Job's Trials free porn video

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"Seriously? You are firing me? You have got to be kidding."

My soon to be ex-boss was sweating a bit around the bald spot on his head as he stared at my wife Mary and me in the back office of his restaurant.

"Job, look I am sorry, but business is business. I am confident traffic will pick up once more word gets around about Chef H.P. Charles."

I was still in a state of shock. "Oh so I see now. You are letting me go so you can keep that fool in the Kitchen."

My boss raised his hands in a hapless gesture. "Chef H.P. Charles is like my star player. We all know Chefs are the Rock Stars that bring clients into the restaurant today. I had to cut someplace."

I could not hide the disgust in my voice. "You act like ole Charley is Gordon Ramsey or Wolfgang Puck."

Mary gripped my hand. "Well Job, he did have his own cooking show..."

"You mean that reality show flop," I interrupted "that did not even last a full season on the internet."

My boss got flustered as he defended his money hole. "Chef H.P. Charles show had a nice following..."

"And a cook book" my wife added.

"Wonderful." I said dryly "Dr. Seuss had a cookbook too. I do not see many patrons filling our tables to order the famous Green Eggs and Ham."

The boss held out an envelope to me. "When Chef H.P. turns this around we can look at maybe bringing you back. Chef HP Charles has talent. Hiring him is the most foolproof way I know to bring in a new base."

I shook my head. "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool."

He winced. "I know this is hard, but I bumped up Mary's rate a bit to help."

Mary my wife squeezed my hand as I took the final paycheck. Married for all of 6 years she was the assistant Chef in the restaurant we both worked at, or rather had both worked at. The owner was a pudgy trust fund baby who liked to watch cooking shows and figured he would open and run a restaurant. In reality he could not run up a flight of stairs, let alone a restaurant.

Mary in all truth was the heart of the kitchen. She had always wanted to be a big time Chef. Mary had worked her way up through a series of eating establishments working in the Industry since she was 16. However to rise in restaurants in today's market, you needed the star power of a known Chef in your kitchen. Mary's single mom could never afford any of the cooking schools, either here or abroad that seemed to groom todays "Rock Star" cooks.

I tried to help out. All our vacations were "working vacations". A dairy and cheese seminar in Wisconsin, wine methods and matters in Napa valley, seafood from net to plate techniques in Maine. Even our honeymoon was spent tramping through olive gardens in Italy learning about virgin, extra virgin and dozens of grades of olive oil. Not that I am complaining, the grub from these events had me fighting to keep my waist size constant.

Mary on the other hand never seemed to gain an ounce, a rarity in most any Chef. Mostly it was a combination of her metabolism and fanatical workout schedule. I know Mary had a secret fantasy of hosting her own cooking show and did not want to be the "fat" female chef. So she always kept herself in shape for that magic phone call, which so far had not come.

Again, I am not complaining her metabolism and workout routine were a bonus to me. Many would say Mary was average in looks; if that were true I would take average and regular with Mary any day and twice on Sunday. Which coincidentally was about the frequency of our love life. Again I am not complaining with neither frequency nor quality.

Mary squeezed my hand as I accepted my final paycheck while the Boss continued "Job, you will bring Pablo up to speed on everything won't you?"

I was about to tell him to Fuck Off. The nerve of this rich prick not only replacing me with a exploited low cost illegal, but wanting me to train him to be my replacement.

I sat back in the chair. "You want I have Pablo handle the waitresses and kitchen help that ole Chef Charley keeps banging two at a time. You do know that is just a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen."

My soon to be Ex boss waved his hand. "This is the restaurant biz. Passions run high."

I bit my tongue as Mary spoke "Don't worry, I will handle Chef H.P. He is pretty much all talk, just trying to impress the kitchen staff. If he had done a quarter of what he claimed, this place would not have a single female on staff."

Mary squeezed my hand again to stop me from talking as she pulled me up out of my chair.

The ride home was animated.

"I really thought Pablo was gonna walk out," Mary said tuning the car radio to my favorite station.

I had to suppress a grin at Mary's action, as the selection of music was a daily battle for us. A truce was reached were I got my station on the drive into work and she got the trip home. Mary giving me her "turn" was a major concession.

"Pablo is a very proud man and protective of his friends and family," I replied.

Everyone knew Pablo's story. He had fled a violence-filled drug town in Central America with his wife and two small children. Trekking all the way to the border, he had fought off gangs, and predators, and led a small band to safety after the smugglers had left the group to perish in the desert with no water.

I rubbed my eyes before continuing. "That asswipe of a boss really boxed me in. He knows I can't let the restaurant fail because all we have is one paycheck now and he also knows I won't screw over Pablo."

Mary shook her head. "Pablo is the hardest working guy there. If he left, every one of the kitchen staff would follow him. He is like the Godfather of that back room. I am glad you convinced him you would be fine and everyone needed the job for their family. Especially Pablo, his wife is expecting again. Now Job, I know you will land on your feet, you are the best prep chef around."

For those of you not in the "biz", if the Chef is the heart of the kitchen, the prep chef is the "brains". The prep chef makes sure everything from salads to chopped onions are ready to go. The Prep Chef makes sure the Head Chefs order of fresh seafood is really "fresh", quality is what was received from suppliers, and all the ingredients are in stock as needed. Just as any Army is only as good as its NCOs, any restaurant is only as good as its prep chefs.

"Well Mary, I am not worried about Pablo because I am not married to Pablo. I am worried about you, because I am married to you."

Mary gave me a light punch on my shoulder. "Don't tell me you are jealous of Chef H.P. Charles!" She laughed "He is a blowhard, but Chef H.P. Charles does have some chops. Do you know the school he went to in France? The people he knows? Places he has been to?"

I made a gagging sound. "Oh please Mary that fry cook is a poser and you run rings around him. Also, please stop calling that fool 'Chef', like he has a Doctorate in medicine and cures cancer in babies."

Mary sighed as she spoke. "I know you do not care for H.P. but I could learn a lot from him."

Again I made gagging sounds. "You must enlighten me on some pearls of his wisdom. This is a man who asked why there is an expiration date on sour cream."

"Job, be nice. We both know Chef H.P. Charles is a narcissist. But you have to be to get to where he is. It is like a disease with him."

"Great, everything that used to be a sin is now a disease. One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people."

Mary ignored me and continued. "For example he told me I should go by 'T Mary II' not just plain Mary."

I shook my head. "T Mary II? Sounds like a drywall bolt from the hardware store or a new robot in the Terminator movie."

Mary punched me in the shoulder again. "Job, you know darn well my first name is Theresa. Mary is my middle name and everyone called me Mary so not be confused with my mom. Besides Mary is such a common boring name."

I suppose ole Charley told you that."

Mary shrugged. "You know how everyone gabs in the kitchen when it is not busy."

"Yes, the kitchen, or restaurant for that matter, has not been very busy. Where are the throngs of hungry followers' ole Charley was going to bring in?"

Mary sighed before answering. "Well, our catering has picked up."

"Mary, the catering side was starting to thrive before his highness H.P. Charles come onto the scene to hog all the credit. We both know catering only took off due to your food and Pablo and his crew busting their ass making everything work. The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was."

I played my trump card. "Let's look at this as an opportunity. Screw all of them. Ever since the day you started watching Julia Childs on PBS TV you have wanted to attend a fancy cooking school. Let's ditch that McMansion and your status Lexus and have you go to the school of your dreams."

Mary was biting her lip. "Job, did you hit the lottery and not tell me? Last I checked our bank account was looking low."

"Mary, I'll cash out my retirement account, we'll take a student loan, whatever it takes. This is an investment in you, in us."

"You wanna go to school too?"

"Hell No! This is your dream I wanna make true. You know I can always find something to do, carpentry, plumbing, I'll work at a Paris McDonalds if I have to."

Mary was still chewing her lip deep in thought, but did not answer.

Well I was wrong. Turns out you can be the best prep chef on earth, but if there are no openings; you better find something else to do. This was not really a problem, my parents had drummed into me from an early age that there was always work for someone willing to work. Even today I can hear my fathers voice :

"Son, there are two types of people in the world. Those that work and contribute, and those that suck off the work of others. There is no job, no work that is beneath you ... except maybe a member of Congress. Them damn bloodsuckers are the worst kind of parasites on any society."

His words had a twinge of irony as both he and my mother were later killed in an auto accident by the drunk son of our Congressmen. Naturally in the ways of the world the Congressman's drunk son got off with a misdemeanor and reckless driving when the blood results and resulting paperwork somehow went missing. Of course it was probation with some community service and no jail time. The insurance payout barely covered the funeral expenses. Coincidently the next year a federal grant came through that provided new squad cars for the township Police Department as well as renovation of the courthouse and judges' chambers.

So anyway I did what I did best and hustled for any task that paid. Delivery of lost luggage from the airport, pizza delivery, clean up after the county fair, whatever; if it paid, I did it.

When I was not hustling for a dollar, I was working on the house. A McMansion we picked up in a distressed foreclosure sale, this was a monster that Mary "just had to have" and was the proverbial money pit. It seemed I was rebuilding the damn place from the ground up. After adding in what we paid and what we had spent so far, I think maybe we were breaking even. Looking at the work to be done left me wondering if we were ever going to get our money out of the place. We had been making good money when we bought this wreck, now all our savings and every paycheck got swallowed into this place. We were in the worst of both worlds, a house we could not afford or get rid of, and minimal bank funds.

I kept these concerns to myself as Mary was really stressed out at the restaurant. The past 10 months since I had been booted had not been good. I know she was really trying, even using the ridiculous name T Mary II in an attempt to stir up business. Many times Mary came home almost in tears.

"Damn it Job, I do not know how much of this I can take. Another waitress quit today."

I shook my head and Mary scowled at me "Yes, I know you warned me about Chef H P Charles, but it has gotten worse since HP Charles took over the food inventory from Pablo. That idiot keeps ordering wrong crap and the vendors are ripping us off left and right. We ran out of salt last night for Gods sake. How the hell does a restaurant run out of salt?"

I tried to be sympathic, but had to bite my tongue and not say "I told you so."

Mary was on a venting roll. "I am just getting so sick of playing little Miss Diplomat in that place."

"Mary, diplomacy is saying "nice doggy" until you find a big enough rock."

Mary kept on as if I had not spoken. "Plus that damn Italian car of HP Charles is always in the shop and he thinks I am his personal chauffer."

Now I shook my head. "What does ole Charley expect from a Fiat? Everyone knows Fiat stands for "Fix It Again Tony.'"

Mary kicked off her shoes. "I worry Pablo is gonna walk out every day."

"So Mary, Pablo and Charley still not playing nice?"

Mary gave me a dirty look "Ever since HP tried hitting on that new cute young Hispanic dishwasher and Pablo put a knife to Chef HP Charles groin it has been like Jets and Sharks in the kitchen."

I could not help laughing "Did Charley really think Pablo was gonna put up with him perving on his goddaughter?"

Mary threw up her hands. "It is not all HP Charles fault, half the Hispanic community in this town is Pablo's goddaughter."

"Gee, Mary, you think maybe ole Charley could keep his hands in the kitchen and maybe leave the barely legal help alone?"

"Job, he is under a lot of stress. Even our catering business has taken a hit."

I was surprised at that bit of info. "Really? I thought that was the one jewel still shining."

Mary made a face before answering. "It was. Then we started getting complains about Chef HP Charles at the events. Seems the hosts did not care for him walking around mingling with the guests. Apparently what works with patrons sitting at the tables in our building, is not a great idea at a catered event."

"Ole Chaley must have been thrilled at that news."

Mary gave me that look that ever husband knows. "Job, stop it please. I am having a hard enough time as it is."

I rubbed her back. "Mary look, ole Charley has a multi-year contract, so he is not going anywhere. You on the other hand should cut your losses and get out." I turned Mary around to face me. "I know you have the application for that cooking school in Paris in a folder on your laptop. You are not some 17 year old gofer in the backroom of a chop shop anymore. You can hold you own with the best of any Chef. Pull the trigger, you know I got your back."

In answer Mary hugged me tight. But I never got a 'Yes'.

A few weeks later I was plastering the guest room when my phone rang.

"Job, this is Pablo. I need favor from you."

"Sure Pablo, what can I do for you?" I answered as I wiped off my hands.

In heavily accented English Pablo said "We at a catering job, but left a tub of prep at the restaurant. I know you still got key. Can you bring it here? I make sure you get paid."

"Pablo, those are the magic words. What is the address?"

"Job, I text you the address. Just bring it to the truck OK?"

It was the middle of the afternoon when I got to the place, and the weather was just starting to turn cold.

"This was most likely the last outdoor catering event for a while," I thought as I carried the aluminum tray towards the step van parked in the driveway of an upscale home.

The step van had a side window that allowed it to double as a food truck. For some reason all our workers were gathered around the step vans side window. A bunch of the guys were holding their cell phones to the one way glass.

"Que pasa, amigos? Where is Pablo at?"

The workers looked up in surprise, most uttered something in Spainish and they all started to slink away from the truck.

However it was me that got the surprise when I looked in through the window.

Chef HP Charles had Mary bent over the counter. Her lower half was completely naked and her oversize Chefs apron was flipped up over her back exposing a portion of her lower back.

HP Charles was thrusting vigorously into Marys' shapely ass as he butt fucked her. All the while slapping her bare buttocks with one hand and waving at the one way glass with the other hand. Ole Charley was also making faces at what he thought was his audience on the other side of the window.

"Take it all you bitch!" He yelled pumping into Mary. "You LOVE getting stuffed with my Grade A prime meat!"

I was stunned as if hit by a pole ax. My brain refused to see what images the eyes were sending. Any doubt about the anal recipient of HP Charles cock was dispelled when he grabbed Marys' hair and pulled her face off the counter, yanking Marys' head back as he ground deep circles into her ass with his groin when he bottomed out in her butt. Marys' eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily while moans through parted lips were punctuated by an occasional grunt as Charles thrusted his pelvis.

HP Charles addressed the window without stopping his ass fuck of my wife. "Get your cameras ready Amigos, here comes the big finish! Watch this slut is gonna take it on the face and then suck me clean!"

I pulled open the window. "Hey Charley, make sure to wash your hands when you are done with that cum dump. I hear the health inspector is gonna come around today."

HP stopped in mid stroke as Mary whipped her face around at the sound of my voice. She pulled frantically away, but it was too late. HP's dick made an audible "pop" as it come out of her asshole and started spurting on Mary's back, as well as on the prepared desserts on the truck counter.

I felt faint. "Mary, please don't bring any of your leftovers home this time. In fact please don't come home at all, EVER!"

Spinning on my heel I began a slow trot toward my car when I realized I was still holding the aluminum tray full of food prep. Passing HP Charles Fiat, I opened the door and dumped it all in his driver's side seat.

I do not remember driving home, I do not remember opening the front door. I do not remember going outside onto the back porch or sitting in the chair. The next thing I can recall is a ringing phone and Pablo's voice.

"How long have you known Pablo?"

"Job, this is first I know of puta wife Mary. Crew tell me that Chef been bragging. Of course that man full of shit, no one believe him. Crew make fun of him. Chef claim today he put on a show to prove who is stud of kitchen. That is why I call you to come. If not true, no worry. I sorry it be true."

"I am sorry I threw away your prep tub Pablo."

Pablo let out a laugh. "Who cares? Puta wife Mary try to take Chef toy car and follow you. Fucking toy car no start. What kind of car not start because of sliced onions? Crew no give Mary ride, she finally call Uber car."

Just then I heard the front door open.

"Gotta go Pablo, looks like the chicken has come home to roost."

"Cut that bait Job. I got lots of nice Hispanic ladies for you. Smart as whips, hot as hell in bed, plus loyal to man and fierce as wild dogs around family."

"Thanks, Pablo, I'll keep that in mind." I said as I disconnected the call and Mary walked through the sliding glass door onto the back porch.

We stood staring at each other. Mary's makeup was a mess and her eyes were red. She moved her lips a few times but no words came out. I got bored with the staring contest and started to check the email on my smart phone. Seems like I had gotten quite a few messages in the past hour.


I sighed before looking up at her. "Yeah Mary? What am I supposed to be looking at? Because all I see is a cheating slut."

Mary stood still, shocked by my words for a moment before she gathered herself to speak. "Job, it was not what it looked like..."

While she was speaking I opened one of the attachments on an email and held the phone up to Mary with the clip playing at full volume. The screen was facing Mary so I could not see the video, but the audio was clear enough with Chef HP Charles booming voice "That's it slut, moan for me! You like it hard up the ass bitch. Tell me what you want or I'll skip the olive oil and fuck your tight ass dry."

Mary snatched the phone out of my hand just as you could hear her on screen voice come over the speaker. "Give it to ME! FUCK MY ASS! Cum up my butt, you know I need it! Ahhhhh..."

Mary tried in vain to shut off the video as the pornographic audio kept going. Finally in frustration she pulled the battery out of the phone and threw both the phone and battery at me.

"That is disgusting!" she cried putting her hands over her ears. "Please delete that awful scene immediately."

"Really?" I asked putting my phone back together. "Does not look like you felt that way at the time. Besides I couldn't delete it even if I wanted to. That was a link to a website. My Spainish is pretty poor but it looks like blond-cook-gringo-ass-sluts-dot-com, and your viewing hits seem to be piling up by all the emails I am getting."

Mary dropped into the chair next to and grabbed my arm. "Job, please listen to me. What I am about to say is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Everything just spiraled out of control, but I did it for us."

"No shit?" I said dryly removing her hand from my arm. "Because I don't ever recall ever getting to screw your behind. In fact you were quite insistent the back door was a firm NO GO zone in all respects."

She took a breath to control herself. "It was never meant to happen. What is done is done, no use crying over spilt milk..."

"Or busted cherries." I added.

Job, please you must let me put the whole story out."

"Looks to me like you already 'put out', so why bother with some sad tall tale?"

Mary ignored my comment and kept talking. "It started when I had to drive Chef HP Charles when his car was in the shop."

"Damn Mary, I would think ole Charley getting to fuck your ass makes you intimate enough that he could at least let you call him 'H'."

She looked away, but did not stop speaking. "He had me drive him to a fertility clinic. The asswipe was getting paid for his semen."

"Wow, really? That means I have been letting a fortune slip through my fingers all these years."

Mary took a deep breath. "Celebrities get a pretty good rate for their ... samples." I started to get up but Mary put her hands on my thighs. "Job, stay this is where it got crazy and stupid."

"So Mary, the butt fuck in the truck was the wise and intelligent part?"

"HP thought that it was unfair he did all the work and the clinic was getting all the money. So he set up his own web site and started ... um selling directly to the consumer."

"You were what? His hands on assistant? His on your hands and knees assistant?"

"NO! Not at first. I just kept the books and payment straight for a cut. I so wanted to go to that cooking school in France, but I never wanted to use your money. This was a quick way for some extra income. It was all so harmless."

She looked down at her hands. "Then HP stared to have ... um difficulty. I a ... um ... helped him out ... all it took was a peek of my breasts or a flash of my crotch to get him back to action."

"Mary, please stop I am going to hurl."

"Job, I swear to God it is true! I so wanted the school and what was a little flash here or there. No harm no foul. Plus I insisted on a bigger cut."

I shook my head. "This is possibly the WORST bedtime story ever."

"I should have stopped when HP needed more ... stimulation. But in for a penny, in for a pound, I just convinced myself the hand jobs were no more erotic than rubbing a chicken leg. I felt nothing, but then..."

"Wait." I held up my hand. "I wanna finish this fairy tale. Let me guess, ole Charley talked you into a blow job. But you did not swallow and it accidently ended up all over your face."

Mary was staring at me like I had magical powers.

"Then a few days later ole Charley or Chef HP Charles, as you like to call him, showed you a video of the blow job and him cumming all over your face. I bet during the event there were even enthusiastic words of encouragement on both your parts."

Mary was gasping like a fish out of water. "It was all talk Job. Just talk so he would get off faster."

I held up a finger. "Then comes the big 'B' as in blackmail. Ole Charley wants more or he was going to make you an internet star and I was going to get my own private copy. That about right."

"Oh my God! How ... how did you know?"

"Fuck Mary, that is the plot in about a zillion bad porno movies and half of the type web site stories. Next you are going to tell me how you made a deal to get the video back and I was never going to find out."

Her face was white as she nodded her head. "It was like negotiating a really bad deal. He wanted full access for two months. I was trying to get away with a couple of blow jobs."

"You must suck as a negotiator Mary, and I mean that literally, because you definitely ended up getting the shitty end of his stick."

Mary missed my double meaning entirely as she put her head in her hands. "I had to suck that prick off four times, but I never gave him my pussy; that was and is always yours. I never agreed to any anal. But today in the truck that fuckwad reneged, he had the video loaded and was going to press 'send' to your email if I did not bend over right at that minute."

"Seriously Mary? That is the story you are going to stick with? Remember I have your boisterous encouragement from your fan clubs video."

"All talk, all talk Job, to get him to finish. I did not even know anyone was watching. I just was trying to block the whole event out of my mind," Mary looked frantic. "Can't you do something? This is going to ruin us,"

"I am doing something," I said fishing car keys out of my pocket. "I am going to work, please don't be here when I get back."

Now hindsight is 20/20 and truth be told I should have stayed home, and had I known then what I know now, you can bet I would have kept my happy ass home, even if that slur err wife was still there.

But hey, there were bills to pay and as I looked at being single again, someone had to make money. Besides who else was going to deliver the pizzas? The drizzle that was developing into a downpour matched my gloomy disposition.

However, as you can guess I was distracted, because if I had not been so distracted I would have not been concentrating so hard on timing the green lights and been more aware of a semi-truck trying to make a yellow light that had long since turned red.

Screeching tires, the busting glass, the sound of twisting metal, and then as the song said "Boom Boom! Out go the Lights..."

It is so cliché to say you woke up to beeping machines in a hospital, but that was just what woke me up. My throat was parched, my mouth dry as a desert. A plastic pitcher with melting ice chips and cup were on the side table. However when I tried to move, a mass of tubes in my left arm held me captive. My left hand also had a baseball mitt size cast of plaster on it. Meanwhile my right leg was suspended in some type of cable and pulley contraception.

The flush of a toilet was followed by running water and the door of a bathroom off the left side of the bed opened. Pablo emerged, a big smile popped up on his face when he saw me staring at him.

"Hello my friend!" Pablo saw me motioning at container of water and he swiftly grabbed the pitcher of water with ice chips and poured liquid into the cup, adding a straw before handing it to me.

"Job, you must drink slow." Pablo said, as he picked a corded device off my bedside and pressed a button. "I call hospital people to let them know you awake. How you feel?"

I drank all the water quickly, and coughed before handing the cup back to him. "Well Pablo I feel like I got hit by a truck." I motioned at my suspended leg. "I lose my job, lose my wife and now a broken leg. Could my life get any worse?"

Pablo got a grim look on his face. "I am sorry about your leg Job."

"Well I was never that great a dancer anyway, but then I always did dance like a white man. My other foot hurts like hell, I hope the Doc brings better pain meds..."

"Job..." Pablo interrupted and pointed to the end of my bed.

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Transformation by Trials

This is a journey through the intricate channels of a woman’s mind. It is also the other side of the stories, ‘Tradition and Triumph’ and its sequel ‘Tradition and Triumph Again’. The reader is advised to read these first. They are more in line with typical steamy prose. This is an examination of a woman’s sexuality through a story. ***** We were living the American dream. We had migrated just over a decade earlier with children aged 10 and 6. My husband, Ashok was an Electronics Engineer...

2 years ago
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The Reward Ch 1 Olympic Trials

By Jax_Teller For many years training in martial arts had been at the center of my families’ activities. This year was different for now I was 18, and was nearing the top of my class in FaQ. I was competing at the age of eight but now ten years later I was fighting the elite of the elite. This was a chance to go beyond the local tournaments, state, regionals and past the nationals which I had won the last 4 yrs. running. Now I was in sight of the Olympics. If I could just keep this up I...

2 years ago
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Family Trials

Family Affairs Victoria - Mom (Blonde) Jessica - Older Sister (Brunette) Kelli - Younger Sister (Blonde) Family Matters Allison - Mom (Redhead) Erica - Little Sister (Redhead) Family Frustrations Elizabeth - Mom (Brunette) Katherine - Little Sister (Brunette) ATTENTION: Rape is wrong, immoral, and illegal. Please don't do it! Fantasizing and reading about it is merely the sign of a healthy imagination. Over 2 MILLION views can't be wrong!

2 years ago
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Elven Trials

My name is Kaitlin. I was always a natural in physical battle, built tougher than most, with a toned body I use my agility and flexibility to my advantage rather than strength. For the uneven fights I was trained to have a golden tongue and quick wits to buy myself time to find a weakness or an escape. When all else fails being a woman has its advantages at times, being an elf I'm widely regarded as stunningly beautiful even amongst my own kind. I was trained to be the ultimate fighter for my...

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Aurelies Trials

"Make sure all the documents are backed up on drives," Aurelie's boss told her as he passed by her desk. "Of course M'sieur," the petite redhead answered with a nod. She glanced after him as he went into his office, still wondering at his change in attitude to her. A month ago he had made a very blunt sexual proposal to her, telling her that she could earn a raise by providing him with blowjobs on demand. She had scornfully rejected him and stormed out of his office, fully prepared to quit. To...

3 years ago
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Julia Goes Black Part 3 The Anal Trials

Leroy sat in his new leather chair he had bought the previous day. In his left hand, he held a Cuban cigar that was one out of a box of fifty a friend of his had smuggled in. In his right hand, he held a glass of Château Margaux. At $1,200 a bottle, he had bought a case. On the table in front of him sat a tray with cheeses and crackers and across from him in the white leather sofa laid Jenny and Julia. Jenny was on top and her pussy hovered just above Julia’s mouth. He watched as Julia licked...

1 year ago
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Debbies Trials

It was a month after graduating from eleventh grade that my world turned upside down. I had just turned eighteen and was enjoying the summer with my friends. We would hang out, talk about boys, turn catty about some of the other girls from our class, but most of all I enjoyed going to the lake. The lake was where we went to swim and get tan. Over the last few months my body really changed. I went from an almost flat chest to having a bosom. It seemed that every month my mother would have to...

3 years ago
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Lottery winner 4 love and trials

Johnson smirked and said to Jeffery "if he had put the towel on like a woman I would not have been forced to do this but as you can see he didn't and now he will have no choice or be forced to be indecent. Remember he asked for his feminization. He truly is a strange man." He never saw it coming. Standing over Johnson, after slapping him so hard he fell to the floor, my wonderful man told him "She is a woman. One day she may have opted for implants, but this way was wrong. She is...

3 years ago
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Product Trials

1.01 Introduction: 1.02 Jessie and the Sybian: 1.03 Jamie and the Extractor: 1.04 Susan and the Robotic Lover: 1.05 Mary and the Recliner: 1.01 Introduction: The leading manufacturer of sexual toys was about to unveil their newest additions to their product line. As is their custom, they announce 'new' products six months in advance and randomly select volunteers from their global list of members to demonstrate the new devices. The volunteers are given an all expense paid trip to...

4 years ago
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Lisas DilemmaChapter 6 the Saturday trials

Jenny and Sally actually met up on their naked run home and after several near misses of running into passers by; they eventually made it home by 9 pm. Both were dirty from the narrow escapes and through clambering through bushes and mud heaps to avoid being seen, so with out much persuasion they slipped under a hot shower together. The warmth of the water revived them but their tired and bruised bodies were still too exhausted to do little more than wash each other clean, there was no sexual...

1 year ago
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High School Trials

One great part of high school is everyone's desire to experiment. We all want to do something that will make the rest feel little. We've all done things like make out in the janitor's closet and movie theater, and has wet dream about slutty teachers, and all that bullshit, but I'm talking about the stuff you don't want teachers and administrators knowing about... It was a day, the same as any other, 1st period science, then to accounting, then dumbass world lit, but I was late to my social...

First Time
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Reddit Handjobs, aka r/Handjobs! I know many of you guys like blowjobs way more than you enjoy handjobs, but if we were to just give handjobs a shot at fascinating us, I think that most of us would feel more than grateful that handjobs exist. I don’t believe that these wonderful things get enough attention from people. So to compensate for that and perhaps give handjobs a little bit of love, I’m going to introduce you guys to a subreddit that is all about handjobs. It’s called, well,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Blowjobs After school one day my sister Mandy and I had quite an argument over whether or not a blowjob was considered sex. Of course I contended that it was because I get to cum and that’s all that I ever want sex for anyway. Mandy on the other hand said that it wasn’t. She even started quoting an article that she had read on the Internet about President Bill Clinton. She said that Clinton had testified before Congress that putting his cock in Monica Lewinsky’s mouth was not sex...

4 years ago
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You were a pretty innocent guy before you became a porn addict but the transition was swift and dramatic. The first time your brother showed you porn it was a decidely homoerotic affair. He held his phone while you were both shoulder to shoulder in your shared bedroom, each sharing an earphone so your parents couldn't hear and sitting on the bed. You were both already hard as he scrolled through the videos and suddenly the tension in the air became too much to ignore - he stopped scrolling on a...

1 year ago
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Blojobs A Mystery Magic in Her Throat

Many years ago, when sex at home was in short supply I began to notice the women who prowled a mile long stretch of a main drag known as the Avenue. The chief of police ran ongoing crackdowns but the trade continued. Watch out for a real looker - most often a police decoy. Pull up to curbside near one of these beauties and she would invariably come around to the drivers side window to make the deal and the bust.Even in my horny state. I was too smart for that. The serous working girls (a...

4 years ago
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jobsite surprise

The other afternoon I went to deliver an estimate for a large gardening job I had been working on. When I arrived at the house I rang the bell and waited. There were two cars in the driveway but no answer at the door, so I walked around the back to the pool. As I came around the corner to the large hedgerow separating the back yard from the pool I heard two female voices talking and giggling. Passing the hedge, I froze dead in my tracks. My eyes flew open wide and my jaw dropped at what I...

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Reddit Blowjobs, aka r/Blowjobs! is at it again, and they have a great subreddit that I want to take a look at today. It’s a pretty big one, and there’s no way it can fly under your radar if you’re into Reddit NSFW websites. Here’s the thing, right? The subreddit is called /r/Blowjobs, and it’s every man’s dream come true. Seriously, I don’t think that there’s any other place I would like to check out if I’m a dude right now. We all know how much us guys like blowjobs, and now...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Blowjobs On Demand

Blowjobs On Demand Blowjobs On Demand Husband adds personal pleasure to his wife’s need to shop and spend money with a sexy, hypnotic suggestion. ‘Jennifer, are you going shopping?’ Holding out his credit card, Charles looked at his wife, Jennifer, with a warm smile, knowing that she was about to go shopping for more clothes and shoes that she didn’t need. Fortunately for him, he had stopped her just in time, before she left the house. What was a budget busting, sore point before,...

4 years ago
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The Trial

At the tender age of 31, I became a widower and had a heart attack, all within a month. I was in the Cardiac Care Unit of the local hospital for a week before returning home to finish my recovery. Apart from a weekly attendance at a recovery class where I managed to start rebuilding my fitness, it was a lonely time as I had no other family within a hundred miles and having only recently moved into the area in any case, I had very few friends locally either. Work, which had been...

2 years ago
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The Trial

Copyright 2001, 2002 swl all rights reserved except as follows: 1. Permission is given to download one (1) copy for personal use only. 2. Permission is given for Fictionmania to post this story. Other free sights are welcome to request permission to post this story. 3. As some of these characters are real people, permission is given to them to use these characters in a story provided the same veto rights are given to them as I gave them. Also, this copyright includes the...

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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 1 The Drug Trial

SUNDAY My boxers. Fold. Her panties. Fold. My t-shirt. Fold. More panties. Inside-out. Fold. Her bra. Hang up. Sports bra. Fold. More boxers. Fold. I placed all of the folded laundry into the basket and returned to our bedroom where I proceeded to put everything in dresser drawers. "Done," I said. Walking back into the living room. I collapsed on the couch and grabbed the TV remote. I started scanning Netflix for something to watch. I feel like I've seen every...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 35 The Punished and Rachels Trial

While learning my new job as a slave advocate and completing my civil defense training, I also made a point of checking up on Erin and Kim from time to time. They remained my property and therefore my responsibility. I had apprenticed both of them as slaves for a three-year term with Westham Automotive Services. If I was satisfied with their progress at the end of three years I could re-apprentice them for a second three-year term. They would be learning how to repair the new robot cars and...

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A Routine EnslavementChapter 6 The Trial

My attorney called me one day to advise that we would have no choice but to proceed to trial. No out of court settlement was possible and the client had instructed the Steelforth Agency to proceed and to spare no expense to bring this matter to a "successful conclusion"! I was informed that my jury trial would be entirely public. Spectators would be permitted in the courtroom, and the trial might also be televised. The news media had managed to get some pictures of me in my tennis whites -...

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Blowjobs for Dummies

Ah, how fondly I remember my first blowjobs. Typically, the eager girl would put her lips over the head of my cock and frantically rub my shaft until I either came or developed a friction rash. Then just when I was excited enough to cum from all this attention, usually about two minutes, she'd pull my cock off her lips, so that she wouldn't taste any of the nasty sperm that shot out and made lovely patterns on my clothes. "What's that on my jeans, mom? Glue!"Only years later did I discover that...

2 years ago
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On Trial

The trial Me and Al had nothing better to do so we went down Weatherfield Assizes where they had the trial of the Weatherfield eight going on. The Judge looked a right twat with a grey wig looking like it were full of dust and robes like something out of King Dick three by Will Shakespeare what we done for the end of term play at Weatherfield comp years ago. Angie one of the local tarts was giving evidence. She usually worked viaduct street from the Wethy Arms to Timothy Whites. Peroxide...

4 years ago
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The Trial My wife of 2 years and I are very fortunate because we are financially independent. Neither of us will ever have to work. We are very sexually active with each other and are always trying to experiment. One day we watched a movie that showed a guy being transformed into a female and how he/she adapted to living as a woman. During the movie Mandy took out my dick and began to play with it. She said that the thought of my swapping sex turned her on so much. We...

3 years ago
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The Trial

The Trial My wife of 2 years and I are very fortunate because we are financially independent. Neither of us will ever have to work. We are very sexually active with each other and are always trying to experiment. One day we watched a movie that showed a guy being transformed into a female and how he/she adapted to living as a woman. During the movie Mandy took out my dick and began to play with it. She said that the thought of my swapping sex turned her on so much. We had to stop the...

2 years ago
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Risk Free Trial

"It's 5 bucks if you want it!" I was in the second hand store, on my way home from high school on a Friday afternoon. I stared at the small chest in front of me. It looked really old, like at least 100 years old. But it was locked, and didn't have a key. So buying it was a gamble, and five dollars is a lot of money for a student. But I fancied my lock-breaking skills, and there was a small chance that something valuable was inside, or that the chest itself was valuable once the lock...

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Blowjobs And More

Blowjobs And More Pete and Marilyn had lived next door to me for as long as I could remember. Pete was my best friend and a year older than I was, Marilyn was a year younger than I was, and we all went to the same school. Marilyn was one of those snooty little bitches that was too good for us common boys. That was something that her mother instilled in her because her father was a down to Earth kind of guy. When Marilyn got her tits she became even worse. She would hardly associate...

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Lawyer And Criminal A Sensuous Trial

Thanks for the appreciation for my last story. Your wishes encourage me to write better. The next story is of a criminal under trail and his lawyer. Amol was an honest salesman working for a hardware company. His honesty and integrity were never questioned until he was charged with raping a woman from his neighbourhood. He was arrested immediately upon a complaint from his next building neighbour. Amol was 29 living in Solapur for his job. He was tall, about 6.2, he had a slim frame and used to...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 26 Trial

The Deputy Head of Mission was despondent as they prepared for the trip to the Palace for her trial three days later. For her trial she had decided to wear a severely cut dark blue business suit with a high necked white blouse. Her underwear was deliberately sexy in a brave attempt to bolster up her nerves. Lacy knickers and matching brassière were worn with a garter belt and fully fashioned stockings. "These Emirs are known for their cruel and unusual punishments," he said, relishing the...

3 years ago
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Guilty or Not GuiltyChapter 6 The Trial

Monique woke me when it was time for dinner later on Friday evening. Svenda joined us for our meal and we had a nice conversation. I explained our dilemma regarding our upcoming marriage vow renewal. Monique said, "I don't care what they think. I love you and I want you back so that we can make babies together." "Ja, ju make goot babies Mr. Bill. I take care off little ones for ju, ja?" "As long as you don't torture them like you have me, Svenda, we would be honored for you to be...

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Blowjobs in a Long Haul Flight

Blowjobs in a long haul flight. I am gay and proud of it I work in the IT corporate industry and travel often abroad for work; this is an experience in a long haul flight from Mumbai to New York, nonstop. I am at a high level so I get to travel business or 1st class, this time I was lucky and was in the 1st class, boarding pass in hand I wait for the boarding call of the flight, they r boarding us and if u have travelled in 1st class u know how personalized it is, I m escorted to my seat by a...

Gay Male
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The Tournament 04 The Trial

copyright Nora Quick 2012. As always, I welcome comments and feedback! ______________________________________________ Time was not the same between the two planes. Morrigan sighed, knowing that what passed for her as mere months was going on two and a half years on her champion’s Earth. Time was inconsequential to immortals but Keelin had been abandoned for too long and she’d barely survived three challenges. The first was in violation of the agreement of the tournament, so Morrigan’s...

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Shellys Trial

For those readers who missed the first installment: First, PAY ATTENTION. I'm working my ass off writing this shit and you're off somewhere getting laid or going to the Spring Auto Show or something. Get your priorities straight. Second, you need a synopsis, which means I have to write the whole fucking story over again and bore the shit out of people who've already read Part 1. Have a little consideration. SYNOPSIS: Shelly was an uptight bitch who was married to an investment banker....

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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 4 Just Whats On Trial

Joan Paige, previous Joan Coswell, sat with Dave Prentiss, Dale Harnett, and Emily Wilson, in the spectator seat of the court room at the Sarasota County Courthouse. The sheriff’s deputy called out, “All rise for Judge Margaret Hernandez.” The portly female judge whirled out the side door at the front of the courtroom and took up the position on the bench. She looked to her left, “Foreman, is the jury ready.” “We are your honor.” She looked at the two attorneys. “Is the prosecution and...

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Handjobs Under The Table By Jenna2222

I am a 19 year old female, full-time college student and part-time assistant at a local bank in my area. This past summer I attended a young businesspersons forum expo out in Arizona, that consisted of 3 days worth of nothing but lecture seminars. While some of these seminars were interesting and fun, others were downright long and boring.Most of these seminars consisted of 200-500 people sitting in a room listening to a bunch of college professors up on stage, sitting at a banquet table...

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Blowjobs Every Mouth is Different

A few months ago someone posted a story called ‘Some blow jobs I have known, a recollection’ listing some of the more memorable blowjobs he had received. I enjoyed it so much that I’m stealing the idea and publishing my own recollection of oral pleasures, here are four memorable women (in no particular order): 1) An older woman. She liked to suck me off in her car. She’d pull over on the side of some little-used dirt road and suck me to completion and swallow. We did it a few times in a...

1 year ago
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Blowjobs By The Dozen

My girlfriend was out of town, and I can't find my friends, so I needed something to pass the afternoon. I often went to the local ABS to trade blowjobs on a Saturday afternoon. Besides loving to suck and to be sucked, I think it makes me a better fuck with my girlfriend on Saturday night. Well, this afternoon, I had nothing else to do, and didn't need to save anything for Saturday night. I decided this trip to the ABS would be one to rememberI loaded my backpack with my Polaroid camera, film,...

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Blowjobs by the Dozen

A lazy Saturday afternoon, trying to suck off a dozen unknown men, because my girlfriend was out of town, and I can't find my friends, so I needed something to pass the afternoon. I often went to the local ABS to trade blowjobs on a Saturday afternoon. Besides loving to suck and to be sucked, I think it makes me a better fuck with my girlfriend on Saturday night. Well, this afternoon, I had nothing else to do, and didn't need to save anything for Saturday night. I decided this trip to the ABS...

2 years ago
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Blowjobs Every Mouth is Different

A few months ago someone posted a story called "Some blow jobs I have known, a recollection" listing some of the more memorable blowjobs he had received. I enjoyed it so much that I'm stealing the idea and publishing my own recollection of oral pleasures, here are four memorable women (in no particular order):1) An older woman. She liked to suck me off in her car. She'd pull over on the side of some little-used dirt road and suck me to completion and swallow. We did it a few times in a parking...

3 years ago
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My Reluctant Wife on the Appalachian Trial

Many years ago, when I was 35 years old and my wife Joan was 32, we decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trial, starting in Hot Springs, North Carolina, and heading north. We lived in Knoxville, Tennessee at the time, so it was only a short drive to our Hot Springs starting point. It was the beginning of the summer, and our two kids, ages eight and six were at summer camp, and we were both able to take two weeks off from work for this adventure. We had done some camping with the family,...

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Prince Achmads Trial

The Prince donned the regal blazing purple that proclaimed his status in the world. He was on the Observation Platform, and before him was a throng of his subjects who were all crying and cheering and clapping in their own way. The heavy, gold clasp at his neck closed with a satisfying thunk, which allowed him to raise all four of his arms to wave at his people. Seeing his acknowledgement stoked their cries causing their sounds to swell to a fever pitch. He then lowered his arms, holding them...

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Irresolute Trial

Irresolute Trial By Bill Hart My head throbbed mercilessly as I awoke. Other than being laid out on some large soft bed somewhere, I didn't have the slightest idea where I was. I couldn't think about it; I didn't want to think about anything. Thinking simply hurt too much. My poor head already ached more than enough without adding to it. Two people - I think it was two, but it might have been a few more or even a few less - entered the room. One of them sat down beside...

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Larrys Trial

Larry's Trial. Larry is falsely accused of a rape, and Nicole with the help of Billy Bonnie aides Larry. Peace. Belle. Hello every body. This is Nicole again with a very painful tale. My brother Larry was accused of a rape that he did not do. It almost killed him. It started when a local female claimed that she was raped at the Salem Brewery. The only trace of the attacker was a brewery ID card that had Larry's name on it. There was nothing that I could do about that. My...

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The Trial

The TrialAn excerpt from the legend of Johnno Allthwaite.=================================== "Order in court!" the Clerk to the Court ordered, "This is a serious matter.""Bloody farce mate," I said, "If you ask me.""No one asked you Mr Allthwaite," the Clerk continued."That's Councillor Allthwaite to you mate," I says, "I been elected proper, not like you lot what just happened to go to the right school and that."The Clerk started looking a bit nervous as one of the skinheads in the front row...

2 years ago
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My Reluctant Wife on the Appalachian Trial

Many years ago, when I was thirty-five years old and my wife Joan was thirty-two, we decided to hike a section of the Appalachian Trial; starting in Hot Springs, North Carolina, and heading north. We lived in Knoxville, Tennessee at the time, so it was only a short drive to our Hot Springs starting point. It was the beginning of the summer, and our two kids, ages eight and six were at summer camp, and we were both able to take two weeks off from work for this adventure.We had done some camping...

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Shilanas Trial

Author’s Notes: This is the sequel to “Leo and the Dragon”, which you can also find here on StoriesOnline. To fully enjoy this story, you might want to go back and read that one first, although I’ve tried my best to make this as accessible as possible. Be warned, there will be dark depths of depravity not everyone might find appealing. A huge “Thank you” to all the people who helped refine this tale. You know who you are. As always, there are only adult beings having sex. “Nothing better...

4 years ago
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Cutters CreekChapter 9 The Trial

Alice sat impatiently in the steamy courtroom, already starting to fidget. Apparently Ruth was letting her "preparations" in the judge's chambers with her hunky young clerk take longer than she had expected. Alice could hardly blame the horny woman; the boy had a prick like a donkey and must fuck like a dream. Her own pussy juiced at the memory of seeing that long, thick cock rapidly disappearing over and over again deep into the hungry wet cunt of his sex-addled older lover. She had seen...

2 years ago
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The TeacherChapter 26 Trial

The next day, Sunday, Beth and Joe brought some kiddy furniture and some organizers and some tables and chairs. Cathy and her boyfriend brought up an old carpet remnant and a white board from an old office. Another family brought up an old bunk bed. Venera volunteered to stock the refrigerator. (She had also discovered that oven worked). After about 4 or 5 days of work, the classroom was set. Over the next two months the old clubhouse had completely grown into its new role as a day-care, a...

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