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"This," thought Taylor Stuart as she dropped exhausted into the empty salon chair and ran a hand through her long waist length hair, "has got to have been the worst day of my life."

Sitting back with her eyes closed, the twenty four-year-old brunette reviewed the events that caused her to make such a declaration. Her first disaster of the day had actually started the night before with the sudden arrival of her sometimes lover, George Williams, at her apartment.

The relationship between the two was based largely on sex and little else. George had a cock that looked like it should be in a porn film and was, at least in Taylor's opinion, one hell of a fuck. At first she had been a little annoyed at his showing up so unexpectedly at her door.

Then George had started to turn on the charm. Coupled with the lucky absence of her roommate Donna, who had a family emergency and had to spend the night at her parents, one thing had led to another. Before long they were rocking the sheets like a couple of rabbits.

After a night of boisterous lovemaking, they started an encore presentation early this morning. Taylor had her face buried in a pillow as George plowed his cock into her. He was just about to come when he called out her name. Unfortunately, he only thought it was her name.

"God, Donna," he'd yelled, "you are so fucking tight!"

Needless to say, Taylor lost all sexual interest when she heard her roommate's name. In the hour they had argued after that, she'd learned that George had actually come over to get it on with Donna, and had settled for Taylor when he found she wasn't there. Worse yet, the fight had made her late for her job at the Salon.

Her second conflict of the day was with Anna Mugavero, the fifty-two year old owner of the Beauty Salon. This was the third time Taylor had been late this month and Anna spent fifteen long minutes pointing out that if it happened a fourth time, she might as well stay in bed for good.

Taylor suffered in silence as Anna dressed her down in front of everyone else in the shop. She knew that it wasn't just her being late that had set the older woman off. Karen and Sonny, two of the other girls had worse records than she did and didn't have to put up with half this crap. No, Anna had it in for her for a far different reason.

The previous December, the Merchants Association had sponsored a grand Christmas and New Years Party at Roselli's Catering Hall. Every business in the area had contributed to the party and it had been full of good food, good music, and really great booze. Sometime about eleven, when the party was really rocking, Taylor had gone looking for the ladies room.

After two wrong turns, Taylor thought she'd found the right door. Unfortunately, it had been Roselli's private office instead. Even more unfortunate was the fact that it wasn't empty. There, kneeling on the carpeted floor, was a very drunk and semi-naked Anna Mugavero. She was in the process of blowing the 69-year-old Tony Roselli.

Giddy as she was, Taylor had taken one look at Roselli's cock sliding in and out of Anna's mouth and burst out laughing. In her intoxicated state she couldn't stop giggling, no matter how hard she tried.

The next morning, despite a first class hangover, she had gone over to Anna's apartment to apologize. Considering the things she had done drunk, Anna blowing the old man was kid stuff. Besides, it was only the surprise of having walked in on them that had set her off. For an older man, Mr. Roselli was in pretty good shape. And as for Anna, well she did run a beauty salon and knew how to always bring out her best. She'd seen couples doing it before, and it wasn't if she'd run off and told Mrs. Roselli that Anna was sucking off her husband.

But Anna wanted no part of any apology, no matter how contrite it might have been. Since that night, neither of them had ever mentioned the incident again. Yet Anna never let an opportunity pass to embarrass her as she felt she had been embarrassed.

Problems three and four came in the persons of Mrs. Elizabeth Katts and Miss Evelyn Donacello, two of the Salon's oldest and most demanding clients. Anna Mugavero took a perverse delight in always assigning them to Taylor. Even individually, either woman was enough to try even a Saint's patience. Today, both of them had more than earned their reputations.

It was only after lunch that Taylor thought her day might be changing for the better. She smiled when she saw the name Kathleen Foster in the appointment book. Kathleen was her favorite client, the antitheses of the two women she had to deal with in the morning. Many times Anna had tried to assign Kathleen to one of the other girls, but the twenty-six year old businesswoman would hear nothing of it. It was that way with a lot of Taylor's clients and the reason Anna kept Taylor on despite their mutual antagonism.

Taylor loved working on Kathleen for two reasons. Kathleen was exactly the type of woman Taylor wished she could be more like. Confident, dynamic, successful, all the things she didn't see in herself. Despite all of that and the difference in their backgrounds, Kathleen never looked down at Taylor as some of the other clients did.

If you put the two women side by side, they shared a certain physical similarity as well. Both were brunettes of similar shades and stood five seven. Even their measurements came close, with Taylor having a slightly larger bust.

Taylor and Kathleen chatted while she worked on her hair. Kathleen told Taylor that she was going to a big Halloween Ball tomorrow night and wanted to look her best. Taylor remarked that she was going to a costume party herself, but she was sure the people at the two parties would be quite different.

Kathleen replied with a knowing smile. The sort of grin that said Taylor couldn't image how true her remark really was.

"I'd invite you to my party but I'm not sure you would..." Kathleen started to say, then suddenly gasped for air.

It was that moment that all hell broke loose. Kathleen suddenly turned pale and started to shake uncontrollably. It was immediately obvious to Taylor that her client was having a seizure. A woman in the next chair screamed in shock, an action repeated by several others, including Anna Mugavero. Panic, as always, was contagious.

Or so it seemed. Taylor, however, kept her cool. Back in high school, the beautician had entertained the idea of becoming a nurse for half a semester. She went so far as doing some volunteer work at the local hospital. Work that involved taking some basic emergency aid courses. In a flash, all of those old lessons came back to her.

"Call for an ambulance!" Taylor called out as she reacted to the crisis and made sure that Kathleen didn't choke. "Don't just stand there you stupid bitch!" she yelled at Anna when she saw her just standing there, paralyzed with fear. "Call the paramedics!"

Finally spurred by Taylor's words, Anna reached for the phone. Thankfully, Saint Mary's Hospital was only ten blocks away and help arrived in minutes. As they carried Kathleen away, Taylor could feel Anna's eyes burning into her back. She was sure she could kiss this job goodbye after her outburst.

"I'm going to overlook your impertinence this time," Anna said, ignoring the fact that it was only Taylor's quick action that had helped Kathleen. "Seeing as it was an emergency and so many people were panicking. But I still expect you to stay tonight and clean up, make up that lost time from this morning."

Taylor replied with a nod, afraid if she opened her mouth she would say something that Anna wouldn't like. When she thought about, Taylor realized that Anna wouldn't let her foil go so easily. Silently however, she resolved to find the courage to make some changes in her life. Beginning with finding a better place to work.

Later in the day, before she started to clean up, Taylor called the hospital to check on Kathleen's condition. Normally they wouldn't give out such information to a stranger on the phone. But when she explained to the Nurse that she had been the one to give first aid to the stricken woman, the Nurse felt a little more sympathetic. She told her that Kathleen was doing fine, but that they were going to keep her over the weekend for observation. That pleased Taylor. Anna hadn't even bothered to call before she went home.

Opening her eyes, Taylor happened to spot a silver and gold envelope sticking out from under one of the cabinets. Curious, she bent down and picked it up. To her surprise, the name of Kathleen Foster was on the envelope.

"This must've fell out of her purse when it was knocked off the counter." Taylor thought as she wondered what was in it. "Only one way to find out." she added. It turned out to be the invitation to the Halloween Ball Kathleen had been talking about. The Ball was being given by something called the Sean McMurphy Memorial Fund. Taylor had never heard of before. She had, however, heard of the Grand Astoria Hotel, which the invitation showed as the site of the Ball. Only last week, Taylor had read an article about the multi-million dollar restoration of the old hotel and how it was going to have a big Grand Re-Opening next month. Evidently, it seemed that this Sean McMurphy Fund was able to book the entire Hotel for their Ball before that.

"The ticket for the Ball even comes with a room," Taylor noted as she read the rest of the papers in the envelope.

It seemed Kathleen had been nominated for membership in some sort of professional society and as part of that nomination, the society was picking up the tab for the entire weekend at the Grand Astoria.

"Just think of all those people at the Grand Astoria," Taylor said to the empty salon. "Enjoying shrimp and champagne while I eat cheese doodles and Pepsi at Monica's party. I bet there's a lot better class of men at that party too. At least ones who wouldn't be trying to grope her ass after a few beers."

Putting all the papers back in the envelope, Taylor thought it was a shame that Kathleen was going to miss the Ball. She imagined again all the professional men that must attend functions like that and tried to remember Kathleen ever mentioning a boyfriend or anything. Or was she, Taylor wondered, one of those women so wrapped up in their careers that they had no time for romance.

"Look at me criticizing someone else's love life." Taylor went on, "Like I've had such great luck with men."

Looking up at the clock on the wall, Taylor decided she'd put in as much extra time as she needed to make up for being late this morning. She'd half expected that bitch Anna to call from home to make sure she was still here. Tossing the gold envelope into one of the wastebaskets, the twenty-four year out headed for the door and home.

"Too bad I couldn't change places with Kathleen for the night," she mused as she pushed the invitation from her mind. "It'll probably be a hell of a party."

Taylor had locked the door behind her and was halfway down the street when she paused. A fantastic thought filled her mind.

"Why couldn't I?" she thought. "Why couldn't I go in Kathleen's place? After all, it's a Halloween Ball. Everyone's going to be in a costume. And it's not like she paid for the tickets, so I wouldn't be stealing or anything like that."

As quick as Taylor tried to think of new justifications for acting on this crazy impulse, another voice inside of her responded with reasons what she shouldn't. It finally came down to the memory of Anna's shrill voice and how she treated her like trash. If she was going to make some changes in her life, maybe a little adventure was as good a place to start as any.

With a smile on her face and a new determination in her heart, Taylor spun on her heels and went back to the Salon. Two minutes later she was again walking down the same street, this time with the coveted invitation in her hand.

"Good afternoon, may I help you?" the pretty young Asian woman behind the counter, whose nametag identified as Mei-Ling, looked up and asked.

Taylor took a deep breath before answering. What seemed like a good idea only last night, now seemed like insanity in the light of day. It had taken her over a half-hour of debate within herself to even step into the hotel, much less approach the check in counter. Right now, part of her wanted to just turn and run.

She had spent a good part of the morning trying to decide how a young businesswoman would dress when going to a hotel. Finally she decided a simple blue print would be okay.

"I'm ... Kathleen Foster..." she said in a low hesitant voice, as if afraid that bells and alarms were about to go off. "I have a reservation."

The pretty girl, who Taylor thought couldn't have been more than eighteen, smiled once more and typed Kathleen Foster into her computer. It was only a moment before the confirmation came up on the screen, but to Taylor it seemed like an eternity.

"Here we go," Mei-Ling said. "Room 314 in the west wing. A very nice room. If you'll just fill out this registration card, I'll have one of our bellhops help you with your bag."

As Taylor filled out the small card, careful to fill in the information for Kathleen Foster, she didn't notice one of the two bellhops who had been stand a dozen feet away, respond to Mei-Lings summons. If she had, she might have found it surprising that they were both young women as well.

"I can handle my bag," Taylor said automatically, "It's just the one."

""Very good," the Asian woman said as Taylor handed back the card. "Now I just need your credit card to make an imprint and you'll be on your way."

"My credit card... ?" Taylor asked in terror, a sudden chill flashing through her.

"Is there a problem?" Mei-Ling asked.

"I thought, what I mean is..." Taylor started to say as she tried to think of a reason why she wouldn't have a card.

She was about to make a show of looking for her wallet in her purse and then saying she must have forgot it at home. If nothing else, she would then leave and never come back.

"That won't be necessary, Mei-Ling." said another voice from behind Taylor.

The brunette turned to see a tall, dark skilled woman with very short curly black hair standing next to her. She was wearing a navy blue jacket, white shirt and matching skirt. Taylor guessed that she was in her early thirties.

"Ms. Foster is one of our new nominees," the black woman said. "The Foundation is taking care of all of her expenses."

"Of course," Mei-Ling replied as she typed in the proper code on the registration. "Welcome to the Grand Astoria, Ms. Foster." she beamed as she handed Taylor an electronic key to her room. Enjoy your stay."

"Thank you." Taylor said in a relief filled voice.

"Are you okay?" the woman in blue asked. "You seem a little flushed."

"Just the excitement, that's all." Taylor quickly covered.

"Of course." came the reply. "I'm Sanura Jackson, head of the Foundation's Membership Committee."

"Nice to meet you." Taylor said as she reached out to meet Sanura's outstretched hand.

The smile on her face was genuine. If the head of the membership committee didn't spot her as a fake, then she was home free.

"Do you also work here at the hotel?" Taylor asked, trying to make conversation.

"Me? Oh no. In real life I'm a specialist in corporate security. I did almost ten years with the government, then opened my own business."

"I'm sorry, I though when I saw you and the girl at the counter wearing the same pin that..."

"This pin?" Sanura asked, a touch of confusion in her voice as she indicated the gold pin on her lapel. "You must've seem one of the Foundation's pins before?"

"Of course, where is my head this afternoon?" Taylor asked herself. "It just looked a little different in this light, that's all."

Sanura seemed to accept that answer, or so Taylor hoped.

"Actually none of the people here are hotel staff." Sanura went on. "We prefer to use our own Foundation volunteers when we have functions like this. It tends to keep things more private."

"I understand." Taylor answered, as if she had the slightest idea what Sanura was talking about.

"Actually it was McMurphy Industries that bought and renovated the hotel. And since Scarlett still heads the Board of Directors, there was no problem with us borrowing it for the Ball."

Taylor continued to agree, wondering if she was supposed to know who Scarlett was.

"It's too bad she's stuck in the Caribbean by that storm. She usually never misses one of the Foundation's bashes. I hope I'm that active when I get to be her age."

Letting out a secret sigh of relief when they got to the elevators, Taylor hoped Sanura didn't insist on seeing her up to her room as well. Thankfully the taller woman stopped short of that.

"Well thanks for your help." Taylor said.

"Not really much in the way of help, but you're welcome." Sanura replied. "Maybe later, after you've settled in, we can have a drink or something. I'd like to get to know you a little better."

"I'd like that." Taylor answered to be polite, hoping that she didn't run into Sanura again before the Ball.

As the elevator doors closed between them, Taylor noted that Sanura seemed to be very pleased with her reply.

"I never thought someone into security would be that friendly with people." she mused as the indicator light turned into a three. "Guess it takes all kinds."

Once in her room, Taylor decided to take a little nap. The Costume Ball didn't start until eight. That gave her more than a few hours to kill. Stripping down to her underwear, she noted that the room she had been given was a lot better than her apartment. She didn't want to even think about what it would normally cost per night.

She undid her bra, dropping it onto the floor. Strong fingers massaged her rounded breasts, bringing back the sensation she sometimes lost when her bra was too tight. Mentally she made a note to buy some new ones, but knew that there was always more demand on her paycheck than she could afford.

"Enough of that." she laughed as she dropped on the still made bed. "I'll worry about everything else on Monday. This weekend is for having fun."

Stretched out semi-nude on the bed, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. In her dreams she could imagine that this life was hers for real.

"Oh God, it can't be morning already." Taylor groaned as she rolled over on the soft bed toward the ringing sound that had disturbed her slumber.

It took a few seconds for her to grasp that it was the phone and not her alarm clock that was ringing. The realization that this wasn't her apartment a brief moment later snapped her fully awake.

"Hello... ?" she said into the receiver as she lifted the phone.

"Good Evening, Ms. Foster." said a lyrical voice over the phone. "You asked for a reminder call at six forty five."

"Oh yes, I did, didn't I? she remembered. "Thank you very much."

With renewed energy, she bounced off the bed. The nap had been a great idea. Now she felt like she could go all night.

"Well as I'm sure Cinderella once said," she laughed. "It's off to the Ball I go."

Taylor closed her eyes as she stepped into the shower and warm water splashed against her skin. It felt great after her nap. She was as excited as could be about her little adventure. There was such a forbidden nature about it all.

Running her hands down her soapy body, down between her legs, Taylor discovered she was aroused. Normally she didn't get that way again until a few days after she and George had one of their marathon screwing sessions. Yet as she played her fingers over her body, she suddenly felt as horny as if she'd been celibate for a month.

"Must be the new me." she laughed to herself. "Hope I find a cute guy tonight to take care of my itch. But just in case..."

Taylor again stroked her breasts, bringing her pert nipples to a familiar hardness. As always, her touch felt so good. Soapy hands glided down across her slim stomach, finding their way to the light brown bush below. She continued down between her legs and then around to the cheeks of her ass, leaving a soap trail of bubbles in her wake.

Taylor let out a soft sigh as her fingers rubbed against her mound. Running her other hand across her firm breasts once again, she gave them a playful squeeze.

With a practiced hand that began to learn its skill when she'd first masturbated at 13, Taylor parted her vaginal lips, quickly finding the prize within. Closing her eyes, she leaned back against the wall and began to rub herself.

"Oh yes." she purred as a familiar tingle spread out from her cunt. "That feels nice."

She slid a finger up within herself, followed by a second and a third. It was a poor substitute for a hard cock, but it would have to do.

It wasn't long before she was furiously pumping her fingers in and out, stoking the tiny flame between her legs into a roaring fire.

The warm water had turned to hot, filling the bathroom with steam. The heat of which paled to that radiating across her quaking body as her fingers caressed her love canal in an orgasmic frenzy.

With water running down her face, her lips let go a quiet sigh. Taylor felt her legs and arms go weak as repeated waves of delight rippled up and down her naked form.

Long silent moments, broken only by the splatter of the shower drops, passed as the brunette rested against the now warm tile. The water washing away the traces of her climax.

"Oh that felt good." Taylor said as she filled her hands with water and splashed it across her face.

Wrapped only in a towel, she stepped back into the room. Taylor opened her bag and laid out the costume she had brought with her. It was the outfit she had originally planned to wear to Monica's party. Not for the first time, she wondered if perhaps it was a little too daring for an upscale party like this one.

"What the hell," she concluded. "It's too late to get a new one now."

Undoing her towel and tossing it on the bed, Taylor changed into her third identity of the day.

The costume, what little there was of it, was a bright flaming red. Appropriate enough considering who she was supposed to be. The hem of her skirt ended less than six inches below her crotch, showing an amount of skin only exceeded by the amount of cleavage a very plunging neckline exposed. The thin material clung tightly against her braless breasts, holding them in place and at the same time, displaying all their charms. You didn't have to get too close to see the outline of her nipples pressed against the fabric. Hanging from beneath her skirt was a short, forked tail. On her forehead, held in place by spirit gum, were two small horns.

"You little devil you." Taylor laughed as she looked at herself in the full-length mirror on the back of the door.

As a final touch, she pressed a small raccoon type red mask against her face. That and a small pitchfork completed the ensemble.

Turning around to check her rear reflection, Taylor saw that any onlooker would have little trouble telling that she had left her panties behind with her bra.

"Might as well live the part," she laughed. "What's the worst they can do to me, ask me to leave?"

She walked out into the hall and called for people already there to hold the elevator. The doors of which were already closing.

"Thanks," Taylor said to the woman in the 1920's flapper outfit who had held the door for her.

"No problem." came her reply.

"Nice costume." Taylor said.

"Yours too." the flapper said, taking the time to really take in what Taylor was wearing, or what she wasn't wearing.

Turning to the other woman behind them, Taylor no longer worried about any improprieties of dress. It was impossible not to stare at the well-endowed redhead. She was going to the party as Eve, a costume Taylor remembered Debbie Thomas wearing last year. Unlike Debbie, this woman wasn't wearing a bodystocking. In fact, aside from a smile, all she was wearing was a g-string shaped like a fig leaf.

"This party is going to be more interesting than I thought." Taylor concluded.

The Ballroom was already filled with at least a hundred people when Taylor stepped in, with more coming in. She paused at the organizational table and took note of were she was sitting. Thankfully she didn't see Sanura's name at either her table or any of the surrounding ones.

Making her way across the crowded floor, Taylor took note of all the various costumes. There were people dressed up as animals and characters from movies. As well as fantasy characters and even superheroes from the comics. There were even folks just made up as different professions.

"I could have come as a beautician," Taylor laughed silently as she spotted her table, "But I think the devil has a lot more fun."

Finding her cardboard nameplate, Taylor took her seat. There were six other costumes at the table, which she took in one at a time.

First there was Snow White, right out of the Theme Park in Florida. Although Taylor doubted the one at Disneyworld was so well endowed, or put so much on that endowment on display. Next to her was a woman in the traditional French maids' outfit. A version of which, like her devil's garb, left little to the imagination. Then came an older woman dressed as Cleopatra.

Sitting across from Taylor was an Asian woman in an outfit that reminded her of an old time Charlie Chan movie. The woman's hair was done up in a bun and a decorative, red mandarin style dress seemed to be spray painted onto her body. When she moved to get up out of her chair to shift her tail, Taylor noticed the slit of the dress ran from her ankle almost all the way up to her waist. It took a third look to realize it, but the woman in the mandarin dress was Mei-Ling from the front desk.

On the far end of the table was a black woman in a cheerleader outfit, decked out in blue and silver. Sitting next to her was another blonde, with a white dress that made her look just like that famous photo of Marilyn Monroe. Finally next to Taylor was a harem costumed Jeannie right out of the old TV series.

"I don't believe this," Taylor said to herself as she finished her circumference out the table. "There's not a single guy at this table."

Looking over at the table behind her, it occurred to her that there were no men there either. A funny feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach.

"I know I passed some guys at that table over there." she reminded herself as she looked back in that direction. 'The ones dressed as the Construction Worker, the Scarecrow and the Pirate."

That funny feeling exploded as she realized that all three of them were women as well.

"Oh shit," she said under her breath as she realized what kind of party this really was. "I never would have guess that Kathleen was a..."

"Excuse me, would you like to dance?" a soft voice over her shoulder interrupted her toughest.

"What?" Taylor said as she turned in the direction of the voice.

"I asked if you would like to dance, Kathleen isn't it?" said the woman in surgical greens as she read the nameplate on the table.

Taylor thought about it for a moment. She had said she wanted to have an adventure -- wanted to be Kathleen for the night. Looking at the short haired redhead before her, she decided that Kathleen would definitely dance with her.

"I always wanted to date a Doctor." Taylor joked as she rose to accept the invitation, wondering if the thirty something woman might really be one. The outfit seemed real enough.

"I'm Janice." she said as she took Taylor's hand in hers.

Out on the dance floor, it felt a little funny at first to be dancing with a woman. To have her hold her as a man would. Then as they got caught up in the rhythm of the live band, having feminine flesh pressed against hers didn't seem as strange. When Janice pulled her even closer, Taylor could feel the woman's hands through the thin fabric covering her ass. Taylor could see the delight in her eyes as the doctor discovered her lack of panties and slid one under the skirt to caress bare flesh.

"My, you are a devil." she whispered into Taylor's ear as her fingers touched her tightly cropped mound. "And a wet one at that."

Taylor should've been horrified at the idea of another woman touching her pussy, or so she told herself. But tonight she was Kathleen, and that was perfectly acceptable. Even when she felt Janice's lips press against hers at the end of the dance, she willingly accepted the offering.

"I enjoyed our dance." Janice said as they began to walk off the floor.

"So did I?" Taylor replied.

"Maybe we can have another one later on" Janice said.

"Maybe." Taylor mused as the two women parted.

Taylor didn't go right back to her table. Instead she found a spot where she could watch the rest of the dancers. They all did seem to be having fun. If she ignored the fact that they were all women, it looked like any other club she'd ever gone too. And she had to admit, it'd been a long time since she'd felt this excited.

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Sara was just f******n when she got a crush on the neighbor next door. He was single and very handsome and he was always nice to Sara. In a year she had developed full size tits and was getting quite sexy. Her mom and dad worked during the day and then drank till the bars closed leaving Sara alone all the time. She spent a lot of time with the neighbor and loved the attention he gave her. He was quite taken with the young sexy body. Sara liked to wear tight t shirts with no bra and he had...

3 years ago
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Love For the Cock

Part OneIts a true story of me growing up and I am going to call myself "Electra" instead using my real name:It was a year after i started school when this happen. There was a guy in our next door neighbor who was a freshman in college. His mom use to keep me in her house after school until my parents get back from work. My baby sitter's name was Alice and her son's name was Andy. Alice normally use to be busy with her house chores while Andy use to watch me most of the time. Most of the time I...

1 year ago
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Do I Know You Ch 08

Did I mention I like to watch? I stepped back, continuing to gently and slowly stroke myself, while I took in the beautiful tableau unfolding before me. Taylor turned Mary Ann towards her, looking back at me with that mischievous look that I was truly growing to love about her. She knew I was on board, and ready to enjoy whatever (or whomever) came next. Taylor still held the soapy scrubber in her hand, but as most of the suds from it were now covering me, she needed to add some more...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 334

Send a smile to Yoes for this one... This is one is from my childhood. Problem is that the punchline is telegraphed from the middle of the joke. Here goes: A couple marry and the husband announces that the only food he likes is pumpkin stew. Not any old pumpkin stew, but the way his now deceased mother made it. Since her death, no-one has ever been able to replicate her recipe. So when she presented the dish to him that evening, he took one bite of it and pushed it away from him in disgust...

4 years ago
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Road Warrior Barcelona Ch 03

BUT NEVER DOUBT I LOVE Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love. Shakespeare, Hamlet, II,ii,116 The voice was saying something I couldn’t quite make out. There was the timbre of anxiety in the voice, the words filtered as if I had earplugs on. I gradually became aware of my body – my subconscious sending out urgent messages to the organs and extremities asking if they were doing okay. The right responses must have been...

2 years ago
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The Patient

The Patient By shalimar "Dr. Anderson, I am finally glad to meet you, sir. My name is Carla Grucci. I'm the new medical student assigned to this hospital. All the other students say that you're great with them and you let us get special hands on experience. The other students also say that you have a very interesting case here in the psych ward, a Miss Barbara Frank." "Yes she is very interesting," he told Carla as he walked down the hall. "If it were a simple case of...

3 years ago
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Lost In Lust And Pleasure With Aashika

Hello, this is Bharat from Bangalore and below is my experience with a stock market company girl. I’m not a good writer, so please ignore the mistakes and enjoy the story. One day I received a call by a girl from a share market broker company and they enquired whether I was into trading and stuff. I had quit trading for six months then. Politely refused the call but I never thought this call would turn tables. Same night I had a message from unknown number on whatsapp. I called that number and...

2 years ago
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Cuckold in the Making

Funny all J and I had done was kiss. But in a way my crush on J was a harbinger of a lot of my future relationships. It was an innocent age then, the 1950s and I was a good Catholic guy. This is how I learned the hard way that other guys weren’t so good. One Saturday afternoon, I was at a movie double feature to escape the heat. Back then oppressive summer weather was uncommon to Buffalo, NY, so no one had air conditioning except for the neighborhood movie theaters. I was sitting in the middle...

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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 20

As I had promised Martha, I went to her home on the Sunday afternoon. I was wondering what those special circumstances could be that she had mentioned. They didn't live too far from my home, so I took my bike and cycled over to them. It was about a 15 minute bike ride. When I arrived at their home, I rang the doorbell, and it was Martha, who let me in. We went sitting in the living room. "My husband is to the playground with the children. Do you want anything to drink?" Martha asked when...

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RUNAWAY Chapter 6 Discipline

Joseph had not slept in close proximity with a woman since his wife's passing several years previous. He had hooked up with a few lot lizards but it was just for quick sex and he wasn't sure he could even remember their names. He wasn't sure how young, this young lady was but he was sure any man would find her attractive. He of course had not been with a young woman sexually or even physically in years but it wasn't hard to remember how attractive their smooth skin, tiny waist, wide...

1 year ago
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[With thanks to Patricia (billbig5893) not only for inspiration, but for making this a better story.]Patricia usually tolerated the seventy-five minute highway segment of her daily commute pretty well, but today it just seemed too much, too long, too, too boring. She had promised Bill that she'd be home in time for dinner at their favorite restaurant, but it was going to be close. She and her husband hadn’t had much time together lately, with the annual reports due. This was going to be a...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 7

Later in the afternoon, the Albrights, Julie's parents, showed up, as expected. It went better than expected -- not good, but better than it might have. While Dave couldn't categorize his in-laws (or was it former in-laws now?) as being rich, they were certainly far from being poor. Dave would have categorized them as 'upper upper middle class'; much of their wealth came from a family business Stan had inherited. But they, especially Deborah, had a pretty strong opinion of themselves;...

4 years ago
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Proving my ex Im not frigid

I broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks prior this story. I thought I loved him since he was my first and all but the thing is I already saw it coming. I knew he was not the one for me. I makes me look as if I'm a cold hearted bitch but he never gave me an orgasm. He sucks in bed. The only good thing that came from that disaster is that I became close to his friends which annoyed him and they mostly prefer to 'hang' with me. I don't see anything wrong with it since all of his friends doesn't...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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More Hallucinations

Another party on another Saturday night, it's an ordinary suburban house but what's happening inside it is far from being ordinary. About a dozen young teenage couples are standing or sitting in a circle watching two sixteen-year-old girls undressing each other.I'm not all that interested in watching them, I'm more interested in the sexy little panties I've nestled in. They belong to Sandra, a pretty little seventeen-year-old and they're pulled right up into her slit. She's sitting on a couch...

1 year ago
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Need some RP partner

Hello, i would like to do dome porn role play, that mean, i would love to create a story with someone (girl and boy are welcome) involving sex action of course. I think it's a great to realise fantasm. (We can do this with cam )If you are interrested or you want more info. send me PM or post a comment here. Don't be shy, i'm very open minded. If you want to play tell the roles you would love to play and your limitRoles i would like to do :-Slave boy-Sissy boy-Whore-Shotacon (i will play young...

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Adventurous Sex With Geetha Part 8211 1

Hi ISS readers, Gowda is back with a new sex story and I would like to thank all my boy and girls for their valuable feedback and the girls who are chatting with me after reading my last story [first sexual encounter with geetha]. All readers and any girls are interested can contact me on Okay without wasting time let’s jump to the story. As I said you in the last story I am working for some a research station and I have introduced my heroin Geetha. After our contact we had many sex sessions...

2 years ago
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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 3

Continued from Good Girl Gone Bad Part 2. Carl and I had been having an affair for three months. Carl was my ex-boyfriend’s best friend. Carl was also married, and he, myself, my ex-boyfriend, Steve, and Carl’s wife used to hang out all the time together. I knew I was being bad, but I didn’t care. In fact, it was actually a turn on being the other woman. Okay, before I go on, I have to repeat something I said in the first part of my story. I love my tits. I am a 36DD. They are soft but firm...

3 years ago
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Pink World

Pink World This whole thing started by accident, I swear. My mom had taken my twin sister Jessica to an audition, and she wowed them so much they pitched a teen series to star her. You'd have to be living under a rock not to have heard of it - "Pink World". It was supposed to be about this single macho dad trying to cope with raising a super girly girl daughter, and everyone was sure that with Jessica as the girl, it would be a big hit. Then the day before the pilot was to be...

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Great Start for a New Year

One of my longtime fantasies has been to be sandwiched between a couple. My imagination surfed between two situations: in one I fancied myself in the middle of a man and a woman, at other times between two men. In the former, I imagined myself down on all fours, eating pussy while getting fucked. In the latter male version, I would be sucking cock. Either alternative could get me hot, because they both included getting fucked, my favorite pastime. For years it was only a fantasy. I didn’t think...

Group Sex
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Fun at the wedding Part 3 of 3 The mother in law

Sam slipped out of her daughters bridal suite quietly. She had enjoyed the shag from her daughters husband Michael, and the excitement of rescuing his best man Paul had got her adrenaline going. But most of all, she had enjoyed seeing Pauls naked body with his huge cock. God what a cock.As she closed the door she turned and bumped into.....Paul. He hadn't even dressed. He was covered by a hotel dressing gown and had his tux and shoes under his arm. I asked him what the hell was he still doing...

1 year ago
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"Charley" Clara said, "What in the world is wrong with you?" Okay, I thought, why not, "When I heard your husband bragging about fucking my wife this afternoon (and I saw Loretta's face go pale) I got a little upset and so I hit him." Then I looked around the room and said, "And there are a couple of more here that are going to get the same as soon as I find out who they are." I grabbed Loretta by the hand and started heading for the front door. "Charley, what are you...

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Dr Garcia

My girlfriend and me like to do each other fantasies . One time we did it in my car, the next time, we did it at the movies. This time was her idea to do something. She… My girlfriend and me like to do each other fantasies . One time we did it in my car, the next time, we did it at the movies. This time was her idea to do something. She came up with the idea to do something that she wanted to do for a long time. She was watching Grays anatomy or something like that., and I was just...

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The Professor Advises Ch 02

Chapter 2 discovering the need for an assistant Landon immediately stood up, crossed the room in a blink, and hugged Emily hard and fast. The beautiful smile on her face clued him in that she was absolutely as glad to see him as he was to see her. Landon suggested, ‘Let’s get the job done and go somewhere else to talk more.’ Emily readily agreed, with a little blush and giggle- hearing promise in that suggestion. The meeting was extremely brief and efficient. Emily had known exactly what she...

2 years ago
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For Women My Fantasy

I wrote this some time ago. It's really a description of one of my fantasies as told to a woman._____________________________________________________________ You step into the darkness of the hotel room, closing the door softy behind you. At once you feel my hands upon you. My lips meet yours and we fall back against the door as we kiss. My hands go into your hair, then move down your sides as our tongues play with each other. Slowly I unbutton your top as I move to kissing your ear and neck. I...

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Big Boobs Muslim MILF8217s Pussy And Ass Drilled Hard In Bangalore

Hello readers, this is Sid, age 28, a working professional from Bangalore. I am here to pen down a real erotic incident. This incident happened with a busty voluptuous Muslim milf named Salima, aged 36, with a hot figure of 36D-30-38. One fine day, I went to a supermarket near my home to shop. And that was where I saw her. She was fully draped in a black hijab in contrast to her very fair skin. She was definitely a head-turner standing at 5’7″. Then I purposely was browsing in her aisle. And...

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The Grand Strategy Ch 06

The new semester started like a marathon, with the crowded runners all trying to get a step ahead, and bumping and jostling. I said before that it was like putting your mouth on a firehose, and it was. We had hundreds of pages of reading a night, writing to do, and there was not a spare minute. Literally. Not a spare minute. I would fall asleep at night with a book in my hand or my fingers on the keyboard, and wake up in the morning to finish whatever it was I fell asleep with. I didn't have...

2 years ago
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Wife has a thick cock for lunch

I stayed home today from work. Things are running smooth at the shop and since I'm the owner I thought I'd take Wednesday off and spend time with my wife. I didn't let her know my plan so when she walked into the den this morning she was surprised to see me watching TV. What are you doing home she said? I answered I took the day off to spend with her. She said well I have plans for lunch. OK that's fine I said. She got herself some coffee and came back to the den.I kept waiting to hear what her...

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next morning not great but what happened

It was 10 after 8, I was just about to put something hard in my mouth when someone was knocking on the door, and in my head I had a few choice words. I had waked up about 30 minutes earlier stretched and rolled over to find this steel pole against me. Rick was still sort of sleeping but had this incredible hard on so I started to play with it rubbing it and pulled the sheets back to stare at it, just as I was about to put it in my mouth that is when someone was at the door. Putting on a knight...

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A Shy Wife Spends Her Weekend on Display

It was a dream weekend with Julie. My sexy but self conscious wife reluctantly agreed to let me “dress” her for three days while we attended concerts out of town together. It all began when I noticed that several music acts we both enjoyed were performing on three consecutive days in venues quite close to each other, but none of them near where we lived. Julie really loves live music so this was shaping up as an ideal situation. I had already been saving up small favors that she owed me, so I...

1 year ago
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My Tale To Tell Part II

By: Naughty_kusum After the breakfast Sagar left for office and it was time for kanhu to get ready for school. Kusum: Kanhu beta aaj mummy aap ko nehlaye to chalega? Tumhe bahut der ho rahi he Kanhu: Thik he maa (some how he was horny today after the breakfast session so he agreed for the bathing session). Kusum made hot water ready to bathe her son and got set in the bathroom. She was still wearing the deep cut blouse without any bra and the petticoat. With all her fleshy curves she was...

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Dreaming of Revenge

I knew my ex had been upset when we broke up. Upset isn't a strong enough word. She had been very angry. And bitter and vindictive. But then we had met up again at a party organised by a mutual friend. She seemed all sweetness and light. But she must have spiked my drink... I woke up back in my own bed at home. I still felt rather muzzy. But that wasn't the only thing that was strange. Prosthetic silicone breasts had been firmly glued to my chest. And when I got out of bed I discovered...

2 years ago
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Wasted a good cup of coffee lol

first off i havent actually slept yet ive been up all night playing video games since aound 6am when the power came back online and amazingly i could get online. anyways just a few moments ago i was jerking off while drinking my 3rd cup of coffee. half way through my drink i thought to myself that i could shoot my load into my coffee and drink it. dont know why i wanted to do that but anyways i held the cup near my cock as i kept coming closer to blowing my load. soon enough im cumming in my...

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My First Time

So, I fucked my best friend's mother! I’m not proud of it but I can't say I'm ashamed either. Here's how it happened... Jason and I grew up together. We were like brothers, totally inseparable. His mum, Claire, had been single for about 10 years after her husband left for his young secretary. Jason and I had started to work out at the gym and our bodies were starting to muscle up with awesome six-packs.  Claire was very attractive for 43. In-fact, I quite often fantasised about having sex with...

First Time
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My Cross Dressing for a couple fantasy part 2

As Richard stopped in front of us, sally looked at me and got off my lap and with an almost devilish grin she invited me to introduce myself, standing up to meet richard eye to eye i soon realised that i was going to be in for a real treat, looking me up and down he looked back at sally and said "she's a sexy little honey isn't she" to which sally nodded her agreement. forcefully grabbing me by the waist richard then spun me around and pulled me back against his chest, with one hand now around...

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An Earth Day Voice

She had looked like the cat that had swallowed the canary and from the way his mother had been humming while serving him his morning pancakes, it seemed the canary was still singing in her belly. Alan wondered why that should be. He had to admit she looked good with a smile on her face, but he hadn’t seen his mother crack a smile in two years. His brain kept searching for reasons why she could be smiling. He was thinking about his prim, proper mother, and he could never attribute her good mood...

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My Changing LifeChapter 9 Leaving Town for Good

FSJ was a major crossroads for drugs. Unlike what was on TV, the reality was, most drugs coming into or going out of North America went through Alaska. Why smuggle things through an extremely heavily guarded southern boarder when you can go through a relatively unguarded north. Not only that, there are millions of uninhabited islands where secret bases can be established. There was Canadian pot and hash heading off continent. At the time, Canada was a world powerhouse in the pot and hash...

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Dreaming fucking older

this is a fantasy of mine that is very close to coming true. i have a 60 year old man that i met in chat who lives very close to me and wants to meet me. i'm considering it. an old man waiting in his car at the edge of the parking lot. i park next to him and then get out of my car and into his. he thinks i just turned 18. that i'm still in high school. i get in his car and immediately unzip his pants and pull out his cock. he scoots his seat back and i lean over to lick his soft cock putting it...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed Fiancee Part 3 continuation

As we stood by the car my body was trembling I begged for Leon to stop but no matter how hard I tried to get him to stop the more persistant he became, I think he knew he intimidated me and eventually he would get his way his dirty talk and vulgarness continued. Leon said now look bitch if you do what I say then I will leave you alone and you and your little white boy can get married and be happy, besides he fired me and now im going to fuck his little girlfriend again to get even.Finally...

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Sushma8217 Sobhanam 8211 Part III Telugu

(మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) సరూ కధ నాకు స్కూల్ కి వెళ్ళటానికి చాలా ఇబ్భందిగా ఉంది. పుస్తకాలు ఎంత అడ్డు పెట్టుకున్నా అబ్బాయిల చూపులన్నీ నా ఛాతీ పైనే. ఎంత జాగ్రత్తగా నడిచినా నా ఎత్తులు అందంగా కదులుతూనే ఉంటాయి. నేను దాటేసేక కూడా అబ్బాయిల చూపులు నా పిర్రల మీదనే ఉంటాయి. వాళ్ళ కామెంట్స్ వింటూ ఉంటే సిగ్గు తో చచ్చిపోవాలనిపిస్తుంది. కానీ దానితో బాటే గర్వంగా కూడా ఉంటుంది. వనజ,లక్ష్మి నా వంక చూసే అసూయ చూపులు బలే ఉత్సాహాన్నిస్తాయి. ఇంక స్కూల్లో అడపిల్లలం ముందు బెంచీల్లో కూర్చుంటాం. వెనక నుంచి...

1 year ago
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Dressed as a girl for craigslist

One evening I posted on Craigslist asking for a dick to suck and fuck and I got a few responses and I replied and met three of them. I dressed in a pair of blue bikini panties, a pair of black yoga pants, a blue bra with my fake boobs, and a tight black shirt. The first guy was about 6 feet tall Hispanic with a nice 8 inch cock. He came over to my place and I had him come in and as he came in he started kissing me and pushing me down onto the floor and he grabbed my ass and played with me there...

3 years ago
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Reduced Milk Pressure From Didi8217s Boobs

Hi guys this is Prem (Identity Changed) and i am going to narrate a true story which happened between me and my real sister Rupal (Identity Changed) 6 months ago.You can get in touch with me by sending me an email on My didi is 29 now and I am 26. She is married to a businessman in Nagpur. So without wasting your time guys I would like to start the story. After completing my Masters of Engineering, I joined an MNC and after achieving 2 years of experience, I was sent to USA for a year for...

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Nate Ch12

A girl was picking up her fork from the ground while her mom scolded her for being noisy. She looked over at me feeling my stare,  she was beautiful, her blue eye,  stood out with her hair falling loosely. I was snapped out of my daze when my wife took the dear in front of me. "Aw baby,  why didn't you wait on me? " she pouted. She had told me to wait on her if the food had to come while she went to the washroom. I grinned at her chewing and swallowing the piece of meat in...

2 years ago
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The Misadventures of Diana Knight Season 1 Part 1

The Misadventures of Diana Knight Part I - Minding the Pussy Craig Mannings was at the crossroads of his life. He had just been made redundant by his job at an estate agent. The housing market had collapsed recently with the recession and the firm had a policy of last in first out. Craig had only been employed just over a year and so he was the one selected for redundancy. The other estate agents were not hiring due to the economic conditions being what they were. He had applied for a...

1 year ago
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Outside Verification

Author's Note: It seems I haven't got the cheating wife bug out of my system yet, so here's one more little story. No happy endings here. "How long have you been fucking him?" I asked gently. Amanda gasped. "Rob, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about! Stop this at once!" The tone was trying very hard for anger and incredulity, but sounded more worried than anything. I sat there and just stared at her. The emotion I was feeling most of all was sadness. Sadness that it...

2 years ago
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Falling Ch 10

I suddenly awakened, gazing silently at the ceiling of the darkened bedroom. The soft sound of Stacey's breathing came from atop the bed, but that wasn't what had roused me. I listened carefully, feeling aches in every inch of my body. Some of it was sleeping on the floor; the comforter puddled beneath me didn't do much to disguise the unyielding hardwood beneath it. I suspected I'd have felt the same way if I'd been in my usual location on the sofa; most of the damage had come from...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Slave Chapter 3

In TrainingWell, that pretty much set the pattern of my life for the next two years. Rachel was very pleased with me when I got home that night and handed her the letterfor her that the Doctor at the clinic had given me for her. She had me stripped and standing in front of her as she read it."Dr Blackwell tells me that you are accepted on the clinic's stud register and compliments me on the quality of your sperm. She says that with regular controlled ejaculations and the right diet and this...

3 years ago
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Camping With DaddyChapter 7

Brad's cock leaped in his pants as he gazed into the bedroom and watched his daughter's hotly flicking tongue fucking deep up into his ex-wife's, her mother's, grinding cunt. They had been back in New Orleans from the wild four-day fuck trip with the alligator-skinners for a month now. It was Sally's idea that they go over to his ex-wife's house and see if they couldn't get together as a family again. He had not objected as Sybil was a beautiful woman and the hottest fuck he had...

3 years ago
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He started fucking me

Sunday was my 41st birthday and my husband had asked me what i really wanted for this year’s special birthday present. He knew that a girlfriend of mine had done a gang bang this year and that i had an interest in trying one so he finally came out and told me if i wanted to try it he was ok with it and would help me set it up.i am in moradabad now so if any lady or girl need any secreat friendship then mail me I didn’t have to think long after he told me that so we posted on here with some...

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The Realms

According to some theories in physics there exist an infinite number of worlds. Each of these worlds would have their own history and even their own laws of nature, some being very different from our own. These worlds all exist side by side and rarely interact, but with infinite worlds there are infinite possibilities. This is a story of when few of these worlds reach out into are own and grabs few unlucky sorts. One was very similar to ours while the other very different. The demon lord ruler...

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