A Passover Haunting free porn video

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Thanks as always to my Sweet Inspiration blackrandl1958 for her guidance and of course her editing.

Nathan woke up in a cold sweat.

He had the dream again. THAT dream.

The endless lines of grey people: men, women, children, shuffling past, casting their accusing looks at him.

He was frozen in place, unable to turn away, as they moved past, gradually moving closer until he started awake.

The dream started soon after the liberation of Buchenwald. At first, it was very vague, just snatches of scenes, as if in an avant-garde movie. Just as it was beginning to become more coherent, he met Sophie, and she seemed to be a calming influence, the short scenes only rarely making their presence known.

There was a disturbing reoccurrence around the eighteenth anniversary of the liberation, and he almost sought psychiatric help, but Sophie was able to settle him down.

He was looking forward to the arrival of his family for the Passover Seder. It was always a joyous time for Nathan, when his big empty house was filled with the sounds of life instead of the echoes of death.

It was now 54 years since the liberation of Buchenwald, 18 years since the death of his beloved Sophie, and the dream was coming more often. Even when he didn’t have it, the fear of it kept him from a restful sleep.

He had spent the last couple of days going through the house, making sure it was cleaned of chometz, the leavened foods unfit for Passover. Whatever was useful was donated to the local food-bank, the rest either thrown away or tossed out for the birds.

All was ready. All he needed to do was wait. Wait and wonder if this would be the end. His end.

Nathan’s great granddaughter Judith had taken up painting a few years previously, and she enjoyed the feeling of letting go and just painting what she felt, rather than trying to reproduce a specific image. It was a great stress relief from the burdens of her college classes, and she wished that she could allow herself more time, but it was time to go, so she packed up her paints and headed out.

She hummed softly to herself as she walked along, enjoying the early-spring New England weather as she headed to her Kabbalah class.

While raised in a Reform Jewish family, in college she had been drawn to studying the Kabbalah, especially Practical Kabbalah, the white magic aspect, and had recently started more formal studies.

Oddly, the class was held in the study of the local Unitarian Universalist Church. rather than a Jewish Temple. Apparently, the group leader had run afoul of the local Rabbis, and found a welcoming space at the church; in fact, several of the students were members of the church.

Judith found a comfortable chair, set her bookbag down and pulled out the text that they were going to be studying that evening.

Suddenly, the door opened and a young man entered. He appeared to be around her age, and was quite good-looking, but with a great sadness in his eyes.

He shook hands with the leader, and found himself a seat.

“Class,” the leader said, “This is Jakob Wise. He is relatively new to the study of the Kabbalah and will be joining us. Please make him feel welcome.”

There were the usual murmurs of welcome, then they all returned to their own thoughts, but she found herself somehow drawn to him. She had to shake it off as their leader began the class.

At the end of the class, she exchanged a shy smile with Jakob as they went their separate ways.

There was something about the sadness that seemed to surround Jakob that was somehow affecting her.

She started having dreams, troubling dreams. Not nightmares, exactly, but not pleasant dreams either.

Could her Kabbalah studies have brought them on? She hoped not; she really enjoyed the classes, and truth be told, was quite taken by Jakob!

After Jakob had come to a few classes he got up his nerve and asked Judith to join him for coffee after class. Hoping that she didn’t seem too anxious, Judith accepted.

“So, what bring you to the study of Kabbalah, Jakob?” Judith asked.

Jakob was hesitant.

“Please don’t think I’m weird, but I’ve been having some strange dreams. Nothing that I can put my finger on, and I’m hoping I can get some insights.”

“That’s funny, because I’ve been having some strange dreams as well,” Judith said.

“Can you describe yours?” Jakob asked.

“Not really. Like yours, they’re very indistinct.

“So, tell me about yourself, Jakob.”

“There’s not much to tell. I come from a typical middle-class Jewish family. I guess you’d call my family Reform, but we’re actually pretty much lapsed. The Holocaust pretty much crushed our belief in God.”

“I know what you mean. My great-grandfather just barely escaped before coming to America after the war.”

“For me, it was my grandfather, Simon Weismann...”

“Wait a minute,” Judith said, “I thought your name was Wise.”

“It is. It got changed by immigration. What’s the problem?”

“My great grandfather’s name is Nathan Weismann. Could we be related?” Judith said hoping that it wasn’t true.

“I don’t see how, though it’s an amazing coincidence.”

“What do you mean?”

“My great grandfather’s name was also Nathan, but he died in the camps, so unless there’s some distant connection, it must just be a coincidence.”

Judith nodded her agreement, though she felt an odd chill run through her.

“Will you be at class next week?” Jakob asked.

“No, we’ll be going up to my great-grandfather’s place in New Hampshire for Passover, but I’ll definitely be back the following week.”

“Great, I’ll see you then. Happy Passover.”

“Happy Passover to you, too, Jakob,” she said as they went their separate ways.

That weekend, Judith went to her favorite spot to work on her paintings, but she was troubled.

Usually, her paintings were light, full of bright vibrant colors. Recently, however, all her paintings were dark: shades of black and grey, with occasional splashes of red.

The subjects were indistinct, vaguely, but not quite human. She couldn’t seem to paint what she wanted; it was like she was under someone else’s control.

She couldn’t understand it, but it was a problem for another day, it was time to go.

Judith packed up her paints, folded up her easel and headed off home.

After dinner Judith tried to return to her studies, but thoughts of Jakob kept intruding. Finally, she closed her book, rubbed her eyes, and tried to rest.

Her meditations had been increasingly bringing her into a mystic state, and of late she had been sensing a ... presence. It both frightened and intrigued her, and her curiosity far out-weighed her concerns.

She dimmed the lights in her bedroom, lit a candle, and settled back into the pillows supporting her at the head of her bed.

Closing her eyes, she had just settled into her meditation when she felt it, stronger than ever. She resisted the urge to open her eyes, then felt it again. It was the faintest fleeting touch, as if a feather had been drawn across her nipples. She sighed and reclined her head into the pillows. It came again, and she felt her nipples growing erect, crinkling as if exposed to cool air. Her pussy was starting to moisten when she was drawn out of her reverie by a knock on her door.

“Judith,” her mother said, “don’t stay up too late. We have to hit the road early; it’s a long drive to Grandpa Nathan’s.”

“Yes, Mom,” Judith said with typical teenage exasperation.

Frustrated by the loss of the moment, she blew out the candle. She pulled her favorite vibrator out of her nightstand drawer, and brought herself to a couple of satisfying orgasms, but she was still on edge as she fell into a fitful sleep.

Jakob was having his own troubled dreams.

Ever since his twin brother was killed the day after their double Bar Mitzvah, he felt haunted by him, especially in his dreams. Recently the dreams were of a sexual nature, and he often woke up to find that he had come in his sleep.

More recently he thought that he could sense a female presence, but no matter how he tried, he couldn’t seem to make contact.

As he told Judith, the dreams were what had driven him to the Kabbalah classes, hoping that they would help him make some sense of them.

Judith was an added complication. He felt a connection with her that he had never felt before, even though they had just met. The similarities in their family backgrounds both fascinated and scared him; he could already see a possible future for them, but was concerned about the possible blood relationship.

Hopefully, that would be resolved before things went too far.

“Slap, slap, slap,” went the windshield wipers, barely keeping pace with the rain on I-95 as Joshua Weismann, his wife, Leah, and daughter, Judith, made their annual pilgrimage to his Grandfather’s estate in New Hampshire for the Passover Seder.

He hated this trip. Although it defied logic, it seemed like the weather always sucked. A crack of thunder followed closely by a flash of lightning brought his mind back to his driving.

He could never figure out why his grandfather bought the monstrosity of a house.

It was in the middle of nowhere, and for an observant Jew, it was odd that he chose to live isolated from any Jewish community. The only concession he made to normal Jewish life was to visit some of the nearest temples on the High Holy Days, and the Passover Seder that he presided over every year.

Joshua often wondered why Nathan didn’t join one specific synagogue.

His parents and his brother and sister’s families lived in Nashua, the closest city to Nathan’s estate, and had tried for years to involve him in the Jewish community there, but eventually gave up.

Joshua happened to glance at his gas gauge. It was nearly empty! How could that be, he had filled up before they left Connecticut? Ah, well, there was nothing he could do about it now except to look for a gas station.

There didn’t seem to be any rest areas along this stretch of the highway, but he saw a sign for a gas station up ahead, right at their exit.

It was rather run down, it didn’t even have “pay at the pump,” but it did have an attendant who spared him the bother of getting out in the rain.

“Fill ‘er up, sir?” asked the attendant.

“Yes, please,” Joshua said.

“So, where you headed; we don’t get much traffic these days.”

“We’re heading for my grandfather’s house for Passover.”

“Passover? We don’t have many Jewish folks around here. Just old Mr. Weismann.”

“That’s right. That’s my grandfather, Nathan Weismann.”

The attendant’s face went pale and he looked at the pump, seemingly to try and will it to pump faster. He breathed a sigh of relief when it clicked off, and ran into the office to run Joshua’s credit card.

He ran back out and shifted uneasily from foot to foot while Joshua signed the slip. He handed the receipt and card back to Joshua and was never so happy to see a customer take off.

He hadn’t been to church for quite awhile, but crossed himself and made a promise to go to church the very next Sunday.

While nobody could ever say anything specific, the Weismann house spooked a lot of people. His brother nearly lost his job when he refused to deliver a pizza the previous month. He said a silent prayer for the family in the car, then hustled back in out of the rain.

Joshua was puzzled by the way the attendant acted, but decided it wasn’t really his problem, and went back to concentrating on his driving.

Finally, the house came into sight. Despite Grandfather keeping it in a good state of repair, somehow, it always looked like a good wind would knock it over.

As usual, they were the last to arrive. When they lugged their suitcases up onto the porch, it creaked.

When his brother Amos opened the front door, the hinges squeaked as always. He made his annual request that Nathan get some WD-40, and Nathan insisted that he had just oiled it, but still it squeaked.

As Judith passed through the door she felt a strange, but not altogether unfamiliar presence. How it got there she would have to deal with later.

Judith was not alone in her feelings, as Kabbalistic energy surged through the house, rousing the spirit within, giving it renewed strength and power.

Despite the housekeeper’s best efforts, the house always had a musty smell. Nathan’s family kept looking for cobwebs to wipe away, but they were never there, just a creepy chill that never seemed to go away.

After putting their luggage in their rooms, Joshua, Leah and Judith joined the rest of the clan for dinner. It was a relatively quiet affair, despite the number of people, as everyone was brought up-to-date on their lives.

“I don’t know about anyone else, but that drive took a lot out of me. I think I’m going to make it an early night,” Joshua said, and the rest of the family followed soon after.

Judith was tired and ready for bed.

Her parents had allowed her some wine, not too much, but it was enough to give her a slight buzz. She lit her candle, opened her book on the Kabbalah and began her meditation, but was soon asleep with the book open on her breast.

She nearly awoke with a jolt when she felt his presence. His presence? She had never thought of it as having any particular sex before.

The presence was very strong, even stronger than the previous night. A gentle hand seemed to stroke her cheek, urging her back to sleep. The feather’s touch was replaced by a firm, cool hand, once again causing her nipples to grow ever more erect.

In the dream, she wandered, feeling those feather-light touches, the caresses becoming firmer, more insistent. Heat built within her and she felt his fingers trailing down her body, over the rise of her mons, as if she were unclothed. The breath of sensation moved over her and she could feel his body, the heat of him, and a strange chill as well.

Her moisture began to flow and the fingers traced their way through her slickness, her need rising and overwhelming all else. She needed him, this lover, and in her drifting on the waves of passion the thought of being taken, possessed, was so powerful that she spread her thighs, giving him access. She was ready, beyond ready, writhing and in heat for this lover.

The cock. She felt it. It seemed huge, it’s hardness on her, then sliding within her as she cried out her passion, the exquisite touch almost painful in its intensity. She felt the size and power, plunging into her as she peaked, crying out in wordless pleasure as she felt the pulsation of her lover, flooding her with his warmth as she came. She floated on the sensation, the dream ebbing, and she slept.

It could have been only moments, or it might have been hours, and she suddenly became aware. Realization flooded in and she sat up. There was nothing. Only the whisper of the breeze from the open window. Open? She was sure she had closed it before going to bed.

Her lover was gone. What lover? she asked herself. This was madness. Was she losing her mind?

Nathan’s dream, or was it a nightmare, came again, stronger than ever. There was one man, his face very familiar to Nathan, who approached very close, never speaking a word, but his accusing glare spoke volumes.

He tried to wake up, to end the nightmare, but he couldn’t. He could feel the bodies all around him, their bony hands grasping at him, beseeching him, as the familiar face continued to haunt him, coming ever closer.

At the moment of Judith’s orgasm, a surge of energy penetrated Nathan’s dream, giving his spirit demon more strength to attack Nathan. Nathan fought with all the strength in his soul, and was sure that he was about to lose the battle, when Leah’s knock on his door broke the spell.

“Nathan,” she said, “it’s time to wake up. Everyone’s getting ready for breakfast.”

“I’ll be down in just a few minutes, Leah, thank you.”

Nathan sat on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands. Would this nightmare never end? It had been 54 years, and if anything it was getting stronger.

He struggled to his feet, and unsteadily, made his way to the kitchen where fried matzoh was served, as usual on Passover mornings.

The day passed uneventfully, as everyone waited for sundown, then they all entered the dining room where the table was set with the special china and silverware that were only used at Passover.

The Seder Plate was ready with all the symbolic foods of Passover, the shank bone, egg, maror, karpas and charoset, and the entire family was seated with their Haggadahs, waiting only for Nathan to begin the ritual meal.

After his daughter Rachel said the blessing and lit the candles, Nathan said the opening blessing, and began retelling the story of the Israelites freedom from bondage that all observant Jews do every year at that time.

When it came time to recite the Ten Plagues visited upon the Egyptians, Blood, Frogs, Lice, Wild Beasts, Pestilence, Boils, Hail, Locust, Darkness, and Slaying of the First-Born, the participants poured out a drop of wine as each plague was named, in recognition that the Israelites freedom came at the expense of other’s suffering.

Nathan was horrified as each drop of his wine looked like a drop of blood as it hit the plate. He glanced nervously around the table, but he alone seemed to notice.

When Rachel told her son to open the door for Elijah, the door blew open by itself, startling everyone.

“Must be the wind,” Rachel’s husband, Matthew, said, though the day was completely calm.

As the Seder continued, Nathan noticed that the wine in Elijah’s Cup kept going down. Even though he kept refilling the cup, by the end of the Seder it was empty, and Nathan felt a chill run through him.

After the younger children were sent off to search for the afikomen, the piece of matzoh set aside for the dessert, a great chill came over the room. The electric lights flickered and died, leaving only the candles to provide eerie illumination. Looking around the room, Nathan saw that everyone was frozen in place, except for him and his great granddaughter, Judith.

“Grandpa Nathan,” Judith said, frightened, “what’s happening”

Nathan was surprisingly calm as he saw the man from his dreams, staring at him with unblinking eyes. He knew that it was time to unburden himself.

He rose up, and taking Judith by the hand, led her to a small table with two chairs and a single flickering candle.

After Judith sat down, he seated himself in the other chair and began his story.

“Oberstleutnant Hans Steiner wasn’t a Nazi in his heart,” he began. “Oh, he belonged to the Party. That was necessary if he wanted to rise in the ranks. To coin a cliche, one of his best friends was Jewish; he had even attended his wedding and yelled “Mazel Tov” with everyone else when he broke the glass at the end of the ceremony, and was one of the men who hoisted him on the chair as they danced the Hora.

“But that all ended with Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, when it was not safe to be associated with anyone Jewish. His friend was, of course, disappointed, but seemed to understand, and wished Hans well.”

“Was this man a friend of yours, Grandpa Nathan?” Judith asked. “Was he in the camps with you?”

Nathan’s eyes brimmed with tears.

“Let me finish my story, Judith. All will become clear.”

Judith was puzzled, but nodded her agreement.

“Just before shipping out he made one last visit to see his friend, but he couldn’t be found and the door to his home was smashed in. He asked a neighbor what had happened, and was shocked by the answer.

“‘The Brown Shirts came and rounded up the greedy kikes. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say!’

“Despite his shock, Hans managed a blank look and gave the man a silent nod. Although the man didn’t recognize Hans in his uniform, Hans knew him. He was a friend of Hans’ Jewish friend, or so Hans thought; they had all hoisted many a stein of beer together.

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A lot of women love have their pussy licked as much as or even more than having a cock fill their cunt. And if you have a man who loves to go downtown every chance he can get, great! But what do you do if your man either won't do it, won't do it right or long enough or if he treats pussylicking as something obligatory and a mere prelude to sticking his cock up your twat? Well, don't just complain. As a guy who LOVES to give head, here's some advice about what you can do to get your man to adore...

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The Second Time

I saw him across the room, dancing closely with a woman I didn't know. He was behind her, the backside of her body enticingly close to him, and I could tell he was enjoying it. He didn't see me come in, and I felt the thrill of anticipation as my friends and I moved toward the other side of the room. We grabbed some drinks and moved to stand near the dance floor by some people we knew. I, seeing Jimmy, separated from the group and went over to surprise him. I slapped his ass as I drew near...

3 years ago
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Nouvelle esclave

Pour commencer, choisissez votre rôle dans l'histoire. Le Maître mène la danse. Il parle plus avec les yeux qu'avec les lèvres. La première esclave est dévouée entièrement au Maître. Elle ferait tout pour lui. Ensemble ils vont chercher de la compagnie pour étendre les plaisirs dans leur relation de dominant/dominé. La nouvelle esclave (garçon travesti) était un garçon, avant de se trouver une passion pour le travestissement et l'exhibitionnisme via son blog et sa webcam. La nouvelle esclave...

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Divorced Mom Allowed My Friend To Fuck Her 8211 Part 1

Hey friends, I am Raj. And I am back with one more real-life incident. For those who don’t know me, I am a 20-year-old guy from Mumbai. I live with my single divorced mom Rajni who is 44 and runs her salon near our house. She is a broad-minded lady. And I was raised the same way. My mother is a mature, beautiful, curvy, and bold woman with a figure of 36-32-36. She had a lot of men staring at her body, ready to flirt with her and she was a point of attraction in our society. My mom was quite...

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my sister again

About a week after I had made love to my sister, I wake up in my bed downstairs. My sister was in the next room so I decided the previous night I would wake up early and surprise so I could ask her to have sex before my parents wake up. I went out of my bed to hers to see her with one sheet covering her. I pulled the sheet slowly not to wake her so I could have a bit of fun first. I carefully pull off pajama bottoms to reveal no under wear! I almost felt like she knew this was coming. I started...

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EvilAngel Isabella Clark Misha Maver Gaping Lesbian Anal

Eager for a wild lesbian fuck session, extreme anal star Isabella Clark flaunts her plump booty and massive tits. Flashy, dirty blonde Misha Maver dances and shows off, soon joining busty blonde Isabella. They fondle each other’s twat. Isabella takes control, eating Misha’s pussy and fucking her asshole her with a toy. Misha tastes the tasty toy ass-to-mouth. The girls enjoy a depraved backdoor session packed with raunchy rimming and colossal cornhole gaping! Humongous dildos hollow...

3 years ago
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Last In Line Part 1

Last in LineAlison did not really know what 'Last in Line' meant. Ever since receiving notice of her punishment, and drawing the dreaded lot, younger girls passing her in the corridor sniggered, and the older girls gave her long, knowing looks. But what was it all about?Alison received a rather brusque, indeed rough, examination yesterday from Matron. Following the examination, all the girls scheduled for that week's punishment session gathered in the gymnasium, to draw lots handed out by...

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Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part XI

Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part XI By Cal Y. Pygia Darkness had fallen upon the demon world. In the intermittent flashes of lightning that resulted from Willow's weather spell, the landscape was illuminated, and the horrible phallus-plants were revealed, writhing and thrashing. The cock-stalks within Buffy's mouth, cunt, and ass, and the hollow tubular stems attached to her nipples and cock also squirmed and wriggled. She shuddered at the feel of the thick, serpentine...

2 years ago
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spread eagle in a door frame a multipart story

PART ONESpread-eagled hanging from a door frame A device was installed in the door frame a press of the button and 6 tie points appeared. It can be pre-programmed ahead of time well that’s redundant cuz that’s what pre-program me anyway meanwhile back at the chicken ranch you can have all sorts of devices to connect to use on somebody and all sorts of dude I do that. I was bound like an x. My right arm was it to my left arm at 10 my left foot 4:30 in my right foot no effort anyway. I was...

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Womens Venom Chapter 2

Women's Venom Chapter 2 "Hey, wake up already." A voice says to me, shaking my shoulder. Poking an eye open, the clock next to me shows it's over an hour before I normally wake up for classes. It's barely past five in the morning; the soft light of the guest room gives me a bit of a headache. "Why so early?" I mumble. The soft, quiet voice reminds me why I'm here in the first place. I groan and pull the covers over my head to get back to sleep. They're immediately pulled away as...

3 years ago
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Once and Future LoversChapter 1

"Edward Martin, checking in." Ed shifted his laptop case to his right shoulder while the desk clerk looked up his reservation. Ed was standing in the lobby of a Marriott hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. After spending ten hours on two different airplanes and in three different airports in three different time zones, it was nearly 10:00 PM. All he wanted to do was get to his room, take a hot shower to wash off the travel grime, and get some sleep before the convention started tomorrow...

4 years ago
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Molten Core

The workshop existed in a world of heat and light all its own. Patiently, Eve turned her blowpipe, expertly heating the carefully shaped multicolored layers of molten glass. Her lean, muscled arms held the pipe steady as she twisted it, watching through the glory hole as the glass began to glow faintly inside the furnace. The room was hot enough so that she worked in a ribbed white tank top, with a ragged but well fitting pair of canvas cargos to protect her legs from stray shards. Judging the...

1 year ago
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Always Faithful Chapter ThirtyFive

Climax and beyond “Damn you Greg! Just damn, damn, damn you! I always knew it would come to this.” Laura looked into her lover’s eyes across their table. She cleared the champagne glasses to the side and leaned to kiss him. Sitting back upright, Laura raised both hands in front of her; she stared at the rings she was wearing. Greg noticed her gesture and thought he understood what must be going through her mind. He recognized turmoil. He was sure whatever turmoil would be resolved; friction in...

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Debra steps further over

The discussion didn’t stop and actually began to increase. She was spending more time with “the girls” including overnight (because she was too drunk to drive home) and more weekend trips and I was spending more time “locked up”. It was actually getting to the point I was being introduced to various men at work. A few seemed to find time to “stop by” to chat me up. Every time Tina, Carol, Heather, Jan and/or Mary had a comment to make. It seemed the more I protested this the more it happened. I...

Quickie Sex
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I’m a fledgling actress with a few walk ons on a couple of TV shows and a couple of off Broadway plays and was asked to audition for a role in a movie being made in Hollywood. The role was that of the lesbian and co-conspirator of an Irish Republican Army Captain who commanded a small force of bomb makers during the 1950’s. The lead role was already taken by a rising young star in the entertainment world, which was a very sexy lady and I got the part I think because I fit the bill of what the...

2 years ago
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Rey of Jakkus No Good Really Bad Awful Week

Rey had known it was going to bad week by the simple fact that it was always a bad week on Jakku – but emerging from a crippled hammerhead destroyer with a sack full of busted power couplers to find that three sand-scutters were sprinting towards a pair of speeders with at least two days worth of back breaking labor on their scrawny backs. “Hey!” Rey shouted, dropping the couplers and sprinting – her feet pounding across the rough, blaster and sand scarred hull plating that served as the...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 2 Pansy Parkinson

Hermione didn’t sit in the same compartment as Harry and Ron did on the Hogwarts express, she and Ginny had found a compartment for themselves. Ron thought he and Hermione had argued and kept telling Harry to go apologize.Harry finally got tired of Ron and reminded him that Prefects needed to patrol the train. Ron grudgingly left the compartment leaving Harry alone. Harry’s thoughts immediately turned back to Sirius and the prophesy. Hermione had been able to keep these thought away for a...

3 years ago
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Cousin Bob Part2

Introduction: Inspired by Lubrican. Rose is positive her secret will be kept, for the price she already paid, it should be! But Bob has other plans. Now, please understand that this one is probably better than the last which was my very fisrt but then again, what the fuck do i care? I dont You people keep your comments to yourself Rose, wake up, dear, wake up&hellip, Hmm yes? I said pissed I was being woken up. Lou and I are leaving so itll just be you and Robert today alright dear? Yes,...

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The Ambassadors Wife

The Ambassador's Wife By Stefanie Flowers At first sight they look a perfect couple; the handsome, successful business tycoon accompanied by a smartly dressed, well-educated, and incredibly beautiful wife. Obviously made for each other, they even have gender appropriate versions of the same name, Michael and Michelle. Both are fitness fanatics that met at a gym when taking the same spin class. The way they look at each other, they must be very much in love. Michael is a tall,...

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Home Alone With Elder Sis

This is not a real sex story but my fantasy. Characters are real and everything else is just my fantasy which I wish happens in real. So describing my sister: her name is Sana. She is hot of. She is a walking bomb. (real description) her measurements are 36c-32-42. Yes, she has a bubble ass which I am crazy about.( got measurements from sneaking into her wardrobe) She has a heart shaped ass, medium size boobs, short in height and fair as milk. Getting to my fantasy. I have a family of four. We...

1 year ago
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Woman8217s Warm Nectar On A Chilly Rainy Day

Hey friends, what’s up. Here I come with another story of mine. And yeah, all my stories are not real incidents. Some are true, and some are just fantasies. So, I am kk, 23 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches, fair, athletic and a fun loving guy. I really thank you all, again and again, for your generous feedbacks. My email id is So without taking much time, let me jump in to the story. So, this happened with a woman whom I had seen around, but i never really got close to her. I mean to say, she was...

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Making Slutty Bhabhi And Her Mother My Sex Slaves

Before I start the story, a little bit of information about me and other characters. The names have been changed and the real names are not mentioned for obvious reasons. The women in the story are my bhabhi and her mother. Bhabhi’s mother is technically my aunt. Bhabhi is a fair lady with a curvy body. She is not slim but not fat either. She has a nice pair of boobs and an enticing ass. I would say her boobs are her biggest assets. She has tits of size 36F and her measurements are 42-27-38. My...

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TSINF 72 Brothers Safety

‘I need to get back Amanda’s. My brother is in town visiting me. And this morning he went out to go camping. I need to make sure his dumb ass made it back there or I’m going to have to hunt him down to personally drag him back so I know he’s safe.’ Matt looked at her for a moment, sighed, and chuckled, ‘I guess we’ll have to rain check our quarters arrangement. Come on I’ll have my driver take you back.’ This time Steph laughed and punched him in the arm, ‘Please! If we played quarters you’d...

2 years ago
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How it All Began Part 3

III I had been in Australia for eight months and been living in St. Kilda for six. Being unattached and on the lookout for female company, one Saturday night I met Elizabeth. She arrived at the Austrian Ski Club at the Upper Esplanade in the company of a younger woman that I had seen before.As in all these continental clubs, tables could not be booked. The staff took later arrivals to wherever seats were still vacant, or chairs could be squeezed in. It just happened that Elizabeth and her...

First Time
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Chennai Husband And His Erections 8211 Part 1 Tragic Sex

Hi readers, I am Krishna Iyer, married recently to a beautiful Iyer girl Gayathri Devi. I work at an MNC in Chennai. We are financially well-settled. Gayathri is a homemaker and she turned out to be very obedient and faithful. Never she had raised her voice over my silly mistakes. Till a few months into our marriage, we had great moments during our honeymoon and we didn’t plan kids at that point. As months passed by, I was slowly bothered by my parents to give them a grandchild since they knew...

2 years ago
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Alien Orgy

Introduction: She tried to run…they taught her to fuck She awoke to find herself in overwhelmingly unfamiliar surroundings. Nothing was even vaguely identifiable as being of earth. Her heart sprinted, adrenaline surged through her, her breathing coming in panicked gasps. As she looked around for a way out of this bizarre environment, she became aware of being covered in a slick substance. She was saturated in it. Her stomach turned at the sight and she vigorously began trying to wipe it from...

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Kitchen Help

There have been, over the years, occasions when I treaded somewhat gingerly across that indefinite line between adventurous and slutty. Regardless of how incriminating it might be, it all got recorded in my diaries. But this particular experience will doubtless sound to some like nothing more or less than prostitution, despite my efforts to preface it with a few explanations and a bit of context. Back in 2009, I owned four rental properties. I have a few more now, but these original four were...

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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 15 Graduation

Thursday - once I had been able to extricate my sore body from the bed - had been quite hectic. I spent a good part of the afternoon shopping, and it took me quite a while to find shops that had the kind of clothing I was looking for - flimsy, lewd and in crying colors. I had almost given up hope when I stumbled into a costume shop as a last resort. The sales girl crossed her arms when she saw me, and when I noticed the short, dirty blonde, tight curls, I realized that I had seen her once or...

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Milwaukee Cuckold and his Wifesnew adventure

Milwaukee Cuckold's Wife and a New AdventureWe have been swinging for over 30 years. I am not well endowed and Judy likes bigger cocks so it has worked out well for us. Only a few people close to us know about the things we do. Two of Judy’s sisters and one of her best friends know. And one friend of mine knows or so I thought.The reason my friend Sandy knew was that she confided in me that she cheated on her husband. She even gave me all of the horny details and I could tell she was getting...

4 years ago
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Imagine a world where people still believe in and worship the gods, where the gods still mate with mortals. This is not there story this is a story about there half human and sex crazed children. The half gods are seen as heroes or villains and above the law. Since they are above mortal law they police themselves. Good or evil most humans are subject to there sexual desires, there is no crime in fucking these half gods in public, and it is often encouged You have heroes like: The Dick: A...

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Make America What Again

Fredrick waited in line at the stop sign of the entrance to the shopping mall. He listened to the smooth sounds of Jill Scott. He saw a blue four-door 2016 Chevy Silverado 1500 pickup truck cut off an orange 2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe with 24-inch spinners. The two vehicles honked at one another. The driver of the pimped out ride got out. He was a seriously upset Black man. The dude in the truck rolled down his window and flipped the man off. “Fuck you,” the Black guy yelled.“Fuck you too,...

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Double TimeChapter 67

“Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That’s what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.” —John Green, The Fault in Our Stars THE WEEK WAS INTENSE from the moment we stepped inside the school until we collapsed at the end of the week. Thursday, all sophomores were required to take the PSAT 10 test. Every sophomore in school, all 550 of us, were required to take the PSAT. This test had no bearing on college admissions but could result in National Merit Scholarship....

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Watching Antonia

[ I noticed him firstly as I bought some salami from the deli-counter. He looked like any regular guy,5ft 10", muscularly built, cropped blond hair,in his early 30s, but it was his piercing blue eyes that seemed to bore down into my very soul. He carried a wire shopping basket with two or three items in it and as I wheeled my trolley down the next aisle I didin't have to look to know he was behind me.parI reached to get a box of dried peas, he was staring so intently at my ample backside. I...

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December at the Coast part 1

December at the coast. Part 1The school year ended, as well as the work year for my parents and like most inland families, mine headed to the coast to have a relaxing holiday after a long busy year. A parting different ways from my girlfriend Amanda as her family went to a different holiday destination. It was always gonna be hard not seeing her for almost a whole month, but once arriving at the coast fun soon began as my cousin Steven was and his family were also down for holiday. My dad and...

4 years ago
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Kim Kardashians Ultimate Footjob Experience

(experienced from your POV, starring Kim Kardashian. Kimmy's POV is noted by - or ~ brackets.)PART 1I grab the back of your neck and pull you close, kissing you passionately.- Kimmy is dressed in a red, silk bikini that contrasts beautifully against her caramel skin. The fabric of her thong sinks deep into the crack of her large ass, framing both of her large cheeks beautifully. She gasps as you come from behind her, wrapping your arms around her and pulling her to you. She moans, rubbing her...

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