Opportunity Knocks
- 3 years ago
- 16
- 0
A glass of wine in hand, Jayne Morgan stood out on the small hotel balcony, admiring the view of downtown Chicago. Despite the coolness of the evening, the thirty-four year old felt quite comfortable in just the skirt and blouse she wore, warmed within by her drink and the thought of a job well done. The latter of which, the short-haired redhead was certain, was going to reap significant dividends come Tuesday morning when she returned to New York and the offices of Sherman, Brown and Grant. Consideration for a partnership suddenly seemed a very real possibility.
And yet, less than forty-eight hours before, the associate had imagined a much different outcome to the case she had come to Chicago for. In fact, she had truly believed she was looking at a disaster in the making, with an equally detrimental effect on her career.
Three days ago, Nathaniel Brown, the senior partner whom she had accompanied on a major product liability case, had been stricken with appendicitis, warranting hospitalization and immediate surgery. That in itself had been enough to cause her concern but not overwhelmingly so. The real catastrophe, at least in her mind, occurred when the trial judge decided he saw no reason why, as second chair, she couldn’t complete the case on her own. Despite her urgent request, he refused to grant a continuance and would only agree to a one day delay to allow her to prepare her own final summation.
Jayne was a competent attorney, but this case needed much more than simple competence. What it needed was someone of Nathaniel Brown’s experience. That was the reason why their client had flown them out to Chicago in the first place. Based on just the facts, this case could easily go either way. It was Brown’s brilliance in final summation that they were counting on to turn the tide.
Yet somehow, despite her trepidation, Jayne had managed what had initially seemed improbable if not impossible and won the case on her own. Now she felt like celebrating.
“If I was back in New York, I know how I’d want to celebrate tonight,” Jayne thought as she took another sip of wine, a warm rush filling her breasts as it went down.
Normally, with the case completed, Jayne would’ve taken care of any paperwork right afterward, then caught an evening flight home. But Nathaniel preferred not to fly at night and had told their client that any paperwork would be delivered the day after the trial concluded. So, despite the change in counselor, that was what the client still expected.
Of course, even if she were already winging her way back home, Jayne reminded herself, there was the small fact that she had broken up with her boyfriend, Brian Cassidy, early last month. Even so, it wouldn’t be all that hard to find an acceptable substitute, at least for a few hours. One night stands really weren’t her norm, but that didn’t mean she didn’t occasionally indulge.
In fact, the euphoria of her surprise win, coupled with the wine in her system, was making her consider heading down to the hotel bar to see what entertainments might be found there. She’d had a few drinks there last night while attempting to marshal her courage, and noted a few not unworthy prospects. It was unlikely that any would be able to do the things that Brian used to do for her in bed; but then again, whatever their talents, it had to be better than those satisfactions available through her own hand.
“I would have to have forgotten Bob on this trip,” Jayne laughed softly as she drained the last of her wine and opened the sliding glass door that led back into her room.
A new smile filled her face and a familiar tingle formed between her legs as she recalled the pleasures her ‘battery operated boyfriend’ usually brought. Then the smile faded a bit with the thought that in the last few weeks she hadn’t even had time for that.
“Well, that ends tonight,” Jayne said to herself, making up her mind as she stepped into the spacious room.
Finding the already half empty bottle of wine that she’d left on the room’s small table, Jayne decided that it might not be a bad idea to have something to eat before she stepped out in search of companionship. There would undoubtedly be a few more drinks before the night was over and the last thing she needed was to have them on an empty stomach.
Quickly locating the menu for room service, Jayne sat herself down in the comfortable love seat and looked to see what seemed appetizing. She had only gotten half way down her choices when a knock at the door interrupted her. Not expecting anyone, she laid the menu aside and got up to see who it might be.
Opening the door, she found a young, attractive brunette standing on the threshold. An inch shorter than her own five foot six, the twenty-something girl had her hair tied back in a tight bun and wore a dark business suit and skirt not dissimilar to the ones Jayne normally wore herself. She had to admit, however, that the woman in front of her looked a lot better in it than she ever did. The outfit appeared to be custom tailored, designed to accentuate the generous curves of the body beneath it while still presenting a professional appearance. Thin black metal- framed glasses completed her ensemble.
Only a few heartbeats had passed since Jayne had opened the door, but in that short span the young woman’s expression underwent a dramatic change. What had originally been a warm, inviting smile transformed into a look of confusion.
“May I help you?” Jayne asked.
The girl, whose name Jayne would later learn was Jocelyn, didn’t immediately respond. Instead, she shifted just a bit to the right so that she could look past the older woman at the number on the open door. It was only when she had satisfied herself that she was indeed in the right place that she turned her attention back to Jayne.
“I’m supposed to be delivering some papers to a Mr. Brown,” she said, glancing down for a moment at the small leather case under her arm as if to emphasize her task. “This is his room, isn’t it?”
“Yes it is,” Jayne replied, “I mean it was,” she quickly corrected herself.
After Nathaniel had been hospitalized, it made no sense to keep two rooms, so Jayne had closed out the reservation on her own and had moved into Nathaniel’s. It was the better of the two and since she was now, however reluctantly, first chair, it seemed only fair.
The girl in the doorway seemed even more confused by the answer to her inquiry, so Jayne suggested she come in and she would explain further. She had no idea what papers Nathaniel might have been expecting, but with him unavailable she had an obligation to see what they pertained to.
Once she had closed the door behind them, it took Jayne only a bit over a minute to explain what had happened to Nathaniel Brown. She also identified herself as Mr. Brown’s associate and assured Jocelyn that whatever papers she was supposed to deliver to Nathaniel could instead be delivered to her.
The look that now filled Jocelyn’s face was one that Jayne instantly recognized as indecision. Having once been her age and just starting out, Jayne understood her situation.
“Why don’t you give your office a call?” Jayne suggested. “I’m sure they’ll tell you it’s okay to leave the papers with me.”
Jocelyn seemed to think about it a few moments, then reached into her jacket and took out a cell phone. She started to scroll down for what Jayne assumed was the number of her immediate superior but then stopped and put the phone back in her inner pocket.
“I lied; I don’t really have any papers to deliver,” she unexpectedly said.
“I don’t understand,” Jayne said.
“I’m not here to deliver any papers,” Jocelyn repeated. “I have ... I had an appointment with Mr. Brown.”
“What kind of appointment?” Jayne asked, thinking that this was becoming stranger still, her tone reflecting her confusion. “Was he going to represent you on some legal matter? Perhaps I can help in his place.”
“It was more personal than legal,” Jocelyn said after a bit of hesitation, the smile returning to her face.
That confused Jayne even more. From the way she’d referred to the senior partner, she was certain Jocelyn had never actually met the fifty-two year old before, so what was going on?
Jayne took another long look at the young woman, her eyes focusing on what she’d failed to notice earlier, a flaw in her impeccable attire. Jocelyn had the top three buttons of her white blouse open, giving a clear view of the not unimpressive breasts beneath it. That might be fine in a bar after work, but not while on the clock, so to speak. Unless of course it was a much different clock that Jocelyn was on.
Realization hit Jayne like the proverbial ton of bricks, the reason Nathaniel Brown had planned to stay in Chicago over the weekend now abundantly clear.
“I’m going to go out on a bit of a limb here,” Jayne said, sure she really wasn’t going out that far, “and suggest that Mr. Brown was actually hiring your services and not the other way around.”
“That would be a fair assumption,” Jocelyn replied with a knowing grin.
“Well,” Jayne said after a brief pause, “I’m glad we got that cleared up.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Jayne hoped they didn’t sound too judgmental. She firmly believed that a woman’s body was her own, to do with what she willed. If that included renting it out for the evening, well that was her prerogative.
That a senior partner of the firm was availing himself of her services was also none of her concern, but rather a matter between himself and his wife. Then again, having met Mrs. Brown at various company functions, Jayne really couldn’t blame him. The woman was the original ice queen.
In her view, Nathaniel’s plans for the evening weren’t all that different from her own. Of course society was okay with a woman giving away her charms, just not with her getting paid for them, unless that payment came in the form of an expensive dinner or some other non-direct compensation.
“I’m sorry I misled you,” Jayne heard Jocelyn say, snapping her out of her musings.
“It’s okay, I understand,” Jayne said, adding after a pause “In fact, I almost feel as if I’m the one that should be apologizing, seeing as you came all the way down here for nothing.”
Jayne actually meant that. Nathaniel Brown might have been in the hospital, but once his appendix had been removed, he really wasn’t in any danger. Some time in the past two days, he should’ve found a few minutes to cancel his appointment.
“Don’t feel bad,” Jocelyn replied with a grin. “The appointment was prepaid and non- refundable unless canceled a day in advance.”
That made Jayne laugh. It was a sound business practice, but she’d never quite imagined it applying to this particular business.
“Well, I think I’ve taken up enough of your time, so let me get going,” Jocelyn said, acknowledging Jayne’s laugh with a smile of her own. “I hope Mr. Brown feels better soon. I’ve never met him, but when I asked one of the other girls about him she said he was a pretty nice guy.”
With that she turned to leave, but paused when Jayne asked a question most unexpected.
“Have you had dinner?” she asked.
“Excuse me?” Jocelyn asked in turn as she turned back around.
“I was about to order a bite to eat when you knocked at the door,” Jayne explained. “If you haven’t eaten yet, I could just as easily order for two.”
Jocelyn was about to politely decline, saying that she really had to run, but then remembered that she really didn’t have any place she had to go. Her appointment with Nathanial Brown had been for the entire evening. Furthermore, she had skipped lunch with the intention of grabbing something before coming here, but then got wrapped up with something else and missed that as well.
“You know, I think I could do with a light snack,” she replied instead, her smile growing broader.
“Excellent,” Jayne said, with her own smile just as visible.
After going over the menu, they decided on the seafood sampler, along with a second bottle of wine to go with the one Jayne had already half emptied. While they waited for it to be delivered, Jocelyn made herself a bit more comfortable. Draping her jacket across an empty chair, she took off her glasses, which had only been part of the costume, then reached back and removed a few strategically pins from her tightly bundled hair, allowing it to fall free. Jayne watched with interest as the younger woman quickly ran a hand through her locks, smoothing them out as they settled just below her collar.
“That looks much nicer,” Jayne commented as Jocelyn finished.
“Thanks,” Jocelyn smiled, “I actually hate having it pulled back like that, but ... well, you have to give the client what they want.”
Room service proved to be surprisingly prompt and in a short time the two women were sharing the large platter. As good as the food was, Jayne found the conversation even more enticing. Especially since, excluding any details that, as the saying went, could be used against her in a court of law, Jocelyn proved more than willing to satisfy some of Jayne’s curiosity about what she did.
Jocelyn was, it turned out, a student at a local college that was also to remain nameless. After she had spent two years trying to juggle classes with two part time jobs, a friend had introduced her to the owner of the escort agency. Never inhibited about her sexuality, it seemed an idea worth trying.
Even with being highly selective about her clients, seeing only three or four a month, Jocelyn quickly discovered that she was making more than both of her previous jobs combined. Plus she had more than enough time to devote to her classes. Remembering the crappy jobs she had worked during her own undergraduate days, and how hard it was to juggle them and classes, Jayne wondered if, had the opportunity presented itself, she would have had the nerve to take a similar path.
Jayne also learned that her initial assumption had been more on the money than she thought. The agency Jocelyn worked for specialized in erotic fantasy, which explained the costume and the fiction about being there to deliver papers. She wondered, but didn’t ask, what other roles the pretty young woman had been called on to play.
“Well, I hope I’ve satisfied at least some of your curiosity,” Jocelyn said as she put down a now empty wine glass.
“Much more than I expected,” Jayne laughed.
“Would you mind if I ask a few questions?” Jocelyn asked.
“That would seem only fair,” Jayne replied, thinking that, even though Jocelyn had already asked a few, it was she who had been monopolizing the conversation.
“I don’t see a ring, so I was wondering if you have a boyfriend?” Jocelyn asked.
“I do ... no, I don’t,” Jayne replied, contradicting herself. “I mean I did, but we broke up last month.”
“That’s too bad,” Jocelyn noted with sympathy.
“Yeah,” Jayne replied, in a voice almost too low to be heard, thinking that it really was.
“Was he good in bed?” Jocelyn further asked.
“Actually, he was pretty fuckin’ awesome,” Jayne smiled, not bothered in the least by the intimacy of the question.
“So what happened?”
“There were other issues,” Jayne said after a pause, not really wanting to elaborate.
“Fair enough,” Jocelyn said, catching the hint. “So I’m guessing it’s been a while for you,” she added, making it more of a statement than a question.
“You could say that,” Jayne said, the look on her face saying far more than her words.
“You know, I saw some nice-looking guys down in the lobby bar on my way up here,” Jocelyn replied, a suggestive grin on her face. “Maybe you could give one of them a whirl?”
Jayne laughed.
“You’re not going to believe this,” she said once she stopped, “but when you knocked on the door I was actually making plans to head down to the bar, to possibly do just that.”
“Oh no, and I’ve kept you from it,” Jocelyn said in mock horror. “I feel so bad,” she added with more sincerity.
“Don’t; I’m really enjoying talking with you,” the redhead interjected. “Besides, if there’s one thing I’m sure of, there will always be guys down in the bar looking to get laid.”
That brought forth a laugh from Jocelyn.
“Now, I believe you were asking me some questions,” Jayne went on, signaling that she was in no hurry to end their chat.
“Okay,” the younger brunette replied, pausing afterwards as she considered what to ask next. A pause that seemed a lot longer to Jayne than it actually was.
“Ever been with another woman?” Jocelyn asked, an inquisitive smile on her face.
“Oh my goodness,” Jayne replied, caught off guard by the question. “I’m not even sure how to answer that.”
“Yes or no would probably work,” Jocelyn suggested.
“Well, I did have some curiosity about it back in college,” Jayne replied after seeming to think about it for a few moments. “but unless you want to count a few make out sessions, I’d say my answer would have to be no.”
“A friend of mine used to say, unless you’re eating pussy, you ain’t no dyke,” Jocelyn offered, “so, yeah, we’ll take that as a no.”
The standard that held sway in Jayne’s college years still pretty much held true today. As long as you never went past second base or graduation day, none of it counted.
“Have you?” Jayne inquired, unable to let the opening pass without asking.
“Many times,” the younger woman said with noticeable enthusiasm. “In fact, I actually prefer women over men - at least in my personal life.”
“Oh,” Jayne said, surprised not so much by the revelation as the clarification.
“Does that shock you?” Jocelyn inquired after seeing the subtle change of expression.
“No, it doesn’t,” Jayne answered.
“It does some people,” Jocelyn explained, than added after a pause, “but I didn’t think you would be one of them.”
Jocelyn’s admission had, however, produced a new question in Jayne’s mind. One she wasn’t exactly sure how to, or even if she should, ask. The unasked question didn’t go unnoticed.
“There’s something you want to ask; I can see it in your eyes,” Jayne heard Jocelyn say. “It’s a little late to be bashful, so ask away.”
And she did.
“What kind of woman attracts me?” Jocelyn said, repeating the question. “Now I’m the one who’s not sure she has an answer.”
She continued to think about it for a few moments, then gave the best one that she could.
“I’ve never really had a particular type per se,” Jocelyn replied. “If you were to line up my past lovers, I think you’d be hard pressed to find any particular commonalty. All I know is that, within a few minutes of meeting a woman, I know if I want to sleep with her.”
“What do you do, give them a grade?” Jayne laughed.
“Not so much a grade as simply a yes or no,” Jocelyn answered, causing Jayne to stop laughing once she realized that she was serious.
“But how do you know if she’s even interested?” Jayne ventured further.
“If she’s interested in me in particular, or just women in general?” Jocelyn asked in reply.
“Both, I guess,” Jayne said.
“Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of ‘gaydar’,” Jocelyn said, giving Jayne a chance to nod in acknowledgement, “but I’ve never much believed in it. Well, at least not as some kind of sixth sense that tells you if another woman is gay or not. What I do know is that, after a lot of hit and misses, it is possible to recognize signs of interest. But even then you still can be wrong.”
“What kind of signs?” Jayne asked, genuinely interested.
“Well, if you’re both in a lesbian bar that’s a pretty good indicator,” Jocelyn laughed. “But seriously, you just listen to what she says, how her eyes look at you, how she reacts to a casual touch. There are others, but I’m sure you get the idea.”
Jayne nodded her head, thinking as she did that it really didn’t sound all that different than the way a woman let a man know she was interested. Perhaps just a bit less obvious.
“You said that you know within a few minutes of meeting a woman if you want to sleep with her,” Jayne said, backtracking to a few minutes earlier.
“Sometimes even quicker than that,” Jocelyn grinned.
“Every woman you meet?” Jayne asked.
“Well, I don’t get to sleep with every woman I’m interested in,” Jocelyn chuckled, “although that might be nice. I just meant that I know which, if the interest in mutual, that I would say yes to.”
The look on Jayne’s face said that there was still something that she wasn’t asking. Considering what she had asked, Jocelyn couldn’t imagine what it might be. That was until she suddenly realized just what it was, and that realization made her smile.
“You’re not wondering what I thought of you, are you?” she said, sure that was exactly what Jayne was wondering.
Jayne actually blushed, confirming Jocelyn’s conclusion without words.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Jocelyn said. “It’s a valid question. After all, every woman wants to feel desirable. In fact, even though I have little interest in sleeping with men, work aside, I’m still aware of their interest in me.”
Jayne still couldn’t bring herself to ask the question, but Jocelyn was still willing to answer it.
“Well, my first reaction when you opened the door, of course, was confusion,” Jocelyn said, adding, “after all, I wasn’t expecting to find a woman in place of my client.”
Jayne nodded her head in agreement, thinking that was as she saw it as well.
“But once that passed and I took a good look at you,” Jocelyn added, pausing for a breath mid-sentence, “my second thought was that it was a damn fuckin’ shame that I was here on business.”
“Really?” Jayne asked, feeling a warm flush wash across her body.
“Total truth,” Jocelyn smiled.
“And now that you’re not here for business?” Jayne heard herself say, amazed at the words coming out of her mouth.
Jocelyn didn’t answer, at least now with words. Instead a smile formed on her face, one different that those previously displayed. One that started as mischievous, but quickly advanced to wicked.
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This is not a tue story. I had been working at this casino in Las Vegas, and there was this one cocktail waitress there who was incredibly hot. She was about five foot seven, with firm breasts the size of honey dew melons. She had the sexiest, bubbly ass I’ve ever seen, terminating in long, bowed legs. Her face was like that of an angel, topped with long, full bodied auburn hair that reached to the middle of her back. I wanted to fuck her so bad, in the worst possible way. There was only one...
EroticI lived in a two-story colonial at the time. I arrived home mid morning after a very long night at work. After sending the babysitter home, I went to the laundry room in the basement, took off my work clothes and threw them into the hamper. I went back upstairs and proceeded to take a shower. I needed to wash off all my night sweat. The warm water felt great against my sore body. The pulsating streams of water coming out of my handheld shower-head was working it's magic on my body. After about...
ExhibitionismThere was a quiet but insistent tapping on the window. “Freeman,” came a whispered voice from outside. “Let me in!” “Huh!” I thought. The tapping came again. “Freeman! Wake up! Let me in!” Sam stirred and his eyes popped open. I cupped my hand over his mouth before he could say anything. “Come on, Freeman. Wake up! Let me in!” whispered the voice. I rolled out of bed and shuffled to the window. The dim glow of the night light gave me enough vision to move around the room without...
Somebody's knocking Author's note: This one is based on the old song "Somebody's knocking" a version of which you can find here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiJDqUbSMwI When I heard the knocking, I jumped, even though I had been expecting it. He'd been sniffing around lately, and I figured it was only a matter of time before he made a move on me. After all, I was a "tranny", and because of my gender issues I was alone, and lonely. He'd left me loving notes telling me he only...
You’re in the kitchen cooking dinner wearing your red robe. I just came back from work. I see you from behind, sneak up on you and cover your eyes. I say, ‘Knock Knock!’, your hands grab my waist from behind and you pull me closer. You say, ‘Who’s there?’ I say ‘Oh you,’ You turn around and look at me. ‘Oh you who?’ I gently whisper into your ears, ‘Oh you look so hot tonight!’ You smile and playfully kiss me. I put my hands on your hips and push you against the fridge. We start to...
As i work as a security guard at my huge local car dealership four nights a week it is one of my duties to escort the fuel tanker drivers into the site to replenish the petrol station twice a week, last night as usual the tanker arrived at 3am and having lowered the bollards and escorted the driver through and having supervised him through his duties, it was then that as usual i offered pete the driver a cup of coffee before he heads off. Accepting my offer, he parked up and followed me to my...
Saturday was strange. As soon as I walked into the locker room, I ran into Adrian. While we were stretching out on the field Adrian was next to me. During warm up practice on catching drills I ended up either in front of him or following him. At the beginning of the game, we had a good run back after catching a punt for our first possession. On first down I had a pull blocking assignment for a running play. I put the end on his butt and started down field to clear linebackers. I chipped one...
Sunday breakfast was rowdy. So rowdy we were asked to tame it down, or they would have to bust up our long table. We were now large enough that we filled up about eight tables. Funny how Misty and Cherry both beat Sarah to the table. Sarah sat next to Misty, and we all chatted. Sarah asked me whether I would go to church with her. I said that would be great and asked everyone else if they wanted to come to the early service. Mandy was there, so she and Adrian went with Sarah, Misty, Cherry,...
My Gibson acoustic was still out, so I went to put it in its case. While I was fiddling with it Trish asked me to play something else for them. In the bottom of the Gibson’s case was some music that I recognized as an arrangement I had worked on before coming to school. I brought the music over to Carol and asked how she was at sight-reading. She actually blushed and said she was pretty good. I told her to look at the music for a minute while I turned on the vibraphone. I told everyone that...
We met Mike and a legendary player at the pro shop at two-thirty. I thought Terry was going to get on his knees and bow to the guy. Since I had not been a golfer for very long, I recognized his name, but he was just another guy to me. He was very friendly. “You sure are a tall one,” the pro player said looking up at me from under the brim of his hat. “I didn’t know they made clubs long enough for someone your size.” He said smiling. Terry explained that he was using today and tomorrow for...
This story was written for a friend who prefers to remain anonymous. It’s a story that could happen to any of us under the same circumstances. * * * * * I heard the knock at the door and shivered slightly, suddenly afraid. What had started as an innocent, on-line exchange was instantly real. Time. It was all about time. Time for children, time for work, time for home, time for parents with failing health. In the end there was no time for me. Am I angry or even upset? No, it was just the way...
He opened the door wearing his torn jeans and a blue singlet. As he caught sight of me he smiled and enjoyed the view. his eyes went from the black leather stiletto boots up to the white dress through which you could see the shadow of the black lace suspenders i wore underneath. His eyes went further up and rested on the slightly unbuttoned top and the shadow of the lace bra underneath. he watched me bend down and begin to unzip my right boot giving him a good view down my top. i unzipped...
Introduction: A sexless marriage leads to me getting sex by any means…… My wife Robyn, step-daughter Megan and I, Live in a two bed room apartment. Robyn and I have been married for a year now. Both Divorced. The first 7 months of date were great. Megan wasnt too fond of me and didnt approve of me and her mother. I once heard her and mother talking. Honey, Royce and I are getting pretty serious. Hes going to be around a lot more. Robyn would say. Why could you and dad work things out? Megan...
The tower stood proudly higher than any building Aromir thought existed. It stood in defiance of nature with its shape consisting of a perfect cylinder that was wider on the top and bottom than in the very middle tapering in the ends. Where most would put a conical roof at the top of the tower was nothing. At the apparent front of the tower stood double doors, twice as tall as Aromir. All these things were exceptionally nonexistent in Moc Arden, but none of these things registered first with...
Sebastian was a 20-year-old boy who commonly spent most of his days alone. He didn't have many friends, if any, and he preferred to spend his days alone and quietly. It was usually part of his live routine to go check he's aunt's house, which gave him some bills to see that the property was intact since she did not live there but with her partner at the other end of the city. Well, let's see if something has changed Sebastian said, but when he put the key in the lock, a lightning was heard...
MILFPrevious story is The Engineer Plays On. South Farm Amanda had said. Hmm ... it was a big place, but also in poor condition, nothing had been done to it for years, decades probably, and the outbuildings weren’t much better. Still, it was food for thought, but fairly swiftly if I was going to do anything. And that muscle control was something I’d like to sample again. So, meeting of the family I think. Everyone had been invited to supper and the subsequent meeting but in the event there was...
At work, there were a number of new clients who wanted some help in estate planning. Couple that with three real estate closings and settling two personal injury claims made for a productive week. Brian thoughts were on the workout Debbie gave him and the promise he saw in Laurie. He gave Laurie a phone call and asked her if she was free this weekend and would she want to go to Danny’s and Josh’s final basketball game of the season. “I would expect that your sister and her husband will be...
To say that there had been a welcome upturn in Brian’s sexual exploits would be an understatement. Arlene was a given on Tuesdays and Debbie could be a surprise on any day but seemed like a “for sure” at least once a week. Laurie he thought was giving signals that their relationship could shortly be advancing to the next level. Why there was this turn of events in Brian’s life he didn’t know but he was glad it had happened. Brian was told by his secretary that his two o’clock, a Liz Carlson...
Business was picking up at the office. They were starting to handle an increase number of divorces which were adding to the present workload. Brian knew he was going to need to start looking for another associate soon. The way the economy presently was, he didn’t think he would have much trouble in finding one. Brian phoned Laurie and was pleased to learn that she was available this Saturday. She accepted his invitation to dinner. Laurie was always pleasant company and he was looking forward...
We walked to the gym, flashed our ID’s then found seats behind the bench. The players all said they were glad to see me up and around. One of the staff trainers told me to come in Monday to get checked out and then with a smiling leer at Misty, “Don’t hurt our boy here, we need him to play soon.” Misty laughed before saying softly in my ear, “Don’t you know that guy would love to be in your shoes right now.” The game was okay; kind of boring as neither team really took control. They just...
Saturday morning I hit the dining hall at seven thirty. As I walked out the door of the dorm Kenny joined me. Surprisingly, Misty and Cherry were already sitting with four other cheerleaders. Kenny and I went through the line, loading up with lots of food. Misty and Cherry made room for me between them, while the other girls made room for Kenny. Kenny was grinning, “I’ll have to eat with you more often Chuck, you seem to draw a nice crowd. I like your crowds.” We ate with lots of joking and...
Sunday breakfast was fun. Kenny plus several of the first five and the bench were there, plus a bunch of cheerleaders came with Misty, Cherry, and Susie. There were so many we had three tables pushed together end to end. We talked about early basketball practice and who wanted to go to the library later. If we kept this up, the library would have to open a conference room for us. There were going to be about fifteen there as a group. Misty, Cherry, Susie, Kenny, and I walked to the campus...
When I got to the dining hall for breakfast, my two cheerleaders were already there with an empty chair between them for me. A few minutes later, Sarah and Adrian entered deep in conversation. Sarah came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, gave a quick hug to the two girls, and then sat next to Cherry. The still sleepy group took up all eight tables with more and more folks sitting at tables adjacent to us, participating in the conversations. The usual loud ruckus was considerably quieter...
About seven I woke up because someone was kissing me. I opened my eyes seeing the huge bright blue eyes of Trish, with the dark eyed Delta watching me from behind her. Trish increased the intensity of the kiss while giving me a full body hug. My arm was around Trish, but Delta had my hand massaging one of her very large boobs. Misty was giggling behind me while still holding onto me. “You guys are bad,” I said groaning. “How’s a guy supposed to be a gentleman when you’re teasing me like...
Breakfast Monday morning was big, loud, and rowdy. Twice the cafeteria folks told us to settle down. Our entire group was happy to be back together. Adrian walked with me to our first classes then separated to go to our own buildings. I had forgotten that I had my first class with Delta. She came up to me and put a sizzling lip lock on me. “How’s my Spring break stud doing?” she asked. Delta is such a stand out good-looking babe; all the guys going into the room were eyeing me...
“Hey stud,” Susie called out to me as I was leaving the girls’ dorm lobby. “What’s happening, Susie?” I answered. “Not my business, but one of your addle brained cheerleaders is flying the coup,” she said sarcastically. “Yeah, I heard about it tonight,” I said still confused by what had transpired with Misty. “No big deal, I’ll live.” “Well I have some good news for you,” she said smiling. “The good-looking babe next door, you know the little rich girl cheerleader, Delta? She was all over...
About five-thirty I was bleary eyed from reading, so I packed up and took my books back to the room. Kenny was in the lobby when I was on my way out to eat, so he came along with me, and we stopped to get Susie on the way. Amazingly, Misty didn’t even come up in conversation especially after Delta and Trish came bouncing up to our table. They left their purses and went for food. The evening conversation was about Greeks. Seems they had been on a rampage lately. A frat house population raided...
At seven-thirty I was shaved and showered, standing in the lobby of Delta and Trish’s dorm. They came down in jeans, and we went to breakfast where there was a pretty big contingent of our regulars. Misty and Cherry even showed up but stayed pretty far away from me. Oh well. After breakfast I gave the girls my stuff wrapped up in my sheets. I helped them carry everything to Trish’s car and then walked over to the locker room. I got ready and went out to jog and warm up. A couple of guys were...
Breakfast was loud and rowdy. It was only Tuesday but felt like Friday, time to party. Reality sunk in, and everyone settled down to eat breakfast before going to classes. I needed to hustle through the day, including lunch, as I needed to be at the baseball field early to warm up in case I was called on to play. Shouldn’t have bothered. I did pinch hit in bottom of ninth. I got a decent single, but it didn’t help, as no one drove me in. We lost 7 to 2, bummer. Supper and library were...
When we arrived at Delta’s, George and Dan were dressed in shorts, polo and white deck shoes just like me. I waved at them and commented quietly to the girls, “Looks like Percy and Reginald were able to come after all.” The girls hammered my shoulders from both sides laughing, “Oh you!” The steaks were great. The one they gave me must have been at least two pounds. With the salad, baked potato and corn on the cob, I was actually full by the time the girls brought me pie. They wanted to...
That evening we were all eating at Trish’s house. After the dishes were cleared away and coffee was served to everyone, Cecile turned the dining room lights down. Delta and Trish came out of the kitchen carrying a cake with a bunch of lit candles on it singing, ‘Happy birthday to you, ‘ while the others joined in and finished the song as the girls set the cake down in front of me. “Make a wish Chuck and blow out the candles,” Carol said. I took a big breath and blew them all out in one puff...
Fall passed fast being busy with school, football, basketball practice and the girls. We seemed to be tighter than ever. Misty and Cherry were off on one of their conquests, but Sarah still hung out with all of us. Sarah seemed a lot more subdued than she used to be. The guy she was supposed to be engaged to, or was promised to, came down to school a couple of times a month on weekends. When he was around, we didn’t see Sarah. When he left she would re-appear but seemed morose and down. Not...
Wednesday I had to go to basketball practice. Trish drove me to the dorm, and then I jogged over to the gym. I was early enough to get in some extra shooting and free throw practice. The hand was hot as I was making shots from all over. My fifteen to twenty-foot jumper was almost an automatic. Normally if I missed, it was usually around the fifteen-foot area, so I was feeling on top of the world. The coach had us do some mundane drills and then let us air out by doing a few tag team wind...
Morning found two of the three girls walking funny. I guess some of that hard pounding may have been too much. They were very affectionate though, giving me lots of kisses and cuddles and telling me how much they had enjoyed our playtime. Once again I was at the gym by ten getting taped before loosening up for the coming game. Everyone was out on the court by eleven stretching and shooting. Usually I start out just lobbing balls to the net from ten to fifteen feet. I missed every shot. I...
When I woke up Saturday morning about seven, the three of us were snuggled together naked. We had forgotten to put our pajamas back on and had just pulled up the covers. All that skin was the inspiration to my morning demonstration. I slid out of bed and headed to the bathroom in Delta’s room. When I was finished, I was standing next to the bed trying to decide where to crawl back in when the door opened, and Carol stuck her head in. “Come down for some coffee and breakfast. Dan wants to get...
At supper that night, we ate with the alumni group in a huge banquet room set up with a massive buffet. Trish and Delta’s folks were there about as excited as the team was. After we ate, the players were gathered at one end of the room while the banquet people cleaned up. They set up a bar for the alums, but the players were warned off any liquor. Anyone violating the no liquor rule would be benched. The coach was standing in front of everyone like he was giving a speech, telling the alums...