So klein ist die Welt
- 2 years ago
- 39
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Willkommen in Peters Welt. Peter ist ein Typ wie du und ich, nur mit einem Schwanz, der ständig sein Recht fordert. Und so versucht Peter, alles flachzulegen was ihm vors Rohr kommt und einigermaßen fickbar erscheint. Aber nicht daß er jetzt jemand wäre, der jede bespringt. Peter hat schon ein paar Prinzipien und Lebensregeln an die er sich hält, vor allem im Umgang mit Frauen:
Alles ab 16 gehört gefickt. (Jungfrauen sind vor ihm nicht sicher ;))
Ficken, die zu wenig Kleidung tragen, dürfen sich nicht beschweren wenn sie unfrei-
willig gefickt werden.
für Schnallen, die mit dicken Möpsen oder sonstigen Körperteilen zum Ficken ani-
mieren, gilt Punkt 2.
eine gute Schlampe ist 2 Minuten nach dem männlichen Höhepunkt zur Haustür raus.Bei solchen Maximen ist es natürlich klar daß Peter nicht immer um Erlaubnis fragt, bevor er sein Rohr irgendwo reinsteckt. Seine Frauenbekanntschaften verlaufen meistens nach dem Motto "anhauen, umhauen, reinhauen, abhauen" ,wobei er den ersten Punkt schon mal gerne überspringt. Zum Glück gerät er dabei immer an besonders dumme Fickstücke, die nicht mal wissen, daß sie ihn dafür anzeigen könnten. Der Glückspilz hat einfach ein Auge für solche Tussen.
Ausserdem versteht es sich von selbst, daß er nicht sonderlich viel davon hält, seine Ladung zurückzuhalten. Peter spritzt ab, wenn ihm danach ist. Ob er gerade die Möse der 36jährigen Nachbarin knallt oder seinen Schwanz in den Hals eines jungen Dinges drückt ist dann auch egal.
Neben seiner Jagd nach dem nächsten Fick verdient Peter sein Geld als Vertreter für Lebensversicherungen, wobei sich in diesem Fall Job und Hobby manchmal verbinden lassen...
An die Leser/Schreiber:
Ich denke zumindest die männlichen Leser unter euch können Peters Einstelung wenigstens teilweise nachvollziehen und ihn absurde Abenteuer mit viel Geficke und sonstigem erleben lassen. Für die weiblichen Leserinnen, sorry, nur Spaß.
“I’m late.” I yelled. I grabbed my travel mug. I kissed my wife and headed out the door. It was an hour’s drive to work depending on the traffic. I hate being late it’s a good thing I’m the boss. I parked in my spot and took the elevator up to the third floor. My office was at the other end of the floor and I said good morning to staff as I passed. I was just about to enter my rooms when my personnel officer stopped me. “You’ve got a new secretary this morning. She’s been vetted and just needs...
Die Welt in der wir leben ist ähnlich der deinen aber doch anders. In unsere Welt wurde nur im 21 Jahundert die Nanorobotik verfeinert. Auch wahren im vergangenen Jahundert die Frauen sehr viel agressiver was das verlangen nach ihren Rechten angeht. Daher wurde durch ein Privatesunternehmen in jedem Land das "Your Woman" Gesetz zur Pflicht. Das Gesetz bestand aus zwei Teilen bestand einmal aus einer Injektion von Nanobots in die Frauen während des 10 Lebensjahres und einer App. Man verlinkte...
FantasyI first met Peter twenty eight years ago. He picked me up in a pub where pretty young boys went to be picked up by men who had a preference for them.He got into nervous conversation with me and bought me a drink. I was dressed more like a girl than a boy and being the swinging sixties I was wearing make up. He couldn't resist stroking me bum as we talked and we moved to a secluded booth. Peter was most concerned that I had a fully functioning cock and that I could cum. I suggested he had a feel...
Ich drehte das Licht aus und verschloss die Tür des Klassenzimmers. Gähnend kratzte ich mich am Hintern.Wieder ein anstrengender Tag vorbei am Eberhard-Staubfang .. Äh, Straubing-Gymnasium in G.. Ich war rechtschaffen Müde nach einem ausgefüllten Arbeitstag. Erst war die Sprechanlage ausgefallen, dann gab's Schwierigkeiten mit den Jungenwaschräumen weil ein paar der jugentlichen Penner einen Eimer mit irgendwelchem Klebstoff in den Ausguss einiger Waschbecken geschüttet hatten was die ganze...
Mein Traum entschwindet langsam meiner Sicht und die Realität findet ihren alten Platz in meinen Gedanken. Ich spüre auch wieder meine Beine, meine Arme und den Rest meines Körpers. Die Wärme der Decke und das angenehme Kissen lassen mich noch ein wenig weiter schlummern. Ich seufze wohlig auf, als ich eine wundervoll angenehme Wärme neben mir fühle. Sie scheint sich an mich heranzukuscheln. Genießend nehme ich wahr, wie sich etwas Langes um meine Beine legt. Wieder seufze ich leise auf, als...
Dumm gelaufen .Ich hatte mal wieder voll den Blödsinn gemacht . Mich so dumm angestellt . Jetzt saß ich hier in einem kleinen Büro und gleichzeitig tief in der Scheiße . So ein blöder Kaufhausdetektiv hatte mich erwischt . Mich , verdammt . Ich war früher mal toll gewesen im Klauen . Jetzt nicht mehr , ganz klar . Wahrscheinlich war ich aus der Übung . Hatte es ja nicht mehr nötig . Fuck .Oh Mann , wie konnte ich so dumm sein . Ich zerdrückte fast meine Tasche die ich auf dem Schoß hatte ,...
well my story is this, i am bi slave rob peters sissy slut faggot cocksucker full bottom for use online or real time in Calif. about two years ago this guy who was a master made me suck his cock in my Calif home. he held my head down then fucked my mouth like a pussy until he came way down my throat. now i seek guys to blow and service in Calif real time. but seeking either a online master or mistress to use me. will give you my info here.that guy made me into the bi slave faggot cocksucker i...
------ Trumpeters Applause by Mushrambo ------ January 12th, 2016 The election had ended exactly as everyone expected it to, hoped that it would, in their heart of hearts. There had been no ticker tape parade for the man who had lost, no more cheering crowds. A couple conspiracy theorists had taken to the interwebs, blasting out vitriol that their man had won, that the opposition had cheated somehow, but they were for the most part ignored. The Lady President-elect smirked. ...
Jochen drückte den Kopf der 18-jährigen Zoe noch einmal fest gegen seinen Schwanz und kam dann im Mund der geilen Blondine. Nachdem sich die beiden voneinander verabschiedet hatten, stieg Zoe aus dem Auto aus und ging Richtung Schulgebäude. Jochen fuhr zur Arbeit. „Sie sind zu spät!“ Frau Meinert schaute Zoe mit strengem Blick an. „Tut mit Leid.“ antwortete die Schülerin locker. „Aber ich hab meinem Vater eben im Auto noch einen geblasen.“ Zoe wischte sich etwas Sperma aus dem Mindwinkel und...
Weltuntergang! Der Gedanke fühlte sich immer noch an wie ein böser Traum. Doch es war passiert. Und wie! Keiner der wenigen überlebenden konnte genau sagen wie es passiert war. Es ging alles so schnell. So vieles geschah auf einmal. In den letzten Tagen der größten Zivilisation welche jemals unter dem irdischen Himmel gediehen war, waren die Nachrichten voll von Unheilszeichen. Viele taten dies als Panikmacherei ab, doch es geschah nichts dest so trotz. War es einer der Ölkrisen gewesen welche...
Einleitung Da wir uns hier in einer Comic-Welt befinden, darf es ruhig mit der entsprechenden übertriebenen Comic-Physik zugehen, sowohl was den Sex als auch eventuelle Action-Sequenzen angeht. Ich tendiere dazu, auch die physischen Proportionen der auftretenden Charaktere entsprechend klischeehaft und übertrieben zu betrachten. Darüber hinaus bevorzuge ich eine dunkle, pessimistische Comic-Welt ohne strahlende oder gar quietsch-bunte Figuren und ohne die klassischen Stereotypen von gut und...
Menschen führen Kriege seit sie sich erinnern können. Doch kein Krieg ist mit dem zweiten Weltkrieg in einem Atemzug zu nennen. Ein Krieg der die ganze Welt erschütterte. Vom eisigen Norden Europas bis hin zu den staubigen Steppen Afrikas. Von den unverbrannten weiten Amerikas bis hin nach Asien und Australien. Welche Geschichte, welches Schicksal soll hier erzählt werden?
23:25; 20.09.3469 HUA-Standartzeit Logbuch Mark Sreker: "Mein letztes Projekt war sehr erfolgreich. Du hast 30 Tonnen hochreines ML4. Die Frachtcontainer zu stehlen ging leichter als ich dachte. In drei Tagen bin ich auf der Omni-Station beim Käufer." Dein Schiff ist ein kleiner Frachter vom Typ 3. Nicht besonders wendig und schlecht bewaffnet, aber es ist immerhin schnell. Vieleicht wirst du auf Omni ein paar neue Waffen einbaun lassen. Jetzt startest du erst mal den Autopiloten. Logbuch Mark...
Tales of a Hustler---Requiem for a WelterweightSunday morning had finally arrived. It was time. I sat at the coffee table sipping on coffee, and thumbing through the hundreds of pics from the last four years. Tommy, Kyle, Rick, Hunter, and now Joey, and the twins—Cole and Cody, and of course me and lil bro, Dustin. Lots of fine young meat, I added one day over 6.5 ft of dick ! With an average daily spillage of over 24 oz of the finest young jock jizz money could buy. But more so—some fine young...
2222 (4) Arbeitswelt W?hrend Frauen aufgrund ihrer Ausbildung jede Art von Erwerbst?tigkeit offen steht gibt es f?r M?nner nur die M?glichkeit einfache und untergeordnete T?tigkeiten auszu?ben. Welche T?tigkeit sie aus?ben und wo sie es tun wird von ihren Herrinnen bestimmt. Die Jungm?nner verlassen mit Vollendung des 12. Lebensjahres die Schule und werden, so es ihre Besitzerin f?r richtig h?lt, in den folgenden zwei Jahren in speziellen Ausbildungsst?tten auf ihre Arbeitsstelle vorbereitet. Dies...
Peter and Chloeby IntrospectiveWandererPeter Jacobson was sitting at the dining table, slowly scooping cereal into his mouth. High school ended the week previous and now he was faced with an uncertain future. He knew that he was destined for college; he just wasn't sure in what. He had an interest in architecture as well as engineering. But then he also had a knack for business. He had been worked as an intern at a local investment firm as part of one of his classes. He impressed the owner...
Peter and Dash: A Turn Part III By Wolverine Three Marines slowly worked their way toward the door. The door was dark and gloomy and the growth on it was years old, but behind the door lay the salvation for what they had called their universe. The first Marine planted the explosive on the door and ran back to join the others behind the rocks nearby. The explosive flashed and as the smoke cleared the Marines felt the universe's salvation resting upon their shoulders. They would be...
Susie looked over Peter’s shoulder, her legs still round his waist his cock still buried inside her. Her grip on him tightened as she saw Harry descending into the pool. Her eyes were fixed on his cock, it looked just like some of the ones she’d seen on the porn sites, it was bigger than Peter’s, not much longer but definitely thicker, the shaft curving upwards to a bulbous head that looked almost the size of her tiny fist. The thing that startled her more however was that Harry was completely...
My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a getaway from everything. Our lives had become too hectic with work and our c***d. We decided that we were going to go to Montreal, Quebec. Not the typical place that we would pick but something told us to go there. As we were packing, she wanted to know if we could make this trip all about sex. As usually we do some sightseeing wherever we are and only have sex maybe once while we are on vacation, as having a little one around makes intimate time...
Please read, but I can't bring myself to say enjoy. Peter By Samantha Jay (c) February 2002 Part 1: In the beginning. "Samaritans, I'm Sam. How can I help you?" "You can't, nobody can," a voice said. "I'm willing to try, if you'll let me. What can I call you?" "Peter," the voice replied. "Hello, Peter, I'm Sam," I said. "I'm going to kill myself," Peter said. I pressed a button, which lit a lamp on the supervisor's desk. "Why do you want to kill yourself?"...
This story includes references to characters from other stories I've written that are posted on Fictionmania. You really don't need to know the names to follow the plot, but it helps broaden the experience. Peter and Dash: A Turn By Wolverine Mesmerize and Peter walked calmly down the busy city street. It was the middle of the summer, but Peter still wore a jacket, something that had become a uniform for him ever since he returned from the other universes. And ever since Laura had...
“Come on Susie we talked about this, you agreed it would be fun.”“Yes well talking and doing are two different things, l’m nervous, l’ve never done anything like this before.”“You agreed we should spice things up a bit, we don’t want to get bored with each other.”“So you are bored with me then,” she said accusingly, “what are you saying, that you fancy someone else, that tart that works in the office perhaps, she looks like an easy lay with her false boobs and short skirts.”“Don’t be silly...
Peter and Dash: A Turn, Part II By Wolverine Peter awoke with a start, his nightmares were becoming more and more realistic. He always heard a woman cry out in pain and then a feeling of remorse, but now it was becoming like an opera, a tragedy. Peter reached over and felt for his wife, Laura. Her hand patted him with reassurance and he fell back on his pillow. Laura flipped over and reached her small arm across his chest, her brown hair building up around his face. He brushed...
Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the characters from the Tucker stories here. Then we can get on to much better and more interesting stories. Peter and Dash: Homecoming By Wolverine Almost a year before this story begins, a young man named Tucker came under the possession of a strange entity. The entity corrupted Tucker's soul, his sister's (Whitney), and his mother's (Sherry). Murder, lust, prostitution, and the loss of souls were only a few of the sins they committed. A young...
“Peter and Paul” Peter knew this would be his very last chance to go the Model Plane Exhibition at Earls Court. Georgina would never go after the last time; his brother was his only way out. There was no way she would let him go on his own anyway. The house was quiet, Peter took the opportunity of ringing his twin brother, If Georgina found out too soon all would be lost, including his relationship with her. “I...
Peter and Dash: The Agency Part One By Wolverine Michael rushed through the moonlit forest. Every footstep he took gave the tell-tale crack or snap of a twig. The limbs were low for the 6'3" man. He had to duck to miss the branches, making his steps louder and heavier. Michael was tired, but he couldn't stop now. Even dying from exhaustion was better than the fate behind him. Pain roared through his sides. He had to stop. Michael looked around for a hiding spot. He saw very little...
Peter and Dash: The Agency Part II By Wolverine The fight was a blur to Dash. Bunny had lunged out of the forest at Peter before he could even sense her. These agents were good. Luckily, Peter had been able to utter Dash's name in the scuffle, throwing Bunny back and allowing Dash to emerge. Bunny lunged at Dash as he gained control which prompted him to roll out of the way. She missed and Dash took the opportunity to take her out with a sword slash. Surprisingly, before his sword...
A snapshot into the fucking of my wife by Peter (more to come)I was naked by the side of the bed slowly playing with my cock. My wife was on the bed with Peter between her legs. Her cute feet were resting on Peter's shoulders with her toenails painted a light pastel blue. She was nicely tanned from a recent trip to the beach and that contrasted perfectly against her painted toes. Her heels sat upon his bulging traps, her arches curved over his wide shoulders with her toes resting on his...
Every day after work, Peter got on the same train and sat in the same seat Every day after work, Peter got on the same train and sat in the same seat. It was a boring journey home, taking him out of the city, through the suburbs, and eventually out to the small village he had lived in for the last ten years. But he always looked forward to the train home, because every night, without fail, in the seat opposite him sat the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He?d first noticed her a few...
Peter came to the house. It was our annual holiday party with about 20-30 friends and neighbors. Always a good time with lots of drinks, lots of laughs, and usually a memorable moment or two throughout the night that would give us something to talk about until the next December party came around. Usually nothing bad or torrid but always something "on the edge" of decorum. Peter brought a friend, Paul and they both mixed in with the rest of the party perfectly. It was quite an evening. The wine,...
Peter?s Family Fuck by dale10Well, Peter was finally fucked by his father and mother last night. I was invited to attend and help out with the boy's first parental fucking. As I was fucking him in the afternoon, I explained to him that this was a really big night for him. He is sixteen now, no longer a child, and it was time he was introduced to his dad's huge cuntstuffer and ass buster. Peter was freaked out. For the first time he put together the facts and realized that his seduction,...
See part 1 for the beginningPeters's cock was raging hard. The veins were now bulging as if a tournequet was tied to its base. It's as if it knew that pussy was near. Peter was now between her legs, he lowered himself down on her. Their mouths met, he kissed her deeply. She looked as though she was trying to swallow him, that's how deep she was trying to kiss him. She moaned into his mouth, her arms wrapped around his thick muscular body. Her legs spread wide enticining him to enter...
It’s very hard when you’re introverted and shy. It feels like speaking can be hard because you’re afraid of rejection. That’s how it was for Peter Smith. Peter was depressed that he didn’t have a girlfriend. It’s hard to do things when you’re depressed. It was even harder when he went through puberty to discuss things with his parents. He would breakdown and become anxious.Lucky for him there was the internet. He googled his questions and his problems were answered. He learned about sex...
First TimePeter was new on campus; he’d been forced to go to school outside of the big city because of scholarships he’d won as an athlete. He’d grown up in urban America, and this was his first experience living in a rural area. It was hard enough being a gay jock in the city; he wasn’t sure how it’d go over here, so he kept a low profile. Pre-season soccer practices were double sessions, taking up four to five hours of his day, but it kept his mind off of his problems, so he went through every session...
GayPeter could not believe his eyes as he traveled throughout the suicide sector slums the next day. Everywhere he turned, there was a female superhero he knew dressed like a 2$ whore or an old girlfriend on a street corner looking like a slut who was just begging for cock. He had been careful not to be seen by them but knew that by the time Starfire made her rounds, the whole female population of the slums would know he was there and what huge cockmeat he was packing. Seeing the actual...
It was nearly midnight and Molly was bored out of her mind. Her friend Peter was here and he insisted that she took the bed. It was extremely hot out but that didn't seem to bother Peter. They chatted about school and parents for awhile until Peter changed the conversation to relation ships..."So who's the lucky guy that gets to spend lunch with you?" asked Peter mockingly."Peter shut up.. you know I don't have a boyfriend.. and what about you and Sarah?" Tutted Molly with a hint of jealousy....
Warning: This and subsequent chapters deal with many explicit passages with topics you may find objectionable. Theses topics may or may not include: straight sex, extramarital relations, cuckoldry, interracial sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, FemDom, male domination, voyeurism, masturbation, etc. If these, or other similar topics offend you, it might be best to find another story more to your liking. *Paul knocked the ashes from the end of the pipe and put everything away. Then the two of us...
Peter's happy world is turned up side down, when first his mother finds out that his father is having affairs and is thrown out of the house, and then when his elder sister is killed in a road accident. Peter's mother then turns to Peter for comfort and looks to him to fill his dead sister's place. Peter & Pamela By Nina Henderson. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the...
It was Friday night and I was in a bar mainly frequented by over-thirties. I was on my second drink and sitting by myself in a booth facing the dance floor. All of the booths in this section face the dance floor and have U-shaped, high-back bench seats with just enough room for two people on each side and one at the "bottom" of the U. I was wearing a short black skirt, a crisp, white button-up blouse, white silk panties and a black push-up bra. The top two buttons of my blouse were open showing...
Group SexI have been in love with Peter ever since I was a little girl, he is a good friend of my parents and even though he is much older than me I always planned on marrying him when I came of age. I grew up in a small town and had no experience with boys so I was completely naive about sex. On my 18th birthday the time had come, my mommy was dressing me and giving me instructions about the wedding when she stopped, sat me down and said that she had something important to tell me and that I must...
Prue fell on a wooden bench, tears running down her cheeks. The bench stood on a knoll looking out over the dark sea, but she didn’t see it – neither the water, nor the clouds that chased the stars. Her trembling hand went through her bag until it found her ringing cellphone. “Pruts?” The tinny voice sounded urgent. “God, Jules, it was awful!” “I thought you’d meet him about now?” ““It’s already over, Jules. I ran! It was horrible!” “You mean you didn’t talk?” “He attacked me!” “He...
How had it gotten to be like this. How had Peter Parker, the handsome yet shy Nerd/Geek from Queens managed to nab, at the age of 20 no less, a beautiful and powerful woman 8 years older than him, who kicked the ass of Evil all over the world. Truth be told, the meetings the two had had before Natasha finally saw what she was looking for in Peter had been far from normal in terms of what society expected. ############################## He was taking pictures of the park. J.J.may have...
Chapter 1: Starfire. Peter walked home slowly, the streets of New York so familiar to him thof he could walk home blindfolded. He had decided to take a break from the hero gig for a little while, having worked out a deal with the X men who were visiting to patrol for him. He really needed to rest once in awhile and going head to head with someone like electro or Rhino wouldn't help He turned round the block thinking to be home when all he saw was an unfamiliar street. This wasn't...
Peter was my friend first and we're still great friends... I thought it would be good to establish the chronology of events before we get too far into the story. Peter was a golf buddy and we met through another friend about six months back. With the weather getting colder and golf season winding down, we started hanging out for drinks more than golfing. A lot of the time recently it was just Peter and me at the nineteenth hole on Saturday afternoons watching sports and having long chats...
When Monday came, Prue went back to work. When it all started going to pieces, she’d first tried to drown herself in work for a few days. Work would distract her, she’d hoped, and she needed distraction. But it hadn’t. That first Monday, weeks ago, her boss Victor Kuric, Vic, had talked to her and it had been about her coordinating the next project. It was a promotion and a huge compliment. But somehow all the glamour had left the prospect, and he’d noticed. Grinning in his sweet...
Introduction: I hope you like it I was out with my friends for a sort of girls night. Slightly tipsy I was made to walk home. I protested considering I was in stilettos and a dress that ended right under my ass. Purse in hand and red dress riding up I stumbled down the sidewalk. I thought I heard a noise but I was one block away and I could see my apartment building. Just then a flashlight appeared casting my shadow out in front of me. I stopped and stared down. Excuse me maam? I spun around...
Peter becomes a cuckoldSandra..Hi my name is Sandra, I new Peter at school but I was to shy to ask him out. As I left school he asked me out & we have been together since.We had been together for about a year, we waited till we were both 16 before we had sex. This was in the late 60 s, we went dancing at the local club which meant catching the bus, a 10 minute ride. I wore a short skirt with stockings & suspenders, I also had on french knicker which Peter like because he could easily...
There are times that you know, right from the start, that something's going on, and it ain't quite kosher! Like I did that night when I awoke at some unearthly hour and instantly became aware that standing beside the foot of my bed was an apparition ... To-whit, one patently beautiful and very naked female! In fact I could only just make out her form; but I could see enough to recognise that she was completely naked, and that her figure went in and out in all the right...
In 1994 I took some money from a loan shark, at the time they stated how I had 2 weeks to pay it back or there would be problems and of course I didn’t want that. There was 1 week left to pay and I had only 30% of the money I owed I was starting to panic as I didn’t want any trouble, for the next few days I was doing all I could to get the money back and with 1 day left the loan shark called and asked if I had the moneyi said “ I’ve got 90% please take this and give me some more time for the...
I have watched Peter North videos since he came onto the scene. He has one of the greatest looking cocks of all time and boy does he cum. One day my girlfriend and I were eating lunch in West Hollywood when Peter walked in. I could not believe it; here was my all time porn hero right in front of me. I decided at that moment I would ask him if he would like to fuck my girlfriend. It took guts and his reaction more than startled me. "Where is she" he asked. When I pointed her out he quickly...
This is a story about a man, a man named Peter R. Cooper. Peter is a 26 year old financial consultant. He works in a large multi-storeyed building in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. Peter has luscious wavy brown hair, a long smooth nose, two eyes, firm buttocks, two large bollocks, and a rigid 14 inch monster dick. Peter is a fan of erotic movies, baseball, pirates, homeless people, and the mighty Red Army. One day, whilst Peter was fulfilling his daily torture of working, he noticed a very...
EroticWarning: This and subsequent chapters deal with many explicit passages with topics you may find objectionable. Theses topics may or may not include: straight sex, extramarital relations, cuckoldry, interracial sex, bisexuality, homosexuality, FemDom, male domination, voyeurism, masturbation, etc. If these, or other similar topics offend you, it might be best to find another story more to your liking. Chapter 6I looked over at Paul and he was still slowly working his cock. He had amazing...
We were three drinks into the evening by the time we ordered food. So we were feeling pretty good. Despite Peter being in his upper 50s and about 10 years older than me, he could definitely hold his liquor. As a result, the conversation was flowing freely as I brought up his penchant for bedding married women. "It's great because they never want anything long term. That would definitely get in the way. Oh, a bunch come back for seconds and thirds... And hell, even fourths sometimes... but it's...
Another exciting Sunday night. "Goodnight honey" she said as she pecked him on the cheek. As soon as Susan left the room, Peter closed the spreadsheet he had been pretending to work on when she'd walked in. The web site he'd been looking at appeared and with the collection of amateur photos he'd been looking at. He was particularly fond of one girl in particular and he never tired of browsing through her seductive photos. God knows it was the only way he was going to get off tonight....
“What would you think about fuckin a black woman honey?” It was my first visit to a whorehouse. I was eighteen on my first weekend pass after basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Along with my two best buddies I took the bus from Fort Knox to Louisville. We went to a bar with a sign in the window that said, “G.I.s welcome.” After we had a couple 3.2% beers Tommy, the oldest at 19, asked the bartender if he knew where any whorehouses were. “They’re all over town son,” he said. “Just jump in a...
It’s very hard when you’re introverted and shy. It feels like speaking can be hard because you’re afraid of rejection. That’s how it was for Peter Smith. Peter was depressed that he didn’t have a girlfriend. It’s hard to do things when you’re depressed. It was even harder when he went through puberty to discuss things with his parents. He would breakdown and become anxious. Lucky for him there was the internet. He googled his questions and his problems were answered. He learned about sex and...
Panda is as pretty, petite, sexy, submissive as tasty and tight, this red-hot real redhead teenPanda is as stubborn as well, so she solicits of Professor Peter Poet procedures for enslavingPanda is still a virgin and almost inexperienced yet with men, mutual arousal or sexy excitementPanda is still playing the innocent girl, knowing well that her lovely looks are a turn-on to menPanda is offered a choice for her initiation: soft sweet and seductive or be brutally bangedPanda is obnoxious as she...
A couple weeks after that, Alex came back for the new school year. "Alex?" Yvette had been a bit timid all day so I knew she had something on her mind. "Yeah?" "Would you do something for me?" "Sure." He hadn't even paused chewing but I knew I wasn't gonna like whatever came next. "Would you talk to a therapist for me?" He actually looked up at that and I put my fork down. "Yvette -" I started but he talked over me. "Cool. When?" Yvette looked at me but if Alex was...