Peter's Promise free porn video

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Peter sat in shock as he listened to his fiancée finish her statement. His anger surged through his body. Pete was driving to the show for their regular date when he asked Polly if she wanted to take a week and go camping with him after her college classes ended next month. Polly said, "Pete you know I am leaving the day after classes are over. Shelly, Emma and I already have almost all our things packed ready to leave. You know we are taking the whole summer for a trip out west."

"Polly if you think I'll allow that you're crazy! I thought when we decided to get married you agreed not to go on this damn trip. What changed your mind?"

"Oh Peter. I never said that. You know we've been planning on taking this trip ever since we started college. We have been saving every cent we could to pay for it but we will still have to work some on the trip unless we can find someone to help pay our way. Do you know how hard it was to cut costs and overstate our expenses so our parents would give us more money to save for the trip? How could you even think for a minute I would miss out on the trip of a lifetime?"

"Polly I know how those two friends of yours get when they get away from home. I also know how they find someone to help them pay expenses they can't cover themselves. When they get a drink or two in them their heels get round and they fall onto their backs in the dyeing cockroach position. Hell, I have nightmares of seeing them with their legs spread after one of your girl's nights out. I don't want you to even go out alone with them here and I sure don't want you to spend the summer with them 24/7."

"You Bastard! Those are my best friends. I will not allow you to talk about them like that. I'm sorry honey but it's a done deal. You knew when we started dating I planned to take this trip. Nothing has changed. You go off on your short Reserve trips and I trust you. What's the difference here?"

"Polly you know what the difference is. I am a Citizen Soldier. I go to training and onto active duty if and when I am called up. It is part of my job. When I am there I work. Mostly I don't have time to chase pussy even if I had the desire. If you take this trip we won't last. Even if you aren't planning to cheat on me you will get drunk and slip or those two will talk you into cheating. I promise you that will end us. I won't let you take off like that and expect to come back and find it like it is now. Is that what you want? Are you trying to break up with me?"

"Oh, no Honey. Never. You're my main man and will be even after this little trip is over. We'll go off and see the good old U S of A then I'll come back to you and be your own personal woman for the rest of my life."

"Polly I had better be your ONLY man. If you do this trip you'll never be my woman again. I won't put up with you sleeping around and running around with those two sluts."

"Oh, silly, of course I'll be your woman. I told you I would come home and you'd be my main man. Now let it go. I don't want to talk about it anymore."

The rest of the evening was a blur in Pete's mind. He knew he and Polly went to the movies as they had planned but he could not remember what the show was about or any of the rest of their conversation. He spent most of the time the show ran thinking about Polly, her friends and her insistence she go on their planned trip. He also thought about some of the statements she had made over the last year they had been dating. They held a certain amount of contempt for him and displayed her selfish attitude. Pete noticed with shock that the credits were streaming on the screen and people were leaving the theater. Polly stood and took his hand to leave. They didn't tarry after the show and get a snack or drink at their normal hangout. Pete just took Polly straight home, walked her to her door and turned to leave. He stopped when she grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Pete! What's the matter with you? We didn't stop for supper and a drink like we usually do and now you're just going to leave me at the door. Aren't you coming in like you usually do? I was really looking forward to you staying again tonight."

"No Polly, I'm not coming in. I don't know when I'll come in again if I ever do. You have to decide what you want before I do that again. I promise you one thing right now though. If you go whoring around with your friends like you plan to do this summer I promise you'll never see me in your house or bed again."

Pete walked off. Polly reached for him again but missed his arm. She trotted three steps after him then wailed, "Pete. You didn't even kiss me goodnight. Why are you being like this anyway?" She glared at him as he opened his truck door and looked over the roof at her. As he started to get into his little Ranger she screamed, "Damn you Pete. Just go off and sulk. I'm taking that trip and that's final. When we get back we can set the date for our wedding. Now get over it and stop sulking."

Polly turned and was closing the door to her house before Pete drove off. She looked up at her two best friends in the world as they stood watching her. Both of them were grinning.

Emma said, "I guess he didn't take it too well huh?"

Polly shook her head no then grinned a little. She said, "He'll get over it. He always does when I put my foot down. Besides, he knows he can't find a pussy like mine between every set of legs he spreads." She laughed and continued, "Of course if I ever find out he has been spreading someone else's legs I'll make sure he doesn't do any fucking again for a loooooong time."

Shelly laughed and said, "And just how do you think that attitude is fair you slut?"

"Oh, shut up. You know I don't share my man with anyone."

Emma laughed and said, "Bullshit. You shared Jared with me Wednesday night."

"Well DUH! That was just an animated cock. Peter's my man and I won't share him. I could care less about the other males in my life. I'm not going to marry one of them. I just fuck them. Now, where are we going to make our first stop girls? I'm thinking maybe Butte or Bozeman Montana? I feel like riding a cowboy for a while before we get any more educated idiots between our legs."

Pete didn't call or visit with Polly again before she left with her friends on the 'trip of a lifetime'. The day after their proposed departure he did go to Polly's apartment to verify she actually left. The apartment was vacant. He went to Polly's parent's house to see if she was there. He really didn't want to spend the money for the gas but he wanted to physically verify her presence or lack of it. It was only a little over 100 miles after all. His little 4 cylinder Ranger got almost 26 miles to the gallon so the cost wouldn't break him up. Besides wanting to verify Polly had indeed taken the trip he needed to return all of Polly's belongings she left in his apartment. He had no intention of ever seeing her again and certainly didn't want her personal possessions in his house any longer.

When Pete got to Polly's home her father informed him she left on her trip as planned. From the conversation Pete came to realize Mr. Parker was no happier with his youngest daughter than was Pete. It took them maybe fifteen minutes to move her belongings into the house and stack the boxes in her bedroom. Pete shook hands with her father and drove off heading back to his lonely apartment.

Pete was two years older than Polly but was a year behind her in college. He had just finished his Associates Degree in Construction Management. He planned to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Project Management and after a few years experience form his own building construction firm. He was also a Staff Sergeant in a National Guard Engineer Company. Between his part time jobs, the GI Bill and his reserve pay Pete had managed to get this far in college with no debt. He lived in a dump for sure but he paid his own way. He had no close relatives and no savings so it was pay as you go or pile up a large debt to pay for college.

When his parent's died his father's Construction Company went bankrupt. All their savings and property was used to pay expenses from their auto accident. All Pete received from his father's side of the family was a small 80 acre piece of ground in the country. His grandparents left him the land when they died. There was no house on the land. There was a small older building a few pieces of ancient machinery were stored in. When he went to his 'farm' he camped in the machine shed or alongside a nice little stream in a cave.

After he returned from Polly's childhood home Pete terminated his rental agreement on his small apartment. He took all his possessions to his farm and began camping there. He still attended his reserve meetings and did his two week summer camp but other than that he stayed on his little piece of ground. At first he lay around, fished, swam, drank and felt sorry for himself. The pity party lasted almost a week before his funk lifted and he began his exercise regimen once again. He was, after all, a Staff Sergeant in the Reserves. He had to keep himself in shape before he could perform his duties properly.

After three weeks lying around Pete was bored. He walked out into the machine shed and looked at all the equipment. He knew the old tractor would start. He used it fairly often to bush hog brush and grass around the place. It was still early enough he could plow up some of the ground and put out a late crop of soy beans. He knew he would have to hire them combined but what the heck. It would be something to do and he might make a few extra dollars. Pete hooked up his plow and started toward the field. He had only made a few passes back and forth when one of the neighbors pulled up and stopped.

The neighbor got out of his truck and stood watching Pete work. When Pete got close to him he stopped his tractor and walked over to the neighbor. The man asked, "Whatcha plowin' for Pete?"

"Ah hell, I was bored and got to remembering when grandpa used to farm some. I thought I would maybe put in some soy beans. I can get a crop of them in and harvested this year I think."

"Yeah boy ya can. If you put out short season beans ya can probly get a pretty good crop but why ya plowin'? Hell, 'cept for a garden nobody plows much anymore. We mostly just spray and kill the grass and weeds and no till in the crops. Saves time and money. It also adds humus to the soil and protects from erosion and helps hold moisture for the crops. No more than ya are puttin' out here I can loan ya my machinery if ya want. 'Course ya break it ya gotta pay to fix it."

"Well, I don't know Mr. Jeffers. I aint no tilled before. I wouldn't know how to do that."

"Well, tall as some of these weeds are you should probably bush hog first then use Roundup to spray and kill the grass and weeds. After that ya just use my no till drill mostly like ya would your old drill and plant the beans. Get roundup ready seed so ya can spray again after they're up a little and you're all set. Ya decided to do corn or wheat next year you do it just the same."

Pete thought about what Mr. Jeffers said the rest of the evening. It would sure save him a lot of time and fuel if he could do the no till planting. He decided to give it a try. He had an old spray rig he thought he could get working. He knew his bush hog would work because he used it off and on during the warmer weather.

Early the next morning Pete began cutting the field. With his small equipment it took him four days to do the job but he stuck with it. After he finished he hooked up his disc and smoothed out the area he plowed then went to the neighbors to see about borrowing his no till planter. He had already purchased the seed for his crop.

When Pete drove up to Mr. Jeffers's house he found him working in his machine shed on a tall heavy built drill. Pete grinned and got out of his truck. He walked up to Mr. Jeffers and held his hand out to shake. He said, "Good morning Mr. Jeffers. If you're still willing to loan me your no till drill I thought I would take you up on borrowing it. I want to no till my beans this crop and then I will check to see if it is better and cheaper for me to do that or put in a crop the old fashioned way."

"Hell Pete I guarantee you it is lots easier and cheaper to no till. And I would appreciate it if you would call me by my name. It's Stan. Hell, you're all grown up now and a man in your own right. We're neighbors and I hope friends so you don't need to call me Mr. Jeffers. Hell, I hear you're a Sergeant in the Reserves too. Ya want me to call ya Sergeant?"

Pete said, "Hell no. I'm not a Sergeant out here. Well, I guess I am but since you're not in the Military I'd rather you call me Pete."

"That's what I mean boy. I'd rather be called Stan by my adult neighbors and friends. Now, let's get this drill over to your place and get you started. I'll help ya hook your tractor up to this drill here and I'll tell ya how to use it. I'll stick around a while and make sure you get started ok too."

Even with the late start Pete only took part of two days to get the beans drilled. He made sure to clean up the drill for Stan and took it home. His next project was to find the money for fertilize and get it spread on the field. Before he did that he took several samples across the field. He took the dirt samples to the county agent for testing to see what mix of fertilize and lime he needed to apply. To his relief he didn't need to apply any lime and only a small amount of fertilize. He bought the fertilize at the local Coop and used one of their spreaders to apply it to the field.

After almost two weeks of long hot days work Pete finally found time to sit in front of his cave and relax. He was pleased with his work and looked forward to harvesting a cash crop in the fall. He sat back and listened to the small stream running down the hillside beside his cave. He could hear cattle lowing in the background and machinery working in one of the neighbors' fields. Pete sat and relaxed, letting his mind wander.

While he listened to the peaceful sounds of his country home Pete thought of Polly. He wondered what Polly was doing. He wondered if she was getting as much cock as he suspected she was. That thought tore at his soul. He knew he would never know what she did on her trip unless she or one of her slut friends let it slip and word got out. He still wasn't sure what he would do when she returned. He was pretty sure they were over but there was a slight chance they were not. He needed to think things through. His main problem was trust. He had seen the three of them when they were out drinking and dancing. They were wild. A time or two he suspected Polly would have let a man take her home if he hadn't been with them. She spent way too much time dancing and flirting with men in his opinion.

Some of the short tours and deployments Pete had been on had caused friction between him and Polly also. Twice while he was deployed Pete was told Polly was seen out with men. She supposedly looked and acted as if she was on a date. His informants did tell him she was being way too friendly. During one deployment a friend of his sent him a letter telling him of Polly's adventures. He enclosed a pretty poor picture for him to see. A different friend told Pete after he got home that he personally saw Polly loving up three different men at one time or another while he was in Afghanistan. Pete asked Polly about the reports. Of course she denied dating while he was gone. Pete chose to accept her and her friends' explanation of her actions but a small kernel of doubt remained. He knew the friends who told him those things hated Polly enough to only tell him the things that would make her look the worst to Pete. Still, where there is smoke there is fire. Pete was almost positive Polly had at least done some heavy petting and flirting while he was gone but hell, almost everyone flirted from time to time while they were out partying.

After a six pack of his favorite beer Pete came to a conclusion about his life with Polly. He just plain didn't trust her any longer. He wasn't even sure he still loved her. He was fairly sure if he loved her the hurt from what he perceived as her betrayal in taking the trip would have been greater. Pete wasn't even sure he loved Polly enough to marry even if she hadn't taken the trip. He was almost positive she didn't love him. At least he was positive she didn't respect him. Her actions and cutting remarks proved that.

Pete decided to move on. He would not search Polly out when she returned. He had no intention of returning to any of their old haunts so the likelihood of seeing her by accident was small. He had only brought her to his farm once and he believed she would not be able to find him here even if she looked for him when she returned. If she looked him up he would play their reunion by ear. She would have a tough battle on her hands to ever get back together with him though.

As the summer progressed Pete continued to work around his little place. If he wasn't doing something for the Reserves he worked on his farm or at least was on the farm. He turned a garage bay in his machine shed into a small workshop to work on his machinery. He plowed and planted a small garden to raise some of his food for the summer. Right now he slept in the cave where it was cool. He knew he had to do something about the winter. If he went back to college he needed to rent an apartment. If he didn't he needed to figure out where he was going to live during the cold winter months.

One day Pete was once again thinking about school. He was tired of classes. He was happy here on his little farm and doing short tours for the Reserves. He decided fuck it. He was not returning to college in the fall. Then he began to think about living during the winter. He didn't want to go to town and try to find a place to rent. That would mean finding a job in town and he really didn't want to do that. That, of course meant he needed to figure out how to make a place tight enough he could spend the winter on his farm.

Pete knew he could cobble something up in the machine shed but he didn't like the location. He loved sleeping in his little cave. He was high enough above the stream he didn't have to worry about floods and he could see a beautiful view from in front of the cave. He decided to use some of the old concrete blocks and stones to make a wall across the front of the cave. He already had electricity in the cave. One of the first things he had done when his grandparents left him the farm was run lines the 150 feet from the machine shed to the cave so he would have lights in the evenings.

The opening of the cave under the bluff was only about 30 by 15 or 20 feet. The front was about ten feet high. He could pick up enough stone and blocks to wall that off easily. The floor wasn't perfectly level but he could even level it out some with a little concrete in strategic locations. Pete decided he had a plan. Early the next morning he went to town and made the few purchases he needed to get started. He ordered some sand and gravel to make the concrete and mortar. He purchased and took home his cement and some of the building materials he would need immediately. He ordered a good steel door for the front and two triple pane PVC windows. He also ordered some lumber and metal roofing to make a covered porch for his little cave home. Pete snorted to himself and admitted you really couldn't call this a true cave. It was more like a large overhanging bluff. It was only about 30 feet deep and the back six or eight feet you couldn't stand in. Pete planned to close off the rear of his home where the wall would be 6 feet tall. He would put another steel door into the back wall so he could access the part he closed off. He would use the rear for storage if he needed it.

The next day his building material was delivered by Home Depot. As soon as the truck left Pete began getting ready to work. The first thing he did after laying out his proposed walls was hammer drill holes in the rock and place rebar. He formed up and poured concrete to level the area he would build his stone wall on and the cave floor. While that was setting up Pete measured out and poured a stem wall for his little porch. He was lucky that the drop off in front of the cave only required a wall 30" high at its highest point.

After the concrete was dry enough to remove the forms Pete hauled in river gravel to fill in under his porch floor then he mixed and poured the concrete for the 30 by 12 foot porch in front of his little cave home. All this work took him a week to complete. It would have taken even longer if he hadn't had a front end loader on his small 45 horsepower tractor.

The day Pete began mixing and pouring the concrete porch floor his neighbor across the small stream began cutting the field for hay. When Pete rested he would sit and watch the tractor go around and around. He had never seen anyone cut hay as fast as they were cutting. He couldn't recall ever seeing the man on the tractor either. He wondered if it was a custom operator or hired help.

That afternoon after the field was cut the tractor drove to the stream and stopped just across from where Pete was working. The operator got off the tractor and limped toward the stream. As they walked they took off their shirt. When beside the stream the operator stopped and removed their shoes then dropped their long pants. Pete stared in surprise. The tractor operator was a very pretty woman. She looked over at Pete for a moment then moved into the stream and dunked herself in the small deep hole. The deep part of the stream where the woman was trying to swim was not really large enough to swim in. It was maybe twelve feet across and fifteen feet long. At its deepest point it was chest high and shoaled rapidly from there. After she had gotten completely wet the woman lay on her back and just floated in the cool water. Pete found himself watching instead of working.

Finally with a small shake of his head Pete turned back to his work. For the next thirty minutes Pete mixed concrete in his small electric mixer and poured it onto his new porch floor. He figured he needed three or four more mixers full and he would be done for the day when he heard movement then a voice said, "Hello. I'm Fiona Morgan. I know it's none of my business but what the heck are you doing to the old cave here?"

Pete said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Pete Johnson. I've decided to turn the front part of the cave into my house. I'm pouring the front porch right now. I really need to keep working until I get the concrete poured. I'm not being rude, I just can't let the concrete get too dry or it won't set up right on the new pour."

"Cool. I always used to like to play around in the cave when I was a girl and we came down to swim. You mind if I look around for a minute or two?"

"Naw. Go ahead. I'm almost finished here then I'm going to clean up and jump in the creek myself. I'll even wear clothes this evening since you're here."

Fiona turned and looked at him when Pete said that. She saw he was smiling and said, "Well I hope so. I'd hate to have to use my official U.S. Army combat training on you."

"You're in the Army? I'm a Staff Sergeant in the Reserves. I've been in a little over 6 years now. What's your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty)?"

"I'm not in the Army now. I guess you noticed I don't walk like I should. Sergeant Fiona Morgan, U.S. Army, Retired would be more accurate for me I guess. I was a Medic and got a little bunged up on a mission. They sewed me back together but as you can see I can't get around as well as I need to so they put me out to pasture. Now I'm helping dad and mom on the farm while I try to decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. I never had much interest in college and there aren't many jobs around here so I'm just helping the folks until I decide what to do. I may go on and get my EMT certificate and try to get on with the ambulance district. I sort of enjoyed being a Medic. How about you?"

"About the same as you I guess. I already told you I'm a Staff Sergeant in the Reserves. I've been on two deployments and I take all the short tours I can get. I plan to make the Reserves my career. I got my AA degree at the Junior College but I don't want to go on. This 80 acres was grandpas and I inherited it from him when he died. I was lucky he lived longer than my Dad. Everything Dad and Mom had went to pay their bills after they died in a car wreck. What you see is all I have in the world and I'm fine with that. I plan to live here in my cave like a hermit, grow whatever I can on the farm and take all the short tours I can get from the Reserves and then retire."

"That's it? Just you and your little piece of ground? Don't you ever plan to get married or anything?"

Pete laughed and said, "Well I was planning on getting married and doing the old 9 to 5 but she decided she wanted to run around with her girlfriends instead of me so we split. She's somewhere out west now drinking and screwing around I suppose. Yeah, it would be nice to have a woman but it's not real high on my priorities right now. If I find one then we'll have to see what I do later."

Pete and Fiona visited for several more minutes. She even drank one of his beers with him before she sighed and said she had to get back home to help with the chores. Before she walked off she said, "I'll see ya around I suppose Sergeant. I hope ya don't mind if I come by every so often and soak in the creek do ya?"

"No. Hell, wouldn't matter if I did. It's your creek also. Your folks land borders the south side of the creek so you have as much right to swim in it as I do." Pete grinned and continued, "Besides, I like the view when you're washing off the dust. It might be a good thing if you made a little noise when you come down though. I have been known to swim without anything on."

Fiona turned and grinned at Pete. She looked him up and down and said, "I've been known to do that also but that was years ago before I figured out all you men are just waiting to pounce on us poor defenseless naked women. I may just sneak up on you though. I might enjoy the view." She laughed and said, "Catch ya later Pete."

Two days later Fiona was back. This time she was raking the hay into windrows in preparation for baling it. After she completed that hot dusty job she once again drove down beside the small stream and stripped to a bathing suit. Pete had completed the short wall in the back of his cave by then and was working on the front wall. He had been watching her off and on as she worked. After he used the mortar he had prepared he put his tools in a water bath and walked to the stream where Fiona was floating.

Pete took off his shoes and waded out into the stream carrying a pool noodle. When he was in the deepest part he floated on the noodle and said, "Afternoon Fiona. Mind if I join you for a while?"

Fiona smiled and said, "Not at all. How's it going Pete?"

The two young people visited for several minutes then Pete decided he needed to return to work. He invited Fiona up for another beer before she left. Those two days seemed to set a precedent. For the rest of the week after Fiona finished her days work in the field she would meet Pete at the swimming hole and they would talk. After she finished her swim she went to Pete's and had a beer or two with him and looked at the work he had accomplished while she had been gone.

Pete's little 'home' took shape rapidly. He had a two level floor inside the cave room. He even managed to pipe in water from the old well and set up a bathroom inside. He had a hell of a time breaking out enough rock to get the water lines and drain lines deep enough they would not freeze but he was proud of his accomplishments. When he was done the room under the natural rock was 24 by 15 feet. His bed was in the far rear of the small room. He built a small kitchen area on one side of the front and a sitting area on the other. His bath room was behind the kitchen area. Pete was happy. He had placed a small wood stove in the room for winter heat. He was good to go. The best thing was he only spent about $3700.00 on the building materials for his small room.

After the hay was up Pete did not see Fiona as often as he had when she was working across the stream from him. She still came to the swimming hole at least twice a week throughout the hot part of the year though. To his surprise Pete found himself looking forward to seeing her. He was disappointed when she did not show up. Finally on a Wednesday when they were floating in the stream drinking a beer Pete asked her out.

Fiona looked at Pete in shock when he asked her for the date. She said, "You're kidding right?"

Pete's feelings were a little hurt when she said that. He said, "No I wasn't. I was serious but if you don't want to go fine. I just thought we could go out and have some fun. I'm sorry I suggested it."

Fiona saw the hurt in Pete's face and said, "Hey Pete. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just surprised is all. You've never given me any indication you thought I was anything except a beer drinking buddy. Besides, I'm a shot up soldier. I can't dance and have trouble walking. My scars are hideous. I've not had a date since I was wounded and you just surprised me ok? If I didn't piss you off totally, yes. I would like to go out with you ok?"

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Desire can take many forms, of course, and this story is about the desire of a daughter for her mother, and she takes full advantage of a rash promise from her mum to get herself a very special birthday treat. Don't read it if this subject may offend/upset you, or if you are too young to be reading these stories where you are. Copyright stays with the author. Contact by email to [email protected] Careless Promise — By NiteWriter I'd been looking forward to this day for so long. 18...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 73 The Promise

It was, indeed, Maximilian Morrel, who had passed a wretched existence since the previous day. With the instinct peculiar to lovers he had anticipated after the return of Madame de Saint-Meran and the death of the marquis, that something would occur at M. de Villefort's in connection with his attachment for Valentine. His presentiments were realized, as we shall see, and his uneasy forebodings had goaded him pale and trembling to the gate under the chestnut-trees. Valentine was ignorant of...

3 years ago
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The Promise

The Promise ? by: Jennifer Richardson. Chapter One - Lost Souls Are you going?" Amanda asked me as we stood in the canteen queue. She nodded at the notice board behind me. "Oh, no, I don't think I'll bother. There was a colourful poster advertising a company fancy dress party at the weekend. "Why not? You never go to any of the socials," she pointed out. "No more than you do! When was the last time you went to one?" I countered. "Maybe we should make the effort then,...

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Promises Promises

PROMISES PROMISES A STORY BY JOHNATHAN It was a cold, grey, February, Sunday afternoon.Lesley, my wife pulled slowly into the car park and stopped the car a short walk from the ice-cream kiosk. The ice-cream kiosk was always open on Sundays, no matter what the weather or the time of year, it would be in this sea-front car park, available for ice-creams, ice lollies and other confectionary. Inside I could see the ice-cream vendor, a young female of around 18 years of...

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I Kept My Promise

This is the final installment in my ‘Promise’ stories. If you have not already read ‘I Made a Promise’ and ‘Keeping My Promise’ I suggest you do so before reading this one. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did in writing it. ***** I was in the kitchen cleaning up after supper one evening when my seven year old daughter, Alison, came in carrying the last of the dishes from the dining room table and asked me a question. ‘How come daddy hasn’t been home for like forever to have supper...

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Nancys Promise

Promise Kept. By Trish. I arrived home exhausted five days after my grandmothers transgendered friend Nancy told me that she had passed away. I was upset, angry and confused by the revelation that she knew she was dying and refused to let anyone tell me, if I had known I would have been on the first flight home weeks ago. Nancy had been really apologetic when I angrily asked from Peru why I was not told my grandmother was seriously ill and in hospital? "Because she said so,"...

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Friend kept his promise

Hello dear iss readers, iam rahul from hyderabad working in a private computer institue. Iam 23years old good looking, and very sexoholic. I love reading experiances of people in this website and now felt like sharing my true experience which happened 2years ago with my friends wife in front of my friend. In 2001 i had a friend by name bhasker we were class mates and were quite close to each other and most of the time we use to talk about sex, imagining having sex with our class girls, teachers...

2 years ago
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The Promise

The Promise On a recent trip down South I promised my wife, Jay, I would call in on her best friend and say hello. Jill and Jay had always been close and often kept in contact by phone. Apart from the usual friendly banter, teasing and odd joking around between Jill and I when we lived in the same area, nothing ever happened between us. Although, on occasion I got the feeling that my wife, Jay seemed to be encouraging her. That is until the day I called in to say hello and pass on a message...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Josie Power of a promise

Josie: Power of a promise. A sweet coming of age tale of a teenage boy coming to terms with his identity and the struggle to become what he knows she should be. "Are you sure this is what you want?" Asked my aunt August before going out of the car. "Last chance kid, after this, there's no turning back" "I have never been surer of anything in my whole life" I replied. Today I looked fab, I was wearing a pleated denim miniskirt with rhinestones that draw a little flower in it,...

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Childhood Friend Kept Her Promise

A very big hello to all the iss readers,specially all the married women & young girls, i have been following this site for couple of years now. Its obvious n true that every person has secret inner burning desires, some people let it out and satisfy their desires some dont due to society fear. Life is very short and in this short life we dont get everything, so whenever we get a change to fulfill our desires we should never leave the opportunity. Introducing myself first since this is my first...

2 years ago
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Promises Promises

Promises, Promises By Marc Lane Marc and Kara had become close friends. Late one evening about six months ago, Marc and Kara struck up a conversation in the laundry room at their apartment complex, while each was up late catching up on their laundry. Both were part- time students at the local college and both worked part-time. Marc, 19, was in his first year of college and worked part-time as a clerk at a drug store while Kara, 21, was finishing her third year and was working...

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A Lovers Promise

Part OneMichael and Sara were college sweethearts. After they graduated, Michael went on to Yale law school. Sara accepted Michael's proposal of marriage and, while they couldn't marry right away, they set up home in New Haven and Sara began to teach elementary education just outside the city. They planned to marry as soon as Michael graduated from law school. Sara had it all planned in her mind. They'd buy a small house, raise a family, and live happily ever after.It worked out just as Sara...

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I Made a Promise

I had originally intended this to be a two part story, But I got so caught up in it that it begged to be told in one part. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. ***** Lieutenant Mitchell called our squad together early one morning in late November. Mitchell was a newly minted second lieutenant assigned to our squad replacing a seasoned veteran. Just great. Well, he wouldn’t be the first one I would have to break-in. Intel had provided us with information that three...

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The Promise

I looked around the room taking in the chair sitting on the floor in the middle of the room and the eight smiling faces looking back at me. Promise or no promise I had absolutely no business being there. I was a married woman with three kids and not some young, hard-bodied stripper and when the call came I initially said no. And then Gary had pissed me off and I was in a spiteful mood and so there I was. The night had its beginnings a little over eight years earlier. At the time I was in my...

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Compromised I was caught coming out of a room at a cheap motel on my lunch hour. Oh fuck! It was my husband’s best friend Jeff and he was coming out the room next to mine. We both stood there staring silently at one another. A moment later my companion emerged to find me standing there. I was supposed to be gone by the time he came out. Then he noticed my husband’s friend standing there too. At that very moment his companion emerged from her room to find us all standing...

3 years ago
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SistersChapter 16 Promises Promises

A week dragged by - seven days without Linda. For Nikki it was hell. It was like the most dreadful torture anyone could inflict on one's worst enemy. All her family were deeply worried about her - Nikki knew that - but their love and concern weren't enough to make the pain go away. Nikki thought she would go crazy. She couldn't sleep, she couldn't eat... She just wanted to die... She wanted to be left alone in her room where she could cry freely and think about Linda and why the world was...

4 years ago
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Keeping Her Promise

I wrote this story for the love of my life, long before I ever saw her face or touched her hand. The emotions are real, still are to this day. She was a dream when I wrote it, and I am happy to say she makes the dream come true every day. This one is yours Christie, always and forever. _________________________________________________ Nicole couldn’t remember when someone had touched her so deeply. Her life always seemed to be satisfying and fulfilling, but something in his words always got...

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The Pixies Promise

As always, I welcome any and all comments, I try to answer all email so feel free to tell me what you think. As long as you're polite, of course -- flames will be ignored. Disclaimers seem silly, but necessary I suppose. This work is intended for adults only. This is a work of *fiction* and if you can't deal with that then get a life. The work is copyright 1997 to me, Janice Dreamer. Permission is granted to post, repost, and otherwise distribute electronically, but please don't try...

3 years ago
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He Fulfilled His Promise

Age: 21. Height: 5.7. Very fair. Statistics: 36′ 26′ 33′. Hi. This is my first story to ISS. Frankly, most of the stories I read seem fake due to the exaggeration of the enjoyment in them. Real sex is not quick strokes and simultaneous ejaculation, at least not always. It’s building up that moment together, which happens mostly from the effort of the man. The experience I am going to share is not as a virgin, but I feel this experience was the most enjoyable so far. It was with a internet...

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A Broken Promise

This true story has its beginnings in the kitchen of an old farmhouse. The year - 1942. A twelve-year-old inquisitive boy is busy questioning his Grandmother. "Grandma, who is this person coming to visit," I asked, "Do we know him?" "No, Josh, he's in the Army near here completing his training. He's married to my sister's girl, Pauline. It's too far for him to go home, so we invited him to come visit us whenever he has time off from his training with the Army." "He's supposed to...

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Peters Promise

Peter sat in shock as he listened to his fiancée finish her statement. His anger surged through his body. Pete was driving to the show for their regular date when he asked Polly if she wanted to take a week and go camping with him after her college classes ended next month. Polly said, ‘Pete you know I am leaving the day after classes are over. Shelly, Emma and I already have almost all our things packed ready to leave. You know we are taking the whole summer for a trip out west.’ ‘Polly if...

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Fulfilling a Promise

The summer was finally over and it was time to head home. Working at the camp had been a lot of fun. You got to know many new people, with one in particular. Your summer love. It happens to many people, at least that's what you've heard. A childish crush that lasts for only a few weeks, and a little into the fall after you go home. Unfortunately they live half way across the country. The chances of seeing them again are very small, at least until the next summer. Just before you leave each...

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Aprils Fool Keeps His Promise

The laughter stayed for much longer than I thought it would considering I hadn’t joined in. I thought to myself, “Are these fuckers really this damn brainless, especially my wife?” As I turned to walk away, I finally heard their laughs wain a bit. By the time I picked up my suitcases and reached the door, all forms of celebration had ceased. As the door hit me in the ass I heard my wife yell, “Oh come on Clive, it was just a joke.” Only steps away from my car there was desperation in her...

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Barbara M Kept her Promise

Introduction: Barbara had promised to return a favor but couldnt finish the job. Shes here today to follow up on her commitment My faithful and regular client and neighbor had been coming to me for quite some time now and her early shyness has disappeared as if it never existed. She has become too bored with just a regular massage and ever since she realized that there were more than just regular massages available, she preferred the more. For the first few years, my now favorite neighbor,...

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Pulling back, breathless and flushed, from the kiss, Laura couldn’t quite believe what had just happened. ‘What’s the matter?’ Paul’s voice was concerned, but tinged with a sardonic amusement. ‘I can’t do this – I can’t believe you want to… it’s just, I don’t know – this is just the last thing I expected.’ ‘I don’t know why, I thought we’d connected. I thought you wanted this. I wouldn’t have kissed you if you hadn’t wanted me to.’ Blushing with silly pleasure she turned away, smiling. ‘I...

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Barbara M Kept her Promise

As time went on, Barbara began talking about her lack of sex and boring Puritanical sex at that. Jim did not satisfy her fantasies or even allow her to attempt any kind of sexual dominance. Jim didn‘t even want to hear talk about fantasies. There was no oral or female dominance in her sex world; God forbid even the mention of anything anal or other perverted fantasies. When Jim was ready for sex, which wasn’t too often lately, Jim was strictly straight missionary man as it had been all though...

2 years ago
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Her Promise

Your own tender, slim hand clasps the wrinkled hand of your beloved grandmother as she lies on her bed next to your grandfather. The two look at you and smile warmly. "You know we're so proud of the woman you've grown up to be" croaks out your grandfather in his raspy voice that you've become so accustomed to. "I'm sorry your parents couldn't have seen how beautiful their daughter was" your grandmother says with a tear in her eye. You nod and smile at them, knowing what they mean. Your...

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Keeping A Promise

Shortly after I moved into the neighborhood, I began to notice this beautiful young man coming and going out of my next door neighbor's home. This young man is tall and lean, I watched his body with sweat glistening in the sunlight as he would mow his parents' lawn on the weekends. I began making an effort to sunbathe nude, knowing he was going to be home. I am thirty-five and I have been divorced for three years. I live alone and work nights as an erotic dancer. I am five foot six, my...

Group Sex
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The Promise

Hello everyone, I think it would be best if I introduce myself first. My name is Rose; I am eighteen years old and this is my first story. (Be warned, there is a bit of background, but my story will eventually get to the ‘good stuff’) I would like to share with you the day I lost my virginity. I want you to feel like you were there with us. I want to feel your eyes on my body as you read my story. Ron was his name; he and I were juniors in high school. We had been dating for six months and we...

First Time
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My friend Davids Mumpt 2 delivering her promise

"I promise I will make you feel as good as you made me feel before its time for you to go back Uni...Do we have a deal?" "OK," I said sadly. "Just you wait." ...Well I waited, not very patiently but I didn't want to push or appear desperate. I was desperate though. David’s mother consumed all my thoughts all the time. I visited David’s house a few times in the following couple of weeks to hang out, sometimes she was there and sometime not but she made no reference to our encounter when I...

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PromiseChapter 27 Promise

MY TRANSFER ORDERS came through in late December. A summer departure date. Home leave, then Sweden. I’d need cold weather gear. I read somewhere, can’t remember where exactly, that what sustains us are friends who love us and who show us their love, who share our pain when we are in pain. By that measure Sofía and Javier and I were friends, no matter how recently we’d met. It’s true our friendship was a temporary one, it had always been certain I would leave some day, but we’d made the most...

1 year ago
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Katie Keeps Her Promise

She moaned from deep down in her belly. 'Wait, NO! Not yet. I'm not ready yet.' She whimpered the last through clenched teeth as the cock stretched her ass far beyond anything she had ever had there before. 'NO, don't move! It hurts. ' 'I am not moving.' said the stranger whose cock was now buried to the hilt in this redheaded bbw's rather plump, wide-spread ass. She was starting to sweat. A glistening sheen of perspiration covered her entire body as she strained to take the full ten inches of...

Erotic Fiction
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After a really good night of sex the last thing I remember before I went to sleep was that my cock was hard from thinking about my wife and what we did all last night. Now it's morning and my cock is still hard. I wonder if it has it been that way all night?My wife is lying next to me, her naked body pressed to mine as we lay there with the early morning sunshine coming through the window. I listen to her breathing, feeling her warm breath in the back of my neck, very aware of her warm body...

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Promises Promises

The emails between Cheryl and me had dropped to a bare minimum in the last couple of weeks. We had established a pattern. When she could, Cheryl would appear in our apartment around ten in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The only emails we exchanged came when there was some reason when she was unable to keep our arrangement. The ping I heard announced something in my inbox. I started to feel dejected. Cheryl couldn’t join me this particular Monday. “Family obligations,” the...

Straight Sex
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Our Compromise

OUR COMPROMISE Sleazy Blonde, 2021 ACT 1 "Are the living room and dining room vacuumed?" I asked tiredly. "Yes, Mistress," my little maid merrily answered. "Did you get under the table this time?" I asked boringly. "Yes, Mistress," my little maid gleefully answered. "Dusted the top of the cabinet?" I asked mind-numbingly. "Yes, Mistress," my little maid joyfully answered. "Fine. Bring me a glass of... Bring me... I don't know. Just bring me something to drink. I'll be...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 27 Keeping Promises

By the end of September, we had settled into what had become our academic routine. As much as we tried to avoid it, there were already occasions when we started calling ourselves 'an old married couple' since we meshed so well. We were actually a little surprised by this, since we had never spent a lot of time under the same roof, and occupying the same space. Our closeness as best friends and sexual partners was still not a preparation for actually living together, sharing chores together,...

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Promises Promises

"And breakfast!" he replied, holding up a fast food bag. He looked at her as she reached out for the drink and bag. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and not one bit of makeup, but all he could think was, "Beautiful!" Her eyes didn't hide her happiness at seeing him. Those eyes! Like no color he'd ever seen before. Her smile lit up the room as much as his soul as he looked at her. Full, sensuous lips, the corners turned up in a perpetual half-smile, half-smirk. As she turned to...

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The Breaker Of Promises

I made a promise to my sister, Laura, many years ago: every time you come from school, you'll always have someone to talk about your day with.From hand paintings to that math teacher she despised; I loved hearing about it and she loved telling me. She was always open with me which is why I never pushed her to tell me about the boys she saw, if any. I really wanted to ask. For her safety? Sure. But mostly for my insecurity towards her.A couple months ago, I broke that promise when I started...

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Kelly Girl 8 Pygmalion Promises

Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. Lainie, Vickie, Rebel and Bashful, thanks for the encouragement. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 8 - "Pygmalion Promises" By Wanda Cunningham Down the hall from...

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Peter and Chloe

Peter and Chloeby IntrospectiveWandererPeter Jacobson was sitting at the dining table, slowly scooping cereal into his mouth. High school ended the week previous and now he was faced with an uncertain future. He knew that he was destined for college; he just wasn't sure in what. He had an interest in architecture as well as engineering. But then he also had a knack for business. He had been worked as an intern at a local investment firm as part of one of his classes. He impressed the owner...

3 years ago
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A Secret and a Promise

yesterday i saw a rose, and thought of you, and how, so many years ago we explored the woods together, you and i… fashioned dolls out of clay and strung flowers in your hair, roses on my lips, and dreamed of growing wings someday to fly away as one… we were never to part, you and i, such were promises we made Jaehla A vague, unfocused, but delightful excitement filled Karen as she and her best friend ever Lisa burst from the house and raced each other down the deck’s stairs onto the...

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New Year New Promise

It was strange getting closer to home after their week in Florida. Mac's folks had given them a week vacation, sun and fun, relaxation for Christmas. His parents had completely fallen in love with Jet and their time with them had felt completely relaxed and natural. They'd spent two full weeks in Chicago before driving back to West Virginia then on to Florida. They were tanned now, well on their way to getting back to normal, or at least healthy enough to pretend. Jet's cast was due to come...

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Peter and Dash A Turn Part III

Peter and Dash: A Turn Part III By Wolverine Three Marines slowly worked their way toward the door. The door was dark and gloomy and the growth on it was years old, but behind the door lay the salvation for what they had called their universe. The first Marine planted the explosive on the door and ran back to join the others behind the rocks nearby. The explosive flashed and as the smoke cleared the Marines felt the universe's salvation resting upon their shoulders. They would be...

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Peter Susie Ch 2

Susie looked over Peter’s shoulder, her legs still round his waist his cock still buried inside her. Her grip on him tightened as she saw Harry descending into the pool. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, it looked just like some of the ones she’d seen on the porn sites, it was bigger than Peter’s, not much longer but definitely thicker, the shaft curving upwards to a bulbous head that looked almost the size of her tiny fist. The thing that startled her more however was that Harry was completely...

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Peter North Encounter

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a getaway from everything. Our lives had become too hectic with work and our c***d. We decided that we were going to go to Montreal, Quebec. Not the typical place that we would pick but something told us to go there. As we were packing, she wanted to know if we could make this trip all about sex. As usually we do some sightseeing wherever we are and only have sex maybe once while we are on vacation, as having a little one around makes intimate time...

3 years ago
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Please read, but I can't bring myself to say enjoy. Peter By Samantha Jay (c) February 2002 Part 1: In the beginning. "Samaritans, I'm Sam. How can I help you?" "You can't, nobody can," a voice said. "I'm willing to try, if you'll let me. What can I call you?" "Peter," the voice replied. "Hello, Peter, I'm Sam," I said. "I'm going to kill myself," Peter said. I pressed a button, which lit a lamp on the supervisor's desk. "Why do you want to kill yourself?"...

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Peter and Dash A Turn Part I

This story includes references to characters from other stories I've written that are posted on Fictionmania. You really don't need to know the names to follow the plot, but it helps broaden the experience. Peter and Dash: A Turn By Wolverine Mesmerize and Peter walked calmly down the busy city street. It was the middle of the summer, but Peter still wore a jacket, something that had become a uniform for him ever since he returned from the other universes. And ever since Laura had...

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Peter and Susie Ch1

“Come on Susie we talked about this, you agreed it would be fun.”“Yes well talking and doing are two different things, l’m nervous, l’ve never done anything like this before.”“You agreed we should spice things up a bit, we don’t want to get bored with each other.”“So you are bored with me then,” she said accusingly, “what are you saying, that you fancy someone else, that tart that works in the office perhaps, she looks like an easy lay with her false boobs and short skirts.”“Don’t be silly...

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Peter and Dash A Turn Part II

Peter and Dash: A Turn, Part II By Wolverine Peter awoke with a start, his nightmares were becoming more and more realistic. He always heard a woman cry out in pain and then a feeling of remorse, but now it was becoming like an opera, a tragedy. Peter reached over and felt for his wife, Laura. Her hand patted him with reassurance and he fell back on his pillow. Laura flipped over and reached her small arm across his chest, her brown hair building up around his face. He brushed...

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Peter and Dash Homecoming

Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the characters from the Tucker stories here. Then we can get on to much better and more interesting stories. Peter and Dash: Homecoming By Wolverine Almost a year before this story begins, a young man named Tucker came under the possession of a strange entity. The entity corrupted Tucker's soul, his sister's (Whitney), and his mother's (Sherry). Murder, lust, prostitution, and the loss of souls were only a few of the sins they committed. A young...

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