Jess Ch 01
- 3 years ago
- 21
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About seven I woke up because someone was kissing me. I opened my eyes seeing the huge bright blue eyes of Trish, with the dark eyed Delta watching me from behind her. Trish increased the intensity of the kiss while giving me a full body hug. My arm was around Trish, but Delta had my hand massaging one of her very large boobs. Misty was giggling behind me while still holding onto me.
“You guys are bad,” I said groaning. “How’s a guy supposed to be a gentleman when you’re teasing me like that?”
“Who said I wanted you to be a gentleman Chuck?” Trish whispered.
“I want you to be all man baby,” said Delta huskily.
Misty kissed my ear, “Don’t forget Cherry and me. We need you, too.”
Kenny pulled into a truck stop, and we all made a dash for the rest rooms with toothbrushes in hand. I washed my face real good, getting the sleep out of my eyes, brushed my teeth, and then came back out to the car for all of us to go into the restaurant together. Kenny said we had made some great time, and we were already in Florida, about an hour out of Tampa. I said we would take 60 out of Tampa to get to the farm. It would take us about two hours to get there. Frank told me to drive the rest of the way, and he and Susie would nap. We made it to the farm by eleven on Saturday morning. Dad and my brothers came walking around the barn, while my Mom and one of my sisters came running out of the door.
As soon as the excitement died down, Mom ushered us into the kitchen to sit down for lunch. Mom had the seven travelers sit at the table, where she served us several platters of food. Dad and my siblings were at the dining room table eating their lunch of soup and sandwiches. Never let it be said that anyone ever went hungry around our house. Mom was used to cooking for a bunch of teenage boys, so she knew how much a bunch of college students could eat.
After lunch, Dad came to sit with us at the kitchen table, while my siblings dragged chairs in so they could be a part of the audience. My youngest sister, Sissy, sat on my lap, happy to have me home. I gave everyone a longer introduction as to who they were and what they did at school. My family was impressed that I hung out with a bunch of cheerleaders from school, even though I was only a freshman. Susie, being the senior member of our group, advised them, “The kid has made a name for himself. So far he’s become a football star, then Kenny will tell you Chuck is a real asset on the basketball team, and, from what I hear, he’s already playing on the baseball team. If that isn’t enough, he posted some of the best grades among freshman his first semester. So he’s doing real well.”
The whole time Susie was talking, Kenny and the other girls were agreeing saying, “Yeah,” “That’s true,” “You wouldn’t believe it,” and “He’s great.” Mom, Dad and the boys were all just staring, listening to all of it. I was embarrassed as usual, as I really wasn’t all they were saying.
Dad helped out, “He’s pretty good at baseball and basketball, but I didn’t know he knew how to play football.”
Kenny advised them, “Scholarship athletes have to try out and try to compete in all sports. They get double and triple duty plus from all the guys, especially if they make varsity, like Chuck. It keeps you running, though.”
I took everyone on a tour of the farm. We walked through the barn, patted the horses, and I explained that the big gray birds were guinea hens, and then walked down to a nearby creek named a river to see if there were any gators around. We saw a couple sunning themselves on the bank, so the trip for some Northerners was complete.
After supper, we all sat in the living room discussing the farm with my Dad and school with my brothers and sisters. Even my oldest sister came over to visit with her husband of a couple of years. All my school friends were impressed at how big my family was. There were only seven of us kids, and we all commented that a couple of our neighbors had bigger families. The Wilson’s down the road had twelve kids, and the Worth and Hoffman families both had eleven.
Sally, my next oldest sister wanted to play some music. When she asked my friends if they wanted to hear the family play, my fellow travelers all wanted to hear us play. Sissy ran off and re-appeared with my Gibson acoustic and my twelve-string, offering them both to me. I took the twelve-string, so Sissy said she would play my Gibson. Christine came back with her banjo. We played a couple of good country songs, and then Sissy begged Dad to get his fiddle and play some mountain music. We did two real hoedown pieces that were fun and exciting. I told everyone that we were all tired and needed to get some bed rest, so we could go to the beach the next day. My friends applauded our performance often and said it was neat that the family played music together.
Bedtime was fun; the girls slept with my sisters and used my bed. Kenny and I slept in bunk beds in my brother’s room.
Everyone was up at five, as the chores had to be done. I went out to help as much as I could, and then came in to take a quick shower and get ready to leave. We said we would be back in five days and would probably be tired and hungry.
Kenny wanted me to drive, as he wasn’t familiar with the area. I got on 17 south and made good time to Ft. Lauderdale. We found the hotel where we were staying amidst literally thousands of other kids in a party atmosphere. Our hotel was plush, right on the beach. We checked in, and everyone wanted to go out to the beach immediately.
I went to get my trunks and was surprised by four girls stripping down to climb into some fairly skimpy two-piece suits. Delta and Trish said they would wear their more conservative suits this first day but to look out. I told them all I wanted to do was to stay in the room and watch them change. Pillows flew at me, telling me to get over it and get changed. With my evident interest in the opposite sex, I had to turn away to keep from displaying myself. Once again the pillows flew making me stumble over the suit half way up my legs. I displayed my very hard dick for all to see.
Delta, “Oh my, can I have some of that?”
Trish, “Wow, I’ve never seen one like that. That’s scary.”
Cherry, “You don’t have to worry, I know how to take the starch out of it.”
Misty, “That’s mine. Be nice, or I won’t share.”
With the help of a gallon of “Coppertone,” we played on the beach all afternoon. Guys were swarming us, as the four girls were magnets to every guy on the beach. It is an amazing phenomena that if there are some really good looking girls, more good looking girls migrate to the group until there are more really hot chicks congregated together in one place than anywhere else.
The surprise was Susie. She may be big but she looked good in her swimsuit. She was built like a tank, but a big busted good-looking tank. I think Kenny spent the day trying to keep his front covered while in Susie’s company.
When it was suppertime, we all put on some shorts and shirts and went to a local seafood restaurant. Dad had slipped me another hundred, so I had enough to have a good time. Cherry, Misty and Kenny had received money care packages from home for spring break, and Susie said she received a big allowance, so she had plenty.
The high rollers were Delta and Trish. When we went into the restaurant, the Maitre D seemed to recognize the two girls and seated us in front of others waiting. We all ordered reasonable meals, as we were figuring on going easy on the money in order to have enough for the whole time. Delta, Trish, Kenny, and Susie ordered liquor to drink, while the rest of us went with iced tea. Kenny wasn’t old enough but the waiter didn’t object.
Just as we were finishing dinner, an older well-dressed couple came up to the table. Delta jumped up and hugged the woman and the man, “Mom, Dad, what are you guys doing here?”
“We knew you were going to be down here, so we wanted to surprise you and visit with you a little. How are you Trish, it’s good to see you,” said Delta’s Dad.
Delta waved at all of us, “Mom and Dad, meet my friends, this is Susie and Kenny and here is Cherry and Misty, fellow cheerleaders, and this is Chuck. Guys, this is my Mom and Dad, Carol and Dan Hawthorne.”
Kenny and I shook hands with Mr. Hawthorne, and then asked him if he wished to join us. He said they had just finished and didn’t wish to disturb us while we were eating. I asked the waitress for our checks, but Mr. Hawthorne patted me on the back, “I’ve taken care of this evening for you all. Thank all of you for bringing along our daughter and her friend.”
Wow, that was neat! That would have been over ten dollars with tip. We all wanted to go dancing at a club and asked Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne where we could go. He announced that the perfect place was just a couple of doors away.
We walked over to a club with a line at the door. Mr. Hawthorne led us to another door, opened it, and talked briefly to a large bouncer type who led us into the main club. We were seated near a stage that had instruments ready for the musicians. Delta said she didn’t think her Dad would bring us here, as this was the first time she had been in the club to go dancing. Mr. Hawthorne told us to call them Carol and Dan and drop the formal stuff. I was about to order a coke when Mr. Hawthorne ordered “Long Island Iced Tea” for all of us. When the drinks arrived, I took a big drink. Oh my, this was booze, and I’m not good with too much of it. Delta and Trish were laughing at the face I made.
Dan said, “Careful with that. It has quite a punch. If you drink it slowly, it will treat you okay.”
We had a great time. I danced with all the girls, including Carol. She was a good swing dancer and was ready for every dip, spin and whirl.
The girls were all besieged by guys and were on the dance floor continuously. I only had one more “Long Island Iced Tea” and finished the evening drinking Cokes. Most of the others were getting tipsy. When it was time to go, surprisingly the only one to really object about leaving was a very tipsy Carol. The girls were all turning down offers for a place to bed down.
We all walked back to the same hotel. When we got on the elevator, we pushed the second floor while Dan pushed twelve, the top floor. Delta asked, “Do you have the suite again?”
“Yeah, we took the whole thing this time. Thought you guys might want to come up and party with us sometime during the week,” Dan said.
Delta gave her Mom and Dad a hug and said, “We’ll see you for breakfast about nine, okay?” We left them for our rooms.
We all crashed in the beds, finally getting into some night type clothes. Delta, Trish, and Cherry were in some near transparent baby doll type pajamas, while Misty had a knee length wispy gown that was equally see-through. All I had was my shorts. That was going to have to do. We were all tired and snuggled up with me between Cherry and Misty, while Delta and Trish shared the other bed.
Almost as soon as we were settled we heard some obvious noises through the open connecting door. That just gave the imagination enough stimulus to get a rise out of me, and for Misty, whose back I was against to wiggle back into me, raise a leg then reach back and place me into her very moist folds. She slid down onto me, and then softly told me, “Go to sleep.”
Amazingly, I did.
Morning found me still or once again very stiff and very well ensconced into a warm wet pussy. I gave a few enjoyable thrusts before realizing the pussy I was plundering was Cherry’s not Misty’s. Cherry must have lost her panties some time during the night, as she was bare bottomed with the baby doll pulled up above her tits. I thrust until she quivered, gave her a kiss then pulled free to turn over to Misty. She wanted me on top, so I slipped into position, but asked her about a rubber before I went into her. She said she was okay today, so we made love for several minutes before we came together. We got up and went into the bathroom for the toilet and a shower where Cherry joined us. Trish and Delta were still asleep.
When we came out, Delta was sitting up in bed with the sheet over her chest; her shoulders were bare. I was wearing my shorts, and when I came close to her bed, she reached out and pulled on my shorts, pulling me toward her bed. “Come over here so I can see what I may have missed this morning.”
When she reached for me the sheet fell down exposing her bare breasts. It didn’t make any difference that I had recently gotten off. My dick was instantly hard from the sight. Delta grabbed my arm and pulled me down on top of her while kicking off the bedclothes revealing a gorgeous tanned body. She pushed my shorts down while positioning me between her legs then placing me into her. As soon as she had me in position to enter her, she used both hands to hold my head while she enthusiastically kissed me. The kisses and softness surrounding the head of my engorged dick invited me to sink into her. She was tight, very wet, but extremely tight. It took several thrusts and withdrawals to finally get myself seated.
Delta was hugging me to her and whispered, “Now do me, do me fast, do me hard, just do me, please.” I did her hard and fast the way she asked. We must have gone at it for over five minutes until Delta raised her butt off the bed and held me up in the air while her pussy clutched me in a series of ripples and quivers. When we collapsed she was kissing me rapidly all over my face whispering loudly, “I love it, I love it, I love it.”
Trish pulled me off Delta and asked, “You didn’t come in her did you?”
I looked at Trish with a guilty look but shook my head no. “Good, she’s too dumb to take care of herself sometimes. Hold yourself up a sec.” She rolled a condom onto me then pulled me to her. “Put that in me gently okay? I’m not very experienced at this.”
Dedicated to all the submissive kinky ladies that are suck with out a outlet for their desires.Her home has become a box. A box that hasn't been opened for far too long. Sure there are holes to look out. Brief reprieves. From time to time the lid will lift just long enough to get a glimpse of the outside but the air gets stagnant. She longs for the days that past. The ones when she could find that release. A way to scratch that abominable itch that gnaws at her sanity. She needs that release....
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Avi Love and her best friend Selena Stone are spending the afternoon reading erotic stories. Selena finds herself so hot that she can’t help but slip her hand down to start masturbating. Avi eventually notices and finds her friend’s pussy diddling super hot. She suggests that they try to masturbate at the same time and cum together. Selena agrees, and so the two girls lay together while each working themselves up to a climax. Unbeknownst to both of them, they’re being spied on...
xmoviesforyouOHGirl:I was prepping everything for a visit from my ex-husband and our c***dren. I still loved and had feelings for Mikey, but my life was taken over by my sex addiction and he and the c***dren deserved better. I was in the perfect place now, married to a porn director, producer and the biggest porn company owner in the pacific rim. He kept me busy in films and I helped him to smooth over business meetings by fucking and sucking off his associates. I had been the queen of bukkake gangbangs for...
Kylie Rocket arrives at her frenemy’s house with a clothes bag over her shoulder. When her frenemy, Charly Summers, opens the door and invites her inside, it’s revealed that they’ve come together to show off their prom dresses. They’ve been at odds for a while now but want to try and make amends. Even so, there’s no missing the competitive energy between them. They both go to Charly’s room to try on the prom dresses. They face away from each other, wanting it...
xmoviesforyouSunday night, there it was, sitting in my inbox. Subject: The black van. I shivered violently and my body flushed all over. I flashed back; my bra was being cut off. Being induced to come while he ate me. A flood of hot semen in my mouth. Being crushed between two men while they fucked me savagely. The titanic orgasms that followed. The taste of hot pussy. A screaming orgasm at the sky... After last time, they had dropped me off at my car. No raincoat. I had to hold my blouse closed as I...
Marisol had always been transparent with Phil. Only one thing in her life had she concealed besides her whereabouts, and it was the most important. In Chicago she let her pregnancy progress as she worked as a maid at a large mansion overlooking Lake Michigan. Her employers, a gentleman in his early fifties, handsome and blond with a developing belly on his medium sized frame, of British heritage, and his second wife, a green eyed, mocha skinned beauty in her mid thirties with black and white...
Dominic had always been a bit of a heart-throb; six foot four, good-looking, well-built and well-endowed; he had it all. And he was still only in his mid-twenties. Julie adored him. She was two years younger, and petite by comparison; they were well-matched. They had been together for five years and married for three. They had both been around a bit before they had met and neither had a problem with the other’s history. Julie had often joked that he was hornier than a goat, could get a...
So my wife (Charisma), have been married for 20 years and and have 3 k**s. My wife is still hot as hell. 5'7", blonde hair, 36DD chest, flat stomache, and dark brown eyes. Anyway she is very sexual, does cam and even plans on her own web site. When it comes to sex she has done BJ, creampie, and even anal. 2 guys max for now though and no dp yet.So this happened like 6 months ago. We went out for a basic date. Dinner and maybe drinks. Maybe cuss I don't drink but she does. She had on her sexy...
Until I read stories on Literotica, I had no idea how many sons had fantasies...or sometimes realities...of having sex with their Mother. I mean, it is not really a conversation one has with their buddies. Imagine this:"Dude, you know who I would really like to fuck?""Anyone who moves, I imagine.""True. But do you know who my most constant late night focus of my daily stroke-fest sessions?""Beth, the head cheerleader?""She's in the top five, no doubt.""Well, who would be number one...
Chloe Temple and her adopted sister Winter Bell have been locked down together. As they do laundry together, they commiserate about how much they miss dick. Chloe points out that they have a stepbrother, Jay Romero. The girls laugh about it, but now that Chloe has the idea in her head she decides to take some action. She asks Jay how he’s handling the lockdown. Winter sees what Chloe is up to. She wants some of the action, so she plops down beside Jay and strongly suggests that he should...
xmoviesforyouHey Folks, this one is kind of twisty. It's more of a character study than a fable. There are no sterling examples of humanity here, only several very flawed people who make the best of a bad situation. The only thing about this story that is a Sterling example of anything would be the job that Barney-R did in editing it. But I think it's a good story for a cold winter afternoon. SS06 Life really is funny. Right now, everything is just perfect. I never imagined it would be this way. I mean...
Hi! Friend’s thanks for your reply and encouragement now I’m going to continue my story those who has not read previous part please read it first then you can understand how this all started. My id: She takes my cock and start to suck it and after some time she herself enjoy it she said I never do this before. You r the first man who’s cock I suck. Then I stand her and took of her underwear and now she is stark naked. She hides her face with her hands and stands all naked and I look at her and...
IncestIt was hard being a single mum.Money was tight.So when my best friend Diana offered me a bit of work,cash in hand, I grabbed the chance. She worked in a local massage parlour,but on the front desk. I knew what went on in those places,those filthy men,but Di just took appointments and did some paperwork.So when she booked 2 weeks in Hedonism,wherever that is,I got a bit of work.100 quid a day,cash in hand,happy days.When I got there, I expected all the girls to be long legged blondes with big...
Breanna was about seventeen years old when she started fantasizing about her older brother, Adam. He had just turned nineteen and was in the middle of developing (he was a late bloomer). He was on the swim team so he had developed rock hard abs and toned legs and arms. Breanna always fantasized about running her hand over his chest and stomach, feeling his muscles. She used to watch him get undressed before he took a shower and would usually sit outside his door and peek through the crack while...
IncestNothing rids you of stress like a good old-fashion orgasm! Kimber Lee is having a rough day at work, so when nobody’s around she flicks the bean for a bit to calm herself done. It works, until her phone rings and she has to attend to another matter in someone else’s office. But what she forgot was that she left her panties on her desk, black, moist and bunched up for the unassuming janitor to find when he arrives to clean her office. And he isn’t stressed, but finding Kimber’s panties would...
xmoviesforyouGrandma and the Bear By Ricky Grandma was right. She used to say to me "Sherry honey, there ain't nothing so bad it don't have a ray of hope hiding down deep inside it and there ain't nothing so good that it don't have a little devil hiding somewhere to make you feel just a tiny bit nervous about the whole thing." So the good news was that after waiting far too many years to be sure the wonderful man I married had really and truly and irrevocably become a world class jerk...
"What a day," thought Paula, as she sped down Marine Blvd. on her way to the bank, "it's just one thing after another!" She knew that she was speeding, but what with the stop at the bank, grocery shopping, and a visit to the beauty parlor, she would be hard pressed to make her six o'clock appointment with her husband. Drinks, dinner, and the opera, if she could just get through the day, she might even get to enjoy the evening! She wheeled into the bank parking lot and practically ran through...
EroticI imagine walking through a park, it's dark and raining heavy, I am soaking wet, all of a sudden, I am knocked to the ground face first, I try to struggle but cannot, as there is too much weight on me, my head is pulled up and a big rubber dildo is pushed into my mouth, and I am forced to suck it, it's getting deeper and deeper making me gag, the one who is suppressing me reaches down and unbuttons my jeans, and pulls them down slightly the person leans down on me and I feel some big squishy...
Thompson and Anna made love repeatedly that night, and it was three in the morning before they finally fell asleep. It was past nine when the sun was high enough for a few rays to stream through the window shutter, illuminating Anna's face. She was a beautiful girl, and when she reached her full bloom in a few years, would be almost a goddess. Her eyes opened, and then she remembered where she was, and why. She smiled. She curled a petite hand around her father's still slumbering form under...
I can't believe I'm writing about this. In fact it's hard to believe it even happened. Let me take you back, briefly, to the beginning of this adventure. There is a well known chain restaurant near where I live that I go to often. It's attached to one of the larger hotels and they get a lot of walk in's from the hotel side. I prefer to sit in the bar area and because of that I've gotten to know several of the female bartenders reasonably well, in a customer/waitress sort of way. I guess I'm...