- 3 years ago
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Case Number : 091947137
Date : 13 August 2014
Interviewing Officer : Deputy Albert Kimmel
Report prepared By : CPL Andrew Vanderhoven
Incident Type : assault, battery, kidnapping, multiple counts of rape, rape by instrumentation, oral sodomy, anal sodomy, other charges to be determined
Address of Occurrence : 557 Maple Street, Wilburton, OH 23104
Witnesses :
Gomer Chaves : Arresting officer, OSP.
Mitchell Peterson : Arresting officer, OSP
Denton Williams : 911 operator, Male, 27
Evidence :
House [557 Maple St., Wilburton OH]
Closed-circuit surveillance footage taken from house. Various videos including rape, whipping and forced sexual acts. [closed by court due to content and nudity]
Fingerprints (taken from house)
Weapons : Firearm/Colt 9mm Pistol
Other weapons : swords, spears, various whips, spiked chains. Too many misc. weapons of B&D/S&M nature to catalog. [see inventory sheet]
[INTERVIEW : Victim is a white Caucasian female, 16 years 8 mos in age. Full name is Toni Alicia Whetson. Victim is wearing white T-shirt with words “Makin’ Bacon” and silk-screened image of two pigs copulating. Victim is wearing jeans and tennis shoes. Victim appears in control of herself though still shaken. Victim is unable to speak aloud due to congenital birth defect but is able to whisper, leading to an exhausting interview process. Breaks are noted in transcript.]
Okay, I’ll admit it. It was dumb. I lived up to my name, on that one. It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. Okay. We got that out of the way. Start at the beginning, you said? The very beginning? That goes back a ways, almost two years.
I started doing IRC chat shit just because I was bored. If you can believe it’s possible to get bored on the internet. And, what the hell, I liked talking to people. And I was normal, on IRC. Nobody knew I couldn’t talk like normal. Nobody cared. I can’t talk like normal as you noticed. I only got one vocal cord. I frequented a few channels and got to be pretty well known. I was kinda careful, I chose nicknames that weren’t gender specific and I didn’t admit I was a girl for a long time. I liked the anonymity of it. I liked being things I really wasn’t. Like normal.
Finally, this one channel. It was kinda sexual, just the name of it ... it was named Panties ... it was, like most of IRC, full of lonely older guys looking for pussy ... can I say that? Are my parents gonna see this? Good. Anyway, what the world seems full of, pardon me, no disrespect to you guys intended, what the world seems full of, older guys looking for pussy.
Finally I changed my nick to DumbGirl and the fun started. First because that made me claim to be female, something really hard to verify on IRC, and the “dumb” part of it. It seemed to offend many guys that I called myself dumb but they understood when I explained it. That name and I go back a long way, to kindergarten, almost ... the kids at school always called me dumbgirl, because I can’t talk normal. They were doing to be hateful, of course, but I kinda grew attached to the name. It got me a lot of attention on IRC.
I didn’t pass my pic around a lot, I wasn’t a pic whore or anything. Just a few simple face shots to people I knew and trusted. I didn’t ever send any nudes, I swear to god, you won’t be able to find them anywhere ‘cause I didn’t send them. I knew better than that, I knew that shit’ll come back to haunt you.
Anyway, there was PileDrvr. Spelled P-I-L-E-D-R-V-R. I’m sure you know that from investigating his computer and shit. That’s the nick he’d used for years. He was still using it, after he ... after he had me. He seemed like a normal guy, he said he was thirty-three, which was true, I found out later ... He basically told the truth about everything, that’s what fooled me, I guess. He seemed kind and sweet and he didn’t talk sex that much ... he was interested in me, I thought, in my life ... over the course of a year and a half or so I pretty much told him my whole story, my crappy life, which I probably made sound worse than it really was ... stuff like that. He listened well, I felt like. He cared, I felt like.
About two months before what happened ... happened I got my phone. That’s when it really kinda took off. By then I’d found out that he only lived about two hours away from me and all kinds of other shit about him. Stuff that made me trust him. He never begged for my number, that’s probably most of the reason I gave it to him. All the guys in the channel were always begging me for my number once they found out I finally had a phone. But he’s the only one I ever gave it to.
He started calling me every night just to tell me goodnight, shit like that, stuff I thought was sweet. He never talked for long, just a minute, and he never seemed needy or clingy or whatever. Just hi, how ya doin’, night, and so on. We did that for two months or so before I met him. And, he was good. You guys say there’s evidence he’s done this shit before? I was not the first? I guess he kinda got some practice or somethin’ because he was good. He was smooth. Likeable.
We talked about meeting a long time before we ever did it. He acted like he didn’t really want to, that he was afraid I might not like him and shit like that. Of course, that just made me more determined. Anyway, it all came to a head when I got my license. And he was so goddam smooth he didn’t even suggest it. I was the one who came up with the idea, I thought, although I realize now I was just basically playin’ into his hands. I’m sure he’d had that idea from the start.
About six months after I got my license I did it. I did it on a Saturday when my folks were going to be out all evening and I’d have plenty of time. I knew there was four hours driving, coming and going, and then I’d have maybe three or four hours there. I didn’t go there really intending anything other than to just meet him, get to know him better. I sure didn’t go with sex in mind and I didn’t make him any promises. I thought I was doing everything right. I thought I was being fairly safe.
Anyway, as soon as my folks left the house I filled up my car and got on the interstate. We’d made arrangements to meet at a McDonald’s close to his house. I figured that was safe for a first meeting. He wouldn’t do anything out in the open. My phone took me right there even though it was the longest car trip I’d ever took by myself. I was kinda excited, I felt like I was getting away with big shit.
I got there first and waited a minute for him. I knew it was him when he drove up because he’d told me about his car a long time ago. He got out and I ran outside to meet him. I just hugged him like he was an old friend and I thought it affected him slightly. He seemed to love me already. Hell, I thought, we’ve known each other for almost two years. It should feel like that.
We basically sat and talked. We didn’t even eat nothin’. We talked for a good hour or so, nothing nasty, nothing sexual, he just listened to me mostly, I told him about school and shit, and shit about my parents ... and, okay, I probably made it sound worse that it really is ... I mean, I know my parents love me and all that, but they just kinda get on my nerves sometimes ... like all parents probably do.
Once again, I gotta admit ... the idea to go to his house was mine. He had told me about his ... collection ... his swords and spears and shit ... guy stuff, I know ... and some of his bondage shit ... anyway, I knew he lived close ... we talked some more and I finally said, before I go ... lemme see your shit, your weapons, okay?
He acted kinda unsure again, let me tell you, he did that well, he made me want stuff by acting like he didn’t want it. He was good, like I said.
Finally he said something like, “It’d be better if we went in my car, so my neighbors don’t see your car at my place, and then I’ll bring you back here, okay?” and of course I agreed with it. I thought it’d be cool to ride in his car, too. I locked mine and got into his and we took off.
And yes ... I know why nobody at McDonald’s saw us ... the seating area is off to the side, with a door ... the people at the counter never saw us. And of course we didn’t buy anything.
His house was fairly close, maybe a ten minute drive. He clicked the opener and drove right in the garage and closed it. I still didn’t have any reservations. I had already decided he was what he represented himself to be on IRC, a fairly nice guy.
We went in the house and it was nice. You seen his house, you know. I didn’t notice the shit like locks on the inside and the alarms everywhere. I just went right in. He did show me a few things, I think now just to let me know he was serious about weapons and shit.
Anyway, we sat on the couch, and talked for a few minutes, then he said, “Toni.”
I whispered “What?”
He pulled a small stool over to the table and told me to lay my phone on it and the table, supported on both ends. He said he was going to show me a trick. I did. Then, he swung his arm over his head and just karate-chopped my phone. He bent it into a “V” shape. Glass and shit went everywhere. I was just shocked, totally, I just sat there, thinking, What the fuck?
“Toni,” he said. He stood up, and stared at me. “You belong to me now. You must accept that if you are to survive. I own you, body and soul. Right, now, before we go any further I want you to bow to me. Bow, and say “Yes, Master.” Go ahead, do it. Or I will be forced to punish you.”
I just sat there, not believing what I was hearing. At first, I thought it was some kind of bad joke. I just couldn’t believe it. He stared at me for a moment longer and then he just reached down and fucking slugged me hard, right on the side of the face. It hurt like hell. He pulled back his hand to hit again, and I thought, shit, what the hell. What the fucking hell ever. I dropped off the couch to my knees, and whispered, “Yes, master,” like he had told me too. I’m no dummy.
“Thank you,” he said. He walked backwards, his eyes never leaving mine. He took some kind of silver chains out of a drawer and approached me. I saw then they were handcuffs, linked with a chain.
“Hold your hands out,” he said, and I just stared at him. He pulled his hand back again like he was gonna hit me, and I said, “Okay, okay,” and stuck my hands out. He snapped the handcuffs on them and told me to sit. I did, and he put them on my feet. I felt stupid, then, for letting him do it. I knew I was fucked and fucked bad, at that moment.
“I’ll let you cool off in your room a while. Then we’ll have dinner,” he said and he led me, pulling me by the chain. We went into the back of the house and he took me into a bedroom where there was just a small bed. He shoved me down on it and left. I heard the door lock. Shit, I thought. Shit. I’m fucked. I just laid down on the bed and cried. I mean, I was fucked. I had already told him nobody knew I was coming to see him. He knew I was sneaking around on my parents. My car was at the McDonalds. Nobody had any idea where I was. And my phone was busted to shit. I couldn’t even shout where the neighbors could hear me. I was fucked.
I cried for I dunno how long. Finally I heard the lock and he came in. He was carrying some kind of whip, one of those things people use on horses when they race. A crop.
“It’s time for you to stop crying, and learn how I expect you to serve me,” he said, or something just about as crazy. I just stared at him. I knew what was next and sure enough he pulled his arm with the whip back to hit me. I jumped up, and said, “Okay!” and he went to the closet. He opened it and took out a dress and tossed it on the bed.
“This is Saturday’s dress,” he said. “No bra or panties. Put it on. Now.”
I looked at him again, hating him. I already hated him full strength, no warming up. He acted like he was gonna hit me again and I pulled my shirt over my head. I dropped my pants and stood there in my underwear, stupidly wondering if he was going to make me go through with it. He did, of course, he pulled back his arm and I unsnapped my bra and dropped it. He smiled then, the bastard. I kicked my panties down my legs and turned away from him and pulled the dress over my head. It was one of those goofy fucking japanse costume things, it left my tits hanging out, and it barely came up far enough to cover my ... to cover me. I knew when I bent over in the slightest it’d all hang out. The fucking bastard, I though. The fucking bastard.
He took my clothes and tossed them into the other bedroom when we walked past it. He was holding my chain again. He took me to the kitchen and there followed this unbelievable fucking lesson on how to cook his shit and how to serve him at the table. He’s so fucking anal about shit you won’t believe it. You’ll see, if the stupid fuck lives. Everything had to be just so, his food perfectly cooked, nothing burned or even singed, the temps just right, the whole shit. Like I said, unbelievable. But I did get good at it, at least. The last two weeks he didn’t have to spank me, any. I’m a hell of a cook now, at least.
I didn’t do too good that first night, I burned the biscuits slightly, although he did eat them. He ate everything and then he had me sit and he fed me a few bites of this and that, making me sit straight up in the chair with my hands in my lap. He fed me like I was a little baby. He said some shit about he didn’t want me to get fat or shit, I don’t remember exactly. But he sure didn’t feed me much while I was there. I was hungry all the time. Shit, though, I can’t gripe too much, I wanted to drop five pounds and I know I’m down ten or so, from what the doctor told me.
Anyway, I ate, and then he told me I must be punished for burning the biscuits. Oh, shit, I thought, here it comes. He made me stand and place my hands on the table and stick my butt out. Then I felt him lift my skirt. Then he stopped for the longest time, I guess he was just staring at my ass. I thought, what the shit? and then I thought, Holy shit! when he finally hit me. That crop hurt like hell and by the third or fourth whack I was cryin’. He just kept going, how long I have no idea. I know my ass burned until the next day from it. Yeah, the next day, when I got another spanking for fucking something up. Meatloaf, I even fucked up meatloaf once and got my ass whipped for it.
He took me into the living room then and made me kneel on the floor like a dog for like two hours while he watched TV. And it was boring shit. That was one thing that was constant, in the what, two months? Two months I was there. Boredom. Boredom, and pain. A sore ass.
I knew he could see my ass from the way I was kneeling. Whenever I looked back at him he switched me slightly with the crop so I stopped turning around. I know he was staring at my ass, I could almost feel his eyes on it.
Finally he got up and grabbed my chain. Off we went, down some stairs into the basement. That made me really apprehensive or something. It just seemed even more dangerous than being locked in the house with a maniac. But I had no choice.
He showed me the ... the thing, the device. It was something he’d built, I guess. You’ve been there, you’ve seen it. The wheel. He tied me too it with my arms and legs outspread, the chain was long enough to allow that. He turned on a camera and then slowly turned the wheel. When I was upside down, he stopped. My dress had fallen down, of course, and I was exposed ... down there. It was right at face level, his face. Are you sure my parent’s aren’t gonna read this? Anyway, he stuck his face right in my ... my pussy, you know, and started licking and shit. Then he’d lean down and lick my tits and shit.
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Aedan reached out and pulled me into a hug. A few more tears rolled down my cheek, but I refused to lose it again. I pulled away. "Let's go see who's up." We got ourselves dressed, in clothing, not armour, and then wandered out to the main room. Sten and Shale were there already, standing against various walls. Tomas, Dariel, Gorim, Wynne, Zev, and Levi were all sitting in a rough circle, gnawing on jerky. Leliana was in the room next to ours; her door was open, and I could hear her...
What happens to a college k** in his dorm during covid19?After watching so many porn wanking his lil prick, yes you know it sissy boy, he endups curious about these cute sissy vidstaps tap tap those little white asses down their dildo and daddys cockjust curious watching one then another and another soon geeting so hard thinking of being that cute ass up and down the toy, moaning like a cute little fag in secretI blame my weed for wanting to try it, pushing the checkout button on the sissy...
Scott Collins was your typical Spring Valley teenager. 5’9” with short sandy brown hair, the 18 year old had graduated last month in the middle of his high school class. Co-captain of the swim team, his record had been enough to get him a partial scholarship to State in the fall. With only part of his education costs taken care of, a summer job was a must, just as it had been for the last three years. Scott was lucky enough to have had a steady summer job as a councilor at the local...
Alyssia Kent and Tiffany Tatum are coworkers who are taking a break in the VIP section of their club. Their evening starts innocently enough with a game of cards, but Alyssia’s tits peeing out of her robe capture Tiffany’s attention and cause her to lose the game. Giving up on cards, Tiffany struts to the fireplace and does a sultry striptease as Alyssia makes herself comfy with hand between her thighs. Unable to resist the sight of her sexy coworker rubbing her clit, Tiffany crawls...
xmoviesforyouI rolled over in bed, tired after having driven my truck all night. It felt good to finally be at home, a home burdened by heavy losses but my home nonetheless. I looked at my alarm clock, still a few hours before I had to get up and go anywhere. I felt my wife stir beside me, likely due to me having moved around in the first place. "It's alright, love," she said as she sat up next to me, her long hair falling over my shoulders as she hugged me. "How can things ever be alright?" I...
Mr. White came home Friday afternoon, and Mrs. White was very attentive to him. When they were together, Mrs. White was always nice to him and treated him well, however today she seemed extra solicitous. When dinner was through, Mrs. White took his hand and said, "Why don't we go to bed early tonight, dear?" Mr. White saw the look in her eyes and quickly agreed. Intrigued by what Maria had done, I did something I had never done before: I spied on my employers. There was a sitting room...
Hi all, This is Alex .I have been a regular reader of ISS and have found some time to pen down my own experience. This incident has happened a few years back .I had a friend called Roma who was deeply interested in me and wanted to marry me. We were just friends and had never thought of her in any other way. She was single and 5 years elder to me. She had started displaying her love and affection for me by communicating on the mobile phone. I was surprised to know that Roma had really started...
That left Alina, Jerry’s purchased wife. The report made it clear that she knew for some time that something was going on, but she was loyal to her husband instead of my grandfather, so she did not report her questions. Grandfather had selected her specifically to please her husband, watch him closely and report. If Astrid had been a woman, she would have reported at the first sign. But Alina was ashamed her husband found pleasure with a man. As the missing amounts got bigger, she had aided...
Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 56th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about newly married lady whose husband was on tour and friend of his husband. Let us come to the story. Read this story till the end and I promise all my readers can’t stop themselves from masturbating. Maine iss story ko ek naye tarike se likhne ka prayas kiya hai ummid hai aap log ise sarahenge. Raat ka samay tha. Neelu makan ki balcony par khadi hokar bahar dekh...
I spotted the sandals as I entered the house. Tia's were there next to a pair of white strap-style sandals with little butterflies on them. Those belong to Vicky. I had seen her wearing them before, adorning her slender petite feet with the painted toes.I walked through the house and looked out back. They were in the pool. I slid the glass door open and stepped out into the sunshine."Hi Daddy!" Tia squealed in excitement. "We were wondering when you would get home.""Hello ladies," I...
IncestI'll never forget the day my bandages came off, staring at myself in the mirror and admiring their 42H glory. I couldn't help but be sad and remember Samson and what he would think of them. Sadly he'd never find out, having passed 5 years before my surgery. I hadn't loved another dog since that summer, not physically or emotionally. That all changed when I bought my first house this year at 36. I'm a moderately successful single woman with the terrible problem that in my small town...
After what happened at work today, Jill can hardly wait to get home to tell Allie. As she changes into her girl clothes, she can't resist sitting in front of the mirror to brush her hair and admire herself. She loves the way Jorge styled her hair, and she feels extra feminine tonight. She feels so feminine that when puts on her bra, she decides to stuff cotton in the cups before putting on her dress. She likes pretending she has real tits.Joining Allie on the couch, she lies down with her head...
TransShe did not know that I watched her. It was better that way, more meaningful. She knew me enough to smile a hello if she saw me as I was drawn in her wake. Living in a town of 40,000 has its conveniences: people recognize each other so there is no surprise at meeting a familiar pair of eyes, and if mine were always watching her then she could dismiss it as recognizing a face you could not put a name to yet. I watched and thought that someday when she stopped dating the pretty boy I would...
We arrived at The Princess Margaret in good spirits, though you couldn’t tell it from Jess’s frown. I tried nudgings, hip-bumpings, terrible jokes, compliments, everything short of telling her to smile. Everything free. I felt a bit misogynistic to straight up tell a woman to smile. I didn’t want to be that kind of guy. “That’s a lot of you.” Philia exploded into cheer to see me. She looked over the group. “I don’t think we have enough tables in any one section to accomodate you. Can you...
Agatha Vega and Olivia Sparkle are enjoying a picnic and some cloud watching. The girlfriends are dressed in super cute sundresses as they hold hands and chat. Sharing a snack is second nature to them, as is sharing a sweet kiss after the snack is gone. Once the girls begin kissing, the touches of their lips grow hungrier and their hands begin to explore with more purpose. Agatha tugs Olivia’s dress down to gain access to her lover’s breasts. Those tight little globes are absolute...
xmoviesforyouMARY'S GIRLFRIEND By Tired Old Man This is an expanded and modified version of my story "I Only Date Girls". Author's Notes: This story should not be taken seriously, and should only be read by individuals with a strange sense of humor. Chapter 1 - Are You a Girl? It was the end of another boring day in a boring job. Another night to be spent alone, eating my TV dinner and watching television. I was almost 30, and I felt my life was going nowhere. My love life was a total...
Humor“Alexa,” her boss called through his open door.She left her cubicle, went into his office and closed the door behind her. A fair idea of what he was about to say, she didn't want to share it with the entire office. She'd just put an angry client through to him.Stern faced, he looked at her. “Why didn't you tell me about that yesterday?”“I saw the email, but you were busy and I forgot.”Yesterday, a match on her dating app had talked to her. It didn't happen as often as it should. He'd been...
SpankingThe party, or whatever, broke up shortly after the dueling blow jobs. Debby and I dragged our sorry selves home, and despite the information that it’d be better to fuck each other, we collapsed on our bed and fell asleep. I awoke first, late in the morning. I thought about a wake-up screw, but decided I really needed a shower first. I felt covered with dried juices, sort of sticky and crusty. The hot water felt great, and I stood under the spray quite a while. When I got out, Debby had...
My dad and mom loved to play Bridge, and they had a group of three other couples--their Card Club-- who played together every week at our house. I was very interested in learning the game. When I turned sixteen, my parents let me watch them play. Occasionally, I got a chance to sit in for a few hands, while one of the men took a break to make drinks or go to the bathroom. I was an apt pupil and picked the game up quickly. Although my bidding was a bit quirky, I discovered I had a natural...
Mere bhaiya delhi mai job kerte hai aur mai luncknow mai reheti hu. Jab mai 12th mai (18 years old ) thi to mujhe coaching ke liye delhi jana pada. Delhi mai bhaiya ek room leker rent per rehete the. Her roj mai chaching ke liye chali jaati thi aur bhaiya job pe chale jaate the. Us time unki age 25 saal thi aur mai 18 saal ki thi. Hum dono ghar mai hi khana banaate the aur ek chhota sa kitchen bhi tha. Bhaiya ka ek friend tha amit jo unke saath kai baar ghar per aata tha. Room mai ek bed, 2...
Friday started a weekend celebration commemorating the town's bi-centennial, and a Kathy knew that Megan, Jason and their friends would be at the band shell watching the various rock groups perform, and that would be the perfect time to have Jim and Karen finally get together. Karen arrived at 7:00 as planned, and came dressed in a very sexy outfit, short skirt, and a tight mohair sweater that showed off her perfectly shaped breasts. Karen knew what was to happen, but Jim thought that Kathy...
Aria Banks calls her friend Jessica Marie to tell her that she’s been made captain of the cheerleading squad and since her stepdad Filthy Rich is the coach, she can come over to try out for the team. Jessica says she’s grounded, but her stepdad Nicky Rebel agrees to let her go if he comes with her. Once the stepdads meet each other, Filthy explains how intimate the try out process can be, and sends Aria with Nicky upstairs while he tests Jessica’s flexibility. Aria keeps Nicky busy in the most...
xmoviesforyouHi friends. I am Dinesh working in Hyderabad in a MNC. The story I am going to narrate is a real story which happened a 3 months ago. Let me describe myself first I am an average looking guy with 5.5 height. 37 year of age and the other person in the story is Vinda 5.4 height with figure of 34-28-36 working in the same company as me. Coming back to the story. We were told to travel to Pune for some official work as it was a last min plan we would not manage to find flight ticket and decided...
Monday Afternoon When the bell rang. We all left with the other students carrying their clothes to their lockers. A couple of the girls were still dripping cum from their cunts as all of us walked to our next class with Mister Manchester. He taught physics and was young and single. He was a good-looking man in his late twenties. We again picked up Michael Hall as an addition to our group. Michael was taller than me and played first base on our baseball team. He had been with us earlier but...
Miss Hilda Ashton sat at her desk reviewing the newcomer's reports, the most recent being that of Emily Ashby. She remembered Emily from the special lesson that she gave her during her interview, a warning if nothing else, but nevertheless an opportunity to enjoy her lovely charms. From Emily's report, Miss Ashton was able to see that she had settled in well and was becoming an able and studious pupil, but secretly she hoped that the child would rebel. Several soundproofed...
I told everyone under the veranda that I’d be right back. I was at a festival with some friends. I made my way past the food venders onto the lush green grass. The barely there jeweled sandals I was wearing allowed the grass to tickle my toes. I had on a pale green sleeveless cotton dress that matched my eyes. Large black sunglasses framed my face, while my dark brown hair spread across my shoulders in loose waves. I took some deep breaths trying to shake him out of my head. He was a total...
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