Retirement Project - Saving Seeta free porn video

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After Vicki’s stupendous orgasm we all made a big fuss of her. It had been a rite of passage, really, and everyone had been impressed by its ferocity, including Vicki herself of course. And it had changed her.

I hadn’t known her up to now, but it was obvious that she’d been quite uptight about things - especially about her sister! But she’d come a long way in half a day, and it had ended in her getting a rise out of Lettie, which had given them the basis for a truce. Now I hoped she just needed some time and affection to continue the transformation.

Graham Harris pretty quickly left, unnerved by the realisation that if Vicki HAD told someone about what was going on here he’d have been in prison for a long time. I could imagine him wondering how he’d ever allowed Lettie to talk him into coming! Perhaps she’d stood with her tits projecting out at him, explaining that Janie Simmonds and Ella Green were hanging out naked with her and they needed a man? I could only smile at the thought; though he was right about the risk.

Vicki wasn’t going to tell anyone now of course, but I could see how easily word could seep out. Personally I was going to risk it though! Not being their teacher I’d have less jail time, and having lived a good proportion of my life there seemed to be less at stake. Also I’d got away with a month already and in my mind that was worth a couple of years in prison.

Anyway Vicki stayed, we hung out nude by the pool, had a meal, then Seeta and Ella got dressed and I ran them home with their bikes in the back of my car, which these days is a people-carrier for just such occasions.

I dropped off Ella at the end of her road, and then Seeta at the end of hers.

It turned out that was careless.

The next evening we were lying around, with Vicki over again, when Lettie’s phone went. She looked at it and answered: “Hi Seet!”

I watched her stiffen as she listened, looking more and more alarmed. “Your own sister? Your mother?”

She listened some more, increasingly disbelieving. “Pakistan? Married? But how can you marry someone at your age? ... kill you? ... you’re kidding! ... just because you did something with a girl? ... No Seet, seriously, this is your own family, how could that be honourable? ... Seet? Seeta?” She took the phone from her ear to confirm the line had gone dead.

“Shit!” She jumped up. “Someone came so she had to ring off. Somebody saw her being dropped off last night, it’s like everyone’s a cousin or uncle or something, in the whole street, and word got back to her family and they’ve grilled her all afternoon, all her brothers and parents and sister, about who was the white guy and why was she in his car, till she told them about here and the lezzie sex.

“But les is a sin in Islam and now she has to marry someone because of something called izzat otherwise people won’t respect her family and won’t even talk to them, like at the mosque. So she has to go to Pakistan and be married. Even though she’s hardly even been there. They can marry her over there, even though she’s so young and doesn’t want it.”

“Let’s call the police!” gasped Vicki in alarm.

“There hasn’t been a crime yet,” Lettie pointed out, “they won’t do anything and the family will just hide her and take her anyway. And if they can’t marry her off they might kill her, she said, for bringing shame on the family. And anyway how are we going to explain it?”

“It is hard to believe,” I said, “I’ve heard about that kind of thing though. Hard for us to understand, but it does happen. Izzat is a cultural thing, it can be pretty powerful.”

“We have to do something,” said Janie.

“Quick!” added Lettie.

We put clothes on and all piled into the car. We would go and talk to them, at least. We couldn’t just not do anything, as Janie said. The girls would go together and call as Seeta’s friends.

As I drove Lettie called Ella who called someone for Seeta’s address, and by seven thirty we were pulling up two houses down from it. It was a little terraced house in a street of them. I stayed in the car, out of the way but able to see, while the girls went up to the door.

Lettie rang and a man opened the door. He looked about forty perhaps, on the small side, half bald but with a big black beard. He didn’t invite the girls in, and I saw Lettie’s usual hand-waving as she talked, obviously asking for Seeta.

The man came out of his doorway making the girls step back, said something, and waved them away. When they didn’t leave he waved harder and more dismissively, then went back in and closed the door.

Lettie pressed the bell again. Nothing happened and she started pressing it over and over again. Inside it would be going ‘ding-dong’ or something every time.

She kept it up relentlessly for a good minute, until the door opened again. Three young men came out of the house and stood around the girls on the pavement. Sons, I guessed, in their mid and late teens. The father followed as far as the doorway.

I would have to get involved after all. I got out and started walking the few yards to the house, trying to ready myself for a confrontation, which is not my thing at all.

I heard what looked like the eldest son getting into it, crowding Lettie, looking down at her: “It’s nothing to do with you. Mind your own business.”

“But we just want to see her,” Lettie had the determined tone she takes on when she isn’t getting what she wants, “why won’t you let us? She’s here isn’t she? So why not? We’re just friends from school.”

“We know what you are,” said the boy, who looked about eighteen, “fucking white trash lezzies. Fuck off, it’s all because of you in the first place.”

“Yeah go on,” said the middle boy, “fuck off.” He gave Lettie a shove, then Janie. The girls staggered back a step, along the pavement, but didn’t retreat any further.

“Go on,” added the youngest, “before we show you about proper sex.”

“No need to get physical,” I got in before Lettie could retort, making the family notice me for the first time. The three boys turned towards me, as I went past drawing them away from the girls to the other side of the door. For the first time ever I felt a red mist. A real one. Seeta’s fears looked all too well-founded.

Two of the boys were shorter than my average five feet nine, and one was about the same height; all of them lightly built but acting like a gang. The father came out of the doorway towards me so that they formed a line in front of me.

They absolutely weren’t going to let us see Seeta, that was all over their attitude. We were aliens, and a threat. Interfering. Were they also a bit afraid?

But now we’d made an issue of it, surely that desperate phone call meant that if we left her Seeta might not be here the next time. It was either get her, right now, or abandon her.

“This is official,” I said, surprisingly myself by sounding quite tough, and pushed quickly between two of them to the open doorway. It’s a cliche but the element of surprise IS key. Nobody expected me to go into the house, and my tone made them hesitate. In a moment I was through the door.

I slammed it shut, turned the key and ran up the stairs two at a time. My instinct was that Seeta would be banished from downstairs and alone in her bedroom, and my red mist said nothing was going to stop me getting her out of there.

I opened three doors in quick succession ... there was Seeta, looking out of the window, luckily fully dressed.

I didn’t waste time explaining. “Come with me quick,” I said, and towed her out onto the landing by one wrist, feeling no resistance. In the brighter light of the landing I saw both sides of her face were reddened and swollen. Men, or women, her own family, had been hitting this small young girl...

I ran down the stairs, still towing Seeta, who kept her balance somehow. At the bottom now were two Pakistani-looking women, about to open the door that was being banged on. A girl and a woman. They wisely stepped back as I arrived and I lost track of them.

I dropped Seeta’s hand and opened the door. It was about fifteen or twenty seconds since I’d come in, and the four males were clustered round the doorway, while Lettie, Janie and Vicki stared from behind them.

The first one was the father. Seeta’s own father, and I was having to rescue her from him. I poked him in both eyes with two fingers of my right hand hand, pulled him into the doorway by his shirt with my left, and while his hands flailed towards his eyes I punched him in the temple with a crude, instinctive roundhouse right. He sank to his knees, clutching the door frame.

I braced my hands on the door frame, half-jumped past him through the doorway, and kicked straight-legged at the knee of the nearest boy. It was the eldest son. I registered a solid contact, resistance that gave way, him going down, and my focus was moving on.

My momentum carried me forwards and I grabbed the right arm of the middle boy. He punched me weakly in the face with his left but that meant he was off-balance. I whirled him with that momentum, one circuit and then into brick wall of the house. His head hit the wall and he clutched it, bending over. He wasn’t unconscious but he wasn’t a threat now either.

Dimly I registered Lettie pulling Seeta out of the hallway into the street, and then running with her and Janie and Vicki up towards the car.

The youngest son was trying to kick me, keeping his distance. I rushed him, grabbed him by the throat, turned and pushed him up the wall. He was only fourteen or fifteen, but this was the one who’d threatened to ‘show Lettie and Janie and Vicki about proper sex’. He was lightly built and my strength seemed limitless. I have pretty reasonable upper-body strength these days but it was more rage than anything. He didn’t even try to defend himself; rather I fought with myself to control how hard I squeezed his neck.

“Tell the others,” I snarled into his face, “I will kill you. I can, and I will. Not just me, but my army mates. If I hear from you, if Seeta disappears, anything happens, anything at all, I will kill all of you. Understand?”

There are no army mates of course, but he wasn’t to know that. He nodded, terrified. Quite rightly because I was in a killing rage. I felt like I didn’t need any mates to dismember all of them on my own.

“Don’t get brave,” I ranted on, “after I’ve gone. Don’t think you can get others involved and win. We have guns. People in places. OK? I wouldn’t mind killing you, you can believe that can’t you? People who’d kill their own daughter and sister; just for trying a relationship. You don’t deserve life. Honour? Izzat? You SCUM. Make sure everyone understands.”

He stared at me in terror and hatred. I hated him right back. I closed my grip on his throat, tighter and tighter so he could feel death in the offing. Then I managed to get hold of myself and let him go; he turned away, gurgling and retching.

People were starting to come out of other houses in the street. I realised the eldest had screamed when I ruptured his knee. He was writhing on the ground.

I ran to the car, where Lettie was getting everyone in. In a few seconds we were driving down the street, past the gathering crowd of people outside Seeta’s house.

“Are you all OK?” I asked.

Nobody said anything. I looked at Vicki in the passenger seat next to me and she recoiled slightly. I looked in the mirror and caught Lettie’s eye. Even she was scared of me.

“I’m sorry,” I said, trying to find my normal quiet voice. I was hoarse, my throat stinging painfully, telling me how hard I’d been shouting.

“Sorry,” I said again, “I lost my temper.” Still nobody said anything. I took a deep breath and tried to work out what to say. Not coming up with anything I drove us home in silence.

Once we were back in the pool room Janie put her arms round Seeta, who looked too shocked to cry.

“I didn’t know,” said Vicki.

“It wasn’t your fault,” Lettie understood her sister was feeling responsible, irrationally but instinctively, “Seeta came here to find out about it, she was going to do it with someone.”

“It’s not any of us, it’s them,” said Janie, “look at your face,” she indicated Seeta’s face which had clearly been slapped hard and repeatedly.

“I’m sorry I dropped you off there,” I apologised, “it was too close.”

“It’s alright,” murmured Seeta, “I ought to have said. I’m sorry I made all this trouble. I just wanted to try it. It didn’t seem wrong, here.”

“It’s not wrong,” said Lettie, “it’s just their stupid superstition ... sorry are you a Muslim? I don’t even know.”

“Not really,” Seeta shook her head, “I have to go to prayers but I don’t really believe in it. There are always arguments about it. My brothers are on at me to wear a hijab now, like my sister, but I won’t it’s stupid. I looked it up: you have to wear one in some countries, but you don’t in other countries, or you have to wear something else. It’s not really from Allah they just make it up, so they can tell girls what to do all the time...”

The words poured out now.

“They were mad about David, in case I’d been with a white boy, cos I mix at school, and I couldn’t think how to explain it and they got more and more suspicious and angry so in the end I told them it was only with girls not boys; it seemed better but it wasn’t they went mad and said it’s homosexuality and a sin and hit me and said nobody must know, it would be a disgrace on the family, and I’d have to leave and be married or just die ... then they caught me phoning you so it was even worse...” A few tears started and she wiped them away.

“Just as well you lost your temper,” Janie smiled at me as she cuddled Seeta. Janie is someone with a lot of loyalty. I raised a smile back.

“It’s not like me,” I apologised again.

“It worked,” said Lettie, looking hard into my eyes. “I never knew you were like that though. It was scary.”

“Yes, sorry,” I said again, “I was just desperate. To scare them off.” I had been too. But full of hate as well. I hadn’t known I could be like that either. It wasn’t like me at all. Now I was thinking I could probably have got Seeta out of there without nearly strangling a teenage boy.

Well ... I had no experience of fighting. Perhaps I’d been afraid that anything less than berserk might have failed and Seeta would have been basically enslaved in Pakistan, or even murdered by her own mother and father and siblings. Incredible, but I knew it happened ... perhaps berserk had been what was needed. The main thing had been not to fail, and in truth I didn’t feel any empathy with the people I’d hurt, I just didn’t like being the person I’d been. I wished I’d stopped once I’d stunned the second boy, when I could have just walked off.

Anyway at least the police weren’t going to be after me - Seeta’s family weren’t going to call them and have the ‘sin’ all over the papers, nor their daughter’s bruised face.

We sat round for the rest of the evening, supporting Seeta, and my alienation gradually wore off as I suppose my normal placid self reassured the girls. I went through a shaky period that I guessed was mild shock and Janie noticed at least, but nobody said anything. Everyone was feeling quiet, dealing with that violent scene, but the girls seemed to be coping at least as well as me, to my relief.

One thing came into my mind: “So are your sister and brothers at the school?” I asked Seeta. There’s really only one big state secondary school in the town.

“Yes but they don’t mix with us,” Lettie answered, “they go round together, that sort of them, they’re the biggest racists going. We don’t even know their names.”

Janie and Vicki were nodding. I thought it seemed a shame. And what was Seeta supposed to do, torn between two camps? I wondered if the hijab thing was part of that; it would tend to separate her from the white kids, I was sure.

“We’re going to get to know them though, next term,” Lettie added with menace in her voice suddenly, “we’re not going to have them saying that to us. Our guys will have a word.” I could imagine Lettie and Janie would have some big friends. “And we’ll make sure they know Seeta’s one of us, and if they ever want to be able to have kids they’d better leave her alone,” she finished.

“I never knew you were scary like that,” I said with a grin.

“Touché,” she smiled back. I felt somewhat rehabilitated.

We did our best to make Seeta feel cared for, then quite early we put her to bed in the spare room. Vicki went home over the road, and I went to my bed while Lettie and Janie went to theirs.

I woke next morning trying to work out what to do with Seeta. She could stay here, in terms of space, but who might look for her? How would we work it with the authorities? I didn’t want any risk of her being put back in her family and I didn’t want her in a council care home either, with all the stories of what can happen there.

And would the family leave it alone now or would they come after her?

I had a suspicion that once the fright had worn off they’d be left with their original desire to control and punish her. Well ... to get rid of her in fact. This izzat honour thing probably still applied; more than ever perhaps with her being taken away by non-Muslims.

Over breakfast we looked it up: a big part of izzat is revenge. Damn.

“There are some Muslims at school who’re alright, I can ask?” suggested Lettie.

We all agreed and she went off to phone in the quiet of the dining room.

“We can talk to one of their imams,” she said when she came back, “that’s like a priest. Faisal says his is a good guy and he’ll ask if he’ll talk to us and then Seeta’s family’s imam and perhaps get it sorted out.”

So later on we went back into town, just me and Seeta, and Lettie who is not easy to leave out of things. The imam was indeed a kind and gentle man, not that old, and he listened carefully while we told him what had happened.

He said little, which was impressive, and didn’t condemn Seeta when she hesitantly told him about doing ‘it’ with girls. She wisely didn’t mention sucking off a boy. At the end he put his fingertips together.

“I will talk to their imam,” he said, “it is a familiar problem, that families have these conflicts - the parents come with their traditional culture and then their children who are born here have a different experience and see everything differently. Some children keep the traditional ways, some don’t. It is their temperament, more than anything.

“I have to tell you homosexuality is indeed a sin under Islam, though attitudes are changing, but slowly. But I will talk to their imam and we will see what can be done. Is she safe in the meantime?”

I explained she could stay with Lettie, and left him my number.

The next afternoon he called and we went back, to meet both the imams. It wasn’t quite so sympathetic this time.

“Seeta’s family is a traditional family,” said the original imam, “from North-West Pakistan. This sin is a great shame on them. However we have told them it would be un-Islamic to kill her and a sin itself.”

“She must marry,” intoned the new imam with a heavy accent, “that is the only way she can become respectable and avoid shaming her family.” He was older and severe. I presumed he was from some stricter mosque.

“She’s too young to marry,” I said, calmly but trying to be definite, “even in Pakistan, legally, surely? And she’s here and a British citizen. It would be a crime to take her out of the country for a forced marriage. Just as it was a crime to assault her.” I indicated Seeta’s face which was a little less swollen today but had some visible bruising.

“You must understand that we can advise, but traditions can be strong...” the old imam glowered disapprovingly at me.

We all looked at each other.

“I don’t want to marry anyone,” said Seeta, “I don’t want to go to Pakistan and I’m not going home either. They said they’d kill me.”

“Of course you can’t go back,” Lettie stated flatly, “and you don’t have to do you?” She looked meaningfully at me. I could feel all the ingredients for her to have a go at the older imam, but she was resisting the temptation. It gave me strength.

“No she doesn’t.” I’d made up my mind. It was clear even the imams didn’t think she’d be safe there.

“She’s staying with me.” I said. “If she disappears it will be obvious who did it. I will make sure it’s a story in the media: another forced marriage or another Muslim honour killing. More bad press for Islamic communities everywhere. Perhaps you could explain to the family that their shame will be far greater? ... And that at the moment nobody else knows about her harmless little experiment...”

There was a pause.

“If she is not seen and nothing is said about her, no-one will enquire,” grunted the older imam ungraciously, “it will be as if she has gone to Pakistan to visit her grandparents, perhaps. I will explain to her family they must forget her, for the good of the community and Islam.”

The younger one nodded sagely.

I nodded with them. “She stays with us, then. We’ll see about another school.”

It wasn’t until we got back and told Janie, and Vicki and Ella who had come round anxious to know how it had gone, that it started to sink in that I had pretty much adopted a girl.

At least I wasn’t doing it alone through. Everyone clustered round Seeta.

“You need a new family,” said Vicki, for once getting in before Lettie, “and I’m going to be your big sister.” She gave Seeta a kiss and hugged her.

“Me too,” said Janie, stroking Seeta’s ass.

“And me,” added Lettie, “and David’ll be your dad, won’t you?” She looked at me.

“Yes I will,” I stroked Seeta’s long black hair. The situation brought back feelings from when my two sons had been this age, though Seeta was so much more vulnerable of course. I loved my sons, though secretly I rather regretted their emigrating, and I wouldn’t have minded a daughter too.

“Thank you,” Seeta smiled at us all. She wasn’t as emotional as I’d been expecting. It made me wonder how close her family life had been, though she seemed to be a pretty resilient character anyway.

“I’m going to be your best friend,” Ella smiled her beautiful smile and I saw Seeta react as Ella eased her arm into the huddle. It was instinct for us all to make space for Ella, and in a moment the two youngest girls were cuddling gently, Ella’s arms round Seeta’s shoulders while she rocked her gently to and fro.

They are about the same height and Seeta’s face slid naturally alongside Ella’s, nose to ear. Ella’s broad shoulders enveloped Seeta’s narrow ones, and as we looked at the two nestling together we all sensed the same thing and moved away, leaving them to it. Intimacy was probably the best therapy.

Lettie started undressing and Janie did too. In a minute their two made-for-sex bodies were lying together on the mats.

“I think I’ll have a swim,” I said to Vicki, and started stripping too. She stood looking while I took my clothes off and slid into the pool.

I swam a couple of lengths, enjoying the feel of the water sluicing over my skin. A pair of feet appeared on the bottom, under two slender, sexily-shaped legs, topped by a triangular brown bush and a delectable smooth ass. I stopped and stood up.

Above the water were the rest of Vicki’s lithe body: neat little waist - which is absolutely lean and flat - her firm B-cup tits, lovely square shoulders, narrow neck and gorgeous face, along with her long brown hair. I noticed her features again for some reason. Perhaps because there was a different expression on them from before.

Her face is a touch less round than Lettie’s, with a bit less dimple and more cheekbone. Her eyes are a darker brown than Lettie’s hazel, but with some green in them. Her mouth was a delicious shape now it wasn’t curled down in disapproval. She is, as Janie had observed, like a fashion model who is only five foot five.

I was curious that she wasn’t more confident, though I supposed having Lettie for a sister couldn’t be easy, if Vicki had this feeling that she ought to be senior. Anyway her hangups didn’t make her a bad person. Seeta’s ‘big sister’. I smiled at her.

“I’m sorry I was a bit off yesterday, after your fight,” she smiled back, “you were right. It was amazing, actually. Now here she is, safe, when otherwise...” we both looked at Seeta and Ella, who were still cuddling.

“I don’t know anyone,” she carried on, “who’d have done that - just gone for it and not been fobbed off and argued and waited till it was too late; just gone straight in and got her and then fought them all, like nothing mattered apart from saving her. And then making sure, seeing the imams and having her here. It’s like, I don’t know ... wonderful.”

It was a little dazzling to have this from a girl who looks like Vicki. I am not any kind of hero whatsoever, I’d just lost it. I scoured my meagre social skills for something to say back.

“It was nice of you to say you’ll be her big sister,” I offered.

“She’ll be an easier little sister than Lettie,” she grinned.

“I bet. I don’t think anyone could be a BIG sister to Lettie.” I felt a grateful reaction somehow.

We watched Lettie and Janie cuddling nudely together.

“They make it look very natural,” Vicki murmured.

“They do, don’t they?” Their naked bodies were clearly giving each other a lot of pleasure. “And so do Ella and Seeta.”

Ella and Seeta had hit it off straight away, two days ago; well perhaps they’d been friends before, I wasn’t sure. Now they were stripping too, the golden-tanned blonde and the light-brown Asian looked amazing together. Ella’s little hand cupped one of Seeta’s plump breasts and started to fondle it. Seeta pushed it forwards a little, loving the sensation, the nipple sticking out looking half an inch long.

“Do you ... do it ... with them all?” Vicki’s voice was so low I had to move towards her to catch it. I realised that was the idea: it was to be a private conversation.

“Not all,” I found myself murmuring too, “and not Seeta. Just the ones who want to - safely, because I’ve had a vasectomy now, but some of them just want to look, or play with it and see what it feels like.”

“Do you with Lettie?”

It was a question loaded with issues.

“Yes, we do.”

“Cos I thought she was girls-only.”

“Well she is otherwise, as far as I know, but somehow it just works between us.”

“I can imagine.” Vicki paused. “She just does what she wants.”

“I know,” I smiled back, “you can’t pigeonhole her; she’s not like everyone else.”

“Everyone thinks she’s so special. She’s so clever. Even Mum and Dad prefer her to me...” Her mouth had turned down again.

“Oh no!” I blurted, alarmed, “I’m sure that’s not how it is. She’s over here because your mum and dad find her difficult, I think. You mustn’t think every difference between you is an advantage for her. Not everyone wants a human tornado all the time.”

“You do though. I think you love her. The way you look at her, and talk about her.”

“Well...” I felt a bit cornered. I didn’t want Vicki adding me to some list of people she imagined preferred Lettie to her. But I hardly knew Vicki. And do I ‘love’ Lettie? I realised at some levels I probably do. And Janie too. They are special to me. Some of my berserk rage had been about the threat to them.

I realised I mustn’t deny it, anyway: “Yes I do love her, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love other people too, and more normal people, like Janie; and Seeta in time I expect. It’s not like being ‘in love’ with just one person when you’re marrying someone. You can love a lot of people.”

Vicki’s hand touched my arm. “You’re a loving person, I think. You know - affectionate. That’s what’s so attractive. You went mad because of what that boy said. And it’s part of how you do sex, that you feel like that about them, Lettie and Janie, and Ella. And Seeta too, just because she’d been here.”

It was a little bit of a challenge, somehow. Perhaps the way I was looking at her was giving her confidence. And she was standing rather close to me.

“Thank you,” I replied weakly.

“It’s funny, that you’ve fucked me, you know, but here I am having to seduce you.”

I just grinned inanely at the lovely girl. She was being quite confident now, giving me a seductive look. She was so different I couldn’t think what to say.

I felt her fingers go round my cock; it made me jerk so that ripples spread out across the pool.

We both sensed a movement, and glanced over to the mats: Lettie and Janie were sitting up looking, big smiles on their faces.

“Can we go somewhere, please?” asked Vicki. She didn’t want to do it with Lettie watching, for some reason.

Well, I reflected, perhaps most people would feel like that, if they weren’t yet into the sex-mad culture Lettie had built here. Or possibly Vicki was afraid she wouldn’t be as good at it as her sister.

We got out and towelled off, then I led Vicki out into the garden. We walked round, nude, and she took my hand in the late afternoon sunshine while I waited for her to move things on in whatever direction it was she wanted.

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Retirement Project Ella would Like to Know about OrgasmsChapter 2

Titty phoned David after school – that was on Tuesday, the next day after he first fucked me – and after dinner I walked down and went straight there. I couldn’t wait. Tits was there already, and wearing a bikini. Shit - I’d only brought my one-piece. “I told Ella to bring a bikini,” Titty was grinning and so was I, she looks totally fuckable in a bikini, “just to get everything off to a nice sexy start. She’s coming to be told about being a les and having an orgasm isn’t she, so we may as...

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Retirement Project Ella would Like to Know about OrgasmsChapter 3

I stood up, and Ella did too. She was GLUED to it. But as far as I was concerned David was setting a great example, with making a bold move on the one he wanted! I was behind Ella by now, so when she backed away from being right on top of the hot sex she bumped into me. She was turning to say sorry but I grabbed her, with my arm round her gorgeous shoulders. I kissed her neck and slid my other hand straight down to her pussy. I kept kissing her neck again, and talking to her, pointing out...

2 years ago
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Retirement Home Lessons Learned Harmony

The Retirement Home Lessons Learned - Harmony Achieved As Kathy arrived home for the night, she couldn't help but to wonder what Pete had in store for her. She went ahead and got ready for bed as instructed, and hoped that Pete would be able to remove the lock from her special panties, so she could be free of the nasty pad she had dealt with all day long. She was happy that this was not something she had to experience on monthly basis, and considered how lucky men and...

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Retirement Delights

Retirement DelightsI sold my business and decided to move to a warmer climate; I decided on Mexico. I always had a fantasy that I wanted to explore and I thought that somewhere in Mexico might be the perfect place. I rented a large hacienda near the coast, with great views and a number of small villages nearby. The property was large and my new home isolated. I knew some rudimentary Spanish so I had only minor difficulty putting an ad in the local paper for a housekeeper. I began...

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RETIREMENT– by SENORLONGO ©2015. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between characters in this story and real persons is strictly coincidental and unintentional. Like most of my stories, this one contains elements that could fall into numerous categories such as Loving Wives and BDSM on Literotica. Normally I would split this story into segments to make it easier to read, but if I did that I’d hear from too many readers that Part 1 should be in ‘Loving Wives.’ However, if you look at...

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Retirement party present

I’ve retired after 40 years as mailman the guys throw a retirement party in January for all the guy who retired the past year 6 of us had retired. The guy rent a ballroom in a local hotel so all of our coworkers and friends and family can come usually around 100 people attend. So as the party is going on Dee a woman I wrote about before (helping a coworker) hands me a room key without any seeing’s said for me to come get my retirement present when the party was over. I lost my wife about 11...

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Retirement Community Neighbors

“Do you really wanna do this,” asked the newly retired university administrator.“I think it’s a great idea,” his sister replied.“Well, let’s make it happen!”“Absolutely!”“They’re starting to board the plane. I gotta run. Love you!”“Love you too! Have fun! Take lots of pictures.”Elliott rolled his carry-on towards the line. The 58 year-old was heading to Japan for seven days and six nights. He had purchased the trip through a agency specializing in seniors’ group travel. He didn’t mind having to...

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Retirement Party

Retirement PartyYou had decided to take early retirement, at 50 you still looked good, your breasts were still ample and firm and although your arse was slightly plump, it still looked sexy.You had been planning your leaving do for ages, a Suite had been booked and all your 15 employees were coming. The company specialised in gym equipment, and the manager had made something very special for you at your request.You had given a lot to the company over the last twenty years and wanted a very...

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Retirement Plan

Retirement Plan As I sat at the dressing table brushing my hair I noticed my wife looking at me oddly. She was sat on the edge of our bed, ready to go out for dinner. "What?" I asked, turning round to look at her. "Nothing really, darling," she replied. "It's just that in all my thoughts about married life I never once thought I'd be watching my husband sat at a dressing table getting ready to go out wearing such beautiful underwear," she finished with a smile. I paused with...

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First Time Gangbang With Project Partner His Room Mate And Seniors

Hello, Mera naam parul Parikh hai, mai 23 years ki hu, mai Gujrati hu, aur mai Ahmedabad Gujarat se hu. Mai first time iss pe mera incident share kar rahi hu,, aur asha hai kea p sabko pasand ayega. Mai mere bare me batana chahti hu ke maine recently B.Com kiya hai, aura bb M.B.A karne wali hu, mai rich family se belong karti hu, meri height 5 feet 4 inches hai, mai bohot bohot fair hu,, aur mera figure 36 29 38 ka hai. Mujhe t-shirt aur jeans pehana pasand hai. Aur jyadatar time mai shorts...

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The Ghost Project

The Ghost Project By Anon Allsop With a sensory score that was off the charts, Heath Carroll thought his ship had come in. Unfortunately for him, our government was the entity doing all of the testing. Early on, he had been sought out for his uncanny ability to self-induce a trance and Astral Project himself across great distances. At first it was thrilling to be able to physically occupy one separate plane of space, then within mere moments he would appear in another. His...

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The Pandora Project

Author's Note: This story evolved from a particularly vivid and disturbing dream that I had perhaps ten years ago; it's taken me this long to actually frame it with a real plot and write it all down. I hope it was worth the wait. The story is essentially straight-ahead science fiction with a transgender sub-theme, as opposed to a transgender sci-fi story, if you get the distinction. If you're looking for a little transgender titillation, you're not likely to find it here....

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The Class Project Chapters 17

Author's Note: This is a very slightly edited (cleaned up) version of the original 7 chapters of Class Project which I first posted to the newsgroup back in 1995. I've let this tale languish for a long time and I'm not quite the same person I was when I first started writing it. Recently I saw a hyperboard thread listing stories which need to be completed. Class Project was on at least one of those lists. Since then I've been working on the continuation and will be...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 204 Discovering a New Way to Project Ki

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 (Continued) During the morning I carried out several ki experiments, building on the almost successful "Make Someone Fall Down Without Touching Them" technique from last evening with Sensei. Having so many people gather around me at school was a pain, but it did provide me with plenty of 'volunteers'. Most of my volunteers were girls, as they were the ones who were reaching out to touch me the most. I wasn't doing anything harmful to them, so girls were just as...

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Married To African For Project

Hi this is Sravya (friends I am changing my name ) This is story about my personal experience when I was in Africa for a project I am 24 years old 5 feet 7 inches  height fair and  slim In my family we are 3 members my family is well established in business for few generations so literally I was born with silver spoon The story I am telling it is about 5 years back when I am studying  archeology in hyderabad its during the project work time every  one started to select there own interest ...

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The SmithChapter 30 XL Project

“Ha, I bet you never thought I could do it this fast did you?” GB8 was floating... “Air cushioned. Is its skirt made from a shower curtain?” “Yup, works pretty well. I just have to keep it around nineteen centimeters.” “How is the energy consumption?” “Better than I thought it would be. The louvered fans aren’t exactly fast, but works okay.” She was still grinning over her prank, but a tinge of disappointment shadowed my student’s eyes. Rachel didn’t come this weekend with the excuse of...

2 years ago
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College Project On A Rainy Day

It’s monsoon now. I am back with an incident which happened during my college days. It was such a lovely rainy day which was equally romantic like this one. I was talking to the person involved. She wanted this incident of ours to be shared with you all horny fellas out there who might want a piece of her. However, that won’t happen literally, so don’t get your hopes to fly high and wide, lol! So, about the lovely girl Maera. She is about 5’4″, 34-28-34 and hails from north-east, that is...

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Project Phoenix

This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual scenes and is meant for adults only. Stop reading now if you are below 18. A quick note to readers. This is my first story, so please be gentle in your comments :-). Besides, English isn't my first language. Continue at your own risk ;-) Either way, have fun. Project Phoenix by Meg [email protected] With sinking heart Kevin Barnett stared at the blurry wall of the tram tunnel. The speeding...

1 year ago
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The Project

Chapter 1: It was a bitter cold, dreary, grey, January day in Cincinnati. Brad Taylor sat in his small, spartan office and found himself thinking about a seed. He remembered how it grew in his brain, occupying more and more of his thinking, maturing into a fully developed idea and now it was almost time to harvest. He knew exactly the moment that the tiny seed had been planted in his fertile mind. It was planted that day, more than three months ago, when Darrel, who occupied the small office...

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23YearOld Girl Loses Virginity For Getting A Project

If I could turn back the clock and rewind this event then it would not exist anymore. But I can change neither the past nor this event. After the , I felt so guilty that I sometimes thought of killing myself for having done something which felt wrong. But it didn’t feel wrong at that time. I still ask myself these questions – Was it just out of lust and body wants? How could I ever let my body decide over my emotions? Did I love him more than just the body? I could not even reason to myself or...

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My Fourth Gangbang By Industrial Project In 8211 Charge And Foreign Boss

Hello I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmadabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my fourth experience recently happened with my Industrial Project In charge and his foreign boss. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe about myself, I am doing MBA and I am from wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So let me start narrating my recent...

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The Project

The Project Synopsis: A group of girls at Chris' high school decide to make him their project for the next four years - feminizing him - and they get some help from an unexpected source during the fourth year. Eighth Grade I wouldn't exactly say that we live in the wilderness or anything like that, but we live in a part of upper New York State that is mainly rural - small family farms and stuff like that. The area where I live does have a school, but it's only for grades K-8, no...

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Project ManagerChapter 3

It took about an hour from when the order for a large half sausage and cheese and a half vegetarian and mushroom pizza was placed till it was delivered. They sat at the kitchen table eating the pizza and sipping on some diet cokes. Scott looked at Sandi and saw that her hair was disheveled and her lipstick was gone. The look on her face was that of a lady that had been freshly fucked. He chuckled a little as he had that thought. Sandi heard the chuckle and said, “What is so...

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Altered Fates Project Zulo

(Author's Note: This story provides a finale to all the Altered Fates tales I've posted here to date. It contains spoilers for, and resolves dangling threads from, most of those eleven stories. I wrote them out of sequence, but I always knew where each of them fitted in the overall scheme. Read in order, the larger story should all fall into place with what might have seemed stray characters and random bits of business all connecting up. Even if you read the individual stories as they...

1 year ago
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Kamihime Project R

Hey there, you deviant freaks and geeks. I’ve got a treat today for fans of naked girls, cartoons, and video games. It’s definitely one of the better hentai RPGs I’ve played lately, so without further ado, let me tell you about Kamihime Project R.Magic, Technology, and SexTo play Kamihime Project R, you need to head over to Nutaku. I’ve written up a whole review of the site if you’re interested, but for now all you really need to know is that it’s a platform for porno games. If KamihimeProjectR...

Best Porn Games
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Anns Art Project

Ann couldn't remember when those dreams started. Ever since her breasts became so large, pictures of her globes started popping up in her mind all the time. Her boobs materialized as part of old paintings and art installations, on walls and windows, in fruit baskets and even inside bookshelves! It was just crazy, and quite irritating. At some point, Ann was concerned that she was about to go crazy. She knew she had to do something about those weird thoughts. And so she decided to study art,...

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Final Year Project

Final Year Project Per & Dorothy (Dor) are final year students living in London, Per is Swedishfinishing a degree in Media & Communications (which gives him a lot offree time) and Dor is finishing a degree in Fashion. Dor is a full time Gothand dresses in Goth fashion at all times. Per has been working at a club forthe last two years which twice a month holds a Bondage / Fetish night.  AsPer can get her in for free Dor went along for a look and soon found that shewas into the bondage scene. As...

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The TakeTwo Project

What if you could... start over? Try again? Charge forward into life with a brand new perspective? Imagine a reality where you didn't have to look down at yourself and sigh; where you look in the mirror every day, with your ideal self looking back at you. Think of a world where problems like body dysmorphia didn't exist. Never too tall, too short, too thin or fat, too much or too little of any part of you, of anyone. Sounds good, doesn't it? From the welcoming arms of Encephalon Silver, we...

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New Project

New Project By: Light Clark Synopsis: Tyler Gahret cares for nothing more than science, so when someone attempts to recruit him while he is returning to his usual job, he is all set to refuse. When he learns what the new project he's being recruited for is, however, he finds it too tempting to resist. Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It makes mention of a few characters and places from that universe, but does not use them for anything major. It...

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Here I am sitting in a small airport at 1 o’clock in themorning. I’m 55 yrs old and I’m wearing tan slacks, a white shirt and blue suit jacket. I have been told I look very good for my age. I am 6’ 190 pounds with salt and pepper hair. I work out and play basketball daily and I enjoy it. My wife passed away about 2 years ago and I haven’t had anyone since. Mainly because I have been putting in a lot of hours to boost my retirement. I got off work a few hours ago after working a double shift and...

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Episode 19 the School Project

Kelly and her dad were out walking in the park one autumn day; Kelly skipping along in a short summer frock, kicking through the fallen leaves. Kelly occasionally flipping up the back of the skirt to reveal the bright pink boy panties that her dad loved. He would often just lie on the sofa stroking and licking the tiny crescents of her bum cheek exposed by the panties; sometimes without even fucking her properly. Once aroused she would flip his hard erection out of his trousers and into her...

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Apne Project Guide Ki Chudai 8211 Part I

Ab aap logo ko jyada na pakate huye sidhe story pe aate hain. Ye ghatna mere or mere project guide ke bich huye sex ke bare me hai. Ye isi sal May ke month me huyi ghatna hai. Is se pahle mai virgin tha. Sex karne ka man to bahut hota tha par koi gf na hone ke karan hila ke hi kam chalana padta tha. Par jo maja real me chudai karne me hai wo hilane me kaha? Mujhe starting se hi mature auratein jyada bhati hain. Kyoki wo jyada expert hoti hain or bistar pe bahut maja deti hain. To hua yu ke exam...

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Project 401

As a young lad I had always been intrigued with robotics, be it very simple, or the quite complex systems, either drew my interest. During my junior high, and senior high school years, I had entered and won, most science fairs with various robotic mechanisms of my own design. The latter versions were a bit more complicated, and were actually controlled by the computer programs that I had also had designed and written, programs that I had so well protected were virtually breach...

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The Project

She was hot! She was hot and she knew it. The table had been 'guy central' as guy after guy made the pilgrimage to the shrine to ask for her to bestow even the smallest amount of attention on them. She danced with a few, but turned three times as many away. Some things never change. She was hot! She was hot and she knew it. The two girls with her weren't bad, but they didn't even come close to her. A steady stream of guys made their way to her table and after a moment or two of...

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Little Sisters Sculpture Project

Lori scraped one last sliver of clay away from her art project. It was finished. She looked at it critically. It was a recreation of the statue "The Thinker" that she had done from a photograph of the famous piece. It had taken her six months. But it looked good. She was sure anyone would recognize it. The muscles in the naked man's body had been much harder to form than she had thought they would be. But now it was done. She'd turn it in tomorrow. Ms Haskins would fire it in the big kiln...

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For the Presidents Eyes Only Project Sweetpea

For the President's Eyes Only: Project Sweetpea By DEE DEE PERRI CHAPTER 1 The agent's eyes swept the crowded room once again with professional efficiency. To one untrained in his science, it would appear as a casual, almost bored, cursory examination of the restaurant, but a skilled observer would have noted the brief, almost imperceptible pause- the agent had detected something interesting. Now using the menu to partially obscure his actions, the man visually confirmed his...

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The Research Project Ch 01

Kari sat at the table by the entrance to the vacation lodge with her dad’s number one assistant, and looked at the men gathered around her. She still didn’t know how her dad had done it, cut down all those e-mails and questionnaires to these fifteen men. Marie, the lady seated next to her had told her little about the selection process, but she had mentioned that her dad had chosen a wide variety of test subjects. Well, from what she could see, that was true, there were fifteen men and talk...

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The Sexy Project Team Member

In the whole project team, only I and Shruthi(name changed) had not done anything. Although it was a group project we had to collect individual newspaper clippings and make a booklet. I went up to her house and found that the other three girls were waiting for me as well. As soon as I reached there looked at Shruthi. As usual she was wearing a small skirt and loose top. Without anyone in my group knowing I had secretly completed the project already. So I was expecting some fun to go about!! So...

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Project Zulo Postscript

(Author's Note: This isn't so much a story as an interlude, a brief postscript to Altered Fates: Project Zulo. There was a request for a family tree, and brief precis of the transformations that occurred among the Peyton family in the dozen or so stories that culminated in Project Zulo, for easy reference. Well, I aim to please so here, presented as a conversation between two characters, is that data. If you haven't read Project Zulo you probably shouldn't read this one since it contains...

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The Human Toilet Project

The Human Toilet ProjectIt all began with a casual visit to the Misc. part of Craigslist's job openings. I didn't necessarily need a job because I had begun to receive Social Security just a few months ago, but you are allowed to have a little part time work. The listing was as follows.The University of California Berkeley Psychology Dept in coordination with UC Medical School Dept of Internal Medicine need a male volunteer for their human toilet project. We prefer someone who has never been a...

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 1

He awoke in a mass of crumpled bed sheets, groping for a sense of time and place. A moment’s glance around at the poster-strewn walls of the tiny room brought it back to him. 47th Street East, guy’s name is Eddie, that’s it. Hospitable type, friend of Jerry from the Mercury Lounge. Eddie had been only too glad to let him and Robbie crash out and had not even balked at the young drummer bringing along a girl. Hell, the guy had taken the sofa so that Robbie and friend could make use of the main...

Group Sex
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 3

The prop-jet airliner climbed over the Massif Central, and Helen relaxed in her seat. Working while flying seldom appealed to her. Her flights were generally short hops in small aircraft: it simply made little sense to try and organize a brief work session in a cramped seat. Instead she would read a book or listen to music she had brought with her. Eventually her plane pulled up outside one of Geneva's little satellite terminals, and she went down along the long underground tunnels'...

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Retirement Benefits

Forty five! How was I was suddenly forty five? It seemed like just yesterday I was twenty. I still felt like I was twenty, but when I looked in the mirror, it became clear to me that twenty and even thirty had shot past while I was busy making money and buying toys. I had accumulated a huge retirement fund, a mansion, a yacht, a Jaguar and a Mercedes. The woman who had graced my life for ten years couldn’t stand waiting for me so she ran off with the pool boy. The divorce became final just a...

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Retirement Community Life

I’m an active 75-year-old retired electrical engineer and now widower since my wife of 55 years died from cancer two years ago. For the first six months, I moped about the house and just mourned the loss of my partner in life. The next six months was devoted to our children and traveling to see them and our grandchildren. Then it was back to moping about the house with nothing to do but my old car hobby. I had lovingly restored a hot rod from my youth; a 1962 Chevy Impala two-door hardtop. It...

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Retirement Home Family Ties Part 2

The Retirement Home - Family Ties 2 Day Five - Daily Makeup & Voice Changes After waking this morning when her alarm sounded, Tonya was up and in the bathroom when Rose came into her apartment. She was ready to do a quick shower, and Rose prompted her to hurry that along, as they again had a big schedule for the day. After the shower, dressing began with minimal makeup which was needed due to the upcoming training. A nice blouse and skirt were laid out this morning with the...

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Top Secret Project

So, I was walking to the nearby supermarket to pick up a few things early on a Saturday morning, probably around 8am. Being the weekend, my husband, Mark, is taking care of little Abby, so I can get some things done. As I'm walking, I see a plain white van pulled over a few car lengths in front of me. I thought nothing of the van at first. It was just a vehicle that was double parked like any other, which was a common sight in the city. Probably there to move some furniture or something. The...

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Top Secret Project

Introduction: In case the tags werent enough: This is a twisted tale of getting skinned alive and butchered. It comes from my own fantasies. I imagined this happening to myself many times before I wrote it down into story form. I find the idea very erotic. If you dont share my fetishes… Then you probably shouldnt read this. Living in a city has its benefits. I live here with my husband and baby girl in a 2-bedroom apartment. Being able to walk to most places, rather than having to drive is one...

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My project

My project. I have no imagination so I must write true stories. When I found out that Dad was fucking my sister something started to brew inside of me. Was I shocked about it? I think I was surprised because before that day I never expected it. I am sure Mother also did not suspect anything if I didn’t. Was I disappointed in them? I was not, I loved them both and if it made them happy and did no harm to anybody it was fine with me. In any case I was quite sure that Mom had some fun on her...

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Summer Project

Summer Project by B. Pink This story is about forced feminisation, the transformation carried out for the fun and amusement of twin 17 year old girls from an affluent family. Their parents give them the freedom and finances to undertake this project, something they see as a part of the girl's developement. The victim was to be a working class male and therefor considered disposable. The father owns a large chemical company. The research and development department will do...

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Project Super Soldier part 1

I want to thank all the readers that have left reviews on Kelly's story. You don't know how much those reviews help to spur writers like myself into continuing our stories. Special thanks to Shadowsblade and Branek who have quickly turned our small writing group into a group of not only better writers but good friends. I apologize to those that are following Kelly's story, for the length of time since the last update to her story. Several things in real life have limited the amount of...

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Project ManagerChapter 10

Sandi’s efforts now with knowing that she was pregnant turned toward to finding a suitable location to build a house. She contacted the builder’s association for information on the builders that were building houses which she hoped would suit her needs. Nothing that she saw in what was currently being built interested her for various reasons. She contacted the relator that sold her house and asked her for a listing of individual lots that were for sale. There were a few remaining lots in a...

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The BabyMaker Project

The Baby-Maker Project By Jillian As part of this project, a very key part in fact, I was ordered to write of my experiences as though doing a case study. And not just of my experiences but also of my feelings and emotions as I progressed through what everyone knew was to be a very difficult experience and period of adjustment at the conclusion. I thought about my best approach during the three days before I was to leave for an unknown destination where the project itself was...

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The Mrs Hollingsworth Project part 5

"The 'Mrs. Hollingsworth' Project" (Part V) Two days later the private elevator door opened on the penthouse floor of the Hollingsworth building, Rick and Ms. Lawrence stepped out and moved to the main door of the vast penthouse suite. This was Mr. Hollingsworth's private floor. "It's not an apartment actually, I reworked a section of the penthouse, it's a suite of rooms." Rick said as he opened the main door to his apartment. Ms. Lawrence followed him through the foyer to the...

4 years ago
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Retirement Center

Well my wife and I made another trip back to my dads retirement center. On our arrival we went and sat with dad and had a very nice conversation with him. While speaking to dad Wanda stopped by to say hello and invited us to come see her once we were done with dad. I looked at my wife and saw the excitement in her eyes. I could tell she was thinking of our last visit there and all the fun we had with Wanda and Carolyn. I to had thoughts of that and my dick was getting hard. We finished with dad...

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