Rache - Naked In School free porn video

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"I do?" I blinked at Principal Walters and he nodded gravely.

"I'm afraid so, Rachael." He held a computer printout in his hand. "You're naked in school this week."

"Woo-Hoo!" I grinned, giving Jenny a high five as Midnight danced around us, wagging his tail and barking loudly even though barking isn't allowed in school. Running's okay, but only for dogs, and us girls can bark if we want. It's kinda weird.

"Hey everybody! Rachael's gonna get naked!" Heather yelled and the principal gave her a frown, but nobody really cared.

They were too busy watching me wriggle my hips as my skirt fell into a plaid puddle on the front steps of Our Blessed Miracle of the Immaculate Conception High School. We just called it Immaculate High mostly, since it had kind of a long name and wouldn't fit on our t-shirts and stuff.

"Look at my butt!" I said with a grin, sorta bending over with my hands on my hips and shaking my ass.

"Burny!" Joyce protested as her dog suddenly tried to mount me. I could feel his tapered prick stabbing at my pussy, but I still had my panties on.

"Ladies! Let's control ourselves!" Principal Walters said loudly, kinda spinning around like a top as forty or fifty giggling high school girls danced around us trying to get a better view.

"Ow! Hey! Wait a second!" I swatted at Burny's nose as the rottweiler's teeth pricked my skin. He didn't really bite me or anything, he was just in a hurry to get those annoying panties off!

"Dobie's next!" Suzy yelled, kinda straddling her big Doberman as the dog dragged her through the crowd.

"Ummph!" I opened my mouth to say something, but Midnight wanted a kiss and he shoved his long tongue into my mouth so I could suck on it.

"Need help?" Amy wondered, kinda teasing me as she grabbed my panties and tugged them down quickly.

At least I think it was Amy, but it coulda been Angie, since they're pretty identical. Kylie's Dalmatian tried to push himself up, but not from behind me since he's sorta retarded. He just wanted to hump something, so I reached blindly for his exposed cock and wrapped my fist around it. The dog started fucking my hand eagerly, pawing at my shoulder and tits through my blouse. That felt kinda good actually and about then Burny wrapped his powerful forelegs around my waist and pulled me down to the floor.

Everyone was excited, of course. All my friends and classmates cheering us on as the handsome rottie found my vulnerable sex with his fat cock and drove about half a foot of hot dog meat into my barely ready cunt.

"Yip!" I yelped loudly, on my knees and propped up with my left arm, since my right hand was busy with Spork, that Dalmation I was jerking off. Kylie's little brother had named the dog and he was kinda retarded too.

"Miss Perry!" Principal Walters frowned at Julie as her dog, Trixter, shoved his nose under the girl's skirt and we could all see she wasn't wearing panties!

"Oops!" She giggled and blushed and with her white skin, she looked kinda like a very pretty sixteen year old tomato!

"Samantha! Stop that!" The principal was digging in his pocket for his whistle because this was getting out of hand!

"Mmmph?" Sammie wondered around a mouthful of dripping dog cock. Hamlet, her Great Dane, was the biggest dog in school and she was sitting on the floor beneath him, letting him fuck her face with a lazy, gentle rocking of his hips. That dog was seriously well trained!

A lot of the other girls were playing with their dogs too. While Burny fucked me as hard and fast as I've ever been fucked in my life, and Midnight tickled my tonsils, and Spork's now fully erect penis spilled doggy precum all over my hand ... Pamela was making out with Jet, Fiona had Poppy on his back and kicking the air while she sucked him off, Janey and Lisa were in a sixty-nine with each other. I have no idea where their dogs had gone and I don't think they cared, being total lesbians like they were.

Jenny knelt to the left of me, playing best friend and trying to get my blouse unbuttoned. Kylie had pulled her panties to the side as Rocky shoved his flat face between her luscious thighs. He was an English bulldog and so ugly it was cute. We all liked Rocky a lot. Julie had totally blown off the principal and she played with Trixter's ears while he lapped at her freshly shaven pussy. The girl hadn't had a whole lot of pubic hair anyway, but she'd shaved it off for health class the previous Friday afternoon. Teacher's pet, you know? Julie always volunteered for stuff like that.

"Tweeeeeeet!" A long, shrill, annoying whistle stopped everything and it wasn't the principal's whistle either, which probably explains a lot.

"What's the meaning of this?" Sister Lourdes whispered and she never talked very loudly; she didn't have to.

Fifty girls swallowed hard with one big gulp. Our dogs dipped their heads and wagged their tails with every ounce of contrite repentance they could muster. Our fun had come to a screeching halt and it was time for school.

"Go to your classes," Sister Lourdes said with a soft tap of her riding crop against her leather boot.

Nobody moved for a long heartbeat.

"Now, please," she said and we all scrambled in a flurry of legs and arms and tails and hair and the only sound anyone made was me.

"Ugh!" I winced as I tried to pull myself off Burny's huge cock. The rottie wasn't really huge like some of the others, but he was still pretty big. Especially in the cock department! His knot had swollen up so big it felt like someone had shoved a bowling ball inside me and we weren't going anyplace for awhile!

"What was that, Rachael?" Sister Lourdes wondered, tilting her head and cupping her ear.

"Sorry, Sister Lourdes, but I'm kinda ... stuck," I told her with a hopeful, apologetic sort of smile on my flushed face.

"I see," she nodded. "And why is that, dear?"

"It's her week, Sister," Principal Walters said, showing the nun his computer printout.

"Oh!" Sister Lourdes widened her sapphire eyes and a small smile crept along her pouting, bee stung lips. "Well, aren't you a special little girl? Carry on, Rachael."

"Thank you, Sister," I breathed, dropping my head to the cold floor with a sigh of relief.

Being naked in school had just saved my life!

"Chin up, Rachael," the principal said after Sister Lourdes had left us. "I have to read the rules."

"I know the rules," I kinda groaned because my pussy was quivering around Burny's cock. I'd somehow managed to control myself in front Sister Lourdes, but that was a fight I couldn't win and my orgasm seemed to explode deep in my belly.

"Rule number one," he read slowly. "The student shall remain naked at all times during normal school hours and during any school related extracurricular activities."

"Ohhh..." I blinked at him.

"Rule number two ... Are you paying attention, Rachael?"

"Y-Yesssss..." I hissed, rocking my hips and kinda grinding my overstuffed cunt around the knot.

"The NIS participant will allow any and all reasonable physical interaction with students and faculty," he smiled at me. "Do you know what that means?"

"Uhhhh-huh!" I gasped, licking my lips as Principal Walters unzipped his trousers.

"Here you go, Rachael," he said pleasantly, bringing his semi-hard cock to my face and rubbing the smooth glans across my lips.

I opened up for him, giving the man my almond eyes as his thick manhood stretched my lips. I was still cumming, still in a wonderfully warm daze, but sucking cock is mostly instinctive anyway, I think. My tongue knew what to do and it wiggled beneath the shaft as Principal Walters slipped his fingers into my dark hair and held my head in place so he could fuck me.

The nice thing about the principal, aside from the fact that he was a very nice man in general, was that he had a lot of experience. I mean, he was the principal of an all girls high school, after all, and so he didn't try and force his cock too deep or anything like that. He wasn't in a rush the way teenage boys often are. Principal Walters took his own sweet time, sliding a few inches past my taut lips and then pulling back, in and out, finding a nice patient rhythm that felt really good for both of us.

"Mmmm ... Your mouth feels wonderful, Rachael," he said with a warm smile. "Now, where were we? Oh yes. Rule number three..."

"Umph!" I gasped as Burny tried to pull himself free, looking over his shoulder as we were butt to butt, but we were still locked tight.

" ... While in the NIS program, you'll refrain from any attempts to cover, seclude, or otherwise restrict yourself from the attention of your classmates, school faculty, or authorized visitors."

He meant parents mostly, although I suppose the guy who fixed the copier in the office probably counted too. I sorta hoped he'd show up this week, since he was kinda cute. Probably it was his white coveralls, you know? I just like guys in uniform for some reason. Maybe that Marine recruiter would show up too. Wow! And the Crime Dog, McGruff, who handed out rape whistles that said, "Blow Me!" on the sides. I'd do him in a heartbeat too!

This could be the best week of my life! And would be, if I had anything to say about it.

"And the last rule," Principal Walters said, clearing his throat to make sure I was paying attention. "The student will be expected to report a positive pregnancy result within four weeks of completing her participation..."

The man spread his fingers, getting a little better grip on the back of my head as he began to fuck my mouth a little faster. I knew he had to be feeling good. My mouth was hot and wet and my tongue was all over his cock. I'd been going a little crazy with it and Principal Walters liked it when I tickled the soft spot just under the glans. I swallowed quickly as my mouth continually filled with spit and precum, knowing that I'd be eating something else in a minute or two. He was getting close!

" ... Failure to conceive will require the student in question to repeat the NIS program under the supervision of the school nurse and may result in disciplinary measures."

That just meant I'd have to take fertility drugs and spend an hour after school in the gymnasium with my head stuck in the world's smallest confessional. That's what we called it anyway; actually it was just a box with a bible in it so I'd have something to read while the Lord did his best to knock me up with a parade of eager teenage boys from St. Joseph's, the other catholic high school in town.

It wasn't much of a punishment and like most of my friends when they'd gotten naked in school, I'd be praying not to get pregnant just so I could go through all this again. I'd been waiting fifteen years to get naked in school and I was afraid my week would be over before I knew it. Like Christmas morning, or the best birthday ever, here and gone in the blink of an eye.

"Oh! Here we go, Rachael ... here ... we ... go! Ummmm..." Principal Walters held my head with both hands, arching his back as his fat cock pulsed quickly between my lips.

"Ulmph! Mmph! Unmph!" I swallowed as quickly as I could, tasting his cum like salty cream as it slid down my throat and into my tummy.

My cheeks bulged outward though, and I coughed and choked a little as there was just too much of it for my little mouth to handle all at once. Some of the principal's semen squirted from the corners of my mouth and dripped down my chin like pale molasses. I managed to swallow most of it though and I felt kind of proud of myself as I spent another minute or two making sure Principal Walter's softening cock was nice and clean before he put it away.

"Thank you, Rachael," he said, wiping at my chin with his thumb and pushing it between my lips. "That's just what I needed to start the week."

"Me too!" I giggled and then, "Ah!"

I gasped sharply as Burny finally yanked his prick out of my gaping pussy, knot and all. A thin wash of cum, his and mine, spilled down my thighs and dripped onto the floor. We made quite a puddle, to tell the truth, and I reached between my legs and explored my tender sex with gentle fingers. I felt as if I'd been turned inside out and my labia were about twice as big as they should have been. They were hanging limply like wet butterfly wings and inside, my cunt suffered that strange emptiness that I hated after being stuffed full of cock for a good ten or fifteen minutes.

"Let me help you," Principal Walters said, kindly offering his hand and pulling me onto my wobbly legs. "Go ahead and finish getting undressed, I'll have Ms. Hagen clean this up."

"Yeah ... Yes sir," I nodded, smiling and feeling sorta stoned after cumming so good. It always took me a long time to come back down after a great fuck.

"You can pick up your clothes in the office after school," he told me, as if I didn't know that.

"Okay," I agreed as I slipped my blouse off my shoulders. I hadn't worn a bra, so that was pretty much all I had to take off except for my black shoes and knee high socks.

"And, um..." he looked at Burny who was busy licking his cock clean, " ... see to it that Joyce gets her dog back."

"Sure, Mr. Walters," I said, kinda standing on one foot as I peeled my sock off.

I had to look around for my panties. Someone had put them in the drinking fountain. Hahaha ... I rolled my eyes and frowned at the teeth marks. Burny ignored my dirty look though and Joyce owed me a new pair of panties, I figured.

"Alright," the principal said as he bundled up my clothes. "Have a good day, Rachael."

"Oh! I will!" I giggled, slapping my bare naked butt to get the dog's attention. "Come on, bonehead ... Let's find your bitch."

"Late for class?" Sister Bambi clucked her tongue.

"I was, um..." I shrugged and sorta pointed over my shoulder.

"Being naked is no excuse for being late, Rachael," she told me with a roll of her sky blue eyes. "Where's your hall pass?"

"Uhhh..." I offered the nun a meek shrug and the rest of the girls giggled happily as they watched our little drama unfold.

"No hall pass either?" Sister Bambi asked sadly and I shook my head.

"I guess I forgot to ask for one, Sister."

"And you've got a bit of sperm..." she stroked the corner of my mouth with one delicate finger, " ... right there."

She held up her finger so I could see the semen glisten beneath the fluorescent lights.

"In the chair, Rachael," she told me and all my friends grinned and exchanged excited looks and whispers.

"Yes ma'am," I sighed, glancing at the old fashioned wooden chair sitting next to her desk.

"Be glad I don't give you detention, young lady," Sister Bambi told me with a toss of her thick blonde hair. "Go on now. Sit. And not a peep out of you."

I nodded my head and of course everyone had to watch me as I sat down. I'd been on the chair before, but only once, so I sorta knew the best way to do it. I spread my legs wide, giving my classmates a really awesome view of my raw pink pussy and gaping hole, which was still dripping cum, by the way. At least that would help as I positioned myself over the monstrous purple dildo that had been mounted to the seat. It had to be about ten inches long probably and super thick, like even thicker than Hamlet's massive prick and he had the biggest one I'd ever even heard of!

Of course, I'm sure there are bigger dildos out there someplace and maybe ten inches doesn't sound like a lot, but you have to remember I was just fifteen years old. Even with my pockets full of rocks I wouldn't have weighed more than ninety pounds soaking wet and that dildo was going to stretch me out in places I'd never even imagined, you know?

"There she goes!" Heather giggled.

"Ouch!" Sandy gasped, staring as the bulbous head stretched the mouth of my pussy around it.

I bit my lip and stifled a soft groan as I worked my trembling pussy down the length of the dildo. Some girls like to do it fast, figuring it's best to get it over and done with, but I wasn't one of those. I had to take it slowly and the deeper that cock went, the bigger it felt! Towards the bottom of my sex, it really started aching too. Like a dull cramp sorta, because even the biggest dog cock didn't stretch a girl all that much down there. I mean, lengthwise, sure, but not the other way. The soft walls of my pussy were being pushed outward and they didn't much care for that!

"Ladies..." Sister Bambi warned them. "Let's continue, shall we? Snell's Law governs the path sound takes through water ... Excuse me, Brittany? Is there something wrong back there?"

"I think Frito needs relief," the girl replied, stroking her dog's head as he sort bounced his butt off the floor.

"You didn't take care of him before school today?" the nun asked and Brittany smiled weakly.

"I woke up kinda late," she apologized as Frito bent his tongue to his cock and offered a thin whine of agreement.

"And now your poor dog has to suffer," Sister Bambi chastised the girl.

She looked around the room and all the other dogs sat very quietly next to the desks, some of them with their heads across a girl's knees, a couple of them laying down. They'd all noticed me as soon as I'd walked through the door, naturally, scenting Burny's cum mixed with mine and it had gotten them a little excited. They were well trained though and it wasn't something new, finding a freshly fucked girl in their midst, so they were content to ignore me ... All except for Frito, a rather good looking young boxer with a stout six inch prick already dripping wet with anticipation.

"Sorry, Sister," Brittany said at about the same time I'd finally gotten the last inch of stiff rubber phallus up my hole.

I sat with my legs only slightly spread and no part of the dildo could be seen. I'd taken all of it and now I just had to sit there very quietly, very still with my pussy wrapped tightly around it. I could feel the tiny spasms as my sex seemed to clutch at the shaft, squeezing and relaxing, trying to mold the buttery cum soaked walls of my cunt around the intruder. I have to admit that the experience was pretty intense, even pleasurable, but a real torment too as even the slightest movement would bring a sharp jolt of surprising discomfort. Not pain, nothing terrible, just a wonderful spark of unexpected pressure that made me sorta want to do it again.

"You might have mentioned this earlier," Sister Bambi sighed as she turned her eyes on me. "Off the chair, Rachael. Frito needs relief."

"Ummmm..." I made a face as I held the seat of the chair and pushed myself slowly upward.

If I had a suspicious nature, I might have thought Brittany had planned this. We'd never really gotten along very well. I could see her smiling as my plump labia were tugged outward by the shaft as it gradually emerged from my pussy. My clit was hard too. Well, it had been ever since I'd found I'd be naked in school, but right then it was screaming hard and poking out like a tiny dick almost. My nipples were the same way, hard I mean, and fat with my arousal. This had been kind of a mean trick, getting me on that dildo and now having to push myself off it, but at least I'd get some real cock out of the deal.

Brittany hadn't fucked her dog before school, huh? Too bad for her! She didn't deserve a stud like Frito anyway, not after giving him a stupid name like that. I almost felt sorry for the guy, you know? She'd call him and people would expect a Chihuahua or something. It had to be hard on his ego, but right then I just wanted him to be hard on me ... or in me, I should say.

"Down here," Sister Bambi pointed at the floor and I got down on my hands and knees like a good bitch. "Frito! Here boy!"

A completely unnecessary command if there ever was one! Frito knew what to do as soon he'd seen me getting on the floor. None of our dogs were dumb, except maybe Spork, but even he would've known that mating season was open. I mean, that's why they were in school, you know? To provide companionship and comfort to young women struggling with their blooming sexuality. We were put on this earth to be fruitful and multiply, and to hold dominion over God's lesser creatures, but not at the expense of our feminine nature. Our humility. Our submissive place in God's great plan.

Our dogs were our masters, as Sister Lourdes was fond of saying, and if we opened our hearts and minds ... and our legs ... they would well prepare us for the rich rewards waiting for us in the holy sacrament of marriage. Our future husbands would be grateful to the humble dog whom God, in His infinite wisdom, had given mankind as a reminder that woman is a wanton, bestial creature and her most proper place is on her knees in worshipful thanks for the bountiful blessings she gladly receives.

"Oh God!" I gasped as I felt Frito's long, rough tongue slapping my exposed pussy. "Ummm ... Oh! Oh God!"

"Pray quietly," Sister Bambi admonished me, but I'd already started cumming and it sounded like she said "Xoog Jruzbly."

"Uh-huh!" I agreed loudly, spreading my legs so wide I was practically laying on my tummy! My butt bounced up and down in the air and my pussy shivered inside, frustrated now that I was empty, and I practically begged the dog to throw his cock inside me.

"Mount!" the nun commanded, slapping my ass with her hand and every dog in the world knows what that word means!

"Ugh!" The air exploded out of me with a rush as Frito wrapped his paws around my waist and stabbed his cock into my more than eager cunt.

He had really good aim! Some dogs do, some don't. Some of them need glasses and a flashlight, and I remember the first time I tried anal sex ... That had been a big mistake!

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I gasped over and over as Frito drove me across the hardwood floor, a recently waxed and polished floor, I might add, and he was getting more traction from his feet than I was getting from my knees!

"Rachael!" Sister Bambi said with some exasperation. "Where are you going?"

The class giggled at that because plainly she had to be joking. I was going wherever the big boxer wanted to push me! That turned out to be the corner near the classroom door which suited the teacher just fine. I could hear her behind me, pointing at the old fashioned chalkboard and explaining the physics lesson, but I couldn't pay a whole lot of attention. Frito hadn't locked me up yet, although his cock had grown to its full and very impressive length. Girth too, believe me! That dog had an awesome cock, not really blimp shaped, but more like a peanut butter jar maybe.

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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 9 Thursday School

I woke up this morning as soon as the alarm went off, and wasn't dreaming. Just as well, because the song playing was something about independent women and angels and some guy named Charlie. Hate to think what that would've had me dreaming. The tune was catchy, though. The group was called Destiny's Child, which is a good name. Bathroom, no trim today, shower, hair. Oh, I've been brushing my teeth every day, too, just been forgetting to mention it. I'm supposed to floss every day, too,...

1 year ago
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Susan Jake Naked in SchoolChapter 9 Friday at School

Jake What a night that had been. When I awakened Friday morning, Susan’s head was on my shoulder and my nose was filled with her bodily fragrance. She’s unreal. I don’t know if she ever wears perfume, but her body creates the world’s best. I just looked down at my sleeping beauty. And what a beauty she is. With her eyes closed, I realized for the first time how long her eyelashes are. They were perfect crescents on each cheek. Then she awakened. You probably know some people who take...

1 year ago
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Rose Marie and Pat Naked in School

Preface What sex there is in this story I will get to in time. If you are reading purely for descriptions of intercourse, go read another story. Some of this material is autobiographical, but the sex would have been only in my dreams. To any female readers: I think it rather obvious that this is written from a mostly male perspective. I am not as familiar as I would wish with female emotional and physical response to love making. I think I know how to lick pussy, but my wife is the only...

2 years ago
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Mickey Sherrynaked in School

PART ONE Monday Morning Mickey Ah, yes, another Spring day here at Richwood High School in Richwood, Illinois. Since it's Monday, almost everyone arrives at school early to see who's getting stuck in the Program for the week. We listen as the two Freshmen names are called out over the PA system, then the Sophomores, the Juniors, and then the Seniors. The first Senior name read was Sherry Greene; this really brought a smile of memory to my face, as Sherry and I have known each other for 7...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 9 Wednesday After School

After Calculus class the hallway was peaceful. Other than a few guys who were collecting clothing remnants as souvenirs, there was no sign of the earlier melee. When I got to the drama shop for Holloway's whippy-dippy support group, Ben was in the hall talking on his PDA. "Lavi, this is Ben," he was just saying, obviously to Lavender Liu. "Yeah, I know. Long time no see. Three days, right? Hey listen. Could you, Ginger, Heather, and Jasmine meet me by the parking lot doorway at four...

3 years ago
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Carrying the FlagChapter 7 Hadiya Naked in School

Sunday is a quiet day in our house. No radio, no TV, no phone, no computer. Cha even turns off the answering machine. Speak low if you speak at all. It's his day to meditate. He follows the religion of his ancestors, a mix of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. And if that's not confusing enough, Me tells me each Vietnamese village has its own variation. The main thing is devotion to thần, which are sort of like spirits or gods. Or maybe they're ghosts of ancestors. I think you have to...

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Carrie and Josh Naked in School

Prologue John Kirkman Hi!. Remember me, John Kirkman; I was Naked in School last year. I was teamed up with Joanie Greene, whom I didn't know on Monday, and was in love with and living with by Sunday. Anyway, this week, my little sister, Carrie, 15 and a freshman, is going to be put into the Program. It scares me to death, because Carrie is brilliant; in fact, her IQ is in the upper first percentile in the world. Her soon-to-be partner, Josh Turner, is just as smart; in fact, they are in...

4 years ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 5 Tuesday School

Strange dreams. I'm in school, when suddenly I notice that I'm naked. This isn't the Program; I just forgot to get dressed that morning. With the realization comes intense embarrassment, shame, a desire to hide. But the strangest part is: nobody else seems to notice. I'm walking around, dying of embarrassment, hands clasped over everything as best I can, and nobody notices at all. Suddenly the warning bell goes off, and music starts to play. Abruptly, everybody notices me, and they all...

2 years ago
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Susan Jake Naked in SchoolChapter 4 Tuesday after School

Susan After the short soccer meeting — we were playing the only other team in the area that was undefeated; we had to win — I met up with Jake and we went to the main entrance to get dressed. For some unknown reason there wasn't nearly as much interest in our dressing in the afternoon as there was in our undressing in the morning. What a surprise! At any rate, Jill came running up to join us, and we were off. It wasn't even four o'clock, so it was the earliest I had left school in a very...

1 year ago
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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 3 Monday School

I expected my first official day in the Program to be interesting, scary, and weird. It was all of that and more. I'm going to tell you all about it, and about how some people can be wonderful, and others are demons from the foulest pit of Hell. My alarm went off at seven. I had it set to an oldies station, since I was trying to think about what it was like to live way back in your day. So I awoke to some band called the Bare Naked Ladies. Appropriate, I thought. I took a shower, dried off,...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 12 Thursday After School

Support group attendance, at least, seemed to be down. Instead of being packed, the room was only half full. If there was any joy, that was it. Dee Muntz was still hanging around but at least she didn't insist on sitting with the moderators. Maybe she was tired of getting her arm yanked. The first student with a so-called problem was Marilyn Lipsche, a luscious blonde who made Crystal look plain. And believe me, Crystal knew it. "Hello everyone," Marilyn began in her melodious little...

1 year ago
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Rachels Diary

I so need to confess what I have been doing for a long time! But I will tell you, can you keep a secret? GOOD! Well for the past few months, I've been a naughty girl! I cant help it, I guess I've become addicted to it. Oh, sorry you must wonder what im talking about. Well let me tell you from the beginning. I've always been curious about my best friends, Rachel, life. We used to talk alot, but lately things have changed. Ever since she met Justin, she has been sorta well distant. Justin is her...

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Susan Jake Naked in SchoolChapter 3 Tuesday at School

Susan When I awakened Tuesday morning, it was like awakening from the dead. Good grief, did I sleep! And no wonder: Monday was the most emotional day of my life, ranking right up with the first day I met Mom after being beaten by Mabel Mason who then took a shot at Mom in the courtroom. I showered and then looked for something to wear. In the process, I found my Levi's from the day before; the crotch was still soaked. Since I was going to be naked, I decided to just wear Levi's and a...

3 years ago
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Rachels Hookup 20

Rachel was having the time of her life. Right now, she was getting fucked in her mouth by a ten inch cock that belonged to her boyfriend, Rick. Rick had laid Rachel on the bed, while her face was in the air, and Rick's cock was pounding her mouth mercilessly. However, Rick had made it such that Rachel could still breathe, so she was in no discomfort at all, but could still swallow all the cum that Rick was launching each second into her mouth. "Mmmmmm...." Rachel moaned as Rick started to...

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Jamie and Cindy Naked In SchoolChapter 3A Wednesday Morning Before School

I woke early, well before my alarm went off. Cindy was snuggled up against me. Or was I snuggled against her? I was on my right side and she was on her back, smiling lightly and looking the perfect angel. No one would believe the life she had been leading. I still hadn't had a chance to tell mom all I knew. Why hadn't Professor Jackson told her everything? Perhaps her father's position in the company had something to do with that. Oh my god was her home big. Even as a condo it was much...

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Rachels Hookup1

The guy picked her up and slammed her on the wall, and with a swift motion inserted his hungry huge cock into her wet pussy. Rachel moaned in pleasure. She started to bounce on his cock, feeling its length pierce her, almost ripping her. "oh yes, yes YES!" She screamed as he picked up the pace. He started pumping furiously, and Rachel felt like she was in heaven. "I'm going to...AAAH" the guy jizzed and shot his hot cum into rachel's vagina. She could feel the warm liquid inside her....

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Chuck and Simmie Naked in School

Monday Morning - Chuck I was roused out of a sound sleep in which I was having a dream. The dream was about Julia Roberts and me. We had just reached the point where I was undressing her when the loudest ringing I ever heard pulled me out of it. I woke to find it was my alarm clock. I slapped it and turned over to try and return to my dream. But then I remembered. It was Monday. The first day of school. Shit! I hate school. I especially hate the first day of school. And worst of all that I...

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Melody Smiths Schooldays

Melody Smith's Schooldaysby Eve AdorerChapter 15 – My Vacation Vocation Supremely aroused as I had become holding the divine Deneel in a tender embraceas the ultimate phase of Maiden Mead making had been given over to me,a long tepid shower was needed to lower the summit of my ardour and saveme from the evil compulsion to touch myself. My body came down from its peak of heat but very slowly. My mind continuedlost in the maze of lust for the remainder of the sleepless night through whichI...

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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 7 Wednesday School

I'm walking though school, wearing my favorite jeans, blouse, and my hummingbird jacket. My Program week is over, and I'm dressed again! I'm so glad not to have to be naked anymore. But as I walk to class, I notice that the mural on the wall isn't the collection of space pioneers, but instead a collection of Program kids. No Yuri Gagarin, no Alan Shepherd, but Bret is there, and so is Jeness. Neil Armstrong is not to be found, but Neil Collins, from yesterday's dick-grabbing encounter,...

4 years ago
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Racheal and the hot couple

Hello, my name is Racheal, and I’m not your typical girl. In fact, I’m a girl with a cock, a rather large one. About 7/8 inches long.And I have these two friends who quickly became friends with benefits. Let’s just call them jenny and john.So one day we were talking about going camping, and we decided to go on a camping trip. Jenny was absolutely gorgeous, long braided black hair, huge tits, and a nice sticky-out bum. There have been many times where I have imagined plunging my long hard dick...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 14 Friday at School

Honors seminar had less than its share of athletes but membership in chess, debate, drama, Mathletics, and other organizations made up for it. Altogether, I think three, maybe four kids showed up in clothes, Petunia Pei and Yulan Yuan were kneeling in front of Ben, each sucking one of his cocks. No surprise there. I snuggled up next to Pietre Agoras, who was dressed much like his dad but without the foustanella. Then, to my surprise, Julio Sessums snuggled next to my other side. His cock was...

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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 11 Friday School

I was walking through Paris. Not the habitat of that name, but the one in France. Everything was in black and white, and I was trying to remember the French I'd taken my freshman year. I could hear some song in the background, in English. But then I did hear something in French. "Voulez vous coucher avec moi, ce soir? Voulez vous coucher avec moi?" I looked, and it was Botilda. She was dressed in a halter and short shorts, with high heels and a feather boa. "Voulez vous coucher avec...

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Susan Jake Naked in SchoolChapter 10 Friday after School

Jake "What's going on?" I asked Susan when we left Whitaker's office. She just grinned and replied, "It's easy, sweetie. We've spent the last three nights at one of our two funny farms and I thought it would be nice to be away from the folks for one night." She paused and then added, "I've got plenty of money, so it's all on me. Okay?" Well, what could I say? I just agreed. Off we went to Susan's. She said she had to get a few things for the night, even though none of the...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 2 Monday at School

First period was Honors Seminar, which was mostly a bull session for whoever the teachers decided was brainy enough. Depending on our so-called talents, we also got credit for research reports, original poems and stories, paintings, or whatever. It was a pretty eccentric bunch. The classroom layout was a circular sofa about 25 feet in diameter. I snuggled up with Pietre Agoras as usual. As he often did, Pietre was wearing a tank top and some gauzy lounge pants. Across the circle Ben Daire...

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Rachels Dare Part 2

Rachel and I continued on down the path back to where our cars waited for us. I estimated we were half way to the timer going off again, and so far we'd walked in perfect silence. If she felt anything like me, then her senses would be firing on all cylinders at the moment. A light breeze had picked up, and was gently wafting through the trees to our right-hand side. The result was that every now and again, a branch creaked, or some leaves rustled on the ground. When it did, we'd both...

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Rachels Dare Part 3

The cafe was full as I arrived. The threat of rain hung over the city, and the murkiness of the cloud-laden sky signaled a wet weekend may well be ahead. Despite all that, the promise of rain had not deterred a small army of officer and retail workers from retreating to the fleetingly-brief sanctuary known as Friday lunch. I hoped Rachel was already here, otherwise we'd be in for the game of "hunt for a table" across the next six cafes, with no guarantee of emerging victorious. As I stood in...

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Rachels Dare

I experimentally opened one eye, as the sound of the beeps slowly seeped into my consciousness. The room was pitch dark, with heavy curtains blocking out the night. The strange world I'd just been dreaming about began to recede away, and became increasingly difficult to focus on, as the beeps seemed to grow in their persistence. I stretched out an arm and tried unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn in time, before the ceaseless beeping of the alarm clock finally caused me to bring a hand down on it....

1 year ago
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Susan Jake Naked in SchoolChapter 2 Monday After School

Susan The school day was winding down, and the first day of Naked in School hadn't been bad at all. In fact, in the afternoon, a couple of guys had even squeezed my tits and groped my cunt. Pretty nice. One guy even commented on how lovely my tanned pussy looked. How nice... ! I think. I had soccer practice after school, but I had asked Jake if he wanted to wait around and I would give him a ride home. "But it won't be until after five," I told him. "That's okay," he replied with a...

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Rachels point of view part 3

Rachel awoke the next day with the taste of Nicole still in her mouth. As she stretched out her still naked body in her bed, she had to wonder, was it all a dream? The feeling between her legs told her it was no dream. Memories of the previous evenings adventures flowed thru her mind, causing her to moan as she stretched. First the excitement of watching Mark and Nicole fuck, combined with the, what? The naughtiness of him spanking her, only to be topped off by Nicole coming into her and...

2 years ago
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Rachels Bedroom

It was clear and cool that night, with the moon just a sliver of silvery in the deep black sky of the little country town where next to nothing ever happened. It was the sort of town where little twelve- year-old girls went to bed with their window open without a thought for consequences. And despite the light chill in the air, that's just what little Rachel did that night. It was just too stuffy in her room in the ancient farmhouse her parents owned otherwise, but a cotton nightie, a pair of...

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Rachels Audition

The brothel looked very different during the day. There was no music, and the pink mood lighting had been replaced by brighter, practical LEDs, which revealed the many little imperfections that were usually carefully hidden in the shadows. Cords, plugs and wires, smoke machines, tears in the walls, chinks in the wood, suspicious stains and missing ceiling tiles, it was all visible now that no customers were here to see it. The smell of stale beer and sex was nowhere to be sniffed, and the sharp...

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Rachels Twin

Rachel's Twin By Susan Day This is a story of a chat over tea in the parlour, between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and Rebecca. Rebecca is the new daughter of Mrs Drake, Penelope's old friend from school days. How she became Rebecca Drake is a long story. Brian often stays at his girlfriend's flat. Occasionally, she lends him some of her things to wear while his are in the wash. Eventually she...

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Catholic Schoolteacher

Catholic Schoolteacher I had been a schoolteacher for quite awhile and had even retired after thirty years of service but when Father Tom asked me to join the staff at the Catholic High School I did. He asked me to do so as a personal favor to him. He was not in the habit of asking me personal favors so I knew that he needed my help desperately. I soon realized why he was so desperate in the first place. The money was ridiculous, the classrooms were only half full, and they were...

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 11 Sues Sexy Schoolteacher

Posted: April 21, 2002 - 12:00:00 am All good things must come to an end and the college student's summer sojourn with his aunt and her nubile daughters was no exception. His amoral activities during his four-month visit did, however, have a lasting effect that went beyond the debauchment of his adolescent cousins and the first manifestation effect of this involved eleven-year-old Sue. Dear Dairy - I sure miss Bill. And Jan, too. Cept she's sposed to be home weekends. I think Mom guessed...

4 years ago
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Rachels bitch

Emma- age 16 Height 5 foot 4 Hair colour blonde Eye colour blue Breast size 34B Rachel- age 16 Height 5 foot 4 Hair colour blonde Eye colour blue Breast size 34B Emma went to her room ready for bed. She undressed and took off her bra. She didn't like sleeping with a bra on, it always seemed to irritate her. Then she took off her panties thinking she might have a "happy night"...

3 years ago
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Joni Naked in School

Greetings, My name is Walter Kole and I am a single parent residing at 1900 Green Terrace Rd. along with my daughter Joni. Up until today I had been a model citizen. I controlled a wholly owned consulting firm bringing in about $160,000 per year after taxes, bills all paid up to date, member of the Rotary and Optimists Clubs, etc. That's why this journal entry is such a hoot. You see, this week my fourteen year old daughter Joni, is Naked in School. Now, I had never considered myself a...

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Rachels Dilemma Part 2

Chapter 2 — Rachel’s IntroductionOver the following days, Rachel thought hard about everything she had been told by Mrs Robinson. She badly needed the money and from a purely financial point of view, the second option of becoming what could only be described as an erotic massage therapist was the only possible choice. Such was her situation that she knew that desperate measures were all she had left, but even so, when she went to bed at night she tossed and turned well into the early hours...

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John and Mary Naked in School

John and Mary Naked at School Synopsis A story inspired by various Naked in School stories originated, I believe,by Karen Wagner. John and Mary rebel against the pilot Naked in School programmewhen it is introduced into England. Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF Hum. Rom If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this...

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Billy Ray Naked in School

Hi. I'm Billy Ray and this week I'm naked in school. Yeah, the damn Program made it all the way up here to Appalachian hill country. We'd heard rumors of it being out on the east coast, but after all, they were just rumors -- right? Guess not. On Monday of the third week in school they called an assembly in the auditorium. Up on the stage were the Principal, teaching staff and some lady none of us had ever seen before. Principal Miles started out by welcoming us all back to another year at...

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Adam Vivian Naked In School Week Two The ProgramChapter 5 Tuesday at School

The bell rang just as I got to Honors Seminar. I barely got to my usual spot snuggling with Pietre when Holloway began her daily announcements. "Good morning, students," she began as usual. "Today a student who's in The Program would like to present some information. I think you'll see why I've granted her request. Go ahead, Dee." The picture changed and there was Dee, extra-tall frame, extra-long mouth, extra-long hair, extra-high heels, and extra whatever else. Her eyes looked...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sisters Schooling

SISSY SISTERS SCHOOLING by Throne "You know, sissy husbands aren't born... they're made. You have to teach them to be what you want." Tanya looked at her friend for a reaction. "I suppose you're right," Chelsea said with a thoughtful nod. "Though it helps if they're weak-willed to begin with." "For sure. I mean, our wimpy husbands are perfect examples. They were just waiting to be turned into pansy boys. But it wouldn't have happened without us. They needed to be...

1 year ago
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Not Naked in School

Wendy felt so embarrassed as she stood waiting for the school bus, with her fellow school students at the bus stop. Her hair was tied in plaits, her skirt came to just below her knees, a blazer and blouse covered her from the pit of her throat to her waist, and long white socks from her ankles to her knees. And worse, if that wasn't bad enough, beneath these clothes, she wore a bra and knickers. In fact only her knees and hands were exposed to the summer sun. The other students regarded her...

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