Oysters, Half-baked free porn video

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Foreword: This story takes place in the Swarm Cycle shared story universe, created by Thinking Horndog. This story will probably be an exceptionally confusing entry point for a newcomer to the Swarm Cycle. If you are not familiar with the premise of this universe, I would recommend you first read Thinking Horndog's stories 'Average Joes' and 'Pickup Number Eighteen'. (Bonus: Those stories have sex in them.)

Oysters, Half-Baked
by Bad Line Ghoul

August 17, Year 3


"I come bearing gifts," Sergeant Hulegu said, entering the office.

"Hello, Hoola," Decurion Brett Melman said, not looking up from his work. "What did I win? I hope it's not more traumatized spare concubines."

"Hulegu," the female Marine grumped, "Hoo-lay-goo. It's not that hard."

"You need a nickname." The Civil Service officer looked up with a warm smile. "It looks like you need tea, too."

"Yes, please." She slumped in a chair, her proud Mongolian features betraying her exhaustion. "I need more than tea, but the hard stuff is putrid up here. And I was raised on fermented goat milk."

Melman stood to prepare the tea. "That's why you need a nickname, Hoola. You already look and speak like you stepped right out of the Golden Horde. You scare people."

"It's useful to be scary," she replied.

"Sometimes." He glanced across the room. Optio Pribbles was jamming paperwork into the filing cabinet like she was trying to kill Sa'arm in the bottom of the folders. "Sometimes it's a drawback."

Hulegu followed his gaze, curious. "Isn't that the volunteer Blake brought up the other day?" she asked quietly. "The rural girl, from his first pickup? I thought she was going to the Marines."

The little blonde teen began to slam the filing drawer open and shut furiously, banging as loudly as she could and growling through clenched teeth.

"Yes, she was," Melman said quietly. He raised his voice, but maintained his usual soothing tone. "Chastity, calm down please. You remember our talk about office decorum."

"Yes, Commander," she said. She looked at Sgt. Hulegu's uniform with envy.

"Decurion," Melman corrected. He turned back to his Marine guest, handing her a cup of tea. "So, Hoola, you said you had a gift for me. Is it oysters?"

"No, not the oysters. I found you some staff," the sergeant said, a little uncomfortably. "We picked him up at a resort spa in Germany. He specifically requested Civil Service."

"Excellent!" Melman beamed. "That is a gift, but I doubt I'll get to keep him -- the colonies need staffing far more than Artemis Base. I hope he's not afraid of hard work."

"I've seen the sub-scores, and his work ethic is excellent. In fact..." she paused, looking around. "Your conks aren't working in the office today, are they?"

"No," he replied, "they're with the spares down the hall, setting up the brothel for tonight. Why?"

"Jezebels!" Chastity shrieked from her filing cabinet. "Wanton painted whores!"

"That's enough, Optio Pribbles," he said firmly, closing his eyes in frustration. "Take your lunch break."

"I already did!" the girl objected.

"Then take a second lunch," he insisted. "You're eating for two now. And remember..."

"Stay aware from the spares," Chastity finished. She stormed from the room, giving the drawer of the filing cabinet a final slam.

"Apologies," he told Hulegu. "That girl will make a fine Marine in nine months, but she's a complete disaster as a CS officer." He opened his eyes brightly. "But enough about my worries, tell me about this new gentleman."

The Marine looked even more uncomfortable. "AI, display the dossier for Volunteer Wladislaw Pognanski. And tell Blake to escort him to the Decurion's office."

A standard dossier layout appeared on the wall -- standard, except for the flashing red border. Melman didn't notice the border, his eyes had snapped to the overall CAP score, displayed in bold type.

"7.6!" He squealed with glee, then ran over to the wall display, looking over the sub-scores. "Maximum scores on empathy, leadership, personnel organization, paternal instinct! Damn close to maximum on basic intelligence! Not very aggressive, but that's an asset for us! For Civil Service purposes, he's effectively a nine or a ten!"

Melman read on, his heart in his throat. "Basic engineering background ... how on earth was this gentleman just a simple dockworker? Oh, looks like he has trouble following orders. Well, I suppose that's no matter, we don't have a lot of middle management. With scores like this, he'll be running a planetary CS office from the word go! And ... wait ... what's this flag?" The note read 'Do Not Transport To Colony!!!', with the current date.

"Dockworker doesn't quite cover his old job," Hulegu murmured.

"AI, what are the details on this flag?" Melman asked.

the AI replied from the wall.

Hulegu put her hands up defensively. "Maybe gift was the wrong choice of words."

"Unionize?" Melman's face went pale.

"Hoola, what were you thinking?" He sat down slowly. "Don't you understand what we do here?" He drank down the rest of his tea, his hand shaking. "We're not like the colonial Civil Service offices, we rarely have to deal with 'widowed' or 'orphaned' concubines. Our main job here is rehabilitating new concubines who can't adjust, teaching them to be happy as, well, as breeding stock and property."

"I know, Brett," she assured him. "Remember? You took on Tasha when I couldn't handle her, gave me Alice instead. She's been great, by the way, she's really gotten close to Gregor."

The CS officer nodded. "So you, of all people, should see the problem. I'm all for improved conditions for concubines, I've fought for it tooth and nail, but, but, this? Here? Introducing an idea like collective bargaining would make it impossible for these people to adjust to their status. This man could undo everything this office has done!"

Hulegu sighed. "I know, and I looked for somewhere else to stash him. I tried every other posting I could. DECO flat out refuses to put him on a transport ship, they're afraid he might inadvertently start a rebellion."

"Yes, a fair concern," Melman agreed.

"That leaves assignments here in Earthat," she continued. "He can't do extractions, he'd contaminate all the new conks."

"No, we couldn't have that," he said, "my office would be swamped. We're stretched too thin as it is."

"Command won't take him, they don't want him anywhere near their conks. I brought him over to Logistics, he should be perfect for them. They laughed as soon as they saw him, then ran us out of the office when they read the file." Hulegu sighed. "Then my CO, Lt. Amiens, got wind of the guy. He insisted I get rid of him immediately. Actually, he ordered me to space him, but the AI stepped in."

Just then, the door opened and two men entered. Melman had met one of them -- Private Ed Blake, who had brought in a handful of concubines who had been rejected by their sponsor. The second man looked to be in his sixties. He was bald, with a bristly walrus mustache, an idiotic grin, and twinkling blue eyes. His C-cup man-breasts rested comfortably atop the spare tire around his belly. He was only wearing a Speedo. The first impression was of the illicit love child of Santa Claus and a manatee.

"Oh Lord," Melman said under his breath.

"He did request Civil Service," Sergeant Hulegu said.

"Hello boss!" the man smiled vacantly, waving.

"Decurion," Blake saluted smartly. "May I present your newest employee, Wola ... Wulda..." Blake shrugged. "Call him Pogs, he seems to like it."

Pogs laughed, still waving idly.

Melman rubbed his fingers over the bridge of his nose. "A pleasure. I'm Decurion Brett Melman. You should know, Optio..."

"Lovely," Melman sighed. "As I was saying, Signifer, we have a dress code in this office. If you would be so kind, use that replicator to make yourself a Civil Service uniform."

Pognanski plodded over to the corner and began happily conversing with the wall in Polish.

Blake sat. "Speaking of uniforms, I passed that Pribbs kid in the hall, wearing CS gray. Why isn't she in the Marines?"

Melman nodded. "It's only temporary. She was impregnated during her extraction, and the AIs want her away from any dangerous tasks until she gives birth. Apparently, we're the safest department in the sector."

"Why not just send her to a Marine colony while she waits?" Blake asked.

"They want to wait and see where the staffing needs are, at that time. In the mean time, we're a horrible fit." Melman shook his head. "I don't understand it. She appears to deal fine with her own concubines, and mine, but she can't resist shaming the spares. She's always calling them whores, telling them to repent, so on. Lord knows why she draws the line there."

Blake stared carefully at a corner of the desk. "Yeah, that is weird."

In the corner, Pogs was still chattering away in Polish, rapidly skimming through the replicator catalog.

Blake looked plaintively at his superior. "Sarge, can we go now?" He glanced back at the near-naked Pole. "It's been a really long day."

Hulegu stood. "Yeah, I think we're done here."

"Wait!" Melman said. "As much as I ... appreciate ... your help with staffing, I did have that other request. What about my oysters?"

"Sorry Brett, we tried." Hulegu shrugged her shoulders. "We couldn't find a single oyster farm with an employee over 6.5."

"I don't need the employees, I need the oysters!" Melman insisted. "The Legate is dead set on setting up oyster farms for colonial CS offices. He thinks it's the perfect business to pair with the brothels -- an object lesson in explosive population growth, with high virility snacks as a bonus." He ran his hand over his balding scalp. "Ridiculously impractical, of course, but somehow that's my fault."

The sergeant spread her hands helplessly. "Out of my hands. We only go down if we can bring back people. Apparently, seafood is a low-CAP industry."

"Hoola," Melman nodded toward Pognanski, "you owe me."

Blake laughed as he left the room. "Hoola, that's a great nickname! Wait 'til I tell the guys."

Hulegu left too, calling after Blake. "Don't you dare, Private!"

Melman slumped back in his chair, alone with his speedo-wearing employee. 'The Legate just won't let go on this oyster business, and he's the only one holding those DECO Neanderthals at bay, ' he thought. He closed his eyes, feeling the migraine about to erupt. "Politics," he muttered. 'All I wanted to do was help some wayward concubines. Instead I waste my time on politics. And seafood. And now, naked Poles.'

Pognanski took an oversize uniform out of the replicator and began to pull it on. "Boss is worried. Understand why. Organized concubines cause problems. Pogs understand." He pointed to the rank insignia on his uniform, laughing. "Am management now."

"So," Melman asked hopefully, "you don't want to unionize them?"

Pogs looked completely befuddled. "Of course want to unionize! Negotiate with slaves no fun!" He shrugged. "Don't worry, will let you handle conks. Pogs stay away, make boss comfortable."

"And what, exactly," Melman asked, "will you be doing to contribute?"

"Pogs has good plan, but needs help," he grinned. "You give Pogs one week. Workshop, little Earth cash, one day with transporter. Maybe Pribbs girl to help." A manic gleam entered his eyes. "Pogs brings Boss oysters."

August 23, Year 3


Chastity Pribbles fumed as she watched the returning extraction team filter back into the transporter hub. 'It should be me, ' she thought. 'This child is keeping me from my destiny as a Warrior of Christ! I should be out battling the Devil's Swarm in the name of God, but instead I'll be filing stupid papers for nine months.'

She watched the newly Chosen milling about, their handmaidens clustering around. 'I can't even serve as a shepherd for the saved, as Private Blake did for me.' Her 5'2'' was too short for extraction duty, and the doctors said modifications had to wait until after the child was born. 'Why did He choose me if He has no use for me? What is His plan?'

Melman had assigned her to work under Pognanski for the past week. She hadn't actually spent any time with the mysterious man -- she'd barely met him. He'd been doing lots of secret work in his workshop. At least he'd allowed her to spend the week in the trainer, preparing to be a Marine. But today would be better. They were going down to Earth. They had a mission.

Chastity saw Private Blake walking over with a Marine sergeant. 'Hoola, ' she thought, 'some friend of Melman's.' She quickly checked that her gray Civil Service uniform was spotless, and offered a sharp salute to the two Marines.

"At ease, Optio Pribbles," Hoola said quickly, rolling her eyes. "Are you here to take the spares for orientation? 'Cause we don't have any this trip."

Chastity spat on the floor. "Good. The Unchosen belong on Earth with the rest of the sinners."

Blake looked uncomfortable. "So, um, why are you here, Pribbs?"

"I'm going to Earth on a mission!" Chastity beamed. "Ensign -- I mean, Signifer Pognanski will give me the details when he arrives." She hated the stupid Civil Service ranks. She hated the stupid Civil Service.

Hoola and Blake shared a meaningful look. "Pogs planned a mission?" Blake asked, surprised.

Chastity nodded. "He's kept all the details secret. He scored well over seven, he must be a truly great soul!"

Hoola and Blake shared another look. "There are different kinds of greatness," Hoola said carefully. "Have either of you had any Marine training?"

Chastity stood up a little straighter. "I've taken 74 hours in the trainer so far, 22 of those hours in Extraction Tactics. I can't speak for the Signifer."

At a nod from Hoola, Blake unhooked his pack and handed it to Chastity. "You should know how to use all this," Blake said. "Keep it close, just in case things go a little sideways."

The young girl took the pack reverently. Before she could thank the two marines, they both looked vacantly up at the ceiling.

'What are you saying?' she sub-vocalized to the AI through her comm chip. 'What's going on?'

the AI replied in her inner ear.

"We've gotta go, these guys are getting unruly." Blake pointed over his shoulder at the new volunteers. "Stay safe, kid."

Chastity watched the marines hurry into the crowd. 'AI, why won't you talk to me?' she asked. 'You're supposed to be helping me.'

'Disgusting, ' Chastity told the AI. 'No way I'm taking on a girl conk.' She glanced at the crowd of new volunteers, zeroing in on a female sponsor and her mostly female concubines. 'I'm a girl, I picked boy conks. That's the way it should be.' "I'm not going to sin with some girls just to please you, you perverted computer!" she shouted out loud.

The AI didn't respond, but several people stared.

'I don't need help from the stupid AI, anyway, ' she thought, 'I have the Lord!' She realized she was still holding Blake's field pack. 'And the Marines!' She dropped to her knees and looked through the pack. 'Stinger, hypno-pad, repulsor field generator, and ... ewww.' She extracted the bottle of lubricant and quickly walked across the room to toss it in the recycler.

"Hello, little Pribbs," Signifer Pognanski boomed from behind her. "Ready for secret mission?"

Chastity turned, then froze. Pognanski was out of uniform, pushing a two-wheeled dolly. On the dolly rested a washing machine. On the washing machine rested a bulging plastic trash bag.

"Wha ... wha ... huh?" she asked.

The older man laughed and threw his hands in the air. "We go get oysters! Confederacy need oysters! Pribbs and Pogs will get! Big fun!"

'Oysters?' she thought. 'That's my mission? Fetching someone's fudging lunch?!?'

The signifer continued with his idea of a briefing. "Only one rule for mission. Keep secret from civilians -- no uniforms, no tech left behind, everything disguise. Sorry, Pogs should have told you no uniform. Is all good, Pogs arrange cover stories. Did research on American fishing peoples."

"Washing machine?" Chastity asked stupidly.

The cycle indicator lit up as the machine spoke.

He laughed long and hard. "Favorite part of disguise! Is mobile replicator and scanner. Could not get small scanners like marines, they would not share. So Pogs build his own! It has self-blow-up feature, in case left behind, no evidence. Adapters to accept media inputs. Camera to record mission success." He pointed to the control panel. "Has own AI. Is little bit stupid, very small brain, need memory space for patterns. Is called Mobile Operations Replication Transcoder."

"I name him Stan." Pognanski smiled placidly.

"Um, sir?" she asked carefully, "wouldn't it be easier to just bring the oysters back through the transporter, then put them in a regular replicator?"

"Part of plan. Pribbs will see," he winked at her. "And no 'sir', call me Pogs. Now, put this on!" He pulled out a pair of yellow raincoats and handed the smaller one to Chastity.

"Is it raining there?" she asked, putting the raincoat on. "You know, the Confederacy has waterproof fabrics."

"Not for rain, for cover story." Pogs emptied the bag and picked up a bright yellow, wide brimmed rain hat. He put it on with a grin. "Am Gorton's Fisherman!" He picked up the last item. It was an umbrella. "Pribbs is Morton Salt Girl!" He opened the umbrella and handed it to her.

Chastity stared at him from beneath the umbrella, speechless for a moment. "Pogs? Sir?" She took a deep breath. "These aren't cover stories. They aren't even real people. These are corporate mascots. And I don't think the Salt Girl wears a raincoat."

"Of course wears raincoat! Why else umbrella?" He waved his hand dismissively. "Details not matter, no one run background check. Important thing, not look like Confederacy." He gave her a thumbs up. "Success, yes? Come, time for mission." He wheeled Stan over toward the transporter pads.

Chastity discarded the umbrella and ran to grab Blake's pack, then joined Pogs.

The transporter room AI stopped them before they could leave.

They waited for a moment. Pogs hummed happily.

Chastity tightened the straps on her pack and said a prayer.

"Pogs, this does not look like the place to find oysters." Chastity looked around. They had teleported directly underneath a short pier. To either side was a long stretch of beach with scattered swimmers and sunbathers. Dunes, topped with long tufts of grass, largely screened the two of them from the beach.

Pogs laughed. "Silly Pribbs, oysters not here. This is hidden exit! No one look under pier. Oysters at fish market, we walk. Half mile north." He pointed up the beach. Then he frowned and pointed down the beach in the opposite direction. Finally, he shrugged. "One of those ways."

She groaned. "AI, do you..."

"Stan!" Pogs interrupted.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. "Stan, do you know the local time?"

Chastity eyeballed the position of the sun, then pointed up the beach. "North is that way." She looked at the beach-goers again. "We're not going across the beach, are we? We look like perverts in these coats."

"No no no," he answered, "not perverts, fishermen. Keep cover straight, Pribbs! But not walk on beach, beach boring. Up and along boardwalk. More to see there!"

Pogs began to push the dolly up toward the street. Before he had rolled ten feet, the dolly started to sink into the sand. "Oops!" He worked the dolly back and forth. It sank deeper. "Hmm. Is small problem."

"Yes, Stan. Stuck." Pogs looked down at the half buried wheels, scratching his head.

"This isn't going to work, sir," Chastity warned. "We need to abort."

"No!" he insisted. "No abort! Have big plan, must complete mission!" He started to meander away, kicking the sand in frustration.

"Jiminy Cricket," Chastity muttered. 'If he's gonna insist on doing this, we'll need a track to move this piece of junk.' She took off her pack, desperately looking inside for something that might help. Then she froze, fingering the material of the pack. 'Might be stiff enough.'

"Stan," she asked, "you're a replicator, right? Can you replicate four more copies of this backpack?"

"Dang it," she muttered. She looked up to see Pogs wandering back, holding a seashell to his ear. He opened Stan's door and tossed the shell inside.

"Can hear ocean in space now!" Pogs beamed.

"Forget hearing the stupid ocean," Chastity said. "We can use those to move this thing. Go find more shells, driftwood, stuff like that. Anything organic or carbon-based."

Pogs bounced up and down. "Now Pribbs getting in spirit! Lots of fun stuff!" He ran off down the beach.

"Idiot." Pribbs moved her search back under the pier, gathering up some seaweed and rocks. She scraped a few barnacles off one of the pier supports before returning to Stan. She tossed the bundle into the machine.

"I don't want to scan," she snapped, "I'm just giving you material. Why would I care about scanning random ... oh God." She turned to look down the beach. She saw her superior officer offering money to a small child, then taking the child's plastic beach toys. "Stan," she asked slowly, "what was your full title again?"

"Replication Transcoder," she repeated, a sinking feeling deep in her gut. "That means recording replicator patterns? How many patterns are you built to hold?" She watched Pognanski picking up a discarded soda can.

'We're here for junk.' Chastity slumped down on the sand. 'We're not really here for oysters, we're here for completely useless junk. That's the real mission -- we're beachcombers from space.' "Well fudge me."

"FINE!" she yelled. She yanked open the washing machine's door and tossed the contents onto the sand. She tossed the seaweed back in.

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NO HALF MEASURES PART 4 © Jenny Walker 2003 Author's note: If you have not read the first three installments of this story, please do not read this as it will make little sense to you. If you can take the time to read the earlier chapters, I hope you will find the time invested to be worth it. Thank you to everyone who has given me such helpful feedback. Further comments and suggestions are most welcome. Thanks especially to Hebe Dotson for making wonderful suggestions to help...

2 years ago
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His Mothers HalfSister Part Three

Marcie Reynolds had parted from her lover, her half-sister's twenty-one-year-old son Richard Hewlett when he left her hotel room before seven in the morning. They first became lovers three days ago, and Richard had spent most of the last two nights in Marcie's hotel bed.Forty-four-year-old Marcie was visiting the UK from the USA, where she had lived for the last sixteen years, and she was due to go back to the States in about three weeks. The next night was due to be her last in the town in...

4 years ago
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FlashedHome Baking

"Hi, Honeybuns. I'm home. Hmm, someone's been baking. Hey, look, cookies!" "Don't you dare, Sweetie. They're for the church fete." "Hummph. Hoo hate, horry." "Sweetie!" "Sorry; couldn't resist. You know I love your cookies. Where are you anyway?" "I'm upstairs, Sweetie." "What are you doing up here? You've still got a cake in the oven ... Oh." "I did the test. I'm ovulating. The leaflet says we have to make love lots and lots over the next thirty-six...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 212 Pipeline Date 1A1 The First Half

Friday, May 13, 2005 (Continued) The arrangement for the pipeline date was that I was going to be picked up from home at 6pm, and I was warned not to eat anything in advance because there was going to be an excessive amount of food. They refused to divulge any other information, but already I liked the sound of this date. Julia reminded me of the colored cards. I didn't really need the reminder, but she was mostly making sure of my resolve: Red: if I never wanted to date the girl ever...

3 years ago
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The Halfway House

For the past six months, Tony has lived at a halfway house, near an industrious section of the city. The neighborhood is a blue collar-like area, with lots of warehouses, factories, and local bars. He works during the day, as a fork-lift driver at one of the nearby warehouses. He lives alone, but he is happy. Before, he was in a relationship with his girlfriend; for a year and a half, and they shared a place together. At first things were good, but they often argued. Eventually, he got tired of...

Straight Sex
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No Half Measures

Author's note: Dear All, thank you for taking the time to read this story. It is long but hopefully you'll appreciate it. Please note it is very different in character and type to the other two stories I have on FM. If you are looking for a quick fantasy gratification story, sorry, but if you want to read a carefully developed sensitive story, I hope you'll find it here. This is only the first part of this saga and if there is sufficient demand, more parts will follow. No...

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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 40 44

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER FORTY When I woke up, I was face down in bed, Bob lying next to me on his side, his hand on my ass. He was still asleep. I roll back against him, draping his arm across my shoulder. I was kinda cold but his body heat quickly warms me up. We stay that way for about twenty minutes. I'd be happy to stay right here for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, I'll be back in the club in ... I check out the clock ... three hours. I'll worry...

3 years ago
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Gambling Joint Karma And HalfGlasses

Hello there, Buck here. It is a different title, for sure. You must be wondering where is this going. Way back in the day when I was somewhat less than a teenager, my mouth got me in trouble quite often and since I and my brother and sister were babysat by Gran, well, she always made sure that Mom and Dad did know of the bad words I said at times. I knew I had to clean things up as I had that white bar of soap stuck in my face.I also knew that Gran would get her comeuppance for ratting me out...

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Moms white half slip

At this point, I was sleeping in Mom’s bedroom and wearing her panties, slips and even bras to bed. I loved masturbating in bed and mentally daring Mom to walk in and catch me. It never occurred to me that she was probably awake and listening on quite a few evenings. I loved getting in the best position, with my legs hanging off the side of the bed and my hands sliding one after another under my prone body, working myself to a huge erection and aroused to the point of being intoxicated. My...

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Half and Half Part 2

Half and Half by T.R. Sias Part 2 Roger Harmon sat in his car cursing the trick that had been played on him at the beach House. The lower half of his body had become female, and his host had given him two choices: remain half female for the rest of his life, or put on the bathing suit top, go back into the ocean, and become a complete woman. There was no other alternative. What's more, if he managed to get himself pregnant in his present form, the spell would be broken and the...

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Team Spirt The Second Half Ch 25 29

Team Spirit: The Second Half By Meps98 CHAPTER TWENTY FIVE? I open my eyes and push the hair from face. I'm laying face down on the bed, my arm stretched out on Bob's side of the bed. He wasn't there, but I heard him in the bathroom. He was humming. I'd never heard him hum before. I roll over onto my back and stretch.? OWWW! My shoulder! I sit up and rotate my right arm. There it is. Why does it hurt? We did a lot of physical stuff last night, could have happened anytime. When...

2 years ago
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His Mothers HalfSister Part Two

Although forty-four-year-old Marcie Reynolds and twenty-one-year-old Richard Hewlett had only parted when he left her hotel room before seven in the morning, they had already had two lengthy mobile phone conversations by noon. The couple were related, sort of, because Marcie and Richard's mother, Rosemary, had the same mother but different fathers and they had met for the first time since Richard was aged five only two days previously. That meeting had been at a large party at Richard's...

4 years ago
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Team Spirit The Second Half

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 FOREWORD Several years ago I read a story written by Janice the Dreamer titled "Team Spirit". It was wonderful, inventive, and involving, with compelling characters. There was no hero or heroine, just damaged people seeking justice ? as defined by them. This story stuck with me and I found myself asking the classic question, what happened next? I kept creating my own sequel to the original story in my mind. Finally, I was able to contact...

3 years ago
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It was eight thirty when my doorbell rang. As I opened the door and looked at the faces of my neighbors, it was obvious that they came for a change of scenery and maybe, some moral support."Hi, sorry to barge in on you so late," apologized Isabel, but we just had to see you for a few minutes and talk to someone like you to refresh ourselves. We are worn to a frazzle.""You definitely need a refresher, and I have one. I just opened a bottle of a nice Pinot Noir that you cannot refuse." They had...

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Vennoa the Halfelf SorcererChapter 8

The next morning, Vennoa and Tempest headed out of their rooms. Two other acolytes were apparently waiting for them, and they were soon escorted back to the main hall. It seemed that Seireri did not want them wandering around the temple. As they approached, they could see three adventurers standing around Seireri. At least, they should be adventurers, since they looked nothing like priests. There was a man and a woman, both wearing hooded cloaks, and the third person was ... a...

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Araku Trip With Friends And Deflowering My Half Girlfriend

Hi readers, I am a big fan of these stories and today I am writing one. Give feedback and chat with me on my email. When this happened, I was a student studying polytechnic in Vijayawada polytechnic college. I am Subbu. There were only 12 girls in our class and only 4 were good in terms of figure, shape, color, character etc. I am friends with those 4 girls and we are a gang of 8 (4 boys and 4 of those beautiful girls). I was close with Manaswita, who was fair in color, having a tight body...

2 years ago
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Half Dreams

Half Dreams by Kelley Rigney I realize that the following scenarios may be out of place in Fictionmania, but I do believe there might be someone who will appreciate this work. If on occasion you have ever been wisped away by your imagination but for only a few seconds or minutes and cherished those incremental sketches of wishful thinking I do believe you might find these interesting. I've never seen anybody write about their "half" dreams as I call them. What I am talking about...

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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 1115

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER ELEVEN When Anthony dropped me off at Bob's house, there was this little old lady waiting there for us. She gave me quite a looking over, which was hardly surprising seeing as I was dressed for the club in a short turquoise skirt, blue scoop front top, 5" heels and a push-up bra, like I need a push-up. She was a little reluctant to let me in but I talked her into it, showed her my driver's license to seal the deal. He had left me a...

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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 4548

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF BY Meps98 CHAPTER FORTY FIVE I would have bet anything that Hanson was dead before she smacked the wall. Hell, before he hit her that third time. The first punch was a right to her jaw, snapping her head around. It would still be twisting if he hadn't followed the right immediately with an equally vicious left. Doc's body was dropping straight down when her chin ran into the uppercut. It was just like a cartoon. She completely left the ground,...

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Half brother Half sister

Mason’s point of view:My dad got married before my mom and had a daughter, Shana. Shana is my half sister; she’s beautiful and has an amazing body. All of my friends tell me she’s the hottest red head girl when they see her in pictures and stuff. Anyways they’re right. She’s gorgeous, and when I was ten years old I saw her bend over making her shirt slide up and I saw a tattoo just peeking above her jeans then my eyes noticed her thong. After that moment I’ve always lusted over her even though...

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Four and a Half

"Well, Cat," Memere asked her, "do you want to take your nap on your pad or on Grandma Brennan's bed?" "No!" "That isn't one of the choices. If you come into my room I'll read you some stories first and lie beside you." Kate Brennan couldn't understand her four-year-old granddaughter's dislike of naps; siestas were such a luxury. "Don't wanna nap." "You don't have to want one. You're going to take one. You know that, and I know that. The question is whether we are going...

3 years ago
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Attitude Fix The story of my half brother our sleazy mom and the alternative to pain in life

Introduction: I had a roommate whod cry over the relationship he was having with his girl, I ended up fucking that girl, in the same apartment we shared as roommates, even in front of him. She kind of played along without much effort, like a caged animal who can only taste freedom while in chains. Like all girls before her, I knew shed play the role of defiance very shortly. But as soon as I lined them up outside overlooking the wired fences, the mined fields, the vicious dogs, all of them knew...

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Sister and Half Brother

Well my name is Robert I just got out of high school, and yes I got my diploma. A month after I got out of high school I told my mother that I was moving to my father’s house down in Florida because my parent left each other three years earlier so my father could marry his bitch of a girlfriend. But anyway I was just a normal country boy that also was a geek, which in today’s world is just wrong, but I was from South Carolina and I knew a lot about computers. My really plan was to move to my...

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At half time my BBC Master allows two of his BBC buddies to use me anyway they want 8211 and in public

Freshly showered, make up re-applied, carefully douched, both vaginally and anally, wearing only my heels and slave collar and leash, my Master/husband led me naked back into the living room of the hotel suite. I then learned what was in store for me. Since New England was leading at half time, Charles and Billy the Patriots fans from the East Coast could use me as their slave during the half time period. Furthermore, they were not restricted to the confines of our hotel suite. This took me by...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 25 EightandaHalf Weeks

Introduction: Mark and Mary deal with the fallout of the news report. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-five: Eight-and-a-Half Weeks Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com. I stood with Mary on the private balcony of our bedroom. Surveillance photos and videos of our house had just appeared on the eleven oclock news on channel 5. Our law enforcement sluts, Chasity and Noel, figured the photos must have been shot from a house on Shaw Road across the empty lot....

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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda Second Half

In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...

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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda Second Half

In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.===Wendy:Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?"Do you mind if I...

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Half and Half

HALF AND HALF By T.R. Sias Part One Roger Harmon was glad to get away for a few days from the stress of being a stockbroker. Luckily, a friend at the office had arranged a weekend vacation on the Cape, free of charge, for the 32-year-old bachelor, and Roger didn't ask too many questions. The friend had an older relative who owned a beach house - a stone's throw from the water - and that seemed just right to Roger, private enough to relax a good long time before coming...

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Half Dreams at Full Course

Half Dreams at Full Course (It has been a while since I have written. I have changed jobs and location and have been in a state of flux during the transition. I had some encouraging words from reviews over ?Half Dreams? and decided to take a few minutes and tell some more.) (Like the first set of ?Half Dreams? some were merely wishes, but some actually came true. I want to share a few of my half dreams that happened in full course. Maybe these bits can offer angles for other...

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No Half Measures Part 6

NO HALF MEASURES By Jenny Walker © 2003 PART 6 Author's note: Many thanks to all the readers who have persisted with this tale of mine. This is the penultimate instalment. Thanks and credit are due to the wonderful Hebe Dotson and Anne Baker who tirelessly correct my mistakes and improve my writing ? any errors that remain, are mine. CHAPTER 31 The mind is a mysterious thing; the control it can have over the physical body is quite remarkable. There may be nothing wrong...

4 years ago
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Team Spirit The Second Half Ch 1619

TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER SIXTEEN I've been here two days, recovering from the "interrogation", as Hanson calls it. There's a meal on the folding table next to the cot but I can't eat. I failed. I failed Bob ... I failed myself. I couldn't hold out any longer. The pain was so bad. I knew I was going to die! After betraying Bob, I think Hanson gave me a shot of something because I don't remember anything until the next morning. She came in and started...

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Half a loaf

Half a Loaf By Olivia Evans "Mike, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" Pamela asked her husband of two years. She had been in the process of pulling on her panties and had suddenly felt her husband's eyes on her. The look hadn't been the normal one she received when Mike admired her figure. Mike glanced away, obviously embarrassed. "No reason," he shook his head. He started toward the door. "Wait!" Pamela commanded. "There was a reason for that strange look,...

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His Mothers HalfSister

Marcie Reynolds was a forty-four-year-old woman that was UK born but had spent the last sixteen years of her life in the USA. She was currently back in England partly for a vacation but also to attend a family gathering at the home of her half-sister Rosemary Hewlett and Rosemary's husband, Frank.Rosemary was three years older than Marcie and although they had the same mother, Marcie was fathered by a US serviceman who was based in the UK at the time. That was an event that led to a divorce for...

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Fund Raising Redone by RoxanneChapter 17 More Than Five Naked Girls More Than Fifteen Half Naked Ones

Jim continued, "After this match, we'll have at least five naked girls, and about fifteen half naked ones. How good is that?" A loud cheer answered him, from hundreds of happy guys. As one of the half naked girls, I wasn't quite as excited. I was doing this for the good of the house, and to some extent, Jim continued, "After this match, we'll have at least five naked girls, and about fifteen half naked ones. How good is that?" A loud cheer answered him, from hundreds of happy guys. As...

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The Halfway Inn Part 2

I got on the bed first, kneeling down on the mattress and splaying my legs wide open. Seeing me like that, facing him expectantly with my cock arching upwards, made Pete laugh again."Bloody hell, mate," he informed me, "you've got the biggest dick I've ever seen – not that I've seen that many, mind!"I beckoned him to get on the bed with me, and, as he positioned himself in front of me, I noticed how large his feet were. They were a good couple of inches longer than mine; he must have difficulty...

Gay Male
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‘Things are not always as they seem,’ Nancy said, smoothing the boy’s hair. She let her hand linger as she pondered if it was time to take the shears to his thick, dark locks. He had come through the door with a look of excitement on his face. His exuberance was always a joy to her, but she had cautioned him that the younger children had gone to bed and were not to be disturbed. ‘Joshua, what has happened? Why are you late?’ She motioned for him to take a seat next to her. This was their...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 25 EightandaHalf Weeks

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-five: Eight-and-a-Half Weeks Visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com. I stood with Mary on the private balcony of our bedroom. Surveillance photos and videos of our house had just appeared on the eleven o'clock news on channel 5. Our law enforcement sluts, Chasity and Noel, figured the photos must have been shot from a house on Shaw Road across the empty lot. Mary and I sent our bodyguards to raid the house and were watching from our...

4 years ago
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The Other Half Of Me

Prologue: Then The labour had been long and difficult. The exhausted nineteen year old young woman lay on her back, sucking in large gasps of breath as she recovered from giving birth to the two blanket-wrapped tiny squalling bundles sharing the single bassinette at the side of the sweat-soaked single bed. Pacing anxiously, smoking smelly cheap hand-rolled cigarettes one after the other, a man of thirty years, husband of the young girl on the bed and father to her new-born infants, willed...

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Half a Biscuit

‘As long as I’ve got a biscuit, she’s got half.’ Vic’s wife plumps the pillows to prop up his newborn-baby-red head. Her muffled chuckle tells me it’s a well-worn sentiment, her warm smile says it’s not one she’ll tire of any time soon. I am ashamed of the quick hit of envy that runs through me, as I survey the ease and love between them. These are good deserving people. Years of shared struggle have pumiced them to this soft oneness. The past seven months — the greatest joint hardship...

3 years ago
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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda First Half

Sometimes, egos are good things. You can ride high on the wave of a growing ego, but you better watch for the breakers at the shore! This is a long story of how I built my ego up, flaunted it around, and then crashed back to reality.=== Tammy:My wife met Michael at an infamous "Sue and Lyle" house party. He is a smaller dark-skinned man with a giant cock. At five-feet-six-inches, he was only a couple inches taller than my wife. His cock may, in fact, be longer than mine, but on his frame, it...

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My Crazy Life 5 Tammy Wendy Brenda First Half

Sometimes, egos are good things. You can ride high on the wave of a growing ego, but you better watch for the breakers at the shore! This is a long story of how I built my ego up, flaunted it around, and then crashed back to reality.=== Tammy:My wife met Michael at an infamous "Sue and Lyle" house party. He is a smaller dark-skinned man with a giant cock. At five-feet-six-inches, he was only a couple inches taller than my wife. His cock may, in fact, be longer than mine, but on his frame, it...

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Fertility Down Chapter 3 Half of a Day

Chapter 3: Half of a DayWe made into the school without anything too crazy from happening. People would just stare at us, and then whisper. By the time we made it up the steps people kind of just openly look at us and talk to themselves, either about us or other things. I couldn’t tell. I might ask Jane later though since she has an incredible knack of hearing quiet whispers and reading lips. But she didn’t seem to fazed by the whole thing. I looked at Dan and he had a grin on. We hadn’t had...

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