliette

The Joke's on Juliette By Juliette Lima Prologue: For all the recipients of reviews that were thought to be too harsh or too picky Comes a tale about Juliette who put her self in straights far too sticky. Enjoy the tale of hubris and pride humbled See how the snobbish reviewer bumbled The writer who deemed all others so-so Slips and fall into a dainties inferno. Part One ? The lady of the house departs "I'll only be gone for a week," Marla...

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Road Trip Racy Fillies

The judge of Ms Track-side has it off with the winner behind the main marquee: great fellatio; till his wife catches him out. However; luckily his wife is waylaid by the winner’s two girlfriends and husband and wife get to watch each other having raunchy sex.I had been invited as a local business man to judge the Ms Track-side Fashions on the Field at our annual outback country cup race meeting. I mean the fillies in the mounting yard usually had most of my attention when it came to picking a...

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Horace and Billie

I guess you’re right Baby Doll, I am a romantic. Looking back on the stories I’ve written, regardless of whether they’ve got lot of sex in them or not, regardless of whether they’re violent or pacifist they’re all love stories. Thanks for your love. I love you very much. * Begin: My name is Albert Wolf, and I want to set the record straight about my grand-uncle Horace Featherstone and my, uh, my, um . . . I guess I’ll have to call ‘her’ my grand-aunt because, I . . . well they . . . actually...

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PornoBruiloft met de familie

Bij mijn laatste verjaardag hadden mijn vriendinnetje Lisa en ik, na een heftige orgie, elkaar de liefde verklaard. Dit zou een hele reeks aan gebeurtenissen in gang zetten.Wil je weten hoe het verder ging? Blijf lezen en geniet.**************************************We maken even een sprong in de tijd. Niet dat er niks leuks te vertellen viel, want onze leefstijl met de nieuwe gezinsleden Lisa en Marijke zorgden telkens weer voor leuke en vooral geile momenten. Maar voor deze verhaallijn niet...

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Justine Nephew to Niece

For Justin it had all started with a purple pair of knickers, Nanny’s large purple French knickers to be precise.   Justin, eighteen, had been caught spying on Nanny as she got dressed in her lingerie and stockings. Nanny reached under her white half-slip and pulled down her purple French knickers and made Justin put them on.  She then made him rub his stiff cock, through the French knickers, all over her slip and stockings.  It was inevitable that he came all over the silky nylon panties and...

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A Gift For Juliet

A GIFT FOR JULIET by suki [part 1] Laura stood in front of me trembling with rage. "What the hell is the meaning of this?" she said. I turned around from fixing dinner and with a jolt of terror saw that Laura had found my secret stash. She clutched a crumpled fistful of my panties and stockings in one hand. In the other, she held my favorite pair of high-heeled sandals. She held them up to me accusingly as I stood there absolutely speechless. I should have known...

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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 28 Kellie

February 1978 On Monday I asked Kellie if she’d like to go out. She was super excited about that. We agreed on Friday evening. We’d have dinner and then go roller skating. After that, we’d get some ice cream and then our parents would pick us up. After school, I walked to meet Melanie. I shook hands with Pete and he asked if we’d be going out again. “You’re not my type, Pete. And I think Melanie might object.” They both laughed. Melanie said “No, you’re wrong, Steve. I’d actually pay...

4 years ago
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Meister T Frucht der LIEBE

Meister – T – http://xhamster.com/users/meister-tFetisch und Voyourismus als Kunstform -Aus dem Leben eines Meisters - Abdruck von der rasierten Mu - Mu von HillaLest - Was bisher geschah: - http://xhamster.com/stories/meister-t-das-scheiden-bingo-737114 -http://xhamster.com/stories/meister-t-diene-mit-d-mut-736646 -http://xhamster.com/stories/meister-t-tagebuch-eines-meisters-1-734201 -http://xhamster.com/stories/meister-t-fee-w-nscht-sich-ein-kind-728354 -Der Fetisch als moderne Form der...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 75 Callie

November, 1984, Chicago, Illinois The last days of November went by quickly. I didn’t say anything to anyone about the meeting; only Bethany knew that Scott had called me. Kara and Sofia both joined me for karate on Monday night, though they were in a beginner’s class taught by one of the two black belts who studied under Sensei Jim. I found Jorge after my accounting class and he was pretty resolute that he was happy being with George and that Cindi had been fun, but he knew it couldn’t...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 1 The Desendants of Lilies

Book One: The Quest Chapter One: The Descendant of the Lilies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Notes: Thanks to b0b for the beta read! King Edward IV – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare The scented, anointing oils still glistened on my forehead, slowly drying as I stared up at the winding stairs climbing the Lone Mountain. Behind me, the city's bells rang in celebration of my coronation. It was tragic that my father had died young, but it meant my reign would be spectacular. I was...

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Lady Millie

With a good portion of pride mixed with nerves, Brandon stepped into his brand new Peugeot 208, which he got since yesterday as a present from his parents for his 21st Birthday. With his hands shaking a little, he pressed the start button and the engine sprung into action. Carefully he drove off and decided he was going to just go round the block and maybe through the main shopping street of the village, hoping someone he knew would see him. The initial nerves slowly subsided and Brandon felt...

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"He makes my pussy cream" Sarah said as we walked through the woods at the top of the hill, eating our ice cream as we walked. "Wow! can I lick it?" I said as I took a long, loud slurp of my ice cream. Sarah stopped dead in her tracks. Sarah was fourteen at the time, I was two months past my twelth birthday. Sarah was tall for her age, five, six, and about one hundred twenty pounds. She was pretty and had a set of big tits, skinny waist, and a nice inverted heart shaped ass....

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Meeting Millie

Meeting Millie By Emily Ross Prologue Robbie Anderson was an ordinary kind of guy. He was a senior accountant in one of Northbury's leading accountancy practices. He enjoyed the benefits of a good salary, living in a smart part of town with his lovely wife, Helen. He drove a new BMW and every year he and Helen holidayed in exotic places like the Caribbean or the Maldives. In his early thirties, he was good looking, hard working, charming and ambitious. He expected to be offered...

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All Because of Millie

Dear readers: I know this story is rather long, but it would not have made sense if I had put it in two parts. I hope this does not deter you from reading it because I would love comments. It's my first venture into a "mature" story and I think it came out well. I hope you will think so also. Thanks! All Because of Millie Millie had just turned forty-five a month ago. She had been by herself now for three years and quite frankly, she had gotten used to it. The death of her husband had been...

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Training Allie

Training Allie part 1, revised and extended {Les Evans} [1/2]  ?Training Allie? was originally posted as ?Allie.?  Consider ?The Story of O? and ?9-1/2 Weeks.? This story is an exploration of the question: why would any woman consent to persist in a relationship that, by any standard, would be considered abusive? There are many possible answers, each of which could be the basis for other stories. I hope that ?Allie? presents one answer.  Introduction to Chapters 1-11:  This fantasy has been...

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Harmless Little Lie

Adam Bagdasarian knew by the distant look in Kevin Gustavsson's face he was not going to get the promotion which he richly deserved. It was not fair, being a white male was holding him back from being Vice President of Human Resources at Solsken Power, the world's leader in renewable energy technology. He found it hypocritical that a bunch of old white males made this rule. They got their way to the top by being the best and closed that door on people just like them. The company's...

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Clarence and Millie

We sat at the table, her holding my hand me bawling like a baby. "Clarence stop it now. I mean it. It is not the end of the world. I told you because I love you. I do not want to lose you. I do not want you finding out the wrong way about; well, about the things I am doing with Marcus," she said. I'm sure she thought her tone was supportive, but she was killing me. "Millie, you're my wife. Is what you really want a divorce? I mean after all of these years, Millie, twenty-one years!" I...

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Justine Verfolgte Unschuld

Als Justine halb ohnmächtig in den Knien einknickt, nimmt der finstere Piratenkapitän sie auf die Arme und trägt seine Beute unter dem Johlen der versammelten Mannschaft in seine Kabine. Dort legt er sie auf sein Bett. Wahnsinnig vor Verlangen sieht Justine zu, wie er sich auszieht. Dann beugt er sich über sie. Sein Schwanz ist dunkel, wie von der ewigen Sonne gebeizt. Unnatürlich dick und lang schiebt sich das mächtige, steife Ding gegen ihren Mund, zwängt ihr die Lippen auseinander. Willig...

2 years ago
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Deflowering Allie

It had been months since Allie had any attention from her brothers. It seemed the emotional weight of the their transgressions had taken their toll. Ending a very brief, but sensuous love affair. Allie could not wrap her head around the reasoning behind the sudden constraint of affection. Everything she tried it seemed, brought her back to the same emotional standstill. She filled with anger as the days turned into weeks and now into months. It wasn’t as if she shared the quandary her brothers...

1 year ago
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Allie by Unknow Allan had been in trouble before, so this was nothing new to him, however, this time things felt a bit different. The director of the orphanage had called for him to come to the office and to watch how he behaved. Allan had been orphaned at seven when his parents were killed in a car accident. He didn't have anyone else in the world and had been turned over by the court to the custody of the Orphanage. Being seven meant that he was too old and not...

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