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While Bob was away getting the rental truck, I packed the few things we had needed over the night and morning. It was a whole morning's work to load the truck after he got back. We went up to check the apartment one last time. We didn't want to leave anything behind, and we wanted it nice and neat for the landlord's inspection. We needed to get our whole deposit back.

The living room was clean, and our stuff was gone or packed in the two bags that would ride in the front with us. "Goodbye, house," I said. I was surprised at my sadness in leaving that apartment, with its antique plumbing and left-over furniture. I hadn't enjoyed the place. Everything important would be in the small truck that we had rented. Everything really important was standing beside me.

It held the memories of our first two years of married life, however. I had always wanted us to be a family. I'm still not quite certain of everything that this entails. It means structure, but it means more than that. I know that we have become a family though. Bob and Jeanette had moved in to this apartment; the Brennans were moving out.

The living room having passed inspection, we moved to the kitchen. This time, it was Bob who said, "Goodbye table." Our bed conversation had tended toward monologues by Bob, lovely ones. ("I like Bob's voice," I had told his sister once. "It's one of the things you have in common," had been Vi's reply.) Other than that, Bob and I -- who used to discuss everything -- had fallen into discussing immediate trivia. After a visit to his parents, we'd established a pattern of current- events discussion at table. It's part of being a family.

When we got to the bedroom, Bob checked out the surfaces. I simply stared at the bed. I had entered marriage fully determined to satisfy all Bob's sexual needs and expecting to enjoy doing so. Sexuality is one thing, sensuality is another. That bed was where I had learned the difference, and where Bob had enticed me into sensuality.

The night before had exemplified that.

Bob had kissed me everywhere, ending in his favorite place. His hands, lips and tongue had teased me until I writhed in anticipation, then had guided me through spasming satisfaction to exhausted repletion. I recovered in his arms, feeling the hot hardness of his desire on my thigh. Once, I had been embarrassed by his erections; now, at least when we are alone, my reaction is smugness. We had kissed for a long time before I had cradled him and he had entered me.

People joke about the "missionary position" but I had been able to hold him everywhere, in my arms and legs and mouth and vagina. It had been a time of licking and movement and friction and lust but also a time of whispers and pauses and hugs and love. It had not been his exciting me, delicious as that can be. Rather, it had been our exciting us until neither could stand any more. Then I had touched him in the ways he can't resist. The feel of his ecstasy and his seed spraying into me is the ultimate aphrodisiac. I had followed him, and our throes and our collapse were two more pieces of togetherness. I had fallen asleep in my beloved's arms, but I had been the one hugging him after I had come back from the bathroom in the middle of the night. I had hugged him in that bed, for the last time.

"Goodbye, bed," I managed to croak out. Bob must have been remembering that night also.

"All the sheets are packed," he said. We both tried to think of a way.

"Do you think he'd notice anything if you flipped the mattress?" I asked.

"I hope not. I flipped it this morning."


"Chair!" he said on his way to get one. While he was gone, I inserted the contraceptive. Once we were both naked, I sat on Bob's lap while we kissed and petted. After those memories, the foreplay was redundant. Soon it was sweet torture.

Just when I was deciding to insist, Bob said the most erotic phrase imaginable, "I, Robert, take thee, Jeanette." But that time, in that position, I was going to take him. I kissed him for his thoughtfulness and his love. Mostly, though, I kissed him from my own desire. While we kissed, I moved over his erection and took it in my hand.

"I, Jeanette," I corrected him, fitting my actions to my words, "take thee, Robert." I took all of him while I said it and ended sitting on his lap.

"Home," he said, and so we were. We weren't really leaving our home, we were taking it with us. He was in me, where he belonged; I was in his lap, where I belonged. "One flesh," he added. I had to kiss my sexy husband again. He pulled me against him so he was the tiniest bit deeper.

There we merged and mingled, my tongue tasting his, my nipples aroused by his skin, my center clasping his. The joy of warm flesh satisfied us briefly while only our tongues moved.

Then Bob moved us. The joy of the kiss remained; his skin rubbed my nipples as well as pressing them; but the sensations from below predominated. Bob was moving beneath me as well as within me. I was on fire, and that fire straightened me, ripping my mouth from his but pressing my breasts harder against him. Helpless I writhed in that fire, rubbing my nipples against Bob until they almost hurt. I reached the point where the promise of pleasure balanced the threat of loss of control; remembering that I was safe in Bob's arms, I let go.

I can never really remember the ecstasy of those moments, although I fully remember that there was ecstasy. The pleasure of the aftermath fits better in the memory. I was still in Bob's lap, hugging and being hugged, loving and being loved. Finally, we cleaned up and called the landlord.

"Well," he said, "there are more scars and dinges." I could see Bob tense; we needed to get that deposit back, and security deposits are not intended to cover normal wear and tear. "But," the landlord continued, "It's a lot cleaner than when you moved in." He gave us the check and moved to close the windows. We took our last bags and left.

Bob drove first. We bade goodbye to old haunts, etc. I had an hour behind the wheel to get back in the habit while I was still fresh and Bob was awake. Then Bob settled down to driving. After a short time while we recited our plans for Boston, Bob turned his attention to the road; and I got out my favorite toy. Well, it is practical, but it's fun. I was expanding a success based on two failures.

Bob (and his whole family) had been dismayed that our marriage meant that I wouldn't be a college student too. The first summer, Bob and I learned only about marriage. Even leaving sex out of it, which we didn't, that is a huge amount to learn. When Bob started back to school, I read along with him in one course. East Asia, The Modern Transformation is a classic, and I got a lot out of it. But Bob wasn't taking a comparable course the next semester. Finding that the pattern couldn't be repeated was the first failure.

My supervisor had told me that I could test for the next opening for data entry technician. That was a raise from file clerk, in both money and status. My typing hadn't been adequate at that time, however. So we had purchased a computer program that taught typing. At first, I had started in the middle. When that hadn't worked, I had started in the beginning and rushed through the first lessons. That hadn't worked either, the second failure. Desperate to justify the program's cost, I had actually followed the directions, starting at the beginning, and going at the suggested speed without jumping ahead. That's when I learned that starting over on something that you almost know can make you an expert. I had ended up getting the data-entry job. Not too much later, I was a match for the best tech in the office.

This had been great, but I had needed -- still need -- some real learning to make me the appropriately educated wife of Professor Brennan. Having figured out that my lunch hour was available learning time, I'd decided to really learn my college French text, starting with the vocabulary.

We had purchased a boxed set of French vocabulary cards in a yard sale and (soon after) a set of blank cards from the bookstore. By pulling printed cards and writing others, I managed to memorize nearly the whole vocabulary from my college text by the time I was through the typing course. Going through the text after that memorization was no great problem.

That was as far as I had planned to go, but there were still lunch hours, and printed cards which I hadn't studied. Besides, I had rediscovered what I had learned from the typing program: Doing the course correctly when you almost know something really teaches you.

This had become my lunchtime game. For a while after finishing the old text book, I actually had spent little time on French at home; but language study had gradually taken over. I had gone back and memorized English-to-French; I had gone only the other direction at first. Bob had found some story collection texts in used-book stores next. Again, I would memorize the vocabulary in the back of the book first -- adding to my little cards -- then read the stories.

When fall came, I had started visiting the language lab one night a week. On Thursdays, Bob and I would each carry two "lunches" and would eat one for supper. He would go to the library, I would go to the language lab. They never checked for student ID. Late in the spring, my former French professor had caught me. "Considering the number of students who should be here but aren't," he'd said, "I am really tempted to shut my eyes. But this facility is for registered students only."

Bob had then written his parents the whole story. He finished the letter: "This going back to beginnings could sound like making no progress. In truth, it means a broadening of the base. Jeanette now has an impressive vocabulary. What she needs to emphasize next is pronunciation. There are language courses on tape which would do that job thoroughly. I think that this is a family educational expense. We decided, on practical grounds, that Jeanette's education should wait; but that was a compromise between the ideal of education and economic necessity. I feel that this little sliver of learning shouldn't wait. What do you feel?"

Bob's parents had brought an entire taped course, rated highest for business people, and a special tape recorder when they came for his graduation. Now I sat with earphones on my head and one of the tapes of that course in the recorder on my lap. I can't read in a moving car, but I can listen.

Bob and I were sailing along in the truck, superficially together. On a deeper level, Bob's attention was in another century from the truck, mine was on another continent. On the deepest level, however, we were together. My pleasure had been provided by my husband's solicitude. I was out of his arms (for which the other motorists should have given thanks) but still embraced in his care.

There was one more consequence to that letter. I got three novels and a French dictionary on my birthday. As soon as I got from the earth to the moon (I had never known Jules Verne was such a florid writer), I was planning to start Nana. By this time, when a word was new to me, I automatically wrote it down on a card. But I had started looking them up in my Petit Larousse before going to the English-French dictionary.

The lesson was mentally exhausting, if enjoyable. When I finished it, I settled down for a nap. "Je t'aime," I told Bob.

"Je t'adore," he replied.

It was dark when Bob woke me. We stopped for gas and a bathroom break soon after. I took some baby-wipes with me into the bathroom and had the equivalent to a sponge bath. We brought out sandwiches from the styrofoam chest in the back while we were stopped and ate them as soon as we were away from the gasoline fumes. I took over the driving so Bob could sleep. "Je t'adore," I told him as he settled down.

He mulled over that for a moment, Bob fashion. "Je t'aime," he responded.

I finished the thermos of coffee we'd brought from home, old as it was. Bob was sleeping like a log. I smiled at our good- night. His adoration was nice, but I needed his love. Bob, unlike the stereotypical husband, is willing to express his love. He didn't know, however, that I needed the expression right then. I was worried about our future in Boston. I'd never seen the apartment; I'd never even seen the city; I didn't have a job. For that matter, Washington was the only big city that I had ever seen; and I'd been escorted through that on a school tour.

I pulled myself out of the brooding after a long while. I reviewed the French that I had studied earlier. I would have to go over it again, there is a book along with the tapes; but I had absorbed enough so that drill wouldn't lead me astray. Then I stopped working and just appreciated the gift. I had been a little embarrassed because the course was obviously much more expensive than Bob's graduation present, a warm sweater for the chills of Boston. Bob's parents have treated me like one of their children since the wedding, but they outdid themselves when they acted like Bob's graduation was partially my accomplishment. It isn't. It was Bob's day in simple justice.

Bob would have none of that. He had argued that the French course was not a gift, but an education expense. "Besides," he had said, "there are no Bob accomplishments. There are only Bob&Jeanette accomplishments. One flesh." That was a strange use of one of his favorite phrases. He usually says it when we are locked together deep in one of his -- one of our -- safaris into sensuality.

That led my mind down an old pathway. I'd entered into my marriage determined to satisfy all of Bob's sexual desires. Once married, I'd been surprised by his sensual blandishments.

I can't say that I hadn't been warned. When we went for counseling before the wedding, PastorJim had made the point that no one has really thought out a marriage before entering into one. Most planning concerns only a few areas. "You've had your wedding all planned for some time?" he had asked me. I had agreed. "And," he had asked Bob, "you've had the honeymoon thought out for as long?"

"We're going hiking on our honeymoon." I had replied, thinking that I was speaking for both of us. Then I had sat there trying to hold back my blushes while the two males tried to hold back their laughter. Well, I had gone hiking on my honeymoon; and Bob had been beside me every step of the way. Bob had spent his honeymoon in a tent; he's said so since. And I had been in his arms every night.

And every night, he had been thoughtful.

I stole a glance over at my gentle husband sprawled in the other seat, then I pulled my eyes back to the road.

Beforehand, I'd formed my image of sex from the descriptions in books. We, mostly Bob, would do "foreplay" until I was "ready." Then we would have "intercourse" until Bob (and I, if things were done right) had a "climax." Then the books, by changing the subject to the millions of sperm trying to get to the ovum and the reasons to make sure that you prevent that, implied that the people involved were done and could go on to the next task.

Even my wedding night hadn't quite been like that. Bob kissed and stroked me until I had a climax, a blessedly small one. Bob had worried about physical pain, and there had been some, then he had been sorry about that. That concern, that sorrow, had quieted my worries about the commitment that I had just made.

Our fourth night had changed my understanding. My pain had been gone; we were in the tent instead of a hotel room. This time, Bob had stopped his stroking short of my climax. Then he had entered me slowly. Absent the pain of the first night, this had been an indescribably voluptuous sensation. While he had paused at full penetration, I had luxuriated in holding him in a way that I never had before. I had just enough time to decide that I had reached the sensuous limit that explained everyone's fascination with sex before he had begun moving and had proven me wrong.

Gradually, he had completely lost control. He had driven mindlessly within me as I had struggled to meet his motions and contain his passion. Then he had pressed in to the limit, stiff and shaking, while I could see his face grimace in the starlight and could feel his organ pulsing within me. My own physical sensations probably had been exciting, but all I had really noticed was that miracle of emotion above and within me. I had seen the blinding heat of his passion, and it had been directed at me.

After he had wrenched himself from my arms and caught his breath, he had returned to his kisses and caresses. My worries about self-control had melted before the exciting sensations and more exciting memories. After that revelation of his passion, how could I have denied him mine, scary as that might be?

And it had been damned scary. With another glance toward the right-hand seat, I switched my memories from two years before to seven.

Before I'd met Bob, I had established a pattern for myself. If I didn't care for people and didn't let them see how they affected me, then they couldn't hurt me except physically. (It's strange, though, how much I hurt in those years.) Bob had become my friend, then my boyfriend; but I certainly hadn't intended to allow him inside the stockade. Bob had done things which hurt me. Against my will, I had let him see the hurt.

Bob hadn't told me how that hurt showed selfishness on my part in trying to put my goals before his, as my mother does. He hadn't explained that I was misunderstanding the real situation, as my father and older brother often do. He certainly hadn't enjoyed my pain as my brother Dave does. (Dave is the younger of my brothers, but is older than me.) Bob had been anguished. I hadn't thought that good enough, I had tried to lock him out of my life, my caring. I had failed to do so.

The other side of that, though, was that Bob had become my only pain. I could share almost everything that bothered me, and he felt it, too. After we had begun hugging in romance, I had learned that he could hug in reassurance. I had tried out for the girls' track team depending on his being there to kiss away the sting of rejection. Instead, he had been there to share the joy of acceptance and, later, he had been there to watch me run. If I could share it with Bob, the pleasures of life were worth the risks of life.

When we had been able to be alone after particularly bad times, Bob had held me while I shuddered. "Able to talk about it?" he would ask. I would shake my head. Then, after the movie or whatever, I had often been able to tell him.

This had developed slowly, over two years that also included my completion of puberty. Hugs which had once kept me warm had gone on to make me hot; kisses had gone from being a celebration of excitement to a cause of it. Bob had been well ahead of me; and I, with two older brothers, had always known what that pressure against my stomach had meant.

One spring day, Bob had been able to borrow his father's car. Considering it too fine a day for petting in the front seat, we'd spent the time petting in a grove of trees off a deserted farm road. His attention to my breasts had turned me on even more than usual. I had been standing against a tree with his thigh between mine pressing against my mound. We had been kissing as deeply as we could and rubbing our bodies together. Suddenly, the sensations between my legs had gone from a pleasant, familiar, tingle to a desperate fire. I had panicked and writhed in attempted escape, but Bob had been only slightly more yielding than the tree. The fire had cut through me and shaken me to my core. Then I had nearly collapsed. Bob had actually picked me up and carried me back towards the car before I recovered.

I had freaked. Then, even more than now, control had been important to me. Losing control had frightened me to death. I hadn't been able to talk to Bob about it, much less anybody else. Bob had driven me back home, at my request.

I risked another glance. Five and a half years later, Bob still looked like a kid when asleep; he often acted like a kid when awake. But at seventeen, he'd shown maturity when it counted.

What would have resulted from all this if we'd been together, I don't know; but Bob had left for his first summer as a road- construction laborer a month later. His absence had taught me something that his presence had only suggested. I needed him.

The few days between his return and the beginning of school were bliss. His parents had even invited me for dinner one night ostensibly so that they could see their son. School slowed us down only slightly. One afternoon, his mouth on my breasts and his hand on my thighs had overcome all my usual caution. When he had reached the juncture of my legs, I had spread them instead of clasping them. The climax had been a wave of pleasure followed by a wave of panic, but Bob had been there holding me and crooning. "Lovely Jeanette," he'd said. "Sweet girl. Darling, beautiful, darling. Precious girl. I love you."

"Bob?" I'd asked.

"I'm right here. You're in my arms. You are safe and loved." And I was. My panic ebbed. He tried to be comforting, but there was an underlying smugness; he thought that I had had a climax. The real, frightening, truth was that the climax had had me. The pleasure had been real, but the fright had been much greater. Having another person there had compounded the fright, although having Bob there afterwards had been a comfort. If I was ever to let control go, instead of having it wrenched from me, it had to be in Bob's presence. Even so, I later asked him to draw the line on petting so that he didn't touch me there again. "For how long?" he'd asked. We'd drawn lines in petting before.

"Forever, I think."

"Indefinitely," he'd offered and not brought it up that year.

When Bob had gone off to the university, my parents -- with some support from his -- had extracted the promise that each of us would date others in that separation. In this "cooling off period," I had dated juniors, nerds, and two boys who thought that their romance with each other was secret. Bob had participated in the college dating scene. We had only seen each other on the few school breaks. Deprived of Bob, I had counted the months until we would both be on the same campus away from my mother.

By Bob's spring break, even my mother had accepted that this was the future. On that break, Bob had taken almost full control of his mother's car. We had walked and talked driven and talked and parked and ... Well, we had talked then too. We had needed to catch each other up on the time that we had been apart. Our discussions ran for hours.

That had included a long talk on our past year which revealed that some of his dates had included full sex. I had been devastated. I had hidden myself in my room and cried my eyes out. I had been livid. I had never wanted to see him again. Realistically, though, there had only been three days to tell him what a dog he had been, and avoiding him would have meant wasting them. Instead, I had told him how he had ruined my life. He'd responded that he loved me, that we had promised our parents to try out other relationships before we made a commitment to each other, that he had never doubted the permanence of our relationships, and that I'd never told him that I expected him to fake those dates. (You can take a date to the movies without taking her to bed.)

I had silenced him with a demand that he only listen. For two days I talked myself hoarse. "And never imagine," I'd ended one diatribe, "that I'm going to compete with those other girls."

"Too late," he'd finally broken in. "You've already won."

"You know what I mean. My body isn't the price for a date with you."

"It never was. You haven't even said that you will go on a date with me, much less that you would put out for the privilege." He had a point, but he hadn't been supposed to be talking back.

We had parted with nothing resolved. I had entered more honestly into the school social life, although it had been rather late for that. I had discovered that I didn't like kissing or petting with other boys, and that drawing the line was much harder with them.

Bob had signed up for a third summer of road construction. His brief interim at home had included as much time together as before, but most of it had been spent in recrimination. He had said that he had stopped having sex. I'd told him that this reform was rather late.

"How would you have felt if I had done that?" I had asked.

"Devastated. Betrayed. But I was always ready for you. I would have felt betrayed that you were ready for another when you weren't ready for me."

So he had gone for the summer, still with nothing resolved. We had started writing again, Bob's letters to me going via his mother. Bob's letters had been simply abject in the beginning. While the later ones all included an apology, he made an effort to include the jokes and insights that had entertained me before. I had gradually realized that I had been even more afraid of losing Bob to someone else than I had been angry about the betrayal.

At the end of the summer, he had begged for my pardon literally on his knees. Unable to resist that, and remembering the times that he had been there when I had needed him, I had forgiven him.

Soon we had been on the same campus together. Bob introduced me to the campus social scene, but we would also meet between classes or for lunch. We'd studied together at the library until he confessed that he wasn't learning anything. It had been fine for me, Bob's presence is the most reassuring environment for anything. We had talked, and talked, and talked. We had reestablished all the physical intimacy denied us over the previous fifteen months. In hidden nooks, he had groped me; his roommate had been willing to guarantee library absences to give us privacy.

Bob had held his breath when he confessed that he really wanted to change his future plans from lawyer to historian. In the truck, I stole another glance at my love. He has huge blind spots and hadn't been able to see that his unhappiness would have made me unhappy.

Ironically, this had been the first period in my life since meeting him -- since long before meeting him, had I known it -- that I hadn't needed Bob. I had one tiny bedroom in a "suite," but that room had a lock. My silent insistence on my privacy had been freely accepted by my suitemates. (They had met, and been mightily impressed by, Bob the first week. Dating a sophomore, I had come across as the one who knew what college life was about.) Mother had been many miles away; classes, my only campus pressure, had never been able to compete with her. In this heady freedom. I had been able to enjoy Bob's presence without using it as a talisman. There had been no need for: "I can take this, Bob will hug me tomorrow."

We had jointly explored the emptier parts of the University while Bob explored my parts. I asked him to honor the old limits. "Until marriage?" he had asked dubiously. At that time, this had still meant two and a half more years.

(That September, we had decided that we would get married when he graduated. On the bus taking us both home for Thanksgiving, we had decided that the end of his junior -- and my sophomore -- year made more sense. At Christmas, we had announced the engagement for the coming June to both families.)

We'd agreed about nothing on the question of limits except to talk later. "I'll trade you," had been Bob's final offer. "We stop where we are. No sex before marriage. You keep your panties on. But if sex waits for marriage, then marriage is about sex. There are no inhibitions after we have tied the knot. You think about that one." And I had.

I'd had to deal with myself honestly. My passion, not Bob's, was what had frightened me, but my passion had also attracted me, especially at the lower intensities. The possibility of those moments had become almost as enticing as alarming. And the more distant the future, the more enticing and the less threatening it had appeared. I had already become nearly as reluctant to say "never" about those climaxes as I was to say "now" or "soon." I had been (I am still) unable to imagine trusting anyone but Bob around when I lost control; so saying "not Bob" was saying "never."

Then there was marriage. I'd always meant to marry Bob someday. Even at my angriest, I'd never quite told myself that I wouldn't marry him. Bob had been wrong, marriage isn't about sex; it is about trust, and forever, and sharing everything. But sharing everything obviously included sharing this thing which was of paramount importance to Bob. And if I said never to this, Bob's "forever" would include a "never"; he hadn't said that he wouldn't make that sacrifice, but he hadn't said that he would. And, finally, my reluctance wasn't about sex; it was about trust.

There were other considerations. Bob had given me comfort when there was no other comfort; I would give him whatever he wanted. He had gone back to his harem with staples in their bellies, but I couldn't expect him to be satisfied with those magazines forever. I had wanted a future with Bob; it could only be secure if his lust reinforced, rather than eroding, his love. I'd been greedy for all of Bob. Wanting a monopoly, I had decided to satisfy all his wants. Then and there I had determined to satisfy all of my husband's sexual desires. I had agreed that "Marriage is about sex."

And there I was again, with the same thought after how many miles? I hoped that I was driving straight while I was thinking in a circle. That old determination had not reckoned, of course, on the extent of Bob's sexual desires. I darted another glance at my sleeping man. All these memories were increasing my sexual desires. And that was the other half of it.

Everybody had become concerned about the inessentials when we announced our engagement. My mother and I had gone through serious negotiations about how many of my dreams would be allowed in the wedding designed according to her dreams, but that had been totally predictable. The response of Bob's family had come as a surprise; they had kept expecting me to be fazed by Bob's decision to take seven or eight more years to become a history instructor, rather than five more years to become a lawyer. They, and Bob, had been quite upset that my education would be delayed or ended. (Although we never had spoken the word "ended" aloud.) We had gone for marital counseling with the pastor of a church near campus. (He hadn't married us, although that threat had been useful against my mother.) PastorJim had raised all sorts of questions regarding the future, some of them involving sex. Bob had once suggested that I avoid the pain of defloration by stretching myself first.

Nobody seemed to worry whether Jeanette could bear losing self control.

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One night I got home from work to be told by dad that he and mum were going on holidays. It was weird because they never went on holidays. But they would be away for 4 weeks. I envisaged 4 weeks of freedom until dad said I would be staying with Uncle Sidney and Aunty Sue. I said I didn’t need baby-sitters but dad was adamant. Now Uncle Sidney and Aunty Sue were not really related. They were friends of dad and mum. They were in their 30’s and seemed nice. I guess it could have been worse so I...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 43 Computer Dating Part II

January-February 1979 At lunch on Monday, people started getting their sheets and there was chaos as many people discovered that their boyfriend or girlfriend wasn’t on their list, and some rival of theirs was on their boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s list. I found it amusing. I saw Melanie laughing hard when she got her list. I walked over to her. “Steve, I love you. Thanks!” “You’re welcome.” “Did you run a real sheet for me?” I pulled it out of my pocket and said, “Your first match is a...

3 years ago
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Showing Off SusanChapter 5

Deep down, Lanny knew he should probably put a stop to this idea of shaving Susan before things got out of hand. But his ego and all of the alcohol that he had consumed wouldn't allow it. Susan slumped to a sitting position on the bed as the five guys talked about who was winning the card game. Joe made some lame excuse to Lanny that he and Willy would have brought Susan to the motel sooner but they had to stop and talk to another friend he saw on the way out of the club. But Lanny wasn't...

2 years ago
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LoneMilf Summer Hart MILF Screaming Orgasm

Summer Hart is a thick, redheaded MILF with a deep understanding of how to channel her inner seductress. Today, she is hanging out in bed in some lacy, black lingerie that is just begging to be ripped off her silky, pale skin. She pulls down her see through panties to expose her trimmed red bush and tight MILF pussy, and then rubs her clit sensuously. Her pussy gets juicy under her fingers as she sticks her legs in the air to show off her tight hole. Summer can hardly contain herself as she...

4 years ago
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It was just a regular Friday. I was gathering my things and counting down the last minutes of my work day, as did the rest of my colleagues. We were all excited about the start of the weekend. Not that I had major plans. For me basically, it comes down to sleeping and fucking longer, which is not that bad if you are over 30 and in a committed relationship, holding 8 to 5 office job. As I was on my way out, the screen of my phone lit revealing the name of the caller. Anna - my girlfriend was...

3 years ago
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A Little Stranger Fun

My name is Tammy Jo. I am twenty-one years old. I am stuck in this small town in Texas and I hate it here. My ambition is to get out of this rat hole where everyone knows everyone’s business and into a bigger city where I can have some privacy.I have been working at the corner convenience store out of the main highway, about a half mile from the house, since I was eighteen, saving my hourly wages to buy a car and hopefully drive out of here and never look back. I have a boyfriend, or so folks...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Slumber Party Part 2

Tanya was still in the corner, fanning herself. "It just got hot as hell in here. This is surely going to be the best slumber party yet." Then Tanya changed into a regular size tee and long pajama bottoms right before her mom walked in."Hey ladies," she said as she sat a bowl on the dresser, "I made a face mask for you. If you guys need anything else, let me know.""Ok, thanks mom," Tanya smiled just as her mom left the room."Your mom is so hot," Iara joked as she viewed the contents on the...

3 years ago
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Your Domain

You wake up, slightly groggy. You feel drunk but do not remember drinking the night before. It's just your luck to be sick on your 18th birthday. Your name is Joe and you have finally turned 18 today. It opened up a slew of possibilities in your life that you cannot wait to fulfill. But you still want to spend the day with your family. You live with your mother and two sisters, all of them single bombshell beauties. You have always lived with them as your dad had been out of the picture since...

3 years ago
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Six Days on the RoadChapter 55

Two more days had our clear cutting finished except for the few larger trees big enough to cut for lumber. We finished up completely with the firewood and did a general cleanup of the area before tackling the larger trees for logs. George even showed off his newfound skill of skidder driving by pushing up or digging up stumps. He could usually pull them up with the winch line, push them up with the blade, or dig them completely out. I knew there'd be plenty of the larger ones he and the...

4 years ago
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Girlfriends Massage To Group Sex Part 8211 2

Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I’m Chandu(name changed) from Delhi. I’ve been an avid reader of the stories on this site and I’ve always loved them. This time I want to submit my personal experience with my girlfriend. To share your experiences with me, or if you want to talk to me personally, email me on To tell you guys about myself, I’ve been in Delhi for five years now working in one of the top software MNC in Gurgaon. I’m 28 years, 5’8 tall, athletically built with a...

2 years ago
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Sparticus A mothers demise

SPARTICUS … A mother’s demiseChapter 1Monday evening‘Yes Dominus’ Helen laughed as she responding to her son’s request to switch off the light before she took her seat next to him on the couch.‘Hurry up slave… it’s about to start’ the teen grinningly quipped backAs it has been for the past six weeks both mother and son sat down on a Monday night before the television to watch the latest episode of Spartacus. Helen’s husband had to leave for work each day at 6am as it was a two hour commute each...

2 years ago
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Twice the Trouble

Twice the Trouble Author's Note: Derek sped into the drive, slammed on the brakes and leapt from the car. He raced around to the automatic sliding glass doors and screamed "My wife is having a baby! Help!" then turned and ran to the passenger side of his car where the door had already opened and his wife Lisa was struggling to get her legs around. "Would you relax a little," she complained as she held her belly. "We have time, I'm fine. This isn't the first time a baby has ever...

3 years ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 18

When Tom woke the next morning he was surprised to see that it was already light. Kelly was already up and dressed, with John and Ben sitting at the fire. He had hoped that they would have woke him for a patrol, but was also glad that they hadn't. He got to his feet and went to wash up. Once washed and dressed he made his way to the fire and sat down. Kelly came to him, leaned down and kissed him passionately. "If that's the way that all Indians make love, then paint me up, because I am...

2 years ago
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Destinys RoadChapter 20

My mind was in a cloud by the end of the day. I hadn't really even paid much attention in any of my classes. My brain was stuck on Josh. I just couldn't believe he had cheated. He had always been such a stand-up guy that it seemed outside of his character. More than that, I didn't buy his contrition. There was an entitlement to his thinking that he couldn't seem to get past, even now. I was really worried for him. If he didn't snap out of this way of thinking, he was going to end up...

4 years ago
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My little secret

I am taking a quick break to regroup after the Unexpected Lover series . . . I decided to include another one of my experiences that took place a little later in life. Again, this is a true story with the names changed to protect the identities of those involved. It’s going to take a minute to get to the sex . . . but some back story is necessary to get an idea of what was going on. If someone told me a simple game of “I’ve Never” with my friends and a pitcher or four of margaritas would end up...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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School for Sex Slaves

Jeremy Lynch was ushered into an absolutely decadently luxurious office. The floor was covered by a blood-red carpet with a very thick pile, and the walls were lined with tapestries depicting all sorts of sex scenes. There was an oversized desk and chair occupied by a man of about 35 in excellent physical condition. In front of the desk was a overstuffed chair, and that was the extent of the conventional furniture in the room. Otherwise, there were several large and small cushions scattered...

2 years ago
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Back to nature

Back to Nature                Chapter 1        The sun is shining through the windshield of the truck as we drive into the country side on this weekend day. I look over as you lean against the door deep in thought one finger to your lips thinking about what is in store for you today. You are wearing a sundress that buttons all the way up you wanted to wear the heels that match but not suited for the country so you have on sandals. I watch your eyes as you keep looking when you think I am...

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BlacksOnBlondes Aria Banks 07202021

Aria is shocked to discover she has been thrown off the most popular social media platform going – Dik Tok. She had over a million followers and now none. Well this little aspiring social media superstar is not going to take this without a fight. She immediately gets on the phone with the powers that be at Dik Tok and gets in touch with a social manager who agrees to meet with her and find out why her account has been suspended. Showing up he immediately sets Aria right. She cannot be...

2 years ago
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The Office Conclusion

The Office Conclusion: I was in a brothel dressed as a showgirl. I was trying to do a poledance for a homosexual customer and a cheap whore. This was a whole new experience, I told myself to enjoy it, to smile at my customers. "Come and dance on my pole, Princess." Somehow I didn't think many princesses were previously heterosexual men about to be initiated into the world of gay sex as part of a business deal. Now I felt I understood what it was like being Tracey except...

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Corruption of InnocenceChapter 22

Laurel bit her lip to stifle the moan as the man thrusted harder and harder into her anus. Naked, the same as all the other slaves at The Empire Club, she had been ordered to bend over and grab her ankles. The man in the tuxedo had then taken her first in her nest and now he was nearing orgasm in her rectum. Laurel closed her eyes to hide the tears of shame as she felt his hot seed shoot into her bowels. Vickie's mother, already a willful adult had taken longer to train than had Yuki, but...

1 year ago
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Mother Fucker

100% fiction! My name is Tim and I live with my 53 year old widowed mom named Lynn. I'm 18 now and my dad Tim "Senior" died before I was born. Mom's a librarian and works in our towns library. She looks just like you might imagine, dark hair usually in a bun, wire rim glasses worn low on her nose, slim build with below the knee dresses and blouses that never show cleavage, never any make-up and overall very conservative but cute. When I hit puberty, it was like my mind and cock went into...

2 years ago
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I clutched my bag and hopped up onto the teal porch, avoiding the steps. I rang the doorbell frantically, knowing that I was late again. I have always prided myself with how early I was for everything, but over the past few weeks I was a bit scatterbrained and couldn't show up on time for anything. I could hear the shrill ringing of the doorbell through the oak doors. They were soon accompanied by familiar heavy footsteps that belonged to Carlos who opened the door. “Calm the fuck down, and...

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Wife and Dog

Introduction: Wife and Dog A little story that i would like to share with you all My son has moved back in with us to save money like all other Kids nowadays and he brought with him his Dog Kong he is a Neo Mastiff, he is about 18 months old and a nice looking dog but, very big in stature and very strong, takes a little bit of strength to hold him but he is very well trained&hellip, Anyway we have a medium size Labrador who is a couple of years older, and she came into season, which set Kong...

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Cheating Mother 1

3 weeks ago I was supposed to go to the cinema with friends after work. I wasn't feeling well when my shift ended so I cancelled and had them drop me home on the way. Mom's car was at home but the door was locked. We lived in a pretty secluded area so the door was rarely locked when someone was home. I opened it and stepped inside to the low sound of romantic music. I was surprised since Dad was away with work for the whole week, not that there was a whole lot of romance in my parent's...

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car wash kelly

"Oh, Mr Dawson..." Kelly's sweet, sing-song voice filled the classroom, along with her equally sweet lilac scent, "I have something for you."I smiled down at the pretty 18 year old standing in front of me at my desk. Kelly reminded me of spring – her fresh face youthful; her small, perky nipples poking through the thin fabric of her warn cotton cheerleaders sweater."Here," she continued, handing me a flyer, "The high school cheerleading squad is having a car wash this afternoon in the student...

2 years ago
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My World Of Lesbian Sex

I was sitting on the couch browsing through the tv channels one by one. I was completely bored. It was just the start of my 2 months summer holidays after the 10th board exams ( 18 years old at the time) and my mom was out of town with some work. It was not unusual for her as she was travelling most of the time. Seema, our maid had left for the day, after finishing her daily chores. She would be back only the next day morning. Even my best friend Renu too had gone to her native town for a week...

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MILF to GoChapter 3

All was now ready and early and that evening, after the heat of the day had subsided, Jane Richards was driving down the quiet winding country road, toward the small nearby coastal town on a regular late afternoon visit to purchase her groceries. In doing so our MILF spotted the figure of a lone female, standing beside a stationary car with its hood raised, signifying an obvious breakdown of sorts to the tall slim Blonde Englishwoman. Realising the young woman appeared to be alone and in...

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mistress enjoys hotel humiliation

we had been in our hotel room for most of the day and you were getting hungry. you told me to pick up the phone and call for some room service. i wuz just about to place yur order when you covered the mouth piece of the receiver and told me to request a "male server". i gave you a quizical look. you returned an icy stare at me which meant do exactly as i say, so i requested a "male server". the male voice on the other end of the phone laughed and said that he would personally bring our...

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PureTaboo Dillion Harper Open House

SCENE opens on Karen, a 20-year-old real estate assistant, as she puts a tray of cookies into the oven. She is preparing one of her new properties for an open house today and wants everything to be perfect. While the cookies bake, she walks through the downstairs to make sure everything is in order: straightening pillows, spraying air freshener, placing a bouquet of flowers on the table, and stacking her house flyers neatly by the door. You can tell the young woman is nervous, it’s her...

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Life 5

WENDYS PHOTOS After seeing the Wyonges out I return to Wendy and let her down off the Wheel. Then with the harness still in place I took her to the spare room to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be her day. We were going to her work place to take the photos for the family album. I had no idea who else she had invited. Saturday morning we arrived at Wendys office. Outside a middle-aged man was waiting for us. Wendy greeted him with a kiss and led us both up to her private office. I know she was a...

1 year ago
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Shower time

Dell hated working on holidays, away from home, all alone, and bored stiff, not a very pleasant way to spend Christmas day, and worse yet, the surroundings really sucked, seeing as he was a deputy sheriff of Hall County, and had jail duty for the day. Someone had to man the phones and watch the prisoners, well that should be "prisoner" as there was only one inmate being held in the county jail, and she was doing six months for writing bad checks. "Not a bad lookin' dame," thought Dell, "with a...

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Slutprincess Cadance

Cadance checked her phone, the hint of a smile crossing her regal features, as she contemplated how to spend the day. It was a gorgeous late-summer afternoon in Equestria. She'd slept in, made herself look good, savored brunch, and was ready to tackle the day. Admiring her reflection in her phone, Cadance knew she looked good. The epitome of aristocratic pony breeding, the princess' flawless pale pink skin, flowing gradient hair, and perfect features were usually enough to spark the interest of...

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TANL 5 long but worth it

"This is not good" I thought to myself. "Sara is not gonna like this if she catches this broad here." I don't normally refer to women as broads, but this one had annoyed the shit out of me and I wasn't enjoying her company. :Miranda," I began, trying to frantically get her out of my apartment before she ruined my life "I've said my piece and.." Then came the knock at the door. I walked to it, silently said a prayer to a god I was sure was laughing his fool head off, and opened the door to my...

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VickiChapter 2

Vicki returned home to find her father and son busy watching "War Wagon", Claude Blois's favorite Western. He was a serious John Wayne fan and had passed his fondness for the Duke on to his grandson. Even so, they both rushed to hug Vicki, since they missed her even for those few hours when she was gone. That was when they noticed Dan, smiling at the scene in front of him. Claude took only a few seconds to catch on to one very important fact: this man was his daughter's new boyfriend. He...

3 years ago
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A School Masters Tale Detention 1

Detention, I had to admit was normally the most boring of aspects that came with the job as a School Master, in a ladies finishing school. I was eager to see my lady. I did not want to be there any more than they did, but there was I sat in a room with three maturing young women, in their late teens, who had misbehaved at some point during the day. I was reading some notes and then. “Sir?” the young blond haired woman stood in front of me. Her tight fitting blouse was the first thing I...

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My Friend Corey

Corey and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. He was in my third grade class. All of the kids mad fun of him for being the new kid. I was the only one that wanted to be his friend. He was two months older than me. As we got older and our bodies developed, we began to notice each other in ways we hadn’t before. I would tease him by walking around in revealing clothes, and he would tease me also. Corey and I never had anything very romantic between us, for neither of us had...

3 years ago
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Going For Dinner With Mum

My mother was always smart, but you wouldn't look at her twice. She has a great personality and people enjoy her company.I would always flirt with her to make her feel good since my farther left us a number of years ago. I could tell she enjoyed the attention she got from her little boy.It was a Friday night that I had nothing to do. When I walked in the cottage after school, I was greeted by my mother in her knickers bending over in the hall. When she heard me she straightened up and I could...

2 years ago
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Three bears

Amanda loved Christmas. The piped music in the shopping centre reminded her – it was the most wonderful time of the year. She never needed an excuse to shop and she enjoyed buying things for others even more than buying for herself. It was great to be out of the house too and being productive. Since her two girls had started school and with her husband often working away, she had found herself with far too much time at her disposal. Time she had started to spend on the darker side of the...

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Strippers and Prostitutes Ch 08

Ch. 8: The Family Gathering Author’s notes: 1. This story follows on from my previous story ‘Mixed Emotions’ in which the characters are introduced and developed. It is strongly recommended that ‘Mixed Emotions’ is read first. 2. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this series are neither condoned nor recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk. 3. All characters are fictional and any likeness...

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Vice Cop Ch 06

Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson went undercover at a costume party in The Hamptons in hopes of discovering a notorious Madame’s wild sex party and drug operation. Lexa an Detective Mason went to the party unaware that their hostess was really the wanted Madame. Hudson’s Corvette was bombed and he was mildly wounded by a gun shot. In this chapter, Hudson and Lexa team up as undercover cops for the first time. If you wish to skip all the action and storyline, read SCENE TEN for a brief oral and...

2 years ago
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Mark and Geri

Mark met Geri at the trailhead parking lot just after dawn. It was their plan to hike into the mountains the Lake Genevieve and back. Figuring that one-way was just over 5 miles, an early start should get them back to the trailhead by midafternoon. The pair had been hiking partners for a couple of years now and they both knew their pace on the trail. One that was slower than most, but one that allowed them to capture some incredible wildlife. Mark had met Geri at a wildlife seminar that was...

3 years ago
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She opens the door for me without a word, leads me through her living room then outside to her deck. She was mad at me for not coming through on a promise I made her. I beg for her forgiveness as I lightly kiss her neck, shoulders, and cheek as she stands beside me at the counter. She tries to fight it, trying to appear strong, but I won’t give up. I try giving her a hickey, but she pushes me away. She hasn’t warmed up yet. Coaxing her a little longer, finally, she lets me kiss her pouty lips....

4 years ago
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Babysitting Kizzy

My name is John, a typical “English” name for a typical “English” guy. At the age of 15 my family, mother father and two sisters were tragically killed in a motor accident whilst I was on a Rugby tour in the U.K. My nearest relative was my father’s cousin Herbert, or Herb as he liked to be called. Herb was married to Josie, they had not been fortunate to have children of their own and so willingly accepted me into their family in America. It was obviously a shock and upheaval and as such I...

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The FavorChapter 16 The Aftermath Jeff

I walked home slowly and went upstairs into my bedroom. I was mentally exhausted and confused. I felt like I had just taken a really important test; I had passed, but it drained me completely. My mind was swirling around the events that had just occurred, and I started revising some plans for the future. I quickly fell asleep and took a nice long nap. I woke up in the afternoon and went downstairs. Michelle was sitting in the family room, but she jumped up when I walked in. "Welcome to the...

1 year ago
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Ida Found Her Pleasure

The scenes are making her excited more than the other days. She knows the reason. She is fantasizing with Dave, her first love. She imagines that Dave and she are the star of the porn movie that she’s watching in her PC. Ida was oversized and that’s a frustration in her life. She stands on her 19. Her weight was 98 kg with a 5’-11” height. Her breasts were 42. She tired several times consulting with doctors to reduce her weight, but those didn’t work indeed. Every boy in her school used to...

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SUMMER VACATIONA STORY OF SECRECY & DEPRAVITYFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCHAPTER 5I was frozen. Cassie slowly walked closer to me, her eyes never quite meeting mine. Was I dreaming? I had to be...there was no other rational explanation for what was happening. I reached down and covered my dick up with my hand, secretly cursing myself for not putting the damn thing up while I was outside. I was just glad all the lights in the house were out. It might make it a little harder to see that I had...

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Amber The Teen Tranny

I was horny as fuck that day as I hadn’t jizzed in a few days due to work being so hectic. I debated how to get my rocks off and decided to go cruising at the park for some cock. I took a quick shower, threw on a pair of pink frilly panties, a pair of loose sport shorts, and a long tshirt. I hopped in my car and drove to the park, teasing my little prick by rubbing it in my sissy panties, leaking copious amounts of precum into them as a result. I parked and headed towards the wooded area...

2 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 4

Almond Grove - 3750 C.E. It was not without a little trepidation that Ellis followed the woman who'd greeted him when his private space ship docked at Almond Grove. Partly, this was because he'd always wanted to see for himself the private residence of the second wealthiest man in the Solar System and this was the reason he used to justify to himself the expense and trouble of travelling for very nearly a month from Venus to Earth orbit. The main reason, of course, was that a summons from...

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The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 4

As part of her “rehabilitation” Bob commented on the fact that all she seemed to have was work clothes. His next suggestion changed their relationship a little more. “Lacey?” “Hmmm?” She was sitting in a chair in the living room, wearing her new green robe. Her knees were bent and her feet tucked into the corner of the chair. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I think you could benefit from some new clothes.” “Clothes?” “Don’t get me wrong. I like the way you look in your...

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Lockdown Sex With Married Elder Sister 8211 Part 1

Hello! This is Rajeshwar Rao, 19 years, hail, healthy and happy living boy. I belong to a village 80 miles away from the city. Ours is an agricultural family. This incident which I am writing now did take place on the first night of the lockdown period. Though I am only 19 years of age and grew up in a village atmosphere, I was tall and strong. After passing my Inter II year, last year, that was in 2019, I came to the city to do graduation. My elder sister lived in the city. My elder sister...

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Ashlynn Daddyrsquos Little Girl

Daddy’s Little GirlPart 3 We were in pretty good moods considering. Monday we go to see about getting her stitches out, and then get some more tests run. The most frightening of all Ashlynn’s injuries is that because of all the abuse to her internal parts, the Doctors fear Ash may not be able to have c***dren. Ashlynn had some STD issues but with treatment that seems to have be clearing up. She still doesn’t sound like Daddy’s Little Girl. We have not yet had her teeth fixed, so she doesn’t...

4 years ago
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Butter FaceChapter 3

"Any news?" I asked Jessie as he slid into the passenger seat. I always picked the guys up for school and he's the last one. Chuck and Dale were in the back running their mouths about some shit and giving me a headache. "News about what?" "About what I asked you yesterday. Don't tell me you didn't ask your brother." "Oh, you mean 'bout Butter Face," he said with a snicker. It was Wednesday and I hadn't heard from her and as far as I knew, no one has seen her since our little...

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