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It was the hottest day of the summer so far. Terry sleepwalked to the shower and turned it on pure cold. She shivered gratefully when the spray cascaded over her tiny budding tits and ran down her flat belly. It was already too warm by the time it seeped in under her hairless mound and down her twelve year old thighs. She backed up and let the water strike her belly directly. That was better. It felt tingly when the cold got into her crotch.

She stood on her toes and unhooked the shower head from the wall bracket. It was attached to a hose and was made for this. She lowered it to her waist and played the spray across her lower belly. She parted her legs and trained it directly on her slit. Her eyes were closed, so she didn't see the shadow on the shower curtain, or the eye that peeked through the slice of open space. What are you doing?" a loud voice came from her right.

The voice startled her so much the shower slipped from her hand and snaked around in the cubicle, spraying cold water all around. Her cheeks got red when she realized her brother had been spying on her. She grabbed up the hose and directed it at her smelly brother. "Get the hell out of here!" she screamed at him. His cackling laugh faded as he left the room.

Her mood had been spoiled. She had only been masturbating since her friend Jenny told her about it, last month. She discovered the shower massager on her own last week. She replaced the head on the bracket and turned off the water. She was trying to think of a way to get back at Jimmy. He was fourteen. From her talks with Jenny, she knew that boys masturbated, too. She was very curious about it. She'd seen her father's long penis and Jimmy's little thing, too last summer at the lake when they were all camping and changing into swimsuits. She decided turnabout was fair play.

When she came out of the shower in her towel she listened. There was no sound in the house. Even the TV was silent, or else turned too low to hear from the upstairs hallway. When she had got up to shower, however, Jimmy had been in the living room watching some stupid science fiction movie at top volume. She crept to the top of the stairs and listened some more. "Jimmy!" she called, but there was no answer. She tried again, then decided he must have gone outside to play with his stupid friends. She went downstairs quietly.

After confirming that she was alone in the house, she went back upstairs, then down the hall to Jimmy's room. The door swung open to reveal the pig sty in all its glory. Plastic model cars and airplanes stood gathering dust on the desk and bookcase. Dirty clothes were strewn around and two drawers of his chest stood crookedly open, with clothes spilling over the sides. Terry Stood and considered. Jenny said boys liked to look at pictures of naked women or something when they "jerked off", as she had called it. She remembered them laughing then, when Jenny said girls must be "jerking out" when they did it.

'If Jimmy has pictures of naked women, where would they be in this mess?' she wondered. She stepped over a dirty plate and bowl sitting on the floor and poked into the open drawers. Not there. She closed them and opened each drawer separately. She ran her hands under the clothes, making a face when she got to the underwear drawer. She tried to bring to memory the image she had of Jimmy's penis that time at the lake. She had been mortified herself, being naked in front of her brother though, so the memory wasn't really clear. She picked up a pair of his briefs and eyed the slit in the front of them. Mom had told her the slit was there for the penis to stick out when boys peed. She didn't understand why her mother had laughed so hard when she said girls should have slits in their underwear so they could do the same thing.

Jenny had explained that to her, though. They'd been alone at Jenny's house and Jenny took her into her mom's room. In the bottom drawer was a bunch of sheer underwear that her mom owned. Jenny fished around and brought out a pair of what she said were called crotchless panties. Jenny explained that they weren't for peeing, but so that men could feel the woman's cunt through the slit, and fuck them. Terry had learned a lot since Jenny and her divorced mother had moved in down the block. Jenny was only a year older than Terry, but she knew a lot more stuff. Terry's vocabulary now included words like fuck, cunt, cock and prick.

Terry moved from the chest of drawers to the closet. It looked like something had exploded in there. A baseball mitt and bat, football, a flat basketball and a pair of ice skates cluttered the floor, along with more clothes (some still tangled around the wire hangers that had suspended them once, before they'd fallen down). There was a shelf up high and there were some boxes and a stack of comic books. Terry pulled the chair over and stood up on it. She could just reach the shelf. She slid the pile of comics forward but they fell from her grip and fluttered noisily to the floor. "Shit!" (another Jenny expression) Terry said under her breath. She jumped down and began picking the thin magazines up. All of them were superheroes and horror stuff. No naked women, only scantily clad ones in some pictures. She carefully replaced the comics on the shelf. She took down a box and opened it. Inside were no pictures of naked women, either, just some rocks and an old, smelly bird's nest. The box went back to the shelf.

Terry sat on the bed and pondered. If boys liked to jerk off as much as she liked to 'jerk out', then Jimmy must have had the pictures where he could get to them fast -- and put them away fast, too, in case Mom or Dad came. She looked down. She got down on her belly and peered under the bed. Dirty socks and (ugh!) underwear were there, along with balls of dust and lint, but no magazines. She rose to her knees and her eye fell on the bed again. She slipped her hand between the mattress and the box springs. She slid it up and down and pushed in up to her shoulder. Her hand hit something. It was a magazine! She gripped the corner and dragged it out. On the cover was a woman with breasts the size of small honeydew melons. They were naked with bright red nipples! The title splashed across the top of the page behind her bleached blonde head. " Juggs!" it said. Terry set the magazine on the bed and opened it near the center of the book.

There were pictures of naked women here, all right! Full color and on both pages. She flipped through the book with sweaty fingers. Not only women, she found, but there were naked men too! Some of the men were... yes! They were fucking the women! Right there in color in the magazine! She flipped through the pages. There were women with men's cocks stuck into them. There were women with cocks in their mouths (Double Ugh!)! Then, on one page, there was a close up of a woman's face. The end of a cock stuck out of the corner of the photo and there was stuff all over the woman's cheeks, neck and naked breasts. It looked like milk or something thicker. It flashed into Terry's mind suddenly: that was COME! The stuff men squirt out at the end of their masturbation, and fucking. Terry looked at the photo with wide eyes. There sure seemed to be a lot of it!

Just then she heard Jimmy's voice downstairs. Somebody was with him! She shoved the magazine back under the mattress and shot down the hall to her room. She was still only wearing the towel. She got her door shut just as Jimmy and his friend Bob reached the top of the stairs. Not exactly sure why, she ducked down behind her bed and crouched silently. She heard the boys talking, but not what they were saying. Then she heard her own door open. "Good! The little shit isn't here!" Jimmy sounded pleased. "She's probably down the street with her little slut friend. I sure would like to fuck that Jenny's mother! Have you seen the size of her tits?" Bob laughed, then said something Terry couldn't make out, since they were back in the hall and moving toward Jimmy's room.

Terry smiled, wondering what they'd get up to, thinking they were alone. Creeping to her door, she peeked out into the hall. Jimmy left the door open when the pair went into Jimmy's room. Terry didn't make a sound as she dressed. She didn't want to risk opening her drawer for underwear, so she just slipped into the clean shorts and shirt she'd thrown onto her bed earlier. She had learned that from Jenny, too: going without panties. She found she liked the feeling, especially in shorts, when the breeze could sometimes blow right up and tickle her between her legs.

Jimmy's stereo boomed to life. 'Good!' thought Terry, knowing she didn't need to worry so much about the noise she might make. Still, she tiptoed out of her room and down the hall. She peeked into the crack between Jimmy's drawer and the door frame. The boys were sitting side by side on the bed. The sex magazine was open across Bob's lap. They were laughing and pointing at some pictures as they flipped through the pages. "Look at those knockers!" Jimmy said.

"Jeezuss!" Bob exclaimed. "Wouldn't you like to fuck that?" They went on like that for a few minutes. Terry watched as Jimmy moved his hand to his crotch and seemed to be trying to do something. Bob noticed, too. "Gettin' hard, Jimsy? You wanta beat off?" Terry knew that one, too, courtesy of Jenny. She hurried as fast as she could back to her room and got her little camera. She knew it had a fresh roll of black and white film in it, since she'd loaded it just the day before. She had received a darkroom kit from her grandparents the Christmas before. She could only process black and white film, but she enjoyed it. She wanted to be a photographer when she grew up.

She went back to her post outside Jimmy's room. She had to put her hand over her mouth when she peeked in. Jimmy had his penis in his hand and was furiously rubbing his hand up and down on it. 'Jerking off!' The term popped into Terry's head as she brought her camera up and clicked the shutter. Until then, she hadn't thought about the noise the camera made. Fortunately, the music was loud enough to mask the sound. Bob looked from the magazine to Jimmy's lap. "Oh, Man! looks like you're about to spew!" he crowed. Jimmy's friend jumped from the bed and dropped the magazine where he'd been sitting. He fumbled his pants open and pushed his undies to his knees. Terry clicked the shutter again.

She watched as Bob brought himself closer to her brother. He leaned forward until the tips of their penises were touching. 'Click,' went the shutter. The boys whipped their hard little cocks against each other, like they had done when they were younger, with the wooden sticks they pretended were swords. Terry put her hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. Then she clicked the shutter again. That should do it, she thought, letting the camera dangle from the strap around her neck. She just continued to watch.

Her mouth dropped open in amazement when Jimmy took his free hand and joined Bob's on the other boy's penis. Bob took his hand away and Jimmy was jerking them both off. Terry quickly brought the camera up and clicked off two more shots. This was going to set her up perfectly for a long, long time, she knew. She had a slave.

As Jimmy's hand stroked his friend's penis, he started grunting. His hand flew up and down his own rod and then it was squirting the ropy, milky stuff Terry had seen all over the woman in the picture. It landed on Jimmy's thighs and Bob's belly. Then Bob's discharge began. Jimmy directed it at his own penis and continued rubbing it until it was smeared all over him. Terry decided it was worth one final photo. 'Click.'

After dinner that night Terry spent a while in the basement darkroom her dad had built for her. It was small, but large enough for her needs. Her dad had a friend who did remodeling. From him, they had gotten a used kitchen sink and countertop. It made a great work surface for the darkroom. Terry watched with satisfaction as the red light showed the sharpening shadows on the paper in the developer tray. There was that little shit, Jimmy, holding on to his friend's cock for dear life! Ha! Just let him try to do anything to her! She would only make one set of prints for him to see. She would hide the negatives somewhere he'd never think to look.

The next day, Terry walked down the hall and right in to Jimmy's room. "Hey, Worm!" Jimmy's disdainful voice washed over her in that tone, (for the last time, Terry thought). "What the hell do you think you're doing, busting in here? You know I don't allow you in..." His voice died off when she dropped the six glossy 8x10 photos on his lap. She had arranged them in chronological order for him: Jimmy with penis in hand, Bob standing in front of Jimmy, their penises touching, then the two boys 'sword fighting', two very similar shots of Jimmy jerking Bob off, and the last with Jimmy rubbing their combined come all over himself.

"I like the one where your penises are kissing," Terry giggled. Jimmy shot off the bed, the photos crumpled in his hand. His face was redder than Terry had ever seen it. He grabbed her and jerked her forward. She sprawled across the bed. Jimmy was about to beat the crap out of his sister, but she held her hand up in defense and shouted one word that brought him up short: "NEGATIVES!"

Jimmy stood panting, his eyes going from the photos to his hated little sister and back. The anger drained from his face and his features contorted. Terry's mouth dropped open as her big brother dropped to the floor and bawled like a baby. He curled himself into a ball and his shoulders shook with his ragged sobbing. Terry felt sorry for him right then. She never thought he'd react like this!

"Jimmy... JIMMY!" she called to him, trying to get his attention. "Wait! I'm not gonna show anybody." At first the boy didn't react to what she said. His mind had already leaped to conclusions. She was going to pass them around the neighborhood, the school! Give them to their parents! He would have to run away somewhere. Then his thoughts were reduced to one word, repeated over and over: Hide! Hide! Hide!

Terry repeated herself. "I said, I'M NOT GOING TO SHOW THEM TO ANYBODY!" Jimmy snuffled into his folded arms. His heaving breath slowed. He lifted his head and swiped at his eyes with his sleeves. He looked so pitiful to Terry, red-eyed, snot running down his lip. This was the evil big brother of whom she'd learned be terrified? He looked so... so human squatting there on the floor.

She told him, "I know you'll probably burn those prints as soon as you can. Or maybe you and Bobby will want to jerk off to them first!" She got a thrill of satisfaction just saying it and using that term to him. "Just remember, I have the negatives and they are somewhere you'll never get them. I promise I won't show the pictures to anybody as long as... you... do... whatever... I... say." She drew the last few words out dramatically. Realization of his situation dawned on Jimmy. From his expression he didn't like it, not at all. He glared at Terry.

"What do you want, Worm?" he demanded truculently. Stubborn anger was reborn in his face. Terry knew she'd have to be very careful not to let him find the negatives. She stood and crossed her arms, sympathy gone now, chased off by his more normal attitude.

"First of all, DON'T call me 'worm' any more. Or 'little shit'! Or any of those other nasty names you made up." She paced across the room, carefully avoiding the obstacles of his mess. "Also, stop spying on me. That's what caused this, you know. You spied on me in the shower yesterday, so since you saw me, naked and playing with myself, I wanted to catch you -- only BETTER! And I think you have to admit I did a pretty damn good job of it, didn't I?" Terry felt powerful enough to cuss in front of Jimmy now, something he'd always threatened to tell on her for.

Terry's mind was spinning, coming up with all kinds of things she would be demanding from Jimmy. Then her mind jumped to another idea: she had power over Bob, too now! She could get them to do anything she wanted! She opened her mouth to lay down another demand, then closed it. She looked at her brother, once again leafing through the incriminating photos.

"I will have other conditions, but right now that's enough. Well, maybe you should clean this mess up today," she said waving her arm over the wreckage of his room.

"Huh?" he asked, his forehead wrinkled into puzzlement. "What the fuck do you care how my room looks?"

"I don't really give a... FUCK (it made her feel really naughty using the word) what your room looks like. I just hate thinking I'm related to such a slob. Clean it up, Slave!" She stomped out of the room. Jimmy continued to stare at the empty doorway after she had disappeared. Her head appeared in the door again and she said, "Oh! I think you better show those to Bob before you destroy them! Tell him he's my slave now, too!"

"I'm fucked!" he said to the empty room. He shoved the pictures under the mattress with the magazine. He went to their parents' room and called Bob from the phone there. All he said was that it was really important that Bob come over quick, then he hung up. He went back to his room and began picking up dirty laundry.

Terry was watching a soap opera when Bob's face appeared in the screen door. "Hey, Terry! Is Jimmy here?" he called.

"Upstairs," she said. Bob opened the door and let it slam as he entered. Bob was thinner than Jimmy, and, Terry thought, much better looking. She smiled sweetly at him as he passed the couch. He frowned at her. He'd never been as snotty to her as Jimmy, but he never told Jimmy not to pick on her, either. She was having some decidedly nasty thoughts about Mr. Bobby. Terry wanted to talk to Jenny. As Bob mounted the stairs, Terry left the house and ran through the summer heat, down the street to Jenny's.

There was an apple tree in Jenny's back yard. She and Terry liked to climb into it for their secret conversations. Terry opened the screen door and walked into the house without knocking. A fan pushed the air around the room as it oscillated from side to side. "Jenny!" Terry called out. The sliding door to the yard was open, with that screen door in place, too. Stopping at the hall entrance, Terry listened. No sound. Jenny must be outside. She walked out onto the patio. Jenny was lying on a webbed lounge chair in her bikini with the sprinkler spraying into the air beside her. The spray was adjusted to a narrow sweep so the cool water fell down on Jenny at least half the time. Terry giggled. She walked to the hose valve and turned it off.

"Hey!" Jenny sat up and twisted around to see who had stopped her shower. "Oh. What's up?" she asked her friend as she dried her face and chest. Jenny was twelve, like Terry. Her body was more developed than Terry's, however. She actually needed the top to her bikini, while Terry could just as well go without, except that she (Terry) knew she had tits, even if they were still just 'mosquito bites', as Jimmy called them (used to call them, Terry reminded herself). Jenny had more hair on her pussy, too. She'd shown Terry once. Then, paradoxically, she'd said, "I can't wait until I have a lot of hair so I can shave it off, like Mom does!"

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Almost a Fairy Tale

Just some notes: -I do some research, but I do it in the spare time of my spare time, so I took many poetical liberties in the description of the past. -I'm no adept of metaphysics, but the interpretation I gave for prophecies as powerful spells look logical to me, perhaps someone had that idea already before. -There is sex, of course, but the main focus is on the concept of personality, what defines "us". This is the main theme of all my stories. Almost a Fairy...

3 years ago
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RUNAWAY Chapter 18 Time Alone with Viktor

Roger started to follow but the large Italian man Vincent grabbed hold of his arm, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Holly's eyes opened wide when she was guided through the unmarked door and Viktor locked it behind them it had a vanity with a sink basin, a toilet and a glass enclosed shower. He sat her on the toilet and turned the water in the shower on. She definitely needed to pee but it was embarrassing doing so with him in the restroom. He kept his body and face pointed at the...

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Dancehall BBC

It's a short story on how I got fucked by a dance hall artist. I really like dance hall music. It has rhythm. it's colourful, and it's easy to get approach by guys. I can feel the size of all the guys dancing with me. But, above all, when there's a dance hall event or even soca event , it's mostly black guys and girls that go. I'm not talking about big artists that are known, but small artists that comes from Non black girls that go there are looking usually to meet black guys to have some fun...

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A dream of mine

This is a story and at the same time a dream of mine, that i would love if probably not enjoy quite much.I have arranged a meeting with a single man, on a specific location, on which, i am to appear at a specific time.Arriving at the place, a house wirh a garage suitable for two large cars, i enter the garage as told, and the door at the back of it.The garage contains only one car, an expensive one for that matter, passing nervously, awaiting the meeting planned ahead.It leads to stairs going...

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Kaamwali Kaam Karwane Ati Thi

Dosto mai apni pehli sex story batane ja rha hu mai aapko ye ek real story hai chalo pahle mai apne bare mai bata deta hu mera nam hai lucky() aur mai surat ka rehne wala hu to ab story start karte hai. Ye un dino ki bat hai aur us saal hi mere bhai ka addmission mumbai me hua tha to meri mummy uske sath mumbai chali gayi rehne or yaha mere liye ek mast kaamwali chhod gayi to ghar me sirf mai or papa hi rehte the aur papa to subah 8 baje hi job pe chale jate the wo kaamwali us time pe 18-19...

4 years ago
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In der Spezialklinik Teil 10

Teil 10 – Entspannung im WhirlpoolNach der Anweisung von Renate an Barbara im benachbarten Behandlungsraum, wo Michi für die Entspannung vorbereitet wurde, schiebt Barbara die Patientin mit dem Duschrollstuhl in den Raum, wo bereits Brigitte und Martina sehnsüchtig auf Michi warten.Nach dem Betreten des Raumes begrüßen Brigitte und Martina Michi mit einem Handschlag. Danach sagt Brigitte zu Michi: „Hallo Michi, ich freue mich, dass wir uns hier wieder begegnen und uns gemeinsam entspannen...

2 years ago
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Gaping my wife1

Well anyway she was a bit shy And not very adventurous in the bedroom. Hell it took me almost 6 months to finally fuck her and after I bursted her cherry she just couldn't be satisfied. Soon after we were pregnant with our son which made things even better for me. She just wanted a raw fucking Every time I walked in the door. It seemed like she was getting more daring in her sexuality the bigger her belly swelled. She started telling me of one fantasy after another which made for a good cum...

2 years ago
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Redheads or Blondes

"I told you that you can't come over tonight, I've got to see my fiancée!" said Jeremy to Fiona, his little something on the side. "Why do you prefer that little blonde tramp to me?" Fiona whined. Jeremy rolled his eyes heavenward. "I don't prefer that little blond tramp over you. You're my favorite tramp and you know it." "Flatterer." She interjected. "You know me too well" he admitted. "Nonetheless I don't prefer her to you. I just prefer her Daddy's money to...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e10 Imogen

Series 4, Episode 10: IMOGEN We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner-city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags. Then we’re on the windswept sea-front of an old fashioned English resort town - windy, cold and rainy,...

1 year ago
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Doctors and Nurses

Ultimate Doctors and NursesbyEvelyn Carroll It was the boy next door who taught me how to touch myself.He was called Sean. I'd loved him since I was a little girl. He used to let me play with his toy soldiers when we were both younger. His mother let me have a photograph of him once. I have it here. His hair is very black in it. He looks sulky, like a pop star, with his wavy, slightly long hair. I am looking at it now, remembering him, remembering this young him and his older self.Of...

2 years ago
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First Sex With My Girlfriend

I am sanjeev from delhi.I am 23 year’s old guy.My penis size is 6’inch or width is 3′ .I had did sex with 2 girl in my collage.My first sex experience with 18 girl her name is sweety.She is so beautiful.She like me more.I am good in study my mam like me more because i am a good student.When day mam told me sanjeev plz help sweety she has left her lecture so go in library and help her then we go and library and i starting to teach her binary addition,subtraction,multiplication,or divid.She...

1 year ago
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Daddy teaches

His daughter was growing up and soon would becoming sexual. He figured it was his job to teach her all aspects of great sex. Her body was developing and the boys were beginning to notice her. He was noticing her sexy body. She had nice big tits and an ass that swang when she walked. She was like a female sex machine. Her mom was gone for awhile taking care of her mother so the dad called her to his room to tell her he needed to teach her how to fuck and please a man. He told her to undress and...

4 years ago
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Summer Camp part 2

Summer Camp Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 3-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom (Please read part one so my story makes sense. I did copy the last two pages of part one to...

3 years ago
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In Another World

I was so bored dear God COVID-19 sucked, I missed my job, never thought I would say that. Guess it's like a friend said, when you have a job you don't want it and when you don't have a job you want one. I just kept scrolling through various website not really interesting in anything, No show really interest me, and then ones that did I was caught up on. Same with manga, movies, and anime, and do not get me started on the fact the 95% of what YouTube recommended was stuff I had already watch....

1 year ago
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Reddit Sex, aka r/Sex! Here we go, the man himself finally gets to have a sit down with you and discuss the birds and the bees. Ever since the very first man accidentally stuck his penis inside a woman’s vagina and discovered that it felt a lot more interesting than sticking that thing inside tree-holes, humanity has known about the world of sexual interactions. I know what you’re thinking – there was no first man, we evolved from monkeys. Well, you’re completely wrong. We evolved from apes,...

Reddit NSFW List
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A Shepherd No MoreChapter 6

I was arranging my books and carved animal collection in my new office when I heard Joy's voice behind me. "For exceptionally meritorious service and performance of his duties while serving as the Captain of the CSS Sacajawea, resulting in the recovery of three hundred twenty four lives." I turned around to see my oldest daughter run her hand along the frame of the Silver Star Citation hanging on the wall behind my desk. It was good to finally have her back after her three week stint at...

1 year ago
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Vampire Beginnings 2

I awoke to perpetual twilight. I felt through my mind, I could tell it was twilight. There were no windows in the room that my maker, Eva and her sister Annie had fucked mere hours ago as only us immortals could. Despite the lack of windows I knew it was twilight, darkness was approaching fast and I was hungry. I felt for the presence of Eva, she was awake but I couldn’t tell where. I looked around the room, seeing everything clearly despite the almost total darkness. I made out Annie’s...

2 years ago
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Alex to Alina Chapter 13 The Wedding and The End

So, the ending to this story has taken foooooreeever... But I am so glad I actually get to finish it for you all! I have just been so busy doing my own thing, that this was further down my list of To-Do's, but, I hope you enjoy it! Sorry to leave you hanging for so long! Love, Ashley ---------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: The Wedding and The End I got ready for the wedding on autopilot, and definitely found myself moving much faster than I...

3 years ago
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The Dairy Godmother

The Dairy Godmother by Throne Artie was crashing at his buddy Joe's apartment. He had been living at his girlfriend Belinda's place, but she had tossed him out the night before. First, she accused him of being too bossy. He didn't have any good defense, mainly because it was true. Then she told him she was tired of his focus on her boobs. She said it was as if she didn't exist, above the neck, for him. Well, those knockers were magnificent, not only humongous, but also so round,...

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Cabin by The Lake Chapter Two

After their boat hit something under water and Paige took a spill in the icy lake as they neared the cabin, Bull had rescued her. Then the unthinkable happened. His best friend – the one he’d secretly yearned for, but knew was out of his league – had kissed him. It was not a platonic kiss. It was a hungry, hard passionate kiss, or at least it quickly became that once their lips met.It had stunned Bull. He had often dreamed of her as his lover, but was sure it was never going to happen. But she...

Straight Sex
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My first FMF

As you know (if you read "The prom night") me and Sarah were now in a relationship and i was really happy about that.We both went so same college, and we enjoyed our time together. I dared Sarah to start flashing and teasing others guys from the college and surprisingly she agreed, so I was verry happy to see their "OMG shes hot" look and after that their HARD-ON, so entertaining.One day, after sex, she asked me:"Tell me Merc, do you have any fantasy? maybe i can do something about...

2 years ago
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Devil Lust Part 8211 5

He moved his mouth away from her breast now and moved his upper torso to look at mom directly into her eyes.He gently rubs his condom covered thick penis head over my mom labia with one hand and used his other hand to get the support of not falling over my mom body. Ravi-“Arpitha..This is the moment that will change your life forever…get ready to accept a new man in your life..” My mother asked-“What do you mean by that?…You said it will be one time” Ravi did not respond to my mom but instead...

4 years ago
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Nothing as Sexy as a Man in a Skirt Playing the AccordionChapter 2

I apologize ahead of time to the Brits, the Scots, the Masai, Rednecks, Grammarians, and military people in general. I did some research, enough to not screw up the basics too badly. So, forgive the things I got wrong, and try to enjoy the story. The wedding was getting closer. And we both were getting nervous. Her mother had decided to come, at the last minute. Amanda was a mess. I probably didn’t help much. “I’m sure we’ll get along, honey. And if we don’t, it won’t matter. I’ll still...

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The Damme meets the Stallion2nd part

For the origin of the family 'dynamic' of the 5 sisters and their attitudes toward men, we need only go back in the 1930's and 40's to an isolated farm. Almost all the able bodied men have left, women have taken the man's place in the farms and factories. Women are also training to ferry planes to both coasts as production ramps up. The radio broadcasts and newspapers are mostly stories of war and stock market crashes. No strangers to depression and scarcity then, war rationing is back like a...

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Greg the Not Quite So Straight Guy gets blown 1

I’d been nervous since I agreed to this. I’d posted an ad on a local hookup site seeking a man older than myself, aged between 35 and 45 with little to no body hair who would like to suck my cock. That was it – he sucks me and I leave.2016 was a dry year - I hadn’t gotten any action the whole of year and had pretty much given up on women completely. It’s not that I don’t find some attractive, it’s just that there’s a whole lot of bullshit that I don’t want to deal with that often comes around....

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My SexPacked Holiday Part Nine A Final Threesome

I awoke early on Friday morning, and lay in bed idly strumming at my clitoris. I opened my legs just far enough to let me slip a couple of fingers inside my pussy, and was pleasantly surprised to find how sloppy I already was up there. It was the last full day of my holiday, and to be honest, it hadn’t been anything like I’d expected. I’d had a hell of a lot of sex, for a start, and not just of the normal “in, out and wipe yourself clean” kind, either. Peeing, fisting, anal: I’d had my eyes...

2 years ago
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CharlieCharlene Part 6

Tommy was stunned. He stood there, with his finger between his/her outer labia, and didn’t say anything. Charlene reached behind him, and picked up the washcloth from the edge of the tub. Turning to the vanity, she turned on the hot water faucet. She held her finger under it for a moment, until the cold water turned warm, then turned on the cold, and adjusted it to a comfortable temperature. She then soaked the washcloth, and wrung it out. She went over to Tommy then, and gently wiped the...

3 years ago
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My wife gives me a surprise

Tina is my wife of over 20 years and since the k**s have grown and left the nest she has become a lot more sexually alive. Used to be if there was even a moan from either of us she was looking at the door as if expecting the morality police to come busting through at any moment. Now, she is yelling and dressing all sexy and has even been doing a little experimentation with toy. A few weeks ago we even introduced handcuffs into our realm.So last week on Monday she brought a straight back...

2 years ago
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A Wifes Secrets

CarlIt is past midnight, but I'm not certain of the exact time. I just know that it has been more than an hour since Carl brought me home. The wetness still coats my thighs as I have not showered. There was no need since my husband is out of town on a four-day business trip for his firm. I am acutely conscious of the condition of my vagina, not just its slick wetness, but mostly its widely stretched condition. Carl used it several times, each time forcing it wider and more open. I have tried to...

2 years ago
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Sexual Fantasies The Stash

DISCLAIMER: This particular series of stories will be one-off adventures. Some long, some short. Some straight, some lesbian, some bi, some sissy, some gay (probably most). But hopefully you’ll find them arousing!Sexual FantasiesThe StashAdam, 18, watched from the window as his mother left for work. His stepdad, Rich, had left over an hour ago. Adam was alone, with the house to himself. He smiled, knowing exactly what he was about to do. He had been snooping around a week ago and stumbled upon...

1 year ago
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We’re used to seeing dudes doing all the work in porn. They are the ones who always do the fucking and banging, and the chicks are just there taking it. Well, I don’t know about you, but from time to time, I like to just kick back, relax, and let the chick do everything. If you want that too, then you should check out /r/SheFucksHim. This place is made for guys who like to relax during sex, as they let the chick do all the heavy lifting. Listen, it might seem unfair to let chicks do all the...

Reddit NSFW List
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The not so little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot

Timmy awoke, rubbing his eyes. It was Christmas Day! Excitedly, he scrambled out of bed, and over to the fireplace, where his Christmas stocking hung. Eager hands pulled it from the crooked nail, wide eyed, he peered inside and found… Nothing. ‘Oh, Santa,’ he cried, ‘You’ve forgotten me!’ He lay on the floor, sobbing. A light appeared in the room, all of a sudden it was just there, hanging in the air. It became brighter, bigger, more intense. Timmy stared at it, his eyelids closing as the...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 12 Jenny Walsh

During my lost week, or rather my lust week, with Hannah a pile of mail had accumulated at 23 Kitchener Road. The day before I moved into digs at West Drayton I went through the pile and threw most in the recycle bin. The one letter I read came from my solicitors, and contained the DNA report on the soiled sheets Miriam and Hodge were shagging between when I walked in on them. Most of the language in the report was far too technical for me to understand, but one sentence astonished...

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