DJ WifeChapter 3 free porn video

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I searched for a better way to say this but I couldn't find one. I had thought about saying it the day before but I decided not on her birthday.

"You had sex with another man in three different affairs, you decided not to try to work on our relationship taking the easy way out, you lied to me and you denied me so you could have sex with him."

As I listed the first three things she looked sad but when I stated the last one she rapidly shook her head.

"No, I never denied you ... Well, I did but not for him. Yes I cheated, I lied and I took the chicken way out of dealing with our problems but I never ever said no to you so I could have sex with him. Sometimes I said no because I was angry or hurt but never for that reason."

I believed her but it didn't change what I was feeling all that much. I nodded, said I would be in touch and that I wasn't saying good bye because it wasn't good but I would be in touch.

I ended with "I have thinking to do to see what I feel and what I want." before I walked out the door.

I didn't call her that day or the day after or the month after. I did respond to some of her e-mails.

I listened to her new radio show. Evidently they wanted her to use two names because she was back to calling herself Shannon Passing. She was right; she did talk less. I wasn't sure if I liked all of the music she played but I wanted to listen to her.

One morning, a month after her birthday she said something that caught my attention. I looked up from the report I was typing and said, "What did she say?"

This morning my secretary, who was in my office, answered, "She said something about being pregnant."

I blinked thinking back over what I had heard but not listened to. Sure enough she had said, "As much as I'm enjoying this set I may have to take some time off in the mornings in the next few months because of morning sickness ... yes that means I'm preggers."

She then went to a song. I was shocked, wondering how far along she was and whose it was.

When the song was over she said whom the singer had been adding, "I'm about a month along. I know because I know I got knocked up on my birthday. My husband and I spent much of the day alone and naked ... I hope my husband will be happy with his child."

I don't know if any one else caught it but she sounded sad when she said that last sentence.

She went to a song and when it was over she added, "If it's a boy I hope it looks like him and if it's a girl I hope it looks like me, a girl would look funny with his face even though he's handsome."

She went to another song. I thought she was doing it that way on purpose more than because of that station's rules about talking.

Without thinking I said, "I thought she was having problems with her husband."

"She might be, she has been with another man, she lived with him for a while, but doesn't seem to be living with or seeing anyone right now."

I looked at Edith, my secretary, in surprise wondering if she had been following my wife around.

"How do you know that?"

"You know that local gossip columnist, she covers Passing every now and then."

"The gossip rags cover her?"

"Sometimes, but I'm surprised, since you're a fan of hers, that you don't look for gossip about her."

"I never thought she was big enough to have them following her exploits," I said a little bit shocked, "and I'm not that big a fan of hers."

I thought that would explain how some of her fans knew things about her.

She shrugged and said, "You may not be but you did follow her from her old station. But don't worry about it, I don't think you have anything to worry about, your wife has nothing to be jealous of."

I almost shouted at her to stay out of my personal business but I stopped myself. I looked at her wondering if she knew my wife and Passing were the same person. I hadn't told anyone about our separation or changed her status in my file, but Edith along with some coworkers might be curious about why she hadn't been around or why she had missed two parties.

I soon forgot about if she knew or not however as my wife came back on and said, "I hope there are some good sales on maternity clothes, I will be needing some soon even though I'm just a month along."

I wasn't sure if it was my imagination but I thought she placed some emphasis on "just a month along". I thought she might be sending me a message, but why hadn't she sent an E-mail telling me about it? In either case I decided to visit her that afternoon.

I went about my job and about three I left work early giving a family matter as my excuse. I was taking a chance not calling her but I thought she might be resting up. I knew she usually liked to spend the afternoon catching up on certain TV shows and doing housework.

On the way over I had made a couple of decisions. I knew she would more than likely not like one of them but I didn't care. I saw her car in the parking lot so I knew she was home. I hoped she was alone; it could be awkward if she wasn't and especially awkward if John was with her.

I knocked and it took her a minute to answer. I was just starting to sweat thinking she wasn't alone. She was as it turned out. She looked surprised to see me and quickly asked me to come in.

Even though I had promised myself I wouldn't say it the first thing out of my mouth was, "How are you feeling?"

Her eyes widen in surprise, "You know?"

So the message wasn't to me after all. Maybe it had been to her fans or to John if she had spoken the truth about not seeing him anymore.

"I heard the announcement on your show."

Her eyes widened again, "You still listen to me?"

"Yes, I never stopped."

"I thought you hated me. You never called like you promised and you're terse with your E-mails."

"No I don't hate you. I still love you. That is why it took so long for me to decide anything. If I hated you we would be divorced already. I don't know if my love is enough though."

She nodded and I continued, "I should add the reason I waited so long to decide is that I was acting like a coward. I've been avoiding that decision which wasn't right of me."

"But you never contacted with me."

"Nothing besides the E-mails."

She nodded acknowledging my point.

"Is that why you didn't tell me you were pregnant because you thought I hated you?"

She nodded again, maybe unable to speak.

"I came here today because I have three things to say. One of them you're not going to like. The first is: get your stuff we are going on a maternity clothes shopping spree. You can buy anything you want. If we don't find enough clothes that you think will fit later we can get a couple of cards that you can use when you get bigger."

"What are the other two things you want to say."

"Later, when we come back."

She nodded and got her purse. We went to six different stores. She was happy searching through all the cute maternity clothes. She tried on a bunch at each store. We ended up with four bags full of clothes and another three outfits on hangers I had to carry. Some of the outfits included a couple of shorter outfits with a contemporary cut that were probably for wearing around the radio station, I thought. In one store she stared at the maternity nightgowns. She turned back to look at me for a moment with a very sad look on her face. In my mind I marked the ones she had stared at.

On the way home she reached across her seat placing her hand on my arm and said, "Thank you."

I patted her hand, smiled at her for a second and said, "You're welcome."

Once back at her place she hung up the clothes on the hangers than sat down.

"What are the other two things you wanted to say?"

"On the way over here I was thinking that I could turn one of the guest rooms into a nursery."

She looked at me with a puzzled expression, which turned to shock then to anger. She came out of the chair with a furious look on her face.

"You're not going to take my baby."

I looked at her puzzled not sure if that was a question or a statement. I hadn't said anything about taking her baby, but as I thought back on what I said I realized that I had unintentionally said it.

"Calm down Joanne. I didn't mean it that way."

She calmed and sat back down so I continued. "I misspoke probably out of habit of living alone but I should have said we would remake the guest room into a nursery."

She looked puzzled again but this time hope replaced it.

"Yes, you will be coming too."

She made a squeal type of noise, jumped up, ran to me and threw her arms around me.

I looked her in the face as she looked up at me.

"I love you but, this is the part you won't like, there is one condition."

Her expression froze and she said, "What is it?" in a courteous sounding tone.

"As soon as the baby is born I want a DNA test."

She let go of me turned around took two steps, turned back and said, "It's your child. If you heard my announcement you know that."

"I know you said that you hoped it would look like me if it was a boy but that's not enough."

"What do you mean it's not enough? I have only had sex with you for over two months. We were together all day on my birthday. It has to be yours ... It IS yours!"

"Joanne, we weren't together all day. We met at 11:30; anything could have happened before then. And you confessed you lied to me twice and I know you lied more than that. I have to know for sure."

She still looked angry. I imagined that it was because I wouldn't take her word for it but for me this was non-negotiable.

Joanne opened her mouth then shut it, opened it again and shut it again. She saw the expression on my face and realized that no matter how angry she got I wasn't going to back down.

She sighed loudly. "You're right I lied to you ... but not about that. I would never lie about that."

I just looked at her until she relaxed a bit and said, "Ok. We can have the test done as soon as possible."

Gently I added, "You would not be the first wife who was guilty of infidelity to be mistaken about whose baby she was having."

She started to say "I can't be," but I continued, "We can still set up the nursery and if the child isn't mine we will deal with it then. And we will deal with it."

She looked unsure when she heard my tone with that last bit, like she wasn't positive what I meant by that statement. To tell you the truth I wasn't sure either but I knew that neither one of us would like it.

She nodded.

After a minute I said in a gentle voice. "If you still want to, we can go back to the house tonight. You can take a suitcase or two and we can get the rest of your belongings tomorrow and don't forget your rings."

She looked up at me and asked, "I can wear my rings again?"

"Yes," I said with a smile, "if we are to be living together again it would be proper."

She squealed and ran to me kissing me. When we got back to the house I made love to her in a way I hadn't for months, I meant for the months leading up to her statement on the radio that started all this. She wanted to make love to me but I told her she could do that next. When she tried to insist I ignored her, making love to her. When I was done she did make love to me. It felt very good but it was also good watching the enjoyment she took by loving me sexually.

We moved her belongings back to the house over the next three days.

The next few weeks went by slowly. I was surprised that I had gotten used to living by myself so fast and there were times I still wished I were living by myself. Most days, as I watched her belly grow, she looked so beautiful but there were times I couldn't get out of my mind, no matter how hard I tried, that there was a good chance that the baby growing and developing in her wasn't mine. Or I should say I felt like there was a good chance it wasn't mine. She kept insisting that it had to be mine. If she was telling the truth it was mine.

One day I would caress her belly, telling her how beautiful she looked, that I loved her and the next day I had to leave the house before I said something stupid. She knew why I would sometimes leave her alone all day. I tried to tell her I was busy at work that I had to make up for time I had missed. That was partly the truth but it didn't fool her. There were days I knew she had been crying, when I finally came home. At those times I would take her in my arms and hold her no matter what I was feeling.

We continued having sex almost to the end. It was fascinating making love to a pregnant woman. Toward the end of the nine months I could feel the baby kick at times while I was spooned against her front. I couldn't lie on top of her but we managed to arrange ourselves so that I could still be against her front as we had sex. A couple of those times it almost seemed like the baby was dancing. Later I found out why but for some reason she didn't tell me. She went to see her doctor on a regular basis so she must have known even though when the time came she seemed as surprised as I was.

She didn't suffer that much from morning sickness so she kept her job throughout must of her pregnancy. Toward the end she talked more then normal as she described each step of the pregnancy, and as she talked about the baby kicking. Every now and then while identifying a song she would interrupt herself with "Ouuu ... the baby just kicked".

That might be why she did something I almost forbade. She set it up so that she could give birth over the air. A technician would be there to record the birth process and it would be played during her time slot. I didn't like it at all. The equipment would be dirty and make the birth a circus. Plus some other man would be seeing her mostly naked. She explained why it was important to her. And that the only equipment actually in the birthing room would be a mic. They only needed a cordless mic and transmitter. It would send a signal to the On the Road van parked outside. The van would send the signal to the station or would record the event. The technician would be outside the room with the transmitter, a small black box the size of three car batteries.

I was shocked that her new station would do something like this. Her old one would have with no qualms, but this one usually didn't go for the same type of wild publicity stunts. I relented though and she smiled her radiant smile and kissed me.

As it turned out she went into labor almost on time for her morning show. I was of course home that early in the morning so after calling her doctor I drove her to the hospital.

There were two mics in the birthing room she was going to use but they were out of the way so I didn't say anything about it. The technician did stay outside with a small control board and the transmitter. I was surprised the hospital would allow even that but maybe they thought it was good free publicity. The tech tried to peek in on Joanne or Shannon as he knew her a few times, but he couldn't see much from the door. It might have been because he was concerned about her or concerned about the mics but I kept thinking he was one of her male fans who wanted a peek at her. I didn't say anything though.

She had a list of songs that were supposed to be playing that morning and in-between moans of pain she introduced the songs. I almost stopped her and it was obvious that her doctor didn't like it but she seemed to be coping well.

She amazed me by not only being able to name each song but to be able to say something about the song. During one introduction she added, along with some groans, that the male singer was getting married soon. In another song she added that the singer was in the studio for a long awaited next CD. At one point all she got out was "Uhhgg", followed quickly by the name of the song and the singer before another moan.

Finally though she threw the paper up in the air and said that was the last song. The baby was very close and she began to concentrate on just giving birth. We had taken classes on childbirth so we knew what to expect and I had learned some things to do that were supposed to make it easier on her. One thing was to rub the small of her back with a pop can. I didn't know how it was supposed to help but it did for a while. In the blink of an eye though it stopped working. One second she wanted it there, the next she was telling me to remove the blankty-blank thing. I hoped she wouldn't get into trouble for saying those words on the air, but it's possible they had a delay going and the technician would catch them.

Soon after I got rid of the can the baby started down the birth canal. It didn't take long for baby's head to show. I watched in amazement as the baby came out into the doctor's hands. That moment was so wonderful I was glad we were no longer separated. The doctor cut the cord and placed her in Joanne's hands. The baby, my daughter, was crying and making sucking motions with her mouth so Joanne bared a breast and placed our newborn next to her nipple. The girl started sucking in breast milk immediately.

Joanne smiled her most radiant smile as she looked at me but a second later she groaned in pain again. I looked at the doctor wondering what was going wrong when he placed his hands between her legs again. It looked like he was getting ready to help another one come into the world.

A nurse took the first baby from my wife who was following the doctor's orders to push again. She looked at me shrugging, looking concerned but a second later her expression changed to wonderment mixed with pain. After minute and a half of pushing another little head appeared.

I gasped as the doctor said, "And here's another one,"

Through gritted teeth my wife said, "Agggg, this one is tougher Ughhhh."

She let out a couple of more choice words through gritted teeth just before the whole body dropped into the doctor's hands. Joanne relaxed and sighed. The doctor again cut the cord and gave him to Joanne. The nurse gave her back the first one and Joanne looked at each one with wonderment and joy. She bared her other beast and soon both babies were sucking on her nipples. I watched in amazement before remembering my camera. I had brought it to save the moment in pictures but had gotten only a few. I did get one of each birth and now I took a shot of her nursing both of them. I took three shots.

She looked so beautiful tears almost came to my eyes.

She said, "Thank you."

"Hey, you did all the work. I should thank you."

In a soft voice she said, "I mean for being here and everything."

I nodded realizing what she meant.

I said, "They're beautiful just like their mother."

She smiled that radiant smile of hers.

A second later though she said, "That voice belongs to my husband the father of my two beautiful babies. One is a girl and one is a boy. They are healthy and are nursing already. And so beautiful ... That's all for now because I'm signing off, I've got other things to do right now ... be seeing you."

The last is the way she usually signed off. She made a cutting motion across her throat at the technician who was peeking in the doorway. He nodded and ducked back outside.

A minute later he shouted through the door, "The mics are off and unplugged. I'll just hurry and get my stuff packed and leave. I'll be seeing you back at the station."

True to his word he did hurry and in less then five minutes he was gone.

I wasn't sure when or how to say what I needed to say but once I knew he was gone I bent over Joanne and said softly, "Speaking of your husband being the father."

She surprised me by saying, "I know. I have it taken it care of already."

She must have seen the puzzled look on my face for she started to add something, but before she could say anything the nurse came to take both babies to be weighed.

I looked down at her chest at what were probably my children.

"I hope they both look like you."

She looked at me strangely like she wasn't sure how I meant that so I added, "You're so beautiful, especially right now."

She smiled again. About that time a nurse came in with a cotton swab. She told me to open my mouth.

I looked at her puzzled but Joanne spoke up "I talked to my doctor already. He was surprised and I think I shocked him by my request but he said it would not be the first time the hospital had to do that type of test."

I wasn't sure what to say so I said, "Thank you," with all the sincerity I could.

She smiled a sad smile and nodded.

The nurse made a motion with her hand and obediently I opened my mouth. She reached in with the swab and swiped the inside of one cheek. She withdrew it and said thank you. She walked out placing the swab in what looked like a test tube.

I know I looked puzzled and my wife said, "Doctor Roulf said that was all it would take for a test. It might take us a month to get the results."

"Oh. Ok, I guess I can cancel my appointment at the place I was going to get the test done."

We stayed the rest of the day and that night, yes I was allowed to spend the night. I say allowed but it was assumed that I would stay so I didn't have much a choice in the matter; not that I minded.

It was an interesting night with the babies crying to be fed every couple of hours but Joanne did all the work so I either watched her or fell back asleep. We took the children home the next day.

The next few days were a bit rough with two new babies in the house even with me helping as much as possible, but we survived. We finally got a routine going which seemed to help until three weeks later when the results came back from the DNA tests.

They were not what either one of us were hoping for. The girl was defiantly mine or as close as they could say but the test on the boy was inconclusive.

As I read the last I looked at Joanne. She must have seen something in my expression for she gasped. She gave her head a little shake and mouthed the words "They have to be his."

I said, "Well, as close as they can figure Judy is mine ... but."

As I said "but" an expression of unbelief mixed with fear appeared on her face.

I continued, "Their tests were inconclusive about the boy."

I didn't say his name on purpose. I know I had a hard expression on my face as I stared at her.

"What does that mean??"

"It means that something could have gone wrong with the test or his sample got contaminated or there's no way of knowing for sure."

"But ... but Jimmy has to be yours. Judy is yours so that means he has to be."

"No, it doesn't mean that. They are fraternal twins after all."

She nodded in a way that told me she didn't understand.

"If two men have sex with the same woman during a certain amount of time they can both impregnate her. I think it's a couple of hours but I'm not sure."

I paused and said, "Good thing you didn't have triplets. I don't know if it would work for three men."

She nodded then gasped as she got what I meant.

Her expression turned angry and after a moment she said, "That was uncalled for. Yes, I cheated but it was only with one man."

I relaxed a little and said, "You're right that was uncalled for. I'm sorry."

She stared at me for a long second then nodded and relaxed.

"But it still doesn't change that two men can father two different children with the same woman at the same time and we don't know about Jimmy."

"Yes, we do know. I know," she said with some heat.

"But I don't."

I tried to give it as much heat as was in her words, but it came out sounding sad to my ears.

In an angry tone she started to say "If you would believe me..." but she stopped probably remembering that she had lied to me.

Her expression softened and she said, "I swear to you that I only had sex with you during that time. I mean that whole two months not just my birthday."

She sounded sad almost like she might cry, but that might have been what I heard because of my emotions, or she was just acting. At that moment I didn't know. However I thought she sounded sincere.

At that moment though certain scenes came to mind. Hearing the splashes when she and John were in the tub together. Her telling me that she was going shopping the day the PI followed her home with John tagging along. She might have gone shopping but it was a very short spree. That was one of the times she admitted to lying. The time she said she was feeling ill and been sick in the car and needed a fast shower to clean herself up. I had come home wanting a little fun expecting her to keep a promise she had made to me the night before. I knew she was lying but it wasn't until she said that she had had an early morning quickie that I knew what she was lying about. I should have figured it out at the time but I guess I hadn't wanted to see it.

The memories included the time, during her second affair, that I almost caught her. At the time I hadn't realized what was going on even though I figured it out later. One afternoon I came home early and found her stretched out on our bed naked. Her legs were open but she shut them as I came into the room. Later when I thought about it I wondered if the guy was sneaking out of the house while I was walking into the bedroom, or if she had fallen asleep after he left or if she had come home afterwards and was laying there remembering what he had done. Whatever the reason she closed her legs suddenly as if I had startled her. At the time I thought she might have been masturbating, but as I talked to her I kept looking where her legs joined her body. I couldn't see much but at one point I thought I saw something white leaking out as she moved her legs a bit. I wasn't sure though, but after a minute she did say she had to go badly as she got off the bed and ran to the bathroom. That was one of the times we didn't have sex and I never knew why.

As I said, Joanne sounded sincere but all those memories were playing havoc with my emotions so I turned around and walked out of the room without saying a word. She said "What?" then called my name twice but I just kept walking not trusting what I might say.

We had a bad evening that night. She was hurt but my emotions were too much in an uproar for me to be able to comfort her or apologize. Part of me wanted to but I didn't feel like allowing that part preeminence.

The next day things seemed to have calmed down so I said, "We need to test Jimmy again. Maybe we can try the testing firm I was going to use."

She opened her mouth to say something and I said, "No, I'm not blaming you. Anyone can make a mistake ... I mean the hospital not you."

She nodded and we had breakfast. As the morning wore on I knew I needed to say something about the night before. I wasn't sure what I could say.

Finally I said, "I'm sorry I walked out on you last night. My mind chose that moment to remind me of various events ... I ... I wasn't sure of what I might say."

"What memories?"

That question surprised me. I hadn't wanted to describe them but even though I tried to change the subject she insisted. So I explained each of the memories.

She was shocked, she hadn't known that I knew she was lying or how it had affected me.

"When you found me on the bed I had fallen asleep after he left. We had had sex in the bathtub and on the floor. Afterwards I laid down for a moment and the next thing I knew you were walking into the bedroom."

I just stared at her for a moment.

She said, "It's true he and I never had sex on our bed. Remember the bed was still made. I laid down on the top of the covers afterwards."

She was right. I had wondered why she was sleeping nude on top of the blankets like that.

She looked at me in the face with a sad expression, "I'm sorry I put you though that- even though you made me angry and frustrated at times- I never intended for that to happen."

I relaxed but I wasn't sure what to say so I nodded.

After a moment or two of standing there in silence I said, "I think our marriage needs some help."

She nodded in agreement but a moment later she smiled.

"That means you still want to stay married to me?"

"I do ... right now."

I think she understood the implied qualifier that it depended on what the test for Jimmy revealed.

Neither one of us knew what to say next so we stood there for a moment in silence.

Finally changing the subject I said, "We need to plan a trip to show my parents Judy and Jimmy."

My parents lived in a town only an hour form the city where we lived. Her parents lived across the country. We had already E-mailed both sets of grandparents pictures of the delivery. We sent more pics to her parents after we got the children home. My parents wanted to see their grandchildren. We talked it over and the next weekend we called my parents and after making a date we took the children over.

We didn't talk much during the trip. I don't know if it was because Joanne kept checking on Judy and Jimmy in the back seat, this was their first trip not counting the trip home from the hospital, or if it had to do with what was hanging over our heads.

Same as DJ Wife
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Forcing the Babysitter

“I babysit for one of my Mom’s friends. My dad drops me off, and then either the mom or the dad drive me home afterward. I do have a license, I’m 18, but we only have one car, so I always get a ride home. They have a two year old little boy. A few weeks earlier I was there. But, tonight, the Mom and Dad were going out, and they were supposed to be home by 11:00. So after I put the little guy to bed at 8:30, I decided to watch some TV. My phone needed charged, so, I figured that’s what I’d do....

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Jaq Gets Sent Some Sexy Films

I recently became friends with a guy on Lush, he is in Australia and his name is Dan. Dan loved the pictures of my wife Jaq on my profile and began to leave comments on them. Most of you will know that Jaq and myself have a very varied and interesting sex life and Dan loved to read about our adventures.One day Dan messaged me a short video that he had made. I quickly clicked onto the video to see what it contained. The video clip showed Dan jerking off over one of the pictures of Jaq. It was so...

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PunishTeens Alexa Raye Vanessa Cage Fan Gets Cage Fucked

Alexa Raye is a huge Vanessa Cage fan. So it’s perfectly normal that she would break into Vanessa’s home to snap pictures of her. Alexa is fucking hot, but she is not fucking smart as she ducked into a closet and snapped a picture with her flash on. The blonde Goddess Vanessa, locates her voyeur spy fan and drags her out of the closet by her hair. Vanessa demands that her biggest fan strip nude. Vanessa licks her lips as Alexa strips to reveal her sweet teen body. Upon getting totally naked,...

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Die SBahn

Es ist Freitag,13:15 Uhr und sie stehst in der S-Bahn nach Hause! Sie trägst einen Rock aus dünnem schwarzen Stoff und eine weiße Bluse die fast durchsichtig ist und sie deswegen noch einen Blazer darüber trägst! Wie so oft trägst sie mal wieder keinen Slip unter ihrem Rock und den BH hast sie auch heute nicht an, weil sie das Gefühl so unter die Leute zu gehen erregt. Wie jeden Freitag ist auch heute die Bahn wieder sehr voll und der alte Türk stehst in einem dichtem Gedränge genau hinter ihr...

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23 Legal Guardianship

Legal Guardianship 3:13 P.M., Thursday, July 23, 2015 Honolulu, HI This was it: the decision which would make Paul Macon and Paula Akron legal wards of Ted Michaels ... or send them back into the system. If the decision went against them Ted was prepared to appeal, but he wasn’t sure the kids would sit still long enough for that to play out. They had run away from that system once before, and he didn’t doubt that they would do it again. Patience is a virtue, but it isn’t one that...

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Outdoors fun

It was a gorgeous sunny day. My boyfriend and I were both off and decided that we would go and meet up with some friends for an afternoon session in the pub.We got ready and went on out to meet them. I was wearing a pair of purple hot pants, a cream see through sheer fabric top, a purple bra and matching thong, and to hide my modesty, at least for now, a short button up top as well.I felt pretty sexy with my long legs and toned stomach on show and as the drinks flowed and the sun shone down I...

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MommysGirl Cory Chase Laney Grey Stuck Snooping

Cory Chase is convinced that her stepdaughter, Laney Grey, is sneaking her girlfriend into the house. Cory decides to get to the bottom of it by looking for evidence around the house. Cory soon searches under a sofa and triumphantly finds sexy women’s underwear that clearly belongs to the girlfriend, but when Cory tries to get out from beneath the sofa, she realizes she’s stuck! Laney returns home moments later, finding Cory’s lower half stuck out from beneath the sofa. Cory...

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In Rileys Arms Part 3

Introduction: Part 3 of the series. Still no (good) sex in this part, still establishing relationships Dont be mad, okay? Holly… no. Tell me you didnt. He asked me out, what was I supposed to say? How about no for starters? Riley, Im seventeen. Dont you think Im old enough to go on a real date? A real date, yes. With him? No. Absolutely not, and your brother would more than agree with me. We sat next to the fire in the same place on the beach. The boys once again enjoying some drinks,...

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The Chronicles of Abby Abbyrsquos Early Curiosity of

Synopsis: This part of the story tells about Abby’s early awareness of the effects of her panties on males. Since it’s the early part of the story, there aren’t any sexual scenes yet. But for panties and upskirt lovers, this can be enjoyable. Abby, an innocent first grade elementary school girl. She looks almost like the c***d actress, Madeleine McGraw from the movie ‘Lucy in My Eyes’. She’s absolutely pretty and perfect for any girls of her age. Since Abby was five years old, she has been...

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A Secretary Cum Slut

Tonight I was all alone in the office. Since the past week, I decided to do overtime to earn a little more. I was nineteen years old and was working hard to be an independent girl. I was feeling tired, but I had to work more. As there was noone in the office to keep an eye on me, I decided to take a few minutes rest. I got up from the chair and went to the washroom to freshen up. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I looked tired but still fuckable. I always find myself quite sexy...

Office Sex
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Marks Lucky Streak Chapter 1

This is first chapter in my erotica series: Mark's Lucky Streak! (As published under a previous name, oogleking.) As it is my first work, please keep your criticisms constructive, and enjoy! Ideas for part two -a work in progress- would be greatly appreciated either via comment or direct message. Bored. Mark was, to say the least, bored. He'd spent the majority of his summer playing video games in his room, - or "The Cave" as his mother had grown to call it - jacking off, working out, trying...

Straight Sex
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Here's a little effort for Halloween. * * * * * Hallow-Weenie By Ellie Dauber From the time he was a boy, Edwin Hyde had to put up with Jeckyl and Hyde jokes. It only got worse when he entered college, a pre-med chemistry major. Hard as the teasing was, his medical degree specializing in endochronology more than made up for it. So did the job with Cyto-Tech, Inc. as a researcher. Edwin was good at what he did. Grant money came in, and he soon had charge of his own lab, with...

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A birthday blow job for daddy

I gave up on birthday parties after my thirtieth, but my wife Joan and my daughter Karen insisted on celebrating my thirty-eighth with cake and ice cream. I blew out the candles with one long puff and then Joan carved out three wedges. After we finished off our sugary treat, my pretty wife wished me a happy birthday and handed me a gift-wrapped package. She had thoughtfully bought me a best-selling book that I had been planning to read. “I’ll give you my present later, Dad,” Karen said. When...

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Nadine and Jos Blowjob Swap Part 3

Thursday went much like Wednesday had for Jo and Nadine, Day #2 of Nadine pretending to be a prostitute and Jo pretending to be a weather girl.Despite being up until almost six, Jo got out of bed a few minutes past eleven so she could take her usual drive into the country to visit with her horse, Bucky. As usual, he was as delighted to see her as she was to see him. Later, she arrived at the station, and it took her no time at all to get into her new routine. She arrived about one-thirty, a...

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A Wall of FogChapter 6

The women and kids went straight to the Camelot Motel to check it out as our future home. This was an unusual situation because it was adjacent to another, smaller motel that I had forgotten about. The Camelot Motel was a two-story affair with something like 70 rooms as I remembered it. The great thing about it was that it had an outdoor swimming pool and an exercise center as part of the motel. The smaller motel next door had about 25 rooms, depending on how you counted the rooms with...

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Muscle Coach

Watching a big manly ex-bodybuilder put a condom on a baseball bat was kinda hot. I started getting a semi. God damn, why did I wear sweats today?! Afterwords, the class and I all went off the bleachers and lined up for coach gave us all a few condoms. It was kinda awkward being in line with a big semi-erection bulging out of your sweats. Coach gave me a wink when he passed me the condoms. Oh shit. Coach knew. Was it really that noticeable? No one else stared at my crotch but him. Me...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 04

(c) 2011 All Rights Reserved A week later, Ryan was on the UMD campus. She walked over to the statue of the diamondback terrapin, symbol of the school’s teams, and rubbed its head. The week had been hectic, including a tense dinner with her parents, and it felt like it was the first time in days she’d even been able to take a deep breath. ‘So, let’s see.’ She patted the terrapin’s head again. ‘In the last week, I’ve filed a record number of reports at work, argued both on the phone and in...

2 years ago
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Wifes revenge

We were on  holiday. Spanish island. Nice beaches good social scene and many good looking people. Just arrived we took a walk. Chris, my wife, had been so busy she hadn’t had time to have her hair waxed so we went looking for a Pharmacia. We found one in the old town which had some real nice local stuff. So back to our apartment and we set to depilating  Chris’s armpits and legs. She and I have had a lot of practice. You know, it often hurts a lot as that hair is ripped out. It’s kind of...

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Daddys New Girl Part 5

Daddy’s New Girl, Part 5 Stephanie is Avenged. Previously, Stephanie had been groped by her sales lady while being measured in a fitting room. Having been confronted about this, the sales lady had been ordered to bring gifts (which she stole from work) as a token of her apology. She was now submitting to further punishment and seemed to be relishing in her plight, especially to be in intimate contact with that which she lusted for in the first place. As Stephanie emptied her bladder into her...

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Semblance Of Normality

(Disclaimer: This work is a fanfiction of the story RWBY. I do not own RWBY. RWBY is the property of Roosterteeth. I make no money off of this story and do not intend to. Also, I have bumped up the ages of all students to university age to not piss off the law. Just think of the Huntsman academies as Universities full of people fresh out of High school. So, therefor, everyone in this story is at least eighteen years and over. That includes Ruby Rose herself, who would have been in her senior...

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Unexpected Threesome With College Lovers In Bangalore

Hi all, this is Anoop here from the garden city of India, Bengaluru (reach me at ). I am 27 happily married computer Engineer living with my beautiful wife here. This is my first ever posting and this incident happened one month back when my wife was in her home town for attending a marriage. I couldn’t go along with her thanks to the software product release in my company. At the end of a hectic week, I finished my assignments by Friday noon and left from office by 2 o’ clock. Since my wife is...

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The Erotica Novels Meeting

A male stokes up the courage to allow himself to be viewed in the flesh at an amateur literary guild meeting. He finds the other members who turn up are all women, and they are very interested in his tales, and more. He'd been writing erotica for some time now, and had enjoyed a reasonable amount of feedback from the sites he'd frequented and had his stories published at. He'd been asked several times if he'd like to attend an informal meeting of authors from a site, all with similar...

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Share and share alike

My brother Kurt is 4 years younger than me. All through high school he dated this fairly hot chick named Ciara. They were pretty much always together they were both potheads after High School they moved in with each other in an apartment in a seedy part of town. After they were together about 4 years my brother announced that Ciara was pregnant with their first c***d. at this point my brother decided he might as well marry her that way she would be on his health insurance. At about this time I...

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Sugar Daddy1

I was frown upon by my so-called friends, I didn’t go to dances, I rarely went anywhere where there was mixed company, I never knew what to say to girls. My first stab at sex was when I was around seventeen, my friend Eric and I had been to the movies, as to what we saw I cannot remember, it’s not relevant to my story anyway. However, he’d arranged to meet the girl, I went with him intending to leave when he met his date; trouble was she’d a friend with her. So they asked me to make up the...

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The Lake HouseChapter 11

“Mommmm, what’s for supper,” Jim called as he came through the door on Monday night after football practice, “I’m starving.” “Of course you are, dear,” Lily laughed. “You’re always starving. I swear you must have a hollow leg. How do pork chops and baked potatoes sound?” “Mmmmm ... terrific!” “You got some mail today, Jim. Aunt Debbie sent you something.” “Oh?” Jim said as he kissed his mother on the cheek in greeting. Lily handed Jim an envelope addressed to him in an obviously feminine...

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TJ MorgChapter 25

"'Clueless' Cahlewis? Malcolm Cedric Cahlewis? Shirley, tell me you are pulling my leg. Please?" Clare Gillard demanded. "Lieutenant (junior grade) Malcolm C. Cahlewis is my replacement; I don't know about the 'clueless' bit but Gorgipest Ground Base has just sent up the signal." Gillard put her head in her hands and moaned, "And things have been going so well." And from her point of view, they had been. Between Bhute and Wolton's, the Bosun had to remonstrate with Clare for...

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The Bare Boat Charter

‘What do you mean by ‘bare boat’?’ asked Marsha. ‘Do you mean we don’t wear any clothes?’ ‘No silly,’ replied Cindy. ‘It just means we hire the boat without a crew and sail it ourselves.’ ‘Well, you can’t blame me for thinking that, given the way you usually behave at the beach,’ Marsha told her. ‘Well, I won’t rule out the possibility of a bit of skinny-dipping on my part,’ Cindy smiled cheekily. ‘I love the feeling of the warm sun on my bare butt.’ ‘So what do you think, David?’ Marsha...

4 years ago
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Sex With Mommy Meenu

Hi Guys! This is Pradeep from Coimbatore and my mom name is Meena. I am 22 and working in MNC and my mom is 36 years old now. We are a family of three. My father is working as a Marketing Manager in the private concern. My mom Meenu is damn sexy than any other lady whichever I met in my life. She is really too hot. She has taking much care about her body. She does the exercise regularly. So that does make her really sexy in building up her body well. So she has very less belly fat and perfect...

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The Kinky Adventures of Bounty and Sara Part 21

As Bounty turned onto the main road from the neighbor hood, she hit a pot hole. Sara’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as the vibe and plug collided inside her from the violent jolt when they hit the pothole. Sara could only think to herself she was not going to survive the night like this. Before they had left every time she moved the combo collided and if she tried to move slow trying to prevent the collision Bounty would flip in the remote. Pussy juices flowed from Sara down her...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 62 Storm Clouds On The Horizon

July 26, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “She’s playing you,” Dave said when he, Julia, and I met in her office on Friday afternoon “Bullshit,” I said. “And how the heck could you know that after four days? In fact, how DO you know?” “We had our weekly meeting this morning about the ‘sole proprietor’ version and I could smell the alcohol on her breath.” “You’re sure it wasn’t mouthwash?” I asked. “People drink mouthwash for the alcohol,” Dave said. Al Barton had told me that when Jessica had...

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Satisfying Unsatisfied Sex Goddess

Hello everyone. This is XXX-cbe with another true story which happened last week. Any college girls, matured aunties, unsatisfied house wives in Coimbatore wanted to have safe and satisfied sex can mail me at About myself my age is 22 with muscular body; height 5.8 weight 70 kilos; fair and Asian accent. In a random chatting website I came to contact with a women who later gave me an unforgettable day. This story is about how everything happens. We started with greeting each other and...

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Pizza Slut

The twin moons of Vagilla Areolus were just peeking above the skyline when my Venus 4000 came to a stop. I was on my last delivery of the day and already looking forward to going to evening bible study. Grabbing the last pizza from the warmer I hopped off my scooter, punched in the address on the front portal of the building and was instantly transported to the front door of the Morecock residence.“BZZZZ” the buzzer buzzed.“Scanning. One moment please,” droned the android voice.I felt a...

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She didnt know it was me or did she

When I walked in the living room and saw her bent over the couch with her robe rode up after way over her ass and her bare pussy looking me in the face, I ask you wouldn't you fuck her too? She was always like my second mom as I grew up but I always found her so dam sexy. Karen is mom's best friend and seems to be at our house more than she at her own apartment when I was young. I remember asking dad when was young if Karen was my true mom but, he said that she wasn't, but it was ok to think of...

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Laylah and DavidChapter 2

Laylah looked at the ticket she held in her hands, the bus wouldn't be leaving for another hour. "Just my luck, oh well." She sighed, as she placed her luggage in line with the rest of the people waiting to go into Canada. She always thought it odd that you had to stake your place in line quite early if you wanted a decent place to sit on the bus. Laylah really did not want to sit near the back, like on her trip to Chicago; she found that out the hard way. The stench emanating from the...

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Boys and girls together 3

Introduction: The Luncheons with Megan continues. I woke up the next morning really rested and pleased with the way yesterday went. My only misgiving was that Jennie was not the girl I thought she was. She was acting more like a horny young girl, then my friend, the tomboy. I guess I wanted her to behave more like my mom, faithful, until I proved to be unfaithful. I guess I am confused. Before this week Jennie and I never had sex or even thought about having sex. This really was confusing....

1 year ago
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Naughty Maid gets spanked

Most of the maid’s who’ve worked for me have had their bottoms smacked – not that i’ve spanked them, more that I give them a playful slap across the buttocks. Ocassionally I get a scowl, but most times an embarassed or a playful smile.I mentioned in one of my other stories that being called ‘Master’ does things to me. Like spanking, it’s about being in control – if any of us had power over someone else would we abuse it? Of course we would.Deepa looked too young to be a mother and divorced. She...

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SextGasm With Divya My Client

Hello lovely readers. My name is Adrian, I am 29 and here with a story about my client. I am from Mumbai, and I am into photography. My profession brings me a lot of perks of meeting new people and encountering some adventures that are usually neutral. But sometimes, it can be a memorable experience. I have been an avid reader of ISS but always hesitated to share my sexual experience. Finally, I decided to take it ahead. So this is my first story. This story is about 5 years back when I was new...

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My very limited sexual history

My very limited sexual history. Total number of penis I have seen, sorry cocks. : 7.Of those 7 cocks I have touched, held 5.I have wanked off 4 of those cocks.I have been fucked by only two different cocks. I have sucked off 3 different cocks in my entire life and two of them have cum in my mouth.Only 2 men have seen me naked.Cock 1.:At 15 I seen my first cock, a show me yours and I will show you mine thing and that was for a very short time and in a tent of all places.Cock 2.:At 17 I seen my...

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Lost Empire 30

Shelby had taken the brunt of his exploding anger, going quiet after the first tirade out of his mouth. Silently she again tried to help Derrick, for the third time was met with an angry grunt then being ignored. Shelby felt frustrated that there wasn't more that she could do to help him. "Shelby," came the voice of Hartwell. "Is all that the emperor outlaid for the Duke being done?" Shelby was silent a moment then replied, "Yes, Admiral, he has started far sooner than Derrick...

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My dream Woman

Mai Pooja ko hamesha parties ya kisi shaadi ke functions me hi dekha tha. Pooja samaaj ki ek mani hui hasti thi. Kamyab business woman hone ke alawa wo samajik karyakarta bhi thi. Aksar uske kisi na kisi samajik karya ke liye charchit rahati the. Pooja ka akarshak vyaktitva aur uska sunder badan kisi bhi mard ko uski taraf aakarshit kar sakta tha. Ek function mai mujhe uske bagal me baithne ka mauka mila. Mai usse baat karna chahta tha par aisa hua nahi, use kisi charity function me jana tha...

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Patchwork People XXVIII Departures

XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...

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His Emerging Creation Internet Dating part 3

Once again I was at work when my phone alerted me to a text. I have been on a mission the last three months, trying to find someone that I liked, someone who would introduce me to moresomes, help me explore BDSM and my submission, someone kinky,fun,trustworthy and real. I want a relationship, consistency, a partner...I've been corresponding and chatting with several men but I've only met a handful and none of those were men who were interested in helping me explore, they were more interested in...

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Surrender One Girls Spiral into Submission

Friday, November 25, 2005Day #1: The first time When she opened the door, he didn't seem very intimidating standing there. In fact, he smiled warmly at her, his eyes soft and disconcerting. He seemed ... She shook slightly as she stared at the floor, her knees burning from digging into the rough carpet. She knew what was coming. And then...three sharp snapping sounds as his hands whipped across her face from the right, then the left, then right again. He grabbed her chin and...

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Purani Yaad Tazza Ki Surprise Sex Ke Sath

Ye baat kuch hi dino pahele ki hai jese me apane sex experience aapase share karata hun,aur aapko pasand aate hai and I hope ki iss bar bhi aapako ye experience romanchit karega. School time me meri pados me ek ladaki thi,usaka naam dipti hai. Dipti mujse umr me badi thi and usaki sahadi bhi tay ho chuki thi aur vo experienced thi sex me! Muje bhi ek bar moka mila tha usake sath sex enjoy karane ka that was awesome and now she is happily married. Kuch hi dino pahele meri usake Sath fir se...

3 years ago
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Merey Cousins Mohsin Ki Zubanee

My name is Mohsin..I lived in Lahore. Mein iss waqt 18 saal ka tha… I have a whitish complexion height: 5’2″… Weight: 112 lbs…. I always keep my body free of all unwanted hairs specially the hairs on my leg. My legs look like that of a girl. And have very sexy and smooth but masculine looks.One of my cousins …named Naveed….who was 8 years elder to me …ie about 26-27 years old…used to live in my house. Naveed family lived in a village and he had come to Lahore for studies. It was a summer night...

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Fornication With My Sexy Curvy Girl

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I was riding inside her wet clean shaven pussy. My manhood was fully inside hers. She moaned and shouted in pain.“ hmmm. Fuck da. Fuck fast man. Fill my holes you fucker. ” I squeezed her milky big boobs and licked her erected nipple. She moaned in the mood. The liquid was flowing heavily from her pussy. I moaned, “ you bitch. Get my strokes di. I wanna fuck you daily bitch. My lovable bitchy teacher. ” Yes ! She is my teacher....

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Me and Judy Part 2

Continuation from my last story; Me and Judy My last story ended with me getting a morning blow job from my lesbian friend Judy. You can read about Judy in my last two stories’ (My Roommate Judy and Me and Judy.) Let me give you a quick recap on Judy. She is a 43 year old lesbian who is also my roommate and now a very good friend who had never had sex with a male until my last story when I got into her panties and we had a fucking sucking good time. She is very pretty, Five foot...

2 years ago
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My friend part 2

One minute I’m telling Kelly I’m a lesbian, the next minute the unthinkable is happening. I’m under her beautiful body and being kissed senseless. I couldn’t think. Her lips felt amazing, our tongues were dancing, fighting almost. Her hands had crept to my breasts, and were now massaging them. I couldn’t help it, I moaned out her name, “Oh Kelly.” My shock had subsided and now my hands were on her ass. I could feel Kelly’s hands creeping to the hem of my top, and my mind started racing. ‘Do I...

4 years ago
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Blooming Of An Angel

I am Angel. My parents had named as Angel as I really looked like an angel to them. By birth I had very fair complexion like any other Anglo Indian. I had light blue eyes but dark black hair. So I was an angel for all my relatives too. My mother was too happy to have given birth to a beautiful girl like me. I was liked by all my neighbors and everyone used to carry me at lease once in their lap when I was a kid. I was a darling of my entire locality. Thus I grew up as an angel in real sense. In...

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Kaise Meri Ma Meri Randi Bani

Doston mai Jamshedpur me rehta hun. Mera naam Chandan hai, age 21 years, lambai 5’10 hai. Mera lund aise to theek hai par phoolne par 10″ ka ho jata hai. Meri ma ka na Pushpa hai. Ma ki kam umar mein shadiho gayi this to unki umar abhi 38 hai. Mera koi Bhai bahan nhi hai. Ma ki height 5’5 hai aur figure hai 36-30-38. Unki gaand bahut gol hai aur jab wo chalti hai to log usse ghurte rah jate hain. Mere Papa bhi mere jitne lambhe hai. Unki age 43 sal hai. Mere bachpqn ka dost hi Jitender jise...

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