Driving Daisy Crazy
- 2 years ago
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This story could start, Once upon a time ... but it really happened.
It was not a bouquet, but it was a Floral arrangement. That is to say, the matchmaker was a mutual friend, Flora, a poetess, who liked both Adrienne Rich, and to introduce people who would fall in love with each other. And it was so, and still is.
Daisy was the dark one, with shorter locks like sable. Lilly had the longish, lighter tresses, though eventually, for the sake of symmetry, they wore their hair of matching length. Daisy definitely was the dominate of the pair, Lilly more likely to let her lead. But they were equal partners in the relationship, and contributions to their collaborative artistic endeavors was balanced fairly between them.
Lilly was originally a lingerie model, lithe, but not lanky. Daisy was a fashion designer, svelte and graceful, athletic even. Serendipitously, they wore the same dress size. So they found sharing clothes handy when they eventually became roomies, yet nonetheless personal styles were distinct. While Lilly no longer models, Daisy keeps her hand in the trade and has several items that get sold to companies every year.
Even before they met, their nicknames had been bestowed. That the rhyming monikers made an inadvertent sort of match was simply coincidental. Daisy was the daffy, ditsy party girl of her social set, as in, "Do you know what Crazy Daisy did last night?", her zany antics always on the wild side. More retiring, yet with a mischievous streak, the not-all-that-meek blonde was dubbed early on by her folks as Silly Lilly. Her escapades were quite the monkeyshines, often a practical joke on an unsuspecting parent or sibling. Meanwhile, she stood to one side looking innocent, until the joke was at the height of its hilarity, then she was unable to constrain herself and she burst into laughter. Thus the perpetrator of the stunt was unmasked. "Good one, Silly Lillie!" they would admit to her talent for tricks.
Lillie and Daisy became collaborators through Charlotte's Choreography Academy. Charlotte was known as Chuck. She was not Lottie, her parents had called her that. Nor Charlie, that was a perfume; and Charlotte rhymed with harlot. She was called Chuck by her first lover Susan, and the name stuck, though Sue had not. Chuck had them in an interpretive dance course at her training establishment. Two friends who came to keep fit, more fun than a gym, both found that particular curriculum offering appealed to their aesthetic nature and signed up. Their assignment for the final was to create a composition of their own Terpsichore to be performed for the whole class.
They chose Claude DeBussy's 'Clair de lune', they convinced a friend to record it on a dulcimer for them. It gave a different quality to the music, very ethereal they thought. Their title was "La Danse de Deux a un Dulcimer", 'The Dance of Two to a Dulcimer'. Only later was it lengthened, as you shall learn. Chuck saw this extraordinarily marvelous swirling of contrasting females, yet a set, a salt and pepper pair. Their piece was a symbiotic vortex of ying and yearning, a twirling of yang and young women. Twisting, swaying, they mirrored then counter-moved, they floated and flowed, whirling around one another while they themselves spun; they were blossoming flowers and falling leaves and willows in the wind. They were wonderful.
And there the story might have stopped. Though both knew of each other's lesbianism, they were not yet lovers. Not even living together at that stage. That was about to change. Chuck gave a pre-performance critique and made some constructive suggestions for refining the routine. They diligently took notes and agreed that there were things that might polish the piece. Then they made arrangements for a practice room. Due to their work schedules, and the fact that they were part-time students, full-time having first choice of times / rooms, they were booked for late one evening.
They did get a large practice room, with plenty of space to refine their dance. In fact, they were nearly alone at that time of the evening, the other students and faculty were few. It was then, it was there, that their lives changed, their careers became art and their art became their calling. That they set a new direction for their lives out of a established orientation, that they turned a single dance into a oeuvre, that they created a genre and revolutionary underground entertainment, these all began that special night.
I am privileged to know these ladies, I am honored they chose me to write their history, I am delighted they are my neighbors downstairs. I had been invited over to their apartment several times, before they provided the story and asked that I might share it publicly now. The time seems to have come for it to be told. Any kind of consequences won't matter, as this is past and passed too is their protégées progress into mainstream forms. It was obvious, nor did they ever hide the fact, of their joy in one another and their long love. The pictures and the tchotchkes scattered across the place made that evident for the visitor.
They had many amusing incidents to share, and interesting perspectives to provide. For instance, the six ages of girlhood and the six ages of womanhood. Their own delineation which they ran down for me. Lillie explained the first set was: baby, infant, toddler, kid, teen, those applied to most everyone, but then came coquette. Daisy picked up the thread for gals beyond their early twenties: youthful, mature, middle-aged, 'of a certain age', certainly aged (their present period), aged and old. The point being, that now they had reached this stage in their lives, when they knew that no damage could be done to family, friends, or colleagues by the telling of their tale, they were going to.
'Indeed, ' quipped Daisy, 'the telltale signs of our aging prompted the decision to open up, though we never did turn tail from the telling the truth.' With that remark they let me in on their private lives and secrets, their astounding story and personal triumph and the glory of their art. That night, in that practice room, they fine-tuned their routine, but what came from that experience was anything but routine. Once more their bodies bent and curved, blended and swerved together, apart and united, in motions slow and sensuous.
Nubile nymphs, spry sprites, sparked with inspiration and shining with perspiration. The night was hot, the lights didn't help and there was no fan. The windows were open to the breezeless dark. The heat was hell in the leotards, their towels were soaked. They thought, there's plenty of privacy, they had locked the door, there's nobody here but just us two chicks — why not dance nude? It would be cooler at least, and provide an extra sense of freedom to their torsos and limbs as they performed in rehearsal. Like skinny dipping, skimpy dancing; or as they term it scanty prancing, raised the activity to greater sensuality.
They practiced and repeated and reran the number. The movements and motions became memorized by their bodies was well as their minds. The final ending of the choreography had Lilly laying prone on her back, one leg lifted in a high kick. Daisy was alongside, just upstage to her but slightly offset stage left. She with an equally elegant elevated back-kick, so that the angle from knee to pointed toe exactly paralleled her partner's. The last time they did the entire routine, it was flawless. Daisy, being exhilarated by their perfect performance kissed Lilly, at that moment of the dance's end; lingering and loving — right on her split slit. When they did it for the class, clothed, they kept in the kiss. The class clapped, they whistled, they laughed, they loved it!
What was not added is what happened next that humid and heated eve. Crazy Daisy kissed Silly Lilly on her split slit, then on her clit, and kept on kissing. Continuing with eager acceptance from the other. Then Lilly was kissing Daisy back, and from there they simply made love on the practice mat near by. On that mat they found their mate, founded their art in that room, made history that night. The routine was a complete success, and was the talk of the school, not as scandal, but a scholastic breakthrough of form, fearless for it's openly romantic feeling and esoteric eroticism with exotic moves. The dulcimer sound seemed to have bestowed in their work a way of transforming technique into a genre of rapturous carnality embodied in dance.
They were asked for a repeat performance, and the audience grew. Attending that second time was a famous impresario, Chuck's doing. Again, the request was pleaded so the students and faculty who had not seen the magical piece, and even some from other Conservatories, could view this phenomena. Now entitled its full and final appellation. ''La Danse de Deux a un Dulcimer, Danse de Seduction" no further translation needed.
The offer to perform professionally came with both a monetary incentive that was too tempting, and a further contract for more of the same. The understanding that advancement of funding and finding venues would be with yet ever increased intimacy. Their art becoming both prurient and personal, their private acts incorporated into public performances, the caveat was that those who viewed them would be a very select few.
The exclusive access was restricted to only extremely wealthy people patrons of refined works (and their special guests). Mostly those who were dedicated to the cause of 'le femme avec femme', though some males were also willing to pay for the privilege of being in the audience. Not coincidently, "Le Femme Avec Femme" was the next title of the duo billed as "Crazy Daisy and Silly Lilly, Les Fleurs Les Plus Fraiches du Lesbianisme!". Indeed, they were the freshest flowers of that set's sort of sex, the newest artistes of l'avant guarde. The dearest darlings of the underground theatre that thrived on the kind of kinks that the populous at large could never be let in on, except now of course it can. From Cannes to California the whole of society more readily accepts that there are others of a different orientation; at least more tolerant of their existence, if not their unions as marriage.
Flora, the poetess who like to introduce people who would fall in love, acquainted the two of them with one another at a cafe. And it was so, and still is. Thirty five years is half a lifetime, and perhaps they will see their golden anniversary. It's certainly possible, their health is as solid as their love. Lilly and Daisy accepted the bloom of their love along with the boom of their new careers exploding, as well as the boon of their financial security.
They danced, with newly choreographic routines and growing reputations and glowing reviews and ever expanding audiences. Chuck promised mentoring and made good, eventually protégées provided a group of performers and made the production more varied and all the more interesting. This in turn generated greater income, which was wisely invested. Their troop was called a 'bouquet of embolden ballet' by devoted fans.
I have seen not only the films of ''La Danse de Deux a un Dulcimer, Danse de Seduction" and "Le Femme Avec Femme" which was danced to DeBussey's 'Afternoon of a Faun', (a natural follow up, but with less inhibition of the exhibition of lesbian love); but also later works. Some were recorded on video, for instance "Quand L'amour Vous Propose sa Fleur", 'When Love Offers Its Flower' again a seduction theme. However, it's complete with the erotic moves made explicit. In this case, since it is performed by actual lovers, just like when Brad and Angelina kiss on screen in mainstream, the passion and romance is really there. It has a lovely rendition of Edvard Grieg's 'Morning Mood' for the music.
Introduction: Authors note: My name is Rebecca and Im in my early twenties. This story is just under 3,000 words, it is mainly the work of fiction, but it is based on real experiences from my childhood. I hope you enjoy, and dont forget to rate and comment! –Her Name Was Lilly– Her name was Lilly. We were the same age, and ever since we hit puberty, Ive been fascinated with her body. I never told her, of course, at least not before that day. Lilly was gorgeous, she was arguably the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was about two week after Sue Lee’s eighteenth birthday, and both Dennis and Sue Lee was still experiencing the highs that two people go through after becoming lovers. For Dennis the fact that he had raised his new lover from the time she was two months old, seem to have made what happen between them even more beautiful. In a span of two weeks father and daughter made love daily, Dennis became relentless when it came to fucking Sue Lee. When he was...
IncestIt was a dark and stormy night. Oh, wait, I was taught NEVER to begin a story like that. (Snoopy can get away with it, but he does all his writing with a typewriter balanced on his doghouse). OK, getting back to important things. It was actually early Autumn out in the Desert, cool weather was starting to set in (yeah, I know, 'cool' is relative—temps had been dropping for the last few weeks from highs 90s down to the low 70s now, normal for Vegas weather this time of year) and it was...
Daddy’s Old Army Buddy PART 3 LILLY It was about two week after Sue Lee’s eighteenth birthday, and both Dennis and Sue Lee was still experiencing the highs that two people go through after becoming lovers. For Dennis the fact that he had raised his new lover from the time she was two months old, seem to have made what happen between them even more beautiful. In a span of two weeks father and daughter made love daily, Dennis became relentless when it came to fucking Sue Lee. When he was...
IncestTHE FALL OF LES AND THE RISE OF LILLY "Sir, excuse me Sir," the agitated shop assistant called after him, "you are in the wrong department, women's lingerie and women's wear are this way." She took hold of his arm and led him out of the small menswear department towards the sign that read "Ladieswear." She took him through the racks of skirts and dresses, past some changing rooms where he glimpsed a man trying on a dress being watched over by his wife amongst women who were also...
100% fiction! Sachu after college went to lilly's house for his tuition. Meanwhile lilly was in a dilemma . She was afraid. While changing she looked at her 40D breasts . She was not afraid of sachu but she was afraid of herself. Being thirst for sex for last 6 months she was in a fear of losing own control. But luckily first few days were event less. Then came the weekend. Sachu went to lilly in the morning itself. Lilly's son scot was out with his friends. Lilly was in kitchen while sachu...
IncestStrange, Daisy thinks, that no sooner does he climax than Randy Buck is out of her and into the pool, swimming laps as though they had not just made love, ignoring her completely. Maybe, she thinks, he knows. Still, she has gotten him off. And herself as well, even though she does not "love" him, does not, in the rutting, bitch-in-heat sense, desire him. Wealthy, older man, young, beautiful girl with nothing, the theme was there, is here. Traditional, acceptable, a trifle trite,...
For a Good Time Call LillyLillian had been driving nonstop since she left home early that morning. She was in a hurry to get to Manuxet State University to start her first semester. This was her first long road trip, and would also be her first time away from home, but she was glad to be getting far away from here boring hometown and starting her new college career.She was blonde with a lean well-proportioned body and reasonably sized C cup breasts. She was dressed in shorts and a tank top, as...
Lilly was a delight to work with. We had bought a product from her and she had been sent by her company to work with me in getting it all set up, configured and then do some training. The first week we kept things very professional, but on Saturday, I took her to see some of the sites around Ohio since she had never been here. We had a good time and since I bought lunch, she bought dinner and expensed it back to her company. In short, we loosened up with each other a lot that day and we really...
"Welcome, welcome, welcome, my dear!" Randy Buck exclaims, his expression a benign smile, avuncular as he takes both her hands in his. And Daisy looks at this suntanned bull of a man, with his iron grey crew cut, clad only in a short terrycloth robe, tied loosely at the waist, and rubber sandals. "You'll pardon my appearance, I hope. "We're very informal here and I was just sunbathing in the back yard. "Where," he continues, retaining her hands in his but looking now at Cranston,...
Daisy looks around the bus terminal. She looks very much like a Daisy. Tall, blue-eyed, with short, blonde hair that is neither straight nor curly, floral blouse tucked into bluejeans whose soft, faded blue denim accentuate. her broad, flaring hips, the twin roundnesses of her buttocks. A big farm girl, Daisy. And she has left home. Not run away, but simply left, her high school education completed, the farm a dusty expanse of whithered crops capped, near the highway, by a dilapidated...
I returned to the milking parlor donned from head to toe with squeaky yellow rubber gear. I felt like an idiot but wasn’t willing to suffer a complete soaking for the entire duration of milking. The entire new experience of dairy work was a rush of a heavy work, horrible smells, so many cows and odd work mates who were very shy. As I return-descended the stairs a curious glance came from Vern but his look hurriedly turned back to his work. I wasn’t made to feel goofy which I’d given more...
"Are you sure?" Cranston asks. "The reason I'm asking, Randy, is that this seems like quite an acceleration over your original plan." Buck shrugs. "I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. "The Baroness suspects me of something. "Maybe even more than suspects. "So I want to progress the game a little faster. "That way, if I have to bring it to an end, to go in a different direction, at least I'll have had the satisfaction of getting through that phase. "Hey, if I'm...
She is depressed, Daisy realizes, without really understanding why. She wishes Randy had stuck around after breakfast. Instead, he has gone into the city, which also got rid of Eric, whom she does not want near her, the one redeeming feature of Randy's absence. But then, she reasons, perhaps it's just as well. Because she does not feel fresh, alert, capable of exerting her charms on him. She is nervous, jumpy. And glad there is not much more to be done to the garden today. What little...
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>>>>>> I first met Daisy while a graduate student in college. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that she met me as she was the dominant driving force through most of our relationship. You see, I was a nerd, still am for that matter. I wasn’t ugly or fat, or even a sloppy, smelly person. I was tall at six feet three inches and thin as a rail at 165 pounds. I still have a full head of light brown hair at thirty-eight, but I have filled out a bit, the result of sitting on my...
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Daisy tutored her in her school work as well. Amy blossomed into quite a woman. She was more sure of herself in everything. Daisy taught her about clothes and makeup. She shaved her thin bush, explaining how it made one feel sexy. For the first time in her life, Amy did feel sexy. As a result she got a lot more attention. One evening Daisy came back to the room and heard giggles as she entered. A shocked and frightened boy was under the covers with Amy. "Hi Daisy. This is Brian." "Very...
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** Daisy gets a day off but spends it in a very special chair. ** [Day 4 (Tuesday)] Daisy rolled over. The room was quiet, the bed soft and warm. The sun was streaming through the curtains, a bright white stripe ran across the bed and made a diagonal line up the opposite wall. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light and she swept the room. Closet. Dresser. Full length mirror. And a figure. Donna. She was sitting in the armchair in the corner, shrouded in shadow but easy enough to...
** Daisy's two-week adventure continues as she is roughly bound, glory-holed again and shocked in preparation for Bill's big party. ** [Day 1 (Saturday) - early evening] Over dinner, David introduced me to his three friends. Mark was the kind of guy you just naturally asked "so you played some football in college, eh?" A big side of beef standing about 6 foot 2 and two-hundred fifty pounds of solid muscle. His interest in Daisy as purely back-door. Of all the photographs of Daisy...
Daisy didn’t have to work, but was bored sitting at home every day. It might have been different if we had children, but we didn’t. After some research she decided on a career selling real estate. She completed the 75-hour licensing course and passed the exam in just a month. The real estate trade was flourishing in Suffolk County so she found a position with a nearby firm easily. I bought her a new Toyota SUV as a present once she had earned her license, knowing that she would have to...
"You want to use my shower?" Lilly tempted. "I'd love to, but I don't have anything clean to put on." "I've got some shorts that will fit you. Our hips are about the same size I think ... And I've got some oversized shirts that might squeeze over those breasts of yours." Daisy chuckled: "All right. Let me use your phone. I'll call and tell them I'll be late." "Why walk all that way tonight. Why not stay over and I'll run you back in the morning." "You couldn't get up...
******************************************************************************************************************** After he had left Daisy Daniels removed the pillow case from her head. She had just been raped; well at least it started out as rape. It had evolved into the best sex Daisy had ever experienced. Daisy thought back over what had transpired. She had sucked him, he had fucked her and finally, he had introduced her to a wonderful session of anal action. Something else...
Even though the title is called The Naked Adventures of Forgetful Lilly you can choose who you want to write about: Lilly- A 24-year-old girl who sometimes forgets to get dressed and walks around naked until someone tells her she's naked or she sees her reflection. When she does remember to get dressed her housemates, Alex and Claire, and her neighbors, Sun, Kate, and Rose, like to strip her without her noticing. Alex and Claire- Alex is 24 years old and Claire is 23. They spend most of their...
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Spanking[Day 1-2 (Saturday-Sunday) - late evening/early morning] Bill stepped forward and raised his glass in a toast. "I think we can start the main event now." He took a drink and motioned to two of his men. They rolled the big wooden X down the hallway and into a bigger room. ... end of Chapter 2 ... The wheels of the dolly underneath the big cross were small and Daisy's body felt every small bump in the floor like a blow. Every part of her body ached, every muscle was fatigued and...
** Donna is left in charge of Daisy and makes up a pepper smear for her. ** [Day 4 (Tuesday - later)] The darkness in the room made it hard for Daisy to keep her balance. Every so often, she'd move or relax and get a shock from the metal cage. She was crying and afraid, the trip wasn't what she had intended at all. The Doctor was insane and she didn't understand what Peter had in mind. After all they'd been through together, she couldn't imagine he was crazy enough to go along...
But they hadn't made her cum, they hadn't *let* her cum even when she knew that the belt landing between her open legs one more time, just ONE MORE TIME, would have done it. The two of them had walked way, gone up the stair and turned off the lights, plunging her into total darkness and... Daisy stopped in mid-thought. She'd heard something. A small, scratching sound in the rafters above her. There it was again! Something was crawling in the rafters! Then, she heard another....
Daisy at quietly watching the house, wrestling with herself. She'd never done anything remotely like this before. Telling herself that she wasn't being unfaithful, that it wasn't an affair was pure bullshit and she knew it. While it was true that sex wasn't her primary motivation, she had little doubt that she would be used that way at some point. That turned her on - just thinking the words 'would be used' - made her pussy twitch. That was all she wanted. To be used. No. No, that...
"You sure they're coming?" asked Phil. "No, I told you maybe. But I think they'll show. Now shut up or you'll scare them off if they do show." They were sitting in a little patch of bushes over looking the quarry. They had two pairs of binoculars with them. They swept the landscape below them. "Here they come." whispered Bobby. "You sure they're watching us?" whispered Lilly, as they started to strip off their shirts and shorts. "No doubt in my mind. Don't look straight at...
** Daisy is given to the second prisoner - a woman - a former Russian interrogator who specializes in psychotropic drugs. ** [Day 3 (Monday) - mid-afternoon] A dozen women prisoners circled around Daisy while the guards scrubbed her in the cold water. They shared cigarettes and sipped from airplane-sized bottles of whiskey. The women were a variety of shapes and sizes but they all wore identical bright orange jumpsuits. "You like her?" one of the women asked the other. Daisy raised...
“Hello Gramps, it’s me” Daisy said as she entered the room with me close behind her, “Oh Gramps, you’ve taken your dressing gown off” she continued as we looked at Gramps sitting in his chair in just his tightie-whities, “Is that you Daisy?” he asked as Daisy stood in front of his chair waiting for the touching to begin, Gramps held out his hand and run it straight up the inside of Daisy’s thigh, it went up inside her shorts and Daisy grimaced as she felt it touch her labia lips, he quickly...
My wife, Daisy, is quite a little slut for me. Nothing turns me on more than watching a guy get her hot. I love watching her get so turned on that she needs him and will do anything he wants, with me as an audience, of course.Let me describe my little slut wife, she is 5’ 5”, has long red hair, and sports a nice rack (38C tits with great sensitive nipples), and a clean-shaven cunt. It is my job to keep her shaven for any encounters. I love how the lips of her pussy show after I have shaven her....
CuckoldThe next day, after chores, Daisy got reacquainted with Bobby while Phil and Lilly did the same. Phil's sister Sharon was still in town. They scheduled a dinner party at Lilly's to meet her. Daisy wanted to look good to meet Phil's sister. She knew Sharon from when she was growing up. But hadn't seen her in years. Certainly not since she became sexually aware. She chose one of the skin tight spandex jumpsuits, powder blue to match her eyes ... She wore only the thinnest, tinniest...
Sharon showed up just after mid-terms. Everybody was in serious need of a distraction. They got it. Daisy introduced Sharon to Amy and Brian. She looked them both up and down and nodded her approval. Amy was an absolute darling! Brian was handsome and firm. Amy looked back, her mouth starting to water at what she saw; Sharon was lovely. Her body shapely and firm. Her eyes, emerald green. Her breasts firm and high, straining to be released. She wore her light brown hair cropped fairly short,...
It was a rainy night, Avinash was driving back home on a lonely street. The visibility was poor in the heavy downpour, when suddenly he saw a girl in the middle of the street. Thanks to his good reflexes that he pressed the brakes on time. She suffered a mild hit and fell down. He rushed out to see her. Poor thing was lying semiconscious, writhing in pain and shivering in the cold. He lifted her up and put her in his car. He noticed that she was visibly pregnant. He rushed to the hospital, he...
‘Ms.Colman, your appointment has arrived’“Thank you Sam, send her through” Ms.Colman responds through the intercom.Being Olivia Colman’s assistant has its perks, her bisexual nature, her age, and her sex drive make for some interesting situations for a guy like me, a lot of interesting people for a 22 year old guy to meet.“You can go through ma’am” A young Daisy Ridley stands from the waiting seat.“Thank you so much” As she heads for the door, I continue to check her out, just as I had done...
In the morning Daisy awoke fresh and it felt wonderful to be alive. The thoughts of the night were gone for a while. She bathed and dressed and set about her chores. Mama was just setting breakfast on the table when she finally came in. Her brother Bobby and her Pa were already sitting at the table. As she sat down Bobby asked: "What was all that hollering from your room last night? Sounded like a wounded cat!" "Oh ... I had a charley horse." Daisy covered. "Used to get them myself,...
{p}Chapter 1 Point of view Lilly Williams wife I’m not a movie star, and I’m certainly not a super model. I’m too short. I look like someone took a shrink ray to a five ten super model and shrunk her down to five two, only I have tits and most models don’t. There not huge, but on my tiny frame they are a major feature in the terrain. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I’m beautiful because I’m not. In fact I’m rather plain. My mousey brown hair doesn’t seem to respond to conditioners and...
Anyone walking or driving past might notice her but they wouldn't think anything of it. Not unless, perhaps, they came back an hour later - or two - and saw her still standing there, planted like an ornament or a fixture, in exactly the same position hour after after, night after night. Jack took a sip of scotch from the shotglass on the table then turned back to his laptop. *she's still there* he typed. *i had no doubt* Peter answered. *i own her completely* Jack shook his...
Daisy was a 18 year old sweet ol' farmer's daughter who helped her father tend the farm and the a****ls in their big barn, just outside of the city. The girl had blonde hair and emerald eyes. She was a sweet dream indeed. Her big breasts and plump ass set the whole town staring at her whenever she would pass by. Mostly the men. Daisy was a bit of a slow brainer. But all she knew in that little brain of hers is how to get the men going. All she had to do was put down her hair, lower her tang-top...
Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Four: Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop Synopsis: Flashing between Daisy's training before the seminar and the seminar's beginning, more is learned about how Daisy trained to be ready as Ms. Rebecca's sissy maid example and how the Sissy Maid Workshop is run to insure the transformation of the submissive male candidates into the sissy maids and cuckolds wanted by their owners. I loved the look on Daisy's face as...
As my tongue explored her warm little slit I could feel the wispy fine pubic hairs and while my fingers probed her crack I felt her body shake and her warm juices being soaked up by the cotton gusset and if they didn’t before they certainly needed washing now.I pulled back and without asking I gently pulled her panties down her thighs and she happily stepped out of then and again threw them into the washer before standing up which is when she first saw how aroused I was.“OMG sir, WOW!!” she...
Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Eight - Stevie Shares His Early Days as Mark's Beta Boy In part eight, Daisy shares how she began as Mark's beta boi and she and Rebecca share their memories of how things changed once Rebecca became Mark's submissive and was given control and power over Daisy when she was still only Stevie. "I know you two met at orientation, during the summer before you began classes and Mark had contacted you to ask if you would like to be roommate and...
--- Daisy heard something moving. Scratching sounds on a tile surface. She shuddered and opened her eyes just a slit. Everything was blurry, hazy and indistinct. She moved her left leg slightly and felt something warm and wet ooze out of her asshole. She blushed even as she felt herself get excited. Everything was chilly. She moved her arm slowly and slid her hand along the smooth wall. She was in a bathtub. She was laying in an inch or so of something cold and sticky. No doubt it had dripped...
** Daisy is given to the third prisoner who uses hot peppers. ** [Day 3 (Monday) - evening] Daisy opened her eyes but everything was still black. She blinked, squeezed them shut, opened them again. "The effect on the optic nerve lasts a bit longer than the rest." Daisy shuddered. The drug Kira used on her had unnerved her, it was like nothing she'd ever experienced before. The blindness was frightening but it was nothing like the other sensations she'd experienced. At least they...
** Daisy is given to the third prisoner who uses hot peppers. ** [Day 3 (Monday) - evening] Daisy opened her eyes but everything was still black. She blinked, squeezed them shut, opened them again. "The effect on the optic nerve lasts a bit longer than the rest." Daisy shuddered. The drug Kira used on her had unnerved her, it was like nothing she'd ever experienced before. The blindness was frightening but it was nothing like the other sensations she'd experienced. At least they...
Becoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Ten - Ms. Rebecca Gets Help Preparing Daisy for Her Master Ms. Stephanie brings her sissy Prissy to Ms. Rebecca's home and they contribute to the preparation of Daisy to meet her Master that later that night. While Prissy is left to complete some of the necessary preparation, Ms. Rebecca and Ms. Stephanie retire to Ms. Rebecca's bed from some fun. "Prissy, introduce yourself to your new sister sissy, Daisy," the woman with Ms. Rebecca...
Linda, a co-worker who'd known her since they both transferred into the department, came out of one of the stalls and asked her how her day was going. Daisy wasn't paying attention and the woman asked again. Daisy muttered something polite and the woman stared at her. Daisy froze. Was something wrong? Did she notice something? Linda tilted her head slightly, touched her ear. Daisy remembered. She felt herself go limp, dropped her head forward, and exhaled. She felt tears welling behind...
Daisy was beginning to interest me again. Her blogs had been subtly changing over the last few weeks and the change was a good one. She was having more depraved fantasies, having some doubts about whether she even knew where her limits were and wondering if she should go on. It was in those delicious moments of self-questioning that these submissives were the most interesting, the most vulnerable, the most compliant. It was when they needed to be reminded of their place in the scheme of...
It had just gone 9am and I was sitting in the kitchen having my morning coffee, the phone rang disturbing my waking up process, it was Amanda.She had a client come in; it sounded a bit weird but work is work. The client was Daisy who was ‘not the sharpest tool in the shed’ as Amanda described and she cared for her Grandpa who was 70, registered blind and a bit ‘bananas’ as Daisy described and had a few odd jobs that needed seeing to. I was happy to accept the job, took a quick shower and threw...
After many sexual relations with Merida and a fight with her father, I was forbidden from ever coming anywhere near Merida. I was willing to defy the father, but unfortunately, Merida was not. She moved on and thus I was forced to move on as well. It didn't take me long to bounce back and find a new girlfriend. I met her at a basketball game and we clicked right away. However, after about the first week or so, she started treating me as if I didn't exist and I kept hearing rumors that she was...
There is little I enjoy more of an evening than grabbing a seductive bottle of Tempranillo or Malbec, and with that in one hand and an over-large wine glass in the other, I tiptoe my way up creaking stairs to the sanctuary of my bedroom. Kicking off my heels I curl myself up in my Lloyd Loom chair and settle in as dusk's purple hues weave and merge amongst the gathering gloom. Settled and content, I survey the smattering of lighted windows and brooding brickwork that is my world, my...