1984 free porn video

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Thirty nine didn’t seem so bad.

In fact, thirty nine seemed pretty decent.

I had just recently come to the realization that I was old enough not to be consumed with the opinions of others, yet young enough to retain the belief that everything in the world ultimately worked out to my personal advantage. It was a nice place to be.

Perhaps because I was revelling in my new-found comfort with aging, my girlfriend’s birthday gift of a psychic reading seemed a bit “odd” at best and — frankly — “weird” to be less magnanimous.

Yet here I was. At 4:00 p.m. on the Thursday afternoon before my 40th birthday, I stood in front of a modest house that looked more like a cabin (minus the lake) than any home I had ever noticed in this neighborhood. As I rang the doorbell, actual chimes clanged out my arrival: “Bing. Bong. Bong. Bing...”

I fluctuated between curiosity and self chastisement for venturing down this road. I didn’t even notice the knob turn, but the next thing I knew the door was opening to reveal a diminutive man of unrecognizable age in the foyer.

Now you have to understand that I am barely above the 5 foot mark in the swimming pool, so when I say “diminutive” I mean TINY.

“Katie?” he inquired.

“Um ... Kate,” I responded.

My correction didn’t faze him. He waved me in and, though he never offered his name, I followed him down a narrow hallway, past a small living room with flames flickering lazily in the fireplace. The effect was serene, but being mid-June, the timing seemed off. As we walked, I glanced through open doorways. Each space had comfortable furnishings and complimentary mood lighting. I could feel my body relax as we turned into a cozy office.

Still not speaking, my psychic buddy gestured to a leather lounge chair. It never occurred to me to question his instructions. I sat and then sprawled out in its inviting repose. My mind lost any concept of time, so when he finally spoke I wasn’t sure if I’d been relaxing for seconds, minutes or hours.

“You are much more than you appear,” he stated noncommittally.

Me and everyone else, I thought to myself, but simply mumbled a generic “Oh?” in response.

I’m not sure if I actually heard a sound, but it was almost as though I felt him chuckle at my thoughts.

“You have issues yet to be resolved,” he continued.

“Probably, yes,” I conceded.

Silence again. The temperature in the room began to climb and my cheeks flushed. A mild sense of discomfort crept in as my mind replayed his comments. Before I had the chance to ask for clarification, he spoke in a soothing tone:

“Today I think you will have a special treat. We will take you into your past. We will go to a place in your mind where you’ve been too afraid to journey. This will change your life forever.”

This wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. Tarot cards, maybe, but hypnosis ... One part of me was quite convinced that he was full of shit, another was moderately curious and yet mostly I was nervous and wanting to leave. Ultimately, the emotion that won over my behavior was that of a coward. I didn’t want to make a scene. So I continued to lie across the leather lounger and listen sceptically to his voice.

“Today we will go back,” he said again. “Back to a road not taken that would have changed your experience as a corporal being...”

I didn’t say a word, holding onto suspended belief.

“Relax,” he encouraged. “Relax. We won’t go anywhere you don’t really want to go ... Relax and let your mind guide you.”

I did as he suggested and relaxed. My shoulders sagged slightly and it seemed as if my body was getting very heavy and far away from my mind.

Dimly I mused about where I would end up. Maybe I would go away to school after all. College had been fine, but I’d always imagined all the things I could have been if I’d taken the leap to go away to the one of the Ivy Leagues that had been recruiting. Or maybe now was my chance to take the junior magazine editor position that I was too good for 15 years ago...

It truly felt like my body had begun to hover, spinning slightly while my brain watched. Never one for amusement park rides, I was relieved to find the experience didn’t last long. My senses moved back under my control and into focus. Blinking several times, I found myself away from the office and all by myself. I took in the details of the living room where I now sat, but had no idea of its locale or significance. It was a nice space. The furniture was comfortably expensive. A re-run of Night Court emanated from a very large, very old TV in the corner. Or maybe not a re-run.

“Oh, my GOD!” I thought to myself. “I could relive any event of my life and I’m HERE?” I demanded in my head.

Running to the bathroom I remembered, I flicked on the light and stared at myself in the mirror.

It was me alright, but so long since I’d seen myself this way.

What was I? Fourteen? Sixteen? My thoughts raced and I waded through the memories to make sense of my surroundings.

This was the Davidson’s house. I was babysitting. It had to be the year I was fifteen. Amy Davidson was eleven - still in need of supervision when her parents went out at night. Amy was the result of a second marriage. Dr. Davidson had left his first wife to marry his nurse or secretary or something and Amy was their child. The Davidsons went to all kinds of functions in the evenings. This had been a great way to make money before I was old enough for a “real” job. Amy really wasn’t a lot of work. We mostly watched MTV and just hung out while her folks went to charity or work events.

“Oh, my God,” I uttered aloud this time as I looked more carefully at the reflection in the mirror. The fifteen year old me looked back. Visions and memories flooded my thirty nine year old brain.

I would have just finished my freshman year, I thought as I studied my lightly tanned skin and bright eyes. If I remembered correctly, this had been the year I discovered that I could still get A’s without working too hard — all in all a bad lesson to learn. Continuing to check myself out, I grinned at the young face and body. My hair was quite blonde and fashionably full. I was back in the era of big hair. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

This year my parents would go to India to a conference and leave me with friends much of the summer. My buddy would become quite entrepreneurial and work for the local drug dealer to supply all the middle-class kids in my neighbourhood with recreational supplies. The bonus for me was that he was quite generous in sharing extra product with our circle of friends. This was the summer I had made up my mind to lose my pesky virginity and would ultimately share that awkward moment with George. No. Wait. George was too interested in drinking to help me out there. Jeff! That was his name. Running my hands over my body while I mused, I remembered my teenaged self being frustrated with all the curves. My breasts were already full, and my hips flared out in the hourglass I’d come to terms with in my 30s. Pity I hadn’t appreciated how seriously sexy I was at 15.

“Youth really IS wasted on the young,” I scolded my reflection out loud.

Back to Jeff. I hadn’t thought about him in years. One night after babysitting (was it today?) I would thank Mrs. Davidson for the $20 bill she handed me and head over to Jeff’s. We’d drive to the park near the river and fumble around in the back of his pickup, awkwardly getting the deed done while Amy and George pounded back an entire case of beer. Charming.

Jeff would call the next day to check up on me but I would blow him off. I hadn’t been looking for a boyfriend, simply someone who could help me out with my little problem. I never saw him since.

And now here I stood. I had nearly 40 years of experiences to choose from and this is where I ended up? For what reason? Was my “virtue” the issue at hand? Give me a break.

A sense of responsibility kicked in as I realized I was actually babysitting and should probably check on Amy. The passing of a quarter century didn’t change the familiarity I felt with the house and I headed straight up the stairs to her bedroom. The light was on, but she was out — a book still in her hand. I gently took it away, marking her place and setting it on the bedside table. She sighed, but was clearly deep asleep.

Turning out the light and closing her door, I surveyed my surroundings anew. There was the Davidson’s bedroom, the second floor bathroom, bedrooms for both Sam and Penny — adult children from Dr. Davidson’s first marriage who, to the best of my knowledge never actually lived in this house — and the guest bedroom that I had slept in when they’d had a couple of overnight trips. The formal living and dining room were downstairs, along with the family room where I’d been watching television. It felt odd to revisit this setting. With no real objective in mind, I began to wander around, reacquainting myself with someone else’s house.

Meandering through the master bedroom, my own reflection in the mirror on the dresser caught my eye. Surreal. I headed into the on-suite bathroom for a better look.

Cute was the word that best described me. Once upon a time I hoped I’d be “stunning” but “cute” really was most appropriate. Now I didn’t mind it so much.

“Cute works,” I told the teenager looking back at me.

Preening and turning, I wanted to see every inch of my younger self. Fascinated with my reflection, I began taking off my clothes. Pulling my shirt over my head, I admired the lacy white bra against my golden skin. Flawless. I loved it.

Hooking my fingers into the waistband of my skirt, I wiggled it down to a puddle at my feet and then stepped out. I stood in my underwear and appraised my image. I hadn’t yet discovered thongs, but my bikini panties hugged my hips. Looking over my shoulder I could see the bottom of my round cheeks sticking out from underneath the thin strip of white cotton. Firm. Sexy. Suggestive. Running my hands over my belly, I faced forward again and smiled at myself. The flat stomach was to die for and it perfectly accentuated the ripe fullness above and below.

“Very hot,” I congratulated myself and continued with what was starting to feel like a striptease.

Unclasping my bra in the back, I held it in place rather than letting it fall. I wanted to go slowly, to savor this experience. The straps slid down my shoulders, resting on my arms as I lowered the lacy material. The top of my aerola were in view and I purposely brushed my nipples with the fabric and slid it further down.

Finally dispensing with the bra all together, I cupped my hands under each breast, feeling their weight. My fingers explored the familiar yet foreign territory and the skin beneath my touch reacted immediately. I could feel it tighten, my nipples stiffening, and I marvelled in the sensation of self-stimulation with a body that was a distant memory.

My breathing had quickened and I wasn’t nearly so delicate removing my panties. Fully naked I watched my fingers moving toward my young pussy. For years now I had been waxing myself bare, so the light covering of blonde hair was quite different, but I enjoyed the gentle tug as I rubbed against it.

Using just the tip of my middle finger, I brushed along the length of my closed lips. This, too, I relished, going back and forth slowly. The heat radiated and I knew how moist I’d be when at last those lips parted open. The teasing foreplay had my heart racing and I ran my fingernail up my slit, loving the moan that came from my throat.

Desire took over and I masturbated earnestly, watching my reaction in the mirror. Sliding faster up and down my wet lips, I swirled the juices over my swelling clit. Gasping, I widened my stance and leaned against the counter while I worked myself over. Lost in the pleasure I was caught off guard as I went to push my eager finger deep inside and was met with resistance. The realization that I was still a virgin dawned in the back of my mind, but slowed me only momentarily. Redirecting my attentions, I concentrated on my clit, rubbing furiously until I felt my body tense in the familiar pause that preceded a shuddering orgasm.

Panting, I gripped my hand between my thighs, pressing tightly against my spasming pussy. The warm glow of release was seeping down my limbs and I relaxed into the vanity, still standing, still regarding the view in the glass ahead of me. My breathing was returning to normal my brain moved back from animal instinct to reason. I shook my head in disbelief at the whole scenario and began to climb back into my clothes.

Glancing at the clock, I figured that the Davidsons would probably still be away for another couple hours so I went back to aimless wandering.

Penni’s bedroom was neat and tidy. There were a couple of photos, but no other personal items. The pillows were plumped and carefully arranged. My guess was that no one besides the maid had been in there for ages. Sam’s room was a different story. Clothes were draped over a chair. Papers littered the desk and a knapsack spilled half its contents beside the bed. Well, hello Sam, my mind mused ... here for a visit?

Nosey, I started poking around. The stacks of paper on top of the desk were scripts.

“Oh, right,” I muttered out loud. Reaching way back in my memory banks I had a vague recollection that Sam did something in television. In New York, maybe? Something like that. I couldn’t quite recall. We had met briefly once, but I could only conjure up an image of someone tall with dark hair. No facial features came to mind.

Carefully I lifted the edges of the pages, scanning the headers. Just the fact that it was television made it interesting, but no names of big stars jumped out and I didn’t want to get anything out of order. I moved to the knapsack. It seemed haphazardly dumped, so I felt safe sitting cross-legged on the floor and rifling through. A few books, a binder, nothing extremely personal. Curiosity nearly satisfied, I felt along the bottom of the pack. A small paperback was wedged crosswise and I manoeuvred it out to plain sight.

I almost choked as I read the title: “The Story of O.”

Settling the rest of the knapsack back into place, I opened the cover and began to skim the text. I had heard of this book, knew it’s premise, but never actually read it. Clearly, Sam had. He was starting to occupy an entirely different space in my brain.

With a practiced eye that got me quickly through English literature, I raced through the pages. Every now and again I’d backtrack, reading more slowly through the passages that held me fixated. The raw sexual release I’d experienced earlier was no deterrent to the excitement now pulsing through my veins. I shivered and unconsciously clenched my vaginal muscles as if prepping my body for more.

Deeply engrossed, I held the book tightly in my left hand. Not wanting to miss a word, I swung my legs around to the wall so that I could lean my back against the bed. In a more comfortable position for another round of self gratification, I let my knees fall apart while my right hand slid under my skirt and sat, ready and waiting, in the waistband of my panties. I continued reading, devouring the experiences of O.

This was the visual that greeted Sam as he stood in the doorway of his bedroom.

“Well,” was all he said.

The sound brought me careening back to the realization of where I was and what I was doing. Literally jumping at his voice, my hand flew out from between my legs. They snapped tight together and I gripped the book guiltily in front of me. The blood that had been coursing with ecstatic passion was completely hot with panic. My chest felt tight and I had to force myself to breathe. My brain futilely grasped for something to say, but the wheels spun uselessly.

I sat frozen into place and stared up at the scowling face towering above. Mortified at being caught, I had the added horror of remembering that I was a teenage girl in a grown man’s bedroom, reading his personal stash of porn.

“Well,” he said again. “Isn’t this interesting?”

I swallowed hard and started trying to speak, “I ... um...” was all I managed.

“You be quiet,” he instructed. “Did I ask you to speak?”

His face was impossible to read, but his voice left no room for misinterpretation. I shook my head meekly.

I wanted to disappear into the floor. How long had he been home? What had he seen?

Why was I such an idiot?!

Leaning down, Sam reached across my body to scoop up his knapsack. My arms and legs automatically pulled in tight, trying to somehow be smaller and out of his way. He straightened and reached out expectantly. I knew he wanted me to hand over the contraband, yet I was locked.

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I had wanted to fuck my best friend Mari since the day when we were 17 and we fooled around in the movie theater. We had decided to ditch school that day to go the movies instead. We sat in the back of the empty theater. The movie was boring, and soon we were macking on each other, Mari straddling my lap with her jean skirt hiked up, one of my hands up her tight sweater and the other under her skirt, two fingers in her wet pussy, thumb rubbing her clit. We kissed hard, our tongues dueling back...

Group Sex
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Dad Me and My Husbands

Daddy, Me and My husbandsmy name is Sreelatha and I am from Visakhapatnam. I am 25yrs young, look so sexy (people say it) with all dimensions in perfect size including my Buttocks, Milk Tanks and Pussy Depth. This is a real love story which I am going to tell you all and this is my posting in ISS also. I was born and brought up in Vizag. My father, Appala Naidu is a school teacher in a private English medium school near Gajuwaka. My mother, Padmaja attends the public telephone booth which we...

2 years ago
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Me And Her

Well, it was just us. Yes, it was just us one fine day. It all started off with questioning each other, exactly there starts the imagination. I took a step forward where as she went back, the room was so silent in no time only heavy breathing I could hear. Went towards her and planted a beautiful kiss on her forehead holding her face sideways, her breathing started to become heavier there she pushed me and went away. But I know this is just not the end, I followed her, surprised her by a hug...

2 years ago
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Swingers Party

New VenueA modern house. Three bedrooms plus a large play room. Open and closed roomsMassage table, glory holes, swing, outdoor area.Lots of people turned up singles and couples. Started a little slow we kicked things off by fucking in one of the open bedrooms with many coming in and watching us fuck. The owner of the property pulled his cock out and pushed it into the wife's mouth she sucked him nice and hard while she was on her back giving her a good pounding. Time to change positions the...

2 years ago
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1 Janice and Wayne meet Ron

Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.30am I had made my way through one or two heavy showers along the journey. Wayne was sat in his front room when I knocked upon his door. He came to greet me opening his door and inviting me in enquiring as to how my journey had been and how I was. I was warmly welcomed in. I sat on a chair to take off my shoes. To calm my nerves after the motorway driving W put the kettle on and made us both a welcome cup of tea. I asked how he was and had he had his lunch? He paid...

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Cry Wolf for Cuckolding

Cry Wolf for Cuckoldingbygonzi2©We lived in a garrison town and my forty-year-old husband Tony was reading the local paper and exclaiming disgusting over and over again. “Do you see this Jenny, a study by the university says that tests have shown that one in four of the c***dren born in this town have been conceived in a cuckolding situation! That’s ten times the national average; it’s those randy soldiers fucking married women I’ll bet! And if so many have been born how many other married...

2 years ago
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The Maid I Made Slut Part 8211 2

Hi, Indian sex stories doot net friends and ladies, this is a continuation of my previous story where I got a chance of hiring a maid Swathi. We entered into the bedroom and landed on the bed and ripped off every cloth on each other and started making love passionately. After few moments I moved back and asked her to wait and headed towards the main door and shut it and made sure that every window doors are closed so that what is happening inside remains on the side. While coming back I...

2 years ago
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Kates Virginity 2

I heard the door creek. I perked my head up and turned it to see Kate standing in the doorway with her hand on the door. She had a look on her face that I hadn’t seen before; A hint of lust with a romantic accent, like she saw something she had a hankering for. She walked towards me as the light from the window flooded into the room and added a bright, radiant outline to her already-perfect body. Kate bent over in front of my desk chair and kissed me immediately, without saying a word....

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Grade A Performance

Grade “A” Performance Pt. 1 What’s up? I'm Max, I'm 21 and in my last year of college. I'm not the smartest student but I get by, I do however have looks on my side. I’ve got short brown hair, no facial hair and bright blue eyes. I'm built like a football quarterback but I don’t play, just work out in my spare time to keep in shape. Thanks to my looks and my way with words I don’t have a hard time with the ladies, but like I said, school isn’t my forte. I am however very good at convincing...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Party Treat

"Are you sure we have to go to this thing? We could always head back to the apartment and spend the night in," Laura's boyfriend Darren said, flashing her his most devilish smile from the driver's seat. It was a tempting offer, after all he was a very attractive guy. His cock was a little on the small side at only around five inches, but he ate pussy fairly well and was a decent lover overall. However she knew she had to refuse him this time. "Now c'mon honey, you know we have to go....

3 years ago
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Christmas With The Family Chapter 2

“Wow. Look at you Jill" he said holding her arms in front of him. “You have blossomed into quite a pretty young lady" he added, obviously making mental plans to fuck her sometime during the course of their visit. I on the other hand could not take my eyes off my two cousins Molly and Keri. Molly was short and petite like Jill but Keri was taller and stacked to the nines. Unlike Jill though, Molly was blonde and Keri was a redhead and they looked just as interested in me as I did...

1 year ago
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Amys Step Sister 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! The weekend passed and Amy was staying over with a friend. She couldn't wait to get back to see her sister, though. When she got back home Monday, her parents stayed up late watching movies, and she couldn't get to her sister's room. Tuesday morning finally came. When Amy got up it was 10:30. She only had to wait an hour and a half for Kaitlyn to get home. She decided to watch some TV. After several game shows, Kaitlyn came home. "Hi Kait. Did you...

2 years ago
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Polly Gamey 3 Presto

3. Presto"I'm in!" Lizvette sat across from me in our booth at The Prime Steakhouse in the Bellagio. In front of her was a plate piled high with mashed potatoes (a double order, to the chef's delight, I was sure) and a steaming steak buried in mushrooms. She was looking at her phone and the private website operated by Secret Hearts. "Candy's pictures are already up! Look there I am helping her with her headband! And helping her put on my blue garter!""That was your garter, baby?""She's so nice,...

1 year ago
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Monsieur Nhocs perfect day

It was a pristine day. A perfect day.     Monsieur Nhoc has just come down the stairs from his apartment over his bookshop near the lake. He bows to madame who lives not far, whose name has bypassed his memory, which is actually getting really bad.    He likes her, and her tiny dog that looks like a wound-up toy. He may have a chance to know her better, as she looks like someone who would want to know him in return.    It must be admitted that he often sees her naked as she walks her dog, her...

2 years ago
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Finding My Love

Finally, they noticed me and started throwing clothes onto themselves but by that time I was already out of the house. I ran to the nearest coffee shop and sat there dazed, don't know for how long. I didn't even want to go back home, my own place felt desecrated and defiled. My phone was blowing up with texts from both Finn and Linda but I was past caring what happened with them now. Finally I paid for my coffee and left. The first thing I did after going home was dump the sheets in...

2 years ago
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Family Holiday to Turkey Mums holiday

We chose Turkey because it has the best golf courses within our budget, or at least that’s what hubby thought. We chose Turkey because I find Turkish men attractive so I would also have some eye candy, and a bit or harmless flirting! The journey out was a bit of a nightmare but after a lengthy delay we eventually arrived just in time to go to sleep!! From the next morning I was proven right as hubby went off for a round of golf straight after breakfast and by the time I’d finished my coffee...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 52

A Senior Trying To set A Password WINDOWS: Please enter your new password. USER: cabbage WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters. USER: boiled cabbage WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character. USER: 1 boiled cabbage WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces. USER: 50bloodyboiledcabbages WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character. USER: 50BLOODYboiledcabbages WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot...

3 years ago
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No longer a virgindetails of the following mont

See http://xhamster.com/user/querico44/posts/31230.html for the original story.During the months following my 13th bday and the experience I had with Lisa my sitter popping my cherry, my Mom began to wonder why I always wanted her to call Lisa whenever I needed a sitter. She asked me why Lisa was my favorite and no one else would do. I tried to explain that Lisa was so good at entertaining me and she was always happy to play any of the games I liked with me. Mom said it was nice to know we were...

2 years ago
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A man wakes on an exam table to find that his mind is somehow inside a beautiful Asian female body

I’d always thought of myself as a fairly down-to-earth, open-minded, sane guy, but apparently, I was turning over a new leaf. I had woken up to find myself struggling naked against hand, ankle, waist and chest restraints. The room was a stark white, with the only furnishing being the standard exam table I was lying on…well, standard but for the restraints. The restraints were very strong, thin plastic cords. They didn’t really cover much. After the initial shock, and...

3 years ago
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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 08

Chapter 1 A Peek into the Past ‘You seem lost in thought, at least a million miles away.’ Laci smiled at Marian’s statement. ‘Yes to lost in thought and no to the million miles. Only a few yards actually. I’m thinking about Donovan.’ ‘Where is my cousin? Working as usual? Victor took the boys to the park and asked Donny to go but he said he had work to do. I suppose I’m not the one to talk but there is more to life than working. Victor has taught me that. I think you and Matthew have also...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Keira Croft Interracial Anal

Dolled up in red lingerie, petite, young Keira Croft teases playfully parades her plump rump, prying open her cheeks to show the diamond butt plug in her sphincter. She gives veteran stud L.T. a slobber-soaked blowjob. He bends her over to hammer-fuck her tight cunt. Keira lies spread-eagle on the couch and stretches her holes, eagerly awaiting a hard anal pounding. The pale cutie whimpers through torrid interracial sodomy. She sucks big black cock ass-to-mouth and masturbates as L.T. pummels...

2 years ago
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ComposerChapter 2

Watertown Airport Allie Fortith was impatiently tapping her foot. The damn plane just had to be late, didn't it? It never failed. And, this crowd was making here nervous by staring at her. Screw them, she thought, it was her own business what she looked like. One of the women in the crowd, when she had first arrived at the gate, had lewdly licked her lips after catching her eye. It wouldn't have been so bad if she had been younger, but she was 50 at least. It made her shudder. She glanced...

3 years ago
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Just helping a friend True story

I have known Dave for a few years, ever since moving in across the road from him. He was a nice guy about 64 (20 years older than me), who unfortunately lost his wife a couple of years ago to a stroke. As a bi man, with an eye for the older guy, I had often wondered what it would be like to 'spend some time' with Dave.Dave knocked on my door one day this summer and asked if I could help him stash some boxes in the attic for storage, to which I replied of course, no problem, I will pop over in...

1 year ago
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CuckoldSessions Moka Mora 07222018

The Dogfart Crew is running a new social club now, and it’s a fun place to come hang. Everyone’s welcome, but fair warning: you might not want to show up with your girlfriend or your fiancé or even your wife…cause The Bulls are going to turn you into a cuck! Just watch what happens when Moka Mora and her fiancé, David, show up. One of the Bulls is a DJ spinning his latest tunes, so what’s a girl gonna do but dance? This leads to the Bulls joining her on the dance floor,...

3 years ago
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The Blackwell TriangleChapter 2

I woke up early the next morning to the sound of cousin Billy crying in his bed. I could tell it wasn't the kind of crying someone might do because they were in physical pain. These were tears of emotional pain that I was hearing. It took me a little bit by surprise that Billy would embrace his pain by crying rather than lashing out angrily. His crying was somehow scarier to me than his tantrums had been. I stayed quietly in Dale's bed, hoping that Billy wouldn't notice that I was there,...

3 years ago
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Ass Fucking My Wifes Best Friend Part 3

We spent the whole week between Christmas and New Year’s Day at Lena’s house. Clothes other than bath robes were worn only for trips outside. Other than restaurants, the only notable trip was to a sex shop where I bought Lena a second butt plug to match the one she gave Eve. The two women would wear them round the house together, a constant reminder of the next sex session they were preparing for. After a few days of barely uninterrupted coitus, I was starting to remember stories about how...

1 year ago
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Another Working Day

I have gone to some party where there are mostly men, something I don't notice when I get there. I have a few drinks, enjoy myself, but after some time I am starting to get sleepy. So I sit down, and just before I fall asleep, I realize that somebody must have put something in my drink. Then it all goes black. When I wake up the next morning I don't remember a thing, so I think I had a pleasant evening. Next day I go to work, and everybody's smiling at me. So I think they are all in a good...

3 years ago
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Me And My Girlfriend Making Love

Hi ISS readers my name is ARNAV SINGH.Iam here first time to narrate my sexual encounter with my beautiful girlfriend. She was so so sexy and cute that I was desperate to have sex with her and want to love her once….. I basically belongs from lucknow and now a last year engineering aspirant at ghaziabad.and if any hot lady or any girl want to be my friend or want to have sex with me then please mail me along with my story to my email id- Now iam going to narrate my story as my name is arnav...

2 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 83

As the K5 sailed gently past the Key West Naval Air Station, the Coast Guard Cutter pulled us over. "You the Austin's?" "Would it do any good to lie?" I asked. "Very funny, You must be David. And that lovely piece of sculpture on the foredeck must be Grace." Grace stood and waved and jiggled and bounced. "Hi boys." "Follow us in," the man with the bullhorn said. "Grace, put on summer whites. You, too, David." So I followed them in ... I tried to get lost but it...

2 years ago
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Tournament Loss

“Unbelievable!” the announcer screamed. “Oral Roberts University has completely upset the Florida Gators in the first round of the tournament. This is why they call it March Mad-”Bryce turned off the TV.  “That totally sucks,” he said, still not wanting to allow it to sink in that his bracket was busted, or that his alma mater had been beaten by a nobody team from Oklahoma.  He knew he had nothing to do with it, but yet he still felt like it was a personal affront that his school’s team lost in...


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