I'm A What? free porn video

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Copyright© Rod O'Steele © 2005, 2006

Daddy. That's right. I'm a Daddy.

I couldn't imagine such a turn of events just days before, but it happened. I'm not a real daddy. Christ, I'm single, always have been single, always will be single. I even had a vasectomy because I knew I'd be the worst father imaginable. Well, that and I didn't want some sweet thing to trap me into marriage. Okay, I'm not always a trusting sort. So sue me.

My brother, George, always wanted to be a daddy, even when we were teens. He joined the Marines to get out of Kansas. He went off to fight, like Dad before him. He was in Kuwait for the war. He'd been there three years before as a liaison to the Kuwaiti army, such as it was. He met a Kuwaiti woman, Faizah, and fell in love. She was a bright girl and decided this American was her ticket to freedom... not the lazy intellectual concept most Americans mean by freedom, but real true freedom. As a woman in an Islamic country, she was a... I was going to say second class but that's generous. The camels were treated better; she was more like a fourth class citizen. She was bright and wanted to use her mind. She married George and became an American with all rights, obligations, and privileges. Unlike Americans, who take their freedom for granted, she appreciated it. She could quote Jefferson better than anyone I knew.

I never understood why she chose George. I mean, Bro was an all right guy. Hell, I loved him like a brother. He went to school in the evenings while a Jar Head and got his Bachelors. But he wasn't bright like Faizah. She was brilliant. She had a college degree, very unusual for a woman in Kuwait, and taught in a girl's school in Kuwait. Once here, she went straight into a PhD in Government and started teaching. She was always stirring things up in the liberal circles of the university by taking the unpopular stances, like pointing out the hypocrisy of the supposed academic freedom, except when it went against the liberal orthodoxy. When one graduate student was denied an assistant teaching position because he was doing his thesis on the continuing influence of Jacksonian democracy, she leapt into the fray on his behalf. It seems that dead white men were out of fashion. When the smoke cleared, she left the battlefield littered with the liberal orthodoxy and its supporters; the fellow had his position and his thesis had been accepted.

Faizah had been kicked out of her family for marrying a Christian. If they only knew we were pagan, they probably would have declared a holy war. Mom had been Episcopal, almost Catholic, and Dad had been raised a Bible thumping, no swearing, drinking, dancing Baptist and he hated it. So they raised George and me without a church. But it got Faizah kicked out of her family anyway which I suspect pleased her, except that she had to leave behind her mother and sister. She never sounded like she had much love for her dad but I never did know the whole story.

Faizah became Felicia, that's how I knew her. I even think they enjoyed being married, though that was a strange concept to me. They also had a daughter, Anne. Anne was a beautiful and exotic looking girl, half Arabic and half, whatever George was. I'd see them once a year or so. I'd go visit or we'd all be at home for Christmas doing our Family thing. I watched Anne grow up. I have to admit, if there was ever anything that could have broken through my defenses on marriage, it was Anne. She was vibrant and bright, sharp as a tack, and always cheerful. She almost made me want to have kids, almost. Then, she changed. She grew up. The last time I'd seen her, she was fifteen and looked older. I had to kick myself several times as she was really affecting me with her beauty, innocence, and smarts. George caught me one time looking at her. Lucky for me he only laughed and said quietly so no one else could hear, "Don't make me kill you, brother."

I turned to him shocked. "What?" I asked in feigned innocence.

"Don't worry, every man does that around her. I'm thinking of shipping her off to a convent, except Felicia won't let me. Too much like it was for her in Kuwait."

"Jesus, Bro. Who the fuck did Felicia sleep with? I know somebody that beautiful can't be related to you," I said.

George laughed, "Don't be an envious bastard 'cuz I got something you'll never have."

I looked at Felicia and Anne before turning back to George, saying quietly, "Yeah, I know."

George put his arm around my shoulder. "Don't get too serious, you shithead. You could deserve it, you sorry bastard, if you'd quit thinking with your dick and start thinking with your head."

I had to laugh. "Shut up, Jar Head."

"Leave the Corps outta this or I'll have to teach you some respect," he said

"Listen, little brother. I have always been able to kick your ass and you better remember it," obviously bluffing. That had been true when we were kids, but now, no way. George was six foot of sculpted muscle. I had been an attorney for fifteen years, sitting on my ass making money. While that's good for the bank book it's not good for the waist line. George grabbed me and put me in a headlock until I pleaded mercy.

That was the last time I saw George and Felicia. Four months later, they were coming home from a faculty party when a drunk, doing eighty-five, crossed the line and hit them head on. Even the airbags couldn't help. It was like hitting a brick wall doing one hundred sixty miles an hour... too much mass at too high an inertia stopped way too quickly.

I flew back to handle the arrangements. Lord, isn't that a nice word, arrangements, for such a brutal awful thing. After the funeral, I took Anne back to their house. What the hell was I going to do with her? I knew I was constitutionally unfit for parenthood. I sure as hell couldn't send her to live with my dad; he had been going downhill since mom had passed on. And I knew Felicia would hound me from the grave if I sent Anne to live in Kuwait.

"Uncle Mike," I heard Anne say, pulling me from my reverie.

I looked up to see tears streaming down her face. "What is it, sweetie?"

"What am I going to do? I don't have anybody..." she broke into deep heaving sobs, sobs that wracked her entire body.

I sprang up from the sofa and wrapped her in my arms. I didn't really make a decision; it just came out. "Anne, sweetie, as long as I'm alive you'll always have somebody." She clutched at me like a drowning person would a life preserver. And I suppose that wasn't all that wrong a metaphor. I held her and rocked her as she cried herself out.

"Do you mean that, Uncle Mike?" she asked between sniffles, the tears drying.

"Of course." I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Anne grabbed me and held herself tight against me.

That's how I became a daddy.

Anne never did call me Daddy. It was Uncle Mike, gradually becoming just Mike, dropping the Uncle as a useless adjunct to my name. I couldn't argue. We settled into a domestic routine. She attended a girl's school and I went off to work. In the evenings she made dinner, I have always been an awful cook, and we'd sit and watch something on TV or we'd play games and talk. Anne got her brains from her mom. She was in the honors program and still got straight A's without much effort. She showed me one of her reading assignments once. I had trouble reading the damn article, something to do with Emerson and transcendental poetry. It made law school look easy. So, our discussions over dinner or a game were usually mind stretching, for me at least and I'd like to think for Anne as well.

Anne had been with me for a year when she truly shocked me during one of our evening discussions. We'd been playing Gin. She generally kicked my butt since she could recall every card played, in order. She put down her cards and looked up at me. "Mike?" she asked.

"That sounds like a troubled tone of voice," I said.

"It is. I'm worried that you don't like having me here," she said.

"What in the hell gave you that idea?" I asked really astonished.

"What have you been doing about sex for the past year?" Anne asked.

Shocked, I blinked a few times and finally managed to close my mouth. "Anne!"

"Don't Anne me. You asked and I told you. I'm worried that you don't like having me here because it interferes with your sex life," she said quite calmly.

"What in the world would make you think that?" I asked. Let me say up front it was true. It had put a serious damper on my sex life to have Anne in the house. But I certainly hadn't held it against her, or wished she wasn't with me.

"I heard mom and dad talking about your sex life. From what they said, I know you must have been having sex all of the time. I don't think you've had it once since I came to live with you," she said.

She was close, certainly. She didn't know about what happened on an overnight I had to do on a case. I met a woman in the hotel bar who was also traveling on business. We sat in the bar, talked, and flirted. A gentleman, I escorted her back to her room, into which she invited me, just for a moment. Standing by the window, we turned heads towards each other and kissed. That's when she started ripping my clothes off. I was lucky to escape in the morning with my life, and a big smile. But that was it for the year.

"Anne. I don't know what they said about my sex life, but it wasn't all that spectacular."

"From what mom said, it must have been hundreds of women," she said. "She said you probably kept a scorecard to keep them separate."

"Greatly exaggerated, I can assure you. Your folks were talking in hyperbole to make a point. It is true that I had a sex life, but hundreds is way overboard. Anne, your folks had such a special marriage, they always thought I should have one too. I think they blamed the women a little for me not settling down," I said.

Hundreds was an exaggeration. Damn, but Felicia knew me. I did keep a journal. It was password protected, zipped, and encrypted with a different password to protect the guilty, since a few of the names were married to friends and colleagues. Oh yes, and that one time with the senior partner's daughter, but she was turning eighteen in a month. I was always glad she never told Daddy about me taking her up to her room during that cocktail party. My journal also contained all of the details of the various trysts. I'd been keeping it since college. It started as my little black book, as a way to keep track so I wouldn't inadvertently say something to the wrong guy or girl. But as it grew, it became a monument to past accomplishments and I hated to let it go. Okay, I was, am, a horn dog. I admit to it.

The number was actually eighty-six. I realize that puts me way out on the bell curve. I just read a recent CDC study on American's sexual habits. The average man has had eight sex partners. I'm at ten times the average. What is funny is that women in the study have only had four partners. Now, if you can do simple math, like me, you realize that if women have had four, men eight, something doesn't work. It has to be, one woman, one man to make the math work. Until you take into account that, another study that found women, even anonymously, cut in half their sexual activity on sex studies. They lie even if no one will know it was them. Then the numbers add up. Women have had eight sexual partners just like men; they simply lie about it.

Anne pulled me back from my reverie. "That still means you were having sex and aren't now because of me," she said. "That isn't healthy."

I had been in a couple of arguments with Anne. She had great command of reasoned argumentation. Her former school district had tested her IQ and she had tested way high. I never knew the number, but afterwards, she was treated almost as a celebrity. She had trapped me more than once into a position I couldn't escape. It made me wary. I felt like I was walking on quicksand, waiting for it to swallow me. "Hold it. We aren't going to discuss my sex life," I said hoping that would stop it cold.

"Okay," she said picking up her cards. "Then don't ask what's bothering me."

Of course I couldn't let the topic go like that. If she was truly concerned, I wanted to know, and damn her, she knew it. She was way too much like her mother. I'm man enough to know when I've just been beaten to a pulp, and by a teenage girl. "You win."

"Mike, I wasn't trying to win. I really am concerned. It isn't natural for a guy to just give up sex," she said.

"Men get married all of the time." She gave me the look along with an eye roll. "Anne, please. I haven't really missed it." She just looked at me. I said, "Okay, maybe a little. Life is a series of tradeoffs. Do I want this or that? Now or later? This is a tradeoff I am making."

"That's just the point. You don't need to. I am a big girl. I can stay home by myself. Why don't you date?" she asked.

"Why don't you?" I asked.

"No interest in boys I know. Too shallow. Nothing to talk about," she said.

"Anne, you just described most of the single women I know. That's why I'm not dating right now. I have more fun coming home and having dinner with you and playing gin, than I'd have taking some ditzy blonde to a movie, even if it involved sex," I said.

"Really? You aren't just saying that?"

"No, I mean it." And I did. Funny, but saying it out loud like that made me realize that it was true. I'd just never noticed it before. I was having fun. I wouldn't mind a roll in the hay, I suppose, but it wasn't worth the chasing. That was a real revelation for me. I was becoming domesticated, a fate worse than death for me just a year before.

"I just want you to know that you could date. If you wanted to bring a woman home I could stay in my room. I wouldn't peek, too much," she said with a devilish little smile. "I just don't want you feeling like I'm keeping you from dating."

"Anne, I'd rather be with you."

She gave me an unreadable look. "So you don't want to date any of the women you know?" she asked.

"I don't. And I just want you to know, you can't date until you are twenty-one," I smiled.

"You sound just like dad," she said wistfully. Then she gave me a sharp look, "Probably trying to keep me for yourself."

I laughed. "That's right. Deal the cards, my little prisoner."

Anne smiled and started dealing. I could see the calculation in her eyes and knew she was planning to beat my butt. I was used to it.

That conversation was the wellspring of our new relationship. Anne started asking me questions about sex and boys, women and men, and my own past indiscretions. While she was brilliant she had no real experience. She was smart enough to know it and tried to fill her own gaps of knowledge with my experiences. I tried to answer her clearly and truthfully, neither encouraging nor discouraging her interests... except about my own past. I let that stay buried. Anne opened up to me as well, talking about her dreams and desires. She even asked once about masturbation, basically asking about technique. I had to tell her I didn't know female techniques, male being substantially different.

Another change happened about the same time. Anne was a typical teenage girl; very body conscious. She always made sure the bathroom door was closed and locked, and the same to her bedroom when she changed. She normally would wear a robe over her nightie if she was running around outside her room. She accorded me the same treatment, always announcing herself before she'd come into my bedroom.

So I was surprised one morning when I was changing, having just dropped my pajamas to the floor when Anne came through my door. "Oh. Excuse me," she said, making no effort to leave or look away. I didn't want to make it a big deal, since I firmly believe that many of the problems with American society is our prudish behavior about skin and bodies. It is just skin. So I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me while asking, "What is it, sweetie?"

"Can you give me a ride this morning? I have a project and I don't want to carry it on the bus."

"Sure. I'm going to take a shower and I'll be ready," I told her.

"Thanks," she said leaving.

It was at this time that she started being much less body conscious, coming out at night in very revealing outfits to kiss me goodnight. It's funny how much sexier a woman can be in a sheer peignoir than she looks naked. The tease makes your mind wonder, 'What is she hiding?' I found myself having to work at controlling my thoughts and other more physical reactions. It wasn't always comfortable.

The moment at which a relationship between a man and a woman changes from non-sexual to sexual is a moment fraught with potential, but also fraught with uncertainty. Since that moment is always the woman's choice, the man often doesn't know that it has happened. Monica Piper summarized the entire dynamic when she said, "A man on a date wonders if he'll get lucky. The woman already knows."

It was a Saturday morning. I rose and headed to the bath intending to take a shower. Anne, being a teenager, always slept in on the weekend. I knew I'd have the bath to myself and could enjoy a luxurious long hot shower and there would be plenty of time for the water heater to refill before she dragged herself out of bed.

I rounded the corner and stepped into the bath only to see Anne, leaning against the counter, her hands in her long thick black hair, and a towel wrapped around her waist. She smiled at me. "Good morning, lazy head. About time you got up."

The irony of her statement was lost on me as I stared at her. She was beautiful. Anne simply smiled and waited as I stared at her tits. "Excuse me," I mumbled. I turned and fled the bath. I hurried into my room, trying to get the image, which was now indelibly burned into my mind, out. I kept seeing her, so beautiful, her tits proudly standing up from her chest, a smile, a knowing smile on her lips. Where did this woman come from? Yesterday, she had been a girl.

I looked into my heart, why was I so shaken up by seeing Anne naked? I remembered that day when I had first noticed Anne as a woman and my brother had threatened me. Here I was, trying to be a father figure to a woman I was excited by, maybe even in love with, certainly in lust with. The L word... Love - Lust. Which? Both? Worse, she was my niece. The old taboos raised their heads.

I was standing in front of my closet trying to regain my composure, when from behind I heard, "Mike. You okay?"

I turned. Anne was standing there, a look of concern on her face and that was it. Once again, I was confronted with this vision of loveliness, this time completely naked and seemingly unconcerned. I noticed that she trimmed her pubic region for I could see her labia pooched between her legs. I tore my eyes away and looked up at her face, still reflecting her concern.

"Are you okay?" she asked again as she wrapped the towel around herself.

"I'm fine." I said trying to buy time to get the image of her out of my mind.

"You don't look fine. You look like you've seen a ghost."

"No, really. I'm fine," I said. I wasn't fine. I wasn't in the least fine and I knew it. But my mind was an inchoate mess. Defensively, it tried to shut off more stimulation until it could get a grip on the thoughts, emotions, and feelings flowing, bouncing around.

"Is it me?" Anne asked, the concern evident in her voice. "Do I look ugly?"

"My God, no. Anne, you are stunning. I can't believe how beautiful you are," I said without thinking.

She smiled; the concerned look was gone as if it had never been there at all. It wasn't until much later, when I had time to rationally review what had happened that I began to suspect the concern hadn't really been there at all. But in my haste to allay her concern, I had opened the door to something else. She pressed her advantage in my befuddlement. "Really? You really think I'm beautiful? You're not just saying that, are you?"

Her question focused my attention back on her body, now barely covered, but still burning in my mind's eye. My eyes once again drank in her stunning beauty. It almost hurt, she was so perfect. If she had been a model in a magazine they wouldn't have needed to airbrush any part of her. There was not a blemish or an imperfection that I could discern. The towel only made her beauty more desirable by teasing, the swell of her breasts under the towel, a peek at her thigh, the towel barely covering her pussy. "Anne, you might be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Her eyes widened before narrowing their focus on me. "I think you mean that." She stepped forward, as stunned, I couldn't move, and put her arms around my neck pulling my head down and pressing her body to mine, covered only by a towel. "That deserves a reward," she said. Her breasts pressed into my chest as our lips touched, then pressed harder. Her lips parted, drawing mine with them as her tongue gently pressed forward, drawing mine into a dance of affection and then passion.

My brain short circuited as conflicting messages sped down the neural tunnels of my mind, piling one atop the other until nothing seemed to be under my control; pull away, draw close, stop, continue, sex, no sex. On its own, the body knew what to do, respond as it was conditioned to respond to such stimuli. Send blood. My cock rose up and pressed against Anne. She pressed back, rubbing against my cock, making it harder still. Her rubbing had loosened the towel which tried to fall but was held up only by the pressure of Anne against me. She relaxed only enough to let it fall, then pressed forward again, my cock now between her legs. As she hunched forward my shaft slid along her labia and she moaned her pleasure into my mouth.

It was then that my brain finally managed to correct the problems and I came to my senses. I tore myself away from Anne, appalled by what I had done, backing into the wall. She had a surprised look on her face. "Oh Anne. I'm so sorry."

Her surprise turned to a smile. "I'm not. I just wish you weren't sorry. I wish you loved me as I love you."

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I sat down on the bed, and they each took a side of me.I took a cock in each hand. "Which one of you would like to let your wood feel my pussy walls first?" I pondered, turning my head multiple times. "I'm only your mom, so don't be shy."Neither of them immediately spoke, but according to their faces, they loved the idea. I couldn't even decide which one to take a ride with first, but as I put the question out there, I waited for one of them to step up to the plate."You really want to have...

1 year ago
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Leather Book 1Chapter 5

An hour later the front doorbell rang. Sarah awoke with a start. She shivered. The sticky goo that had pooled under her butt and in her crack was cool against her skin. "Maybe its Kip?" she hoped. It rang a second time, waking up her rapist, lying next to her in a dry part of the bed. "What? Oh, that must be my cousin," he said. He jumped out of bed and pulled out more nylon stockings from her drawer and returned to stand next to the bed. "Open your mouth bitch." "Why? What... ,"...

3 years ago
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Training My Husband Stag

Jack and I had been married about 12 years before we decided to spice up our sex life. Like most married couples, our first year, was sex almost every day. As time passed, our sex life slowed down and became a bit routine. At the 12-year mark we had reached the point of sex about every two weeks. It consisted of me mostly laying flat on my back, him on top, three to five minutes pumping and we were done. Jack was not happy and neither was I. We loved each other very much but we needed more in...

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Possession Is NinetenthsChapter 14

The parking lot is empty and the doors are locked by the time Rebecca gets back to the supermarket. Thankfully Fred gave her a key to let herself in when she arrived. She casts a glance around her before unlocking the door and stepping through. Just as quickly, she shuts it and locks it back up. She doesn’t have a reason to fear anyone following or watching—no one knows of her affair, not even her husband. But worry she does. She turns around to face the totally empty store. There are a few...

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Sow and ReapChapter 38 Let Go of the Old Embrace the New

I was still in Gifu when Noah called me. He had left the day after the opening, while Mokuba and I had remained. It was pre-dawn when the sound woke Pharaoh and I, and the only light in the room was the glow from the ringing cell phone. Noah's voice was thick as if he'd been crying. "Seto. It's ... Mother..." He gasped. "They found her at the family crypt. She ... she's..." I knew immediately what he was trying to say. I had a sudden, uncomfortable feeling of dread. It reminded me of...

4 years ago
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Alices Mom

All through high school, mom warned me not to let a boy get too far with me. I heard that constantly before every date. I was about to graduate and go to college, and she always told me the same thing. I would have to sit and listen to my friends talk about having oral with their boyfriends. My story back to them was all fantasy. Maybe some of theirs were too, but who knows for sure.About a month ago, a black family moved next door to us. They had two children. Both were teenagers, and Charles...

2 years ago
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Somebodys Slut Wife

Well I was in my mid teens when this story took place. My mom worked at a large high end hotel as the Customer Satisfaction Director which meant she oversaw the room service department and maid service. I would help her out when she was short handed which seemed to happen a lot. This Saturday night I was helping with the room service. People would call in and place an order and we would get it ready and deliver to the room and get a pretty hefty tip. It was easy and fun for me and a lot of the...

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Wrong Side of Town

1 George sat in his truck at the convenience store while finishing the last bites of his lunch, chili cheese hotdog, chips, and a soda. He wasn’t a vain man, it was just out of habit he looked in the rear view mirror and ran a hand through his thinning brown hair. The brown eyes behind his thick glasses looked back at him while he neatened himself a little. He adjusted the mirror and got out to throw the trash away while thinking that it was time to go back to work. A lady’s scream and the...

2 years ago
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Cyn Turns ProPart 2

Cyn left the Manager's office/storage room feeling both loved and abused. She went back into the women's restroom to collect the forty dollars she had managed to hide in the trash can. It wasn't there. Cyn wept as she dug through the wet and soiled paper towels looking for the one that had her money folded up in it. Giving up her search, Cyn collapsed onto the floor and held her head in her hands while she cried. She knew, without being told, that the counter girls had taken the money....

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Swept Away0

Caution, the material contained in this story is of an adult nature and contains explicit descriptions of a sexual nature. If you are not at least eighteen years old, LEAVE NOW! By LouisHoney and nitemaiden Pam was a rich and beautiful lady of leisure with a condo in New York, a flat in the valley in California, and a hacienda in the Dominican Republic. Her life of luxury was exciting and thrilling and ...boring her to death. She couldn't remember when she had been laid last and her...

4 years ago
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The Ride A Saga of Motorcycle Love Chapter 1

It was another perfect day for a ride. Ashley and I had gotten up extra early to clean and polish our new Harley. This was to be the first time out for the new bike. We were meeting our best friends, Bill and his wife Roni, whom we usually rode with. They were a great couple: young, very friendly, and both had that sexy air about them. Not only were they our best friends, but my wife Ashley and Roni were sisters.Ashley found Bill to be a smolderingly sexual man: tall, rock-solid, tough, tight,...

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Tristons Piston Chapter ONE

moon was full and beautiful, making it harder to allow Heather to even think of the mindless things bugging her all day. It was deep in her mind a feeling of wanting to commit suicide, the thought of her parents divorce the very thing that led her to this night. The night she would never forget...... Heather stepped out into the pasture, toward the center of the field where she would be at the most peace. It was suppose to rain but never did. She sat down on a old...

1 year ago
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Sex adventure of Nirvana

Hello readers, I am Nirvana, 36 year old divorcee living with my 10 year old son in Pune. I got married at 22 to a real handsome and charming person Vidhur. He was 26 working in marketing for an MNC. Ours was an arranged marriage. I was an outgoing girl. To impress me all it took was good look, good manners, sweet talk and a stylish sports bike and he had it all. How typically immature girl I was, I now realize. Our first 3 years of marriage were simply amazing. It was almost like a Karan Johar...

2 years ago
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Lukes Lesson

Disclaimer: This story is only available on Lushstories. (C) iszofia 2010 – 2012  Part 2 of “Liss” After our shower together, Liss and I spent most of the night discussing how to teach Luke his little lesson. I was wearing a white tank and a lavender lace bum hugging panties. Liss had borrowed a light blue tank top from me and had a pair of her own lacy yellow hipster panties on. I had flung it at her telling her that she had left it behind at our last sleep over. “Oh, I had been looking for...

3 years ago
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Dragon ClansChapter 2

"I waited too long," Ian said to no one in particular. Pacing around the room Ian was very aware that his inaction had caused Michael undo pain. The sun had set hours ago, and the fatigue showed as Ian pulled up the video one more time before turning in. It showed the pain and suffering of a man bereft of hope. How many of us could hope to begin to understand the pain of this kind of loss? How many of us could come through with our sanity and humanity intact? Ian closed down his...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 243

Courtney and Matt stood beside the big bed in their honeymoon suite. He had quickly divested himself of his outer clothing to rid his body of the aggravation of the rice that had found its way past his collar. Now down to his shorts, he helped his wife undress. As soon as he had the zipper down, she slipped the spaghetti straps off her shoulders and let the white chiffon slide down her body. Stepping out of the wedding dress, she walked over to hang it in the closet just so. "Don't want to...

3 years ago
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Part 2 An usual Glory Hole Experience

As he placed his erected, 4-5'' cock through the large glory hole, I told him it was my 1st time and I didn't even know that these holes existed. Nervously, he coached me along, asking me to caress his cock and balls with my hands. Trembling, I agreed, and made the first contact with a penis other than my own. I think him knowing it was my first time made him even more eager to get a piece of me, but he was calm, not pushy, and after a few strokes of his cock, he pulled it back through the hole...

2 years ago
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Showering with younger sister

But, not surprisingly, in the last few years we've grown distant. I've basically put up with her and she's tolerated me. I've thought she's b*tchy and she thinks I'm a geek. Nonetheless, over Christmas Break we rekindled our long lost friendship. We laughed, we joked, we talked A LOT: about the future and going to college and we shared our thoughts with each other about a lot of stuff. We reminisced and had a really great week, just the two of us. However, things went so well that...

4 years ago
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Centre of Attention

A fantasy inspired by a beautiful friend.I knew when Shirl had entered the bar; the buzz of conversation had almost disappeared to silence. I looked at the entrance as she was making her way down the half dozen stairs to the main floor.She was dressed in a skin-tight little black dress that only somebody with a near perfect figure could get away with, Shirley had that figure. I watched her sashay over towards me. Her dress just covered her buttocks and little more, her long legs were clad in...

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My early experiences as a genderqueer

Thought I'd share an early experience of being queer with my gender with you all.I think it all started with a school play when I was about 18 and I was cast as an usherette in a cinema. It was a comedy and the teacher through that would be be funny for a boy to play the role. I had a few doubts as my friends all found it very funny, but to really was glad to have a part in the play and the idea of playing a female secretly appealed to me as I had quite a habit of dressing up in my sister's...

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Your name is Juliette, currently 22 years old. You're very inexperienced with everything considered sex and most your friends would definitely describe you as an naive girl who somehow always finds herself getting into various misadventures. Ever since you lost your virginity an urge for sex has been brewing inside of you. The problem has recently become very overbearing as the once prevelant bedroom-magic has now been gone for weeks or maybe it's just because your boyfriend is incapable of...

2 years ago
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25 August 2007Chapter 3

“Now that was completely unexpected,” Dan commented as they enjoyed their evening walk. “I am being rather naughty for the way we’re celebrating our honeymoon. I can’t help being sexy for you, my love.” “I can’t imagine what’ll happen to us next,” he anticipated. “Then you should walk me to Club Rouge so we can enjoy some more sexy fun.” Dan’s eyes took in the beauty of his love, and so did almost every eye, along the way. At the entrance to Club Rouge, Dan mentioned he had reserved the...

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Man That Was Some Rabbit HoleChapter 9

After breakfast, the usual parade formed, this time headed for Silver's home. I scratched on the door and a man came to the door. We went through the usual formalities, and I exchanged the four horses I had with me for Silver as my bride. She dropped into line behind Amber and we marched back to our new, much enlarged, home. As before with Amber, I swept Silver off her feet in a big hug and planted a kiss upon her lips. Once she got over her surprise, Silver returned the kiss, and my other...

1 year ago
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My Step Niece

My parents are divorced and my when my dad remarried he married a woman who had three k**s all about ten years older than I am....My step sister is like something from the sixties--kind of free spirit and in a lot of ways still doesnt know which end is up. She has long brown hair and a nice set of tits on her. Its a story for later but she and I started fucking several years ago. Even after she got married to some guy we would occasionally feel each other up in private and maybe have a...

2 years ago
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December holidays part 10 my ex girlfriend Cassi

Laying in bed Monday evening home alone I texted with my girlfriend Jessica chatting to her as well as messaging my ex girlfriend Cassi confirming that she would still be sleeping over tomorrow night. Cassi replied back most definitely baby I'm looking forward to seeing you and spending the night together.I was too excited to fuck her sexy body again and soon while laying in bed a fell asleep.Waking up the next morning just before 8 I got up and made myself breakfast and while eating I message...

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Wife Stories Lisa

IntroductionThis hot tub feels amazing. The warm water, bubbling, gurgling all around my naked body. I close my eyes, lean my head back, hearing the sounds of my three beautiful daughters loving on a black man. They are sitting across from me, Angela, Alice, Jules, along with TJ.I hope my eyes, watching them run their hands over his huge black muscles, kiss at his face, shoulders, chest, and take turns sucking and stroking the monster cock poking out of the bubbling water. I moan, thinking...

4 years ago
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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 5 Good Girl Flogged

I trembled as I rode beside Daddy in his truck. I squirmed, wearing only my terry cloth bathrobe, the pink cloth caressing my naked body beneath. I bit my lip, my stomach nervous. Today was the big day. Today I would prove to Daddy I was his good girl. His submissive sex slave. A week ago, he showed me a gold-chain choker with a unicorn charm dangling on it. We were at the mall with my BFF Sun. The two of us had remote control sex toys inside of us, a vibrator in my pussy and a butt plug in...

2 years ago
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Meeting an old sexy friend

I am creeping up the age ladder now but this last weekend I was back in my home town in Bishops Stortford when I met the unmistakable beauty I had loved as a 21 year old, we hugged and kissed and with huge smiles decided to go for a coffee and catch up with the old days.We were both working at a research farm near the town, I had given up a carreer in the city and had recently joined the company and she (Toni) and I were always chatting at lunchtime. I had my 21st birthday party and the next...

4 years ago
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The Evil Typing Teacher

The Evil Typing Teacher By Johnny Segundo Back in the 1950s public high schools were co-educational, but most elective courses were segregated by gender. Only girls could take home economics classes, and only boys could take shop classes. Typing, however, was open to both girls and boys. Mostly girls enrolled in typing, encouraged by mothers who wanted them to become secretaries until they found a husband, though a few boys always signed up as well. The typing teacher at Evelyn...

2 years ago
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The Magic Notebook

John Doe was a successful agent in Hollywood. He'd been that for years, and enjoyed the job, although that was mostly due to his client being a sexy female celebrity. He remembered when he first got her and made her a success, and he got no thanks for it. He had a huge crush on her as well, but was rejected time and time again, and after that, well, his client chose to be as bitchy as possible to him. That was about to change, however. He was walking through the woods one day and found a...

Mind Control
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Aria giggled loudly as Oliver playfully bit down on her shoulder as they climbed out of the shower. “Oli, stop it,” She squealed as he tickled her. “Not until I get my Christmas gift," He laughed, before kissing her tenderly as she wrapped the towel around her body and walked into the bedroom. She couldn't help the wide grin that spread across her face as he walked over; Oliver wrapped his arms around her waist, as she stood with her back towards him. “Miss me?” Oliver questioned lazily,...

Straight Sex
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The Sexlution

Charles Dunlap, or Charlie, was your typical science nerd. He loved Star Wars, chemistry, and learning new things. He want the most popular guy in school, especially with girls. He lives with his parents, both scientists themselves. His father was a world renowned archaeologist, and his mother was a famous chemist. His love for science were from his parents. The seventeen year old was starting his last year of school, and his birthday was tomorrow. His parents had gotten him something special,...

3 years ago
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Casting Off ConventionChapter 3

"I will be so glad to see home again," Corrine remarked, as they ate the noon meal the next day. Celeste added, "As will I. I have learned a lesson about depending upon my magic to carry me through the dangers presented by traveling alone." Rochelle asked, "So, what's this Dalesholme like? Any decent inns and taverns? I'm looking to celebrate a bit, before we hit the road again to join up with the rest of the Hawks. I'm ready for some comfort." Cordain laughed and replied, "You...

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Nikkis Fantaasy

This is a woman's fantasy so it has not happened.Nikki is a beautiful 27 year old who had any boy/man's dream tits. They are huge with neat nipples - just right for sucking. Nikki is not one of those stick insect women, Nikki is ample in all aspects lovely big round bum. Best of all is her face and what a smile she has.Nikki was given a hard time in high school but although it did hurt that the in crowd wouldn't let her join she didn't let it turn her into a hater of people. No Nikki loved...

3 years ago
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My baby

Hi I am Sathish from Coimbatore I am a regular reader of iss I just want share with my beautiful moment in my life it was all happened at last 3 years back. My servant sorry my angel name is baby. She is having his parents he live with his grandma and his age of 10 his grandma was died so she was lived with us. Now she is 18 at that time I was doing my college. She is nice looking n before age attending I used to play with him in my home some time parents are went out I that time I played with...

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The Minister

Like most of the ministers, he was also there for the big conference set way back last year, but what he didn’t know was who was going to be there that weekend. Several people from his home town were attending and this included one specific individual who was known by all to be a very devout woman with a rigid plan of events she’d scheduled that weekend for herself. His name is Keith. He had directed a number of programs administered at the church. When he walked into the one convention hall...

Straight Sex
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Getting ByChapter 3

As we drove south, Garcia taught Smiley and Jamaal the basics of aiming and firing the weapons we had with us. Smiley, for some reason, was a whiz on the machine gun. He learned very quickly how to pick his targets and let the weapon's natural action lead the bullets into what he was aiming at, instead of starting off with the target in his sights and having his shots drift wide, as Jamaal was prone to do. With the M16, both got to where they could hit what they aimed at consistently, but...

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taken and sold

    TAKEN AND SOLD BY AMANDA WHILEY.Story codes: m-f, non-consensual, bondage, kidnapping, slavery, violent, torture, body mod,Humiliation, packaging .Author: Amanda whiley  ([email protected]).(forward: this story was written and is dedicated to the wonderful creators and players of the MMODamsel and villains abduction game, Nabbers Empire . Who’s amazing players and moderators helped give me inspiration and most of all courage to finally post my first ever story.Nabber's Empire is a...

4 years ago
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College Girl Part 7

College Girl Pt 7 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-6 before reading this installment.) The five of us walked around campus for a while. Mother was actively talking with Mrs. Wilson. Mr. Wilson was quiet for the most part, but occasionally added something to the conversation. I whispered to Kevin, "Have you told your parents about me? I mean about me having been born a boy." "No, I thought it better for them to get to know you...

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